r flrei flrcl rltfjon saloon kin rtf jlkbti fwnif mr f tfiijtrur st tm1k siitaicriw wiitlj moil rer-paci- fully rfthknliu lmrtlhllllt to lh pn1iliciut1ly forlhcslihortl sujipnt ho hae rrcivd from them linco hia cosutooncorncnt in itiwiiiwss and would ties leave i solicit a continuance the roof whluh lie hopes will bo morilotl by strict attention on hit iart to all who may favor him vrilh a coll jamcselder kiticstij fewunry 2 isis j e wotim tap leavot rmrn in ivfciv than l lb military fnomon and rumic for their vienhis vwrtuni iiuaeinfii iftriofliuiroityiunho llto tiro also to tlinso nhillhrevnic nidivi- clual for tho liboral an i ilhliimtcilm manner in wliicli ihvj omlrithilad imlfi- etcn funis to onublo him lo cvnmiic ia buaicaa again j george cook tm iatc rnw r nr smith cook ro thc rt six vtah naeittjti or th ccliiaituto barfclctc cards wodld inform the nrtlic and lfcmtmi of the old tittamhmiiti i 7i on sirccl where he h aiivjv heea em ployed thai he continue iho mjntifcum of u ibariiie ofhaytai imih nd inkcdsherriorofcfrtamhcj be the unirtroit and thai f order frr varois kind ajfll bliuiillr j m9ni wedb rd en application to hi sole agents avrsri rtj fc latham no 71 fulton sttntlj ti ihe f jiioiviaj prices sgl discount offeror cash or 10 those who bnvlft ih a marble snd white backs sg per fgrjj a dieantrti enamelled ivoej and pail surface csrj per ftwwnri betthhtcd enatncueal cards iof d 1 rwaiiiifallv ljhed with rlojaal inw as hordrs printers wank cird swall waik playios tant ntt do do law o do do do doaut iw of t m do do douve till of the laga da na i f ts mr rra 51 1 30 m l 2 1 s 1 9 also all lb ahovc ttea of ewrr coor to ortfr- oilier si col lo order of either of xtt ehaubf ojatlitifr- hqtmt arj o tanotti wf tall importuotrii w sugars teas wines spiuits grocorio n r0bslt aliitsh dftock argurr kiotun rpife suwnhrr reieflfiilly he1rartv inforvi hi tofii and ctnimlry cumaie m that he i now receiving fiu wider block ol sugars loaf and if wot j tbacokkibriht wlrtfti mniltmm carefully fleeted uy iroiil imwcttai in ihe montreal ant keir york mnkrt hu futent stock eomief anion otheu iht fettowins alticlett teas cnodr 1lerto yoif tsft ilym btrn cnri1 if iho mcrarul fijr li ih m oieelkim mtjietnt tftf frtti3 i1 i rri lltvo 1 1 onfl tjukt ti bna item r fvf 1lth mm l tflji jfrj i iiii yw tprrmif wcha1n maacj 0b vw nwyork aj reh l ic i- i h vl ohnions op phyfcians vr fvnramiirfkil jilf rcnnn mr ryom i1iinifnliff tnitaorihe unwu tiiwm to ccifrv lll e iva ucidtittfl riitnrtaeciy alalunyiwvoin umwt- v vju tub would ill gjr en til lulttn 1 j t 1 it il if dektliuu irjntol c the mflc to rr c id wdefed ctroi do ro ciiufto ip do ilivlled jhset cap a j h v 20 inch jeoiy srjact do do peai da do do l wreb lo do airajlroajanrt seamtmtiekehrtnde to order of any eoo or of jiflercnl colon ai m he 4ccred f m the stitucriber invitrs all edjlom of the united ulc auj cami iho are in c 10 lake their pay a ear anj who wit wnd him a copy of ihrir topers eontaiotnc the tcriijment and insert it for three month- new york feb- isis 123 samueu mofutey ctco general wporters ufrmmn ealiatnte tn titoir vrwnd ami the iubuc lhal ihcj baec tcceived an eittoiavt anu vll auoked stock of jhacy and tff hardware fancy coumij1kc 4ttv enflui bank uat iron lloopang omd iron i aa iv 7a miller steel cinada pute sheet tronindtsn ulacktnihi anvib vtcct and fteltow deck spikt5 wrowjht and ciji kaili coil linj aad tmco c4iaar l ba copper udfld 2ine w t rli gun painu aad cuu ir seatcni- and curled hair stip caqtmtfs jokerfcjinj coo pen took dftmo and siorle fowkatpieccf an elegant assortmctcfsuoer plated and britanuvt ictul warefm gutter fa cjc jlot water diibe atid pulc and diih cow coqiujfgbox and fancy stoves fenders fitr ironi fire dop ac slc 5fcn o ae crowi 99 vinceei sfrew- wnsoii nov 5137 suga ii kflwidn sanrtfrt miei inlirfo imiqcjfvinhfd slum copvke ificen vomfad oo j pmnuiivn ciiveuoltve cei snh pi jin v trvjiired wines tvonont iovie p j m n- l p4svy rakn4 nroo 1 r tmiiflh lunt- por hml shew y ucneck curtl iuutucmj ojo ri silhits oth jtmiie inf 11 ind rmc hfjy baramaaini rflinndgin rmda wi tfemctl ffvakapi s imii ii j i 1 aif lndtn itict anil pte alo if qutru sto jf m cliair mjchi fjo dc vlcde dkmllbi coco and g itocrfl 1 es cnrwi putiv iviy vf quintr jefeitm cmly dairy kre biitter ftno nd 9t0privrtg w d 0 pljicreitia r arff rt liliii bvlov nn 1 kn mcriab wijf n j la und i lb bouki rtof wiar lhtilr white ah tewie cao ivatknnmaa wmmwi ihu seni and fih- chtrefl sly uiijhtaiiecrpoo qaaht t kcfjtctl 4mj piir lautrire sf iin wltir aftd kl indusvar cdody 1im ofc3nj lemtao bljordjili hclkd bafd thled mo rittr aln oil it ircefrn braiiu walnut iiaiic sau maua fuky vaivach art ummid rl3aa itll plum ivti trvr fi het uth plon in jaw prraer fiion cilrunorntan4 tjiium i k ii fitdm ivf rdmd li aid ivirhrt picjiief miied onocip tfalnoiri g sirnxnutiovct bcdcibpe coikitbor k4 ktp toca viotieann kcnh walnot 4o h ifrcf uiivol kin oflja idia oy rmjtn tkxf tf gwene analu sauj oictf oiir aochorc tt l currtc pdef- sintit si jfth bin olo chalk whuor l an rtftc guokjug tveaci w wfupn 4 wnlinff pper 3j turn i kliht lifliit onh dfick ppc cxtr oil m ii4ru and pint w i -1-m- ti ir i r rrcrsod vinecinw furind cn broomi fnkiwdrr i itdijo ctpje aujn sulipeirc j- l and claowi anil crem ot tdrur nftwi ftiintflfl ifon mai aii the uncrihr aiiirefc the publi that the whole of the ahoto articles are of the verj or ult townsenus k a h s a p a it i i u a tub most extraofldikaity medi ctkb in tli riimci ip ii itnr chcdpe vpeo to any paj ftmlincj purging pviienl ciheartpalland wixtfir mnimcmnh teae lvnuty nnd perkiritj r ihi 4tk liitueerlt mket iiiiiioimo i dift ft rdi- oitfa diaaaxn rt mvicif ate the iahij ititti ihe t- i it pt v- ii waaler nntiit v f koon it nudi1v ioitho the wnln miiii and alfcticthrni htjfami hit ceu mw pure aaj ich htovd it pwer p ty to ihvr flnedkifie auo icilhu lie uid chd etitiuf it aiidvtfi ppjntl it 1ia e u willvin r ii4l 1ti rrt mtt hiin xthh auit f v- lii r rltfiv ai icatt twv tltae wck eiiftdtted iur ic aloft ihm 3wo eajfnfflirunk rucomitinrt siwoaiwvf irjye ovoe cukiji uiwiij aiid vm of 7001 cfjnrvtrf isie iijeeni lnk cnplainu ixncatartfwtuwi joejjnf lv citwnl l vf dihasj ui lb kijncyi and dpj 9000 etvuj oitttampriaf and ihvaail it c i jiv r i iaiil vii uknr kfvetis sk tt ri rnnj4ni tli- fee r hc va4r villi aumrmf fwi pf skk uemlcv rm in the dc v cbiilf sf ia1 jleetim r ibk tbli e h at fnnn jll fninai ui of catrutisn lf f ffkl l jeir iaorfdfrlti lfctcmnfc iind car iniud rtrnvrp in- ry cue u iii u kirk l2naar ilfc ifl4t nlbte utttc in sra4 5c j ium its thai e e reei i in rvijia t otitfti in ttiit jer jiip fbwft re ilwijts ir i- in tin iiyrf pcirvit in r tt v tt l ir itlvjce ami fj titrtf hiicier i ptlht tit nairkie fr uirtf mivr vf divu kitwii it ruvulrtcily ttvj ho intvuf rc li ii 5000 children fit past season a il lefrvirrd hie cac a dirfe nj t vrd rtcm frir ile summer hiw it lia mw bcii knoam to injuie m idc lctt the m iuikaig clid nilkomatism tiiie smw bi bated iih tie abem porfeh turriaa in l i nac ciplnnia lwwcf kir utahretlloi the avtanulac eufbii hf p formed ate iadoth wcodfrjl oihr rersudim avrtrtimet a it ut retief dip entirely m- mtrt it rrom iko artvrn 0w when tkf htahi and homi ae lfrlfjn u uoar mr tfotffvrty ooo r ihe tddem and mrt rwpcrlabtc la ffi in isrttrd conn fbe ftdbwint is to tiiratt of a kutf received t rocri him jv twswrf- 1 liaveoftcd nno hotile t tuw stri1in aaii find il i r aeitrr in iu vfff u ujko w hrmc iclicuniatie p lo whiek i tup t pvlic iaj- flie nd ine two biile to uv etre a d seymour 1 bve cinttbcd withlieicr mit wlnciml ibjticktiiit nj rtccm- mend our m setu tfifty lcl quality and pr uit will he sold for cub lowest iekib ji korkrt allen lftjitaylifrlw7 fok currteas oiu sale by tub subscribers cu1riers kuirca anj stccla slomt s afortry i co- gfacro haidirarr tftnhanu priscata screct kingston 1st january j3s valuable aial sites at gakah0qve r onmj npb undfth7pdofrr fortieth ntoyed water power t cantjeaueand will afford every faefflty far ibovfeuda o ficvir alilf o any olfcer liij of afcniry tbc sitoaiion too wciskoown to xeqnire nirticotardrrcriivtion forlrrnrit which wrtf be libeia and any fnrliiar inforfnieion am0y at monueal to meioea atutenhffi auldjo kvan 5t c or messrs peinri ekus si coand iijn the ptaaooaw t c i j mcoonald co gnunoqiir xat december is 17 r circular fohntaovh paiootcal fc boos rror ofdeaftarssy jao 13 isis j tbt0meb0y will furnish ftfc diao botbcrjbf n any of the cjiiartelv mwratjr scaliaioiluy nvmieaiioms of iu united states at the publishers ico ftv oftbn untied states postage anj rcaive canada bill at oar in paymni jent by mail bjqsj piid tt the lines sicrcacxces ittvit uachir btockvihe s lists n ton esqank moolreal orocl- vfe bu gwtfr do jarm aijaptibj j toks to be bound sap i to mi me l vificm 1lc j ah otfieo will be boad to fl ftul delivered at lhr sam place h notice oatidsrlnu or israel for dmtion of tho naiurjl r i t a n n i a lifs assubahc eopasy ho i piunces street bank london capital 1000000 storlg cheapest sates of any office bqirg business ix canada mict rffirt for kingston t dr thos- w robison t ihe ttnjersignej having been ap pitititccl lo vet as agint or ihia coirianv which has luen itninfhuatnf a canada and ito city since tho year is39 rcanoctfully rcqueatu cronj re qainnc a uronco to rl at his office princess stfieet kingston vvheio prospctuos and oil ncroysary tnfurrnaiioii will e given- ati validly f tables lo cieci the cif- coisiancca and convenience of apjili canta can be ui 1ho roiesof similar fahw in tho of fice doing business in this province are aa fallows fr an assurance ofxloo ciaai tat k fcitnttmi nalfufiat u fod di iiluihil aaoahco co itf these mcnjtratc rales itulomorcilian sufficient ttftt to pruride fo lie sut rt m the pomtr f mostavfis to assure and w5lh refcrcryje lo the present stoic of ibvsvcalihof iheinhatkiiaaia f ihe prv- viacc general y it ptay ik thought neccs jry iiimij the prevailio aicftooss in cbmuvi to decline taking anrrffkt- it ajijiear therefore to be a duly on those who have lo provide foe tiieir fa mil tea to take ihetimoly precaution of assuringtficir livc aod thus provido against the risk of perhaps leaving those dcpeujuf upno uiclr exertions or means osirqcr dile- cultrcstf not delilotioa thomas bricgsjn kinestonug 2 1s17 67y 4 5 0 cheap gaofiefly store iraitt a mtl haitford march 19 1 r coxsuatpttos curkd ct4tf and slttrtgthtn cn9tft fh n caiif bmttcmith cawninit ftcrr caui- puimt cij crra celr fia spttiiaftf blood wi the ghm mr tu fth ivifat swn r itoftie ex- tkfcl vorua in ff tsiilr r ajm iff oojtanttf tvrrrf dr twniead dear r neaily twenty yetr i a vioefit eod which eil ftv mjiu aitavc rvr r rt 1i 1easkeialr ldt vat a ii iir f it i btuintajr tj m bftvinc within ifce m t yrata i rierrvj i no rmdmiv ai 1 h r v- re tiwcrf i brctlki wiih jlinlcvtiy aid r- ih rtij evdph i i- i bjo mimci h4 ta il- hn nine regular ntaht ffi my rricada adi sslssdflsjsjfajed ibt wm e uah uicoa- urnptioo but i kvc ibehppitiiwj tbinlvrm yu ibattu my bvfsrissh after uinr isrre ballet f yihif sartprilli 1 fiij 07 utik rr1irvj it fdwrcd me eatutl and aqi iioa- cnpviaf imteji trrtlci utjui thsn i hve befcro s6 vtarj ihvd nl iii chy kni ay p htch is iho ivlracd ya arc at liberty it hjwih oua wilb ny natnc irt li piacf if yon abooic- ly tiiitecirl wm aalbre yeas otj hat k very lid cold te vbole of li winter we he came rerr moeb firmed m he aeeuat wills u il lha ik- inf gave lc nmf of il aho fci oovrely rdprrao kef sa veil ai mrsejf nnd lvo it at well now a ny ctitft i ercr u she was aiao full f litlto bbfch it tank than away anj be afcinia mtfl aa fiir nnw and 1 an aitiiftcj jw leeqtefeo bf hcahb fmt mr yuorsidkniolieuie 3 w- com ast 4m ujnciy ctftts btiad this yj frhc hie pla evrileiion dttll eye tl ilm lm ir tin- unjl i nd rr- ruiif 0rimttssabotlwafiwiufdf tnwaatvht vftia- pari3a it aritl sjeasss yoc tfod rrmoi r the freekela nod wrtebj aw1 jiva vtw rtirntiw mrfitfft eye ftiie rpiht au waoirfut erm- rjlesimial f wbicb a of mik value ru 1 r 1 r ic i u6cs great fcuag ub01cinb br tneiml sanfi i a verefi ad j fbcvstv eme rr incipient cminftvin bvfert k h xjeortffct nvhte abroctrd of difrirut mafia4iiiho i eitintcc if vti tnttm talj obebarce tlifrof amj tpf lhr tjeiient ira iii 11 vf ine fjiei n fitter 1 thrr the re- vi 1 of inferel cawsc f neodaxed by imaejssllji ilt or iiccil nt nutlrin en bo rta arpriifi ihn ii ie- viaaiioff ectlim the liisitit fmnte pejai all w a-k- n rf irf vifii ubiuf il s oace ijcromo rulrnt td full wf nncry uafcr ilfciw floaneo it inwoediatily tuttaeia hie irtrvc- irssnemof hc fomjits nssa tvlicb ii the e e sssssj f m rre oc eea it will s it be ciprctcd r incsao4r n l h htr- n 11 iff 1- i jhiii i irf run mt mi h bat wo can aore ilrr afflieiatf thji iurrii of idtfs he bta repateis i avm1eaca where farajja he heew wiilnwi ehiluieo anaeuaine a f l 1i c a trn i hto udicifte livc ben laacj wilb bearthv r 7o imia hrvcvc u tv be oe of ika dssjsjl ilwi 11 1 1 1 h 1 ltrpumxm x wilson m d k b iititcs ix ln elulnduitf albany apiill lelt umted statks ofpatrft rt v motenonoriheuiied8ow mrit itassai n4 inein of tho new iwy ijiitnr liai kieilly u tl0 fvhihtinf os- cate it uiltilvatthatury railattjasisaalt47 a ffswljha i itis llieeinill ihe lnftui nn4 my whole rtfm kfl n a debiiui tto i vdniifluceilio ly vr tosnwnj snpr 4d flfi r lhinf two r ikrce butc 1 wdi x 1 c l h us 1 u i f it j u cdtlfcty iii wttj s tfaqpantu i hie cooinwed ihrfif il ij fiml lhai i improve every da 1 hrlie ihi rued my tiff and wvutd nvi be wiihhjt il ate toy c jii jui g iv mclea priaeir office 2g fottaaal sun fiuiwp k y lojsirtutvrl straw alnr id flheirit ur mercbjnl caci hirmijvjol te uniiew staler weat ladii d uic cajissiaaj 1 ki1ec reiai areata fvfnia k- mon c w flaniilv ntlbnt twi cw lvmam knkrh w a fhn in c w joiix wfnkk ldm c john sttet liiesl r w uf fttrdand tfr r r piaulttsjucbct mlov and j lhwics aelt fo liniion a ikck rhbuhatisii wore than moft casks of riiki matiim hti been cured by tbe oe nf vo- n fit ti- vibiu hc lat 3 ya pbinciral omcft 26 fulton m tliii sraaptrittj it rwed with ihe aaas pet f occefv in itlitiiniaijc co-nntufil- however eev fciifnic the ikiwaiavncuiei itiaperwfl mtv lnderd waitderfwl oihrr elwiet- i- cieo lsaisawuf lejkf ihia aaiirrty ciaditalr frvini tlie tfrfsrij eh vrlca the emi and bo ac flrcudlbtly swollen nwycfkdeo- ijsstf t dfl t sn t liwik ii my duly fiom ton mv o iieee isoqv- f j i-r- beiwnial hare eapcrienc o the iw of jooi ritaet f saraaawrilu- i i iffl eled for many rnonllii wrlh rhenniiia 14 aih vtirtflimtiatioft nf ihe hfr tse mff which i radutid frwo thae life a burden im me i llm evoiy temedy r wa iweseribed for int bua tbreeof ihe i ptijtizuitsift iliciivbut wiihoin itsrlvassj oceinanent benefit 1 empmcrfd v r- bui by lha advee of a friend wav indeed lo yr noouauflll i lld iwlfllul bowlfiuc w 1 am hrpt v i bd not ikn lore a ittlf a bolllo befoee i eipcncnred rdiei ihi dueed mc tn peref ire in it uie and lv r hava iffccied n entire cure i inowilta raiiev i oavd vour llcwrdy aft i jcrjlelol and haofj lo ay i never vajajshbfl ril i use c pteoaoro ia rci c 1 ihe nmomd for ly it use i fool belie life vtaied willi ih tatei twtieei attow me to fub4 oawuvoa watefit frrondt wllxmm b morgan 43 canal airecl corntr of fl odo r anyiuv aaa uf llfcff a hi lfinayh jflin onhhmae i knliakum4lm atylwk ilekweir luul hia rnilupaii ip4i rf if in ii f uiui ktijuuariii thin u m1y nip h1ir 1mo fiir llmnmoiteai rwiitniri iini if tiu fa euflmnnia ban j tn tibr rlinim en 44ih ty tfifdicaied by it ir r -r- i y vniuv 4 hlicwwtua lsia hk 1 1 17 ih iwerwjib urwr atitf 1 hve red lenilily lr 1 ia4uni ca- tlrfolr irtlia 1 eiim rh ru up itr wk 1 jud hoiai jfti ms o d my 1 i lomuy uwttilt i u wvtl fnir wlruf ynt sjmvipaiilta aid lhv dwe irt iik i4iah titm mil djui wiih ttmw mneh bter ihvj i nn lcvel v o iir 1 fit uf ibcallulvj atiihr 1 hbcity me llm r lhr iik viwt4 u p eifujiy jamu4 ctntmnys two cm l mtbn saved- very few fiijiee intlod in frt wrbfe nof heurd if ia ini uisil pk twjtiia siipa pailu in liof ki4 ayehibevi he t uriukv hi ihoir ihai dd hoi icveiij imj 4tcj tao eertijjette ajyi nmjrti mnwiaeahftv f it vrloc nilv aollcl iurtuieovf ii- iiit iwhvirhildirn o wian sir l 1 udtwnehildien currdbyor aemrsrlli ft llr anmer evot j4jai md dyet jry t n tai neilv 1 wniha and the enlwf 3 yawa tliry were ev haoeh re itecicd ihey sneuld die ihev iwo irrjieftliwu osyveri- ilotn d ti lb it wv mam lu lijynsh hrmriu wrhtd irotlmd hot mile ilw4k doced ah j wrls givni tr opnifi- my wilebciot cewly l ireried by wealuif a lid ueneret lehiliit and afrh conlinudly ly oain aod a rnfalvn of beriodalioaj4f oie unad wirueiihfr didcomitatfid hiviov known c ssjkvfl iwtf the siibacriuerlhiyrlavo loinfurm i aehaeffcciedrreieuridlbrjri lhv farrnejra oiirlihhcra rcjtrtiiisjkr f l a wttleof yeajr eateael nf eawnfv j uuic 1 ird sggmja 4 direriiant oo bsa ane maratct and ilia t he haa joai received k im3awcii djjafrft cutor into frita eujtnal will bo praaclicdbjr rjobejit cook la tho old new3 roovj corner itf wdlisigiwsj aoj jahnsino sxcvts and iilrsselly opposite tlie british vvvsltiyati motfaoulst cbspcl kinfltoti iij sun day affrrnoiw at halfpeat 2 otjock drjdut tba cvpninijat gocluck fcjngaiog lc li iw7 sautfes ano pickles alhr ttiomrneat of lonjon ficklei h iu res v ir tha aiftfmun mok fjersv ro kinsuiri senaratlyv ih vin ias4trtlul cff good tka coffees sugars j8et 4c at itfi gcun lrar ellpcerytw of atxcrj arjsaut auaonauit dr wr- fair bfeibmxf shop- ub woum earnestly drow thcallantujn nf llioso jtntimg a fjood aoijrd wolj- aavorcejeticsi of tea and o dyligious ctfa to liis preaotl stock aoiwoultl i crt tlrnm to call and oxnmror ibf rhwifinflvof f and if ftoi trial ihe do not find ho can civo the at a better arii- t c he a par nrfwjfrian they have bwcoaicjcuatnniedtojcir he will i lei tfpfin havo tho gnnds fur nijiin thtaunol vah csll fiumrry d o calling olilfl taifoitjitl air articloi ii egrcagery znn iji bcsold a low ns pohllilt produce of every description will lie token in exchange at cash pricoa c w k de taemitace 4 kirjatioamu 1847- 3sb jtkll in a vjiorl per rd ii roirwcj her evrnpumla and vajorod her tieatih dciax ff ralem fr ili bene- auelic reectfed 1 rdeiore in thoa cknow tcdeiu itjaijd recoonfiendina it li ifie- pwljic l at d mooib toe t k nd and ljdios ate atbany ans17 ihi 1 to mothers and marrico ladina thiekitractofsarasaaela nbfneaaee nreparedin rtfeienea to ftnlccmijiflia no fcinilc whi rcaiirti to jppe rtr i ajnk in- ibat erilical iwrind ihe isjra of lift afwutd neglect lo lake il aij w a certain fteveniauve fur toy uf le honawoi nd horrwc djcjrr ii which feahaaroajhjaoit chit time vf fife this period may be itclaved several ju bv oaiof lu nredkinc xnrieil lea va1rfe for ibaoe ap proadnoeotaaalirodaitiaeakolodloaaot natreheeio lbs ud and insbjaeaaif ibesystsjm lirdeed ihtaiwedwaoiaiaralwable foeafftlrrrgaesaaaala wbieb msassj rvobcl li tefeeouie srvda mvatein eeoewa pee mnntlr ihe teatural eneriea bf refltfltinj the impwrrtrr of hie bodyaotaa fareliaiqlattig ike rl i p jits fljjbvquone reusalpn which i cim nd t qnea njf jjcijca oaa aet retasalrn winch ie tho abeo tor foato woali dcbofvla cured tvvcertfeeifldoaivctr pvea that tbu 8rapn lllc tn ltiedlaeaeriofliw blood ttiroaporaoni cured o ooo hooafl ii unprfceoenled tuftet cnildftn dr retpmead le3ir fcave ihepteasore oimforrv ya that tkrra of ss aintdreo kara da towjvso i ww attacked ireetinz afliin in rov hip yim v bd not oral it irilbobl try eroiehee ime i blifled lo n d jpj lhlloa laoehu 1 tried ml temfdic ur ibevdhlnol reliavr ism i ealledon one of our feat ufaycairt h sfij helpnw i lcd of ywaf of yir aac letoed a vnlur awl in a fow doys it entlrelr o me aod law as well aaawaktwv alrjkll wai kei itn t vvbmi ivswnrj iwia n in lrcl keij 4eli of ibeir krn m m tuff utci nued ihii i wasuisiai ot we r rpvy ltiakfr dm did ftn ii mifjlujy men ibellvvm iu bvi i wriu uiii itui oiliere mar b iafyred n u t- viftsfs r iiit john wils4kjr mrheaveaoe brnhlya sj4 15 iet7 mrrrhrtnrsrnnnvi x tltf ftjiotttmri l4uriair in nh wy he the re- o twnlsi l hm xlciti l iftei ntihe ii t lri j tfn rritelcd iihj mrtliodtm trfmnrcii nrt i vvlsvt denee oi ihe wanderfut ek ci of r iowaseeud sffjps oa tlie aviin lieo plfass ll ivfaf fj mmc liiwe pam v ir hri esicrieneej trel rririal d- bi lily of mi aymeni illewled with cinoiaflt and ai h mmq ir ritdiioc of ihe thioi and ion i eif ol your men iriaunee and in eurquaev of hiviftrid oiiii ml m deeded leiniey in il brhk intocrd h ire lr rtfvnavnd farned sar4jrjli 1 trlen ii i eif nre n ihe hpr ihja in ihe tt4tt nl il rfovin olh aca j but 1 4ni sound n ltidr ijow to iie- uiar thjl 1 hod nm irsed it iiwij herofa i liesrin loeiprhficolm antaiatf rifu aiol t miy mw nv with if uin mcleaai hl i auulj nil be wtfrot it fur any rwd rla tl h dwieiwe tuona t iha an fanoov nsajist ct llifo hiejt jfil it a4 loliiitiil i jremrj hv iia of xnj iiviare you liaso imv fo- com fciiil in rjk it imhlk j o tumon itihway aajtwstaj lftt flaco 1 w karilusi si sun buildin- n v lartsoullptirlsireel aibaof and nil ihe rwicip4l ur nff memilr ihriih hie united mtca vfeat l 1 i ji y l il- l j 11 j i wlffleuhr nnd rruj ieom fw cnnadt kn trt c- w lhrtr iliem tonln c wa ihj- mia kehw i v iiihmhic w j jio wier lmdon l iv jn silurmaiejl ft w k vd ad dr l reuqaoswe jf 1ovi d j- jvica ajcot far uu ji ifiioji vlalrtw a- peek- i b a k k kirs rdaxative pilla for bilious complaints pains in tilt head giddinets sfck jannticr oa- slrueth gonfimit of the ttimeh cjt j r purest demand fir invt pdu i4 a nflicenl gaaranlre for ihrl nrfidne in ih ahovr ecnolaint nnnraa totiraouialt could be c il i r- ir froiii ihlsoni of tfcf highest reijirtamity who lwve uf j hei va fir sftohud b without ttw in ca wl nbiih arcanum icsiracta jillls vwkiftrkai aviuiied aa evlended nd eta eoimiry ubicb baa le viiliie 4idiacacy elotie mjttilkula k- ulckkatku soke louk undtiig lvot tla l isifrh gw ijvcr couplunt the foflatt inij iv tron a irspeeiwlile foereh airi ia ittliveceidenrr ial l tiwnen je ao4tt1u iv ihemvt effceiire rnedjr ever haev i rridieaiinj des llr itiwin ia a haf f lef c f- h tbwte2 knavj a vtaurfsttr if rctfvwdl vichfo facia eonticej initio eerlineu tjko tan insake ibooaindfl and tloiaond of caaeel dicova are cantinujik euecd by tc oar hia inejkiae new yni sept t lit da tow v dear wr iameoarra ai an net of justice to outhclr aeknivtfr v frcai beoottu i h received iroea uic 04 of fw impn j in imtm aiaoi itao aloect ii a very wck ud dcbitilied et ite dieae was a chfonic u imfosiio f ihe fffr mid rwneh miny lhhcoairif4t 1 was au reduced that i had very brile h eo off envrry lleariee anl reading eoaiderate r eueeia of yor awdicine i reotv 10 try ifc lhoah i ewterumied a perjudira vii ijr iiard rencdiea i had lakoo ihe ircdincvnt virwi r iiitn t- recover j nlm s cnaltnod lo fee belter and am r 1 wall p deed i am ai rnoch irnprovod ibt ry frievr matcety lecuniaed rn when i mutt4 tf city vw ore at tibty topubho ihu jf i uv it oji j eitcnd i uie of jour ejecerte reotcdy rnocipal0ibcol2c ft tonsk til wing lot her speech annexed cerlificj 1 iclli a simp alory of aotfrrmsr aoj relief d ta r root ruier invecka- the ihfethftil ihijsinuf aimiureancaio lus cily and c lt and yel there entbniatadof jtarroia ktrm chudrei die ffe tear of bcmf j n j ov aaee a few ehihm baooxivx svpl 13 1617 da toaiv i ukc pieaaore ioalarm fuflhc i tfdnv ih iii mr daoblett two vean and via ioniha -l- n offiidcd witfe ffeneraj debjily and tti of a she was a pot rceoverv by our r i 7 rdiyricin bui lomooalely i wia rteoeninend uynfrreod to uf you sarsipariba ftoee hf in ued n bottfeahe recovered her es d vaa annoted to walk alone 10 iho im all er eouairtied wkh itic en t n she ia now aamo weltaad in piucn better beotb ibenabc b oeco fo 18 nnip pat joseph taylor korkal ifrooktyw fits fitst fits tv tuii if not hsrioj tcatej liit sarsc rrtu in eaanr ki of cnurae nevee rr in f t mrd a torprued co reeeivo rhofollwin niniril culaojjiairc ur fovavasti aotmi 13 1s7 da towrjio leai bat i hive a little 411i even jeararjf ije tt bkabem l- i yearvi fecud with nu wetriol n en t tbmz ittr hnt wnjtvul aoceev at tart hbmih v eoold ld nk recvmnendjlum in y eirco la i caaca libc bco e ibumtii as e wjain vy evlicste heatih wo aonkl five her iie ol vah raupariwa and ac very utd we did fur il iul ontv rcoeed liee airenili hul she haa hidm ieluft af ilia wuso oor frvl pteaaoe and otrfo ia ia ul borootinjf ruffed end hearty tur wuieh wofeelfralafat y awsw issjaari jsillf john ttutecr jun the bet juus sfyrr of jersey ciiy en a4 end respect iuc eteayj man of im ft ptut enoniinman kksuvd ioue fotutwiratcevnucatcat or twneidviriee fiitineisueeinei stvroty iieteaalw mifl da towft d4 sir em eniiftnd lories fsss alatemeiti ihe boe6i drrujut fmifiuaiof rjpaiih believinj by em nvw f ifum render q henefil lo tloof whi aiemff iif as i bve hror j waa leduccw for mny iriolleay 1 i ao moeh l il wo msstll dtliciliv for rov walk or keep bowl- i aui hid a mirw wbkh eovead c rnoai irl nf my had twi waaestreaaely ieabkroeanylaie cv i ii i 1 a cab i uaj ote imoiber nf reino fhrtrtb ow eoenfiuinu ll i received mite r r broesteoitl tank jw leeoamtioo f horaf- rilla wbicb tbroorl hirtdmem wfpri t hi reatared mo to ntre itiao mv uol bealtb i om now enotina belter ihan i havt foe a iaw berof years i am now go jtm of ee 1 beiu ii to be an iitralissbts mrdiaja and roeofrieord il to by niihvrov aeontaace whieh ore ver tace a i hsvebevos minlhcr for aittii fr yoatst 1 hope this histyakoieh may be ai mjf hr ntjm a pvttf fwdteioe uaa heenloqls john skv eft jersey ciiv jeju tftu ih hitmi j uhieh jrv trd bv in ihrl ar ientnetniiui 1 wier imamfiaj ynphiif tiheli irt n ic a coafacd at a to ta 0h and mmif tactlmroiin an te pie evviafjibedsnaenlirf ct free ffu omrucloa ia a ooiiri of awe h primary jh lht every llasjce af neftert u rfuoivhiw invem lean ofio- convcoka fr wf line e habrtu tt eoti r neopteeaihj ihe chjiol v 0 betthurxm umpired oaaelaiea ky asamei suad a other twioa more rapidly drieaw ij u i o ihe ermalitadion aivd in nkik iiwtaneaa paiticuurly wira lh niyrtj aeilenia ovbauilhe a nmui iej by iter a o asatd iar lit il t1iiumt kiikumatic affciloiv iuh while swvumpte doeates of the ftfumes oil ukvuied cvlsau all ei one of the lwer dysitpmaf mivk nil ihuomc atirj nkkvious camdainl ccuitiit indwm litalnl and calbrtii0nmitutiona dftim caaaed by an impuke state f ihp iuu0i the aucaaum rvxthactll a eom- ljtie jnlilnlpia the krfoo kt il fdatvii ihe in jil liciou hpp ol mkittulfv a a mmttng and tall puulfikit it ran rni be fwfimaafvj voilint il taaj ibiroli the viio uiilt a iviii rd llrttitejoitt cfvanity hi- lohou itvnmni uyspkptic influences saiittjiiivtliankhvhs rtoiuasinc intkhn l ob aa disee that viouli ithroiaetaaai n jui t the liveltmia lungs persons idoae conalilnsipps are heoeen oiim ihffcvl mkkcckv akskmc nrqulk and any one ubo err islerini iran olseasso liver nr acinjedrdovp irvatiaenl h any ol tlv a i nsa tbc akcanuol extract without jvlay in i rinoi in inr le jcm ulevrs lion bsd lo i lare ot limiem md tiov andvriio alupyraiakcvi no liu meu jlil dtnutalion eoult be avelife paiteab liave tiri iiirliil tun ir tev an1 iii- itiied iohvlt1i trie dcvruiir ihrve lieia encipfetrly eroilicaledbytbr uriiftbli n9 linwtr ktiact tnc pioprieursol ibf arcanum ex- tlmcf ha had tiis medieiftf ieifia all ihe itive dtse willi tlie sjiastf etilj ins irailtls id iiiijthe medicine nvtlhrl olisi oe me m i- le intellaptedj re aiirintonty tiit 0al ietrifttol mederatiii ladidrlt and is eqeslly 4iditadr and ttica- ciou id the infant as x ell a the avnlt pampmrut riving a ilvscnpiivn fn whu tv aucamjm tstkactis nelta- ur with ovsitatibiioo lnenimv palsira- ioiiuil a tie aib e it dii io ut 1 i in ii u are iiyij tvith the aculi ralatifiit price 51 lierhothe j wncf llaiillvii jobo ivinvica8j foi sale at ihe aibei cimoi eatuioufr cir pieiaittavd aii caian ufc aid maidvlan ny ium hob stale k pal mi alllh uaja r anc c hetbi kmainu and b reieetablej diujisu tlirodghom r 2t 0 j win bits ibctoral siyrnp o ilorehounit a nl b1bcam pa n 13 the snetrdv and ejlctual cuie t cih afwlo ulivtjun cnuh cro6i or hive con taniilinii rieuiity rfaariontmi isins an sreinjhv tire ao- liti itrrtfcchit 1 4 ilie lhl veettiiisf iih dieja io a prr- maiiire fttav uadal hie fictilinns naiae o coiimnnition can beecred by this ntdkrati ivivtinal m aipionif rf thisi disyaswi rboit- cjuii ae couhfoiciiesa of uie liuioi rhioit liorfrseivr dilcuty of liroaijiii alma hectit feeer spitlins nn phte- cr saatlcffdadeasaalisaassiimd liisnihin nare lbn sa injuaaalion of the fine ckii whiclilus llitiisme ol tha wfiieoj ih triad ltvs or jir vei which 1 on throul trrrypttt ol the lunri tie pkaiiu viitvea af hs eonpatin 110s it t af hi baveff ani ime riltralej lhr ttrn f the medic ntcrsion anl pdmtr ai lively interval lias rvcutly ben isiteitedle ine ilovrl in men of theirciive ooivers anc mtii0iarie riftilicu hih the ircietois an iov hi e in nt ill btwjth vaemoa io vie the funii m erfonned wtit obainad frnip ndaaaoajsai nraaio until kliere free tiein- i iodoted tinin it the paitw reeo it in mo1 fipeiacil oserver th of ntuio inii- 1 11 1 to are duo rcctdotity aaia4ace m art attrrieni medicine the wy tsfssjssbst inwei be itit ihe neceaailr i such aid ceawv uh it is 4 ouwtia of evihtad i i u- v- bjiiii b eaaptyel t m m ancient mjoiiie ia a-iairr- b4j cl 01 ihe yln vovyeawderame n influence chirfty fta ihe eawtliil ll br fi -ti- n nf iv taiatb onlj vliul olheii ciir -1- m f ue te lo ihe w teatioat sj fna utter cwm vtritai is evident tho beat aiuptoj wuuiiiek eoeiftneinent nf the fj wvn ai hiey attjj duional exedameot wheh pjalara ieo atitat bar io the prfor4ca of hor w fuorluvu u ofneciejyon ihu lattay prjftep1fv pill now olfored lo lha viblic r f iu ibeir activity can i mereaaed a etfrr ttefy fun 11 n aiicieot tnisjsiftsipui fauj nl ue io a pmui mit ar ns well el o antwer rnrt vf piiotse a which ouri 4 rmedie ore ncry tlfa pillt ore vrt rr- m l ik j cure of llidra ikepvherou hiteuol nee woon ihanriitciit nj aro only out frih to doceptin bui t wdlprovr itajsnwsi remedy fr ibe4i1i iiir u lha urarets wls lr b ndiiicol trtiet iuhtrrn t if lehieb ij rc f mlift tt iretrj tn inrlie isbe s fc 1 1 lha nt uucmvhla4ilaftljusrvr ihtf ns i le an i vlnhlo nnly ever eovered aril a ated to all diaeaaes of ltjiet wlen oay of the fiiuclions do erforottheir naural or heaftli aetion it ia universally believed ibi god in h providehee haaiol alflicted lliiehildrvn wnt iain and hseaie wilhoct at ihe same ihim vinsjiieinsoinelhinfia ihe garden af iiatre that will naiouly me lietebl in maiy cae entirely rrlieve thrm with viewt vet lrtnty iiiiee oil our i n evert fcat dffire 1 tbr i lv r 1 lafeiliajatr threat arn mm lliat source witdtio of mm ihst sboul leal thr af uture and 10 diaw infraction vvsich tc taiid ta attain in prvsniinc this article ia the pnmic thi nronrietors were ifflineed by th hnie tbsi s medcine prepared with loaeh ctr nm ttiiclieardtn tlie clicoical rrtirrtie el id irveral ia iedwnts4fioold takelh lace of liajatvl of nepmsible nail rams of lbs diyvfih ivnicb he country it deluged pwtha ue of oie bcriitf nf th- syrue will be eurteieitto convince theotesl cenli cal of iu heeciat eftvrt plvfriwvdaadeambjr j wiier hamilln canada wem and joio wimer maiden lauen y for sale a iieiiianookiore kington nd ay all respectable oiugun htohout carada w imils celebrated medicines im tl i4 m mejiciika are kct eoouifilt 1 on safe at ike at rfftcuuj uuk iwa uabl street kmetoo ifi win kh arcanum extract forhie tpecdy nidj miiiieni etircol itldieihaaririo from on iinpurratjtc ol tbc blood wlkkksijctukalsykuporilorp rtwsas imaiawmi uemieict4ifoumi bliicampank foe tin cure of tifc ht aii iijc di edoicoiht c a thni a con sompi ton eke cr lhr athe ksy vne nr thi ijmillv de whrh aiw fiim ivtoad meh nnl ilimo iliy etiia knefil wiubederieed froft iliur ue ioctd tiaca ad paifmintheltedoinnkd srm niotc erseoea inai hesiaee wee tartlwiieea preiatu i fiatoraeka bdiooa atlcvntle i rmaceeiof tbie ihe euiy atiee irjiun- die att i in peonritin the xrt4iw of ivitruj- tny vcooiie no emnciocjl ohiafo in th dirt moderate escrcue wd art ihvir nieralwm and ttf rience in iivej is it a a awficnti theyase aafc and cfiiccrofn niy be inkcu hv dla an j chitcrcn d arss ii ewvy auc of pernaey tw children iff fire yeirairf ne and a y ws ray tieo in ahisj f saialr ornge orjelyad hiw dijmdhy ore much nviro cnr eihibjinn ibm powders or other diaarciooie nwdiciika prepared ad islj only at ibe athencum rook slaw kiagslsat sold m uiieaal is 3d ad 0 cd each ct tho eh cf object of ihe lvpieto in rd- vrlmin- then pill lo mwc them cfieeitf aarfid io a onontry wtiee dwicmsrici ao wiraa i iul thw object and to avid nv cne nf frfiprrieitina rvoip- eifatiinjr ihew einponeni prta vvrtd oa raefc iimv wberehy mimical mv oaatbcwiif iscyafti and pcravniul odtartoeeenet ihcm prepared at any apnhe eaiyv 6bifi notice the north western 1suhasck company of osw ego n y fphe accnl if thiscinnpany liasre- 1 moved hi office m ujc eichngc oppicc in irons htcl oalarid tftfoci where lie is prepare- to grant liisnranr ftainsl lnt or ilama tti ti property evlii4tifr frotn fire or jangor f inlaiij kwvialiin- m t hunter nnvemher 1m7- incomparable black japan ink aiatrrjsacttmthd wholatsait afio nttsru tt tsieatheseum book store kingston uavaim wcsp wfnkks canadian verviifugiu btiriatcjy evcryii deovered for uno vtxftstihrn aciib drop3 4 11 core fr the t il ache vkistalpiiokateonekvenii sc lixiubn p a certain core te ihe u umtof settfie nd chnsftia t4hnoalim lufts twmiivoixniknr kerte ifstofou while ssellini khimaajiaaj vino caneerjieh ae sbipafullrhicalpilnointmilkt aafe and cliccluai iciitedv ftori mlier wilh an eileneie vaiwij- airtdrficanpul mcdtir 3fl ltf4c if gciittin ure foe w0ums wts cana0ian vermtfuoe vvmntedia alle tlie hfol re il aa an diacoveied fr worn brni bnt iaeiorate hie arryi mleoyi annle s cairieefl ibc iiperabon lant liir nttcni jo ravsleni so the stcunici srtata reeialtr el these 10 bailflssulij j iiaioiksftia ila oiteets 1 ibeystiin utm m ihe patient 11 jlrtjy pnby iisue evm when nr avpl te nt medicine brine ralaume rfc wij ttutre 0 not eteri liij j piatn imtwac- teakrliseies u dismsas resllinifran syvrna vyeaeh imtte prepared vhiuy j winrhaniltoa cauads ttesl j wimof as co 8 maiden latiy fnrisal uie aibeneaaj inn 25crt cllftnrf hotelr montreal a tsamttav ctilvjuia springs t mihinaal tnkua loa lo infurrt krienjs uoj tlia itimtc that lio his mink- arruioroonts sviib ihe ivirpriclor ifihui sfltikptkestabulimnt sfi jvvll kttwjto 1i10 travelling crm- mynifv a bas hotel for opening ihe aarie tlie house is uivff itcij tlimnueliw cleoiicjt aifd put miliciial hate of ieair an j tv ill be ls fur the reception of vimtors by the imjcii repoialon crjnyei by ihis hitol ff many jeara lenders it tn nwrfsiar to eay atilmtig relative in its viuitih iijrcrttaijeonitiou cod nittt aul thai sirnriibcr pwpe btm- rwv ifaftl itie hills ok pakk winivs bbi attkxuancehall il hv khuj miy aceo in ihr loci livfurc and thnt hi w lnl mteniino bh hi give to reader ufsasj who toay hoboi iiim vfiih ihcir pntroaje in a very waj c eiu fai lumo clifton xor 0 fc csjajsww oum catecouia sjiijat uiipttml feh 10 ibw uio glqbc im3u1ance gojdaslf of london m rssrs bvax chapman co of eslosilredji aryf lahr siirsnev comimny fer cida hsv anjeniad the ardeimnrd snoan1 at kioiivo and he it no ucpsrcj 10 inmire all dehutiwwaf proper l 1 against lor by 6re on ajvuitir umiis itie orijjraal fode acd ibe armi are ailhtriied lo settle ir u itbool relerrm mm m otand charles w jbnsinsi priikeis sret knn february 4 lts af cipl- of thiiconi sheriffs salo of lands uidlavd htstrtct i s y vinua of a tq win dwriiofpeh raeas unvd out of lar mjalj ceiutl if qllriwlia houch auj w nsa oi ukied tj4i the lanu and iciiouteau whirh vrrrir f jtiho heaaiipceccji nilli tiiite fhs jeimh t istify jobo fratvr a cctain sura irj airl will acev- i iieni vthwh the said joho fraser htl satcly rtrzei sitii jatoes wiihjoa voil afiil uilliam ferguson executor if tlc lit 1 uud tetainenl of jehn lleatjtp litrtcasej 1 bav k td lake 11 ir kaveulioi pail of lot twa-nty- four in litl ceiiitcsinn tovuehip of kiitfston putcbaed fmni hilary daptifi kmoh iy uic arj john ho5ip fat nerjy in ihe occupation nf one ihur 1 vmei fjit nf l a twenty foorin first oeeion townatiip of kingston cod- vr jej by end tbntias liuvva la the slid jiihn rjcatlip pan of lut tvs sjnty tmii in ft 1 stlirkiamofjrvtt hip of kitiostor- ciiiivcyvtl by loui lapeurte to he srij xihu hevlip wct half of lot liumlaer thiuy iu lh scceml rrinceion o ihe triwiialiiji of camilcn east 100 nicrca tori of lot numhei fnrtysix i aevoblh liueeain of camden ku to sert4 iwf lf fiwt iremler liitrty iirvc i ri nlti tuucevion of tmdvi ktat 89 arm ami p of the kaft half if lot number rrt one in first cflev cvionf cantjeo rw all ivhich laoje auj lanementt i shall iitir for 9 ai the court house in tbe city of kntgsion on saiuitlay the twomy seventh iky of may noxt ni twelve tilack ni t a cottbept shtriff m d fircairfs orrica cilv af kincsteau v d fabiaaiva ws i sheriffs sale of lands midland district 1 afn ratub- to wr 1 if uaytkocth lay rf may neiit will be sold at ihe furt llitie cty of kiwntirsiail nuon the iinkritientinrii lsoja sciacif by virtue of an bxocutinn ivsucd out of the court of queens rjorjch and to me di rected at the suit of jaqusadrickpjerhe barrier ceorg cayjanagh west quarter n 9 in tho 2nd con- ccssiou pittsburgh t a- cohbett sheriff m d srieriffs ofare kinelmiy iinnary 2t 1848 the in soalhj lancb for s aj e st r r have the follaivintanil tbe midland district for sale lot no 1 in the 3j con pitbbuih miaeie no 10 in the 7th con nichmomlfioo acres soalh 4 lm nj 39 ir tae 7th can camtfrn 100 acres wesl ft no 15 io the 4th con krnnr bec 100 acres lot ko9 5h c omen mo acres lot nv is 6lh con 200 irwf cummingt macdoxrll solifitort ix kirifslaa jnne 29lli 194 copal varnish or sa le stthc aihenenan r store superior cota var tints and quarts by the doron or ainedtf lomlo country mer chnuts supplied on reasonable terms thin april 13 imc nlll ii unioje pdeeaaatioms i frn k n trie rertcut ritayrsias re nan maiitt sue tccn sire a 1 enreicr atlirtrtt tfjaj in rsaww ai jiotlllitt at bttava as 1 1 aa twa ffbvtruft aosreeicjii aa itaorr anounieaasaity rairaasdapp et cobetl j ij blank okkus for sale at t il a atheneum book store mr ltovranis macassar avlebraiee1ibriyuteworwtr iraer i- nd larrhinf eai fot the ifaua fri ii awaahsati aau reevre aair luamfuah feaiaree orj aarr oolvej rrrea il vim aroe rthtfvea h aa gj m epreiatr rre ftect f aii for en e4 looiajrf fl ert ira r ii y foe clcaa uii nf d a rwrnii the ba ny ifaia mlri c lh ie u ibo wt v frj 3a ji faeoilj oasanaltj ibafe and aytkibalt orelilk to k firj s rhaf lodrfi 1 r 1 n i 1 j 1 n j 1 m r irna i1 l a alt ibt jhcaef f ynr 1 m oil- kn tba tm tjpevo fslsd i bjaa bttd ocei usjmsi by a veeafol freer tnda f j 1 r f oieat to cier a lrd f bir a2aio farl ah re i tiwvf ujtii cei cental j e a fit ir i4ar j 1 1 h hi s kem iir ivi btlaf ohitr aod nftr lll e j nptt cleft eootr f naw biad rrx 1 i jf ftei tbe vbfpire litn of ialf wto builr bofifie bc whnqrj if wbieb was hairoeoaerasitasi wiad ja i earoevcsi es- e thai nil bifi be rm tried i eaesat oi will i 1 ail jaau wr i aril bii 1 tiii r 1 erraaol j walker cotencl ci be uritpet of reb wnwf vd5 vc 1kc wma in nora j all 9lhra alt s 1 itowiwos kaiauor tba qitucntal filsiio ivfasraiasw t i nlilnii tsejri f tjjiii f 4jfifttt tlio trv flofll al f 1 rr ftu h 1 11 rabekla ta hid lineilnktiom haie iii stc r lsaci nod pmdycinga 4eita6eseeeaer 4ih an ittdirtd afinft aod jtttjty f tho hamirs ausm jbd nsjeo prr4t 0snd8e d r b-tile- ito w lands odonto ok pearl destlfrtcb powm 1 ra thc tacra euranded ate ihgr4itff r fffiai a whit uf ibe ch jbd n ru 0iaf eisai ibv tsvibj r aiil iieraerees it mdaaif uuirl aatfa oad ri i wanea oaj ttf eerarri v le i seai k j jtr bvi or reel v tradieftte apa of incimnt dw itnpre ip id important information laaerud litduia f ia fc ftf in a w e na- offii aeoc ike oxt if lfilolii comrolkosoedeeibe na af mkcaz iakull kalvos aadodotm aooic oncer ibe ivpfied taaciiao f karaite tad ihff il ihparttaeuu with u a- toruita at ir- u ty 1 l aiefa aarer- rmeafteuaud reiriwaaiejatualianjntia nauiraeod addraea lorue j j tbaeruioil r t ii 1 it h ikerafc biabfy 1 r aee that ibe ward kulvlanda isaa at wrapper 0 caeb olvessv thefauiae aucieaate wib roivlamis rialimamepeux oki r e ic ac npurtvdaaebrmtatfa sov gumthtrs l cvtwifcv cdia fthi t aa awubta fur cncmitu kid i- 1 j oa liurdift t ewaja aaiutaieal sasi fafsvsa iij kviaij by raipecuvla chajoiita aai par- final caution a rowland 4 sox 0faituu ciaedaqjpnd 01 ondoai aitou cardan atssg ihe nobdiir and caoirr afaicat jtcd it ifaa aueoip f ajf 1 ljro 1 beir aoa nac- saartare m i ink i iritsai i- k4l- od uavflrrv unvr tha mfaref icta kiah aid ui gera- nf jmji hwiltai lleitl lie- ti whale ikcyuvv ihllu i iu ad itrii u h nd li uui iiuiiar titttit- voa and ailtlnaaaft fotbe remljcj lb a urajritiat ftyr j b jr f ma- etvata ui ktitoaa r i c7- are kowlamls ibe uraraer of aeb uihbaojel kuwlamiy pfcrcctrif lint u ik ariier with ujcu sirnaiunr at tba loot 11 rtj ia ibua a onlsd4 0 i rowlandv m cassar oiu tvc eauur rfloeof tb miceeaaful ienta f resraeia t-tar- aoal bmitffm ue ifiiu ji ar te- ael looan aad apaieeiaud nid ctimi trie ne fftctof iu hiinr tfj the irtl f fjaflw lair a ceoluyuf petttalioei ai j iftlosjlcd ise r v pairoaate of her m ftjair rr u imctlpianee albert ibewowteo lhelat ramitvof groal bntao a od of caere ltn r hi eiitiied uf id aaj ine hf h eiircta in aloch ii iiftivcfllt held tofrtbar watll hiiiharmta tviifoniata enaittr leceisrd of rla altteaetp ifttd lb bi aod aoreat stror ila onerita paies orkaoiktr botilct trcjal lo 4 eeuamj atloaod- and coutlo ioai ml ja tsssastr ob llrawnasl erf raeb bcsue of lha rowlands liaatth artseai are ihea f macaqr v1l b in fir liner j howl anus kalydor ental 8aiamc ffieparae- iiiiictilar ero4e ioteavoofwjurjj ctekstafenaci eaihak ion nnc ro dt rtrwtiffhiuitcani n nc e led haviog lean ap a pointed ajr ciuims hi8h cosrwii uiiowpreparou marina liaks o incmiuin th0 fernf df j ft irrain and sataforra of its su- tir 146 ueedanf urain and s ile sritbdartjf do arer mfuieae issesjs without tlarof oawer lo ito viihltir of llowcr mruwuiah itith liti of dower t 4 hiin 1 1 g at ot unwer aip if queasbeeh and dwtricl owl i d riaiun court fltaok iwmi march ivtt tilt jr muntlnrln soft saurk stat ri ststaic oa sour 0f mr jlifioi jfaojt tfurc l ornca priaosfti kbifftian j a2ir bunks f acrf ew w a tba 4urooun cooa v the subscriber a hia ship chnml lere sturo no 1 luirlvft huilrl mgatiir filch itomn taitcii uonpt manilla aud uveryiliing in thobhip chaiiilbry ini wm donaldson of 23 1847 67 for sale the north half of uno 13 in tlie mi cod of piriland amvlr to charlks stuart kinciojuc ci 1847 ao oki tton a miijur idmk 01 irirf nit aoriir lent e hai frm tvimrles spots hlotcties hbdxbsst freckles 7lyid dicql0ratj0n3 prmiuxina 0 aduffifhmm aod rraaaaaeary a coif- tleios fcfttdao admired rrfaad ael- ey 1 ih llakwi alhw ard mi k it ia hithibv a j jrnitalii2 aad rtfreahteir waxh vttrft mid rerttfr in waasa climaiea and in casra saoboni slinya oj tnaceto or itteioenial ii tf iiiio ila airtoe hie loos and eileivrly been abnwterpd ila sariyvar o trfitthtrntr piptttr tbaiaeri ihe eietueite palrroioeof lheqtkk the olrt and iho royal kavily ol unmk mash aawetlaa tbe oriiicim mtkts of blswps aod b miai dioincutednocrlity aodueitrrv af aljeivibied aalna fj- btwmrtfspcrlovs kaly t0hs eraiire mineial aeifecrii uilrrlj m nm th ronijjesiaaiand uhieh br tuir reoelleot oetinei eatier beatb kab brano of iht seaaola tbe words- rowlands kaly- f c inlu urireraod a kowwnd st sttn tfq lteto ctartvx i aloj nrrarro ba dtriinr lb ft cmasraaereeri pwwwv0h 1 ic j stamp oflacd oa caek vi irr 4a td asatj lav irbhle rowlands opontor oft pcjnl dentifrice a white fowder fofl ti1btestd ernifwhitkiei of the sliairesi and rnai rretoesv rse ofitmlat rfewf we aive fr eeaerejr and oeea tri anil jwafariitbg ihe ctwt ji uafe triifot adfrarrett arimnniic rromtties teinrditeaeleriiaet lf ibrqleer the itoyalfamlcv okgratrr yd il sovrukicxs and m tiikoutetlout kiropk wbrle 1 deinaad ai ooce aanijccee the favor in is tinireeaallt litd price ta msws u caitaf teiiiheehbelpgmiervaiif cuaarniorrii steir aavullia kalv fl r 1 n eweb li r1ivun0 macassar oiu uoh able pfrromkrv waik d ev a- nriiej eat a never brotiierntxaeoniv ceooda ea 4rtta eooam nt cbetniai irra on tmckainc e lac where a pttujnttml oareeelav 5uim retail bj reanectable cbemia fyirtere 1mik rritimi wmlts akd advkrtiskr ft lve mlitiuied in tbe iii er kirmen he kaitaanjomn uaaere and mrcaatl pane uader lit k aud jojis 0aica ev aa mm of