british whig tie 1 aavtrtlttr fcr canada wett iputusiikl skmi utckkvt kf wfiliintlur mil salamny wftrnlojr edward john barker son at tub atiiknaium mnm ftm rf w t the umbtm rfrtw tkrtua vovnp ess armrof psidm 4tch1hv n fh strsfmlllrl hllil jlfififilv in hm n 4 lp ar i as-hewa- j c itlliffiiiil rhbrtvirtiliihliiiji iiiifiiliifb4iwiivfiiiiiniihid tli1hjlpipoil uhmlilh woyia pel hnefcthtlittift t elmwfreeh martiiril utlm kh t anlthu i pneitaditv shrin mw bjpiinilurttl theoanmii wmohcinf jfhiljiloufcr eiiacireuuirtwernr will lrrl n riwlmmmpi ej at- wmeit wlelaoevee all lajttl i h ppi j 0 it x w i a i t e a ruts jfih the athcnajnm book 5 and general advertiser for canada west mil il i a at ihefte r- u i ma tlok i i fii r 2b i r i i 1 lt rll bmvviy irtma1aejf w el rvsjsawai 4 fj7j lit irvvw j ih h jtv vf mev 1 la j jam lwaf aleifcre fw- r lh ta rd hv m ml l 4lff m an tu rr md 4 utr ii ra rntsrpeapis pur ea t opifer per qltbem dicor vol xvii kingston canada wednesday morning april isis no 31- job pripitihq am j i ruistioti fi yeufetijt arrv h pnrm kt rattiiwist with dsii and iwraieuress ilen4liil itt matf it heads peeex imi i udi llmial lilt rllskafahhluda runairiiar feg priuurkft in crtfevri fv pxevvfef itviiiiii4irjiihtjmiiiirijiw endnf nasi jrminn aljhtsiness directory messrs hill parke darkistkus 4tibseiwu1w ixd sflufltwi ix ch5tebt orncr nrattiiinfnu nme francis m l tiios laukt j- ki fb 16 ims rtr cameron lxt6 ilfsfvtv rrlitr4bj land general asebt conveyancer notary public canada life assurance company dmdi strljftfrt bnfc pclitigns it if d a ii at reduced ulcs- ftoibc neti door la mr- jtlsfii slc opw frwi 9 a- m 4 m cobnrt nwct1f dwtric 29lhjmiarr16t i t bradley liu of dcvlis and p n l 0 x hatter a fourier fftlhcs trckt klostrtn li vff all descriptions of ladles and gsntl omens faib cleaned and ahcrcl j v clarke wine and spirit oealer lwibton buildings mucftf ctuet xikc5tos canada wjwt virgil a cos express william warcof ittxo 5tox o vt p do iaxmitage tejjeralgrocerptincsctvi kiusion 9 few doors iiotc dr pick- wiluam a llkni tinsmith ac ac ac- ivo tw ifet of lr ctej irv wellingtou slrttt nphfi subciiher iliankfol fr l fnvr rciclfumy itinti to lii frteiijt nnj ttio ptimict ihat he lit iv in lind lrgo annmoht of every inscription orniatttjfacturrij ttlitch he is prepared 10 fell onlho mow fftvorftble tenn male tip to frder ti low pricoi kington morel 3 isw 0z fojtwardjng on pioduee ike m mcliairo geo ge howe painter gilder and glazier baoi si kindlon ficr mr phippen cinlle ficifj siil paifhi7 wond nd mcrwtt imim- 4uwh and decoroled work in general z john s clate atlirmecm- untl cvflttnitton merchant- corner ff oniario intl rnr aiffu am nnlttitlhsfafdlly aolvfclenfuncitjvlly eiiondtfd w- tlromaa penney wlolclc tod ktiltil leather stoke prin- ciusrrht kinfton dealer in native aiflpiaihsolo foftirier uppers kijit mnd clf swirt morocc- mml liiune b nt mkwra fipdimje of orcry jetcrip- ilnn hemyfchcndersotyninmer aittgic ai letv c etc kingston jams 0rrilly george e hmoeryon o f n tio bntlea cnfcioev maker and urao1iierr mbfvtrol sired kirton a general atdmrnt of the intent style ofpurnilure conitanilv on htta nf atoolilrtroliernia- 00 574 1848 peopled ottawa rideau forwarding line vjd ottawa ahdridbau canal thg subscribers beg to notify the public generally that thoy intend ctabhghin a line of first cus slemcrs and barecrt to ply on the oil aw a ajid rideau route and they will be prepared upon tbcopeniug of cbo navigation next spriivg 10 forward property confided to their cart with promptitude and des- patch tht necessity fir the organization of such an estabhjhmcni having n vieiv the performances more particularly of freihtie to and from plta en the ottawtand ridean niute bfomci ap parent fi um the fact that in cnnseojdciic of the great transit of the west being diverted from ihejcwatecs 10 tlicc of the st lawrenee rmny hi u7 luve vvatcd this cbannol augether thereby reducing the mean of transprt quite inadequately to the reuirenienia of ihu aeelion of tbe country the subscribers would be to remark that a daily departure fiom montreal way tall time be depnrle upon and that tlie greatest oa wi betaken inland ing property at ihc vaiiou staiionsnpon the rote afecaldy with inslrurtionsand direction od that produce received upon the upward parage deslinej for moit ireal willont be unleaded till after it arriva tt lhat market a practice nut hitherto attended 10 t w rf ff mhf4 je t l b fhmiki ala aubacqueni penod jmckinson jones ft co clbmow jones co fbs clemow sc co homi frtnary 83 1s 18tl rbmovalr tie kinbstdn telebh4ph house fjhe subscriber grateful fur past fftvore hegaleav root respectfully to return thanks to the inhabitants of kingston forth long etautiued patron- age he has received he further acqiainrs them lhat he has removed hia tavchm and llfuy srantra to the new stonohoue in olaicnco street the british american hotel- xcirvi n hyj pattemon kingiion canda drc nnttft hi iimcdowau txk stnet kington fur male up m ot otie shortest ntiice fur of swebcrrpliori nought ond sold wpjttfclfc tlmnittinnhj grocer wine fttxprnt merchaoa wclnncin bjttnr nt to r w wilton kinctonva ftm kari c blliwc nl carriageisfcr- princess slreeh ksatm robert mccormickj wiiolcnie antl aeiaii dealer in wine spirit teat gfooeriea ho prjnressstreetjkinetnn htessreffiacdonaldcampbeu bajraalersb attorneys at law rnncose arml binpton johm a- macponalp alexander campuclfv jaisgb bjchluaoj teacher of muiic ptaoo fttfiea tuned addreas v in- mcmillan auctioneer ttompson carevi gencwl ioji porting ind coiiimisinnmer id street new york ware general cobi avm broker and aotlioftecr cw l a praneifl v carevi m lajai aceoucheut e c hurfh camden eoat walter me rainier gbtzfer nfci prificese s inlysttuitdinp ontario stretj- x ft a ihlowii tin smiaw copper smithe mtl tin plato workers poqmaasireetr kiogitori i ltewaw htnofaeiunftv wneeas st kinithp winia ia tho wooa rilhb sulhcribr respectfully iufirms h the public that having mad iare i addhionf 10 ht formor ccljarajje he ha j now tho lareevt and mom commodious wine vauhsof any house in ih trnto his extensive astortment ot winos well elctied and carefully laid in at the proper season i now in jjct wjt and ready for inspection onqstiliaj f port of okl viotajics bright pale and brown slwrric made ira imparled ilircct teneritlca utc fitc which will he sole by the pipe bull hogshead iuprtcr ca t or uetae in moderate terms the otjc of the subscriber u to ai furetbe public that thej can at all time hexupnhed with staple wine inptrfttf order clieaper than can he imputed in mal uu4uttii hv private in1iviliiiil james williamson officers messee wiam fir puhlic dinners ballsy e ace supplied to order kingdon feb fis is 1500000 acres of land for sale ix canada west 1 848 transportation storage a commission- the sflvribtrs under the firojo dewater brothers k co- in oiweffo and w s boss iter 8 co in ntsr yek are tbe sale ureuietors of the old eaubliihed tew york vttca am oswego list of laxe boats and aowts foh van aewatbud oswego and wcllanti lin both luoftiaj between new york and 0iee lo coeeiion with tbass lines t flert ef first laji schooaers wiu tvn regular be tween otwcpuid purli an likf erie 4 sicbish and heir facilitiss bs steamers moru ctfojvliedaoaeytf onunp st itfarrcmre tdtgrapk cimton and propccrr ctiflon toerther witb a contemplated steamer direct a toronto rd hrnitonj frrm their own cptih and amencan fort 011 oma- rin and fliver si- i awrrncc tkf t are abo conuecteo wilh the chicago suam ifoueller miinifii trinmly from 0 j atf pre pared to rrccirt coodi as bcrtluforc tor eu on lake michigan as their hois o oswrco will t v- eminiiffmy to the nkflvsinf anl fnrarinr of anawijy ihiy aure lhr frion nj toe oiblic that goods or produce couinc0 10 them dull h foiwirdrj with til piwlilc df4patc and at low ralw thry will devote opec1al jjwention to debtntue anj ire house goqc so a lo esdnct th expeiwes in qnrmaad new york to a mucb locr ate tbaa hemtofojt- con fix 11 menu of property for fu or trins- porttlon art repectfnllv elicited for hieir hooie in new york tad oivtege booestjvan oevvatfr arte york willi m s- rossltki kern york william ii van dwatk the canada compy havb ror dipal ihoul l90o0 acrks ok lam iliaimieil throiigiujl tnnt nf the township in upper canada liter ly 60000 acre aio situated in iho llcnon tttac we i known a one of the mai fertile part of tio province it lias trewed iu ppu1 tion in five yer and now contains up ivanu nf tufloo inhebilaiil thc landa are offered by vtm of lvasepet ttn ytart er fir shu cash down me plan of out fifth ch hut aw to i nttnltacni nw jontorvff ipiu the rents payable lot february earh year arc abuui tno interest at six per cent upon the pi ice of the r upon most ofilte luta leased no money 18 required down whilst upon others according to locality omp two o three years rem must be paid in advance uut these payments will free tr settlor from funheretll- uniil 2nd 3rd or 4th year of his term of lease the h5s1 to punciiaae ihe tuft hold during the term is secured to the lessee at a axed sum named in leae and an allowance is made according to anticipated payment liats of j nl and any further infor mation can he olrtaioed by application if hy letter postpaid at the cf arv orrtckti torontoanj golerich nf b kikdoall esquire asphodel colborne dairies dr alusc qoelpb or j c- w iult esquire stratford huron district march 10 188 226m tf ilruto from laic dlieh tjuprrs 9 ir i op wrds mk u rnt pusrserav nu wat w ikc nv4imi uf iui grey rej wvmj uti ili j nij lie ensei l aolvitt- pu that tke e r tkom hnve the powtnf yieine 10 pip rm ui under eetjiio cwpu k but he jtiitij ifiii f lite in w 611j tajio 1 c aniwunl it wvum b aaast legpeai awclieo uaieh 16 ur csmpsell ioidueed 1 bill by hicn any us aightbtc ft fitt 1- npi- in erqiom v upon qnrtn if uw iltal mict i wing n tf 1 iofw aopttam w beftf jidjc at trie miic ttisbill wf rcd a irm tlimster nh- i for one fi vr n if vtoimihmiih anl ihai n vi tja nemtt r rdit ifdveaasnj for sale farms of cultivate d land axd improvements lots no 29 ej 6ih con of tilts burgv price jeiog 100 aeies ino30wi6lhcoiidodolqo100 acres no 30pt46thcondodolof 100 acres nv3wi6ihcondodoeioo 10c acres kossp east part cih coo do jo 7i 75 aucs no 38s4ctli con do- do 100100 acres the above are desirable purchase fur small cepitatiali property on lol o 24 tn fliatoof tt rod promjr tho of jjt olj good- 0- house op commons march ix sir w ii bpi anl mr r b areshloaf tooli the oth and ttrttr stati wi nd kneatc sir r pee otecnth a priitifto towff n faof of difeel tmtiioon4 nthefrvo tha tfiyiion of the italian maatuui ptaruic tt tha vu- 1 peeonidf ut irvumi or viie eneuait weasreont rno sir grotto ncy vikd that ihoao who had writ4 ai lvnift hd arrived in a var tituie eondibon tt ho ihwa who had reaelted ijoadae svsuc nr tr d r iafd morpeib ttlce thai ho could not priced if tl friday teruiipln and thai mctroovlia mutt 0 proviocd tor bj aeparaia lecialotoo- ruc coat vriiirrca or imnsotr in onwrt to mr gudiieno mr laboitther and sir titorgr cvv mated hal 2500 eal vhip ncra bad tendrred ihvir nfvkra 10 tb gorramnl apceiat conatatea wlurh had been aptj both fefithnn bora fady itltinwny to the eo- operation of cbs wvrkin elotaea anj thai ovcrr vihere iho ajme c t peorailed in favn of atriaf tvery aupport 1 he aotioriiie aainai loflae wboie only ubjoct vi otunde ht icouc talt mr mccreor openrd tlto debate in trhtch lie tnnk ecvt to replete mr drtotu and cvnuonhy rjipuioed aatifirlony lhat any admion ef tl ma mod iu atfvaou of m ran thrvj mr if ihonpbttas ttatatimnasassbrtf th ike nsatita af ha hn mdnta mt hum lfcoipl f the tun 1 to rem laegi haref f my ilfhi hl fnrtd iir mr th ereiiv r us flf ihf hotfti- trfftnrr and the lvttj lrutmrtn tinl loartfm lha oowora f i um inurto t uuft lil e ahal no ahl h neei lhopeeireafimj itrfibon foodrieeu tlivro dninait- tfrnf wbntv 1 ovy b 0al m opc t ihe svtttm if uien enatmvifa koki rivering iat we hu ua aatomloiftltiiaeewitiatea trotwo whffyta artff onihmin for bv ircfiw of 0r peovlf f iffrtaaa lhai tvpfmay of law a ojer sttli4i wiieh uy tirvi ip if tm rvcein iiidutry na einlimliath m mtralaor in rito i s r 1 1 fro atpiita of ihe hu sr vrh ai vri ip iir alkfftt vi tm ftw 0im 0 t 0 rutttjf llianata in which tr atad w oil unawara of ih pnto wbich may rond can every j f we m baia t c jrtfirfcnrc of on hua may hnn to m and tormvont ttiein cheerai if wt are f r iaow with thi heidi ti tn can ooy h- tint ih- ajinmvttfhtton of aaara may ractd m oiliaf handa uttn calculated lo carry on ihwc affmia iv uhf araifra and of tier mafyandhefdrran jtua ovfeia lord hi dun 1- j1 l fc t til fiiitj mr wakety rtnrd is a kone tirade aent tone and tajryioaa j ilh onrf ior the mntlmiif np thi two chiirli1irn f t jm4 n tirr tht wreichrd ealfsil efgasied rer i rtflrre th mnnnne- rcbv92 m fnl nf lia ihut6 t on sattidtr b aha had a forhi iniereit with mnj moore eai t the vriiawvww avjamtai rr on ihe iria who ap voatatwhajvi been hnly fnnd ah had in ina world twi mtmc wai aoiami aafl at l v4 the wctf sd wman e j hcrwlf nvwr cuv- ortahl n itefennd and thacaftrwar j lc de- vord berarlf raetoaveta to her ratifteui janca yeaiiday nvneholpt otiended diana aervtes ihe pnmn arisen otc rr ordi- nf r oieirhd an fifl temvn lim oc i2ih cwsphef rnntan y 17 rccmpenw mno man tail fbr avj l armea tha wretched rnan tj tfcicd sod ehrd tata abundantly she arn mim the aflrokktn v z4 th defiieney famfico chilaieo and a w tie aesaseafli cmowo rn tha aanie an- in tha cbifhin coie would bo 10 i- fa i ia atity i- and i y make the minie tr duttrtfuf and wju a ij tutm to ceepnas tainon mifbt nti to mijacd in a mie juat ard oven m ha i fr ihs contmoane of ihe ineome laa f one year and foroneyoar valy mr fejdor wkohaj rttirnad that ha had roamed noprvoli m afcs yeare and had rweo v ihe faei wi i t r in h aen o xiwi- i- aanod on treo tversjb- eiooa aod il aeooiiot and raaan 9 tho ale refoacd too deal for which they wr ow colled uon v prorido hid nl btf iticunaj by ht reoeaaeo llc9 of f f rifnk bul hy thf kll- of tbe cvontry and yat while iher ware heariw el house and lot h ellwon hamilton street i the hoatsetnd ut lately trowells on ellice street 5- aptdy to the subscriber geokce ok1ll stuart iciijgln january 17 134 7tf iierlfrs sale difctti opposuo hiold miiij wujyp ho hopes to be favore with a vontimi onee feustom tlie sulcrilerliasex- eelkut orromfftfljot ions for travellers urfanfrm ami stranjcra in bis hiialm end hit yard sheds and sjejblcs are in- feior tonooe in the city george mltfk slece extras cnvere cnrriogesv doohle wapgnns iftthl bnryes and saddle horses obtahvd at toy hoar of the jay or uiiiif taaftgston foe 23 i84s to xpb ajbuc lf41e salkcriaer ha torm the inhabi tanuof theciff and gauntry that be mill tenlinnea msnnfaetnnnr tin sheet isdn ebppzr waw in all iu btanthfi a fod aasorlmcnt of which will always he fonnd on hand at fits s finises in saeot street di tec tly in resre itavfa jena mowat ml j seirlhanginq jn j jobhinr in general aril be executed tth nratnryj and deapaten aaiialactory or e eharwe and ay rivina his best attention te ah oidaw wjia srhlch be may be favored and leocurrte ajajdajsj he boaes lo teem a are of pnbcpalionafav baths of all decripinns ww phoctot- kiaptoavfeb 8 113 ldsas yae mill flouftlntfc estabushflrffint ftihc uodavmvoed hkvins boome pro- a priewof tawyonse mtaap whithare dow in pcriect orter beg a to inform the public thai he u prepared to filler ioto ensemedu for the flouring of wheat upon the usual arms the character tffmeh the yooga rtills hrand baa hitherto boatf been iniurrj w the stijhie degree during tbe pua4vasmrvee eeaaen jrceot loiheso j oak deaue to export floor inetewd of vvrfjfc the bel aorartecj forflgcjj tncrnaiiuble avttcte p and it will avittaj rwremtil cere of ll pmpr5etrr toaoe biwmtl present hh aandmgbo wot levrfrwinmahadda fbedbbick jones jl lionmoncfc jw mihisfabru 3 issstf water h e saatflbar he teeefyed s co argriiffiht iheajbovfleaceonent ter which he will sell triruanttttee suit ptfrajieaajk s 7w t buhter feb lbmd uraasg ntw york utlca afiil osvc ttor w- 5 uoxiter celobbioad n1 k d van dtwater pier alhany tulver cb uliea van dewatrrs bmther co oswego i john b hallj court sqsre boston viq senterr ft fc w iir o iir no cenyskft corner ot water slrert new wri r b van dtwater pier albany s 1 b- b hydt vco borne g i hvd hatch syracuse- x van tater brothers fcco oswe bfjmnut for trospohohon on lob ontcrk onrf wa st xettrevare i hnmphrey st co ownehnrr office to let yeftv eeoirortablt qffict for an ann t ajourr or lsnp aajni to be lei imathleurtftodv store parker corlbp jh conaaul 0- p starkey co hooker clark st co j h cw e browne stcc j jame brewnav m w e- browne hsjones alexandria bay oak point cape v i- cent sachcit harbor kingston c w joroejavjv ilmiltnnc w brockville cw 2mm lefe assnrmrp bilioti lou vat life itaornce socitiy 2 n ii ii iijujji uttatn mioland distatcr tj virtue of to wm s jj iwii wriu of ventiiiions erponat issued out of flov majesty court of queen beneli and to me directed against the lands ind tenements which were of john he as mp deceased at the time of ins death to satisfy john car- rlthers and john mcganff certain sums in said writs mtntinned whichihe aaid johncarruthers md the said john mcgaunhad lately recovered aatnaljames williamson and william ferguson executor of the last will ad testament or john ileaaltp deccared i have jftcd and taken in oxecution uati of lot no 0a- in 1st cooctaaianiownship of kinft oo convevsxl hy one thomas how e to ttesaid john heaslip part of lot no 24 in 1st concession tovvmhip of jcincpton conveyed hy one luuid cambte to iho aid john hcarlip pare rt lot nu 41 in the th concus sion ofgamden eam j 50 act part of fjot no 43 in tha ninth concoasinn of camden east so acres and part of no 45iqilie 1st concession of camden h5at all whiph lend aiul tenements i shall jfr fr sale at theourt koiic in tlie city of xingsioii en the 27th day of may ooku at lavclock noon tai corbett sxtfiffmd sartnofce a kington aprix 184b j buifps sale ar oaplul 500on btartfe orswooor ppwrrdftv w jtosojfarrtf z70m 183b a snvinra htink for ihe benefit of life widow and the orphan t taatt moniuy grgt street hnorer tfffhdr caoinnm trf ihe coorf of threetort zondofu sferetoyfftiujeteoicaitaooav aatttt09twleas bbnbv ojdersueve eso- x el forsyth en ixjuglas pbent13s e wiluam wiisosrea han j a- mauoonalbp boo john hamilton awnajaj sjpaasx john r- forsyth eao aitoicataaaneai ale3canpgr a r08iox esq ftlt- hunter arent ofits onlanv sueot edward trlcuardsoot general a conn tank tor u united staua and driitab n a voasew nah java lloo4 after nclt jmnuf pro- miofli booatnm da wiiaonl fotrtriiir of policy j leander starr cenaraf aecni vtsavos laa te frwyorftbit6a a tt y virtue of a xsrit of fieri of her majestys attdlsjft dlstaict nwhi facius istued out court of queens bench and to me di rected a the lands and tene ment rthich tvete of david l tiionr doecmnfl at the time fjf bia death t son rtaviu m tiakb acortein turn iauid vsitraentioood vcuthe aid 0 u lake had lfliecovered qfioin- ltdia jnie tfloap admint- rratrix of ute last will and testament of dvid l tborp deceased tbavsj seised snd taken i execu ttoo tho hook and lola in the village of adolphiistowp occupied hy andre jerojl all which linda end tenement i shall offer for sale at the court howe city of kietaton on saturday the sib day of july nesi at 12 oclock odovr thomas a cokbett sfatf midland uuirkt soenfftoiviee ciry oikinjnton midland diilrict april3le46 ticiwlionnlhs r r i ssaj essayass fnm iim unc dftnt rit tlii jrf aa eienare sj a maof 5000 tockw cdanuta n4 llit in dci tv ealm ids rol hr j nntwer e ajtrtatm jwe utl ha js 1tp cii fff in pif ptnuon locchanieetlv ot itc krliia nf ilje aehtju ttie ajeanaaica were sir rbrl avals antf x- him i tie eaeairt nulii to eive all lite ererin aale flo ui he ihsujht nc opon properly vat hilt rnorc ijc litn ic iln one spoil income indeed ile uny ubjeetn r isw is the income in was in uviqiijliiv tuaii it and his objection was teasetcsji amcrman sirfny troutd aoppflfl le inm mm orr for msnin end wojld desire ihst the i- iicndttdto tfiuli be hiouelii within the natvrat mew of be etunirr me ilcadlam in tvfnert of hs gov fftfjient aessaaa oljeeinj at ttoebtrtfisai o iltc act in it pn4i rape ira ad isc nrihcisle tikbawjljseinerninanvainrtncnlinim rotaj in a ttstalt red 250 vram ae lasatsaf 9 hndi jiti ieh diieiec lhat rvcay manihoutd uxdsecprr- lnliialnltlj he rontuuetinn irlnch lr lw eovitt liarf on that tvro a- v he of tha chingc tnm intitci tc ti rrri ri tt i i- ii he lti nut rpnv4 n r t tt tv n t riinli o l jeck spjrcd tlk mtaitiie of te 0vein nuni ere invcc weaut mon revsttjof io iwfeksf hepc ee mjj nnattl j r- f- ilic las as mj- ir h i w d iniourabte it wt oririnatfy haf cnoejfti ot m aces argrtatcd ly rccenl p s aisie th exeniplton of ireland rnrn it merareeecnt tnhini unjut ho ceorcivej the w thelai to os athce a rmttcr of beomaatl nf pubiaoce ufiwwlinc however to er an miiirrum at preacnl he woolj auppt cwvornment pf0psito- ly 0ruiolnne aupputtcs tlie gorcramen mjs b rixjmj fullowloein oopsjiionhi rctoarn t t s character that woutd ted the trteif deeht lira loyally they mifhi be wrak t peew out n tha eect ihe popvur wili mini lr j-r-i- mfenlcy rsnnwed and cave mr roche a wtltrsted auelsn and thso ssdrceohim qt fobc nxotiite unovr r r- jt i fi ihecovoe irknhad created a liftiul of rvaeilaaftd sf elic m one remark mv iu ktcfmf of ihrowii up their exiicotes had ftf htn much uncaaincte- loal ahouid not hra inare uhisn of podt and hn aa the eiw had besn caied op avia and mainly controlled to the poepcriiy nf thecxnintry 0e ot the evils vf iadcro lejlation was that af ciidslnc t fjp tha lcncct of tss captisl uf 0a coimivi iotcat vf for ihe yeoplcv ho byticced tbatte tforeroneot ero aa ipnorot of tho conrtffro of the c t aa they had atessnl thani aaueaincrant istlieteasfeffj tiut no ahfnc ha j esn prsfyecd to meet llic iseqasliiei of h tas haotiw aupoifis ncaore atiii he equkes noreaon hy any iksreicc tttaom meditsiwecnimeonicsdcmeed from thafoida nd uto d ism trade mi mowatl ciiin rprovc j of the pla nd mc rvtnlhc imtn tfa prova to sd legacy eilj n lard hv which ihe eoustry srouw ha ye been relisrd of isxmin to tite antoonl f j2mut jti 7 of direct tetio he should vvts orttnllhi maurc ffout ita tnecjiality- afjjlddanti tvlluwtcl and drew ihe atlcntiai of iba louse to the tact that a undd peiprctvr cohir ku ttanafer or leave any part of ht prvpet aa ihe gmrnioctil had not firopfled utoavvca by wjieji the income li eiimictha eipcrttore lie fee eaie coutd not up them wji j tf 7a a quark on case there n ro iirrtaio jo piice while there had heto a r on la eoiiiiftpi evimnpn aerate with live duty imuvtd on il i i this country mrxtohdco arved lhat the working chrvs were navtne an income taj not nf d in the x iwt vtntmnc nm 12a to jc whirls rvrpaiiafc difret taxallon he wei l mr prouoniojn he ihed ts mahe it jul tea uat ji im fit be a mre lerntnsnt tas lsrd john uvtsetl gvc eicdit lo m hwtie for mine he mii of a ahilful taetteisn in ihe way is had u mrj hiajniion but il n pro noutn which cotaiiicd no iwl of triiicipkt hut wea ncrs eiuwreeiiocfti hn chahip ihcn ndkilzd the iotiro ftoot the cicooklarvcca th tl ii 11 be oloiijcj 17 compel a pcri t iloq- no vie ettuld vtinpess that ll income tax ahsin ai nntore unn ihrce ra fseer raees- wifta a cianlry inaf stf wrre ihst sttestit to cqnelirv o taa tlty would mt it nnf ikuiiicnil be laa sroolhsnly hhtlfaa poltntvet whik il would us triee aa vtfona a tout ciptihdjlnre no man cao say kh ths timcfrtuiy brijfe fth snd r rnp i will rot aabsoji udijin f0jand toruncp f will set i iu reduce is eaiimjica for the army mtd j th uk m i of lpsrope it ial ihe p if atavs aiad rdam men while evethin j- l whif iheie eneaa sfesjnd nsi ts pretend iit wesre thai r 1 1 thry i dte pubrc faih or orrfect pobhc crrd l ute jh- iie ccsitor aoe reetivel any cosvpjeronnn- titcnon nember at dvsn ariudat cnarkaolatrsav dapstsiwti mr monu avir that the bad threat- ened that ha wuuu ro out wsh let btm hr did not think llnt ths our nrsn tn ths country hotov carry end gwcrrmant ee lbaaalt lsrd and the tight on h col rijbthofp mr g thsn7son and mr tbnmpaon topported the csotian tbs huoae divided for mr lleeiss enstion 138 agsintt h 363 majcsity tt thahooat returned thechanrvan nrportsd n- sreaa and snvcd jcae to ait tf ain the inturiaotunent foe deal ireland silt vsa read a tec nd lieae ths vhti heahh fiijl wat sftae antidnenta utdrcd to be fv i the llooae sdjuoroed st 1 oclock march ii mr strvlt ereotjht up the firat rspeafesni ihs cocmiltec on irly billa employing rcaslutiun whteh aiatcd tinjt thai the sansaint of the so a caprl csll far u j a ieti iff ivcsj ti uifi if istt wiirii icnv ccvn that lh attention f the committee be tpccialiy caucd to tli necaa flyes nett enfjtcn ihe atandmg rdeieof fcvl anient aid ihit a apevial inequity ibatjh se mide nits the fimi f chiraeir ef ilc u critters thirdly thjl ttis ifosmin easof ilic rcvivalofany aupenedriuy bill hmitdcare- ji y mire wkrthcr titbu a identical with the farmer bill foainhly thai teven days alvuum iitctvene fcuwrcn his reprint a bi andhabtm tviics tnto ctnfuvrti4n and tlxat on eontidee- tnthr clainn of wsya and eteant aiould ac splint the hvutr whether the bill cviiaina tha i y mesne w carriine eovct uit atind in j ordenv the reaulutiint were adopted iittfhrtsikcc or retatat sicctioas v r w r woo4 prtiunted s pctitta from the beseavli f slimfvd coeiplaiatnv of ths interfe rence of the marquis sf cieur in it ute clee- lcnv at thtt ltvufi lasesttjhisjeet of twevity seven sf bit lenanie vho hjd votd jo vk m v hi hit vpnijii uarudi been served siuj notice vf efsciarrnla t clccttccl the committee rcpoevd lhat ih cleelion sf john atwiod ras anil sod vod end tbat by his sftutl he had lorn goiity of brbcy tvc titf i 5 rs- sir w claj inured of the attorney gcnersl whither hie jattis who had uftrcd ty the uk rieta hid any and what ciaio ypvn the country the atlueoey uvneral said that by the attuto 7 and 8 ccstfe itfe q 31 seieial isalaies had esn repealed whieh five ntsmdaei sgaleal iha hundred the fit occlio of the latter ttiiuie cave a remedy where tht budisf wasftuflkuvjv metiahed r ue i down or etscrvyed wwty ir ptl cut ihs cdteneo mvat be computes ile jaiy satnnrd that ihe deirfuminn would havsbssn eomptcic if urn psrtica had not been interrupted in ech case i l i of tlte trotcrs wsss tuotioo fur s juf ramteestf tn estter tu mr hume lrfd pslnvcrslon he had nu sljc to produce an scenunt of tht i f fj by ins aruadron at liauos taifais ao tioid palmer denied that ur trsstt sften aive and dtl- v had been entcrd into between uitainsnd ttvu in rlatin lo the funeh krphtic hut added that ptuaaia had dsternunsd not to interfere in a hostile wst asmcratuail travivnct mr lahouehcre had revprcd lo devsts 30- coulu 40000 ttj their preparation bat lhs chan cetor the kictiasuer had abhetsd t iosurrinp tjnt ii 1- in tis present slate of ths finssccn tvc rviijivcvt or nitii mr pwatt then roa f nanrs sr losvs ts brinf in s bill for the wat rmtion of ihe pun tfuntm nrdesthand icwedhit mniion by vsy bls and cid afomtite irgrossgf nnposed ihe inlduelign uf the bill and t ivlluwrd by ld nugsnl in rny pnmeffi tuecvh n fsvar uf ita abdiios sie uout i and mr wend kpliaj snd ieraie arri is 0e rafee n ptittte dvii rw resssioed wtlh hr rjsjil n v tae wretched w having intesvd a sir n devre to sit ij alleifbbti itti wsefadailtejf and ahs rtannedupresijne ityal neah ai afvlaek phe then lay rlsn and had alt v otapt until aeark a oelek shrn the ale and tok a evp f curtee al 0 tetvefc uh rv ordinary vmled her and at earnrti r n ahs waa sj 1wed to petuks of the sacunent after net n turn fiom ths chapel the was etfnwed in remain in the rrutttnt r-o- where st 00 snnuus to 6 ahsatfe a mjnmt hauty presuusly ecjresied pcmaion nis siiotltvtrfeaovltotthe jmeifltp moi onksmi afl hi wth the udar islrti lnt hird wie wers imw- 1 i r bv the govcnoe m i tbs wcetchd creatura aiveated to p- w uiub fesrn i mental ovpreteien but n return ts the she ntfs i aae tatd the had 1 r lo say eicept to festal hae llssaks rw o freai tindnete which wi rhvwn to her r f osusssjuml tn j f on tubn rj r vri o the peseva of sinioninf eha rejmsr caters ft sat to mil bar addny that she tvmd ive hm do n- lv at two nimuue before u setosk tkc ptiaert beil atruek fatih iu solemn pea t i preeseaiss imrse aatarj adrsaori tsthecauuv th emard sr aeteona suciubled to witnsaa ths m f stenn waa i n i- fir etoesded in number ihoae prsent st asy etseottee si lals tlfsf eottssjet ik art ieeel toadd waswoeae turn usual the yelii end hootae wbicb pre raited for wvi tims prettsa is ths culprit making mr appsaroaes bsinf perfectly dreadful whether u is may bav bsesi the csuaeuf tbs fhiwlitf utcdei wa r l but certain it is that a eery rewiavma jtij sceufnd after tba appearsnee of ihs ordinal uo ike tcamd before ths priwuw came up whan she dd rm the drrp calcrsft appeared ua the set of eupoorttne bee ff arst irnpilas acemed lo ta to took up wards at tbe fatal beam j ahe ihsn terjeed hcrvclf to the handaof the ni of ihslaar snd tn a few uaemenu was uunchvd wtua eiernity hat auujcles vee fee eocns bms cwsdm io the tittrnse at 9 oclock hat body was cut down tad after etttt sf bat head have been taben ahc will bs buried in one of tha psasaect of tltc i in reearenestsa utter which the eilprit sd dreaded to bleks with whom ahs eoiabited and whoa children he murdaeed we ere enabled to etetc thst he wrote- as reply is iter er did he psj ihe mite rfebts the trtched woonsn rceseled him in do theaedeaaandawerebnrever sealed by one of the lsds erbosa ehstiiable feslftff lead to ths i sf ne wrote on kndav n the culpot wrote a aeetmd letter is dukr whieb ahe accompanied with ihe prevent nf s bible riven is iacrint athiiyvalrxv wjrt fl conderuntttod j c b rpre flbivrcd i napier breihcil 1 ho u r 4 mseara siht n und munu rfled yee 6s jvsye the i f druntftoeodj f tn the td dtiliehi en pcos on ws3osuay eteniis last in prjneeu wraej a stb1ng of large bea0s mora prvjd for theidtsleese ban for their saua vnuxvtr vinp leera la thentith itosr oilsce fill be hajirlasfauly rewardtd r 30ffitb ws h ktposed t4 reduce the number of tba eohmi u my ow r alwaa rncttd our ra a pat of the strength ov lhi emptre if f u i- kstanl to dcfs sd l m jleainnrisjnitw is sat the hat bees loo iwefui that ssa srtijies no louee i ie- lice deuimesof lu world thit th 0 with a humbler pstl then it meal uj aci rnsature in rslsti crjl be far this c vre to hi es only let ms not be lh nitru- csrryin l efteet the he hieh 1 r- h dcfrade of ihseieiitry uis loud aod continued cheering mature in rslation tulheump tcht bs frsrnsd durine ihe raeaa but aueh u cumpltiiiy that their whdo tiav wsuu t iis eanrideratisn dunng the fut hjjf sssaon to pldee ihe ffdveinrnsos is alanraeyevinnd dried hy a bene ty neat flueuill sswo1pjaseoti of k taaatk u jit triry sjsutd be eaab sad lenprudset ia a majority apainat oottamcve aersuitxeiets mr ffosm sieved purauant is nuiies far so addrcaa to list mejmy j thai alts wf bs ifraeisusly pleased tu dreel that in all eofnymt monre tu in eaety dspsetrasnt sf the suit buh nt bums en ahrsad the eppsinimenis to bs raedceuiycl to a reduction ef sslaey snd si is tea iiifm end ven o tha sbulrtioo of aecrt if even be deemed nceeaesty after s careful irtquirs jots the aue of the rpneness sf ths eeuoij yof4i thai in caeca iurf tuch raducton or sbuiiien of ics u mads no claims far cnipeeiaauue lo fvundad iheteun ur cswaa aswrwm tu aassasa the i 1 3 f f r i ki f ui r did aa tkisk auefi odrfean dcsirshle hrjl wiutd nut efipsss it ma tfune m j if the ifieissavassaas woutd give him an aaastonce ihst if ths rujs proeajovd shld irhiriomivi in aluht dspsttrrisnia he would net nrctahuiqvstisn but sa thsrvat m-i- ler sf ths crown waa not wessal ha would poet- pone hisrsotmn until tueaday a desullniy dtpcraaston eiagsdafue whish mr ifusss withdrew hia mstsn usderstandme thai m i n dul not disstot ftsan lbs prukipwa in volved therein tnn hsuaa acviocncd at a ecuuiat awat terslre sctoek the sew napolitas constitution a decree of hi kinr ef tbt tarosehctdeld napli pcbntry ffpv ne tfetarte 4 ihe new ectntiin rrhently a rested from hismawsly by hia penple tho r however wlich ar rived veetcrday ts fane u far luo ptufn ts al lwuf ile utkrtion n efeese ne hsvs therefrre prepared the 41swm eusimsry of the principal penviiione of lite new rriee tli kingdom of the two sicilies ia henceforth to h tvw4 hv a trrf ur becdiisry and cce atituiiooal mnnarehy in s reprevjnisiiae form tbe kfilatvs soaker rcl conjointly in the kne sad a nattunat parliament cvnpnej uf two chembve ithoss of ihe peera and tv depu ljea theoiarwbee of preve ftike the french wilt he ticluaively covijoecd ef tha nominee o tbs kiof nhu u appitnt the pace fr hfe ans i powete of cf n aie unlimited the quotation sf a pee e eimnthtp 1 the iu tamncot sftheee of 30 years at least tv priucssuflhe mae ere actti in ivir own riht snd will bs alwed tu iske lhcr arts st th ol 5 but oi to vsu oniil they ire turned 30 inejepei y of th various functmnaries both tay and tcclfftstttcal civil ad military ah are for the peerage ell euhjetle who have seyjyed a revenue uf 3nsl ducat pay inr issetj fur eim sra may be eteveted to tbst dignity tie chamber sf tputtl is ts cftntiet of all those whs elected by plurality of voles leesi e their itfiliftisie eomrniasun frum their deeim tfce deputies icreatm iha natron is its rwnwf snd not the particular pirict hi which lho may be the duaiije of tho chamber u r- five yest the numbsr of dsputies will he e i- ri lr to the amount of the population w bs dctetmined by lb leal ecnags prior to the ctec- taets will bs ssto deputy for eveey 40000 souls to bs a deputy it w ntesrsary to bs s cittxen t be tunacd jesra el es to puaeasa s certsm reieeiuo to bs aotet and to be uotenihd hy sny etieojisal convection r f the etecticsit tho pests i of a certain rewritis paying tsiet tht 0ume of which will bt detrnfunrd hy tho electoral st- tutea ths professors of the vsrioos ssiemittc eocieiica are ts ba electees vt rifchl depones whs accept eiecutivs offieea under government wilt be auhject to o oewslection the kiea is the eijprest head sf ths staa nrd wholly iirarponaitdi hs is endowed with the customary petes and war cornea art din tha rurcetnd gtm inroorey hs will csntuke ihs chambers s- nually and porojus end diaeolva thent on cn ditton nf tosvohin new parliament within the epictofhres tnnnthe thscivd liat wilt bs de tarenvned at tlis cornniencemenl of eoch raifft mhitstays sre ooind muat evoniefia sihbstcttof the kinr in order v render tlrtni tslid ti will i ee frss eaire nto tbs chens astasad hsvc a rihiio aprek bgt not is v-tr- snasaaduriseied taesaftsssei ihs atactnbly to the chamber sf deputies appeetsma ths impesch vsenttsad tft tbs chsnibat f peeesths lif y- f fj i r uaoetatniliwnsl fta nor esa ths te siktid rneroi u a sdsons4 mis later aajpi it ba at tlie etproas tseeasl of one sf ths chambers tlkts will bs a fsuneil sf fieia iattodiog 54 ajssbsjtvs wbssptiitsdby tha kna in matteie or rehm the cathohs chtttts ai -i- rtmanreliruhisaabsths slate oresd and the exrscies of sit sther rshfons ia a v- in i athihited nu fartics nopt ean hs admittsd into the ss ticcf iha state s stowed t- r i pses ihwvrth tlis tvrhi wy ef np efsleteffei tlic sepo- ctal euih riiy uf a uw a mlri c j r will be orranusd lawsesbi m the auto ttacft onpbs jinffardhy tare nnsprsr- e ivrosde ir ih r rt j l i hi fi assaesjtj otcitfri ths mas ik be free and anjeet cwytatj rssrewan law a prvvntivsmssajrf wutka os roaiiee of t teeatsd sseesa tstatiirt utdsrtvlveaj iv cmm fa- owant ahuma hsvs been endv ro tbe eberee 1 1 r -tt- jl tact na ihe pes4isl hwda m ths grsei kmpsfat xw when ths m tt wsa opsa the pnt t aleindinine ji-captju- t wool tpjwhn hiaa lieen inipot- m evei in iras tha nbeev hut to rtcvee ilirtny was out nf ivci snd aa tukw4ij- sa tn ae intn m rok upon hie bias with -iv-r- r n wastssrdved thai a h who newl vld xhi la ike tvtspury ttaelpl tay partufs au ruber of yi iwrr ah- 1 i stiiftv uj llieir ifiasttitirei heetrxre l i erer atruk tetrr thrvfkout the or the annil irafsal relate t pretewdssl faitf j hatwe ts preeertiion end wetkvjy eeai cvnader lnnvlf eieowttd feusa tho r t r t o t cethis mm his aee hid ones bn pit upi l hl f bh mnv tnhsr reiujufi of eesfi vfttms o cumply wtb ihe de duarj e pit inls p end treated witli qret tvseity the etarsa aon reeuuaiied ihfufh ttaeiftti andhtrrte at last to frest ihatlhs kfroe 4it ablipd to hherete thesa upn thnr p- m to pav l irtitalenentv iho olvsd pevvd hat nnw ited the uerd ot reverii- ne drawn up a hi pifvirf tho have pud te wvtte or piri or mplhuh el ax tho latter are hy far the moat r i end new peecii w lasts pvs be mttituled to en as pi vm am it te cvhtora ate pnnecs ufthebw- andn ifcs mterial chn and many v i vnj oiir 1see dopeisrd thrtjur tout f fir raatrr sumber ere not the in ripalv bil thesr dendpftttl xetaiithetasdist j ths akwa t rcrue trteias il ta eieeediejly f dnvtiful whiles the ssaaiiol wiu tier le mos pjoud fimn the slerinawjity v thepesjnt who iv liable t ike piymanl catns jfeil ttia t l mr brooke u taken frvcn tte tmee otrsne toe vac it te a ivr ttmsainceihs vfc i una th lire were crowded a thvy wets last nifhl i wtnrea the be sf mr c orortkcas i4 hi ine cruwd in feci osssueh aanrer tluuuhave bees admitted ft s rtadr rfrahi tu eicucmant n the theslrical tjasiria ta of s bh perlrmer of our oldsckisjof fafdy r tehaaosaf cohi prtion as an ciir end ilsnly remsina for hifti to du hi part in keepisr up the interest which he hae beul nit thai hts pcrtermases iset nifht wee b eny svana fapiltkts- i ths i puce in the hscmeol psaeee hs wees the mark tat nvn enutd have nilaleteo it tss any thie etss but t mik none coold bees been decewed by as palpable a viheio in stents tod tb of tha itbey ia impaired brtfldre the im r ihe sctior then arfeis aiea erst in hia f rt reesee a villaiw eimply freen pro found jewnttnt shtb th wrld snd wiik himeelfp csoplcd with aiobittoutiticruptuirssialnf coataty out sf sneh ileeiftieii avulj have was i what ilferiini froio rttj in hie last thwarted m his pttpnecv earited by indifideal hatted ard by all the mdim nf rervnr tw fire the rust eilteines st the uieniir of tha lu a to dmassil ihs s rteci sf tlis tsees of eitcum- arsnees as tkey deepen the ehadswe of ihs cha- aeter in tls 6st part f0 pee richness sad lees isteitfti shvuld he ren tu fftewafe hetrtet of ths wortd tn give full effect lo that helvd al ths when howaes ibs eleeorurtancsa sf ths pht demanded the eihibiius of tho hatrad in i its i h1 h 4 truly faaiig- csnt eapccialty to his under jnet ave ail the eoocenlratsn nf v hch ferocity ie cepeble it was mp lhat tome remctohetnee sf foemevaclsreahautd beswkened it would svtq have been fsprehnejw had tt beenstheewias but iha ts we miueb vrlikh me orusks enadt ehstther hie owt without viumhinj imlh wnsre all wae t etelhm we wiu set pirtics tanat paaasest but content nuraeftes witb shi vratulalinpt ths pvbhs en the aceiiavoon of a pstfurtosr in s list wliflrc asch a performer woe sauch wanted tire cinxtm ctvwths eenpeesr fa has devlrirne yeare ia mors and enore ercsd inwie r i eetcinonyiu oilier when he casnas bs y i ii pe si the sterifiees lis da nstche a nisswwl of hi h rank lo at as ihia trad ix- v ytjpzalr a snasfvio enteilane slviajt tenpiei snd meets tasajkaeaftf hae ad h v a very renee man date tbe o tird t pufiihnknta eijtorlinf lhs ietsa tn e atnel isatice bibe eewvs agwiht rvlonndere ad never to eyupfotniss the la by putihly or i m eteeutinf its uhtit ths perwpenir toehow hieeenssofthe aasjilvl ihe ntvel deaerise esurtiars haapov hrhed a aft i o hit favtntra anvsfat ihtas ere only fui chtnee t1r rcnaindcr iosda bj tlie ancs aa mmu end ihree oe tour muneuhx pechnp the fnrmer govcrnot of hcshrnan nd krnae encest who nobtv dwtinuvih vtriihcif in the defencs of varksnd ffsin ipstail fama uf uafsesjksi durinethswaa m tnuitn baa at preerot errat iortomee st totit and is fqentty eall to tt csbvutl cnifril lie it nidefej rh a atraihtforward tiseaemn trtjly sitae hsslls taukwaaf the nnirei tecemly jave hiti perenniori to ride oo hiii back in ths imperul c iy an ivaivj z nicj vnly lo s vetv fcwndivt duett caios ml an cartjiquake is morocco maosjofshtt from metu dates ihw if r w i of ihs iiditiee if the tj cm foltowirf icltet rives sn inteeesli lbe tha tcik sejake end t the uljl brrure tbta truer will reach you at the amine ximm potamv ae ths newa nu dvubt et atfteaterf ut kv9 attko feom which we have jtml tuffrttidr it ta true that teat night waa indeed a mehl nt hoerore but it rs pot end i en fetu an1 oafs asano the wliesf lhs feerwu sd ovo hihalsv tantef this unhaprv cjrut tftaauioeh aatvw imi sol ti lament a jcrannal rjiiaforlana attea three nihtfifauutfin frefirel sitl vrsaoaa incnmievtnlai aritli the muoee- iho eotood of ankaikc anj hurriean ea bel ibe tempeeajast yesteiday was inovt awfet dunnf the ftrat sfafaol wh letted very nest s ennuis ti bsfwii half past 1 ocke while we wevs stl safeeo so4 was accompanied be an eivvnni ihesctaesof which a i taiiibte ma j during wjitefc i wwa fore ol f my bed thfesrtk abwkin a aoei avfol manner and ihs budfs sstjnvil b avchk m tstr se umlit never hats owtcywd pnaaable it ill sisylejpescn recounted ie ns tns ttcaai thiaahvck uatcd was onf 1 1 red of the iviwterus 4jeoy thsfiett ahsekpasctw4j sow tsastt ihdoop4la terror ekwjrdt l lirssotand win- ijitijfir jiii hiiii ascend sa ptessasi snd s mihebat a i oihii wovj ihftoh ih so f iw lajfsr icro thso ci hsalrsva riul use jj rr r4 imis iifn rrdcrtuiijmeek r il preru makive t puseofssfsiy and alvrfw but ircoe aticit wsiobsfunel oh one aids tho frocvnsd aanrniemfv miim ware tra inv to pmfll by ir -rfnf- iisu to sateths town snd neseece us t5wsnsthsrplhsaah- ed tu furs ihreetsntetf to swalkatr ua dcr satth waa cpeninj btoeth our feot tfis tntrrtrir se wpeninf the wnwinn filled iha eiiaeekr ami the children with their waila theauiss were t04tie end wajsmint hvj rihlf the pmv4rt9 jrfiaonaraor tjie srpefio are awieryballowina arilh ltebfi idartfht all wet cotisaivn an inri in lhs moa- ttrnoths itemmiaj nf tits earth did tval csaat ivt n ike ajarta that ths hf sees wetv lei tbat act uf btidriosatlie iiaai cniwrthsonapeeji ablahrumra f lhai tatfh nicht the ejaroa huoever was unfnun4ed but yet the liar erf uo ltsibi ly nf aueh an surest insesassd ostsoa fly itterevs svriotninf luscftm vasjevrsd thdswn atcntji ipwiet sd with st of n ifft i t vttlfd i j wes ifae evnwrut ruhadsif swuie hnxtrfire tienil waa that wsvejetilis euinwciffeejii frtiific3iirtne eevormptretevbulitel ooi 1 werretl fmn tnptanauraoetsebsitfarejs rh mjtaslas a usv jkfwrwinliv tsn raeslj swrsee tbe and tl yards boelvees nrate hutaahbaf aeaufihs tuwta sfmmhim tiwi ruined and aj ihe anini tho tsort en- my a twtar wst tn i i r ekt rcadv totsalsvser rhoegyru i snkw isk ro five a ikelaiwvl as jane dint lvefeerssmnfieioaersbl cjke wnuldheafaiafaltin 74 000 baj ihe nvmest sirns thate wart aavy tkas shneha- seeaenpnlsd he e hatfuaysa lhat wr had i fiia lbs sffm sfst s it u iowkv iaai teild tbsuh ths wrd mn ass puei rsusd cleared sss aciseeoj say isevuv cusv c easj yrrttr eprlujation r pawtsi why i