gti1e orange institution ao innpli meeting of orangemen con- mfj ut ct or dublin grand oraee ladder took place on monday evening in whucfriat hall at eight tvvloek tv chair wa wed by brother steward worshipful grand matter of dmii tbe mloseinr resolutions titreadoided bndbcd tkt v the orange v ift the kiordom mmhcr in it rank ftum 9u0- ojhi irtihrojtrd lor i men who are resolved to defend with their life heat blood the cttmliltitten as established in 68ft nndei our plonks deliverer ko wit- liemlll- of rmftttj memory rd fr also prrpared end determiner in lc manner io opimsealt advance toward frrech ttrprjb- licantsn anarchy atltelijrfosi- btofaff that vr oranemn wmi handed together mainly at the oat graod uet hrolf stout ksvdancv in church and state feel mmtm imiatveiy tnj upon al the most mvomllom ii eaoe forward and putavtv delate that we have folly resolved rwfiord our ntaptirl awilft leriiou tolllsyalprntesunts nd lacmfr onhject for hi defence of ftrif d properties u cav of any re tell cms and iutur- fvooiy momcoefil uki joe i tbs u f would peril ibeir fortune and jive to best down the common enemie ef the empire t and i j ihe death stand by he barmer of truth and freedom reeofecd thi in the npninfl of thi rrceiii th- nrcenl hsortiieed nod ilvpl ta ble tate of ireland can only he atiribuw lo she base policy of simetmvn urta fcw treacherwlv betrayed the lrul ennmed to them hy protestant in granilne uojuwiahe conception i popery and lhal n attempt iq remedy ucwliav e rift will w snretful until the llotiuth iidnci4lioa ihll the miuoolh eoilowncni 011 tnd all ukh ft ee cntirrlj repealed nfl ihc cfvuinlijt jrlrfd in il ifictna intrfruy jtootrf tba ilqimxvavmi am fil tn rmmbtr onr omijtina to be faillifu ad beartmealufiinrelbeqteen ortl her mjrs iinitrpl while they malntiin i prilr4ri hl jtiiftrd tbfitiloth istone cl lhtfc tiic nuo that we arc io be re ly on wiltinsf i ajtl and aui when callrd n on v idi inii- tmr and cinl autftoriiics ii titiwfill et tioienbeirdnlfoa rtwfeftf tjiat we ore of amnion and re aidifted in thai ofviht lj 1e eetn of a papm nobteman in prifliarem that po ry it the iam it eeer wa and it uorhtnd d onrbanawe and lu all bulls ftr tr oidf ted by th it of cr e fr the extirpation and extermination uf pmesunt reinuce if tbc opfurtuity ocruiicd of binc them varavtwtlial vhen we kfw a ha to be in fotte nbieh calb onr qu a heric nrt wootd reward an aatin t mofder we mot eontider it moat dmcivj ant uneonlitu- tiontl ol her majealy mnalei to erk a cttabllah diplomatic rtlaltom with herdcad- 1iet enemies 4i rttiactd in order ihil we more et-e- toally niader irw reqoired aid anl aublaikf to our proirtat jfitthien of ivi ity in par- ticnlar we eoidialy incite all te proteh- ants whoaro anvou to ajftil f4anulfn of the ntivitees and adanuce of bibfhood in the orance inaiiulion by jqininje ia eur ranks t peruke onr rule lor the tvemmenl and pltdanra of the older whir are luch that no christian can ohjvet io ta in tht lichtest decree anl ifiosli prrcf on ap plication ore iroperly and slriey rrroft- mended aid approved of aimiion will be on medi al e ly rf anted them jtviobttt thai tv thant of ibi meet- ineireherrby prentcd to the committer of tbe doblfn protectant auiiumi ad xleform socwitr fr tbe we ot tteir hall for this occaainn colonel pbayre crandmatlrrfwexford bavin been called to the chair the ooal tmt of thanks waa parted to ibe former chairman after which the meeting veparated tbe following ia tbe addre which wii agreed to to kll bjwkcuhcf ocoace war- t aunt ofcicaivboy load nrnformta iw gvmit rwhmjm te addrni o me orafttfctrn ljfr m attttfzqu vrffrtc cfnibfai ifflirr- kura tfott on afony rrn e 13fa jforrn a mat it rxcatt yotrn enciiawct we the orancemen of dnmin xwt re- pecifnllylo inform your lnrovtp hat the ur nec invtitntion wa ettabjuh ia thi coun try in the year 1795 th eirmnvdatxes of the lime then beint aaeh a ibey now are it wa formed for the defence of tt lire and properties of ie loval and wcltdiotad aad f the rebellion of 1708 he members vf our tody did the stale coed service m wat ac- knowledced by parliament when they wei styled the aavtown of their cmitry au ihoafb ihey have met with very heavy and erious dmcoiiraceroenu jinee hal jemd from those who ooght to bare fostered ad nmtecled them that they hate erer beeo found to tbe hour of need the staunch friend ol law and order and a terror to the evil dis poned wa need nol recapituutc royoor excel lency the measure passed by succoaaive go- yemineuls to o ir injur wc im only say oor ptiactples bare sjood th test f persecu tion and bare cosne out of the fnroace a pore aneroid we be leavo to approach your excellen cy as the representative of ir sovereign with sincere ojcn of onporchaf ame loyajty aod devotion o her profcfttanl person and home rn- ire pledge curselv n case of oor rrricti beiaa renired at the present crisi- to aid and assiu the aollwrilies in tbe lawful eiecutioo of their duties anj for the auprrrulon or anarcv nd revolutniaj addacsl iwm tiic lot4i okfcc todit cut gam ansiach o 11 to tht rigkt on hmiain rati f cltm den t cfid fjtoterior wmfd a iriaaai mat it pisac vajnccciaftivrr we a poriioaof the loyal oranjceaen afmach jookinr arottnd us and crinc the fierce spirit of disorder diatiisin itself thrauk nr coun- try called into life and nourished ay tv in aamaory harangue and addrtses of wild and selfiib demapic and citrryin in in train terror rvalatio and htn frcl py alarmed lest by acarit llrenjrlh in ijs on- vard ofes4 ttaain n it- aelf in omii rewllion an msk norland once more a chao of saae 1auhter and mini it is a v h laeniaue fact that in ireland at the present day u a urje camber of rnunided meneaer loovenhron the cnniiiulion and goveratirnt of the lanf and anxiously xwaisin ofiotiiiiiy and eir- comtance fivorabte the execution of their trailrtrou dfnt and who humidr avov their internum io we thtir fi- nd mave england djfcvuf thtir aor rf ofo and other rejoice at theorthrowf cttiined aothority even in foreign nations and hail the rebellious uhjts of every iovrrv ij loro palmersvon on the for eign policy of england the i a extract from a speech of lord pamervtons in the mne comnwts points out tbe nnre iii rriculi fjovetnmtnt will pursue in the present tromd state of eiraean acait no on can read it without twin mtuek with ihe wittfom and jtberatity of lit tfewj- if the wo id were tavrmrj by such cuncih bow happy would it nol be for mankind uv the cnrernmenl love endeavored to extrnd the compeercil tcutiok of ihit eon- liy and lo place them where cxtpfttoii was not required om a firmer jri and a footing of x cly 1 i k that in that lesjivetj we have 5onv eod seivice to the rouafy and i hnm ihai with ietpe1 to al- jhanee fiij is a ioertincielly alrofi and iotctt to frer lcr nun rimiiff 4tj needs ntin- herself at a necervaiy ajpndae to thepolicyof any ether country i mid lhat l ieal policy 4 england asrpaid fiom ruestiviu wktch iavlve her owe paiticnlir diirl and commercial iot tes i io be the chmpiin ofjimicr and f ribt in w- sjliag thai course u iib moderation and pru dence not hefomg tbe qaixrtte of ihe woetd but evin the weight of bet moral sanetto aid spoit wherever she thinks jultc iv in ptmdin- that cmirte and in ittimin the more limited direction of our own pavheuer interests my euiricioo is that as ions england keept hrrelf in the light and is tone at she wishes in promol u irjotice as jon as she wihs to rnle rrance no wroijr a lone as sbf seeks legih- mjle interest nf be own and synjuthes with trfchl and justice in refereme to others she nese will td hrsjlf atietter alone tut u ill be sur to cud soioe oibrr late of sucictit power hiflivncc and weight to flip and supiorclttf in the coune wbih c huld iliuk fit io ppiftfu lterrire i y thil it narrow policy lo tupnve that this country or that country it t be marked ont as our etemat ally nr our natural enemyi ive hav no eternal allies and nn reinie oor bttfrsft are eternal and these it is our duty to foil w when we and othe- eouniries marchin io the same course no pursuinj ihe same objects we so long cvdrr them as felow compsnions in the vame path and retard thtfu wh the mst cordial hi and when we atd other ecuiuie purn an opir course and thwartm it is out uly to make athwaitces fer neir dilfvent coniul at to as taoo barhayjd mum lajva heaue they do not exactly see thiols in the same ticut as wedt it is our duly not tightly to ena ibis country io the pajril repnniibilitie of war be cause from time to tife we rray and thik or that parser uinchtiel to cricr with up that has een as far as poihe the udiqi prineijenf my coaduct and if i imy b allowed to eaure in oae sentence tbe pin- ife which tublin my fnrnd toutie an encash tut tman v hcu adopt the ex- mwion of mr canning and say to every british minuter that the in rest of england ongnt lo he tb- shibhtttvof pcaceseech of lcrd palmri jon in ihe house of ceorioris arises to a patient from tbe combinej aclect of himself and his pyrniciau in uch case the patient cannot maiain an scliot iv geound on which the oelon was broiigflii wet aa follows it kerns tht a phy sician of ibis city dr piatt wat called tw at tend a patient ami alter anauni viil he sra rsformcd that he bad rerarted to olhrr medicines ihsn rboe pvcribvd uhreuon the dctnr ceased hi visits from ihl liiae an action uauvequtnily hrhitht aajml him and daasaes multialtf fom lo p time and inatilitv lo attend to sjciirsa dliiic the whole fit of sickn were bid at th want 4f u in th ireatmeut or due al- tenlion n his uatirnt as ion as he wa under dr 1 treatment wa not the ground of action it was in hie itatorn not broking iitletfercnr with hit ireatreu1 attd i lha account rrfuin to cositinue his attendance lhit the iac of the seuon lav ihe jury gave a verdict for the planlitt daw sit cinls the verdict it not a wry hay ne still il is enongh io put bysiciau un ihvr ruatd in iheir dealiuc with rhir ptieniv acie fat arajw with 150 passengers would sailfrom dnej im the 1mb march for this port a few emigrants ol a uperior class ar expected from london ho information h bceu received scotland m ii pcaicr u h m emittation officer tttljavm is th iirristttfs maaslaati tle hibnro and hars- toua papers represent the crops of wheat m that asttani of tlv counif v aj lobiuc rery ynaotsing and with a fairer prospect for a idchtifu hotvesi than for the laslata years it is still early to speculate jfciffimorc ivriaf- pftiyariraxialt is with urfc tjratlrica- lion that sre learn ibeefcrlleot state of the cropsio every section of the eonnhy we have heard nf no cwn plaint from ory direc tion every farmer is in hope nf an abun dant hafresl in onr vicinity it is de- hcbifnl los- the oiagnilseesstly frfen ietds ittnaislltaj a glorious reward fr ihetlof the hardfisted and honest yewufry of oir neb boihooj mmorcr pctatvr pncet iv avwiflalia- the ptutfnmt la ikvugaoidrcdushvys u the i io thi vicinity are in a mnst excellent cnodiisot tne planters have had so far a hne and favorable seafm and ihe sy indicate et present a msl abjndai yield tik ivntat csior at rrtn vtr a lelterdavi akrvn aiil 8 ilmt apeak f ilc prnpersof the wheal crnp in that riciitily 11 tbe pnwps ft the coming wheal ciop in thissectjon nf western ohto itevcr wat at crosse isle the proclamation regulating tbe quara tine kramibmut at flrosse we was ao ilrotallj omitted in our ll we cannot rw final room for it as it i very rang aod hat tw of the details ae irteieiting to us focttl the mand ad estahfrshmrtl are pit unr a vilitary commndmst ttbnse pnweis toleramy exlenjive nd if judiruuly esr- rlrd will prove very useful with a me eil suprrintendeut for the shore business ad an liwpkling physvian iot vimtin and r pecting vessvb tbe island is lo be divrsu into two pnmitot jn for te receidiorf pjis tabo ingnriier asiatic choleia fes siflall pox scarlatina or measles the ortf xl far all other ditrsir convalescents ir allheis hoshll h- drlained oo hejl lland no itadri sltler erocer ctut to be perrmrvd on tbe island without kcene uvm ihe curmandant which lire may bo witiittawn al amy tiane the pffl rf shcir articles to be rrgnliled ccvdng a b1 to be furnished bv the commandauli v aisled by the coinoiitsariat cabin y cert not to be landed except in cases sickness and may at all times proceed tot vessel or otherwise after due wasbiopv ptirr fica tinn in ceriaio cases vessels may be kept tfrf f quarantine of owtvatinu for three days nfcaliofj ati vespjs in nuaraniioe sj leansed ventilated whitewashed mirim be e srrubvd vessels however are cxtmp ibis season of ih yea nre favorable than at this time tnis remark wil arfly to the counties nf snnmi prlage wayne slark llohnri atd ttd4ubiana their oun peculiar brethren we unn i1rilih uele gloryin in le liberty of ttrilish law thiik it vsel n- cciaa forward and declare onr unshaken auehiy to ourqueen and our firm detemiliavt evn with iur blovd lo rrvil all aggressions on her rigtilv no milter ss hence lley ctue and to the olmoii of our mer io mamtam inviolate tnl unbroken her mijhty cotrdre tbe orngemen of irebnjin lime of ned have eeer acted as the uslivi garnswht their country and would aain render imlmrser- tice shonldevtnu cause their as i be required in every county of ulster in dobfn and other parts of lielsnd aicnuiribes of 04ne- men closely united loeifcer fe ihe sojr pur ete of pttmfint the rritili consrautwrt i- kajrch aiwl stale without iiileferin or lis- tending to imteifrre with tbe full eajmem of liberiy by iheir fejio wsnmcla rf eseiy creffl of ibw men good ond iru ceroid bs formed an army f which any imn mnot ho proid an army alrorc wlhful aod ecpmpaci with loyalty m llieir burs hij vigeir n heir handj a a f day italic a fbrceof uaidsof 100000 men ca11 be aaosteisd ssho if uwd and auppjd with wotlld alblhf mi itiervlf uetr fatbers fut an f fnfoicai or drue u dtfs to hi k ibnr i y l h for marrys 0fverntfm so dci whether it stouu be wll s 4i e ncanijca body angee srrv lfco ihoii feibsrsof sre mexico new yrmat aprij i 30 p it tbe new orleans papers of the 10th bring the proceedings nf the court of eroiry for the seventh eighth an j ninth days on the seventh colonel itiley general cadwallader caratn houker leuiniirtc3uel durtcao lieutenant iws mtdr puk lieutenant ttiptev ujneset fn general pillow all de clared their belief lhat the interlineations in tbe lfontu leiter were not in the handvvrit- ins or general pilov rlajtr burns also for the defence eowed him eff the writer of the lrfonict tetter interhneaiioas and all declaring that he wrote it of his own accord ffnpattftifreto rbtuid on jeneial pillows labje without the kou ledge of lhat officer oo the eighth day cert era 1 scott the prosecutor cross examined major euros ahenglh with tht view to im pugn and impeach the testimony of the wit ness ihe quesiioos put were of a very sarchiuj character tending lo substantiate the allegata that he bd veo in the habit of writing loiters laudatory of general pil- insvj anshransmittiost ihem lhrouh general pillow and ilia probability was ha had done t in ibis the most important of the leiiers major burns refused o answer on the plea that he would be criminating himself on the oialh general scotl uit nn record the fact of the refusal to answer by major burns and comments thereon general pitlow bad oo objection lo tb crossezaminalian but major burns put ina paper io refeiencc to the tyle of crosquestioorng adopted by ihe pro secutor complaining and calling oo tbe couri to protect him from iottrlt of the crossexam ination and major burns confessed on com- mejftg the two letters 1 and 3 were in cer tain passage nearly identical but he could not account for the coincidence hajar hi- testimony has concluded captain waylor waa called when the accouol of the proceedings by the 0 to left the americans peaceably entered chihua hua cm the march- it is lb aeted on the authofity of a letter from the cttyof mexico that the american troofis had invacfd parts of zaealceas and sao luisde polosi aonreal courteras by the arrival of the special daily e- pevss to ihe a tbrk tviuune we have ad- stees from new orieans to ihe v2th iasl new had been received from antigua coo- firming ihe rumor of santa anna intending in rare the country aod ad line lhat lie h refred the steamer offered by qpv wiboa for his conveyance nothing fanner has been received from miico excei thai gen setts wa imurlv expected at vera cruz and lhat the court marhl had adjourned lo th united states arcusta monday april 17 a special etpf ess for the rn york tritutt ha arrived bringing ketv orleans dates lo the ith iosl the ship cssiisliajaj had ar rived with advices from vera croa to ihe 4ih intt and the stealer wahioton which left vera cna on the 3rd with date from ike capital ln30hult this hfio- us fonr days farther prnccodtog of the court martial which are however loo volumvaas to report gen scot has been impeached and tfce testimony of pay master butrowa was beiog beard for the defence it wat the general opinion anxng the mexi cans vf the betier cla that cftrcs would not dare lo ratify the treaty lieut john smith of white company of rniinled oen deserted at vera crux on the ifylb taking several men along with him belonin to his company lie nflvrcd their seivieet to zrsnbla ihe guerilla chief wbn het them primers and ml woril lo wikivi whosnf aftci them ivy arrives a i vera cfurwiji secured tl fvee fehrt seas ejuile indignant smce the mvxifjn jatbnritics itlve been rer topovser lredct aiiemped a rvo- hitv and was reeled to have been arrested by ordrrs uf tie euvenuneni t- fhcarnisie sroiv the wtshing- to- correspondence of the atotorc sur tetls the follosvin- story a most ivmrime instaocr nf mnrromanical qicdeofctarrrd recently at baton reuse la n iheperrsonnf a gallant somir an tirint ma for wholes bis arm in one of the ea1eal bittles nilting alone in his nnso at thr ahnve aailrtary po the fancy look fast hold uroo h mind s be saw the virsio mary sitting or standing in the midst ol thr fire upon his hearth she td him he was devaid nf ihe rrqijiite firmnets and as a lest required him to ebrut hs remaining band inta the live coals he dd and held it ibere wtl the haitd and hall of ihe forearm had been ctnumed ihe spirit or vision seemed not to be yel satirei thereupon ihe major lit- ling nun the bsor wled ktf lap with coals and his bndj was burned lo the booe his servant feund him in this condition for two y he stemed insensible but revived snfli- cientlyto relate the particntarc eivrr above strangest of all he experienced nol the li1tl pin duriuc ihe lime bis arm was buntiog r white im living coals were heaf edupanhitbpt mis death was consequent upon the injuries selfcommitted upon his person which shall arrive without pvseni without more than ihirleen having ha sickns nor deas during le voyage wtitn rerfel are detained on ccoui ticiurs among thr sierace passenajev ivan these may tw laoded with their luxjfi and upon the ssstl being properly ctenif and pjfij sve may proceed provide d v ruavlcr etc pay h 3d for each pa grr lo defray the expenve of conveying tw from crosse isle to quebec and also tsjt diem for each of the said passengers t to rerr butse ihe expent of their aubsiuncej crose isle for the time during wbeh v reatlj io lre judgment of the commatift founded ou the reports of the lospr physician and medical supenuteudtv would otherwise have lo wal am theisijj which latter ease the incteased duly on ft sengers to ship remaining in uaraiitiner become payable vessel- lr quebec fuj maybe kept in quarantine al tbe moiitfr the st charles or aeol back lo quebec f on the whole ihe regulations aie thstufh slringeol we question the propfv of the inspecting physician beior sofukj thoned to take charge of ihe cabin lajtubp paseoers on board if there be oot a c tent surgeon ot medical otftcer there s extreme want of though in this not r made ao exception if we bav such an teavoo a last year out lepeding phvaj caono do ihe doty as he ouhu ttc pioclamallon antborisea only one such c while coing with several other persons to thr- asistaoce also received atbol fifed hy some olher ruffian which but for a button on hie eesl aaust have proved fatal- the bullet which we aaerwaruasaw waa quite flattened having passed through hi coat vest and two print raking ott a button io iti course the resistance from which mutt bavs iuterrdptrj its force it lodged in th abdomen creates a 1iht svound from which we are bappt to my mr ilile u now quite recovered the constable after a good deal of forbeafic returned the fire with pistols dwrharginjc nil or leven shots at iheir assailants who made olf at full seed without having succeeded in reusing qiirlao his worship the mayor and councilors pattenon aod hervey were early oo the sot and adopted the most active measuoe for ihe capture of ihe guilty parlies- the military were called out and a anpifthtf of fcial constables ssvorn in by wbj a general search of al ihe susjiitiout places iu ihe neighborhood wai made hut without suc ceeding in taking any parties who could be uealiaesi- as havlti patlicipated in we ml rjge the coflstab above named having got on the track of hayes ihe ruffian who hrd call captured bim some 15 ne 3d miles fron rowu on wis way lo the united stale aod brought him into town on monday an attsmpt at rescue having been anlicipaled a number of persons volunteered as special con stables and escorted him to the jail where he remains committed to stand bis trsalmtht coming aizcs previous lo his cotdrpittal on examination br fnie the mayor he admitted having 6red upon the constables pleading dntnkenrt as an excuse before concluding to notice this outrage we may be permitted to prognosticate abeltrr stale of things in future loan has existed f a irngihof tuae in bytotvn a lesson has at length been taught ihe turbulent and lawless rib who have disturbed the peace and order of tbe place that thev will not always be surivrrd to escape wiib impugniiy the ac tivily aod determination shown by the au thorities hate infused into the orderly and well disponed a spirit of confidence and re liance upon their tftcieacy which baa al ready evinced itself in ihe alacrity wilb which many of tbcro turned out for the pur- poe of assisting in carry og the law into execution we would not be doiog jsistice were we la omit to notice the conduct ot coo aubles call aod stlcox which lbrodhoul lbe whole occurrence was from all we can galherhove all praise csaavl re british whi6 ossf p orasam oteat- idi fba r tiftrntq pbifi secret meetings in montrr from fac montreal courur hat no- awxatcss law the boston cbronolvpe of ihe j6lh ull contains a rcpnrt of the trial aoj conviction of martha rhristioo nl tv aiwaklivniftf rnxnitt wh a rsi irst leaching a slave to read the bhu i the fol lowing iv ihe indie l me nt aod sve c it to the careful ceosiieration of all who claim to be humane and christian citiaeus wood covnw to wit the grand jurors empanelled and sworn to inqiire of of fences committed in the body of s county on iheir oith present that martha chirtian late of said county bring to evil disponed peron on ihe fenrth fay of july in the year r li lord one ibousond ilhl hun dred and fortyseven at ftiicmcou rdge jo slid county oot having the fear of cod before her eyes but moved and iisigstvd by the devil wickedly maliciously and ft soniously did teach a certain biack and ncgo womn mmd rebecca alias buck beck lo rel m ihe bible to the great displeasure of almh- ty cod to the pernicious example f otliers in like ease oftcudinj- contrary lo the form of tbe statute in such case mate and prat ided and against the peare and dignity of the commonwealih of virginia unnatural afd inhuman as it my seem ihe defendant in ihe ce was fwitid guilty and on the next morning was brought into court for sentence judge shcklbar dwelt upon the great favor extended totted her on her trial the enormity nf ihe otfene and the necessity of faithfully adminiicrjn the law and h was seatejiced to ten yeata con finement in the pitiientary and lo pay ihe costs the defendants counsel immediately appealed from the cruel sentence and the parties are now awaiting a decuion in a higher curt those who reid this indictmenl cannot fait lo ee how illsdapted the fjrmt and prece dents of common law are to the demand of slavery jfocavr dcdy dimtfttt the tronarno aptt ihe gatk m iiced a rumor which has been for sxme jff prevaleot in montreal to the effect that ir nn have been secretly held t wwch j sonahle speeches have been made uarp ihe object of the parties concerned is tow lutrooise canada and convert it into vrz public it is also rumored that clubs flo jj the same object in view are beiog forsoiij new york and sums of moersay bstre information has aim been received la troil which induces us to believe ibai pa along that frontier are engaged in reori t f-cr- kthg taocaca it womriv oy his ihok have been honored with a letter from ll5ttwuri ol the boston afrcartilelihra- braty association informing us that iheir readingmom is suoplied wth one hundred papers all furniihed free by their proprietors ani that be association of the aforrsaid mer- chaotf ttuoti be pleased to receive the htrsttd on ihe same ttbtrd terrut jo answer to uch a cemuiitcatlun from th mercao lile association of the ety of boiton wo have simply to sav thr if sve eem gel up onr taier and carry on our establish ocme for nothn we should be exceedingly happy to supply the mercantile astyciation h nothing but we have o pay paper manufacturer type founders printer crerkt reporter ediln- cortestondets laborers ivivs ore c fotm- irtjt a mat nf persons who none ot them sup ply their laoor on the iberoi term proposed by the mercantile assuciation ie foi noth ing we will however make a fair com- ttrumise with the aiciuiion so as not akso- lutely to deuv a request to politely made and that is the following that if the association of mercantile men at boston will nly revise ome plan by which we can print our paper for nothing sve then solemnly engage lo sentl ihem our pajrer iu return lor iottng not before not if memwn of mechanic insti- tntcs metcantilc aociahvnj nod reading rrtvm wouw peruse the ahove it miiiit pre veol them from committing acts of meanness ing the hunters lodge all thisnui rulf iasjbtni ihstvurajre tf tsesseilllle vsk mad wicled and stuttd enough lo d a row we verily do believe we i r iroji the govtrnrnent svill just let ui sve have no wish lo see petlylaxeoy jj dates for the tieadmil and the svlnppioqfi elevated lo be dignity of political lavtyr dom there is a paper policed in mxiea entitled larnir which we have befssjl- luded to in ilie coutter though sve ha not seen it lately this paper u said loathe organ of thai parly aod we presume fenan article in the last number of ihe luvutbw dieinc which takes it soundlv lo jakyjt it has lately been pulling forth some revoloona- ry opinions it is geoerally reported tlvihis paper is the orjau of mr iois josephipi- neau from the tenor of ihe uvuttto divisne it is prelly plaio that the tch canadian are divided into two particawtbe moderates who adhere to mr lafmafne and the ultras who follow mr paparau mr lafoutatne and his parly ctotely4id with the upper canadian rcfnrmerspfeis to have obtained all in ihe svay of prficil llbtrlji that they ever sought by agitten in a paper nosv lying before us ihe xcaalo cw aduiitte to be in the wcternpsts- vincc tire great organ of ihe party in lunar the kdilor distinctly states that canaa ia now placed in the beat position thai a ocoy ever occupied that on the part of ihe ijhtb government there is a sliscerc desircff its prosperity and no disposition lo let peltbdme interetsstaod io the svay of its advancement that when our relations with ibe mher country are closely looked into it vu be seen lhat ihe connection in no way fetlaauaia country ibe burdo is all on her sidr if ibis be the case it is to be presumed ttlalbe paity io power is opposed lo any ecanic chance in the government ol canada ihe liainjtv or phviicuni in tarn uit- tso 1 j o j novel usee has lately been cried in iste tftivt of common pleat of rhi ciy regarding the right of a physician to withdraw his alledance on a patient and lte verdict rendered by the jicyisone citamuhing niiiie an important rule for ihe gentlemen of the medietl faculty for their fnlie guidance we would reem- mend lhm i preerte ihe fol i i wing opinion delivered by judxe ijbhcctfer in ha chaige to tbe jury m ihi case a diysiaiao when once employed to at- lnd a patient cainoi afterwards withdraw himself without giving due nttiicf to ihe patient ao tht the latter might provide him self with onotlier jhvnirian imt by giviog sirlunace he i at liberty in withdraw frm hi aw an the patient cannot main- urn an aetion isw patient neglecu to com ply wilb ftp directions of ii ptissician and taaadirectinhstd lit- pynt shivt not lake hit rsrvptimp- tho phyaieiao ing himse may withdraw wilboul aubjctlr an mlimi at law and lastly lhal rnaeir lo if art injury the euiisirsiit agent at t joho n b ha ewiauiuntcalrd to ibe public prions ihe sobjoted dicovnrnl i information has leen received from the emigrant olbcr al cork thai a considerable emigration still take place from lhal port tht season for st john chiefly emoog the vmall farmers and that 2u0o soula from ifteoce may be ca peeled early jo consequence of the increased lx ii this province and ihe res trictions in ihe new piseners acts the rate of pisage had advanced to x5 10s sterling for ech adult s- liich would prevent ihe departure nf the mere laborer and ihe pauper as great dilics exists among the lowo classes the tolowing vessels svere embarking pasaingora at cort lockwouds 06 loiv tosail 17lb march flache mkvers uw ions to mil 17ti isurrh ladf caroline 3 vu tons rail tiuh march the lmigraiion urfieers at pligo state lhal there it a prospect of a jarje koigraiion from thai district lliiseaon nearly as large aa thai of last year they have received notice of 10 visseu being chailcvd for the nttilli amerlcao cvlooieu tho briar m cure question then arkes will that party he we lo carrj with it in lower canada inc mattiy of the peojle the british portions ihe population will unejoetiombly be loujda if alwayi has beco on the side of loyaiiynnd order it will support without much ttard to persons any administration ibatdoxils duty we arc not aware whether ajuftrci the irish population tho doctrines oftlr mitchell aod the united insaroonave found their way to any extent or whetrfisat moderate council of ihe ocoonell fcnvjlfl by them considered the wisest and thetutm if there be among them a violent seclinwsey would probably coalesce with the pmu republicans parlies would llicn stanrnfl- tbe whole of ibe upper canadians whrti- eeptioos perhaps among receotly iatrtcd yankees nearly tbe whole of the itlljh fopulation of lower canada and lllat moderate french canadians on one ltutefnj opposed to ihem the party of rapirieauod tho violent repealers our ereat oiiug is ihit mr lafontaiocs influence io a rfer of ibis kind would be overbore by mriapi neauv tlic dream 4 french canadiita liouality hat been a tone and deanlw though it has bd one or tssosomesvhat vth rnterruptiorw the freoch of cajiadajh their european btriirco are a proud ataia people end lhy will not shake ot ntntv meot the arpiiations of ycors kailsled and easily oiciied we fear hiey will bcotc inclined to the advice f those whowiji pander lo their ancieol longing thanlhaae who are more moderate and more wie in this ease it would not he a rash piophey to foretell ome very painjul occurrence- lo ihe mean time weean only trut lo thph- jenre of onr rulrs and to the repealed ddav rations of mr baldwin and his rnllefuej that they ac staunch supporters of ourcoo- nectton with croat britain tho appointment of d t macdooell to the shrievalty of the eastern district atlwdt another instance of the determination of the present ministers to stretch to the utmost ibeir temporary power the lacts roonected with the ease at thus stated by ibe cornwall ofitter th greater portion of the public have of course become aware of the appoiotment nf donald tieas macdoneil eejuire to ihe vacant office of sheriff of he eastern district the circcmslaocet attending this appointment ae so very singular and unprecedented aod the conduct of the government jo uriconvlilu- tional and oheard of that were we inclined we could not with propriety refrain fron ojer- rk a giving onr readers ati outline cf tb dicactfuf acenmpanyins lactf in he month of january lat mr sluart re- ceiscd from mr meredih assistant secreta ry a tommuniraiice inform ng him that so aenaahe cnnld ronsply with the auire- ments of the law hi eacelleocy the govern or would be ready to confer on him ihe orlice in qneilion c such b mr meredith letirr mr smart then on this assuraoce which be of course frit eonrdent could be relied upon made many araogement pre parawy lo hi enerine upon tie duties of iheoilee and among other things had the necessary bonds duv evecuifd in eonse ttuerce hweser of the cow i of ftuarler sessions before whtusj the bonds must he ap proved of not asmb7ing urdil the early oarl apiil a period of two nr three month nad to elapse before the requirements of the jaw coni henirtt peifeele ia the rtjeaowhile of poster nt their hntidftj and ie cf he nest crimes they committed was lo ur fe m cov entor gciial to a breach of faiih svitb a sub ict by nsiaining bis ascnl lo the appoint ment nf d je macdoneil another applicant mr stuart was then jolitely informed that his eveellency came to the conclusio that the pumk acrvice required the appoinimeoi cf anulher gnt3emao to the otsce io question in mr stnarlvsread hove tbe government acted perfectly riahl becane if mr sheriff hcmtwti is signed hn office for the simple purpose of con testing ihe county of cleoary with ao avowed supporter of ihe baldwinla fontaing party he should have prepared himelf for the consequences of failure the ruth st tbe elminister fell into a pit of their own diii ord frzuosvswir we have received fmu mr john frvne ihe prcnfectus of a new series of ihe odd fejiews record which sfilj shoetly appear at the reduced prie of 5s per annum when oaid in aivance we ea- tract the following frost the prospectus before us and trust that mr irvines eatrtiont for the good of the order in canada will be rewarded by a large subscription jil- at the time of the first establishment of ihe tecorn the order in canada ooly com prised one grand and seven subordinate lodges with two subordinate encampments since that penod a great increase hat taken place and its pot has been steady and successful the grand lodge of the iniled states has mice then recognized the inde pendence of the order in these proviiscs by the esiamishmcnl of the grand lalge of tin- lih north america noder whose jurisdiction tsere are now one grand encampmeol with eight sibjrdoalf ia enty four suwrinate ldge and ne provincial crartil ldge without some suh medium as it it now pro posed to reeslablish ihe members of this widely extended body rrost remain uninform ed except hy private letters and stray nolicef at distant intervals in ihe newspaper of the movements and progress of the order in other portion of these provinces the provincial grand lodce of montreal will be insiiiuted at toe odd fellow hall mlreil on san v nett the 394 instant at 7 oclock all members of ihe scarlet degree may attend the eeremony- montucl hrold wednesday moexinc april the acodia and the sorah ctanda have ar rived at saw york with 14 days later advices the news these vessels bring is sadly confirmatory of previous conceptions tim rerolouooary spirit has spread alt over the continent of europe and wherever conces sions have not timely been toade tbe people have risen in ibeir might and taken per force what was uiijuslly withheld from ihem where the evil will stop can be imagined oo i foretold lo the island of great britain the power of the government has been 6mly upheld the chartists are indeed making a strong demonttration butbtpesare confident ly entertained lhat all will past overquielly in ireland things do not look ao well tbe rcpcalrn srrm to be takior timobv the fore look knowing lhat now or never ia the lime lo obtain ihe ionecovttcd objecla of their ambition they really appear to be in earnest aod if our telegraphic report can be relied on a large portion of tho lrih pea- pie are actually ira arms agaiosl the govern ment bnt our readers must beer in mind upon thi and upon all future occasions thai the telegraphic reports rehired in canada come from new york adi buffalo and lhat as tbe wish is parent to the thought with our republican neighbors tbe accounts of disturb ances and disaffection in ireland may be and probably are grossly exaggerated to suit tbe palate of the people of the uaiitd states- upoo no olher round caa bo etptaioed the recent tale received by telegraph of isvo thousand men having been killed in dublin w hen nolouesiogle person was even wounded it is idle for us here in canada lo speculate upoo what should be the policy of the bri- iah government towatds the people of ire lacd in the prevent crisis but as ait par ties at borne and abroad seem united upon one point vix tbat that ashappy country is iadty m it governed we cannot help thinking tbat the great maaaof be people there should be indulged io what ibey seam so much to crave ucat legislature aod tbe abolition of tylhrr mad dogs we recommend our country friends toheep their dogs at home when ihey visit kingston and our tow friends to lie up ibeir canine attendants it rosy be a point of dispute whether dop are or are not subject to pe riodical fits of madness but there can be no question whatsoever hot mayors are every year and occasionally twice in the year these publicfooelionanc gomad and one of the chief symptoms of these periodical attacks of insanity is a puerile belief that the dop of the losva are in the same meunchcdy condi tion as themselves aod so contagious is thii peculiar mcncroanjajrjtal nosooner is thr mayor smitten with it than all the rmtf women aod children of all classes ages and decrees within ten miles roond of him are sure to catch it and become as mad aa bit worship universally prevalent aatasrs cenr- ral midniai iil is conaratisely inoceuoii i in its effects nobody suffers from it hut the pef do thy jt massacred hv seo in by magnetic tfjlograpb- ajjwltwt rrioal of iijc vcabia kvfi days latlr from eubopt ntw yomc april 21 4 oclock the steamer atodi arrivtd lat nicht commotion on the continent increaes the king of sardinia svilh 30000 mo made star on anstria invading lombardy the austrian driven before him irom parma rreseia and desansan it is supposed al austria will bvoverrun savor hat declared for a republic stv lixmiutkd strictly neutral rvssia likely to quarrel svllh denmark for imtein russia making vigorous preuara- lions to retain poland orovinr every man betxveen 28 and 33 yeirs of age to be r- mnved from russian poland lo hc inlttssi of russia concenlratiog large ais in ssh- ern kussia dartoipm io belgium all attempts at re volution had failed seat violent disturbances io madl m 26s people and soluieis fought all nibl and many svere killed qieen chumina said ran assay city declared sge and tranquil ince puarvcsl trariijuil gavsct tranquil the ministry signed sicily in sicily pjlimcnt formed separatist with naples complete faaxcc lo france gveriocnt ornl an army to arcmbe on ihe kistern frofier lib adde presented to faoce iti paii on the 3rd in1 mnuailir lanariue irpcd evpressiog great sympathy fur ireland but ad herin to strict ueuirsntv coudtmtin mr pitt for interfering wilb france 1 7 abjejkader is removed lo paris nd al ioses liberty protamaiions are fuade esxorhnfsjojet and subordination lamariine hasdischarjed all english svork- saen in french steamers 10000 men to bo sent lo reinforce the army in algiers paris svorkmen crowding to hotel dt ville with contributions in aid of ihe contest belgium prussian and adrian ministers complain of demonstration for liberty of their countrymen in paiis lamariine said he eould nol control the opinions of every ortc conwqcuvetsbulr btjih sold at 52c rva is quel with aalae of iwo boafaau ml ac o 74jc oa ra dull tohjav aetl al 44c o c wjnsacv steady and stock ol birrali neatly ccbansled sales of dnidgtr 23c sate of barrels at 24c 23a refused to arrif a- tma it in a aiaf of fc- nfw york market- april m- jvtchanie and friigbta are quiet private rellers hy ihe steamer generally speasr more favorably ihan he printed ac- coiinu the filisb lellers generally anti- cipae no outbreaks of chartists only rnoeralr business done to-day- paj- lirs being occupied sis difcouing foreign news the market it firm for plcor and demand h fair the sales are absot 3000 barrtb navi im t a 035 for common and good genesee sci7ftff prime and 625 for good brands alichiajan inctuded in sales were 400 bat reu common orleans at 55 and mtilo farey 1175 ip soutvlem there a ororkraic rnoserjient ayto piirket ut firm suave parcels good crorgefown sreot m623- mrat is withdl movement with but lit ll- crfrrini- trnmajj bsepctinallval 237 salet 200 barrel 0elsur at 30 fur wheat ttrjvfenflqiin ir s tho siln 12c a sale of jersey tltf late outrage in bytow oa fiiday last constables call aod so having arrested a rather notorious chaffiier- hv use name of jumlan immediately ittar of ibe slnro fomeil occupied hy the mai w ikon upon a warrant for u aaautt john summer esq two futnaits in cmeany with him ruahed into nn adjoining iruoe seixed i wo loaded ajuns- ovinenlly ieaf- hand for such a purpose afld ftred dslihefte- ly at the cotmi ames lodging n numhr nr rdugs and bnckshol in the bach nftajpa eoal aod hitting silrot in the dm ol ihe leg hutyo lioth instaneea merely ere4mg alight rupturra nf the klu mr vmj litie a very respectable inluhilant whiaw upon all occasions of riot or dlsturhaneewo foremost in preserving tho peace of lhctv m ct fiaar on tuesday night last for tbe first time in seme months oir losvn people wero called p bv ihe cry of fire and proceeding towards ihe place we fonl that the frame building bcloiifine to col coleman near the old mill was nearly enveloped in flaies the engines and lloobs 1adders were oen c the ground before at- istaoce could be rendered the roof fell in finding thai little aervie- coabl be rendered ia that quarter encjme no 2 was removed to the ravine in rear of mr stevcnvsna pro- oely and iht i in nitsed oecr the rosf ssile wa at times covered with llakes of fire fv ihe huilding by thit means ihe roof of mr t dsvtlling ad the adjoining houes sv- re k wel and thus prevented from being destroyed svbile victoria engine tnofc the op pmsele dinctim and played en the burning tfetiitilrie the house destroyed wat occupied by isnsf families snd yielded a rem of 41 per annum the fire occurred ataul 12 ovioch in the nitaigdoraidly did iupreedthal irson in ihe upper part were obliged to es cape through the windotr jmhvdu caronicfe april 20 o rbvoiutio in navioatio art rimtiicrr the giand object which haa len o long a desideratum with o western merchant is at length ecconspliahed- the iam cosnovewe cpi john cochrae left kmcsion at v2 oclock no stlurjaf night lhmt aod reached pori stanley al 4 tttwkmlatei4iy ihe rsth she seas do- lainrd it le ui m the canal making a rain from kingston tbiough the canal in w hours einitsg tip lakt l ina heavy gab rfwied she will mo ivutarly frorii ivrt slahfoj to montreal wuhmn brvakn u ft ringstlill her viitelprniifiie fropijrlora mnrs mepher son u crane of kingsion t w to u en- e1 v od lb e or siarvej in y but hen what are the live of a few hondred worthless and useless brutes compared willi the mental hahlucenations of their inaheis t seriously this practice of mayors order ing all eogs lo be congoed is very silly and unworthy of tbe enlightenment of tho nine teenth century thai dogs are subject this very rarely lo a duuessinaaladytcoavmu- nicable la man w- adroit but that it is pre- rrnted by keeping the poor animals confined we ultaily deny- on the contrary tying up the poor animals id cellars and dark placet and keeping thecn tcantiry supplied with food and water is or of the auresl faajda to ptw due that disease which bai hlttq degrd the cffotts of man lo core or ameliorate and ihe chance of hydrophobia betfta communi cated to man becomes infiitelyreater when dogs are conltned thaa when jupcred io to roam al large and this important fact should never be loll sight ot that hydrophahii is coanvianicaied to man aj often by ibe bite of an angry animal as hy the vie of a tabid one and dog- whvocoafintd art try much disposed lo snap at and bite those who ap proaeh lhrm even for tbe purpose of feeding them we might go rwrtr in this argument and deny the eaistence of any mad dogs in this vicinity and the cceeepaenl ioutility of any proclamation to confine ihem bur aa tve have not aeen the depositions made before ibe mayor of kingston wa shall abstain all we shall shall say is that during a continuance of fifteen years as pobhe journalists we have never been able lo trace one single case of hydrophobia either in the canine or human race and moreover we do oot believe that anything of the kind baa occurred during hat time dogs die aod cattle die and often before death exhibit strange and unnatural symptoms j but lhat they die of dogmadness would be aa preposterous lo assert a lo say thai every man who is killed by awirsyn tremens has deceased of hydrophobia rourag i iemjtfj ihey eieylfe nr western merchant wo intrnd in build another fna coutwfaek fsv gaosxta da ob monday last ihe natal day of englands tutelar saint svas duly celebratettio kingston in the morning the st uaofges society anemwed loether at bamforda hotel and accompanied by the st patricks aod st andrews societies and preceded bylhe band of ihe 20th regiment proceeded to si georges church svhrrs divine service waa performed and a most excellent sermon preached by the rev wm hercbmar cbaplaiu to ibe society intho eveniog ihe si cteorgev society together with several other sons nf ssl george dined together at bamfords hotel where a moat admirable dinner bad been prepared hy that sterling old englishman mr thomas bam- ford fct oo monday evening one of tho ror1 ar tiavy tvhiioin thesetef mepptog on board the steamer peaepeer mnwtd hh fc4ingnd tell ntn the rope wir ihrown lo hiin be m pir er andaerclof the crr trot hetrtiiud lomwp aioatintiat firingsv and ewam soerst ato at tarda to rhe gsiaid chain a rom vhnce h arasj drawn up svilh gseat diacvlty its ia supposod t- bate bevo intoiieeted btha hon j p tacho commissirtnet lie works anddfc m- doigfaj lell france would be neutral he express possibility of iotefcrenee with poland tbe provisional government had leken possession of rail roads aod will redeem shares the banks had allowed further lati tude in discounts banks in lions bordaua roun nam lisle havre mars- toutlousc and orleans had suspended specie payments relief of banks established all large towas expeeisive of piotacting bill registry eke reduced 35 percniv election lists elnsed march so national omatdselectofficersfur tberaselvea gwna dar and volujieurs suppressed i all forcsj- era 5 years residani and worthy to b a- tutafied 15 days further delay in pajnf eachange bilu winea and spirit wtami and sate duties abolished nd couaumption taa levied 43 per cent ot arrears of tajrestas- mttted in oppressive case f aragnis minister aivjbllo thegreit banker succeeds carnier pages as finance trihbr luctadi in real excitement tbc stu dents of the trinity college dublin are arm ing in jjefeace of overnmcol more tmopa were arriving fom rnjland recnraurs still defy the law dublin will soon come under law and al arms will soon he ordered t bu giren rap there are many persons onl for a republic in england th great char- list meeting of the 10th was forbidden by government the route of the po- wasjdo was marked and a great wagon made to carry the monster pclitiony when ioemmrnt iorbade meeling or pmcevon of bartiu all firmly determined io hod itie rriectiojr anrl declared lhat they wpnldtorrej their lives in the umpt fergus oo recon mends chartists to withdraw all anonvj from savfncse banke which will etnbwaaw rhe covernrrrmt vm post amcunt being 2cr millions of pounds more troops beoupbl into london stf lhal ihe force is now over 1000 men many strong atlicb artists presses agaioai goveromerrt ikoia soe warjrke demwi rrfing against china maasters meal 10sa 1u ptrul oifif al a hi 6i per d5 lbs oatmeal 21s o 22s d per bbl barley 3s ttss 8d per 0 lbs ifnirrmul april 2 sf r mosurate sales of flour the last fev days chiefly foe tbe quebec market at prices faog- ingfroos2lsacls fid pr barrel same tw lots have been told at 25 asiict nominal al a l 3d for iisj and r3 ms sd for pearls av in otter articles aaibing lo note etporttof floor thit sexton fo ibe lower pors 1500 harrelt ratsj 2s 6d his fzeelency the governor general has been pleated to appoint louis benjamin cat- ceau bar to be revenue inspector in and for the district of three rivers n other appointmentt of consequence the weather today haa been fine buffalo market aprils market for pork heavy and demand lcb- holders ask d30agl0 but sales are ru- porudat 4oii aboul 300 barrels bauf sold at ts o ift and other sales are reporl below these rrnres sales 300 barrel beef hams good al i2 pickled do mj asurs ace firm sates 75 barrels pot at 6 and 50 barrels ptath al 775 n ll tiww ia dgll and fine country brinjp 9c with diflkully theie is considerable movement in frtofch pig iron at ims0 u 25 cash or stf o 27 on lime saiall parcel pig lead selh at 3357 the steamer which jeft for europe on thursday last broke her piatot when about joo milri from harbor and immrdialclj pjl back for repairing and arrived hereabout 3 oclsvck this u no doubt tho ifaatiagfo a tha wumia sailed on wednesday j picuintrte raarkettavvid higher 4iwi hitshejs liaod ohio were made at tenetee is held at l45a ilx corsthcre wasjiot much nrotemeuf ami the market wat nlftmf ai before s iwwo 151x10 hathelt at 51c for sesv go- lean 5ije q 53c for good rn reels yellow rv 1 74 n 75a and nominal oats 41 o 40e and ojtiel wasmadeal a paolsioxsmeis port t firm and 7 wa hid for tofwbtverv abru4 harrtu sold at fi37 and t987 n f for prime msrts bear coaiviafatt wilhsltuavhl barrel at 55 aeflfe aod i a a prime mvt bcel svnn demand and scarce the market is heavy for lad nrsvsfrum abrond being uofavnrable sale 4000 mh at j for air- pickled meals sales 50 hrls hams al tt and 100 bta lrv salial5jn5 j crsct c is scarce and sellicc hich a lot offered old at 8c in cstltou there t no movement ot import ance market heavy asii continue arm at 5 for pols 7 jt a for pearl ah the good barrels whiskey io market were taken at 24c in groceries there it very little movement and price arc wilhottt change a sale of 500 ha snmalra coffee was made at gjc rjsclisb cinteed oit jra offered at sfic sales he american 300flrillons at57o 58c at the board today treasury note 91 votninc doing in slerlinsjror frvigbl the victoria be compasys j we must reshrvw our powers until saturday next fort fblrdeeeription of this very brilliant alfair inasmuch aa oar paper of today waa made ready for pre loog ere tbe ipeet of ihe eveninewere ended aa our reporter was about braving the ctlyllall at ao early hour this morninj ba was follosved by a rakishlooking peisonage svho after seizing him firojy by ihe thirls of hit coat thrust a copy of the following eft- sinnt into hit baud accompanied with tho modest request that it should be insetted in todays ivnp lmpnsite said our rt- porler w went lo press sit hotnu ago humbug p said the swell vouve antely corner for billy bartow afte its being flwtv qs are 1 qitfhee nn tueijay ulefow irti m doueaj 18ih insunl for crosse f- 1ior fjeneral sir k armstrong ar rived on wednesday morning in ibe prin ress royal afler a very tempestuous jjuiage ho is accompanied by major moore a 0 sir itenlainin dutbtn ia eaptrted lo com- rnenc niaiour of irprlion about th tnd of may new york marketapril the market for flour joday is scarcaly 0 active a yealerday but the ivudaajey ol prices was if anything ujpvards tbr i good ontiuiiy for tht eat arid the rferaaad for cowmplioo fair sale of 4000 turrit gt5 for troy meal i dull at w rva frvn toll at l09 o 3 ilir demand for wheat deoidtdly impe lug 5li 4000 bunls tvasmsd al lo and vffl pure ohio at l15r- 1 at viiicmr o awij for mfcllgan r twm f for troytc for pure ccoeaer a comer tor uuiy tsanow arte encored sasinic which be dodevd iil l ftkmhtklir rrrfefvhsi bf r rshf wacishy su one side of bit head anolhee incident ilimtrafivc of ihe pleasant life of an wiser philosophically mused our reporter there is no alternative hot lo comply with billys request it ia only encouraj-in- native talent alter iii billt barlow aa van in character at iht stare fie- toft i t last iff villi mfq trijj apskuat tear ladle and f oniremen hoar do year is i trajeiipiinevett- sts efet ph rit snh foci miner better no dnibte rougn tf j eaako the tccjeiiuac a biov tsar ut lbt ate saceddv o ir too make the attjuaiauatce bflv barkfv vrr eoatoteiisitoin r-esrkr- vpevnwv q iba atace wiser- i baton ar of an ae i bave jul tuosteu n r i ejusspa- l lbs euvst to veo if ihe f4vf pkaved ityjj ttarlosv oh i dear etc i hat etrvv a taste fee a air of a hrfc koma otef stillat vhls too rund st iilt a shar fut iheeraoswuogio se aa vu very treat fctitaa in irfktfrstrwaiigssj rjartov ohtdrssrdre at i svsndf eed avoui throvgh ihotosrn toihepejvy ttie people all rerdard ssaof ihens did any trt ce bndane tckioj clup ur he iani w rlosv sucly nolmsiaudjsjjftribiqt brbw ohtdcarsve t sraftrfeda beis frvm thr couaxu lodaw bit i m like th h rer7d tt ps li- ssciff conic raptittb etsocvsna aoaaavtr tlier ssihim inaba fw htsueof uitlj iwfossj there a gsuna- if janra o wboae nam i v think i a iriarj r eor pesrruuraif to drink ivim he ah whuntedhl 1 suij itaat ysu can nialt a h tvlalj sf lliilv barhiw oh dcaa ths v rvtsaeelheehapaala fee 1vttehilblriotrttooimtiescvohifba tr ee auusojo rej eorvishre ulcw tlu iba beat mail antna ibeui i 1111 v arww oh dear te thee a slajflrlftoand lbelteatthefrmpd in vain the vlaf ttijggsa itvue i be dnif trwd pui old ginaa piaeota ihe vcv rsrsi go wii- ki aaatstasas- feuro litir brlosv ok dearcse iv p r m pal r iskiof their epott ir i the kte didni u lisi iv t and in sheet teye poeuihsd a repunie hy i iwl hrauar i thvfh mare eaw leeanicitfssav uilljr uatbw ub i dear bit i to rleae ihe youti indies tve issroed a aaw jaee a reaabcqndrieaataiayelu in kmncas loiho io r fcua linujs u kravaaa oat tw tea c ad i fu j ur lisnif ike hilly dttloir moofiai jtos ejmfcin brlghl ot tscraa asueh f tho de ersmlurea pav ojiare ma lis pain of rrfutiac seupi tlnwai- srf eeiie set f and o heis n tuv orfun- oitly btilotv lahlvnwrrtsvii fit if you ateevil and ihioh it mate mr tu iu matbttbvswo atar rm id isataytva mpstr wlien t lharrt mdrrrro lntsyu nw witfhlt pvtrahm hdwnllr4lmlyuajwv oet dear ite ftllha lsnhn he dor nvn in carwbaatl bintle imuii-if- fulr prshll ftlno auii hatni sr itnm li ssual gt kud hell ael llervaan mes lo hilly llthn oh dsr asa k tadtri and palrmn pit hid voo wd may vroahraeetirktti inihanimitw aftfalyi a kri ft ii kilutihn vaoh itjit hd be ism r will tiaiuedly tftoss iuuaib baero hh i dear bagaatawtt nfjrmti tsartl ba aangrng tnn tsi oihr iteww