British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), April 26, 1848, p. 4

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fire firef fire oregon saloon v- king street opposite- jfr jriw ifrnfimr store tphe subscriber wnald iiiit rcapcet- fblljr wttffl hia tiorerc thonfca to ihc public gent rally fomholibtfm support htt ha rfltcivej torn thctn itic cm common cement in rufincs anj would wf leave to tolicit caminiftn therrnf which lie hopca will be rntoi by atritt mttcnuon op his pit t all who may favor him with a call jmes elder kioifnod fobrvary 2 1s43- j e would btf leave to return his nccre tfctnka co the mititnr firemn nd public for their vicrou xrt linns id saving a part rf his mptipqitj frvm lb lit fir ala to those phibftiliropic irljivt- rlnah for the liberal end diaimoiestl manner n which thy cntriliitjil aufli cien fumljitocnablo him toomneic in business again j e fall importations- of sugars teas wixes spiuits george cook coot tit tr trr ov sirsitii coet rn tu part six kam auwwtvftam or tut cktcauttn bartlett cards would inform the noblie an the palrnn of tbe m establishment no 71 ful ton street where he ha ahwy her nkvrd thai he continue the mjnafettiirt pi ill tba rarielie of etohfc vitin atd blnk card heretofore nwniahm ly the t tniamrnt and that any order fw varum kind will be faithful and nfomhtlj exeeih- r j on indication to hi le anl mer ely latfau no- 71 felloe sjs folfownr price usual di0iti1 off for cash ortolliom who boy to sell w viz marble and while backs vj ir gnu jurrys do w dcamorj do w enamelled ivory and pearl wrfee cam per following cale bmhcxsed enamelled card litttfj fc be aattfohy potiihed wilh ehtjanl lltllgw a borden printetv blank card- stfatl blank playi5 ajd no- do do large do do do do douwe aize of the small do do double sixe or the largo do do alsoi am the abnec sie of erery enw to order other sizes cut to order of either of the frrinr quajilit mouraing cards o various siira made to order cold bordered card do do atkriea do do enamelled het cap iic 2j hjf nch iroiy surlaee do do pearl do do do blank the ets do do alto railroad and steamhiat tif kel made olor 3- 1 1 5 per groti 12 si 21 30 21 62 fo ord 0t of jkffrfeih heavy fancy uer of any colo my he dered the snbkriber iftvii all tdilnffl rf rte united sutet and canada who aredisatej 10 take their pay in card and who itl d bim a copy their pactrm emljiniii ih ad- vertiiemcnl and insert it for three moftih- new yoek feb ii3 w 3n samuel morley co ejrmkal imiumrph of bjfgush axd american hardwares would intimate 1 theit frkqal and the public that they have received an extensive ano well assorted stock of in shelf hardtirci goods rjre fc coarraisinc pattv filih banki swedes lowiooo bar iron hoop and band iron casl spring and blister steel canada putt sheet iron and tin blacksmiths aneils vices and bellows deck spikes wrought and cot neils coil i jw in t chaiirf sheet brass copper lead and zinc window gttss paint and oils hair seating and curlvd llair sbip cifpenlers joitttaod caopers tools double and single fov in pieces an elegant assortment of silver plated and britannia metal ware fine cutlery hot waler diahes and putes and diih coers cooking box akd fancy stoves fnders fire frou fire oos ike ace sign of xe crosscut sftav prinaft street kingston nov 5 1317 curriers oil for sjl by ttl subscribers ater curriers knivandstccl slnes m scouring bruslic c s morley ft co gerxrol hardware mmkants princes st feet kingston let january lss valuable mux sites at gananoque hhhe undenijned offer forale the onemj plojed ivater poer at gananoque and will artord every facility foe the erection nf flour mills or any other kind of machinery tne sitnatinn is 100 vcl koovrn to lequire particular description for urm which will he liberal and sny forther tafirmatioo apfty at monueal to meisrs anderson aaljk evans co of messrs perrin euckcl a co and ujtosi ifce metises to cj mcdonald it co ganinoqae lt uecovi wt7 circular pomrsov pcatodicl book dcpot c5denihu v jan 13 wlh t d pomerov srill fumih for caiu- ai dian solfxrihehi any oc the larlrrly monthly or scmirnoitlliu iuhlicjliotifi of tin united state at lha oumiherx niice ficr ofth united state prts a active canaja bills at par in ymnt sent hy matt post paid to the line bvt machin bneteilli stevenson em baol montreal villa wm boel bookseller jamei allen perth bonks to be tuitd sent to mr preacotlte1etipb0ce wilt be hvnd ordefand delivetd al the am plar ilisd poslklloy brck- me- the notice catiibkinu of 1 1 rt s i i 1 i r i ftf til ira1 fr natunl ii vm body llsil enter into life eternal i- preaxud hy robert cook in thcom sews rfl cornoe iff wejlmnfn and jhnsttr sttfceu and sdroejly uyto tl4r jfuiisb wivlj mrtilh onarol kfiststn every svb- jy fttrftjn at umpa 2 d in ih ovnnirn at c oejnwh kfxiir te b llt a click iaucei and pickle aitvk 4mhttrta it london picble i f- parlllaotl orocorie a hobbht al1sk crock stiret htxoton rptfe sowrihef reeelfolly besleaveto iafiirnt hi towi and contrv ctomei thatheinoiv reveivinj his winter stock ol sugars fafanj mikcxivado teascrfckrtlivnfhpnitic careuijy seleetrd by nrwin1 mtjettion if ihc montreal and new york mjrfccu ililfrent stnck coniis ajftonf others the following aftieta teas nfrlknyj htki laon skin tcaoe cafm s y htf sjuchui cvo and bohei s v o a r s vije ad sopf ioe mit eat india do dtfci iuaedrtmfl mia coffee green roatcd aod ground puliation hatanpand uwfia- co citwcfioipava besifttsmi ptakl a treoared wines 15 woooos rti r ej madeira l p do sherry pate and drown l p tenerife llni pirtl andrlnm bvnccacurtarei mauffajyc old port spirits old jamaica uic fsawii lfrf 8f nody ivifoeatii bcandf tlcpandn cnunon gsa canada whtley sootch tvhitioj i iii io 1 dot caact cherre pechmnt ruooio tviui afd fjla alt in i r stoofhtona ft lis if uuuchino eau de vie do dan1vc c jfaco and olhcf liqiirtirt guotjerles cnttc blairbiv ofqtiinre jeflemon linty pairy kahbstm fine and uvernnc fjwiii and j puin cracker pvt and pearl oaiky rie arrow ruoi patent bsrleand ittinclam mevraafswiaailal i lb and lb titles m ii s m m jar wwiftdr catrile hit aadyhw caiotxs wax sperm wa wiea- mould ot is sperm and fine olites sauto maanfacautvbofr rineand basket kctinril and pak luoftee bion wkiieand grt india sor candy farrti ii i lemons bet jordan vl i 4heurd hard nid a biiter alruond btrecfoni brarii walnut and hark nnl mitiga turkey valencia and miuesih kakin ltel zante garfanta pluma luat tkltlof pajps b- fresh p in jars parseavcn pavir rtfonorangt and lofin peel east ladia gineer and pesehes piau- micd oaiona wtnil pieclilfa girhincnrirti4 ked cattafa cvcutihn hot pfpef fjtfceamhnvfn ketchup tut do mivfy unitrrtat kmc clnta cida soy rtrnjinp rwrvteafc baenee anhie- j1ij ml caatraii oil vcfi anchoticsrand 1urrie pointer lnnairs starch btc gin rri whnin liquid and paete blaeainf taring wnfrr wrappini ond wiiimj pner siof thre4xl nim lrhi bath rfieai- v jfld pioca cattor fid in uartri nd pvnti wilhbiiv iata f nfla tlthiny rnc rrcr and winrcorkf hmtuad lttrn broomt f nkpovtle indifitrvpjrffaa atiitt shpctrr frvin nd iiuumi sill t rfi or ttar stvlmr bnmine rope mala hic tie siferaure the public ibal the and wto be mm tirchji a ibc lowest potiiur terms kobekt allen kington november isl7 1r townsenirs s a k s a p a r i i- f a the most extbaoriuxaky medi cine in rue ivohlli r katrsei pnt upin nsfl ottlk ctce eheapv pkumter prompt pay m aix ncaea ehear paeaamci and trananiel anperto io any sold it am diaia without sotfntinj putgn aickenincur avbawataax im paiifttt rftpallnd wjntcr eofcfne j r baaajty and auprrioeii vf lira sants- pavittavvef ll fttvf nseielno hik it enjv ciui disease it mvifotatet the bo itne f uie terr bet f wmur rvdce cr fcrwia n t fnt ny puirfv ihc whle ytcm nd atffcaj thena the peraoo bvl il erjalca new pare ndrhlt boa3 a rwr poaeed by nu nther medicine anl m lia he the fund aciei y ita feoooerful mwoaa it haa peofcad witht thepaat tao reara mne than 3i0uo cnre f aateftoaaea f tfiaeatv at leaai wouuof tliac were enajred curable moihan3vjiiraaeaorriimnic rbeumatitm iic drspenaia j000 caae of general llebility and unntof koertje tootr earf ike diflerr nt temale complain l i cava lrtoqcasmof lnrrvmairt l5tiucaea of uiaeaae al the kidneya an tropay 9000 rarca of consumption and lnotaar eiaes ot diraes of the meit m uleee krytopela sah rlnum pnilenti the face ac 4c together ih nmeocaw ofkhllcadahf pun iniha sdc aftl clktti 8pl attrebonq aoi ttui e arc m- rnvat appear inercdwe but we hae vv- ffvm pnyfiesns and no afcnt fnan all pbmsitf the united 5tatc in ijf i ua of etiaordipary oit r vn pi kirk r 1n ri ihensosl iopelabk lrirato in neaavk n lantm ua that be can w 0 more than iso in thai plsce alnc- there re ihouaandri f caae in the ciy of nev yrk which w will ri with i4tatke snn to men of haraeter ir it ui beat medicine f the pre- vrn6ve nf 3t- r it uodoomedty ad hcliw of nvwfj than s0tj0 children the past stoson a it femoved tle canc of disease and reared ttitm for the suimer kn it ha rrfcer v n krwwn to mime in ihe lea tka moe vcficoitc chtld rheumatism thinv- taukil with the motfprjfrrt auecc in rhoroaim epnnt howeser or chronic- the atlofthinjc curei it hi per- formed arc indeed wondhful other rtmoea omaiime jiae tenipofare relirf ths aoiweli eradicate it from the striem ern hcn the limba and bowes are dveadfuhy awoften j i- mr uiterryonoof the otdeat and most rcepecishk uwvef s in llajtlotd conn the totowmx i aa ettract of letter rocfifcd fcom him fh rjiir hascudonchnttteo fcnr sir and nid it laescettenl io ft rhvtt opon a chronic kheomntk sum i- ahich i am tasajaoli fron an tnjofv neeiiond cvefit mi 450 in a puokc aiar pvaae nend m two hottu io the cars of or se vsftttf i hbec ennvefsed with two uf our ptrncipal nhtaicafit and rccom- mend your 1 r ntfa seth 1 kbry f 1 maich 10 lrxts been cured of tha scrrojs by thru escriw1 medicinr trev were aeverel with but wrr wo l bvttlea it vxh ihatn awfi f myself mndcr jeep oldnatnn yolir feaetfhillrt isaac wcitmx i newyork march i l4t your veiaj wry s only fo welt i vol vostersl opinions of niyslcica dr towtmcd b alnaaot dilly fr- m nrdrea from hiykianindft parts vf no iwi tliwia in coriify tht w ll kmned payictaa of the oy of iny hat- m miikr lnsmjir a m caaawalnf 9 1 miik lunatic aut iri ntuman pan t m ti f- iulhumari vllj f if a- li- thia 1 nlv nn nr ih rnimorians ifcas ant t- rd- ttrc tnal teefa m fur iboanad mfot triu ti ir -oa- and wlwvc it t f one f hie nl msapitilliai wijtvle pre- alhany 1 tlic mark j- h april t t e p rtxixc p y nuits i a i klmknuttf mi 4 initkd stitks ofrirr cirr gtf lrlnwieof th- iwtrjftalea uaviwi cnjri ani mmvr f li- w jspfj lcjaliiitakiiid ttutritj-in5cciii- ikaaa it uluiuownnnry itaitjiav janu i it- a year mc i ttsi lalua fh t i iflucnaa an j my nfvie 1 itftliidk d in aft takwii tern left n dehuited mate try tftoqkn4iaraaptrta two rr tbre kitkvj wa aprt mwrh lewftlnd atlllbvu h tntiret to th raid srsipariuj i hue ewtinued tatwf it and find that 1 iwiptnre eefy day 1 hewtc that it mvfw nar tjf and would not be wilhm it ov anv cn literal on v vv irleax prinil ofnce ico vlnm sn roium- n y lu3sujilvar1 uott alhtmnnd all iwi pfinctpal drufima and merchant enerallj rltnonsjltho united slater wtjilaikva 4ind the la4vax wi4cn ai retail afcnulov csaci kxt- stan c w luhlks llltgxvtotawio cuivtknfvak ha- ton w jmin ttlnku lenno i w john sattisr xfirrais rw- rca- ffkih lu p f riraullaocbec x mrsts a y iiowlfcx ajt i lnnnvttiiko a peck ly riictd by it ciirv diwavf virtif i i sol i l lift ttyae ftr f rrts urfrad ijiimirtf lh iff riinpalk7i etn- f x ftf ih tiv tjm nit eat wt f wrjt i hd ni i v iam ahj m liil i tfl n i kip pd fvu til yntar aatt nfj tiur nr nv mc rttusm uavushrtl 04s vforti f jhi i it rt4h leu in tr i n atnel re- tp trt y n are at iiwrlr tije ii fvrte hfc fll vf the ailltcfrd yur ira kus j vmks flmuinfjs- two ciiililkkn itvxi veey fear familie iajinril tn hat w hvr rant bcatd if thtl rj iv tnvaavno piiluiii tine lt iitsrhkmiettjk fl ui wh k th c rhil rlit if i -4rlrn- j trl jrfa c riiftet we pubtin talaw iveefli4wve i its a- ihiii r th- kn v nitji niniref itt 1 1v britannia life assurance company no 1 princes street bank london avmb rd ty aft tf ptuawent capital 1000000 sterl cheapest ratkstf any office doing business in canada amkot refine far kingston or thos w robison- whg undersigned having been ap- puintod to act 99 agent fur tins company which has boon don business in canada and this city since the year is39 respectfully requests persona re quiring lift assurance to call at hi office prixcess street kingston where prospect uw and all necessary information will be given almpl variety of tables to meoi ibotif- cumslances and convenience of appli cants can be n the hates of simitar tables in tlic of fice doing huiincvsin this province arc as follows fvr on assurance of ci 00 cobfimil lib aeneancoco 30 4 4 national lama fond on s 5 9 uritannia aiautaaco ca 4o 0 t these molcratc rates little more than sufficient safety to provide fo lossei put it in iho power of moat persons to assure and with reference to the prcent state of the health of the inhabitants of the pro vince general y it wry be thought teces- sary the prevaiunf iiclnrs in crease to decline taking any rik it appears therefore to be a duty oh those who have to prosdc fr their familien to take the timely precaution of nsmigtlicir lives and thus provide against the nh nf perhaps leaving thoic dependant upnn tiieir exertions or means to suffer diffi- cuuieettf not doiituiion thomas bricgdja agent klaatan is47 b7y cheap 6aqcerisf0hl r subscriber borleavo toinfirm the parmora and othoii rcaciling to kintiiin market nnj the public cenvrally thai he has just lucoivod a prime aviornnent of good tkas coffees sugars fruits at 1114 obner a i grocery a3s3 sp397isa9sf affsiaa iw rniclis k j t afi4orrjmpe dr bbkwfmt nest door toportk bteetimith shop ho wiiuld earn atly draw thnaitontinn ofih wanting a l onlt well- flavored artirln of tcs and adrlieious cintrkkt to his prrsnnt sloehj and would r4niiroc them in call and examine for thninaelvcai and if afior trial thasv do nnt fmd hn can give them a uottor orli- rlt at a cheaper price than thvy liivo hitherto boon aecuatmtdto yol no will 11 them have iho la fr nibin thtoianot what people call jlvm but downritlitrtel which anyono calling will be oblo to find nut am irticloa in iho grocery lino will bo sold aa tow as poaoibl-e- prcrduee of every dnacription will be tabrn in eahlhtj ot vmh prices c- w i op laltmitaor ilngaaofi lat2a 1847 3- consuurrio circd i i- tt wji connm eav a tar ijqtao 0ojfj4txufe4n tter cam- fuinf c lafei ft sbawa affamfs ttmfof rm sfn in f 4f twa rycj tfeovarsl at ewr dr vnwnd- dear k nearly t eenty tr jo i took a violent eod whieh aeitte on mf loagt and afleeted me aeverety iiwlerd iially m hecaine a eonatant haekin couch hot not at severe as to ftfevent rne ffom 1 1 r to my tuifinrs within the last few year it increased 00 ic ffadualla al lt 1 became reduced- 1 breathed with rjtfkeufly and f th my eouh much had psaoafi and toe the i nin- moolhi previoua to limine yur sfirj hud rrutar nim arat intfecd my fod ad myself loppoacd that 1 tvuitld die with thecon- aomp4ion hut i have the happneia 10 inform yo that to rny thjpiv after utn thrr hiitlcs of s p f- x find my heatlk re lrfo it reic7ed me 2 and i io nnrr nfayirff moch boner healih have brftti g ycara i had almitar entirely h ray otitr which saalfo returned vji ax nt lhrty ur pumah this with ray name m ilia paper if you chaosa my little fsrl who is three yearn old iiad a trrybsdcouj thehocof laal utater we be cane very rauch alarmed on her acccutit while uun ihc 1 i- i i 1 gtve her anmc of il and it rhubiatis mork than 2u0u carsks ft riibd- mntlm ha buen etared be iin of lh- voaniada sftnpjtin withio rhe t 3 jer puincipai- ovptck i rrrrovst itiir rrisriai ieeesa in in lioiiicc l wnplst4p wttw oitaw or chronic tlic ahomvjc 4ti rtmprwawjianj are indeed woflovrfiif oilier ieiie4oinrtnaes cise temporary thief ih eminu taditei ttk the ftyifui cen vhta the inn andbooea are dread fully lci new york decll to doctoa totmrso 1 i think it my doy to return v m 0f sincere tbanhs benifi4 1 bv the utk nf your katvart nf foir- atitictrd frr iniy ntonib trit lih hvri irrieneej ila i watf jiic tmin iter- rfuliermu and he inflamrnalion of u whidi i rndred from thee jioer i life nbarvintn mc i irird very fx t was piewiud foe mo from lbel bci irjiytiiianain the city b jt without rrtrf af pcriaonratbeaefit iconhfmy hot bv theftdvnee f a friend if t r t mpoond i hud bii faint a- of aoeeer w i am itsopr t ev i lnl not ir moe than lf- in- half a hoitle befof i rsprrieaeed duced me toporevef otta uaear onwlei bava efjeeled on ontife eurr it u a a nwntha nec 1 oed your kemedv a ff anil hapay to aay i nceer crj heer hnlih- 1 ahatl take prat ptrare in ree to iho afllieted for i y aa wac i fifit t with the ccacl respcei suw aiei mjkiruvr gralrfu frtenr i 43 cans t4tcei corner of f th a ai f oa tnwarn i wan attache il treat injf palfl io my bin joint 1 bt nt wlk wrthoul my rfntrbc nnrl icir i wab objicd io ktriii inr rd falreniidie- lit tbaydiilnnt rolrer ftrjip afmff iff4tfck5 jftry ined a bnloe ani in a if ilra it oorclyruktl me and i am os nt ii ir n ever asiiukll umkek die nim iidt idr tftfll nr ie i 3irn ov1 ntl nf it otuf asd la tifhtaoofcu da lowvcatft pir av i hwloevtjnn cuv 1 bwrananuaof the iimior em pit4and lifnlsry iao aa ile ia rnotiir and iaothir3 vea ivy waff efli noehnr 4rd nod r petel tnev ill de thrt wrr uy uy i rrnlbu phyoenns when iieoctotloifd mm ihai fta mum laaf ihemnr rqjved iv ynr 5iririlu we lis it betrd sw mucli ni hut had hut uttv eiiiwer ibue ttiuf an aaui mott atrrij itm ta weatfjc jumf rrry thnnkfjl thai wliil fvr it unixiblediy ravel theliva v h4 i write ihi uiat olttcrj rnar b mjuerd t- ur it jomx wl4ti jf myrtle avenue 8onim eu ijlrlt metiiootsxtl erymav tbe lotraotacwai boom ijfii m bh fasyby the rev o ttiniaonniihe mhijnorrr chjresaeulthe nwii vrtti incrrffet d r the alctltt correiinri nd ia anothre rvi- kne of thv aviflrf- rirxrf dr tntnhrr svrfofrjf iae atrrm faimo priaohi fie wwae ciin pil yituareftuanoxnienced vt xmaral o tjitynf my y4am atlfir ath ottnnt nd alarming trfiutinn nf tlf thimt oa4 hmi i at yntt nvri iniintv 4if in evuenn- ut bainftad frantnn lta fleeiderl trmiwuiy in il frrhlf iivhjcc tv df- frsa fa fsrnd 4i4parin f tim it t emtv moee n the ak tuan n tbe cmee iif it pnvine eifi cahin but i m bjwid in esnw tvw t a hrvwwrce ihi i in wm io1 it hic rvfre 1 bejin to eiper iefh- jivj pitalaft cnwl and 1 my now pay villi ctptain metan tril i wfid nnf h wtriit t fr anv onidrati it hn iineme more jjrdtkjn any pitni oree dy i save tried anil if ibis hltteaicnt ia itenied by yoo if any knpktanee vou hve mv fuhion sen tomike it piv j o tlmojc- wl n it it r arcanum kiirncto phi licinehas acquired an estendad j esialialiedeettbft imootfljaiiilht eoiolry whib haa hoea aiariad hy u tiliuf aidoiieacy aloae a oaaedy isr sckoyubatjf kie bil liakrlatliu okk throat ietvidifie khkuma11c atfction iimarfol th-askion- while sriums- utaaet of taa os2s all uuetated aiccfiomof the lively bymkpsia iistivknks iil lhnmu an4 nkkvincs coihplaima indobi- illalrd at eaihali4rontiloiinn i a eitiiow by 411 imruke maltef the ultihl the ahlaauh fcxtbact ii a com- ilrle aitr inte t- the sen kvih t fodueed av h ilt dirioua hoi a1kkiuhy a sprinu ij fall iukifrlkk tt can- nm h- jhsrpwr mlhllje ta h a sttent t lfhtod andciuci it zh ivetorce rahwiy- aui4 rid tt pimipalfjrlleclirj kultosl sin ruikha n y iyi muuiterl aires albany and alt the principal draeiat nrd merchant prrrljy lufhpnt the united tatc- vti r 1 1 hie canadaa wbtente and retnl nt r panada kin ploo t w cnafks ftirrn- tniauif c w ly- fnn kfkaeahaafri it hamilton r w jjhn wmcf ltdon w j ln filter mmireal tt w kesrd ard lr p k i eaioigacc jj m i and j ocwlr aeni ftrf rarhatoo vltuoo a- peck albanyjan usrik ft a my jf od she them and i oon entirely rotvod her as weu ahaisaa trail now aa any child i ever saw was auo foil of mtlo blolchra n tyk way and hr ikm 1 imuolh ond fair now an milifvj alio tecovced bcr hratii ffm osir your eiccuroiiiodicino s w uoxant 4u bowcry- girls rkad this yoo who hve pate eoanpteikoot dull cyea btotehesmi the- face rough akin anre nutof sthritauac a botiteoe lafoof dr tuwntcnda sarea- pahlla it will cleanse your bood remove the free vets and blotches and jiee you animation eparkhnr eye tine apirita an if bantifal com dkiion alt of which ate of ininxnae raloo to unmarried ladica medicine llo m a tmcreigft and great female br tvrntends saraapar apcedy cuic for inctptent condmptirm ilfien nca twcorfheca ur whites hctruolod or dtfncult meoitruitionleiniinencenr urine or eatahmb larv ditclrarce thereof and fr rse qcxchx pto iration of the ayricn no matter wvther the re sult of inticrcnt ciuk or produced by irregularity t itlnfm or accident nothinrr can be mwe aurpiinic than it in- viriratiiirr elteciaoti ll human frame- pertan all weakness and laaaitude fruin 1 kiop it ol once leme robatind full of nfj wnvr tlain- luttnca t iinmedutely cmmvriet the nerve icmnessof the female frame wuell is the great csueif bar renneftrc it will not be ejipecled nf us in eaceof n diheate a nature to exhibit eeriincflt f ctfca perfvrmed hot we can auro iik- articled lhat fcundrcde of care haie veen repoted towtv several eaea where famove ltac been without children after umn- a few hottl of thi invalua bio inedieine have been weavd with ivealtliy osaptinrr r tivofirfmy wife beiof cjrrotly die iried by woakneia and general dehthtyr ond rmftcrni eonltcoally by pam and a fitina of bearing doanfa1hnr of iho wotnhand with other dttfiriflttet and ittvmj bnoivn eat- where yrnif medielne haa eireelncl ifrcatcurca and jlfuhcsrinjj it reeommendfil for tucli case n i have decribrdj i nbtailfcl a bottle of yrnsr rstrncl of sirtapa nlta and followed the dircctoni vu ree im- in a horl jienod it removed her riowplamto nd cmwd herhealur- hemp fratefol tu ijiebeite nltmlkrrceworl 1 tskeplesaom in ihtnacknow- ledcinj f and rocommendinrr n m tlietkibhe ii d moorb cor crand ami f albnyaif 17 hai to mothers and married laribra thia rdmi f ii i a ha bectteipfeaaly orfpred in rcfrrenetr to female cvrnpiaiftia wo irtihlr vhh4teasin to awjpfwm aj- ifproeh mjp tbat aeitteal pertod the turn vf hfr ibasku nfloei to take it a it 1 a uim prr vcul stive fiie any of tbe numrou and horrh ietv which feotaloretijrt al hut turwf hfa this fri may be ffcyod tcral year by uic hi medicine nor 1 l ur valuable loe thoao ap pfoaehinrt winjnloodaait ia mleumed to oh it nature by nuiehtmnff tha blnl ool mvicofatinr the avaiem lihlerd thk mcjicma iainva1nbo for aflthovarrio whieb winen arr o-jbjict- jt lieoeet iho whofe ylm renews ikrinmently ike natittal enrff irrhy removing lb impurities bf iho body hol ro for aiionkatini ihe ayatem to prinlocea aobrfffm rlaiotia whiejl i iho r i iiu r fr i vn wcaknco and diaaate scrofula cured thia lrtifeaia eooeliraively protceathat thia faraoparilla ha per frc4 cowlri j nttr th anoal ob- imiir 4uvftt4uf ifc ljnj j it ru 0urd nooalaaoaoi nnprose dented turkic cihidrkm n tvanfier ht i hat lh nlaawtra otlalarai ywo laaal titfoa of ny obisria bava livcr complaint the mviwinu ir frum a fevjirrishl merchant and positive cvtilnce iboi i ii tovifend sor- mpinttn is lhcra eitrlive rrme-j- eer known fji eriidtcatin jis lf tlovio- o brither of leru c v- w tlinineeekaee brukert 37 itail vt wija ir aeeersarv will veh for the fac rontiord in tbfl certilrrtte rer- ia 00 rntrube llioooands and th oramu i eaovo of diateare continually curej and r the ran ol bi incjicioe new vmikovifei i da tovrvcno t9mt sir i nimoatained a an net of jotie t pohltcly acknwlrde the treat benefit i hvfj kcivj trom 1 of your samoanlla rcig in town ahlwo ven ainee in a very wejk and debihtatefjate my doeufe waa a ehronio intltniniil the hvr and itotnach ami n mmy llpujhi mornpton i wet no reduced thai i ld very luilhspo l ry ifeariujr and eeadin ensble ff tba effect j nf your nktieine i eo thoogh i entcriaintl b prejutheo thuta try it v r ad ear uedvcnedie i had uvxa liia mvht a borttime and ujan to reeorcr t cnnlinucd t get heller and an nnak io dee i am so much improved ihnax irieno eaicely rcerigniaej mo wlien r re- ff city vno are nt liberty m pomi lf yoo ibink it will cstono the mo of y t iwjnc principal office icc pottonst rfanla am t there aro fli 1 its let their hvini tor family mmeoded ieibrc h-iv- eoh od l eiinptaner htinr hoalib lost her speecfl tnc annexed certificate kilt a truthful story of auflcrin and relief ttoimiand of similar catca in ihw cilv lyn and yol iwo neihiaiidnf children dtc f frwuf being save a fcie allkistja danoclw sej da towrpi ufce plan r for the bemfit v tliote wham it mv mvdauehterttveai imlms m artlicud with general millv and b ik slic wm givca op a iart recover tltyiiciin bjt foftnoitely i w by a foend to try your srnnrilla ing net one bottuahe revrerd i- raa eonbw u oalk aliite to ttie av all fytsi ivi re aerjtjiiated with 1i1 s4ic is no ftuile well jiki in mttch than hc ha tccn fot id twts t 1 josirn rw v yorkoir fits titst pit dr tnwnwid nnt hnvm- loe ijjjsj fitta in caca fit of oonnjorsem r it an4 w moprived to receive lb u an intelligent an irpeetabk forme u lovhjt pmmim aif da tnnxnjcar sir i hgf evcnyea ne who litbeii 1 v f fceted with aa n tril ahi rggg liar but wilhonl aeeri at lil cold find iii ceumn ntlttf hi in j caaea ukfl lierv wv thiitrht ai ifx icai liedlh wo amim goofier srvijviiiun ii l inr vty gjrt wc i only rcuweel hrjr atrenth tit tl return nt the ntalo our grri ptej site it faai heeaoiinjr rucct ai which we fteuealelal vwafajfoiieellnllvt juiin nrr 0 h u a ckks laxatlvffi pllifjw for bilious tomil mnts pains in tih mt gijfinrfs snrhws nvilnfrcr oi- structioitm voafinttnerxt nf the the qrrst dminf fuc lh imn is a anffieien tirrailtcc for tlirit t4falnfi ir thr tilose c9rttfiti nric4jv frtifoi eouid irn if nee ljtrv jrar 4t lh l- v ft iiy afttii anlof o uilvr af laea iu ok the imrr rjinoud4vare ia wbrh lh human lrier ia tubte lb i 4 in ike mpbim of which e i tnv k a 0ow6fecd ltr nf ib4- it jfi r ttae mm uweheirdftif t cvihmuec th pffj aervm i s i in 1 rie rein obrruclon i a point of mrthtinryin ihit rvcry drcrrv nf newt i fdhmm bv nwn ir 1th nf in enenienrrnroiifjfin w habitiul co4iv pkfv preala lhnc fvl v vf brih latpnan imixqred omnelirar v kw i iw4 at lac limr mer rapniy jijr- in a ihrt tnmad on ihe c iittii s 4 n nr intanc pilicvuity wicre il fnbia ar- se4ontaey or whrrc ur living nthrl pernvinent ilj he iiw hoepatiifu1 frvoll ll nm u nbeiur in lln m j wiieriiial olv rer llam when ihe rinru the yum vi ttiiqvww ikfllxalks sniaimatankrvks kamovn7 internal obalfwon j jiravrthittvnnlthrnieruetjuri to the livtkanj lungs peifons whoe eonslitulions at broken cwi bv the wt ol mkrcvkyt amskmc otqullne andarynne ubo are ultrlne irom dinkased mvkroi lit injikjiciout tralmnt of any at ihe nlwrliiwem shoiiw m the arcanum extract mkaw jrlay in uumerou totanccftrc- arernilccra linnhai lj bare btb iimenl ind boiu- and where to allappearaicr no hnwanmctii but smpnlaiion coil bavoaiedjife paticnm have h snaiehorl jromhv irrs and ret- tired to healthy thr 4a tr triif ieae hemjc ciimdaivly eradicated b the ramrsi this ine- ttie prnprittotaof the ranum kx- thact hare had this medicina uied ia all the boe diaar nilh the tremratitj inc resolts in osiftfitbe mejieme neitherbu nes- ier pleaiarr need be infannplej ra- anirtnfoftly lhlrtmlmflwilill moderaltnn imliet and is fus1l applicame and efta- clous to the inlant as well i lha adult pamphlets ffivint a description lot whai the ahcakum bxtractis a bla vilhohkrvaiienninimiiar fira ttoandattaaiiie on deaei in fenrt accfrrtipanyoaetihnitla aai sre tupled ivithihe boepanifhuioi pratjneu cir culaticn price 1 tier bottle predate rsnr j wmer hamiltnn canada wort john winer h co b3 mainlsne t fir sale at the atheneum kk tore paliaersanlmlratfts amhereectsbu- ufo nail a idb a y kinalon an bv uiirabfcfco a a fv- pr ntioc ihv allifj 1 nei r t pr rnn crrcotaif 1w j in v y ii h ot yoir for tt mi a had no id jrpr p hearty pit r j r nd o h zr lk slbv irtlt canslniaod i i derived rr if 1 iiftcriftjf mt h morblhi by jhdiricahv hi a tetter i d hicb il cl in br a a ab i nd oie a nat w1f nv r iik lb aarnploinia nit i frnr unefiiuntil i took lv rilla which thtmftfh the kndm- bao remird m tit iiro than nv ffi n i m ni aahrli mkvlial 1 uwfr iw of era i m now wlwirt ot il to befn invalwwa medrome no 3j it tu my rkro ac j tafeeasmavewna nmaw f- t mi rtnr mall imt tltr rbv john ftry of jertcy tuy an itd ant rw mantf tbe uii ivnwuia1vin rdlovmc ceii60fje at fir town h fidton ieei on sitjrdn it latowstrsnir sv j i civa yon a nwitv it f iho hni fmiaoncsmananlt heurviisfl h rhnm render urrfill to lh wt i mvo been wa rednerd fjr in the djrfi aoimtch that ti 4 tor mo lonlk ne krcji ahont i v which coved the mi pri of mj wa estrrmrli triu i nnd jt- d fijilaiitf asmincr riiii be rb frn art apsirni alrdiii llw trteomrintf b aecerf and mim hr hid ivcoufko to ot tho neceitv of nseh tj c ool it m a qikoliun of cnnid4bte importsace what linirc shll he enp4e4t tmj imi of aperient mcdieioiinunktai bat thf cflvci on the syewa wotj confnwiy tvme cicm lhir intloenec chiefly n ihe cahkni vaase or n me part of the ho 1 rily 1 the atinn f othcrv eitud more r leal i ihc whotr n br leatinal can j- of cnt u i v im i didimd cnuttvim lff hafaiutat ir i of tlw uclt a tbny iplv tbl ill tjilkinel eseiecnent uieh itaivre uitfti rciirffc t ojwiat tier in ihe ptlfatftalko of her accuitinicd fuivtin it is ptcmy on this utter ptinciplo thai tbe pibahroftm to the iblwarc rrovd 4 ibeir atlivky can be mrrfd r tened merely by taking a lager or ttnmurt qncmlity tlrv nof only foimth an aperient mcdreine prnpev for cne- rat ctfc 10 a family 1 ore nloi wrll cakulttcd to onawrr mni of th p tffbottt r nhich prntivc icmcdirr re nccrry ttie tdu ra not hiaetfr recomnenr b sreciflcrorthi euo f alldrwaaea iks prcpoalerooa tatennt nr- vfe than fu1teun and ore afily tttu tr deeptian bu ibev vhlpforca vtunb kctflety fnr lhat cafiued time of the ftmel whehbvt ibe fonid mtkli tjr- nn tor ilvito fveooil abhiructidip to wtiwh all ate liabk- and fr all thisc rikrde wtivrh ariar fron aa vebi rt if llkr m mneh andalwnoil iry enrat tmwoinllrbi4cil bcithil will be drriied fmrn unn utr ininh and pinin the llid nientjid wnh or5cknei in all llrad- tat wltfocuafrartcta pecvail in flatucocir ddtons attach tl com mm cement of caolic ike aarij nlgn of jaun dice on i in prowoiio tlivxpulhii ot w tncy reniiie 110 eoniiiimont or chamec in lb c nr- 1 ir exurci- will oiifl their ojtrtiiti and eserieiicc has rlitod uiit a in arini ihey ore afe and rtscacioo miy be taken by aduli aod eivldrei and at hi every u of arcnary to eh ddn n af an ytuaof aaad upardpwymayliervi4rctm vfane ofkfuv anti3 1uiard ireiiitji4 more ey of esh than hftrvtlom of other djaerceavlo rndkifc preparcj and sli unlvat the albcncum uhstorkiae aiuin lsalo4l i tl and ca cacti cr ltehef ivimi ilrf ivftatvivf q n terttiit ihcee 11 ii t iikr tkm c ofolin a coioy wier 1l uc rre mith thi nbcr tnl r vil any hiircc f lnfericiais heaui n luwisr ltir eoitiiienl sirtsi ip inrli his wlrrby titis tin my air tbrnu if tbrv rr lit nt pr adunecaniitthin cparej at any afmhr car mup j utinbrm pertoral yrup o isdtbsionii a m uleuam pan e or the speedy aod eclut cwrp jhscolcjthoiasjiitlnnorleo- whocfifi covfh troop or ihvrs cfa sninpiior pjeuny hntesni pair and sorenr i r hteast ml luri fctrtnchitis a liscae htlia svaevin hu drrts to a pre- itaturc jrrave under the hctitious name o tonauftititkon can be cured by this medicine the usnaf syirpiomnf thi diatf bro- ciii nt o nienea nf th luni lbroat nojtcite diikcufty nf beathme aitbtrtt hectic fever spiuip tip phlfcai or itlvr lusnothmp mntc than in inhiatil of ii e iki which tirs tlieiaide nl the ivhlc of th wind tohest 01 ar vieu whch rati throng ovary au of th- liwx hie ttoult virtu- of hi cnmpoui c havvlt aloke itnc ftttractnl the altentiar sf o nt i j ofti lit pnhli as t ih fvithpettirtf llr vive petraf pulrnane qtfaliliff which tha prsprieim arr now ale to gratify and ueir at tbi medirrre to the plhlic vithfultconddeiie of its hems the inimtafe and filnamc rrmedy avfrtlra enveed an i ijaed to all gyrates of the lur oin any of tha functions do no performlifir njttjril or healthy acittn itia omvmay beicvdihm col in ki pfofifjcrice hesintalfltcted hirhirren ffill paia and jiee without 4 the saire ipvinxltionk romtttii i the garden nf natvre lhat ivill noma ly oeiicaieiol in many ct entirety telieve thrcn- with these view t tonly ixnjfe ou our ninjs every nre should fael desire to iasestizate to at arna of ource tha man fcvt- of to ihe urnttof his power th t ulure md in iw forn thtt instruction which the wijom rail- to lltain in arasrrlins lhisailieleln the pumiciv prnprvtorji were iitliiftcei by the he iha 0 medicine prepared tvitli much care ani stfictrepatrlto tftchcmicil proprtre s ol it several intrrdicnthould tahth lace of twjsansor rr0shasible noirwms ot rhr dav with which ttj- coumr y is ilahijfed tfe use nf m boijt of h- syftfp will bejaiifiuiio calof ifohenefic jble coortryisila1 nf one boe ol hr convirrc the iioslccptt ffecl prepared an wl41y j cantda we ami joht maiden lanen y- for lvifr wtmer sate at hamiltno fc cn ft the alh- nf an book store n palaiersand c haathv kington and v jll rvjpeelablc dru hrnnhout caiaila w i neks celebrated medicines- 1i1 k follow m medicine are kept con 1- on nl atheneum ook 4ot stfrct kn wlsbvttflcatxvm extract forlhe ccdy 1 qj in- eiireol all t iecaaetarito ijniii ego n y of thiitimpny itasrc notice the xortii mestern insluanck company ok osw the a com ninvctj bi titlicc m the kxchavtk ornrc in iron htc1 ontario street t v1brv hcifpfriirim inqrunt insuianco n4itmi lna or jimi i l tvliither frum fire or tjaiipr of in la ml ndvienioo m t muster tscitr nnvemher 1847 ikcumimraltlb black alapan ink maxoractuitfcji wimtcaai- ano aaratl ittlttatuesbum bookstore k0ton caxaiu warlt from n imptirc alato of the blond wlneipictoraisykutoftioitp iiulindot kletampankrr thr cote coihh tildt a-rlhniaconsoinplk-ndte- winkks canadian vkrmjfcgk- tlic ben thkdy ever yet dicvre d 1 worm wiser tooth ache drufti a e- lain nre fr tire tvth ache vliiramiiiokatfdnkrveani ntlnklilmtnl aocfidiocotc fieihcln lltiitii 6mtii and chronc rhnmatimii wrskk kamily ulntmknt fntrlio corefn white swelling luiurnalirr ltii itr ioiieer itch c- wlxkkciikmk alhlkointmkst cedy rc and ctfectoal renidiy ftort rirvs- tog ether with an eatenvive imf of gcruin rnlijn nierican potent mcditmea nov 6 ltmf cure poit worms msers cafaoias vermifuge r arh n vkotn alleases ihr heut re it isfdy rveryci jiscotered for vvon it nii only rtectioyf ihrtn hot insect ate cliftons hotel montreal rfhe uiiltiftil liaviiir rcmnvoj iui the culedotiia spring xo p takes lnvo ir inform lit anj iho 1 iat im lias tngmcrue willi the pfoprrctor fro mimuieal fritfntli nntlv air 1 a t hat splexmd estaousitmest sip well ktftwu in ths trtvellmjt cm- mumtv as itascos hotel aki lai ativs frf nprnin th- same the hotte i fiiwuvntrthoi4juglily clcaticj- ami put in tin wt tltc of iair am will be rcaily fr the roggjuiun of visitors ly in st nl 1141 toptjlmton eijrtycd by litis ami pair an will nn of visitor iitll thv liijt i intel pr vi many ypar tvnvlet it 1111- iiccary t iy anytliins relative t il atlualion intcriililvtrrtrat jml mm- crt riij the siiivf rilivt vtviljtfi hitn rv ihit ihc killrt uk take winks anl attendance 111 not tte lvhuitl any atpcll th tlna hntel iwfrc cij tlifct hi a tvlioli hricntinn hal jiva ti rainier tbirw who mnyhonn lit- tii very him with thair patronage ii clifton lotc of the tbnnu h iv cvmru te in a mmtreal feb 10 imm 301 how lands unique preparations vxofm tttc caruial patftonai of uikmaenr th wr mi i rjllkcat attrttt thk mhval ramlw am kurtrtivr uf c it cat britain a wil aa tnv hvffllami rfovkmtrlom ad couttta of rtroric amounircaaallt faxraucpam estikaid r slg3e wsusance c01akt or ionhon 31 f5shs rv ol itel ix rtlvpmax cn ajeji vt tie olam irt inrnr chfpiy tor av haea f intaj the uitijrcl nihavnt u ku u hr it ro 1 ifi to liivitc all tipcn a property aiitil la hy lirt i ajeatilaeaur term- the nriinat funded capital vf thia com- one milliss sterijki an j the at are anthof if j in settle lo without rrferrin hein to vrjna charles w jenkins kriiaea street kintjitun frhirjary4 11 sheriffs sal of lands lv virlufof a uowlands macassar oil s erlebrtlrd ihmvchoitt the werm toe ita genial iod ihtijmhinf uvltv for the ffvao it in and tetifreavjf wpii frotn rllforf nil ur irjt frej restore crej fate ja it trtfioot eotr free il frmu otnrj an4 iwrjavfrlam rei-nw- it ear jy eury and uj vow rriimiar il is epeeralty irrrw ifwd ar frf4ii lie hrfif a liirnri i mvt ft lural andirtigtbetfir iwfie eiiiih iiimieefttaary ft cda fmiu fhlilea t lngd anal iob rht ma 51a peettlc to mor t aajsnnhatt9d uankft inrfnr ctrew i vi aniataimi an rrperatita duly ri rtc ihe ttrieary or ywi eierirrol mc a fihe ut after year i h7 hemtaaweiiaiiei3m adieaful few whiitift ntia i trt- iied atfwttreerv i- 1 v eure a hrad rf hair aeam hul all mv rffnta eemrd rrinllii aniit neehleritatjr a freikj arvitrd i ih oe ot jvor flair kerfer i eo in nt nrlier iiante and ater m ja fid sotile e rv vittvi 0 ne i i hxn 1 tlrwvc iuelf tu ibr hpre loth nf nyek ab rmr i relra i if aarmx another kd-4itii- rt a v hottk wrorr the r of 1 aa td t at afi harramiw aahn4toa aevdof hau a ver a nan in- and i attrneatty r couiiacntl lht u wh hne not trud ibitnwk eaernl oi uill 144 uil tudnco 1 am sir jirjr mr vwilieal retvant j walkkr colonel whiul lodge nf tnr 1 oa ihe wrapper a eieh n vn bottkrthesin article 5i ztieihfi word in rim i- s maca 0 at other are sputmvt imtatntig rowlands kalydor th okirntal balsamic prrparaljn it ir unuilmv rrtieacy in thoroughly n i ii inp tlia saii fiuni atrriyrlta t rkov httnuo faaeairj ta aad dwataaa tiok hrjallae aia stmj ot and producing a iiiflimfjil uim and oefirary rf th price 4a cd of fir mhlvnd niriict to trt j facaa iii oit ov her mafty a court of q vat a iiiw io no j reded 3ffinm the and and tetamaol which wf re vf john hahp dtcaaaexl at the tirnc of h nath to naiify johu frairr a certain aum t aaid writttm- tiinetl which thr ail jiho frasff had lately favmiffjtl lint jatn william ritti ftltl vihiarn fcuunn executor ot the lal will and testament yf john hratlip deceaieil 1 havo vxti and taken in execuutv pari of lot twenty fruf in ftril crnretion township of kintmi hilary dupuy tmjuira ity te said john heaidip for mvrly in ihr 0cliparsnn r nne l horna cornrt part f vt twenty fnur in first ninrcairtn tawavtiip nf kingston enn- vcyoil hyono tlnina- howe to the saiil iifhti heiilip- part of iw twenty four iti fitmciincrssinntownalupiifkiiiclfin iltuveyfcl hy on loui launre ii ihc itid juhn hvaalip v half of lot numbir thirty in iho aocood cnce r t r rgriim- ice aciep part ot i- numtioi lorlyat in vffvwnltl cracfiiivi rtf camde eaut j50 acrca part nf lot numher forty- three in iiiut concession of caimkn eat wicre nj part of the kast halfnf lit numrier fnctvoncf in firat i-tin- i l i eatt all which ijnda aid tencmenta i shall offer for ale at th court hou in the city of rtmgatoiyjf on dturtjty the twnity kovomh day of may ivit al twelve oclock nron t a snin orrict iv of kindlon m 0- february 23 ltt co u rett shoruf salo of lands mijhnd ttrict ttn ratua- to wit t vf daythe6th doyof may l be sfill mt ih c n rt inure city nf kington a rvnn th tindcfrneotioned land seilccj by virtue of an kxecution iniued out of the court of qtieena honch and to me di rected at the suit of myuesadrlen pierflawarbiek m gkorge cavanagh weal uarier nn 9 in the 2nd corv cession putsburh t a corbett sheriff n sherirt oilrc ljtf i-r- january 36 i- i he hole ivtem and rairicfoft the ypernnn dant liinc at miis o prtfalettl in the ttomach and howrl- flmcbllf 01 those in hadlwllh it liaimlfin it afleclf r the rytem the health of the paticati lwayintinvini h ilui tfrl hen m hfirmr art jncovrrwrf the medieine hing pjuiihl no child will refuse ta lake it ft rven the raol delieale ilain anl prac- healnvefvatoiw v it reaullinjlroea vvmai acrompany eaeh hntlle rrepared andanldhy j avtor hamilton crnwj wll and john wirnrr ft co m hatpin laneny fanaleattheatliene uo- healhakmc trto and hy all ihe resectable drug ttjrausrtnlcaiiada 55um notice f jll ie undorignid having boon ap piiiitid aroiii for the rouwflls ubiikuicb c0xmm hnnw pieparod 10 toko marino rtaha f ory ituoeripzloitj at rrtojorotorotoa iif premium thomas brigg3 jowit agent orric pnoci street kingitoa w4 blank if rttty onrlailn may uhdi p 4ihrmijfn oook jwt iianda for sal ffhe sih5etiheixhaelhefnin4fiiirlaftd x in the midland district fer sau i south j ui so 1 in the 3d cia ktubtrrkh 50 cr ntx 10 in the 7th con- rcran 1 f200 acre soath 1 lot no 39k r the 7ft con camden 100 itrr weal 1 li i no 15 in lhe4th caa kcnoe- hec iu0icrfa lot noo wk f olden moaeres lot so is oih coh 300 aere gumming ft macconelir solution t kinalon janeotth is17 copal varnish itioit sale auhc aihenruni rk 7 store auptnoi coiaj va- msh in tin ani quarra hy the dicn or ainglc hultlr cotitury mer chnrrttaaitfipmed on rmionahlo terfni kinsatuin april 13 l4tf blank deeds for sale at atheneum dlrs j jitsi- r i sis- hiv- j t1 iveoof l naia and sle with oat r oavrer mo nijv dvc4aa ithoitt 8ai of ooafer lu o with rr f lvaror meivtuu arlfa ftarof li ik wth ml oar f fwet aiacirt af qik borh aj diatfkl civttifna irinriaa covit ilkaak eoema mareh 147 afu fr ayal m aod an aduitrej wflom 1 ao aa and nfxc ml w per mrjt- kowlanus odonto or pearl dstifrlce a wxiti povaaea voa vye taaru evrnpuarfaa tbi i- it aod roj ri 4 ttr d f arreaieaj lie ttrlo herku ii rradieat tartar fret iae t reoar of inijiiil jaoj in a j pftarb tie raevatsipart lie ait aare yeorjiiae tlirnev aad give tirrlkrciafyerijiitf rorlairmra fnt ji vd par bwa important isforstatiqv unu j for he athe f iflf a infkmhf priit trnd theaavat spilttuus iimi mis ircr or j- ot maca sar oil kalydfifi aad odoi vtn uadf thr iviaef aiactica of sntalirand ihe twfnfnnl dapartcaeair with i- iiiti- laaifrta at deeejtji ifcar eopj th i eetrer- naaievand addre fr the real u taaritaj hroaratptn ii i iterrtre hiai iaeay tt e that the word rowlax os iaoa tha tvti r- r ot e eh niier th 2riureatiirleare with rowlands kattmblepekrtavky miaps bwr-h- v e t f by j p r n l isj rkothlrs to toronto caaad in amall ritabte for cnefdikia and f luamtaa oa etienherc rri of feoodutemi imi rfc ttkh important information caution x rowl a n d 1 tituvr nrdt sox jandaa bej tolii uc i and ccrlr t i inr l b lh l- or r r lj f i i tbeif lwi tr- factvira cue the tiilea of macaaa oil k b oimsru aame cntfer tha ifjief iintlji of rcjaiiv mitd ifce carer rvtudearlro4riiih i aiieoftt ml l- i while tbe cojry lha labeu ht- ac h ftiremeot and teua ariliw name aud adev for thr rrali f thi urjjiaal preatrmljona the pfwrjm mi ciaaaa oiu kabrttoa aod uiojto art and ibe wnaawf of eaeh bearlbe narneof rowlands preeedina iliar f th article ib the- r nature at the mh n frj thur a rowland so rowlands mcassar oil the riitcolar virtof thu uc r- i- st i for reatftfrajf rapi aaairri tviiiwri fair arc tuv well known ar aapreeiairw t- need commfnt the rej fact of ita haaitaa id tkc iu tf ncnilv hair c ri ir f pniimn 4fi4 thcc9vcil pa trinjfr of her tkat mrqueeo h r h prince albert ihe while a thrkairainleof gramt br4an b tfun uf ie eitiliaed wd nd the httk evtrem in wheh t ia mniieiaa hhl t wilb ik ii fit coiiaii iferived of ilo enr rr j ft frwd the brut i paid- lu 4 amall at i or ii k ri on hr wrof fff tnfh batik or ihr aj wrfm m ita of kamtle bptiloa and dojue that the bookstore- rowlands utm article rc tv lac asofroll rj in riro dncav j rowlands kalydor oriental baiamtr prcpara- on of fineota etficer ihioirrhl ponfi r lr lak ifrn all pimples spots rijtctte rethibsy frvcklkts atv nd djscolgratjoxs ealiar j rffaf and trottf7iiy 1om- rvoa d an udmir iirra nd frr- eea the han us arms mak ii ia itirjtije at a krivjtn ond itiintbm ib h iftuflurt and festdettlm in warm clniolr 4hil in e of 8uusuf i iiit o inreei or irwivh liidanfttxirr it vltlur htee ung afd o ben aekrwwptjh it purfwng ri1 rvftrirrj jvjfir omnnet tl raeturc pirivcearthrgckkn te i mlrtondfu vvai tvmiiv lufat ihrfam it uoikirthmttfi tf klteuir niaf dtainiiil8ewnulluny aawitj ii tillrivihfed natra eaatfuninf mineral ifllirvtm atnr it w the ronijileaoti antl hieh hi- ther ellel aet enueeer health kh lik o tha nut xtncll iirj rhi ifwhty eatat ani mci hi liiarccl health kh l athrravit kmuunms kalv- tu wrnnpee imi a rllm tam at i itt- uabtortf i afn cpcfd ihf tt 01 ivke- he tverft 4 and miilv mafiflmln tw c atjtt aarcc kxtaxt foi atvak 0t otf au a ac flfcmthi w rinomjlj tie ui vtrri trtmii ri i srore by tli stihaciibornt ititship cliontl lory stoio krt 1 httrjya bohth iistar pilch bmld tnrrert kopp ii mantlln tiri ovwytiimg in sliip chaiuhttry ito p waf uoahaiaeybon tol s3mut 8r for 8 a l e ilhbnnrth h 1t nflnytj 13 n thi 9h oob at klftiiionjulf m vi itsttt nf hu rivaamirr iifrnt stmi affixed on each ha fid ftiittle- rowlanor opoisto on pearl destifrkew wiifft rowpkr itir tiii tirrii t tttoane f ihe rjixrrl nod mini jeje ireitwf i rv orrm ttettwtot moiima bv tnr frf eif aiil ttitff th 1vit and riir krra li nolo tiiei-itaidfacrantniwbl- jpffiln r ovttitalrrion1 ih qltin hr rttut a rtiv ii kamhv or tkkat itritaln mla ifi- mrvritlli am mbiiitt tltrattaittvt kiwipk htl th rrnrral ilrmnn at after mnnr- ik fmr 1 utueh it h unlmimtly held ftec tuii tiernnel 5 r manaw4roiu 0tnt tn aita vniuawirkv wiak rim ae a- linhel afy hf ktin imtothkrjixtltnnmii tanada leall tapvaarwffrf nlabla ff t hepurt and ruhirr- tn piirthaipf rhinlrra tiwat a tgfmttjiiunt raoafer fvl jtntd itatait tax iaphlla fw wtut aad rai fumrra vrtlk iwltiaii wllill ami tkkkaa i alivkktirkr rr vutn tanad ia umlhed in tha ciu ni bf atii ranaa wool r knwaan joiia llaaaaa nj muntat lat paiao iinrter tha 11 and aaaa it llinra i niai bfjifti pmndtha mfj aalle kakypora

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