British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), April 29, 1848, p. 2

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c hi la tao tuooof milan by tho aotiu troop am 10 m in tfteoecjuence or the emfrtela ittory of ibo prr tnr rnikned m three jnmrt dinklod tvtrirja minlua vereoo ou tee atnf of sardinian owered mmw h rtwflflfcimdfdfrdroof luibfdj and or- tebntnno rttrch lo lh h of italian cernant kirvuif march tfmiluty pw mnuint mdr m kenawfh- a paieni fft nd una mnrnirf rt the y ift mihiliiffilviitvi gf the 3m j il tree fwbl boa dwufcd at ubeure npimiifafi bar the wr ivfiiiwirt reerlf pfrwdant with iht portruie runt imm er if nd li intrfror hrrrrw tmr vhmft fier maoufeloreecuama d frvmlof hwf diatrwie hove fe n fitirif ihr vfl corffflffwll ppwwntio petition he be opened with pian pi nrr for winre o lnp m and mm tnepmntl c u nid lb dlla ry edict il riaa ibhi soi ltfhv hatoion mnnsh iulwntu rwvaf tr teeitrt of the htiipm o in pofn i bkrfcirendend n and all mm vrtvli okipflvenl iru t bollii muot w ttfo wtflllwtoflhopjon of lb wir brtnecn hf and denanorh kun tffth w seveeal w v on their inwfelhniuahih irwabmel tj brof ndmplvdlo hdib to fubrrk corrfttnot mb cs the fvarate nwd fort oj m io1- tele pi4in no fatti p il wiett faitee all hie ee rated car war lie i oe ten itht t tlat nrieeo of sun uper it enrtl onurt gt kir a objiroliff kl icvtoird hnlf hr popilor nimfivbi pfcju the prnhrf ri fat wrwbo of tvryktoov fo tliioi ot riifd fmoi tli mfy on j kf uio flhumd iho iahobtual italy tin flmfn jfttrol onooaoc that volilioa took rtco il mmm on he c5th- for immlfe yoonc ite ij forth ifeml iin ftot of ike ttolmion ot porit anj tionni the hunoin fefqtc4 to tct option lh peoprr later tccotinl bowcvor tnnovoe ihe flhtof ihot pfineo thr amirian amb i4r nitomand h4 olfofierf tnd iho in- uneelioft rfuoll wwm 0 ill lidrs wo brd tho cl l lc u pi ix lone live t ntothen t hungirj tie pilj h0004 ibtl eiu be goi lo ael tgoiait -r- uke people were the groian dregooa tod thrv were jefetel bv ftoftn the ptedmqnteee joanuu uter ibtl the s3td htee not trrived but it i eonftrmed thot the kinier sotjiria had liken the title of kioc of stedihii ond lifthardv and had amrehed to mln at the bead of hi amtj the viee ov of lombard with hi fanaitr waa at veina one of ni oi be afcb- biahop tt sijiatnortd wu mealed ot bei- jamo s5triii ibojiand aimni wte qoatlet- o4 at medrigaano the peojile of mirata dfiirotrd ibebridatetoeatolt the eommnni- atlflft of the enemy it was inuooneed be letur from milan dated tvea in the after- poon of the u5tb ibt trent and the entire tjrol bad tin the iaeirritliofl vtataoc etttol at lodiand crennna th auttriana wete driven frao pavia hreeia anl oesen- aao the fottresa of piti ghettone with aeventeon gone were takon hy ibe milanese the daebieaof patm ard modeoa bad jeelared tbetr annesalion to piejttont and lombaidy parma adficm from pirmi brn tb eenflrmitior of the revolution there at the aral new of ike inotreetion at milan the inhabitant ulled the alreela and fell urmo ibe amtrian ibe lattr bad recoorae to jrape the grand dnke however alaimd at ibo m of ajjiira pomiahed a nocunuiion ri wb foaswmj qf omtmwiif av hi l fcriily and namrf a rynev to wbiel- he tniufcrred optne power wilb foil lbertr to adopt tocb meanrei and ettabbah tich lawa aa ibey might think fit tinjer eaitting iirfirmrinc a pmvimonal governrnent eompoved of the not illtktrioo personate of the eily hn vtn fomid among them count san yileje aod pellegrini sweden svnctaiolw march ii the trmoqaililyof oat capital bat beenne- tianitly tnteittiptedjrine the 1at few day t on the t8lh toward eeenint an imtne mob which haj been ommofifrf eerl day previoualf by pucardi proceeded at the ctoie of i reform banquet wjlh the mrmbr of which they uoweveit appear to hare no eon- union to the bmnlfeber anuket and enter ed the city where lhav eommnfel brrakinjr the windowi thr mitilaty who wefe caliel tot to reitore order wete received with vol- leja of lonea and they were nt tt forced iii etfdtfente and aeveral nofdient bad been oerioitiy woonilrd to rw b which tany of the people were kilted and wonmled the kfbiinelfwaoblied to ride between tbo disordered rabbi ad about one oclock in ibe moroing peace wai comparatively re- tored similar aeeiie were repeated on the 19th irad the military were again comneued lo mate ue of their aim aflonit aav thai it wat yesterday deterrntnetl in a eonn- cil of miomrr at which the kinc preaied that in eat of a renewal of disturbance the most extreme menre should be retorted to and that cannon aboiild he drawn np there h- not however been any further breach of peaci with the eicelion of o milinotia meeting about fifty pew hiribrrnar- reted teo or twelve people were killed ami between 70 and 60 wounded a good deal of onccitainty previla reelecting the oricin denmark- corchactr mareh is ilia mjetlr retetday ined an edict for the abolition of the eenorhip a4 fr the tut of the pre the name of the minutera compoiug the new cabieet were olsn ma1e pnmie we have now a hirsbr miniatry and abtjrher kir vrho u tut- f of aceoid with hi pnpu not in let eo of ewi ibe whftle f out armed force it eniippd ahthit 12000 men are to hiee sfe twie the raeje aamtt the epnl wa o boondleaathat they were taken from the palar be water in order to avoid a enluiion with fne people our fotree ad htp of th- lino are omtely nrepved t protect the city in cat of an invasion tnre ia qo thoabtof butine of any kind ovrm- meoiaecofitie and fundi ae nominal the kto wai ot the very brink of abdication 11 however thought il wiaeat lo field to th wtto of the peooe who make the mt e orbitant demanrt fr libeitr the aristocra tic party hant their brad thwo many ho are high io office will rcaign tbo german cbanccty ia cloted wurtembuk6 itiw march grealeciiemem coim tinned to prral here throughout the dav liafcfmatioo havinx boon boohtlo the w mment by cvra1 cooiera that a body of french rabble with reiweieh at their head which report auted amounted to 200w m eroeaed the rhine and went eonwitiinj theft aanrdcr and inceodiariam the hrher aj tcmhled in thr aftetnoon according to ordera tmed with every imaginable weapon al halfpul 6 p m the gnvenr bad re- ccicd order from slullard inatanily lode pauh all lb cavalry the vhole of the 2o rogimeat of infantry ia i o follow at 8 oclock tb 3rd regiment ia mandmg n the barracba toayty to lt at a ioroer panface a ajrand meetozof delegateetrom dnieot pari of crormany wa helj at he idle berg in the grand dichyol fttden en hiih inat the nieetin waa ra her a pnwar demooalra riot iban a dehvratiee council the aem my waa 4draoed by ibe leading eiirnvn of rt i ural faction in mild and energetic lzt lb idea of a republic waa not reece bat ahe real d eaion will not bo ovooj ill tb let meet at frankfort taw rwo i jo ateciog the pr coeaneio of ino king of prnwm io htm aow c f of te oern fato remind that fweeeegtbt l i toaajeh a 4iettnctn e 9tf r ae h emceaajono t ibe de v awip arere eeely wheofher reaiitance wai impoavible the gottl antf that the krtderorof atulria bad better ctajirm to bo regaried aa ho protector of germany han the king of piuaaia but thai he i aware tbal the general qiet orly enn confer th till- and the king of pnmia oubt to abow eqoal reaped for tbe will of the gercoan nation bavaria a letter from munich of march 05 atate that the evening before ocveral yovnjf men of very rriptctabie appeannrr collected on he place maiimitian andfler having mije aeveral apeecbet boml the portrait of king frederick william iv of pruaaia toey thru aeuaraled without any diitjer belgium a letter from coaitrai in iha jnieenone sruiaelj ay t ll night an atumpt waa made npon monkfon by a hand tmm fierce amountinif to several homltcd they hiied to find out ironpa oat their guard bot aa roou a they covered the contrary they torned tail and ran away at the top of their apecd but after alt they were net quirk euotixfe aboit tbltty of them were eanght and lodged in prjaon ve re alao informed that another hanj rnvrt flclciom by risqiton toil a village between furnei and meiuti and that crrcral frure luray i in phieaoit vf them with the cavaliy under hi i ordfi the tame journal bai atao the following ffomliuo m eameal crecome oir of ile touptfen of ihe ctubof ihc pfevoyanta hat arrieed at seelin and taken command of the bandaenvimiwd there with the illc of com miidevncjitfand preaidenl of the belgian reptrblic baden feiasuho marchcs a meeripe to ihe ncmber of between 8000 and 10000 peraoni look place bete today many inatieaiial indivsjoali were pretentand took prl in lb proceeding tlio majoriiv are in favor of a repnbjie the rrofctr of the untvoreity entered hi protest againal ihe deciaion which waa immediately rejected ireland matlrra are mnming a threatening tnapc in ireland the rcpeatera are makinc active preparation for a conduct with ibe poyern- mtfil itflc club are bciug fojmcd and the manufacture of pike i proceeding ao vir ouov lhat every other kind of mackamith work ia auaprnded tnagueernanenl 1 pour- in2 n troopa and war ateamer are ordered to dubhn il waa hbewiae in coitemditini to ejftend ihe carion act to that port if the rjiiiry repeal meetinga have been held in limerick end oihrr place and ail month notice to england to quit was given all account concur that the posslioai of thing ia alarming government nat directed letter ii 1hr niivlir pnil nffirr it br rpnfd the confederate now meet nightly in their eluhrootiu foe the purpose of being driuiad and under the hand of practiced teacher they are taught to match in time form aec- tiooa doe and open rotumn ac and further the rifle club are in full opermiiort new pike- iweire feel lenj ire becoming plentiful m the arm market some of the owner acting on the advice of mr mitchell really believing that tbe time for an outbreak hai arrived ard to cap the elimai gentle man parades ihe alreela of dublin dressed in the uniform reen and gold with yellow racing of the irib national gnard that is lo be otgariiaed day by day the evidrncea of inereaaing duahection are becoming mote apparent not mere rumor of arming or apecche but facta a urce portion of tbe working claw arming rifle muiketa pikes and olhar weapon have been obtained inconsiderable quantities in accordance with the sugeetstmns of tbe newipapera one wholesale dealer in those article has declared that be i unable to supply further order at present butcher bovs n tearing the makcis march home with rib on shoulder such ii the anaiety to obtain 4 of anr kind that in ome in rt4ftuaaiieinftt iyw uir4 b w mxki have been converted into a peciea of bayonet o dagger regular meeting of rihv club take place for practise in urine number of person eongrejeate occasionally for drill in enclosed yard in obscure streets the arnoa guardian ijice us the foilowiug sketch of a night scene presented yesternight week in tipperary on sunday signal fats biased from every mountain top tu our neighbor hood it waa iiirprising with lehal elcciric telegraph rapl ejiiy the ainah from the various hills and ralleya weie eommunicated to each other and in a very short tine the hill a consider able distance beyond thuius and holvoross exhibited ibetr beacon lights a gentlemai who waa speaking lo us on the subject said he waj asking several nf the country people what the object of ibe fire was but they either gave an evasive answer or evinced a doged silence one thins b certain and ihe fact cannot be concealed treason open and vectet is abroad discontent and dbuoe tion reign in every peasant hoom and a spark will ignite the rebrjiiou volcano upon which ihi unfortunate country rock to and fro tbe fact that pikes are being manufactured in great numbers both in the metropolis tn4 in the neighboring counties of mcath and kildare ia now no longor unknown to the pumec indeed it m rather boated tit the limerick framtntr says nearly i3o00 were drawn oul of the limerick saving bank by depositors of tbe industtiou claw on monday last notices for the with drattal f 5000 more were lodged for monday next throughout the country generally the are said to be eng4ed in tbo accjuisi- ton and manufacture of arms of various detentions meanwhile ihe government are taking every precaution against an outbreak additional troop are pooling into tbe country tliere are upward nriwo hundred tradesmen and i a bore reemployed in preparing for the reception of a military force a wing of the linnen hall which from it centra tituation is well adapt ed for a barrack in case of any emergency requiring the immejiate presence of tbe sol diery il is slated that the government tuvc made arrangement for supplying the loyal inhabitants of dublin to the amount of seve ral thotrcand men with muskets and ammuni tion should circumstances render tbi addi tional precaution odeisable diealteciion has been dicoveted amongst ihe police but vt-nr- on meaore arc lo be applied in remedy of tbi rmictiecf the eojreapondent of the ttmts wilting limtrick croofinrr and ihe 7fynrorw wn ditqtor are tiro boldsl amng tlsetc advoc4tca t revolutionary procreoiiip t he irih papei aeport the prevalence of fatal diease and alar ration from dearth and demerioua food tbo dnbftn faroif slates thai we have been fr nearly a fortnight in peion of ijbrmiiloa u what it was impoime for us not rely to tbo effecl bat the cvnibiiaiy force in ireland were tainted with drvairveitoo forobvictu reasons we awuircd om ik- in thia vy atartninaintelligence public il altotded u bouefaajte among tiro power ful leanj which have induced u to c ill upon the goenruet to prosecute bf freaaoo and not foe ditioi a limrnck paper slates that an enclosed yard has been hired in that lowfl bv aome young entlcmc who wish lo pcicttcc lirl a hooting the largest steam engine ever made in ireland we recently shipped at belfast for tbe pacha of egypt it is one of a number to tea erected oi the hank of the me for pumping wakr to irrigate ihe lend the cylinicmio 62 in diameter with a itl feel taftt and ibe pump will throw up iftkkgftlonsrf water tu a rninnte tbe makers of this cninc are merc tcdjl brother gt co ol the suho foundry bel- fast scotland zdinurjh march 27 relief for tbe working claaies troops sic tb patriotic society are mov ter of relirving the unempoeid tney piujvse that inio3 rf beinc set to hieak ls the u ual coore on fich occa sion soihe acre of land should be raken and cmloymet givvrt in pad bubaury n that the vi of the fund raised by public benevoleiiee nihl not be cormimcd bail m portion of it at leat he retained to he devoted to object or iftipiviog the ewatakl of he laboring gammj some ian j bad been oflvred to be put at thf diipoal of the society fur this purpose end it i probable that it willbejjorie l vrja 1 ing in the mat rl rvefinlnrgha h j v f r r v ibe jf jftir ferre tbe following letter to frovernor general frcn j ecj appeared in the molhfbatdh of monday morning moartna2wsv8 mvlqo aa one who ha rljtcd lb your lordship diplcasnre j w i re btlievi tny it an injured man i oltr no af j taoo roa covtako lo consecjuenceof the recent disturbances iii edinbnrcb and glasgow a detachment caqsiajinje of 35 non eomrr ifficers and gunner will soon embark from the rotal arsenal in one of the leith aiemers to atreugtlrca the two compa nies tetivned at leith fott and gusgnw under ihe command of cut j mccoy and capt sptownsend england on lb 28th mr wakely presented the prttion of rev mr rla katoi square a clercvrnan of the chuch of england ihe petitioner mated that lle country was in a mol critical atale and that the may were liable to be roused into action to eek fi r what they considered likely to be beneficial for them thatindetcribablr poverty and wretch edness elytra among tbe people tbal one of ibe eauts of discontent wa tbe defective character of the repretentatmn of tbe people in the house of common and that every public office t home or aboad waa reserved gf and filled by the scions of wealthy families the petitioner therefore prayed for the estab lhment of onivem suffrage that church property should be applied to the reduction of the national debt ihat all mincure gratui- from oublin mlm there ii oo public an rotineemenl of the usual weekly merttnj- of tb confederation ibi evening bit in lieti thereof jherc is to be a genera meeting of the rile aan a well as of the polytechnic in- tiiutv a new school of ill cniceated treann where young rtr1 oj are to be instructed in the aciencc of military warfare the rrv are auo to have a field day for awvatit on sunday next the rntter day the better dotd a member nf the doctor doyle clnb is to kcattrc upon the superiority of the ikeotr prtarrthi u a veeapon of oflcrce a qiaroirirpon which liere ecm to te no f1iffrence of npiiion among the great hjiv of itrfconfederatgt- the number of troop now wring in irc- land including artillery but ecloiee of the enrolled outensioners i about 3l0wmen of alt ranks ten regiment of cavalry two irf or hor artillery len companie ofar litlery twentytwo ragirnenbs or battalion of ihe hne aod eleven depot ol regiment of tbo line several other regiment have rire the pni irummam contimte to pumiih direction as to the puchaae of rifles pikea miket bajon t aodword theaoeiatinn ofnoormn into aofhenption clubs for ihe rcbaaeuf ch weapona the use that may made of kflamr reaping hook aword budeo the proper mode of practicing wift the rifieev il adds oh frlervdst be- ware of cant and if it cornea in atreel- ftghling in dublin tet all the reoorca of ichvanipliy be developed ro afford ihe cilircna available weipoii jet on and be too orro- eft no power loo cipjnme fi nothing be ennaedered loo hot or heavy for fair banda to rlichar upon tbe eremiei nf j country roewir wulnnl do at all other paper publi ah eoally ttrong incila anonttto rovul but are not quite ao aangajl ary in fvlr dtoeouroee abaut weapont the rvavnyo rrapajitht cor jnyoffer tb ies and peaion should be abolished except for meritorious service he prayed for the reduction of the army and taxation abolition of the lata of entail and primogeniture the separation church and state and the abo lition of the house of lords the ereal body of chartuts intend to pre sent a petition to tbe house of commons o the 10th ejf april calling for tbe charter at a recent large meetinrof charttas in lon don it wa atated that when their petition wa presented from two to three hundred thousand chartivi would march totoe home ofcomiunn one speaker said it wa alt mocfcery rid a facc to petition at all the v very well knew that tbe government wntifj ibtnlltfaw sltorm the house of commns to consider their pc- lition ir ihey uh 4 no then loofloo per sona would form a compact body understand each other by signs unite in a procession and upset the gouernmont great sensation wa manifested at this proposition thc qonrrfts tevrur orgncat bat- xaix the account of the quarter revenue will not be published befofe thursday nr and consequently no strictly accurate com parison can be instituted between the present pnarter and year and the corresponding pe riod of 187 ue are happy however lo be obla to relieve ere now some nf the more gloomy apprehension thai have been indulg ed in nf a continual failing off in ihe public resource we k that thc return for the quarter will nearly if not entirely free from e-hihiein- the decrease which mark ed tbe receipts of the last two quarters and which rutfe especially in the october quar ter cutiu so much alarm hy he seriou amount of the fallingoffin thc leading items in the qiimtee about to end next week it i expected that the excise which has been so greatly dvprced during tbe previous half year will fully equal if not sun ihe quarter ending 5jb april is17 the cus tom too w probably exhibit no material falling oat if any compared with ilia corre- ponding tjuarter of the past years in the stamps some reduction is to be expected for iht maler number of railway transaction euch as transtcn c ana frovi a los amount o mis ofcvchanc owin to the patliat do- rancemcrt of commercial crnut and the more limited outness of the banks and home of dicount the po1 ofsco keep up the gradual improvement in iia net revenue not- wilhstandini ibat the expenses of this depart ment hev been greatly incieascd in order to afford aun accommodation to the public the income tax also aland il ground or rather exhibit an income increatinyon ac count we presume of parties who had hither to evaded the impost beinx brought within its influtnce there is hcrefc every rea son lo bt aalkned with the slate of ihe rve- nne andto indulgo in the expectation that ibe trade and commerce of ihe country are reviving nr have already revived from the temporary damrevrion to which tovy were re duced by calamities which could neither be anticipated nor entirely avoided by hum in forgbtonoori othri jprd i dcarir or as iratjav ckktiabi te gkntitt 3d wni vafraoco of trieste ha the fotlnwiu- notice of an extraordinary cen tenarian bvcrylbinc in tbi world ha an end our reader wilt remember ibe old odier luca drissiac nf whom we spoke four year aco in the atofctdcafe and who wathen 2 year of aige well this same rriiac jare up the ploi a few div aico in ihe hoptu1 at the truly patriarchal aje of 116 yean having enjoyed hearlyand robust healrh til the vrajtfnst f a tittle wine and hi- darling pipe ftamfch he did not abandon till the very last racmtcnt crt sufficient fur hi support whence it is evident that fobac eomobt i ml jnw poison indeed see ing thai he ha been adduiled lo the uramico for upwards of a c4uiuy without iniurv to his health haaing eaapin it al uycauof age he was born al nicatv and battlued at snn giumo in 1731 atxording to in baplimnnl certificate which e onkelve have examin ed and which tbo nfd fallow wa wont to howtolbe incredulour ho served in the seven year war and had cen maria theresa in vienna whom he could only de- acrih hi a ft lady attired in black tbi wai all he could tell u of the once famous empre of germany lie icrved a a sot- ilie- for u yearv and fr about 40 yearn he played tbo apoule aa he eaid having been chosen from mongt the most aged for the office more scriptural lb on navouiy of washing the feel of thi real such was hi simjde career i but fie lived thus lone in perfect conlenlmeul without defiling nwr and died tranrluiily n he lied lived without aurtering would riche and honor have dona aa much lor him t we may conclude by aaying that this if nt the nnly caw of longevity which wo could iecoed tor wo have often caaea of centenarian and many of oe- togeneriata and innagorian nv atatiatic will pre but tnoy art not racorded hero aa they are laewhrre became they are too comion and an far ihoy atrovo the aalubrityof me chmalo of triable in apite of ibo mile rolant aronioni of ila aurian enemies jlie a be a artiafe amaiaiaa fom a medical pen osoval from office j an h pnjbaog uyou your iedhtp li j ta ihmih the circumhanc ttv r rp micaal ud the rroiont atsirc t obid the fainlcat expecutcn ual atltmpt at reparation will be made i vejrnr to hoe and i act upon lliat hope ihataajin perusal of my ce by yunr iordhin m ft other if it befcut some one b of ibe many who like myelf are jependepl up yuiir i4wy pleaenre for t baimsi fut fiom a similar crcief the power ujiichour sovereign has drlvfed to vour lnidjiip in ti i- tlie follow iog letter abowflev grounj- of cny duoiiaas i i c 0 cutftn montreal lvwft m i have ihe lionorto eocene comoitr- nicaton fromlt drumruoiid kq a far any obovatiene you tnay wth to ttaiie ihercon pjajj j have the honor lo b- me m your most oya i jame moiv fervet eacpf revenue inspector monttoii skoatb i c o cvttata i montreal 4ih eal j64s sin adverting to the tetieraddrejcwd o you on the it iutinf i am rxv directed to acquaint you ibat hie inspector leocral ia of opinion ibe subject of comla in t being a mat ter of public uoloficty isaprirnc rqire nor will admit of any expiapnion and i have it in corrmaniaainfbrm yon ihat ilia txceljcncy thc fjovernoigeaemi ha been pteased to dispense withymacrviceof revenue lnwcior for the snddviaioo of lhe districl of hlontreal x have the honor to bciffr your mo i cbii arvt signed j vvuoarscomau james motr ferres eaq o fee fc these letters my lord werqfdcrd in my bad yeslerday having dnrin my absence from montreal on official buinev been sent to thc rewnue inspector olrv tbe in- cloture rrferted to in the frtmr drum- mois change i have never cen it wa recalled a few lonre after it was waidec i am informed by mr stuarl lopector of divirion no i who opened trwvler pursu ant to a mutual understanding bmwtli him and me with reference to official letter and handed the eucloaure to the uovernmeot sfenger the reason for the recnl apfbar to be as signed in tbe second letter namr ihat iht subject of complaint being a male or public notoriety it neither required uomould admit of any explanation i am therefore my lord ohtu io ignorauce of tbe grounds for let summary proceedings taken againt me wto 1 am to consider the column of tbe mtreal paw reputed to be the present fiipect general oewspaper a an official iotimat from it i learn that he aubject referred tv lh jvll written hy your kxcellency cooiand itbe nart i uoavofl ihe hulling at an election for the county of shcllbrd some month a ov although thc lnsrector cener neither re- qiim explanation to be made admit it when mafic i hope that your lhip i not eqnallv resolute in resisting the uean of re ceiving irulh and i venture theeoretn ex plain to your rtceilrnrv some f wlh re- pjt lo naj coudcl at the election qurmion on the petunpiion that thc infeuton of the ptfot aa to the official rvitrl- ajohkiely t itavcthe honor accordioyv to alate thai i was not in the county ol shraacd atull un- til two days before ibe nomieuion and that up lo the latter day i bad not act any of ibe etectorsof that county except very fcw ome eight or ten whom i sawneday in the county of misiqttoi being on intimate terms of frcndbip with the laic mr wood a gnllemn whom aa a iublic man and a private fried 1 loved and revered for many virtues t accompanied him to the hunting mr drmmond spobe first and in the course of hieinaoeh attacked rne by name mr wood thenpoke itd mr drummond levied a great leglb agrno al- ucking me peronally and art variety of loiics he introduced your exccjitwye name aserlieg in language wrataj choice or measured that your tterllency wa leaguer with your then miurftvo esiab- liti a dominant church in cartt o act up a hih church tyranny in the thimry and io rob ibe poc pettier on ihe cms f und which ho had enriched lih uoldeman the letter of tho 4th of april lias hnwn me the sufficiency nf that reliance a yoor lordships com mande areconreei1 xi tbe ame conimunicaiinn in which 1 am uvorvd with the opinion of avfv7 tlinct lint the irbjcl of cumplainl being a maiter j pib- lie notoriety it neither required nor admit ted oipunaiion j ft may bv deemed nbtfuuw in me to question the doctirne prpoundrd by the hirhorable liwfteclne encrtj and jet my lord i can acarcoly believe thai your lrdhip i prri4ed to carry out the principle that rumor hl ataud in the nlic of evidence anil uototiciy be deemed aufficienl poof of guilt your loidliip in giving li the mnclion of tour namr eainot hive wiehed the fitftif oth a4l4t1l and i j i- hopeleaa josiuon of any uitmrdinate olfic under the cirruui1ace incuim the cnnilr of the ef u npctac rjencul ln a an imitor ha- or ome year pit viedd thc wirfal flhrumenlof the fea hy which anllic nofhrierv i crea- aied ard now aland armed with your ex celtency4 authotitv tu adjudge that that no- loriiiy i ulncient for all ie jrapoe of con- dcrnuaton a i am referred by your ftcejlency commiiidjp the columns of the newancr for the charge again me your lendsbip wiirpvjou me for selecting the same medium for mv d fence i have the honor to be my imif your lomshin mot obe die nt humble serv ait jam mom funis to the right hon the fail of eljjiii vast wealth of england tributary tocolonial wauu k ipnible cifetnmen which dr dun- lop used i deacribn ui trap set by knave in eatctl kmt huowrageneralry adopted farl tfrey circular letter ami instructions have 11 h ttij thia ew our americjo brethren tctiu it biit tbe foola really caught in ibis res ponhible mioiterf irapaftin our ojitnion tbe whig magnetic telkfirapii-imrnovr- hentin tiiegalvanicbatifkifs 7o flat auw cmc jonfrcsj wrow sir in glancing at a fate number of your paper i ohoeived in it a few remarks copied from a quebec journal reapecting an im provement mide by a brother telegraphist in our ivauic batteries by which is obviated thoolutmn compos- tl of one part sulphuric and lo twelve part water adding as much moresulphale of soda a ibo liquid will dis solve now generally used the new iinproremcnl which 1 imagine to be a solution of common vail in water would certainly be a much more imple and lev ex pensive preparation lhan that in nroent use but there is a still more simple method which consist in immersing lhe zinc cups of the battery in vn tcid teofer this subytitute i discovered and have used with perfect jiircrst lor ome rarooth 1 have carefully toted uae tnrent different rtlind and experience ha mulled in the conviction tbal by ttaang simple water the power of my bttterie instead of being di- minivlied has increased lo a wonderful e rnr this mibslitnlc however recommends itself lrlt further for my zinc cups are les liable to decomposition and will leu twice the length of lime while using the ordinary solution i found il neceosaty to throw a coating of mer cury nrer them twice or thricn aweek hut by ning pure water i find ihat they remain in goivt working order for srx or sevota days this economical ubtituie pnsstvie yet n- other recommendation for instead of being forced to change thc nitric acid contained in the forua cna every thirtysix hourrtlrlnd that the nilru in my batteries retain sufficient fuoitivb suwss at the capital wa1ijgon april is on saturday night a urge patty of slaves rteaped in n eesstl and cl ad for luiladcl- j4iij a teaaier hcin chartered a d armed jhhuil wa given ami they were overtaken ivai the mouth of th potomac rirer wlue ihey were caotureu without re fiance thi moeniagthey were bought back to the wfeljrf when ihe whole putly cajhain crew and aevenfyeven negnws were lodged in j the grealer evcrtement ha lem occaainncd and ibe while men were only savej frm violence by the crowd by bein tjkn to pri son in hacks the escl waa lhe pearl cap- sonrvof pwudelplaaau april su tlie 77 slavrt recaptured with the eejahwr pearl are being sold oil at the jail aa fat a purchaser fne the new orleans market come forward and malke even the rnott ordinary offer stout men ore sold at fom gsoo tj 1700 and ibe women at equally educed prices cnnerally an ehleudicd lave man bring from s0u to 1000 we unm- ttud that one likely fellow wa exchanged for a durham boll yesterday b1utish wine oftfer p 0ao saturday mow ar m l29 strength lo produce a jrorj current until the end of the third day tbo abore rrmatkt axe result of eipe- rience andiwoldin concluaron atrongly recommend the adoption nf pure water a a serviceable and economical aubtitute for ihe solution now used in galvaatc batteries for telegraph purpose apoigiing for the length of this commu- nication 1 ia sir rear obedient sereant c- hanuv teleeraph operator office of the montreal ex tov e of the montreal ex troy 1 telegrapli company rairie afril iwj his labor j and that your excellency wn wdow thai dovminani church with the spotf well my lord liearing yht lordship name unjustifiably brought inltffiler ing address and oitonislied rflmfmailajiib presumttiou with which ws intoji ivere allrihuted to your bcceirk which i knew ditam be tolnllv devoid in au hie lav had placed the clegv en tirely beyond the governor 0w f i deemed il my duty as an njff v eemment lo slicw the laprotrrwj5 winging your evccllcruy without cafa contest arwl for a narlv iuri i also the auuiditv of the motives atlrwi pv to your cclleiiey and ruv ueked bv name uttiled audlrf as a public officer iaw no f w u defend mylf and yur r piinitraiinn which had aniint mc f if ymir litcellency bad f9 conduct at lhe time when rt of icno1urietyitwfivii h 1 excellency might have been ev me some nolicc of vur inte me wotoblvnme oimortunj vf tiou labour excellency mjr for eouidcinc myself bahh ro give mr l proteblv i inaltoiir eonidcin wff that aavvtilln pajhlk notoriety of ihe rarer lf liay i find myself uneonsci j fmjrirtyandwiih a i now that ninths hare inter aw t mally unexamideforu m re are diratised with vljh m lord i irtve imvon to enm tae lakenof my armnce ami that the tirt ititimotio removal wa throuh the new thi condemnatuhi my ljjt l without trta notoriety wlboll warn ns ihi mnt c with the lordhip mother country or in ll cellewcyv prellecrmors in war in he mot directly at v sinrilof a reecl dispatch of rtl o-tcr- bui v irf if u i- tf nlbrirnl r f iut u tvhirh i liw ikii fcin kp i ulrnt iil my luubl v i i i liinj ih to t wnti f i il hy h lie i v jmlify nvlf n pg jj2 my ent and tu punhame wiln wwio4l frai l rf nilwl m hi ry lllt wwuvcr liitvcxr r heie alvould i ulievel in pahilr j 1ui bilieee nmtf7 ppo oftd would succrnrt inlte plnce cirej tbi principl to nbtaiu dtummofi pnrure in iiomrrr i fell fjaiuirip iiini aa w lenod no fclvt laal 1 jvtt waa knowivkly puihy of no vm ouly durhaixvet tho m lmdieteeimearmllho lv p lltical eiiimnaily llio queenvl honor and the indan in inland a j ti id nywuuirhivw fevmirrdllaianlm laprair from montreal- sm tli my painful duty to inform you that a great number of the merchant clerks in tb city and several advocate and no taries public are in the habit of holding mcctimr almom eeerr tiiffhl for the purpose of orfanizinar rcooin clubs or in other word a accouf jbortffoaw do not sir ima- aine that 1 aye yw thrs information on idle ramor it is founded on information laid hefore everal member of the government mr baldwin has been sent for and will soon be down hut i in common with uty other do not think that hi influence in the council will be ame to outweigh that of the french party there i no longer a doubt thnt the conservatives and loal reformers of cpper canada will soon form a coalition against the rebellions parly here perhaps mr lafon- uine and the more moderate of the canadian will join that coalition bu of tins 1 am eery ooubtful aji their sym pat hies arc with their folhtrlend as our feeling are with great rriuirt the ntvr as vach packet from europe arriees i caejerly 5oubt after and when gd dicoed with a warmth hat r sometimes far from agreeable pnrttcularly in barrooma nd other resorts where tbe frank and anlo- saxoo meet covernment have had il in consideration to organize a few battalions of militia but will not decide upon this step till despatches from thc lnc government urge its adoption that it wrll eventually take place i have no dotibt whatever indeed it i more than ru mored that the military here will embark for great britain in may nl butrne is very dull here scarce any order have come from the upper canada merchant consequently the good in bond nmooming to near a million of money are likely to rvmam untold or a lone period the hanks are doinf nothing cxcnt for the director and those with whom they are connected market quiet no money to pccuutc with cvr ccburg star canadatfle ltf sbsmon of parliament from thc mia york foioo the proroguing petch of hi excellency lhe governor crucial corresponds in breeiiy wrih the duratinn of the etion and the matter or both pcech andeon i analovju however a little wa done by the leitla- lure there wai lilllc for hit loijship to com ment ujton and the new rmomor urterrnr under a pbkthora of upjort from therr over whelming jmijority took mailers caw and did iiothinc we parnont however thai nothing was dene touards matnrinia plan fnr con vtruciint- ihe rrat railroad from halifax lo the lavc an enlerprie a eantial m the propciiy of tv north american colonics as tun is to vegetation tbe apathy oflljecolo- nrts to thu fcheme is surpricin the desire to lelain the eairvin tridj i everywhere maurfeted yet the only measure which really n aecurc it i neleeud ltujh hn been mid to abow the imorlauce of llii ej inland route io only m the colonies of noa scotii new ienrnwiev and canada but to tu raoihereouutry yet if we except tuli- favst andrew quebec and one or two other dice no real ical for it accompliih mcnl ha lieu ahown much o tbi want ol uniiy arid action are from the many ulior- dinatc line guojecled to the united stale montreal i expending her eurree on tlie potilao- road kinfrxtvn mom pnze the mad from cape vincent u intercept the buitulo line and hamilton advocates ho toulo to the atlantic by nwejro ah thcee route have their advantage and will be wo daresay ultimately adjdrd but tbe true interestn of the provinces collectively lie in tbe and openinp tlie grand enmmuuicntion from lake huron to imifax theeide and nlwrdinate lima wiltra ily follow the aceomnlhment of lhe main nne and tbn a in enejaud and tho united stater aa well ai on lhe continent of luoje it tviu bn fuud that one railroad hii t aooihrr bit in all ease it ia cum rva- bfe ihat like lew grnwlh of n iree the trunk produce hr hranche not the branches the trunk if the main communication were re- aulrrd upon by lhe lef ila1urrs of the ihree province that would fix and nettle thtpajmk mind and lima by rnmbinina the rnerfieo of ill the project ffieat a it la would tn fjepraaeriiaiive achieved a arntano rf thi msruitude and dealt wiih ivd and ibe of my prr iblic in j tna p i ilel w aln eommand tho attention lm4 f fcwhj rvndoflho kpmsoat by i wo sheriff adver tisement in todays sheet it will be seen that the editor nf this newspaper ha been obliged to succumb lo ibe presture ol the time il mil he satisfactory to the support ers of the brtiith wlig to know that the editor mtsfot tunes do not aric from any want of patronage on their prt on the contrary tin faigfj profit of hi newspaper for several years pat haee enabled bin lo sustain until ihe present lime hi other le lucrative nnn he hopes in lhe avail number to be enabled to announce thai no stoppage of lhe brtiih hnigsujill tike placc although lhe proprietorship may change band and he hops he will be excused in hauianf thai of the numerous and larse ums of moncj due to hrm alt over tbe proaincc he would behaimy ioreeeirepermailatthe present pinch a small moiety the victoria s01re in pursuance of a prornisjt e pivt today an account of the eajr sojreeof the victo ria fire company itiecity hall wa very tastefully fitted up lighted and decorated for the occasion mr fairtite quadrille band was in attendance and tbe refreshment room wa under trw superintendence of mr willi of tlie princess royal saloon in the miktcjl department mr ambrose pie- ided al thr piano forie and lhe singer were of lhe average number and qffatity i v seen al affair of ibis kind every thing i as conducted with the utmost decorum throughout ihe entire evcnlne and lhe com nanv went awov at a latv houe hisfbtv r wilb tbe aiqusemenu otfctrj ln ibeir cuier- ta in moot mr thibodo chief ftgncer spoke the addre on the part of ihe company he wa pleased to see ao wt and ao revpectabte a portion ol the inhabitants of kingston present on an occasion of ihia kind bul ic- greucd o observe ibat with one or iaaao ea- ceptions the whole of tbe gentry of ihe city the very narties whose property tbe victoria fire company bud been embodied to protect made tt a particular point to bo absent the reason for this culpable apathy he could not i r i i r he hoped it world he explained al any rate lie was happy to witness the genera attendance nf tbe pre and he trusted thit justice would be done hi observation forde- pcndnponil ihe mnausrji of tbe victoria fire company pouched sufficient indepen dence to resent with a becomin spirit thi utter indifference exhibited towards hem and the objects of the preient gathering which w to place the company oul of debt forex- pence incurred for ibe general cod safe ty of the city mr- thibodo said a ood dual more on other subject and sat down amid mol tumultous thundcis of applanae mr thibodo was quite justified in the severe remark be mvcn lhe total absence of thc ledin inhabilaufaof the town the victoria fire company is composed of jome fifty young men embodied to wuk nt fire without fee or ewad for lhe preservation of the lives and property of the inhahiunts of kinonkf nalumlly enmijh ran in debt and worn for the puipoc of combiuins pleasure and profit tbeja ri i n expensive affair like the sorree of lai tuesday ihey have a jnt reason to be offended if they see all their endeavors to please treated with mot chilling neclecr the city haii i a pleasant place to viila jood band of mtllk was in atreudance the sincine was passable if not tood nnd lhe night beincj fine there wv nothing to have prevented the gentry of kingston from wuilng away an idle hour al thc soiree even it the riak of beinc contami nated by tuhbinaj moulder wilh the wive and daughter of the small trader and me chanic the company had taken pro per precaution to keep opi every improper peeon and therefore while the attendance of thc sentry could nol have been very disa greeable tn themselves it would hc been looked upon a a mark of rvpcd and duly appreciated hy those whn mil gone tu so much expense and who bad labored so long and to ineffectually to please our advice to the com pany is this upon tbe next occaainn of the sort should another fire companys swrrc evct bo attempted in kingston wc recom mend ihe secretary carefully to note tuc parlies who ahould attend and who do not then when ihe properly of nny of these in- different people catches fire let ft burn thi may be a entel cure butitjvlll bean effectual one thoio will le no ntaaity of ever repeating it for when people sco tlie conequencea cf ibeir conduct they will bo sure to change il wonftml tosay thai lhe victoria fire company having gono lo ereat expente in getliaa up this soiree for the purport of ji- rjuidatinit the debt of ibe comjeny have only added to their liabilities as the boat apology for their nested iho geqlry ofufl town ahould iniumftte ihia debt jrnnrticclcrapl tu jar tht british rwijf moktnat aoril 2g ftoun without chango from yesterday quoiations and the demand moderate wnrar in demand but very tittle in the market a sale of 3000 batata delivered at kinto reported ate 11 per 6o ib cash s oi 2000 minol peas at 4s cd pnovrifts- mess puik 15 o ii5j prime mess jlojo fl prime 9 yirr the ritanity in market limited smalt klb po fetch 27s id af3j pearl k 3j o 6x rvcitakcc tt the mail loudon private 00 day ii oil j premium bank co day 1313 j this luorninj abool 1 1 oclock a fire broke net in a building formerly known a the ridinc school hochtlejca cw 1eft uuld- iox which containej a quantity of frame wok and other utalerlls fir a new steamer together wilh 0 dwelling houses wirc dr- atroytd hporls vary as to ibe origin of the hie laiae fire reported at albany ny yester day lovs ertimaled t mo000 the weather to day is fine thermometer this evening 48 degrees ihor zero movvuto april 27 811 r t our produce market same a yesterday we heat of no ale woith reporting emer- cbaut are anxiou1y await n- ihe arrival of the sleamcrv letters no news in the cily lit wcafherdelibtful tberoomeurthi evening 50 decrees abore zero nrhin of iatereat in the quebec papers ol yeteday kkw yolifiarktt- ars are firm at 96 for pot and 775 a 7js7 j for pearu 6ottoh small sale market itend al q leow price before the steamer fuotn ad mrau- there i a fair de mand for flour today and lh sales reach 30o barrels at ruerious priced common slate in poorordersom att anod brand s6 rjj 0 gt15 michigan m18 0 kfis brook lyn 1625 j orleans 035 vome extra ge nesee wd at 7 the dtmand is good for theeaa bolder are steady at previou rate w th c meal l quiet al 27 i for jcrey of 600 barrels kv flol- alcs 000 barrels at s0e gauleb there is a fair demand for wheat but price are rather easier a sale of 2500 bitsheb ohio red wa made nt l and 25txrbih prime mixed at 9136 genesee wasotfercdat smje crajuc is in fair request and 15000 husbets fd at 50c a 51c for poo southern and new orleans and 53c for jersey rvk sales 3000 busb a tie o 74c oars arc 44c o4c winttcv firm and tome 300 bbb ohio prison ic sold here at 35c drudge sold althc sale50hhds posto in poijt there ia but a mode rate busine but mesa is firm sales 400 or 500 at k 37 jc and 10 a sale of 1 50 bbb extra wa made at a10 25c beef u steady and sales 200 or 30i iiartox- al yesterday prices sale 50 tivmsmvi beef al about lane u hftvy ami prime sella alowly at ojc slr mo barre at 5j o 6jc s2t if 00000 lbs- grcar waa made at 4 oiu9alc fnlib unseed 12000 gallon at 56e and american w 57 o 5cjc flax saro sells al l30c pre fnoat if nominally aw5 caafa for scotch lead pi at 4 coltee and molasses iti moderate demand and maiket firm stcaas are heavy and some descriptions a infle tower tatasav xorcs decline lieu a set fim al 10f a 11 for sierlinj fj- we learn on hie authority of a jen rlnait who ihroujch ciriority wa ivtnplod to cmiui themjhat no le than eighty aehooi- era aaaed ibrouxh tajn ivcltauil canal on sj in nuadtor frain and prorfuts ihiifarl iudrwaflinrciir sprinc trade hmnlfii coo last nights report mamuabj april 28 8j r at some tiltte bairiaatsa ha been done in flour at 2 1 9lo25s gao brands may be quoted at 25 in other articles no chanty fine thi mom in about 10 oviock a fire broke out in a uahlc in mountain street in st anloine suburbs the wind blowinr freh at the time ibe fire quickly extended to the buildings in tbe neiihorhood from 2s to 30 houses were destroyed entirely it ia suppuscd to have been the work of an in cendiary the mutual insurance company are sufferers lo tbe extent of x658which sum intjudr the whule insurance effected on thc property consumed the weather fine today rather cloudy ihvs evening thermometer this ereoin- 5s decrees above zeio no olher news nauv votar7 f m larcn rnnx cnia aorice from hon kon tc j munry 29th have been received heir today nothing decisive ha been done a yet lowarda the swllcmenl of the dificul- lies between the chinese and the en-litb- it i thought amilitary and naval chaitiae- menl of lhe chinese will be resorted to there waa a mat fire at sofceoghai on tho 2nd of january w house were destroyed alarm had been occasioned at scbangfaai on january lltb by an iiiumatiou ftai cei- taii lawles chinese were oraaninj a ajana for the purpose of atiackinu and pluiidei thc pofli hongs- precautions were taken in consequence and all remains quiet llrrfa very dull tlerci are wantid bul ihrre ate none here laro ia very dull and ibe sale are limited to 300 barrel and liercea at 5jc a 5jc for cortm n sale ol 153000 lb lidrs in dry aakwa made on term not made pjblic about 300 tierees llama sold at 5jc a 6c for pickled bvmn ii in midrratcccnand and doll ciicmc is firm tod in small supply h cotton little oe nothing don sato 300 v s at heavy prices the tea sal tonhy vmil oftwellatpiicot sh-wn- no chance from ihe lavt sala asncs potj fneo at t bat in teaiu there u a dulnes aticc it u stated as a fee that aa much fuod u annually destrnjed in the atifnft of tbe ikiftreni roi of ine st lawrencer as would feed lhouands of atarvtna ptnauv the los ulwther indemnified by aurnce ornid iiilja lax upon the grower and it is nne of tbootrou cusfj which if aeaiml thr succeso dicinfc in cempefinr wilh ibe todncira oluhe united slate moeter iie mariffvtrii internal commemi- cnvis of thi proriiwe the rineit works of then kind in the empire are in part rendered ilvlfa couijrrio tuu scriout annual lo and the absolute nclity of providinjarainst st bv jvurnei we are pleaed lo are that the hniuji aaritfkcnn aurance company has mermicd on a reduction it rate so liberal trial we pretume no one will now nelel to rl a ujcirn aurancv upon any of hi a projeeriy ef j tu thisdanreron nariation umtrtet cotrfirf ry wjtaa coming rxv through thnllnrucerif malcolm cameron whn ha to tbr disgrace of ihe prorine bren thrust upon hit exchrncy a one of his adviser thr potmiwrhip of chatham cv boo htcn actually jreii to a vanliee democrat named freeman a person ot even a aubkei of iht queen- 76 two pasoxs aftllro ad tknc fcadlv lautmtd canandaisroa april 20 thi afternoon about 4 ovtock as the irain of rars fe rocrcr bad reached the enrve near pjddriord arotji four mile north of thia vil lage the cairtlrcsiiirc of ibe train which us an unusually heavy one caued uu raila lo spread ipar thus violmlly thro wine two baccate cars and a pauenger ear off tbo track kill nftwo person and iijoriiti several othar information of ibe disaster was immediately eni to the starion in this village and a loco- motieeand an extra ear wa ditpetched for relief which soon after returned with thai vnzr car brioche the remain of ibt prraoiii killed and those injured allof whom il appear w re either slanding cr ailline oa the platform of tbe rmlrant tfcrawbeo lha accident occuced rjmnlacnolvitia tjith derv repel thai wo announce that thr body of mr horac if mills was found on mbaday rrrninc ia thr hay neat the steamboat landing ifr hilu had been missing for nearly a cnoijih and beinr like man other at tbe presrut momrm embarrassed ir financial miter it wa fared ihat his proud spirit hfl not sur vived the mittortane these swi urmv have ihoved but too true aa he had rfoubthraa in a itenod mental sbcrration ruhed qnbid- i into the pmrnce of hi muker aa an upright induxriooh be nrii itie inhabi- mtrtlt regretted 11 t40i mr hitli will hanlton an j hi kildfteia nf br j atmaqi- uy and ufyaaiainlqa mannt r bid produced maj incaer irwrrat who unite with hie jjrniiy in depngjfairpfparanle loaa 6ecttstr curat wtstcax bjmluan coat- vaxv purvnant to notice atf raceiirif af thr tecktioldrra in ihia compnov was held vfernv tfom cremauaa aei- io on 1 iac cttair irpoo t giluorr vcrclary on motion of j g vaniart ew seconded by w a harvey euit wa resetted that the second instalment of 5 per cent be cajled in and payable 00 ibe lt of july uexl a repmt and statement ol ihe affair of the company will he submitted at thu annual mretint ot the stockholders in juno net the directors are ready lo rcccivo tenders for conpletinfooriiion journof fthe halifax herald slate thai tbo lh resk embarked on board the ilereford- murf for enrjund 00 the 8th ioal thr 3h regiment waa to leave kintun jamaica on tbe 27th ull in tbe blenheim for halifax oa largt quautitv of hiliury stores ha just arrived in new brunswick from england arffl araoft them ia a magnificent ontnt complete of arm clot bin appotou ment and saddlery mifficieut foe tbe equip ment of len troop of cavalry tbe nhole iiu a prrsent from the government of great jliilain to lhe province of nw brunswick qucbfc rrcury foe 43oi4e toblvvflslscirk lorjoroef fr new york market april 28 7f k ktocn the market for flour tod wdjf nol ao active aa early in the week but prirea ar without change- tbo tfarkct however helltt bnovanry and the approach f ihe time for theopeuintofcaftat navira- lion has it usual influence upon the quotu- tiou 7 be salra bvaroy arc 2500 barrel at 1 for pure western slijo i5 frr eood brands maehlaam w 311 o mi t pure crneer brooklyn aold at 05 for m brand inihittleon tho marhot mcalisin larer demand ahont 0000 barrels jeraey have been sold at i71c rva ftoujtii 356c with aalet of too barrels wtikati held more firmly tod and 2500 buhcla sold at slyloc for cencwe the quaulily on the market ia moderate conit waw in fr enquiry and quotations leady satea 15o00buho at 6ic fot whim jneey mc somoutqrhw it leaf firm loday and 000 buahels rldat72o7sc oava arej canal40e wtitartrmlndamarib aniawrfli sejtaa for ry ttll mm j tm rt ua ohrli at me udfaorlx diudga at ufa jiaaju cnujumln werer into a al th 3j i ot back uarltriara im- hut one pfrk m ivaatheramaavrrya w j vvbiatv m nol ilira h fiirpuihttfblrrawparoa fl hma hru metfkltttepaalaarva avjjtlla jrlmafa filahlaf 111111 md dving ittl ixcopty or qaajrp withstand- incibeboatofthe wolmrtjlinck will not be perniltd to walk lbnjrr in oxford or stratford of woodstock will contest lhe county and will probably rorarea formida ble opposition hcmtilon syecfofor flr we norland that jame thompson the man wboae sudden disappearance from dunda txcitcif o much aosptcion and auxirty in ifcat town wa found on monday morning in the catal basin an impreion anprafa to prrvail that the onfortunale man committed filicide- lb the foltowin extract reapectiue the ex- tortation of hour ia important ltvrjiruoi lih frtarch im8 there baa bren an import of 300 hrr of canadian ffour fiom jvc york uith all lhe necessary papr to prove ib origin bul it ia treated a friln hecause 001 imirteil rooa canada tjbec afwy chmittt r it is aaid thjrf wr royal hnre arlil- lery in it riornt form will be ab lifted and the col about x500fxb- n wfaowall in the treasury in tldav of finarnldjltlcutiira ft i understood villheoppliedinfurnihina twelve uineponder field uattcrir l e erentytwo jjun cmdrte for evicrrach finitely cinjiiiajxhocu for foraenanitmaa- ipa total of j ts000or twentyfour balte- ijej ol evolution 1 e onchundiedand rurty- fnir tuft wlileh would bo ready at any moment lo proceed to the coast to repel inva- sioti tbe pare ummnnilion wageon w other carrmjes follonin up bv means of p reused hone vonxc marat rrr one of ibe best editor of she wewmuser fleriw was a cooper in alierdeen ono of the cteatcl pbilanihropia of his day wa an aupreniee lo a sureon in frasetburn on f the editors of a iondon daily pajwwaio hakv in eljtin lhe editur of the mtov ivifrtfts wa a tonemaon in crom irty orm of the able london miui- tn wasn watchmaker in banfl ihe late dr mi toe of china waa alierdhoy in aher jerirhiro tlie piincipal of thr london mis- ioiarie wa a tailor in keith the ncheat iron- fouiidr in kniand vaaj a wotkioa man in mntajiiro sir j chr k queen phyician wa n dtihrji in banff one of the member fe jtow war a joor llwohire boy and josejdi hume wa n sailor hoy in montrose crynr 1 n italvji of a iaiv h waa atatist nt an aiiinvrrry meelinf of the liverpool udira idmc aotiition that aa enlcumoii hai hrm made at itirmiitcham reiocliru thn piowrtiont1o value ol the mtticesol jtentlrmeii and ladle aacidlectort fbr charitable nnd muuuia putpir and it waa found thnt one lady wu worth ibirtrrn pyrntleratn and 0 half fr- artnannoirianv rtotit on llio lal nf thi month a owe holniiafttif in mr reevoo tlouoro or liallneh irrohfhl fuh two l of vvhlrh waa a itarftrl rurtaalfj lr ita way nu leoa than two h a i a thoolbae rarra

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