tm 1w ftclw tij imtf nl wj lihhif ill if i hi i r mainiiu eider m itnuiid iiihm af h trihenil of lmimvut gl the tttutl mler i1r1iivrd n lp0imni hlel w4 mt humhjy ie nadtdinbi rinphut flr uliili ihi fcdw amldtl til if v4 kltfl for other wrrwc wjletuias it i eiwri acitai fmof ihi 1 ibis lo am rati ok lleii actand to 0 vooj roii lj icrl chetjttou trliijclidm miito llarhor diiee on wuoj ruin 1 dice tho m uugslon illariiit cst cssccs afcrivgd in potlt 35llt s lty f iko lake rclf pv- aleanro h bfaw a ldy of the lc uedeaatoufi paaror tar elibrt giovncv ecrd c li ldr i laurne mnrik s30 v fir mttrfcvr veni 3 j- milt unuaevk he nvr i da mple it r iptjin oo tit str prittcom rv t-a-al- fil mk i ww arrruroe fc co 10 dj rwor lljur hnctot a t sir geean ticlorit ccwil crnenjcarro fiu lijfmaftdc lachme ceaefal c sirsioeeof wale fteiue 1 hhf o wd l op floor is w reve e brsrrjoco a seiw etwpfic 0et tjl e bohr alb bronn tulc4o rrrf1 sir city of tou teroaiw ir cafe- rfreeuoiuee cc aojas ium4kkisu hu rnrijpfcvr 6 headcreee bb av m flbli f ffot uhmm t lff peri 0- jon 4 n culc l hone t botoc cw riuouiwftffnrth-tfjrt- taprealn 10 ream nitt aaafleffc uohma cw sir gujoxgno scar drt ckrrln4 a geaeejearv sir mcl liii1uw l coro str lady of the fr z criwls in lifts iik at patrecson hottvl 1 mr rpudu 26if mr w mihf mr ncjmomd btwtnoi ch chrk cfcwi j wttfril kininfl re 1 f- cihvi covi mf km luiml 7wa mmkftofkpm sfmcvlle rt d fc- mr st qvt mr g anliwi ttiad mr cfwfd e sivilk wt bfmaiwi v v owui nc yk dr ao m mills national hotel 4llp itl i t i mortlrl p cltftm n y t mracmwu iluwis ftblh ti ttj t 1r monrr ufvckrkv mr miitablkriuo edward imlilj ufw fil d ruhrd n- mr iinnn yu xhoyfcor 5tkc rf n y mf u w fawn dealer ny 26mr- j gfint mr frrr corawnll mr jbver roehr mr male luih m aiim wtlntown mr rwirt luj mr i- oofrttcr aifpbwiowfi mfc or yi j b tik7 a4m n v gcorc xhird antmsp l 27ih acw- oiirc mr htmiillert ud sale by auctioa bashflkmoh whiskey monday tttxt 11 m ay i he sic f mmr ii it k 10x7 next it auction in idtt to tmckswill be wm inii piitctiirnt 1 cuta swerior uaj poldl wrimet irdr x25 cull x nd ip- mqfjmtcn funislnn ayiovcd n- a sfel elvn clocv rmitly william warb if 4vtiottr april is i loe toe ice vtm amxamobr kbspectfullv inform tiiffiikl tl public general ly iim lc prepared to aufiplr tuent the ouirig leuoo wilh uc ojion motlerato tf m pnciualttf will b obcrrd in the jlry at uliir residences uvery niortiiiig fimtifim aymlm for the louon on reaionahw tacrna tlrdor received at mr robart mc- comteks sbrc frriwe revt or ai mr5imaertncrmccof market square trill mfet wilh proropl atertiiii lviiki0n 2b april lhi for sale kaovp dunn colqrfo po key ibc proper tjnf 1 officer fmitnf a kinpioft april 29 ii i mifidifltbuildiiig society notice the second monthly instal ls ent tfiu w pajrme on vdthdjiy the thihoday of may ntxi at tht oact of the soirt 9trru john shaw swmory 7roj kineon58h april iwfi i with ire waodl br tt lhrrfoirfflncldh tba ci j council lh vuy nf kialofl l tint o much f an armn rctjiiui ilia pnbllc mafkt in the city of kiein jrd 6n ihf irnth day of may nnr thin cijjhl himrtfltdai1 foly rvrn n inr lud u nrfatci to scmdula c u iiti1 ad ari oihmwiu amtratj to iuu acl be brirhj re- haled i ii that ih wlieltftf ihr aft relailac lu the lufbor in ihr city of kmr f sfil on the iwflah jv of ociobtf b4e lunand eithl bundled nnil fotr ix u mw trvlnd and enforced txo4 inal iherair rhitijoft or lrr mchiird in mwh of tlir sjirf the ad art a u pucrd nndcr iavnh of fottii fw and aram rarrafcc hefeafttt but iwethitib of t iinaant jneaehearthcemimniicnkd and rxott dirt that in the ca of vrucn r ith jrrwood no charge hall bctaaavfik tho vel h one t aer cord su w charged a haihvr dor wneihrr iho hcx1 he previoody conltacl4 to or not vjj lwv m it j the irnr inlnil and mf if ihw thai peeanik irmirily rri4 4nt an the huuds or sjiafrs neai ihr cny f kinfmaa and calaw tq s1aki with uty slic pnniotcanoejan wilh veuhlri ajricuhural produce ot fh io be mailttirj bal not pv any haiw dn tnil iial le vund to brincuch ariirlra opna ibv ub siai ihvrvta way lor onlinaiy makei catt r tu f t1at the matter or perwi in ehr af v vrfl or rafl laden wilh ireeea4 riial truly mate to the labor mtrj o hii autherfefi awlaat hie namber of cord of wam aah venal or raflnjer penaliy f anvfine inthoriied by ihi ac inj i raaeor his refal to make wh itaiemeat the hajtor master aba ii decide poa the nam seref eorb for which itic aoid dues are to nail iv that hereafter the market oh shall in nocat demodoi eotleciany xliikel charge of loll on or from off any vtttel whatever tflaat in the haihor of ihe clip v that a much of the raid act regulating se pnltic market a may impne a charge tr il an or be made apjthcablr to ani yehielei laen h cord wj j or fitel w hereby tepealed and that hereafter thv jarlricbaficc to be callecledhy the marfcel fmecor on any aeh vehicle iuwn hy iweharjesor other anirnnu iall w three flcebr load and on vehicle dran by lie horse or other animal twofcma per vl and whereas moeh ineonrenience hath arilea bv partis attemtin io evade ihr ay- meiiiafmaiket haree aadcr fieieiit iht the article od had been pfcrioufly ton- treted hf and hal no harkeiin of the rilelehaa taken place be it enaeiej thai a every iftrfaaovi the marktl chamie anthotixed by the aai4 act reulatinj- ihe public marketf hall be collected unlei ihe otvner or petsn dririni any ytmtlfi ha1l produce a contract in vrritini bmafidc made iwemyftnr hoar pictiauv to ihe de livery of the article or articles namrd therein iehrh aiitract ihall be for more than one lad ot firewood oe oiher attick and pro vided alto that in every oe he burthen of ptorf hl reft an the person rfmiig to pay any market char afocaid vii lliat any peron who fhajl neglect or rrfoe tapay iheehareef i by thi when demanded or wharfum refie or nei loaaey any ordenidven by the harbor matcr andii the aathority of thu act or who xhi r jwlty of r infraction of any of the praiianof thfc act um nton conviction tliereof before the mytr police uagblratcj or any alderman be fined fr each urtoce m such fum not to exceed five ponnd nor kai than twa htuine and x pence bejdvt the com at the said mayor mtanmii- lrte or alderman shall deem prflar hich i ne and cotj may he levied or the cood ittrl f hfrof neh ortnder oreh jmmifl miall he iwpaonea jo u- vf l iw i i i dilhct for a period not to exced ihiity day unleh the amooat of auch fine and eoi be paid ls- signed wit foro jt oir a trot copy m ftawcs cify cferb iv jiuutloni oticb la haralty avittlos of honehold kc tit act 0 f his uavil ihervifen hyrmaa potm etqj brock sttii in ifortty stent hautg vvlientlia whole of hi houskiiali rnimtnft axp other kfpegfs vjto uliricfil pf wiitnnt re- 8u at it oclmk tcnim oi riif pauicuur nr 1quhili jamks linton kiiierftaii april s9 islft of tllk ooufit of namfrcptcy for the midland d1stbict rnthfmfilftrnfjotwcottnqxmackay it i ordered llial the third urnvral mertnv of tlkr cydfnf 4f tlw above named bantrtr i for the proof jr4ebu rxaminj lion jiankiujiu ami allowance ar ddf 3ca cf criiificote he hehlat tbe jnjice itmber in the conrvflmrw cil of kuw too aa liuav uw nineteeitib day of rtav nait at the hour of twelve owekj lwillfawati 10v salk 4 to lktt old ptrttre ax tiik rkmiks wr w r fim utelv e hv j l ylxsrsii prew lahy 2fihj by mr stta uuv iktmuallm a ffx tfi jfiha 1 of m rr1 by the coori a rowlands cttrk 3a bfrvoaii jitraii bviiilo afitjl 3ft ts4s affl in thk court of bankruptcy for tub uoland duirict m fac fltertcr o tuvstas urudry f rt prnn of thomas uesury t bordeambai ihe sechni general meet- irof cieditora of ihe atave named ranbropt for the piof ol lbtand euini- lion ol hankrnt le held at the judjfci cham ben t in the conn haute city of kitf ton on wkdixksdav ihr ten dav of may next at ihe hoar ol lwelve ocek noon by ihe court skowlanivs clerfc joii caaatthcks dtigat king a m 1m 35i pinn sutmrrs sale turd ay n dtamict to ii may nexl will be el kswako jvitrc bakvh in iue towih illltbiireb ihr lollami iropefli belong j hie maiii iay t isr rerfdence o of ill city of- kingston ciiy cirkv ofi april 2s moticniihrreay ihr city fliriljtna ia rof government notice phe cwmis8ary cenkkar will 1 rreeiee seated tendera at mmuoak anlil noon on wednesday the 3r4may for biixa at thirty days fight on her mirfcljii treaaarr pyue r mexican or viiih state uulfirf to br depevitrd in ihe con- ntmariat chnl at toronto tuigiton man ifca1 or quebec na triiocfk will ha noticed xhirh e nm male the rale mtliiif per ualur they rnua ahotpecify the etu in which th- bill will bo rafloifrdj and ba rnrked on the cn- velafejo ller for it ill comhtftaatat cakadat montreal hut april s1 j 3cu cotice unuericnecvvill en fu- traoaactall btiinca cohiiect te canadiafi rvta i the isarhjvf mniim carlisle being th otilj- ily authonaed by hi foejhip john boyes jxtrit rw near kvtgrtwt april 26th isis w 3541 th rrer pereio cvtrrgsitr rfa qftt4 fsm4n riataajb peo ereeihr 3apvrrtio and arad ttr aeeaaatv to itiit osaa t tore m vsich il to etmafeo jrn bautfk rird v virtue of aevefal taccutioti out nf llr ofajertj cuurl of cjurens bench and lo me jrccrj all the household kaintnire 1 jr cov leep wnon haineis nd fanning ira nhfnenif tcmundrr12 iqtxaeh ahovlku aatountj 3 and 6 month credit on a jrove nfle rnre at j2ockelr nou t a cobbett william ware j- swntn i orrirc 8541 kinguon stlli dy ofajnil 191s y sheriffs sale slioiand diticrftn friday lht to wh i day of may utillta aoij at the athene uta bck sire m the city of kjtoa the loivint prorty vlonit to eiwani jomt baitkih s2rd by virtue f aartral ectvthn out of llrr majevyn court of qaeens qmch all ihv itock in trade teinvt will iidtio pre- e standing ptes bookbinder micnk a implement lh all ifcr lf in l bitiih whig office and h ajtd ccfice fur niture teton under xb ift cash above that amount 3 and 6 jnontha crcjt on ay- proved endormd notai sale to commence at ii aclaek sfi orncc kinoton27ib day of april l william wahi i of kl rtacn tub sae tsvatk whieh wt to lat at porthtrinuth on monday mil is postponed ntil fmihir notice kinptw april diiid ists 34 tf eingstol building socisty riiltk twixfvii loan meetino ef a th society will lake cc at ihe d trie coau hor on monday nkxhhe firstdayot s1ay i31at nkvkn oclock 1i whet the directors tril proceed to lend or aranca 600 of ihe v in i of the society in ihe atoa jjiutpc hie vctrlary rll he in attend anct at the court home at 6 oclock by order georhe baxter s arrefaiyi ttatti ngtton islh april ims for sam an english en5kn by 30 tlct will be aold low to elw a roojgnirn willlahflbmie l 34tf kin april llt it sal 1a1porta5t sua owfhk bulllfi cued it sal t or av french burr mill stones bv avct10n on xauraddy fae xxu day 0 jtfoy nerf of toronto the esecutolisofihebte mr chaiatoritc elliot will nffrur suit at the fovuarna yungo sircpet wiilmul tlroloaai aeerae ew ami c tcitnieeawrrtimertofphtjnch liltrr mill stonbsboill by ahilfnl wori- affjoa frnnkuluclvpr the vary bes joa criplina evor troiiortttj il ibia pr- viftcc to peraons reqnrrino aoch tfticloa ihe salo will rreactit facilitrea nrtvllkoty to bo again met with and tcrfir anfterior qiralny cannot fail to provo their h ft wfftffl ft jation trnu ow 30 ivelve m nth credit 00 and ver fiftetyi rnontha eivcrxioo eirhi minaa- cradh on fumisniugipptijoetl endorjc tlkotca ultwawrvborrjek 13bahd bxeevfer iate c elliot- 3km for saiie v fivoarki clfi hutu coku uitthe ndlavv william ware kinpnaptilm isis atf il lewis hotel front stiflel j bellevilu fohmerly muy08 hotel vpue subscriuert ukv thiar jl lrtunity of htorming hi tiienjo land the public that he ban removed frtim liia old atand in cjhaiitimttilki and beg to recommerxl m forritr a auceaair to keep the aome feeling grateful to 1i10 pomic tr iheir pm nrenako- mr f wiahev to form ihrra that he has leaved ho sg flout fittm mr munro where ho will at a- 1 iroea bo most happy iti rfr uoo all who may favor him wh call in uch a rnanucr as veil oiiagrc their niun thtoiaagogdsiieiratmldriv ing house liuiiimng m w pfaoit and wlien rniitbed itl houitc of ho muii commojiuoa io town tluireo llvtrf slabi ached in tho pmniiawi wharo trwellca and uiticra itimeabo fumiahed with coor v eivrn lnat thai ly eeenptca aa a uajtoroiito apiil 54 1343 riq be leased at puhfcc auction ot wtroday nrxl ik fint dybf may at it omttft a- m further partreu- lan nj coskil made know atlhe time ofialf s py wrf tbr council- mtjamgas cify crrft fpll sale pfne ancgoh m cwh one da 18 cv one stream anchor itinajlon april 12 18t cao hoafta awo corofttadlt caraianha on the ahoiltt norsco and oujlibciel terms e h lewis belleville april 1348 31if a card ntj leaned dy auemurs 1 vm r return my ahjcara thanks to ilic umic fur their jiaiinnca durinj te jiait nineteen year and have plotamr irtracrimmondpof aaioy aucce ms e h lewis hiiig al cavofftbly known 10 thu travelling vpltc a a hotel keener in shaiiioovilff d rovai mtfnata dtlloville april 151 e iy ikft ikm ta lj shitt- i rxeelrfnt carriage fci lafawlti arnnr c ihirn ice coijtrte 1 najgl hamea tavrlhnt hno ferie rcailuaaj 3r srtih tnt4iit 2 ollhtau j hae wa4 stlteci i ftoe woa i 4 tabid roitiid ie waej tadlr 8 jhe waoj chair i eleairt pklum and fran i irulw od cae or covafj 6 blue onuhientf i is j fcvtc cae 1 8eil uininublei l smiiido 1 lroa tahle 8 mugane chls 2 elffant am chain h hall chair 4rlar lnjvls carpcu anj untf iece h 3 heatto unp a varieapr mail 3 cliet at uawrr g rath fv chatrs 3 scnteh caru 1 piece of new stair cvpr 4 brafo lam cfahr lamp 1 large mirier snd 3 stnl totm tlo tpgtruca with feather beds blanket qnilu pllot coakinp haji and parlor se bcd- tead i sirj curtjin alo a lare quantity d cbo bve pcanieri turabler wine and afher clas c liina uiaaer set cnjn and snerr t cncimon doif an j a variety ctf hocsh flrnitckeaf every oectitiun tee atf iirrou t tien1ioo eanilio rarvar1vfeaforonarjtnt ail r a ki m iiveu on ihe i of m y nr marihialo cmiriilxl ptojlth aiarilp wis all antic ami ontario express spepjal mfikskxtrck will hate lhntttue an sjiirday joh ajtll al n srnrday cstlj three pvihk for the k- mdl sieaiaci artia third ira r hton it livra on wenrdie 3id my april 17 iis wm wakeiaicent 4 want a situation younc ma whucan le will ircem- irnu f miiiiiiiit a i1u 0f orrv -c- jtt 4lj0 too fnc vtlflmr 0 rft a4 on ajaol eeey aajajki both civil military and m ice i a ne atl the whale 19 he old without reserve slr o cvmtr at ii ftchxk fareaonn james linton vfticfiwcrr winfilon april 34 islft- m51 hous e sale tudav9tb arl ist at l- i wwetiaijaai will br temeaac m cuion the mhwia plo ppnvilt pvr9erof cii aj gitoa kiiitfuwa kinw aiil rt irf4ilm hi oil memtojl pdy if u lte n itaif oilic tit dc mukie r jean maria leraf v ccrne bal h t ijriin li ctaiiafi tjken a conntjntfhoe in sullen halt order forw ami mveumk ffltir cologne 41iiat be hiv lnnno t 3 n cannae- sttftet all o h place will ixaet bilk pruront atle a wmantvaof bah ik coiocxe alrtifvhin alfjr is fceiit in ihii ftrf exhoi por sale a n hft4ie4ed fhll hem nf ih r 9 th wotilenpactoicvtatnetbe new in ftipaiatairaii fain latntlarf cji t vitwf en pilicho- ta mr j w wiry ai ihe t iceiv and th le e eea a4 taima iv4c madtknoan iv li ilktmaft nflcson the arvive rraperlv will aflaou ky pnmtt alxfinx 41 ijiukkiiaydie 4abaf uay ncataiomock k mi bvrrlar najianee april is imr to poiwraxders and others wood wood phajtltbrkiuemhae r 1kenta rl ciikuwcl orftho a rjian nay nf saand okuwooo wliicu he will ilruvcr or ihe wnaff at matilamdlo sieatteai in nich iiunisii n injure d ai a r puce jamk3 hfrvrv maiind april hltw 31wt rnuo customs n sal bmih count of h perty ix lree aflin j baal aboil 6qhhheu indian canl atwil 2g ja pea one revolving rille and tlfcree bitle barrrlt sale ai achcvt knott kiaion tmih april uis received yesterday bv the 8tkaii laoy o f th e lake obakhkls prime rectified rachaaie c1dlk which are for sale on ippli w ii at1nfftw tataoa to alkxaxncr market square pril nth ihs k 3 brickse 1 venders will he trceiced at the os af ihe peiiitealiary nntiltvlve ecrv- at nooaon saturdaythe tiiiutken t daynf mav next fom oeh rertoas ma he willing lo furnish and deliver at the s penitentiary 250000 hud burnt slock bricks ojeshalf lo he delivered in two m0ni1 11 the remainder in three months own isc ifai of cnntraru two sureties wil he reijnired for ihe c if irincrjjf h rn r ji l l may be er ljai imd ptoerncial pr- 4 it ajarr ix tlie f iv eept smith watdvi the uftjcmittiied nffor fir al- niifiitier of very elicimo btum in lot in the vtliageof kjjin the township f moniue for s a l c r ptaptry nt cothorue strellcriarn 1 anmyvtxiae the chequered inn city of kinif term oiethiid ch rcirumd in one year ar the rajo- in onetiid in two year with tntcrejt seeerl fot iq ihe vicinity on the lama terra uith j wiitrvit bmuin thereon foe farticila aipv ti the rev fkoktbkilotuaar ofl ioin rurriatteiter kintwi aril th lb ii f forw a rdixc 1818 r ivjfrtfr itiinid rnnhinc anj powcttul steamer 1848 thci x 29 m reilaly pvtwen jttrea himhion ami mleve he mjtc lrndfllll trij fr ikv wc tli vtil cirrv fuii fir oe ttfentn and wih he ave u -th- it it ei ilam tossrtp r hr mm 1 mute ev aj kail riiirfithe thriving village tr m jiatcl sntytha kail- these lot hee loon l4id out in si very nlicioe niianvranil iili q viow tn accomnrle lechani ml nthera they tkave lcen male much hrcrthn tluim ofsmyilte full the fjipid increase of that place fntm its contiguity ti the rijiau canal utfhrt a fair jusrantec fo the fuuic prtperity f ihr village of elin tr an other ivauij jo wcltimrritjiately avtl ihrmelves of the ailvnniage the subscriber houa rauj- the luaare ircoat lei than one third f ihe price akej for lria in the viilaierf mvfcu nliomale title will be given apply to the proprietor j meciblj chambers smyrh folia april 15 i6s ktf steamboat 50ticis the c xv v notice the impuuteu horse l s o m 11 o c i r 0 s3- ttj runain at hiwwn stabe j t all ihe enoir season v g pwrae jok3i nortos k the toll coie khb april 26 146 3 3m sale of ileal i3nte at the vtllavc of ivirtsmoufll iiatfers bav will he ad at rsic atklian withact iftrp mhvuvi f1l rjav of mav ne at the village efrortsmolrfh 1ark lot no one eorflaintng 4 acre 2 reed and h ocreae eoni0red one of he mnt beaotifnt ituatiun in the vicinity ol kiitgati diiaed intn 20 du1ldinc loti oneliflh of ao acre each 10 of the lou fron their elevation cmioaod a one view of lahe ontarin and the forcal tree thereoa have been prrerrril by a ihannlial fence five of the lob are intersected by a nererf failiajr team of excellent waler and the whefte har frnita nn n iiowftnec of toad for slierli cpnj with th vrllace terfri mawtenwn n the tinr t ie kingsh 1 xc h ifh firtst arrival of n n w g o o d a a l d shaw bec to iotimate that they nave ihi ear received and nrenowoennzopt itrefr fitrt lot of sprlarp cmofitl fr lll sea4on already ajjveriued a having been received al xcv yk oe the 4lh ltu to which tbey respectfully direct attention kinffiton april 20 wis 33tf l03t on saurjiy errig betweon cbvnce nrl pxitaccaa trcu a latins smnlt pluck stk copt new iron steamer ct 1jt s rav- capt sutherland l eotnraence on thursday the okh indant in rim twice a week hc- vvctt liwlrrtiitt w ht wfrv ioieita nd ifterffirdiate u will leave hanillon eviv maaday and hnrrday mnrnin at 8 nv toe hi and kino- vei every tuesday and friday after the ar- val of the rieet mail baal april 13 ttt- riarrrt rf finite j n er4r nj uojrj trt dva hmlrrd t ehn4e jeir frttamfhmdt nt kinln yt uricwi ilte wj lie e- a hcrcmirr aftd at the n- ahedale of canai tolu is pfanulatilerti will he rrrpard to name ihvir kate of frviht fjr the croinc deaaotu tl jones a co uantrta h il s jokes ainerfon h ar s jones st ca nrmb aprtl 13 1g4 30lf j hy omjrrurttl vatx city orrarlkftstot gas light company incvrporatcd by artaf frtrliamatf divided lete two share ef x5each wbtab jaay be increased to tfflq0 nirbttoit john counikb ei avvafitali wm wilson r vieepmideat ji i rtt a fn fior m ltniro wn paaa jgn rj4 jpy wvar4laq hcfftiv ctriif it atv jnv mwv ki w41 kiaearot ftjttart hlli it paaic soluilor at a rrnir of ihe hord of director 1 i- m 01 l r 7tl iulcs it i metered that he stack ook of the cam nty hiii i ov clptr1 on tlw arm mctnday in uvatuj ihatan imtitmmt otoaa found rrrsiiarc wood then he due aedaltshart- r r are rerneied to pay to lbtljwaj llcae ni or t9 that 04te ktrtice ii hrrtby aivea that the secretary af the cwnaany will he every day at the office et a1xr wee wite a co ware p m jrfraeri ten a- it to tb imchel ajidetriy hcheaneoc4 bock infer inattart anvjed ft iierueird thai all cornrflumoalion will he addrmd to the serrr tay by enter of tba reant tj w atiovtlae a 1sa jb afwullticfaj l wants vukwkf il mavawpe 4 a of 1 fcw ajrjii at ihe ath4vi mure k sc rrfnafii 7th 108 to tlio caraadiaa tabic pwhbncaiawai- tvy have evade ile fn1fe3 anj 1101 eaten ron rr ua a r jen 4r ft orairat fis 1 k lhiiletah ithirao afa 1 r kew wiiwiaa iirraott are newqr vr still t f6t lardsuie 0 n eioaa oeiela a trery an tifet jirea rf ad not ejpo- lftd and fc i etmrt ai rfl j lm if 1j ile ftflhiftat iiia ciimeriiee fllqi trmjol tft i kpthrc vfvnttflil nation harndeh to aeaeal with rreatcan- fteiiei ia ut e r t pam waa laic m iye iniwliil infdrue- 11 to ce fjfy lo the vr lr ere beiowe4 o uiok ntrtu tcmfteta their iaetectfeelnbo irutajin h iheeeeej failed ln radea ihe prr pi iwlat ioej hy ih r ameieaa hiflaaa ir hiih rate of paace nitwittrifandin a fwmly whirred bslafc mtrntnebojcrscre forwarded and tlv tacra hibaa that ihe anh mfucim iiarxpkx fc co are bsu fcf awa- an c cea r fwn lveryool attain tue ekttiaa jail their other parien- v hit the kreatetl care 1 takeo lha uttt i the eoa- iojftj o x sat0roat tn kindlon a cotd watch key the under w be liberally rewarded by bringing it to the osee of this paper king april 10 4 r ftf 0 river 8t lawrence- jum hue royal fatl steamers will leave ihi pert for laciiine eeery i torin at 7 oejoek 32- 1848 c u iea is grexv1hb anal music store the subscriber would reeetwly infer n ihe public uiiif0 of kiiiemoa tat ir h lae4 the piefaim on kin street 1 present occniej by hi uiactfajit a a lrvoood store ihcre he intend awiu a ijic stottbaotthe itm ofljfay next he will keep conlantly on hanj hew secoadhaiui plancfbrtm vannfaetercrl he stodart chicfcer walker tfjefitl i ftirti far sale or hire ale ftraipi v t n hi vtintollos arcordcttnst gu c ani piute with x onrf eight kcis and all other detcrilinn of lnlrumenl in te lliidcnl depijieni a latc aasottment of veve s ec e tte ranfre hulur vialin ptaie aovotji h violin anduraiur string prcerrforafar tfte atata ntmeen hie bafton academy the bovton glee twv dyer an- tltem and cboro bonk c oic wm mcmillan janes mcmillam n b riano timed kinptonapil4 m wa to lkt ahourfjayrdaril ana garden near the village of brricfrhl imiicfliate neamonif wiiloj mirv garjvn gnuiij may bo had it required t 1 ultfu a convenient place for a uaill ilairy apply to tho sobavfibcf whoever hi hiaml tlje oame anl will return it t mm aaat ourcncc street will be liberally rcwarxlej kifljfstim april 17 i31s j cairicficul iglli j marks april 1848 3241 t sheriffs sale midljko diarttict 11 y rmaeafa te ivlla i 1 wuraffivfl facia iiierl rnit of her mijey a court ol qieoi n h mill tn tncji- rectej nt the attit of ooirlfi bolter ngajnat the land eaiad tcufmeut rrf mary atkiusur i have acisoj tl taken arkoetitiiirt all the rifffit liile anil ilcrhuptoaf the id maty auihsoti in nj u iwe f hnwiig rierty vrt lola no110 191 ioh af90ii ue city of ivingauil ll nu 3 iiijatej tvot of sinto mierl atao in ifcat cly rf king rliprbeit pail of park lutnu 1 sjl- mrr ontl pari of lif n6 is in the let vsttiictnarlw titwnebi nf kinton which faropjarty 1 vrtu ertrr for sale a iho court fftuev 10 iho city of kinf- toen 4l4iwhe cflth day nf july next atttje ffiur of twelve actcfcj ruo ch a m- cnnnerr if riff l d j columbus r m4rine ifisuejlce ciuataky he utlericcii proparej tn ti- cvive nniinaoua ft i n merchandise siejnilatj and sailin vecls n the jakea anj kiver ist iatence either fur the scnmnr he the trip at teaaonaue ratciiorpmium thomas rrigosjtii afent- ojbt prrnera strat atiipron a prill 4 isis 38 m removai j ricllakd80ia merchant tailor becs repeetfylly lo inform uu friend an1 ihe public taat tie tia armovei iiis tailoring ftarlishkst to tlie ihim hoee mow hi old sunf formerly aeeiipteday mr haihl a a sitmlry ware room where he f ruared aal will he happy to ereenteall atder eetruir to hi uiib nea tneii an j decntch i c smiri kia5tna april l i84s t f 3itm for saie at the kingston foundry m irqsand yehigh cqal potash kettle9 coolers kinvon fooudry april 4 118 it ta ntrr will rke cony noutb the tow pressure stcame capt m bell ly jtiiinr the enduing oa- alwttta rintili anti uy tun 5d nice wai twice a week flfowa hvvinir kinctn every ttjcs- av and fftirmy munmico afm the arrival if ihe lake nluil steamer itnl front every wcdxtsdat i atundr ktcmnc after the arrival of the speel ffom orenville downward wjlware ftlnfiion t 9 a- m n afibp ji ljp bac m jmv r11 ft ltotmua ohtcifer fimnv fativ klbrvck hrinehviv butntta j jkehelta lnornfr r uflf liad o n aedomveat brtvwn 1 m upwards will leave rrtemai 9 p- if laleod is m breutv uidia 3a neat dy boirutv lupiaa- av mfrviekvilte 7 kilmirrtob niviv faj 10 0vefrr i l4i1ane 4 jane falla 7 ufvnr ihawerv 9 kihftva 1ihl andoriira kiv 1 by ihk arrancement a se had of ah the bel scene locta and vilbei nn mcpherson crane co kington aptil 13iti iw8 sltf cbm o y ti- urumfoifio frepeller imefomniiary oenerol wturn nvn sealed 1ovjh l ifcott mi tbtirvtay the 4th may from parties hi may ihi ileairtnj of purhaainq the aluive wcim ehe how le io ihe naval yard at kinton together ivih vcr tiitchitiery ami other appurtenance 1 avrnoiit ho m le in specie or in the xiiuof thanorej dank 00 deli ve ry the cescl api1icatinlo nrect the voaaiil to he ml- 11 the senior cvmojiaseriat olbcer at ki listen temtera ti marked nn the envelope tender for uniini- chniiinariat canada montreal 4tlr april ls s 30 0 n i2 il 5 a m 5 i 11 sama a cyhwrv rnae kenery mniprircifail the line farm to be sold to be sold a farm ef 100 aerea in kiweekbteh being tlrf eaat half nf lot no ht4i the sih cffiiceaaiun in gnoj cultivation and iveu watered on iie peerniaea are a dvclline houe ben shed ate- wibamr orchard paymnar cah h and the re- maliirjar yn liroe aviiy to yj eham nitpanars moreh 28 1hs education rilhe suhvcrtlter beg to acquaint hti friaad a and ihe public in weml that he will remove htjcadkmyjitihc wnii aeiuaw fo7 bnsutcl apkaxr tba lromaa moue up tpfojoit torrarly occufuvd a thv fi4fnt gnxrep oc j thurier en j of princhss strert oppititt the faxbtenet fifth emigrotfon acmt whwr ht will be prepared la receive and eencate ach puiiu a nay he entruiud lo hii cre ah the branches of a sound and ireful k u jtn fvr practical purpeief are laogm ot tlii acailcne trms three delm jier noaitcr latin and crfofteaim for fnrtntr particular apply ta caoaqc luie cii or to ihe sutarhcr j taylor april 7 fmft are bi afcl o taninhcte the 010 1 toil nf ne ratrnrr prlidmiroivlitranamil meaee to anr panefliimiiean o4prd with drift al wst faf ft and wpwrdij fwrt phil ianfrr ibeir oroflv xo amoricau il wttfa of credit o r bpth ftablhmvnt tar tlondrea of lhoiani oi ponajs jlrrtjn hat ftai ven iramnklftd cy n in perfee ja iha kcix- rnt tbeieby avoiding the ritfc foa acrrjt otbereie and rea tba taiie erhn property paamjov can tr secured to quebec aa ahtra at amt prteev per lu thei information vrhicb 71ii be atja oin t ce f y harmjrjn axcfc sveten or to v n i william wab1- i nfereaf1 hnjin fi dwlrable realdenc ntar kligaion to bfc let or solde m to be letersetdariihim uediaie peaaeaaien vera coui- ni4nliuuferiy remdence oa tbep of jlarriehvm hill fnrmerly occnpiadiiy rvj tj mr xuciar r n a utft garden ia atueharcr the houe wiiuh lo roomy i ia god repair and i atoblaa and outlaiam aro spacioe and convenient fwr puruculara apply to mr kicholaa croe in the village who will aauraiftr prvni0 r to df sampacir icirifbvtj april tmat farmxatsalk qnbillnoreoacreiaftouaaadliajj tarearofift rnrt coneaesiorjojfid- 1 to lrtj commodov dwelling h0u5e filiate in montreal street lo dear from princes 3te aod adjjinin ilr dut- lcreciaiittt 5hoa apply te jobs patterson otjuiiosircel kinion 3tt march ims for sale x handsome tifnt dos can ntty fttwf yth patbjct jlles pule ay tliaratii cot 35 alio a hanosoms buggy wilh ivan seat frr one t two horrea a deuhlc seltbmis mounted bfnc a ner linte s do do william ware jftnpioa march s0 ims 4i city njrnititre warerooms montreal street the submilxr oold lw invito br public la an inicun of hie lircit ndbhamofhni0f fot sale an- elegant cottage byiltwitaltan sttob withj new a bahn staslj eutcik liwt v situated intncovn ltfmli from kinmimi littniim ffnswwtii 4 aci u cut ipswilh wmllhc iwniwii mah0bu4y and wunot flfiwtuk j isjs ever oftjed for rare wjhkbf cenirinf ch grei atten lnecof eur revfcej hr flonve r tbc fai 2 t8 1 mhjrtycliiroftrie1atet faritalyle daiui mfozareitj raviteteatete otomao liro t mahogany ftench ivaflatrd crdaad cenue tmef vardrehe ate v wilh auraorfnriuerninitaur ameaw 3t c4oe seat gltatra allof ali ia ogered at rednccd inter for cah or cued thomas otis butt it april 1818 ffik4 removal sign of tue mamltm princess siet plle swriierbeff taialtnia lathe a hahitamef kistrxi aeirl viajnilythal he ha teavtvd hi rumhraenl ta rrir tare tor srr lalety neeofwed ay mean hoe coibet s co nel door lo mcr mevratk srm friftctfa sleet where he hope ta reetit a continuance of lhat patron whjch hr hu rrccitrd ince hi comniertlaeol ia baim ilaviae ad jed conideramy to hta atoett ef boor5thte he haitera liimaelf lhat ii will be found not itard by any tihtah- mcut of the hinc in town gcnllccmo ind liflira witl find it loihrir adraritaga toivo hie a call hefore nakhaaine elaewhrr allkind of prchjuce taken aa oeal fo bovlr and shoe h morbilv kiofitori aprn 8 isis i j 4lf m been paid in rnatt ftnitte every rivea conteti i i ej h j- ie rr qriheaaruaalir mtv t reiifccaa r jfj jaj cicktbtireht about e- aarda wharf theoil all cj ilc from dr uaywj c f a mperiar qaaji- rta ap boi tn oa ie aad i nearly butldinc on it toaiyrwn pyinjauor mar dawn 0ffii1hed ormaa aad a forreajajll ajfly to e jrthnvha rertent march 13 18vj s5mt- por sale undivided third port n litac ifuie woollen fac- of 4 a tf nv s- jrw fell rw llio tvnttelreair hviemlev h- myjw t at the nj hie uaae traaaj itrma uiado known nn nplfcaiieti to itederick fjkton or w j sloan eietvhrt of the tcu robert lovr preuvnchsbureh uitierjni march 7 s8 20tf rj if 1 cat cnry poo for salog r ncv schaoner rjachaelpo j heiwccn isqo ajid 190 bwsfleui hnrthon she whbe l0 on the foliowinktcrroai x300 pah 300 ia june next jcwo 12 mnutbaf 00 is moniba aiiv kttcratbck a burroww or m t- iicirr kinfurtn ihh feb isis tftye and oa ta wanted ji the highest price in ca wilt b paid fur mckcsjaxtafile rye and oato oirrl ii the warcbouac m crivff- ratta vhnr mufmgrson c8afre kington pabraary 188- sileripps sale ox satu tsula vn mnnov ha ni diyetpnajt hiii mlit hdse rjwae nmvaft nnntee i p on whia sit 1 in hr cilv o fsjntawii rrownccir r her- jonn cohai hyv aavmf j alrjiflwlaiavr ajiuytomearaslh ajtand suanour to rt suhae ay thvj 10th at he costl city kitintovflrl isovluct the ftliocao naj tt ejsce uujer sxecuiin ia utk tye ihottict court of ita oilriei j the banr of upper can9a john uolmrs and wm simpson robert aixettv johs iiolmes tj- thcesl half of no 29 in iih opcaaaw w1ltiah molrlbaiyoraojvv flatfciw w1th edwabp rtobxt pari of lei no 9dmo tjiiji fctiitlort i witua yv curwm oonrm roraojihesav sicnalfcailfrr plha oil jbx auuel wuklev at ca pjueaw irr kinun march lsvjyu v tif j u st r nv eccuco anx qcw ronc an- excellent acortraent af ladraa lad riihier shoe for nt at tpnek haefl phkoektck j uqrcb lamhtan wareaie koriftmirchaiw j waf 1l revoiation a fraapal kivitn much 3 1s4s ii j tffc uittfa rotii ttmcjl vt lueeieedaltaa oteatv ry shjkb princeae while n noilhbdrc aud bay of cfia 1datmloal meal 3r aucheipforcaji- c w pdsvl einpilan march 23 ifi4 chairs cuaiasj rttifsubscri8trt paiheriathechat ncss re traer loaxquajt ihalwljcty hv will enitmie ihe aaoaa in alt h hjv irtinihif hevrtll recte that cja n whlcfc ut will cyerrraeoci firaevtvj l3dyniatvft prineeaa street eiftjtan paryara l8tf