British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), May 10, 1848, p. 2

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1 ll ujiorttantdehatsbf tfl hou of commons aft rscdiflalj intmlini debate lo iftlh on friday jlrsntheatnjtjmai wnkm mjr i lonsituthf bcb tl for- jklrnsisrhrn wr look allht totdili 3mffcolofiir when we retard iht mat ef r asffy with reference to our mtlitaiy tw- lirfonvnbtn we consider vbal p have ft- jft m tamtyn ireland end whan r eoiiider t of irfiscotirary harme at fctim at all times srrre einairicra le atnoaat of oivimtftl forte we a fad biilfifirrh rt- pnn for mpporlin ilk xole winch i ilfti eoikludr byrrnin ihe i hir hr heir now luumr in ihe fitat r thai ihnrc itrnananinhni ilnosc wb i mt- tsarrd to wt lhat we oarjil 10 icart en col i4n iftmdaftctwtiftrtrtjiio urr hrar i leht it for aranled that ur ttftbieut ale presorirhr her ft lea that if te me rnm 0 prriervo them of ce wc bit hnnnrl w pmlc them 1 1 nmy oinnirn thai anaji fttir colon tsar itakhhinril it ihi momenl lire lftvi fiul feare rtfan luhwitt and t beliere that if litmonut etimtrorn will lol l it liin f iw pftbiritim which u ift iu and jjoj vwmiu- appnil fh r naval awi military iudiuelhev will find lhat in rftos of our ccdonirsj aid ift the thft i ahetl nff nftrliciilailr allude- he mtiiui ffttftuwwtftt fu kepi i r atv low rat poaajble eondilitfn namely fft the lowest enftdilren ivhirh wa ceopibfa wiih a react etahrijjmrnt h heefl in fnct i may stalo lhat in v mfjjllltlftfftt fu milta in corfu our milnvy emiy ineru art barely tntftlbai to mtei ihc abvjiilr ra4 of eiiiftutiitftc or rc ml cf nil ftf hff putc hrvf htr i lh fllkftt hohttf miu lo i lrlfflr ttl i 1 1 a propyl kllhcmt fofc ftn th ft rft left pirntrffifow 1ft fr hftftfr i c ftropftrty in tsii r y n ptf jrfrirflift pjnwifi itl t failgftjftfi hrirjt npfjrtouko ft cttftt fti4 avtiurl view of ch qmffaft rtrd miilit rc tot uf jiwk id cftfta snrr is35 rrphr caft jh uijf titu jice ii cljr evfututvoouo tlv jrlwtr4lf ftftf iftft ft 9vm1 mltrv porcf it rottifi hlriftfwwsrf miiu fotce h tiptdi ipd r nut ut thai all the occ itf- vnrrwkkb loov ht ift ihnl iftjftlty ftfthf mtiof0wq tqb ftctmllj f h wiliuiy tfttiuirtirirni l c liini ift iw lljftl rrutntrt of rio 4 hre betft ffwwr f11y jtwtifh th 4lirt wr at a ftltrhwl ftcfiftj lil iwftl fa lftl llift qfttiftft ftow brforr o tuft ji iw wiiick wav iftcmftuh mhclhor v ftfiftll rfrfror ftiiliurj numltiftwftl ft iftvjtr rfutftife thio if f i tr r i- i vi ir thill llir lowet which ivoftm vr uicftil for i ftrcvt puqxwt t i ini ilv v at thr itftttc wuch ftill military kirre hai to r- fftiro 94 tho fattocifi tvhii llky m 1 utj tor thai m the ool tav in wbkb wf ri fi n jf fihf oi to the tiicjttt af korcf tntcej hear hrar mr itvne eoftienqrl that to hie omenj atite rf rn ii sju with i larjhr oiecu r icjitur nter ifteome thr vtff r- warranted ift fotip one man or one afrit line lo3n lhc 0 want of the rooitliy rrmred coftfmrriri tw rrcent incrtaftf ii the jn jri of tlteovkce frrr in rii 1 ftftd erpeekatleln lrelnil ad alo emidvoaft the nnmbeea of the ttfentnry aftd niililla ftad of the toaupiari and the riwatw ren- aioflrti hr wa convince that liters waft ikfun either ia ihc inltinftl v cau con dition of ihc conntry which could wriftit it to miirilathinr ao ure a foic v tl3 ateo onrifti the vcan w5 1vw and j837themitlnrt fte did nlcetiti6yx tseft ftftd in ichi sir r terl rlllej ital joo he repjfed to reduce it lo that aveunt ftowj and he w of onion tliot that redottton cnold he rnue willout diacharing a ncu aohier hj merely 1 1- h ih ttctiftll- inforthe ar-ny- he concluded b utoriag an aoendmml in that effect mr vp sfttith oftrapj the ameadmenl lli jkol biii limr in icjiicp onr arinmeaa thitlhfre it rfil biijr lo cvh pmktunllji any way lo inlerfqrtt erpn hy wiy n formal rernemlracei ljaiatt an jrrnrprdini mini bail alt eft place taere ri nnthm m ibo nrraert ilale of afr which ha aftretad our poaitip oriftdfmowrpd ci in make any pro or remcailhtrce wbaleeer wrlh repaid lo what haa laltrft jnaca i nm ihtrefrre fromthcccmidrrdtionof iheae tontmi hil torcltliip thra atetfrvnaf ibftl f fififyeat thn reeanor did nntancrraatftftd if it were com ad iftpoaajblf coiuelillr lo tjiroiiilj ilia eaprn- jitare it vrmhaba- hirta friewarh thrft lo coji- idrr mdt the akit aaat lo i- miilc an ard what kirnl nf taava or bcjrdeni il mix hi ha ftctmry to impoaaonlha coftftlf hear hear jt wu the dot of corrromrftl to coniidtr whether beta were any laiea ihftt prriarit nndily oft any mlion of i be pennarj and whrlhrr ihy mutj u mrrr e t lilimy adjoated ffhfra lie alionld be anoat hannr to mle rxoeodimre bl he now ervdnfon iho hook o rrjfei the amenrf ift feeliftjf convinced aa tec i i ho lie did ijallhc fdrce nroiael wo rrcaiy ff the iitrftaaca andanaenllit lo tho aafcly of ihc slate food cheera mr ilrtafhl ajnk auooitdcijve itftglh ift ajuo of tho atnrftdiftenl alluding lo iho cfrcnaimiftft which rendered ao jrrc a force tirtaaair in i relnod ho aalej what hjj hrenmeoc all thrao menmite of refvrrat anj fntice for which the noble fafd whet in ni had carried on ao nenc fcf micht my in frrocicor a tarly warfaie hear hear r then look cn het pcdiiiral mtmtion at the preaent r0cpni she ha4 rrjtl lo oo conalllnrnry alaoftl n rejityj troe hrnt 105 ttcientjtirr to ibftc ml il bat rhe aaftrrrd umn itruulitiea aft imajaji with rvfjieeltft hrf hiieal rnalitii irtita ivhch conljnntoe deirj hear and whteh had hetn admitted lo a greater or irs dexrreon allfmfraof the home hha had moreover ft chirrrh llahlaahaieftl which were it not crita of cjnetlion- ho thouahl he coud rmeetan 111 voice in lhal cry of rinttion an lion meaiuer here honrd no no in an arcrnt an -e- cidedly mtteaian i hat the home watt in an uproar nf mrltleeo she had be repealed a cfrijfcti iumiihrornt which were it not that there wa a church niahtuhmenl in cnlaml aa well wnnld not 11 in ireland for a ik k hear hear in one word ihare was lole fnnd in ireland 1 coft- dttrnft nf thind an mnnarmi inctejihly vile that inarmevars locune ihfirehikran dftafeaf fit ami children wttuh find il dlicull lo believe how their forcialbrr could have m rated it for one bvmr wmonl having at irarl made as riort 10 remedy it hr hearo ln1yrarcftmof their ferlwjohjcfr died ift ireland nf itoaliee m ration yn literally vrahn of famine and ililtorr in ihrir littru in the workbontp o by tht ir nf the intfc roadi than 1ilant rvr itll af hrr riln in ay war ancient ft enndem in which ahe had ever been enacd hr- on a dieiton the nombeif werr rr the atnrfhttnjtt 3 hftjval it 293 i mijoiity for minalrm- i v molraworlh then nnved that the ote be icdnrcl hy 5119 nr ihc nnver eaprcled t arcire iron india wilbin thtyear eebib waa negatived ly wg to 45 ifrtftdoft thoijwniftcl oradvaneo tht poali floei to carry d the lrntiti of lift ftf hayo- ntta oafoaed in yoq 0ot ii ftafty ht ukeo aa an aviorft that the ahortcr ihc ftml charvrnf thehcttcrfor pikemed iftcnoiplritl ibpw- dkhaf laiallcajaiheyihnytd wvcf tliarff itfj ihan three irei the tdfcea of the ircnrd mih ftaloajbi be naved helweco the rnenift the frtnit rank and ihc pikri of the third raokrnouldb tvw in readine heir poifttareachina ftfwr the hcada of the front rink aa low rvtaibhr lhaa h b b b o t a o tht rank rwing n diopoatd the pike of each h ia eiterwlrd helwren iwa ft a and conud trine hat a cod pike it fen f rntirt and that therefore ihc pktt of the trcod rank wim tend fire feoi or to in f of jit front rank and ao he eii t a rank un and hayav not in the hiiftdaof the front yon nater 10 ft lino of iniijctcer of a length riin j to your iwof itibemen double ibv ftftifther of ipeir k in ntlirr kfk frtrererj bavonl ex- bettutt ift bi oration it wa rnt inirjvle that foreijt connlrie mijht find it convenient in th- rnnareimrfl if tin if ftopr ftl i l aft inlftl iiitrnrpluiofoiatn ly aniercirt war iler heftt mr oihome nrotrated aaimt ifac coolant ancicavt in ihe rtatding army and affiled rml a ftiimher of aaeinamnaiin- to j s7 v per annnm which nihi he maft even without reccing the ainy by a iimgt aaajaj col- srhthoep rraa ajtonih to beaf ch motimvftta from one whofne aiatren yeac had been a diatnemiriclpf7ee r in it m ie utfcel sinthxp waa ojinoed in any re- tioction which conld injure the efficiepry of any branch of that aerrice on which iha aafitr and tvifart of ihi cotftiry jepcftdcd iaal be ahonu raoil certainly nprrt lh co- reennrnt jo any i jition lhy cnimlered ftaaeaaary ar ikft coaiateaance of ihe pdtbh arrar r wildam molmirovth nnmcf the atjtpdmrnt at conidrrab1e leircln an j fij iha tapodieocy and jwke of olcndn the jmc tod con ce dirt pother reform at cct iftitrad of ttaitinc until they ahould he tm- jwued to tranl thm hy the pienre fruaa withonl hear bear the m of lal year euttaive of india wat 10539 mrn lb vote atfoaed to be taken lor ihra year hy the hi centfinan the scietay at war 1 rnrft an iocrcdae tbl yearof 6410 cam which ocrationd an inertfic in the uroaa itiniu of thr elective forte of the army to the aajioani of xttfia mr cnbdn aaidthai if thev vteafx7axr 000 inr the ftay nd x77pw for the ar- anv ihere rcowtd only be aomc w or tvltw0 oo which thry could deal in ino way of relrehment and they coold dft noth- oj for the fcnple h was nrrpareil pr 11k treat drkolftftt winch would aritt i he roiifttry oh h f ifonorable ccntrrmoft were jeering ondlaliinf at biift he wbed they would comr tome eurnine and read tha letlrrt he el fr the connlry ucbcucvd ihe honorable gentleman ofmile knew aa little of tlte utr of frrmtht no the middle tlawct of the country oh obiad ihry hd not a parttaan aroon the working tlaae of i t ccatntrjoh oh hoa mgoiaftl did the day he vu ftetrt tofocland cian how did lhy rnnnnc to make uji thia monev he i- ifrat it wa undenitnod hf ihe miniiiy thai a mtffcriiy of the ifoute v nnl r fof iho iucreaied income lac laat year ihey bad ft deficiency of 1160000 tbiayear there waa an evident drneicftcy of aksji r3to0wxmatrin nlloretnrr an ad- ittoo to law rttofriuu tbeywerc vmin away u anoney thonth they hid not fftt it bnt bow di i thry mnnftae to eel it t wa ii hy a fttw tx t if what u ond they imrvvtef cotild iber be anything more fir tsan that they ahoum lay il nion proper ly j were ibey prepared to raue it by a tft hic and legacy dniy 1 wis it not a rtyoieh lotlmcfttfftftnicof iha conntry tht ihry abonm not first think of iha way of raaijt rhenanncyt iij they iniend to fp lo the uaokforitftt ibo rkk of itrodikinc anoihcr frunj i j they t tend to rcpqliate of in become hankrnptr the ercat danwr ww froaiihelinaftce art ahootd b heller with a mirplua reoto and fewer thipj and eomerj than w linrw he hy narin rbo ftnnstftl rmamefttt and a hee drficieney in thn rrrnue wntrt wu the danm fioa ahoadt tlnft ihnia talbd myuriooily ftuot rwtt fl why iionbrywfhl or wt that ollter nation wer too much en- cajed in ihei own conntry to come and auk after aludios to ih jra auifttjt tordjtfhn bftmell troo34 ncary in in nd oilier colonic and in prertpt fftch in aneanfl f ol by aaoba of thieves aa recently ncenned without puttin- weft iaasssjn aijs jcia to the irorablt and eapenee of ftmitl foe rliir nvo ftt j taction aaid tat a coftudcfelinn iff thr atste of foreign affairs ivsi anflkieftt lo ftrptar tiftl ibra at all events was not iho rime lo propose a reduction of ftr forcts hear htr it did seem lo hirn thai whilo iiere was nuunjt to injnfc ibfntoarfdio atimali orirlniiry propoitj jill k wonhj t be wuftorptftdeat lo mikt ft itijdan di nipuhwi tsr hrjr pfo cnan cootd nj that sdtsrr avcaold rtmaia aftbty wore una for if coflndaralive tima tn eomt ih 9m lims obaotred hit lrdrhir f rfflt hapyy ft any sptakiftj bi ttn foment chla om la frvorfo cftfnft o ftfc tu mnch ootiety haa bftftl cmeilaied a to ihe iti sir john pai wiwl take in the ewnt nf ftyimf hot enmkin with hiadt- manns no which lie had to the 2th iwl- ift llrvikcmf the meal and military fofttf were order lo be ready far t by tht 15th tht iwflf wero drilled and pracimtd with aralift udder e the ieanen uert trained to toalsenice and atljlltiy and both araia were ift full expectation of tft attack upon canton or aomr other warlike ftifftw alralion oidcra had wen arnt to the alrails for reiofoiceaoenu h m trsmet medea wat hurried on to china thr friale mclampur ia daily tapecttd while tbe cftnl and chiucra hart hrtn recalled from the nail much zeal and enlbanamii have bon trfthv ed but i would mmt ihvy have been tlnvvn arrny the rlenienliaty head chilled aa tbe time tor actim arokhed litranicwhchtrv ifrrifd rcf will ftdom are of conrse roiijrctural a war however apeara hnavntthbte in at much as the canton province will he occupied by a brilkh arwtv thr treaty in all ili integrity enforced ho peojdt cocrcedjnd ecrity taken foe tbe jnod faith nf the chine for the fulnrc kairnneani art disalwred of rm tfft- fttftoa idea ai to the sirenftfa of china ft is a vnt inanimate dujoinieil enfcpift and h at ihni kfoowirt at ihe mercy of thr weak est jittritibi wet ir kuropt in lit svuih tht rvonfe o off bail sft ftvoff pejfcncr tfoftrign nrnrit4 rerforftfy be jvi i ftn uiiurrewton we hst iren that keying acknmilecrjje tht hrlpleo cioiu- tio of the contfotiini uoncr by lectin ft matter of ibe noi terioos eomeontnct for the 41 ielfiwouipilionof the pnpu the wlwlr wcim fritlreriain commotion from fjurmj alrnort lo seiia famine detolatei tha finett central jiilritc and more than all the apinl nf the eoumry h cothed hy the jate war tvht can ht oil- poeto thtdmipdtof any powtr jttctalk of a war porty ift china h a mere dtluon were r ir ii ttaalon lomormw n far fiom otviut z arsanfty foe iptrtt ffkmtwj ooofi iirerpiera iaoira rve tirtd m cavre ui fthl o pre ae rroiid cdapl tiimniftothttiedtij ft rvrcuaiianes ncibi- hnwevcr will be fthuinod ftom this irracherittf je hut at ibtjiolnlof the baynart nvotiations will only tid ift deception airon mraatrea are called far and notrna tbcum be lefl o iho arood faith of the cbineat they h 1 deralarvl the term troth is not in lhc and in ucaen wlih them ili ahnnl i nvcr be vcrlooktd napier kllioll pnitlar and davi- have all been inflrd wilh lay m cow- aili niwifycace foiuredifjornalitoay lake a kion fm ihc history of the a and heat with lire chiitcsc a an honem man r ajttiie lo tiet viih a aharfer sir monmr tfuf o frwrtftmtt tr r44tion n con con ire wqm krj en aunitit at rvin aad the ar an far hi we are rontorikd would never eatend beyond the canlim fr- vinct- amhiikcnoiitninnaenl jrxkrjnnk are loading rt at snanhai to miitjtly the atarvin pulalion in thr imrrindut licinily of the caijjj sm i nncee of it cohl as nr 2 bl anchored in ihe rwerp were aiach an orde mecn tin mu venstfb sta tioned zi chmknanfoo and hwacrw woh ataree the rtrnrftent io iulnuion wiibout afte-jdin- a drof of wood if war with chini ineeium ao ponrrr eeer h4 a bie mm h tnxfaftl now hi ad n halvver y h- w ee nit hie rrt- nnimy reilatolcly with ciuna the dubun kknl presk whilmthc rijl nvati of ft rtt are lnrchahi and iinraraat of 4frl de nlhc pcitishhckwatdiift- ortiriwn r it- an h nf uin it cm the i7v4fin aofion n1 hr 4vnilf triamm v nf ciifv tbe utt e tcit i in k theljtierlftyeowwra he frlloain rttt c 2- rftv and fiki ctnfc sraaaitd ii themlca in mtrchin cmmlot march n wnlis to hn irfi anal liisr ill djw inarch w lhvrctin wia t m tkpsiji h bran nnick atrt aitilmtifi iftr mny a wikmv ty aiid nhrvtor luifb tvmdriltiiiof ihii itlihiicn thi welihin o aiinmen kniraftt he weapoii of rdumnrcd ilreraly fr th firj lnba- in urrylichtmnn rmuain of irifjnfy lrcoihl to chtiru oirailillrfy in a in j or denp iry ailj or rulty biolea itji f bheked nid or nhrc j rrr nr ino hoi t uiediivresalj cinnprohrwitetnt out ol conntiantt third to hohl a rnsd acroia afloat rctreinoc draneiii colufnna whil ntfvbmb oiukcleen thrw ii n fir from thediubea nr w drd or rocky hjl- or olh mifti nu t hiik a id rear i ft and front of ihccotarnn lonrib mi- ed with itnvfikn and mnketeerv m dprntl me tfoni of a dilch or raintani or wnnd eea n bayofttl chftrjrt pllua ft dcfriv the offrt hankf of a dilch or ucred way in thr fine of which art rrileniesq nf mnakctecrv sialh lo aftttt a cvairy charge scvnth to chftftft in lines of eyeoter ae later iftftini ilkemen ea fifcuv rliarijdwic ahoum nercr clr in luita ftf treat tht nereaajiy italfthof lineiu caatfttf lerhtlh itfnii rw tendinkt fire f uanot of vo i hey can briuj t f i rank you aanv ri lhoe of hteir ftmil rank you bmfe two pikmw eaiemlin between eifflit and nine feel in frml via thoae of the front tftnk aalrl tlltnusanl fr fret nr five in frotil fiia irtost of llw rond rauk- capital ditnoaiiijfl tin pike of ho arennd rsjnk thond bi- held uorizontelfy on ft imr with thftit of ihe front tank tiik london itoya mcntand soclaaty nitaftivcrary festival nf thir tea merely 1ok tje nn th wftd marfh frein-i- ttftnt nl tiable at the althnnfi the bat- ill of alriandrr y now i an evenl wot thy f rtintenoarhn ainear to hart rftal ftanch of that novelty which make men hail oritnrihtimjm ihe tee in rer- ce nf iaricabr jays jet the alcnrfanet of anemben and rpetl- to do hnor in the ilt mitch uaa nu- ftwoua and ditiaiiihed aon thr ntmrn en tftnaiatm flpd asjd we line prctntlrd amnx he company within the ttalhof th- fjrmaiona tavern at ira tht tocttty tew u karc iccornoliahed il miinn lor thrit the drei the aaaftner and ihe laniae tren of the ncrrnt himandtr were revrrcj ut eveft- iftc and cr art bnnnd in add with striking vlaiklhtvot ehvtt many of tht rmt le an to jtrrnt wrre arrayed in the gaih of old fet anj minted with the tvtan wett nim form ol ohjcer yonut and edd and bxtontr- iftg lo the different branchm of the military aorvlet al ft itre aoectaete thernfort the dinner wat a mrucicnlly br1liaftl affair hat better for than ouuidc ahow there was an evident crdiatity nf tic aij loyally of feci in nrrralnnt amancj the company which ia jnlly allrihijiahle in lite ftalwial and natiotie cbiratrrof the llichlanl sncirly 1 ne so eiely fulfil nn definite utilitarian mnion but ii yaix and the numerous and thritinfi iamitnttnrt in which it ha given birth oeiiro pw it ihn arfectmn and regard of all scotch men nor eao any one attend ihene annual flirah wilraout feelin- that il haaslrofti csairrr to hie support and rneourannent whkh it rceire tho chitholm wh lal nihl filled the chair aucceeded admirarly in develnfiite tht sentiment ftf royalty and attachment lo tie tlwone nhich forme d so marked a charactcrimic of the old highland character and hit hrarty and animated man nor ii prnpomn lh diiteienl toattf nf ihe nvtftin must have recalled the mtih if ihe company many nf whom are north country uirl to the jinpnlsnce of kmpirfjc alive among their people ihe ancient apiril toot de- 0on and chivalry of dupositknn tor which amid t many defects thry ued to be daatift- sihcd arnonc the company peeieat wait nrenamtcriral sir jame mac done it ftienlenanlgoeral sir jamci l luhinetno can maekeftxle bart c orehmer baqf huaian conanl general ptreira iho iter iir rjominini cnpc lamonl u f capiain forhrs david 5tr c inthiio capl cay h n dr s chiihom pr power mr charlfsnlhcranjmtj mtavihfitiih conanl at taltimore mr r il mfan mr ii 5- caraefoftftnd mr holme the chithidm in- prti jhe health nf uftfmtjtaly and lot kftstft conaorl said uviihi conmtmitjr will ootfkiliov ihiic ihwoodtial- llilrwnr eawifirelvtiitn the sneirty hut in iht heence of rurh errnii as were at pretont a vtaliac eurone to it very centre in coold nut help coorattiia lift the oaemmy uon the uftni iilily which ihey enyiveit under the reln ol thir beloved qccn wftofe innilrd mwiatchy he hclicred was the sure guarantiee for the jiretrvaloft of our well nrdttrd civil and rritui jihrrty lond cheers if t hoxd tht he hd not in tayiftg tlita violated ihe rte cf the oeielv hut he conld nol withonl lifting viojcnccto bit frtlfemrp ftvonl eiprsn himrlfa he had done iinprettej a he was with the idea that ihe healih of her majeafy mi ihe rrcnl occaaion paiiienlarly anvon hihhivltrs called for owe than a wonted reaoocj ltttl chreriu fn other members of the itoyal family living vrn tjkd in jut order and uilii hichand honor pnncoof wale and tht omitl fauna r nf tht royal family and ihoarrriy navv aw which central caulrjtld relftrftad thank which were drunk with iht fttftal bonnnw tht nnble chairman ihc pffd the health nfiheuidlienttnanlrjriunj and jhietct lhal whatever mipjm be he jciiici opinio n cvntlcrren rreit anit arjee ift admiring ihe unweanrdallciiiioiisndiiacrl- aanl indnttry with which bhfupfr had applied hinirlf lo the drrhtrt of l tf 4u tieafhitatiou4ndtheeonaianiatriiiffiiiil lint veil with which h- had ehjtvovd lo pinmole the heat inltrnalanl all eleaof hr mausiyatobjccispn irehnd civr he ha therefore other rlaims upon tht rti- tnde than any which conld av from ie fjrl of bi htinc a cnnlihutor to v ammi nf xvvi annoamv ift ihe fund of iht nlirqtiofi late health nf the lrdfir oleum of licland wa then drunk with loud cheers sir tv siimervitle relumed tfasnfca in tht name uf ihc lord- ieu ten anr ifavine l hiih iwitor of aitvin utidcrlhal ewinurbl peian he tnuld cmfdefttlj aay ttat there waa no one itetler entitled to the tlitnv nf an triji auemblv than he wjv ob aiv uhvc tfforls were mri euerelie moiv cntinns and more imcravn for the cood af inland cheerx llh arreat olj rt was on dtrtujie the rtviurcetf too inajb neleclel nlbat n j niricent portion nf the onsen annwiftlatic and he irlt irrtain that lilt favor with which bi name had jualhteti lecied winldif no vine orcje imri forward lo incrcaoj earliuna in the caimt of irrland and the bl intere of thate04intr oier il wnild larnl him mnch aativfaction amd ihe many cam and multiplicity of huiinrtva with whirh be wi urtoundril to know that in lhal awci- my cntnpoed of ijentlemcn of 4jihvji opi nion bnt all united hy the roomon bnnj lhat atiaehed ifaem to their hrtorel connly bis caorta vrttt fully appreciated unl ndrr- 4oi ctireta lie anight atatv- lhat his excellency had charted him to nufc them of the inlrrct he tok in the afrits nf this charity and how tratiftinc to hin it w to know that the clnldrtn of tho iriu poor lo cated in this great mctropolil wen not nt- filectcd but received that care by hieh not merely i heir education jo ynnth hnl their morali and luccrss in afterlife rf attend ed lo cheers in coftclutiort lr bonld base much pleasure in ennveyintft hi c- celleney knnwjede nf ihe flaltift man ner in which his healrh bad that nthl been brought forward and received hy areyeca- me ao aortaldy oflrkhmen the chjrmaii tbin prihftcj cers to ihe beurvolriit society nf st- patickand ohrterre lhal thry could ot tale a better mode of ilnwin the interest whirfbey felt in the welfare of their poor rhnlryntn aiound them than by taking eae of ihrir chiuren and educating them a4t item atl conti iterations of a sectarian or tily chaiac- ter the noble maiqnia then penned ont th jreat benefits conferrcil by the sftemj upftt merely educating he children of ifcs jrith hul apneenlicinelhen and eoniinkk lo look after ineir moral interest fill ultv were in aonve degree capable of tabinc care of ihem- selees aad phrauin- babil pf innmwf lit leercued that the rtttevance on lt oetaiftn whtaftl ao ereai a in fminer year nnr tcn as frettn the numher of iriahmcn h the me- troolir they miaht have tpeclj still he tid not feel aov tjeaondency wrlltrtspecl lo the anciely aa he believed ill inter would not airier hy any want of ihe ftecary coo- leibuttom and be had no doohl mh relum 105 prmjicriiy to the country ihey oud ee incrcaied jirotpariiy in the irtitnln the inaat wa drunk with errat here abotii 150 nf iho children cr the ear of tht inslilolien were matrd fnnnd the room ibt band playint st 1arriek s day about 550 hoya and irlf av rce int the benefits of the tocttly bftll j ww in convenient to introduce a greater vnher idhi the room ton children prcsvriteji cleanly and healthy appearance and thtlrciece eacilod coniideraott lntertf a numher uf other toast follow aivic which wert m fair eontribnaaa to ihe hi chart i i t nnd blk-d- rspi plllrd ntfkiys to iu l hi eoajiicmund hn taft tna mtntn h heenmiine asroy nx ijijt in aiiir tha m i renftin jmat at atvvi hi nfreo iomftlh ijn c it witmft ikav ftn ehuf iha naivn rte cnas t cw fdtut e baei rterived nannmorr rlo emroee troni wh a piiy 010 ibe h vtea j mr4 siyilewl lyrebod beuitnd tm wnhnut effecit hot fnnn iitr tnmni nd ieavrt m anio mi p mrn biitavj in b nn hoe al ii ivfltek nl n cht a an mmei m ii itv ftn nhv j a aiirfr f a m k uf ili iydby hnlewaa ullv identnlid the int i 0 ia jivftah td ebrevd nftmuuutral4fiecaitoaetnrd tt nlfb uat ilratatpttantof 31r f4nj d in whrnaj nf it- ltvyj i eol h amder fptmut oo- 4f ool vcrh r n uht ini ihkiv aeuvt ruiimitvi mr mifn iha eiruref cf n c ivvy to iuoinci me toyd win he bnvm lirhr ihaltho pr iarrrtnoreoil n isv tvvvf li be apprehfaded nnd orwrm tittee kn will n4 wtiwd irksoatawaes in eiatmsriiot of he iaryj xu omolo as alteud fi liwene mr lyntsre haps oftay h im fauy vuind afi few niadlhlt wr icnim loed miviteatfro and thi hitvtiiir of fjujowut the anhict dmped the ftlioieruraafrnantht rtoenniinc of ihhniasvofurd will he read icith inlirrttl hv iho pvop le of canada it r an evidence ilnt all paailtv in copland hate cono to the cftathajsoj that iht tpenplf ftf arijd know ut braf x manae iluir own riim and lhat there it iocain far imirul inlerfe- reftee oieprcon imeihy karl fiiry off rtrjtil lakr au rcplioft n hr ay lhal it i eviletttlv the inletest of iht canadiaftc aft rrnur kniiatio craulc but nolocb an kmiimlinft w thai of 11 veae an rrui- mrtioit which ia to eot lle lovince ihc fiasas of it mot valuable ciliitna ttlnch i to brio piijerim and pthilencc to our slinena ami entail an tnoernoua rxjene which we kmfto fnftintomeel cannot becetved in udd anything lo ihe franinerity rd caa rly conducted an wnjiflr bttvaj cnd and repeelahlc body of men aa km r era rioft pmier inre a ciwd and ft the u4 ihuif we eoolj hirf we hat toneii and lo sat for a few more millions of projdt bnt the ml he cide h ho can maintain ihemselvs in country ift theoldcaii bet try beftefatvd by au incuraioft ft fanif r7vnrew courvr tty nftd t lift itmli ti ch innan ive ttc army and nary 1 ami the indian army str j macdnrll retnrfted hauks fnr the atnav cptir cy foe ihe ftaryaik sir j fns jiftgioft for ihe east india company ser vice the r- hr ciinming rcepndd in the loal m the church in etaptnl and ap- prop lrmi mny other lna were jiien during the tveein and arfton them lilt health of the clmbrlm wa ftftl mniltcd there wa muvie of all kiid vocal and inclriiairnlaf and ach excelentin their kind mr ann alaekav jnper i htf majiiy wa iberc with ai ynm cosdjitivt from the cftmmltia atyfm plyinail at the faaio iiitehiii noi jbttifitt i4fhn 9t was the fal i ftl old in ihe hisaij there wa lo a can lal j v iile rwm land drawft from thr ri rnatidilion a tht ynun nirr mm p lotoi and air tfnelftir iftvourtd iho company with fofoo fine old scotch airs eiquiiiirly auiv aid n if 31 tti were ieiulri to keep up ihe spirit ftf enjoyment iixbu of the cenllv- nien cat upajlimand tcrl they went thfcji ihi cnaracleriiici dance in a vcrr ajiiinatrd naninr hut the talc wa at jeai riona which admillol a ervaut of one of liie cnariany nersnt drckrif mil in a ran y lliihhrd drm lo take vr- in the perfo rraaiaco one ftf the menl promjaenl feature in ihe ftfttivftl ayfts ser am mnauhien an tic hijhlinaer who in the full trllir aarb tinhbh ti iirceinvma fbiir and fare eh foat in j relic rtoniiac with eatra ordinary pmjihatia this foimfaste jrvn- t hv ihe saeiiivf of saaatv institution including hnr rnyal in thonncaessnrktnttbe dowager fiftl of oownthire the count ol ci udt knu f ftlotht nke- hfirr1 tills- bixe af and liiutvr ihe marguis of twjwimi tlie rurl nf irlburnr teltirned ihanh tfc heallhnf the noble chainoaiv 4 prnnotej hy thr eul of lielhurur anil ibe notftn mvrnuii retimed ihaufct 11- the pranjaastst ttie health of ihe itoidrnt ktecl the ysitl of lincoln who was jrerriited beiiisr present by other diuivs the healibsof srw 5cmerrii and mr bhftw ike memsers of parliament res ml the stewards and the lafitftv were iuecetfuljt dttta ftrwl the qtty aam- tflb st lavrknck as an otrrfet op canadian profiuctionsco parco with the artificial nayhmolc waters of tjit united states tui ejiitsiicui is we itarn likely to coast hefnc the ctticm of qurbce m a pccujisly intereani form snmr artir at toronto desmy sirftpeffftl in the vn1altnn of bread atulft frnn canada and who hive llxantiatf enrelied into the canea of cheap and d transit thmuh our walen well a- that vital it ilion foe canada thtaourinxof bnr have come to the conclusion that the only method of cheap irsntit to ihe oca well av prevention of the lourinfc of ihc- soar ia direct communication from the upper lakci to quelc v ithnt tranlhpmtni and thai in a class of veucl which will allow tht flourat eipce to he placed on board the ocean cm n ship from the reisers in which it ar rives from tht interior thus reving ibe ea pense and datagc of iransshipmrnt rlorin and war boon or the cnnutiil nrccf- arv etpofutt lo ihe heat and un fn older to accomplrth ibu ohjerl ihey i v i c 1 i vessel of a cty light draught of natr carrying an cnormnu foael and al the name lime of hilncicul mrenjth to naritate ihf lakes with safely ift the wnrsl wcilhcr she i amflm by two hih ptv- r rated shortly before ii omocfc z tht band of the cohmrcaan guard was in attendant and ft arlerjlnm of fon eej maitiial- c waiuti umer tnv djircliftn of mr ilihhs nested by mi wikianat aaid alias a wjl liana afalcrtuht al mm lerchhstnt hfer- isftwli lvarrf- ucy knonlra olacbm iieivch and il vui naval foftclts ov the ooast of ijtkland the following rofrtel rfatemtrt of the naval foce nn the cnt or irejaoil under ihe command in chief of hear jmial tuc kay ibt rommandirtftcltirf at cork tij rcaradmiral sir charles napier kftii ihc cofnoadefitachief of the clinftel mjnjdros will nol be ftftiuleiettirj to our readers c v r if i l r gtni men si vtt cant r o uaere lff v j ptir i capl v f aunin cue pmjmn cart- kmofenbrv cb- tark ntrasstonor njp tu dm u lunv adthlitinnl imnriaro ai wjb anf fr capl tv j w djivm ts n doatmfrcapt w j hill erats tun im em h i3il irj tiik ukported dimvphction in tmb miiitarv and constat lary foilrt in fskuka there ha hern ao much raid fr ihc lite fnxwh and irish rer- rrlativt to uiia aftv leer that w detan it bl jtalicsr to iawit ihe t duwift oat contradiciionof tht tstoncnt atttrtotjio ftrt forlh- wfttcopy from ihr avonrenl cviir j tbft fiaprcs by tht antrim arrjrfd in tnwn- yrmerday mrmir the london military paper pnsrtively eonrradirt ihr moric afloat of dartrchran m ihr army atj pdlct in ire land tht rtrsnof thaf strswsf of iht 8lrd were arrrettrrt and to be tritr fordajfttwl tht ptaraolry around isonhtv in honor of romr rtpoal pfoctedlnty iconlreied on ftlhjotpfy raft teach cccoirenc harting takem idaet r we ratrael frtawaaoo rsnet mkfffry corrfethe follnwint aitiort on tleis abject and itt nre quite aurt that if any imnortantt were retfv in be alutlh tfttwftovnort we minnu nd rnm- ivliee nf then in this ne i rmpf journaf the potticf etcrricc oanffrw ko have puritan itatw iartenaivt fnfojma- tien than the military aftlhoritir thtcastlrtsi of vr vrr f lh aroay onf correspon- rfrnu in ereiyreimenlflt ho tie jlkr trethe a htti rpinf w lovaftv and ft vpjtfit con- tmpt flbr jtotutsfciijls or rehefa frnsn pitt engine- of nearly iu0 arosw javbf tt ftf vrtraiitf we nfteft receirt tttiorooaeripdrt nf the dendid discipline of the trvp tletr marital brarant iteaety cnnduel and unffinch- inc allegiance lo their queen m as nur anldifcs are amon the very worl charac ters in the town and villar in which they are quftrtrred avl necessitates 10 resort t- ptilicbnuici fiom liain- or e 0 which to pend ihrir para time belnre lhat her mamys anldicr et a rwhte tlajt v of faith and loyally and vttf often reject with gei temper but htm rebuke the in- ahlioa ft pra alempt of tha ditected to lamrvr with them tha aoldicrr of her majeuf atr sgmhearted trn and truity antf wretty itftrc to thnt who understand pftfllim ihe dionqi of them conlenling ihrnaitlata with irjt ohrdimce lo ther order and fcvtrciitt of the oath ihev awett at their cnjlment- lodrfrnd thrir queen htr em wn and dignity aii all her encjoie ionc may ihi nnnlt jirit actuate iht phftlat army of ihc tjnitej iciicdoni f the ansssjlfftt potiate prreantion vhtasnaj nnl helaod have bean made to iruderthr harraehs r ecu re bhk a snitden attack- kveey rarrack has bntn proeiainnrd and up- i iwb cmn ammunition tht inpftjt s f j to man the f r r hy inal nan iihii in hr pott esactly a when ihey leal ir quarters on board a rninafwar m unable columns of cavalry artithrv ftnd iffjnrty are formed i reel brine b con- umly praetiled and every rtmr con nected with the jhacfc and defence ftf tnwns taught the amy io ireland it it a hich iat of ditidine asd if the rebel uuh auv tl if trih sifavt tin nii u ivc vosjl l vitejiflhh in favor of tbe redrou and crosbe1tr against thr hlmiecs and frieie coanwthe pikes ami hillelah old ftllrnry vnmild voon civo aorooeliccarunl ftf young mhvnmi and cj since writing tht above we foind ihe fol- 117 iaj j alroitly confirtjlftlory of our opinion in the ahfr irish crrerporiicikcc of thrjv y oiurrvr tt kftirt papers are filled with rumors of ihe disaffection of ihe cmvtahulay and military ad ihe putliae of the melniiolia under matiallw the spread of the frbcjfotia sptril in ixnland and cnlud in bt tnivns where irish repealers and jtngtfih cbailisu abound f and o on thev art ftll ronniu in the wont it iho filltnat of fhr minda rt the dit trcvtdtho thoubtlcsi therecwust iirojera of rounder arid ibr i of the aencroot ftfts hrncrotcnl or fht olliftic them ith devjalr of imprrvin- ihoao who aie ao il r1- v milled ffcry cmniiact form and with her wood 1 draw three fnet fnur inche of watri3vti4 inch from lhat itownaht iftkea 1000 harrt per foh ol 4rauil a that he will navlgaie ihc rands of the 5 lawrence uith otrr 3xi harrvls and if de ftceodinr hv the cajl iscpahl of tarrying to quewc i iff- ahe can alao u the wetland canal with the sam load by ihi vejel therefor an uninterixpleil cnmntunicaiirai can be maintained wilhnut tranhin1 hclweeri friiicao and qiieocc nod if the fcuciftch it only fi1wtd up by a line oi similar tsfl ihc whole reception of aricnllural roilncr frnoa iho western latea will in the i tr of a very few years be imwfeirtd frun movttal to cfuebcc the vr jnouetion i railed iht wetter a millci ftftd ivbefl nwned by ileft fond erham aiul worts nf tomato vnr nf iht rnoil iiteftjt firm of merchant auiltr in csnarfa writ arid ft he brand stand sn e- tirvedly vh in the hrth market ahe re tt her irl ar ift the course nf a tew day for maiieal her areond trip will most jiey he ditct quebec where out citiciu witl hate an e rlinity id rtamfnin- her a i irlir itaike eill be jiven nn the in- lrrriiii i whn ihr ha corti- cuclkraj htr firt vnj a e qiut m v- w irallt h0 filly o rruuti iheeheeri bit lijwij i- st patricks day fn london ycierdiy si pafrseka day the g annnvrary tinner nf i benevotciil socie iy f miairithtrssiilnw fa the tsjiacotin rmhm- al arpreaticing of mor children mniierwi or near lortrfaft ivfc rejofcrared al the fretai nmt taveii e qaerftliret the uarqies of clanricarjo titfnleiil of llir fnsululion ie ihe chaie the atunnecon this uceaioa w milt toorr hull s im t zftl fjlutu nt compared iijverary meeting of fner hare envallv hren nltoaikd ik lltvylfmarlimn ihftt numvr hr eari af it dcrae wa not particularly evft-airi- rrbuuuo u the dvtjafo in iho loso of tw aononrll iftll nmiiosal teleft the lav in jalamr hy uhleli mny i i have been rvcveoii j from hrine vlh thr ftr year winch iitco minvra a weanh jlrn ealhry w however well filled with ladie wh apcahin ceimrally hate bvtu vey tivra frverwt of ihr lntiiu lion at th- principal fam rivit and h ft of ihr rime chfinan we oerej tht karl uf nvnftft ftf wtliam snrnrrrlir m p s ltiph lurwood sir ienre colthuri mr it j ttnuani hi l mr k k ttrt- on m k mr 5ej m p ilia ocor man mahou m p uencral caulntm 51a lav ntooremt j hanky itff jh wasatil r j u todd ftlr t- il burke mr w nekton 4c the nohle chairxnan nriaord in auceeriion t- htaltli nf hff macly and mli- mnttd hie rueeplimi of her ft1vjeuy noual eoniributin of ta faineaa iho health of iho qirrfi uovayer princt alurt ihe taul o n aea asassaamiftj ehin liuul cum pwhu and caorawer tender gi ov9 g i3i 30 3 ept rraeodte me cut jyprvy imder cnrh 1 j- i r f tttro l tnn tvhrrt einiamadorrtnnnideiiot killthrc isfir kanert zw itr lieut cea lvdrf lev i r eahnvtsmif rd to diateea- eit jrtteiett m jfwjnsarae t csurnriar rioplina nn acrunl f the se rt v f ft wjlvj in h liestlr- tfri itiuii- b asavay at v t and kjijbo- 4 i 9 49 19 w ttal tho ahvro lia tao il trfat f rco u i qn rajiirva f ha ifcree 4na nf hnm kftj ereiia one uonp tioa threa tlm lif ullftcwt mlh tro eloim 0j tne frith pak tectitej yesterday pftftv rsaely deny trie import nhich first ciijii in a cork paper lhat earl linden ptnfeaaor fritt of otahlh and other poumftiil contlt men hitherto eftnicnoj foe iherr i birr joined the conwcraiton the aitdres puhkhed many of the joamau and pirjin-tin- to he sijirrd by a hody of influtri tial puttstant ftdvuinjlir t 1 litntnnjiftt lo recommend the remaiatiou ftf the lrib h i rn ia lanjtaeil at hy ail ihe loral jonrnak it appeared m tht evraitig jtaiaxia rrrrativft paper in tht tint instance utt no out knows whs was its author and the nnly ialtirt attached o it i that of a mr periti ft tffftondsin writer on antiquarian ii rft tne paavi i 1 1 1- hoi nut hitherto known a a pliicinn tlw daeuifteni ha erdenlly bean coneoctnd hy toino i- 0d irvlani ilptiilti with iht dtsirjn ift entrap men of eacillalin principles i if ptte bin iu0 ihe raaka of the oconnell mtllon of rep-aff- ft hfty rf pioltmtt men in order lhat that party anar orrrbtjr the in- ituence of the yn irefancloe ive are tft ftui tlwl ihft governrtitnt has ibe atipport of oil tarrpctalittproctd ionian carhnties and thtl ih pcolessaftt ranks fte nnhroken jft ooe neat w shall cnitca vnr o find mora foe the reply of a fare obj y oyhe dublin rvrin to 1 1 r rc rlm re hf i woudle separalwe ft i a promp manly and irtwft rtfoio to cooptate ane t nici of thtir intynritria in case of rtocltion that no man can rnraurwerstanil it iv aamt jiirii perredr iho whole nf the lrtb pneeo- aft the- conraet and fcrgbcl of ytftrs innot dealeoy lltastr loyalty to the crown bfpntrtol evening courur n- e- s tiik iviuoivs dowir itsndis ihecouiitry very jncrallv ie stdii rorcrneratcameinniwctp- aifi- f 11 scs we till believe the nbie are anns m a jndicioua altcf a tin f ihe preaent law of hwer wftal usnild ije ceral satufaelion atiiatawlv n to allow wiilowa ihr rlht of onwer n a lauded properly frsr4 hy the hiisvind af ihe time of rats death which miht nol he reqnirf in pay hi debt aad perhip lo in thai which he may hare owned in in life time but whitli he had sold withncit her eoo- enrtence lint nilhlct m hild he only lkrtliitfof the aue or rental of the pniierty al the time hr husband parted with it ftud rmt of the iilcreaed value which the injuitry of the purchaser miy have rrven it and in our opinion ihe wiva shnnld not hare a iim of oowor in land which were rnrniy eahate fo other laud fnr ihi in enve wmilj t vin jwr two third nr rane as the cat may he instead nf one of tht original pmpeity ftf i1c husband and we conceive that no contemplated tsrftmff rclatir i dwte wmru he pcieet escept ioviion wrrt madv for the ial ue alnrle in nuneroa case where uawrr wa intended loavc been aefeaiei or harrtd hii o from iftoitct of tht law and paritaialef icintnoee lolht rorlic did not tare e vtlrei to what ihey intended lo cjn itch fsvr inslanci- w a unman joined with her hiihand in ipt tftftvnyaike and signed ihe fwd but in whvh tttczt happened io be o cvi iu touring aries r koch ca x well a other where sonar leral or technical f has been omitled hare hen qule com- mvn in lit ton now hjwever fntiiy avero oor leilaor tny hr tft ctposf jtfto jaw yrl whot t cvidtnrly rennircd n ihi case lo further the erj of j xliee u ft deelaratoy aet mknr vslid anl trpa all tranactiem at out ualurv where tht padre eviuvitly acted in jrod failh and iftltndei 10 hare executed a enm- plelc tirjt sntltljint ft oowtr this mislead iff win fttl nt iitjutficc to any one would h condeted hv atj hotiet mm as nnihiw but wh it i perfectly jutiiftame lint as we meant rather to aiatc what altera tion wa eonsideftsl necessary hi ihe law altctin real ctjfc than lo rassei 9uy aicn- i- in their nporl we will conclude for ibt piceht pirw un ih ly early itausaction uf bunfs in 11 id nn j non hip 3lr runt nji4375 ilft nftojhafftjen attkmrrto assawixaiilft liiavea aaivivnees ifj u u liwfftt iwimiieii an interiulin wthe kif tj ejiisliiy nhi4 iiecevdiloreeeni peo r iiwsiiuii in tjerar thw armeinnn t- aperiloaon tins suae dor hint lenmmo nvtej rnnboenced kr ihe nftru ijhi chbuly awmmitlaa nsioncc wa air itn uf fiwtfjj ft crnn nnnlleehnehl lent e4mn in every rrsorcl ila ft kin1 frend in ibe nl osec4u andewmljaloinbitmiinrrv tie i fe j tenkdfe hi lk niiuea ontiirt u imeraai wli7i ha dmnotift caosoutj with hs bers tnaad w li brntd a cq itnnnilni 1 v tbooevahrmaniward the pftssm lime aetneaimt frwu h luvtber wm -c- dtcreni alleassilanj imroeditely ftlaaev ma- slhwhse bin in a m nit rw nacd ina ieus mt jin ws tsftftaj n mine chfcfiants to canastt lord staxbtr eoajifined of a ijiji wheh had been hmyirht into the caurtian f oi- urc impftinf a uc ftfio withoot dial lisn of age nn ail rmicju c canaila and caeitiintn nfcber vootinu euoaow and irtei whrtlwt it was the iftlontiftn of iht fasavttcvi menl lo asat jicf mirjiy to gift it ufrjioy ashll j fi nacvthmfii iwne ofoie pwvliofta r l r l caffivrfrjirt ft jft i rt n 1 i th and tjihmfiftsih on masfera df vea- jeli uadae ft peftalty t 5 in etch ease 1 l- 1 nlieh ttiey cssrtj r04 csswibfy priffrrrej it was vcrenaasxrru lhat ibt cajiweanaarjcj fret alron at tvsutgfctais af lerfhao which tw coloftista bad ipeotl iaal teo rfton ftmobntcd to xh0co it addrini to which tht moat frirftdtirarnny ht petri ivjonttin prtvtineofty anat enviartats hivint inleojoeej f aatj orasjiiuuiam nnr the inhabitants hear hear ia ia cfeaieaatav rhuo tfwfevlihtdvie- to iter m sc riih a yttjff in annul an art of tw caifajian lfiihiiuir hftajsaali raftw pt lwdov u c tht tatlant tronaa in the london caro wtreteviiwrd on satu day sua nil hy majorjeftcral irr kirbard aim-iron- aetfcjftpamed hy hi autdtcamp majwr mnnre the various military ovnltk lion and excretes were krformed with ad- miraun prociron and tnct j shewfn ih 9qth ilrsl a credit lo llititejre thou nffi ctrs ami the flrilitr army tut general infieif 1m hrh satirtctio1 at their dues- plinu and eonorfci ittoira f- on friday mnrnin- last n aame per- on were nhinf with ft net at the bend of lhemertio ne came n cuntacl wilh the bftifrofa mai which on hein raised and cnaftitil wa wtiiaid as the mortal re mains nf mr i nma lfftlhinnn formnly brtttsitwht g opuee poe oraaas oloor tvkdnesday morn i so mayio- tlie slenme a7eirnnniuhareichrt potftn- she afivrd on sunday at two oclock p m- anda4newsnowadyaliivrlwthihlinft anted we in kinjon ltaid of ii nhj alt ftvjoel neit afttrtoon lien tahsaia for ihe venlators in ureadstitftr to do a 1nle bwintas those who pay a lar ttlexfh rrpoiu have a ivitiinalc reason to be aftipti when thy ore hanahued rn the above way vtoj donsl htame thr mana- ttrs of thr mftolttftl and toronto lint tt- tftnrc tht fault dot not lit wilh them hi- do ihrir art lo anpfdy ilae public with the ftsjtficftl news witness for instance on mon day when not hein able lo obtain ihe new fron euiope eraiibt new yok aad bitshe lrcr ihey aviil the lutelliajtftct upward frooa monlreal hatiftenlil uirohh ihttrny and montreal lint the yankee companies in thr state arc tbt real cisainal the new injr tht teamrr yanketliko is filh of wara and romors of wars lvery ibinr pjintrj in very black colors and dtade lo appear in tl very wool tlpjvlt and ytt t it is tay i perceive lhat thing are much tht amc both in tvrope and the brit ish ulsnj rreaditutt bare advanced a f but nothice worth qiaotina a intof fact vary few arrival hart been of lea in- portance isan lhat af the britannia coaoncai iottjt an incjuest was held oh ihe r2sth day of april at the toot of mr david liljiy in tbt township of et- ftrfttftwft twfora jbu ililchin esq nf amhtrat watio one of her majtatys cor fttrs for the midland dimrkl on tht body of mm leddltlnn a ckaroul ttache who avssj isnuij drowned in m creek in tbetnwn ahip of ernestowu appeared frwn the tridenct thai thr unfortunate man wat aaajltf nn the banks of tbt above cftrk with a tod and line and that his hook ot caught in the rtscfcft anjinencteavorine lo loose ithe losdbia tauce and foil into tht water arid wa thereby drowned the deceased had ru family ia natire of ireland ami ahenat iwtntythr or lwafayhflaf years of ar t coroner anc joey are happy to ay that naaltaiftdj accident was not cftuaed hv ifttemfrranee or any lftio laft dant verdict of tb jury accidentally drawned k from n lim of isly pasaeorrrs repoil- tdu bavin milcd from itomon oi thelrd oitpcribe jcoyal mail steamer caieuo wo eataet tba following naaesas brine from dritih amtfitaitia kactlttncy sit wit- ham colhrooke liel cwmqt of ftr avftawuritk hr il ftc and udy coibrrr4t ihe mm and maaltr colbmoko tbt earl ol e1 a d c ft li eeejienty iht errol of eljin covernoe general of canada mirorter of niagara mr wm crani aftd ins of rieton tbe hrr i mftehar of kiftji the rrr- dr willia aftdd frar kasfetf jf vura or ajrns4a scotia co- ahvftimi or yocatsji to ttia lraltrs 5rattswln tlie united slatcsscn- tr n thursday iftsi mr flannegan chair man nf the comaaitttn on foreiyn krlatiom resotej ft bill lo enahr the prewdcnt to take wslwfj ltad mjaii rctcasi dr iv weather foe iho past weak ha been eatrenvrlymifd and aalu- beiou ihowin- thr near apprtmch of anmmer weather foijwhieh mr 0 fiizpaliick f thii city hwds himrlf in rtatfeas with a sup ply of that coohn- a hi celicios tecrjce finer 6tr of a anpcriof kiud vr have lasted ttand flnd it an eaeejent aummer diink n4 adise thoe who are dry in hot weather ift n and do- likewise rnaf era lrrif good sevs yolt tii coltliuxl vaxk r iba f-twwh- cfipfd frnm 1e iv- yr lttau ii would offnr lle cd pepeof michifii mlrnd in rtptdatc al fin atunrr fhe uej oennunt of caneeil luuk ihllannnt anoinht dtelnnl aftsj no nn aar lum- hiir hinnfoereinsptecve and nbvll he ttvtj t tbo7icnr imuv rijden mot tha anf wao stain aajtw rjnltul the wild cat bofca viiich ham e bwf hern drain in tho life bhtttj fmm ihe peefv bate nemty all been r ntr i r l rr i r f n auund rylrtn nf hnnkif 0nff pctroctcd mil r nwiejl imfnmj tho 6eiatrp in law aranibxiie he thn ertene nrd thia the pmiicje d ttieiillinnof cauito in the sifts law en irpm ut abua mm nsnnlu se i oe itenneirjby ibocvn4ieand llnoae r ltepeeltnf uk 4tutj michtailnl ilfhtjtrthholiuful fnr enyvrmot v tn saarttrni w mnver eiienure ainre i ii r nr fen ilw limi ibi acl sball bseotn n isw if hi state any lm ie nr mier eticvneenf deli asjaftnjsjlaw bje ptnijfarair h vprc rnivw twr r niirrftrfnn care in ni bjnkin- rnrein f peivincw rfro v airrrrrnwi i natnm ih p-n- iit4 ttllm eel squill fnrlviiiwerey apfttj jff 1c- tsfreiime ihe ivmii1 rilno vf nv ftftfa bid nntentmhee riroiref aveft in l rcateerd wuk cnif nf in aapftftaoof nnd for thn uonf any prison whws nl fnr itr ion and no an etiia i luiliejurventi ctrl l enwtueihenii see a anyitsenrptrdcoefn 3t4lo wboahbll f-rh-i- t jk- n i any bh note itr taher evidence at deli prpnjibar nnt civarlcrru h tho rry t lijs u hit nf thmio mher hte in iha uftiwd me a ihe cieolslrvi tt ayansuj pndhnli by ifia k nn u er absafa nclono to avni jl fifty ovjim ho lorotcaed nnhan thsinr injorxr provided m lie avoned aoeas of ihsa net p et was nred aji- m and the perinf l a- rbewtibrfeanat nf every hank nronr ntlee eipearrerf debt 1 s bank mttnnimn m n faen e pmrixe will limine rrpe t tt sto nn n ut en ihcrn wuh ti uanso of aoood bnka of r4fttdfr th sruuh wvf arrival op the stwavleb an n britapatstia seven days late from eukord advance injheadstuffs naw yofti mayehh 1 the jtritcnnia ftnired ftt beotcu at 2 oeloet yesterday newft rcecired hero by coremment a p general lene of coco tratlo gran from abroad limited indian com jtt o 77a dnainsrat fur amtiican honr meeiate fail supply uiiilrd stales 2cr a 27s asuntf price for canadian at liverpool the traft creo taint f muity all articles adeanced canadian wheat fcjlnj id fiovtfsh 0av fur hot vcsumcaftl07sft7aftav cood export foe indtjn corn for ireland evpoit txetejed import jooo tpk dtwine iht last week- while 1 2csv 6d y- lowr27sa27sel aiisd 25 o flfc rnovlsfot fwef riaiedancl full arkasj 76v ft ws with fair nbapirj ihark p4 quality wonld real 6w o75s- prosnocaj of higher prices siind chrese very ifinitcd luppty lard receded dread toff will be ined demand rwara time ajipearanetv of cmoaritillrrtwatif iron trade dull scotch pj doa o 43a trade in the ttanufscl litrfcu cot tinues dnlt more wotkjnaert irno- naa entirely aintmrstoyeel laat cjuotitiois of conaali 62ft ah further itfculars mootnial may a tho fmlowine icoaia art frorn tht ntrnu etra obtained tso troy trftt lhit evtajlee cifuflvlutol etifcneitf tfl irrujin ronny prmtiufrotvn in jtaa raaaaafta jrestt avne by order of t ac pdkqvlovk oismora catrfftm i ilm- run on saiftya baoki erja- tinut tl ccorrrll go bejund seniula- tional lunits earl sn u to tn favorahjt to repeal tht trial of otcai obrien and mrrjirr ia jtocreoinr thomas steele baa eheptrvred soicma 1 repitftr nrened chirtvu fnic li aid ro lr ar- gantied the efujscof co fanrj a rnjna and uoemnienl security bill wilh aa o irs- wbeleninc majority a reform meeting has eaten held i n n t ev at which 40 meeobersor jnrliaenmt aalhicr- bsaltsl cobdeo wasorve haane presided the pruian diet baa bteft dusotf ed rterlin nilaled inaurent ples bare for- inlrtrarjiarnii in roarn ttry have aft amy ftf lolali nserswilti aniuery arvoiber rrsftd asvya ihc pole number ltvu the uiau rrtu- does not appear erintaa r anaehr lnurrtclioft in ftcerttlioriony which corcmcnent ba nol been ftblt to sen prrs traje at vienna tnli rely detroyrj tutrt s ai j lobe ftffrons austrian party at tieanft nailina an opportiiuity for reroft the sor- teitssltarl laj ordered ihc jetuilj to rnit svie vienna has been taken hy iht pirdmonlaao army tht kins of naples has hetn comrwlred u issue a r 1 1 in favor of an llaliaa i 0 denendtnt union artairs in franet are in treat c- ntioa a plot was formed totajrfrilhe imriaml coietoment and auisieatt lamartiftthtad ed hy ledni rnttin an ipamenae caeetiojef woikmrd had taktu ptace montfteal tity 61 h as the ttavn macstcr rtmaina steady at previous ratesu the safes for coriumplioa arrefrota quebec and lower province watttt very jutlo rjoiftt dot dad as market aaftcs dull it is difficult lo give jan la lion imports hy the lachint canal for moiltft from theorerebiiyeof the navratioi to th in inetotitea flo 558 barret 0- meal 379 uh- mo p jm- 17901 biuh tae iiomtrtst h bhtmtfa from rnfriof comma fnn cwrow 7rwf ar7fiavi fwfts ionft anietd ihiaaisrr- btroth t j lodf ftn- the ih town ik nei inn fate the l ii af of the iwin gztt in tb tw dretastd had leon nitiu jinee ial errtiin- ftnt it ii airjisesed mu hy acrldtfttally fat i in into 1he ty wa cniiveycd o iho western trvrve on inquest was held and iho reidel returued of teertents death i ijijs 7vasra wj 5 cr laetrtfftl autar mb f3 aukoicav navt tbt vohi3ton cnrierident of liie ma a rfftrf vf tiles tinder llftlf of he hlh aarfr i the imprraiiniaohidininsift vahnc- toft- ibsl ihe rondilion of europe wil shortly j col ihe gverninnnl lo greatly inefeaso oiirfniteift the imrditeirancan auiion at fiwrnl we have but ihrra or at most four vtel of any deveripljftn enitrinc thete steh r the condition anj impnnanca of euir eivvunf ret in thai quarter lhat wtvsjibuld be ftetpartd to prateet il whe jjnusaaisisj h w what ho m mnsxvnu l i f- woll l pacred horh ititontdftothaiwcil rrrr rrrr r trupnn wfcieh hn airrnly ir wr i foe ihr llilt had paored jrh ifvvita of the e lsi l u w ivvrfeit wuh the aclof tfacftbnau ctssftriftlly cfc aqnilaoo iftrru of tthlci wmj wtftfi pecularlyibu lasju and ho jj ttidrntly iht luwfrm vf ifnscinaalmuf la eikoun trilitftua ju nnii4vwatmaam nd ftonnf lii aa 1ti bnilaijaaeowsrunimidu 1 inav aftf se re y am j irtnndf v ins ihb wnvmr yd then tof- wniukaerrsehtbeets safiy naeneced by any rrrtrrnt wlaether m pnlitreal cbefft tfnf theiwsjeouilletofilieliie jirsrap anore m vhrte f ihie nactiily thatk fur any othor reaaon i earneatly asanaj j fteirne btu for a very eoftsrikrauo uicrtta at ur ftary jt i uniltat state stnalf thn com sitter on hliliury altairhavr rtforledahil tolotcuraof colaratftttiajt uma to tpukhej tortbeurfof thftpsjwjr fanftentcnr ibe vast ftftmhen of frhie fon hm enrttinent erha hurt it nlly fummi iejht slrttt ftf fdofi sftj pnwfnrtnishetnifevrmincdha govenmen lh revlvt ihe alien abl foe a limited prrioj and in etrtatn cases inrder fo eihnpel ihe departure of tbrne obeiiens viiuorafrom our ahocoa nod accorjuiejv muquk nf mnadowne has inirentnced a bill tothat effect in ihe riooro nf lonts nod it was ditiuejlr slaird by llw mornninof lenadowae on the ihhthat iheeftffof clartadanisuftarirea- an opinion that aome moasue was necessary to conniiracl tlie elloru anadft by tociti cmmftiiea in iround ruroero jftim laralh- ad anc are on th j h m the wcaihji ttarm thermoeoeiej liu ttenifttf 5 dejreeft aure lero moili mav 8 f ai ni w pone sivct smvupat- ffio4ft vr r jutkton canada afyaua 5 andrta peorf arnd torrtmri wiib s th pcrrstsaaft frofti liverpool aral cifofor thia poet arrived in quebec tails morning t7e weathrerlat thrrmoroeltttbiaertft- in 59 drsrrtta fthove zero j ny qr- at 21 a 21 3d foe fine ami st 3d ft ls j tur v i fn a sale of 20tx0 bftrttla whtost 4d am- lota cuuc itiaw pearutjiav did ft 31s 7v snail sale da for prime mcv al 6 foi prime and i beatft1slna r wheal l si supda ttj aauaiilatiou of the fair of trentni in itrlaml to thai atrvailinf in enjaint at nft rcd to in auftthtr notict has hetn rftdtiel arctry under tanuost ireihtnlftptafft by tlir facl that what h fimonln nced h been littln revro i h n aji7ioi in ireland ami eonavqjitiiljy ipftlitknl ohvftdtra lathaiayar foinry bare aa fretjgenly c5cated or traanj ptaniahnatnt aa to call for aomnuainaoshs aj- tar atiftft lai the law- a v- 1 exasfrlk toil kiximnw t finchaater jfrrrijn cfnoc jjti fr peinnj1 h- aolulinn ftirunaiiua ayaatajstrffraftcb fire ajld rfonv tid laakltr companv in ihv c i v for lbs oiaajiu aajste r tl ft eoai- fftikte new yorx market my anca are firrft at g pcarli about f7 floui aiaenastt in conarqueccft of aarsfll asifiply snlealooohaihrlaceni cotaatieaa in rryotterate advanced satrftimw bnaheuat for yhlow and 5tv a 5lo foe new critaja ivi 7l o75ej mlt3ixor4iasstn oata have ao iaorrnrnif laodenoy a canal nre and 4g a 48 ibr river proviaioruu loftft ia hols tfftl atenloaalftij oj ovvl a wttivillojl hu7 for us osat la nrisirt aw advance sftlfft tkjf harrt hsma alc and 90000 iba tidsiab7lca 1 1 lajjiiasic vilhanusw- rctton liia an irnprorinr tandrncy 15tj0 bavea it i odvinco ftn mjh rrs jri lhjtaji kltuluij pin iftojrj5tptrleft 1 qcosvtil fahtnlpmlnll to fair imwnjl sftcumiaslasalpm rtntea 100 ravshkho

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