kiuv vow manvk1wu kale twtr n1t 21 cwfimhi ft 41 tiha vj ntuwirh 31 u hi fflll iuivm si bmjluct ilj tfr fitin 1n i i ci lriitl favoro ah partle money i eery i4rmfi i i doo ait sterling iteinao finvrre- uiil itt 6 a kk i nvw tlfc ft rsrtlimsnj kihhin pul jrnill4l ftfo il ji 1 1 link ii err d riirr in i ad 1 1 j v cm frnn l e a 35jc for yellow dvi goon inbo fvotf dj tl tol ottitc oim ajtjeila jtrrr prime 7 a 0 a4n faaawr preset nf high pier fvchfrae l teamn will i in ph itananil fr ml lime apemae of the rmgtuh cfvj j very encouraging last nights report hovtmal may of p m wr htt noihn coonerclel to repl tlie mrkcliiij n 1 i j i c eh orf fct j by w hwpti ncvvi tne khm meeting at the ltwcconr mir fcl iuh iwl ni1i n4 l tiy urn romlv attended there wm p ruuibk fmm 6 l uo perron proiem tli chair wa itt hy mr chow tint rhr iirhirv fey m r moj rin itrennan and t rv a number of reomiioft were pumd th ri-mln- eraratej willi a rot ef thank to the mnvr forlecwe vf che mall buffalo magxgtmy the iwwhich h ttfuf fcfc rfalaftft wen 30limejei qvrt 0w uim m vr nslme 3u biritl iiut l ue35 lrlfojiim li4wiitfl eot martin to omrc ihm week al 11 i 2wcu nmirlf otr 1 1 91 in rnr are fccr a oie t423vq bbu miicd xtttliffi and ofcio i 5v 50ui wo fiira mihifrtl 8s3r udcl5 1u ofilcht nvl iinik juilia 1 j 1 ijrih 11 be il t mh iifin tolijic 6 vrjt for piktivi ik luiek 3 ini 1 very irill tflo gulh wm 0t 44 kl 3lc carr u r nrc mt u i bid 1i19 oi- 0 4w t j ai 3jc iocflf wro tmjfl iit tt 40f hem ivk i 10 pj rctm j mfwf ban tdroccd iltftr 1 itm ijiln ikt iivfihf boiii imphbto luirlipipcctioii j r urm nrt snjtrt i lce rtxilul jc n d 3c j j laoa trfltffr 1s4 rbrrc 3 ft fi ehtyttj lwlh winco ft4 ne imco ikc ab vf 3ou ojf 1 iwc h r 1 1 it trcl rhtk iatte nmil 4 tii nfl at5c ihctr 0iraik uul l 14 a i tv crr vr srffd iodt f iv q 7e wl ii q sjt cm 1 o lij mhi inm 8vc w nw yk l t 1 aifli nv 0un lwn l f vif- 1 n i lolbcfnd utk uivol 1 w uf jid aro jpocud l r ift vfcfimn ou tit irnenl mpvfniti wm fcl die 11 4 v mirjp u ool dj tk w incrucck d ivfti tich s0m1 uniwm fil u a4uwcil lr tjwt amtfu brf jhl ftbf tlul ulrrr n ul bltkprxcivt ier tn- krxwy lr itluulrttj tuiu- f mffta ccn ijm toice if liacrl ijctrt dx rfirujnt new york harkbtihv 54 r tto amttka will bar atuui ouuifi fufu fim ia ntcut 14 ittercaicili tlo 11 in4 t 4at2 isk mhm md ri brand- i jit c-rj- pjs 4 i bi ilwie jitt rs jclirvj and ttdt irrw huj- d ladmf ktne h-t- mat 9 r u bd f bltv1rtnvccc h clurxi kwwmc hit- ittft lloirl wi fire t jpfiifit ift i1avm ftnchtiid of tuc ctij tifi t iii jsovot o jmaa wm 6rf dc llr nr old tftcb olii- t f i airj jrt vtd tku aiwl lljw mcm rmwalt x i pt ivi- n u di0vrvil fcn thr nrlffirtl bmb in vrnttmrm and metrical ghnmimit and vor rrm pfaltibcd in tlio liooifcn ii wm j ntcnclj tbtufd tbai j lnmludlbeutr4 fvcn die mtot cdiiiu aoapt c wtiicb i bar n k 1 1 a inrulatijn ahontr cr ttiifk araid hh pub i j- a maaj of ibo bntiftl br a v oe in zhn ad 1 am rrj i have at ha trtkwi in mj ktferavoci o hnd s in efr micc to tnj ofj h ftobtliflr fl vf it af urt eiiol ha mioc iwjh i hir tndrat orivp alt fcb um ucfe mmpd rr rjf ny th 11 iti 041fv tfftenf tb i jc rj ir 117 ifaif 1 lilac lb gr- diffjcrr between it iraoeutwft fctid rjc ipimi lilaperadin iiafvaa fow voeka aov a uclcott scuv tvilwb marscillat5e ivbvi htfh uarh ft ihflwfcpol cmrc n ita icco t4ee fthj tvy ifl fw w tfcfli wj trtieih hi aa n waeo l tawaciirtcn fof ja al ut1 haci e ft tvif d jtffm awl ctcodi vur flawed ud i whal mca ilinawauw in btw oflpaanp of mm iiitt ktt ft atlrwii e enaf clsaif1 tvil ii l prvrofc ibal alarcty bircaf fffftehiro or oan j whal citj e vriiatirirejoftalwtclti bu twmt ft wkimihey tordilalo 7ta ciy of be nl ate t orm sliicn fom t lbi bm mattb n fmrti on thnr lj ioufc a ditfttb ovm fenooid ued tv hat wi itcae f rftin iropa wmmwii twcr vow wwitiv iaij ttlvt s ammlvm mncivj lhd- qq loietjr ari t4idr f klcd tank ooaji tiaft riwltiip t h 0e fii 1 or k bl at lw t we dwavuhfcer km- 1 rvv ear dcica vdnw wufcy r- e ealii fctd ckhoerarnnrrdjaoo it hniiflifl atxeda hpuaaaateda all poliro hale ivi u if omalavtrdaoi icntti awal arudicct m fct coenhl the f i ur roanr tw uilht in rfcili art jn 1 a dioojlirm band rraatid is eroob tbf tiprr umifciii btfrw j 7a haul band ml otticb ihei b impose aliall lrnpb mf fpfioncd uod 1 fmmtt mciiiimin a rr 8tfaar ibj ancrcf mj pirn uffrt lboa oad rkljii rcffel htlaamtf4mluarar ct ara arf aanutnr wpii cfttwnfj ffo te finto lbii tifoilfiopiuaaattic be ivmlh pjult mother unai ol trme cfdrera trm ta 0 v iaiil vntrtti ol j bvs ji tefc ou rufruitad j vailordof cmmrjr imljattcam fhcfolbfcftj vibcndrr umi cww in mj omttf handa dmr aaft ibal victot e bajuphflf tvf i itr u cirt- tfhlfiiai 1 i 1 1 pj miomteo hlaiiajp and ift teo wotoi ol fyirali oil f juju im pooplrf for tiir yoltim wa cfttet inu r ateee we afcall ihrw btfwe1 ion fcjz j mil athor tace ih da thi ihet aittmn mkl i pa i j rf wa irijaaiblinrfii tm rreee ifcti b- e 1 i n 1 cn direct oorurm j r rmriy a fee new meomrr cf iui t imdfvd wmiilcde1 rr lrw m ibr rnk bikh hr m ctin mm l- 5 w rf uthitif vtxivl y lilltil wh wbcels rtieii lfrtmhr uith tlc e tftri i che oil ma mlf w m lollie ikital ptmlierp inuficbril f baftiir lo ihc nkr bbr vru u whb licr wciirn o board all tie1v f htf firot irijs p a nvif ii rn lirjomfljhc lo he mffffmi til wja laifnrhj t ihecrown u- v ktrllrn f- cofnof pjrwnl minted turotd tb chiec flank ifeyifi itrtc4 ml gnvifma n lh 7ih marcfcjiail havmf lkfccmfftbafd fjui atr down lo ijr qwtfilmis intrxciicdnniirhi-icn- rrral wo lm vciumtm to h s ril ftf llie bmowlrlpi sh m tcmrm to have 6- harrd mil on thr fvltjr il m ruti vrcolbrt it required 2qntn hrr 5rrkfiv oreret narw mr imj lira c vi trh ctve omlfim we ptcaecd 10 1 mb aipwlhvaf kooec d n ej pctttnt rjre la bfj j r uiimtjta r-a- r vhietwf ir tb owe tjay lickm bii juffjfl deada of pctb rfuv mtwianl ii to a mnubce t llc ad or tflc re auprfsmrodtti id qromtfol hrwd 0 lb dm- i- 1 eif r n puro u ovlur mvtrv btojrci dc oemot hi eftftrlaxtt twh r grotaaimx f r s filh- te ii ihm fivi rf il iwlfomiii f f 1 canada ie sddicieet a lt l- appoiftlcd o llto reefteciivolr wnaed oikrari r jaiwa pttabar rauw oinetetof newer jar xlclbaf j iir iv- r luisunl rr sofihkh ti 1 uiatticte lanj kbvt mullen lajfieo milrhcl id joaapli c- u i n it 1 1 nl c nlhhm i iifc j fib uslrolh oij jja itutbj eauiree otaintl vf tjbo4 aorvravr fmttitl oerir motiirnjib hj iwtf j he c- t tn f ftiajulj r rid to mako too mlm hpaaonorad a 1 lc mitilu of ln tbo rrtn leuieoaoi wirjitm qyojj toh ueart a wium ar6nor paeoeod to w roiani doil uhm retchaofl trfrr jvrituf frfvmrf jaitk cbifrbvlio auj hi ktrrwo gcatlrnrei 11 sii e jit in ui uiim 18 3 8 0 3 r fl i 5 s k 3 s r 4 5 5 i hi l i v f ill i ii 5 111 m l 1 rf f ginjsloit illarire vfsser arrived in poit mytv pcv ur lur ilnitioh 500 ivv1 y iifr 1 h looo d dk j f hrm jo do ek h a 9 jot sir qoor vctotfu gellehilio rcacrl 4o diftrfcei praona scb mcrbail miller st cutttaem sco boretli i- m r r t i- 4 c 0 e vc4 si cjobilifo go kn rt fjour 256 do mi 8 roiaah vofktml cran sir caiamsct rwchoncr facial ifi k bfmanra 3c co sir i 1 j r f ivt lwo odenaboexh foor coic k boiaeieoco 11tlti5jrriia of toilo a bot furb n4 anejilioked tefiucoot ualcecncralrt wepbenwo oi can sbr mob crl cj qiesw fr- fd r conica and merharo k oaba sckf lmtibqllcmflol 0ft- dfln11 prni scbr- cokt nrtti txcml fo ix grer j milfclfcfpi caoa sclir llonimb cjtro1 coo a1ccoi ro carrvibeff vikt l040brrcu a rjrv- bma kclr qojrctj vmm m3 oiecra whin oik ftbtficalttfcttmb seh clov f nra focboc fviarordinfj n r j it io 5ehe efiftftcr1er0 j it croce c lshajtoov seb jeikcolnnfrftpta1 ar qocboc l a r j p j 1 j tire jc co n r i mrte ficorroi 1 prin scr j f ll qrnvr cc cov lobe ence cargo el si cotd lochiop ol i diffeftai srmpoj mf ike s4 oeo vitou dajfcfio efnnalerc nwoo to co 5ll f40cfo vioofajl no r ill to li k notice to enugraiits- all ffon tctnftibei to iw v1 suis rot ciiixta lhrwf wiu be chirjd 01 llolbr ia oddiliofl to im svirv rhtl jie b bwoftb slr of new york a rv of wfcidl cji x i rr ai the smjfotwt 0ucc here a sart atm tm oritit siemonboiu kinlonlas ims- tnformation wanted ofalkxander kwingrftbt pri of cemtoaa conwy f joncl 0 irfl irounil in mj l5 i4 j br incfl- t p m lhi- omit james ewino of tbe io mace ttho n hopvilia in xiilor l llr to b jdmiftw j wtt office sfcjittyv mar 9 isis n otioe wruereas miry mwv uif of otficjw itlir lea ffl bed and boaij tht t1 of b maiimi any ao w piofrxaiion i ho cnrnffjussilahprjt freeh oyster vrftyeu weekly ftem ket york al r tumbles a01 well- tst shoriff e balo on frio y iaii may iuaui w be 0j1i al 11 r aihniraim jkv sufrbjml stfcel iho wltolc if ihe stv k io to i pi- lmiot srliotil dl hunb tt mm- rlj palnt mrdcime wiiliminrvitihrr ri det lie mpttl f kdrtard jiv p mixed by viitiir orivi4l iv lib of lnlimi fteftc irol lortlotfc a h tfm caak 01 ibo rilifwtii ily njcufiu- hil xfv iunl ii 12erbk noon lj t fter tr uxier fmrnliirr kittn mlnia tee e in iw alliciienhi irioiin ilrfir tcmqi uiadr koowh al he liiov oflr tjios a corrtslt tffttwf jl vj wm mcuilxam kinrtootjiys isis emigrant supplies irnons iho ierriejal unofe wnil xortx s bturd v ibvdhi i fr tn airfht f the oatdnoaroluxiej irlaclr for ibr arrmce of 1 lie omrnnl ivmhn at lii atpiity dtljf ibeciiireitt yrar vir nre4iier41m pliol pel lb r cwt rmcojil jf k fire wwl irerj at the oliclv 10 i ol eond rinitvi anl foroibid vrbenrver n quinj utn i liim 0 iut eairdnt agvoi atij 10 be jmju opj oionihly a n iuwkr c fmfirvt aptntfor vffkf gtwoo- ehiuhaxt orriec 1 efoffma jy is is 33i auction sale of household furniture this dayavednksdav wiu he ld al lb resiileiice of patol llosrcastic kitijftion ilc momrib efoperiy vi 1 racflbvoa carrice rri florae iib apron cnbioin to cvitlr i fllttff sklfh ai if i i in 1 excellent piano forte oloajv k son a lalpjitmlj 2 oltoenoi 2 k wood seller 2 rote wnnj taid tamci i ritfriltm wool table 8 kimc w00j cliaiff ii riioirt piclrtjiriaffe 1 f ji m- ami ce or covr 5 blue onifneiil 1 isplendid rfc c 1 si n 1 1 r 1 small do 1 jlreakrot talile 6 mhoxny ctiairi 2 cle arm cluiri 2 llall cnsipt 4 l- bmueb carris and mndry i 1 da 3 llaitli uu4 a fatiely of afollr 3 clnmt of diawm 6 rtfi boilobl ctiir 3 scotch cartel j jieeiif new suir carpel 4 bra lunpa i fjlw ljmp j laie ubmtj and 3 small loiw jo tttthh with feather bfs bunkh qnifu pillows covkiijjf box and parlor si jjj- ileais coboanu cflain a a lfe cjiiamiiy t tlm how ecnttr tumnler ffmc and oilier totaattrft china umnrr sek caiv al bncf six coroiooi oef and a aririy of uoli furnitcnkof ercrv dneiiiiuioi ino mi- p la jltf ffiirti1lf f rtfjr nccea y ailid foronmwent and jae u0 lalttllir bowk oftolmoireryuiieci uiulofy n4 mucchajtmi the whole lo be rrteite sale to coaimrn al 1 1 oclock f ptioil- jahbs lintov kpto may 0 i jt o auclioai nie nthuhsdav ihe ihh iounij at the stofo m the subciioro wines liquors sugars and ra vounc ijvuntkasaod tobacco with 300 krjic wrii4 paper anil be nmnl vjitciy tf cfocctto -alio- a eoniernen1 j rceeivrd pecij1jy ir- jeredobecledal teijr low inters rlz- 17cht myiin sod hyon skin 30 eaiuri twom sattcbon tij jo cheati cmlm 20bajt jaia lca i0bai b do sateai2ooevp xt oliphamt 5 watt kindlon may 5 1013 wakes auction rooms ra1i- of staple groceries- jbrteh afarjwaota pjaj haxnna sugar with varioioiberarliele on fr1dav may 13 at two fivfech- william wak5 kington may 6 18m j swain i cos hygeian medicine oh wottsdbmd vegetasu restofiativc pills fully i v j a hi bei phoorjr cn ooee o j be fc 4ioihjn coe ii haa pottmel oiidce ibe bleinc o no olli i i fu h nlbd 1 r if ojib vvge- litblia avtue fo ill car of eerey dette i dem u lle lueoao fiom and otoib ik an in b pivi iii tl0o 0 i r f tcvjiflf iboooaorf oja la ortwhr ejfed bv bod glwcn bj boea of lin reereied j dc co bariftc an wfiell eotumbed ilicir rfwi pi i 1 i- onj urinj bom anlicd 0 oeepoea ve 1rrfieioe bej it infn ilieir fienda ond ila pvbto ihr iher rie attee land anaiooa rrerch oocceeded 10 rf f on tioerirot iomoclie orhaji ibe coll tjie iiyggiax ditfefta and bieli ibee boeo foh efweoe in reeorn nyrodinx ioall oaaeoof imdm ww aiiic fisciooiirfecue ihfi- lion j otirot ibo ii r ii and neeal sln coone oaov ciydic fee roeitf ibo ovatroieka lilo urioarj faie pmem ir- i oerl i i r v lo too paia iej rerii f ilottor ood poflrnlho rul proj or itfl mi dtoo- j s a cn eao now aojfdr or n of lle tread e eekom ltd aon filoa op voowta 1 1 1 l miaiff wbiah ia proved vbocoand oicetvol rtiocdr oe wi uoof ftcfodjl7ue j fi ck 0a prtif ghrle ienenrnni lo mali thtit iiyukhn usivkiwal infantv rkstohativk n r refwd fof r pecoliar to enwiro and lo owaf imowe llowel loanpi n bh rerarda cltlw vro od adolto oo tomertonin jry oo wch a eetv eoa arbero o vdial i ocrt flka hertirmeo o pepircd oole i mi 1 1 t na ktaunnht hoovmb imvt kl shevii tei oliceo owe be had li j n herb ol ex lauli ground ond vitkfwto anj j be im pfioejfl dmcc c twp ond ajowvh ofs00 acml0ozlin aof intlier nteouic irooexltiif i or i ttt iu mtovwwoa o ajtic 01 aoj poeoli pe cn b vuioed h addiwnr lflh tvj lxcotoeihlo od-oj- eaaaio pccoual 4iec iae b odnonid m eir or j soio v c whak w r ihoro pnipi aid eaefol htton ft iho utohm sr omii uc tdfred j vi u it co ivaate w n igiot- r lonvvj c ifoolu jruffw kjnc i allen toroof uf xifiaiaf ils mr itr n ill itljpa wt air liorhb llul toecniomajl dentistry drc s luns nwvotk vod rojrcifitf if ini hr pnmic thai h de 4 in aiij kindlon ninini ieaideke fur tin- poetic ol hit irorotoii j 1m prekucc iinlncet crtty ajfoved iiun and hto eiik known lo ihe jnofaivn tctth fhlfd wllh rincgoia in tin mnt rarefcil and ihrougli cminacr en tirely itrfotibjj he lccj pivot truth 5el wilboik the ii r of a f in a mnnncr far meriu lo tie o4 invtliod trbtii inskitteoononlo plate oi itir nlfikhplicric frfoeiple cta or a the re my irqnirr in a naot m ne om- birimiy ce ilnubilily and mib of ii will fnciwrhcoj l tir rreeat im- irrfementa u bit iacie trelb tfaerd willkoiit pain il i cn h hnv thai ibne whn may now o litva tkcjion for nch ariricri nd ibote who aprecilr llie nianv idvou- 4 of 4 letidrftt d nlitl will unit im fjl filaawlap ocmiiff fforly w ihl dr aflriec fratti all oatatarhh irf- ift hie inoti miiiiiiri j j ailful manner and wmrfmitetj f- ftoom at mftchirta clatkn ifaj flffjtlnc jjou- eoierof uvck and bdcoi s klnfow hay lois 3m atlantic am ontario asprcut mlffskntiell rilutelbu 0rie mt suiay ttili my at tlifr viiea ffrf ili iwy- matlslcarawr rita- rv whtrbj ivavea buaioaj fv lvcfi on htjiirjav itik tylluau lvarfl awnt klutnis magr jma 4 5piffl mfsinoeu irlll tcaee ihtj 01fceon jlta mlb war at ttirrt av3iwh for ihe royal mail sfnaiei ctmbrit wlneh ievra nf york for ufcimv on wednrjavilri wfft william waiie kirplon may isa a special muulncervilmeave bia 1 ojie n sainrdav smi ma a1 three clrofc m the royal mail lramr cau- rfnin uhieh iravot hotkn for livcroo nn lvtdnc2y zlh mar william ware wcnf kincclnmaj bankrupt stock for sale offers will b rerrftojr hy ihc unjoricif umil fltluav iho iflb inmniit for llic urcbuitf trx h r the bwkmpi liatc nf mckcy vitjk cniifiaiinei nf the stuck in truilo til shrtp furiiutirr nf tho asil caiatct hr invenmry f whicli lahd ihfl al- aiv6 rati ini arwn at llic uitcciuri tien mmkci tulttihts oath itae a hwn live lmuie if 10 and j5 oclock until tbo aloc jait james linton sner mar 3 ims 37 please take notice ill 1 1 snwfiber luvc been appointed aftmgnke to ibe bankrupt imaieof mckay t wadrj grorrra piieem sirert kinin rqnrv inmesalc pa vac ml of all ointaakfeaokbtshy banlr koir rdbr- j y v- y j v f j enjn f i f th pavmlvftl cf u9 wo jauesunton kinnn may 2 lms fiine c e canfield west oswego n y wllolcac acn rctail dcai1cm 11 drugs medicines paints oik byr staff perftuncrr i fary irtiel- lw jiftf ilffa rv tt itrt 3eovora me jay wifould rfffpfctfinly iiivk lb htetmioai iarr iid oiheia in cvi l ivjr e1lr4ivv on j wrlirhrcej i icnl which they will ael at thr cnoal aalufjefory miee 0wnt may 3 19 is notice the annual mkktinirf tlir mrre- wra nf ibe fiht inm7aanck c011- panytf u mimnl dutricl will be lie hi in ibe court uousk on mondav hie 3ili day ol june nai a 10 mki a m for be ruqocof lloctio directo for ibe vaiuing yer william ireland riefosy kineiori ly s b 37if bit ill culotte and lirkadlr wateh- cvior aitpiti i trvlt jjsma1ha fattlvatlic milr diju ifif bnnine baudccmiacnb iepi infntmhivniiairiiftidilbalir ha ralen a oinilhhaw in london i li si mall cwl cannon slr am aaovm tawajjij i b hace witlmvel willi lraim alien lion a hbj tflti information wanted ff a lad mmed john dwisabnul 14 year of aje nol of very aownd in telll who left evjicrilfefor kinjilon ut october any peron lrvin i n for jtii lion of hi icbereahjvu wilh he bdilof of lliit jiaprj will beliotrolly rrwardro may 3 lcrts- 373i the grove inn thgsnucrilrrnipccifully relorna llmtikv fr ibo lilirral npiirt ho ii i r reccivotj and beg tti imvm iho public that ia orjcr lo trl tmjile accnmmoflalmij lie baa odilej to lna bitalilhrpenf ft spacious room unlaw for wkddikc dikmtn and luvii imivl mirtona mineral wo1t he keejn ceutuiiify en hand a aupjtly of m0fit0ns celrbrated mineral water wlikh way he oliainol ir urge orarnam uuamuiea frvh futtri llie spring daily eduaim ckkssall greve hiw mny i iss im vaiauauiab u1liikc lots rlt1e truticcs of ibe mm i nil di a 4ricl grammar school vill receive teinlcra frnm af pctn iirniu of purchasing three sihuol ilcach contftiiiine otic fifth uf an ae on which the schno ifioae novr aienja the corner nf kinc ftnl uninn stfecu the tcn- lcrs may le fr tftrt r f loi eona- fotol itrfttrilietluro en wer suu eo sftiiafacinry tcnjer he to- cejvcil ho arj lota will le fold hv public auction on he ortmioea a n i of wcdneailay ihc2oib in appjieaiiun n be maile to any nf ibe gftjerajtrncih tiios kiifkpatr1ch cooipiiuetjjohn ivavi1by john counter kingaioit may c ihh 3c7i ifotioe whk unucrflcncd will in fit- lure trantaclall bin i no a eon lull ed uiilt h canadian kattiva nf the 11 i of mounuaahcrjie ueinc iho only oaij oulhulslii byliil ffrtln john boyks a it i j 040 aojlti apeil sch iritt wdii ta fwett tattuicabrz flfoti pffrrl 6ieia aill tt ifiealho alafra 3 iwif- aod aood dkir n a ibio mcle i aoniiipl of elu dkmrafinp ffrinalatenoerwatkr n hieij fat conation ice ice ico tf h atbxandbr ei- s t b c t p u i i- v mffm hi fneiijianj ilio ctiblie ncral- 1 rat supkuion oakum for rale by ibe tab bribers snl irmlpma poinin oilfte amcki moichuv k co pimiv street m a- klton mr2 isi lyihrt lo in r it ibe inauiftc acaun with lo mt pifictuaviy will he vorvcd in ibe ik4 at lhtir rcijjuiice every iawiie niliea tunphej for tho oeaoft on fgiitibhle ivi rn ciler tccirivtf at mr ltwrt mc cnmn sturir leinrcos street or nl r i cufliey mnrket sstjuftfe wilnc w prompt attenchm kiactin lihi anril hls 35r for sale a i iv oattkl cl fucim vcw ty ivijl lie fthj low wilmam wakk kvoeapfil isis alf n o tjc e tjic imported horse smii o n oco d r o m wul remain at hi own subc all ihe etiuing aeavm gikjj isaturacn juiin norton mer ae toi coir xboml aiil c6 is4s 3 3iti for salk atfjcclisii elfcflgn 20 by 30 feet wfil al l l c cominwioot william wakk hiiataa 5lh april isis i slf to lrt j til piivmisks en an- ftrerf ji mlv occoi ly mr j l a m uyr k ce- anl ilnne oo tfovim jlfreef lalviy occojitl ay mr mepbeo lljoflf hiioh tfirrn on te lt of miv nrxl ayio vckx kd i cmri5lll kh lewis hotel front sttcet bolievime fqftmkttly jivsrits hotel for sale one anchoit 00 c one do iftcwu one sueai- anchoi cwl two claaiun 90 failont each w1luau kjnglloo apell 18w 1 inck ivaiua removal sigvofthe mammoth boot pnincbflg street w atcr lime plaster far aalr y omimiaxt watt vi 1 ii april 1sw postponement rpif salk of ivatkft anj uuilding lills in the yilact of portsmouth lseoiety of ih hie jnhn mcleod ic ortr iljond until saturday ihc 3rl av f iene neilp nhrn ihe projmy w v noivcly bedipordof olu watt kcti apii 18ts 30tt caledonia springs r r r sldscklbeielr ageot in upper ji-i- tt ibeae very vuluabjr and jnr rjefatrd rio hee to inform he hnir thai he will hr regularly uhrd with snr water in pnnchrvn snlioir la 0ot llrrjad iftieraiiltcni in kerrs all which will oc iniukec at ihe kinmon office for ihe teieei a charge at he sjint ail on- hf lvlr canada muit in future oc ti tlneotsce online street m xmltfp ia nr april 2916 important yo htudwrans btilixrs4 others gkedit sale or frcich burr mill stones by auction oo tay r sstf do c 1ey erf ei lovolofii riilg executors of thclaw mr r tuaiarorrica elliot will ettcr fur stcnbtliefovdnt of yengestrett withm the luaat rcerve ikw ami ex- tcri dltkr ml u3t0nbs built ey akilfel werk- enoniocn blovks ef the eary best de criftin ever irnpertej inte thia pre- viivee to pefooa roquiriuo auch arlicifp sale trill preacttl facilities not iii to be ifiain met with eoh iheiinejcrior quality cannot fail to prevetuetr bcai i ceommendation tint 0vr 30 twelve iboilhe crlic0 anj over fifteen reintha errotloo cighteor limit credit oo haihmg approved emloeaed neica ffsale twelve oclock j o beard ecutor late c elim totnto 35 flle sursciiier latethim a pckt fjuity iriliroifntlif hlf fmiinlft ibd tlrt irotiliv ilut ju ui luandrr rruaq hicjj tii it shomimntik hefo ii ivetninciiil m kvrn na hi uereiir tn bfeii iheaaatup kcclin cmrfnl to fhr pullic f- ineif pat vat ifei mr i vlijira t muini ili llmt he ha lia ihe siajgo hmiie fnin mr miinru vhere he will at a times tie ninal hppy ia woit upon q nlirtmay flivnr him wilfa a call in yli a manner a will enure ttaeai leluvn 11rtrchm00olsiirjnnnhfiv- ing iiuuse iuiminc ihe prvffliparkl wwii tmiinheil uillbciiue of the niei gentmrjinir in tnwn rft tjnreiaa livrry slalilc fjrft aiiacliej i ita lretoilr- travelleii jndhir can al all time he ftirnisl ivith tfjd heiic aso cirmtaiil tnii nil ihc ahoncal ritnirot ftttj nn eibtfial lirrna e ii lewis ctlle aprit 1- 31if acals havixo leaded any pranioeti i lcg in ruium my ainorrc uufika le irit l ii hi c for their patrntiace jnrii- ihu j pm nineteen year and have liamre in rocomnioniline ad my aeeccsmii mn e ii lewis lng and fatratly known to the ttavellin ntiulie a a hotel keeper in shnnnouville royal mirnro relieving april notice the grutcr efteii fr aaln a nnmher uf very eliaillo ujil1- i nil lots i t village if klttn in the ttwrthip of mantne uninr diatcly eijoitiii the thriving villajcf smylh fall theau ll have been laid nul in a very jidioen manner and willi a view lo accommodate meebaraici am ether they have been mie much larger tha llieui rftfmytha toil the rapid iiieretuo of thai place frm iu eevisgiiiiy io the rideau ianul ifora a fair kliarinrce fr the fuluie pruierily of the vlmigr ef elin 1rnilemen anl nhevn ivu1j do well to imniejijiety avail ihurnaelvra of ihe advontaca llic jflmilfre lem riie j in icl jf let ihon nn third nf leiej price aaed fer lota in ibo village of tmyihe falle iniaimtahtu title will be given apply to ihe piopritior j mecill chambers smytha falb april 15 1843 944 f for sale all elegant cottnsc built in italian style with a new barn stables c rl utz hnmt muto aem of ex tttirni lend sitoatkd ift rfttaafeaoaj rii kindlon and cmte frf ifaia abnt i acrrataeovoeoj with wood the remainder mijei ctiliwifittn and mvadnw well fenced ftee fioni siiimpt anj hul ulk ued it bat the arivattuke af a wharf near tin ilouo ueal alien j h been paid in enoatriaclinfr ihe collate te have every convenience adapted for a renteel rvate rraidence ff ihc fjanard furiber parncilaf to william ware tru c04a narnl tc4titl hkh nl in j hat i kha un l04iifoa vael s j eilatlub- avail w iwm on meit u l udiii viuiauii hw fall llorr rehaiio elaewaifa mnj of irodoe ukrrt ivir odv 1 iv ieaaenaipi me cewal f r- momrru 30wtif kiem march s7 for sale a lluiluiur mlu i0cai maav yew mt patknt axls made by vj nathtiia cal x35 a handsome buggy wiis two seal fw one rr two hore a dueme sell itraxt moxotcd jlaiof a new pintle ftl o ih wnllam ware kington marc 20 i city namtdre warerooms montreal street pilf sjwroei wonlj ibe pojuic lo ai iniii bild l i ii- i hrtr ave- 10 intitp nijivclioo of ihc largtn rva st lawrence ritihoyal mail steam brs will 1 tree thi perl for lachink ewry iior at 7 etleek lfap lth april 14s first arrival of nb w a o ods b a d shaw db inumaulbat theyhaec ihh day waived and are new opeain oet their 6ra jef spravs covh for iii is scasod aheay adrertiaed a having been received at njtwyerfc on the 4th intl to ffffekb they weproaiuy direel ailcntien fojatm a i w8 3jlf bricuso xrswiflbereeeieed al the office he peniltfnliity oniiltwelve e crnck aikosaturoayihethlrtkentii day ay veil rem aoeh ienen aa aaj w and ddireral the id iimry ttftfoo evd barnt stock bricks onvw lobe delivered in to month and llt la tine month frona the dale or cefttl tssyrrtirs wiilbe required for ihe due r ef aueb agreement aa may be cn- 1 siiitii wafdca pjalprnilenlury nb april 168 i y herald leeopy m trb let ffaaa h0use0rcharl anrlgaroen s33 near the village of barriefietd ltiaie pooocaoienif womod mere bawl aground may be had if required 11 a ennvenient place fer a amall apply to ill suhacrihcr j ppy jm4rks 8 lsoi april 1848 02iv columbus maeire insurance company rjh e umlerticned if prefareil in rr- b ceive antjlicaiima fnr inaumnco nn me 1 whiuo sioamheala and sailint veatel nr the lake and river st lawrence niftier for the seon or lr tho trip at reasonable rate irf premium thomas hrlgosjim afeail ogk princs 5f reel xmifron april i iftls 36m removal j riciiaisdsoiw merchant tailor beos tenrclfally o inform hit fnrnaa od ikeqvic llulhehj ttemovkd ims tafloainu estabc1smmekt la ihe ihird m hejnw hiaehl stand faimerly ocenpicd hy mr htrojhr at a sawery ware- room w lnfe he k prepared anj will be ba y to execute ill 01 crlritcd lo kim with aramcfm and despatch iora sraeer kinptnn april m ists 3imm to forwarders and others wood wood rpil e srjtlscnmer ha on hand a rjnan- a liiyef saoned cokdivood which he wmi imtvoi on the wharf i matund te 5lcamoeai e inch cjuanliuct a rtcjuired at a moirrate trice james iiervev maicund anril 111815 3l3wi paahociny and waiaut furniture ever e fr rale mi th ctv eoniiitir of sofa io new aod bimiif ul je mi- mahogany cbarvftbclalcil pari yu fripcaeau ya v ohvnam iv40 maheany french brajtleadt card aod centre tjldea if v with a larce aaorinieni of ojnm touea gtiteao- k cane sat chairf all of winch ii ettered al reduced niice fr ejhh or crcut thomas otis hutikr uoota and mjov kioilon apf cltvop kingston gas light company tnarporalrt by atloj parliaments capital 12500 dikcirroits jll it ti-f- aw ri jon itvno c t llrvav fiiriiufi eao fnta o ua ht e kcam hlu paaac scjialtora of di april isms jwlm music store the subcm6er wonld retpeclfully inforn ihe pvblie fvrtroir of ktafijori thai he ha lraaed the pirmie on kinc siteel al pffmfil eceitocd by ma uaecnaar a dry grd store vrhere he inlenji openiaa mu5ic stork ahcoit l fatl af may neit jle will keep cnnttantly on band new skoad huid hanoforus manufactured by smart chicfcctine walker for sale cr lllrti abo vtotittt viclhcttas aceordron gui- tass and flutes icmjeur jiv rrnj tighi a f and all olber detcriptions of aatfueieata ift ihc htticaj depailmcnlt a lance auortment of jfeve 71 a ale roe the nmotorie nu iiitt flute aeeeetleou ate viofm and cajhae strin prreeitort fer ihe aajateeaaajd fnttrementa the boitoa acaderey hcjkiioxajkwjjvva- aeaa and llhn ueoks to te avsl mcmillan jtuica mcmiuak imt n b pinm timed k in april 1 isis w a lield en the sfte mirdr it jlofofrel thai the stock book nf lie coa pany wjl be cloed on the 61 haia7 may aid ikal ao fnttalmeot of 0e lmd per shaic wlj ihe be due and all star netdeea e reqoemed te naj 10 the treejajtt ham uhimuirt fcfl el beitwelhatdate notice i hereby rirta ibe sawtaw of the cmpft vrilj be every jav al la office o r wm wien dtcoi ware lioaeffom ten a sf lo tbree p m yvhere the stock book will be ke in rvtrv iufonnaioii arjorfed t wrecjeted thai all cemmanieati will he ajdeaird to the secretary by rr of ibe roard d tw0tersp00 faiim to be sold o be sold a fern f 4m acre in peeermeiir ihe eat half ef lei no in ihe f cficeaien io pod cultivaiiee well watered on die premim nro dwelhm huae barn shed 6tc oritti aaoall orcharj raymcnlcuh 0 ami tfc f oaairijcreii time apuly lo c habw ffapanee mirth 2s lt3 steamboat notice the new iron steamer mwatiaraierar capt suthtrlakd will eeeameace nn thursday the 20ih iniiant te run twice a evb be tween hamilton and kzc catling al toronto and intermediate porta will leaea hamilton every monday and thursday meminf at 6o kicid- lon evrrr tueadav and friday after the ar rival of iho rwer mail ctaau apia lay att 1848 hide a u canal 40 grenviliee route the low presslhte steamer dfwirable rerauancflp to be let or sold a7 to de lettor setj with fare jjil mediaie pe ee ih al rtfj coan- mojiiiim family beaideuceen he lop ef itarriffieu hill fiffperl rxeopied by k a larrc garoerj aluesed tea ihe henae vehkli ia roomy and j cej cjvm and lln alibles anj oathou arepaeienand cenvement for particulara apply to mr nrr vi a crimv id die ville who will iw oe lost on saturday in kington a gold watch kcvi the nndrr will be lavrajry rawafm by briactitg it ie ib 03e of ihu lrr kinpton april 10 llet s9lf po it sale rrimr pfntwriy on cnlhoine slreel lnoivn a harvey ooltase near the cjivqiiered inn city of kindlon term onelhiid caili oite third in one year and the remain ing oiaimhtd intwoyear nilhinlctcal a tie several lota hi ihe vicinity en ihe ama terint with and without builjii thereon fj iiarticular tlt lo hie riv hknuije okill stimht or to johx s clutii auctinneer rinttofi afolsth isis 3fitf to let a commodious dweujnfl house iluaie in mmnreal slrvet ln n from i street and adjoining ftlr ji- lt cabinet shop apfdj ha john pttrson ootarie streel l-ii- 311 march iftatl just receiveo or krrcia vnoh v- nx an aveellrnl voilmrnl of laue india l lh i shoe tor tale at much reduced price fugoefttck h c0rcc ltmmon warehnuae kinlon march il ltw w a if fofrsale at the kingston foundry a e li a ir t 1 t v or f iron and lehich cdal potash rbttles st coolers k0u foundry april 4 its 17 kro j- f k cvtt m oclu will ply tlunnj- ibe enaoin set enr leiwecn kincnicoit imj liy- irrtvn anj wee wra twice avrelt aa mtjwv reavlnjj kinsratn eeery tost- oat and fatdat mnntft50 after the arrival nf the lake mail teemtra anil frbm flyiewn oeery wtowajdat and situnxat bcikc after ihe arrival of iho sewd from oreneilre down waroa wloorobbifaioaiai amj kiiifo 5lilllo upper onov j m je fiu 1mml lion 5 oliver perry 9 s flio 1h kibmrnoeb 13 m aimokvia 3am rarkt a raeja laeaiiauwaif lnjiin d 9 aod arriv t oybain u- u pw a r os ulllioof1 ftjlnahial lvjt of uflouaoi 13 m p- km- utdia 3 a w oeil y bonili kapaeaw 4 merrkbrjie x klnr-ta- ti 1 paha 1 0 okaovafowy p h lini 4 jaopalbx 7 kmaloo holawll u andarrieoio kmroloa ltot 11 by lh arranaeaneni a daylifhl euw aaay so had uf alt hi beat acercry and ahncipal lxki aij vilurtef fltl he line mclhkhson crane co kiapten april 13th lems 3hr education the sahacriber beai toocquaia hia frttnd and the public in crnr thai hawill rfaneeahwacaoemvinlhoprfatotoolb from barret street a rear of lb lambtea heue lo ihe preaaiae foernrly ckci j aa the 1 jjnf rfrriai ojrce t iho aepof end of princess stueet oppom u oe rnnctfifthemigrtmjitfmt where he will be prepared ie recelvo end edeeau aeeh fopila aa caa be enweoicd 10 ha care all ihe hroaehr ef a aeead and arui education rerpraciicei vi tl at thi academy taaht1irtadouaaa parqoaur ttii and greet ettra for furlrwr parfjeelani aiy to caeaot april 7ltu3- to tho canadian pnblio harndcn 1 co bee lo iarva ibcee having friend io ton about to eovievate 10 laer that they bar vadr the ftillaal aad il extensive 4rranaaeu for tea aee- aawl eaoo am ibal on aprlictieq tethcie irrancli hou and acenc4e io boklon now york pbdadelphia eahiraore aod kiw or lean pawakf can be secured te any port ta ihe united snaiaa in fimiklan veueta rud it lhv and tttij infomialioa prca thtmrcquui for lhril afe ud movt fjpoh diwapi conveyance irooa cneond aad lb coiiticeit to their leapective fuu of dewtiav hatlxden s co appeal with aalte 6denee to the vatt ncaaber of pawenvt who have 10 loatyeac hiiped nnder their wtte lien loccilily lo the vilrni care coslovrd apen thoe lhn rniritflrnf themwlre to iwfa protrciioa tn no inalanee haw ihey 1 j foiled lo re item pnnetaall the prepem p- aaut ticket blued by iben aeieiican uouaea nflwthtuadiit the hih rate of puairt which hare freoaenlly ocenrred in saipi ir winch ihc holder fttrc forwarded and tkej awnre pailie that the avnc coaadcaco mat be idaeed en aov islore enearvmeol it akndrlnit coarelheoaeo fc train ft co a ltowi and cope and cav philadelphia hne of pttactt from uerrpoot aain the eieciion etau ibeir otkef paee- mf hio ihe rvtt core u lakro itlbl ihej arc icn lo eontrtbelelhr moat lo lbi fowar fett ofthc pacaer partir deairota letranaenit money la anv pojicrnape cmabe farmbed with bcabrt at aicbt ut xi and onward jd tbaae oihine to iruiafrt thetr property lo ameiackf ran lo be dpplre4 witn jrtirtr ofcrviju r hribih iuibihnou loere uondrvda of ij at poiiada itrlinr bovo ibaa been inaaaitted by a ia perfect aaaiy ibe vccji mi thervhy 1 rfd ion lh rik of lami aeeim o z lr rvilji ralue of hi proferiy pioe can be oecqred toeebe 1 at aei pneee for liatherinfaraiatioa which nill be rrti j xotlt by iatefeu either iereeaf r by ullei lo harh dkn tt ce new yurk harndrh cv ftoiioo erie william wart me mrrtet 4f irinptan isiov wants a situation a respectable woman mw iliuaexeeper te a inole awntbao ennu aje at the aibennueo beek store kiotien april tth 1ss farm for saleo one hundred acre of lef 1 aalsam ihe tear ef the pint ccnceoaion of frcav riewth assl one mile frcm de- buj- wana whatf toe tell iof a iapiaaji- and 1 nearl ar cbared ep batuaee ldmyenit teanyperaon payiaw 100 or owe dorv itwillheaeld wcnoep aod a foofcireaw etree fer the mica arpl7 jmintitam rivtrtionlmitth 13 jft4v awft tl for sale thenewsohnoear rachaer between isooanj i iberihen sho wilheom on the following 1 300 caafa 300 ia jitnenexl xsilo l meatth x300 18 mentha appr m 1 kltlkpatwcki flrcwjw sinaion j iwu l8is ayp 4