assurance iufims aw 71 wall rourr fawavrwbyf of rwwmaw d vkl asvings bank fir ibe benefit of the wftfew ami the orphan limff ctormo iii vavriof datttor jrwfcev stouter f fayette cajtaoua xvm jal aman ftfinky gm nksmtve j leforsytjlpue douglas trktli3 ea- wllllam wllx h john hamilton ial wcorrittfauiata alvadefi a rublsu ea edward tmcnkdsoxgeaefalao tfewraw ttiilv dep afvneed euer ach mmi w pn 1 lkdefl at all ft grprraiaimt lyauifcar yuik a taa floury for sale faxons of cultivated land z hwi improvements y tsn29ictk cinof pilta- no30w j clh con jo jo xlod 100 acre no eigih ccbjodceiqo 100 william allen ylnsmitheavo c wellington street twig subscriber thankful fur pt favor t xeepccifumy intirattmto hi friemlv and the public that he hat now on lienj a uro ijunrtoionl of every je sen pi ion ofmuufectureu tin wake wife- houproforuiioblhomoi ftvrnblo tnnt r copper shoot iron oj tinware male op 10 u rk- i m low pricee kingalon march 3 1343 10z fire fire fire oregon saloon king stk 6t uhxwfr afrf- revtwt jisnjtaare ww 1he subcibor volj nvvtf reect- rally retiirnlnaicrethenfcelniho public prncrahy fur tliolibcral auypnn ho baa reooived from them eiuc bis commenrornetit in mutine and would beg leave to verticil a gomiuoancdiciir whieli he hopej will ho meritvjfj etrict ttlieniitiii en hit pii to ill who may favor ltm will- a mil jamb elder kingston fobwary 2 1s43 j e woiifd be leavol roiuro hi sincere ihawikata iht military firomon and public for their virerin arceriinna iiiheiviiivi part if kij pro nlv from tbo lalo ftru k alto to fhnae philanthropic imlifv dual far lit 1horal ertl ihutoirslel monnr in wlicli tbey oofiltihtttod miffi- ciihl riirjsmonblihim toconmuiico n hum ft cm ttpidi 9 j rijdicttndodoz100 loo acitfcsj j no32 ewtparl 6ihcundodo 76 9sac0 tfiapwrisflicunoodolooloo are tji ibore aro jovirablo purchaci aft anrtll cpifai5tji lrtpeny ou lol no 24 njti hnff5o loi and pronrne no cuwrnsiroelulely horvoy200 v jho hooo and lot iftioly uod- amon himuino stroeijefo ajic house and lm lately trowoho 0tehicasirtrtpf4d iy joiho silicnber ge0rg okili- stuart kincno inuiry 17 134- 7ll wines in the wood rvlllg rtatofiribm reipfftfoujf infnrmn j the poblic tliftt having mudouigv udhtnnt to hi former cellaref lie ha now the largtm qih most covtraojuhn wine vnuuiof any hou in tho trade huexieniivo aaaortmeni tf wluc well aetecied and carefully uid ial ilit proper sea sn i now in perftft oovf aa ready for loftpocuon cowhtiiif rf pont of old vintcf brifihl lwt sad brown sherric mudc jttwi imrmrictl direct whicli will be solo by tbo tipo buh hobalioxj quarter cuk or octave on antnlerate terms tlio object of tbo subscriber i to a aorcibo pabvif imllrymttalllim bo mipolied with staple wines in perfect ouff ctlpn tnart can be impacted iti alrwll iuoi bt private irviiilnlg james williamson officers mews wine fur public uiiamnj lni otc e- supplied lo urder kimtm feb- 23 1345 forwarding borge cook tlr utt tin or tly switii coov for tii rasr ttx vtttt awractvaeas bartlett oards would inform the publk and ttir patron of the old ftanbltthincn no 71 f1 imi sltcel vrhrr be ha alway oren cw- litoyed that tie eitiim ihi aumlulari oi all im v4rirtics rf playintf viilt il uuuk catd hrfiofore fulmiatird hy ibe e- uunaicnt arj hat any onkrt for vatiom kinds will b fiitlifullv and ronptiy ewcul- ft oa application to hi lc a m- r elvlmliam n- 71 fun slrvelsllhr wlowinj- pricr ciaj jtmrount ot cuhj r v rtkriy lofth ajiin vi matme while backi 6 er groif ilrry8 flu 30 dmhtlm flo t eaatncluil ivoty anj pearl lurfaco card per wlowiomp ftmkrtwd knamelwd cards tintrd plata brjolifallv polivhfd aah rfflgiat iw il fcnrde piiiiltn waftk carji saallmaakllayi5 eatdite no 1 15 per m 6z do do do double of 11k oa da larre do d j jlic mm of lb b do do j 1 a i b 4 12 m at sit ta ba ilio oilier ul order of tiiuei ot tue fortoinqualiliet movaing eadi o tanooa ues oafla to onlrr holj bordered taid do do ifiufilte do do enamelled heel eap i ft m hy 20 och kitv sirik0 da do pail do do do bunkvhecl do do al raitroaj nd str anot ticket mad to order of any color at of different color a mav h diircj thr subscriber invite all editon of thfr lnjtcj 5ute iod canada who arc drei to take thrir ray in eard and won will vm mm a copy of naif cr coouilillg the j verliit ftd iorfri it far three tnoadta ncwyoik fcj54s jj3a 1848 peoples ottawa rideau forwarding line via orfawa aypnidcav caak thr subrcribert betf to notiy tlic public generally thot they i tend cattbliahing a tina of first claw sicunef and bargee ihyou iho ottawa atl rddoa0 rutlsaud they will be prepared opoo thennnitg f tte navigation oexi spring lo furwatd proponv connjod io their cart with nrontiiodo and do pareb thoocceity f tbe oranixmion f aneh an eiamibmet having in vitw ir wrloroiancs mrc pvtionlaily of m4ittff ki and from placa on t ottawa and iti aikrioto becomes ap- iiftnt from tlio fact that io cineoner f the givat trjovil of the wott bin ti verted from thaje water to ihoc of llic st lawreoee many honsca mhw vieauil this cbanot akieihcr ibortby redoctn tho llwavi of tranp rt qiie ii1lty to the rciuiroiiuftta f tui t- i w ci i the country the suhtcrilors wmibl bo to remark ttiat a daily departure tqtt mmitrcnl lay g alliimcjbu deponjd upnanj mint vi greatcar ca will bo taken in land tit properly at iho varilhu station uoti he roulct aereoauy vith t direction vj ilm prodyerorviwniiri itio upward puao dfd fr tw will not he oiloaud till ar it hftvji at thit marker a practice nut uuscrft auenlidiji tn rffraaaltfj c will be pnuisbej a a nuwfjmt plirivd dickinson lonestw xmmlijl clehow jones co frs clemow k co ayyfftrjft pebruary21sis 8l britannia life assurance company no t pr1ncbs street bank london tpqttnd oy an tf parliament capital 1005000 sterlg cheapest ratcsop any office ijuing liusinkss n canada amial avjfirn fir xiofifon dr thos w robison iliie uoilcrsigncj bavi ap lhn rniltk uoitcrsigncj bavins been puintod to act as acvnt fir company which fn been doing luinc in canada and thta city ineo lite yvar is39 ropecifully vajqwm persona re- lpiirinf life auiirance er cll jt in office prjxqss street kindlon where propvlno and ai n infbrnsaiim will be given aha vaiiely of taues to meet ciitnmncr and convenience of appli- cants can be tern the rates of similar tables in tlie or oco doinf uniincai in ihi province arc as follort pvr an assurance of 100 cnwillifc anvrcftrc30 fi 4 1 v vi ii i tlv it 5 rrimouia attoraitce co d- 2 0 the moderate iute3ineinoteilian aullkicnt iiftlg in provide f lose po h in the power of moet person lo assure and wilh reference in the present iaie of iho health of the inhabitant of the pro vince general it ntiy he ihnujri ptcm- ry houlil the prevailing sickness in- crae to decline tnkins any rikl it uppari ihorrfora to be a duty on ihnse whnfiive w pmvidv for their familici to lavc iltetiinely preeiotnnof aorinptheir live ami ihiw provide agaiinl iho f perboti twk ing thoe depend ant upn their axerthsh or mcana toauucrdifli- collie if not destitution thomas bricgdja kingston aug 2i 1s47 67y chfap grocot stobs he snhcribcrhetsleavei loinfrm the fa mors and others resnriing kinstn jluiict and the public ncrally inat he has jot iccoivod prime mtfrtimklof good tra coffees sugars pri1ts cc at jis general grocery jiraa iaovvrti3iioa9 saeia t paimmfa xakt a cw oour oooie tfr 1 jt ir irnd oexr door to fonjlh bunkmith shop ho would earnonly draw iho attantion of tlmio wanting a ckj anund woll- flavorod article of tks and adtdicioui cnrrkvtohispreohilstolj and would rmllttl thorn to all ami examine for thuinxelvcs and if afioc trisl llivdn nnt and ho can imvq tfiem a bnttor arlt rle dt a cheaper price than ilicy have hitherto leco accustomcflto got he will ut them have tho tjoods for nnihing this is not wlmt people cam jlvnmery ix the grocery line will be sold as low aa potaibwt produce of every deicnptiod will bft taken in exebanee al casa prices feoiirocfd c w p de larmitace kingitotitueco 18h 3m n ut sepifau by thausa or your r1wni medial thtf mtn fluctcd very ivtrhy witlt bid dki hr ukco fr mtlaa ti tak tun y for hkb i ft ondcr 1 1 yor r ir 1 1 isaac w chain ioc woeslafai nwyk mih ibmt s a the ur ic s most cive opinions of physicians vu ii l inlmnt tuilr kcfifiwi order 1 im l jlj cvfll tji vf lc uiumo mfv thu o h iindcnined f the ciy afalaaai herein nviair- tiptwihrd pr tnaiiaii aifi llarsafaiiaii irvtf it in be one of luo assst vaiuitrto feffv fv4iwn io too rotkl ilppwmshm d j vyllgoh m ix r a bltlug m 0 peelmtsduiif md albany aptin ii6 united states orrtcclt cp t w welenaoocof ihc united aaai woir car m ftd iifinr of n j nd wjstefi medicinejuasfltofhaskioillj ealuaucfutkiogrti townsexds apakimap bxfa obdlnary tdlr in tile atjriii thia caieoct il ri ain ajaaftaotllea st ia n liaau dhr d it d wawaateii aaaetim tr any i d aaiirat urbatfaui tiekviimi dvwiutin tlc htxe it k mma bah ja ipi the cet lrvty aj aofcfliafitff f o sarw pjifitll mcr 1l lhiirdcini i- athik rt railr atrl dwfoo ilinomti i a- ltionc ayetrfinee nil tahea wuh the influent ftf ny ih rli wiaef oicdieiaes evrj i wlitli yteio ul ia a ovbaiuico aialai knom it ftt ly mt0a lit vwi yiiein anfl njiceo io try uftwacnl snti hiraftliewo ko fffnaa wit erctr oewi ourr t1 after lauaf 11 orthrce ballets iaaaff aod ticli btodi a owe poxmel by tio ottms ineaiclievednd iltriboiciirtiiiitly mimmu jicii anfl in tli iki il rand tecict of mpantu i bteo continued uking il and ii wimderfol ijecca- it h pr withijt a that i improve every day ixtifeo tkil 0 themm im yea- moto lbo 3o0o eu ijvr1 my tite and wculd not be friiliaal it unde ptevaaeaor disease atkitcqooot tbe tny connderaiion wtfe eviijel ncoabl- a1freihin3ooe4riircbeuitic rlmurnmaox nuqq ear tf uersii j jjjuxiteif teoca debility aud anio eneicy 7nrk acavf ihediflvnnt fciik compuiou i0l0erteiiofeofuu j 130eteiof ltirrcocnplainl ftv hetealf priacipal ogee 156 fo kyiwih ftttcipat l l i i j m i l llto hie t anadaa wkkiitt a fleui a grata for canada kfif- im w cllaftles dftent tiimiik son var ftreet albmy it nl l unludcaua nt h lc ccncmlly west loka and res ui piacak of tha kidoeya aa- cw co laaw ln c v john wiveicrmidon w jot in satifift mtr1 r v kex vimtoand hh p- kpioautt qaataa 1 mttstton t j bowlps agent for 0 or lifttitvtiieoa peck 1501 ga wrnpt v ftnoueaaeiof ctfoonjoito afiolnauadof ce vf dire of ihr b via ulcer i i s i ithetim ppleiot itic knee ce- c tauer wih oneoh eaie nfiek itaicclictpjia iaihe side and chei spinul aaw0ajtj tc fte tin fl arc aoare tnim ooear incredibk but wo baa leiirra frni pliyicia and oti affeitf fnni all oaiiot inc uaalcd stairs i ffii principal offkb 1 poltoh st it ncak n j moinajd tu itiat itc can reorh thil rifntb is okdwiih le mt pefcet itwrc i ri 150 ea wi liiat turo alno m eeei in rliromatic coinphtm however arert are thousand of eaca in the coy f kev yrl oreimftic the iiinihin- cure ii hj perlvnurd htch wo wilt refri i wilh jeaurcanl in monm afc indeed vroflocrful- oihc rente jc rumrlitie tmrfier i it ltc beat icdieiec fr the pre ufnrfy relief iki t niirrfy eajiate il ientivcirdae knowr u uncoootedly aartd r tu vtein ceo nhco tltohwba aadbonea rheufflatism more than htm casks of ftlletn j mattsm ha bem cored by ibc uk irf dt vun v i i f i- wioiio the tal3 yenra ho htaaaf nwre than 5000 children the prist season f am it temeed ito cauia of dieoe and prepare- iliera for tlc summer fvofl t ki oever ie et known to injuie ia ike kn ihr nvft deticaio ehw rheumatism tinisfifnrih uoaejwitbtbe nnpcfev aeem in kheuaro c impinu tiowerrr acwr iw chioaie tho attufitinf cure it hai oci fcrfrtelao iaikfd nnndcrfoi otlwr retndit aaaaaalaam po lcpoiry cellrf thia enlindi endrrntet il ftom tlto afftem even when tit umb and boae arc dreadfully wollen newyorkdeeillg arc dfenlju to even rf41ea jf the jtc t4 wyera in haittvd cvnn ti citrar of a loiter receive flx ileal mr- set h trrynne inrt repeeiauo fftwipf 0 frum hiio or twnteao unreoard ona botiloof r 4ra4panb and find il eceelknt inili effed ojnoc ic hbeuniaiiopjin to which i ur aubieel from n injury oeotiioied aeveral yeat afn in a poblic tat fleac veod ne iwo bo ia ttto earo of dr seymour i havo cuiivcr with two of our prmeiaaj paaiciana and reeuffi mend toor saiaapaiitla setii terry thttfcfd march 13 1845 sr i thi jt l my dit li rrlorn you me ovn ftrsctrc lhaftk fv le benefit 1 havo expcftrnecd t ty the ur of yw euaet of saapato4 n iifllnttrj for mny toonlhs triih rhcuro ilic paiw and ili inflmmalmii of twiver ihe ftvnn2 whieh i rmhd fin ihc jieca rttcrcd my ufo a lurtkn u me i tiiod erory t- mw tbnt in etriibed rij ui dtifit tlreo of ihc ucri phjaieuu in the cly uji without rcenif1- any tni incru wir f i o ill hiittrtiufbo but by l i lj r r ii i l 1 us i 1 m h hadboifnimmipetnfaiicc- y i bjrt nol lavrn mtrc iliaa i experienced rehtf thii m ratecre in in ue and two aa an entire crr il a oaw vjtne 1 aatv fttar kennedy anl i am ypy to ay reier ciijnjcj belter mjnatic asylum jametcitmniinea kii c nf tha aawtanta in iho lunaiie aayiom iliaehveue lataatl t the ccriilcmih efoken of in iho fulbwinr tatter ullguhatum tkie h only one rnrc uian lav tlmuaand eaatof rktfnaatin j at or towaahnlasaiapantu haa ait too nvofiatvero chrvtnc caaea arc week ty iradieaicd by iu citradiairy virtoea liijiai fvpl aftlml da tvwiao iwr av i have aaffred lariaafr alawyr with tltbcomatiint con- irltnbsc of tho lime i eoim rwl eat atceji vr wtth t hid miat dntrcjinf fiifaa aj my ipnaa ware irrnbly ewbllcn i imfa utcd foor wilea if imif 4rmjnltt and titer dvao inr mjfe thuft nc tlwuaand djura ivlhof d i nniai much heller indeed 1 am aotnrfy rc- irveil y arc at tibtiiy t we thia r the bene fit uf tbu atflttcd inirt tctci folly jambs cujuitstis two cnilmbs saved- vetyfeic fmhiea indeed in faet wf have ant hnj f onelkal uaed or titcira ti rea hf ill j in tiroe 1om any rhilifrcn itio pal rommr wtnle thuac that dd ik4 licvcned anal aw d tac e ufie ha wg pnw betow ia c r ealdence r itt lamrffi j walj anott imunco of ma a ine the livfof rltildrrn da lwaataa ortr sir i hadtwcltildreo cjred br yoor m r tho tonamrr r n fuiftl a i j dykaiary i on wa ontv 15 rnottha and ihe other 3 yeara- tlnywcreicry muehre- doeed and wc einectco vtry wnjlj aj thy were firea oji by two retme phyaiciaaa when ihc doctor lafnod ui thai wi mm pw them we reheed vt iry y t afofflja wenad learj an inoch of but i r i i m r- k ir iikm oc 1 muc atff tvjrtied lhal ia anitllkaal but wo art rey thvikfut tmt we did k u u iif1y roved tii live nf twih i ric uiu thai olhcra may be injoced ti uao il viira napeet folly john ivtuon jr myrucavenoo 0rook1r sept 15 1wt sithodlst clergyman the ftlomj waa aol lomjngenl ia rah wy hy theftrv o tunijmiaiih ffimatk v t ii of ihc m it 1- 1 rnri ti repeced iiir methndivl cneeti and ia aaaahrravi- tmee of t1c awaaavfajl eoeeu of dt rowoaeao s- v vi wn the ayateat faiavo ftaillnria pr aomc time pl tfla ami aroawarcl eipcienecd ivl cneraldc- atloyivf my ayficm attended wiu aanll and atvanaaal irntalrm of the thmt an j ton t wa al yoir on inaunee ind in ejneikacv of haenred captain mcfjn joridcd tratimony in iia helwlf injvced loty dr tmnnda br famrd sm4iuriltv 1 tno h 1 confem more in th aojw ihtn in the oaajalfarc if it purine rffi- caeviua hut i am angaut mcanaltaf aw inac- kimwiedte ihai t had not iud it lnt hefitc 1 wfan to tipcricncc ia uunay cfv u and i may now ay w cafeiuio lcla k l wio1d mil be wltliout i i any cma cuif it li doncnic imom bao4hao y prcnrrin ilf llnve llk1 ami if v alalomcnt ia ihmed von pc mills flooring establishment f ru e tirtjoraifioco having become pro- x rvrictorof the yonob mills wwh ofo now ift pcffta orjor if to infrrn iho pvuic tha lic in prcpifod to rrailcrlmo ciigagiiiwma for ttio flouring op wheat opnntho liffull lal tho aramcaw wtiicli the ywrrtc muh traoil tohtmiw boflrti and ihc fattoftt not having bcti pliril in lit eiigtitcat dvrcc lyfinj- ihc pfl diaalrrtta deacon dteaatllt to lh0f vvlm jcvtte to cxjiorl float ioawa of whoatibolh cunraoicc fiarafwwtl rrtefcuoiitjuc bfliclo anil it frill uo tho tttrarinal care t ihc proprietor 10 ate ihit u nr0rni liigli autfjtng be nol lotvcrej in in hnm- a frsobttlcr jokes yoi5omi 13 is48 tf cliftons hotel m o nt real nflhfi umloraitncj having removcj i from ihc catcjunia spring w mniitrcal taea loav to inform hia pricntu ams tho iuhlic that ho ha hajc airangomettl riltn tlio rfonnclor of thai splendid establishment su hull kwii t l rravouing coov munitv aa rascos hotel axo latt 0accve for npooingtlic aamc the honc ia how being thoroughly c1oattcd am pill iftlhe lvc aiiioof reair pail will bo waitf rnt tk reception of viaitora by how lands unique preparations v vnrr ti r tamctal patmomaut off ural4jatt m rjurc lira ritllml auckv tit royat rawilt am ftoniintr or cheat rrttaii aa wkll aa tua htimi sovtrcioffs asd co0rts 0 tit it off uowlandstlacassan oit- t s cejebmlnl ilmuffhvt lh ffj f it fenil rnt ntuinhoc qoaliirra fo ajic iar ii ptudurta jr reviaree aar t b it rilling aatat lavailaw rwv eieee crej ffrfrfv m arfffajaal jadw frvra it o epr aaj a riera it iftiu tmrlm and fif ft riipmim il rv jojfj by ihi irki tt uli ynurcoirvnd w t m haiy in mv i ljt iot taven hatfa bottle be fare 1 experienced relief tluced me ti ha to cftretel mniha ainec z ik r and t haalih i sll laae preat pwtnrc in ihe aaeteav fne ty its use tifc waaaared willi ihe relt ieaprct allow ma to aitbaeribc myielfjijur gr in rflnaaawa iaag il i ftnnty btlmic taij samuel morley co genbrala imp0rtkiw op english jyd american ssaiiiwarca would- tniiokile to their friend and lh pauici that they have received an kxunvc inn well aiscrtcd stock of heavy and shelf hardtcarct fancy goo- fa- 4 c o m r- a i 3 i y o r a tl t l x t entjliih banbjaedestuwrooor uat iroa hoop and bend lroti cart spring and btislersttel ofttdaplalea shel lrohaodtin buekaanilh aovihvicm and bt i terra deck sikcwroqhlind cot naili coil lwxjfiaa and trace chain sheet bria coiiner lead and zinc window t 1 and otis hvir settla ad girled hair ship catae nte jineraand coopers tools gourd auj swhyy owliu iteeei ancuttnt almm ofsilcr pitted and britannbt mcfrd wart fine ctifierj fe hot water diihe and phtes and dub cnvaft cookinc box andfancvst0vcs tvoden piie lro pitc dog fke stc irrt crotkut s- prinutf irtt kinctuft nov 5 is17 consumption cured ctmrvrj sltfilhtn cmrvpl cffav tnifj t f ii i- n a jfwii o wt rcrwki jm piiwgria mvetafff im f na laie iafe caeef aaa ea oe earea dr taarnd- dear sir nearly tarcnt j jan aau i took a f talent fy which aeitled o my ipnfa and affected raa aceerelj nideedi finally it becanwaooartaal batkine cvofti but not aevena m to prereal hao from atleodin to my i- n witbia the nat rw jeara it un me radtiauj at lat 1 became rcdoecd- iaieuur and raiaed wilh my raatier and far tho lart nirt naonlhf prevmaua to rlav ynr sarananua aaij i l m i r i egfh tnuch bad htefilfnenif wimam a moffnan 43 cntulttrtei corner of iirojwaj da- tuwaatao i v attaeked with a dia- ircaainc pain in my hip intaa bad thai i enum not ir my ott oniarh of the i tfreteeivtwae rt f rviv f t incji wi tjt t oidnua miera ijr 1 mien t ailed oa on afoar firat phyeaoian ho did nw liblp ma 1 heard u- snn n-i- jh- lained a bottle and in a fev daja ilejilirclycared aa and 1 aa well a ever aube1x wamceil albany jan2 1s45 22danatatat uvea complaint tha piltowiajria front a reaaeeiabla enrcwanl by y f nny import tt nawe il puhfie aalnvay aotatw riiriloterjifi n y lssojihper aral all the prtn icc faajlmva av run ruiimtsr sua htnulins lnih and mierchnia ceaeaalt ihriihnt tha united biatea weal liadira ami u canada wlnejle nil retail acania fff rnda kii- atan fi wi cfcwrjra itrcmforonir w irf- inva knreoiaw tvih ivaahnii u vv jrn unvff taitnn cw sailor mnnirel tt wi feifrd aj ue p ft ftaaah qaalcf jj mavn and j fbiiea acal for tloiuoftaa vtfhep- a peek nd i poajtive evidence that dr townatnita sar- pintla la ihc nvat cbeiiee irmady eeer kfmwn w tradiealina itiafpae fr thwfaa 11 n tr r- clilar aifilrt aweala n my fnenda mraava c fc r h thwinj exchange awttanj inyaelfaappnaed that i would ilae with thocwi- hy wallfi hrt if nctewav wiu aajaj for the atnnptmn bol i hare the hapfnaeta to intorm yoy t copiincd in tha ccmiacaie thcra aa no that lo any aurpfiae after uain tbrrt botlka ftf tnraiake tlvouamda r tlraana of caai of om curriers oil sale bt the svliscttwers 1848 transportation storage v com m i ss 0 n the snverihrr the fitins r van dkttfatkr anotiikiis co in ixwffln and w s kokkitkitfe cop in new york arc the jole otoufietors of toe old cufcltahctt yew york vtica and oswego use of lake boats axd aoricr voa van uewatery oswego anil wellmtrt line roth running between new york aad oivre- k0 dailr in conoeciou with theie lines a flcert of tiifit clasa cbooatra will run rcalarlo be tweert hvtd 8ttj fori oi lata brie ft michigan and their fatilitic by steamers j t taik oaotfo sl cnt yvur saraapariha i nd ruy health rcatored i idterrd me t l y and i am now oaiyiii tnoeh belter health tbaa t hire beftre in u eaara- i had alnaoat entirely koi ray artpciiir which m ahai ntyroed yoa ara at hbcrly u ru m thia with wy naraa in lite paper if joj ahonaa my little cl who ia three ycen atfi had rery bad cld uaewlor latl wiotcf we b canac very much ihny nn iior occmnt vi one ilia medicinci i c her aomo of it and man coiimy rcliercd her a aarh ai mtaelf and alw ia aa well now aa ay child aver aaw shi war olaa full of liia bbrtchc it ik ihcin anavi and her akin ia entili and fair now and he recovered her hiahh rmn uainj t oiedicuia s w iia 444 ouwery n i bwl rd t giri rkad this you who have pitto compleatoo dull ojr btatchcaon tba face tuh akin and eto 4 aoiriiausoa bottaenrtwnuf dr tnivnacmta sana parula it will cleanae yvur cawed renvovo th rrcekelaandbhtehea qd ira yn animatkiit narkhnj oyca fino apirll ami ucauiiful for 0 por balrfi rghr aewsehoorrkaniaer bttwmc isooartillkoffuurivut varchot sue vi1ue aold on tho follow incur ma 300 in j next uo is matha or m kiofaton oil tvs hj is rv pubrowk1 and oais wanted e paiwtor mkeachantasli byb and oata ttwarvawoi m law warettawo at atvtf wnapw jsftsua alra ukr1grs kniveaaaj stoela ssne scouring srnthen etc s motmxv k co crrvrol anjore tfltfcaaf priueeia stteet lingainn lt january 1sv3j taluabib mux sites at canakoqu the uri0rined at fortatc the unera pnyed water powtt flt c i n vor n will afford every fartlity fnr thr retion of tjiir millt or aay other kd of mciiin v ttit titration htaa weli known to reqaiie ptrlicnlar rari i ii wlich will be lihrtal and any fnrther ftri anply at mnntrea to meiirr andcraja atildyo fcvjaj ca at jaata 1fti oockoa fkcoind npon the nieotiica to c j mcdonatooica gairioquf laf december 1847 circular pokraor pcuaniear it ftooc oavotj 0denabur k y- iao 13 llld d pomefloywill hmiali rorcaaa- dian buuenbora any of ttie qfartarly moaiblyor seinifaeuihly pumiealiani nftlie united mateiai ifea nibliher aficaa free uflh unite4 sutea pctlst and rveelre canida nilj at titr in njywnt aeat j coail ooat paid to tha rn aareaenctt havt machibp rrorkvilla teaaaien k uiok maatrta1 brock- laimxaff wcriffta cwnffrtij fraptfar ctioa tneether wilh a contemplated sleamer diraet tn toronto aid mmi1tnn fiuin their even rjue will conn uw with erajy cmi4mh vnt ainericati pot i oo lake 0nia ra and lllvcr t vawreace lhev rr alaa conueeled vith the cnc sixain rroiellara runnin- rrjpilatly jom otureco and ate pre pared lo receive f aa heretofore for r an lake michigan m thtir hoatic ia oiweoo will or devoted ctclntivciy to the iccvivin and forwarding nf pof dlty twty kaaaw their friend and the piihlicf lhat coodf or produce eonaieied lo themhall he nnwirded with all iwaaible deajui and at hur rain they will devote cjmtclal altentiontn ohantnro and ware- i- m- i j i in a to reduce th exnemei 0wesn and new v i a much lower atc thao lierrloforc conjtnneiiu of mmtty fnr ala or ra lrl ilin arc tetfciriihv aolieited for lite ir aouic in ncw yoik ndoawege jtolinrt j van pewater htm york william s ruhjltkh sm york william il van pbwattiri r lleaian all of which aro of iiancoao aiiae great female medicine brtiwnaekda smaparhia a v i aneody cute frr inciaiant onanrapiinn oaren ki leocurriieaa or whilca nhalructed or difnctji monmniatinn ikonlirattico of urino or i n i n lary diacharice tlwreofp and fur ihe acnoral vni tratiunnf iliaayetetn autlof itbcront oauaaor ii j td by irrcjiariu illneaanr aecidcnl hntltinf can bo moro aurprialni- thanitain viftratin affbctaiin ih kvman frame pcrantj ueaac arc cvouaaally cared and bj the nan of iia raodkiac- atwaj tawaaw9avta ibax da- towhaeo dear sir iim conat rained a aa act of jntiec lo publaely ocknawlede the rcaibcncfita i have received tram the we of your oi v- bcinf in town abnol tw yeata nice in a very weak ml dvblitrted ttate my jiaeaae waf a curnnic wiflammattfa of the liver nndatnmach artdioa rl4ny turtjhilovmirnptujn j wn ai rrdoced tbat t lud very titilcewpc if re- orery h carii anh reading conitctabte f the fleet of yaw inedieinc i readveo to iry ii jhxjii i rotertaincri wejodico aamk adver- ttca rvinediea i had taken iba enrdirioe but a tiortlinw andbefan to recoret pfadnmy and tmued toclbetie and am iwjt welt in orcd i am mueh irnproreo tbl mv fiien ta scarcely icccniaed m- when i mauajaj tbu pity voo aro at librrlv a piimis tot if yn4 ak it will extend ljio uae of jdtr cicjknl laaady t- tuwing pnoeipal office 126 fauonai lost htr speech tba anoeced canifleaic telta a timpfe ar4 ibfal aryof aijfleritii iijiltelief there a r paiadaor iimilaraceain thw erty and ttrnnk t and yat ttvara are oyimadinf parent lei ihei 2t- bkimren die 6 fear u bennf 6otnbjel or u ra a taw aanllln baoatvr sept 13 hm7 t da- towiraeao t lake plcarjr in aiatm nonikttcr whvther lrt ar- the benefit of ifcjse whom it may cnucrrnthm inydnrhifi two yean nnd au nmsald wa aiieted wjlli cencral debility and ta of apeceh sbe waa firen op aa paat recovery byour family phyaician but hhtuai i waa recrnincakij tfwaakneaaand im i fwm takia it atoii f to w r saraapeafta ocforc hv- bcciinte rhxt and full ann ry uudar ila ta n uf ftft b ilt rccoeered her aueecti and fluenea ii inakdiately evuntermcta ike dtrei m we w tlae amnoiilioirnt of il wl w vbieh m nervrj the ta which wa rclffral ktvr york film tns oinfjo liar ws riterltcolfrtbroadljy il il van jlevater iier amaay lulverlc co ulirfl van dewaleia hmthir fie co oiwcpo john il half cnutl sjnarr hosimi yin dfwuer 0 fc w un o lliuo np cavawtf walor sirvat new york r b van dttraler trr albany il ii hyde fcco rnme j l n halclisyracuae van dwakr llrotjitra co otwtge rfcrca fir fmnanolaffon oa lck oaferio owl fiver vl ilumphrry dt c- ik wl ftajaj bockaeltar do janata alien iertot h vat to a vavnd aait to mr msrill prakrit tauptphowjta will he houad to aawati aad dajircrad at im tin haaw j iatkrr ii cori ml coamiil th p starkly rk pn flanker clark te co ml eafavf- 1 juri itrawne hi w it k htttwna imtlf aaraaaj 0dli- r a- i huv oak jmnu cape vinrenl saekati harbor ktnpton c- w taraaln l w mmillnnc vv uttfavilk c w attjaa lejanraa of tho female tracac cauaa of barren nee il will not ba ete4r aa incaacanf a dcticataa nattfre iv ethibit cartiftcataavf carr r- t- bot ara can aaaoro tbo afflicted thv huaidmoa f eaaea ha ta been reparicd w u several eaaea where hrii haae been riihh i uainf r bottlea of i i t bte inodicinca havo been ideaaed tiith healih olfcprinf it toaaaaeadmy wilb balnf f really h treaaod by weakaota and ueneeal uehjlitt aj i i y continoalty i y pai and a arnptim t bearing ovtvafatlinf ihe wranband witliolkr diirieutnea and having known eaaea whern yi nacdictna haa eftectcj f real urea and elaafaceri uraeommennvd for aah eaaea oa i have deacuvd i pbtaiaed a bntknf v- r eairaet of snraaju n and follnwed 1 dirertaana yoo f ara me in aahiart periad it romavedher cmnplaiuta w aainred iterhaalitu reing irataful fr thobonr ataalierreeivml i labeplaturo n r it i ilq and recururocliilini it if iho pitmie m 1 mouke cnr grand aad lyitjua- au albany anf it itml- to mothers anu married ladlrv thielttncinfittaparitaa livlaeaoiptei prepaicd ia rcfetence to fenaalceiimplaint h female wh haa roaaari n aufpw altn ij appawirli ini- tbat critical parinrl m r aatwet tntakait aa i fir any of tw jrub and hornhhi wlneh fi i j i- 1 1 j i i f pefwid laay be alaaaa aaeeral yonta by madiinr hnr ia ii uh ratuaue for prnaahinf itrj ealoufatad ia uaaiii aautebyiakaafiaif tba uitadond lavigiwaiho lha ayatan indeed thta nanlmtino iainvaluuah for atl lha diaoaaaato whiah waaaaa ara tutytn it braeeaiha hme ayalaai lenawa jtermaniiv llaa aatutal enarieaby nonni the laapnriiha af llw body not faralimuliia tbaaviri iapradaaea alarfftvant muaalaun wbteh ia iin aaannfntatotadiaijtoaitkoa for female wakow and dtaaaaa 4crokulacored thia cert i fiaa to oonahtairalr praveathal tha ftaraaaoriha baa rk atfili i mat the aat i tinmj kiil-li- 1 tli m a u i nimakouaake anwaef4eotad tiikuk crillfiren pr rharylpaar0lrt i hata ike wae i tom yod tf tkaad fcl aaj awka uawf krfu eqoataled with he cwiwgp ftftjl u nnw unite tfetuad in much better health lhan alie haa been for 18 iivontha paal joseph taylor y v vr fits fits ftts ti- t it- not htainjtealcd hia ftaah fills in eacauf fitot eiarae never recnjmentrd it atid waa furpfiaed h raitn tho following fron i l j m irw tar y- aouat 13 1- i 0a tnwxatvddearsir i haro a little ffirl aeien yeamof t i actoretyearaaf footed vrita rata wetfint atnvot every tiling l hr bot uilliout ancccaa at nt atthih n could fmd ni rcctfaimtntlttuii in yaur eweura tx eaara like he wo ihoitfht aa ahe in vrt dtlicatr- health we old pre her of yljr faaauailva and aro very ctd ne did far it no nnty tntnaaad ana hrrui but ahe haa had v ratarn af rho mi ntfr eroit pletaureandaurprtae sba ia faal hceomin nifafcd aad hearty for 1 tlio turn uf hf pjf fe certain pravantai t f tea iw hhat th thoao t fl pm v john 0uteer jon lie slellasuanl tho hih rcoutatton er hotel tnr 5 nany ycare ocecwart to eay roii1d robuvo to its filiation internal dcoiaitooa ood cont- orta anal thtf sntcribcr pledges uirn aot ihal lln buafas op pallb wines rami attendance jhaji nrl l0 wlllrrl any aecft in tla hold lcffe ami thai hi whole altentinn liall i riven io rcnlor tlioo who may baton him ivith incif iiatr0n3 to every way coriifrtavlo h cufton imu o lar 4i cwavk juuae caledonia ops mimical feklo 14s tie liu iwrtaaaal fiflevwyearalhara raavneul a dreafot ut whmim aretj meaaa top cay eatvd riard raflewai u ja u i u li a k k k ks mxatbvm raidfisa for bilious comim fts pains in tub ueaeh gijjinrts sivtmsx jataifics qb siructitmt confinement uf ae iiowch ijtf cjc the reat demand for i i -l- pilit va a fcicnl riiatantec foi ihiir ncriliiiti in the above cornnliitu cfiiaeruu tettimoinau coajil i i y i reiiicetabtlity irho have aicd thrto fo f- iv fy ia a lfmjf ffiriamaj o auaucil strati of tratoaniaenajidiatarei ia whkh iho huaian faioce ia liable thro ia acarcaly one the i jiiptima of wlnek aro rvit acvtaaly ntra rated hy a coacced alato f lha ltwci and to thia atnor nrmirrnivh inf j ihoafinjoiiuy cml free ftnan ubetriaeiin t a of anch pnnary import i cial try dereo of ncclcci ia pdtowed hy w h of in- canrenicnccof atawmma when habiinxl ooaure ncaa prcvataa the efiwil rtynr of beallhiaaoun impredaonklinaca by aiaai deffccvaad m ficr tioiee mare rppatlry duoaaca aauh their ianiadaaa ihe cinatrtution and in numbcekoa uwtancaa particularly wlicna lha habita aro oedeniary or where fire ivin- ia 1 percnaoeat ill health i the pahifal recoil ii nun be obrvma m the moat o ifiridi fllarvet uiat whan ihe fitneiina tf rmture nw allorled to aro rwl bavamanl with doe renuiity aaa4nneo c -i- n i f- n art aperient median then hecanr infiapena bly neccaaary and ninat be lid rcaunraa lo mil the neccaailt jla aid ecaara dji il ia a cjtieliin nf naiderhle innianc wht lixtivo panfl lo riajijn 1 1 tnwuaaal apeaoiit mrdiaiiwa if ivnniciira but ihxir eftccla n lha ayiem tjry eontsdcjily jiillnencc chicry n tha eahihni ecela aotac pari uf tho lewd mty irhiul llie nc aaat aumo ecrt theit aa mli itf tho lowci ril ii i l lllc nc i ii i r eitcndfl nxic nr iru to tho wrvte of 111 in tfrllnal canal th utirr cla nf iiprienta j cfijcntlv oichpjlaliplrd iihriaie ihe kabttaal illpi ii- m f the itin pi j itjtl dilvuiial eaetrjairjit weh nature ivn nrjurea uim lieriatlic paaaarikiaoe of her aeeuatomee fanrlttana it ia preriely on thia kltee prinrtpla that the rillanov nttarcd lo lha -1- r aia ptmed and i their i iiiiy can beaiieraaaod or eaa4ncd meedy by bamm a faafaf nuiir ooanlitfittiay not only fotntah an apcficai jlaawm propor foe jfone- ral oao in n faiuity rut ore ab wall cakiirated l anawer niml in thapuipoaea r whkh purgativo renicdiea ate acocaaafy to pdta are not fnwaverroinmmnded aa spnniricftrtbc eave ui audaaaaaavi och prcpirlrroua ale tent nil orowarae lhan ridicueoua and are only pit frth br doceptptn but they will prove avatunbk unmade fnr s- ihe leda wt- inyt tlro fnandalron i mtieliaurteriar fer lhna oeewinal batruen to whteh all art tibu aurl ftir ail thi0 diiwrdrrf whkh trice from au cvarloadcd riato af tftndtu rech and alianoury lnaiaecucntk decided benefit will be cwired fnm ihair aao iaud1inei and riinjinthonadaeonipindwth nt y r in all hca4arhea where coativenedj prcnjila la laituencka li i aluckajha r- nyanfdi- i ri nry atapa of java dice and in prom ilm expnfaion f wttrmt- thy requite no otrnhncnaenl or change in the di moderate eterctao r aaaiat thttr operation- a nd caparicaoo baa pnjved lhat oa an aperient tlwyarc mfe and catflcnna ny be lakea by dolt and chile j i in every aaaaj jf qfcenicy t j children of five ynaraof aje and upaardi ttiev may v i fiven inpulpuf ayyle nijmo orctlyand thudiiia4l ore nfnoh mv eoay f eahbiiiin lhan puwdera ur uruwr ijl i f- prepafcd and aald only at the atbcmeutn book store kingly sold in hucaat la 31 and cd 0-ieh- ix lnaehef oajcttf the pnirir n ad- i z oicc pilla ia ti make ttfft cualk aafial ni a cnntry vhfa i are aaarea willi thta ohjecr autt r ariit any eliae t linperiewifwa racaafi aaaleenpvbj tbor omnknon parta teparied on raeh bc whereby medioal men may nao ihe if ifey ea fn and tufratma t mditanovcaaat tbum prepared at any apaawa eaiye shop or the ipajh fily rev john seyer md aal revpectaltle elart r f cio lhnt deivniaaiivt handed in the fnr oernfieataat dr twnaeda tlpce l2fi knltanhueetoet saturday ltaieakfvr rtatlf da townaaao ear sir i am cwwirahed iocire yao a autemfit a h banrfu i deriveil fromuaiiisaataaiari brfiefinf by to dainv f aaal render a aaaacl to ihoae wlvareawflerinf aa e have bean i waa reduce frw many nvwitht hy tnyapojaaatcriinh that it na iairclidiflcniie for me la walk vr keen anwt i al hd a tntf which covered the nviatpaiiof nty i- waa eairamely inbvaome and aura il tmb a inapt a aeab i uacif auito a nambo of rmedi fh ii v i reeivad lliitaar aa rf ill va ydvr nrpvrati rn- ftlla which ihmnth biiadaneav if aaapwanaaa so roiled me to ra than niv aaiaal hea11e j am nw enyyinf bellar ibaa i har fur a i 1 berajyeara i m mw co reara of aaa i haiate h ui ba an invatiiablo rnrdicinr and rccnnacid h 10 my aaineritpa aeouaioiahae which ara i- laree aal havawna mmiaiee lor afrnat raaavf ck i bvpalbla haaia abaveh may nannj 1 t l to j aa it t irardfiite haa hear to trip inn aicykharaafcif 1 notice the nouth western ixsukanck compawjf t of o8weg o n v the affcnl of ihi company haaro moved hla ofhce to ttia cxchakqc orftrt iiilronv llottlj ontario vlrcot where lioiiprearej in grant naurane aaiaat loea or jarmico o pfvpcly wliolberrrottifire vr dinger of lulatid navigation m t hunter eblwt novernher rv17 by iliosuuacrihort liislilfa cttaiiail lery store no i llaiuva hull irtgerar iltoh kojln taitoci uoiic manilla ial avoryllilogln tho ship clianllajv mow wm uunaluhon oot33 itiat frf earff cvfccieuy ffom areotm fmnunr lha haarf f a lemrt l llaav or hail andrrmkrinfihnaeaf ilae lueromb mpeeaaaty frjee ja ha family 0mia e lltagd nd dwuc thaialic 2u prrutik to meaarrwlanda walton tlajrltwij lrtadxil ceticvv liaderneoiooinwoit diny ia aie the efllcaey f eieellrnt macamta h en bald itaaa- t rre owd cre a head nf aw aair hi ab atoied frail- wim aeciavpumy a ffwwl t the 00 f yinr taluahla ffair heav lliatajo lritrr narar nd aftrr aaia bwnk every vmpti new head alaawf arfan f auar rtt if rv ike aotpwae buth of rayarf j family 1 icjdni bmin atwlljff d bli ta- d a 1 blile hefrre the auc of whieh waa aavali iba4and hate now aehnnwaca bead uf lutiraaeveronian enyijd and i earncaily n cninncad thai nil m0 bare not tried tbkaoaoai caeelh nl oil mil nt fail 10 d i am sia your ntomtdkat rrrrant hafaeruounal whillly t o near teuhloo oajhie iviapaeraf each y rn wn uatllfwiaaiamaaaariiclcf aeilwardajnfarahnev ahotbera are sfvrtt maaaiaawi rowlands kaiydor thia oriental balsamic prfpomtann uajfpilin fncacy in ihroaipliry pirifyinj tlio ktt fiom all pturvrra sjftffaj raoaa fitotoma faaywijca tah aid i- i- bwaraaa stinoa or ishoa aad produtinf a u3m globe insurance gompamy of london messrs alvak chapman k co of minhral atcftfaf the clohe in- aaraaee company far canada have appeioivd the urdethed sbvaftiill at knlnn aad he aoiv prepared in inaure all detfiplroo of property paimi lat by fire on advanuvona terms tur original fendeil gafital 01 ihis com- onemilhois stehiis8 ao4 the awafi are anthnriaed 10 settle lossea vrithuul rceifis ein in nlanj charles vv jenkins phiite sired kmgatoa ulanu dkisds for sake xt till atheneum printing office- tr ttf acoai t mil ana uad drutmty of lha price iacd todgi tjtr tr4u 1 uiriiinandsk with barcf ovwer mrtjic uedawiihout u of dower ila do with bar f tuwer menrvftaf with litraf ihiwer hf l jl 1 i lf i a f arnt f loe li and dntriei coatar i d aioocoirt wank forma march 1 for sale ihe north hairnflno 13 if the fjili caqof pflritanil anrv charles stuart- kitvtrtfijhiy i7 1s47 v 1 n li it s celebaateo medicines fflll kfiilhnaingmejieiaea are kepi conrlanlh i uit lc al iho atttcneom h- l tpfa uatot ticei kti2atn vnelfakcanum extract fori h aaecdeaiadrmaiient eurvnl jldaacaariaiii from v tlm nanent eunnl jj i itpi viiifsrbctuiisvitltof uorr xiv rllkovulmnk fur the care of lw ave 1vinkrm canadian vbioiifucr- the oal remtdr cat jretducncted fr uonna wlskiwtootu avchfi deo w a aw latnufr fr lhatmth ackc wlnbkshamhiuratfsdnervr vnii ronv llsimcjit a eeruincarc the la funitivtott rilic and chnwje khuaatiao winers family ui stm kv t frao mtrirrvula white tlaiatltara rbawotun umwiirmx cancer lit h dte wineuscheicalllib01ntment aiaoedr aafc en atfeetaal reincdv florl p tklher wiliianeienatcartcor oenaia cntiah nd aincjican ftenl mcdicuica stt it ii- cuue for woiims mxbtps catfamax vermifuge warranikdintlleaam the am re- uiedyeretyeidifceverrd for wenna w not only doitrnya them hul invigorate- thr jrhale virm and cenlet off he apehri- dant alime or mqcuave prevalent in the alaaueh and waweln eapecially ertbeseia had health it if hatralfaita ila affeela r theyslemanillh health nflha pi lie- til klwayaimproviaa hy ilitr evn wheft ai rcarmi atadteevenid- themetlieiftr beine pautahla no child will refnre la lift lia not even the moat delicate ilain anr praa ticatalwcrvalioad upnndifeaae rcauuinrfre accompany tach nettle preparail andaoldhyj w1nct canada weal and john wimerrc co r3 matwny formlcattheatbentnaa hookstoren lliara healhk tpn and hy all the leapeelablt threaphntilcnoadi didceiai ice not iiir undorainet having bneii afi- poinintl afeiitrr lli chi1mi nixkixsllensce comut u ftiw pieparetl to teke manna riaha ofonry doac riot ion at mmlerateraiae uf premium thomas brings jean 4gfbf ofhis- rrinewstreel ssir in may be had at find aa admired t mt a w aad naca cd wrbntlln kowlandfj odonto or pearl dextifrtce a wniic ravroca rua v linn eocipoondad vuliveiicmtand nival ctltfchi jaeanraraa mr qrithtl atrrwti it cradicnlea tartar from tba teeth rcoiorca apst f ncpient cctar pvtiahia at1 preaeiirea tc raaatw imparia fia httri pure oj pea- tthtttottti and fivna j f u f jr r r ai ud per tivl important 1nfqrma770n ufljwineipvd ittdiaidual fw ihe aaic of faia- injf a irtqa rrwrc poifii vc the moat 5pur1qu3 cumflnlti under iho nanta of macas- rmrtullaj kalydtrandouonlx opuh under the pafaf aamlaw of roiallr aad ibo tiuvctffdiut ueparttweata with iiaular at- i al mcceplion thej- cvpy tbo jeorta aavt- fmfriirnlabiid trimcm vltttmtm rlilmnt nouka and addieaaoa fu uiv malj of ae oriffioal orcparationa it ia f i accraaarr aa kc iiiti ihcvrtfid ki iaoo aba wrapper of eaeh article tlrtgmoioaariickaarc wilh rowlands fdaliavaauerkkfumtkyuaf tjhusil- ltf ac ac laapatled vt a alaaaaa kotfaln thttrilluu ov cut 1 pronw canada ia laaal i cute tuitabk 1 1 and perrumoca ua j j io- 1 u kcuil b rtepctiabu cbetatfu aad far fumerax imfuktant infuumation caution a rowland s0n 20 uauwjw wlfaaalaaaa iatalwaa bk wfniw th xobdilv aadlaootir afajnet irfinj iiitttd fay ibe ptuutita 0 aoune frha a 1 iv i- u ibeir ovu rtiina laclufo taa ilia htk of piacaeaaa uta it and vijtjwu- wn ulicr iba iwfikd aaftction vf ktyhr and tlc t a- mer avravrfjheafaaillij urwrtar atlnapuat lra- ctptrttn while uavj cajt lha lauta uiua ad vcrtifc 1 anj 1 ii ii 1 il 1 bin liir m and addnaaealar the ial cj iho uriital frrpwrulwiia flat ewfa crn tta eaaaaa oil h kabvpua and utooaee aa kowlanos and iba uraffar of aach tieaiatliciamcuf ru uu h prtccdibf that uf the article with tbcit gnavute 01 tba foul ip ifed at hi- a uuuxaxd at 60f nowlandbmacassar oil ifw riutr aiftdraof thia aooecaafol tiivcaitwa fvr rcalajiaj- imjiraerpf 9 aparyipa up 11is tlr ara ivu vidtbnowa and appreciated 1 i 11 il- ji i eerj fact of ij hana almd ibe teat of mr aalf a cntaryuf patiu ii in j the rpccii r uarmajtaiy inuquccni il lc il hmtc albert tba nlmtev hie rojal fainily of great unam aatd of creep court v tl f a u and tha bit 1 1 atrein ia wbacb it ia umvctaama htld loaiher with norncrou clhcacj incnia ragp uahou on lha wrap- 1 ri aaeh tmrt ot tho 1 rowlands bawk aniek arc tjhaaa malasmjt uil wvadantfualiaca j uowlanus kalydor an oriestai ralsa1ic prcpara- ttunot urolarffitcj ittilmwonjhla pom ibi lire ai im h ttalplhst aiota hlotcttesy btifleit fhkvli rdv and trjscotokatwfth pfjuina p evllarraiarj oad rieatparraf ptcmos dan aanwaad aaaa eaeyoiuic han us aathfti aud nixk il 10 jiiralmafr aa a idw hd kafrrahtne tt aah tofoerjifia td warm clhiiaut nlm caaca o gwa tmi uf ttvtcia liicwc 1 l 1- i h ila v inova fiava n- r 1 aalinairety urn arfc- t- i i and tfltkktp frpttf uttvncd tbo tiitaap imroievl ihi ullun the ul amliu kuyal fam1lv i uraat l t urt iuur 1s if klulovk il rmai dirtilrfd nouiln y aad u i my uf alleivmcd fcwjanaa co ftwareollrjv0l5 paalajirtajr lalirnat aatuaitatin uiiciy iuu th vmjktjti ami ulirtht by ibaiv kplhut action fi iwallh kaali bmlte of h troaehaallenrda row lam al kalv- itir tiiar a liuuum at tcatimlnaal ofbaaantly reenndofiia t the beu aad atucrl pruitaof na fatcc ovcdmadtat or fainily uottlta iv 4 amallalluatnl aad uwulja li v a rod vi ry i oaw naj drf l ala infraicd l tijrjaarfon ihekotrin ru each puce da cd i4 kmton ijlanks i ti- ftaaaaaaajai itf over itcaeripi tpif olloa lands for sala thf simrrihera have ihe fmintvin tinilt the midland distinct for sal south i lm no i m il 10 3d con piluaeifh mi arm mo 10 in tho 7tu con rjchmand i00 aeftt sovlh i lol no 3h iu itie7lti con cimdia 100 aciea well i lnl nv i6 th 4th cm kennr be 1041 acre ll noa rtth can olden goci arree lot ne l 6th caat bu eri cumminuli maciwnrll soiuilfwt kliialett june fuhli 1mt mill ninnilorlii hiiam taiaaear iur ittaat mi riaiig uahio atiai a avtfp mj ee km affaapvjaan do wtara ahljc9ualla dvairrff i tuc mvpisianip aftaedi hrfdinrlhrflle uowlanllr odonto or pearl dektlfiucki a wiiitk rtnvokr yon the tlktii omnnndod vf the olpui rat and luawl iir4r fpftrifirara laroimftlw ium iv hie a fr mraveelaa i r 1 taamt and avialavaavf the uta ila ittiio rlkctrfni andftnetal aniimlke iwlf laa afapj lord naarurlan bv ihr qlkkr iba rullt a itoval family if ticicat hthtalv aaal ih wavkhrajukll am mulil ii v mlkhlihmt kmlmipk wmfeiv emia demand ai bjwaa annairta the faaur in n r i murri1lr hrm isirr lra9dr 1 i riiirvritirwyblwfraffraid iteiniaiinsiaatp itaonthe kalvatual nflad i eaeuwip iiowislih mraahtiu ihluiihllnlyarprrwilbllpflataak aide ntttfimvhy ktiarrv u81h1 jbe e impmiew tp ay heaaffas li v rthythrttaai tlwmiax taaawlt avaaafrd aaliama hi fnaaiuta aij iiw 1 uh pwtenatae rrvtwera wrwse fvattttir nlduatall tv triwvultal fhaa rpmi hhitlmi wlllil 4nttulltat i uiwlliltk ty wfaaana f h p vaapi lit ktaaanj- 111 awd etrahaj isaaa uiiwi the alafo aad aalaal fumi tlaaaaa 4 ana a bmp fe p un