british whig atrtruier ftr ouui witt juuusm n hkmrwrkkiv ftlff wrloevht naj lilimht hflrnlm ft dwand johw barrn k son r nti xrifknrum ftth f f fofw4mftja ffauii frrm mlhi a g f pmtllii j i ipiwi lintinud mill neen mf p hu up nnh m 1 iv twjiann of lit puhhawr jvtiihi rtinee nduimer 3 cl fat tfr eduratneeiiindlod 111 lhlmijivt l m pifffwawmtt vttoiirh iuetlia vhrtwifib whbril m lih hcbmabl tobma wthftl muvttj nnjemeeweiwy- ilimw wnwwf nimlilrfii otnah iienuimwa eeent wi btwrd aytaeijeneu5 mjfhilljtalhll attletirranvptipaij piit 1 c le british iwg tiik atllraicum psbttjii enazlmutiht auprt wf eae tewne an eta aati and g e n e it a l a 1 v e ii t 1 s e r f o ii c a n a 1 a w e s t opiper per opdsm dicoh r fiee dns j ffltn f p 4 n kcji frti p11 t h tt r rvfnfivein cttht th e- ftf j f3tj and nterij hfrii enn f jn p rjn 4 i lie- e ifnk f i leeibt ma rvk ttirt ic tjp it urea tw vol xvii kingston canada saturday mouning june 3 isis no 4 tv i ft m i w lrf nb it f hi i dt i rrt jwd m er raate ef itftrnt taring 5uuiviee end 4jv titie of business directory animals birds o tiiomvs roimnmn jy r r uorsry house sign shtp painter klazier rwnt mxtirlt mi e rater kw1 o ofdrreiiiauhfally leecued mj nrffflaj tiwtt cmeky o inter i4tc or the nf tir badjia huncntlnk kalier nnecmi ittt kixchuv c- my 1si8 wl messrs hill parke baruistkrs ittitteislmlv iso uucitoss b cfllrteet mcklttiikmntet b francis m hill tiios iarke j mr cameron latiprrvtv ncnifta0 iand genehal a8ent conveyancer notary iublic oanadi tlf assurance company dudk mitfuni eas ftttlinii 4t c- drann it rrdactd rit tvoi u mr jkkonslek pn itrnn 9 am lo 4 pm smmhfr ims- rr tittiixi ct tfiwnnxi rmntbm stubet klsustlis hv i 39 nelson saloon pbixcrss btskbt by v b maldlin- lonches refreshments of all fcmk lastuv and fiuit alixaspeb3 cidib on smb the pdtof ttlnim and liquohs naatou ctlni ale fire maiine iasuranca photecridn ivssb ikcb gobipasy ofafjfliei m t 1ilnixr tl h it iae n o tjc e tne impokted house it t- bradley ft of oth f i h o r hatter fuhrier raicest trbkt iosto difmttfepfhtit 3cmiget chjutrtt stvr alf df5criiti0ns of lailtt and goueau fart ctrnnttl nwt alter et xvclarke wine and spirit dealer lambtox bnliilxcs ruvccji tcct iincioi caxamwht vniail t cos express william viakeagtni kneiton c w p delaimitage j8nkralrncerpruk sin george howe piuir aimf and glazier uffol st kinirston er mr wjtiwnn csiiitte ficitrr sign fciwfol wimj mrb1ft li ttout ftj droral woa in pjywffftl x joltn s clute auwmncpr nnd nd rf ftck steu alt order thankfully rehired nj f unctuftlly oltftfuled l- thomas ponnaya vinluilr mil itriiil leather3tofle l 4aih sole loilier upper kip nn4 clfskin moroce- rl lining b wt maker findiitgi of every dcacrirn lon hmtx obollly henierbodj dimmer auomey law c to kinptn jam4 oftriliy i georuk e hendeiwow u t or batler cabinet maker and uhtiuterfr multireel sinert kindlon a oenerel aertmeni of uic lil ayie f furniiore conuoily oc hund and for lie on liberal urme gf f fresh oranges a lemons hlmlv lumuml ui i ims spring importations a ijtsiiaw p ejaprctfl intimatf ii hwjr t e lrf frilirt iwrii iitil n lv f british ory goads via uift st liwroncft r tlnamif 411 vr hi thr pl f uvftt otwv jfntmt h fmirvt oiis fiiohii suj p j iiia liri- itol kington iinh mar ims emi freeh oysters rrrrivfd wreklvftmi newyoiv l 1 oumdlfs iauia welling ion sireel notice rjir annual bbi inis thr mr- vf af ih fiiic inftur isce com- pakvf ihe aliiluiil lxiincl will h held hi the court uuuskn monday he 3ih day el jour eeit at 10 ovwb a m william irefiaxl avrttntf ifiojttftn hey 3 lew 3ti czjptowshoteti late rascos t paoc trr motvtmgau isl omonocrom will remeiii it hu own stable ell the tioiii ensem v god rwiornte john norton aver lie totf celtj xvpee april 26 ss 3 3m removalt sign of the mammoth boot riuncess street the sstibrr frer ivtiettem fc ik habiiantror kicln ind ekinily ihn hr hat ormeved hii bumhoietit to the foar slce llrly ecupid ftp mfr- krt cesi cei nexl doei io meiers me wit k sen pfinecu siret wkrrc hr hepn to yel v begs t- inftm uc iilic ihn acta eeere ftei fbe h r- hie wv neiaiaa- hrwede b coemeneen i ift mw iuvipk e4m oejermy le hfajled of h mel wkh iheir plronoee ihet booh sheet ft- he filter henr that il t mhiiiyn itiell ee wantd in ln pert tn wtll he fend nol uitrd by inr etemih eontrituto in ihfiif cujivafiience end rwb- mcnl of the kiw n town centlcrn end furt udin willfiftdl te their idwufcie th bll op fahr the wines beoii nd she- i iflwwi dceretieiiitlhiilrrilid en r morrell ioliiiiiiir cflnml b aurjmtyd it any kioelofl april 8 isis 30vr elf w cnlinrm the undcreig ned rerprcifnl j rvtnme thinks for the isiktoi pitrnnn reeeivcd by bim einee he he ul magnificent mansion fufejrrf innta rabcus 110 j swain cos h yg el a n medicine or worsijcms avr rw if ui hv lir i iib1ip if ia ff m0f ho ovortrof n veme frnilnpr hi- 6iw lh cnh li vfo- dbtri ntlamr fcv lir cwi r tj d i eftt u ie j i miin fir i ftd eimrb l a0vron j imnumf arndinc itiwnif hr ekilyeej bu iwdircn b n hmo f birtf rertrr iwr fwhulini nf trd th ptlw tarf fcii t4 iwtwhj ia p t r4iif lef ib rtfrio ilvir fioji em iho rnbr tits llry nrreeviof oe oeelkm bleaeeeeeei ehch t11r mycriax bitters and iliipfc ihr kv tnll c6jm in thftat i0eaaf uewlitf wlur amtnc tfa iitiliintf ilelietitail tlml pnri ef3t l street m ivliidt ihe hone und brine ehiy feel wide a new street fifty fcol tvide icodi iinmediete f fthh frlit oftlli hitmli iiiv hiver end oernpbrif quii mienffj vaewf ihf nieif einm tf tlie st iew renee m jutnicilv mtch frim elmoiel evo iriiievrw ilcmftox lte ofihr ctlirdifaila uiiv st pw street 9ih mey isv5 s 39tf h c hj to observe til hit rhnce rem ntndrete is eiy other iiel in the city caledonia spzinga r as le inform hie hmic ihei he will lw ruuily anpiilietl wiib kikinl witrrio peeehenns snlw fn bet- frenreoef ihrtoart o llic jtl ond intrrmiiiemt in kei ell whfrh wiji ihmi irf tho siieh soil enteral be farnhed at the krc obce h 1h sieicrt rw crmoe cwie eie rrwwtif terif r it charj el the snr ji ah kr for uner ceu mmt in fulete be vakl plfvl0 uf i r ie ihsiti ee eerif ifr th fluwo j s 0 e rtteptf ent ffliihiy of tietf trerf ulw4t ami tvt aki vvavta u lumcobtif moctee ehh ho been prej ti he fo n4 eetl feuky f iho wut if reeeetffee h t hunter hmplon april 29 s1s 35lf office to ibt 4 teryeesifatuweofiteferen attereey j ee ce perriee1h rremmenl le uota ftijle uu a rktuajjvt m a t4ejtjmt reeve ittfca iwl l t- ih the british american hotel bcwdcocnpihrrcii fcy j iattitsof ktiigmoii cenede weft 5t- jt l a ill i fn ooovnn in ilin mirj writ fwfwwn itriil i ikeffjrj tnce motnvine onj prntej eel at ibo hrtiiierfjuiierjie jabtcdowalljforrierilrthcr brocfc slrcett kieien fun m4 m order on the tfeeelm nlce fur eeerydkeription bought and sold matthew drammoud jncor wne et spirit merchant wcluncun fchoiry isth is4s bid os c3l0hi tql lireadlb tfebr cmm augt i 1847 jean maria farina the only ehetsi lerotlbeeitine eaudecobogxe inutt eohtijfurwiiminth 7- f- i infaiie m cfoniilfneifflhii he iij k7s eo jjk 0c sieet all linlrtiw in sm ctt rd tr r op t fetwirded to thi eje will meet woll fli coo afwu nieur- cntn iwnpi elieetteo anr further intemmin rnweciftf or or 4 a tan i ante pjsy ef md d coloft k r iheae mdrnnnk r ijan mi peerev eeel4f farixaslavenubk watkr diafaar em be ay mteuf letle itltet in boi for esjarcalnui kineton w f b kayler conch rutmcrs end cerriagelikere peinecte street kiofton robert mccormickj wholcsnir nod retail dealer m wine shnln tea 3ruecrieic prinectssirecttkinoton james mcmulan teacher of mutic piemi friee tunej address wrn mcmillan auctioneer thompson carey- cienorai 1injornn an j cottimiiitmerrliiftio nreid sireeikew york william ware general com- niteton agent brvxer end auctioneer kiiiiptienc w francis 7 carey m d surfeen aeroneueur xew berhcomdcn eaot walter eaies painter glazier end fepot henger frincceo street kinfaion john blackiston nailftlnker no4lfftrile building ontorn street x e sl a cdowil tin stuiil coeiper smith end tiei plitc weykrm priciceti sireet kinipmon jamoa powell ironmonger tin were mnufociurcr iviticcab slrcct bunajtoei pej sko et m j swun sl os lkl viil ki tirf wi evh eefl itontiee en1afr slvaln a co twere vain iraajnei tve cctt r nber c iihii ihc- l-in- aurtut lrnonie luoffc su ly hmbr- beokiide alt btvyick oiuiaia kwijln my i84 3cm printing typos l ill h etil il the pel r re feewit iso wnriievc afii aril h at reannnbl terme ice ice ice w- h albxashbr bbspbotfumv informe tfeii friondxnnd tbc public eenerol al he i prewired to etipk them ihe l- mjhh meufji with ice uhh mdretf terms pnnduebiy will be bcrved in the delivery t their rcaideueei eery ajtrafnipe feni1ireiupdicd fur the lewm on w refill 32 31 s7 ibe following rtductd pficet pira iwr paunrf sallpici ys puitter itifri bievet mime nnewreit m newt ink 25 alaefor rale eeery article required in e prtn line office e30j tyf taken in exchange fee new william prescott no 5 vniud sretce hotel imh doftale first aruivaleof nev7goods a 0s haw b0 to imimile lht ihrjr hire thia dar recriffj and are now openih cut ihcir nrtt lei of sprloggaodg for this scamp aleajy airertiard at having hfen rfcrivrd at new york on the 4th nt to which they rdcr receive at mr robert me- crn ickn stire ptincew tsitnel oral mf 4inioon corner of market ier will tnont with prumpt utionlhrn kipftrmj 2sih april i84r 35tf rfiwcifully difffi allftio i klnjito- april co 84s 311 l education rimi ohcriler hep toarqneint nil feirta end the pnuic in ccona1 that he will rreme hu aca dem v in the present month from bitot bfjltl ie fear of ihe limmon flee to ibe premmea fnernetle eccnrni or ihe jufjtffanf cfnerotf ojrce at the upper primcrss street fpoterteidvikaeiniroiofl where be wil be prepateil le receiro and eeltkiieiacli pijpiu ai soav be entruaird to on cere all the vanrhm rf a otiftd t4 nefol ed oration tot reiclical purposei ire tinrht it ihia atirierny ttjamt three dellin per qoarter litin and creek ealri fee futhvr partieolam epply to cxoacc fl4rtr tin h rr lolht subjcfibee j taitor- aptit 7183 bark 500 corls kantok birk fm tliich 0 lilitfi jl iicti x lit m ieti wm fojve kiurvtn titr isla 4 1 if co lci n i a i life aauranco coaipasy rilki iv-p- klntalh i iibhc rtfii tt if nil47fpnh if walutm lsiift bl l ii mi hi ti uiihi tirflrr kiwh lefrffaeieemiigrj ki ikih e licit j- p w itj im- rj i u i r- 7- ktftvttt igeeey w etjr 4 ih rp li tmm jm nr aemrieee bwlhae iih f vthfi v mitied itj m4rrf hie wr a jiaviiimivrirkkjti mnl tfav l w tlw colonial ufs as5drance c05any tewrei e ce 1 10 caiiitjl itilf 1 miliiiti sterling head tfftccs evatfon scrr itr 4 a ltiklhife 33 st vnfoai poee mt lk je oreaj g jaomeeal governor menrjiovriik kl op elcis at kinualtdlne ceif cfrtrml f cyj the doite diil feifirxn t tha f-w- tn aoveaft- jtwed b kc cornel lfv lsecurit tlerwnnnha vtri brf a nkaeribed crrfl jntam vtnr neiev xd end tislbdr f hnpnemi im the iltnlteeeeriaf rtiti1 1 lfc wtdfl vcktr ia aeve rj fl it mflh tuml4tl trtt itntrvioxs te rnvrf lehirh re vey mttrala maf w iritee pynv yortv tfflif or mhltrly iiidksrtcii of ituslnrs the f1d hi mttl vt invalh wih ml ii cfjinineiiits ad c prpib niiiui ewnfliiii oiiko pnenl lhtd atrtr hteit b hit paver mtftti in af itft kia li aaeeowflh whi ifmtt the e lt ui eeeti life aeteeeaaia thtatu kt hehreea btn eeleelva ro ihe aaeih4i ff tla head urj fce e rrted t eimtpetc iltc iramciha the 4tirttitt f ll 0tey j t if fuel i a eeaeee niweiet fi in lit rtiaij j ik frltlti e a ttany eexlun wl the qmfdeaeeuwetklj fo o eeaptaehal ueaiaeaa iv tftavelllnc license the aethl e ai hhetr l n fn an vnh afrteeiean prl nen fwvrea prt ae liief ilia ter lt tiv chae o ihit wine rctjiiied to e oaf ulviaetxtai 4 m a4be 0c f tbatf inienimo to erom ihr atuatlc vmalf credit system a criaj ti uia atttemfn painc ci p naiefhe anl aeeeaejipi nwiwsrat fieht sctm ynk ik ieic half th nett tr roha bi thaiaaef tht paid ff le atiriiififff n t ue i tlir aiifiirtl t fre 4t f ni a t ihr rttkwtfi ilji rsftn f ihe antwal tftiai tv rni- fe u u uh i d j the l ttie ptapv ikaaef pamiiajipb thee hearfei 10 be aeleeait 41ii1 laaefiti ttkntlteeeea hoed uck statin p ii tinpiatj twimsjany rm iliojeaj mtdieal oauee 11 mtii iiir i ieejjr red by ftartk neetic aaareaeeea urvrerl the tfreeinnj a uavinson parker m v cj4 c a n a o a head office mux rxblf 10 gre vt st jame street aotao ne maccm ivir lrn mctai rrrideiit of iho dak i4tn daaiiaa eie mefe of the oonb itnthh khjui awkft vttiatoea siairaee e center of ua haok f mmfti flevf rimtar e0 of tho fim of armour k babavee riutnwm demr e adracete ile ll jiiee mtwo iviuw it rtoiww iho hon a n mmiwt pehe tlr leiala- ttee awmr l fvr l10 cabi of tha reofjea dnb tfealieel adw cuom w cmrattl m- 1 liw actjt hlf u- 1 vtoafri aveiaatoia dwia ptaxaa- aceit rj kanfarn willum krant olsce pfime teoet 1 abtremeaata molvew 4 tmpwl 41tf for sam5 affcne anchor 4 cwt oie ex iscwt one stream anchor 9 caal two chain 90 fatbk each 1 inch william ware kingston april 12 isl ik f o it s a e 15 hie properly on cohnwae streets know m lurvey cottage njr the chenr ln city of kmton term onelhird tith omthird mi ee yea tlae remiin- iiieietbtfd inlwoyenr uhlntcreil a l 1 p several lot in the etebil on the niraa leroaf with and without rniiminea llieieon for jmfiienlera ipplr in the re ceoroeokitxruart or to john s rluteaiiofeer eigaton april 8th 1s18 30tf a for saie fivi oakki ric f ktt c01 is will b ld o willum warb kinptoo april w 1818 ey columbus krike insurance gomfant the tin iter jijned t prepared rr r ceivo noitliiettina fur jnnmnce on merchiuiiioiearrthtaataind selling vcaacla on tht lakea nj uier st lnveronco eiltivr firihe deoeoflorbf the trip et reiaonablo reton if tremium tiioma hulfsosjun afent offiff pfvtca strctt xaneifen april 14 is4s 3im supfrior oakum for ale by the seh tcriben aiie sicnil lanlema iint oil fee samuel moitlev k co trine cm a reel kinjiton mt 2 isi5 w elf frlitttj ton la siiii9l iki3 aill tiretialh hur iiep he aelbaji be tv lf the bmie f rebel my i aa i illi leeaaiil imiuw and ihe fbiiieb mmii hinaeieeei heeittartajea hearvl llale ffffaf ivjeet aoiaart and roiaevj dtlec m t af re three neeeiny heegi ot y ece cmji4ti f i ltd wr li we he vjibei n r y t i m1 htv m heir i3i t mi thet m j fatttjr leere eeia oy uw aien raiai ri- ic jrilcn et ilmae ij tiatawaitiif reieim 1 peieiiaitteeif nh4hat wf ettia ieli j4avph1 imi em bet lui tle pvrpe oe 4 h e eer itoe 00 lad rrfaal i fe th7 fax been a teed at c rk three ctnff aieaira hrtta keen at reat4 and ajej i oraae il lvy fpeilof cheikrblo atened luree eh en lb smdiy lu batter tho d tho be tier il fal timaj et e natrr ehut a mipe rcoi naem ena aeeeeiej ftrehne hjie if atfc el t larert- 11 ibo fcaetbeneai rjfnen eatne j 0ae riecr in a bnaj 4 litened heeev on avaaaeaa etbe 00 vf trwni itchta phelw r ovew up ihooilter fire io rmtjtuff c eij netlnj ueej thii 1 a amef v eatia tttna ear trail ornaa tbn f tli orov ff tieo jcep en j thoe hei lhroah mi atreel ihe pitoterer aaif mie rleen dij hey ntt aowio ihelr proft 1 cit i it 1 rv4 oaay b itntio a oner a-o- clf a charlie ijin drtlln eeerv dtj in lh itte vf ieje eomi np at 3 oeloek in tl 1 -sn- itceeeefai mne on 8ekfime pe tf ajplmbnmyn wnb iho irioob oftir nante eonabt atmilar de io ktjtiod are t eojata ant bulliea heec tvw afie4 p lvi eed iea atop awar f he trnntnevrifirhf amld certai yrrek uha era if he beard of rteh on inrlefil in the nthmpofr w ra rauier etotforted in hror thl ihreeaet the ar tpwt eid tha time dipe jti it 1 i- iri riho i- n- 1 nted merfe by the vaantm el lrewe lal ntfa w kern iut eeernt have been iaavej ijmi ail peon kneere ia hte jad traioio- eitfvmeam deuai aid ffooionr leiab alefli j-v- l fj in f tfnt r lreiiir in etwrtj tb ihe little pielaee of frith eaeiely are hare t bnre kerctoi 0 iff 41 iha kfllifavt atitfer fitea the wta of oomnod sho1ler rmi cerre aint troil trnaoht m iwth we be iovce4 itavrj injaniotra fan ib wn datioh tv nicely eel aeen emji wi whte 1s0 ia rif rti diffrrtoo io paof crimiotlify batnven fwiof i be trued of aaaeeytd tnd oserln it baleea aayin 61 ribeiattfy finj if hee ie nonaont ejifxer aeelf ty eo uoe end thn ami tct lio w eilfa tbee ttfc welber it it teat c imoal to attnd amvibltc ftt- an the pt v three or aaethottand pertnoe nd eat i on a eheo mtlrtn ao thvjlder aa preaeil and flro vre aapenline to thoaa wle rfeet mf l en i u oftt crouod and eland nut aar the pnadcee in vhateiae etutetod la vlvnjeecr per f tk eoihvtto 4 shtf l l ihal tb iottif ator ia eernvnoelf tho eorao f t rd hat probably led ihenaanda t u ll ruin aahue the indieideal dope ia otdf u ftdtth ciofteble and aaetmaea eaved lf ayseeeetni dfkolu aathe ma tatrafe told m lubta to eeeen 1 9 ii at lh tret vf her -p- ajeetfil fl n ie tf ett efllqa aa le tbr- j tit airepicnr c t nlm 141 f tevniba wu ikrnau tho atnat hih a- pkay n all be e- and pth bf if lie wo are th ir unnmnt ihl lh iukn rt nti waheea never be rr1tad it writ rutnf uuf luee anal iur ii i find rr t aeler alho all fteartervd tht tet e-n- be race i trail imahltmion n- ij fmea pnivi tonm1 rneartsnadan ibembrr baei ell da iiin i teivhtlorv tit 4- a e we tlvrrtuffi ettui lhft rherf i w bodtj ft t4i evnand it 4 ye be ibe ti- ii- of an ihe name lr ti sam inf lota rt ifebntd nd at yni oemn ute vfeef bebmin bar nam to mm 4 btl te her leuutr ivtendnee ren4ltf lae rr nfhleriraor pretavn by tbev and ten thej and naef aaered euitn awl i ghut nenh edrn jifj v ih frmtktt wm firth olititevja ipmjg aaanajf a ehll rav ibii t be c1rftt villi n baee hfnl u lntn ao i jtfnutiteee t it awne all etaafa titbmen i n hiiwt uvro rhtl bt- fe ibe 1 re n ytty btveen or anvj yu hni 10 ae hn 1 1 f r n f he rii rev lo j pvrrj uflee t r pmfie ea ur nl eniniinl la pima de the uepe uf rv u nea idjeetec yu thga it ia rue at newra n ejiaer t1 ilth ttnfr tinlftt of of the lel nattit repeat aaiunae ae in any manner of tm irtrreaentine eiilke of there bdrfn t njh tbeuj that wo 000 tl ibit ve arfe eie1orte it and entirely km or cneiry not at nvtbertnf rr ck rtremolue vtntettrbul nvlyeinbtidnal awaar ar- dentty and nenvterinejlj i evert k air th rejitltff the ibtwe we adjiete yng ae i id aidiale ot bm beee aitnred ad milt in ih eaa tit n ireadt rd ai t hn tnlj be iede na ipnte wtib irtecntlmn beat mala nnnvied evbfhi le eaernaoa anar teee le p n nch a biet i at lcl rat yrl n ana of aihmn w itj enaea4 a oajfalieav eeee repeal by eeemea die- heoer xitdiubiva u- tbethe lame hen all not ifptfjjaftjt rvealmtr be rejmtad ilbmrt ent dhlineiun vt mkatndeflieidmf wttnteter and if j thtl ttnft be not imiedtielt realited il ie nh weeaao of eny prrewij oointneiry atertimfd by vjndiei4ala4nmin toward aeniher it at lege thitatep waam ubiex ia a- tha iee na t ing n hto foaen t tba t ij -i- a f rii nrhteh ere enw at the hed of ihe fitcineal nor ae drelined la prepare itm way k ilxt atipreatn or reieotllinc oe nhan aanw eiiber but while a think n teff j f 1 1 t rrte oair onuntry oe re peeeeer in dinretil tpve we dere 10 unpteae aon nor bftrfhri reaeera that hieyoeibtlo reead eaeh tlrer mt otaenau hot ae ituhm eudvr inj fmi the ane opf aaaite yule and amtried be the atme ennvbu rathtrtiatdt v arrtora iheir rle ted eneuify io a pteilivn of aneepetijeriee l by imrvrile teaa teantewteitn fto mna hy farldmnrthal 0brkn end cenea meagher and mucutteearrro leaa br iheir a to tbaooiannit eetutiet that are not of tho 0 nf the law ihe inttrjateealn thia ba- vflmifly belew navrdupee tnc jiot ibil sjahtd llkreaearba 6jbtiof jeed ibahofeand pikee the oueroffy bencv lh ejbogw- mite hell lektw l bo atd aitrtal etcr f e ftel no doebt wbateetf that ihe ilx wojld ct n he niott rrlbr4t j m the arwld ia eid tnnaae dooe bhert etmptea of detnnethtoee and mr fran 11 firiy h eroe4 uho a iafe potition in ihvrev mf xv 9 odrioo ooeld eoon find analhvr eoalboff and meaara meagher and miu pr hc tnd la aoano enapy irtelrifl p wo aay hue idtttodiy and 1h- n ll etftfince of ail eget l uriirtkii we appeal to en hn at ny vnaaewhejwrtbi man 4 iff the eharactcrof theaa three indietdaala toldiee no ear eae avaeeredfed aeaae t can eloil on ilia hortra and torture cf aithatoujnal tjoeprirateiaheaany plea pot ft the pfctnjr ihopoiinc tba paurjf ibe mwjwt aadatl tberoribatoeaeataoaa ef war frn u ati real man of any eofl wouvj f hideoot tpactacki ef eyea bornl and mkea 45 eerrueiro lraida soooo r jtiaoa and poaaibly anoa natioet of 4 bratalitwa bai eedo nh with htta renirr we ehneld rejec tn btte j ntk ntturalwreulieftiheafrwntbeeatabtnr j tf reajn theira at timpte a ibintt fr bkd ah anar apeelito for letore the ehrnl y wer u iheir encation ir ejee they eie i fpaaaefl the ftew of bttk ti will be to natee the ea to inavlt and perbepe maider ihe vr0ub seh erceiaee ore too maelt haunted by tbeottn taniinre imminaiifrfat to be really bfiee they dead the cnieltwa they intend and fly froat combat whieh tbej eeraiate wiib eir eiaeiaranerenfhnrnar thit ia not or aueceaim it ia ta nnieertj untiae of nature aa any itie p had eliooet tatd etety naen in the quijp trmy wih ictiify the pejaian owl so wbeiotee tbair faulte aca aa blare ot h n ni araly hnirw nnl fear i um neither f ttana avnr wound till fio naonamt vf rlliakm the1aaieittiinrebevetcaree1y left a mrtabtf vf nut hntaeeoe a fealara of ngr faeea lanmarhcd aw r 1 j 1 jh and tortoee that ie not connate il ia raa tmafaooa it ia tr war wo eeuvj ajaavet wiablarwaf to brinf ooliie true eharacter ireland faaera jtaeeaciten hy the wlowinj doeo meni which wa eni from the feene jtt htpevaaethtt ibe two leadiof pariioa t iitlc nen are oniud and wdl at u hoped eel le ether address to the irish repealers fpuwxairrafew at a nantnenl when iar rcrmiri r riinni vci all thrir ilrenfih tor en effet ao tilcnct tnr n 1 attt rtcnemiltenoteeoeo thecal if pot ble an unwofctn frantic the co-n-rv- direr and ia be etpecially eaaefai iret lha heedmary eeraeuf our country dititton anh bat ejmjein fire di we djeei l eniinoio af thcaa iatattt ad reitharivwe whch heielelnu taaf lnmtneee uubhiycf nked ibe eidrt4f ilu different ecctioiie uf retfeavit laward each eth such a tpiiilwol email jittmete ur ceenciw ad eewanfaee uer ikc- bai jitct a cvte et unth to ut miwepeeaenlttian wbwh hold no avrlh io tba wrtld ae a aeftplo unfit av i be ty let aj ihentbi oajr futuro cottduel dreoon- fttrnte iw furofvj of that opprebemjt elierc fclbkw countfymcn let aa ut an end t llie flachirr tt dtrced that patent dieaher of vue loo i nf inieetieraed country and wliicbi bke the ngipbeileae other ilt which aowt iter we ean but uk dhtinetly trace bt frprcarioe and bejej htnte in ibe dte af thae alien roler hae paticy it it now at it ee haa bicn to dittdo and rmy m ajaiea eaehvtber ftlibw runirenwn ln un defeat by ditap paint wi tbeni kt 4c4 and neaitaleilaan ccee- ui at annnoakia and heartburninge w buried hencifxi ward let our wlchwted be ki- ovrrefret ibal wa my rrpeil the uiiivh with iund jtiin milfw d 1 wi ofifici mp jnn 0wiaw m p j dm ij odio a- ft striieh iwnmays isa rbarer dun jeae4i dnnne thee f r4 j- arbina thttt m ray jhn cray state oi the countrv we reftet to add that we have nf late received annc aathercneeuf evatitniion in cum neater tiwly apntlhnt in a tikee near ct dc en old wfmmtn end her duhtor wentaa reduced to ienny and au utterly depivtd a ue v 1 tta tleiiceibet ibey were obrrd 10 ted o the roiirn aateaaan a ttf te cntr- neneo wo uaata the neat 4j bmb becteaa ue- well epe the ebe o the eeint they were ni ttbckd amwn the dd cuy mr te ii imt saa rtiiui 1 wba pvr ntficatl nnvd ruin tewnt if rteye in t the dtlpdied iuti in lttberry tlriched in fer ntsler the pen tr williobtthrdw ctvcrin la tli ttiie he dvd and apent ane tiaie juei n ibe tanie rn itle a dead de urttcil bit hudy bitiepjrvd vhenaiutt feno enu franei end cliiitl4e rona 1hnna nmtetirw tbovt him i k iivm lt to byrj hwi he w heaipm while ia dittrw end mchncta tw euecettivo kidiy t tho wmk luhive but would nn be ad nulled na lo n m fevr and no rin woabj wide co ik it caict wrrc aeotrtee kibiaar ua the anancial couivt of thi iami wppeara neatly brpeleap tie debt 1 neaijy xv000 and the eurdmnt htte nd tlnl- hig in ihaif ctehrnwi tie owrd baicfund a fatiij idfwitea an ibe crehtt t ibe new rale tlientmtei ntptupcrain ihterhouae il3l vi 1isti m7 are ia butfial xrrry ivjanoer tn lee matoa men a eeieeron ripped rev lr rrwti itiahop of elphan imoaddtettad a leikran led haewabiuy eottiainmc n ap fhna lit f the atteiiont ejected by hajnf ha hn hia lordantp area ibe aieuiea rf ibe beada nf ibe frn the tested in each barony ebnj with the ntefitber of thoa dependtnt tn llwnv in all uea wte cos fatmhea eyrclcd conunin 3 mieltleahi m whoea wee t widowt thm in a jetr f famine quoaeuo deme t ijuoe- uue jveften hftcen he nd ete ad of arete with acee-uirc- mente and ainmuni1ae bate been firfweidcd fnin the oronanca depute in iieuad to ifca dfjanut aarraeb eiaiinne fee the aaa m tea hyal inhtbl tante lej cktt9ttt ffrorta pptt per uifrubip hibernta afriu in ikclwd thn itdw 0eer b te fj irer h lih nw their av riief little ql ehlm uj day in ihe qiaeawa ivxhii anrra mr mil- ehna pbfbf alanent uj hi millfm i babty tlir plaee uh i ne nan tatwa tb ajtaeef mr 0111 wo t fied tt mi iht of j mr meagher ctrtweaday ppitnf rjkf pueoed n in the bft4 intiance o bj tj4t4 1 e dy x j the gavdentee hd e fieai nytinr pi kb br mwk and w- aleajtpv j nnd defte m4e eery vatt tpetb in wraer i 1 ajpart y f wtjtimaiaiaf tbc e iu aeu it itajd bepartiet wvionst flflit i lha bir ihopreeem at haplj the reteeiet he dttermnied tbtl tba owned of 30 thll rt he celvd locciher i idvced by ibe ncnl pencu itiilri ef cbmdon ihe ovimittnlin ht ihecneiirtcieenr ibe enfedcrele aj well aa cf ific mrl fmte j 1 tata qwcta vine nlarxeavw i waaeatd in any wdl inclined qarlerv in tit rnretlt on lliuraday ism on bt epnmaeljmc rrjl ail inseatltffid fetlmd will be mien bythe way meeh ennfi jcric te tvt m iv aayaw olaha ctaanr ihe rih aoje l-v- teetotctcurnttaeceabarc pruned ibl and aa the qwen no pertonal rearofdaaceril 1 avffnaed wot at all onhaely thai ibcreaeiion uner i bitleof lneriek will by thit real itaeilbajalm nf mad mill wtotncftpcttutni feelincrf allaaaaweal tm eitil ia ea j io be p wt- ly fucd re j jiy uer mjttj vhftel aian caton tho aeal of the imeef leintaef ineceae if the qotari tt jjbtj mdchetl ht been decided if net the j- n b eel int raited by hie cm arl monday the loth of jdaf iatl t m oied fo lk uial of udham kumb 0tl ten id ike tueedty aalktwrn ti mr mewtltii iw eveareirl wepteiee taia uf me ilitdavp kahe bat been accuted r prtepiuini oiauer by a too t ueoa cree and he aaawuw by lha eenae partiee wiih puyaa the lunf na ft ritn technical hhjcciinne b4eur hie tvl we ihiak ba re pcafeclty rifbl in aiprniainff ih ofnnmni in ety way be c4n with wsr oirn h herertjaeetecbaeentarglp 1 fim taunu 1ian urj viblq lbaor wthaof the rkhnohd piiin ii r in a pi aoy in h- car b be at terre iban myreqre ra ouortye urt o race iho itrrora ut a duoreoa 01 lrnjruo rtp wabclto wt oij tflaooecn wilh efflebl eerlainty tbtl lbe frrat martin f lha untrr tenantrifbi aaneixtione ot ouareacwn tv wlieh wt b j at eepaaltdly iudj w 1 w p 00 noetdiy iba 9vh inn raeee the het t bcrmlnihirn rl bean 111 penrfad by bio bhee ie eernuce of hia ui u ne the daitee of liitbiren j ea 0 fining bae bund rratoo o withdrew it the ret j ken- ti f rni allhnufh be lew vu rj awad any repawn la ebaaie bit lentiiawnle and cialo u h hkea llac aifht re dr feen ftotnan calbnlk hihen ivatttcd haefoewerdvd peii in rjueen victmra payin f r telf tawetwaaejat ibit pelitteei it tn- d wa beheaa by all tba ctar fyenen f ihttdoaae the return 0 trbli bebe of tt0 ter dte 2nd may iftfa 0 enaaeeaed teiih ihtl for the peetraut atnntn akow an tttf rvdciion of eitcuuiinn to the aaaneai t i sim iho lmiivni of en hebj it leaa thtj lhat of lle anrnrar return by xsc9 a meeiifljibeeietfanire tbcufccctlyfttmurth3 laeaarernmirr eeaieitted uf renreemutitct f he pru and induhrlel ckaeee tna mwinf rewjutiwaa were adopted- rcwvlved that aaawal awaj t a avci j cflfid o c and ifctt ncii e mndeoee in li eland caunat be eijteebd latit whik ihe e emncnt i cnduied and llie lawe art niafe be atroneeratu the liiahrpv kiweed lul we ftid it 10 uu duiy h the ptcaeri er ate un r to avlranjr hy hybaiba qaren and nur detoremrtanrnain lin the rabiavf property and b aetpeet t rated iatcrewe rra1eed that while n majatain f twntl bt our skjwttvig wdrn iimr dy aa riwtmen d levlify unraltamintent toaar cwtantrtt and ia imthb to lha imperial ielieneni baa failed tn attha iv ueana a raaee of ar f etund mlk weertain lhl feeueid aeanenty peotpeeout pretieea tn tbnutpianwe eeetrete return taeair ancimt ecewitiute 9n pledjfe ourthtea nut v dcwt fnaoa our u ij vcerc ehfvtrrwd by tbc cea loedceaanao of 1cjwi e tht wa dwduaally avow that aj irwheaan are cwtiltrd io icwftl rccemi nd phiit rtgbta 9n j that weato nrmly iceleed to icsit q jit uiwe any alleemi at oacendnny wo now ihe right hand 4 pliwjiiplo alt claweaaitdereedenf ur felivw connyiiex eead wo wrtclrca tn frpel at vv d- encet nndlo unila and act logetber lt ibe ad vanceawnl ef fiberland sraith 0fbten htt been dwd fmn tha rnnchtrtaey nw sit rtvwal ihti b aifned uie eewnier prnclmaion the crwrftfwaitan ef deldin avni an addew io irfd riarenjn amtriin- be nf repeal in lb u n an whbvt that fueiirvitrr in pt replwd aa foilnw i ibaiefipte oveply refrot the cowl iinaiiu f prtlar cjiiencnt wiih rvw neet to ft m miw that netcr tea be wilbrait acnirtpmecbanfa in the pnhey ef hf ptatewnen end pcvflt of rtt fi ljio tnd of the nptniuwt tf llw eatt mayny of ihota who repetent ihe piaperty the lottlbtece end ihe mdiwtry tt ireland i irut that a iso dtnf ei of ditinrbence hat t ptuad away iba eaetenvnl tad alt ran which itcwicdf1inmirohhncuniy trie tee eddy ptw and i can with aiillin plea tuna ita the aatxrance yw fr of me ihi lue rttertwnent htafehaneenn lha panpln far by dtcunianancin- no they bat do ihe art eft a pertaaemlv evade in aatttatd then by h firen ihe beat pvl q that bthy and irnealhv aiance affrdt tha evrtat f- n u 00 hieh ihe eirauwca of a ro r cfl tt baaral the mowing it an accvuntd te nehaeeef emieraite from tho pott of talwy duetne the pfcaanl ioina it j ibww ti rrtt eilnf ftf tha dtpopultin pyfarti whif fieet m vvi and tiaaw at the cuunuy le trk a refer oe a fir ditnt s 114 1 tfli ra serf fcv t lleom d tie ritrawjaw f yk 7 sijjrv ms tlwdba u ib 6n mitde ev kdi is abea rvnw lijo iric-ie-e- new yrbcfl the albm evv inn he briiia 12 ibe bnrd kiretd me- yb 4t ta lmejnta qab 2m i uiitvei s iiit j 4i lio ihe j 1 new v 4 lie tu m rine paarat k ii ahatraaiinawd fc r -3- tndi iner warb iltalbil tenejft tb prptrtjtiow l anna value twvrra 3to wi h a wi tlcta ecythe svbiccn i utntni aan the bail i sehvitla e0eutily vitfot cvnneaira atrj mya are n a hi c wi tb ptani and w aa nnrd tsenetrt dtc are in ute rat fertile and avt baful dttncit of ifrl a nnjljn ehjy intieaei ihe afl dettiiihei praeailiaf ry eaajraed n fw dey eo in tlw m a eleaonr cewwny a por li d been fa ono tm endaatnri areehe cttene wttfaaod dead in ib enont utn of l nia wv i eat oil a ndpnn enej y before a c nati pry il wtt deehrh iht he w anher to lht frxhifnl pdey wliirh hit alretdy oiwned m t ntlkt friw eetu aatta tv oiwie anpe bat the fbrmnane4fta hrfrke eateof 4emo retvtiin in tba dcatb f a w etebed nitn nawed mkhacl concannae ieh pueeafwdtyaqaitlhjeirlafeof onntatt oiiddm hiiaoaomy lie had bean oe iheauk donr rati f lit bnt being f aafbe dye nwnte h e arte hbore ci out a tecs on fee a flee bus tod when t eth ha tady waa rq jr n wretched hj it apnarrrj in ft ratnalad at e if ay by rait anj de ft it pejfj i ht nntity of tjd illowpi him we nfr eent hp t n kd nd tht oonmari jwrjg eorivda aerdict id tkr otvci llitt hu deedh fja eatedby dtatoiewa ao mrcetiratm wta ulajf 14 vr a caa iv n r the revlftf anntaasoaredietajft atatentent aaade it h eraohaaey by the rrewlx ittnfy p p nf riboert cjoowty uajv la rct fenibviian tlactd ibal fiwnl aawabtaw if bia ji nf ryifl ba p irticuutiftd hj had leenvwduf huf nvwfauin lbu poor lii thla be prwaed at uae i-otey- mrmlcult iota nfdeew tn ibxeeaea at uliiier uw tba f jtowiof uatufe mj fiindathe auottt niaweejurat naa tend lieland leeota eaweas ivo4tw it the fopcl tbnt ibo bteae tnd tho cailh re peejtbin and that all barbi ma ij bjroinf j sra glvo up t ate- tbtt jd interpetrtliui you pu 1 aaati th wue r repeal ecpaat h ran prwat eat ia wear j o iinnaeeuritn iittmui rt ii no nmnry cwra el etllrlww dtbln nr peoty tow ocxarwl wn nor mfthiihottrt reeri uap i jr py no vxd nitdia jpi rilj at aay aaaa lajaj vn f t any u pmflt or peuhl it ia law raithie f m h m je ef ftatiun haateednf tobebun iiti nv tirienilmti jn the wbiab ititpckbt ifin- t the paiu nd eowam ned tkoaenit j a iah aiuueee oar rcadrwt jlrl awkfw hi eta rtaaea n ejiantvar- fa jftjtt eanparaw a eohih and the aa4dcaa jutlw and jlebiintj ere all incr ilably leodii 1 wreer urttetn to urw nl tb mom i tetrtit oilftfl a weal ttfilteee j eat a ratoni n aar ancient eonattut wet a hlae ink or a pitcbwurk palaaenf o a tjuw cfen ebtpetofeaac to stot taem- bjt j nth repmieone and uaifivitibta- mcwuiw tlioiflion t chea addwwabi a leftar bi the ewda of f ejand laeevnemfinw wtvmto h qaeeiilitl ibe inpciul pattut- inent b hed her etey third jear lbat a pauiwj he isl naefrtrlicr mv n- ueaiie1a4af iet iib reruliua una nul the f- nariioipljt in ibe dajhfc5e utfaee c me fltand cobtnet 0rvwfe p0 wjejtejj wvial nwanmanilyjo u man abet a na ribea theeenahed pcwwawjoie title dieuiol haveet nnco icaneed bt a letbre of ineeiry rroan ibavwae ft e tln leering tbair mftiera ttf ait okiehe p rnavnidaiypif eee tiredv jattr care pw teunw to ba aura ibey tujlaareav a h w enutl hrte beip a vrx fc on aastmfdayw3mk and wt of ihe 43d tindeecnnindf myor bwa tnxa twrnpia moee marcbed inbt lianarkb ff itateel ontbietdiylhe4thiaat mohtat oiajltoylb arte tried at the qu ntajie t 1 tbabeare mr srrjaani ii twlty fcr baiin in hie aaaetattt oiiabfath wib iw lone peenfi ia ft praaltnael jitinrt the jrr were vary eiueb utiuud ie knev wvlber a bek h itin wn pennfa awaatrj fjlledapikn a e- nf jejaaaat onpwrey wane prw4oed rri curt a vta waa defined to ba h rt wilhoee upon thaj bejry trier murh oaliberabon beeafht in the iwianrecetbyt font tf me wiiantented tt leartt tamih iaape we ihm that lnre cuan4ea anrald aaane e ivnctaniatmn dcetarin- ibe tae1 aewt of oe umna el a pilcbcrfh on twnlar u iuau iwa ear latdi ef hart enrtd with few atani of arme ware tendel r t ah litjnciacoa ateatnar aad aootajej at the harrteka ritxearcantharjy the ti aeet euwablrspniiepeoeeedadlunilaa ftb m the tub be of tbie aiiy and enly of vuteewj hoc lie frund eii rreaeiave peewana at paettce 1rinuloaemninatiurt fmunj thel 31 hall bed prrfarated rt aa- aeetuncnieniav and aenaatitnan arwardtd few daya ofa nnder enildt eooria fmmtbwwnnn deny arnfh and neerey frtwlyaabiothueedilricieitf ircir eartlae ba r0r4 boner a uttlf we ttndneiand that a uere crantity of nrme tmmvnnanit and aconuirernentt bea been pnaited it ihanewry minify barrte with lha 1 tiew il itinderarnel eraiainf ihaauyal aabtt itrkt ahmlrf a i rein intra ncaa njiwtae owee reread iit rtecrtaiiy avitej tfrfre1 neiaeaeaeaitveae i panalaiei inf ineceertsnnaalin itrnarica ejat dtttwd yealffrdap two mewmlc eat lo fiea totedt iimeaia the dwrcw of the tneateraloran all by aheyn aoplieetiee waa iadttbqiarirwt wet put are you afaeeaw of tha sanld clebeeywo btion to aeaeen reeteaian i io eleaoei wrpehu00 to eay thai n lh nffreaatiae antueed ft eefeal wf raw r4ieemet weain aliendata- an nant ibfafteaeulea-ev- e and if in