British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), June 3, 1848, p. 2

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it own ccnaul i rxd mcc ihe pnfcmmfti mi t4trulhr heeuf5sl00 ll nn- news from the contikknt fvoi tht lowton crqwte 3oy 13 advice from vienna mention that a report had hern in cirnlinu lo ihe cflve that prinilbhiandin the uohibitou of the expert r4lhviecsuwderahleiimf bad writ rcmilltd in ratiom jrr ahrood on aecnnnl of the biu of rr- rmhacbiltf the rumor however had bceo crjnlrndiclc d by che mmii- lev nf finauc who explained the origin of the irprui it appear loit the firm bad been nanmitaioned to make all payrne for ihe auttrian rnvernmrm 10 ibe treasury of ihe rrtfrtkraiion and o the lrrauiy of lb field 1 ofeiatio t mayemt well a to tlie hohiu of au titan bwa limff the payments were formerly matc by bill of rxebmce tut ewin to the recent ro1ilical event bavin paralysed la oper alins it wa found neeeaiv to remit the variou nri in specie and hnce aime ibe imiuwion lhat ibe loue was unlawfully ojrrainiou the amonut of am thus hitiin- nn in oic dlb the sle bad peiivtitnl vral pritale individual omlrr nuacijl eiieiimtlaiie- to titct iila hirnnl- the central irrnuty oflhc slate announced that hey 0d ibe bre named midi it had irmiliil io specie to tbc htifee of rnihtchiu at pranvfurt a lre ana- nut of mftitioni nf war had beni forwarded to the tulrr of llm in contequenfe of hie tkcm riiiuihner al manhriin a ieal nunjerof tin inhak- ttt bad ran o trr jfle mi nation of aicral- iut w mnti and ferriin there a cob- in be called new mmhcim thtir ovjcr tut u need lr be rally rur rf auntl leiriftrn haw ihumnrnin aiair hat ibe national sataerd had received order t f l ll undre arm the induction iwd eeardmne u1 al a ie- to uinr the account fmm lv ihp cneniinti that the iliteeior rf iv seine irneiale baj teaitirj in cniifriiv wiib ihe lennr of the rj i of ihr cmtiaf eomittre the b uikf 1ih ihe slit utrrol finanve l rajnt d jh1 ffaurt in thrtfilnae otrflffei innnry tiaj ael tbe ch tl dkeninn trulire loihenvw ie nf note anf lt rlbibmetil of tafiiia imiii bjj ni it- iiialod oo ibt 9b but ttoum w iramj at lb mi avgmf ibe aiateo1am 1rilr rrnerntrl ibr byrm tn havr rtitefience4iome lbcinalinn ltl inllf cloted at tbc niirta of w net iotn t coatanlinnije a1vtcei ae b the 7ili fl rie inaion of bwe urcj ty to a ibafr fvoeaue alte nfthiiu i n- grnce h4 iwen rrtrivr fnn j jy in molda- tiq nhtlrr jaief isibnf aiirilof tfiiitrliauot bafinc iernrr4 ibrie in ci4iputirte 4 tki corral rfereettftt ailalio ihe ubolr of fnmjfo mrrsnp m vaimii kirn had been br1tl which at frncih hecar o teiiehi a t inilurr ihe urmwl 10 tcliflu lhm ji naa70 4reaaerttftmkl eorfirrcithe mtlci tf the interior a well a ihr mluultr of rnfrv to aitrnd thrte zihiftzf t ln1 lir ir bit wai a tenerwl eonnnrnee f ihr rr- nttvr boovalo nment lo thrpiinee a erir nf rriovunft 35 r nnmer cnotainine th cirvakceachtefjy eoolainrv vt ro rii ci be ufrciioru un their riof ffm wiiks tbo fohowtoo ncooaali wtnilbonl uj prnooal ertrmty frm arbilrait arfti1 jnmeiale diaarmiok of the a1ljnin arkuhltnn of ofrign eifioim a iojtiuf to tht aiicnlhiic amlcorrvaeiceof the country intovenirm ol ihe harwr vf clai strict iiirmeol of ihe 1w 0n hfh public cfui m ro4ihird to uiturr ctinerci1 lafiator jziiltmnt of a tribunal f cnnrrce al jay the french comfoeiciil eoc to b dofm m jloidaeia thr huuiclmieiit of a icooiit bank lo fwifulc ritl haul kfft if crniiml jotic- an aboli tion of twcrnonbip wih noterr4ift other clanie of a e luevclf fcwal character- cholera had thoml ittctf at ale hf vn and at tolntj the rale of etcbane an r4on anil conftlanlmmc snyma accaunt of llie iih apiil ierre oembieilnet nt fttfctly mprilrd and no innrorrment wae etete4 until poljtcal otfjn became fettled aneiceafcom athcntotaelit nit pure hjtcwitt been leceired i hey princialty refer to a ute drniuttmn of the national ba- and the eeennwt the effttvr havii he a pnutidcly of eaor4 in ill admimtu hon nnihv tenled lo a nieioa of piv- rrv tlv nnavciat emit njidrc uhich gftfcee i mw ancefinc k attikuted it llic loageonimincd impmvidriue wf ibe zoreru- nrnt and iti alleged toniliofi in naintin- in ihe aytlem at anv cm vbich alone could oecnre cotetii mimtrff malta jroa of the 2nd inat contain is totj natiafoctry information of a comidi le reawtioft in the rerio4 trniird ty veel peiformsr q nriminr shjp nf u jf and atetmcrt with lean hi of hrahs with 4 nrgeon on board ave rve nwted tn rally are day and mrrehaot vee la irren dy f rrhii- ii boreetr vroirtd hviire lo re- main ten dayt at favario hie penirifuw and ofienial stea cotmany vewt vi 1tipon arrirco lliete fm sonlhjmloti ni llir 30lh april 4 wenm pmend fnr lrvv f ria and india a frie bocra aflrr lh arvral of he obcron steamfr wil the mneilli oetion of the overland mu th latir wa effected to reach malta al lh dotal ut emj the news of the ute frooi fte linrj mtat jf it pahiiracut iffrai tr k n l c ijij ol ch ld lie hrforc aimillonal isfhl on ihe oticy of england and lh nrocbol italy the firt alate trial commoner on blond in dimin mr meahr kofned i oll b the lrfl trchorcalitie o nccrfal in mr milebella cae and tie iheirfoie t oner imu himxll on the country and drfcnu liinaelt thk ok finakrial rondition franck the paria honiiuf fvej the fotouine comtari5wi ol iko irnaneial imxilion of france mi rvbrnarvl aad may t ft ilrliverrd hy m utnirr v in his rejorl on monday iho national amenably 11r 5lle of ibe flnce aueh o we rrcrircd it from ihe f1lrn tnvernmrnl anil nies a e rimffih into yonr hnf i a fnlloir the fwfltar rnretntnrnt ht rlmuled tw linjctr ih otdinary anil t hiriimy frvi n raaci riintate f the eif ihi t in th f the mpnavefprietajib lbl the ordinary lmpl for isis wa aid ibo 1mn rrneof the rlin dinaiy udkrl htmlfltsw frajr s- hm thr rrl nwtjnl of ihe drtwii lo be charge of k lil atmiitiirtmtn rhrd lo no lr ilr 13j06gg friw the lenses of the eartrinary biitlit weie to hare hern met by 1ie iidiuo f ihe han- aalo ibeilelicilof the ordinary bodrl ihi late nrernmet w rrhicrd i orjrr lo corer it to rrl tn the rraervra of the iiifcint funj whlch asodd hnr lrn ftnplied lo ibr enrfs of the etandiiaiy oe uhl we dirf wa ih m ti an end to a comhina- iiwi v c vf i atli mnrv or if i than a real uveeiion e hair diawnoit a sinir btirt clear and hnrl which will he ire- irnirj n you i bepr in nch a way lhat yon njy tiiy ennirlieikl ill dvlaiti anl iv enremf yu a j1 thru frr lhat in oirftr lo fhil ii j fis fwjfftv the jwjlr and frovwe for ilivin ki i- ihr jnimif an fjoveriimrnt wj complied lo nld to ihe om ticf row one ai nmli ii rnnd numhera to righly- oir iailmiit p to the moicnt time ihr 1 1 uii al rcrnmint ha c5clfd jiiwin ihe iltrreiiierttiecaol abti6 inllltcav in isrentjr of ihrt year errn the procrfof lhe sarinn will he icreard hv lrr which are in cuof cicrcntstt we haveaboeie- iloi freh rrhift ami ttf ahull ak yoit to nci othcftmhe delain of n hirh a ill be laid be fre yaa ami which without infringen riihu anjaiiiiitrvoi ft ally hhy of tctpedi will iva to the financial towrr of the sjlr ihil iiier ol wbirh it land tn nrrt whrn alt tbyr diirercnt nraar aliali hare hin latjivy patictioned by voir 1l enkfoye of ite etpawtfi of ihxi jpju wil asnetmt fr the of dna verrveto 1 soi t 42fr tlierrciltoj5fil leay iuh an rrt nf rcceiiti on the ordinary imdri of 4 l7iir to ihii electa of the ordinary arrrico we add ihe roterre of ihe alrtbin rijij nf jvls l which n ivi ifl rrt drmitnttoh by aoplyin it fi lh fir1 lime to eajrofdnarv nnmie woika tim jtwrs ftttmnte in ftlfmwlr and ih tuj frc u ihe loan of ihtt lo jfimu tbore will w fnnid in ihe bwlet of isis dumxmr ttiywe or rmraofdiiiiy ftmrkrol 15mt93ff bul a b cvmie t th mfkf it limiled forlslsio i tq755rvfr ifirc wit remain on the enemwe of the ftrooxhatn wa a mftoplil 4oue ihe reeewaod ii ht dv 1 -io- the pirtnt veeki cit i e irnlmu l rrferencc lo forrip tmliiic lfi hri- hav- done eery littlr in the jrdi lh ui nr wo inttrtptei by lnrd slnbv wh nnwea mi wnninje a tnifltnu auack on hi lormrr collcat lud iaho- r- hte rrlalice lo ike svtuinaai eirfclhsudcace at madrid thr ronimoalor ttm v4iuj rtilh lh health of lovrmkii and a uel diet on ihe anlifre trade dijfoiilon of ihe toor fhf larcin ac thi wcrv nrnrar h hpe ihii nroy i to prtth d n snli bndelaw eacenof receipt of llj40tfi austria a frrh rbidlilinn of popnfar indicatioo i ihi ciy bif hn ocraiia by llir faleed iulrrfrreocr nf the arehhuhnji m tty of he excelled rehtftait ioeicly of the liniiani a ret attiliiied m the outer of jrtmii fi wai npfed thai thr atchbalmp w tolicil- irx tbe coeiomt to rrrall the ohitoifli rlikahim and no emirrt with diilurhfnj ihe fjntaer f the oaforrunalo ptelaiv the iatirrnt9hivrfrl too lower civemcnti of hit yucc to atom one indiridnal climbed tn a window nf the fiul rry 4itd tore doa the corman aa impended there bflcffutji may 3 ih the following pararapb appear in a paper pumhe hrrr ad ntrct to come from a correspondent in vienna theppjl nncio vial 4 prla ii till here allhonh iho ambavadou of najdr and tucany hare wen rid of there i at yet n nbhc mauifrauiiou of a lireaeh with lliepoe bnleeriy cireumuncr thai occur licre icra4fr lu low lhat if fiu ix d- ranrreonr tlrp fjrthir in th aftairn of lorn- bardy or if he inlrrferv with ibrin tn any wy but a a neditor iktn auilii w pt- rwfr hmtt cvoidemy ftm nu spirit ut ron- njht irzth tht t iff h aich orilrrrich ani cehaher bxichnn jn rom romurhrii tinhl lsei orlrj the eample of auria the avict wcrfnl of the rnman caihmtc stat- wmiu lead in the emaneipallon nf ihe wbuvnf tlhnle chial endomfrom the emaey of the pop f05em- the wet in ihi rjiarht and the prniaa arrion f have had me deperatr enn- jllci tl ion of poen ha wn acarly dlroyed by fe a bautr xra fuht on ihe jlth ull al milnae the lrufiint wrr yierhirfi the prnpfr arc in apnelifnaon thai iheir religion ibe piean catholic n lo bf mhv ami the vilii commillee pto- 1rvlnin4 the prrclm trrriinrial armnr menu arpafatin the gnman lk1f ieu frm 1lo debv and tncorpnraiiu ihrio with mir riwifrdemliofi a neral in direction i wted for rfirhal liwhbeurrrcaiirid and all ptnn fnurw m arm are shnu el jm jutndrtrt firin yeliruet hve arriredj at free eorp u ghl again ita yowu cf tie prankfnrl renmiree ffifiv hare rnid a reohitcti nrinc npnn ihe ftrrntnnic cm- frderatinn in keep id rnniw- made lo e llir an1 lertair lhat ihe lnhi alill uiaii l aloa i1 to s ihi oh ii mny on ihclr the cvhittiulwnntt ftatr thai account bare been received in peri llml ihe fim dr viliol of the luian fleet quilted srhmlojl nn thr jotll ulu eternng twiol kraohi it i certain ajti the coorlifniotinrj lliat the fact tiennw the lendeney of hi jm lu lake tdranufr of every rreot furupran commoiroo co act k the kail the mam- hnr c ay that the grand dkr convlamiitr wilt tail with a fleet lo ibe sound on the 5j may foe the piotection of kuian commerce trie pore yicuid war a an- lri deelared c the j umlh t the 5h in conlain a hub fiom ttviln vcffhu nf ihe nl iihl which ufrt thai the pm e hu1 yi bled ii mir imjvi of the patriot mallittww aiinmiiteed in l ft- plr that lh m nimer rrmainrl ecepl l jr- drral anluindti rvpurrl by him maiiini the mhumera sevt full pnwer overall tein- oral affair comjiiin the imatiuii cf war all hit coritmivfidruee ct ihe tjfdiiau ahrch werotcizrit were reaio the public on the capitol hy a sinatne mnrini jifrer httaniiii the people mjle the fdiown drcliirafivn nn privet halt he aptiint erl to fill any pumie emplyjurni tid war hall be fomally dleied jd viu ix the had nf the cinvrrnirent lib a daily official btillutia ball w mblilirdof ihr iral u 3th lncouaseintm uiall be altirdvif to the rowan vnritli lo am ard lu proceed to jrifc ihcbatbarjant lrm italy some ar- irt have been made and anion ctber the forrimabtfir n llir full ot aitcotij the tiorrarme terftlly united and the cardi nals are r-fcthcrin- tnijud ihe pope rwf shat ihryor hi depailnre it iitipntim fnr w thv had male every preparalum the mini trf have pioned in jrri ihe was and to coteiate wiih ihe nihrr iiwrivol the sole lo drier oat tne auifii the a41ran mi isu ahill tr excelled fom itooir the aiblrian ceerrmciiu conittnclinn with the jttuiu had cenerrlrd a cabal in contr- itncc ef ahleh all the frmn mrlbejh me naced ihe lo0 with a acbitm if he declared vvr agawt auilrin the cmtitutinl pnmithe a letter frr m rome vf ihe 5us tdlimo whuh eotaint oiie farther inierlin- parliculart relatirc 0 llir late irovrrneni in thai cuy it apjiean ibat marshal kajelki takia ajvantae of ibc pope rot bavin declared ar otticially gaiitft aulr had bol omo roman enlnu- leoit whom he had eatilnred a painter named cam who nf much bercj and wa raromly fomilar in rome ivat found ismli from a iree with a jr attached lo ht iead body which tva wlittcfl such it the mantirr in which lh ciujilenof vim ix ae trrareil when ihi fact became knotm al rone the inthnatioii of the impn- latinn wa raird m lh hihitt pilrh ll proposed to proceed lo the rttidcuce of count ullztftj ibe a alrilo asadaud to take imal ivneatice on lib perton ball he waa ferine airly pkrd in roumuiirnce of hi amiahle ebaracter ad of hi cndcaeflri t rrconeile the amiriaa cwrrnmcnt with the lloly see scvpr alciajtrmia april d mchemtl ati patha relnriwd lo alerandia from ftdeaon ihe 3d mat in ibe ftrnch ulmvea on i rv ittv ifprrmf ni 0 can d lo toulniin whei caniart were 1m amrfieonnlhrrcirf untlii4wym itn mo fcet wnaeleeiffoii umelre yi i ii i f n ft lban nval nddt i9a0a lzilper 1wj 1m retti f ifrin thhrn fom the cetre for iho rrk ending i aly 1mhi91u t uher 2fi- o maia91 q rye 104 or bnn3 oft pern laa ihe impwti inhevl ftjf ae mv rie piuj from nii porlt wttm tw dill and 11 inrrahlpacoo mnat sam wwt u7 hrruflnr j iui 2mluit k7r3mt im ai on 1ju buittfl l eurnett tffll7 iwiki i jflwl uhts w hirj ftto lrrera nee itufts hiicji wdi di ejui p tlmiontof hcj1 fn itmrfdur tlv nil- inrvlp rit oi fi3o iio qim mlsuiiitl- dkhthcc 1i4m l5i lnrnk 07 41 v i113 avd a mel i tan 1di oe mt ainra hrfiif ck-ie- ijucij bniff eei einintivlealorif e- nrnt atrlia tedr r- lrj nty ji1 inifd 4i kital ifve pfcuiv hhtji fillet tl4h katpl fir liic fiotm n iino if k hai ben a le at urei tw 4 the lifi rniot ohtiti4 lu fitl xukmv ouj tfid jcjitjtbtl rlinl einci l rtiiwi i hair ojmiu ik i lftr tnltrr nn fi mn rj utii- ctf gj linia fcn adi iinee f 0 he krn rcih iin1 ahutdwe ro iw ttteible iho vel ctn te afmat ahhtiirl re mue f elunil d st- iwof 3ji ud new tt helaredat ihir diiioal m continue iheir nnrnry lo pana the toulon jnojn f ihr 2fth nil announce the armal uf auj-ej- kler in that city ou thvcfhh nrnnfc nvt lr 1 pdina- jiu1 urivetl bfvvcbt i0 to 10 cw wrkbavcteeiied it 9 m bi aleamec ateaandr after an aforacc of ilx wc k- hi holineee ia ali in a very precanniij itate of health anrfrin ihe gleateat debility taih of tov and mind ibrahim jaha arrived here on the 51 iut in uei mjeatt ilramcr odin and huhralih eina to have bcea bene5ltcd by hu lojotun in rutopr tn viceroy medical alleadanu baeinj declared hi total unlilncsa lo attend lo ihe govvmment of the conntry ibrahim paha earned the whole of the family and the moti iitfluential paihv and hey in the countfy to ool t ameedria anrl dipin im jir wecv ntay i j t i hetu to rvie the beat mean u be adopted under eaiung eiremitancef ibrahim paha wa urrd lo atnmr ihe reins of government vit be refined lo itke lh iehiiuli1y of ihi au featnitf ike coi- eqitiftc e ft be event nf hit father recnv- ery ik wished the nwpean cnuiu who arr all here in rrcomtwnd him lo like the eoveronwnl inlo hiown haii hni thu they naturally refused to ihi harin no authority lo ukesweh a tien it wm however finally derided yrflerdjy ereninj ibat a comxil thoild he appointtti cnmpordof bah jvhapremdem said ivha hi brother afcbj luoia mcheinet alia ttraodwii and rvu of the principal fnnclinoarie iu ihe country wbv are in laki the unvriomenl intn iheir own hand anj 1 1 i mebeniet alie cal until h delh iheahim paha i therefore virlually iv li cv niji nnj rme frtn in join ihe men of deration of federal frhitu lo lvi ilive lid they rocnimrd ite ihe afitm r4 lliriedeesitlt ne frkiiri u1ri i iv fahi tie olher f4fol slate i cniilence in lh cow ou el the prujn miniver nf fneefcn aftilrt iiaket lh fill olrt derwnd from ibr fii- nan tirl al kau1 i tht he carman f twpo jeiaiinii siatt evclar ittrlf rrpwiihk for ie at uf the wai ai ht lw lo pjvte iprttv ranged hy lh fihilitie arliu kit at is- sbchloiutlem iitmlfni nl 2 tlit a roiu4ir rrtn of all be ic at b i 1ie repair f orr france i fl e prcirt of her ftflah 11 wei leomaik and ihe jomt i- iiniw lv i im eotie t a awpov tmkln4im fr the aaedia una of elaid ajyraw lv e acru and ure4f1 jiil atk ni llie f lat nine- lanliy conrnted 10 male hat in allf i iber- e a hpitaiin in the hme paitirt lu nme to mo v if lie fulink wte wiue mi4 eorrnir ilry uoam ai afto lall oti the lermi ute k rfipcf w jl ryt the g n tat finai their acil m in thia vine lur mrci of hu sloliie term to he qfjtee ar u ir ll1 f fmhardy itioall apritaie- l ini i and the attempt i itii il m lh tiro nf preernt rifcumtlaftee i ml e m rr chdte tff wickedilrt 4m1 fulty 11 ivlln ll would cnmtilulr lb- hii nf tue an- irian emre fr ihit reatnt lk tstlimi government ha bren iuu h crninrd f l eaatronae of amrta ami iu ki1ala dla- ccura eemem of uahan state endee sw aya tttr airlf n relaai wtt havi- rfwwwe htte ajchnoileded the auiriau hwkah- venice wbiht vr hae fhidlrn ike fvrjbi- lilano in awd vu u torn nt 1 1 ivie i ibat tlnckode al the n liinc we have tivdj kapt 44 fttludden lh lpe to motl lo ilia mccont vf vac hatio y niel coinlimilil lhekint of siar4hna into 9 timiler ahtreli ttie ll i ikia oiey ha ot nearly ttvtlmwnf a itt b liaearl b cavern nnl tolbcatet ahahe 4d i j h umi ii ha i i miffeftil adeie- rhaa j abakn t- natta ilr at it wnd but halted 1le sjiihnian hin atht liejtnrd font what a avhmivn i lh fo ijj aod ita w1ut miii a4 luln in uuitr in 10 tlhbtsh itw frice i h imiff the i he cciulrj hntiy of ivitti fjrl eoiiin lo uiih tin- kljit mn of jlcrmark likxmark and iiotstfix rcmiteinrti mat fl a i etf wiedinirry hpvmrnl ii the ptiaiw rv h uhtwd mi the rvrnin of lit 4th aotiijrti wlvijiv hi- ttr linn if fniii1 fiapu ijioiu ae4 lle tttuiary piimurment if hai imeftuf a jvdru1 of ihi niuu liv au1 rtf fv fbrilrfn a latoitcr of btariaaewr f hi jewc at iraene ha ucli a ipitjll ibat il hai hen ry l poc1im mmial law til- p- inaerfed in f il j fne t fwij ao fi fit itemnl lh ar triait nr in llaly match to ih j7ih hl arruiu lo i mm rtahia goernnr of evt and he ha amimorod i cnoneil pilucipall ava precanliihiflr hiineir a mrhemrt alu althouifh ai lime q lite rvihlib hatiit lurii intcrvauf ano thu what canted the difficulty 11i rcptcicriutivef ol ihr european pot ert will fccoiiitc ihe cmiocil at the ivmih ble ftaveiiiiaent of the canity atcithe rijeiiti hav been in tome aaim owine in the ahnce vf the auihuii lie a feared a rin of the prnple mil the ltjr nf the gtivemment bavins been now eliit alibaa aha the gnveruou re- turned the eapiial thit moeniii hkhvmrl atidaikhluthuitiwxalcb llanum and all hrr rrlinue ot firmjt ami trreant cooiiiii1iit a mitimrnui harem hate al i n ilnwn fiom cairo and ibe viceroy 5eml mvl of hi lime with ibcm thr imtly eteteite olrhrml ali can lake i iu an invatidv cluir which wai pinleil lo hun at milia hy mr olofe otrrral nd su which he ivrtravrii awiul in iifc rardeit attach ed in the palaro at rat el tern rcrnsec prparaiiieit ha been made to illumitale lh town nn the telarn of mrbemet v li to kry u r they have more been tlnppnl y th- uulwittet on accvilnt of ihe vciy wenh 1a vf hi heitiv on mvbem aii eanuiti from ihe french steamer al ihe a f venal hit ry havini fallen njim aie envicttwho were at wtfk iberr h otjrred them all lo be liheiatr1 hut ibu order wt uveurulv iihiidilird 01 coi cuavkilni cf venial uenccj have ben t frr inilnf w hiiie of lir nativet in ibe upper cniialry have laorrly taken advantage of lh4lence fmu eypl f mehemrl all aitl ibrahim aod canimilvd kvtral tolnvlirl no ji- itdco with ptdtire fiiimi djwn the river fr whirli huvever they have been ereiety puiiihed tlie rirei nfr kat flen ronijeihv and there will he a tfrat rcaicily ot walrnuittw live u i fir minh- m manuel tli- fieuch cpimrrr i taku adv4ilar nf iho ctrcum- siiipc- u aih ihr lmi iar or damming of the liver ant be imp ttifc reat piofei in lhi kz x c nulerlakiii during the um mrr ttjwardof irijffl mrn arr at preri empmvd three 4ild ihe cjvrrnaet cramer have latterly teen ca1aully enaifed m kihvmj ii auj other maletijla to the old 00 ii b0 1 new j t ts mer per fwb nttiiofs niwrjrnmfe 3l 40 ovr 40a tn 4 prime 3lmoftt ev indi f ly br per tfcrro or 315 u u7 1i- dvuvfr holbjrktnf imht ua3 rvkdnivfficl rnitdm4teptme m barcloi omi p iiuett 35 to 37 1 tww d u 1j ro lnilf bic sc od m o 5lt new w cvi ttroo cduit ftre ier cl kauf- f frivl- wfmin3- ins -wdji- omp insl- r5le llw dr dofr i 7wltp e 50ihaawtt tvfree prrclvld cl3j new 3nln clrdmy if s frprrwlll p 1 cd- ft pcwtdutv rfo jwiii m doling ov if i itdinurr 31 l 43 tmpoft- ftiiui hie 4th to the ictw mar 11 lbtnrrci barter hrrf 3d eak ijf caicee scarufianel 950b ebaea 7 -f- b k3 ithkrjf urd33 hhd ipsur t1lw prevtuu1y ihi- veremq1 tkr ijw5 barrel leef 45 lanck r 3j14 f-jiah- es09 boc eler 3c coat w in t 3ueak- hnt- ii 9c2 ut jeon 21431 har hidtnotok-i- i cs c lad 74hhj 6y m ulioo- lwjban poik- tltrre i oa mieriid jtnporeeot ii ike nuodivr i tafti but in ennenoo rft k toiii liht teidcr re ni dlapntfd f tife ivarw a murh lieilrr erl nod j owrkf t ha beo rlard ol an advanc uf 1fieea lr qwujltn bark ihre ri r if ilf ami lh penler pit 2v hhav i delpwj xfilniilmmlnie he nil vol el hid continue an ralvfaiv tcatr ike rfemnnd i liv j caeh iiiirelaalanovdlpoda ready hurn leh of th week cieeed 400 tune tito tfiaeti in ufkff ha0 uolimted i c fier inkeotrai rih 11 r aiurproici larlhete rnl ihe uiliieet lefalion spiiie i or proline ne eia la ek- jid nnr retail biuiiicaa j- 1115 too oatc nam aro ifiid t aiotl pnrrl within ro- of the jiioio in winn ihcro it ehane uicemt0e fltbl iho beet deacir imoa boiox nl lratlo 111 aahr uniwd smre 2q to 30- peir tn die miaalkul pul 3j jil4 10 d3ii if in mandieflcr on tammnfi ibo enrn nnd ew market wrro aeain onntpjialivvlv dudaud uvj kr aa refd price hiic hth bren nn ehanro aineo tj siho ioira rttniinuo uo inte bot botav ia llfiw nrd piieea vr w- t j nefklt return atxi n ffiherimprotcoi io utcoomtatjeeiof ihe wwkin elaace of yt ehlrr of ihe k huobcr fer mvt r okiir f h ln wih fdl coilriijo i nl b rw w v ilwiltei- a a eincerua eiijf wr m- ot iui ul ihe mil mifnuf f wik peh empliv 10n naa fe n full ne nliw tt0 pfrviaj iiiiliiiifiwnnd vaiof aa rrejihai aopv fade f iho duikl rm mre inita aim full limreinixutj- ljj nwo fmttm by 97 af leao erc fatevnaua en awol lune 4 ul 3j lfd tin etiiir alivo atolc li io wotk elj ihe rierlivca eioiloir t he cmtiir idilk 1 iinu fiha tim lv fiitllime 3levirt mid vw haid ul week 1et3 ml time l33 deal d atf louis plllmitk pkoperty itie rrfnpjie fife the fdutvin tktaicf the eckin lam php llic proprity at the iipm of lont iv- liplin hieilc it not near o coiidcrae a it macwcl it kuiie iri that in 113 and is1 1 he place ahiom daily eonjidc- ble tnnt in ihe l and amerleau fni bulaince ixi leonnrcrd that hie dyniy wntftccure lie drew out a pail ol iherum dce ihrn in prance the rxjcmc hat ft htftnr than rpjjoow of trm the rtliou of m dnpn which teemed a jerj hivr no ilnum ihe civil ltt imor il alov nakiut pnrehaat if fciiveeyajr a iru joai pbilipff wat alwiy liuvin ol alwaye left imrl nf tlie price unpaid vi- oni ihi il woutd be iiniovmbte l- explaii ndi an rnonnnut ammim nf debt ifi aikccawt are macnifienl aflei dedikliui hit ilaa hit fofluie may b value al jy it i well knotwi thai hewoc- the f rale ilnmaiu arc well manatced all m othei fimv potaeaioit have hreu cool wr impioved iwo iiwu ncverthele lrn pintkpic ha left hi iivale alfair in ut hitaider there never umc a rnial hnn hol4 o baifly mananed ii wa tbc r wilh lhat a wiihpublie affair he edt tf ilh every tiling aid tot evrrytlum into e firtioti llelbiuhlbvihaltdhowhihre net and ability ifc liked l are those 1 j iycd by him ditacrce he wa in the hi if latltitc when the avt 5 jit the ll fe iu the mill in frbnu owlnj to fi low ennnru ii wat that the mraeuten of sllh ef february deprived of all unity control were wortc than uelr t philips was 11 debt evnywhere le ft noose if hecoum void it hi tiviev weie alwavt making applicalintit lleoiu lh vrnn rho mipjdiej him willi vrcrto and fruit wcoofionc aid hit baker at ly jiixhlrauc kn mnn ever had iue rnania fur aym up hwm htd hrfrt alttv- h4yin without limit an without judrt in hi cvlur al n illy iliefe were i5 miles eonlainiui 150 kindt of whie moeeihnn lthl ctkt all full and 2ia ua eanjlet which trrvetl t- et lire li v jinn lhal trtidmrr i he collection nfmo of villir contained in abjela dait at important from miauco-pros- luft of peacla froi ac ip 0 ruanf r of may 22 1 lie royal mail tlrain packet tay caplam sli from vera ciux vifvrhej at ship lilmd 01 saturday evening huh intaqt houid to ctttoft iy tbia ntrtval we have mi r filet rjil rr jular cnrivijeiutc fo11 the city of mesiro tn ihe 13th ad fimn vcia cru tu thy liitti iliitj the ooy of the ltamera foil- lif tiictm lkl nul i pnrnp- reeidra a latie ihiinlief nt pancrrt i52akjq in pe ri and j32 lilr uj cfchineah pjenrhy the tiaircl peik eottdenlly of llir ralintaiion of thr lraty hy ihr vn- jyffl qiiirlar and atate lhat u it tv lc tigwtwth 1ijvuut it taij iu hy pipoe ibat fferfera had bccilcciid picidmu hai that litmani- frled veir klucttlnat h acceptiu- ihe ojfice the reluct jner hcw il wa ibon hi he would nvereonte ivna peua i out with a lonemeae to ihr critter rt in which he av ihai the only 11va in the alelean natiit t aaee fln keaiiwy hat left vna ctux fne the city nf meio cl wilson itaain rotcr- mii of vera cuz basins taken cirtninand 111 that edacity oji ihe ljih iitt quctrram may 0 isis onr of the principal salo ol the mexican repnvic that of jaliro he xnt a com ma nicatien in ihe jovcfrmenl in which it yii l if con any loujer it definite merlin- thr statr of j fur it pari will leccjtiier iih ireitv maje by the llratvcn cnvemaiem at ralfud and will recall it dcle- jcjte thlrconmu tieaiio 1 wai tent to he senate ad wa tead to lhat body toihv the nnnibei of senator rfrtrnt l 33 and we therefore have a rtimrun of ihi branch of conjrre vrterday pedratta wa elected prrtidcnlor the snte thiie beinjj 73 depnlie rreteni ihere it abo a ijtmrum and a few more nf ihe itvcr lltue francitco cltoriaa is iho pretadent of ibu chamber monday thrdib inl it bo day fixed upon lor ihe dienwinn of ihe irraiy it prclumr fin the potliral division of ihr depiiie that 61 will vote for peace and 1 1 fvr war jlajptf ah ibe tronp are ndrr arm there i iuikii lalk of a rvditnrmmirno hy ihe linoin of ihe line aiui the ovrmmenl urn fndiardiui it viitin all thr fvt ami k irttiin the officer- lhal i hey will receive foil pay if tbey do drat take nad m ihi revolution knvv tofk a a the revolution ha been irvnl tiered rpttxfor ike ferrfoj- tbat the go- yemmrnt ht made a ecrel treaty wilh ihe united slate in leave an atmy ofsoo men in mexico lu tuptit ihe averninrnt aid conterjnenlly the leican vmy will either be drme1rd or ordered immetliat to live froaber caateatm ian ztenli nnd jw mail ratravbi inirlt ihmmeoiiariivn th t rmicyav v iel dpi d ii u m h- aufn rm- ifhtrio i lmf f liwrv niin ud 1- ii av iiai taktlonlt divitoo nf nrh almil 1 ami itie wtn itidie oilincoiairiniadif her roun ttie elya ihiitr4 in iln iere jonn rf nrtraeutltrr mifhl otjnt the dirittiiea between mioiwopnert ai0 afier cvrefut ami le kltwraihfj tliey hteoied inw ihe iltnilrlii 11 iiefmrfnmenof nkarim will frre lrp o lak in uie laund nfcnha jtve limra ollei he ntpavalaaii of ibeprcvnl trely htpli litle nnd hdfn toj prt riff hy llir llhtdtn m nkjaoa ai ike jh ja itaav t in lh vrl of s- jornj j4 lfij th r muajiilm od lhe iviile m p in iitj a j tin oil dy hj1 he il nlvl auy moi wfn ia me on mtut nf j i wp fiiriia i-ai- a ni ittfwvet ilii fimfii tk vnu n it cierijrij fiw the itulmgri which aaid earimacifef ihmfc ka iieen ntli- 1 iijn hr ijriiuh ila ini iko de feat ul injiiiiii mivttiiiiii teliteh 1 mnfrt up irel 4 ib afofeaanl tifeoinei m serflt ni inotviii thm iho moiittii 111- ta m brtrj mit lint ni if1 t nf- 11 n ymu tn it vmiitd dr no ifmiti io il v ririt tin ad that tar roan ahii- to incu ihrhlil ly of thai rwer it ehink ike mo4 ardem dtic m r i iviililcmtfrl frieuttly elwia nii lhat go- errniinbi 3d hr fctotno of th state nf nvaeafno teirly mo0fljqa ni in iitvt if peerm n haleuni nf the prt of san jomuwhi iho ea p- aiahiaujms ttlpiff aet of llutl nailer ail1ie cooaidrrtd he great lhnein a a deelara raiim tyf wijti iun tbo unheal all ajiel and in ftreo in ike prt f san jmp a1 ibe 11 tf jmy hafl le eurfcrl tevirtd atnl n eiimntwiiir hall he hitcd in ike vcimly rf raid purt prejudictiil w iir 1 ten1a ml th mutnde f ihe liili rre flflttftta wrhwiaw fforn lk fnfl ot sib ulo 1 1 ike p i if jnani tjfiii u lttn0wo and paifoner and nd oriklra of piopcrly in h imfiau alter llie ralijvcaiun ofllie icajbl irrly hh tuelfttiaalonoof iw prent ireoty ahnll nit pevvint iko ocfntcul f ivcfir from eme in flic i sy mean f coiroipaumera a lrf aetiirami nf ike au tl niartf vf ihi reciiiiirf ni u lit diitanc majeoiy i fih lahnctf no lio ecil ifl prernl imyiu diiieaie in ike 14a in of cnbain like xctrfmi thia 7ih mreh tm9 tined 1 cranetitle is bich juan j vnti faneettcaaleuin jataj maria eiraa minuter f frien nhlwf vf the stvaene veroiini fce ae marrh t iwx a tnoeep rjittft uvnlarfli 11113 j xc atij ntic anni iaum stbam packkt lirareai frttl tinfuvaf 9raaiiilwdylhry f1ldoa1 iv4on and men vrh aliemaiciaecvdil 110 t uliec tabic fuatfai sunday jio he yh tnraj-jr- 11 luln sunday l neayl yiey 9r- ftilio rnou auract n roxroit town nn yiuk mjlioealavv ttk1rt j new yk ne7 ftwt 14 ncwwhp si j i jane 14 12 b hit is ii wiiig oairar eer orbata olcor saturday morxisfj june 3 talyto match important fltom thk west indirs fro tht tfozfon tiautbr 0 saturaty poitiu isrrrvrmion iv tuc arrait or uayti the folfowint letter fiont an american merchant at j ercjie announce the iiitiaifact that ibo gritmi force bad ac- cinsly inleifeied in hay it lo restore order the appeal of ihe wnler for the pretence of an american manvfwar at lhal llandthoull nl pa unfieeded at ihi important erij jiimic may 6 yon will of conre hare beatd ol ihe re- eenl ereol al poitau priiwr am ihe iilfr- veninn m the frencs and kmrlwh coertu backed hy a mancfwar which prvniod mnreaefiomcalamitie tbeieeircnestancea will noihubt hare iinprctrd our mind- uiih the rrcity ol caltn the attention of gov- ernment to the onorotected 1ateof american eomaierec in ihit lanl we have onehalf of the trade nf the fjand and not amanwar for moniht to viit ut the wavkl cli ol htackt havr note the fen ail will piolnldy keepil intelti gent and wreljiied mmkt ar diplaced and their place tilled by 6rurowt where lhiii4 will thy it ii hard 10 tell pfikhmy rutthrnt thivt nf coati of africa haihtrni tniejrosirel apronllv i lo t nl of all thr inle1iixm ijmilallortattbey have a tunjerti f rlahli4hio lark tnrrehanit ihtniithout tbc bland wilh th eelomve pivilje m rom mere tmt foreign penr mutt rot- liem in ehtrff fc p 5 siore wfittn- the aev we have accourtl fram pilauprinc of ike arrival of a ritih force from j imaiea wilh an ininr- linl icroiae on loard for ihe puihwc vf u tiorin into the recent oeenrmice tlro and the iutenlioa of ihe president a rrrrarj ihe aiulatta frftjiutaivn trie pri anient licin al a town nf ibe sentb ha been cnt f thi untpeeled iuteryeution cimet upon them like an cwli ic bwk end will imdmilit be attend ed wish jdlar rfctt vhalevt aira inent may he mde ho ibe american interest will he tuiubt repreaciiied aitd on lonnr oelected tle hofmrr paibadnec arrived thi m- ing from tape jjtylirn fltli inl pail kiddecatalm ibat llusiuihpiilof the llid tvs in rebdhon aualntt the 0vrromeiit al that there bad been many prrton killed at pntt-au- princr al llal f4t were ex ired a car h v lie thai the tronmc would icah thai and oih parte nf ike inland the ancoaj rtmaiea jouiwt of llie 10th tiat the fullowiu we learn by aa arriral from lvrlan prince thai 111 detail of ihe maetacre here tofore iihjibfd it in part enect amn ihe nnmvr klivd hy nnlet of the pieidenl reciprocal tradlc with canada our information tbrotieh trliste source fiom wathiuiilnn lead u 10 entertain imrn iiot of the pattace at the preicnt rion ol corrir of the bill olaalithin reeiproeal trad between ihe canadat and ihe united stae our infmmaiirui i that the meanire hat yncootilrrcd no erion ojipotiiion in con- ca while it hat many active and nhle fricnmii the present appearance are that if the measure fail at tht rjaieit il wlll be in eoiwofinenco vf ivanl of time to five it full and careful eoni tie ration the advantage retiiliint from ihe meatore trtnlital lo the united stale and the cafiiija bate already keen art foith from tim 10 lime in our column relation of intirnary tienficial alike lo boih paitira which are imi at reem enjoyed and which canaoieyixl unle prernl larrier are broken kivt uill be e4alditbed and while the proikel of cauada nill find a market in onr pnt iheir venue nf ihelate will be twriled nu ivrn lomir lake ad canal craft- thrtehy and an eachanjre rlanihed ennfer- fn a the hencfilton every porlmu of com- muniiy of an extended cvmmcrct ami 0 wiihatd area of lujc we hop ibe meif will not h for t- tlion the re rrenl alive of the people cait tterform reore accehaue arrvice than lby liil peifotn if ibrv tcuro iho hmnao vf ihi ball through ciatreat uttq 411 wa1ert0wn and rome railroad the nrvey nf the walertottnaml rome rilrad 1 ramdly prrfcrein the mot tioilt nrlioiit have wen nne orer and ihe and cutvet finmd much more firomhrr tlian had been anticipautl fmm certtrv ilr camden 21 mil there aietwn mile of 39 feet rie lo ihr milr one mile ry cs tect 10 other porlion oterlit fert of thi distance there ate 15 milr of airaighi imet and g athnf eay cur ve poiirea f ibr iteen milet from centre- vile l cimi j hrannd adn are iraichl lute one milr of 30 uei rffaav aai the re mainder nearly ler el curvet liefil il is oil ihe eoftl of adiiie thm far will be much iri lhan prriiom ralimatri tin rad i eomini- mtn eaistence at a very favorahte tlme an under ihe rnoi heerinj proecl io every iir1rtfjr money t itthl ihi priu and hiinmer jih th cnlb will b lictt vit by thr time we je fully into the merit of the wmfc money will be iikntv we picitii ihr on the tronnd that aftiie at lunne and abroad air tirevniiii a uioie fatiaawe apct trtc wilh mexico rannol he mnch lihicer delayed ail uni ai inmhle are inarrakto mofrvf ihe cbatayter nf rirru than rrrofrinft cpilat hoarded wiji he oon seekin invcwl- nn nd nv k ji e atklilm h niliatt ta iheriirfiihia at liomr ml ibrrknl io plaee the c of he kvd vn ueh fuli a to ai i ihemomtimuk it i aalkipited fiat eoeitracl will be lei july nn the ontaem lafriiun and on the iwuthern in aniti prfk trade the prineijvi of we trade ueh a we adocate do not icem in he feuerally utnfer- stooo or if comurelicihied do not hk1 to be eared for pecle it woubl apear wnold rather anflvr rtom bad butine lhcmelve and let nthent ujcr than ive tbemtelve ibe tioohte lo trek out a practical remsiy free trade hitherto ha pern the corvf of cnaa fiee tiade in limber detuoyed the lumber rutinet of the country nd free traje in hreadtult iic it aulihed protection hat mined every dealer in flour who embarked hit eapilal and labor in il mare lhat event fiee traje ihereftuv alink under lltn noe of the canadian the diclr of dr han- nerfanattcit that dlteatr are produced hy their remedic lhat quinine a tpccige fir the aur if taken hy a man in ood hralth will brim fn aa attack of ittermiltert fever let thi bonojhic doclioc be applied lo thing free tradejva brought on ihe pre cnt cnmmercial crilaof canada the caute and eltecl brine aalmitied accvnlin to the hninonipthitu free trade will ethe radical cure for ihr reiy ceilt il ha produeed by fte trade we do not mean lhat no proteciion bou1l he afforded to the bnme aittcjllural and manufacturing incerrttt for that it a tnhjeet that al present we do not mean lo touch em we meauimid that the canadian waiei thiuald be frre to all iheahip of the oeeaoj ifrojeclive of wbaterer flap ihry may tal unner ami more cireialjy that the people of ihe unites salc buum ue llveae fjrktl with a much freedom a ihry do their own uhct to no other impoji istn r- ireeil upon ori- luh ami canadian vraicr- tbal a yeel loading in ohio or in far oft nwi ahould descend the st lawrence lo quebec and there llhae her earo into aa american mcti thai ha come up pqrpotely lo receive it let u be under no idle fear that if ihit be mvmiiird the american will enrot all thr carrying trade nf thu itrovince the in- habitjnu of canada knnw fnlty a much a ihe people of the nrirborin republic and if they donl know a much they ahould not he ton proud 10 be tanbl if theie be dcnlt nf real hinneon the st lteience we make no juration but ihe canadian will get iheir ull thar nf il let the amrrieant once hnd their way to the ecean by the way of the st lawreocr lot ihrm rnperience the cheap- net and lacihtie of lhal mile and ihey will mi leave iho ratty little ditch lhat mix fiom huftaio to albany in be uie4 only far ihe supply of new york audthnsc ciiic and lowwenhch iim it bank and ihe ahoretof the llndion all that ia wanted in make canada a rich and prmperou counu i in have it nawr1 teionrce fully dceoped and brought into action a new trade t beiuninr m ow up tlte meucie wrallhof the thore if lakeueiivr incbaustibse in quantity u fimlin it way to ihe ocean and lhencto rnoe whyhoulit it not jn by the way of the si lawrence t why injcd ceeane the people of canada stand wilh tber armt feked c0teit with 1arvatmn instead of puttia ttieir thouldci- 10 the wheid and slrivin- lo ptlilpaie iu thia new fafiie ah ibat it tecitary 10 he doie i 10 petition fui the abolilni nf the norealejindaof chare would f rnado oul jalbal ibe warden who i too cam m lo eommil hmelf tad the wgieco who rnvo a treat deal of trouble and no emkimeni can have no motive for cojrtrnancin oreoniina- i abtef i- fad their rented applice- tions and llioe of the warden for a com- uiaion of toquir ahrvr that they al itii have no maw l mako quiet atlcmpt to tlifle invetllaihm or to frar inquiry what- ever may be the cue with othert connaeud wilh the prrton by tbc wa to whom tot the chronuu if avicf alue by m debtor inspector v t lo a pr ncpal member of a ble board bij j fvrmam houd have lold him that allbirnjh for woe years debtor to the forttlatioo he it so no er beiide be sj ftot now 00 fmivctv tr itierefore net for an estimable towru manhoiild have prevent aluiico toeh mh milltfl nariicnlarly aa it caouot bo plradc tint ile jjblic rrrr ran tbe jlfrji rik if tn a mrmberof a former board arihorjjh atils a debtor to ihe intiioiron ami likely to continue o that entlcmana rnfoctanej honlj have shielded ufn frvm any alliuiori to such a paltry deb if lo aomher member of anld board ibo cirenmstance imdrr which lhat roilrmai died u well aa re fur ibe dead trwnlir have fuevenfed any notice of the- nail lots lo the public we are not aware of any of the rrrt hoard who ate denmv to the loatilulion at- ikoush it i quite likely that mol if nnl all of them may hare current account f work done one ccumlanee we however do kappeo to know that at the cud oflaat jttr ht whole vu due to ibe lruttutondid not exceed ati30 lhat of there raone were of mora ihao twelve mouth ttatidin and ncme with the exception of the two troaji mm- befaro alluded to due by member of a former board not likely to be paid can any similar institution whrre aecoanu for work done by piivate iodividualt barn amounted to upward of tlflo0 any u much 65 to mostneur the ritee liot ot mail steamen now detcemt all tbo way to montreal wlead of alcfraiogat laehine at least iol of them do ibe eiperimeol of lumiinc the ucsincrpadbvirrbeomaon raiefcllytidually and by aiojle vcaaeb al n lime paenr have ihe option of aping by railroad from laebino to montreal ibo reamer stopping at the farmer place few minute for that fhirpw in ucenrfiai iho ateamet leave montreal t leu oclock a hf and patin upward through the laehioo canol takra up thoac poaaeifnr whocofffb to lachine by ihe cam at halfcnvt twelve oclock noon ihut allowio trvaab who barn husioet lo transact twnhoor todo it tbo above is ao immense improve ear at ia tbo intercourse between ihe ujpcr and lowai province c a klulm fitoar one of ifaooo curve to canada a june pol oeeurrrd iu ibi yieiuity on ibe edomfn of lh firat ot june i nutsdayj tht wiad had buow to ihft noiihsard for a eemtf colna aa ihe wftna- erua excerdinly if divafrceallo j thefroil therefoce wa amicipaled ll did an immensely of damage whole field ot relator were eut oil what corn wa up wat totally drlroyr fri trees were blighted and lare qavntitie of fiaruvo lurtt were ir- leparatly injured y ukrieally early io the hmflal lo ww and jdanl piiaioe and corn ajpilii lull the injiry to ihefmll tree cannot be made 04 makin- mention of fnut lioxnai reiuimu a of a ainulaiity in ihe prernt prin no e irt ihvse parla baa yet seen a plum or rrrn rtjre bowom lc n juf of tnc hh may pui of hie louoea of fn tlie isth n tlie total jo- locks anl mnxej cumuli tn fur palre lby were heaprd lnek at order a iln y weie luuht with prlcnded lu la o com r of ruiia m the w tjt uha mali in iudrj-i- mali fwf tier ru wll prvbimy u aaa haeinf aaed auitct and iit ui hnrfgc sl 4 itajy hy ifi- jnarlar eaeeratnn cnariv apin he brla1 to a he ha 44 ha tifiv m a rn lialinin uih maad he mir hi fl haj ta pre- that h xavil tint nf flalyro 1414- il an rranin all the autata maj cnrl e -tpaiin- in uv- ih rfeagjr- ln ln kiiau miuirr dcnialaiiibry lla slrhve al hamburgh i abnnl lo c lu iuaiivn after fifty year of diplomatic wflrcct kr prttrrsauacii apil 39 hi mjttr ik kmprror vf ftnm ha jnioted after theutihvf april in raport ed and tilirr coin fiou thr whole j ih- wfiem etjidi vf the empire aniil inithermrire hx aaviiiernrdiriaiieedrirrra atd travluia will le peiarjutrd ibr lurm- r hi rarr ii rl jni ihe latter ft mli cif4t hi- ia h each peiaaai of wlnrji a nliuealiw at be given at the cuitikl if bmj a m1 t4 will ltitai nti 1 here ma irmd capa pflalinj lm i fotfa ml inlnn ha aim r ilrte 1 hpf- m 7 f 11 ii httlr dnibt as tn ihe in i rf unia enionjt mher pte- jr klvu of a binnr n hoaual suva frijoriirrnvk asm ihr it rvidaitl waihk ppan nn n iii ivad leadi frvni ih latir commkuciaf spmmmiv jin tht fotiel wiiii way 13 the neet rf aojuieal arti4 in rvmea heitt na fa ruraur ij the pnbihtfilf at a ej etaiin f iho rithnra heltreeo ihanark ad liai uia e emmnl fire ralher 11 lh tnadwrnra f mrrrbani ilmnth tlo adllaca uinth niantftturi jnirieia ao aljl dum there nae a thn anolak f nft el air oftfihwi tarauhf mnmj ad jrrai hi jiff liflau inwni hinpf fn nn ivhral waa tjiul tp m td pr hitlial eb ipor lint aa lhal hr aanwm li ilhed i t ek nail cd trt barrtl ihtffa birlej an4 beana n itl lh ptrm tuewaya pneee i he iwaaabd fi tioftio en na nrl 1 lin3v a f ttill v aweplia etratrd iiflt fi fmfaaa al a tivlinenf hj pm ii4ir n euw ad i p iiuvler 4 nhile nife inahii innl vat f hjiiel ehetiier lfc vrallt etf fuar aui nuni and itie ep i lh nkuvr- an4 p4 ricf-icl- u liar trjaa wfih wn fbtil i- f 1 1 1 1 1 1 im lovtl n fj ihiovchniil ih inir thu wheat pliol ptrfv very fieaatbl hvl i rry m v- w tir m4luo w j onfn tid eil lhina naj e tneajar ha he u in ntlu uil at nv msibcd rkanf m pre tbata waa a lt airaanlvivu u aatna al k ianwri lh niii whaal ami llr vm altndil at hl t a nea i lata anil haav y nme hi hi fo a hiail a4inrr ihaut fie fid iiiiii li vto launalm ul ihu 4- hwevr an m uan aaal aufu utoaj he luland al n yd rhrce uilhn iatct nlthmi h st ceur at ihr tiillierie at e dtent w rvitrvidause thrrc were a many kiid iilmsili and aucpaat wnahl h nf c- lj a dinner lor an army we are of llie viy opinnia wilb a tierxin wha knew loui p lippewrl and had frrimjat 0ifnirlunilir reinaml obserin hin who tanl i niau it evei rapaeions bti i tan inv arudlluifl lo be called a miser itrmoval np ardeukader the tohfaonuir nf hie l7lh ult eonl ike follotyiut particulars irlalive lu ihe urkationof aajelkor for celle kmii h any wa iiiloimnt in ike rntff of ja4 tverk of the drciiun nf the prr ifmal aovernmeut with regard to hiiu mitts i thu audi n hi eileanra lu rrev a ralm rountrnaure the prmi tvhoauirmtu ed hira eonlfl raily ntccrn ihi- iialuro nf feelin lhal aiinaied him 1 he order of v coveiumenl however lu remove amtclf der in llie t of vn wa irrfvor jittil pirp iratioiaa fitt uia depaittiro nrvre w wtlh mienl arcirey on suaday at ft while lh elriina urcupi the tvhvl p taliia a litrknry roach nnd trvriul ora llatrf eooryd amr lkader and hi vi frun pml ijumib tv calineiu uelie the tabt ahiiui 6li io onmwr wtte ira fird 00 hoard hi tleaiikra lyiu in ihe in- auelkader ml 1 rale1 iruliyr hrirrrai of poit 1iualuo w col iauuia tvhn hat wn fi ene lim a miion al toulaii nnhnihel in ihr alin ami the arnuof ilm nuilfa furmmq lotl in twamall tleaunr piiima mid uumni i lietr vrel wi i lornvey lh fmhr cctu the latler were lhauta t lhoceiu are dr marlet ii bronanj laudiiu marmonicn francei klevr i cr risier kedonfj k bwquiat fcommaedanlj c1 lrandtcnrral letoicke ft ejaidhy ihr captain of the warrior hut the- rritih cunul had r fiej to bejirr any of the im- fitunii a lient tvhn tpiliael io rain the proieclimofihe enlih fl x heltkevi refn1 to altn the llniith flat in war nn any oher ittbuj whih the consulate nf prince ha unbomiafe1 help in thr mherahle people a number if nboi were received on hoard lh tfeiesreselof aar port airrno litem m lienulr of ike iiin f lfoyui fc co who iltvat form illy rekjud wataiaon thout tlaughlered gcapalorrtbe jamtro ovnf nf ihe 10h ay lhal a vrcl had arrived at rerniti- da fiom cnalaoiip talin tlial the whole of the military and police were under aimi niht and day and had been penlfully gpplird niih ball and carlridc oi iff arrival nf thn inal brinni at account nf ihe iteynlu ttnit in fiance rueis were iued by ibe vrntor lo the ptnaei mil in drlver the letlollp and for teveral hour this nnter tea aclrd oa hutilaon became evident lhal if farther pertvercd in the oltic vrnnld be ie s i toy r- 1 nod the letter taken by furw lin- miistcly m aa uo leiuar mad and ihe laie of actaira horn hecvmiit kisowit llir ailort faun the hips of war and merchant vecn in pojl yinrd ihe militaiy nod cvitiam nn shore ami ibe town wa a continual inlaw of ilm aed dtunkeaoe f three 4y the marseillaise hymn be ine unc wilh ieai u proa ioi 1 no tlie mayor nf poiii1an prlre had already displayed ihe puof th provisional fioveiament 1 while ihe gorrmnr wbnhatl laken hi hd on ihr rrrripl of hi news continued that of lonia hilippr dynasty it tva fearrtl lhat no farther work would br done by the alavr m urh and a ihn cane seere rip the h- of lueir tligur crop uaald be the t -iit- tmraty nrrivviiv crkit nmrain avlr mtlltailmi fha rvie afeauta mu vf lh qm ls tin fillnairn hnlnlimi iimh a micn p0 nf ilk trlt tnted ulfn tial ihiiaio ml kumlf ll al- eiitl rlda liitl lb s im uhieli li lo t nainiti laa aaaawnuuli wdh frjaiij l ile mtiiint i ia erfarer lb im44- tlamic hiis lnneanbiarenlliuii rtillaifi il mlaie i tn wn i ii himia atila hvj p jaal el iupw between lb knual buili piam rrvunanlbf krt h1 a it aajotahj iho mimatf s lfc 1fvahpr clirar ptwracrptljmc mrrtisc a raeh un tcrif hem at new yk c 4f nh h m in firm tn aeilitei ai ti iltttiee an i fjm ai i lw a viil ta- tedqniion f iho pcso rale nf rteen lellera ann nevtmra ceu welaaci weirpkd ihe emtr m rijiimiiiv r- una prrarnird 1 a d pit ivin iatn the aaocialtrm aa fjaatfki aodtdind ilia uwjig- rvttillrrame ifitrtn nnl m an imiilii n4 iikmi ijnctb 1 mt ihr itc ileauvr aeiffii attach aau aeerue lo hie uniry in a tmirl and iil aa el1 a prcn- untrpjni of airwfiiim a eitni1l reihieirmof tkeadraoi hh rale at pt tnj n all ennmuni cnjtfbnal iiintolie ihrnnh the t te he id svasuioljeotf iho aiali tt nhieh he heu lorrhnee iho inf poce ne 0 nthli ihe individual 1 eot reaid freely n fticoal waa lai ii jrajpn dli ihe elhrr ntrnnrfra aa ihi aeialpan ihil linecatarnaaeinioihkltrrranu m a fair and iraniiinlm rte tlt aid na eatiasav ilie txia nndt unanu raiher jncrejaa ihe rl hlve yenne than mhewirc thi thrv all knew foiu ripafieiifasi ii wat fthv thllel in lh aef ureal llrilaiu and u alwaye htpeenad thai w p la w hii i any ef the 1ple renl uttuf leliee nud cnntmimiiilanii liieati aaumiekaa rt4ile i icuglamt tlvtf thia taroi n i praeid io a cl citeiit vuhtl bo tale of aiar ate tea kijh l srilh al h- rm j caidj nut ptevaait it in thiaeunn iy il are f eure the aaiun krtj pen who tela y o0teimilr 1 nu i urn t ond b hhlrra tn a pite aiier wiu if ihe ptnce rv redneed i whl lie tnenititrd etrrv rauu unm on iaite hii wtl oturoof u waa rtrr i- br arnt ilmmh iho pvtt llvee the fil nhioh ibo hnotinf 4 ihe pmnrn did tn lvtilunl men imineno and ax o ifttjaaaly ottdrir ihaciatlled r1d iawateif i i uideiie peijtc u einie amnilniid inlticml ii eed ihuaando in irani in ivriio ni aider iltnl iheyviildaridlheiiiavravflliafailuarfifdod vi hrreanni trh ihrir diaunt frenda uui ihi i not ath 110 annanl miaaler of letter a la crvaaad 00 vera conaatlaraur an in a ahnrl inna in ro a beiiet rvvrnve man lied wen ra lite il uoje lha am nni and and the raeelinf any unavt bnl il woutd prove aa coal a bhswia- u ihw rnnmtjlaesvvrpinir tirrtiii lad dona m i ul i lit irfitn hxijie itfatc 1 atxi in ra itjtd il oiiall ami mhl nilnirt un be tell vulitej 1 pitied konfa wnnhl u nl i w lvivda t labv ap thi ail vl na nn livtr renia1 nfeiitt in ihe tualtr nl nu ui ivnin piaiisntv 11 far hi pepk nf el n ho tnikmf teatuiako a lvl eat sami ir ar raaatfm 1 mfha aimilr in hn nuve if hw 1 1 tt- naina lannm lia ji arfifflil in o- ainmff artdikli l ih reiariii inrh ria vf ftiefdd 1 base ilimiarj h nnd uti cerrf ihvir aianleaf iryay a vkerl rtaoj tnrnulofm tl ahmdnaiag hn uaiial narialion law in cantata and ibe boon will be trjfiud as soou a il u atkej for tiik piiovincial pknitlnriarv the cnrcfiivie fr vcrcr iu an article in a lomar paper alaie that mrr prire asul cameron were waylad hy one ef thv lu pef or of ihi iiiililntlvn ami coiulled in vitil it hut that mr lmwn wit loo old a hird lobe caught by ich chaff while m hi 11 taper he says br is ia erfoi atlo ml prlre vho waa earuemly ptesayd to jo ut diil nol the cfiroaiwc if jvrteasermt to pet it in formation frm eery indifferent smirce- a yc can stale ou toml author ily thai mr pcc never tva aked tn enter the walb of the in ililmlmn which seat not eeeumriilionetliitliia presence by any onecoaaretcd with il nor haj mrcaroeion been to vinl it for nearly twelve month- or hnrn ever asked in do n ntiiher was mr baldwin eir aked lo iii it nr spoken lo on ihe subject by any one cofiztcclcd sviih il m what mut me m- uamwin lliiwkv pricr cameron iv other think in peruin ihe cfttcnirtt trjcac lalimert if they ever waste ikcti time in dame so i we hope fr ike vke of the ftrouavav p aviri repiitioo he dot not make himrlf like coriuln in the play the tooi irieml and der companion vf some inn vilso at rhev y hm aavneo ppri nvii ty ic wait a ii hber i mena rcpultl llu nnn or fral lam a4t tmn and reiif oievelier tf the and lltieviti hilirata tim ivatii the kennel hlwr hi nrrt if sn hc wouu advise htm far the fulere la nhur such company j lo obtain hi infot mation fiom rrpecuble aourcrsj ami ho will then rfihie lfijbt in rrpulalina hut iiil mil ftltauc that ihe carnntvir c avtr wliile couslaatly mi iho ahthurity of nlln i- we prcam allen all smla of mu- inaitaeairiit nud renruje in llk pmhrntiaiy jionldycl mame thr lirclorx on the lidkiliou ibat ihey were iu ihe hhit ol oskiue menium of llie llsrculive ami oiher to rii it ami uch membeit winc by hit ir nltnr bound lo do to aodioaieitain if any audi miiau ccmrnt or mimle csit t dae would naturally ii 1lat if ihe inalllnhon wo bully liijhjld il would he ihr mlertsl both of luvecliii ami war den lu hern away fcvni it mrmhritnt tba pnverumeol sslio like hlrasrs italdwiu lljuck ptice and uauieiori have ahrrwd net euoupih to diwivvi any teul alise an well a lo diaenrer ihe arriri omlisr of thm wheat ayalem il l lo labtieulu file uu- rarntr wo already lu a finnei ailkbt iftor uii lotho penltrntuty tn the tuuta of 00 i if vnr walby caiuvmedvir cone liliroi lhal otimiwr hayccseaiplrasera in annmincinthat t p b of toronto a well known in the canadian circle- will pay a visit lo kinjlon nett week and under iho palmnafic of sir uicherd atmstroni- vo an hour with ould ireland at the court llnu- on monday t p b who baa but rrrenlly lurned bit attention to enter taiotua ihe public has for many year been ibe dt- liral f all ihe friend and accjuainlancr- who have hjd ihe bappioera of ciijoyiria tu aoeieiy c5 axotjua lvavwijtyt w learn wilh murli eaisfactiun that john counter i ha- completed ike pnrehscr of soma fileeen acre f valuohle tboukb vjcanl lard j- i in to the esulc of ibe lair capi errol the purchase money atd to be 11000 a lafrja sum ifuly but as the land lie witbiu the limit of tht eiy and will all soon u taken up ami built uoontberc cannot he o dvum but the barxain will prove a very piwiuhe one to ibe buyer ir take a man hke mr counter to conceive and carry out such a speculation aa ihi will prove may hiashadmv rntof pjrnw lets f cftmr kcu ihm punc-majarce- nrrl tom triunhli- aimouncrit hi ijilen don tf ni1inx kinetou re adrrrliae neat a intlhcr tom tiumus i m- lowu ct st the her it of thy real latncral the laiter lia healded hi approach with a itautlh uf lrttitnrii f lnrre has hern since our la oat ar rival fiom fiina that of thy inifed stout hi i 1 itvt later news koihin impoilaal hat tiannired- the home mrkeu ar afonl thr larant a tvlerapliie lsv oft an iciday afteinih aimoiiueed the arrival of iho sleaiii r vf the wii wit f tin diaraicr coijscii an eitra sesivn of the diatticl council will he hoidrft next week cowmencinjou tutaday ctb of june fjyrrr liyrtiou thu koixatioar innaunni to a jiroeumalita ihe lanminalioe of a mrmwt to ieprrenl the cily vf mcbro- vacant in omrnueau uf isa arerplaiica nf hy the llomtt c alumlk lay in the ln1by of lh pailiamnot a cauijesell ksuirr rteluiutu a jiidrhi place thia kuihlin llflieer ihe uauui ihieiimriiu having been read ihi itctnniih oifieer rrsurien the elector prernl in name iheir candidate when thara apfiraiiiit t u a divisi ajpima ibam hi ctineuncrd hint pnll wotrld lake ptaea on th kih pioa and named the rtpcvtuu peulaj v a we had already iuliaaalf m mr tufrtlf meyrr did m1 prvsert klmrrelf tha ikrua iniidate wria blrtam hon rmaifs tf the nunhtiu ilia mlliji iatni laa tf hand wa jrcidnlly iu lavot at ihe ultra riileamu row that tone in nftf case be inkrtl m a utrmkta af uuiuntthl asv ee ct a ntpalrhha eaeurtir1 bjr lh ltnttfiiaftl tiavfinae 0 neve l mutfcij- itumtnc hui lhal lha llrna iwtn utuild repay lha whed aasa u i i mtrtx aflllteudt4by ihe u 1 tta lattefiayluff lh eipo f k j mm miv- lhal pi ihfulu r im prai must baai all it nilua ioijiti ljnre nuii j

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