British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), June 14, 1848, p. 2

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ffrtrtuto from tite glial papers mm jit loeatta tirtt wedoa enty 1rcomen llrhasdvne pt eiviee lo ms country received lb atiiadt to ihc imcnut of jso000 there wt bavv not word lo say cs toeh nirtraasl tribetet if we reward r m i mry ebsef wliy cot mercantile patriot t tnankeffrrinc ceeteoaawell from iheporhet fj ihe evnerou admire as mna the ceotoh- dued kl ii j ntt are however som draw- tuck i ia this as in many other eood ihitresj cralitudr we ar tttdoy the cynics is for fetors to oe retott erf am national reetitnde does not eicape if r malicieni j the fact ie me cobdto h eifsreted lo do tome thnf far bis ntonev lie- fast pocketed a very haiwsomc itainin fee and if he it net ten rwitlinj tbooi with a brief in hs hand his fidgety clients will bejin to eomplain oireuitotance hate made the mallr wonr thantl anight have keen when the corn lain wit re pealed it was neither in ihr fates nor in the ranetiatinnnf the wiie thai ihe rnessnre waaim oe could 4a rrwe than fill up the cap in naiorvseuppty for various ea irwrdintry moat we have since had lna timet many who subscribed lo toe cobjen memorial have since mi ik value of their eoolrihtitiori mot than they did at toe time d tome of the more sanguine have rttb urn disappointed at the resnll that ir the affavent nonielt the repeal thrte reona may be natnlk eaprcted to press rajher hard on mr cobjeo ijhev rtsassavf that tbev base fdacd him nsnve he uneer- uitilica of imde and that ro0a invented partly in ssaji little estate and partly in mi are ft cents sw aplvaasnter nvilli for a rntddlead man than a cotton mill the ssioltsi of which aro aosnetiaie up to leter heat anu sometime below xeto so llwy dont e dupe d to let htm rjj hi ojvw chun tbgntivu times are bad md be mt torn oot like the cbruea prmvuer to his oih oefurvtiffiu mr cobovn at lal eem to feel 1t thi lssaniiicreau with hksnvokra an h is ih1y fkjc to anttcirate tbe rfflclions hich tfeir owt ceoeraity miiil lad ttwm ip luvprrat vlfver tic cst h hears qh atlenl rhelork of mined fpfisjsjm and wichled etvctxiotisnrinf hlsn to do something mre nri sjoc de another chance hoar sentiro mm stand sich a rtu are th tio anseer to the cnmriliiis of itode s that misforttiora wtt hrpen nd 0 wotm ill have it tesrci for eaam- ar no holy io 1v1 couoiry neiiber rnell nor per i nor cobjeo nor beilk v hwd- jrn nor incli could hnte prevented ihst feentv whfeb kmaeiied thewole coot rent ml which has changed more than a hondte j milkinn peceame cott icnnsumina cirilian 1 1 niii wanioa ttic retmn of exports for the single month eofmc atatil s jresetts a dreaie as compared with ihr aame montb nf list year of not 1m hun x5soj3 fthb arie ftom the dinwhrd vtstt or tljiit and silk rv ii fwfll no standing aamm ocb folly a we no etiloeas n oor cirtomers 5ih is last tflftrer mr cnhjcn mibt c tohistoporl- v n when bey ark him why tley are nm lilion if u b tho i he rtctiars ihe error of that poitirn the hettrr eventually for hiintflf for bis friends and his country dreadful mvkokrs near swan sea at an early hour on may 2lh llie inhsihi- liuts of tbii torrn were alnrmrd hy a report thai a mofder of a mot diabolical character and udder the moil ocp raeated cicnm had veo perpetrated on ihe person j of two unoffrfidinc men who resided with their fana lira in the pvithhorhood of the maiquu trmw on hie road fom s to lonjhor sod in o thrr miks of swansea 0 certaininc iho ircallir of his awfof irotjy we lojl no time io peedn- to the srti altd oon fi i- that the mmuu iinm bad noi hern in the sfichteit deree ejcrhdi the unfortunate victim lay cadift cotlae iurfoundd y tlieir iamiiirs and j t liens the name of the drtrafed jr john willisms a man atnl 50 yean nf ae cm- c as a suheoniraetor on the south ivkj ttnlnay snd jenhin kvau ari f resdc in a cotiace near ihe beaufoit asoe the losslltt road bolh were considered well eohdikrd men naal bote fact urn l character john williamo death was produced ny a jep wound on the left siiie of the nipple peoer tint tu ihe heart a lirce rjuatity of llod had flowed from llir nwil which had ren lulieted hy some shap itatrumenl ucd nith codnidreable force probnbly a knife the ohvr man died from the tffrri of a iur iomdon lire hieat tat thrt although p bamjr penctratin dcepty wot much smucsj and appeared avilih h iod heen iodicte t with a otfrr or some lns jitt t tlwre ucee kit the holy bail not f a daojc aeter vh isjassttt to the 4sm and cos of tho fiihftti outrage thui coanmitlrd stid the prrciaecircumtaneri uilf which ther paormthwere so bariiro1y tnurdoee m i i riiremrlr ditliewh to procure defi nite and contlumre infofmitaii this o nc partly to the alarm created mi ihe minds of the parlies present at the mrhxorholr ir aeter of the aitaito the circumstance of ihe murder havlnc hren prrpelrawd during the darkest rsajtsnsi nf the nicht nd outside a cou lae door and from the drunken slate of lh parties uho haj hecn dunking op to the eommision of this ded of darkness in one tail ihe cse of tha government which was io adtcrie nejotution with ber majewys oc vernmril uojer circimilances which roje it impotime for her majesl coternmeni to uate ihe rrmoe for their proceeding- hnhxk toyrrnment wore vev n tht ihe intion should be tettled ujon fsir snd rnal trm ard tspn no olhr lerm were ihey likely 10 ogtee lo ny settlement ireland rami ioiko rtvaxeff berttiinfham nf lntrimkl hi aeeatoesovu oe 1m rurto enr- tre an 4 bet itioqieo me he aroj next d similar recentooa in tlwvvjinrdim4uirat lenn relntw fuuc he wai next constrained to t lu spar lis l fsvinjec in lb poiatoraj m ilto wort liill fr 2w which he war allowed f ireland hcr eh s ee1smlv would i ru depsrt afltr brine delained lera hours ihe t if in tha ijjij vf th most terrible vengeance hciug declared aainst ercnioc liiua ifeither be or his kerpeia ir venture wfj refret fry aassrh naie tht eetnsive ft reappear i tho forest an mvestigsrion filurehveormlffadrdrerrrditlwifcisrt f rxlraorlinary proceedinffi was rmpin ihowemomrelaril in a planer ft vr osj m04 by the ircil atho- in siilirrf aaal aufeota hw 4m rvo of the ringleaders tf the crowd brn f foll fsiher auhor of ihecelebralrdlttler prracliiiblooj ard vl h thief and who was very prorwmy stispeodrd hi buh iiii mounted the stool rf iepnlaneej nd in an atjrct eommu- i- adjrrsrd to the rtrneri porf ihe orcan of ihr tih fiornment makes the inwnc reirsclinv of hi errr which it is it o tciime will entitle the rev firehrand in th inkv vf fh aosoliikon and whal is nearly u aah 1st a ljtsjy piwm to thr restoration if the u vraaescs the fund of which were in a fair ry i u diverted into ihe poekrtt of some troth of u oth ict prnne l deeds of war than 11 cones pondtfntof ir meagher theswori 44 borrbokane may 7 sir i deeplv regret having caused to he published in the ivofran ncwiitsper of ihe 53d al atri1 a letter by which have inenrred and doubtless jlly ihe displeasure an tevere censure of my feihnn 1 naiv fully and entirely reiract hii letter as ippearinj- loolhrn and to myself no more mstejte con jdr rat ton to mcite to civil war with its deplorable conse im minister of religion and a ffi s v w tichrisiisn deeply deplore that this letter likee oihe wounds mnt or a danceron cbar- wii u mmnkoft d krdeemer hid hit bleated apostles and i hef leave lo e a press tbtufh the the medium of yonr rei journal thesa mv sentiments of regret and my retraction of the leltor i ae sir vosirohedv hiammeservl tjames dirmincuam pp ti1k tope awotbfl g0ulg3s colls0c3 tr fret04e 7aroot hs the siwo u ere acresi g i r t x r 1 correspondent of cues iho aiify ie foliowin amuiin account of iteed ie rtten ncd wuvji w a lvy uul f tlii nliairt thrul r 0vres esffc fields rc fmn in rmj 7 bulked of ihelnk and imimeeuf he y tne dpincricnt and jemmy nloeh j at a spamsh reiiety ryceoi fio4 m lb fetv r the cr j erp and rode dowu ihe hue slowly from ifte al- swi cala m hie tueria do awna her mjri coni ir traced tiiinciy tn iwr mi 1y military oftnme ewed a rl deal of manriffinriil in esjnnnttinc ibeeretltihlkali cmiskily she wore a witt coat with the till iiaylil in ihei nmieiy tt mike nr c-r- r tir nnuit of caflain general and nrwnta dnl not heed the atnte f the wcajlice tftl c cr0ll idbon of n fematdo rfiwliaiissslw was of hack tatver wirh broad voaeuihomio nd i i rout unfvisrowi tfimmeil with soid lace adorned with a to hie penju 11 lrer led unfftvvntilt shsrfasvy cns if sst rsmsttii f 111 t hnlfpssj under the tvfmd rerdteismsekitbu- i tb rjmj efcasit a hlu rid skit hwine hiosrfilkiwntrr still hie i completed hcriltin a piet of mounted miuis drain rt more ihe teed t- ionerra role on ome way i a head a mllo rem mn emu t will y iwto lc in behind the qieesi to her civm rode arvaej j jijiiqtift umym tle ddpmitceof ciit tha olhcr side tiscri futewo vista- the ptalp oll ct csvltv t hem crnerah lleemosa wilh several generals officer of the imvrithti tlo man pilaee aidesdrcamn grooms laeqney with iohtha p ricd againoidtinia uumemils escort lolfowed on her reiun el a thir wn anstssw vf he wcav the qeen slopped before the palace of alien pwmsnddeiieeyol as thr fsulr vislacespnrleros omhoose and now mtmv litva heen alrem univetrtmy ssssjisjsrsj frs e wf g teolo while the flerunelf the ettvet becosnruz filed off before her to ll ibf asjsm tecfec iuoiiigvul heeuoliy ij- i ii mtsssvbttif o know lhal uherete pftaes 1 i k i c4ft thn tenc t iotatliveac uhy at ssianra tih refl rsieh hn hen r far ihe or re fe toiih us been pot into isr pssssvi itn pr attentiou h ttieseeson id to the due culiarc 1 noesuw os yet ppeits loduu lt krusdeoce iil pro the nueii dented mtiesoe the souud of ordnance a lutes and mattial music t sail- sed a lilt scene at the review which fur nisbci the litbit cftosaip for the night minutes aier the qo ten en pomcd down the fra of the tek of this district a en rw bach d tahiah i to iho n i thai a- i a nime eiven to the nifihtly raiherine o i leblmo flsit of foft who hsd arnetd favjoenlly ma 1 i the iiiioe of dinkin nkinc their fortunes liul fonw o r th rt wt are sorry in say aud many of their wtrk wopte sbo see not in a tate to reason it diftcult t argue with o rued man sa lioor mr cbj rou fill in wilh their humor fld do tomoibinr mr 0coaoels rent payers were equally eiient if a twelre asssiitb would bave saed ireland xht libctator would not hsse beoo allowed to givs4s that chance such we belieee to be tha true account of the fttrrota restless and apparently mis thietous demorutr alien into which mr colt- den rsia l4a belfjecd they are net it- bit fotmar ieif ilese lo rjyi stneuttty to ihe yrpote and leave otue to wstf jre thtilvedeatijtal evrtn sanuilt stttoew tbb or ihit j i of their piif ate aoiip- ihy ilia speeches were always lo the point end a hstile partisan has been won lo a ear u arttia1 of them hv the assurance that he wooh nnd there scientific dispassionate and crt mtereatinc investigations of a rjcat commercial problem most men put down a hook or a pncr when they hftj themsrlr kkked mr cobden awrtd the taws of the ri aid ftcilber kicked or hutch wt tlionfh he said more than any other roan be yave himtelf irsa range and found lihirty without titenit of discussion we have a dastlaxt iriprvmtei of bis speeches thty hate left an ideil in our minds that ideal we are sorry to say mr cobden did very considerable vmleute lo on thursday uihi ft did not speak to the poriw d be al lowed bimseir to he guilty of expressions which so as m they were wantonly and midleso inuodneed and led the mind etyi- tirely asray from the qoettion before the itooie mifhl h called sneer impertinence 4od wen ioilecdnotbinfrmore what waa the question t half europe bit been revolutionised in the lait elerrn weeki psrtly hy aid of rtopaeadists toss irish cemtvderation have sent a depot a teaa to paris to ask for ftench aid they have indeed pven a jtcoeral invitation to tbe contineni thit is cur pteft1 etale worse things xtt ir the wind th mnitlrr oiks foe the tcncwal of an act which empaw eved the iepottiu1f arvicrt of the crowa to deport any foreign mischiefmakers who miel be cauhl at the trao it is ihe btst way of dealing with a very ps rsilile nuisance and cannot he called inhoint or uijnut this was the question mr cvbdeti no suoati touched it than he went of at a lv jim ssariim at the act passed in novsmvr fi4 cbeekioi hie trade of the ai4sin anil iv recent incaanre foe cein the intijatflrs nf rebellion their lust rnk aid dne and n with a uwn rfiit m the present ritpeseiu trvc system se proeetded to jeayuike ne barfous tylentnihr of the uilus re4tl n cottages aubosib not jiccscd for the alc of beer tht fjctsnf ihr ce are briefly llirse on nlondav nihl a person named william dvies held a cwrav hich in a imill col late minjf use road and wilhtn a few vards of hie imsc bonsr called the mxrnuis arssta keit hv datd fvan the too of jenkin rtfto one of the murdered men compa ny consisiin- f about jo pceaoni remsioed m the cotiace drinking um 1 oclock anoot halfpast 2 a party nf irish nav vies entered ihe hmuo they remained tserefnr aboul hsf an lwjr during which time they drank several 4u 0 beer they entered into coovrr with the deceased john williams a d a other parties ay- iog thnt they ha been diuhaiged by one of the c0lrcioe at louehwr and were then i search of wit ll is asid thit williams had pronivl ihrm wok and aiked them lo tislt the p4j of the ftae where hii conuaet lav next morning sass afteiwardtl appear ed tht some words at line prchiby from the felin- of jatoosy aol antipathy esutie he tween the irish and welsh cumed between one of the navies and a man named k-j- ward m h who was eventually knocked dowo 0e or i wo oilier mm u ht interfered oi whatf of mt-r- reeived blows about the head from v- however tht in lsrie they were n- rf a serious eacttr tlw scuffle then appen u have eaheluifed and uey left ihe house nrm uf jijfss- aasjrtaestttwnvjh ayb ip weut voluotanu a considerable number o ifura pteviuft v- dr mllau and oltiec k sn ustettitw with the i hsd mide so stf a nisa h t ot the new ouueot to t i- hi 1lviifia iw iv me alim oooeefku n tha pat iv ue itiit enuhl ve iijattd as oi ihe eeopte of ihoa uho okjeetod to tom n it pwn epe- muttinf wajt hsar o i- l ktn ti n tht on- v i tsi itfo taller whhni i received on lhi nttwnirif- hi pnmieatmo wilt tew jee od eon anaicn lo tne flrrpy nd t0s v irtlandn ajtsavt voi avfttl flea it olo m the valuaaia ejamn of toe fr- 1 i i flw daticelfrsl to and mwnim he tnlita intienej nod imi pii lard mialu and he whiff iljef wo hsl iho i noll vnt fx it en rr i on i iiro real queslone wnieh hste ule i suh rawtawh tseiieinoni in ivsjatnl the rs ohuroh wbteh kaa aio eijhf to ihe chtir of l telor wtlh in juaa- mletvhaijtheoleetmnf nor thftssasm tonstai tht apntul r at slvvwtond lit petdeot nd dnllf pv9 felh bet tvren jr i- ljtjti- n i biffl of dtf kjd a ustnt tiiomob ott tha daavera and l c i ntfldj i i i- -iiaur- uiusia i h r mr glt ooi 1 and wvam m cantwkll eairaot of a lsttu horn a rrmd io roma roma aotdstj- ik mhaa and dr 0hure arriesd in m i rw uye fa and raro raesived ilh lo larouche wiilr yheca picked out in srsrfcl ann ekcv pusiirtion in purple attemptfrj cnrvsc avrulmie vtlvet jacket came s down the avenue telliiencs of a massacre perpeiratd hy tiuf liayoueis all alone uu a very finely natives of th new caledonia islands ism wd lady iilln- tojde who tostj oot o wsmtskated vetorday at lloyds up bf ih dncheaof vaiencta all tyc m circumtnces a briefly ihe 1w v jtsae barouche rom luc circnmitanec of its fi wilbm cumvehamp maurr saili benr generly known that no earner from llmi i the early pari ilcloherr would he amued keep the oarw an pmlisstl io the new fcaledotii wait pc clear for er majj v r- reehiteihc western portion in the courser pri tileye of the a fortnieht the natives eahibi ted a frsent beninj 0 ewi t fiullcrofjcy in tht in lb ifwv j l ebtaifird about 20 tons of it when one nf u chiefs presented himsetr on board and ur mr cunninshsm to lke tisn bu npone pyramid of the dai de mayo came to n foil stop before a coiraswr who liavine rode out and ranted himself in ihe middle of the road called to him of the purple jaeket lowhth to oeen reeled for him by bil peoplt tal k off e more h his word wl on the tfch november ie coneqtm i mib emhauc sweeps of his drawn sword of the lateuoi of the hour th- bays where a lareequamhy of jtm in h u bo bihn auinortlies those who were in the house including johu williams deceased seem to have jone out l the same lime but the mijority immediately retunied to ihe houe john williams anj one neie or two other personsit was not rjnite clear how many beine out a lillle noire hardly descvinc the name of a scuffle was ihen made immediately alter which a loud crv of murder waa heard on the iwojde rushing fitm the h use john williams and jenkin evan were found lyins on the road i-kv- while one of the ifc naveies wa observed to strikt kvan bdy with a spale trie murderers then made otfto swansea one or two of the other men made faint eurtt to pursue lhefli hut with no elfrct the snd deftness and hoirible revolt of the transaction appeared to haw paralyzed them the je- ticcmeft are mahtne every eaertion to trace the murderers who are severally named pat rick learv michael deary thomas manin william korris and john nurrts jecliued to go then but said he would sta in the moiftitict reojieiting the chief to rcmn un board for the night which he did u daybreak ihe foltawinc mofiin the uis started in chhies ol mr cunninthirn ten eainen the chirf orfictr mr non twoseamtn the steward and he cnolfwt fcfl in clir of the vanpuard 5earc had the csdains boat ci out of iihl wh acanoealled with natives approached t ship three of them were allowed to go board hut iion one ol ibem aitemplni murder the matt with a tomahawk they we turned out the test attempted to board vessel but were beaten ott and in the cone of several successive attempts t was nee sary to fire a musket the eauoe thenr- tirrd the cew remained iu aniious l tene until octock on the following d when from 4o50earhoebden wtthnatte ccntaininc upward of domeit in eaeh we teen on tht opnosite rile nf the hsy he down on the v eise i it bein- immsivo reiiil so irtmendousa force the male w much judgment slipped aucsor and make all sail ran the ship before he wind in os inp through the bay where ihe captain crew had landed nothini them or the batt a laree vol hour mr cmcsiwsw 1 r jkt molbiis4atftiej crsins otsl make wy ihu is the coach or my lady the wife of ijis eacellency the president of ihe council of -if- to which the hnnest cuic aiit replied co thou and thy coach to ihe- ritlil about i lell thee ro coach- no not even the saulwima virgin herself passes this vaj- the postillion turred mund his head lo the duchess who presented at this mamenl all red n iih vhame and writhing under the piltiksaeie of urt fotvinialile ri- val a paiafnl spectacle of enorttfed vanity the repasn- r 011 pa turned and drove back to the fouuiain f ryhete amid the general tiller of the specuwrs trie ahmv no lit he stir wat eauted in the town on wedneaday the 30th w by the arrival of llie 4stti jlrimeni of foet from porttmoulhp they hvf disemharkej 4hal mornirco ihe mtrttvrtirt heepship which brcuht them n s0dasinm halifax and they rrarhed iwichroncurule for uovrr by the llrijhtoa and lortmoitth railway at loclork on arriviftf ihe regiment svas marched down trafakar sireel 10 the dfvb spice between the nneih stcyne icloinre am s pclerj church and here received iheirbillctf tickets fu the nihllhe fool i be tec t liarrarkofut hieie lare enoualli to avcoinn-o- fte of date at of litem thev weie then liberated rsaw eetrted with obierted on shore aparr liu arrnlly a f 1- and ihe iliy and mischievous append vje tv jtoyally kovptserei were espresione more ott oj place the veiy linrwa itnfrtiinale an unutvat assefomae of the ariretacy hl jnst athvrrd mtml the lhone fi tle itui lijne after her mat personal ami nlhuul trial an unpiralteled dnionstralin hi recently ptoved that intone lobe deejfound d in ihe afleitarrs nf ihe people of lit rnii- llnental thrones il itre some are nserlhrown noj many are sltakrn and results already tka1os anj oiiiito is of crter hnturs uain u j m the fi- 1- 1 jlity nf alt wanton ehance it f hue it te livii lis is tih ehiejd ith vir eiuuibasep andoljees whwh wr hjld wit pped i ird in the lit je nf a vcmttt ku uhal do they fqnr lu at the vejy nfnvol in clulinzlhe iiiipl rjtarous ptefidr jid of a ual postal comwunicathw with the united states hovg or cowysxt may 8 mr w 1 said ihat his cutiiuenu and the rnamifclurin interest of theeuuntry were verv anious to see a satisfactory voslj arraoeement coarludcd with the united states out he w urry o find from ameri- eatt tpcfs arnl from whal fell from the chan cellor of the kveheojuer that there was little iran of that bviii effected that the hmsk and the ccouiry miht more ckarly uodrv- slaed bow the matter shtal le mirclil slate that on the arrival of the eam hip in aueut last we chime aivl ctured one ahiuitiss oti teller coming h her whkrl in previously rsiid mie shilling in iseir ami ffwemmvitt ami which the ameh c miier reuilriled aeaiuu as leiu hy irlish packu arciiii theie only paid one hjf n avdllion to the inund ol- psfjv wbiab wafll-1- hr ww nile and 3d for ant fmrtrdtljce of x miles teflinec after vaetiui nutnnieaifi between the miuiuis of irh iarde and ihe american r p r f a i kvlwy ihe firmer patpaaed tvusl each pa fhoutd ehiic i fr niund ismeand km 1 saniuipiki mtkitr i- si in all tiit ibf amrtieom tirrmiueiil iijerte a ff n tho rval tent or thcr ivrritut iltey ck carry nwnvn llie swraf leltsea there ti t ire dnl here but they ewuld ninl meet if wiplw ef th llritth povemnfecnl n u lieart ih lis nu ie v melie wilh our iciteita tr- j sutiee nt eoi- 1 they niee ii n curtrv interfile wiin tvifs hut wen- 1 ipii raiv in otl bit1i letters anivm in the liut jujt npotl the 4rai tftmtnz js 1 i4 a infn ui ciiiu rrosvled w iiitld 1 nt litei- airtirn by llii psrkel hp frrvi unaunfld stil ilii the hm fmtiii s tbey hid a tone iolerrlow wih lli h i b tflyim they ware received in tha itmrii nd noit aiteeiionsto maonae oreurm theoeclevivvtiekt otira nf leoliad fnrmod the tultct nf en lit tluuolinosae4ienf ihe iriah choreh in hirl terms r tdniiaiin the eourvfe j tnttsney ad ha wdh whieh the irji pie eeved thei fvilh thsriaw ihfto oenivnot of prunv euiim tveb rt4tlv r 1 1 was of iba ctiirits nfthacathftliechureh to bo abv to pni nt eneh rvampv ofhamiani her ohitdfen tlie i my serovvdevdt h lvuu been einetrely tllltinad to rthlie ireund and feu h deepl tympsthy in hr i r 1 n a r irlfjiv rtfirdsd rht leash ehueeh as mis psle of bit ma hit i i in hit of iho mleteitw tlfesd h dioikf in 1 t eriartvlht hd been m r the lrith ceifv tnd 1 r ilui the vety avs who had boa atne limo aoloud tn their complaints af vinsl ih inah ccreelv irert niw hespne preiacvon tem tht eofidemsaijan f lha ontvincial enltem 4i atm mentned and tlis i n- q with cinttiieeneyftlwitep ho hd taken he hud endrmncd 1v0 eotetei in ipue hnyt f rnvkioj nr persvein ihe olueto f ireund calhtie hjeouiini wiuidnt ute prineipdeooo trbiah he mien seted and he iruittd that the mttuna he hud vented wnsild he beoerciat in retif im a to tle dfdnmite rrutrns between th ee ahd hole s m knljnd kv ifboerscd ihat iho hi italian a briqht fiward in a way ijui n liit rishia kle iiwn ir ir fturrfc tn t d woutd not leeoemse in a ilia had of tw cntrvdie nd vnld noi roeeive an eeele mm kme under lochcireittji ite iuij not rceeic an pmghth 1 a nee he ts ailiaiadir the ten eieetltivt prevlet were rfelijbud with iher iitersiew oed einnea pjrtictemly ei- rp 1 11 nnmimt nf ii ii u t jj t 1 1 fw irclaoal ihat reat ans p fviiiltrtiwfitoiherhnrnf st pvur w ehureh hii i pfeety ife under hi nteemi t nraa4 natjjlrt t nrjy krvevrly f r the nelhte f tits ittdinesw ant le i i eevie iim fien llo dsngera hy vincs he 1 4rundd stve me run str eatevoir te mhwinr 7jnltir hee ef ln hepett tttii 11 11 a ptde hy iho wtetmil n mfjirtv l lmfd if ail ally lite cik the uepil aoteivim nf the d inht 1 rijnr i1m n ytar 1 lisntf tfiut 0e s ttaihiiid is leliiiditireld friendly imi i esiiwtl i llsimll iur1i k l ll ie i flpinil 1 1 to n riis thr ailyatjueieliieiusprijrf ihe froivn 4iaes im e 14 anv if wstnaan child in tliiv iiitl itn 1 n evr jsf my eoefr mhtvf 1 woith iticli4l fj les carpiu il f w ll is a feather nr dut tn ihe isaunee eotiaed with un haihanm sundnr hi ailly and miehic tyrii f ir french llrpuldie th- nj nf ijiv il is vii threw two tioded n ii v i nvrfv mto the flju 1 itui il ipntrtvamrht tatw elutlttu i lojtpsyi if i it i l 1le 11 the wortt livery if wr ahd li diiiitsil hill o millum ataiad nf oltsl mlce lfe jiti j i rueiy iv awf i vt a wtfire cl ihtlv royal cainaei tht nitwt ay a hibj a i af railway cniaea id nahee psmim ir- vived he fioiti l itierr vn in pr- pictif tkir uei snf mi- 1 1 ii ha dls traded tatajmdnd bvrrt sllievrti pi try u lfee a uhrf utt nvuy ssw i in m tiiflea kd anuwmerl f imt u fawwaod aeiviaxmftr paid fiw irendin la work the i jv niame falc itie fl tr li- r woth eptnl i4ttt i tle hym tnttorr in llj mtdal f 1 j n l te hvtal litfiil ei- i lu whl we m saiili fv line hy ile r f j e d rjen v jtia it ivefiy liiaea vim ihsm kij m ue frifii ad tell to tlv tt l f ensafpailmb we ha vs fc jf a n jiiit i1 e r rlj- aprvt i o eel vi ihpfj w are i ikn ivrf l esltardiiwry r fiivj xt ffftjth s mvih fr tw fae sxve rr wi v- u vovtm r nlt w wt it wo d hiituh snhjtl- a to ihe simi pvsiaee ibey mnntd its any rate llit wwild iel ihr wiiie iif 1s111 llierouinf fmti r jd 1 w teinei ti mccdiitat ls ivnse i p j lh induwd lie trserieaai ven fnieit i i j in i h ii mr iturm t it lifiie on ui tn a we itpf titled ititir 1 pwkrh beikis jiued iu a hre foitim ifii ihit it u in j il y 14 i 1 jcrd ihe melrtt u it as evnhtivp if mi llrvernj wa mil nofmmd nir poij rranemem with lranict nsdy eairivsl hitets a fr as iark ad lft th- rrueti t ivernnient tltjieil 4 luilher drrenui 111 the dmjiire i utiies the elrv ul j his wai whe lie luld stei lrtned in enitlenil fitf- 1 i- pia 1 iiii was rd the wttl f ill urt lied n 4r4timeht to lle irunu- id luiera f e uutdl s a 1i it ilir unfmhimptil fu iuerenrd dnlips tn iits ii 11111 limn liis enuiilty he ihisled ihal lei mtv isnsrfmlvruf wul pm au erd ti th aiaiv 4 thint that i tan iy mishl jijit b- itnrrd aiad lktl wr nl avnid uiiti a enin1ry a ej nnd iviwid n v ill itlwti wat aj uecevity it the wel rdlitit tlilt are f will nlimis ld l si ate iv e rrivr in ihe vohlse 1 ptlll ihe tr thut he nirifaiti eirii i i 11 mir el a the 4f r f mr hed i nvt 1- aesvf u 1 t rv vlllratnili l ia ri fw pi hs ilnnedlltshte unn had lkei jt as de- a little ir ll mdwary paetire t4 t he ti rneihlfvi aeriibed lit lliink rr was u1 anllbebeul own eair uietr n ptdiiaeal ptipvan wuhtfi awdmvaw ftwii fr mail wo tiliiefi ii onen ud in fi4 rendtmi riaiiltf int wktih itave diel bjt feiw hie esiih petifehiiirf it ituv hr cf cmidhe f rer treneh fevidilrhus and fnriji t iin- ihn h ite 1 iin rfvfjni iinle lha lli flirtl and usf iiiuwmum ll rcil u 7in ih t 11 h ne rnivaiee ns ile 1 ther me hww fvhwifif lltn hit mt 11 i 1 ne fl ii il tit n1 nvji rale eli n t lle nnnwr whirl unieio ileelf te tep4ettiil aio m lact uoifjtic tmlvslrikd ii vtrnv rntttt otflty enrfg wltdi tlie rnelttriliiu wtr nffr havm a v dtm rr of the aarpphinb iiffl nel r ctjetmns lieead ires iv fbieas ikiit h e vy sn h lherrovuiril jnrejjo eajeiilv ie nvteao itf ir hfee irh d fie bmeuaff rvr t rmt hie mvif fufiir iyit dy 11 4t he iimi of e hal irtvl never ilte giin uidhrieerrbl vtuletrt taliila we havn o tvaitf d ih eijliljnsurt 11 mnd i- iiiit auiaetdy prea4lrit r l ukakheil tthii iv imi may etvp fr re jfid ii ith ides may he rl iimn flte w i uf itt t awtni nr aitik fir evetnttink i i htt ne atibl cihtirolv ihe iliinaifl mil ere i nie autiltmetijreatr fchud ltrrtwe1h hit m lahtr until llitsi gtls iri ddrtnl la thii 11 iv t aitioty ihi ti f itre iu ail tij u 41 lx ltd l iel4f etui isiimiie ti in htf iiantininie nt r hn lee msf list- fa fnn ftrtiift il it j willt tisl vj lnveailridy onite l net ir ifttiy li strtat wilh iuro cedid eeiy 1 r t r 1 jl j i a atia iw 1 ihiii ih j i4tr nftil ikrliui il ttatl f tli i h ia aifudy ra ie si ej neim aetil irslmi w i l u lata al uimhfm aniwltan jlr i ft rred ull if ih i 5 1 nllini luiiu liiiie aliiilil en mi i aj if we ttr asvee wiihtl lln srhataaeoit iiv niiiui h mm wind fjftunaiely aided the vminards crew in yfltine rtear oit to ea she wa thro hauled upon a wind till day break th follow ing mornin- when ihey msdt for the hay and eonlimtcjt cruisina ahoot for three days in ihe hone of obtaining eme information ol the mi- fortunate master nd hts men the mnmeni llir veset arrived at sydney and the parti rn- lars of the outran were communicated lo hit excellency ihe gnremor drspalcties were sent lo the naval othcer at new zealand m proceed in a vessel and seek retire of the n lives some ol iho survivors nf the crew vf ihe vanguard to accompany him jt is feared two vemels crews have met with a similar fate and ihe vessels been capturrt dnrin tse preceding three mouths no tidings having treu heard of them since pntscavatlotf 4 live t sc wv nkitrvcp with mih salkfaclioni lhal mfsossv taylor and son naval vplwkreiv of laindosi have recently invented a li cork flatin hed dtlc ir the imrertant and humane put pose or pcservinlifc at sea and tnm uu esperimeot made ther is reason tocipetf that il trill he ihe means of savine thousand ul human being from a watery grave vu experiments which wero made oti the ti intlant in the meamvasin of her majrhv dnrkvaid avoolwich consitcd fivsi of raft formed with i common hammock laiaf irame lathed together io lestlan a minuu wb aome looc spars and was launched tns the havir capt sti vene inmr rd olt the p on tn the raft and rolled aoonl in rwf pomibte dircclioh to emfeator eitlwr to eaj isc nr cink it his an being in the ttu eliinhin lu the tjft until drawn into it br i father and 5ft nmrc prrwns enicst luv clung toil with peifrcl afciy vhilt the raft aenmmnn wi pillow wa thrown 1 water ssrvtwa laai left ihr raft and dat on the piitova i- doth 1at cushn wruehini only l iht sas irt tried wiii eviwal success uajstia common hedlisit v hs on which young stevens atacn al ruie ahoul the wis ami llie e endtd wtih a m wetm the same foe sir jj kranktirrs arctic edtion wbtob rmrc sevrns siei and drv mil nf uie water l then thew himteif lull leiiilli upon the io trasuand and feel up to show lhal ne d aail lltftttid upon them for support and rj clndeil hy siluni acmsi the maitret it wliii ntiliim he fliarit i- i with the k i did with ft muttrassnf rm eosrred in a walerpmof mlerial madr l cnier the malirrsies eae nrtil hauled aoioie ly the jaxki 1 men me tavlw said lie bad no besjutl in allowin 1601 1 dead wcicm to le uendtfd to ihe lame mallretv uvilwer trnv fpiarntv iwa rntli a few a tw cnnmuue of snc llatasfvaahv ta llve sssvnenl extraordinary events r ptsaji pnpnelr o the ftrrei hap iulom the hvc of llie ntaysir a eeowl ml lound il iittcrillfj ihreatemivj riead fem mi stosips m ihr eaoaa in wliwh m ivj svas the mnyei having tamly auemp loealtrt ihe peoplr emeaured ti envv l kvtie to eiee n ik people surrom ttr lnnive it all lli a i inh tin r vn the fa ami filled ihr cmlv kie hri demanded thai nne of the lil should he presented to dim lo ealdalsj w lliev deiired and ihe town wai once more enlivened with he a ivrr t f rel tc vetf tte qlfireis the evrnii- the reimtnlil nd pujcd fit a cousijvrablc time in front of the irate attract- injenumerngeimipajc4 and larc number of sipfelalon to fact ho inwn was cjtie y with the iallanl 46th iheir atay how- v waahortvne m9oclockon thurs day nnrnin ttuy lonk their places in the rail way and procevded on lo dover to relieve llie aitttwhicji will proceed to walmtr the 6ih u a very fine re jiment j the men were bronzed v ith service and hj a atom soldierly appearance tney have wen away for above ten year in the weil indies canada and nova scotia and seem to hate come home in a very healthy state though somewhat faeeed bv their voyaje their eprnrnandifigolliccr is cad carreti k i brighton herald te eermna 0 the hatfsrrt of tht infant pnncesa tonrtl daufhteromhetdueen and lnne albert loith plaeeon seluedav evenpff uy j3li ir ihe private chapel nf nuckioplhsin eelaec with pirat pomp tik quren dwter and the royal fantilj the fnreicn prince in eiihvd ihe clcrcc ll frein and rtiiwt minlucra a nri tltt fali n6 geioienpcaof the r llitutc hid aesisimc in mvlel in the cerrnaonv or ieedi paueeerfivtcen riitaaiaoiaajajcltek riw id cham be rl in havmf conducted the qien m the riom in whieli llie queen dmeieer and theuilirr ilinirais vitjiuta hd seinued thopmeeaaien f the es wta immediately marthalltd hy ihe tiiilir kmt f arup and pasfrd mn ue chel hit vajeajy vat c- eocnpintedhy ihe 1iifeetf tvjtes tmc alfred ihe pmteesa ltyil le prlnes aw the lord fhaitbenii i emnpinictl be the groom r iho shvtu his rnil hichnrss ptince alvtl ennfactrd the bfm sure tnli ihe ctispel ttr rmjsi infant ttditaed in a filjcftf ifnnt- ion laecorernhle alm otd aitended lie lawteawafi miv i welcn lire tuy mich- nee miscarried iy io head matte to htmi iitst aerviec tvs pt latiwn init impiimjaiivsin hy ihe arehhhopof cnlibij tw ljiieen i ve ei ni de ihr rrt m mvuf nf iu itlumnma eponta aid sn h taeo nitmv ij n4me f techjil lie xlmteriy framed hic v lmi4c co fie ilivcrru ataavsctt ao rnntn rsllatiuotbe 5lerrirwe leiiettf itieih iii our rail rn 4 i gnp ehraj m exl eafnea a inticimn enisre mth ihe hbbv ttslnf ithi iiii jnl rrlnn rl liom a low nliafli4 i tie infiiffssjt h llwl ibrvo ve nnw l03 nt titttli n in it psf nf lift rtd fceitreen mnntresl nil si ifvicifclie ihe ontvrs fr ihe if ne sl nlhn ffhvoii i noj hie ujin ieii the fiu frtltefint fciecn mdct will lie cmniiirn- 1 1 n itie fjt f jtv th- rnnte hisif earliipe h wrvtrf it ise il i iwfenes ar ii a fuw4d mate 1ie eirnni hsv uilrr osajlraet f hst1 fr e hv 0 t el in lnli esj ttt l frj1 ri a eie ie pprilitet ii m i trcj tt- tn iwiiiil nt tje ex de on selinn i itie liver ft cbethl t is to rtestkied o in ninoiiie onti tn anit neii t n tjmw htle i riehe is nl ji te w tv an i lc f rrnn iheie h- m velnsaie m peiarfifhjly gr jnl il he ctipfaselv rty n mit vi tn british w orlte par oraett ouov vvronksdav morning june lit thkjwtuct council- tne above municipal body terminated tht session on tuesday morning at 4 oclock a m having sat the full time allowed hy law vi si days the entire lime of he council was occupied in useful discussions resneclinjlhe raising- and proper application of money for he district roads after an infinity of nin had been taken lo view the case in all its various hearing the conneil cam lo the dcierminajofi of raisin 13000 hy mall bonds or dthvntnres on the credit of the dialric- nd to issue the same at pro per intervals and in small amounts as ihe va- i i roads may fee agreed upon and com menced of there heads two teem lo be most imperiously demanded and consequently all hands held up for then vie the knad opening lotbtaofffc portland hirjchin- brook and bedford and the road opening camden sheffield and tbo rear towiuhipt nevertheless to contrary were the opinions given and so many were ihe lines of road soegrsied that even now after tht council has men il is with dilbcuuy we can arrive at ihe trxie result the fouowifle are the leadin- features of the dylaw on the subjeet z the first claosc provides for the botrowinr of 15000 fur ienprotine the road il tbe midland distticl sttv i tii the warden he atorised forthwith loiasxie bonds in the jollewinr man ner xjsooift buod at6 ahuliitt each redeemable it ajx months aflctut without interest l500 in bonds of ten sbirga each redecmahte twelve nnifttraj after date wuh interest x300oinbondsof five pounds each redeemable four years afltr dale atslts interest 3000 in bonds of twenlyfivt pounds each redeemable in six years ific dale with interest at300o i bond of filly pounds each redeemable eight years after date with inleresl x 3000 in bonds of one hundred pounds eacb redeemable ten years after date with interest am tagil interest lo be paid on all bonds over the amount of ten shilinirs half- ytatly at ihe office of the district teamrcr fou ria provides for a rinkin- fund for ihe redemption of said bonh in the follow in- manner- proceeds of wild land tax 2 one larihing in the on the direct tavation of ihe district 3 proceeds of all commuted statute labor in the vicinity of said roads 4 tolls ariiina from said roads fa sbnaald tha items named in the above fail to produce a sufficient un for the redemption of sad iwds ibe inhabitants tn the viciitity of said uoadi to be taaed in a snm to make good the deficiency siith names of roads to be improved 1thirtcen miles of road from tue village of napauer tunning north through the town ships of camden richmond and into shef field 0 kihl mile of road from kingston on the montreal koadby tultles hilllowatd vmluvtn mill 3 twenty seven mics of r ad fcm torays corner in krneslown nong4 t an fn ile rear fiijiivo jii a road ruunins north from newburgh mvttl it intersects said road 4 seven mie of road from mill creek running north lo simcor falls in camden 5abonl ten miles of road from the villaee of waterloo tunning northwest on the old line between lou nos loand 1 1 7ih corvcession of kit-i- fi eleven anile of hoad from harpett comer township of kindlon lo spikesi corner township of portland 7 six miles of rad called the bath road township of kingston scvtntk wthr townships of amherst mand and wolfe wand and the island called howe island not to be responsible foe tha re dempvlon of ihe bonds the wild land tat of tbc township of pillsbsirgb and bedford to he excluded from the striking fund for the redemption of bonds eighth tha warden and the several chairmen of committee for the time being to ceihiitule a hoard of trustees for ihe management of tle sio1on fund who shall folly report the slatv of said fund at each session of the district council awla bvavd l trustees for each rad to be appointed by the council tijm appoints the tooiving gentlemen c li cmi irr a very poor widow who lives osrt three miles from kinpton had t stray cow on her premises poor as she was she raired a dollar and paid for the ad vertising thereof when the owner a rub- stantial kingston tradesman saw he adver tisement he sent for the cow and procured her and when the poir widow callvd at his thoploohain back tlie money she had paid for advcrtiiinjc she could not obtain it shall wo mention names t c launeri tht mctsr piatts netv steamer now on the stocks at porumeulri writ be launched ibis day at three oclock arrival op the steamship acaoia m sfttk latblt vmow roa important intelligence from file xeio yvtk hmld jame m th steamer boena vista capl jarvia from halifaa aniced here at tl p m witli papera ay the acadia foam liverpool may 27 which vrvsel arrived at hahfaa on wed nesday 10 a m and left foe new york in company with the bun viu the america fmm new york arrived at liverpool en tht 2 of may ia la than twelve days inelndinf stoptat at halifax i- ifi sands arrived at liverpool oo the froei tht uropan ttmes lierpoolmay27 in france tht sorface of tiiics appears omouhai more calm there is a lull for tht moment at paris but lyons is a prey to all the violence of mob tjovemrticnt the province ec in a frightful disaffected state iiti yeand nationnj fu took pi k son day at cnoet ov jijr which of eourse rendered the pliirw happy fr lbs day the deputicj of ne klional assemr a- sistcd at the solemnity whici howeetr did not include the dinner to about 60000 siesta as intended tht banquet pan of the arrange ment having been relinquished 4 impractic able the assembly and the government fcr already the iwn pnwere have exhibited tin i ins of bein- discordant bodier and not coordinate an t bo ri tic the two branchi- which we can hardly call the legis lature and eicctftivt of france for each aim at lein both both had no sooner cntbed the movement of the 15th of may than thev beiar each to contend fov the mastery the na tional ateembly intitt upon keeping as much poeter as is compatible with its functions in us new hand the executive committee require more iower in order lo maintain order and to keep motti ihe wheels of government the first pmpnied decree rrolatinc the relations oetvieen the government and the exrcniite has not been carried the article aulorimc the members of the executive lo sit in the asatmbly and restricting the power of be president of the assembly orcr the troops were sueeessivety rejected not only docs this distrust manifest itself between ihe tw authorities but the executive is torn with internal dissensions and ibe impression is that it muh fall to pieces we hear from all qnartert that m lamar- tine and m ledru rohin will rein and rican mnbter peesfsitad on be 22nd sastl f the address fn the kiecmivt flvtmaatptp toted by the enalt and llouee ot c ptirm- uliee of ibe united sratea fandermg fw coofal0ltiona of conjtreaa on the fucctm of the lata revolutiun lo which m- ltrnihina- i nadt aauttetdc reply tbc patb i m wednesday are more reaasotrns ims ptjsnsr will not b distnrbed and endeavor warn to be made to dubond tlie paid army of ovoriicr it vi i a 11 1 1 1 mi thit lae execullva waj more firm in aliimp and thai the diitortfrs of the public peace mjst drier ibe parpsv ratron of their diinp lyona was stilldat- oranitedind at tins loo tne workmen bad obtained owsion of the araeaal hot after a srorp colliiion the troops rettvtrod tbj possession of this place of atrenrih md tie ttertaien relumed o their dntv- tbt iotol- liartce from all part of the continent be come daily of deeper intereal french eecnltereare new comphratiorj- the hopei ol peace in ihe nvrlh of europe have not yet been realized the schfeawijc houlvin dispute remains almotl in aofu to it il cor rvntly reported in the fiisl political circle that the severs nee i of dantiic find mrftaca stcitin from prutsia may be eapecu tne ctrtnsn parliament hnaaesernbled it frank- fort he choice of president and vieaiftftj dent mr dilfrtiee the hesiian miniate and mr sieiron hat inspired peat confidence the emperor and ernnreer of amuia qoit- ted vienna secretly and unknown to ihfji ministers on le eentn of the 7ih iartaut they took their departure in a private car rier several imperial carri atpra followint aft hour or two after thty paxsed out ihroorb the fate muriahalf and it ra posiiivery slated tbal thry have proceeded to lantovnck onthelflth poirarhorfaod bb cofleasuet in the mtnrttry isaued a pnsctamahin annoan- ciithrficl aomifilhat the enneror bad taken this step from motives of hrallh this archduke francis charles and bis consort and three princes accompanied the emperor the ministers elated that they bad deeased it their duty tn dispatch onim rloyc the com mander of the national guard a trustworthy man with ibe uerenl renuesl to dispel the ap prehensions of the people either by the em perors return or a slaiemrnt of tie rvasoia which rendered it impossible count wilt seek had been sent to make the same reoiiest it the archduke the ministers nrr btj deully ilatmej d complete i takn by sur prise at this unexpected event and pfedred themselves to preserve order and to publish the people whatever communications they ieht receive from their departed moviarcn 3i endeavors were madr to pet op i err for a rebv hot the national coard threat ened to bait ti rioter and thry were sir resl-d- the iovfnl irrformation was recti vest on the afnirtvmn of the l9th of the a protest in return of ric emperor and that eveniof the inpajfu palace ncanrronoded o sands watting liia arrival in lombordy the war continun ondacided thtiertof pcschicr coamenced on iho 19th invt treviao wa invested by the aoalriaaj bul i beld ont on the 16th intl generil dirando bs returned to mr wn half war between venice and trenao- tho combined neapolitan and sardinian tqaadren had arrired at venice at naples the i7tb an umuccesafal in ntrrection took place and after sax lreopt had been killed the bcaotifuf city was rjivrn op to pith by the esavernmeot tv mae- nificenl villas and palters which eittnded in the sea shore ire at present a heap of aihev the accounts are very confused but mm irani that the national guard nf naples were cer tainly disbanded after he battle 4 n ftm- minislry formed under toe pttaidtocy of prince ceuriati in spain a sinarar eenl hu oecorted the correepondrnce between the duke of sofomaynr and sir henry lytton gnrsttr has led to the dirite of that eauemae jeasta 1 1 if ileeaid avail iprr n vt j in atlv paswtwmlhftt enavtis ttw iiiiviiur jil ethteil lfcelnea n nl te vud n t hjentlur ll rlt ik arlth illi tiie rpn liene l u i- lie vluc i brfajferiii ivrtr stall fe m lie pnr ne on ie pneimtj frn no 1 a campbell aniompton james wilson lewis xckm nvlomon banaar neilstewarl no 2 ifon j maeaulay thot buiimiehs a camerin george hardy duncan britli no 3 fmn ernesto wn io shettiefilj homhoitli j douw g clark lttban utrly john clowo j sconicn jo arney ffioin newborcn to intemcct sold lloadj r ayleswcfth r p hope 11 file p c kellar jos ooupc no i l oi witt geo millar j ifoolfc p timmcr- man daley no s j- graham dr vcu- manstnni snook n t gucm j mcvitiie amey b wale- no 6 ii jenkins jj- mcjnald james cilsan jas cnrdon wm jac d lake mske no 7 uojdl saddlier j ashtey j flanagan j fawr 0 hancock j f cvoamins t a cor be it ftiik paovisciat pcxiricimanv the cotimmhrtm appointed lo investiaie inlo the alleged mitnanacmen of this institu- lion will assemme at knjto tbii day wtdnoday and proceed io hitinrs forth- with ah llirpirliecnmpnsiitii the comivi- sin- arc refnimers while tht warden and the najsrily of ttc ltsjwctors ar of the oppote mtilta parly cntivlwully if il can 11 iv il i v ill ll 1 1 ll to iu lil ps itrr 4le n fnhif f rlwrri t i llpil if ik ooee jn fevj f bit u4 in in 11 uianlia ihiilil it riihl ihe liie ijhu ji idaller lw1seitiirnta the r 141 h llf iu ill qmn- i icr i vf nie aawimiif in lirul hiaer nf e nn fmel ieaiaita if in a winl tne vimuv id epiimiir wliilj ve laira lns aitve ivn nut li lu liteal immi ajilli ilia fifte lite sla llin lnnp railnay mm hflifa n lisil ft llei if eine il key tie ur iriapvit an eel t 1atlatiieiit j ll a nih iti ll after me little tie lliey dernandesl the irpa menl f ail is wlnrh im kwve lud tjtiaed t le in rceipts fnr tir ini it ol all tvn jihn nhtained la him an the vanlirnii rt eilint ptoweuliaai al ibve mnek ei iii1iiiituauiived hi elate nl girt in tmi anl oflde fnihier deswaaiuvi nic n lhe to fiire tlien nl ihe ninwy ikey nslje mi fmpe evnreed a wbfi tmrn1 line keener to st cjudin in irl e lesfl uini imt the ple refne1 and emn htin to write tt inn nl ihe rrmepal iern cierp to bure with mmny at eight ne lheiejnson ar isvd anl al it tvastinl ue ff thorn h pmcne llie whole mhn miidej they mhhl with unen nil j eaarri in j silver r 1 1 1 tim llv ce ii i 1 e tifnrrrl r ik ivttin w i iriv i vri1 hi ti i reem- se lil ne kkevrvioj ite r e a j ih iani riiakmvf iy y uf k in ir ran wharii vii wren b- i nil ttieir wrieilie ni grubbing 22 fed jarn r hi enneit o ttillh rw nrai t mhi ne mranieiop hie t 4it iw lla nl tlie f m nvd i j ihv prtvitcc lnval ni lul pos iieit li e mh kn j lhat a i hii h lie x a emn i 11 ile iietrfi 4i i- i 44 tne 4 evjana nii l l e deimi ji a inenajveihienl tla a im ul i- int in te na la hi e aar in i iltiirgi ilia aiar vinal iu ruiif lsie liij tiwrt llir riiatr ilentfadi i liia li it i im n lin e hm hi j ih ihi 1 mo bail a tae- altai slir vmil aiawitll beaoptmd ibivfreal t tn i lf df i vi le an1 pf- kn mtifv the rinlei- d they eddial m kniiiialieilddviailittieiiipiii- if the finest ai d lain an rnjefl nnl tn pity tin coinnninr thn iniirlant snin whmiy find hl d in a terenl uvi t itli in il tfco twals ntteted uvm in viidenl ihu las i ntue was nmud eemp1y nnl le m al 4 devil wiikii had heen freiirj i t1 flk oirfit i ilotasly krlieve it tint to adverti is ln t tieirfiire we ty ij indeee ix iwfi an m bi nay he tgre irailri vlii rtiteiiit l elieaai ttian ln ii afrad to extend a d reli iio mi anl we le llbi i t i losell irm elinp tlio wkn iirene in adveetrw ijial le ireichinl or eteniii will shj tudjitic ieilter wlii ibi in md tlm uiintei m tin i li finr i ha and wilh ii y fimiieiire fenrrintei1it a as for th risie iavie ii y tirntl i urn tfred hill in mri n iliri will i telmjl eitliel i i ivanw in pbtimmmt nl d n ajirh it uai a ttlulhe imt iu ihrni et i lvrii ciame in a inr tin ip ii- r ill v elf iie i 1 a i rher ia iretis lilts tt ln wnt iim idir wtiatl i n i lealdeapin lndl il li lisiu hi it tl let the pi i die i what he diirr tii i imndf im n ure iwn ways iilin in hi pv hulk ure i in hm i tiii li i y e wc feel asmtrvd it will w thai ndif cnrctibint eaii and that raised against the penitentiary ii l mc ml ii set tv i 1 tun t he ifsjhlli net 1 rirer i everf il in1- i iiere r ir wehn llufiriia tmmh lnin l and im iej qrov ihe clamor his aiivn from divnii ittncnt and malice we tinst lint no one will inutioatr tint ty political pattiatily hu hren inanifte1 vavkkl wnstrsskn in hie kar lr iit kidftlnn dek vard clwrk hy iwt wilh lie majesty wr sleamcr carrwltfe cnmnander fowell thp united smtrt war ptisuvl ftjftftmi lieut fulton com- inantec this line vessel is uuderoin ome irpairs prejiaraioy in her descendins ihe it tpids uf itiu st itiwrence l the acahoanl wlier her services retiiirrd antthtr lti stale war ait niner 11m oofjtiialso cvtcled h kinfrssshi and when ahe arrivee iioiji ve are to deieeiid toelhei lly re- nviifg bntli ihve v of war fio n uwae taliei ilia evident tint the american aii- uionliej are iwl njipiehrnaivn of any lllf illnlv diiiuruanit win the hntiili vr cotumal goveninieiil ftrarnnaa k mirrinnaii parlhea inteivsted in itie pr ef ihr tahnl ahili- neiieo innvvmrnl ai do hell t attend tha iliwhc meelinje to talte dam ihit nvenlnui n ihe cat hall at half tai seven flet inmeti the portfolio of war from all the ob servations te are enabled in make il appear tons that the nailanal assembly elected hy universal snjfraze and tote by ballot although decidedly republican is nevertheless more conservative than democratic the ballots dofrau and tt thiers party evidently by their experienced temper and as the repre- senutiven of propriety and order carry a very great if not fttdooainatinf weight in the as sembly theo are farther stienethened hy the leitiinatisu whose conltdence has so far increased within these few days that ihe prtttt their oraran has published a series of private letters from the prince de joinville now at claremonl near lnndon eminently calculated to awaken dynastic sympathies and lo pave the way for his return to france at least m a private citizen wc have- no that lamartine and the republicans are aware of this mov and it accounts for the decree recorded in our imi interdiclin any memher of th oleans familv from ever again senior his fuel upon the french anil which the committee on ihe hill hassanctiou- nl to such an eaten i however haro tht hopes of tne resrency party reached that a demonstration of operatives in its favor was contemplated and indeed from dy to day in rin serine nee nf alarms real or prctendcdnf threatened dtmontiraiiafk n the pari of ome bodies or other of the people every avenue leftdm o the national asrmmy and every ronnha1l and pase of the building is daily rlironed with mhtiers with fixed bayonet and from fifteen totwenty thousand troops oc ttpv the quay adjoining duriit the silue of ihe national ar hss plainly anl holdlv declared xuax the svatem of keepinc t umki or i50ij0 men jiensioned by late slate sliatnt nnthinamitst be done away wilh ihe neaiitatinn of lanor which was the pretext and ihe sncersful cry of ihe itrvolu- tiott of fehrnary has been fonnd lo he imprac licahle the oworir rs wlm were matters of hie itualron ami of the national guard now rind tliat not onlv twir authority is ippo under their feet hi that the troops of the linr ro the extent of abvtil fwv or dftv thousand men have hern introduced into paris since lit itjt of ihe 5ib may the relative lreutli of parties i allocethev chaned the cnspiraton of the l5tn may lo thr amount of nhoul 2s we believe ome sy 3jvr no otrcl statement lias been aven of hie numbers arried are atill for the mosl part confined al vincennes it is said thai the jnde hate ialrrrnatvd them pnvately and secretly w anvtliinje like a pnhlie ea- aminaiion which would enaklc all kuropc to form an opinion nf the gytcstl ol their crime and whelher any members ol ibe executive covernmewl were irsiilly of complicity and to what eiienl not to he bnfsl far in the meantime however it has nlhcially trans pired ihat sobrier who it will be remember ed had a little pre fee in re of mice on hi ow at the kne hivoli no 10 receiied frnm the governokt vlores on ihe mth april 0i itvikri amt 13110 packoce cariridees araso ihv then mtnister of war first had the credit of ihis thetl it ull acrile in flriikriin whniitfted it oflfcu own hoil der to ilieeof itis tecieiary iteyuaitll who s j ii in ilia turn declares cauiidicre to be ihe parly who unplird these aims we must hear in mind tint renault a creature of ledrurollin kjmsl nominated ehirl secretary lik ihe new prefect of imre under ihec iicmlaceil em tons alnftl iinpoasime tlaiovs ant siaiier ihe trit can he linished with iraul lo m laiiaitiiie r h ir policy wt entleavne in rain to penr- ir ne ilia mystery ll io this period we d lieve aritl itiit ho ha iiceeautly ttiaiiitain pace h hivntily alre n interest in htn rt intention f istund niih n vw in oinuo the war fuelion in praneei imkas at n head tf an immense inji oipoed tu nvapenka pvw has ineeeaully laooied to llv hatmily alfecled in lake army with all geimani in a litem hoi nwnl italy lnm italy ho ilinll inei ion tint 11 lm n v alp frmn the tcafc ituiviwnlly thai li demiii dee a re a tn relapse nmer al iht first call nf ie llalun renrh umv ttusll ctes tlie in the vante hreath he admlu teadinc an clelclita aatll fisaaj tht italian slates that they had no deiie tthalever m llie inlorvenlion of ihe french th rvneh art enna r vi tn itml anne ort if fiatei eal pretest fr rnleilnt taw puina nf jtalv iirt retire imtlhe llallatis reniemher ifiusf fthle of the poeruplnt and hit anawa maunff fp thajtaipithlllt rrpilm trent h haytmela nnee ihey hat t no delr in tot ibfnl htl their ttiriioiy aaftln m mh hi nt lency retthej london on wednrsiayamdat the central speculations upon this nntoward event 9t4 tht fire that la ope nine by the low don journals on the sibjcl we saall only say that llie aroun condemna the spanin fovernmeol whilst n t ovn paucra arc dis eased to censura lord palmerston a ftil explanation will no dnum be j m media lely civen in parliament in the meantime an in surrection has takfn plate at seville attend ed wilh a threat toss of linr and the prvrnrhr joiirnals lay all the blame lo sir henry l holwer spain breaks with the hest and sin- cerest iriend ahe ever had her own internal peace and iratnaillily will net be promoted by it ireland cojevictio or mitcnciu tv vrcretaa timet in a seco edition jnaoiftct ibe in- lelliflenee receited hy telrrajji that ibe jury in ihe case of john alilcftell relnrned into court alter threa hours deliberation with a verdict of gcjltt we regret to state lhal ihe petition of lee land continues in fill us with dtrp apprehen sion the excitement of the trenment trial now in purest has found tent in de monstrations of the clubs and cilizciu larrn bodies of whom parade the tlreett of dublin the dill for the rmaneipalionof the jrwa was thrown out last ntvbl ty m majority nf 35 in the uotixe of lords a new eleetm fir london wi therefore be nketawry tlie altair has produced a hirh detee of dia- aiticlioni and showing as it doe the onteach- ahfc nature of u r aristocricy will do no more to ite astimnlias to ihe canse of pro cess than any thins else tbat coold have been deeded wbelber baron fioiiascbild wilutandaeatnit is not decided markets stioee the ffllh esitnmeeeial ntteim have wen niet but at tne tne rime mther tlendy thar inm mth avraaatai fornneev hiehiaptmiilvi ant ike rate of tmrrcat 1 a 3 par cent r tbo best ouann lereialbn tlie najuco marhetaluivo keen whi ippcj ilh al arlieee and noma k triih eaulwo tbem ia nuch aleadiae io llie erain wade r4 far indian csora and tvsiar hieeple anoilesneine leadsooj tlie ctton tuoo mill eonlinvasa in a dou end tlir idiioi pee havm fjfiht eeeedrd tlur areosnvta irons the ear real ngnorcioiioar omiiici are ot on iho orhnle ol an inenainjiiif ehiscie- tne dnva fir eln dueinj iho pai wc haa nt eaimatre an iht aajvi veliieji inehija lirj aneiean uen by spec at ta am im i ti i riii fr vxpott not eaceesfjoobalea reea aro aaja a anol rr oar 1 1 an j m mrm nniaacea mddlief ojiialktira hae teo frred if il rvali decltva msvarinrh the toiil unkt ftrwnrd iv at it hiikii eeaier iuf tha demand tbt prieoa an taetaej uet etenine hy ihe enmoiitiee of fcndiem ro tiefar urlaatjad aleallo 4 ant taw or- k- 1 i itnmji c a yj ardinort 9 st 3jj per lb tlieo kave tn ivre iaiptecown ihe wecb va moivmitkt aerieai aed abat 41id i nllier de on tha whole tha priiecta of ihoifistleaee tlawnapd unlil nvst alllemtnt ef po affon m ibst conlinont lliere tm r i l any ioiinvetnent in tha friaon rili by tbt ci4irtera in ibi eonolry oe for ate pnt iii iti under even eiraieasaiaflcety bomtto inov etaler iwmwiee sate f ihey tea avbi io liatlvjlain ptewnt eatee wiibmil win ublifvst in avlimit io a fuitlw wdoeian at tlitaaenn4 iheyeailbtareelhereaaeoitta very rnral i i r r anil ai a taper ran en ptrnly ol uniie ih eneabkj rvfeeahiof aksrria iho ocsa pftit o net onooueaf hg aipol poh all pari er he uutrd ktefraaati tbt reiite are htli1y aatrtfaestny ani at o apauvj of cmre ten t tw vthitand fill toe lrji artn ewv nf f tain and fan ptnee al untb lasnoi ih atiejtv the ltltdd hnfhah wheel bi ivajba m ii tnaa per iiimi vjtnm ameriaon odd freari jfa j lira lnh w dun having hen in uaeeat- ritjtiieh jnpsaeja 4 3ot tsst v la ijwii flrfnlmirwevlhiprnlnmvflslvahn m 4 i fr nhile iel 3a ita tn main th hiinja i is m law ntlm ant al tlie eaiea t i 0 atffata m ins frar ntfiit ateadv in vlno at ye lkie the le weaiti ike ralee tn limktiia keldi nittr ta i tnadlmi fff v tt4aitiviljaf vdpe bti wo wf linllis rtmaia hu1 iimpaotjia lniun oinnaihl ihta i inland fwaw vbtt lltewoane veiy t ttwoa have i riies th- m meb tl it lie vin aiiilaimuwhm apvtaivbm t teeund rvaat reivijayv mstlt btf vonal taddntamitji ad ttmniha artffh el it nelletvd that tbt altht kiatar lain wu ta esti onth laef bine taitlafvi t l si

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