British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), June 17, 1848, p. 2

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further extracts 1kr stcamer acaoia the govfcrvmest prosfcirtioks in irkinotrulanl convic tion op mitthk1l from fw litvytu jalast ja 2 a few mfioi after ten oclock on ft may morning bm lelroy and mr jirtie monce tojifc iheit seals oft tlip bench end mitchell wn placed al oic bit he was cordially saluted by several of hi friends na whrn litt counsel mr holmes tool hi ttlbe wanted eentlcman wa creeled with t hearty ehecr from the occupanu of the cl- iriy amon whom wet several elegantly attired remote 71m nv n thronged in every p vj fomcof the moil respectable and influential parlies conntcied wh lb counlry and city endeavore but inettccluaily to obtain ad rnisaicm the jorot having answered to their name the attorney general staled lb caw in a lone and w speech and adduced rrrd in pnvo hat delivery by ihe pirsener of the k rbr ti m iy mr holies aildrrcd lc court rn srlir r mitchell he denounced the law ider which mitchell lad weft arraigned and driiied hopirerortfterliftaflifeiiilodptirc irishmen of free dicusin jjlie court re pratrdlv ificd lo mop bin but he defied jl ulffrmmhhtif client oefciice mr holme then discoiicd ihe rendition of ire- imda1lcint thai the wn an mlth t omlty ikil ie s the irish nation with arm i it bands oxstrtrd il freedm and that england for ever renounce d he ctin to make law to hind ireland the history of he iceisjative union ibe eorrurtfi which bioflcht it about and ibc rixhl of ireland to ivvv weft tfin it rapid ivrcroiini dia- ertsej baroft lofrey hrfo attain n nrl mf- molrnes fitftc ln court woiu not cr- mjl him to ntoclaim ift i brrfoco tbe doclfant thai loco mih r aaiftl ihr pirmml mr holotea arain iiiii no bis rihoftd invrd 1 arifral that vhll 1 affirm it t4 lar and vow ahull he ai il fio i coifrtih oot foe the rifilit of an iir n ric aft ariftv bill ihe rijcm of a pea4e mr holme thrft ritiololhe coimiluitorial qoeatioo of uir pecjiui fichl toeedre hrt iie vanteiand liwnle iheovtfleea by tvrxt of rmv ibc cooit liilit- naiicftlly all the while and m- 1 r tr rt trtry no ad llicn re tvatioi the rltrtt doilfinr ami asknc tli cwtt wa it not 1- ji it not according to the ton jiitniiit suiulamy jc r l the uw mid for irt pcttl r bb client mrht w guiij boraliy be wu not guilty lit hd rrformed ihr fjrl of a cood eiiro t bin ettiracter was dater than liberty and be urt h wa there u defend his character tnd erooortfau tht no nvoral uii was uu him tint kiund and copland lone waj chilly of the emlarefnent of ireland niliy of bef otorca moodwthe ibrtee coiuypeaifr of ihh oroaecuiion i ow land said toe old roao on the vero of iftr rravr i jdtad ftot for my illotil alor but foryoo i id yoor children hthen pealrd to ike pry fof 0 refditt in favor of lit mr heon re plied for i trown and in ihe course of s j obscrtaiions ssid be wag free lo admit that there im eacs ttudl ohij nrobitly jitlfy a people in resortine to fore e when looro weie eif of defenee when alfl wai ti areuionnoa tkeic lit-j- j e moore barged tne jury who retired at aquaiuf ratt foor thd bad not returned wwnlbcftiaiueft l wftft sobseoeftuy teetapsej from tso aftfct fepte w vivxm vn ftct ewt denarture from doblin laal oicm tbat atoahi aiaj teen ufy tbe report eniy be eredilh as it bad been rent to iha foeernmtol tar loolon oo ht aolboriiy of the arlmiially afenl by electric utetrapb he ba been lrampotld for 11 jeaia toe eooitry i i anytbinfi bol acooaforia- jir state iliiio airbed men mareri iboot tbe street witb nulilay preeiwoft dobs eon- lwifl from forty lo e hundred persons veotcaaued in ijmot eeery coofttrj nnder tbe title of eariow litsb pautols foe instance a the emm the graliao ihe fitrermld and the like the press is uncon trollable the people are excited th lord lieuleevanli io bad odor and the q keen if peeeoted from fifilifl ireland by the threats till are openly invoiced io by some of the am violent tepeal pahy in addition to ihe nffjfstasre4 setitires mi dnsty of tb lo fton newspaper and a mr rcilly hae been otmlfl iji wilbou thee are arraigned in a dirterent nanner to menn obrien aad meabe no ifu jry will convict ibem llf kninh evteertveotnt bare no aioceore wilb regard to ireland for erery line of poli cy ibej adopt for tbe betlei minacemesit of ibat coctatry only apfwar lo increase ibc jiaconttetl tbat ratnu tbrouhoot ihe land soto titl rivalry cau in ojanel be iween the proprietors of the american gleam ore and tboae belonjinj- to 1h mail packet company wa were rather amoied to beat ibat a triil of ipcedwa determined on between uu veaaetsof each cintny tji ameiiean 3i tba cmud suta wbteh left tbi days tvforthej cottpeliloc kc wa commanded by cipuiit hackstast ibe olhee waj the new steasietthe aiofotd the mail hoa1 tinder the olasof capuin ryrip it sa tbc general imprertoo thai the anierican u- will bo ihe victor terrible massacre at naples oo salarday ibe ifrb n ibe nftminr at nifde tbe deities werr aemhled in ihe solle dc monte osieotto in prepauioey scs- oaonto modify ibe foim of the otji to he taken ai tbe opening of parliament this olb wo in ibese term j swear cdemy ijolhe icin and tbeeonshluitonof sstfa jann- a-t- tbe deioliea were opposed to ihi tioa1 tnatd hut belnt olvwcd by tbo v anj ibe lioopa the privilege t ptltae ihv iftov ihrothcmje dor nd crof hp and privmtv homes wttc wvti fiicetl nl a itvnril pihie anil an conineei to rriesof viva el r tlvlfval vf j- lack wn uieen bv ibieo gitm froen li frt wwn tbe icd la was niaftf unheard of aimcifir were perivlraled by tbe lazratnni ad the lrori they rntbed intn ib pa sir h nd maiered ihe in- hesttaub uitbont ditinctton of ao or sex dininc the bodies of thcii riclimi froin tbc windows in one hir were tlim a falher t ir and fnur clnldren hber victims were drartred alive thioiib tbe sliel to be buuhernl stniclc a tvy wentalni and mulled by ihe acent police and lol- diert wbo compelled ivm to ciy vi a el itey when ihy nrfvc j srf wvtc pricked in tbo facr by ihe pivint of ihv uiyofil lhe royal cnard murdeicd iai sons of the mrouia wamri in u w pajoc j tbe father weitt siatk mad the pal it wi sacked tbc eniiariet f h i cnciloj nd aceoedimt to ooic aceounttl correltsj hisji- fwlffl vcc emprnved in toa im on ihe raulm to tbee act of alloc ly sever iiernvn known to enierlain lihrtal ppirtion were dfed tfom iheir hrths nd hol tbe tnaacrc eottiniicd fr eicht bnr the hosptals were filled with woium in one swita toiinea alour tbero wtvt jtd killed aih3 viviiujof v inii 30 vcro oftken jvvernmrnt was proccrding lo disai ibe national gunrd the aipeel of tbe city wat tkpl rblc it seemrij to be converted into ne vast tomb tbc corrcipohrient or tbc fiencb journal say thai the french adftiimj bftmi ei- piewed tbe jceatesl iftdigniinn at the fondue of the kin and aemnunced thai eeaics ad the law gf nation have been violated by tbo ncawltn iovrrumrl be uould pve one hour to stap the doordor nml guarantee be ineiolabjitvof roos nd proerlie- thal otberwisrie would hfnjr bii tvei from the cnalvi mare and disembark u0u men lo defend ibe light hufnanitf and nations may j7 at u oclock ojfimn of arlille ry parsed m bnw scnti l were puced at eeer twrftty wid ihrttiifh the city and tbe whole vjiljme force tivnnackcd in the inland capital snob i impauablc hairier rr f w jptcid aol becauje il iea not in cotoftancc with tbc contcstfoni of 3r4 at siluijay and snnjay passed in neeotiationi in the even ing at eleven ocvck it was annooncd thai tbe kin voib nol ftxodify the form the rfeputie th f r of so wiaed themseteea in ternianence and seni hepiufton- t ihe w o heal astna mod fie alien the kin- trfosed the national cinini went in rl number to m r fi- vdio lo pennae lb deputic to pcrsceere iont midnighl anolber drputaiion was sent v ibe pnuee when ibe kj demanded lime a ii i fixation of tbe oath was then prnpowd on vrnlcn a rescrvalion of the ribts conferred by tsi decree ol the 3rd april should be an a he tbo kin pretended to accept i1n bol tbc chamber learned tb the irooja bid mean- while been onltrcd not and eeoeltd in all eoncittaiion ivcame impijle son afuf miflnlibt ihe national cnrd cm- mrhr- ahalfps orw law fzcnrrm wa beaten and at i the troops in flfy cavalry and artiltcry itsned froai tbetr hsfrocii and ocnptcdlhe pacea around the palace the caam and tlw market thf kinj vrc informed of 1be construe- tiaw nl tl barricades nrdered the aodiers in wjibjtff a- j fwistitcd 10 the tvarhamvni tntrna opened wiilioni any oath thb fvrmali- y ta bare taken ptaco with eapunaiiow e- lb nwrirf vvftatltf th haomal cftard howcer cefd lo lr k narrijl eieept on i h condition rf the avdavnnof ih chamber of pccra tbe mitmerof ibe foiuewe and ike temoval nf biw from the capital thi beiu cteciid lb moopi were aaain ordrtcd onl ibv nq jiret of the palace atid other places coftiod wilb armid force ioclaaini a an dicnatt of artillery a j enk rr lij bem intvo drawn ojowd ib ctj at li- n i 9 turo evoo s0 vytrii inoeamvnt 14 rrtreel bul i ii oclock a snfkct wn dincbarced by aasvevaf wb ibsaiontlffiat1 wlieeint rt fwayed hhen4 nrins tv 4n1 u tfthei trswoa r opened a sisndows ire of mtsbeiry by biuon nnd iw avrlleey eaim64 a uvni dmctors i 7p s bo ini j m u- rfmnrol ai ije bifcfc4cr sanyr- rvwcida iba jfu guards 0 iy of h r 14 otijuy f fcr yvld on incb of cadlnatihe were obojiil lo lnd orne j503 mn for lb i i ii ji of krench piorfty rv many i have bcn infoenii that a deputation of resi dent wailed on tbe fffiich adftiiraf in utv coone o the dayreqntstin1ii4 intervention amejcins that tbty ha been phojrfot to a ruinous extent the admiral riplird that that be ha j demanded satitfaetiaii and com- pmsalion and that be had acnl for a portion of hi fleet to cittcl mare- a sharp torrc- potfdeneeit i aflirmed rnaflid betwenn tbe admifal and tbe nvernmenl and that a bom baijment wat tbfcalrntd it is a fact huw ever not to be pard by that bit nmin- two frrneh eesrl taied over fur pastel mate and lemained till thi aftctnnan a far as it e this intnva lk a elaboration of one nftbe atofitl i kwl yu ibe soldier are altl occupation of the railways a mmntj force of ailillery had been font down in tbat dirrctton to be ready fu every occur irnce sboiild any of the provincial come up of which there n a rthi talk i l r- 1 peel thfm hone err- tbe cuftj has flruck loo diciive n blow- fresh tfoops fame in thi- rnnrninf from kocerj and il is rrpirtrd that ths kmgbani oil to lombirdy for rhat pn of bis toops tht wants con formation our tbop are mill closed ul they are bciinninc tn repair ibe streets and arlae i wne of the atiijuwi i saw his majesty j this aftrrno3n by hi two hrnihrrc and a genera otscer tbey walked fiom ihe palace to catlel ntiovo followed by a ear- ritse hi it wat m sick and he ht- viewe4 the soldiers in ike i llt m i lh- rii v vtii most enthaiiasttc os ibo part of ihe military and the jaiznrooi this morning arc gazetted tbf name of rrttbb funlionariei wbo bavo renounced tbeir aiurie at present in order if possible to relitre the ublk hmlbem tbi may be reciidrd as a mark of adhesion to govern ment have seen a litt of killed and wounded which pertiap approaches nearer to truth than any that has oren as yet publish ed soldier 400 killed swiss suffered prin cipally and pirlienlarly the officer wbo were aimed at national guard 300 killed in righting in the streets sbellercd therefore behind the windows wonucd nn each aide o 500 prisoncn the seems to have been considerable ia carta who was nominated lo the neapolitan embassy in eng land bad hi houtc sacked of every thing therein and hi brother be in c placed on his knee toldierj holding pbtola ai their head whilst others plunder ej they wcro not how ever implicated in the affair there are naaay who think ibat ibe whole thing waw yijfj on by tbc royalist party to produce a reaction on saturday a well infufoied man told ae tbat there was wmelhin brewing to prodoee counter- resolution 1 e nosuitj- cient rjoond however a yel in lubtcribe to ibis opinion it if icmarkame certainly tbat the iroop looked on whiltt the barricades were beiii made but tbct aij a soldier to me we were ro nuited with the national guard to maintain the constitution tbat we did not believe ibey would proceed to the extremity nf ferine upon u tbo actual fighting continnett fifteen bonis itatv milam may 1ft ims jlfortfiirtif of tac adrian md ttiiin fovfe jnf rriiiinjr n a fainta in sojy considering tbe naagnifuitc of the inttcl at stake and tbc critical situation of the hos tile partic you will be surprised to bear that little rel chance has taken place tint tbe date of my last kijtv tlie armir nf ihe king of sardinia and marshal radeky arc aiill inpeecncenn the djins nfihe ange and the mincin the army of general nu- ii mifuvuvresin the frioul no move ment hat fern effvtrd which bf sr riouslj rnodified ibe chancei vf ihe war voti will recolteci that ihe austrian fntee mrv in the north 01 italv cnnil of inn ar rated from mcn other hy a lontf it will nntc i gerierai en- t cw 4 j j- be ivwtf jrt 4 utotlioaidorf fi mirs sen tin of country oat cnmanrtej by marshal raduky and tht rtlir by crn nnent at tbc prert tbf fontr rrtrj to conmtt r f toenctihric nlout luxxt cnen i divided into four diiiinn wbib are k rally concentrated in and around the foor foc- mantua lccnano v t i- r cbwia which a you will se ty any rnp foiiflj ibc anel of an citeativc onadfililerl south of the lagodi cardi and uhicb i livened by tbc rivers adie nul micio th main bnty however ft ibis army i col lected in verona the strongest f tbo fm- irvaofk issn in an rtitrenclied camp imme- diamy no tier its walk- the sardinian army and itsauiiarieis necesiarily l in a cirrennftdiric mnnr j ihe mam bv i in face of the intrnelrd camp unelpi vrnna a tron fore howrvrr i arnun echi ra which mmtbe reduce befnre any deetmtr batll h ventured at vvfoo according lo the hitchaccouufa the lorivifdmeiit of pt chiera had cmmtnee and ita ec4y mrt- renler may lr ctpectrd j that nncc accom- dihed the fmce which mvt wiit the army of verona and sarment aesy le ecictcd meanwbi th 0 r army under general nugent n ihe ftjonl ha bien making itvf hl steady adeano at the dale of my hal it was on tb- taeliamento and al udine aiftco itien it bsa advanced tbrh tbc coun try brtween tbe taglimeirto an 11e plave bar ctostcd lite lrt ritr and s now umler lb- wall of trevtan nn the hlh roadt frm vtnico and padua trvvrto ii tolerably for- lifted otcuped jy liyw inhabitants wbn are aidd by evaaij koman volunteer sor lis bavo been made vtb more or ira one era beajsssl the autrians in according to the jalml aceouim il setmed likely thai the lailtr would uvel m check and be com- tled tonroeure arlillcryof aiej before tbe it eniu be taken in ibe mean wbilo a considerable foc under qnlhr1 kirand i enllected at a ceiled mrim half yy between tieviat and venice so ihil if ittvin ibulj iiipmur ii c f i within it would rrtiie uiwii l rerv and ibe whole ujsum ftft i udy of lloipe j r nl to pre vfjrl the msirbif the aosliiam under nu- hem uprn adu and ibsii vlumtdt june- ihrff wtih kvlttay while ihrav ihinspi wef gig nn the gr- f i x fpiadn ctntili lf two frigafr rive vttatner and iwobilgt were tailing on vrnic in rait thu bluekjde rslahlisbed by ihe aomrian nadmn these wfwtu were soen lron ibe lower of st marc on the thhandlbry will hum have arrived and rendered venire aceejhlr from the ca stteh is ibe j- i i ioi of offaim in inc thea tre of wait tithe lime i write the critical fiuesliou now i whether general nuent can ivrm a junction with marshal itedrtky bc- fure a decoive engagement at venter the provihoral gjimmenl here have late ly isttiod a prnclimilthn ilrcliiisa hut they believo ihfr independrnco of norlhem italy can only be avtured by the annexation of tonha to piedmont bvt not dcsitinx 1 lake the renoiiibiiy of sue h n measure they have delermicd to dtcid- it by nnhor- sal nltrage the vote ol tbe people ot thi ucioq uo beina ukcn at the momeof i srire tho venitiati pmvinees incapav pf main- lainin their independrncr ceparaicd from the oil tr slatt of northern italy would neceirily tnle themelve ftlno and thus hiere euld b nne ei tensive kndni extend i frtvn the suit of genoa to tbo adriatic hating vvniee and gmoa as polls aid turin milan acd udlne a a stale would form gaim the encroachment of nurlhern im i and would thus contribute to the indepen dence of the tuscan pontifical and neapoli tan slatea tbe small principal lie of hswitj parma rcrodxa see are utiitin fltemrlves rrs pcctivoly cconliiln their respectivo taste to the j ic tuscan or lha sardauian 54alcf no event of any general importance hi occurred in tbo komati stiles ainc my loal letter intetrjcencetnom austria trig vmcntot tire kmrchoa vaoi icwn oiii- advices from vienna are to tbc2tult ahhnl sii oclock nn the evenlaf the 17th an open landau containing the emperor and tmptrssof austria dtove out of vienna by ibc maria llilgale the emjkror acknowledg ing tbe salulalion or the people who supposed he wa driving tt sebonbrunn f afterwards an empty travelling caniaie wilb tbe impnrial arm took the same route and at nine olock fuur other imperial carriages each 7own by la horn passed ihrouh tbe ere it wa now evideftt that the imperial family had left viemi tb event wai made known to the asfonrsbed population oft the btlowing morning by a proclamation ilacnfdd on the wjjta y the rilursdorlt min istry which remtlnd in office al the earnest ftlirition of ihe emperor and of tbc kir e-iity- tho uroebmatinn slated that tbe miuisiry j fty received a verbal annonnce- gient of tbr deartijre which wai kept a se cret u tba palace and that the emperor had srono lo inspruck for a change nf air- it alto announced thai count f logo ihecntuntarider- incbief of the national guard atid count ivilosrlt bad rotted after tbo trnjicror to persiijr him to return the rojh oo the national bank ww ao great to get cash for natet that it was found nete to abut tba gale small nnnohen wera adieiltcd at a ii and their qote chanced the newa thai ibo emperor 1 quitted the city pioduced ihe ftreateil eacileeaent tbe mliabttanlaaro uftanimouily for ihe emperor and lb eoaintena of ibe constitutional monarchy sevar itladriird youne men took advantaceof the confusion which pto- to proclaim iha republic bit the people wort eacesively eaaiperated fell upon them and would have handed them if the national guard bad not interfered uioit energetically c fnereed them fj nrf jctinp ri cnisef tt ibe speedy rcmbuitcn cf order and a jcpu tatioo 1- been aent lo the empcroc exprcit- in tho univemnl deairo tbat ba will cotnc back immediately creat military precuations bavo been taken lo preserve ihe pee of tbo capital all ibe heller done of the population art in favor of ibe maintenance of constitutional monarchy l is vienna gaxette i full of decree aiynrd by ihe ministry calling upon tho penple lo maintain order martial law will b pro claimed in vienna and two mile round the city at tbe first sign of an outbreak the return of lha emperor t- his capital waa hourly eipecled bpa1h- itwlleohaorved thai lewd plmest4ftinen- nondcinif sir henry ftolirete return stated tbat u of course il did nt intcrfero with ihe amicable rolattona eislin bolwecn great jjrilain and spain the feroj4 of madrid hi published a lengthened reply of tho uiabe do sotomajre to sr henry bueenj kticea omillctj in she dpio- rnnuc cneiravdenoe laid befneo the enlih oar lunnent vhwh evmniveftamoai ir not ail of the kiiih irtbwa bftcinniii m coneliidr by ifin sir llonty bultecr ibat enbab in- tevsvfeoeonn benair of qoocn loabolla biiberto oonetdcied to have boon ceneoo uqd rj i eacd woold been r r r it n7jreiod caoldit uvanptjppjoed that it would have been at anj time atlecd in suppori of a claim to i v an undue tntvicace in tho internal affair of spi ihcfeyalpanuirdanoudlwva enereoded by ihr4 own anaeirtioj cfjutia in rti iog the emwn on thrj brow or ihcr youthful queen rid r is cementing ibe j 1 vhieh have r i i i ir and indcpndenee if tlte eaopnnltm nf fitendly nali i to bo por ckatcd al l c i a i y h esectteney cnuld ni hone t allrm many auiance to lnftand krtlunalclf i wc fltlr r i r i iv tho priua ion that llio hritrih notioni with a duo aeneo of it own dignity will also doom our ecrtiment rr and cltvnted i aught not u conclufte v i r z f your vbftoflq ilat i -n- abfo to rero2se your eontpetency n iretm the intarnal artira of spain i aball rw e iir inioany further arcomnnt ih jonr escol- itncjmi tbo aulyet f atlf ard how tedioui hver thi carrpondnro way have beenit nifl ttaee laid iwn benre lrt h andaakver the nein cun thai ir tbc sptnnh pitemwenl ia dttpneed tmrmtlhrn ila i ii amily and porfrel hnrivtonj ub lh of ceal i 1 j i aa much as pusvihtc nd in ptttjieif by nil tu nana at il rwnfnand tbc reifne i iitlerrat of the two coun- itiee ilwl never knt irndf mnj act oe anv demand lorumptiiue ui il rcorom or the will x cater toarrrpt lb fad vttlt wich in i rvn i lenoeiine tip iniititeore ffm lanlnifii tn toeidiv etnnjrlic itrd ol we find hi i sere ten law it ntiitiiv refiw pimtiin fvr sr t aulnvd itti ltmfh njhysn at n r i i ht tto hsnnf crmn fticf otafttp sw a retauliun fofticn vrajyla cedm m ivturd fem 1enj wo irani thai the romih pw- ernntent bid adtrersrj it im ouhvet ovkrinf ileetf innicsltu h mmh up- by tv tatter fir rrnity vl trvrtnni fr- tivn pniveen pontn imi replied li uii uvto in a tvfo fiivfuc w p4ee irunuafcv rvrrawj 0tnbinf tie tswn rdaee r eib tli iroop fiod vn ihe prv hsn lilev tle eieitnindvf atehtcc ho lied f vmi tlio keawiwwmlvbsmlbaswab of tvpinco l lle hnain cniviionni ibo ttb tui cirrr nrnt wrilin at loocw ul aiht vrt lit i tlh nu uvai that a isnnw n ef nppme the rfnilviim lofifai h pcip uavr inlm up n tl reiuin t me hvnmin iro frnm ibo fvnirt pvl flw rugvitt a etnnojj rorj wf re ntula 4 prap hhji ibe rcru liry a z n v i f c be hi td in nviriaw iiiirf len ol nnllbc lii itmtn ti nlftc tlie iftn rlmca brilil- ftitjibau prttfe rtt tut ihe fclreeio serum are rtiaii in iho cien a the im- pa ba sen eof t jfn j in ibc eiidvl rd the bar ibonivnal itllhvfd it aa an indo rights anil rrapct hiikii a fcnovni ntton 1 have tbobonnr 0 tna ooia da strtouavoa madrid afwuls tho rado in an artieloon tho coercayonov coidc hull atindr up at ilseaimoiimo bnw much do we rocnai ibat ne t r v i r i t lb j nil lhat w- know- all that ibe population nf mdri4 katwfj fjrost baa b tbe ttiejuii prudtteed in a frieiidlj njimin at a cr diptomalk eoimapndetwc billrr nud icibe are tbc aeeuaatiirfta that hafb been uoneti d aoninat its anthma litis n a- trtiun thii j i r- i would mj thnvaa note nvm tcrrtbl tf iltat a iw knew what wc knuw l conceal uia i hirh eotiro tltfoyc irara with hnor hns tiv can itiit ba iniaudrd t frrlidii iho i rlmenuuaronilj jnado aatttl sir it uul- wert m- niearsn voura brolae of llm cokt einntrr afaast ihloesai and m urttsj direct of llwaeakpreiitivmecuerdof pailkiairva in tirfuimfif ur a- i had veon r reaied mr hatsmanca wa vahovod have ta- ceped eu franco pfmmaltk tlo duea ennfijinr in tfta latervenlion f swrden refue c anm adrr urn j ala of aasro and ii i n4iti i- aorlhom part of n f rktf dcay tynoni of dinacca eetrwd by ihosunbarjro thoy base for ih preaent ifua4 tlie truoe rnpnaed h i nli lj nd i i purtded the oiwvatf ioo kjhoand weser enraa l bfoabin ilk knfhah and itansan r s uiintt it ia aaisl hai tbo emperor t itmaia be hjnslf aonnunod bis intenfivn in labo aide with denmark and fuenuh wtli n p and tnps tha l wrsngol lj iosvod a portamato u ihojutlencerr oatad koumf mv laaw wbitli ho at ihat ba boa uva iwcod by tbkr uwn g- trnmenl to inipno upn ibem a eonlfibufen r 000000 pbr j l- i 1lj na a aowjgi intloral for loawa on uorman trade aad t and ibat if iho ainovai k i paid by tb roihlnalr iwelmp by mulary aauikti wifl lake puoo tho ifomburg jmpit ce raasmovat j an nl of tiotal n ftoaaiiyliaoahi armr wuh aommjaioalbra ae uanovor te iho i ihat poaoo wnb thsh- ji was a good tfinii m an ai n l oh ui eionnn ovi bad mien- lha war ol ta i flafainfnd btuh j j rt hi apt tal wo of v lwasb 01 fhke trade i nc fojuwin tnrrpiidiro and adjnirt- hnvi bijbly interejltnij decu- n and il l reail w ilb peal nteiet at i tiecsrat junetiife fue i hem we are in- dud lo the anreof iftratt sirraftx orncn montreal ijth may 1t8 t bve tlc honor in acknowledge i iff t pt of ym tetter nf this uy cncloin mnniift1vton the roar1 pf tiftio of mon- lil tnllerinnt daeiout moktiylh tjuen tl ibc ivrn u njfif rf the lmeiij portia hni respectively on be subject of ibc navi- n ijvwj and of tlie navigation f b ives st lawrence which eu the wi nf u i loaf j nf frtde rm ieajjel rniy he tram- iqieal tea lr majety sccrnarv rf suic h ihe connie to be bid lefore rr maje- l anj lb lrdb and cmmors of ibe unilvj rnnrvilil lhl cmnmercial union ul tbo most inlinatc imitirt will le rhlncel hlweci iw itntel ttlanj lln- fuuty tbe mee bblc reutif wbicb wnnu l- lo diisdve ibi- ties whivh conpcl aval h moihe comiy a ennaamotin wbicb yotsf mc inoriaist oubl iledy deplore istuppo h mcb fruacdwcty nn the iccripl of yottl cont- i bad tbe honor iu toy ibe same cmitc befnrc the ivernnr gf you 0 he iiureaiiou wh it en vat awl i am commanded io infoii oi the memntish of tbe tlnard si mhwitli forwarded tw her majealys culo al secretary- i aaa further commanded lo siate tor the ootmatiort of lh uoard of tnde that ihr inject of ibec memoiiau hai for oirw time rtatred the altsntjon ot lli kxeeluney and nkiii but t- w be jjnc day it t lit his excellency ba communicated the i rumored ttiat hawl nari ilj knurr t iliokewioi orcrnment t hr majtity raw i ot w oeenped b titiartt tranqufiiv hill nt jc a nimttrf ntfird an ewo isjosstsm secretary the npiniou eaprerj i itbeae emamncatinr ato the ea tad fito itceiuvit this country fiom any retfictioni v rail i iii it i p u ils commerce ar slrcnclhenej e ibe represertationoftbe hoaruf trade nd hie excellency eoleiiaiits atronc hpes at the liberal and ijeneron policy ef lb i ant npcriat uovemment towards this colony teftljllbe furlhcr ekemptifkd in the meaure e nd his vcvllenfy bdic ve ate under con o siigmsl jaferalion in ivuid iiaban hi iccltency command mctotay ibat diersoneilnodrnloni naiwihtaandin the v r mrtn ibat ha has not ncij hers of ther ntrv fuwic thanba wcia rotrd nfiorm or compliment ill nliru in ihetn m idivi meeimc ccjetnl lo mew tiberasly and generosity to tbe policy flcj ji the ntnd i on utarli nn lince be ot k j to dclnd ia alrej dtbed j wan i n tt nuncnao cornel xlnrieevynebor has hmm which doard of trade f pesiviainnalu taken tho command in chief of the j lft f ward 10 the effect tnat alsnuw ihe trwsatutirn river st lawrence not continue to be ibe tbo iamb from imtfn or rather fromtrtral higbway for lh trhsclawianor fmnier of rcomoiercai uni of the mmi nitrate cba radiolr b been ditrctrd m ni tyrant itilibtii the irime mnter bwjf f rv y r wliirhtr he 1 arriil in hvt rrfnaiin tau upnn hiinieif to eoyu on tlo anol ujouo men an informed ihat fcwlrlj prrn weio wounded dinaerouff inyrstetdajnalfrny furhavrarea- dj dted according t the l nf ihe contrv iha troooa cutnut imerfcro till iher aro colled ejt by tho cird authority trvy nt nly dd to lempy but natlid u iho unarmed ftople eliarjed then nmcilcaaly wilbii rnie or svmmon a to retire 17ft cter will he orodticcd brtween the hatesof america and thi colony lh try tbit ainrdonieorunuo tn he nf ihe moat alarm iep bind every jy tho insurgent srriin tininc strength and it is evon pnaiiivcly inacrt tue tesilt or which would bs l rin ed thai tjiey aio in full possession nf scmln the irs which c0flrcct the latter with cat enmmereial cental pnint baiwaen vicnnn ier country and cnataniinopto on tbo nnruirrn aide lou 1 7 g hi eapresficm should be or lluy ibo 5kuvnntans cunttnuo i belt dr- w tbo only remaining protection ev- ntgnt to canadian united ntvtt- mlve tbo the mo- e ax tko ittin in england h aftrr so prcdnlinninrio it h fll tulehif llftl ag much dreaded panbolawne inovrmrnl onmittencrd n nft- tnnvrioent nhtrh allpriibawity wiling hedieubced by rreeni irpi in virnn nd ibo ahrtiji iljptrlui tbc kinper frrn ihnt capital tie ttuncnani ha rrolcd tn ae ambaaadoc lo 00 onlnwat ly a 5 ambly at feankfvil a txccllenry itilici by tte cnnnciion wbieb it apparently threatened and if ii re nol cnr tect lo asert tbat he allciance and aitaeh- i mentvf h majeiy ritbfijl and oyot nib- the surceiful n many lemonitratioe of the diiinterested desire on tbe pail of the ina- jrial government lo mate the ctncciien of canada wilb tbe empire lnenciil otbc co mo and iappoint- tf the obervilion rf the bojrj vtcfo erec iberc enh have trovdliv at mfcntx lee w necefsily for matin it a prominam fssatreev may st b arjoment with a tovetnmeni only dejrou to thwevoninaaeouree h biofm tho noi fa wood conrliei nhteh hi uvm plare be tneen arnno r t r ibo v an earrisvn at olrnti and lh ciiia tioarj n ittesown it srsmalntiavo oiinalrd in a ion jecb of canada dcv t continvtdantipaiht bmnlit in n iaauo by in eomiicliltnn of one ronle of commerce wth batrt bratn nf pomo af lha military sevnm another il i peculiarly unfrrolnnte that in r- tfi j v ilf hi j iitip y taled nn boilj forwnrdin to the lmerral invernmeol rnp- njc urneral ttncr ibo commandvr of ibj moriali tccotnnindin me imirr in which his tvhre libera tun very pepuf r aun ha p biely derrcd tho civio oiaard to rwrrendir ihel srnw under ui re at of thinikardtnt kw should he tucecedu bojchriiiiej wuh of ih urrti iiij jc fnilll whuhve never uinib the eoeiiiirnce nf eoarato military cata tmitona vaie pt cokrk tiearenisfrn jjentr al very vague s rnueh cem eeit ibauho dirarmief of lle bujptr e on wuhoutny jreal oppniin the cole qf ihe twn rn ctoaod and nobjy is nllowrit n enter lha row hreauto an inroad f tho neifblvhiaf ij itkrly 4 take maca tbo nuti1 nortnh ut tbo lf iiaatsna and 1 eiliien ia alnatt inrrrdile tnceity a me ia the only town in tsornviy nbcro a strong republican faction prtvatls i ral ihi ailaaniiinprl i not based ma vacoo and iwihtanhal en wll abnhtill aiipear frnm thr following coiiieratiun for a considerable time past new yek ha urailuallvlieenailrncrmscxaifan commerce ibe favousle prilion nf that ciiy a a ship ung oti ami ibc comparatively low frvibt and rale tf nsuranee which there prevail nn hiinenl in liland vt ber a great aafnlae nrfrr ihe ycxls of tbe st lawrenci and should the bill nf befnc cnnie be come law which pmvidi fur ihe repeal v ibf dvlto on cntdian prodce can lurdiy lie doumtd that utiles tbe mrt decrfive meatnrr aro taken lo iendr ihe si la rnre lovjle ibe cheaer an the cnre desir nme wl ibe lo ftie jreot bnlb nf the eviott of canada mill and tl way via 0nro ami jiiiiijiu 10 new york for suiiitnent to tarsal itiitain on the other hand the removal of ibe rmajion uilterrjitial u or in other word tbc etpialiition of duties on fioo whether irjiriici by sea or serosa ibe frontier from ibe united male cnnepenl on tbe change in ibe commercial policy of england ba bad the elfvct nf drivmc ibe canadian merchant lo new yoik for hu ptircbae of conmoiritic instod of to muntieal whitber il ba been hi practice heretofoie lo rewt thiseltcl bejnj accvltatid and increased by the jujieion ionization ol ibe american conjerets whieh i leaving no tone uuturnerd to attract and secure 10 rich a prize h tbo commrrccof canada that on tbee and other tjrooudr your memnrialita have 10 hetiliion in encprcsmnc it as their decided conviction ibat unless the protective system be aain retorted to or some other remedial meoaure bn deviled new yurk mnl inevitably become the great euipo- rinm for canadian bosinesa and a a sonsc quence thai the traffic of ihe si lawrence will he to a great extent desttoyed mol irnminent ol tbec niraurej would appear to your mvmoriahits lo be ibe tbrowin open lb sl- lawrence to the fla- of all nation and the repeal of ibose scctiun of ibc british naviga tion act which apply to the dritiab p0aaal- i 1 0 llal a laltitarycnrn petition would be there bj injured on tbe watervsrawn freights noutd be reduced in ibc level of ruch freights al new york making allowance for the djfftr- ence of com of the tnyac tbe expense ol inland navigation wnulj bo cheapened nj hi ciiicii of ibe uniiej plates would he rfrjawd l make ihe si lawrence ibe nut eel for their produce thereby conferring rr a- duchy of roln tlie pole nvj out in thi unfortunate i and ro mini tiinj a calkot strvclc rl the germans tlio tolnli landnwnen havorwl- faeed their eeitte to ihe full vsluo fc llieiv pure of prnlnnifusg tho eetntr ptnnnoel en arrived nl plmn ft ihn touy ohatcil i ro nafotuto on tlio part of lranco resfvuo poliib affair the german diet ha invited nil the slat fl tlva confederatiun tcparato frmn tth ntlebf different taritti ti c t kianbwiiln y tr common sysie- ur commerce the rnoranlf cvrorpace op rve war in denmark fro ri jvmsbai waia jlfty 2s wo are hapttj to find ibat tho suetc eemlf urged bj q uphn numifr nttonifn ftbe inimodioie ieninuon uf be lamenume j tiea between nenmark and ll0 german eon altnn had already been antic paired by lha fbo ditpoaitionoftbeeplnnet nf ikrhn orsr l- i vr heen dcapolched tv general wrarl l willtdmw iho lermn trvona nt once frmirbbl part of jutland which ito bad ucropicd ar f eourso ilia lbreatenrdrontiibuthm nf 0 ar aift inr to no leaf ihxn imooooo a hkli ibat ttrtm hod thonbl itimselfjulifieil in krsinf upfc lr aud ttn inbabiunla if a ffe untiali province wilt be nl n rrlivnulltef nd rany money has been col clst by miliiaryn it m ui be tetiirncov it hoped iho thb al the rigm direction will at onco be futlowcd i- clrifl- f b arniatico tho leema or would prov lor the immrdjv r tiitk bv aw ka lha kvaeuauori no dehy of s ftn its mend jjsj hoop of boih h brltjjrorentr and for the r- tv 1 1 f thipa and prnpeuj tlto rciiatn of ifolatcin would uf ocostm iho mbpnni thro other evnittucsi ihichiea wnnlj thiivbc renewsl from ibo prerenco of ho4iile armca and nlatrpmrr peace wiiftbt b olfcied to tbo noth of t cnndilikni hi rlmohlerilbiaraf n nfim of tbo diiebie and of lha caiman pnr ho reeracted wc ainrerdy hj that n inc denl will rire in augment 1i4 dificuliy paritleamintemeut andiba ibe fjcrmn v id ai oner rnuru ltie pojavayl i ncmphtp na faltaa this drpo eanedite 1 jvnaa rnent will thihaterioii tnthe world a v hfo h it eiisoctc evaiaofiir tbo pslaaflw nf peace an rho amorance oonikned n celtcnl apeorh daltverel by ibo kiir 11 derhn will bo pronptly fulalm mfincirjit dcaftvjt tn run minnf iotar a rooelipiejof the sxuv irtcnd of ihi institution was held v in tbc bnardtoom of the hospital i iv prr lel ef lh ivcjj 1 ha lail llcr the oitke of iottbumberund k h isc cbaurnan annoinei that it pleating sttiiy to rrlate ibat iinee cncetinj- the secretary had recei fmm thr cieciitersof ldy mnrray sir jarne hlurmv inforanftiar ibem herf l blp bad lcniiratliid to tha cornmilw p jjj im wtnrnf lindlee npital fhr buibjin e flflohi tbc purpose tf endowing a new ward in the called murray waiil it rtns il t agreed that a vote of tbank should be v lh exec 1 r the late murray secretary then anniuced uvat a lj- 5ct had been receded from tbe lru tbe late mr martow afm t bniinefshad been ajthov tb the re pasoed a vote of thank lo the chatrnna separated iid tbo operator recently carried on ibo ciiy ef st jobnof nicarana majratya fnree under her be command n p lain gtftairauf 1ocii havo been nllcnila cfmplele anecem after a arvere itfr 0i 36 day men ot iw r i j boala anil maintained with conidrabf iiul eutly tbeir jiosilinn in bo counlry trey ijurinr which tho nflleer p it party never ilept nut i maintained with eenidtahm r posilinn in tbo enunlrr trey lenity waa at lenah coseluded ijy ihjj nfflcer capiain ttch aoeonipanied lp aim kvdar and 1eolwith lb rapma by which all lb irvap matool ana y which all tihlnu lnllapttf satlifaelorily adjuited iv iiinlralaiv iho valiant commander of this lllllo ewdl hon ha been da naiad a cnmpflhti n the 1ath am lha lha tuninr nihee rv w alarm and th dnne till fact iva imnfl kxcellenry lake l leal as lively an nter est as ibe momoritliu be rhould be fniinj in tisticc in the canadian nhjecu o her ma jesly lo exfavsa hi divert irorn piovition contained in the inrrnpiil in whitli be caia- noi mirvc tbat tle penjv bf caiidi eojnjij vwlt irted t concur i have tbe honor lobo sir yoait rifost obedient servant il u sullivan secretary to fwowtte whloio esq seretaiy montreal board of trade office or fill hoartp or tnanc monirealjsth june isis si 1 have tbe honor lo acknnwlcdite tbe receipt of vour letler of the fth ultimo vlich was yesterday laid before ihe council of ihe hoard of tiufj and i ainhirecterl tocnney tbiougb yow ihe i hank of iho council for ihepfomptilnde with which his eacellency tbe governor general lus been pleased tn transmit lo her mae1y and tbe houses of the imperial parliament ila memorial on the subject of the navientlion kwe and tbe free navigaiion of ibe si lawrence i am further inrtreeled losay thai while il woald be a eante of ttncere regret to the cooncil that any objectionable exprcmlon should emanate tron them they confer il tabe their bonnden duly a il t ibeir ua- donbted rijbt revpeclfullv but nneqm vocally to declare b the queen lords and common of enland the baneful conserjuenee which tn their opinion must ensue from tbe abandon ment of thv proactive ticy of the mother country toward the cnloitits uules prompt ly followed up by remedial measure lo tona- penate or the los of that protection consc nuences which aa pointvuly stated in tw memorial uie council would deeply depbre it it tmc that a smalt rrmnant of protection stilt eaima in england not a you ay in favor of canada only bul nkn nova seolia new firunwiektbtwellndiceand other depend- encic of tha empire the council however cannot ttcojcnic in ibi any valid reason fur v ti r the ftee ex predion of their oninion on tbe subject tnei eapresxion of lhat opinion wu prompted by an earnest dcw to aterta dreided calamity and they would fake uave most respeetfuhy toreanark that it i in no small dejrree praltft t them to find that the view tbey have in regard lwtbt influence gf cemmettial iuleretif nn political feeunsr dne not teem tn have been at variance with lhatentciimcdby is kellency the co eernor general a eirboijed n a dcpaltb in the cowviial secretary tattia to ihe con- tetnputed cline in tbee lawa and cited in trie recent dieiion of the question in ibe motive nf common wherein biv eeecteitey was pleaej tn say ibat me of the am pffi- ciciuat vtrwienls fnr mcurinj hie alleiane of a bixb spirited ami rnlerprisinc teoiile i to convince ibena that tbvir material iutciesu will nni be advanced by separation i have tbe honnr to be sir yogr moi obedient humble servant priiurihck a- wilson to tbc hon ti is svltlvair tc c cvc provincial sccreuy tq her most cractous majesty tlik qukkn 7ne mraovjlw muttttl iford of trqje huhuy abrim that lli british naviaiion law and the latttiii the nicalien of the st law rence are under tlie yttm of free trade adopted by the imptiiafljovernmcnl felt to be peculiarly hurd engirt v and detrimental to the intetfrsl of ibi colony ttiat ihlina ibe coulinuance of ibc former colonial vyttcn when itir product of canada were jiiely prelected in ibe marliet of great lliam ibc prieilfte conceded by ibe navsatin law tn the sbippiuc interest were net made a subject 0 eomplaintby the colonist but now that tbe imperial tiovern- menl seem to rrotd the former colonial ys- lrmaadeliitncniallolheeeneralinrcieloflbe km pi re and to uy1 reaoli td on a tmljefclll policy wlkrehy a very mall rneatf of pro tectivt ii left to ibis colony justice would seem torrnire thai tbe reslrieiioni mposrd by these lawabatim once be rctnovrd that riio eenettl etct nf there law has been in anhancetne faasj f uilil on the lm poflatetd export ol canada 10 falter ibe fo- raicn amj inter colonial trade and lo restrain the tralfte on thu st- lawrence diadven- tane however whih were fully cwnpenoalvd tjmler lb furtnor fuilcriug comioorciat olicy of ivlanj that ki rinrrhence of the ebone m that pnlfcytlio nnki cunt i nuance of ibeae laws will j oparjit tiiv trade f the 31 lawrence and render it vey ilmibiful whrtbtj tll rivar will epnvhu- lo in ibo prent hiicbway fr ihn british whig rv ktt aiin 4 ml ifjiu l n opirer oar orn dlsee saturday m0rsinu juwc 1 the fkeb navigation ok tub st lavvuknck tlie fjm people cf montreal havo com menced the agitation of thi inapoitaut ies- tion the board nf traie bavo memorial- ied lh hmtic gnvermnent ihroub tbc iovcrnor general and a i a public mctling iwlj outiiciday last t rvtuion from the pevple of that ciiy to the lmicrial iarliauaent was unanimously agreed to tbe firi of uieie docurnenu wc have tdc roona for tbe proceeding of llvo mectiitj lie evef until wednesday one expretiion in tbo memorial from ihe board of trade teemt w bave etriieij tbc attention of ibe present administration that sentence wbieb threaten annevaiien to the united slate in case lb free navigation of tbe si lawrence be nol tecvd a prayed for- our readert can mlwm ihe corresponjcnee and jude for ibcroetvea to say the leat it appear smnlat that lb pnffail mhuitv comped of radical tlebch and traitor a tbe conservaiive term tbem hould cavil at a free eapretion of opinion from isve loyal mcrchantiof montreal but tbe faelisihore men wbo are twr boaating of their toyauy ate auvoyi ibo lwt to threatcu ibe lloire guverurovnt with a ditacverauce of the lie which connect canada with tbe mother cwn- try it wa o in 1sw and it i c in is- tlial the comrnercjal tic betaken canada jto ctrvsnoacn atownx tr ifco changing of one nf the cairteraof lha fjrtial ii i- many of our city mbtcrihff did not receive ibeir papcrf nn wedneoday laiu jtic ame tlima may posaiwy occur aansia tavstiy tlraoe who are 10 fiegueled vmvjd eamtet ft favor by callina at or sendtaa to tba office in otder thai the evil may bo remedied fy ccanccricp in mabinj meniioa of the united slatea wo rropcller jtfftr0t we state j her commanier to be lit ftikou that gentleman 1 her firat lwaltoanl her commander it capl howard ewasv or bam tha late cvolinatl cold westber toetbrr witb the loos draocbt will have a fearful rftcct 00 tbo crop in tba vicinity tbc meadowa are carjey fit inebe l and neatly all the spring ere pa are remarkably backward conndarina ll- advancd period of ibe year a bary raias ty yet repair all tbe rniscluec o- tmk iw orici artilitjt it 1 with great tdeostirc that we kam frm source on which we place considerable reil- aiice ibat an arranrtnent has been cooie to brtwen the representativea of ibo tbrvo colonial cjernmenu our own and tboao of ncwbtuniwick arvllvovascalra fortjouinj inc tot oicce lrartrtientoftabajltercotina if our in form h be coirecl t uniforco rata will be eitablikhed ibrohoul tbelbrte colo nic and that iato will be tbrecvpence with tbic and ihe system of coliro inlar- coljnial free trade awady aoclvon by lb iroriiiriat leplatuie we may look lor an a noifflousincrraic 10 our bosincsa cfinntctjuiu wilb ibc auter eoloowa jnfrcuj herald tbat amont tbt remedial nada the hrnfit of a transit trade 01 fcai and crow iii- impotlaitec that in tlie present roitnn nf aldir in ibi colony the rreal of ihe neianon laws o lar as ihey alfcm cmada coialil scarcely prove inlfltfoatt to ibe bntoh ship owner j fur if the ioult of lliek laws be to concentrate the import aij export trade of canada iu new yoktnd that thij will be ibe rrutt your rvemnrialists do not eulcrlan the fliptmem dnum il ij obviou- ihnt the nncstion simply amount 10 ibi will ibe uyiliih abipowsvir allw ibe forever to compeic wtbhimoninosr lawrence r wilt he compel binelf to compete with the fi- reier in tbepoih nf the cnited slit tbat in ibe opinion of your memorialist ibe objretion which ba lieen rpel against ihe rrpea ul thr biw true lion oft pnbtieal finnd u nut enlillrj to realvr weiibt nothing trill o nn pcispoie the people of canada in symtalhise wilb the ameepfan netbhon m that idninw of iiierta uftsieh ibe prent intimate trading rvlilioci ijrffic ip t ihr twn itiiiny an rilled tt rfiiiw tiibuufa lt hi vf enntrbile so much tn ihainlatn the loyally anjaltacbment of the eople to ibe pa rent state a ibe prcervatin nt ibeir old chan nets ol commerce and direct intercourse wilb her market by the water of tho st law rence tbat c ground therefore on which fwow memorialist mnre partielarly reit ibe prayer ol ibis petition are a follow lllyxlial ai cinadn nnw enjoyt but a remnant nf protection in england hc rhculd be rileaed from any teuriclioaa for tbc bcnesl al tbe tjrjtijj fmp owner ml that without tbc free navigation of the s- lawrence aid a repeal uf tte na- visact1 low in a far as tbe rriiib colo nies are concerned libera ii reasmi to appre hend tlmt new yurb will become ibe jreal empnrinm of the trade of canada and thai thu a unity of iiilertik commercial aitj political will be creaiei wilb the utiicd states 3du j j 1 in ncb an event ibe repeat of ibese tawacinoot materially iivmrl ibe bri tish lhiownr the nuestmn simply bein whether competition for the trade h all lake place in tbe harbnur of tbe united states or in ihe river sl lawrence lastly that tbc repeal of thcte law will have th trndcucy lo perpetuate and not lo destroy the relation tbat exist between ca nada and the mother country wherefore yeitrmrmnrialil humbly pray tbat your majesty will he fiahawif pleeed to lake the subject into your mijeatvn leriou e 001 deration nnd to frant ucb relief in the i l a to vour wtsdon may seem dic1 andyrur mcoioriatuts a in duiy boid will ever priy si pkter mgill pfniien ot tbe montreal board of trade fnrcbtes a wrioatseoy montreal s6lh may s4s tle erre trorfer one of the new clas of steamers whose cnnsirnction if peculiarly and we believe exelumvely canadian rearh- cdthiteity on saturday from toledo sbc is loaded witb a canto equivalent in hulk and weigh i to 5x barrels of hour or 450 ton- and with ibat torto oh board passed many of ibe old steam traders 01 tbe jakei- itavelliiur nt th rate of ten mile an hour f k- c r coiitisuof indian com corn cic i plal- lew anj lard in 5reat jurl foe ihe fleconntof lh cnl rptivin houiu of younf holme v knapp we underslapd lhal the i to be 1 1 1 j reloaded for a return voyave in chicago uilbmll hh oil and pi 5 iron the intcnticm of her crwncra m hooker an holon if thai b hall proceed from ibence direct lo hattta the trade which we may expect with the latter port may be bel undendooj froh the folio vein e facta which came tn oar knowlcdjo on saturday a merchant of cincinnati atnick wih the frieilititaof tbc sv lawrence mule for the diftfrtjlinn of ihr largo aupdiet nf aalt fih rrrpire j for the bin of tho upner m u wrote to a houie in halifax wilb tbe view of 1 ri a trade f ctfunrri 11 1 anada r rv alioad i ril should lhiiif 1 tnamfvallo ycoaf m iy tbat route he waa referred to a arm in tbit city fve ihe treat infor 1 1 r 1 1 ha v j 11 visited bloatreal in yt- siunee of ht deaign ii boa already ordered live biiudted barrela af mackerel which are now btjn loaded for tiled ft car wbenco thry wilt o by canal to cincinnati we urfttim that tlicre wil be a aaviojr of two itjouths time besjje a vary large amount in fmebt and charge 00 iho iranmifion of ihe tm ly thi tonto out readcra xvtl remem- hrr that a few day ago m rnenlioned ibi i in sjlt fii a one that mut ju- evitably find in way through our border al lif lirne wa wruir tsc trnmoclton above uvcithcd bad uel taken dice though it had been delenniiieil mabo an experitnvnl ii the concurrence in ihe view of hie gentle men in montreal wbn had determined on thai experiment witb tho ideas entertained on the abject by a merchant of cinoiiiail alteid i striking corroloralioji of tbo juatntaa of enit opinio we shall awail the downward voytgo of the ryrc 7voov with ftrcat analrlyln order m ace how far be rrjay jnsmv ihv opinion v r nnii on saltudav wiln reftarcf to the 1 iiaiijtelion f the lnwer si lawrence wo arjial look noon braidce ai iho era of a now cnmm emnection will that oni- vi of mriliah north america tlie noel 0 ijalifaxjfunfrra frnnvf by miliri in town to that line of commerce a f- nftirii motrbaa jua uaa tf ml tha wiibdtiirw iba vntjuwair freora in ijo a i ri- raflj army frwit ajial r j nuroaniaa ndiuj rwr iraoaihtitr tun l aiajill aa awof tulr b ea uivanauuai hi poiinu and ibe united stale arc cvly bcominr greater anj will etcntnilty expand inm po litical bofldr rf union there can be ma doubt tbat i to ty il no relaxation uf tbe ptcjcnl navipalin law lilm luce tbe effceiinl way lo prevent tbi political calamity i to pant tbc praycrofthe montreal me moriaut we do nol iberefore ruarre1 with th word which have ciren oflvnce lo the government but with live unraciois node of cxprcsiinr ihem ii display tbe cloven loot too plainly it alien hat ibe conservative of monlral have nothing but lij loyally at tbeir heart and that tbey would dully join the vanbeo tomorrow if by to doing liny could be lie 1 tbeir own condition tlte rjuetion for lb penple or kington to consider whether o not they bould lake pari in the present agitation of ibis rnettion and by a petition lo the imperial i t- flrcnrlhen ibe band of her majeiy aiiesto- tera in tbeir endeavors to oblain a tepcal of ibeie odiouelaw tlial ibe measure will carry in ibe mouse of common there can be no doubt otherwite mr iaboichere would nut have eanlurrd ila inlroduelion but the l of peer may nol prove tnaccommo- datin lo ibe lale iutaucc of the j with diautitic llill ibeir lorljhti bave abown that tbey poe a will of ibeir own and should ibe colonels not petition for tbe boon tbey ry ihinw proper nnl tn grant il on tbe principle that wbal it not worth nskin for if nnt w bavinf the people or knland citierihii strung- priudir li r- nfthoi ancient laws and without some trong eifrl hematic the repeal thereof will not be so much a matterof coiirse as aoanc folk ima- aine ft therefore behoove ibe riuabitants of kingston to be up and stirring it ihey de sire to see the almntt dcscitcd riv whkb how nasi ibeir whaee ever aain crowded wilb ycsact bcerine toward lb- ocean tbe the tkbei of the far wert- a public meeting should be the natural month piece of the inhabitant of a ciiy like onr ovn 1h it nfirtnatcly bppent thai na one m kingston attends puhlii mecltn cnnscsinenlly it i a folly to call one the mayor and corporation are tba ugiiiroalc re present all re of ibc inbahitanu tbey bel know the wants and wthc of tbeir cooatitu- enu let them therefore act on ihcir behalf if ibe repeal of tlie navigation lows be a devderatom lei the city council ay o offi- eitlly and their delum be received in downing street a an evpreotion vf opinion su007 a f it ha3 tbc oinalnrea of every mate inhabitant for ten tnitvt round in the band of tbo corporation we learo tbe matur tir arrival of the america scarcely had we published thv arrif al of one qritisb steamer ere we hac to announce tbe advent of atrother the l a racenl addition to tbe cunard line ho made tbe tuicke passage to ibe american continent yel no record sb arrived at boston in ten days and eight hours bavin touched al ha lifax oftmio way svcb a passage 1 unprc- cedented it it almost beyonj belief the di4ance exceeds 3w mile and ibi fat vet- sl mutt have aleamed it at tbe rate of 300 mile a day lo have come over the eojl ea- pane or ocean thi fmvf raits ont tbe pipe of tlie new york biak theyll bare to wait another dozen years ere tbey manufacture anything in thehape of a steam boat to outrun tbe jfrnerivfl meanwhile ihey can comfort themsetvea lhat america has nnly been benln by herself i the newa brought by this steamer ia cheer- ii thfojincvldentuimriroviitp brcadstult arn odvaicini a trifle with a still upward tendency in politico nol much chanps mitchell hoi been deaervedly tenced to liyeara lrannertalion lie richly dciervei his falc duk for him and hi vio lent correree ibo itepeal of ino qitioa lent and ao ardently desired by the greal mau of tho iriab neople mibt have been in t fair way of bein granted hi ireoioa and tbe treason of theyoanarfrelandartthavo retardod i bal measure a down years or more wbftl bnand micbl iv lo the prayera end witea of a whole people will neeer bo conceded 10 uiwencesnd injuneclion tn win ocon- nll and gainine smith cvuricii and micbrll it 1 hard tu eey which b ibe greatest calamlly frt tut laohcu t pontooth on wedneajay laat tbe launch of mtsju plila neweteauertbe conef plioa acconunat lo asolldf tba day was rrnpiiiou end tbf iitttndanc- wa gtaatl abonl 1 oclock all ihlna bcinf ready ibe ut anport wua knncked avny mj tbe wontiful ond ctaco ful rroaeel gliiled alowly mania her tutmej element but ere alter bad wrll tencbtd ii nwlntotbe balluwnem of tbo water and tbntlecanl nol b aullleuntly jfreal abe uok and toinainad fat many endeavor wore mode in gel her off but ihey wffl assw aalilnf and ihe eiowd of apaetaior wre eempajud tu depart nnllnl end dlniliafled nxl iuy wllnce war pmeitrtid and an floated tlie iwrf it one uf lha meal fit hint veswru yet hitlli lu cnj me l i bmad and will u awlfi lur emiinh we 1ewimfyl two foillta andklf vwlutt otudrucied u lha utoai ffatahnl iiu-th- fcocitctcnov cistomo a very ansny feeling wot crealj in ibis part of tbc eooo try- by the reported removal or rather txzang coniernplalcd by uie iopeclor general i he colleciora at tho tort of dkkeoceva lindiitg mailtand and milharat il waa well known that tbe two former ucnuraen messrs rulloew and jone wmih prefer r- sitnin their ojcet to removins froafl their present residences ano ibi circa wlenco cave rie to ihe feelroar so enrnerally prevalent i j the expedient of exchanint porta had been resolved u4n in order lo farce tbe in cumsenta to n ffiion of their office i it appear however that the fcelin woo ao tron against the meaiure that tbe reform member meurs richard and borriu prottaled wat it i j warned the eovam- mrnt of ibc trtccu it icovni froofuc ticarried out the remonilranee his been succeeaful so far v tbi district i cnncemed bol wo ruril that mr bullock bos reai and ibat mr verc the present collector al milfoftl succeeds bim oa collector at uick- ns landin5coloion in three waeka or a oaontb the brlrfal and north american etectric telvgnph com pan will bave tbeir line in fulloperaticai bo- tween quebre and melif its a tcarcely much lonrr lime tbe nova scotia will havn tbeir ehare of ibe line up a far a tbe new bninswiek boondaj appfieatitna bu bean mane 10 tbe boose fveronenl for a iwi of cflfjo to carry lb une ihrou bat province and the granl being strongly ctrjrecl pon tbet imperial authorities by hi excellency tiva corernor fjeneral be whole will be in cm- plrte operation by autumn next 1r termi- nux of tbi by fat be most important line of telegraph in amaitcamosl not bo at quebec il necessary ibat il should extend to tbe- seal of overnmeni we bear tbat uneelind of the stockholders nf ibis company will bnttly bv lield to pve on oppferuejlr lo rj i in ieve tlrwrsoelaas tpt oritnnallv- entertained bjtav canto tlie moatrealers after oertiitiuf wrlh several of the committee for a coalition boil a line afterward refused lo be qoebee penple all bte in u manajcmenl tan new lino will be in connection wilb ibe ono from halifax ibo stockholder of the oio helnc ihe slockbuiders of tba other it canool thercbire fail lo pay and if we bave not yet much dealing with tbe lower provinces tba telegraph will ftiivr jfrcn at vast deal fre- rjnenlly wiih n we impe n cofvtsliftta will be up and slirrine- aero hgit- a mocik on passe away qutt cnvonicsv fmkianciintv acridrw trial- paa sos to i 1 we d- i to learn that the mill wlonins lo clexerdocbcsnai en al saint e- marie ivuvflliwanee anit b pi by mr lmnn was deshoyed by firo acsit len oebcv on the nijhtof monday last and that mr biwo her child and a man employed a an osxistant bj mr bxton perishrd in tlie qames mr- von hitnaelf wasahcntal tbetimc when be arrived with the iseithborp with whom he wa leading ibe evening it was too t mrt llisson was found partly bumej wtlb her hand upon the latch nf if r door what rccden tho accident lill more deplorable it that she wot far advanced in prejnaiwy 14 tbat instead cf 1irec il may be aiil ihat four were burned lo delk it in supposed ibat tho itliht miller bavins fallen afeep the crair n not and tho fir wa occasioned by lha fiictfon of tbe rnill tonr quebec gazltt from the fjarbec jyeemovs jossmol tbe number of nmirant whicb bave ar rived fmm various port of groat britain and leland b m asset up to the 1st instant rs g5g0 including 155 cabin paiseneef tbo iff that bave landed ih quebec appea beattby and frapeciabd anrl well provided wit fanslfp j money- an elderly raart frmn irelaml dirssed very plain with born and indigent lonkin lahded hern with hi family wib the intention of sell line in canada eam but after haviug lakett sonej of tbe loni for a fev mtlcsaronne aw u mine j lo proceed to canada west and left jkbcc ciihior len da ato with itoosovts rienia hij pcakel asniajlarjje quanlilj of bai- ancthc family amved hire une fom tire north of 1 clind eil arenowinqoe- lice wtiete tbey prahly will not remain are known lo be p0rwj of at trail 400io 5xl overein wilb plenty nf bofefce includitijr abeauitfnlerbjy clock il is certain the moot of the emigrant of ibis year are petrel lrd t tb money anu in propouiosi a tbey ana a lots to the ctasntij jty jj4fl m eain and a delirable5cl 0 l cotnty ihey adept very lilllo ekkneoa ba a vet appeared amcnjit ibem compared with last rear ibe last occounn wc received froei uiosse ueabuaa firliihl ajpo waaefalaaut 10sick we have tbnojrhl it lianfr thai lince no reulai or authentic accnnnl of tbf number and stale of the tvlt at tho tnatan- tine s bave been rornmontratrd co any f the cdiloratf ewwrparert in hiebee thai wohavenny knowledeeofi but rri reeeul y ihe montreal of jheoipirirj nrjn of th pretent liberal or radical minbuy the art luel reptmstbte of nut vtorinria gor- ernment hat ntiwrkd our diknes bjr infotmina u that lm extent- r-nsem- mrii bare forbiumaa ibe trsminsibiou of o new or alalemanu rrom the r eaeoptto head quarter wrvrnee we vuppoe qnaiew 111 tape will be ftvnred with ibe tsl arrc itiimbvr of tbe itch onjdyliis at urea art throneh lha prreanarily circuital ronlo a tlte muntieal pw rwcnise we uieats aeain ibo iveenlie uureroaivnl bave ta ihowil organ in qutrbee fry inthiatav or pruruit attrivsasm he tmtrvfcsnf nlumaillonacmwd mh chronicler wril wo aliw hi mnuday tta in erl emt idee of lk lii4 vxniha af 1 whiebliiirlhewnlmtia lineal armfw adbnwwba1nnrattrttahaybevi ai ntw live pt eot jlrt theso wlh tbv wo vm rvhihllej by ibe tbxleiy rf hriiib atvaajhi 174 in tbr hrlltsb inmumlnatt t lf vw kree kvhibitlon at hvdepate tnwr 1 jvlu ihtnw wotei rtvmf stitjf dl bv it new walvl cssvtx t vi iy hj iiat 1 ai wblrhhasr buns rrtunwd k ibv aiuiis h want of aaalll mi te nwt rat i- 14 i 1 ia etsr tnavmx a hl ed and hwy nlfcrt 0 nlrvwiil vtrtwvjasaai r uie ludititry of siiv nnub hmiel ruuullun lie unf uihtt ehi loaf al a nillhelauownwtflhtsw u mproxee

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