a story of mount etna t afn dufhw r it- riv rw d na cioutii o had comti fir trialtrd fcrr to eurr- rn pa 0 ffcwtfllttulftrmittber aodofa hiacr ototft retlht ihlijbw til ndhe fttbr pvnifj kott jtii imlh fat- hariabsea waf itcutuitcd ifcsm hh ft if rcndtt at tuaf iw gwraiuaai to bftal fati but at they atwtfcttkih hit object est tottves csdiri gml ko irowir ee p id uif ee ef tltf itamfteaeicrd fofne vmd w marrjii t- us hit r iu mh ewii mj i- lmnurffjla sumdualatt riatl vcllaf lie drdnot fitoawty snon rehaps oot anmisaj tlw easrrtl a u4 e cliftons hotel lat rascos n ivwl stnecr moitkcal rcspecifnlly tlio liberal t fert ibafvf tr i l mf itf basest hfruri ja do w in r f jilrclj loltiufn m bv s ni1 ihn itmrmw w ud tilths caei anes ttiua tbttt of his ntvcr bwf asnr oh re of ttvoc laaurf kllfefi thn deer l hub i i mc te say i m oai lo a be iarivd if jfaffrflul jes ttaalf 0 netee aeolo mm irimrofci o if tt fit l t oft moi in utr u 4 to tcr w ti1 lhr j m k iutfcortc jc ifiufmmlc tlgrpruka i fang tlbii lw i fvlc imia brt ibfl ow htfim- lo aut ov hfar a wrtlt il j ft1 aw j j r 4r il tillciru arj fafibo batfod h0 a itettrftf roos lo f out o tho jn citi- 1t tmm cixico c ia ta a 4 titd i ol twf jl t1 eonr ftxt iva9 tar oplnuthm magnificent mansion formerly fcftortft radcos 110- mir w rrtvaknl iho whok- ktl1ili- fanrfuf flopl can stfcly aftiro viinojvvjn hti4rliiin wild iwit pimnago iut no1iitc wan toil on hi 3it to cmiujhao to twir convtiiirce an j com tho bills of fars tho winss so uatn the carkiai null itw timnl 0 cnrtinn of hin jiiirl ca urhqlcl cmaot be f urjiajtk j by nft on llio ctiliicnt tho itiaijin iailolightfiil that pvrt rtfst p3il stffcl on which hie tioure taiita heino cittity ktt ivijc a nitt sircci fifty foci wtjc luatu imnicjtivo ly from uw vcty ront of tho iluvfl tn tho liivftr nml a compw anil cxttfnj4 icwf mio nivinion qftc si law fenco ii jiitinctly sccii from nlnioai owiy tvj ii clifton lvc of io calcjona pfing si iw mcct 9h luf ikw- 39tf 1l c liyitoohervethut hiahagftt r n i rilo 3 any vfhcr iwlcl iu lu cily education it lusi a tiotfctj am yt 1 a tfjlai na o cwh aat fitffpjl uj icr he admtkicm5 a frfef w fvifshfn uoumaarj all willi af 4r inf j i tart t at mnir u l la fhht lfcaiaaaab to ep tta i hataifrvr lhm ipp4 utcppe l lutk aaikfi lanalaf t j uiotsi ut oaro isitfiiaanlafl hu ok to til d hafc io44 tfctat0 ilmol tfhi fcrwd of 4hafwn aohfmf th brtof aalaovl vvm d ptilf fy rfontjr fir it illj wtu wki iliafatbcttoacojiaawittin p- vtm9fl1flitfancut 0mnin jw a tty jvj aifui tw p paiti t ffnrir i lifaoof kt itsid rktiuo h4rtfrdimt icoojajcrj in f yttj w4dv injlirn lvrft ljj c t i li tbtharflmtywiia to- joiiaaaioaiaay lojtdaai4 ilci m h ka lamfitithadiyaprajtat an waiuool ht ttlaiamttof talaharariihif aa4 iiuu rim lvrt ftt aaffira lia at ovjt iaww h kaw ivilaoodiriitrfftof iwanrtu 74t aand uiifirt jmtw oji o rrrk ih furl and vh mic njuih of atc ibafcuitrtraftlauf uh ifvlau tu bmartff a tfcmrojfwa auft of lliaajaw aaj litbtoifl uriloj hiaa w a romnoal bat ha ottatociic to win hi ojatiaojai hllufna1fdiyajid wfcila la una hnvod fcr he raw vio onin 4 af th- ica gfuj a ith a hamua deafraiaf coaa i nd ihcn ivciiuf iuaif u tetiioofmiaito croiini md ajaash y aaar twhodtlifartufiflttimbaaiwr dinl- ojaraa wtw h aonoca htuoj lia fond rnuif pitdj bak tai hu awa pnraiiof oni natujand luekoaaiiritf ue arokoa bj ifer iir dulon ijokinr in hamjrlowrdi the chi of iba eoli up isflbulj ihil did tia fl thoie i r ooa aal dij ha of ara ihtfa t aaj aat did be kfojninj n new aoand fukgi 4ob u pijv or nir ri mt if- uitfd of lac ai nd jn hit ojn hrvrrmlradl antntia mu uf aou i tvlir mi tha ilflvojurt sd iho w lit fcrd ivp fy cnt ml ju and thfcd mn blmvlf ndtbadoktf both mite fca all tow til cam at fai iha ftdfeaa ororfata bef hitn to acit tben ji a hi ptfaalft a loaaeaa mtvri ute paea it ilamiiiduf nijtc dcje srijic iuj agiciaodmayaaiiatwonl fata aj aaia iba and if not ia tho ioioniion tho old ajajaj b lojetkcr iih bio daatbia had t amnad by tun waunuiovjtjrhtoed by fi- re r cinvmuae if oo- ftngoi aaaftd at tt atlcntiaa of tbe aoa v 1 oij fi kd mt ba dvltut nd tiavportof kach1il bc awea laoufh t oauagtaod old alawd lr e and iho irfr hnatahid au cove mauaa6dflf aafa ouwd cm bl i j ptcatcnvei olt l bai tt ocnt teomifoiollkao eifaodin4fyfjiawj hk aaai pxaffavraaaaautfalrabcca tw oil dcaifed larmftn tt bbandl lvcno aj hci itte eoawh m well oer oed the eaiianj h ac pu-o- la the raft- br caiantr1 to ocoarnc the otoiaie hi life of lb collc vf bo rriinitd couuff tk rvftknamwo ntraei tba 41 j t h j p 1wdeil f a loflrtrtyatiateawro hi4t thtauferi- tal va uj the boe of uiicaj1d are am oawiuadatlw u tf r rte ci to nmtatawoaaaai tlam t oan if aa avv lite atfteawi faab the if am hat ftuited njuoflhc aoiiie aan wih thacac smaa of krico tetorcro it loal a naart are wtm fca jo dltj uu at io il mum tv ln nf al ttmlhcjf4j b ur rcahl ki iuo 4n aw ltd b a ftico j itit isfeaaro4lt afif ran j it sglatcntf br ta aciulni uh fi and the pumreifi kaeijl ihil he v remove hrt ac sjem yin lli iirecm mntb foi ibt mtcet in rcaaof the laasbtan hohvo t thi- mtimci aarmerlv accoiticd a ihe iafmf cikfarj ojfee at tba ooocr end of princess stltket f jyttftif t iac luiticnttfflbt f r n ui agent ivlwren ttil be fafl la reccito and rtfueatc ah lo lb a may be eninttel to m ott ah the innrhai of a aound ami uiful k i jcatioji to icileal puet are lhi at ii acadraar trn three dollar pertaarter fatin sad i for arlvr artlevtart apmy to cxoact eta or to tt ssiarr j taor afrilttsla ice ioe ice w- k alfbxanqbr rb3pbctf0 l l v infoftna hii focnjj ihc pismic general- y that ho ia proparcjta aoppjy them the onauiiit seaaort with ice uon rnoleiatoicrma piiiieiualaiy will ho abacrfed la tlio illivry at thoir resijcdeca ocry mniinc- kaniilieaaitpjicj foribt aoaon om rcajonablo tcrma ontera receive at mr rbert me tvilj mool with prompt nttomioo kiitgaton 2sth aprir istjt 35tf fta be atof 1l- eoiitfhcol vrjiatavlulinliku ito dtalaaai io t n m irw t haw fiomi ail v a eft f m crrfi wibwiiicyhitora il r wcj b- 1 bamhtfa tttatawai iv fauitm vnrnavr a ptt r from i uw dtiadu ihhu wtituvi by owii fiunih pf 1 kuine hrljiom ro f ik r jmarcf bnfti dukhatd orrvi yj pmapqt anduxaoa rkdmmf traa mahd hiwen t w atal r ftm fw ktoh caatajl at btaaaala rttii wmy tj k pi- m cofi i4 i i 7 jdy t n iiaaaaiaaiaiwttiofibi pianco tai ara w hll t fiari hat n- colonial life assurance company tftxaggxcyof ihucomaaav at iciafaton hataf veet ranoud to tho mona f wrluim gaaftr ct vrimj ilalders an lb m h0 aod prince bdard nulfiottorcrhitired fcr ihcir eoatciirarr thai hutitwoi i b iw cn- ltoy can now bo trnajciet at the kmni cyi irhare eprt of tho cninpoav roptc tiubtcaof rttrt c aautye lojoihcr triih any olhar iufurmiiiooimj houmjnevl d avr of the diheiom a davidson parkcr kvnaetr c9d voolreojxaylo f thfi goirtftl ltfsissueauoe 005pajj7 friatered a fiioifroi oajlrr atfpf itater 7 j 8 kt ca 110 capital half a million sterling head offices fotiicnoii ceofo suot rmjo i d a ifolbbore oitovw 3 st vincm ptaeo worajut i9 great st jaacast governor thg rt hos the karl of elgc and kincardine crfeaw ce mat vmm rjmle niftetfa tvpcu aucotina id tho fo1bw wcroc fteed by ihe cotoaiat lie aotwraticc cojaay l security the otnotftf ptioarava m aer utca aoaiiwd c iuu n mitrcut nnj nrmnr itttftrvnncl d ion n pir nk ajoaafrtrtatroalift awpfncflsociaij ia itrd j in ilj ilfibsijiiiii ffli ilprkuiumq tvprrnikjnm bb ar rory mjrae rm be roia piyniic yrjry aaaaaii or oawfewy hldttspatcfr of busihesd tha 0dad in moafeal wmc inretted vith s pinaarttoaaaeaoieinlt atidaccootof pmpnult nhhool fomrtinioc lth iho pctvl qwj d fhfiv hot it ni hli pnvrcr to effect to attimmcc ui bit lift mijiafefy tt uautriito the do ijy r whtflb life ateiaui that cpowj hite httiietto bea tajacted fon ma aaaoiia of the m lvmpj bttoe lopirvd lo eompvit hie au t on the 4tittfvu te ftoar j of lta- trtil 0lr oad nirtirti lhitfrttcnt pore to tho coaaii ii i baiwea of a canaaoy etatitaur bil tho td mteta weealy ft ttao depalch uf caueaa ivtraveluxg license the araared are ai fibote to croaa fana ao rmllb aaoreaa potl t any eymocan pl ot any trneof tb eeuf wtbyut eitf thorn oe arauaaail betaw fiuied ro iee any intunn t uler ovcj vf itttir uiojuoq ty crimalhe atbamib- vlfalf cbrdit svstrv aeeodtf ti i bit artaap eotrni mh naa aj iuir f lhr ahttil jtrejntnm foi the tjm firm scrmvetri co btf arlth uteh ta nrrnaia ti d 11 o ihr ticr anj ki dtlrp iiiduiil4iiotttriiif riiechatlie tutn oa it ii ran a it eo o uio wlhtih- pti oitcrvmariito aniti rvatadaai to imu far littiti th- lid uf ilia kjcylh4jtmlep rt pcioiofhr un rcoitted io he dlutm midi l4aatot tfbaaihrjai otud bec- ivcwpi itonra hnftval nvar n4 ht fivhf hlitumr iajea t- 41 atvfili aavoiifet liavtiti tho pkatbam a 0avm4ox parker -m- 1 a puv of aa u f oal h rmftum 1 at o ui hi uai prwkkt ff fill h m j bwain co3 ygeian medjcin ok woksuelfd e vefietabu restorative pilis frtlv et4bl4hd ai fit utt fatjy meji- lajaaawfa o by tb ipmmlgaj pa utiffrtkd udef tlte blratirtf of an ol ftii wic ttrr ir hat rtltd tha eoeih with ve-e- 11vv1 tmume fo the eue of ety draao 101 avm 10 tha llixtton fmoe arwl whtrli nt la a i- j r m bat teet tso aaaaaa of h tbafiajp be v b oetxcord hv hajim itji ll hspca of bfiv- reentered j s- v co uaimc ttccirfirjrttbivl lllttff ffrtllo trrardtlf imi otl lv brt odtemj i ptefti mhcf mnwne h t indrroihri ftteodt and iht piur ural lhaf teaner loogand tftm- eafitdj t m irepuin an eaccllcot stvmtchre abeh fher eoh the iiyceiln 01tteil and nbieh they hate fatl rnfidenrc in trct mtdth h4llcavtof leiihiy wlafvi mil hvaa stroof nthee autet iilm dice in imittiliffmag ilia sro4cb aod rrtrri sittein eufijf cbaavm che e reimtiiif ti0 abliorlft lotj uftiiy la- rvinj tnttt utffnl aiiati in itio fu ia inli t itiei if j ihj rtlt pttmcipio j hfe tttr fsrooo x s jkpaoaai oir fitnlenn qrtiry nf itrf nwetdreevb- e prtw axo vo ft at lie act l miitvar whh l wen proved lnltamind eftwiael teaiccy kf the woit of veeondl5e ihwr iivtkix universal ukixhiativk oa ai oi lljttatea peeatlr lo cthheit h baairtdlafn infants a itnatifj iyr ihm tmsa eh lewis hotel front strcol jj bolleviu fomteltly mvsuos hotel stimoirr borl ctecvti bih at rear j- jf n and adlt t cwmivn it ibi- eraayy at mill aamfi reeraeaea whrr- n wdl u aevtaajf lwo methtit ae ktrd njf ui biv itrhu tvtalyisitjrti itaaiiaach tfvaw- kia- niicl ttnt trhtc ato iy be bd tutk kott jnd lletht tf etery dctrirfif bih ihitid nnd aahrtier and m by hie oriorif 1 jin- inrfcrt cjiy toe ancwi ifu agrfctt ihtbfcvsm caaaa aav fitv inf4atjfti ftecittij any o all vf irea llaalttae at adtka on ay prelaw utiaaf cnhehtned by adfaam a erilcr miitifl j pwai lico aat tnj eatetf peeolior oveicacy ajy be aaavtaattl hi dwatv eie ef j sftio c- atfittb wih iccetvc the iha1 romat and careful altcntonj andliwuiutoatccy ocaaavrted j svvaln ctfc- 7waafa luibr alwo titfne titrnn ru uir acantt ifrl llfii-i- ktn4lnn 1 xunnae btocktne lr fy- tf uwbtiici diuii piiating types f ill be ott at tlu paimtfui fvamiii ian wankiiock after afil jtt al pccci pira r small bica fn fiioter itmrjoit oicfitr million hajawrtil nrtat ink ada for a jo otcfy article required in a prjutin ofttce 5 old type taken in axebanee for nevt william pkec0ti ka 6 united state hotel blk llnftab 30ccntl- 11 3 at 37 h 42 11 48 tr 54 n 25 i foitwarulng 1848 jjj 1848 aadiwwctjoltoaairt vviw regularly betwean montreal toronto and hamilton and bcttefe ihc arill be able to sak three foil iriprf per laouth it iv c- peclcdabe well cairy front 2000 to barrels of floor all under civer and 00 her apwlfo triiitajoot two hundred torn mer chandmo thir eaiabluhmenlt at kinrton and llroctititlo will be conducted at hereloforc and a ooo at th now schedule of canal tvlbt 14 prnanulfated will be prepared to nameilitirititcio ircihl for iba mfhilu tf jonesco- fonoj- u it s jokes aaaattafalai h s jones co apru li is43 30ir river 3t lawrence the royal icarc mail steamfrs will thb port for lacuine fwr aor lair at7 ocloclc kin aton xtui april jfehs- ottavm rivh pas3age steamers through fflom alontfitjal to bt- town im oayikciir on and after monday next iha pas- sacb ijoats on thia ltito will run d al ly sunday tuttl tberewaad ipictiilitl slfaer sped witi ware by town at 6 j m pauejoerrj willrascri lachina 10 lima far an fhna traiojand prooawy arrive at montreal in una lo take the stcacner hr quebec tlitoldplbld will wao lachionhn atedutety after ihe arrival of tba 6 am train from slonlral aafi pjtiwiieen will ar- rita at bytown anou 8 p m honlrealmayd 1648 1848 itidcnn canal avd cftenvrub route tna aow pressure steameb i hie surscklubrtaiicaihiami rtoriunity of infitrmlns lia rnrnda ami the piiic that lio linn lie iwl tom liiaom tarn1 in hoiimtivilunmi hc5 10 nctimmtiiiil m fwtrin aa lib ucrcair to keep tho aiuo rvclh- tvnvfil to tho piliic fn their pam pitrrc mr l tvialica li infuraa llc thi ho la lcatctl ih tnu lloiin frem mr mvomi whcftl ho will at ul time- hn rmvu kiiy li walittpanall avsit iuj fjvar him wish a i nt uli a maimer j wnl nu their 1 r urn tiitficiacochisiibiiaiijdrlv- ixc iiousk huirtiln0 upon ilia pratnwttrul when fnticil will be oik uf thu irotcurnmliou io titvn wy threua ivpyysaltc fijjc attached til he premiao 2 wtj trivcllora and thlrk can nt nil titto furnulted with snaav ilitflci trj comrttrttaulic caftfticrc tn tho aiiwtlcat iwiicc ah1 ti libtfraj atoiii april e ii i4is lewis mtv of kingston gas light company incorporated by actof piflutmcitl capital 12500 divided inui vjci har of z eadi whicci may be increased to xfljo fhiuxtoks jniix cntxteb emu plaajrlnnt wal wilson lq icpfauafll juuj t rmt eo km m lliuef wu fnailt jin ktq jj u taic3 u ifwnv caetcca can j muwtr ra iv m irmatianm 1 mcr ihl ai solicilorj 1- a cahd iftavinc icaacjmy premises 1 1tfr ig rctorti my aiuverc thanks tn the piiliic ftc their titntticqj rjuf ins ihe invt xinctoeu ycora anj have rtloasitrt 111 retcnjtiiiot1iiit art ny ucccanor mr k il lewis 1nij ranil fjynrabfr known to ho travelling public a c hotel keeper in shin nnnvi lie royal monro tollovillo april isls- to the public tite srftxrtbcr be toiufuraji the tnbabtl teotcof ttifjcity anl roniirjbal lr mill continue manafacto nc tin sheet iron clltpsr waht n all it brandies a cood a5ortrficnt m at a ateelia nf the board of director it mi ita tti mauh it wji frftw timi ihr stock fok of the coj 4iiy sbitim b dfed oa tb ftfft monday in lltv aotl tint on tntulmenr of oie ponod rsitarc untdd thra bo doe and t estate laaucat are rcqiaufd to py lo ihe treaanrcr hrsav caltjftialiiimtf jat that um on or bafrca that d ate katie j hereby ien lh secretary f he coaipany will a ererv dr at the otue of mcmw win- witon g ivm- laatie frnoi ten a l in three p ll tieoihc tock ifuitk wilbe ket ndevcty aoriictu it u rctjuettcj that alt commuicttaw wil he addcttcd to the secretary by onicr of ibe roard d twotiierspiwn crttqry kington april 1813 2stf for sale an lolcffaat cottage built in italtaw stylt with a new barn stables c 4 lrig house and 50 acres of ex cellent irfittd cituvted in emeatow 10 milra from kinitton iiiaj mu front uali aboot 1 aerca u covered wib wood ihe remainder under cultivation nd meadow well fenced free from stumps n j n ine adeantaxeofa wharf near the lloae great attention fcij been paid in cooklrartiae nlick will always he fom premues in isam strec directly in rcarn mhjk john motvat at son it el lii a nging and jobbing in cdetal will be executed it ill neatnew and draicli patulfletnry or rft fhire and by n in bel atteatvao 0 a1lorder with which be may bofjroredani mo uit prices k lp 0 rt public patronage baths of all dccriptian wm proctoo- kiagiloa 8 1818 jiga bnd aihftbc cacc adapted for a lo have cmrj convenience anlcl rivale refidence for the plan and further parisuurs a lo 7tnw caaa william wakl- kiojtoii march 77 1913 ttxocrksr- to the canadian public be to inform ndl i eurafie jiailndkxco thive haeln file ah jut tn rinitate to america ikat they have miu the fulteil inoa cxtamve arraogccniu for li lire cnl acacoit ai tint on apiication to their irnnch lionet amd a eciej in kolon ktrtf kn wndnetdar eteainir in rinertj yrk fbiladclbia tialtimore and new or- v streetjastimxtoflalgillads lean ajc can he at cured lo any port in mare prizl for llmnaalvaxj lliaa for lhf value whoever brimrt ihem to the itriti wbir 0rice will be liadfmcly rewarded xintmao march no im3 10 great can a da likab owftlk montkkf aoaao or atacevtt d mf muoal rfitttb ffnh am r 2k capi l bell will ply ddiing ibv enatiing ua tag between kinejatan nritl liy- nwn an j mec veraw twicu o weoh a flluw icivinif kingttoit every tecs- ar and pinna v miahic oftor ihe nrrivalfalie lako mail steamer ml frirfn bytown every ivtdxciif ond sattrnmr brcxiiic after uio arrival uf tlaaa spec j from granville do wnwaros wrtlleoro rui i a m- nim atital0k vt llfwv 13 m je fdflt 3pxl ilahmua 5 ii oliver- rvrrv siibf 1m 1ft kihrvftrnote mvitkrilte 3 a h b fllta rattda 5 bcokrira laadiot c lycmad 0 am initial iirwwa 13 m upwards ww liat tltiowfial 9 p of iluf laltnai 19 m fkcbew undic 3 a m aeal day removal the ribst0s meghapr hotst lo return thank to tho lafavtlluflli o fj kuiceton fortlitj ingcoiiuuucd patron ogo ho hia received ha further artiaint5 them that in liat removed hia tvltfltl atd livkav sfaiiika tu tho wow stoco eoam in cixt6bc0 street h sign of ehl telegraph ilouae l iiakn 0kn c0 tl i i an tram ea co uotloti drcctty oprhhito lc ohl vnud whero itiminliia line of fackc from lieerpoai ho httpeato ho ikvcafotl with 1 cuittinu- tu ekclin of all thesf other paea t hii ilia tfcakt care ii taken lhal they the united statt in fieela vch and rtckcttliprft a information jvet- thm iepiuite for their sf and mol r- ditiou conieyatbcc linen england ond the cotiluicoi io ticir respective poilaaf avatiral- natfotii harsdcnco appeal vilfa reatcon- ncvte tft te ai number of latiutfhn iavo in ial y jr ahpjd under lhir intt i immi winmtvr tn iavir inmitce have lhyeeti eikd to redeem punctually th- xeid pat e tkkah iimied by their american home cwithttandjn the hih rate of pajae kvhichhave frequently occurred in ship by ichich tie holder were forwarded mtia ihet imire aartica ihat the aame confidence may aee no any future enasmenu arc dtfl aolt m and cope and cov ancc of custom 1ke suhtcriter haex celtent aeruftimrtlationa for travellers loojvr- am stronger in liiallotiao nntl hia varj shed and stable ore in fcrior to none in iho city a c mink i hhinetn tranafer their peorly to a oenci stogo extras ittvm warriapcfi u altabo rdied trrtli lellcm of credit cm dutiolt wognni liflit huec ancfr hritlth kstakithmeal ihcrt huncvdi saddle hortea obtained at anyjioiir o re aach ax to contribute the moit to the coin art of the patacagcr pariat dciirou to haniaait money to any ri m swwyr- ga u ooftbed with drefta ui aidit far xi and upward and thoic tho day nr niht kingttvn fct 23 isis for sale at the kingston foundry a qvantitt of pis in3x and lehich coal fotasrt kettles coolers kinrlon foundry april 4 is18 x7 tha nona aid ftetta cooy f thousand of pound tltrhn hara tho- en tranemilted by u io petfect safety the reci ent tbby avoiding the risk of foe by iceibnt rotherwie and realizing ibe fntr atne i f hi properly pattagc can be accurcd to quebec aa above i ame pncea for itttuatf iirformatioa which will be riven mtvr ajcmtaaaily or be kites anjdv to h a rfx- dkn l co york iallndn co jihton or lo william warc our nfereim 4ml kiaton jilarch2m48 caledonia water the subset iber has rccei ved n con argument of the nhuvoojceollont wator winch ho will toll to quantities to auitpurcboaera t- t huntdh xcagi and mwrcuvr oju 0iymt slrccl- slibriprs sale juno on saturday th loilj tvillb sold at tho cotirt hntiae city kingatnrj at isvoktck noon tho pduiwiug lantla and tonomonu aeixed uudar execution in her majtra tya diatrkt codit of tho midtand oitlrict t the hank of upper canada joiin 1iolmks and wilsimpson robert alletv john holmes the weathalf of no 2tin 1th caaceuion piilburli william muir the yotiuser os francis w smith and edward noble part of lot no 1 lai couccaaion town fhipkiuon t a corrctt n j a svtifp otiee midland fii1tol kiiypmao mireh 3 ihi6 lands for sale ah h e sucrihett have ihe follnwinjr iand x in the mtolanddimrictforsale c j lot no 1 in the 3d coi- pitlbujdt 60 arret- na 10 in lhc 7th con richmond eot acre- sulh i lot n m ic tho 7lb cou camdan 10o aerea t 4 ui no 15 io the lib con eenne- awe 100 acre 4i no9 5th on omen 200 acre no 1b 6th con- ai 200 arret cummin macdonell solution ifc kiqptoo jonozsthsat lalfc assarsnveo xuioatl ltun fdtil life atatirinc satiety eonyiiilt lokoov axotl wall trucrr yaw von oapitajf 300000 stdrlorsmaooo tea rarfvra d vku hopiutsdxlkjuty i6w savinsa bank for iic benefit ofllic widow and the orpuao t list- muajltr oorr frvrf ffouorrr siar caiiiraamo fa court n 1fttt tor tfticory f ftiuoo caxlbqvjt- aicarn- tril aoit tirvfty riikissmbvtl j it rouv til t- iiatiutia kken iism ha ttiujt wii 4 h llat j a macdon li liw john iiamiliv eaaa jotis r rcvytjlkto miafeamaaniwaa alrxamielta ru8ixsun lll qficetniaiw street ert mt edward t uttuf vtlomn general ac anintitacl tmc ic liulej5uu aad rrkith h a oahttaa- thtttf day anotred after aoeh nenvt a pre miom bcen i uiibu rrfittire of ptit i leanokr starh k v i w york newyvh letnaary ie wiae3 in the wood r h e su1crilter respectfully iufurm s tho public that having made loo odditiruit toliiaprtmorcclbrao hihfet nw the large and inrt commodious wine vault of any house in tho trade if ia extensive atanrtmertt of wmc well aelceted and carefully laid in at iho pper action ta nova tn perfttt srlzr and reuady for inspection consisting f port of rd vintaca drishu talc ud urmvn shcrric sladc- iri5 imported direct toncrilfes itc c which will be sold lay tho pipe butt hajjiead fiunricr coak or octave on tiiodcri o wrm tho oljcd nf the snhteriber is to as- anre the 1uldie that they can at all linw be aiiprvlicd with staple wines tpcrfift orrr cheaper than ran 1e imported in small quantities he private inllvitaial jmes willi ml sun otucers aleves wutctfiir tohlic dinners balle ecc icc auoplicd ta order kingpfon feb- 23 i84a ifoli w a r ding- nxriiili- 1848 wiu a- ihouau r britannia life assanahd- company m pmncbs street bank umbos bapoatrnl by ad ef parliament apilal 1000000 sterlg underpinned having been an tiiiinoil io act os aont or thin uf awiftii itaw tavat m ttttaa rifurrtrit rya il ll juii v omen to wst jf t ew fra sifa r iv ii w ii th ipara an rt amumt caahiaraf lha baa af 0 ojafnp i fi adraeatti vaaa haaoat nartpker of thaltfiiit- jh i i lthata baav mdat adtnw w caatatxu m ufiaft a jj rjirj askaar offka popv ji 4 7 id ftjlh prl im 1 kin aatraahaoil fll1am fallaht mafinatdattjrtpuui 4m lhttitrt u hffiaatiho kriintua hunuia kau- olitera kerry iulm ii 4 jfaearak uriitr llrawt ft klaeimiafilujl aaitaffttaia kifto 13 yf thla airanxemrnt a daylight viow nay u had of all the wat scenery end niiocipal locki and yillaees pit hie ba mutjllnsrn crane it co k ajuil 15ih im8 31lf r m 8iibkiffs salb aa- ktawlajarjrb 0 v virntonfa jftivrit of fieri lior wajoatyv ivatssrt mmk 4 tt hy oli mnaatoi llth aa imstfil for uu nikkf it watr ilavll midlko distmcr to wit facie iauod out of court of quoena itunch nod to modi reeled njiiinsliho lands and ten 13 mcststvhicliworouf devid l dncensod el the time of lirj iiify uavio il lte nevrvoin aum in aaid writ mentioned which the aattl uovid mi lako had lately recovered againut lvdia jaz titone admlnia trmlrixoftlio laat will and tettamentot davm l thorp iwcoaied i havo seized end laken tn rxoctf lioft the llouae and lota in the village of adolphiiiou occupied by amltou jorue all vrldch llnda and 1 snemoma laltalluttur fr snteet the court units city nf kingaton on atiiiiuay tho 8th day of july nexl et 111 ocloch aoun cheapest rates of any office doing business in canada motitat ivfim or kinriton or thos w r08ison cnrnpajovt which has hecn doing huainetn ii canada and this city since tho year k39 respectfully rerpacata persona re- tiirintr life atnrann toeall at his office pjuscess stheet tingrio tvhoro pioinjcluios and all ceary information will be given linn a variety of tables tu meet theeir utntiancea ond convenience of appli anit can be seen xjte rales ofaimriar tables in the of icondotng imsintat tn this province ore is follow ifltrsn aaiuronceof ci00 v1fiialmk s- c10 3 4 4 v-i-i- y v e 2 d 0iunvioi atunartco coh j wtmt 2 0 h theae moterate rates ultlemorethan thomas a onunrtt shittf mulmi oiitrtit ity of k htuiis midland dwileti aerll3 1bvh i tihacicut soet to provide fo loaac pul 4 in tho power of moil persona to aaauro and wiili reference in the present aisle of the health of tho iuhahilsma of the pro vince general y it may lie ihoufht necea aryahnuhl the prevailing jicltnoee in- cruate to decline taking any riks it appears therefore lo tc n duly omhote who have lo provide for ilotirfamiltet to uhe tho timely proeaiiimn of asaorin- their liven end thus provv spinal tho risk of sfhapa leaving ihnae dependant upon droxertinna or nienna losuflor jifll cutliesif not doalitutjon thomas rcos kinsjmofijaugsi imf bty forwarding line fa orrlva and uidbau canal r subicrihor be to notify the pufctlc generitiy that they intend eatldihing a line of first class steamers nnd darct to ply on tho ottawa and kitfcau route find they will le prepared upftfj thcopeniutof llc navigation next i lo forward property confided to thir eare with promptitude and dc patch th nechity f r be orgmizttinn of mch on coimiahinenl having tn view the potior nmcus more particularly of ficitflitnpt to and front places on the 0lftea and rueott rute becomes op parent from the fact that in cnntnucncc of tit great transit of die west beiiv liveried ffom hctt waters lo those of the st l many mouses have vacaccd thischaanelnlteiher therein reducing the moin of iranp ri jutte inadequately tn the ropliroioculs nf thh section of the ffrattllfy tito stberiteis tvtmld up to remark jatadajlydepinme from uoniretl may at mithqosbu ttcpcndeil upnnj that ths qiraiet care will ho ucen in laml- in prnpeily at iho reilous saiion upon ho route arccnhly with indiructmnsand ditectionaud thai produce lerrived upon the tiptvanl parte dmiaed for moo tret will nt he unhfidod till after it ai rival at that mai kct a practice not hilljit 1 atteoiltd to tariff of freights ec- wilhbepoblislted at aohacriuent pertotl dickinson jones k co ntijifoa clemow jones at co frs clemoiv h co jmsim fehruary s3 1s4s istl vowgc mills prolrlno establisiimext rbic underpinned hivinf heeeme pro si tinoturof iuvnnge mills stiiich are now in perfect order iupa lo iuftirni the puirlic ihjt he t ptcpared t cnler into ennineou fir tho flouring of wheat upon the iiiil liflbst tho cbiiractor which lite yopge mills brand has iiiiikmio liitrne and the fact of lip not having been injured in the tihtft degrcu donna the past ditimmns aoaaon poscnt in i hose avian tleiic io cxpoti flour instead of vuat tho beu fuarnnteo fr a od and mcrrjiautahte ntlrlc and it will ho the rctin9i tare of ihe ropnctnr tu see i iti prcfnt hieji atumliue iio ne hotered in hi hand frklltirick jones yeno milk fvlmiary 13 is48 if 0uj3e iksuilahcs 60mpani- op london mnssns rvan chapmar ce fit monlnjl aeiittef the iloha in urnr tympany fnr canada have apintd hi in ilerinrd suhaxnt at kiattvn and he iv wow jeepail in fuoife all decriptiou of lritiefiy agstiut lo by fire tarnia the eioial fiuided capital of tbia cow pmy it dvs million stjmivjb and ihe amenta nre aulhtied to pmtlc lotc wuhoul referring hiii tn holland ciiakiks w jenkins iviiiccas sued klneaton february 4 la 13 for sale blmbnorth hnlf tfuto 13 in tho 9ih con f ponland apply lo chaklks stuart kinptonjtity 27 iki it william allrni tinsmith 4vc evc evc wclunlon street tplie subscriber thankful dr post favors respectfully inttmats to his friends and tho public that he has now on hand a lare assortment of every deaeiiption ofmaiiofactured tin ik17cc which he is prepared to sell on tho men fivrtrawe rcrmt- copper sluet iron end tinware made up to vrder at low pi ices kingaton march o lts l0- fire fire fire orkgon saloon axing stkkkt m opwitt jrs iwurdt riioare store tmib subtcrihcr wttftd mot levcct- fully return lit ainrck than le he puhlic gencratly fur ilicutwral uppot fie has received from ihcm ioc his eomriicnecmcnt in business and wuuld be iimvc to soicir a cmiinuanee then f which he hp2s will be merited by hk itention on his part to ail who miy fuvor linn with a cul james elder ktneston february is4s ylhesiibacrilkir lery suire no i hardys imm aliar pllrli koalii trmcrl uilti mritilllil and uverylhlug ihushipchandlory lino pi 1 uonafamon oci93 iht m farm ifqk saxk7 n k iiundrep acres af tab 2 sad m ihe rear of he pfrst ccaceraioa offraau erickahurh sbot on r mile trofli jmy wjojj whirf xtie loil uof a avperigi qriau lt and i reary ill cleared n bjt h ho luiitdiiix oa il wr to any person paying x100 of more flew- somit iltf ll ic irdd erryrao aad s id civen for the rttiius apwly lo oiin tbam hirer trenl march 131640 tssx j ewoidd bee leave in refurn ht sincere lhajiks to itc military firemen aud public fr their vtjoroiii exfrtiow in asvinj a part f iii property ffutn the into fire also to ihoic phibnthrepic indivi tlitrjs for llw liberal and iliainteieslfd manner in which they contribuitid autli eien fun u to coahle him to commence n lfusiros again j geougli cook tc iatk rrtm or axf smith ft coo for til rr i vrvr vawrackailu or 7ii crtraiia tro baxtlett cards tould inform ths namjc and the patron t ol lb tfi lct4bhhiicnt no 71 fid nn str vire he ha tdtrsys heca tan- w ihyed that he eitinues the ill the ties of piimi z 12 1 51 t v i2 2 w imifacturc toictic ol fining violin ai irrt heremfrrefurniliert hv ihe e- labluhment and iht ny ntfert r varioat kind wit he faithful v ad prcnhly ecat ed en a p id eeanen lo hia le areat wer kly ljlham no 71 fuiimi slrecl lhs folhn price uaal dreount elf for caali ortnthwc whohuv t ell a vix mlruc and white backsj vk r jroa lurrys i dccanlnrs ilo 4 knamelted ivory and teed aarucu care per folloivinc ate kanhnwcd enaaitlw cat lnted ptaia heautifujlv pollsed with rtagaot dciins as herders rmnwv bla eaid snail bhnlr flavin crdiic no 1 bis par cms da do larr do do do rlo douue t of the small a dn doutlc m c the larro do do ilsof all the aoare aires of every color to order other size cut to order of eibcr of the forejoina qualities mourning card o various aiirs made ic order t7ld ordered cards do do cilt erje do do eaamed hcel cap size co by m inch i rosy siulaec do do tvar do do do blank httt th do ai v rsorc ad and 5tetm vat tickets ms t oultr of any eoltr or of didercnt color a naav he draircd the sihejhr invert all edilnr of tin united sies and canada wh aredisjsucj to uk their pr in erd nd teh tvi1 tend hire a copy of their papert cr-ptainhi- the ad vcrliseaiul aid insert it forlltrceaiouthc new york feh i81s 123n samuel morleyctco gkxsral1mporxem of exgush 1xd jimeric1x ltfuld intianate la their fiiendgind the vt pablc tut ihy have recayej an fxtemice sou well asetlj stock or un4 shrtf httrdtetre gooh 5 ctr cosiraisrvn fak rev enuth banfcs swedes t lewmeer uar lran heaii and hand jin ca4 s mint and hhtter steel canad t plates sheet linn and tin bracks nillhmnvdt vices and bellow deck spikes wraexbt and cot nails coil fin antftrsee chains sheet brs copper ccid and zinc wind or glass pamts and oils hair seating axd curled i lair swpcarjatntesvsjoiiiersandcoopantoou doehu and sale fowling pieces an ttesuit assortment ofsitvr wutot aul tiritonnifi alctai hwe fine ci iu cj-ct- hot water diahcs and plates and diaw cnaers cooking box and fancy stoves fenders fira irons fire does c c 9ra of th cuviif asr priacttt street kinajiton nav 51817- curriers oil for sale by the vbcrberx atm curriers knives and steels stuncas scouring brntilic ftc s morlkyacce ccnaroi ho l wore ilsvrvauufs piiucet street kingaton 1st january isis 1500000 acres of land foil sale iiy canada west tssccnnadn compt have fosrtsal ahout 1500000 ackss oe lanu diapersm thruugliiiiil me- 1 of the tcoantoietj iat ujrercanaiu nearly 600000 acrerr ns situated in iho llcitnai toact mil known anenfihc moat fertile perls elf the prntinrc it his trctlcd itsrsortuja- liotlin five venrs and new coouina up vrsdlfi of l0c0 inhatitanis tke lrds arc tjlered by tray ajf leass ten year or for ee cash 1un ae plcn avtmnm rtenjtteivititee tl ihiinimentiting tfany with tho lnupavaule 1st february each year oic ilnut tho interest at si pet ceotupen the price of the land lonmsofihofoii leased wo money is required down whilrt up n others according to lecajity ortmtvo or three years rant most bo ptil in advance uit these peymejiie will fee rlio settler from fimfcercslu umil 2tj 3rd or 4lherof hhherea of lease tho feit to poacoasc iho fsutat- milodurina tho term is secured to tto leasee at a fixed aum norocd io lease and nn allnyvance is made accurdiog to oniiinmed payment lits 4 lund and any further iefar- mniuii can bo ouatned by application if hy ittrcr poiipaid ut the cotararsat frneff toronto acl godcrich of it kiidsatr criiuiroasphcne1colbernsi tlriet dr alum guelpb or j c iv half eaeuire stratford haron ui strict hareh i0is4s 2c6ro itcuvy fincf itlamc ukeds for sale at tu atheneum printing gffioe dnfdnf rwaio and satafora oftlo sia tetfi9j uomaot it trao nnd s je vlh oat of doirar karlfsje letda uftout ca of ooear 1 u wuhlurerdotrae mcinmiftl triih itarof jjir tk trnh4ut oaltf dnatcr aiacdt nf qaeca atenesi and dittriti oiiiiiir i n court btarik forsaa ma- lea i foit valuable mill sites at tianakoque tnv undraiened ojtcr fnreale the unent inyd waier power at caaaiuvnie and will hlfrnj eeety facility for the rrceliaeel nitr milk ir any other kind of machinery thr tilnalinn i1oc wu knoftn lo reieire nrticnur ecriitna for termt which will he libers aj any further informallon tsjj at maaifreal to meatrt amlersen auldjn rvaiis ft cn rr mrrt ivrria uockua ecoand upon tha lueniaea to c t j mclwnaio at co- canoqnc ltt december is17 circular pomriovs ptamnnai k uourc darov otfdantlnirs n v jan 13 1616 f li 19mfitnr will fnrdl far cana- dian auwhheia any of tho jaurlrrlv matiildvef sntnutnonlhtv mthhratitoia of iho unlied males nllha pnmuhert ueet irsa nflho unwsjaaswea pmtw and tacelae nl r r in iiaymejtl i tut by mall nn canadt uhi uaataldiotha nerasmoks itsvt machta llinrhtiira itttiiycu ki l oauk mont real qraak viilo 4 wm utirlnoowtellsr de jamti atle ivtth mia in mi msilir bar kers rive p ills uiliocs mmplaim-s- patws 1m the head igwifitit jbtmfew- dw struct lns confinement of me boirch j cl the real demand for these pilti it i suscisat itearaetee fw their ntefulneas in lha sacra c0tndamt- kmerooa teyiimotiiili eoutd becisen if neeettary from persons of ibe ineheti mclahiliiy vrho haeeosedtaeai ao ftjtndi mtjj 6 tcvfaouf facoi ut cnu o stiffen sirttirjf fy ilrntunrr to fcleh lha btmi wfuifrr u iuv ilka at scared th tytp m t fcrb are rvt eiahlj nxrafw by fietiltrda4iicr em fuwc and iv ih- olona inany en iihh win jod ertjaaeo the prl krsi tacrctaury nrl ttvt cmflo vttt is a pntt wf rk r- imtinee ul rrw- dcrte of ik tuvnrrd hy fraa afirt- mivecbftiee w ajtrc- wm aabuktl oestivo qc k ul llwatirfia ut of hcatrhttaaaai bbjhiel miaattttaes i7 jua avereea and alsjat tunes oiarc riphfly dirttet nttaa iheir naadtoai ilae daastkvtaaii j and to tiittnbleao jassjsssaja skariicutrlr virre ihe hbite tra ncavritrr or mlirre frre hvinj mdnlaed peneaaeni ill uh k krfu ft mote be obtkoa loabas rni rupchctsi nlrrr thai thro tits flprletea ohpc nwiiuh 10 tttnul arfrrnd viih e ieitiijy atnnee aim w otraird trona air arvricnt mtdrfiat ih- u eoaaf inihrt tatty uyijesfttaaif vt be ind rccuatrac to ootit lh nrtiif if l w crarrt ck in fiin nf enyrrthk irapniiaoce fc unlive hall be cropped 7 tnolmaf apricot heafkinsesseaaasssajsjitii thrjrvoceu 01 iikp ajum vat- eomtdeiamy tno nn uhde mtlkitee ctii-ni- i too eahaksl vvaaatser aaa stinc f f i 1att oel wbittt ik action f mtrfi caicatla tihte r t in the v d am ieiut1 e a lu class at arstttcatt ut cviilrml whtmlfl- tvhiinu ihc tubilbl iijimfi af ihe htex at the- apply uw ad- uunlrxeikitiii wfcich rjaiufe then retinas to alai lre m tke pcfjctfiuanes of ber aeethsucd lawtateii it i pfeittr nn iht taller principle fair iba rnndtcrtd 1 lh pfttlic r fa-tart- and is iheif imitdv et w ieiraard r rctnrd rirrcrt in iliix a hrer ot tinturr ianjtt ihcy not aatv liiiittf ii pcinn a1ejjcwoparrar aot sens ml ute in i aanih ore ain ictl ctktdatee aa anrtn m o f ir r jukea cor which emtiva hajhtceer reernaiended aa a uv rf aliifkaea tach rni are wivar iun riifiriaiusc rtih r drfiltti fellhey kbte luaer 1 ihinw tthicktayi the avvsalasassj tf n r-i- srtxifrrxtiin jtftit p4tianmiitra 4rjire nlr m tril fre v il -iiiit- 11 tit bnt1 rttajcb tiunnr to 1 r iu ff liamtptod trair eli dnicm tthieh artttftiaaivaaaaevd ni of l- asa- nach anl altotootavy oatsl laaastr fleetdcrf uitt 6i wtl be titd hnan ibtir u tntthfsiam ccoaipair- lh n nil ptetiihr he nrsiehnf malt lltteaeha whce comifft preraua i iuliieoeira uilatoa atuel tuz r tneoeemem of i aalc h otrly tir u jian drr anl io pwnrtm tha aisulmi f wi naa tvv tetia nn cvftbiwrncet or cbaicr io lha dtft ntodctk etrettr wl taral tl ir ojnnlit andeihitrnee kit petted hat an aurrical ibiy are sar and dl raass rnay be laben by aoiht and ehictrn trd ta 10 evrr tire of precnoey to ehitdrrn of gee yit if nd ir i u f lis 11 frmirrh hh 4v ril tumvtt ititiu iwjrt vt other iataf feebk jutdicinltv prepared and said only at the athcrvrora deal k ii m in uttettt la 3d and dav cj rttaba tr twrhrw mjeciof iba pnparmeiat aes ftttadaa ibaalmjaia ro asasa ikm netahy nardinaemirury tttieta ltoraatih rt etareo rtlh that ahet ond tu atwd any elmtfe tst ibrihp- ltcpe emauita ilit et tufiithe n pmtt itpaatid oil rmrh qui mhrky mth mrnmty usaiheniif tbey ate tl aid rcifiiat ooataart tan ftl lhai raeoxad ai apolbo catfa lthers notice the north western ikkojkaack com iart of otwsoo n v iiiuvcij lii nmloo p uii k niirm trritfi in lntm ihiwj omtrl 9lrth wihip lu- 1- ml tn rnl imtiirlt nhtiiml j ir 1 mil co tn ikvfmvi itlirllior ltln tin it jlff of lvtkl niiiliimi m t ihntsa vamtvr imt 1- ikhih htotttsj tast jkmli in rt uniiiit itnl to wl rajsiiii 1 m nmllii wltlu vmi laaeniitslfatfilhfinirat telllaa husjud ihl umtilttt t ui onletinddsluaradat ihe aairtrjlasj l ia tt i iiv louti 0 kaujrcay hrmtnae iia w a