rd m etfftacis ntni rapebs per steamship britannia frvm r a- qwtvr mowrf tv hrpei lliitaiuii by ihe katirv man frm llatifn roachrd hurlec ikr lrfjiatallrnreloeh nm rrlv hw the tcuarjv rur mh fpnmf lrrimli and un rprer u the mre j arhs juneolhj lw tti rlritiaf nrul nnhh american moiltomer captain ilariioo atn liverpool enintraday thr gib int baiii pei fanned the paoacc ft new wk in fn than 11 day mduh hel call il d- i ruliori at halifax the gambia bring x73 in specie 71 pawnn tfce newt from canada i not cnnmnered ef a roortranf or tiwetcy nolo jiilt teju rf lhe v- prrebr f cap ueau and others uvnrin iv- knejiji i- tmmiteiit ihr olr cnqr of r ejuloward i qmafcff j action in irtjowin- rfj ihe baled nkr in the nei vrrk wrek- iv llrvald nl lhe 0h oil mr article p- l rruii e to canada an- 1 the hvt u- die which have leeu viotrt bv mm ellv tadin jvurnol of laifloit1 the object el the wilier a regard canada like tlc abla tion of htflaal nd lit cnadyitur m m fa vor the notion of e i4 the 0au fan olo plurr cftll m tncoprlioti willi the umlnl -hi- d pmmm hirwproeurrj dhe inu leee or proukd aty puticnur rectk fiem thr j hm thai hive given tiumtion ti ihc arlic 1htdeh thr llurtwu fctt kfn thhllililv nltf mkr hn lhir m11 nnmrtt fr tbt feitwrefccrftno tv mj r twl rfg im 1 fif jcmnciptly w w mrwrd wlb vfcjlirtn in the vnoilry 44 ttoiiilir lal ihuic ffi wrr hrtj in if fva if io rftftfif it firt f tht irimroiolii lli il vkitnu uoutliou witm mtt aflrjwriu t4lr nl wmc dluricc vid naek ftuft cwt d afft 1 j urc tf ft ijouu rntto ou whil mbmuv in luulinj irnvkwot mimi- tr- juvr in mjlfil m hlil jy bfinfa cnrl muij fo onl-r- ijh kl rrliini erf inr fe ntm br tprtrd uliicb iil itact nil eaiuf mv- keimmtum criti d ol1if tucc tfcc vnlci lu tuiiorj ht muhibm f ur- ifftwtm w oiifiim uvt ttcr i h llfffftt owwwi mohdf ll1 mini ijmmtmml tlit volice uihotiitt mr njh iri noiicebvc kf iufj f- mvmtlhc icptilfv f nch wtcflimar ittrc vtrlfrtrril of tti reotl nouiwsl f ibn citii thton hit n invrttj ubtftjcu wn wrt on wjtlrjy ll tai ri joitcit j- fioom alt i siiik j vihiim ii- the mtntjcj ilrfl4imfu0n w whit mmflm tt h wllntimi in hjiaf yh b ilcftlcdj nl iht if 0iu tfd cw tltrn or ialvrfoption o tbc uoil pojb4 of khmiimc utb uovk f lafb tilt mlli of tiw4pmfthy wht mjqo of lo ictry it 1 j that chdwuihotio uaj ttrm received fioii litt biiiub miitcrs 41 kiiittf rort in1 ksoftote trlivi tn llic tnftfi of tfwat sutri 1uvin tnrrh thr arian irrnui st hr uijhlj pill luffl jij itov thin k liit ihft rrc mv vtillil tmuetor otklittioflt which rrtift4 tht iv iohfr 110 ilrrt wu not ibeir in tfition u 4o o tht oktrqglt oj landowe io rtftmwr to wmi otaf rtjtion a lo tlic cbttlut avutbtntr atoned tbr lott tual isiruarot bad wtn lken wbch in the iom of ibt eorrmmrnt woau b vctful h iucntd to tltrm lb lit jlotmr i corrwnt ieat piion ojf ibeweftf pvvc lojouln brtn ni- oiriujr tbt ftft in wtjtli thr tlm inli itink wtlsi 1 11 c t iii rjnfnftlint mi turjj iiftiini iv rwcirj ia diffc waiaily n lo ihf lnmfl liui iii pflifiir w rf tht fuli ivownmr t in fiii if mi jiid ii foie firtdft iinl thr pnelm rmil- ra 1 and i ihhivi nf ihr urnrl ahcia- hoilwbmmv fini hhtf cjlutl uftaa lo tittak and t tt wll rrrritnl it is m afutil 111 be iijw ittppnf td- day ibjl tbf ljafr fi h rit 1 om llttr alup limi of thr cmi syltm out brjurli ot lb a 1 a 1 j 1 1 1ii nol 1 tt bftll finjllv atultll tim cftr fif lllwiitnf itecoonvy tbf liilinv 1ilfen tlma iinebaivt tofif vtm fmnhtl nfen ato imw 111 c4fpwl aivtnt eth mm r tht oany miwu pmcslm whrtc will it iw ruea tfcc jvm avmlaf tlr vft frbwmj wlhrkl iu livl virahcr owlur imlli ili1 iv mnyvclb i ii j annoimct lliat liu nci mif will aiuocr and eofokt 1 11 uiifc ihc hkwlnj pciwfiflo tni ibt liub ak bavt jiki oii in tvfrntiuf fibtiotbu maid ami t all ibc m -rila- 1c m jf i riirclre- rf in iaaavu and vcm ibt iairi fur ii-j- wh ui mainttaacc ctnfort and imtiof a ttit lht cium talltj l rulf r biri trtiu p4iicnury in ilitttorthaf lfrilbi jutland vftbilary ttvn loti for rfwli and mli tbl it rnjhl lo ie tx irfxdh am mcfjiv il in tybiwr nl a ociiij and rofoircd by rnirnhit coiixnt ih tbo olbir tbre pwintifc of tin ilaiid thai rwy if rii ftj every man wlpa eirf lo tmennie ltr aitchi o bave arm and lo piar lite ih on ftf llirm fl thai hr tmth mv lill hnnr audbt of all liu plonin urn ii b are jhih mnrr jtlwioita and nort aacrtd ifcjl ihoeof any ki44 or qeni on railh and that tlw lifr and liberty of one imli felon at oi lrat irrrcm am mcrrd a uttm of nrw kmor qim nne rietroe one jlle or jbrfijtt w jtiryoaan tiik tut a lder in ibe ll rtirt lot tfttn tried by totrhmarlia at lblfji for iins woliom laiijriaie v-j- andin anil lfrtuejicc will rwvl be known til the- eeun- mandcruebicfhatifiea ibc opinion of ibe eont mr mtrcfilla eorrraiondnce tela lifcla the tlhs nf a mr mirihy r1 rfbrhltm mr hltcsellat sk manj oetpr nn mu pnrlton nf jnr nf aw th- per thtie u a nrmni answer vdy rrjui utter and joder i lautriav and m ibr f all lhai ynn cat make dhi for cil ri i that mi fi v cij til ce mr mitchml cfmxt pnncctttv ix lahraxn tbi- total nrairr nf wevtrit cnmaiittrd for farimi- cfflohf in jnljd in 1s47 waa sl 63 of turip i2r6weenieieltd 609 by verdict of jitr43- dittbaictd nn bttl win fnid 4075 dihard bj rran of m pfnte0on thr smitr nhai lbnp rnii if ted wotf a miao leih 25 tram porta lion fr lif 8s for firiiwii year an i rj i7 for aiven eiraanl under rtfh yvon is76 im- priwfird for more ijit a yea 305 j fnr one year aid abovo f rnolli i3i2 i for aix montbf and uoffcr no awj mlerert u other pflibmrnn is33 total ma f if ltd a spain tl mndrid jnnrwah nf ihc kl f nt i have bren feetivji a modification of the cabi- ft i tea jfd to be immmenl i w rrmled ijtat m i t de lin wtrbld jelire and bo wifcbd bv l mon jlir cuaitnal ciifb lill conliniicjl a w of ih in oi nne wo lecriicd ibimoxiiinz enaijdifit ihii sir 11 iliili rr rmi i cj u s by ibe mi liotefuineiil cjvo ocb tirnof faired wiibttltichhe vivws uu siiaiiiwo and be etetj ifeltebt which be ia rwnefv in ibteiuninc anil iiiatiltiiiff tbrii by icaenif orders lbal on hi dclmityrr ibe eiilcbem of biirt oror ibe fooi f tl l- cation iliiii1 bv takri dvi and placed in- mifr ttii bur in urrlr o c ibr vndc l itndftail tbl afl iimrf tr na- btuken olf bclwcen ibe tjoerrinimil iin and li hnd the nn flf ntir spantib ceniemrofav n tilf i cniiiiisfj litter ott m d rid fricpnmunl writer under mo tb 3rd that count lutxymtku hw inini- tcr dmiirienliatv hom ihe court if liia hi breii hteivrj by the qcen in a jitr rwechhc ewcd the mliacidlofl nf ihc lin ibe nnowalof liientlly ttulmii te lrr lwi oiinlriea some vf the iiiinm nn paily at maiip have lnen bvl tbe ttrrtuv fciomihedi riti in l ii i l s jjilur of o the swuiji ajtair il nayi tal tbr qovrrn nrnl vm afraid lo inert tht arliuet oh tbiiihjclairl that il w ooble ibat lorj palmcrmon ivojlj min aiaddrf tn ibr liberal natly lia been iiilbtiihrd by cobrncl nl cliirf vt iu loir i-imirrrctm- in virr jlr deiiiet iemi tnd or iwr ili ii bad lciii imilvytd lo jirodikt il iu my ii failed lioin ihc liberal my imt cnoin forward cwnt tie hamcj chrfr arfaio if llrlfiim bat writtii tn lhchrrhmlv y hia htt ha apidicd lii ii oi rnrjf ui fit leavc of abrncr bill thai i it fa pol hue ifaail be hid received orders lo tkc partfltp of it the line- hilcr bd itflinrd of ih miernti ielirn ral rocromrnr nf tbe fofvijcn m nm with ihr injto j mvii fiirlhrr jceinii file that ibe austrian vemraj hodetii bad eceedrd ii ceachin llirearof vt sinfnu rny tild foitin jti retreat a recoil from he eily of mfiiini uu that i mil ii4rif were vntiielv i bow fon iim bielfmkliii caiison would jc- iav bnlittle lliiinpi iaa imiiroviii thtmalfof iiimtniy comimhic eery- dit- courain ktrlii iduu lk lbit kiiho lri jud left ibe ciy mtiy bnimoi jnj 0 were eiidj and ibtre ivj no ica rauc uf ny iecrjfihn fiom dtiinuik we arc wraed thai the ffuvcmment bad ruled 5iict fr iht ije fence of kgrw7 by wttrjiin u0m and i let i austrian bllor rnennon ihm tumors were olvut reitciin ihc fodurc of job po the 1tiri jf llm atavinjlitd of tbe kitifvf ftjjdrs w a ii ii founded ihe ta iienly whia they oceur but if ojiiition i uul tbe coc u initmformed reihi be hl bejid lome inicnj ij biif we uialt vee if q be aude if o jaj ibey fail tbey hoiild be ubllthed rn avfic lo the accused if nicctssful in jiitic v ibe community for be credit of tbe fitrarijaubir weltutl the cf4c li been 7lcd in ihl intueo sve albtdctl to apidicalinnv in part i he fce w ibe courl and ibr reinaiiider inlend- m ii jyl w aii before tbe cnuri we nt for lite cretlit of th j li r i m l ooll will be for toredly iltrc jo xiinid rmob ivi jio rearfy at ny time llmft i our colemttorarit ii niivat of ibe nailie 4itac iht movixoiaf kzbinnon italy uv bate rrftrved aecrniiiu irom nafdn f m mr a dale ibe 3kl nil at that lime tbe capital waa traniiil toe piisai jiiiml of ihc cnvemmeni of sicily nf the ska nx ttet tbl cornta calanaro ait moftlrlrte ba id kicrtd hie ficndjont ami ibe rviee and mfc jmparfli to march upoi noplef to de- tvnitf ibe kios- tlit jijiial rf nap ic put liti decreci fotbidjihx the ioi up of ticntrd ajicr witbtui ibr ieimioii of tbe jurfjoriliv 1ik atfa of fhirenec h 1br following iiifonnavon from nti of the shi ilt tbe uam fcjjeale heicnlrj left on that nv fi ketioj whcie llure bad been a violrnt intuirim in wbirh ihr irnon had hecn thu victory the citin have occducj ibe mnoutaiik and ike fori of prfjo scilla and uomrmone are in the hind of the liberals with muroiii aliardi at tbiir bead a noiiiial e r oiabilcd at cx hiiwao ft ii an that ayata will place himvdf at tbe bead of tbe cnovcinnil al cala btit tritcbhaleeotrbily dciievd donj kii owifie tlit renewal f iiinl ai ioihmi 1itu ip i iloml rand 1 liii and ihc leu fitinuv irpjorv f i ihiiena1dvieeiv tir pdire iiiiikela hive ln tcu uitoyani t kbbjgrj iro ratlkr nnii o rj bod le trftiiiiltv a ikebmiw iriideiry lice ifiplieeri jlbi ui inioee oie bwntfrt ff- j if ec ltl tbit iniij in ittr ibrie i tll irflc ftjur c i- kf l ft oft i il v fiofijir m uo 4iljorrc1 a i the fonnr fafr rf ihr trade iid ltniniicree ut c eor nctotfl ir jde ia imn iinrc- mienl in iho rhilrary furiher tojti m i m ike fttteof w oflirpra kbikl liillr ljiiai uu iramwurtrtl tlfc it n b4 fipuhf dclic 1cthcir ttltn4hcl llc iw ntc liioilaj te tenrrat a nf ctiiinereml i7ii oa the virtiitirtti cnalinw iral and uovlofi bt io ot iftjhcli s livlit imput ii ii it eretfiii- b trw ip 1 iiaera ar in luc rry l a y i i ih nlr tif ihici yet tendi dnr- wni jl f i pr rjf irdriule umnofaciiiiinj jfruir ner 4 jtviiirtqii e llir titrrifv fino c wcalhet wheh coonnp io ji imtkrt a eey dfrinj eflrrioaj hit rn lauo io nutf titeuntrd kdoi and bhwim it tvonnne hi t jew v j oiil ibo vflnal eo lui pal ibii entieil petij f ill irmiu ilio ultuums p i iul nn iloobl iettejo 11 ftnibrr al mr4unc ao moiid ll fci1dri uf wbet e opted ton tcdii r i iui of it 3 per n io fhtceaf ihrbrt eprlow hevakd ai 41 i and amrir at mil j 4h cr rj oi ibe rthioi dy in ivfirl rliler nf ira mibtnitid to a decline of m id pt 70 h llifrcjied rlwif aunoili the ofly al thw fwt b tfy imi i lor not bm iirc itionh v rfoly piiil inhin yn liar uliined n vortofinnl till white nol r1iwi mrc thin jtjji condwcmw onif fftc tfiitovcir- out iakaa wkv fbr leave ifrmhmi for vouf nolice tho ibtnied staleinenlaf llm um already ul i anbcd in thjt uimrici loward the fundi of u annual exhibition of ihe prnviiictal tricnttotal airri aliofi to bt held ia c jl n october nctl is i i clmff asa 4jrlm important notice ve undriined bciebygire itorire thai weahallipjdy in tbe lecitliture t ihc net ftieeling lhenfi for charter f ibe conilfoclnan of railroad from ejm on hr lunlof monlrrajj acro tbe laid lanj and acrot the water of ihc ottawa and ibe uletf jwlto 61 efttuchc andrr and cieneir in ibe coonly of two mom- uiii5 thence eroiainx the water of ihe oll- vn al oe about lfwfcrbtiry ami fyjiortini near ai may he ibe ijm of iht vallev of tbr petit nation tieer io the tiwn of preoit oi be eiftr si liwroikt with the tieht to eief i ibe mttuimff bcidei nc ihe laid wa- tere and to makr ue oe aid brie a tell diije if detirablr ndio enjoy all rivi1rjjr ajitiemainin lo lh lame under ihe name and ty1t of ibe saint liwrtnct and ottawa c j- junclion hilroad company jaroei fflr keler mehill jtw bniireet john von r ivmawi dotr jth do ton t a siavner john v- ll0bam c moffatt j c 31ackeniie- it taylor w mcnoald j jl fireennhiew u p fff coffin montreal jinocorti uhd ifw 30 355 nvilhombtiuilaffri ohuril soeely lloiltini it du rdj tiw diauict aciionlianiltfacivit lailn cis mo j vm 10 ftpe 10 iaein in i wontdaho draw your attention to the fol- iwin firjjjh icoti ihe letter of the fre ideni of the ateociatiiii the ifnn adam ieififlaton ifrrcvwi tn utt prefidenl 7reprvi1eiil director secretirietj and mcrnbcttof lbea4 iciittufal sofieliet tbroub- ni ve4trn canadafioeo which it will be een thl the avaoeiaiion rt- altoatberto utifhflnmt lo cany the etbibition tbroeifb the premiamv awarded si ibe two form r exhibition eodnled lo aboxit iweiee tiiinditil fuaniff of ibit mm nearly ihee tiundoed potmdf remain yet annate the amount iefnired fir premiums at the next e- luhilfj ii ill fjt lillleiborl of seven baodred pammti i thtw gcntjeneo you witlsee thai near- 111 one thousand pound win be required for fv the ahnet purpose and for this ibe provincial vfeocialro arc wholly dependent upon yon bycommaij il jones kuttax srcrtury fo ut vati- canmtrrr c far pre inc it alma lalln br whig ojifrr err oroem duir saturday uohhikojclv i r mr need iar- 157b aiilted or iichared x iytfjhwrvtf9 nuhe nauitibn law ii monday a ijpmln wabeoiehlfntwn1 eoerlrmnaloiy or iao cftorte ptued by her mtrstyn riiwll milh ackrenet aa the eftim ofswinbui dcr omo niacuttiun the bq alien wa wiihdnwo fniiwwerto a question respcetioe pruuia andocnnurt lrd palmcnton stated that lie uutiow of tbi country was roinr on iorly conyuntry with ibat nf eny oihor fawerotnenl in reference lo ibe ea rviulooof a biitish oaer from spain the amc noble lord aaid that he had received in cattahion to ihe effect thai cot diutowe bad heetj weird loeywriboiil md expelled lle spanish tern brintf ained en my rtaitn open ihe mevl tm w vjafi k3d been tcecivctj miry waa ramj on jotuouiiaraetory ootueeday the cbaneelloe of tbe tvxete rwev announced vi intciuioo of laying teo wfb before tbe bnnict after tbe whitunheli ilayn chembjeetof ihettcii- lew nn tkeanrair ereuina a bill wn broebl in by hffrcncbjlhcobyiciof wbtcb was to acfwre le itejand ecomplete system of lailway uon0tarv and commercuu mv wditiol increaw of tbe peetlona mej jl eibebilcd in ihc laal weekly relurcu of iht runk of england to tbe emcm of anftsrw on wednrsday il tea annopnerd that the uaofc of england would bo willing lo make njratwr on bills of echane exchrnrr bjuit aod other ufrewed aroutiliea at 3 per erol tarul about the middle of july f tthen the pat meat of the dividend will have ijlcrn plaer 1hkwil artord come accommodation and appheaiioiw have beta mad hr loan at that rate the dkloibwrc wbieh be teen coin on in tbe taeiroporia the proeincr and in ireland hare had a dcpxtio influence uin trade and commerce and tlioub there hte been no 0ieremeu of an alarming nature yet an uneasinot bffflik which iaterferf io tr eitent with manufifierin and fpecelaiive operauon the aeeouni lecencd to ilny irvm 4h crwrnnfactntin dii- tiicti are ef a vera i character tb lul paekeh from cjonitantinole kffedl o fvoea new york have bniim very few notte tt tnanufacurrd fwods and e ot- deied pro able tbat cveral milt at mn ehlcr and ruruhrre vil thv wetkir pkii werk tbe railway flnfor tbi rtotli ameinit j i ti jl7 wivch ihrws a rrdue- ttm of jiiaijo a tnaird with tbe errepiidiii4 m mib of 1517 when ihc amount was ififi lb dimii4itki ij tt ifeewcvrr entirely on klin lines lul a rraj prirportion on forriu oni di mllri rrlatinf lo butinrm done in tl public ft-euri- gir of our country utm- the i t week tere hat hren bul lillle to nllto1 the fnerat j- jc t consol 1- e not varttj in tbi rtrit of one per cut lb ifi rjiint fr ih rno1 iart bmneen ttj to filj v mr autuem bctvacesllir uijuay baiv market toda france panil june 6 the pai piprr of mon day were ectupirj by thr proceeding in thr v itn il attembu on saiurjay reipectinr feji bhw j lojretiomwere stiti pmcerdinein pari wilh mich aciieity mctaiidicrc would it wai itill bcliricd beat tbe beao of tbe noli central cbaiarnier m s and m goudchauv uould foo in notably that nier tbenutnwi a t rct rr ri fcifijifllrlw the pre ceding day much aotiety etnled in parit tlie rrnluof ihe elections ibe threatened rtrike of all tbe workmen eninrrr and rurjinedriten f the various railroad in france tbe election nf presidenl vice- president and sccrcratir of tbe national awnblyth apceoaebin coficreetiorr or all the workreu of pare at cbeap break- ftot were all considered aj o tntny cauca for apprehension iminediile er remote the almced resntveofcoverneoenl in brin mm barbcaand ipantjui and ihrirfcljowprioneri totriat brfore ibe ordinary court of atmgr wasconuderrd under all tbr circomttances tbr widest course ibal could he adopted a mcetin of ibe directors of alt the rait road companies was held al the rrsidmce of the miurr of public worlcv on sunday morning when it waj drterminrtl not loubmil to tht unitatfloablc deioands of the freneh taginccis and firemen vo dipebare all english workmen employed n the rod il was farther determined tn adept tbe most cmr etie meaerr to drfrn a attack ihrratcned aeainsl the kninwto employed on the itoum rutaoad tbe preate slalec eiart the comaillreon ihe li voice ttiu have declared hweusees aaint that measure lp lo the irour of prm on monday rfrniiit pat remained tranquil nntwitbtandinc the continued butle nf tbe rlreiiov instead of litcomin more clear the trualb wtr more nncrrtui tban in the lorenoon alilt it wa not tlonbted tbat ibe icturoi would be re- pentican ia tibeete ie tint rhr cnmmtlee or the conlifiifinn will be ready lo pmerrt ihrir rrpotlo tbr rvaiional awwmy bv the mid dle of tbe rent montli i aaid farther thai mm dojiin and dufanre have distin- etikrd iheinrlvo in ibe commiitee by ihe vieievr tortxrk oo aaisafiry ifler- ukui aiut 1 tvlokj ilc neiihbor1iood ef 03f npil yrltuvr ji ifitli mt nr a fencrsol was visited by fenrlul ealamitv dytso mlnvicrc fverd at uu rrr r under ubich wa coninefteed hy a heavy shower die iue jr knnnd b nirnl i f v the prossiorisoofratffrof to morion nill contain the lotfuwin itter fmrn hi rjyal ltijjhnrw the prince f prtmsinj the ittbekatloil oi which has been sanctioned by iht kin mot oibmiiiively annennco l yout majesty that in obedience io ibe command imparled lo me i have irtl j 1- and aain rt my foot on the conliiirtil i consider ihi ihe fittest moment once mnrr openly lo drrlare jy tbe aemimenl imbuei wilit which a i your v mjciy already hnowi i return to my native laud i jttf myself up lo tbe hop that tor fier instjiuttoi fr the svrer commida- cs ortipfljj mtlurcd un iwrrjril a ri and hail the hail falling in jreater urn iijit mmm n rmarftj tad aravutj tban perhapi ever nulled at uq lda ttieiniout j j uui oraf lev0939 n w- jfrk t howet of bail erased ihe v jnee ol in-er- 4ancawmd 3k bfcwni ulnn i oll was alarrocd by a dreadful noire a or the imurrtb rc nred piiiiii m uiiiiej h- waicr ruslnng fonvarj ibe air becommt buck wrrkrv li mrs 15 bwa brrj pjjui ym ithdji1 larje branehr of lrccihn t l i i mv j i i l 1 4 e t e ircn 0it ln in the ir tbr i tj j7 j r j7odemaorl in fyiiidtnmadoilt made its attackoti the mill be- frr ancritin wron boor tedylui in the rwc ut 7- o jacov choatf ettendvi in south r ihc rr k ireee weir a little tnrr cfclcrly direction irarinc up ieee boisrs trine mlimiitdmj ha rienlq9- rarnt amf mmutc ituf in a wider rane icitrrttnn l lhw wrr1yi t uolcrofl me twr sircutinfis ivjirttnll ha hreu reirlrd in town for some days pait that the government have drterminnf lo aboluh ibe office of snetriwir ef tolls wni nf la- ebifltthnoluce mm in their ojoaioa not waotedtov t e la joii brcn an opinion in upper ct- that f gowan kjetitml ryerscin mr joseph mill olr mederilb amistant se crlary for canada livt should be scveraj- lv ftlieved of ihe dufir impnied tipofi ihem thereasnn why tlie pnhtic require ibe ale- inial of mrowan rs tbal tbe creation of iheutfieefor ihe sole purpose of rewardihim wai a scandalous j5 mr iucfsri ap pointment wa anotber job and ibo people ha no confidence in hi in1etrily as n pub lic man 11 d- c hi mr t 1 r- h bould be removed on the ronn be w- ir- i riicii enemy of the ministry and blnt in poisesaionof ibe secrets of ihe cabi net he his ihe onnortunitv of aciinc the pari of a py odee of secretary we was sotd by iho little renoxaalc duncan cvho wa lihcu into partnership with mr mederilb adocate montreal on ihr stipulatinn ibat be duncan woui secure ibr mr fcderilh brother the office of atabtant secretary which be now hofd the minutry had nolhiuxlo to by acting with neeeiqlitj firmness in thest c ae e zntnint r t lictlf per cvfli in ljr aarno rmike ftt4cti uneethelld 10 at 10j tic j- icr put of hieii wi w uben by a ismttwu b vcr 1 1- f llih oilicv hnve ihtffiuie iii r rrt tqwer ftlinn tbem uil niutb nttirr fiw tjrh at li ty iicr i4 tujy tm a fntrqniu f bicuu fvunn buve hnr ifi reecjcil i- o ftr ei- jm kic in fid dcmaoo 1 reibfd n anroer f cd q h n col n lnc are oi at oioch ionioirel aflci democratic iiit of btfir protmtitimia the commune de pari taies that the krpublican fierninf nl hai dared to arm ihc firu eoauit kjiis a anearoie winch the lair fioveinmrnt feared i aa1h- anmnuiiion 1 bcvvry iyjiibrcly carried inwcc fnri of l 1 ptsjis tuvsjay llalfat 10 a t tlir ii 1 si c nei nmcr of lh affair nf vctrr- fay ha irn the ieinuli ti slciemicut ttiiimtec of jniire bik lee imanrvliale jrilam ihu je 5 cimili nr cnvrc ij t iuii the uiuat wickly nitrlui of thr national bvial aocm1id w iwld yei- uj in ceticiliaimi jljii iuv ttrhdatka wai lr tbe imi a a1trry t iiicroivde i all pr3 mr mn 0cnimll aimonerd tlieclfinrof concilimii flail owins t ibr rrnns of funo he ln c nhtirc iliat h- rjmeium end ibe inb tfrtr ahan bad eltctd and itoobt adinrn e fo 4 1oday nr1 prrpartn j to ictnanifwic a fbalioia1 ameialion and lrl it m e lie ovfpfited lbj ibe rw brtl wat n i- jt to 1b4 cr that wf c ilrnlated in pnntr j into a viilation of iti ajuj ii wovtd w well lot ihe conhfy un liw tbal r body would be ferojwd b tbr vfemi of aii jribnten end the conceal i4iii ol piin oiu- rimwaa pecffclly lk pirrwtn cohiftcpj rartaur a ea pnthhad rlrcteo yeitrrlv rimfi much atieniior an in- itiifh ly aiti ibe cbc of tftc iliinj yeuefiuy it t jil mi nf tbi i am not crljin tbal be ba retintd otbve a eprerewutiri thr ii nt 1 1 of m u iiiib iiiiilwt fkrnm jltihi 1 aho cmd iii bate wen tri veurrday tlie rriiii inui nf the other minuter i eerd tint inorait- tbe jwetiibly marbn ir rne w tbr hut nf ibo oiemmrnt by vlrnin- mm rorllu and lacf vrev-pie44int- ami m iittlrin sicmary ulm bad errr4lt teifirarj ihir muve i f nieic of the etui duct of ibe rjuelbsheni m tbe affair ol m- loiu hlane m beirfd atiihnr nf ih proelainalion jrk- lv ibe v 1 ily if e mimn omi tbeatuii of lb lclli may la btcn alo eseebd vecrvurv a cninieil f tbr jiietotrnl and iv mini- 1 ae bwi yilrjay n tbe vrj ii id ibree jntcr lins ts iiult nf which i ir f nr ted br ihr rrifjtuiiowf ul mm lamarlm jihscdfn itllin 1b iv vvsenriurlrrled ibr a- nnvy ff ihc 1011 atviib arc mm llib nun mfassital cjrun irftcin portalis ai i lacron it i ir i-iri- 1 ii ii f v11 jureml m prtilh a prrirrnrrftr i m knr i cmfk ikil m i in at pificnrcnr de l hepajubane turr i- aq ll4nhi di not appear i lie m- iiur nbirh nrvrrlhrlrh animuim iil ip ilie riixoaliou tf m cremwuv by wbun ibry wen tmrirmpl lrl it u ibrrc- rr oihw r e ibry iay nl b ralirrd ptwiiliiaubii ii trolatntion nf i liuhtnf winch jour majewy haj al ibe prtjcc iant tirit fr ibtfuinuanraivra sf ibe devetope tbemseivc ennre and mmt for the welfare of vtwtu i for my part will devoir alt my enrrcirc 10 ibis dcvclntenrnl wild con- fidencc and fanh and f look forvard fo the moment when i nhall bestow upon tbe con li tut ion which your majety after amiini- let deliberation is in tjic act ol raiifymtj with your people such naevnowiedrnrnt as ihr code of that contiuiliori aball ircribc for ifcc heir of the throne the priuccef pndsu bnusel my 30 coprswaotk may 3b il is impossible amount the many different rrpor current lo find oui how matters really atand tbe ne utral belief is that the preliminary nerjoti lion will soon be o far advanced a to allow tbe nclib covrrnmenl lo proceed withtheii incdiatmn mowertr bilberln alf ibe prnpo- 4umpj from tbr bmlmi side aupcar only in have called forth new and atill more violent measure from tbe prussian governor and genera the fatt meaiuro nf general wranel to impose his unprecedented contri but ion upon jutland make a good windiu up lo ibe conduct of tbi teutonic wairior who ba jmnjpfijliscd his name by committing r7a in jutlantl only equalled by those ex- i eewted lately in algeria incwrlhctcm tin re ha been and rt al present a strin inclination at berlin lo eel out nf thcie iirv ihis and all mcars arc a4opcd lo stave off tbe cw ict jh- litkal combinations tmx we fiawe jmt een a yxivau irtterrm tuin which utc thai uhrfr ibry were inciu tv jkum in the cathedral of that city fir the rtccm vicloric of tlic of tbe piclnamtre over the auuian the mii fir fwcifti affairs annouiirtd that he had rcceivrd a drajimeh from naples aunnunciuf thai the kiul hsdbeen assassina ted advices fro n turin in the lrl have brohl ibe imineiant uibllirncr that ivtchiera bad mrfrajglrfed ami wa in tbr band of ihe ctvaf of jbarlm albrtt ami tfial on en- vri m had taken place ai lic same tnommi algutn i twr 0tf aimianand hvttoo iinlnmcfco tbr refill of whwh wa thai the fjruw writ conjdrtely muled and hcin rmnriicil by pie calvalry when flyin in cou- fuinr a ureal portion were cut lo piece- thr kto anl ili imkiz if savoy were ur- luttflty tojivnl m ibis combal tbe former receded e atrcbl cmluiloq the rar from a cannon hah thl pased tear him and ibe uner wa lislly wounsted h 1 ta l hall rot ueti firm ly however iv induce biui to ilimomit or to retire from tbe field prftttmial the quken rt- tmk bk 0v- per canada trom the ikilm crjonuf n ibiscar the hon j b ltobinon cif juiucr aflrr ad verting in ihe lerlmrcab jeclionc which bad been iaivd by mr tah to tbe forrn in svbieb thr anphcatinn had made delivered on saturday 11 ibr fnlu ine m on ihe nnly hvu sniui nl af tiie ret of tbe brtwern the conrl the vamic 1 nn mf iiv sw- mcdw laid dnine iibnl hfu barm sltedr od sem in w lib macanjay mclran und lraier concjji the purpeneof uuat appbealioii ivill r bably by aiswrreo by ihc etprcimi rf ounon in any pnpi rj ihc fitclion of 4 which hat been mifevl it is iiiv njiinion that ihe oireclnr rlel in june irilt vtcm not u otrtce while nrw tjcclifjl in june iis wa ficdncnv la1111 been circled only foi a year nr worij of the 6h cue ac fjur- fierre oli which would expire i lb on ihedav preccdinn thr ntvt annua ekvni and wonh nnl include the day till wh ttiey svere elected in serve tbe ih rle r on lain evidence ibat ihi it what the lature mrant for il proyidc that in caol a vacancy in llir office of prrtujent directors iball choose unntbrr fiom anif hrmselve who shall fill the office liui grnrral annual meeting nf ihr sharebo i am awvt that ihe word till ii necearily and in all cae la le tafcts rxcliwie bill on ibe whole view of ihe v i consider it lo be 50 in ibis case and 1 mr ptondfort was not n director ano could not be president a i ihc nninrntofiv in be voir upon the nrnic eiilrnitcd lo i i m jurtbrr of niininn tba if be w ivisdcitt he would mill t6 have bern oilier cmtatt wilhtfi is peoliiiliriii refrl in it may beaid wilb irasnri ibat m aslbrr lcgufcvuie may have meant by i nroviiiiu to iwcliiie ibe infiiiruce et personal inttrfsl or molirc al tbe cleet j n1 to secure iu ptnceeiun pw an oftlasl view of the public inlrrr ibey mibi re ffllil prober ittbr enntinrncy hl b iiioltd in llicm in prrvrnl even ibe milent nf lite itarvb from votiii- upon prrv where he had breu ordinarily in the ret emolument from hi other but ibe e rnent doe mil cm ihe mund principle nf i cnnslructinn warrant one lnmtu2 that have included him in llie 1 citric linn a nl afl bran rvidence on tbe fjee of it thai did nn inlrm tn do o tbel5ibandoilflamrchthoiew iv iba ibe iriihtire iuj not nr tin oiicrrr in ucb knnai a in incbi i who ii at prcirnl in rritaio tiavinc lon awjv tbr dwetliai boiie ovthonrs aoj bam and laying ihc fence dnwn in fad cansine drstruflifl 11 wberetff it ml with upxiton mr jtnlcroft wf met parfcc with snne yoanchiuren writ siltin in a rfom when the too and upper pari of ihrir house ws taken vand ibry were uit 111 a creal lale nf alaim but mvl ecaiad fctun the eftrt of ibe drlruetiet element ll iben paed the propcilv of lesr- tlmn -ww- samste 10 the ard crow see and tnm a erion bi lo ihe parties which will be much fell during c envttnz barvrxt frocn wbeir it first wat owrved as far as we yellcam itbtamnle its ravasr tor about 4 mile from n w in s k and mut one mile wide iii tbr iiribborbood of inerrsoll irarinjuj very lace irres home hrns 1 at ic- kilfinj rveral eaulc we blievr brjoniiiito rr cnolr and cjuin damatrre ineoncrivable in be locality specified barf itoustlr miicli limjr baa bee jn the wrii and on the ukt shores it l imibr to dccrib eitser be appearance of lheifimac ifnnr ne roof of house and harm were carried off other from their fuid alien end in our uf two stotir ibr npprr war carriei ff to a ditancr and the other aliil left hne were bumrd unce vrrr ortirr giivcnxnuitm to qur- prg ako gposss jslpc mot unrvpeclcdly hit xeelleney cnrd tiu arrived here yes terday mnrniu from montreal in the steamer john 3unu anj embarked on hourd ihe steamer st pierre fur tbe quarantine station at kui5netocle a m hi excellency dropped anoir bis otrcial at ihe island envst fiexpeciedly jjc went ibronh the hospitals aitd ibe sheds and the other building at the vtalion eaminiu the bonk c bri apparently resolvrd lo alify himself of the preient mete of affiinaberr on leav- inc pleased to learn thai be expressed birnself highly pleased wilh the order rern- lafity and cleanliness of ihr r sayintf that notbiivr could be belter tbi exttcuinn of approval i the mre haticrinj to the officers uf the station thai be in total ly uitevprcten hew evervihinrtn ill every- ffay siatr and routine w are moil pleaded to place thr fai u the public lending mt ibrir puuic moa will lo ihe bel of result his eicehvney vas reeeived nn hi lanmn hf a guard of boivr farmed from ihe 7kl itefimeiil and rifle uricdr tbe st pierre rtuiinrd lo qmwc aboul t oclock in ibe afternoon when hit lorohip rifled ibe ppir town r telurncd fo monifiil in ihe juaji juun tlirnoty aidrdecamp in airat pw rnrn crncrs vitott lr siifepine al ibr latter rnd nf tail week jive chippewa chiefs ftn lake snperiof am hmon accorrirtnied by their interpreter louis cuifaur arrived 111 this cilv on their way lu ihr reat of covcmmenl jhe c blest 5ai oo4jaejrf nr itille linc is eitblyone yjif iz audfoutrhtoa tbejfritisrt side diim 1 u iii 1 wa many year were itmrnyrif o that tbeep and cadk have access to tbe crop mauy erioo escape tvrre made the iiibaliiian particularly the females aid children bviasaiwwi wbm ihe cxeurrrncr tout tdief but lboib coany con- luiun were rrccived we are nappy lo say ihafnn lns of life occurred a far we can yet positively itarn moodoca ctfur tux gno i-im- 1 or rnjrtsh noam amkrur the annnal meetin it ibe gfcfnt orunf ime of jjrituli orib america wa hld in the fsrane hall city of tnribi on the 931 21t and mn1 inst i ihe ifijehl wnrhipfill ibr grand maftur io ihe chair we are infuiined thai thi wai one of the larxcat mcetinff cvir held in canada tune were deu- ca1efinm al pari uqc reports of the pim- pcrity of ihi jitiimioii in tbeir several h ealitir wcrr mol fai nraue tjieproccedire of ihe grand lltr of cauuicla kl nivi sciti aid new k w ivieir were tuhmiiirf and bore amplr trii since with imn wa hnson ataet rjjru4jtoe a fine stalwart athletic itlow over six fret in brm and indeed of nature nomrmen the olhera fira9ufaifjrjii and 0 uisrn are of ad- vaxed aee and wear irophle of ihrir prowe given ihe rn a ihcy oy by john col home tit moraine ihey cmbarleet fat monireal to lay their rrieeanee before bis rxcelleney the governor generaf and request his inter ihry complain we believe thai by tbo mil of mineral land made to pnmie companie all of tvbirh lie on ibe shores of the a late they suffer in a peeuniaiy point of view and fiirlhrr ihit ibry are cut offfiom ibo labw where ihrir ibilaier u mainly obiained- toroifo coon iff unc c7 i my re 11 itit ruu me noorn n rnpmmi- iii l june m li qjerri oi scotland wvieh kfl llamtmreb at eibt octoel nu sunday mwm- llvnerj brrr inday a it uclocb rn and biinc ihc fojowiusj iilelli- crnc itkr lrin the flersrn bade of june 3 1 kbmsbnr juiw 1 a distant raiitcnaniii bad been bard el interval llirowlioul lln- day t1 nliancr of the trryiptnei ihriifrtli aeain i not thnnbt of and it i reposed thai tlr letei of ihe put uu frnn ilrutsnt wtni ukr itno- f0 ibr rjod ml lrniav aid lladrlin itji hevu asadcfr to the hwf inccvirean inbahuantc lailrtf left ibnic darn to avid belir madi trinrr threr i anclmre swm lent or oilier directors who are vcinti- iimiarrt ratbreilial ocie tlir institution vl i s ad ic3 pirlbis rennn a veil endider ibculiciin rht u liuid txointol0 and a ebioner ba t rlf ainnrae i d lauuw aiel 4 lleoaaa hviki nin jnur il mrmcvuvick with illr a r a baa bii rv r lot hibii ii ei a 41i0a br omi in i ir m tv iluisbr ei a nrbiy waf berr inr fvatfvvfjnl rvarertl and i h y 1 bo trrn j atpp thrift ly ska ya lb ucalite ihr jniuulrr a iiijdi4 fiuca wxmcii lb fvjv fid er nn jft jntxafc saevjiavjil 4iilh hlataiil w aiirav cmmvd imi br jcaiil w 4j lj meebw y crr 4 tuinwhl- s4 uf eajlw lbv aamasri ui liul h siwaai i j up pawslmr fjtr lih ljj m r wiy v t j 1 ill urflir lln 1 imp i fihl aonuil 1xelriuleatlbrriie were t a ua ir jitri t m l-iitii- amr cairia l jii fiit1 4 jar b tbr hack tlrr viih m uivmin at tbr- oin air tmal flubi wrrt ibr f iieuti of a r1 fi ri4 vnilm tbe umfinjc ab l hi 1 and iii il t k r atviui flrwjt 4 ifdv of tbr it j emi from tht yh iv ffrdtt ln situribiy mm pjha vhu jhiu 0 lth pariwa rry imwu ailaiil lt nsu iv bnur nf mtuicr wa atlaekrd but ibr mb wtif iliivri iiway lj the mdimry tthr mclawr utfiiml ffrtmenb wa mh i od tbre warwrfiarof enlh the oihl ifrn tan thr eteetiufi i nl valid onr ard k le- inc to find it affirmrj rm nie s de not denial h the oihr thai ntbio- aul miikul a mr on tii of nn odiiks lul what hml lnel m a tlrrtum thrnub a lnrtiti nf w out brine liiihhn waiwufj- jlw hiuit tli witbnail iwit imnnb irony lo the rtourfhin condition ol thr oilrr noivitilandiiir ihc brclliil dilticuhies with whirh ibry had o eonlend the itrporl nf ihe ranl fyde of nrw fimiwicc wi vrry cratifyin frwcial lod rvfttn nf a mnfi and inajinilicent ap j 1 pciraiifc baie her 11 fnclrft in thai striinn dmifi ihe palyrr and romryed in tfsfsl lo ibe faimd imc f jtiilisn north ameri ca a irimtl h hren made and will no itiuu be eutuplird wih for ibe caml master lo x there inbcatr 1in ftrvd then take w it jn llr of the tnlilua auunt the lion pitenl nnr informant rriclarly nolido s fioijr toj of who although 30 yrart bid was luillancc 10 tnc lnr ibat be evprewc bunscrf rnitvca tik caortous n recent num ber of the huron goztu the fulbavririj letter uljed to tbr rililor i- pubbhtd u anl jeart isis sir 1 have jut recrirrd your pajr addrsrd 10 re a- r a f morgan a ibf rblrt onnf an f i i believe i ajo vnlll l ibe drna nf koal air event a ifiritt co of militia i um eecuin io cnlitco to it by courieay you will ikcre- fure cither have ihc soduras to odjrc i paper correctly or nol al all war ubrdvr taf morgan teeii iheemr 01 iko yonnje son of an l l d confers nockim lobraildrr i j a an kfjuic uajl by mr morean rank nt a lieul colonel he i rntillrd lo ir no by cnuitry but by ihtof hi cuinmision fju which he 1 orkribcd a at lnire bnl nw mr mofin cnnht hair been so vain ami i 1 write ttich a irtter wc cannot concriir it uiow a weakness ol the most laiueufabtc kind nttlnilrj tcncn rntfn m hi run iir aide tn tiiii a we un te nj c3 virejiri united stale ev- clanr eneilioii llrat a l1l bad paxed ihe senate fu riirktinjf the sale f ailulietatrj j whether impoiicd or olberwje the hffcin inaehinerv i not mmtioaed but 4 are i b aimninlrd iviib salarirol lfioj ayrar it waaid in ibe debate ihal tb earrl fraud ate mw prr pel rated in ttie matr e of imported kirdieiur hlue lt cur tain only oehfihoi mercury prruviau hark ciuiici fro m dtfub willows and iwuian drysallrfi succcmfuly cnunleifeit ibr innck of ibe bel freneh chettuh ocrotcb 1 in nu npimin hr nvesirgr ihiefier iuhiirfd i llir nature nf ihc aii- ii the 1 of lihlv trltli wilb the way in wliich thr roblr order i krl up an1 rrumvrd lo tn anl stllle rjcniri tndi tbe ivntifh ia- we jrr lejj be u a cnttefnan vt very larjje irftmly amon tie rpcaker itteiw d our inform- ani war- puntumrly vlmrlc by ihr ftrcr and thai her larlher prernce in pejsl al the pe- rloumhfe f lh rnnar which frtl iroin int roouirnt snihl u atlenld with iliaree l aif ihr hti in il 1 lum110 wioc i jib romeuornc e and she has eoirtcnurully ar of a cuumanjii i i lo noc nuirt m a distance from btlthiiwkltt nr hbosvct smr tin arbialrrl firorr sand ban rcceivd a ee- ml w t wa akr ten j ttlk ha tuflwi- vie fitnl 1 satudav lar wr fmdiliirrirv t in af ailirlr rf hr injeoilhr ii of tit- ii it nni ibr rae that aftir 1 liihn air now llflir till lalth 4 a 5 oidci oir 1irlivc 1 1 nd bvu a a rrmtvi of nroj aily i lei piiiim temain itic aame j willi rjhc loouiv ciiklitutitajl llu wnri 1 ibr run- i nolirr a nata f may il r editor y t or ribl a lifiifu fvu miter j itotiw 1 iw dir ii uclorb a wlv l n m- iv fit re ibr itnulrvatj 4a trutjilr ainl ill- ibr f4i imf fa pfrc- lal h rriii4 iw ir tfij bveccrded in etwruif lu- in ifbljfr mi r 1 1 ibr ll i 1 tiled tb a l i t rr 1 iiun ll- h cl c l4i t vtum 1711 144 ml nan 1 ttie anwlii wnr aiperri1 wilbowt accijchl- mamcmjr junr rj 1 k m i havr ibit mutant rrcrired frruu lb enunnandef nf fviiro wbirh ivt ateiandii 00 lln lb of may tbe i dbw ut ulfrfjiii- nev ti rvtianlttinry rsprr irnilwl atran- dia rnun sur ifi llir evr nf ibr shii 14h 11 f llir draiaielin br lent by tbr pfni with ile inapsrtant ipuhlbieaea lb1 l sivb- lud revolted nt labue bihnl ln j ikltrt iniuiinatie ami inaucied all hit failidi iririjp thr innpran tirt djlrd vb k saludai tbr hltbium euiun ibr f irmv- hit mill ibrnwr 1 tlir trt iwlll jltrfioiu iniutn that ini ir en ri jl lvi aiti i v frr of net tbal ihr w itai not allirk nl ul riiltlr ri ii hi n fin at t h inalpraf irn p nrr tctr rn klwlff tiri hi nv in thr pr uipni 1 nuin 1 it out ro moi j wr wr tram anyliiif run bbrit kh iv 1 have f flu with can jmkrii o n bmrii if tbey nr lief 1 m jlriiih budi h inr iani allonew ibr jmv surirlv f d will br n i and ri wr 0h i ivly mnl bo nbli ibo pndemon rvii welrulo tit mdirliiful lu iii i an ajjidftj iiti y liinnu mutt 1 il i nl umi i u a ivr r ii ll if- i hratei ivn 1 1 tl i f ml my irmv ltrf tr ttie t e ffrrial 1 rtbr mnatieajl crvr ilnrinc n iiin puday uo bebry ihe chuicli tofi r wr oicj a r 11 j u- k nf iitrrii e acf be rf ibe mi r il c 1 nl ajl b i mi lin tiirlhrr wr learneit 1 oit irprr thai ibr rvo mrr fainrx fnun ibe iarminf ramprili their gehl nrr- raflvri ly an puvunraerahlej army of cas- ipliratini in ihrir cmv or ivivl iv irf hnjrriil4 11 irr to town am 4 in ill- church ivrr which lielrtl r uir ivofjiifi rf ibr virrcm miy fr ihr h rirliii ol thr in au ami ibry wrr sn iar on ibeil w tn prl avrtoifl iay fur maawfr aln fur lit trvlr ti it appear hut he wa one of ibe ovjuiloin vt the ifcwl of tbr altrinp on ibr nalio-m- armby nn ihe i3tb ultimo nod one ol uie principal jflcui iu cairym 1 into cn re uti m ouriiiu ihe aiticfc upon ibe a4ern be wa rn at a malt pnhlic nr at tbe corner of ihe rue dr itoiirnnc ini 1 in cinjiany with m lloccar an actor al one an turalrc dirliibiiin niloli anjnibn weapons in rrsuii fjrm hltnouapjdr ibry weie ire ua uh f 1 i eprriihy fr rf i tin mi bjirud rvrn i i law nl ira mi ai tttn 1 hi ir rtb r tki v s rr j m- 11 fmr rimjlor tn hiatiilbe 2im n h imhin iim njhitrn ibirul iblt imro-h- mv ri r f i l dla r- he rf piblovt a 1it of i iivd 1 thr- madab n v frm im y x to may i v i iii id hi r vriirli in rl i tit wi kti tnili ll ii r 1 aiit ihirr barrrn pnek t llir si i t ttirr ai i j fcv wi ii dl irnr ii ihrae iihi willi n bmnr iiiih 1 i 4 itiiii hid ui a klcllcil ml lie fi lundy dai zl lni tr pmcevtni r4 ai ihr very moment ulim ibry were oppioachm ibe ball of ibe anu thr uft wa hi outfit to ihc knnurdc of allnrncy gtwcc al if the itrnumir who cm imiuiry twu ihr facl o hr o well anlhcn- lioalrd tbal ronld nol paa tbe mltrr over in tjrnrr nnd lie rve ibr fair roiivpiratnr n biuf whiib bat bnlihoeflert nf diirino her into rrlirrmrnl eenrm nand of rather milunr dinlevant ia nn iniimnir friend of m ldiu rbdbn and him it niuprfled uf havitffticlrra m jul kuvrr con idr raid 0 oa ilanrc in famine ibe rvkluated bulletin of llie itrpiibfic on ihr day of ihc election ol ifir kruftvf tivrrimornu winch baj rr- tdacril ihr lintiihittal invrtomrnl ror m war rtl ihe national airmmy and yyhtlr tbr ballot br ibo inemlkra nf ibr kvn 1 itiivr invriiuiienl wai iniii w ibo nnlloiifit iuhiiu hi ifuiy u rrr lutt u 1 1 1 1 imtiuimied lo rr hfr illilj on tbr nn willi m irdrit ifidlin i ihr mile gantn udphhaus lb halt j 1 pai jviuliji cuutly uiokiii arrival of thk commander of the pokcek his ricellency liet general sir onja- min duihj commander of tbe fotce in canada arrived al kingston in tbe steamer fishajjcr copl stearn yurday after noon aboul four oclock he was received by n 1 inrj of honor of ihe sfjth rrgiment at the queens wharf and landed under a sa lute of nineteen fcon major central sir jticbard armstrong wa in wailing on tbe wharf to receive bis superior officer and tbe two cenerls drove 9ky toeiber to iir richards house where sir dcnjimin takes bis residence during hr short ly today some time between nine oclock end noon grand review and field day of all the troop in garrison will lake place on barrirfiehj pjrade ground the troop will bo reviewed by sii qnjmin ditrban in our last we alluiled lo tbe ctlan crne rats ebartcrin a whole steamboat for the exclusive uie of himself end aidesdecamp our remark have called forth tbe fejivwin comtnnnicaiioti which haeinr reason lo be lieve hear a semidemioscial eltaracler iball pubtiih and treat wilh attention a niif to 11 iii- im nrad vub fji pn tleaucb mavlc br uiooo sir onumtn 0urun in lb shhu wmg of ibe sehb inalaot attribunn to ok cimmaoier of tfw fwrcc feel of cduivcnc and prme ir4tty fnccirn vi ibat dttinjiiiiied nffjcei cbrtctcr tbcrc ortrr c4cd a rcnilctttan more rjain nd riinplo in bit bnbiu than sir ocjvmin or mote iwt-ojm- mnpretcnojnfj paiil croerat vitcreoorae wlibm ciety nor evtild anyibi be mo micukm tbin tiribulinf tir facfaaieeorrf tbo taking up ibe frsfraicr for hia caccllcncje njc n ir dr ovrkce doe not aecm 10 baio laken into vie o imjrle fact vliich never tbe wv wi uie reapo fr charterin- the w on tliia occanin namely that the cornnandrr of tbe force troutd bo tltu enabled 00 hi vo c up waijf tneroo tbe coleu dia lac at rn orockvillff and gananoqic fur t purpom of imncctinr nod f hi opinion on tlvcee poale by peivonal exvnwlrtn it il wc 1 1 r 1 1 r qp portunily would hv been aftnicd for duinf tli by nvcr etoamer rooiin up in her ordinary cnotafc i i n ii on may ptviibty indooo dr ttre- ucr lo explain away iho imptccalrma kvcllo al the cunitnanje of tbo fiarcer vhmc babil the writer ar in rrpr iu eituple anoj uaprtcivibfix in a rcmaikable decree and un alt oectioaf uruve hint to be 1u0 ima ptm and unoafnttiw s 1 da 111 hdilor nf iltetljiibji wh kinirtvui june s3 iim we take ibe libeity of making a few re mark on be above in bcurt place we utterly disclaim any intention of attaching sir benjamin dtrban a good nalurcd and torn a what idlcsnihthould scarcely be deemed au attack auj moreover ibe priuci4e of hiring an rvpensire learner for ibe etelusive uvo of one man was anioiadverleo uon nol tbr gentleman who hired il il i very true vial hr monrv toiv f fmvefldoe not cme out ol uie jocke1i of canadians and conrouf ntly it is nol a legitimate subject for a canadian ntwapaper to meddle with directly this may be tbe casebul indirectly canada is deeply interested in the mailer the presence of british troops io ibis provinee i a sourer of geal pleasure ard v totliectdoom at ihe lime we wrile and for some time a a commiilec ha been liltioc in the hooe of commons on the expenditure of ibe country and vbould an item of per- sonal extravagance go be fart tbal committee vricruiw it mighl operate wrinviiy to the detriment of canada perhaps cause the total withdrawal of tbe troop than which nothing could be a more fatal blow too nakcj fact would have found it way lo the public our idle rnuibbinrj has brought furlb an explanation ibat explanation wc hope will prove satisfactory and o we talc leave ol tbe subject tlir theatric royal the i lilt bad a gloriuiic lim on fhurijay last it was ibe last night of ihe short sea or and tbr pcrformancrj bein under ihe patron of major crofion and the officer of ibe vjih kgimcnl be allrndsnce of ibe military wa very general the regimental hand wa in the ofcbewa and discoursed most eloqucnl ioumc- the lloue was crowd ed in every pari the hill nerer played bettrr than on thursday night the brilliant audiruce excited ihem and ihey did iheir ut- nvost to please uccedms most admirabtv- tbe mncr ih projile see of mr and afrt i lijl the more ibry like ihem they are highly accomniuhej eomedia and whatever ibey allnnpl i done wilh the greater ueatnei tlieir children are reading in ibr lootserof ihrir accompli thed pannu the hill pro ceed lienee in sacked harbor and waler- lown brnee return lo kingston and cmj lo ihe nppcr part of the pmamr by tbe way of nrllerille cobnrg and tort hope ttnr datjtdk ficoiipaxvno 1 the new ingine for this fir company hx airivcdat kliiiloii and is to be seen at ihe city engine f loue il i apparently a most powciful fire engine and is manufactured with great tasle and evpensc il comei from the manufactory of f hulton k co- of vva- tcrford n y and is warranted io do more tban any other fire knjine of it power in the whole world i tl u a very pretty pfci mm uf yankee handicraft and we troil will ulnrnalriy prove good as it look the vki of ibis noue implement laid down at kinelon exrcriu i012 exclusive uf dnlie amounting lot3l im wc say cxcloaivc becauie we have some hope that tbe amount of duties will be remitted by ihe govrrnmcot when the appticatwo come before the coun cil kingston i evenly inde hied to mr t oi itutlrr ihe 2nd fire engineer and cap- lain of ihe deluge company no 1 for the e rrtiou he ha made lo procur for kingilon this reat addition to ibo meam of preventing fires tbo mtkrr inlendf to bo kerr about ihe 10th of july lo recrive hi pay when a public diday will ho mad of iho capability of ihe new kirn knine pftovn- uy the kingatnn telegraph rtonort of iterday we find tbnt hour bnv fallen a lillle i bramla are otrrd al 23i dli fur best brand 1 supcraue u 1u jj f- 1 jti i atkej y- honcvtv al a fnemiis tbo good folk who live at a diilnee frum canada rouil form dreadful de of lb hunccly of iu iihmtant a mi fhomts wanduu dvtmt ll nrceuary tn awoni lb inlagrity uf ailmltoliuwrd whn4kd up a rnirso oulgavom in hli cadatn for ike owner low wuudoifully huuaall casfaou teiooflartv tha slon- treal courier assert and ihc wof cop wiihonl remark that thrstramboot sptmwt with her cafjmiteo fat four miles uuap grenville why ahould we be angry with ihe f ii press for ibr oecajnnal inoranco rt driplay of ihe geogiapby nd topgrphy- of canada when iwo of ibo leading paper of ihc provincial mclfopoh show o little knuwlrdc of the great river which wasbc ihr wbarve of their own city 7 to tbr far diatant reader wc may explain ibat grenville i i the foot of steamboat nariga- lion below ilytown that al thai anall vilbga the fearful rapid of tbe lang sault of tbo ottawa commence aud ibo only com manic lion upward is by means of the grenvillo canala verysmatt affaif only twenty feet wide nevertheless in spite of the physical im probability the un for ion ale spttd is mido to ujrn four mile below grenville rh in ibo middle of uie long sauli rapids o- tuimo dar ttiursihy last vraa the general mojlcr day of the militia the ridicule attached to tbi kind of diiplay seem to itave iibiijcil and men at lend iho annual mumer a a matter of duty and obedience to law it was the case at kingston with tbo 1st fioulenac battalion owing to ibe in f jo illno of d j smith eiej ihc post of cole net of ibis larr battalion ha fallen opon tbo orlhy shoulder of h smith jonr et- tbo county member the turn out of both offi cer and men was very general and after tbo parade the colonel entertained bis officer to a lunch at his own houte the 3rd frooto- nac battalion momcreo al kingston milh un- ilrr j b mark esq t1e warden of tbo district tbendbalutioritoiuteredatwa- terlo tile following rraebed n in iho ordioary course enctwior uie price of the adrcrtijin j but it has nol been inserted amonj ih adver tisements becattse after inquiry has beer made we cannot rind tbat any person of the name of houanj reside at williamiburgri 1 polly wags tnsorance cemparit are informeo tbal ibo undersigned ha madearraogemenuaponj ibo st lawrence for saving polly wag wreck hi salvage cbarrivil be very reodcrie ye be has no doubt tbal tbe amount of bosi nets to be done in bis tine during the fall frill enable him to live william houano- wiirianwborg june 2s ims the canada gaittte of saturday coots in a pioclamatiun of the royal assent to tbe fol lowing act of lait session 14 an act lo morporalc the woodstoct ant- lake en railway and harbor compaoy h an act lo incorporate ibe bylaw aad britannia railway company an act to incorporate tbe camleon and grenville railway company an act to incorporate the lake st loot and province line fuuway company u act to meoiporate ihc moo treal and province lino junction railway compaoy an act lo incorporate the canada inbw brnnswiclct and nova scotia railway com pany and an act for incorporating tbo toronto and gudrricb railway company d moaiaca a gvcleu we regrrt to uarre ibat another bearal murder has been commit icdin the r jjbborbood ol guelpb tbe ma joriiyul our eer will recollect the eocvic- fts bst vtvbifitfll w hi mrftvi cfirn montli since and lb dreadful scene at ibe gallow wbep the frilly man adjured hi brolhert to revenge the talcing hi life lo which a rxsponse wa riven that they would ft it feared that hi dying behel ha been hut luo fearfully fulfilled one of the jn rywen wbi iried conklin has been mnrdrrcd witbafpade and ibe head nearly severed from the body tbe uftrcrcd party one of convlin brothers ha dcatned and hiibcrlo no trace ha lwn ubtaiued of hi where- abo cosortuf f tttiuilioai or voaar mr hlikt bavin vacated biset in parliament by ar- cepling the office of solicitor general west ha lo go back to bis constituents for re-elec- lni thr nomination lake place 00 wed- neday 5th july at dnluns creek towmhip of pickrriuf francis lys returning oflf- eer tlic reformer will honor mr btit wilh a public dinner al head hotel in tbo aflernnon when the nomination nver mr monro it i taid is again io ihe field lo op pose mr blake and to cnose hl own on- pooularfv if be be fooluh enough lo go to tho pollctoor c3r ncattif or thr ericuirririn addition to what we stated yesterday w have much pleasure in adding thai although the number of aick in ibe marine and emi grant lopial uf ibis city has since tbe opening of ibe navigation at time exceeded one hundred and thirty ibe deaths from lb 27ih of may lo il c jtrraent timfocartv nn month aiiefirr t mree 0io none of tktm ffqtnfcttr qr j mtriry pr- wcuatt cakau wo are infomeot upon authority that tbe work on the wl- land canal arc about to be smpended imrne- diately in coastne ncr of the lowncss of ibo fund in tbr provincial etehcoucr tvo hon mr tache chief commiuionrr of pob- jic work and tbe hon mr kiltaly are wo understand on a tour of inspection visiline tbr dirfcrcit public works throtkoit tbo province lui week ihcy were al jho wrljand canal ivheo they cave instruction lo have the wvl supmled il i stated that tbe contractors will insist upon bcinr in- iiidcmnifird fur hi la ibry must neccasarily siktain and thai tbe amount of rucb tadem- iiincalicm will rearly eoualtbe amount re quired lo huish ihc work hojitiuorx gate if the crops th cmto thnujtriui ato fforao diairid a rcmatkabjy well caceo in rno fr- iomuicea wbero too wheal ut been lc bilw tnt earawnfa can i- vne coae ditievtao woatovt fte ihe tnl in iur liaa been rertitrly bot wc bnvo bad ne few ahvieert bt rvn rnxiih ui j td t1k orvfai tbrnutrut da not bk 00 writ in etffiivyiroce r nul bn coin it u so be baf d r uiny have aun before axir h i feared ocrivu injuv will bo dn orealrrrratrir tn weitire o rut caor for mwoi i into back lb vrfalbcrh been calrenety dry nliernatinr bclvrcrn ratrenv ikvi and er4d iba i iri- rii f ir r eaicie info km la 10 tfah h4 o vrf inyiiiv rnvd upon ibe fnvirg erp wbich arfieafrd ttilhrnd nd parental im im tt ii- ii tii ji turaiuj rrrnini tart wohnd am ibrrroinari undrr tfivrn and iuee lhn on ttaiioal 1rhl abuirff vhiob vrlll jndaiivteillylcaerct ifacnllo fiuwinf nrai rf errry drtcinlioi ina ma bnerr u r une tt be niueh brnr filled ih rmu and frif roamimnity le milt a pv crao- quua 0 oumhrrnt naloouf fall wbrol bav uj ml imiunrdhj ibercreal fmu nj look cuiie whlre and wilband kahy ratorr ritfle wu stroa iojwred r- n foal r dofrte 1k cntia icncrallr in ihu vlcinuy ki not m prate ialn tt- did a tnoiub r saiavrof crhf tlh rfai riionfrlf of ibo tmii huiii il 04vi vrerb m nee had rtrtrrnl m ra and lb dltcnl rrrpa on lrw inwbtm we lr rbl lb twvy frort baa lid m ihy tenl wbrai crura in uwi veey mh tleewa wrlunfllu nimlirl r1rfrtib ii ilm fall vlrat ui rvvlj r mil pruwiw an averajja ybttd wa havfhad vr pnlu w atm rm etimair durlnt ihr part wrl fa lb tadl- nf crnd uf th mu1 rrm l th hmh tm at ih uvjaod ta h4h am obataa a h1rr 6allrf va ttlihuai h as wvr i i 4 orfd balb ud pjoin m m ua flu rfmtm 111 iimi milt iu ir tu ihtim ulind t ul pja soaiilftsm m ii bet s