rssvd 1 rtduiue at bevn t h tv kdao i viwtt ht ci l a f jisan h gmpt to nr mirawvaii hat bflatllhltp iodo i muto iw capi1 4 the 311 of may mt m the cmui uem the mnaatcd ft no to an lh nbc r aeenui u asrufrnhv l wlio atij ha eprf at atuak tiairatutiih ltavmbnnp ieihaf ik iomraw plpl k qgrttcd vicoj pna 30000 via h4 iw cif in ih eilv f miun atoea in f of nrmrrah wilh fiedi wlivy wmbimrj ctit the j ubohad iv been u hi raa 0wn m w ovnwwn io il- irnn wftpwrnl quo htlho u tw a minuter litl llrd the to erao iv njd were m thm head of ll jwllv soever u aw of he tf tan maro niol2il aceande and deeded tn favor tf the prmon omt surnt th km mjmmj of tit etften j nd hcm m the rrie tf naaf live the lftc toa live tho uftroti i r rpwprrd a vunv at he mil irenii m rimfaml goverweiu then imrrtedtir nast tbrw oam rub- ic vimittlhv w emotrl rjo 6ol1 went m tit ihi annriiiln a lrpluj e wii surdanta frt acwanatav aceordhv in utrli pubtth mihnlh narobec nf pna hilled during rl re daj of ll sonata f mch 2it 1 iit fn ml f i imiil w ftll qttihcm ullm 11 nyik tt ittrltl ik a uj ni r i uck uprttt vttu htof cmrorl cdr kc r h nr rontntrf r tlo fim wil fagw ip dftlh k bj ttihl uf atttuh til1or j riliury hittftc b finfj 11 t3rrinv pni hajrehi follow hipa1 of tif lif tn a fffcl fuitj iniii n i ctofiml 1 o- rircifriiii iw ttt ru jm li 1 1 i n i 1 h li r ii y- m lu love i ml 1- ii tlr fihful rnrniki imt wn fviftcrd f li ltvy uwk d 1- rrly4r yw mjtff h fafl jvt in n bfli l 1 w pi tlifltik t ft il and ih i ittr ib jf c f t 4 t rn-n- 1 i i t and ift 1 ir wbkh f tc te i- ri oiw fuii imi f if ir v- fcl cnnui al mw callovr pw huiim j cann- 1 m mtqawt lk vwrtllpcii fti 1 mm n ftiund by a vialmfrftm af ilia m ji y br kinf i btcbt i t uil lfc ptw1ianij d bo arn1 di of l hh tl r fi j ml ik ff 1 w mi f ius lav ltd fj n fritfm l t ivnni of u pivmrht n hwn inv rdy fftim co pbpillf to ulim o ii c jn inl yu be avnr uil oa tnnbrr ms 1hi brtttwii 1 aifiiod u mjofiy the kit ltr hatint of la i81k of mofch uil whiclt f i lijlo mj frfu cnocottr ivntl wh 0jr a rmiure prtf inmntfvtntci h cnnmitetno to foiair u cijdu yobnoir mc rafrkotlj to mo crtdtl fn r v fiil fui to iir outd if p nlr ji 1 11 anion n chiraclr t of vftufcmvn hn ruornihlrvowmand hunjly 1- ir 1 f iri a wt i i j a by mv pt ii ptorofr al iwitta io rt ate iso rumor al iwh imo i hll ho bapp ljtlu o rrr 1 u odd utl ni i 4t hbctj v mko anf wm of if drrtifum wuch mj arn 1 jo i to utibcr lli oljot i ki had to tprw j remain the princr of prussia t io iliuto of iso dnif i of r- lonoo m llt rial ftiftoc ihc pcuico of r lr fi tido ut crroloj lor tcr whooccho w k lako ho nli r orr il n thfl it n av lfi i- b tmt otofrd at ha dm- m1 oy lltr mj4j vi arrival al gund lit fcja lltbnrfo h p4acod to i t i 11 u fiio of ibi rutfun and rvnall rieo 4i-ft- tv w f k- f i i lx a f t t i i ii ifutiarnj toal capital uftottfot ma o oiaj ha tord iv cmco w1 inortd th tctovaf y ntonf e of 1 i kw riuoiovitr of ih pition fmin dv- ofiblc e ravrto4 ahow iko pmc f pfo tn savooowr ahffvo witvmt vxipmb km ej oj ioha it ito on if i iih tia h ho lrt ao opooirffmto uf ovriinr itf doronojvof iho ihtfolfm ftioer hfl the atim- aioa hn haa paid to llr roohttutton d tfpnflni of o toitlotiot during hi alaj io v al fon hwl ho drpan in r ff r i lo acrfit aod cr tlm tit 4vwftlitoiiarl nooarckf with lb aamt iol aod l fnv i 1 ithjv chtaetarid lii ajic0co 10 ihe otd ordu of ibin bo pioaoia tro font broffia oiu dm bo ovitd fnm hia irii a cnund the r f t1ho iu tmoiro a earvilolmal oyatadof v raocnrd a nj j to ik ik- i i oanw ooo4f 1to aif anv ao rumo ip tiun- tb prtacft i of wj fcavt pinlkftjtj l hc fl0wcj ta mtiffh jo frr 1 wooa nim baco dl loam lo mttji w fik-m- uf tuat iii i irltirb dfrf to atv m a uiivli tht pen hxi rfoftp thm ao irjihiitf it b0 wnt trpftfj 141 iliti irrrriwl oittbft 1qft rcwm avf iil it uj otir timv ntv ho bd no tiriiiaiion in mfi thnl vhrn ibcy wnit 131 inc chamii apfnm 111 in nnilvrt llhc wc ftol frttf lhn itaotol jmtoik in tlir raav m wiuitot cmcmtj h rimikiie bat lui would ha no rrociion iimi nd iw ttt llalj lboi aflat lutiii lh nmiert lhal vmtal k iltuvrtnl t4itttv loalijtei mf shatkc ntiicb rrrtuj that ho itfj tioabv lo w rt ri eni ibc ptpvinni et enirtxi bol imbonftth ho ww t lbt ptochm he iw il a teal mit m amksdi l toodrtl br tire hinohf of iue rifijil oit i- wtit tray for iho hmjf wheoeret tltov tnicm hallr1otil hcbolalwayaikclarrj and hr no drcitrtd tl oto imotity than p i liitvf itnttt onc trim u ttjvt mratinri annl w lvan to drifoy the janimblc 4nd rfottic jawrr of tbo wliic a jminitrotrt thai itinc bio now c0tfa and bt rilttrj w ffiond lo be bold anif itoaincbini ii h4 in aid lhal ihat 1otifr tfniink co ihp sjtonboii wat full of polifrmrn he hai bpaej lo that toof of thoc rutttn bd 1hila1ly ilmfealrd tome of lleit ffirn oilllpto- tiotii ttihl tfirr th ftocuao 101 i- tvnfd- u wotely cl lhal if ho h3 bfpn ptprnt be would hate aailld owft uil- wayaorlafctn up lh tot mufti to bo tc- vrrnl on oral rile itw auhottth trwy 1id nol ihlond to have an roeeion lhat nibl bo tiuftud ht frteoib would nol w- 1tro tbey wete actuated hr molirr of wt what they aocej wa tbj they fltonbl o dtreclly ami ctn tbe con federal ion and ibry troulil nluhtly bo in formed of a secret for which iho c ii ii woiibl ft4 pve xl to be mv itequai tiled with il ilear bear hohoko oproly nt aikisejiy ani if tbey dtd tv nmlertland him ibpy ml pleac i iroaioe wlial he meant ttnbter andebcer tv speaker coticlmco by ome itjfalluhl fmtfm which it waj ttooamble to aikunorilaiid which elicited loud pjitr mti d1y from tbe hih ccfcjritoti next ntntad bineir ami wat received tvith boitproi bpn he tl he came thato a one of llit iritti conftleraiian for the purpose of akitt i fallow connltoen irorrirdatrly lo fotip an oflvmive alliance with the clur- iittof ktlanih thafpaiver wjptoced- in o denounce the orrfnneml nv their toti- ttttcl with reeled lo mr mitehfll when a body of police appeared in ihl and a larfte piojoitiuunf themeetinc hrgjo to roee eff ih peakr dcinnpj tham a coward t rami infiuired wr ibry uieaoi to dll for lhir lioertirs if ibey xeert fiid of cltch a hj- fu of mro he proceeded in sy that therp ijretl 10f00 mm al wapiti- and a like timber al brooojtey who aithoutft ihey did not join lb ocession ou ihe preeejini etemnf wctc ready to tiao when called mi after nody ejihotlatioo to the peopja o dti icnr qnirllv the leader lift the gruioj aboit9ovia the rabbte auditory howeeer irntfolbe real orintlpu which bad brought tlwm loctwr bopfl to throw ftotiaaiwj exhimt other mnof a riotottt 4ipaitioft a urtce pane of f um eft a beertbnp war broken in coneefuencc and the ouoerof the premite ulioulefl loy for the poce nor wer the lnlice locj- in coatifti to hit aid from 200 to 300 r them wete imncdialely on the and ihc ftieetioe nelted befoee tlteot with pir- pimn rapidity about 30 of the mounted police w afro on the teroond which uiry paucdcd with freat energy and eflect tail the ocigbbotbood rtmmcj tu wonted oieu uf ttftn waimott bhia jyuti in nfareiao lom the cbartistano repeajxrs another n ctnu of vvmci force chaftiiti and ih coofoieratei waa beu laat hihton clerktnwetl-grtcn- tbe proceedoe were iwarly the me in apirit a thou of the pre ceiina etcoinj tbe proceiaton coeoied ai tcry great criminal lias hi bae iniita- ion who oon brinj down ojjencei to their otopet levelf a joumajmin batter named wil jild who fieitcd prominenilv in the trafaltuarc cow and u well kmvit to the tvalice baa tavcn it into hi eray brain that ht nay acbieeciajimohalily by following an the footitepi of mr mitchell r r oupftrted by a few ubociatttof the ae uaa aa htauclf fnjnajed on moojlay night to collect io pmetticn scecal thoound peo jite end to match thm in tiolalion of the lawf and to tbe diitorhancc of il public axr rtfovrh omt of ihe pilncipal ibotoah fart in the uiatiopoh- cal night be wu nraun at work exctlina ihe ijuotani cowd trho tkuncd to ri io acta f turlicnce and acditton toticm the naoeaaenl i lo he contintd and it remain to ha teen whether tbe ulhnritiv will allow thr out- to ajfaofi caamic order lo he contiooednd pcr- htpc facooe oieintt when any of ihe polke mawtiatca could inaaumtoa way totally abate the ouiaance contcfjiencc of wbal look place or monday nijbl a urge bocw of pmice were flattened yesterday in the seioojbnta avil lo the adjacent ftooe a fact which wa rrcn to tho people tbey arrived rn cava aoy outbreak iftna place at 7 oclock mr williams mr shaipc and mi daly fiotn the iriahconfcderatloo arrived and wete immediately aurrounded bj abool 4 perto mr- williams wa ihe firt who claimed fb attention of the meeting he uid tlw gpttroftveol atj middle clae bad now rcn what could be dftne by a nrope yum of oaniution they hd lrn denied the ptitileue hi thcif wl with refer- onca lo tbe toemanl lieauaeal of mr mitchell pome in variom part of the mclo- t11e xavfcatlon laws- arom rteinyfon timti uoett the ijfcat principle noon which public ora am iiut lhal ihe naj law ahoutj beeitcnajtvly nwibed one ttntrenally recofniifd in private axaii there i not a lradcnian an artificer hoiiarkeeper any other t- n wooaatt or child who does hot act upon it and make it a miaim of life- ll u ihe plnciple of eennomizin lime labor material and moaey whenever jl can he done without dettirenl to the ain object in virw wo tball have on one vide etety hu manbeina of avoi imrllhn hu w ay that we abhor the ulea of a ihip hallaat a much as natore in aid to altbor a robunt when kanny who has karcely been a twelvcrntiftth oo her it ient to the village shoo foa a haltpourtd of hotter her fi mother brother and suter itfttnediately consider wbalcue ihlle nanny can or brina hick when the neisbhoi see nanny paas with her emny h tbey call her in to do ajiiite job for thm by tbe way by the time she ha trolled a month backwards and fohvardsahe becomes a reeoniied car rier and many an owoer of broad tvneetel waaooa ad wellfed team has acquired in tbat simple rhool his fachity of arrangement and mentory for delaik in on indoilriotii ird ihlefiiit system eeetby triei n make nrte do for lwn to nioeue back ear- tifcte ond to save his ncels ay the roe of biahead whether thofatmer yends bis team to a market town or to a distant part of his letd trie lo make one jonrhcy answer mote that oeie purpose when bo sands ht con to matket he brwi brick coal or ahe and will even be at the end of a suncrjinity io etano lite svectacle of four fine itorse jingling and lomherm- alon with an empty wajon the tbtifty farmor of old ivvrn- bardy from whom vuil look bis nations of afiti cultural life had the same pious horror of an cdinty rclnm if tbey drove their donkey lo mtnioa with olieeoil orapplea they mnde lb poor boas bfinc back some other burden ssebc oio ladi osa afiiaioentelli viiiuji mil ookoi pmt lapwleioq frvrriw loenumadt etrxe rnitn pie orbo repvtat in icl oor nlo xavielioo ijws themselves aim at this saving ual tlkcy opcradd aootbe bjett and lhal i to 4occ ivi norelves llv bretharo of lite benent th a utter oh- jeel ihey pursue to tbe hindrance of the otbrr ttieir first and tnrernojii obri hnw to procnre lhat when a britubuplv imkenoul a cargo it hall laaaf cretr iailije cbanco of hfiftaji back another if it laket lnjtmi coal calicoes o hardware to limn it hall ihete hni wul all other eountries eeept por- tutal itself i the prmlcfip of b to ecland oranra or wine if it lake ktilish protloee lo tho wrr ludiea it shall kava an caclnuc riht of biii-in- hera- west india fuav rum and m or if il mut n a what it le not cany viewed as a wlole ihc art aaireoieiht i thai of the iribotnn who pot all hi avtttei into onepawnier and habucr it with a huie lonc on the other thn dntib- linar the burden hy civinic to one pannier monopoly of the profitable eatriae or if anyboily w tabes to at tr ibe fatct exhikiled oa a mora diitiiiw ale and on it own element in him p h uoeer lie mil thcte pit a fine british teamer tail ol with lltr majs- t emails and after stayift- a few hour at calais come back empty about the lime howrvctfof that return a line french teaei tarl from coun with ih french mails nd after wuitin a few hoofs at dover rain nil likewise emply to cslai thut ihee two if eanirrs do th w ork of one j4l as tbnuh the farieer abould insist on sanding his corn in h own wattfc and the olmerthnt ihoum make ao equal point of mftdins in coal tn th own and the road ba traveled by two full waaons and two empty wagons as often as tbo interchange of commodities ct curred tlic cowies hare awats heer ihe jreaiest nit rrrs hy the syslrrst ad now find it ininp- porialde the rriluh wet indie in 11e nifm of their calamities have filtered hie roitber aravalion of paying evti4vaanl freight for tlte eoit of tlasrar ptodnee at the very lime that amerion vcwil wete lying idle in lhatf harhoc this is no new com plaint when nelson wa in the wen ladie the shipping julcrctt mat bitter coanplainu that ihe planters aysteaiailcally evaded the naviaration law receivihj- aupplie and ex potting proiuce in american veeb neuoo eonstderrd himself placed thrro to enforee all laws arreting the sea al had beside a natural bias to ihe mercantile aey je cimele thertfrte iofa esacl ohteriaiiou of the restrictive laws and thereby earned iho illwill of the planter the ysieai ba indeed undarone cousiderable ehange since hh day tali hy legislation and by tlte intrn- ducttou of free neutral ports a few dayail from oor island where the planters and their american euiomer met and exchanged hrir commodities thii howerer hat btcft oi- tvodrd with grenl iiteonveuience bw which hat chit ay fallen no ihe plaotei for cm them ba dcvnlred ihe cost of carriage to and tro between the neitlra ports and their owniajands canada surfer still more uri- ou inennvenience hy lhce veaatirms teti ic lions and the rivalry which they elicit the ntvigaluhi law hare eltvct of shutlioj the american very much out of ile st taa ranee ivi then do treeialy what an koelu1imn wotild do in ihe cireum stance he ettate aoolhar st lawrence in iho shap of a lioe of artificial navigation from the lakes lo new york the debate wa adjouiiiad lat night and is likely to dragon fnrooe lime there ean however he only otic rcsnll coloniefimanuctnrars merchant and lle paiuie all call for their amendment al can claim it a a ribl eavry party i tiie state has surrendered nro- itction shipowners ao io enjny r rather mtfler a orofectin which if it his no inva riably mitted thrn has exposed them lo ihe creates viciv itudes the slave trade from flic trrian o voy w avere clarkson and willtcrforce riaht or wronc in the tep ihey took in ihe cane of negro fmancipation scntimcnlalism apart are ihey to be numbered amidjt the c-itliehl- ened benefactors of bnmioity t tlie practi cal result of all ibc rptotfj great tkitain has made dunne the last half century for the abo lition nf slavery is this t the grojs annul of nccjto slavery lhrotiehout ihe word has been ptorcsin fully in ihe ratio of the in creased consumption rf so ear cnlfeo and other west indian produce and england rt losinj all grower of softening or ameliorating ihe condition of the sla ll la snppo c for a monrnt that ail the lecislative act for the abolition of slavery which the humanity of philanthropist ever devised or iho vote of parliament ever patscd mlo law hatj never been thought or spoken of and what would have bean the result t is well b look the plam itulh boldly in the face and ascertain whet j the cooditioe i the african lias been at all bettered by our exertion nnrwe all emanciration net to h uav papit tuwtviy vyjfr million at a time never 10 have bee from the entluh lax payer and that the es- toarirs of je african rtver had never wit netted the evolution of an fneluh sqtmdron amicut their jfevtilentil miasmata and deadly we may fairly presume that in this case the slave trade between the african coast and the british vet indie would have hcen reenlarised the oscillations of demand and aupedy would hive kept iheir even pace british whig jfdfav par i d- the labor of clarkson wilberforce and ibe abolitionists they base not succeeded in chicking the seixure of slave in the interior of africa they have aeravatcl ihe horrors of the middle uassae they have driven the alave from the protection otihe british jlajyj to ihe tender incrcies of ihe lralion or united states planet whoe prerlino urc nol jpa- fiiewed hy any such pnuic opinion ns would have titfteiwd then drjlm with ibnsc slave in a british cootiy it is wll ere tl be tuo lalt to ponder upon thejo ihitijrs ilere ai a few fad fiorn the speech de livered by mr samuel graraurj lo tlte mtet ing hetj at the londoo tavern oft sajuday stoce islft a peat change had taken place on the sobjt of iht rlave traie vy to lhat time ibe lavr trade had been checked bv ihe briton and other vwemaaenl and the itfayik and spain nut by treaty bu hy acts wcubt bat ahandoited the tratbc if iheir udrhadlxen admilled to this country at that liuae the lvenitnel of this country had llnou n away then a otdea ojpoi unity but not ha hoped so rotflpielcly as tint lo be able to get il back lie would read ibem a lew slaiitlic4 of the slave trade in recent year in ht5 the number of slaves thai ctoed the atdtitic was c- limited al 45000 in iel7 the number was cooco by official rrpon but by ivjte aad well aotheniieattd account it wa u000 he would wrh them to consider well what list slave trade really w4 he would mentton one or two cs by ihe way of elucidation 0e of oor admiia within the present moulh had writ ten to hi government that he had a slaver in low of fy ton bvfden with 317 individuals on beard 1 he system of packio ihoie irr- div duals wnsuch aa lo make them almct a solit man of human corruption some frw remained alive tim c arc in which nine out of ten of the person cmpoin cargoes of alaves diid on the voyage- if auch vesark of go toil were employed to transport the 01100 alaves in 1817 the meeting might form sorue ealculalion as to ihe amount of deaths he only told half the evil 41 tbe slave trade when he mentioned the horror and deaths duting tbo atlantic voyage wbat if he told ihrrn of the war and cruel lies eaerced in afiica of the ruin cornsntt- trd in lhat country 10 al pofeiw of those individuals if be tnm them all ihey would an equal n urn be i had fcten tftroicd lie believed lhat ihe aonsequence of ihe affieau tanner- we ahall jar our reader in for- slave trade as now caniad on was at ktsttl iber infiiclton of our own opinions and ul the i ih0 dihs aday tntt krt of ihe lreis eak- lhincttna tn itself i no rftconiderable ajir sympton of ibe chance of public opinion on t front foe 77av nf ah june- iiismalteror rather of the strine maoner mi jih imputation of haryimcs rwsrd netbc which pailies have haen btouht together feared hv lltosc who speak in ihe name of loy who were formerly in diametrical anluim iilivaffty peace we coaajryt tula lc the lhe vi whole peaceable poohuiion of these sjands arc now makiue common cause the one to nu the salufatory intelligence fiom dublin reserve their estate the other lo kcvtt mr mikhdl has oeeu found guilty on the the abolition of laeey becoming a mere de connta of tbe tadteimenl and senleitceo to lusjou the means to be adopted for the at fourteen years transportation ou saturday taiuinof these two distinct eilda are identi- he beard vurdooro pronounced inamomow a i erful and lemtale address by baron lefroy iomorrow tht eornmiltee on the uttgat after a fianlic exhibsilim on ihe pail of mr duties 4re town to their resoluob upn mitchell and bis supporter he was removed what sbill te thetr recmnmeitdalion to vk from the court and the wretched touvicl u hotiie with reference to the dorree of prulcc already out of dublin cm h way lo llc vtosl lion lo be afforded lo the xveat indian tdanterf iiinanl part of her majestys domintona for me yew to come three vcral plsaarl the public anxiety a to the ull or this have ben proposed in the committeea very trial ha nol at all caageralcd il importance elaborate one by lord ceorse ucntmck loi mitchell for his own villainous purpose chose l5 and exacting to be of practical sc to slake trmsclf aatni the law end the verj vice tlii was rejected there was a liberties of his country he calculated ibat second scheme of mr wilson with whicj he could raise iuch an amount of intimidation tbe puolcrs were tolerably salnfted ihit that no mn irishmen would veotnre to ojo- also wa discarded there was a third it oauoce hm joihy on the plainest proof of hit tiibuttd to mr gotilhuni and mr ciirdwchj ortence hcsav as be ihoah tlvc eak which would w hclicvc have been ftill side of the british constitution ami deler- wkdnksday morning july 5 the convict mitcukll- a peat deal of very mawkish sentimental hy ha bcn ethilailrd by the prcrs nf ibe coitineat both in cafllla and the united but on iho lukjecl of the apparently severe titenccarainl mr jot i milclu luenm- nrei with others wc feel deep com mister lion lo the inifolune of tlii gentleman iv kr it for cranted that he was actuated by felines of patriotiaan toward ht unhappy cfilry it ts lo be rcretld that hi endea- ei lo ameliorale ihe ill of ireland shtuld in had swcha mvuneloty tctmlnatiori hi hero our commlssetaiion end mr tllchell is a pumic oitehder of the deepest d and public justice demands a severe ex iilt orrat criminal in privale tile arc men eierllenl men- thecracehii in roan a it re pul lo death for but though all ter wgn deplore their fai no one denies ifce lice of their doom charles l and louil xyvl were ibe most amiaole nf men yel bn ee wortlnf kin publie justice demaudod lid touk tlvcir live on the cartbld treason ay be the least immoral of high crime yel it eontqnencc are afieu tho most disas- laiis ii it and n ways should be pufihahc iih tbe utmost rieor mistaken lenity never pr had mr vapincau been rniniihed ijlead of reward- for hi treason in ro37 c would not now have hen in a condition 10 errata the kovernmcnl which improperly red him win msvmitehell has doue ht d with bis eye open he foresaw ihc eon iaoeucc of bis aclinusj and has no one to iirrf ut llinvcf to hit urewnt claniio 3 uriiion the xonsfon timft which tkoogh iiera eoarso mad brutal i rwvt i ihcless always hat and who is of the hjory paaso from the din nf rebellion to ompaie his crime with must of throat ii1ed by ttansporloliou the poor feliow who teal a sheep to save n family ftom viftlvii- livo or who in a moment os pjmio itfiatta a mortal mow is i very bumble criminal eom- parad with the man who has atrnwd cvey neiveforroaay inostih to make irrtand one scene of catlajjration and murder haspiihicly evalatcdon the del caraae lo which be has maddened hi tn iowms tn the hesl of his abilities mitchell hat been aiitlyot hurrors urnasuo the ac- cumulative crimea of all ibe convict in an italia we lopc lhal no mawkeh and mis taken tenderness will be allowed lo inteifere with hi desert he baa courted bi fale lei him have it he went ou ibe vjla calculatiou aorfe aluuitd heevibos gvari et careere dinum si vieveliqfid iet hian inhabit tlte gygrar he has don his hesl lo deserve if a vanishmeul to ibe anti podes befits any crime ilr the unnatural air ut attempting io rend asunder lhec united realm by ihe sword and brand nl ihe rhvns tic rebel in league with the foreign invader city council into the hoine andrommitted posmny fumher outran bid for thn arrival nf a hny s national ainrita hy uhotu ihey were etpelled and drivoii to mmc dihanc il wa elven howctef hrfote the crowd fully dis- a slrotic bly of ihe hril otorh petxii1 meawv too hi th fml i vot ai one msrlit wt an lisl t tvv f r 1 j rnaj f wek atahja luti account but rf tn pic vied i ma and tle kopkeeperr bad been w hibitcdfrom exhibitinc thom in their wi dona they bad baard ld jjim ruaarll male that tbe peopfe of ihia c did nnt ttrmand anealeatcmeaire nf reform and ihsj ibe ch artiste were olv fw in nnmur ord j kufaall and mr cohovn m mow learn tbat whether the mnmli- jadid or ruat ovrnaad tefmnd wuwr the cltolusi were fsaror many io naiober thsr ufujunsj orjaniaation ba4 little to do w ith iho no lion iheir creai ojel bfin- dlarr onainti a gio i of ittjmica which had iraen commute in tbe uatr cmtv what tie whrd all llae who heaii hm la do wa this to o wituoul ai hour raeby and join arcr afcoeiiion or totality wbrtber il were the lrih confederation o tbf tmtlist chartiti he not care a tuw when ihey feid te that lhey could call oil mrijfai or men at lea than half ar boora notice uvnpvina lb authorities of he hack um lo iii up their aaajilab points boa ptal cannon willumt yjainic the polsco tho ossauaj ujaaia of idudouin lb opie a they aad on jo a c ihe nibi vfwe and mw eu liwarnmvfll cwd call out iheir tesfvisaeaiooomaa rfer they hoat tattjo 4ono thwr dot um niejil ibay bad aootsd tairenans jj j ik ell ao4 od raaawa tbe ariatotiacy what ihey l1pw wlial ihey the vel indie for rolnnial produce t it ha1l enjrtjr ihe exchivo rihl nf carjtns thrtltcr lualter ttvh catvcov hardware and salt this of coursa i a vary fair obj if it doe not d feat iuclf aad if it does not manj io thr way of other olji not len impntiant w have iherelore the trminvmy nf lite navi- xaioofiws to th value uf ibiipriitcile the eeoiuwoy of s1iippinjmakio a eiveu quantity of shinft io at mnch wotk as pifihle let nnjf one read blf a jiorn claufesof thovc laws arul iw will find uvy cojnr una phaniimu iruue ilieadrul than ih ktjtucj nnlebnt4fior any ohtjr apfclfo rut the a thai haotom u a fine recl well foasfid well rictil welt provnioni j with a oobh ooaaartsasn mh fuod and waa lialde lo real tia and all foe lutilnn at all the kfoply llojr is qyinx wot rtiilaothropy instead of doinc what it ha done would have taken another form phi lanthropy would hav declaimed aa of rdd about ihc horror of the middle pattee and to tho softening of horrors of the middle- pamaea the remedy would have been con- lined crvnmodions vessel adaptej to ihe trabe would have bean provided h would have been deirable a a mercantile specula tion that the human merchant should have arrived sound in wind and limb and fit for delivery thr would bare comti to pa or the purveyor of lave wotjld have renued hi businesa by other corulitions than the importer of oranas irom malta or the dealer in cotton fron the united slates factnri or cntrepou would have been lahlvshcd lwre and there alon tht african cnast and by all anatomy we may presume that vvn ast the inlorioc even in the faajotf where human being ar seized and sorted for a4e one improreinent on ihc horrjiso the trade miht in the cnurso of half a century been devised be ibis hnwever ar it may it is on the condition or the slave when once under the ptolccliftii of the british laws lhat we mitrltt have rrfi with aiiifaction ttis original the damnin taint of lhe tranic we could not bare wabed ont we could not hive restored uta african who had veen linn fiom bi deaerla am bis home to the so ciety and fellowship of early day a dearly cherimied hy han as are the snore a6ned te- creta for tbe days or hi childhood hy civll- iaad man this no could not have done y hut w eontd have taken ihe slave tn jamaica or st vincent a a slave and have rendered hi cmtdilion more tolerable than ibat of any unhappy bout placed in siiaiar circunt- iaica ry ihis time a bunaauo code of sfavaj uws would have naen enl- the arbitrary power of eorpoval punishment have bee taken away from the master ihe sepa- mre agreeable to the wert indian interest hut of which a viial elause was thrown o by tho inihicnce of lord george dentine thu the committee have come to a sland stilt and th report stands good chance of iv up lo the house without any rccnmmndalk in favor of protection at all unjes ihe mtion of sir thomas oucb be aeceplecj i to the eltect that the duties on foicij ausrs shall for the next six years be 20 per cvl and on 11riii suar 10 bet cw and then gradually 10 reduce the foroacr ditj until it fall to 10 par cwt the reco inendntioti i to be aecomuaied by anotla for a larjc increase in the supply of free ne ttiiv would apitear to he the lal titojt that can be made in the committee and wc wruld call the attention of all who do dot ileirt 10 wiistfta ihc abandonment ol a eeal lne of national toliey to this most important su wa would hve it cotiidered nion haveey gromtr xhc weal indian planlcf tell and common sense wduld appear o coarlrm the statement that in time in a few years ihey will be able to bear the competition with the fnrein sugar grower upon ecjoal terms- if ihi be so the question of slavery it farora- hly solved after all we have done ibis last experiment is surely worth iryintj k aain idfjtrary w ahb id dv wbe vj io h koply llatft rha tb n heati wilh nothtn whatever thai can be caned a earo excetd tonc balla hisal1cotteor cost and nollnn to pa acainu it tbal is the horiiblv elimi ohich haunls iho navia ion cuje and which ibc auiw uwf lo eiee if tlen iho ehoal ia nol laid if in pi1e of ihe navicatim fawslhare dvsexsvnd mnminevitahty raimlte at it saiut which tbey ate framed if further it apficam that thorn n j vi aliot aw cuietavlv accravale this cir l i clear tbat ihey have deflated lhmtfa and now proouanee their ntvn doom that seh is the raw i eidnt from the fart which it wa indeed jy to antici pate lhal all our neighbor have done esarlly what we have dune wc have rent thw ufaj back cmpy sod ihrv have ami our ship lark empty afho am muchirvnii icalwuty ha inspired iho creaier 1 of ihe world and tbo reanlt it that hero n al- waya tl4t nan tmndred of vatal in bol lasl peifctly iiaaltm doina nobody any ooj ujl on last contrary donc their owner and iberrroie ihe iruie much harm thenw era or otlijtrd to charre urw half ih vnyaao ihe tval f ihe whale and the pumje ha lo pay both far wbal tht veitel eotric and for rtao of husband n4 wife of barcul and child fobildn leejilatiori of the hour ant enaditioci of labor havo obtained on tho whole such a system naiatht lwve been dricd oiai etiiic aride tit original sin iuhetent in a trate where man ii the mer chant and man tbe merchandise philanthropy mihl have dumerf amt sterner wurtom de- ntvd thai the african had been the oer by a harfain which removed itim frov be frantic ticane a eortant physical uiflvrint of har- bdim askl pfacil him even in thr low decree within tbo pole of civi17mioo it ia cnnceivawa il r ptohablr conmdeilnfi the in- lrval hchveen the pcatit of a letter at kineton and it delivery in lonloa in may iih tbat itr ayjiena would have shakcu il- arh inhinnu sen forma thi fctiasnow ttn to what we actually have dne we haw emauciaied ihe nero we have auscd such a dicieucy in ihe ply of lalair and aft raised its price in the antilles lhal ihe el of pcodncii a ton of uar in the ltritili colonies i considerably higher than in foiein augarrowilu cooattie ioncurranllv with this maure wc bar ain lo the llrilu west indian coonit yon vhall al once of nilhin a hor periail he toy rrriialift- duly which would place eit ou a foidinjt of eqmhtv with the foccin uar ffruwer yonr fret shall be tied ami hi feel hall be looc and yel you shall bav no atari in iho race which you are ruiacd if you lec wo aje not however cotalerinb the rjncstiori with refereeeo tn the llritialt funtetslvt tlrain pariah by all inein and l ihe weal indian colonic bo deuroycd bnr purlv as it may alteet bry ibroiiqhout tbe wortrl suaar uvul le ld wimelsow ad from somewhere if not 1rm the liiilish wesl indies ikon from the iraziu from ihe uaud states from counlrie wbere it will he jrruwn by lave wke compnhury ulor wc cannh rennlate whose coiutition we cannot batter and whne iranaulatun fcom africa to lb various alavo market- wo cannol pre vtnl t1at t al pothnt llsa aaat eeaull of tne dsii was j tjxnuq priday the trumian annmen in tbe awohava are iej nu- rrwtnqa al aawnl beisj afaid lo reiur tothe oho etruntry in corea of the dinharvp gf wr ahith are etuwif lec rcaaand eafu tine tinny of tbo towan biaa io rcreoee aj acmved oi a iroo bkdv aune of ihctn carrrin ttkba and bbtflcin and thmstened lo mtscx ibe li j acnco ilieivi and deavcd llicoi to cooe afhocr thi state of malic colinued loorc o it till suodxy brittnoou heu hut aia aaoa lercd and i bailie to the dnca ulr am the weaker party ouo or iho louh mn received a severe beatiu whih caoxd thcoihei to retreat and rranain oooe deck foe a tins- vy tbia tnc uc pvhee who weeo before ieonraat of wlaat gonta uti owinf to iho diitjeuh j falconers had of cthouoici ibe fact of lltaoaae wharc at ll made oonaaied ullli the eiremtanctaoduc corded io aaprehondiae ihc mdividoal nlto em- naiild iho aaaouh hew boyahl bctora osc pvticc cooit n tujdif mortnot wkerc iw inittwer vrtirrem atieiwlaoce snj ibe care bom orcfollv heed by uilfra rjlmoridno found kho abutfc povcn jinrt the offf oder and am- tenoed btni to pay a hih qw which it ia to he hkdill act n o warning lo ue uu1r bcihjoi cnt jfrof jaton mason tc cblhdratiun tlw anviy or st jdm lb aaptiu vta cs4chrattd vi ibm vduao un tbo qstli nul to uf urprimiluyewereovef 101 moassojba aiteid ance od uilhout inucb ptrrenaiona r th ir pur vmteropi m ditfdaj ihe really mat a vey ioa putr appearance tn anov of u launder it flrunn ana arsttuuii any niltery tn ktaa very escellent it waa piattiuoce in u vrr tinrca m manaev a a aovat rrvcelrldu oudtcy at th uoivenity chuk tl rctiioth pv- ut tlw cienaony wnp oirimed bv lie ffr k i wrk of clvaiiai w tennuka nt thn itao of ihe addrca wa liltoed t with moth attiaotion ajreaut h nvcvtubl our 1 in hiat and itt rro mau ud live ap triie roc ef sr ode after iw aaajeafaoiiani at the clnuvh ilw ihwaoa wa nwoied aejed by ike ovuv- toarn w- ijlttd hhtt aeallcd imotlih ad uuialtsy ami ioceilcil to ur j i t wlwi under a most anteatsd bouer prqmnd ftt uaai pifpiae oioso hun 170 pcrou astrtnirak of a ndi tpwndul kptr toc could bno lot no belter diuier it w eottecl urre m udice maaniiaollij rlmeil itl the 11 le oitd rt aemed aod tor theiu thai tliay aero tltero ar vmra tle msonio luibco firu a tko etaty tluihav cherirliij at nnrkai ttimitde tbioith ue pj unliin n htmt amid ih eonvalrion or ul ao n hiienl ekniroia aa vibakvor qlmh p win beshdit eaf its evl ttaltfe tuo jlaoooia eratemdy wherever the flol dipiredwi arliaiever piaiifin mined lo set aainj it the drtpotisru of a san- eumary mob it is i fact trial by jiy ircbas stiuck at in hi miseralde career he has not attempted cither himself or by bis counsel to prove that he was not rruilty aceordin to lite law on tho contrary he ha taken eery op- poet ii i v of boasting that he defted tbelaw and desired oot so much icqntltal for himself as that ihe law should be found stilly by his acquittal he called on lis jory to break their oalh by a verdiet ostentatioitly in the face of the evidence trial by juty lhn was tried in thi iutaiae had those twelve men forsworn thcmcltl from fear the cow ardly precedent would not fail to hav told on every future oeaiofi when iurv aftrr niv had aum thcuihclica nd their cuouliy inat medium of jualice aftd nawawd of iteedom must aoon hkvc disappcated under either anar chy or martt1 law already in this country men had hereon to sctuule on the domc ne cessity of modifying the antique sjmfftcily of ihe an -to- saxon foftitution we hvc von spated either a sospciiaioo or a modification of thr law for ihe present the dublin jury hatdcmeit duly and mr mitchell ir on hi way h tbe society o messrs frusl nd wil liam and other lesser criminals it is not only trial by dfl liberty of every kind thai mitchell invaded and im periled by hi proeeecuojf the etcatest irai- tor to liberty is the man wlso aavase it al ready this asitation has compelled tbe inlro- doctiou of a law which ives the state fresh powers nnt only ot bunikhroent but of incar ceration before trial it ha hcen found ne- cesary auo lo circumscribe jiherly of spacrh within closer limtls- we can feel no sympa thy with ihe man who doc not rind ample rottn for lawful and aeaceaue agitation in iu country vc see in him iaaibiii bul a lobpierre a matat and a in ibc tiajne of the public pre wo repudiate all ahauiiy with those who defile it with blood vrho deform ibe fair shcel with bid- i i- of massacre who citrae the common stonnd ot ionics with brutal riot and itafer device wu have lived to see luauic jonroak ojdin- rutran to xcsail or ovra ovk nspomtcm mtwbav july 3 1is ptkauaatf- hi worship ihe mayor messrs raker uredvti counter mclean smyth wilson allen crawford chancutlsouse lin ton mcsfahon patleison wiley waddin- ham cohmcktcatlok of vicar ceueral mcdonell latoe that a he had uiulerslood it was the inleniion of th council io open several streets he considered lhat said streets had no right to be opened aa he had a prior claim on the properly by the will of tbe laic bishop mcdonell referred to ihc committee on street and improve- raenl lo report al ihe nej mceline of lb council r ri- 01 j crawford for leave to open a drain and lay down buildina materials cranted providing frontaefor drain be paidfotlhwilh of ff batsws l lhal ihc aum of ibt cd which hsd veen exacted from him hy tbe city treasurer for drawing out a new leas of ihe picriuel barraeka be refunded him as he had paid rmthiny for ihc tamo service per formed last year granted of g smith ptayinr lhal lie be allowed lo open p the sidewalse in fronl of hi premises for tho purpose of cleaiuinsj a drain which bad been slopped up hy the filth of ihe common sewer referred lo tht cornmiucc on strcolt and improvement lo act ihereon of r manning praying to he reinstated in hit formorofice of puliccman- the granting cf thcnrayerof the petitioner was tecom- menderj to ibc council by a large number of influential citizens of a smyth foe th o0iea of policeman of p w drum for iho same this pc tit ion sjraaf accompanied by testimouial from serera rpcclablo persons in kingston and mnntreal of j haafiltf for same ufflce manning ibe former policeman waj rern- tulcali nveont of ttuancc commit recommending the piyrwnl of several sumv adopted of coanmille n fir and water 0fm 0er from lal mcelin- adopted without a division th t the iteport which caus ed tuch a icnyjthy discussion al ihe lal rnrctins of tho council of which ihe readers nf iho whig have been already informed tho vic toria com ptny aretoet ihe 10 udd nd 11 thtnit mnaisanj rj ftl of cucoon bne of ckik of the aurkrl reuuvc io nrws omie who had mrivvd to the eimpluf tho nalturiat uanb bivouacked nn the place st gcor tlte fr trouuioire ay lhal the revutit- lion is only heiniiimf rhii is ihe pap r of uarhea pivna leroaix fjeorje satd luit jllanc cv m williant trfl pounin had been appoint ed fnvoy ftraotdiuaty ami minister plcoi- imtentiary from franco to the republic of the untied so e fxcmjtp there is very little activity in commercial affairs ther had been no chanf in tsain matkcl tlie weather in greal llhtain had been excel lent for toe crops the mate of trade in the manufaclutia- didtict remains without change the londou money market wa pretty firm notwilhmandine the war arul minors ot war throohoul furtkie concoti on the lgtii june wet x for the wre last quoted at 83 j tlie position and bftvpecb nf the wem india rnaajr planter had ejven riao o several pumic meetints in rhrtd on the utjcl the chartiat movvmenl of the lttli inm- failed died on the i5th in al peopa cnitee 1louse london the reoowikd totn slcvl head pacificator or irclamf nndci mr oconnells repeal aiiociation ffttlastn thre i not any very important ncwh from ireland the repeal agitation has at isrescnt come to a aland still the frater nisation of the old and voonr irjanrje i not yel complrlcd the cnoimmatioii of an event o earnestly dertrcd hy all hhmn has been postponed for a lortnichl by ii leaders at concil1ion hall in order to ffive the courtry an opjorlifnity of xnwjnf an opinion ihereupon tit sittings of the kcieal association are posipoaed foe a fortnight hartnvftio hanover the enlightened liberal minister sttuve seems snnch in live j ptedicment and he will probably h- ccunpelled to rrtin in concquence of ihe hatrassin demand ul ibe ulua democratic party italy since ihe battle of grilo nd the fall of pcschirra rvo movement of a fmjher decisive character ha taken place in lomoar- dy 1he pirdmontee were preparing iooc copy kola della scots io cut off the commu nications of the austrian between verona and mantua th asmrinatf nt eonfincd lo the neighborhood of maulu and are ravan the the country win rcrc they ap jsear nantts wc have litllc authentic int- iienct from naples tho whole of calabria seems still in revolt acstura we learn that the kinprrnr of awlria meditate a visit lo pratie with a view of auachtnc to hi petson ihe tvhcmian province the french enalisb swdlh and belgian ambassadors have reached inn spruck and it inpftoed thai the aftjirs of italy will lliere he dieuscd the hope nf the people of auattia svem eeuleresj in the in the archduke john t who t aa the counsel icr of tho jjoipcror will be the mediuna of com munication between him ancttiis subjects it im i ia positively arted that the russians have crossed the prulh on the frno- llcrof battarabla and lhat the atmtian min uter slurmer at coti itatttiitoptc hai in vain ok med against this mote men t il ba hecn alio repotted on the lindon exchange thata lare rntian force bad entered mcml tl is not improbable at thai same lime th rumor require some authentic confirmation puut- the liet of frankfon ecnas to be occupied with the adjustment of the t c tarvaroraro- h haara ydt ihi thalllh tiiharti foil u ul tuidbtt ruai rfd taa spflr t liadt ivur hea auiilitety mail and ilfaavr wanda f auin aearcehh thmo tfarivn reahd tho run iti4inot ceclcd lb rate t hi 7lh maiant plrvv fethlintio hi rulo nanrfy thomme mell of wolhi m few oarcore wvo raifvhnivfn forced pntah luoer im wa 1ih1 ul former bslola llssao tal bainir in da1tnd were tbu torn ebch and v uiuu vers duh ratlf deibiwd cd per kaai indian cotw eor- linedloaa brld aieaodv at tho utc ajmeo hnt ahhavehsaveralirauvlna mijrcrv appaarotl lite tateratiaift r ten rvdnve than of late nhiul hcftfn meal ibcra wrrm weni 0 15 ul tabiwa unabr la 3j i 16 cj per bar- hi at teaterdu tniiihci wheat met a eieadf sate 1 eaniiocr at a intcnoi of m to 04 a huelwlou the puc of liarsuvv lrt ilicie ae a soar vnanl frfhth ek and barcl flour a fol aaiea bryothtn hcoi arre cj ro taper or dearer ami ium of ibo reeent arrival fuvo ehncl hind jianolo both dull anse and ralber hc4pr no ebmfo in uricy sa a few pureliaae of indian corn irero nde tn 1 ttumd nl t2 ti ss iier tjl iu ut xmftet wlrif nd 3 la aa pt velltrar corn tadun mcalltv cdaolpef 06ibs but with htttv donj in il railhoad meeting at toronto connkction op lake 0nvar4i0 with lakk 1 1 u ron by way op thu georgian bay from fac 7orono cotvnirf in ptiriuance of the requisition presented to bis worship the mnor reetieslin him to convene a meeting in ertii1er tbe propriety of takiuc immediate stern for raisin the neces- ary ful for ihe contortion of a northern rail ieoal bolweeu tronlo and lake lloron and for commencing a proper railway com- municotino between toronto and the leading towns and villaee4 in the surrounding jit- llkl hi worurp called the mcetinsr ff ucjnay ihc swi irstaaf at 3 oclock shortlv after the apposed uor mrcumett ttk the chair and explained ihe oljeets of uta rretin toihoe asseanhled in addition to those leaidcnl in ihe city and it neighbor hood i here were present the members of several deputation hotrao laorrc was repre aomtsul by arthur mcmaaier e- j p and the fttvd mr ardagb haaoronp by wm armsou tsaac roer attd t 0- machcncy kjoticcs of the peace z flower esq- d c nkl mr t vaace pcevattguisir- way to fric 1 fce ralher a unrel thinar bylh a wotmun forsaluna badegem the mayor ond tome remark mawfi lbcneccsily nf bavin thr bell attached to the city clock run in c of fire two reports ftom ibc city suiveyor one iftasat- to ihe slop of the drain leading from ihc city building and lb other ua- lintthat accotdin to the recent survey of certain street ooly thrca feet wa allowed as a public ihoeonhfartf mr uarveyn letter nf resieaiion wa aaift brouhl n ihe oil cloth the oaatlcr as far a is generally known reiainaa it wa before ihe ton- discussion which il ave tis toon olwday cvenin the bill relative io fore walorand censer carte ra was read a second rime committed the council adjourned c avid a jj- ii tmiltoo art j ft kfd j p- and d kot4waaca stevenaj p and d- c if 7nooyion euire thrn roso and i oved the ll rciolqiinn thai lh prot- perlty ftnilnand of tlie home wsiiic a well as lhal of ibc netibout oitrict of simcnc can only he ensured by tbe ri tension and coraj letion of monrr line of inlemai com munication throah those dislricls mk e if tbqtofttm oijcd on the meet inc lhat the prosperity ol his colony 4pnd- d oti the formation road like this and if ihc exertion mad within tlie past twenty- five yean astonished them what might they wuti tys ccuadcs and li- and arrival of the steamship cambria ii vu ad and mod an- wd p wvrr uiid uf life e akrther higldor hovlliry uieet intlo ui jirouo frtunon lcrl in the time tvyealwi oral unor ihe oa rive and rratrna hi ontyiver ao no oniiicaaji jin lite llhptwl ha pard fiorn tbo ruitul u aluoiie irik- yn bvo aaj v4iu tbtihhcmuw hioaktn ipaiu u ihi fratio vt cavhtnniuy hi ih emde is ihronh tire rvrr liaa uiv na grand tit ol every i- i tfiie ar- l waa-u- lifihuoiay hio ai avijit w tiqi irudmati fo ifaij ll in lheit d hbrranoti alauaa vulaaa wbal at tev w a aajtwd naulnm lira oiphaa ehun uilr f llei ailfeoi 0 uuse cum m gaa andin boorua ark i he un wjeevow hwdiatanlltora whio neelibnt ba m r brvcarv lufhtaurito ssuamwa maj avofi thobenrfitor mnya hit w atwnal lb naprmitd rh0oliasi tu th ak- israasasaa1 4 imt hi hrihly ciuawttoittnan 4 lo the tliosupat ttio ataata rwui hi etv ut tf j and waihr ibv p-tr- laened h tk u froa maajna so iae11 and fehru- the lire of ller ma mi oc revelling tn tlte infernal- alelaib of hot sand and viliiol 1ho bnlih cs with one on amnion voic has pureed uclf from a1l suspsckon of sympathy with micreanla whsaic weapensarc the totlnroof hell we have taafjal uid won our own libertv and now poe a riour cronnd lhit enable u to reiai any tyranny and to ficht for hi world rul our weapon are those which appeal to conrcieoce and teasoo we do not scarify poison or lacerate dn not in- futiaie demons u mutilate the limbs to iraroul th eycball dabble in the ere f our politic il foe the whole body of enlish yuarnolia have riten to a man and wi to the cililino a cethrh of irclaiul thvir ihmerttd benehe if we are ever to bv rothed of our ithrtlv it is hy inch mn the wild outbreak after sentence was wtwv oui eitlr dignity or aeose the renewed at- taek on jhe panel could claim no conaidcra- itoja except ui iho ground tliat m jurors bad not done their duly neiihcr mr mitchell nor hi lawyer tior his fellow agitator ihouh ihy applauded hum and insulted the c0111i ventured for one ilal lniaopun the inirinic justice sf ihe tortucl on the con- uarv tkey admitted il la h suitable ot a nieof them eipesscd it accosilinj to vihtr parliament flaw they only advanced the rrutral tijthi of rebellion arain the lalduty of tubrntmvn lo law to what purr then was an iinpeaehmenl of the panel th importance of the case nccei lated a selection fur the mnrc respectable niore taeala an1 respontihlerlas of men mr mitchell had announced hi inleniion of making an immediate levy to the amount of a who year nrodnce ad of celiinc rid of a wlh4f inaat of landlord 1oethcr wlh the itritiali eonnim repealed form of this anumicemet wre part of ihe coitis ottirfr t ias rihl therefore lo cive proerty a pre- potiderence in ih jury box the panel o foimdwanot likely lo cnoiitin the same proporlioii of rnjn catholic as ihv dnhlin utur hok m t mitchell however in- led that the lest of rei pec lability should rant have bn ao allied aslo inulftio vi1h llieirmilion of roman calbolica why fticatiae he take il for rfantej that itacnan catholica wohl havo foreaworn lhcrrlvrs and retnrnd un uudatnnblc vordic tho verdict lie ey in catecs i accordinz lolaw1nti i ptotl arrainit it becaoae if lltaalaatilt ha1 ukrn lias inel luphaaard fiora ih juror book lhtie e havo wen atmnbajily of itonaan caiiwiea who would have teturaed a veidlcl contrary lo law and m1 me al libly ww hreakin tha law mw will the lloman rthoics take ihi eom- idnneni at mr alhrjwtv hnt tbeaemanee airraes tn have eonfoiindoil mr mitchell will thai uiiaeraba annn boweavr uv ajf aid t hi yrtsatit jvco otrs wse lath fm the acw york jcrou tafy i the atamer coworan capiain llarrion which left liverpool on the i7th arrived at boston t 8olock on friday mot nio hartna mle the pasae in tweiv day nod a half th accounts froua ihe continent and more ckciatrv from fiance will h found veiy unlfaclorj in fal noooe canspvcuute on the conlinuance of peace for any leolh of time as tvery hour briocs forth new features rranch there i a eveat cxeilemnl anrt reaction in pari in favor i lnura karameoo he is to be admitted to ibe matiavlalj assembly- the excitement cootintied to hie latest date and mranre welt taken lo keen it vrou inmphltt in prawc of prince lnnu napoleon are mrcweil about ihe craswilrtl acmhlies arvl newspaper in bi interest are dutribjwj crali w the walk we on the lth stuck wrth 0 placard bearin no sinstvre but rcommendinrjostront terms lv i h assembly to dismiss the government and the ministry and lo confer a dictatorship oe m cautat- de paris was tranuntl afaalvrilaafia comoiisfion mill kept iracu k o he 15th instant ihe aasemldy was dicuaunjr proposition foe decurin algeria an iatesrat part nf france iu eonaectuenca of iho attick marto ofyn him mi clement thomas leudercd 00 tho 8th injt hi resiaiion nf ihe command of ihc national cuanl but ihe tovcrutnent at clined ceilinil- ll wa rumored noldar lhal lucruwcquenceol be term mt urirdct he had apwlicil to the emu f the irjcn of hanor he wa to fiiw a duel vhh h knpo icon gerlraud on of use late fen bdlraihl but ih affair was nltimalelyarhncd without a resort 10 jueliin tbe eomuianiletvf si- pirrraanil miiwn has informed the government undct ihe dale of tho7ihof atviithlihertjuwichm prne1aimtd in 1hoe ilanrb the central administration of ihc finance department haa betn cottiwtly rccocnired b m uoclerci tbo nrcsonl mtnialaf no las an riwoftcwbabfamm iw uof ditocioroand wiieclor ol chief or under chiefs uud 151 of dark thoarv- 11 1 savins for the treasury will exceed sou- 100 irene ilieeaeitement canaed arsvnn ihe uura- leaumean hy iho leusm of m- twera or fatie hoi miulnct mamfnalion ifttna him of a alm eharaetar arjnul vclnck no th uixhl nf the nh w n urao iunrerde4 froati thn laruilevtirrt 10 tbo flneo luueernen lloan iho ouivtnr to im a 1 si eoti in which hi maawion i maj crowd tito lrm alualiht hy which it if lurrouml and woulu line iwceutheil y di rectory to manage ihe rtainr of germany when it nvcreien functions will aeas tn ivtvtia affair have come lo a dead loch in ihe berlin v jrtiameot a declaralory vole of an aharact nature whether ihe events of ihe isthaiul 19th of march had dethroned ihe kin and oriated a new eonviiiulioual system oein negatived hy a small majority of iff the people of berlin have aain been thrown into a state pf tumult which appears sersovrau lw with b court party and unless the rnoh im i be brought to i reason an anwal will certtinly be mad to ihe army and a frihlful civil war will bo the result m araco new french ministar ihe lyons commissary scefrwto fraternise with the pnte and in the rreneral excilem lhat prevaik this sort of ponajandcfn can only add to th ralvhief dcsmans the danes have asvumed the oltrsive and at present rvo probability exisb ol a tpedy lermiiattou of holiilies a slrouj russian sqnadroo is hoverin about the prussian coal hi the baltic and unless wiser counsels prevail in uermaoy we fear that the preaent partial eonlest in schteswi will only he the forerunner of greater and more scttous warfare p fher at rerwaru from soin iha katvaez i aluotlo retire fmsn power and that gen odumll and if mon will form a new ministry it i said ihc queen is t ncienfr th spanish minuter ha heeu diuniscd froyi london in return for the cjcclmul of the rtitith minister from madrul isuianews tad reached erlind of a revolt al moultan a subordinate coeemmenl atlvahore amontlie indian subjects recenhy subdued h ih riitih the dewan of mnulian moolray having embarked in some nlriruxs probably wilh a iew lo throw off himlcijnce waasupetxedfdand l him self up in authority wilh a hhce of 10000 men and 0 of ihe aieonct fortresses in india he would probably oecaxou mme iron- me it aneafalhat oi bitih troops coo- minnf aot 5r0mn cam to blows and caplaini ansernn and vans aicw icerc csit 4own anderson was reprtied to be killed dctkhmni of the mabrajmis lioops had been despatched from lahoia and her majesty ln th 7anl l 50th native in fantry nnd whcelrvhoee troop- wrse artilloey and airsiu batbrj were or- drred in march to moultan under ike com mand nf uiiaradier campbell captain van aenew washul npiun sjanec with hi valmen anil ureal fear was entertain for hisaftv the lntet date frotri mnulian to the lat from lahore to ihe mth of am ihe ical mail from india due on ihe 20lh iiit jookejfor in uland with eat anxiety tn ciianvirr durtuavt0 tbo thecal- cued orertralioi f tbo chsrihta in tbo mctr-v- poliaon mday ut pmved eeo n niueb fnoao ai f ttlier ilin the prltt affie of tba llmh n apfuat keoniaf ion cmnn aowuantiei- nilcdi ih cirwinenl hin ispcd the lalkm ftftpaif aterkrvhl did ul rofafc othc uffi- jeai ailraciaon lor the aaultilwie tho erf l of m10 prmeiiuil uuder iiod inc kuomr dtetmiv tio- f ihe aovomtocvl to put wn ibo oaislinf whuharera r ba held m ruabsaa and varpaii- virla of the ciiiiry eufticed ta ciipto h the vain lauv ebeaated by nicidd nwn ulr aero aitoin to 0010 coofiwio and oa all iheir blivcr and iotnni4tion 1emarlw tl prri- taiu of n auu atdmn of tbo to caard in jtmrr6rhu tiih o lat pheo neo h-ok- haek armed tn mms leetb waa elenr nndrtt d htl1iotharbaclh iho uteailue taaeiauty to bo put nwavaa and an mlranaltoa imi iho al rnaeiiiroleliberaaitaerrteeloaaledliaooruu and o pivtt ovt ihnodrratorn hpkeomnoa inoel bul ms vcfrsefc iho aoautara mo ud otfinhod oui f iiail relre llrtir svaniee 10 i ihe reviutui m knean1wnb iheoveatlton r qaeen viefim uuvfercd iu1 n anoro envr- pbral vflwlmiy in rreivlnceewbu- mttnda naenu wereehirayp ofacharitat hravtr in thoaa plaeo uhe tnoa palatiemu ace ajlawed lo oaaemble iho skiuoutfrajpuia ti or tlie ordinary peaceful obmctee 0 piulrd 00 tamor worthy of air peil liak isie rneetinf in tavo of tho new reform nvwo- eacal had wen inoro ecil dvasf um m b aod a iho awiiiis aomaejiea who mrfluuuj twill maka li naiii additional etfirt 00 wui einpl vtd by mean of nunaeeo- patiihiv i- m- ufa hiteiriooiihiavorof lw orv4m a otty hsnira ba been ailoi led hr awf t vat nuriiao foautly rtttbata aoairaauhh u10 aiatatu n by im keffmatt that im svelmf hi favt if an cat olaaeo mi very faoaial lluavahvul the hmtnt nmk to iti 101 exprcl when to th advaotac of cprrmunication ltould he added that of rail way aero the pouinsula he would advo cate the shortest roite relatively with thn best harbor at lb termini and ibis would open op a country which mljjhl be inferior to thai of nw york in climate but not iofcriot in soil their arioru shouhl be devoted lo the main line ih branches would follow the tragic of n3t york was cnonaoo a ereai portion of which mihl he secured by thi route from lase superior whatever decision they miithl come to he mr t basl hut one ohjeel lhat of scein the interests of the country advanced there mibt be dif- ferenccsof opinion 4 in use kind ot road whether macadjmiaed punked or rail but it wa for them lo determine which won i j besi serve useir interval and at the same timt pay them reserving if need were tho cn- airuction of 0 railroad for another pcrtod if not feaihle at present an psrwawf yecoivded ihe resolution and drew ihe attention of the mcelin to iho trel advanra which mual rsull from n ila itaijruatl conimeied across a penin buuivilcd by ihr three tkeo trie aiuj lliiroo i lu haj ion seen that 1 brooch thi dntrcl a line rnoi os counocti-i- tbe in wlckivaafni theae icawevinj aa tipy tfid eiol country would they nejguct the ciporlu- v l lr veard that at precni in the state of the nvuiy mark ihey could hot accom- jdish a puilroad alihouh ihey coa1d et the lino opened yet if ihe majoriljfwcjc caurnine on ihe poiiil be wold vote wilh them all heart it would ill become tbran in toitat the capital of upper canada to lit wth ibtir arm folded when ihey saw ibc improv- ments around lhem and tbe stimuloa ivo and he trusted ihey would not be content with following in tlw wale of others but lhat they would evert tltemelve and plac iheir city at the wad of ih eoutjtrite of western canada a loot ditcuaiot followed in which mr sandfont mr kheriff smith mr gary r p crook 17- ttfkraartmessrs sanj- tord ami niilh ajvocatinj the northern roufo fo a llailioail mr cary inqntrins which wa the shnrlcst route belween ontario and huron and mr crooks frightening the meet- ine by icllinc him that ihey had sacruribed for 1 statlioad from hence to coderieh anj had paid iheir call some year aobul lhal nothing had hcen don yet lei ihem ry a maea- danajicdor piank ftoad where partie could l4y in stone timber or labor ontltechairmnii putliaj ihe question uia sherifakel that the rrlnlwus as tlnttcjl ay the eommiuee what commilen i rtmil be ready by th secretary evrtntnally eht wsaecedrd to the partie in ivhose haqtls they hurl hcfl placed 1 read tbetn aeraotia subsequently to the tj- a irmflf licusirm ensneu in vfhicb facrhapaj mr- llcr perry alaoil foresnosl m th oraloncal capacity mr fowki biuejeies on fon- nihtl some valuable iata bui nc4afr ermt was neccaaury lo enable oat to orriva at v cnrrericnelu0i fih instance in haw cdf- cnlaliou he irlitird ihe iucioaed pj with the interest ou the whole amount or irar capital for ihtce years asaiirains lhat tht pror fuiiiatv wouhl have 10 pay far ibat which tbev ntiht iml quire for sorr two year afttr the work were commence tlte linn henry herwod made tnjne vatu tllc aucslinn tor which we lay nnt macc uwin to the prcasutc of our english 1 an amendment mnvesl by mr r p ccaoka frit thmiich nnfl it wa rulvc4 lhat a cooi- nittee irt oppointeil locoilect informastion and roiml loamvettobc tailed oe fnturh day 0 tchern ux tht conuiurtirta ol o esrte munication fiot toronto o 1ake llunan nt nrji decinia as the tosicui of laiatai ihe ueccmiary fund may justify the coatf- millrc wa lhn 01 rumalion or various lactt apuniuled to be cemmrd uf ihe miow- tipnr lor- centhinenllleie lotlow the ntrnes of ll f burn charles bcrry j m sohroru a mcmnhtcr w b j mranuwx mr piondroot thn honoraues j it pral vcnylevandaisulrirhty ulhotfc it wus then nwved hy t j onelll bavjj ternniled by ki tnllyrali ano lofrru that ih marktd thaco mealing be civen lo those ceitltfrntti po p luri nud lb siurfu duwjh wlh spiritedly cime forward to aid ihc tm ot to in thit endeavors the mtiiction of n rfailrwad t iakv ifavosk 1 hi worship the mayor thti loft ina taaajf and william afmn kl wniatennl i tm smcoe dktlkli bfvdnc hej calttd ttuvtll h ws wiftal tha ihe ibouhaoriht naaajahaar ik eiven m hic mov conduit in the chair uaiioiti tht ineeiiut ibtn brukf up jf llua 1 iojp havi rfrhistbit iasflwl which ihunditfic- tm in an rail ar eat attn rverd lainea at tbeee aaniveetrn pl a 1 the rrri 1 nn n rwoiaukji ia 7a tr tho n ihe oj a- ttlio celtbrnted pnhwb ivnut htn arriitd nnd will wt i iibi lli looo ft l4t the trw rivilec ofrtwoe 1 now inttk1 yaaiertlay 011 a atellnn xi rilalawrwnaflauaw ivhtuoiballii atiti w vurb0thi hv mr wnliau fasmeh t fti ffti ter wtuiute thmb ut rhiuue lunrnvtaolievvhed wfmi undetlhoonlyalvni iaea rot