as warn for canada weil ttfhlmlkh kmiwiksilyt tfllttiaif mhl mlnnliy mbrntm idvakd torn bamdbr r d at tiib atiirnaum trrmit tlaa rveu am paiitln blfnv no p dfcwiilintwil imh nrrmnr ire fst up tnhltftal thlfcrt f the irtimmr tifihwia 7 nhiio flg ftnaan lonlm e w a rnen j im vrtn rl lnrii at ten w id pr lilfcllplmioiw inline ftr each aairni iruerttnv auve mwm iii jhj3ftuminft1ilm ihciwiitnet isii limmirt m f shi mufagnr wflattvan wnwbcw ajcremalnfihs latpeoi oawoibliirttali beauem iiltilewriciift oft any prttoitwbatveever all wiatatabr lf stye firitisl a t tiik athkxvvm prihtmb enabustwejit uwrt nrrrct jvi peer 1 rk jivi s i opifer per orb vol- xv11 kingston canada wednesday br for c a n a d a we st 33 m dicor y morning july 12 18 is no 56 flfpfy fmif joa ftttfi f- d i j rtrj1 at ihft rtlatjl iwiht jiijmhtt ealojetepiaajv- as bat droit ra fimpltm calnfir j j- i teru i iif 1 funeral utl blank 1 3fcweirrv i 04 wort tw kill- printing in r r vtf fy iretajgy the vuimem of j typ u raned nd ik ail new there u ui v hatd 04 ft h n h dee klm and mi njnmifiie a til ind uv rjuilt business directory ttiiomar houtnson house sign ship painter cuz1kr rapkft iianukr fcc hud r mh trr iikufft onti ibaiiuullf if ivj aj til gonvv im emeity0- lanfeau saddle harness 8t trunk maker oftwfc ifr rnri sftvfc nircur btbtrt riroitom c w me8sr8 hill parke bauiustklts inoh8twmi ad soucttoss is rawebm offtce kjt tut intka pa9e francis m 1iiii- thos taltkt j- fv- 1 ms- lul mr cameron iahd be eral abemt conveyancer notary 1udllc ir 1iu1 f rdl canada lift aanranco compajiy dctii jorlgisrii bonds ftlitioiit 4cit- rv office i dw to mr- jufcsoo store irivnamto4pm cbre hfwwut dlttitl tc t bradley mil hatter a furrier frixctu street klottob e w ufa wily opfort afccjr d9ctf j sf alf oesckiptions of ftinc lao gentlemens flfis cleaned and afaiot oadwtlrt9 aici a sttik j v clarkk wine and spirit dealer umbton buildikcs rkcu ncct kthcsiofj cnad vctst virgil gos exphess william warcxph 0fok c w p de larxrutago jbneralgrooer pricc street kiiirtfon afcwdvirsshvcdrdick iiuntek st raktijffi aucliooeers st corarafssion herchaota r mo clc1 c kingston cvirn o itmimvi mn maasn nv4f llmh m mrfpjillvmrifcc ti animalsj birds o ity ii m horsey ngston 39in mti ism hakndkn cos kmighatmin arnnitf eiiii for issf the regular line of liverpool packets sailing punctually on the appointed day 11 jm vi nelson saloon princess strbct by w b maiden lunches refreshments of all fcirul pastry and fruit alexandersber dn saie nesr of wixn ano ihnlsis iquoks george howe powier gilder rind glazier bim st kington near mr fhlppe ctndlo frtry sign ptlminj waj 1 mirbte iwilr john 3 clute auciiotierr and no bckw sioott ah oprtlhink folly icfliyil nh itttqctwolly attended to fire marine insurance fh0tegtjdn inshbnce company of xw jersey the uddeiviwd hvii btn appoifticd ael or the above comply is loiuae pol kits againtt low ord5e by firo and 01 vmtfc art ibeir crgo en- gg4 in inland naijiion m t hunter agtnt orntt 0xta1u0 rltt west oswego n y wtrotcsalc akd artail dcalcu ih dmgs medicines paints oils dye slorti rrfumetf k fair articles adaf4tfor4uputmt4ii9f mooy woulo mpeclfnllv itrile ibe atlenltmi of dealer and ottffit in canada to tbeir eaum ire aad wli fleeted aioient wltkb ihey will sell ai ibe cooii satufactory cawewy- may s isis removal theshipchandlefty store ia re moved to nv 2 hardy boildm- hiic will he cmitlaouy kepi an ma tarmj and manilla cordage oaknm tar jmch koift oara block anenoi and cnajw oie vm donaldson htfesaftv sfw jft iw gj thoniab pennevfi w holenle b ltmil lbathkr store prii- cma street kintjtoti dealer ira naiivo am apajfattltsote erhihar upper kipa snd calfsuim anj lnioga boolmaaffijins tifjn- rflessrs 0 y healolton natrisicra attoraeyaallaw stc he kihgaton james oreilly a george e hen hereon 4 co cm noticr the annual hkktikctff hie mew n of the fire inukanck tom- p vnv of ttr mu11nl distnclt will 1 liew in the court iousoi monday the fiilidayof jnenet at 10 vlocki a m for the bifprm04l fucting uirtetor for ihc tb wilio irbunn- ffrfnry kinplon may 5 isis whl rtufma llittint iu krtftjua iar watmittt vmimuto wkw paint yttkmiir llvkiii w sjmft ftirti nit ptik lltmtv yatcrloo fiih mill pinih 2lsl aiiili tali tlih loili 9tl 30ih fjlt u fl m m 14 li miv ii sept nh mil hilt rt 1 iii iniii lotb u smi 2 hi 2illi wjiil june lit oct ffth u olh m htli lllli idih igtb slst 2lt 2fitli solh nrw yric 1 qokth p tuv slleriliv oxroro mrmtv civ nmsiiir caiiinon cntirutim garutrx montcaim nrw woatlfir jnux it smdpy wen let marvh fllb u ihb t a ih n li tub mill illih april hjiily fth ntii icth tl sjm 2jli ri a ms tub lllli lrih ett h h if ii gib 1 ith hih 2fsi solh 1st fill nth null yisi 30th nv lb a ujvmojv iswwfi of liverpool packets comprising tho america mllltn rttcllrftkbi onto 1 j s kaucrrtt in a 11 qcihcvt eaitiitsi centtibuai ailtmnack aunv 1itatr ivajawt tile st geo li ks line ot li veupooi packets comprising the new ship andrew fosthr and tho patrick iiugiit inoias sardii po r w a r d1 important n g n otic e keductickn v st st xoucval et smttl iilfk llnihfti aryur amrtctca eurico gesmtaivlrfi har1vden cos line liverpoolpackets icavin ijvcrpoei every fificrn tlttys luring the summer months between june artfl4ciolcr all filtst class amuuican slllisp with every convenience for the comfort aad ly of paiscngcrs a prices grcatlff rciluctd rtiling punctually on tke ja bilvcrliscct between new york and iinion comprising ships st javbri nontmukrerland glauiator tonito switzcklaxd mcdiator qllkdec victori new wellixgta iicxkricxiioimon ixbwhfrcxcfti am 1mi fivvvi idtuce altltht- p ii it j f i f e fn 0 w j master u moyor i gihrou i- bunlin prttl knichl lsiark b iwiarf e mnrfnn linlwick hmrr k hnilirii m clnlwick days of sailing trom new york daysof sailing from jnikn wctmixitkij wsscur jit h uovov jtour ilxlnew jd chrdwick maro evas new e g tinker jan feb mar 1 p ic 24 1 8 10 21 1 may 1 sept april 10 24 1 10 21 june july aug u 10 2 1 8 it 21 1 e 10 21 1 8 10 34 oct no dec 44 1 a jo 21 1 p 10 21 1 8 10 24 1 8 ic 21- fcb mar t apri june a il il 11 y a 0 in n ut june july ll sept oct 21 2s b 13 21 2s 0 13 21 23 0 13 21 2 0 13 oct nov 41 icc i jan m feb 2u 8ft 0 13 21 2 0 13 21 28 0 13 21 25 0 13 rom movday nrxrnluriu puittiibil xttluk tajosiih rii1iora will rltrt 1u0 umlni i i 1 m el4takof plctjlullf frm hnccto sib icrtm in infl lrn pr tm ii ah other mrnhnnliacper tm an mrrirthsorask h co iliiinckn nnirov u cu rlrratroal 20tl may i84a 43 important to the public tunc suflscribkr aala rraadwiy mfrt hh ifthnlhunn of ll my vf kiafta dnj countfy ciirfallypthat be bi rtcneu a grain and provisloo storv in nftr of melxhvais nrir 1 jtjingm on 1u4k sxatikt wbvie lie will kp co- jtintlvo hi sstiou- if- v driffl do tlaeon park itkrrirr 411 j fit flmir ojlmtai tljun meat fnian cornoal itafcwheat pa dca sajc potaiaci lltniairai chccr and olhf r artidca connccleh vrxlh the trad too ninneus to mrrilioo all of which 1 r- uillcjllow forcah f- ii m armstrong kinjfloii 1s48 pilrada front laic tfurjliftli jtpcrs rolttii tiibtttkri in m1ndux fv r a iwavfny m it lfa wrhrrrrj h ulrfll n of mb nd tinp fi tlk tcflil if ifcnj tmpi lr im tattmti pwlk uroiioa hd jnf ur e- ptmataaf ao ilja4r- ll niwhirkrikt f il qmnikw iuuikh lwi bm nlr4 pa iitr ua in 1 jfifc it lb tlicnltc tlkj i lu iic m ht ruttnlct nitt i w in til j iruiiati1cltf ivnoai wwhioj u afajp aaaaaf 0 for hjcirfrkajda wchbtfyf uicbov fuf lntt loteanii mvnc frl y and and wile co just j t 0 butler cnbincl mavcr ond uliol8krer montreal street kington a general anaortment of ilie lateal style 4f furniture conatomu on lanil anil tor aalo of liberal terms co the british american hateb 177 by j tattcntok kinioft canada wot 57 jtamcdowafurricrllaucr brock street kingaton for made up t nnjor on the ahorteu notice for of every dofccriplinn boutil dnj sou matthew drummond grocer wfllltlwm wilaoo hy teleerapti 25 boxea aijtf rior fresh oranges lemons uekry dumble may i i 1 clstons hotel late hascos 5t imit stkekf atostftcau the underaignrj roapretfnlly rturna thana for uic liberal kagc received uy lum atnee lie h upentcuuial magnificent mansion formerly known m rascob ho tel and beg ir inform ilie pnu he km renovaic tlm vhow i all ftf h bftt shijh m- of lh bfti hnh 011 tjcrrfw mrnflk x tbu unw ttt ttn vtf niih f mm la hj f tli eoiotofi of slrfrape p ilin hiae atto enuotraltd stuqt dills lasiiku at crv unk in u lfbml ff frum 1 upward pat fttber iofrmvoi ifly lo harnoen 4 offices newvork6 wnllslmvl mpmea uaeand suthsl boston bcantsi and lusutast arfrwatwmw4fihmbflt a wnft itwl irrpj rwntrn wlf mhrpfcwfr ftf ff rf f at mafrrthn rhwlliuritiojl itihiwj jit jilmvlitt imm ufjfltkilf utor fr rtu rrunamc iw lalfj vw l1e oij wttirr fn rf liy mfbia to important to tilt public kingston city furnaoe and tin factory in full operation e a 511 own n c that tabliah- w nit it spirit tfuildnj kinatonc next merrhant to mr w f b kaylerj codi huimcr 4fij carriage hkcra princ prncc5 street hiniffltn robert wccormick nnd rcuil dealer in wnc roccnea prinrcs streeripk wholesale suirtu tea james fflcmillan teacher of muaic piano forica toned addrea win mcmillan auctioneer thompson ft carey jcnorol fnporlint on coiomijinn itothanis bnitd sueeinewyrk william ware general com- oiiaion agrm orvcr and auctioneer kippton c francis v carey n a surgeon aceouelieur tc c new- barfhtcacnrlen eaat moni and can afly aaatire ttoitjft wba rumor him with tueir patronc that nothing liall e wvhed on w arl to rontribttfj to twir conwnienco and com ftprr tho bills of fare the vines the baths urtcarrlagss and ihe internal uocorulinn of tins nplerdid ea tabtiahiiicut cannot bo vurnaavou by any on the coiiiinctit tho situation iiwiightrnl that part ofst paul street on which thu liouvo ftantla being eighty feet tvic anew street fifty fcot wide loaja jtnmediato- i y from the very front of tho hotel to tiio river and a compete ami extended viewof tho navigation of tw si law rence i distinctly accn from almost every window h clifton late of tho calejunia coring st paul street 9ih may is4s 39tf vi g 4 l to observe that m charec 1 areas moderate a any olbor hotel in llaq city walter eales painter glazier nd paper hanger prince street kiftfatm john blacklston nnilmnker no- 4 llardyaltoihlinga ontario sirrelz e ft a cnown tin smithy copper smitlw and tin plato woivcra lrincastroot kington james potwou ivnnvnoiicr cc hi waro mauufacturcrpcinccaaciucer kinjaloo- ice ioe ice w h albxahdbr respectfully nforma liiv friondanj the public general ly tliat lie ia prepared to anppfy them ihc ruifiq acaaon with ice upon moderate terma puncioaliiy will be oborvcj in tho delivery t 1itur reaitltfiicca every mooinjr families anpplieu fo tho aoaaon on reajnnnble trima order receive- at mr kjcit mc- cormiewa loro prince stroot or at mr impon corner of market iurc witt moot with nromnt atvmiiiitu kuaton sstli april ww m igol kiwh street lily repaired bamfords hotel c ii o returning tholr aiticero tlmnka m r frien ja and ibe public general f liberal patronage cxiemlej in hem hog to iallntato dial ihee havoin company with mr lvtiku iiamii lencj the foundkv latterly k a mlera fuumjry in b which hovinn lecn ihot wilh new cttpolaand mrkalri kcwtalrri dlowin marliint capable of meltin- t ina rate of 50 cwl pe ijit thoy aro nnw ppv in exeenie all onlcra in the casting line audi a aachttjery eill gearing etc e a ciiown bavsncaiboroueh knowleilgc of tho tin ami mr hamil ton of the furnace buainea het thero fnro feel nature by punctnnlity and strict niteiiliitn they will not fail to k latitfhciion to all who may favor them wiihlhoir patronago ckowxs hamilton have ennatant ly on hand a large aaaorimcni of tin sheet iron nnd copper waid cooking parlor hot air and other stove plough t plough piinta itoad scrapers jao amorgiheir aertmontnfstovcawill be found rwdti patent conking smv thi stove for economy in fuel coajtc- niencoand despatch in all the depart- natrata ofcoovin u nnaurpaved by any other ever invented they alao havo the inpiwvd northern fnrnier premium amenenn air tihl fancy pallor air i 1 six plate and other fancy sinvca nb all fcirula of work in the alve line diino to order t on tho ahorloatnotico i salo itoom in pnnceas street kington may s3 i8i3 w notice iiamfohd la lo return incefe tbankafur ilia patron- rs bor j r itpnai her deceased hu u 11114 s hmroho fornnwurda of ineftly yoir ami iiifomu tho piblc an j ihc fiiiinfn of the family that the mmsf in pfttnccis strret will lo cmiitinued in her name by herself nnd turn f her aona who respectfully rirncat a coiilinuanco of the euton ven to ihe deceased tito tarailt will always he supplied with the bi9t tbn market iltink and overy pntblo nilention will bo paid lo ihe comfort of those wbo may favor the hmiao with call n b attached lo tho houae is a lare atd commodioua yard and good stabling margaret fumford vm henrv damfohd alex bamforu kinkstnn may ic i84s 40lm notice ar 1 iim indehiod to trre estate nftholato thomas bamfoud of ihe city of kingston deuoasod are requested in mako immediate payment to either of tho undersigned and per anna having claima on the said eatate are desired lo present them duly authen ticated fur eotlleincnr mafttitgt hamforofiaecfo fltancis m hill kjmutara kincaton may tg 1sjs 40lm clirnoicle ot nows copy fr o mih bare antbo by the undersigned s00 cords hemlock bark for which altboral price will be iven wm fouu jvtf kingston may 1818 mf situation ho can kydimems f be 0 the subscriber has deteimincd catty out the ic free trade to all hi cuitomcrt aa ne h no hope a trcliea from the prarat itevrm owat k lectin w hatch chair sfafar priactu strctk kinjton may 3l 1 w m tr for sale a five oared gig hil w tciuii wi he loldjow willia5i ware kincunanri 1818 a- skiff for sale complktk wwi two iairof orsand ramer- ennulte al ihesbip rhanu no lurdyn j 1 1 re at itara ahacu roner lty sttte o uiiiljn ak a joilv iatjteraiteta frel long new uillbc vldlvtv wal r0aid3un kimpbm may jo tf wanted 1 j ya poraon duly fjialifiudi jj as ciiuo mastkr ieau if reuirid iiauk and lui 11 a school in iho country would prhbraed awly at tho offico of tho kingston jfrwm kiugslonjmay 22 isis 4tf delivered weekly rft c cil umkiis moxtrtfir reaamt ftilly oaaucc to the iolinrhiunttof kni- tkinxiil iu tilnlf iftil llify nmt rifl n ilt lotljon daily uiul wkekly kru mntrjt by ech hail fuaaanaf hariatf ragp lini willi 1rt lciil -1ik- fivfv saturday nnj riff ft mnnrl rrtiy kriilny 0 s4lurjav ao0jt ir weekly papera reeied w tic rrtt 13 pp ojrtotat tliri tuifctt hti7j nwt 10a pet f jnv rcivrrm lih ppr r lllwv iayx i lvn ioi act faauav n t iei in jiftftl wcplt nawararct lovperr jikcm gd petr 3n tahlkt jii to mitutctl ton 10 tjpiok or f thr im4m nmfft cotc obaiarj writmi apphclra 10 tle mi oicrt w inii jpt p4 ilc nmonl u tln si mi in iie olio tju zks jh etevirlv atr lb rfreited fr mid ftmmpp rifry mf mrilk ni a aitpptied to subietiucta 00 tiumt trtoi ada t of o pee efloi on y iiiwnjiociuim titit readmf urtnoft reeeif nf aymftt in odjner tliihfcu jnae 5 ih ftnki l m lite fnlii wmjg ofiico rill be i 5 notice he suhcrier lend era ma thanks tothe inhabitants of tho midland district for tho vcty liberal support roceived tvhilo iobuaineaa ia this city for years past and now leaders bia services as commission agent the promises now occupied hy him somhwcat cornr of the market sipiare will bo opened as an auc tion room on the 1st of juno next having oncagod the services of ah auc tiiincer a grocery sale and two fumi ture sales will bo bold each week viz iwpatagrtj frttny and saturdays advances made on all kinds of mor- chaudizepork flour c left for sattffroe of wharfao wm simpson n b w s filters himself that fiom hu onera knowledge of the gro rty liquor hatdwuro and prorisina trade all goods consigned 10 him atill receive rytry attention required ala of lands or other projicrty in tbe 1 v it v ationded to kniimon 27th may 1848 4if storage ixtcnsive atoilmtv for wfaeat havr or mrrehandijse at reamoabte talracan he obtained in tliate extcnaive nitlal covered pri 1- hiely occupied hy 1le que bec foiwarjinr coinpapy and foracrly known ii brown wharf hy application la cuvillifr sons moilreal i0hn patterson u ca iba kingston may 2tih 1818 fresh oysters and fruit daily by express coaftkr or uoy 1 t 1 1 v7 k f ts an m h pet sent im bj4 rcodifit fcccualher w foil saix one anchor cwl 0 dn 1ft cwl one slreaai anchor 9 cwt two chain 00 fathoms each 1 j inch william wartl kioptan april 12 18is a8 for sale colhome street known phe pmprrly on aftharwy collage ner the ctirquered inn city of kindlon ternw onelluru citti omclhird in one year ad the remain ifif oitcmbtrd in two ycars wilh itufasi a ua several lob in the vkinitv on ihe ime term with atitlwilhont imiimim thereon for varllcdan applv lu thv hrv korie okill stuart orlo jm1in s clute aeiiepr kingtloo april fttli is t lif cniiioit oakum far sale fay tbc sisl ritren brul 1 uttemsf pamts t knii ivv i81h lkv k n ljiacef shreel w atf city r rintnlon gas light company kliticji i tierpijy civrn tliat a aeenml in- lntnl of one found per shire of the stiric in ihe aim cumaiy will be due 00 llitli ii i of july anj at stockholders are ieuinicl 10 psy ihe ame tn the treamireral lurolficc of the cotipany in ihe city buihj iimjon cr hefw thai date hyodrrof ifie ward d tolkikn ivotheksioon srttqrv fiily ruildias may 1818 4ttf notice the snvcriber ii now daily receiving his spring supplies of teas tobaccos wines liquors slcars oils spices aind groceries which will he found on examination he larett and bct asnrted stock yet offered in the kinjctton market havoiiueoonection a soap and ptanfa fdeoy o prit facfory d totetherwith his nal lars aorlment or whiskey saleralobuley flotir oat mnl pnfkharh luconfe he is enabled tohou out inducements to town and country mar chanu of mtitidvinjlhemteues wilh a com pletealock of groceries from one elablh inenl which is an adeantare ia these hard time john carruthers akaamao doma ia tfehtieod iho pmttuclwnf htfownraatiec jtfosjtt 011 mswy days wuvf ihe metoipuli hire lcn jjrrdd fltth unjh it ir v- frhm f hc p nd prrmn lo ike bckeird atalc it af amtuaal j ihe amtmp nerei of fuftio in uie eairue f i lltcatrc al r i but utc uvii iwii ceveatcardcrt sl ji tlrtrf lktirjuno annuoeed tr rlhl mil rf r fiht ha ken on tal ai ihe olyinene tlteaifo the ppaart al im opati o t oaswif fnnn prmr t will be cei pvin ill- thai k ia pro htbta ivaa wav i- tkealre nav aeoe- i rn a f j m i lv eemontal arfialea thi t r i tt n lite london law bt fcigoen h i t tih ue roynoed pell lisbv mienoed lo be prtfulfd to hr iptleiofa rtj ihe mirmeeeol andornwrof iht lreeom 11 rif n h n r- rriji r 3 r k i jj j- t toj the f o- ia peution v ta tar ha fjw rrvaae a cemaaa to farta aaenj a j n j j w thaoi4oj rnea raiat peiitaeniarlnf lih ereat aurna iha aooavaieaaiaat eeot- pant r brelea artitta at th theatre uveal prgty lias nviat irjmble reotu lo veil ute at ci a i of t n i j ftou40 to i 1 1 i ibera ateadv aereral ivir to ladoi foe foreign performtnee la ihefoai injuiyflfealirii uwetrea in the oxeioptu alreade eatabfirtted and atoreoc to maiataia their aajastasaa il moat be evident thai aov ineraaaeof aneh tidaraaeea meat cease the iavncdiace eteeiaf of tl awia afiimt native laleni nd the aoowreaf par f new enfafed at ibe vartooa theeute m laemeunpelhi mofltudereived of iheir ssmale enee and not oolj are ihey peraooapf vtferaea bet ue numeme ertaoa and uwv famiea amooia lomanr ifimaanda uauaf lie eoa here to the if cf aia a thastaa in ihe nshropo- l be ataetlj deprived f i aneao r opoh viii petiiivaera therefore bajsslah pray j hen flwuae b aomo enacimeot to reetnel ihe njrif of feieo ilntree lo the raetropnlie o thoaa already eetairitaed in ihacountry and 10 afford your petiiienex eoch fwnber aod eber relief aa yvr heo loae eball deen roeef aod yvur petitiooee a io doty beood will ever pray drurylane tueatrc frana fir london tae ilhmfeneratlyveeo uw pris ol enfalonea ihet ihey are free from iheae iluberal ntiooa1 ere- judiora by naoai olhet eoontriee are die lineiahed il hae been their boaet and amsflajb en1iah iiiw hare in oaahreated by refeienere lha eaeehpuhtk hv meda oo repiiaaal f the perieien or lbs deliane hate miacvedueed iheaeeleea il bat nm taaeoeeidered a iirtiicni reaan f- eng lifhrrwo o mikedvet iheoiaeltee ikbeariae te deeirie if tbo ferejfn artiat euecred in jdeaejng enooch pmp to enable him lo pureea b feaainn in ihia nvetroonlia it ia oar ceemm lo elpw km lo armi on i he tu we allow him lo tumble ioto ehlivieo with oii soch ec ihoorhr aa enjglrah dnettlee boi wnebvee of acaaasi t aeeint think oiheviae- acordbok lo ihe apvarent erred of iheae individo- aa il la a meoiortei jpc1 la hte french aciers aimpfv teeoe bey aei in freac and to ptas arahrenfprf awvyfa aitenapcrf v pvaav ikaiaeelfwe tft ihe n r all ratiea borne u itrie isaaeai w think that ewne ei m brabii eve rti m w rpwu lbnb ofueotjm frenlfr rer of nj j leepeiaurfj tle hwrifue pafeeke lb- m e aaae wfcea afcey naaj ibi aaenue b will keaj wb rr o- lap irrj d lets eipreiel eate net u m ibrw rftd ft thy e roneerikd in evh in a hthiii at thennelwiortlretedvfj iet tw t- v fpeeid ther ehtnt f td af y queen k w pnt ibe nw ea wedoh- pjay eaamtenev em in e ljvoft c fof whai avav v had o do atwaf or wkv he ioeoed tbi bean penally w rf knor bi are ewg eertaialt viy ikat pbtavf the eirceemaiieea three fnae were mure il ii ihce euen wm j imto v m tovreaborihe drama wlueh eotripriaad iho fret eairr of v i c 4ate ee ei m f ovioieekmuatameaoch ao eecaiion wvwoiwtiniejvnhanvehataer a owa- awre eneedlartntb4e ftiutm mnmm lobivewnliurrweeeearl tne 44 iwjssfs eeid tfew money t en j rate e awmstl ed ihe sjamsuassenl utey basoaawla croah 1 a- he in eeneliain iit ue preneb ellenaea wlwereperni alike eecnctavt oi ddno uvethelikinciorevw ntrreeted persoaa cot o cin the r i pjeenaa the london chartist vena le te a eae ik tos peaeerel d oftihiv fwlpeed freea april 10 so j ewe t aaada au jaeraed erne i il eadad aeardeyt to am hbwba iva tn rah theea m atalnajj l to meed amiuf aiaeof aba hjaalaaa ties lite aaoat owaraaate poena j itavaujajs ef dewaoad leaweei lb and v eae i ruag r- j end a bje d ancaklor bos el paee iav b nd atandeeed mih ia taobaweweoom irno jninilvmj the aaejuace meeliag buhhop brnnrf oelda napf ae oolj ulo a of eeeftieoee cleaktriwl grw uvh e rnornent nited berinaddaej did htbao- iribouiiihaittloa iid mwaan aptsv flvuinlli cetvdeo did not pw nh ii rrpohue the new ce area m mknaiepinofn io daewi saaaasdvj sjavl set ieterreeitrio it laaaheah laateia tftsrosaasa no myriede aoeiij vao sxna ueaewnaa bucfcbraui or drinrhtf aveea the ykv of 34- rnenu or kitonaa ui le cwaamiwl market there araj oe dsweiien- theea aaao wtiliafaaaeaeaatyoetbu aaymibeaa a so he awtaal an eaatoiwaife aaap4by eaaea aowiaay there neee necr more caen ia to one rvtuatly than mar tv sosrt soy hear of the day at earn tence tva the portko ef afce hajtwi gejkvrr tbwoodedthelflihef ioas ttne d w ba n ft f rv eafaajrf iaieok tv klnplon sfitll may 18l6 44if new arrangement royal mail line of if n otic k avxfi leaded ihe iftion nf iniri in lunt sltcrl tatelv pcaiadryt me a iraia heunrn ihi ci amhuiciii the jioc liiiiei t tiavc pwwreri rrcommendinji them to ihc p my rrr ecnpieil lo mcw cuoivy 5l v arias intend carrying ereat lri g ot my r0 rmtnrnera asm ihe pumie taw y to s ii m i now he in rvinni my sincere thrba for ttie lulfonejfe i receive while in avima cllllfktopilea miller kinun my 7 ifth lllf sultilllolt whiskey iiutnt twifliller of rirhfihll jlxes sioine ihr liiucortaiilly j fiatid rjud ff sale low hy between kingston and brighton the suhtcriber reprelfuy intimates to ihe piimic that h na commenced ranaiae a lin of stages between kingston and brighton via the front road through ernesto bath frelemkhurirh nd adotphiumwr croiiocnver al the stone mill to the princ bjarnrd district leaving kinctrm every evemncsoid4y excepted al 5 oclock oe immtdialrly after the arrival of the mail steamer from montreil and learm llrihtoo every morning sunday exctpud al 8 clock for seah apoly to the proprietor at kuiee- ton ami to j isa wood eafl blfhton rv all lutpgn st the rik of the ownc ii looked and paid for george mink proprietor kington lcth may iftlft lasl ow ulc rjn 2th may 1h1k s janes fresh oysters la eckiveu i imimuil nr ii weekly ttfo new yofb at 5jiadev ivehah va4 fou sale 20 ry tug sucscrk ders kkfij nr rnlter rm- fine rtvered vvhiaey- jciiin patterson k co kindlon may mut mix 1 i in siiiokcd llama ijiim- suh ctflthta hams of et- r crlmit itil and juerior flavor for sale hy the tibeiur j j11hn 1hlliar0 matket suuare may u 1w6v 41jki damn a frenci phy vfeee ihe rwiflf ef the eof tain purpoe to liiw umt it if neilhcr ihe dot nero nnr the imamaliy of the pndoeilon iht ortvnda ihem thie new act of m pfoteetion- tali aaaembled uat nht triibin the watt nf droryuoe thoalre vbieh ml npened for tne pertaenaanoa of ihc puv of ntanle carta wrlh iheeneieavny foms u10 m tlietaeinve ef v- and 11 ep the nvet jm r- af t iliiblvn nf illiberelitf that can be eooaeived warn we rr oonvineed ihet ihe eoaduet of theac peraoo wae rrdedwnhdaiiflbyiheta the aodicnee we ahnuld feet ulhemed at the feeav peet of iha druryune dieuubeoco heioar hnowe to the reetdenu of parte the mw arc hftv to record it a etopid nw not ynlv abiwinr the althereuy of hc rieteve hoi ihee paueity of iarmn io the old t r tr thenv ere aeroe humoer a fnndfae now end tlien found ila way iota the enne hot here wee abia dolldimldreory dlapuy nf matte oily which waa crteclire from the mere fact llmt it waa weariowne the row wae a alow tueaoane awa one ceotd ovt have enneeieed en much noiae miard up with a dwotav of aeponac ehercctct favotll arfetd have deavaaed such koavr rea4p the pnnt frcobvnew did sit thev eoum 10 conciliate ibi aeimme rpeennn of the oriiwh public tvy npeoed by plevief ced eave the qecn and when tweee three time enetwarde the riotera who arrre bvyal to a uuk ew lloa rceavwj ovtnanded a rwnnien ef the bn- thetn iv mtlj complied i the rtyni tneptanofeiapne gl aave the qeeen as a r ii foe epmer hurmwed levo lira old o f da end waomher enark oftbe wanl adeeiftails if which aijfnetied uv proceedp of laet oifbi th rirrtfil 1 lnrvnf siir biailif thrmifb trvireliietlee and otlanaf duuaacunia tioas u upwenje of three h- wilhnwt any reav ewt and we wonder in what cwadilw tlwir leno muet he at ihc pasent aieevant m jebtcn oe issjsj of he hooer atiempted in reevaee ordev hot net a weed his erwoeh vaa hcerd and the nnae pi ri r j 1 dreare cwuree the termination of ilia ptccc s -1- of ihe demoeiraiofa wore mtls pleear a whieh durtfuved their liai and which roenrded aneaetbinf aonot ibe waot nl eracaorefo meet i ihe eaflwh drama io jfrrhv tw e ihree india joel m the pit thneehi it the heifili rhutonor input up inir umbrellas but inepnueo deenwd it m tillbeiler die 10 oedikt three pee- nel of the huee whuji peoeeedin prrtcntrd a repetition t the pteaeantiy a perewi u tho bntea are fa le lake oft hi coat and fiht lir and uw rwebty or ile foei une in i i nifuioj -ud- ncrerdtd wo was a bat there wae climi it hod lajrtfwajhiftw4jaj unm int mljl poorhcjydy fole uw uoi by 6whfiee se rftlch iliuo frcmh fifv vrf th fare fetter of enem benneu and dtceao r boy of etopenca and chvke retoaesd row hoare beivrc ihcirtime ah the geonae vwjauiwt r ih crftad phartouof all a end avke bat the fvim teniae of cfjtaewi haa liloe tn do with frieaeooi svcreatuo- seletaw turn 10 bethoal green fraea ao mdm anew ene rathe t ftid rcorc enrrcnju or pepn- aueo had liotidly ece in towarda rrhs bntiw ckamp ev mr scaitered over a epaoa enpa- eiuve eanef h to centain a very unre crowd ween the maleriela of a vary utile one te appoint hnwr bijf with the tale of lhuonvy tm as und se tar the hearcos wer pfnpjuioa why area ihe poceful newvanearetvo eot aeedf here were the p al se 6j ibo lt 13a t what had befarka the ftonelt and tse fitieeratd ooedre ibe enevanneap 0 liberty the repimrem jt4 end oltiaechepraroiture ef i thvi ieaoontolil too chartiet eiecativav wieh ef dtewt ai teoaf ae el h et has tteao wlltiin the foul wfj ef ncwtjla cyryd nnro- tnctrd cierriae of rno tioo and enqtctenee wudy caneiwrtd the saodey aad the fcttewi- nwaiajfia a aher eaaftriaon of omii mumtfr wcih that of iae reipewoe pewor they apeaaa- hendedwith w i ciiri urn f firrirnilii not ln lend lo alkw ue dcmwijv4vv aeuhad bowa fittlj eaaly at they were credibly infcrmed ihraob hss f ftitovejwheltauif corce in the ebc ef loga gsede lafenlrycbcsaaa f end paftcaw na i of the latter they naw re katinp bjeeeaa bwi n eeeac raaed with sxeseaa aod ctalaawa mdptbmi in more eoritt u they bacnei 10 ft pte no4y carioea of a rhonwh datismfttnn 00 ihe prt or i1 iho cunililuted antvthhea 10 tio nvernes ef any kind theea etpeevenere thoae gtuwlnf eoii ci ot dnerr md nunaifur otioaoof prudence anemvoki hftttead the remit abnot neon 0- mdonaix am etoootieaa lsw e drew noar lo one of the rafwiei on the fojond and pot to bias ao urtarrvfejem of rrjinrntjuj hfnj6uneav he uked ensahef waacertejnly tee auentjoa ef the aathaeitjna am in ana the iinwainjj tlie anwe waa atcoi6ceal vea sir thai eel ttiilarearat eras lltofnoofct rjsaotretion of tho iihirjor d mdij1aeiwrqfrj od dicaatrdihow waeaw lie re lewd laaaeaev r 1 eiid preecedad with ii ijlpw 1 jffu ovtirentiae end teleftue ictihi ha had foef leceirvd wftibf haalily lorj ibe ftoesd be ofrmjroaled firet lo ono frwp n j iheaa to ftoothef thai there waold he no nsonjof aawaea gnvvrneoeat woeed iw4 anew u end fjaat ihop hod belle f honio and rnnav vhal we neat lab done- lere wae no jtarnaiitrbel a take ihi advices vtheo the lender refbere m lead and iu coenjttoc dcetrwa to ftdviaa tbn client moat betake tuarclf so hi owvpvitnu 8e nhet ihero wftof a erowdwr laejy crowd jwnoraiad leethwilh ths ftaed the pceccfev dvireujtratua an a mcietmury dawewacd too u iheit htnana fk n eiiliaiod ad a hcr aeae ae a root the rkwi nmed fte ifebijbopo take and fif ot eclehrtiy ereeofninwejo bonkevf tire rejcov oawlj ebjecle wf iniereet ff tranoeie vetera pakawo acaidiikarfeehwneie seer ernwhnio rwewtyhnb iedtoweof ittiaaa lyaajan uteraaaoo tnhan the vrvw eajbethne- iitai ik infftier