en ihe tm rue ihe neceiiy b tx ru iujrf for he a tvir sbe rn inert n j- h of pmw isca i yiri irand tjdhdrivtftnoit vvlthand citiramij frxn r nefbtnj ndd b art ilk itri tie nre nd ia eel ire fjtkn htmvnct if b llmfi 4 awtd wlhaprm hafl etnfitifd itrelfln lttmril llli nwhiersiifii bfef ute i rw lit tr ttw iu pwum enjw tbm iil rbl tow nrrh rfittivai tvtrdl- anlehl kate n hr v sd ertk prerlv cel nrihnl lps mimlhlc ii r nhilf 1 that liffe wy r f- eriec ryl jree tli fcilhi rt red n nitr pein ef tleii mrllv tbe itiitii urnne uiocnn mftinfrnp plvnuf itreft vlio iiso permit lwnulvein be the pecyol vjinf eelrrh ranlt iafrft pic frfl tarrew rue ihe neceh ibe eee jiw mjwy fcl flmtvo tvrim fee p fr villi h aeeuaj j llivl in tic nt f nitftmpvil dinvnttiee l nj lei t il tl ivl in lhc ur all tlui teidcer l ill i prrtvi1r iiriueil tir rn- n ft ri4 r tpete efift plt ll fh if over lyl im1 i wif ln rimlif ihe peftfao no ibrir rpifhu1 civ tafe jitl tlf mtit-r- i terndtie vfttaprf h if imenion pm h ml h mjy ifmthrf sdvwes yub tirfilnnf ntl euiiinni en ityillr ie him fmjr pot etmjrlij n- tected it s fti ped thmujb fllfc of bner at 1iv lwlf i rttfl foi tvu h fnhrr mh fn inip in if priiivf f firhf om im hi filf iwftp f r nfi lh 1 r7 hinfw f fjcvftn- hffrr4f hfv 1vl inimc gyii- itvnl nl u tif fcnittfl a 1irf i vrm v pis ir1 rif llt ili irst rf rjtt ft tiui frhn rflv itf i s4 llffy ll ite- rlf kfmlvi n1 dii nm il i fv m ikiitstrr vin iii fir v ll lw k fft fflom tit t fi stftfi nii d i fwi hi h fmftftt lk i fmifiti ywiw n1 l hw hit lix lrt btviicof bifml of details of t1ik kews hv the acadia tfltc misis in ireland ca titlbir a- i nt to j1y t ll frr taltraltjy pbii tbu vr ore fin lf t f a iriii trtio it ni c- llfdfdotntrthirint otr rlot ai v- ivhc ir filiaii v ef 5vf titmoul ptmrhn itlltr r raifim him ftflhcjf ftur tr tltl rd llin liiimit iuff ll iii mnrfttil ta iran- itmwipc 1 tittiitf fcimwi tit a- twfjrfmfh cf lpt jihn kisiir m ufmifj b l i ji id ihr firt loi fim nrj nrtfx1 imp qy i hcufs virr fv lii c ror to ilo i m tfcf riililrj fct bfc imam gmully aug- nfiilct- on frtaiy rvttrinr t cfmpanijrw wy fftm ariitr ftxitt iktr rmvr inifi mfikv fvnyhr ratfwfiy nd at ilin ol fin sgniuv ifrin irfffl envrvfj ivffjiry1 srfifht wl are lhf 9h im lico cofhienif ff lmflmj m l- iifin if ilie st rifff afiil a ffafiijnn af i 4ll dnffftou cioarm llw imb nivj im h ire piittaffrpr fnf dtmin 11if cfrrrilrcit of ihe wi crvrmnv v ditifo inly 56 hjn thf dmimlf jifamcrbmift rntnii knjowo mwrwr hi nftnific with qof fft nrffiftjpff ctornwi fioi ioiifn witli a cy of lb art fir htfvfi4n hf wfvu vrw a fpfui min rjv at prtriovdi aj rortcitrrr rtrccvcd t fihad lo dhivrr il lht lhtc lf0 tin fttrmdiai uiw fjlfrfiiril q a cffimrilif uiirobrcf at ift aail u h fulfil hwi onf frfith heir- lalafj nni ofirhlv caiitclrf wiib the rcroju liniy rtnnfircnl mc 10 li al iliit injur bitiai foaretefw ifc ailrtify crcrral and solicitor ccnrrl are al ibe ct- llf and it ha lf ra avranfcl tat ihfr war rant art o he ifxrid lui anernoji of soailli 0brian ami mtml olncr lfaita wtvr fatnavbiljc lac clnka tbnnliot ih eunli v re lo lie takto into cuiojy to- atthljaorfif ihriirarl arflllv not trad ta an natliak iliy will be brmicut pi to pablia timfwfow lite account ftoat tht snth tbi matfisna a really mim alaimf- im ihe catfctfrie i rilm ad appear to e l iaaar aa to cfialtfrplato ao i m u rift lion- and iatjce0 aleeajy hiry rate 05p jinle phof i cf ao hclaal fiitneak la decfual aaaicly and apireaertin prrtalk amantl tfe enty jth th well jfopotfd af all cla pamkaitii hava eotne ii t rvke reprteatttia to the eoverataem of the tala of llirif ilidrkt ai riouiiiht aiw for their tenantry to hefjiovlhimattiliw aij mtprh aeaiom any ioifii tnoreinnl finl frfmhani freoi cavao and mratea ffom wicklat iteath and other cowir hae ii in rtttaniafie nt the cafletday tfca danaet ia imtoitvm 0jt the lvd lirnleaaot ia well pteared and jetariiivd pmciptly to enth ir he cannot iirevent any insnrrtetiofi breed on ly the wicked lacn who aie now erfearofiiit to imfocf a eonvina itetajt aae eootaiily anitifit f irianf and deplrjina for the sth where the jn i ii tnnt nrvhrirjr- at ow oclock touy reiieeot uf catajrytcctltij a tttmab order for kilkene y a tiraap of thslh ttof m tqntt from cotv lo kilrmdrtv af hen nided t liti at krkenntairre it ia ia be miitinnl frt ih pmeni rmr eouipanlr oj the 69h v- i aliih laofrd thia atminini frtm ieiti1 trt 11 rorcber dircf i for kllkfnitr the remainder if the rrinrnt rr il ariiral btf till r ceed lo the deitioalion at an eaily iraqr p at r ratly ueorthi nomns the ieioi the i7ih lacer with two niecea of nrl- nance left unah utt dorkfbauhlin coumy of mvatls berc diatoibaixra are affjw he tided the piaice u tie out tatlofi in lha duiucvi eaaiqilea who wocld he comfara lively de- faankll uae ofoulhreak haw her n or dered to coccntrala at the chief atatiiim the t7teriiment acufiiiea haa dvclinai fully per ernt at nur sxk kachattj to- dickail tile iwoj nearly 50jxjo 4ay coinnu fii from i to 83 nouvilv atafidinir alt uia alaun fr which mnfuttti- rutely bete vrte cme frritm i nhatl clna la the fcnp that then will be rm in- irrecttrn indeed my belief it jt menra beftr i 4t there will bf ni eritiu enhfeak and bat liie nrrnaieot will he aulc to crih at e cuy iniirrrcifiaiv attetn llir ffjiirdfan ef sir cbartra naprr hac ntivd at ore r fhkfflailfr it fio i if clarenirtf wits ronie nf the children f lit jord lieutenant ft kinjaln ibih re reinc fr enebnd i care eea icher fejt uatway koacnnrtnn an even feo 1 ippjrtt wtifh alale the conviction of the wriiera that thee will be n outwak the r p are located in tatu part n the town ami can be at aity vinl on the ahattaal nntlfae jltf hff lha dle alffcrlni rtva hhi mwii llm3 pmtt- n hi heen nt in iviliarrirnt tinned j tie tr of seflon the miyoe and a nieal iinmlier ef ihc teicbv mr iits and inhauli t- l the lowti traviitc ibal the nrovimfli of the fw iifhltaawaaarjtiiitan bim mavbea if w v lirepol init i i 1 a mlrr for an inevaaliilar jliwtvff that if rat now and 0ey aie ftt sjheiy to fiiht wr have alwaya eieen trm eedil fe lri aol- anal ifpaco ntwb and wt thiik aoatilt injeej ihev ctnf it ihy eonij w rhieal ne r their iraddited faluw- h kfep thrrn by fotre at tlaeif head ainl we tmretand that they bare folly nnp i1ipmetre with teernment by their ieoeeetiem of lb lasl few day 0 we teantiat avoid the roivriita that ilia eiflte u imrhndiok aid certiiily never will he fneernmeiit of hi coqluf enae in one with a eea-e- eonfimr of rln or a s iiojnknoui cnc uf rnrc t 4ii w v i and ihrv inar eu 1 1 ia eetnrkble that r the ral amoont rpaviee rfoleyafcy wlsirh e- hts in ireland the aeloal eaciiement ef tbe tnora fjnjrti charaeter i arv rnneh leaa widely ditied ihatiaiighl kavcteeftt- yatfa4p tfte ieel and nerlh r eomnaratirel f-e- from the eonlaion lhiiih for vrir dsffefmi r k the aeeonnl wbieh we reeeia from vafftta clara aej neaty ibe whole of rcftnaeifhi ae freerawe aa reaidi present ttaeqnilliy and the aparent aueeee of el aiierrrtrtirecf ltrirffs ifn ihee-ieainn- itaihv peeiifaia won rnimiiivej more antr lti to lha snilnence of ihri eletar which ia rat preeenl everted lo prevent rehclon and anntej alaeled hy phiiral depreaaio4i of ex treme diatre tieoraniitition of theelub ha in cty few intaoc leen elahihe h 1i fie wel if h shaaaoe nor hare avt heaed eaeept in calway ef any nrpt heint mae fnr irjurtrcliee rrfaitoy no aawr iafesi anonjc tbe centty ubtexiaaafft the deenrr nation of loyalty tad of phvvtaj ffirer made by ihr fdriorcirp of le i2th of jolyba prntfmm the poaailhlity of anf 1 arcaienil outbreak in that province weda 9 potrsnact aeen aavtial tirtrtc there jo lha aetrbfin and rnidun connlua of jww ifiree is different j tfce pepseart n atcrtftic deletintned race aoeen- ajila af the entlih eoetaratifty wejl off ti the prat oiiyirity roman p thfjir thsraaw and ercamxation render theaa leia pjnnr 1o the wild cctemrnl of the ce- jrc seiiabat ihej are tbaroohly anti- jvrjluyli io foalliej and u ijl surry ri if they ealianeofictcc accordmjy llkinn rol iromediairty mrnnecd we hocld not to atfl itrxiiied on beating of the ireejrretllaj in lovt meaih weal ihalh and even hobjin aarl wicklnir- oratfiewbcjr howerer jheieaeems rcarlt 4 1aaaaitei thraarjch ibe pnat iftafinaa that at lirat tha iflfurreclon willj despatched olhviwiae idhe imner latawfiandloriatateeuconpjirs namelrtf lfc r irote theft at every nrnn cnek ivlrrftaal rrlcir trppfrjjf anrtf arraoli ivre poi h relr rrt to ilia saitie kjt noituaiahtr adra m region p f cic of lh rtnnil to aetpn hmd jbai it woi ba either or lediooi aih to deal with lo menaced rfntinie the ar 1roov infl 5xoiarislalary and neivrilh tadinr u ntta tolfce coivfeavyjwc are con- viiloed tint th iatiet wilt lim aa well a the former oo lha ohrr bani the teheu caiuidi rautereaenaiiedmaabrofafaiej afftfwr iheoa isere rrjiutbe oie mol ho dcfteney not orfly tn militlty leaden and ia mnin i conndrnee bnf jn acimoiiiliim n- an vj tle jjocrfneit tail nrit vldreed ia eonrr of saiith 0cnen pre- ceedinga at mullinahne where a larce meefinf wa lately held by ihenv the coremmem have iaed order far lha iwroa linn of a camp there a atii a at iiljiown alady formed near the aeatof the karl of urhnfhijh at ihe ifih aliah cosppay wort neaf halinaiy 7ipeiary the wntk- tnen all rtluined to ikcir work mteedatt and arm thai tvere laken frc faaeral parties ihe day befnte render to rja nwaera oor latcat acconnt from ireland male lha atreu for irainine and drillin- had taken ldaee i pozheri that it iraa rnnvrred thi smith 0ltrien had been e apt wed uial the rmliee had made a aearcb ft r arena in frtj- ihree hovtea at kcaame ifutanl of time samp wera refoaccteai tlwraday for the pttcn and the avfov v hich therefore eonld not appear yeerijjy inumttch a lliey were imv si tie ninnt and rrlactioa weapeot there will a pike a p aavrdance hal in flat faien selda th pib ll the bands of raw 5ci pined men ia a very inefftetire ana i- 1 preisahle that wiptawifl way te hied i- cork waierford and jimerick hut w bel lieve that the naval and miliiay fvc cf whiell rufftoand thtiae lawn ifr ch at uj put a vntfiirried irailarkt ont of the 0ieiioip the rnortaoiion will then reunite iuelf lata a jcnrrilla warfare and tn tbai cae we fear llrat a feeat injnfy may he done to life and property bill even iba cannot lit ion theaeaon of be year ia axawl thenv eeery oe rho is familiar with ihe atyeel nf rural dimricta i belaad know that in joly 1nnt uvardly any com left in the country there ar nm jtoutov thmyaar and we htee raodotbi that a lonj note which wi havo had of what it now comintr haa alioved r iae ptoiotioa of the frraet to lake 00- jre for placinelhctr stock tnileecf aafity vary ahon time accordingly wll nttwe in nirve the rebel ant cf the niftunlaift fjl- uf in whjeb hey will take refuse and with which iadecd if tt he neeeevary to fmnne ifcem fc oraaatibatlaey are a weitae- q lainted aa ibrraaailvrt if tha imprrhab eootiorory of aa ealettaive and prhinied rebnion aiie all other ctkideiation mui ln auftincrd t he jveaeivalon of hf- and pin- verry in iffftaal and of ibe inriiy v iw ranpire but aa wo 6n1y betiee 1bt liie rral7t aod lha raniabolary witl nl down s liw rmnt owcewe civiai tfee wii hote m0 adevrjivalutj u aftir a civil war 1 efliicn fey anriin the o anjemfti of tfie aaeib sacua covrae aood iry ibe funda i wool fuiaiaafilaanalootfatoihovof nhfch thapriaanlfiatii iaitaattji feuuaojcim- itjeljrd tjerjtenajit ha iiacj a prccu- riion f mapraang ibeclnii- tlaf aropixottfatra aaya dprinjt thaeat rk lvcroonl haa been tn a half of aaaa1feimnr ih prvvenl wmct of aoutieal afftita in caaaland leader the naeaea are neot4ned tfichijin mr weaher mr j mlihm ilr flo rmn jr hlr fantieny mr darcey may ov me devtn iteitly ha retnmrd to thftnotih mr laor has- ihe oinmcr ueder mr m 1 pc t hreatbn conntiy aif and he- whole- lierary phalanx aa mr ft orienonee termed the confnde ration seems hroken arnl rontrd ftrm far rnon 77c jvhj 29 the afale nf ireland ha been tlic abiorhio ibatnt cut ideret dmin ihe week liie cnfrderaiea it n the jiy of avpa now eitlirely tlmw frt ihe maek and dee1ne their tjpectiivnr- wiipoae l lo hl and capture ihe 4000ioojerltinted ift ifejand and ien ciiahtah a ea rraldic ilia eaentfof the last i n day navo ojeaejtfie eyea of evfry ennin bwrr of order and rval jikaty and ill dixw beinc- cast aaide the only oiieiifjms in what mode tocrufji ibo ffnl icurtiii which baa amnt bto ken onl afer iho announcement in eatr int nomaer of ihe iutenliafi of toed l hn rueel in pro wc a npena1oii aflba aao rortll aa te- prck iieland ourrvadcrs wtl n- prepared ftilbomovt vison rpmiore aeeardinly on a1urdy thed lnt lordship in a ckar taa4oawaiiilf jeech which was only iiteunpcd by hie appfovinc hoq of alrawal cvetv infmbef in the house of conim tnnvtd for leave to uu in a hill which t 1 nn n t t cu jr 1 ava avbo raahar nt e caaatad faatf lasfal atuhart tka fxuwipoe iady of rejaleta and tfiair deaijaa uhafittet tn aet awol fjmjijilcarlaay awtaveav ahofjld anob la aaleweavd havlm ua week lar enayor aa4aarriiabara waw actitrky wgi aa ari ha afaral wimat acd tldr taa euzfw taweawsag he cica twae taaiawij u avmwi z0 tta mr jwaiev a maawl dafi bow bean w 1 ttaraw oiayawtuaa and firewk tf rtw kaaw aaiamaiy knotvn as a snaprnon of ibe kubcoss rorutti aelny which the iotd lieutenant of flyaabajp forth lime hvinar i enapej appr bend and detain uui1 the fit of march luh peianim aa shall act against the queen and oeinmcnl oit of nr londtn cntrefrn orients deciilw the scene in ibe llmvr of cf mmon- na ne of tha mol exeiline ever witnessed 13e inel realnte tone of lrd john ittnanfllj w bn poe it hia ite st slvle aas not more tt mtrabte than ihe timely arl judieinua oler- vaiona of sir rtdictt v cordialla rupttofted the minieler not cnid any lietier piool he atrea of ibe praetieal charaeter of cur knar h institution than the universal aorobatmn nhlchchcceil errry aenirnee of ineminuierof lha crown whim mr ftf git 0 ajtoke nlnom every member rose and qnhted to houje the bill wa eastaed tlnouh rtrty iae an saturday and war carried lo ihe itosconmviidiy irjeathe s- rule or ordera were a pended which fjom i fa not brine a rnooy hid was itiinecesaiy in ihe cammon and ihe bill parsed ihe mtasl at thai sitting and received lha 10yal atrial on tueaday tlnr nouaof tha jamaoatralionon use pari of the government created n eatraotdioary enaoiton in hetand and at the moment tht lift waa actually in nforem thrruiah tha i i i ilia ulon joiiiial of uuuin wrr roiniiiif forth ihejajl conccrihrtil reaoju of jlivir aner a ruj despair antaiioua ar llclea apjieared aj hat ronfrdmia joornaia aatiajr aa iniliah af iho panlaa now in ffrwsle ni1 1 11 ribjn in violence flnylhink wblih baa mlhail ifpeu in lithar tha i rloa triune oi a of sort nowjsr ftlvat i the watehwoid of the crbdi and itttlv doubt can tie enleilained that the conflict will be wbtt ibey have ro lona and 0 ardemly wihej rhorl and deuive we think howvr that the 4000 well rained brave feifows ihe qnerr aoldiers whoarofo he cptiirew aivd kilw will alive a snort account of themselves and will not o readily iem to these empty brawler aa we really vlrtve they will turn out lo be after nm il is generally eroded tbtt warrants hat batn i4fkdaaainl smith ftlitien wtiow ehfrttrv of beeomin lint j miinler is mravnlniily diminivbed ho lua left dnhln an yei eccupd by is last aociunl in lh toau cf ktmircoftby cm sjurjaj in oraniatn lie cnhmovtiiuni ll i 4id th weafoid i peaeeamy in- elined hut the crmaitie of tipetaiy kil kenny cork and f jitiivk arc ajj nv for an outlieenk tie alarm eema hourly to inemaf tnu no one enrertaina a hope thai lh can pva awy without aomo liifliuj jtnivi of bhio1 a fxcijt ha been foimed in pheonia paifc liii several additional rriirenusitl an cttwctive firrco of artulervt hav bectt poured ilvlo lieland and our own lowm where an zmntty jiuh arc located not bavin escaped the duaiteciion has received a ufijy accession of invtpjj readv to pnl dnwn a spirit of rebvuio which wn lieeimtin i manifest itstlf ihe ample civil and tnitiury measures adopted muu htnvevcr sunkre any mad aluinpl to diiutb the peace of our town the tmi lieinenant baa issued a furiher ptcelamatton deinc thr city and county nf hicuhy and ibe remaining itotttmu of the cotmitet cvrk and alterfrd lancer the proviaena f iv crime 1 peeaaion aelt lame fjtijntiif lf arm are h to have been tetnuved imm dublin ltvsand jfca ea- lenive pike maker ba quenched hi uu and reatovedthesccucof his ljltoreuerthoic 1 1 haw remain to be aeef i whether uie ro- visien of the arms act will be complied with prlict not licensed must uajuvf the severe peuaiiyf two year iniinument ieldup ibeir arms at tin dntes ned by the teeeitve innela motions am it in mnal probable that ihe fiit -ii- mw aiiv i il rrulvt eufoicmnera of this law at the mrnntc are wriirij n addi tional new ha rraelied m irnm dnvin xtr smith fvuien and mr ihaahor wrre evitecid to bo al kiiltny on wvlncsjay of cfhirp every hour milit brin forth some run iiictdcnt which would attar the wh ptcea appertnce of alttr at wterfjid the arrival of ilooti had aven crinjcncf and the oporiure relqru fmrn abroad of con tjdnablr detachmei l bjs enbhd the pro ment to inciese the army in ireland wihont undvly wvckenitf the sliensjth jf ihe fereei distributed ibmuu kiiaitd ilie tilth rccrno left iohjii at rtoim on aveiliisda cnstinedalmi for ireland and one drtwdbaf taliionsnf the ruajs will ft jlnw if rtejuireil sir charles nar with hie fleet midr li ccaiwnaital cortfla of five late shij of war and many trllrf veels 1i niri1 at cnrv the latett account ftora frelnnd are of a sneatv cbanctar it caanoi hawaver iv i 1 j tbal ihr news of the surdion of the aioa rornui act ha atihctc a eomjrfete psnc aiti te inmrent leader and the ofucrs of he cluss they are leptwrntvd as flyiac ia alt dirrclfoua mp have de- campr by tha railway to the south and aiiaay ksavtcoine to jjverpo by the letner the cvremmenr hi put a amp 10 ahwsa of the piisa rejulaiion hv ul-r- t j brrna n ider pretefitv wih teir jeal adviser forth 10 the wmmibeif editffnikcmpnitiors au cnmuiinicitloj w ih pi onem i tiicily nidibjied at one of the lvci crub in dublin ibe vtj ia aufauu only two mfinbr ventuird lo mibo their appearance on ttztmy ni m and tlv rwviier of th hotiat ha wrelv fojttdden any fuliire remisea u sihlifc iv- thk nnmsii pjiliamextr ia the hawac of ctwmrma ru weiesday niht ttsc repeal of he union defcalra i- on aam oftr the atjiumiineit from tlhc ll of antil the wiiimtois of iho dcllape ci rjenijv avoided rtlchnn ttwy tried in vain to iiwipone turn nivsion stie rfi and were renfwhed by sir tftn min hall foriprcsinj lhr rjiestintl if theta4aiil4llrnt birt m r1y t k mtili vaie im ifdhl ryell in a brief eeeeltoointe mil l lmi inenii imw nvaeli usfff wtt eninrfshy heirsj urtmltlvd i a pailicitiidimiof ihe lutixrij f 1jd iv y tiij tfit want adfvti ntho ieiioi ljwii a wnu loc larliaajsut t ci lotion fou whiiim il inionow they tbev ad ah lories ill 1 il wis ine- by which lior nu of contntu rotation conltiyterj to em ire encri the hioe aeemed m ihrri taay lajuw a line awtweeai iih jho wijteil tr cnislitufrnil a fm mdttevi wh were nlt-mplii- by finye and ittrtre1tfi t stiireri thtf two rju7iu s 1 be rfehatr wfc eyentuntiy rtjourfipirv and it 14 not iro4jabie tul it will be u unitd tfin siau kxcitem1sct in rglayi in finir maftrlerlvrrren1aid im liilnir mtiiiive beerrhij withi toever tin prastf a s ioleuee in j iter tool rveia1 arren haswe takea place of parite enl in a c3ani ma ngfactineiidmlv of iikec in iminurjh jlr henry ranvr mf retiihilj walur nno j cnmmiit hve seen artefed on achicul7idiioti com- ptid to jail the pjeeaulirn taken th in ou where a enmi is fnirrriip and d muet cheek th will w uu lej in cheek th w ji nimwdthj um oii leac- her iviinnfiioroi- and lne neuyond crrlckvoitsutr in ihr cfnaty of tjjera iiinm by the nmird taanity trfj de- lermined lo fvlit jc their jlwuy coxtiihratio avrativ livravt- lltr mejtrnle uf this town it iiiu have detrfcinted to arrest the leader of ifcc liver ittt1 demiiiotie dr reynal j al1tir imscoure has fled to jrrainharn w wliiel town an nllierr hav been despattied with a warrant fov hs arptebciuun state of tiiincs in france- st far a teard the prervaitn af tran- quiiityand tha nwneeof all atlempt l0 r ew ilia disordt is of j ante one new france conttime o be satufaelorv t3e chief cataso of nneativfr now tebetbejtftairs of italy and tha r m teneul audinotto the remnant of llil of be al pnrs in tltc ftnelt capital ateifr f iitti their niitiral order ttte ally modern pary comitin of fr lituidrcd rll vv rnomhera an uiv wak arirr ti to increase in stientk i emhrartf h ll lenitirniida he dytaiei and imleetf almom all tin men disiinirnished ftit petifw l and exiwiioke i he elub pctst the orcan of which is the rfrfajlf iim rollin forms the secntd par ntjrnnts 10 to 4t metnuw ll elocontfebet and the periocea wlr prance fioiirilie sltli of fvlmurv in 1 nf june are i3ie chtf ifteinerao tlilc with a view 0 aiiww them m l eraya thatcartildlvrei hie real fw foliitc fion wltom catbnjiaio lau 0 almclions iamvtne it ame to be the rear terof kooetn afaim wso mwdm pssnel baatide and uffffil rolin la niaiiile i therlnh eompreafromso to irifv em- ur the club al tre institcle iwtr iu0 lnraein all thoe who hold ito j marie rnier p-nj- and arah 11f hffr almsl lon separa rt on hi ac iliei wst vmn4cim lfirt x omec v 4llvf- tu jpliljllt flvill v- in ensiody of ihe police val ioititin upl and ih mrxt danerrnus nart niihe country iu orfer peesanv attempt at an nntlirejk but i d cork clonmd tipperary ilirtvrence belween these two en mo slight for them lo continue led n the red reniiean meel in the rfl fron andtihe active leaded cni useanv u tbe iiit ac ww m mar on id it jo t iul fii ntui thrriinufs aeakomjifveitii irtttvtul kifntukn hvc ohoe riknwietplvlafataf luc 4 trin be iaed hi ihaaa d 14 tl ml mil 4tplfitl t fe dau k innoievierrt p ft i iije i iil f ti utrt s tin- l ti frstr4i tti nn rs- mtt iirtnl it ti il rheiasa sxitv ll toiin entt wnmretjiejlnt tiae4vidbet1ia i eaikiivldfwv j liapttaintialabalft aajaiiiaiheeurirj oaf h and gjto vjahin bacw lie ejid tsti iheettr irketpai wtarid nhe ut uaii the iw and u04u und 4t nrtcjaa srin am rortofial ffftni sjiin ee1 itutl ihe leea baa been iffi- vtendlok rfe ertv iipniavnaa bj eht d lnriifvjj fena f- tc firriimi f iblitifvrtf nl hiyal siinird we it utl ib i lle rttoewnnl rtve iritl n oie kilra finnltrr b it rietj assl th- rr tre fi tliby u v l tf imajn titinnibfberti1jci wtiiny de o cv dm tranivi d- pnu ilo lallffc lre ii iaori l- been enj nnr rtnvrktibe luot ntrrd in mftnt ttn- 1 e t ae i tse i3h iaali frvit lasaaaii hwi aflbira ne vey ptsamui movrmknt of itcevl i rd rihureiim asertel rmc rtap of ihw iti ibe n i iii hit lin- i n ind ieu untciid w tjlrtfi rriilier bd nv tnikis proa tjie yxftwen f u4wvl i by lite uihdnne itai it rjfcdj ain ri of mciewii ib llw evi ia vxhi ti nnrn in hell ipw li in ll ipld iu- itic itiil iti antfiin pitm- lafiio chmieof ibe una- british whig foplfe pee oraam djce saturday m0rn1nc august id active len iin br vt- i ata ti jn ibe aa rkhn live nwnib r9l has tiikn liss eit a armaa tt lavf rnni a jonej as aunvinrr imji mr jahta flponnelf in his place wamio lloia arljunn- mcrl force at r ffoi ie tc of our intelligence we irt- rol alloether wilbot hojs tlt tb- leader heinr silenced th whole scheme af an insnneciionary rnoreranl will he aban doned a altncetber impracticable if instead of appearinc house nf common and ru ment ajrainthis pohticalanumist isnowat cork he hat janel a tetter from thence addrcrd iu ihe people of ireland in which ivyjerbe the nin nl total overthrow of the cause to law cscrnment an ihe youn- irelauder ue uy the association daniel 0coninl i fonn- ed i not yel dead and he advise his coun try men not to join ibe irish leue tbe repealer dtirinc tha lat lbr rnnnih have howwer been loo aa uo h delighted with the excitement of hhea and nhysical fotee iu have ajvuih joa duii- abtrift of ite aaaon government nowever ihe hon gentleman in aa odd attempt at a joke advices hi coun trymen to dismiss all ibmfflu of acarinr rpg- land hy physical force demonstrati he ayi that the purpose ef niitnmx knclread by f cfdleeiion of rc few fowling hktan test milku and unwirld ptke i auut ae hope fnl aalmf alhilraan of atly face palnl rt mi war jbiem wjnch wa an expcirent reported to fttr the sme purivrkc by the chinrte iu tbe sf war ana ansa wry easy of adoption hj the earnvt men hte nt home from all the inwnainn which ha reach ed n up to the moment we are wntna il is plain ibit iresaij is on lie brink ol a voleano in ihihfin it i true that the club have di solved tha rejetities have been confided t itie martfutitnitby to be placed bvynttd ttra reicn of dsfovey the arms which some have determined not to surrender are to je deployed or concealed uniil more ptoinir iuv il i in ihe south where the ilrvfglt will jcommvtrce fiom clonmel waierford and tpperary there anpeara in exnt a spirit of resiuncc io the rfoveimneiil whieh eanmrt ha rnellaihj unes by a frightful eftusin of blood fec3jfdtl4tfae enrp 7tw juyto onrexirfrss which left dublin al9ocinck jtal nbi 1mjhsi arrived with ac vices con veying ihe x intelligence lhai dumin coiilinued neifectly irancjuil butno futher nan a had been reeeired our waietfdeiwrermih1aiita letter haijih i anived h is dated yeveiday andsute that all i4oci there j a tot rii liversijttry 29 iis the aecnuntf nm thesmitlk of rind by ise train fffim tak limeiick cahllrfar tipperai and ttilkenny nhicb arrived nl 3 eivlock alala that the utmst quiet prevailed lrontoni ihe country a priry eoaneil wo held ibis afiernnon at dibiit cattle wlin iffclaniatiis w ined offering regard a fn3lowa- smth otwn 100 meagbcr dillon and ldn ny atjoo each tin flowing is tbe procmalion t whereoa wo hnee received information llial lyffl smith oktien has been nitty oftj liejvoname practices and has openly apneaf ed iu atmt atrainsi ller majesty koiv i f the lrt lieutenant brine deter mined lohrinc the said william smilb 0ttin to jimice do berrby offer a u id of xft in anv peiiali of peioni who sliatl secure and deliver to safe einlntlytlia prnn of the aaicl wiliam mmiiii ourien anil we do heieby airily cbace and cnmand all justices of ihe ivaee mavnra sheults imiliits coulde and all otherof lier majely kyl anljef4 use iheir utrntist djirfenee m oppencndni ibe j i l smith fhien civen al her miatvv cattle m dublin tliu imch day isf julyi ibvlbv ly his kxeelleney eoeamaod 1mj htoiurniiotf slioilly after 4 oclork ibis afleiimoa ihf nrintint otnc of ihjvwa nl saekailte pueew4 vieited by the plice whoatrvaler all hie ptinlctiihetem eleven iu number nod brooxbi them befma the matjianale al lleawa teet ratjrroifice when bey were rentamte u lo appear loenoinwsaiurdavai ltocloeh the najliabuia oltica on d0har at met war pvdcnl andtl p acael it i mated rlal hi irfiencv stth n on inioiarv- hnt he will j i minlstfi aaciiipoiaiitiary o tbn ficncii le- pilmic tne preliminary oceedio ma tmn ef the conatitution arc ti 0l tnt no dec etistin circumilaoces a of a subor dinate interest the slate oc siie slit i con- linnes and do time ja now bxsd for iu dia conti nuance the aitlitary tiibuala are occulted with the trial of ihe innrnjk bnt w have no satisfactory noiial tatemte 1 na o lo form a correct judxmenl of m 6r jra- noeece of anv of the jurlteit rfj n-jjra- torsof may 15 urlie nbtw and ibeir aecomphces mgm to 1m fnrcur i af are ahllliiireiinjriit prison and asr faattirst fle t ntrojelher ifnknown tha however hanwm removed fom the nrintinat olftee aid 6rvnox or ihe pftv lauf ne pohibi ion actitiialil appearance ittn not brew 17 mored 1 be paris journal of wenvdj hare rmw ieaehed ia mtitleiann miidav made hi tlrt appearance in be tribst ef ibe na llujlal awalhly ltjjc4ysmrcwl1lf oppnllunily ff peeiiiuc a ti fra the cemimttec of f inanco jnfttae prowilieo of m poudhoen lo conaia cmethird ef ihe income of alt pfwptietota xhe ptwerh waa rcceivert with every 4aj of littsfictiou torn all pari tfuo ase-aibty- wij ihe cimhim dt t hpwt4av m iroudhofn ptotried atainst heic an accusation rather than n qa 4t1 gained thai bia ideas had hefji w edaclbi princidcs fuaj4t sstmelitua jdittetence ef onion took lditc- gp0fl a par ticular exiiresaion end amonra i nbjecior wuen cavaijtuac who r w n aa aein been ttot m mile ftetl aaitast m new by lb obrrvalpon o t rfihf erfrem iww so lane ar lite fjl ia aiauve military relalnm ah vl1rtivasa d the tarou iattieaaeem to be cuj um abncji- tflc germkic diffainrltles the rerueiancp ol gricml vratlkl lo aijn the annistiee tween tl fa d lu germanic confeleraltna ha t p lyotciwe atrmpoiarylrw tww- eset concluded ir infeo dra impanefjon who apwaars in haitlf- 4wud ihr latent xuuvniic inrhfarmifihnotnfj on tneaiiy eve thai he lfx i comrauflieationsfnirn mihsfw wbkbho bnped bl the dttki1lies i by tn vraricel of j atante may be overcome lnjj j f eonfidenl thai ibe atsnw jt unn j m4e1110 will bo sixuvd and copcded affairs in aumf the new rfam vienna 1 lo hf e i m ken iiriji nn nfb ileni ihe aamtf jnlic wio leied aeary tuna rdmirning oi the itiniiitibockav paiiri lc lo 1 f tht acbduie si te fo bia ie j ifta vierof tie vard return ioui lo t uj4 on no further ken retciscd i iihte hce ribeo the tbe npeiiin of the li t by jtdin ww 0 take de rj day after ibis eiinfiy ii fjnpife will rrtnrn to kran thats cnijvinr will tificrwat imirnnek lo hi capital tb0mtutf liato wa to lle stat frnm ihe danube ptincipalilif authentic hitellicenee has bh the ptoca of itv iuian ii after lliae of piirjrf prnviitmal dvecnmeni iyed aboiinui of lulimewt of uir ittwitv i ii srapihki of ii nniioii cuim l rf- inarivela of the poople lo the suv t t tmiii nil rank and titles lalrlsje wl- ur wo aelhvr huve d lhp fth relfrhiio of the piinre ayratf insist uion 11 by foice nf uin wl phahrj affaiw l intialj tbo wr kerfd iij t ueaesi a on svitb aamble llse anlfunhve entered pert aid r1u avptk ud iben arpifli fibce iirieo the fwecnmeni liaased r 1 1 par v ectee fiir hi pminsbment by levf tn w4lidia fioan ibe eiy uj tlio mrl reeoi i cmnp nrlritmhiuhieim winat ffm aa etetnl aonhbiul llrenrarfltnt m-tnva- tltaduhnnfliiiiiiajai irieifetrft annu rei uulifmbaavf lb adievn usnineei v nnr iflvti jf io iv ini tha ihae of pm in on ibe nt du f ii1 prtcijllajrfvtie ir h rswauilwaoaliaiui eafmi ui itly nn iibf iniy on t fiee a re rcec l st priub ff tetinilion tt etk t beet nsit l 1 ltiii uiitlrfltl- iie 1 rtteiarelo eint neeittlterrv lau 1 ii 1 imd tt jif ii i vet urn re- rwtd if t miv ervjii tir vne riwile the pe ajintrt in vunehtt frc tic uthiin aalh ijrtves ij 1 vjibittuihy atpe pul ti deitfe use iitm- tries svltibtd been il sikut uhirt in rur tp n inytneeism tiew pis rkiivety k llnl tto ritm itvc rtiij vt i t j nvtfiti fuur litkll- rslcn he 5hr 0 aixousts from india ant china llc oeeflaihl ali frunt ltwti l affived briuinydivieeaisnt linvw ialraetlifascib rin tmlbfujana- a4d ii kh 0tiu may mejaaivek at le rkmce peeir eeey thin rerruino faiet al het k i ilteir w t 1 fe im j ne ni- pji u itit it hie c ind ioikeis e peejale ic celetall tse v nnn france and ejrj vrd ml atr lti vvt nlind ausi tf lee corn j or r bd myj pyimnl coiljderclai- anti rivaxrial ix- tiiidtjsx u the nvft f trilc nod evttnmc dtio te pum w rk iin bctffi eelle ret tj be ibe eatsvnwniupinem tarttai fvlt retplinf- lite a fii ii iretufu l e hinrlr c peebie be ibere- ee bem b intue wiifi tbo etacfadaq vt aav weh ii a iwft ii f 11 icaran4 1 tbe miiu mir nt nvsef xc eaent f- evm ioirs un netive ptkcs reit tlieher l i- 2 en forbootc use- itftffivva ueerrv mnveev fsmsv jalys f a av ren t ia j u tle 1 aeenajtiss irni mitfrptventiaj flrj tb sh wi fa tao lilit r vvro en eon nje- in frrtr l b4dv nd pfirs nvre tr- dneed rj thv ltjvopnuhy u eedd ffoeu tbtiettrifie hinlbih nfo yd ujuvted tjj b urtsrfiojinry jm u iv bqnnej mifcn rv and t ralea of bi- lerefel reiimn t tbr liirc tt onil a in thertry pvl if iltc week te mnvet wwileadv und at aipvtana sillf 11 it tjt 7 i- 1 j ihey tnvo ltr il- ivt muf b m ne i ho trct vaailetuetit wbwb nca- vtnlelnd tstr tm taoa tliereltabrvfttniieb 01 rajjitf cr 4 i m rhiief r ibe weilb et diitin ibe net minbl lel lb cnins rnirt f tdd maffif hirfbf nd reld ihe pfv bctaivr tbuiiveis 1b cmule aenbibe em hf tbe reapearaneaf 1 feuto iee ba csurdmme f eenlitn in um tw ir0 pr j- piie4 tuvo dv4njid fcrinut mtl f5i at viik lnfm m ndv la svtirii r r 1 n t li fiit atieaveineiti hhs 1- i- re sw- 1 tn s- for olt red 47 inj titers rs aujaeaiasj druataaasj faaf tidin enen t1r wee msdo nlc l 40 lb taller nmv hsne ebeef im the lne t ti na- iftuismet ud a4d at4u aa 41 am peaiaf mnnalaacr nnd 53 to s per br- aalaat auvw enn tins ram srfienl in mrk cana n atonn waamiawbanidhaedvnea nf i peeuie leinn vedneedy and yi4erdy uaovmspf fa iol ortilto vs etedy nt ibe tdvaoce at ilie ivvefnvt ovkl tfeajirneaetlfwii h wtie it re been to n cast ejrrebanl prieca due ntcilse wek bie4vanoed4dper70 i tbe rmie of vsie esnoe3ioe i niwfpehed jvtpefbiifel rbtdlpiriasidcrj4dsn hi 10 91 install ewn n been in tair isicst ntl nt tbemiilrt bfld have aaaenlayi nnvi svana w fluid at hftsend trhue 34 pee nr pie rlue of ifsavrauiard que t ic t 16a cdsnd l tbe ul pice tbde is a fji enquiry- tiv or ti the alsio f tite in the msnclieine dttif 1m nd mmd hi5 lite 11 irerl ivo ate floaq mtebre ao ljti c if inmn tf4u i cd and v h lllen lv and bil lrdeia1id kten idfd to aeeei lawaf prief tbie fie fert te wre 4 iti r j m i tbe rset peiim af bilirt beiwcco uennany aied osn- ior awsiti uilowfjisi trreet nf isatl ll n emt n mtidire nw hud ifxl tf 231 tubtnu i visi the avrasli of 31am heirr itl nre wrfhine n nl ftl teni 4j fvi itie ejti n ht ill tltei licne ne h etnt5t of evts34hsnd- 35 soo vcrnvatltln fu linso 9131 htn lira- the rr ias v vofbtbiro is dil1 and pneta do not impu rrfoajus ist riaaaveiclofd brouchama iji lull on the bankrupt tear baa just been ptinird it ia lo cernljate and aineirtl flnr 1tanbrntl law or england there are aix atoei clanses in the mi asures hut use rhedue charhrr aroof cai lcah oninq to i if foljn pae there are ohoul flv eel nf piiaviient source relatinc tn bantruaid hence ihe necessity of a shnmi the prrainsle lo the aieaute rltr- claara lal it i etpedienl lo amend ibe taw rwiv ii fnice relator w hankrupn and thai the amf so amoded and simplified in one ti- hit to the end thai ibe ald taw my hi letter nmhfmnnj by the ubjvu of tbe realm and inrrc0tupeir1y niftd it j proposed hint i the ncl shall uve ettect an the llth of ko- venibrr nel t bill cotienidatea the op- pulmetit of aehreludeandl7oiher pide thehefudee wiih a salary of 2at arfd fvf ober juce ia lomhnu and j it tbe eomir in ibe ejrcl conmitiea ihe que- lioi i tie coinrrrf vvhclher the laws or b and insolvency should be kept dliict ctn d pistai srocktthe veel r a wived l the towtwhvf frnn itvtterdim hra- tou bl in addilioi in a qtuntiiy nf m eouiitrtnrju hwt gun mek awl 511 pimmfrefcsajdfw ntm board nf ofdnaec lfh mnek fnr jireariii or mainifilnied frnm ihe wood ef the walnut we which ava to be very abondoi in hulund a well as cerium titafntcit covbunstricr the frebch mjnisiiy on in ia ult was composed of ihsj folowine ajtulf- ret hen favaienae president of ihe council m ri tide minuter ef fmeian affairs maiie miitisier af jimie- m seiiart miniilrf 9t nieilir w lsaiorleiert minuter of war t v in nae mmutrr of marine m fltudduiiix miuiier of fintnee m vaiilrfbel1exlnlof ite iniltuclion h hvcurl miter f public wniba m tourrel miijmrj of fimiueree u maireft prtaiaanl of ibe nat avsemmy tssr cjiratft at maita a raatwe ilaliia or fiure winch wa t ml from ketland hy rd llnue and intended fraj ihe cbnreb at mla ha w returned lo litis enunlty in one of her majesty ship and landed nt the dockyard at sbrerness the nnlbrvitics at malm having detinel l allow it m be ereel h al the pace nf iu interviail diinatiane-w- tbr fictile allied o is of a considerable aia wniifi helwen fntr and fa tone il hhereoperiyof lerhueiy the queen ta-ai- tof and lia- lvfnaineil ny aw adm rally ordai tvlbr ifnrehnitta of 5hternesdcvyarl hftt further enmmaniealion he reeelved a tn tha pleaanraof her blujsty ilia tjuafn dosfifi willi raeptct to tie ajltaaaau dlipoaal- h1ucingtue pknitcntiauy cow we have attempted to jil willi ihe com mivtiunes nnw sitting in icinrtnn upon the manaaireat of la provincial peniicniiaiy but liowever heavy our j the may v we real ly are of opinion that hie uhara of ihe worth co n ai tinner are much heavier they have now hen many weeks in session and what is ibe result of ibei tntek nothing it may ue satd lhat we hafe and cau have nn opportunity to know what information and what evidence tbe comrais- ioner may have received to which we answer ibat fhe commimoner evidently are not the nwt diseeect of mortals for if rnncer will sjive blmself the trouble iu it r a few honra daily in the bar of ihe ctlish merican hotel he will he sure to bear fe i4a nnre or ion correctly the wlioe of the cnmmitoaetshiuineshofrbc preceding day he will hear that the ommi doners having 1eovercd nothing at all afleclin- ihe char acter or conduct of the warden or ihe in spector ban crtftd cnderj lo dive into matters beneath the dicuily of a cvrq fotn mission eh an in a public commisaitw ifafo petty po i scent ion for instance sciicjlfir the discarded servant hay of oie ol mim ieetoi en nn t i jof ei mfa j rt lo the inspector cnetal in order io receive ibe covewoeiit money aeavfiw that ibe draneh socielies who haveneclcted to attend tbbdy and pay dat ilia manic suwriwd by their ropective tewataljp ocietk to the teaujcr nf the diittict scietyateabiy to ibe 7i arti- week diverine to tanl part fall wbw- was cultivated in fart iu the chief jepcj ance vvaa mpnn piiti wheat and here lef mtsay afewwmdiconcernin- the black sea wheat i notice thai litis ya hi own ell aun the ottawa lick af ihe ewtituiionliall hare ibe sum of rwopotiadltavafaeud fran the coverninent honnty and placed lo the fuiteu of the general svciofy- tr7ltiil the undermentioned days be now itemed and ajiinled for holjinj- the township catlie showatir thtf pcentycar x7 townshipofrichmonj m tuesday in sept louhh3ro3j saturday in 5 pt camdctj 4h friday in sept kmetown lttueday n oct island lt wednety in m ulnniatonluthiirsjay opcl wolf ls4nd 2 id tuesday in oct iwnelnjueidwvditesdjy ill tv fredcjickstntr- 3d thurify in 4litutay inocl u ae i et r far aa aeroteai piuaftixth t tut ihe p festdeut b requested to caw a dhtlrici general mcctinr f ihe membcrf of the aericulloral society of be midfarf restrict to be jioblen in ihe ctntf hoaun tinrton on the semttj tneday in sept next al i oclock p- m- in order l er the veetnv llaej garden le ume tn s ron wilhin lhe fcaenjtn had leen diverted from their lin- that upon and fin one solitay eciion there had heen an ex chanjr of early cue jmhera be tweenjhe war den ant tlte fentlerhan alluded lo and lhee very cucumber beiocr ihe prmluce nf ihe war dens private earden and raised by the labor hi own hand attau enquiring into the npiropriauon of the milk of the pesviteatiary cotr and calling ihe servant mard of th wanlen lieftce litem lo conrict her master or moires of occaiiinally ins- a haft wofiii nf milk when their wvn cow wa dry or not hroiim hone from paslureeuh nre the lesuttsof acommiisiou from which the hathlk cvpeed so much if ibe government want the nffleea now tilted in the penitentiary to reward iheir needy adherents why awl they say ft m to wfafc in a manly manner republican neitfhlaia act upon that to the xictor beln the usto into coriidimalioa the evtisedieney adopting wasurc for bavin- the annual rata of he provi ayiciiliwal asei trwhhin ine midland luicl ijr m the fleeting adjourned the year 191 at 3 oclock p until ihe second ti esdav in seitenhcr next thos gfassup scy a ev dj 0 i with and ammik oui the molt mi1 the warden ha bad a lon inning as the crjcl- etor sfffi and can eif ud lo fjtf way to anot- rr why luii a him h death trith ply perscculion when after a urml amjde enquiry 4 ihey can discover mothinrjetina htm the wonder tn u i and bist be n in tvery data else thai considering the altrroatinumitedtiovr er he ha m ssrd and v weied for so touc a period so little to he fmnd fault with sboubl a yel have been bronchi o liaiti and ihu the ljeclotfi thec aeniterntn who do r-ainitni- very disagreeable and laborious duly- aainl wltese int eerily not one inl- wonl can be uttered are achisliy arraigned anal healed like comical by the hoard of commissioner tne only crime of whi they can be convicted isai kuowiac nathin- wronj era lav conduct of ibe warden ihey have tie milues tu y o st ailllejvd tf ttttiiej anwsl lne rdhne hr aithe daily ceaaete md riiiful atriita u dc- ttde hem thit we feel confident at liinj tiey ut envy ihe lot rvasr mcfafhue and yarkee whn death ha rescued from the more ereiles eliwa of ibe coinmiiih r one victim will cettaiuty escape litem mr funk sinih the kitchen krecr wh wa arraigned tried aid aequilled by ibe larj of inspectors of charee lvnuht aainl bun by ihe surn of the lnitutiiii ha been ordered to iejsire a cco d l net atmirutibese aame cfiarjva lnfore ihe board f commissioners tbu defence ha- refute o prepare he is understood to say or at least we can iveiue be would nay thai having been once acquitted by a competent ltihiinalhe declines a xou trial befnie jddt- eswhoj evidently dimliafeed with lha veidiel f the fofoier conil are predetermined in cen- virjthitn lie thcttfntetndauicn ni ri-m- r an englishman tfifmeatei tha coinmis- ioner to fecoramend hia ditrjiisaai dp ddi 3 t trey may nirk peftr not eriagsnuch ar isitnaiion fnr whrfhcoulwri all day williiry uc wajh uf a pii he has to work like a horse on a miserable uty of x100 a year 1 we liae one ami a very enou complaint make ajaiual hie mode of conducting thi toiry some of ihe witnesses omplaiii iedui irliona are put tolhcm by the bomcaiisioner and alsn ilt it ja with great jffirnliy any axplanalion faforawe lo ihe warden or inspectors it recordcj- we d fsit trrvau to say that such is fact the wit nesses may he mistaken hut we eh mean to toy that had the kjluiiy been couducted openly f no soch accusation could be made il ta well known that all ihe commuioncr aremtenj parly men tbal uio warden and ayfnily have been stronr oppoitionii nd catiaeqieiitly when a lugbly iatpo public olheer can ise removed the enucion iatroj ihattiudoe equita may be uvd lo displace him but alt this is foreign io ihe heading al tfah ariicle milirn- tha penitentiary cor th commissioner are five iu nurnwr hesidea a dnot peeper aad memenjer tha preoue imuimt v remttneralion ihey ivevivij we baeanol ascertained uluppoin it to to at the rate of lendotlaerper diem each man there j nn cpenc of fify dollars a day for the cin mis inner atne now if several of tlwir dav arc sntsloyed in enquiiini imn jhrlea or illegal appropriation of a hap worth of milk we should like 10 af itu per- tiueht quetniu- who milka the penitentiary cow the mri the waeden or the com wtiaioneea t the tory warden may gat ihe milk hul the radical commissioner moat rauuredly rel ihe cream midland district agricultural socikty the half quailerly ineetinf of the agricul tural society of lha hid land district iwm thi day tueslay lh i5h aunnsl 11s ajcreeahc to the dh article of the conititutinn j b manjcv ean preardeit in lhsf cbir tfofoo thai 1b- rrapective amoum of ilia auwnption lists ba now entarej and pnid ovr la th tteaaurer of the dialiitl sa- ciety via towrvbip of lnnrtbofonh xp2 10 piilfcmr lj id kimtok votva recti lloosic ln nrn cotek have onuersiool that ilw the intention of tbe above named couany to ejamuh lhefrf amateur canj in xintoii ttch a ptejet is the toremnaer of a delera- tum that kinmno halon necdrd witne tltescudinitipto toionto on the occasort of of the vitil to 0wa iv a hand at an rt pense of seine sij- the lliok larjitei company have been the faicimat in the iel- to up of mw banner now coal new iui- uewmlelnetsnewkeivau eer tbinu in fact and they have had the rencumd courage an i joahead idea of reu tin nran ainaltur hand for kiumoa trirl kintnn ue ue think that the zo peo ple of kinxelon should buy the tickeufor the proposed fesltral which will to issued ia a short lime theydonol wanl luucriptio hthleai vnluntuilyj a they hope tae tic-r- ett uij will surely cover an oulhiy at the preivbltitue of sztak lrrrtts ox the ottvwa ir t t t l n fo trie paintm uv tfth llnititri whic at tirictbst pjrr ofdirst ltit jirje- j isi8l i write this leliec dniir the heat of one tf tbe hjttet days of the present mimmer at rh boice vf m honest voya cur at tbe hem nf ihe pall chuti and itaput wliieh are sumkawltted by i porta ce du foil the foul of ivhich is ibe present lirad of teainl0t uavialin anil the p1ce at vbich i woe my laat ktwr a the attvej iii unco only of eim astiles has hevb one f real exeiiemcet 1 shall aiteaal to describe il even at ite expense of brjn considered moe eiotiuieal than is my usiul wont i left the potiae du fori tbi morning ear ly in ccrnpany with a proressinl entuman employed y ihe board of woiks and a gen- leman j wih ihe porvatdn- and steamboat company on this tbd of the river o ibat tvkat iufarmation i rcccircd was from lle frt sources our vehicle was a tfimp wacn auij the moving power a pair o etiually mronr hoca iho road beinj och as would oecd the amplest aisiance lo aur- tnoual in ihe lirst oiree tm1t ptca wa of ihe slowest the toad or rather path toio- ii a hill aid down dale orerstroc terrific and ui through mud to deep now pairing throuah u yrove af dead ptnea and theo by ibte aidvi of overhauling rnek enough to frighten ny but a lnnabermati out of the anal- teat desire to proceed farther the country wa mtrjfra indeed the soil chiefly sand with intrimtjuienfclay and tha timtorxara entirely of whie pine standiu hut dead tu tcl ssvci tk pari o ihe jrjiney oak us up ward- ef jn hour and disagreeable it wa io all coikcieiice hut wben vtrmonnted whal was my ratiiicatign lo come at once upon a jinn a ftci of land and as rich a tetilaenenl aaany j had seen since i lfitbe u law rence tbi was pail ol ibe iowrahp of lstetisih probably the finest patl and lay djrovv ift our roule in tto calumet fpf thcsvilof a rich loam the timbar ctpiial ibe nebli under excellent fence and well catliivataj the hours more like ajentlemes cnnnlry r sijenee than farm tenements and ihe ouiburmiiisefimlly evid in proportion tbi rich tract ofland euiidcil ia lb course wt iravdjcd ahooi four m only but ttirtiinj to the eastward iu the direelimi to wards lie towuliipof clatendoa ileontiaued for many tavara mies ehaujjin all al oece alto barren sand and granite rucls such is the character of tbe ceuntry on both a- des i lie ottawa from by own co its sources nowpas- sia tbrous pmchc of and uneuillcd for wait and fertility and then for mile finding sattiine wheteou man or hit could etsl nt wheie fatmrrtdn pilch rheir tent ihey speedily and unst inevitably trow weal thy for havin the bel uf markets with ibe ltl vlrava ml ef prices at their own doi thl mn inul b- lazjt or otherwise weitbte wli i e itnsol maintain his family wet1aid lay il no i is much in favor with the ftinner if nnt with the miller vliila every olhcr kind cf wheel rrl spiina and fill has ti it fed greatly lbi year fion ruat he clack sea apritat wheat aono remains nn- laucbed i stopped ro notice a taree field of black va wheat in intm heajthy condition nearly ready for the sickle o amatl corner of which wasnuilc withered and red with rusl on enfiuiry i wa told by the givattij ibatbeinoulotmack ca wheat eeed bo bad fiuihen hi sowing with siberian wheat ned and hence tbe conefinence the field ofoal i pied wermoslluturiant inajrowlh and would sjiamv even a bay of qninte acri- euhiulisi fjr murrj atiy of the farmera alionl kingston i should say thai ivta huhek to the acre will to lh average yiebl i sajw a fvr a telle of imun corn jrowm well as il dora on ihe fronx lm j ft0 teem to to r v a f ivuite erp i pata been thus patlcuhr in dtsciiti hi cana- f i an aiured thai iraeel in what direcn i will lam sure io meet with like fertile sams in the wddernesa somo afru as one hundred hailc above lha calumet iavinlflchfnld we opn reached ha wank of the river immediately below tju fuw est chut nf tbe ctuaiel jeie we found dinn tiice pctf ail leatlrf- oor ac- liiee crowed over to the jcisd calumet a rkky ij-detendin- in lenh to twenty mrw and in some idace upwari5a of eijh mile in width tin ollawa runs down each side of ibe island and tbe rapids and chutes are nnmeron toyond count- those ap proactiiu to the chmcter of falls are those property known by the name of li tj calu mets ihe pipes and are ibose i came o fae va ee they coiiit of four chutes wi thin a tiiancc of lean than half a mile atul ibe fall of water isaevenly levt tn ordinary seasons wnj pcllvt or t a the river i hrehei o lower after riin with extended eyes on ihcwomanfic sernerv al around and 1lninj lo the tale the ferryman told ol a highly- iiancrou rock at tsc foot of the chute in mhl my companion and myself wended our way up the new road cut through the rock fh tbe way a toajitiful white marble and made our road al once io the head of lha lar fat chute here the oitawa is compressed within a very narrow rocky and preeipitoue banudatv and the mistily im lushes down the chute in tha mat sualime and lerrifio manner i cannot possibly eonceive any sight in nature hountfl n she is iu this region of her domain so munificent as this moil lerri me cascade the vadues of kiaara as tonisbe ami tr- grandeur of the chaudiert awes but the distance nt which iho beholder sees thev wonders of creation ba he tffect of reside tin f them leiihiwoirul cut hcrcat the calumet liie vimiot mounts up o ihe lop of the rock byibesideof which the mighty cataract plunge rushes and roars and tot one iota of it sublimity is lost were i to write ff a week 1 cmm csf te reader tot a faint idea of the plcaturelle sensation i ea- pved while standmeuver lha abyss fp in at be immense solonan of water whicti 4htaliua lfwranlt4ftu have done andnme a little out of hi og trot path an sec for rnmietf these feelinga were enhanced selfishly so 1 tanl by iho reflection thai with ihe exception of lumbtr- mn and a few other hav joj business a tha ottawa i was the only oie among ten ihoa- nd ieone aft bavin greater pretension thanmyelf to irtealart who had visited tbsa monarch of the chute fo- the purpoac of de- cnu5 it wtieie are all the bock maker of ihismishtycontinenlt parting the hast of little name where are dickens mead waranrttmi flonnycaslleanl others of modern dale content with ibe haefcnicd worcoot and homdroir st lawro nee they pass thn rniilier ottawa by with indifference and eearecly condescend to enquire whether the cxisltrnce of thisrieer to a truth or a fable inreil scarcely aay that i eisilcd til iht other three chute sotae of which are doobta and even tfeblc from rn islcu n tbr mid dle and had t not seen the one 1 hut fninwy pictured t ilirilj have admired ihcm lha more they are however all tery migni- cenf and ajmost t terrific a the first oa in pail tculrf the second in descent lias a 6i lincl chancier from any of oc other- ll ia comparatively wide d ihe fau rc belna quite so feat the eatl 1 dy of water ccmca down in tht hapo of a horse shor placid and smooth as ias or oil until it recu in tha centre of iae chute and change at once into in boiling foaas this beautiful watorfaji would aloav be worth a journey to ace to any of the hnndteda of eighlst einj travellers from n at illandp 6 5 h ib 0 anihertl klhtlon stotrinxlvn 14 10 alo ihl ihe hnneh soclttleidn nuw fur nlahlhetrfaarernf tha diatrtelrvocirty with ilia acoouut currant anujlat nf piorniiimi a st arded for tbo prrredlujjyor la aaablrj lira traaaurar to inaamit thi ftectnaaay accaair i mirlliriitl fw a rainy day tbl audi he cluiaetvr of ihe ottawa farmer ia if pftrcniftotti the coaifori and erco elegance af hi homestead and lhcje of hi barn and slabls i do not in the ivnvt exceraia the truth a ben i say that lean ncnceiy point ant in all upp canada a iy daca where so many good leoitdin re fmind cooii nouly aa in the four hei i mites af ibis portion of the towntvf litchfield and the reader shatihl bear vl nuu thai ih towuhip is om carce- ly kusftwitp wvn by name o ihe jraat awnfst- ly of he inhaviunts of canada i that il lie eighty mite abore oytoaitaoy to trie north vei and moreover it lain that crandemued portinn tt the province called tawer caitn da iovetnedby fraoch law t and acakely considered worthy of a striou lltouflib but ihohtlvera ir not alt french cinadlauat they con iiit of enfllsh saoteh lriiu nd americana with a fair apllnbllngnr n snlana dusoi almnai nil having hapn aniajei ajnea their aatluiig down fn the lnmtr trada th rvatl ihtaugb ulu ui irrtnemuil 1 vldi and foot wa plaaid a iclmol unyir n j a pea dsl with rvttlll lferaa llfaii a the sooth now hnrryio from place to idaie unaalis6ed and canny ed ftoaa not baviaf omthin5 freh to behold toawtsltrre labauirt of the imbermer lha provincial government hae erected a ercat many idr ii various pant of the ottawa and its tribntaties one of ihr jjijn i u calamrlv built iti 1s14 tnd a moal ty- crllenl slide it is excavated incamxl form oul of the solid rock on the island aide vfta chntei it ha in reality rothiihg to do with ibefnescfpllo n ottita of luetr vau waters it i built in a very subataaaml forsn and cost upwards efall0bo aad wiluaat for many year tvcmte the imenr cu of lie pme wliieh mtutally cneadown ibia slide the duties on whivh are ave sbilrmaja per erib ha greatly toliiholej to rrimcurso forrnment foi hie cufinit outlay and iu a very ahoit time witajsivid a reenur baajlia cejented inmatterar inlemal imfioimsnt fade esl it may be satd that all ihe sli4i on llw ottawa have been money making enn- cente in the vernmanl nnliha the splendid but uncalled foreanabjon the silawrvnee it is iwtefava lobe hnenjd that when ihe gor ctninentimtisfct ttxiveeivinit wilt aesijci urn iu auentiofs taiapcndif what real been dona jt highly ntfut nid duly pp- eiauj bgt a ipeat dell yet tarnaine to ha ftcied partieiil jrly in ihe essential af raap ami uidtea iat inmnoee a iiijga la ftbu v wanted between unrr and lower cstiatjt at ijia lvwlaa dn foat dane the kslanja all ao numorwr and thf theniens aa narrow oj tialf t doaan amah ttrffiei thrusts ortr tq ivoiild connect lha two joiilnni of ih pra-a- ihci vtaily and wllrtaail murh kp nn aai aasarafallareiud itrtiheimef an laimi nf itotildetlme frrnjiiv and labors something i hat laei ml lieaid i wieavtk that aueli an idea u in iiiini dial eeatmpaft- limi a hilda lha lihl4kb dw votl aas a load oul to the ll hand talumlafl pttra- mtitii tu ltnhmka wnm dtntuuh tkf dtaa wet ihithtr aiar1 ey htf aa 4i to tans irilaiillm c4 ik la ritsitiwl tw af atl vsv