lit at dtt lino6hj lontainidsuiof tha fsianrwrrsn mudhwhiimyil pof tw milium itfllwdrljubonthr wii i xnr nn yinllon but wlif n i vllt pkiim its rhmilty at nk 1 bll find 4 frandfti liihfvibfia i tint hnpviwta tutwfli- itad 1 mtntfoftrd tht tlp- rw tnid the brad tfla cshunrl wn ernvntrd nnl nf hhme sasimo i thvidj m ikit ihe ftm siufc ojtlus end f llm uuud i pw ma nf msim orehtysuused iiitvt-1- rliufly ukitehui aalj wuli prliil i d other lit too mj tvji s wmfhm lb that this mtaimru ii totftmiy msvs for of ennrso i cantmt hw eaoeh aheut tho saaitct lrt 1 in min tai i y and will war ihe luteal of pvftfc- ll m cnuihly vetv hard id veiy bwsfitl i i at i do mi r nnv nwiiy to end m iiw vniied fdl f lb iwlhl wmeltehitnney plewi lrf naimfacutcd iiit ntneiimnrc watilifulaiiil iah ilwlr an allien is in ur trn j t out ewudooi i intend to brine lome itn sp eimrus lh tairftalej luiue in my eoucl ug and s-t- mil tfcrm for ranmiiiatiim vein itiw a high p ht otiwt ny mean or my intmtiwi rwi l0 eend i mtamlly w b could ro eviim tu uouble were i so inclinrov thciowtt j my taquitv u fallows above lrs obiinclslhe river i nrlrimc for rifiw wjfl peorjuite rpl w errtouniertd three ftttvsi in eslenu fltm valcr is found aejain after yatfifig foil omtegnr lim p lluiiis by con vilym milw bote lt calimdit niil the ivatiu chulr rilb d pfwea tv 0w ttt drfp birer i nwl tullim wmwlta portion ol ihf oiuwa eiwensl biti imilyw piles w lowftji- f of f4 wwoodinjc vinj- lli hp rivfr onltw lmfcidi w b trly nnhifcump but rmw ijmivow lowaic tr ciwu no umhliptelrttcl ikt pwje rfik trfty vtte but all jrtft niu rj jtk al ihc h4 of ih sbxohl fface of wattrtr ihe joatho kjfio t which htit koorepmetwr and hfjfd ttlikb all iv km itvconiu cxerj- lo tbt roinbcrmr bo tout or extruding llirir crrttlions tw r4rednilrtfaiupkp sly irwfiy loi at- utyflo tbil with lh aiarcc of ibreeor four lockt iher wou t ood id mft m wat uawjainm from bit own door to lb joatbto rapdf dilanof wildly miles thf irfllmmrtl ibovc tb clmrt are jew avid fat between the calumet wahduiwl rtrierally feilile but that of 1h allineft uiod larger tban the calomel if mienily onj ii fnt scjltinp tlmt wand and a few patent of land on either de of the livef rt the ultima thole of c leulvmi unl injeed foriwniiam another btdjig p the hadvw by company js i below t he deep ltiferh o eotdered- bultbe el dorado of the ottawa from ftp source to it innclion with the st uww u the amaz ingly tlch and fertile totmbipof pemhtoke in ihe batlursi oiiticl ibotit bru mile ly wver hote the ilace wbereatl am writhe wherever i ffj bear of nolbin- but pcm- krova- if i arfmite anv ruu hooe am qjj muje 1 wa tooiewhat emraea- jpnt in tiy admiration of mr kitihhon aifdrsit by town when my hitentl riappffil srtjhjaoll the aanrante ibt hi own 51- denai pembroke wi fir aitperior when ill akiin aa aajoecry irnib mum be at the ltotkijnand hictrforr mlil my own rjea oitph m o lbecontraty 1 cannot aioid cbniiderinyllir towoht of ivutbioli far p4ndoutof tw itay a st sfjuffk of ho tnoa ravoemj 9jou in canada imivrliig it wltaraw on ejtensively in iu neighbor hood wit were ihe ntaduce ofthe si n titi inre aturdaot thjn it i tlitw 1 at cftey anvradoof a ready aud iiev fiilingcti a few more remaikf and i bare donc abowles calumeu about three rtdt anj atill on tbebtand there ia freikhcnttadian rulfirbof with a catholicchnrch clmreh- eofalt denomination jt ny caree i do io temembfr tobve kcii ottc ve 1 left ajfoerv doublle theie are many in ibf ii- iriur though not on the bo k of the river toe calumet island i the fiut pdee on ihe ottawa whereat the iwd tiiie i fovid al- tboogfa o abmdant further up 1 taw ilnet tret at the feny the only one i bad ever beheld i intend retaining to poller do fort ibis cvenmj to lake the tiejmer 10mor row for byiowo vou hear of me otte juore before 1 rrium home the tditor 11 v to tie tfor of th britut lttg s my lat communieation was a eery burtootbexaue in my innocence i npoed m wm ooly oeceaaaryto lay the diadan1re xcrr which wo atrieowinglo the vsey f our banks hcre before the jfublic and the directum and others concerned in rankin 6ptmikirrwou4al once vndvavor in proaribf remedy i bare been otaoiiitcd in my eipcclaiioet and the only ioutce left b to batter a steadily andjweilnhy a pime aatnt ttie incnfco wbich orewe myaelf nd oiber buiuf men in lli pari of the couoiry b ibr hope of dcmolhis- il te jmwyerily of ihe proticcc generally ard ho agnation of all clstca erced in bnstnea in canada where then i nol a cjeat deal of weaib or ready capital in woik opon rfo- mandaan enlte chnuce in the ranking e- jwitment proiitt bjtv herrtafrlv been tt- tairwj fiom agitating reform by fhedfea- lera and ruin which it wr a change would piicee but the nrejtetins were put fmft by iba bank generally pekine be by those wbo were interested iuorbouudupwih tkem we bayo aeenby eaperwnce thai wr derive very hule if any benefit from the r eommcdnion aftojldly hit monied ruiu- tioewof iba eoumry nd indeed many pc- nrii y o fat a jtw amerl that toanje money from a bank for three month m ix a qunrur or ail and a half per cent dicoont wioioul any cerfa inly of being aue toren w foe any part otfb mitf borrowed w in lb bigbeat degree detrimental in ihe end 1 pmik generally of that cvf trader rfbo in a grcai deerc traiwacl the huintr of comuj they are n mni injjaac indu houf honrjt prmcvering men of buiines vilbouimblicapldittf be aure hut in aeon jtitbut to ucerd in life provided lhey obum a ciile money fron the biiik en ood aecuri if to ktep uiridklvef afivat until they iher bay aliheoujici thry will u atighuv c mintnoy in miommoslpn ior in h rennllfd upw with toilalnlyi and ll fre qnnnuy happtaitbal a worthj man loati alufler ytart or lref liufoii naeounl of h frrmura in th laenkii which lttvonti ihrm ducottnltof whtrmtrvqusrdandwhnh very likely hi within lilt control hund4nc uf vnirfty to ofvr 3 tlioie aro formal loo au rr- ful rrftln ln hillhom n i i thouun and itioitaanjaof poonda ia tml etnk 1 yc wih io ivant of ready money cannot ririala mngtr fittliinjj fium a public institution cb a i teredfor lite betieiit of lh public at tar and net lely for ihe piwnoe of cniichiiije lb wklnlderaor gratifying the npleen tf rival eornpanii the ablpanraor tlw turwaider and ibe mechanic are aionlaily cireumioed in fcl a man may be worth a quarkmf a ai1lion of prpjty and cl he nnalde in ow uin twenty five povnd from a bank unlcu i mil iuiuihi iffllid utter u loan pt- merchant and iradrta may have heap upnrf hraoof the very ml det rilinn of pperi vriih good endorc ud ii caunol u dicunni wtiar atn ml with nora aflauncy jnd give harilbafaaman lhi nif trrnroyef at a trtinao thh u rly tdmitred i mutt now eloae my rtmarke i llnk i hnvt ild nrrthlng lmuinor rro than i iveh known ihroughoot th pufkti i alall tul to your good naturo ami luva joafiva to giv ihi an initrt ot and iheirlty unliitue ihu liberality wfctch hava mtikd ynr couuv fr many ev pt it dnitd tijion viicnmtancca whether f ad you anm ii iumred that the luuk of rrituh north ameiiea wilt frukvi aa ancy hrrc wilwl in wrek i ano if tlil t he true nil cmlainl will bi 4ftpd by a plrntiful aupoty of ay a i midrttaiid the latter iuik u io uvfa and namaei a md i fwnda j if k ro unlimited olfonl at comm t and ihe munlrral l4nlt will no duub deal cj liberally with uc youvfftc a mkbchaxt relkvillr 0h aiiu isis llplf amukuo f bancb 01 hihoooa 4aprattatii gan iha valuv or dura linn of hnrnifi liflo eit ur mfal aititl nitrrrwt a 4 it kd im j llie rpnpny ip frntn t ium enabt tolttfrtathv ranvrfiiu publio nriodl ad vantaca of a ivculiar and impnfiaii d rryioi krwmiac tard mnttmht mol moznolrwclfrnecoif and o pruio fiilmetii claim ptimic intir i invited in ibe pnjweim- mall tfrdil ttme avd tamvo of ihe irv lag ojify meaiy f which my i obtviwd tf th nudviird llbrr wit fjrrti of a pi i ration jle wall lo be l pytojfjiil ipofoiiirtn olojick a 4gpflf for avnjfuo ojiee putaitf sirit cr- tiik c mintiuich of s kvtivr lrirntho cnutp m o utti liloi icceivejinienewin- if thviunk ia nab fje w i i think nl im in kt in an accommodating mo4d or ha not au4 uccredvd ip gelling th bun uf exdmoj again rnval inititniin now i ay tlie inonlaiuty uf doin bmme under thowf cirtmtnc and mune tim nuh do k by private slo imnnftrmk well hud urmmlt itav lliink lifoaraomi a au win hit manned ineeulullv r enrsiptk d-ihn- ai kilt hnilt iwcart pdwh aae 3 swll fir jgue ady william kingilon stnarth ww warr u3 j iidiah tirmr r cnvii ornck i notice v on lh inliwl maillklk kington ntli auutift8 is hruci void trrjmior mvpalfj tol flco on vkn lhl the warden ed i his dr4rkl air no ruw imtorv n ijinkt bnd lovided tot by bylaw no s ix m each payable al c hie for siirhnm a lk pnirnnaheu fiio svlph fnrvtb thiir al- th fi aiiuisail boat tj4 ptton vith ln ifnhi 11 i f nvnw io a td a sunll rck skiif fiem s wipvl mnuml fnt further partictilanj ap to the uft aeriber wmmaksilall i at klf watkina k coi kingtonjuly2t iml zu wanted tti0 rent a distillery wilb cattle mnd eamirtlr wf runtime by werr hiiiiiblr ajittitofi u the hu ii shirwooil c tnrai arv my trau ht h iv ihe tp 1 ronifrrd leader in ihe ll jrioi j hj ft dunv thllin tj rufiil hi itinn 2 l jl vied and that ieei1y w ivhich will uin dbout a change the cvnntiy i ptrpated f i and the people jind that lliy eauunt be woi olfitan ihcy are and llwy nn he bvik hte mtir5 elcinl in the hujiaci inral wbtbei the nmey t licit iay be npph hall exhibit ilaeffinthc abapeofa bank ouv or in ome other form i of little c queiee if the miaaure rrinrdir ihe dawiti ihe annoyance and the loiae piuducrd nndv the peeani alftie of ihnv evi in the alight rat dtptc tl will be aaaal uteejblo wr race permitted i miht enelvor to how th canoe which procwc the ulujerfjhfbl which we all complin i may do o hrreafi lerj io trie meantime jiutke compek me iq y that lijefe aie mmy cventi iie ocfur unco of wmifi tturum co a irrrai way ward juitifyinj ihe 0hir and pregplvn of rank in rppin thtir dncotinu ieritin accotnnhllrtn and lunusf aftrr tmrwv intrretl and i dont moan toay thai tl ciisn which i hope i almost at an end w ftvtona of iheaecvenli bank are like prffl vale individual in a tcat many reaped al- i u iikiji tojirivitire vrrlm to epineiith fir diy nd ove tfl in rarrylng ot pm iicv- vu u 1 lilelm mnjte wiieliei n iie hv io ihe cftfrver f bo pally iftupper ctnad and i the ftprenl4tivc ef lor capital eiiv i liav tliitrfitte no doubt tnl u uill jltcn 1v ilie conetvtive mrinve at he openmjf f thetet rtii bttdj iw xmfi sfrium th lhmm sfvftittor o any other jrirnal dilfr fim mir with rvpect to mr shci- w leadeihip i iik ho willnme hii fatmlte in order thai timely dicutiun hit hr had fhrtththr pfe upuft ibi tiulu kcl toar star ibouf h iheir eaitencc depend npm ac re will and thai public ha the iihl to ex pre t that the pro pa lily of ii mimxr itinhj rot be prejudiced by the unfc and ckfotenlioft rfoppwing jnititutewt byreckleneor by rove1ouue al a ncneral rule deount cannot bo obained iu theie paal for awe tban live or m mnmh in the yejr and j think the cauesof this are in many siifuncta mimanacaient and catvleaampta jn oher placea or overcantjoiiine in the genital yytem i ctnimrtsoy that i hkc the boat of that inii tut ion which proclaim tthe world that after a whole yea ol very general dis- tree and deprctfion in all departments of lltmnv lronvkt a rat many moor have been m eiieulain tluiiog the i m few dyj wc irivo lhm a w- bear them for r pail we believe none nfihem ilia hi excrllerey tlv gnvernnr cnoial ha lenlered h reigitatlon of the ovw mtnl of ihe cvlnny 1tit il euvlleftey i recalled and i to he ureded by sir genre grey that three rremiiu of militia art imme diately h be nrdered out wl drilled that ihe lib f ihe uniw statea are about to muke an irruption into canih f i bcla which no human being cem able t foirinr- ih4t in the fvent of mr mhtm heinx madeajjile mi coifero will be made pub comiaiioiirr of cmwu lanik tb4i mr itinck tempir altvaybad ha lately l u iuotrrahe anl hi vulvar frr ifiie to uulch imi he i eo le tu d out rf the kvcutive nd piovided for eitier in nn tiptoinimcnt ji ljikbte nr ninv nhr tpe cidly io be made for bm jjbrti ihru strarrr orrr minlrea1 utn ainei fl hie eieellrivrr ibe jvrrn t icrrl in ct- ril h lee jit tl in trnrfm ihe ii di hiet luvnik ymtpr b ruiiha ltiwo ki of yrk tv ilw sctihid ni tu m lniinn i4tred of ita tfmiuff f lw ll livtn n t ft r ii ti 1 u i b f gf 0 rtf tw tw olf rtjrhday of ueruwr jic ib it l i nrnl itiitl oart f ibe twibp rf yk tr narth wi of vof 1 ijffnini1 or 1rtijf rrt tlie trade it ha not lct a firthin owing to ibe mthv srcii i divkauei id u ibi prtot ic nltwrbii lyioj n 11 c qn ire i care m it manager tlie admrtitmi may be gratifying io the stockholder but it prow lhtl private tight have been looked after and the pcfjtc good direarded far mote creditable lo my mind ia the conduct of a like company which admit it heavy tojfc but in the elfart lo maintain and carry nut jtrivate eflotl aiu upjarl ihe rtamereiaf have m lew wonu to ay aud nrl i would remark that there i no other place in ihe eountiy where money o mueh re quired for trading purtc4r yet the bancs aie uiecrtain nycaiious and confined to prih in cut lain depailmenu ot bubine oicotimt when dealt ou arc looked upon a favor con ferred en lhoe wloreceice them and not- wilhttanding ail tlii there i no town in ca nada of the same alio and iiottanci where there ha been lets money lct by the bank than b relleville indeed i doubt whether there ha been any sunk ncc ihi diliei wa separated from the midland and ihij brings mo to notice the fict that i rople in tbipjrt of the country hate ahviy been more or leu impored ujon by ymi icingofir who eemlo consider u your prey i miijlit adduce many iucarcea in nt uitl of tbi o- tcrtion but the subjict uynn which i am writ ing aitthdi a inoal couvinein- proof of ilie truth of my jentimenu- lp till within a few days pt the agencies of ihe coumcciil and montreal bank dicotiicd their not here but made fhfto payable al kingston a mon pretence to exact a umiriou tale ft interest in shape of a chaise fotazenry jvope tranactinf buine5 with the linl are in many instances obliged iu go 10 kingston l a great los of time and heavy cpne while it ihe not had been payable here where ihe rank make lurir profiuatid re- cttvemhcir money the tiac and vjineoir eotild be saved if a man and hi endorser 7cre io default lor ever an small a n account on a note itwa put in for collection al iciflgslufi and he had in go ihata and pay j stone coal rcsihcn- frill ttrrriwtl lt uct uf thn penilouiary until saturday th 9 a fifseplenhtr ntt from uch pwnirk may be jrairoiii fiifinlnii unl uelivriu on ho uh oftlieiij inatituttitn 20imi bitahcld mcatrurc of sinner cohl tins tenuvw ntat mmo uhrlhir itj intrmleti tu fiirnmi ncwcaailo wkml rr bloobrj call wwa tho dulivry frticli a may be attveej upon mmt cmntdcied ly tho 3ut day of uciobr nxt twi awreie will bo require for ttefi rjitlilul ncrfiimonco ufaucli contacts muj be eiceitl iuta bond of x5 each iayab1 vear after dme fw on und of 13 ri tt ito ftxja on bond ufx fvb payable at o t vai nfi dalu c3w0onbhnf xiotech payabju at it h yei jfier dtr i the interest on iko romk co be imjd half- uearty mt ibe pivmenl f tho hiorirl aiij fni will be secured upm the rate hd jtrvniie f the dirarkf- j vetmu devlow of laffflinft monie nn he rcurity of the dilrirl will receive aiv urther iolnroialion i ii hujcel by uppla alien tv wituam ftaccfcox ru4 treasu- fiom 30 to iwi llnhh uf atjrpcbi hiving premi rreel will pi uddir ficeof the irlrwt pan tcrmezc kington july2s is11 grjin r dy ir mr willing t o i at the tf staling locality gl tho princess royal saloon of fttd it woafciid woamliki hke litie lint nn i 4rrif- in im irfil jtiner wrihr vvu ein isnd ijhlhfh wtlve fa trice wr fa sfjhlmn tunavuk at mtw willniaa soda wat kit kieoi from ihe fountain nectarnew york ftiuit lemons mbw itorb great reduotlon in prices 11 c mijlrieribur moil reaperiailly jl irvr u lo rnium ibnnha a lua tuw mill cuntry ccatnnvr fir the pni tmr f urn received in hi dn cifith tih ami ihi orthrljnry nf ul ijh ting tlitttnthnlhv ha recently rixlhjeed the old uftoceut stijbi olfavauf rtic4vnotei amaara an where he iitiemla to keep nn luod two hott aaarullllciit of oni ip an of hi mil lklanfeoj gtuifni car djmd a mraboat 4i pleto call rd ibe u im w by order ik pettor jhtrut ctrrk i cloth and flaunel ioeparatb tbkirbus will jo tcceivoil i v u j re ni th oqicei nf ow pi- iwi5iinksiayilut23l h5mitit rtonfitt provincial piavrtitstiaiit i6ih alkali l o itkjpldto onf nd iv vu4tc if t to bvtrij to l dtviwm hii kierheaef hie hwerr genermi aco nvnit vj m the the iwiri piiiniii4ai euwii u ot tf jleniniintiird wiumim qli- e urlwitih fi siftifl ii be prorcntiit uilievrt tr tl tf uemminsiird f simftl ti be flloyim ml utkffictcjlbs rrmitf 7eur cpvft ammhiui irnowmiiiatilii4 iiuraiaulur bu wtn irakfoiltnl t writ pmvl tjm t tavjad during wckendtd uiday jitra u auk in m bankruptcy fvitwrrvr of jacob scttolks orftf dy jotls crcsdy narupea totice if hereby fiiveu ihalfl j fkmona tarhii nr indebtetl io j ialfte ofibc til baiirlmpiu aicben cailrd upon in piy theit rsicc amount 1 iltc tinlertned or lei n unouck kuttlcdck juint aolifttsej all afcinit ntnvs vc tth aeitil hf th li cjtiuiier nnxt will bo plattf ri utt uf filllton j aldham kyte kington isib aag- 1948 47i caution hun- away from at subwribor joel blv7m an iiuletitureil appreiiti- thi ii to coulion all ermiu frurn htrbiiuriitr uf empw iftjr him iv m wapptnotox kingonn augul 10 1ss 4 caution xffmsiatocirhiu tllperaejrraharjvr- fi i- g w truatinrv my wife eaiza phiath lnvirtertt my uod and inai without a juat cauae cr rro atwtirni ce airawrablo of luf cvntrtcliff feom tlua dn itiiaiiifrrrnauc1i perotiu aa may b willing t supply 047 yaixld home majc chris 1805 flnnru 4feqnal in cilnrml qnuiy to aamphru whiofimaf iwoconnn opulicatim a ciovo4tid ib wltult ta bofutiiiahrd ot or before uio zom day of septcoler nejii two sitroiv will ue rffquirerl for m falhful tierivmanco uf sueh contrnci i ijii ict a touy he entered luto- ii smith mordfa provincial retttteutiary tilt auguvl las cerlifiad- tljord total ihued tsintd i it c l ii vfopr kvcvirof rjeiiemt jos cart ipuie lutpeetor cenernl uriuals tit llju cin at aucui 1 wlwrf ihd eu brownrllkk v jamni immu jboollv1 vurkt mr hills- national fc- ii- t-irr- rtotku f ohln j fiivi w p teaia r wik llrwv n y will now ii u frrn rwr hlli jn tr- rw 1 nd fimit ilct jfihu icimieii k fnl ekivteh tfc llrwnj i ktclnd iteureo ifmovd adiaumvn u uvlmfo ne yrv 16 hjlm mlt pilno dt1 11nermter cohajpa if- y ihnm ranvo o-v- w ti favfuwe rketa x ys mr ieerl fenehr re jolin 1 el- a j rtn u mivl t s 1 pqii oy dea groceries provisions vim liquors fie fthick he will tho sucriber hoe jutt received hi sumnwr irnk 4 hy goods c fl toearyf jl jtiai wa aecctracce cchpabft bth t lit2 goveunofl ttleltt ims tmk ktfel ot am- mncau0i5k cicjs or trtecda l ibqtjpo fire assuriaxcbxiwpaky liktiir midland district clidhu t rituiineiew cntlim ilieiy dec p 7x irkrt orier pjid or rkool enrf oti imdi o phquvr iiknky martin priret street- f kirruii 1843 j 60 icxoeixkxt faii foksau ed iu tlir fire con oflhj ktiwrihirlthi jtiuyi smuvteu twnaliit mrbuowxa piano forte tuner j ill fa foe a fee day al lha british iuifnrtm imtu kiuttin anim i isis tllf notice eiiswsiowhmnrilrs lynril ed to foilil 1o iviutee thcii l in order 1ha1 jl t inl mei aie frqir rittiar of ide undevmyied fifilc duty auitielie iheir ujmv may be incluled in lb il creditor m whnn a dividend will m4id th aeenuuu afc lo he ient in eor lvfre the i diy f s ptcmhcr ujrt invvir- iliatrly afr tvlnchddla final dividend o the cute uii i tlecjjrcd and pint in sch cfcditm a will hu a diehartje in full smrtl mlklfsion nnvcl iss ritkytissj s tiwuwf- william vl0x kmton lt aiiii his board of directors lohn rirkardan foravlh eq pnrc4loaut david john smith equift jrwedi brnce eprr lharc heath kaquire b nede pahner k thomaa deyk cnire atlknr futer inquire office ix the court house phe motoai aaaoaaaccr cohiv of th midland dialtict wa enta wished in wb andjnotwithtandinlbepayaiem of leverat lnea bavaninc proved u brvdeeidedlr the chcapett irwiitotion for insuriuj aetnt io at damacr oy fire the company continne to ettecl insurance 44 property aainl loi oc daiiae by fire at the umui low rate nf omnium william ireland sttrftarytf trtatuttr kindlon july h l8t3 r colsin lake leinjt it no v9 wch half of f- nn 2lll uy nna mem ai acre thoif u at prtwm acre cieared n ttintct crtn fivfiacrva ot a mt orcham theri ire three litin sitrifjia un tlaa farm emttyininii collin lak e there a at prcfnnl on ibe premivea 20 bead if horned cattle nnc apnu f erliirj htm 1 yoke m oxen ss llnqn co hernl if lieen mid all reuuiii krmit ul4tudli wliicli will l uld ni a fair vf1uitiiu oil mifderlu ternitt there are aun ott the ab we remitoaa cjrwnl hitje and two fil ltr tlkialvyye prn iv situated nine roilca frum alaua city of ktngrttin ttrt llie remain dcr iii lumulincma an roay bo agreed mpii liy ikn partieti application t be made to mr sarouv sluar on the preniie a free and uneueumhcred deed will given ou tlio ahovo furm iirriiijiui juno g isls sm flsidtirncb uuxtiieaiwwctbat sijtuihtat kafid ofihritom twlfmi moil trrrwotf bak rtl m1 j dm ihin-n- mtflftfirof wmj d of rrrtili h am ife atciiia irt l ciit6f iu uk iump itthmvp lj a ih rifet of araor j rajanr iffwru iha- bai aavam4 h lrioaik4 mlu iviitv tl rnu tl ii- v m i salter of t- lvil lir a- c m lattuwe ccj cihier of it peefieo hik vediekl aji cmuc w caratt m iw aetj lc j t 1iatr atritii ohm fiftu i skiffs for hire f in itiii aujkhnwaiieko fvin bankruptcy arvfv information wanted ofiatittrkmvitiyifraxirisw murrwhtinrf iier ril v whn na kfuin qrviibltna in moy 117 orut who vna lt kenj of in septemlkt lt47 m f tm eehie hi fitlkr andrew muemj from iii c0jjdvif jptifo pjmh of kailikkifl ff laaa aiv 0o tlw enn site uforuutiwt will lie amlefclt eurnfov j john h rfme ft ll e cofnin ined by manrd f kifk- tlick buim jnde of the dmiiici curt vlke midland llittiict dated ihe ecnd iv ol anut one oiooiand eijhl hundred tod oatvrieht firt minnenffvdi1oioflsaturvpav mie mnetecntii ilay of aucustt o c w ajl 17 is41 3l fall meeting c al g s m edonia sprin races 1818 the pali meeting of the turf xlubaj ihe caledonia spring will he beld on tneday ike 6tb edcmher neat the put and maiche will be aa follows first day tfce 5numboat ftw of s100 en- erfrjreero tne eh of th pmpietom of the suamceoidgld and porcutune free for ajl boraes two mile heat fredrieloourah i ft urvwn syrc v f1lfa tl dutrejrtj eaiujnt prieed f y irnl rifpropeeientifr iheuru iv ft id hw it iiitd rf h i iiruvlhlv glpeivd ifwh i ik ute re but prtinr i ilnh brii lell h l wrc at e 1e i uh iur f lit ijd tv- nud h frpiiiu hi itomd m ry netlnd iitnl it npne itau a uf deekjfov lt eavi ivereve rt lhe son awuec0nf flcihhrea tenrtitftaiij ml rmide fr tle b ritiil ucho ijoy cmt iu i v elf i ifr lifiv fnin tll nes hid bo huh rfhufi hip le cmlr uil uulv of illo vf rrery mtlftdy ihcideoi t mn the vr 1 uann fir le in k hy cujlltrtntliiiccaa street ondlleitry mjuib aitkei rutie jut aa moctt cotu as if he wa into court for one hundred time tke mooid nr empiny acoaol lowrjle forbtau walnut all ctiys ruttpd about waj of doing bamei prc riced or the purpose of otakint raotjey lor llie kiactoo peoplend tbc kioon lawyer at the eenrr of tlroae who tarn their aeutry hoarrfjy in n jliit ctii -ujiu- f am hnp- ovfossy as in my iprentr mw4bot uu mrtnueaj fiank lia bceti iht nri iojn tlef to ihi male of ihina the dircclow of thai iutiliilw are men of energy and well uc onainted with bnmneaa their notes are now diconnte made payahle and collected in ccllevjllei hy the advice of thoae who know how to nnajte audi rnatlera while iliow of the ccrarntrcul bank go itirosgh iho same routine a formerly ihnf i ibey are signed wid paid here wfrfc they ate made payable and collected in youreily bui wlfrle i enm- platn of the many facilities for makin money which ihe latler raetirjui otforda the people of kinxaton at our expense lapl auealafe that for monlha jo ibi last tnrinj and during ihe summer tteatuit here mateually aided in relievinc the ditret prevalent tbrotlhnut tm- dulriclhy oocasiniiallydjoounlinaliule for those who nood moiin need of eoney tne kindnew wldrh mrted the proceed in will not be forgotten aodlhif aeent nd oirectnr ree milled to our thank for h if in gene ral rule each jtaufc vera to allow iu locat aent to decide in mrut mvirrr whnt it bed noroi eno rally a thing tnd now peno at a dii- lance cannot aluraya deteftnine wbal lathe me lining coorsn to pursue in a locality for the atererof their smlilotroos and foreign interference aloicut luajj create strife and cu duadvciion the agenuot both the hank here are no doubt well qualified for the airnations and ueinj belter vened h local for hi agency there would f think be mor good fcejin evinced toward lhebarka ft y irltettirti een7g tittttfrt t is7 i ia perliapa but an acl f jutiiee intkc atv- prirtih f uttfv r nf willi cilery fw 00 loans lliit nor pifml ejacricnee in ihe u nf ihitnrticlc hi imjirein 6 a ui4l fsvofntitf one f llio ivopiiefn vf the trvejtr rti futirrrr cured l kec c4iu nf or uhhiip cejiinu- ne by ihe ue of ih ujm j eeerl ol our frit nd and ueqinunce b deyo tiej ihe nnielff bvc pud ii rei aerviee in relviojr them of tettcrc ctuch nd ietfe f beiliint uit whieh ihry hd iwn efjetrd mr sclli iv ivlc no 13d veriimiie ia out feiefbt arciil ftc rvn dceerved remembet lint erioo hriilo- tiotwrindrfiherpicpamiioii wim ciirty tbund tl lawftnal tl latd but ii h d wiir tbdtkse l e runoe llmduus whderrul eurea ifirrcluro tuv r miter but lira eeniti- vmo fhim wild chciiy atoned j uutu vn tbo writt finale rhnvak nnd retail hy churle brerrt w ft feivsawi ktnatonund druutae removal brazier corpersmltii iu0n andtin plate worker aird pelt uqoger th quhacriber respectfully inform hi custornnro al the pulio rn pcnervjiw ho iris removej hinutisivj rfjss iyrils0 frim uigt streot to prlnjcess street qppoiitc mr c tttotht drvgfrt hp where he hnpea to be favored with a continu ance of pt6nace 5vce oefl kh p su j iiohsey knsrljn aujct 19 lis c73m iouoiiii eiht hundred and fertveirht vis court ifnne in ihe ciiv f kiofbn usc said drlrje at twelve oclock no thomas a cottbett sjuriff midland district kussjttasjp 3nj autimt isis w mirn ft jlcxoiatov solicitor tho ttvitturo foaatof 50 5 frertjfor ill horc harness 5 beats- entrance bl3 ittofl a term of these year tho aiej on the munjreil road par 11 to faht farm ajlrft- ahul fnur miles from inhantosj eommmity called the ttull1ea eill ni with two others jpinific comrmin- in nil upeirdi of 50f ktc the property rt jaut rosscll eitj for further paftlciitar applly tn william cunn at the me brewery olhcr- klfiiptori auguil 4 1813 6wf second day thtcnr clc puastt of 103 entrance 10 ojtm lo all horse 1j mile bcau the oisvatcv pcnc of entrance 55 for horses owned in the ottawa dis uicc h mile heals third dat the caicdcuta cvr of 200 entrance 920 three mile beau open to all uoret the hcmrb rc of sio added too weetajtc nf c0 each open lo ell hore two mile- nine hordle 4 reel hijh each matow bacci- horstles between twvi celtbmteduerjle hone 100 lo skr mo ney depatiied two mibsa 8 horc3ai tet higbeacb aceordintjto ibe publbbed rules and re rrujatiooj of his course v j l wilkinson k caledonia series july 15lh 1948- city op as uig hi kivgston f company notice i herebv jiren that scaled ten- dei will he received until tuesday iu auo mexl at a pjl at the ofbee of the above named company in the ty lluildin for the erecimn of the neeesary bnildinc work gasholder tank kc for the ieie of the cohipany parties tvnderinif will be required to snal tto repniiibe prniw frl entritie for the doe peiformance of lite work whoe teat jjnatnrc mnt be atnd plana and pecificalinn ta he ren at the qkce eeerv dy between ihehour of loa m and 3 p m by order of the soarl dtolkien wotherspoone skntorij july 17 ibis 8 mortqwsjvproved salfjluv p rice of the above article reduced to one pound ten ahilline per 100 ibe ol1phant watt eowaho eotsl new york coruer of brdvr at llaidom rno deeplv atpreciitio the very liberal patroiiac he towed nn tnem ince itur- i i n tr from the mer howaan at a ivijrr kinston august 118- ontario tlotton mills r sibcnbr ia coittuotlj recritinith andoftrifnrrtle at mbuacmretaprkcij bavv 44 cotion heeline bales tarn sorted number f bales canon salt i m william ware jfesnf kindlon aufirl 16 1545 city of kingston gas light company tne board of director having cotiacjr far the erection of lite cow lost ctflayeo from lh premise the mr- criher the 10lh io- a daltk co lorro cow with tier rieht torn painted red wie ia a eoj milch oiu any per- itn firine in where ah may be found will be ui1ably jewarded e yarivood jsttf tbatfitttry poredr ground c7 kmgtom ttg it ists in vork slc have the leliewinc call and all stock hddri are rerjneated lo pay ihe aemeat the time ap- poiiled t the coiany oico iu the city ouildin f iz kite per n lit if siotk on ibe tlsepiemtk fieo d d m 0m fve d la xoratantr fiea l dt t leniittrr the direcinra have rreolved that the stock book of ihe company hll ha finally chord on ibe fim day of srplemher awtt and i new abacribrm will be allowed afier that alatt i1yordrnf the board d tolkien wotiiersroox secretory tfingtton auutt j lcvi3 63if ert their iieiet in the above well known ftlnlel me repoctfully oak from their friend and rnhivner a conlintmnce nf lltir kind rememhrance whrn entiling new yock and fr tm the pumie 5 xc honor of thot racon the howard iiotel h an establish ment of the r1ri cum krth with regard m ita buinea and it amide mean of ecurint the approhatinn of it cnmomer heine fully rtiiat to the comfoiubie acomodation irf ftom 300 la 3 w pernn gentlemen or families can be aerved in their private pailm on molrrala term in vs tyle luy my demtv r at the iwr d al their option the central situation nt the houre srto decidedly one of the iwt in new york mtitfcioft to ihe fuimie office and 4ace bwinei rbn rendering a lont itlfom i fmicoiffj walk lo and from your unlet u- nreeaary wbimall life advantage nf a rri- nveraiy imild idenee in the bt part of hrnjdway are en decided upon making jovrj i in illf h matter nf nal ermf tience added to which iu aji the material lor hue comfort in it ceuenl arantemrnl and mana emetii whatever can he done hy the mnl minute attention tn ma it truly desirable a a residence and linire ffit inmate during lhtr msj4 in kew york ttm pmnrielor mol em phal really amure the public ihat tfaeir hotel ahall yield lo none uhaterer the ioiijc ekpeiienceof met- jvinrtiioma wwl the exlenvive fnvttr enjived by him fo- o many year whiut enaeil in the hioe a albany mi in ihe united state- hotel at 3ateiox spring are a enrantec that ihvse piedeea will be folly redeemed thomas ro july 151543 b7w ishing parties and mhr persopj wrjiinb fur ffosri tali skiffs can be tumdicd at all bum a searle cwtom ittari kington july 1 1 isis 57tp siieu1fps sale midland disckict tkn satuv to wit j day ihe 31jl day of ootolter neait will ln am ir ihecouil i ionic tn lam city of kiiiyr- stitn at i- ochek noon the tin tletmeriiotterl lands and texk- mknts cizcdlty yiuueuf a writ nf yttri faciis tauvj ul of her aujea tyarcuiirt f qib bench atij to mo ill reeled vis tub bank of urrea canada frjf rr wins irnxi kittrkt attmlion antiiuny mwaii v wltuwl huokb kelly khiitulrvirllmij ou crtifios jrr ltt no 3i in thn lib cnriccaaion iv ii gat on nnw stnr- ririqtht doo aero ptrt of t ami 3 v eat of i ho catarviiii town ship- of kiucrtth 104 acre na de- ncribed in tho peed from a huh mc lean to anthony mtnahau port of the norilihfjlf of lot no 2 and benvoii front s7 acres the marsh iw front f li no 3 andinn uf loi nu 2 sjacrea thomas a coritett sheriff mtd dittrirf sheriff office kinpton 19th jole 1849 j j cheaper than elsewhere hi clocks watches ptatedgoods and jewellry imie subscitlbek in retn ig thank in the iimic lie the rry hvral mpnrt extended to liim mcc hi cthninencenjenl ir btitjhffajtj would bvrto idicit a cnntiriiunce that in ad just icceivej iib crivaimiiecpniij0 u ik uifeiie vie lifudo el law cwpny tub rates teve tnikjn i jntnl emaeisnfrnn feawaeaipi m fa llrsvaam nf life nj vjl b ftmd m iilvtletftie in mn ikti zaun lb a tbe t itrt vtbrr cwp4tue half credit system tlie rffprr will ciant aarawe n ihe w- lwranlltts anoot ireimum erill l- reeeired fre the arel rrc ifinm rnm the remjimj hk lb infreai mitf clrfebla mi drii nit u iwiey t he nm et nen eante- niefct ir l ile ofii nf iheni4d wue docud i iciitcnxnf vf the tultw- reef t1e casfve rsfteiith r nt fe w if term ratrera arlj ttfm nt pinle uetjnt lire and jsorer ttvhip for the vhtle teem ol lv ar iw tidied or idte titer etith every ber ia ti4 niy w ubliiic ipytiiior at ill r the toitpny iivdicl adiaer nr itmyaas atcol fur kmeilan v wllwaji rttaeft oftier rere rlrre otto liii mcuvqild i cpip s3it juirm 1s4s fresh oysters and fruit daily by express cor or iucc aso ueiia f the ame and ivmild intjtnate prjtafli ditinn to hi unner stock he ha a nnv and varied jortinent of cftlj and silver vllrferi jctrrllrj plated and fancy goods which will he dd al exceeding low nrice n rdcr to meet the hard time ii invite ihe umic in cll and etamine id jde jor theiutelvr before mrchaine eltruhere wm hurdle x r uree antlmeiit ol dtdth nd wsljlrgtok 45 af m isil public nimcis tfxhb suhftciihers beg icavo t they lav have mvr msag thank for the liberal pitfwmra re ceived bj hicn durire the uoie be a 3 fnrrfye stone dialdijyp nrxt door to th ship caoncry of copt donaldson the npderaiened i rwrctallv retarn conducted the checkered hotjcl and with nlevnra antionneealo ihe pnhlic trenerally lhat he ha taken ihe above premi e naani1y intaied direeur ornniie l josn ii grerr 3c coa anlendid hrefrool rorwrdinj lablehrnent anil coovenirnt o the american and 0v nf qiinte steam boi unrlinic ijo to lh ferry frojt landioht every jfrible attvmtien will he paid i the comfort of ihose whnnne fivor ihe nooie with a coll the table will be hlrraalied with the dot hie mketatrorti and withajf the varieueoof the season the ihr mjy he jelir on for choice wises sptrjis t the undmienrd in coming second titna hrfore the pontic in hi oldealnnj reiprct fitllv ioliou bare of public mtmeia l vrjillirs klnealoi jnlys l4d 3m 200 rhu fine flonr 50 bhu lnrpeud mr pork 30 do 4o prime meat do 20 do pot barley for sale hy oliprhnt ft watt kindlon jonc 27 3is 52tf oatmeal aqunrhh fmh fround in loli of 224 lo each just received for ale he olipilxntjt watt xwrssloo lltb july 1613 5a new machine shop bacor stftrt kingstopf t he p susicrilmr having leased iho miaos in from of ontlirrcnn rtection willi live city fukhacu roni street kirj on u now prepared tn execute orjrirn in tha following brancfiea viz flnur harle anrl threshing mills paper mills nd parrse machinery nf every kind srav mills and planing vmacuiny noil cuitnct macliinesof all kind ytruicul drilling maelimes sintej and dhililri ccarfj turning haith and slide rest scrvwinft ma- ehinea nid screwing toekle of all kiiuls- patent faii4 vrtrrtnttd tvptnor to any t hit an ot been uttjin cvwtth from hm experience in the alroe brntiehoa rf tradotlt undorisned fenla satisfied thai he ia aldo co ftimish ma clitnery etfuat in qiaity simi chonpnean ft nv lltar can bo imported or minufac turcd in canada arex mair kingaton joeo 27 88 53 if form ilw public thai ctimnwnced ltiiiinesi as itctwikrs cm1iuim sc51uims ar rae r f ft c shcti and from tho experience nf one of llie firm in tho obve ituainoss ihey feel cmifident by strict ailenlioji and punclu- altt to moiit share if public ivriti ago and auppnrt and hope to gve general saisfectiun t thim who may troht ihct with property fvr 1tjlalio or privato sale n all sales or horses caitlei c will he strictly attended to on the public marker george i1untrr hexity rautliff sereacvcks memrj wtwtvc mer mlcw mcdmrhintjt4i molsefwmef eq jn ii greer ci una rv eej jwh fere b s2l rrirbatks patent 31111 stone factory rt 6 ite arncct to won to to be rented tilt eiu1ck utrsb bagot treet itxtdoorto the briitih irav orjire pnaaeaaipn ginn immediatry onl rent to commence ou the 1st of july ftirtevina rappw on the premise or to jitit aniilsv bat tiingstun june 10 isis liand for sole- 4 sjtw ache lot ilislrd in the ninth cncmin f the townihijt of clarkei the neciitle district tetm made kjiown on sjfrri ration w mr peter lajnood chusoco sfieel kiiiftun eintonidjnne 1819 smi mon oilrorkb trbbtr cttnfajthiiig h rooms gardeo ami out iiiuo poasesaioa riven nn the 13th inru rent lote es ttjtrc uf samuel morlet4tco geserae r j r iore prinan sk kington jth june ims if english cheese 4 few baskets best cheooer tkltklkinerkelnquebir armciieie in excellent condium rcceired and fortuity oliphantfa watt eintton inne 13 is4s 49ut for sale i on imls plaster maxurej vl 100 da nay rakes at reduced ptricc ouptunt watt kmpiflfi ix bankftuptcy constantly on hand ami mslo nut nf ih very imsi ftnek iturr blocks mill stog5rf 0 sices with or without bin improvement tiro dutch anchor boltix clotf m itutnlrtrs uanel irons srool mm chines ruliiilg lititrnc scrctva and tfcrorvaforliftini- stotre pinionaout of gear bphrd h oates turntojune 7 isit 46 6m t ney and cireil liombc r vard ik sijsifcrihcr ukos to in forrn rhe public th ho has purchssod tho lumber yard iikao o tniritaa ststtr from messrs isvirf bsiuv to which he ii cnnscaullymakineienviee ajjiiiiuin snd i iinv lirnparrid tu soil lumber oiikapj his muito being snort projirs uiqd iwunu m cosh paid fur lumbor dulivircj at iho yatd c marriott kingnton june 10 18s 54m ciivmbly canal j oticeis lierehy civen thatlo meet hs i vieie of the trade tiic ronmiinnern or pnhhc wnilchave entitentea to delay the closing the ciiambly can m nhl saturday theecond septem ber next wmi which day the water rill he drawn off and lh canul remain closed until wednesday the twfiiv- tietii of the iainr tronih bv 4r tuomas a brfily cffrfory drparlmentstf pnwie work 8ib jun 161 stlvof real estate otke ihnrsv civn that in rnrso- urr of ji or inde on ihe first da f jue in the year of onr lord lformiv eihi hundred and foiiycirjht hy sprr af kirnravmcr euire judg nf the daniel fnif if the midlutd uislrict nhitv the real estate of joseph pieioona bnkmp was ordered to be fldai ihecolkt iiolse in ibe ciiv of kin- de on lie seaentii dy of 0cto- kkr pvt at twelve oelock nooo l that i vrhohi of htsairj uankrupr real estalo bemc comjrtil of i he nonb half of let no s in the 6th con- csvlori svnva and ibe north half of lot no in ihe trtli cvnceion ombra andatso a mortice oion lot no tn and the nona lulf or th west ralf of lot no luconceion kinon which id mortcafn wa due on the 2xh july ll7 and n for 53 iu wilh ateret will he ii op faj vaivat pohiie aiiriinnon ihe said stventh dav m octopkr nest at the court iiotsep in the city of kindlon at twelve v nnnn and allnrfons havint or pretfndine to hee any claim up titan orref rrjl eule ate e make knwn tnthc juden ftf the said district court the nature and ex tent tlierenf in wrliin al least nfleeo days heft r ihe mid sevenib day of october tkx in nrler tlm neh claisa may be beard and determined nn by order of rhe centl p f mccuaig tnesir james linton j vet onrer kineslnn june 3 ifrts 4vlnw j notice one or two gentieaietf can ht accomodated with ftrard an lodf mf at arevneelahla private fltic situated in tie centra of princess street address a- 0 eaie of post matte knap on important to the public tiik scnscftllter would rperiruhy infniin the iohshitatu f ih cily of kinclon counuy eneialllbal be hsa opentil n grun and provbbn store in one nf mcdowals neteafen aertdines on baees sraksr wbeie be will keep con stantlv nn hand m4toied hans dried do boonpork srtnefine and fin ft n r oatmeal ihjtan meal indian lin oaf bocunhcat pea- llean salt tolatoe i ffii- v cbee andnther anielecnnnceted vih ihe trade ion nntneroos lo mriiun all of which be ttiuel low fieeatti f ii f rmbtronc kinslnn may 30 is4s skiff for sale complete utih uo pair rudder entire at tuski of 0 an4 rhiiu no i hardy tv stvre ontario street ctlimints aho a jolly boat new will te soufow wm donaldson kinton slay co siv 4ft