tjwfcrt fl ibdcelta afired te jj ir arlt 1t it hfiindnm smith ouwkn a fte orrci mr mem the followi cmmot mr obrien and bit family may to read vivh interest he ww bum m dro- mnn rumy of ctare on the 1to tat october iwi irfin the herald un nf si rtfrtd obtln frutih hiroiwl rfhrtjic in 187 by the daujhler and cihelies of xv smith ft of cmintnnytc county rf l-im- trick the latle lady vfrj neb heir ess tv issue of tbi marriage m addition 10 the trtih of onr untie enntw of tritfit other children itttjmjetf ui ihn r3rl9n fjwad n iw a nl mar ried tv dauhtr of mm dawson eai hie m p a eciuu of the bouse of cremome bobrtt horn in 109 ww to the daughter of sir aubrey dcvere nee h o riicn matiiedtvthc danjhirr of j nodly rva i- unmarried anne mimed ta re- atbitinriit harriet mvted to luv t monela relative f mr mhwii u f it cvttrmve of xir smith tybrin in the tf resenlation of merik cruuilj rnftp riae lucis married t lion and rev auv yard 1 1 at rip hi other nl katl of milmr bury emeof the prebendae of samnrt mil rector of ivitto- tht present head of th wnf of olttien orbryeo i the mapiu or tliomoud wlm adopt the taller form of omoim ivi cmuce hie descent from the tt- al line of tl mfcee id hu mulf nnn cioriuit i race of princes which sprang anh imi nf hnui tvfc lm nk from lb celebrated llbemian mnnarrh wicker hko n lir nd vry brje dtiim oomtte0f ftwuvhucommenecd hi i brui eyre vhn aiv d irfid triem in li2 icrminalrd it wiihlu lcc ltr i tl tlte nc clontarf lfil i siou tht pfciil maioni- i jie wihl mlc ifci sir ihiim othin state r ou o for conur and dipfemitk pt- rice not more than xi500u a ycit nod iwl ereliip wf war i tnrj to proil o lmn rtith ihc unilrd sichi tuc lmtrnwa poetm cwt co b t thi mmitlrt or m biif rrtiwieil i be vmmm immw iwa mwi n f m hh- f mf m i lysr nwrm niw fend ihni in ulflmla m n- kcc rnf ll 0l unj iocc n ftimichi t no rftim ii r it tminh far avrml tin rmwlfri rlric m ll 1flcr r ii ohmnvn by iu t u4 rtit mmi fm iv n m v wlmrui itsiliv esie rtil ntfffc liyihiorth n imial liaa mimp eiiinu rtln in rb pw lnti to fif rt ijm tnrntlf rkinf v 0 wrlfc- tji ithir lohli v c jl hiin 111 ij j cf llr1 mrfr no bl he omnimin n4l lciv ln om mi- f lit j t tfo uircia tma fwfoimlmij el r c iifr1 itfi d iit e it i kept pi a inni f c mief br wmu ii wp i onyrmfr fk m pjc f aff fhm tl- wiff trpm4 ntw m lm ino p th tank iv tctrfity ijr bri fril tthnvo howlut ftih linf vh h will eapceet him nt ltrnn 1nctiiqiii hn not pa the thrr ttllo whiflt witl rwornr t lincu in nlrtrnra l the imowr of hvw lilltfc itmaj w 4jer iuj1 in s43minfriti 0bnon tm- lhn ha1 of ihr honmt lejmbr- rfjlo kagvnikd and ttnj 1ii jorcfivnlj ta rhward vi and wo in tkwiiaif erf died ktfl of tunoni f fr mil ratvn in ftbiqio tbo ml holder f thr huwift- ct sw edwii trbrk w nf rhi ton- loctu olfik b jtrj dutinc kftltpw of hi fipr hv califiiunh rf thomas k coanly of hm iilirj ki of llfttfagihad i4 amc it ww tlntc h i nfcllic fw mjvwimw lie ovn 4 iik am t lw i en av 04pti 1triii tpiiidtiitfm w utitih l tuuur b ibr iiiimimi hpu iihi ii i- trc ti-it- cl- iv nnl rmtl til m wtifti thvil j i tn htiillvl r i iwry iijf1li ii fc t inn ftji jspi nnth wvl it t ho cfv h4kt jfct r- irrtl uhf ic viww r lw jfrax idrx4 orrtj 1 l itedi tme l it pj c oc vf ili in cttdihrt lnholm ffcv titom oj hiimtx ai brlbltpina- tiy jn trip nljrnar kclmt kdt chrenffam and first comtn or tirci mijyiinl n t in ilio bllcr aoitth tho ltcpr of hi iorc- ral cmili apfrrr mr jvilritn nfricd hoot 5 tlimo ihrdjiitco uf joph 0msbrtl ufflwfiefc i wk he lni mufuml or fevto t4lfion nu- ffitn a eijtpirfc of ttiu colu vvn fjfd tiluoril fdhr fai- pf eim in ftll id iua oijcv mr vm nvllfinvrtie cio of tfe mtfcnnrald iuic olee- pf fcuiimqnocitif bcrne a iurg fldif 1 ami i is4s bt fiti jr ur ro- pfalrtuki si h rstrar invcoottiy rtf limct ol tk- i ix armunt mireooim h 1frffifir 1r hml the flu irehtvl cahdmtve 54 mrofirtn utfaia rbhif hot with ibjeitun s lnciv bkvn twi hrasr u lj reftteoaftl f vr rnimrof rjan ti lnapt udy ftbieoiiranil limine aj nnuaeej a pmev if of about jfioo prt luritl to wbcb her tcru mo ta alvh to ijij to be hen iii in olwi tic thii lnir m r i sir 03irii frr a vvcailiiv jig li flrmftltfi hhflnif ljkn u inilkjeiictf 4l thokaof hn iitothar 1v7oook lkfuh ft june 21 ajr4r wfttg joeetitmem ttll hjvr all the wy h hicn he rinn of cnuiutn oa cjn rtn maon opon ihc oate f hiiry t hi hen hie tivilxenmditnf llioe colohm foe my tar tiiii piic f in pnfcffsoio ni lmd jun ttiotfllin m y ui it im iiw cisnmiinl iricifroi nmont ucsl eithiin llmjuk nf nhinjikiriont ami every imlivmual in hi lniy itfdnced to n eiminion fittliy short ot iroilivr wmv init thi- pnmie rvvonne nf ic ovtaud awu by ih h4ithiuiioy of twit fioftiuinio ui t hut iniivly ctjj rfinl it n fmvar mvulnd but piiitftjl fci iil the rivil 4t if i n inltli05 at i olmy fan no kmr w 4moiotut out f ii iunl leravmy meiw noi mean i the tlkj ctir n ty rvm i i cviit upon ur enliojcikie of the uutnl n rr-4- nnatter pakh th fmitwns esrf enr j ftrs eot ti lit ireealeacof veollirand irjn- ntt pi rcwd lh tf m wvrtcm mw im ship a rmhwwock of an e ii il i niih plvifi enlo piin pnjfntj rrifi1 t tw4 umay yt v tint m wlb w diaiter ihe j1 omm khm ioi ttf liiiterllajiti n ho cap uitt lloilitj mtsf fyiv otcvl it ao4 from 0uv iii uk f il tf ihe apinfi fvrso-hn- nw pnhuick and mw rvtify fttnir mie eoyaje awnt lftnlt pvttveipanv women and ehimren ematke on ni j at gain ny akn wilu them everyihmt fhfjr noaienvi in iho rj thi ileplnraivo citroiuir tanned n thy s4n of u thcmutwra iwarc that ibry wttf ct joftrweaii otct icfoof lhewp hrin vnown a jt lookt ulitrj io kitr br lii bthatailmay uftvfr tan abof- ike ftt itimaiton nf ike ftci winx hrr vnc hefcvjv on a met a hvmif eflrl ww matlctobacv berhal a uon oerhul corned pjaf rer the rockantt hr tfla teoi with atnlenco rro md ronhjr tnee the mt- ctinbcattrotl ondrokin creal i wit whole of irfli 4tt in tbrii vttfcjoihv tod iheii wrofj on aufnl ftlaiimq f ijic lbipmav be oaftilyconceivej vif owthlhr lnp kmainej in an r- rithtnmslion a the lne t hnwere a aaj raatancam ike ra from wijefcm li tab thcboalalattbirtnlofleieaaojvop af the cftw ficet ded in fncrminfa thai lb anore was ameme fp land the patinfiet 1aj icterned anilwiijeuo trips optwten on skip and hielahfl wfnistccer lwit oti rduiefflgtfte aiiisey wetedtivtm saint thnroekivajidmaoy of 4 be poor erabtre mrt kritbn waier rtsev tio vewel uv tk tmtjniiod heading on the tl foin g1m thf matwer il iwar and olher meftf tiave her fmm de5trogtton were adojlvd noeif ak hu imviratenlete i ev imrmfia teainlertif w ewarfm sefln s4 w auhfnmi t tvi ik ft 1 mmrt pffarm nf iw4ih nf- haft rf ii a ll v 1 i jcvui 10 4i4l ii lfcil4i tt4 ittni- itit 1 1j yiii h sf et m hi tttlt vtt 0l tlu in j bit ht tln n nre1 ft n nil chik 414 11 nite ii if lnsj ajnmini nf bpomi bou ui5 ct i lf ia l jr ny ct eriiiu anc mmieii 1 jiikm vfotri nn nllrilmi rxtliu kj ip n- ir- j iin iisiii rlvtirnr bta rtf f jim4 c wnd m vovr nni rufi tt jnnil fo tn l trt il ilierftre omit wmnt arhnle ttiiti f 4 nml lh jn nwihi yt ilt iltfi eicm netw i ro rer n ueak titofny i itl r if vtillv ln mh it i v wiwryjnosaonivapliir inibvssnejii let nuvsj pjkmav wov4lktjvo mtk0o r itvwtnieiote ln i mriror it ncn he f re wre t i t mert p ktvnf in jm nettunmw 1 t hi- itfrawr i san ieaim aerrintenejlule i uu the irtiftio fmm dnttiii vrnnt mm imb h rnnt fb a owe nwr wlvj afliwfco4jlfllwx ilte aerna n h lk nlfcnee wnii inch rtnovelirtrit h lki mn oanaetitl up 4nnatc1kt mnnll etiiairtilo tpavinnnta h tv yin alwjr ate a4unkda0f tthn oltoel a j dieiit nt h the rn ifmi je is petlndlisl i t k aifc nrt iccin wli nvlfio on in isjtnavk hndtnr fnwp ikr ttinivirl kumnu lit tptnin arc rj aatd be tncml fyiai nvpinl pw pftvno n viim ml o ltio i eofiw ti wt f4hik and viw i- ayiaatpvn tfaa m4o ky sl cmaasaj tftvmajueaj iau1h ami lm itvlim n uttfr m refly fmni mr l th wvw teclay idoihtau tant tbo ptiutmiw aoiht f i 5 jfcla akd ianj tj tfollqwinitsne mjite in vmk m fttlii of rlnnlfral fincb fv 1 i tirade wlj serre incult lh ynokeci i iiikt4ob ibnirdalliraj hot in nec sejrpe sny limat them it rv f tollman in canada he itt ioto1nt nf he hocarhtthe mirvthstlahsheiina land olittmiitietty fsmk in iboflzhl nhnefion riarndon shall he the ivt teprrwntaliee of knland in ireland ond wi throne t loitering henvatb him llo mmt litfni lboe syco- pkaiiu wlw have been fjllnon the mivcries of nnoppremfd eonouy i in a uiliieelof ocat briuin anj you st im dnim agrafe of it bernm 1i1k ijf 1 lanhterp i am a undent l moniia iidl hswp nntlhe ullshlffl hritalio4i in tehinvfon tint in lonliral itie lrih jr not afratr nof avlmmed t avknow mc ihethvlm uerumiciii on j-tm- jay niirford dt ioiio braaeaiml pirimic mrt chfrrnl for lue noble and p win cmts of america who are nanmiutiif their ihou- 4jinl of dnlla4 la ine aid nf the ulnnon eaito tot wlni ii lfjttimeii me mriitftrlin aij tiny kite ptedashl ihcuiclve in h ccy miatxtiy rtiilch tliry may hurl ficf jmer irte itopnunf ijijijuj xhv nllrmm i hate the hrmnr l he vteeitiidtni of iw iriji lritne in montreal iho lvienl of thjl liaki is an ituh proliant 4 man alut sfnith 0 illivnv 4v heatt ho cme fminaijaik av iuditmn will not m- a- latc ni wn will jiinhanu for iheaatuvf out cmnnon eoianl th mn sliiuk at mr hihil iihiii jueph rapiuran i fnt viooivjinlif tlic uane md he will asirt in iii l wnrk a rvn hut smiv- ns ttf had iil from mr ocotwftc and i mlee he will till von that he iececd a m utjttim fie hcaid litem eir tlitir iiunne if iioary 10 jiil llinr lilnod in the cv if in u i yon iijul nni vhcvc the atcui coinil in the crw ok mets ttirj aie all rtalrd finm c4 jan pmtnas hntite 10 mtr came oil the rupertnl mnlf1 pin in tinpaiiio sbue nf ibst fiieijuof ireland they ai afuid yni will pay u 4 vll which in the t i diuiujld1ale nf thiir aftur wmjd proir a viy miwelciiiic otic ir tbev irnnvv 1h1t nrp wnull rvreveymi with a w aaiffeiiff lid chnix von will jnhe fmai wh i haesaid that 1 am a vy tnyaj nhjl of hct gpaeitjik nvyemy t j apcai raihn hddiy il i line i liavr no eoneelnitnl 0 my nwlt iuhiiiu and tkal 14 a rr ttlnit thy arc iikre that tkv limi1d lure their jnt 01m wilb jim i knorf ilie v of canada dalr not k1a single man lat the bold tx- l rr of hit loinlfmnalton of lufli tyiamiy trt thy ouhl iirivoht the anrr nl oaji ftiend ipj the lmtcd siate ohevrs twy knv uo wonld not kmk in tn to ynn f jr ntrtane n1 i am teitain from tse ile- imristmlioi i hive txen ihe wititen of lbr aafiilj not h miaaken tilt meeting of whieh i hao already sitmij wi cnnved by one of the lnliil official- 11 tiimtfa and ir virtv vf tnc iirecnt tliiihed ftite of ibe cnmitfy their former fyiiub ha hecn replaced by a military bip tlir nvijfir if the c4tjt haiik heard of ao incno u lm a incelr loid b the navitpircia at fir prlptce j but when hfiej ilvt it was for the imrpom of an liiltpittjicn mii he lccime lriekn irilh etrt the en fnamd of lh word mil ehain hf tnimt ainl incjkmg hit wvrj vvldlictkoe ar j utvfe honu lt no meclin htj ikirtt foe that pnitot on alilfle calm ttflccfon howetir he ajam chmedhh mind fraitnl of loun bis in- llon ce nmrn his liub fttetidi he said ihe luehtb t lehmd imhi itu a tneliox there if ivy che atid he fiimst if wonto preside if it hti pleated heni when lh hoir amivo liararrvnc he ia changed hi tonid and vjil ii tvas illr7il thre honld be no meetnij httn there and tn preeent nifrom vte mmin a policeman mi ihe enlmnee of hi maiket iv e had noued however to set auumiiloity at jnjiance jhi hviii- erected a ijalfnjin a call uing ie oiv uiinj coh- vetiiipiii vtr rised trlcnlored rl 4m llnr tfn4 rir pikfc and in half an bir afler the rivir ithsp fte merlin ntfij oviork we i maqvi jiuoai ipiiiseanniiitl nil totdel hy tl same pmi which aciiiia thcyivotallial thy would fhi if yon only rnt aoinc nf 0ni brave ehampmn to help thfrml ffadcncs nf we willfto raiir rnhiiileirs thh f iheteeling whieh pet- rsuleaihrmenof cunada and i repeat it aainlhev cxmtl a viil fcmnyon hhc tdn nut tell yon in nneaieocal terms toeoaie pnj coroner in aeeftrjlaiico wiih the life- liner wt greaf brilaini cdd not advise to aenuire additional lcatnin the fact most remaikahle about ihe ap cthlment u that mr- sullivan h not to take is eal on lh bench uhlil per the enaiinn seionof lariamrnt a j4tt nl thelml he vet cannnt be spared frcm the leadership of the uppt hm nniil he lias been per mitted in exprriei- nil ibe jnys of tb net csirpaitn htere was a immrtisn imicry in the hadieat camp wbea that party wa tn opiojiiuii breaihe mi lunr al fj umie iwnday tf aftnally nf leeofiu inpf a vnn iinn one miiife no mnre if vc crcollecl iiihl aflef m was drleiminvd m pmrnoir hint to the ineh iv hajicau iow in nwei will reeuoiile the livlalke career of mr smiiismii durin nevl sion veilh the culipuil lhy made oi the above imniiinl rhvamnii on ome ptnctple lt kilnun i thm4lff 4 tm dnnsl the a hot nr crnrrit iu4 hritef 1ik np in lux dailiiij biitijt piytirei7ifoa condnin hrstn oirr ftai tronu f iinillsml oj wei vaisijif i jvxtic lllfmxt tin am awafe that llie female p- ihe innilic alnm ait firqnenlly in a caniae diive around thr ty nodf we had the p1eane of wil lie entire bdv blh male ai0 lr- itrmvnaje ikat lias ti r4f eiyinjc thsmketvca in a hwn kiti slnel iv kliersj ihe lint ilntance on rreord of aurb an in ililaynrc wm 1 anted in ibi iiiifiilonat clas of oik frlli iv hrin 1 hatiliinen nf miuir nf the yatiir nre ihjtet nf mnh etui- iiy and ninniemenl to llmxe who wit nettrd ihe ptoceoo h were out a litih iflriel l re nwe rl iatl dfesrd np stmavnr 01 hmillotin rrd nien thr vltil rjlkil skim had imvirvcr bii n lake nnl po by ihe ineer several nf lit put 4iiio iift4ire in frames and a mny ha1 ffimrtil tltvir hamuolher ea ritd tons llr- with yelhnv pritieoat a anetinjrii fa mnnuld on umone t flrvj car lie t3 0il horc and tonpij a fuaiy lwnkinonwaictintf alnn ih one nf llattn brer h vwn- hfore hve whuh he thnuiprd fur all ibe world as l had been a bi dttim we were not bev ptyare thai ike aylnmennlainej so ttksf inmve nnr was it wiihoat reiel hat nwrvtil moii- the allleted ihionj nw individual vvhtve menial deianjrment had m4 before teamed we were palij y stmek tvilh the appearance uf ooe y linn whote name we wrtr told is dim ll ihe rest bm np their hru and iv tt nihiry hut h held ins dnwn m l tated to feel awaic or bis pamfid sitiiai this we aro informed i a llrfe ajajplw lelnminf reann uhioi laike deserves mneh praise for sa dntii4ine winch he has aheady in tuisiinliliitmn ll wnnht bae keenb- j ho we 1 r that he had selected nnie olhei for the ethiblion a many peron jffi rjiiainicdwithil nlnre vrerfr dspodp gafd it ai a twelfth nf july nrckrasiwii 13 hit is ii whlg oplfar ot orbem duae wednksoay mwlnine seprv 3 i orer hot hi that temiins 1 hovels with madame on the present tonr is ulmosl totally an object of atuaetion on ae- cfjtblssf hit harp tfniaa in imtroment in the hand of evejy other mmicun af the moal vapid desctipiion la bobv hand alon taiihead and known a mount val- itlmna ilin aecamptiie madame cihip and sinor qca a bass singrr of sone no luriety seakinenf crnukal matleis it remind ti of n jmldic duly loo un 1 circled ll i to retnm thanks to hlijor ciofimi f tlte 50tb ret fiie the rslirine kindness nd ennnder- ation manifeuil hy him on all 0cainii when the seivio of hi reimrntal band have been in rruiiion oilier iriinent and other himu hav bren pariinned in oni ftol eitv and nineb 1 due tn ihe kindness or other comrnandinoijiecis uqt nolhiux can iveeed te willinitrra to oblige the inbabi unu of kiitnet uhjeh major lofton ltn evinced wbentvn he ha iwen aked to loan a h 4iu1 what enhance thaj meiil is the real euettente of ihe band itavf tlur whieh nothing at least in canada can be mnrc qnulltly delihifnl wiibomony exception il i many f be imiuiry m every case of complain of cus tom seizures ft so iho entiro tevennc wnld hartllr pay the cost the character of ibe- coilecloi t kingston stands sufficiently high to warrant in 4ltbeliein any impnialioti on his v racily mr brennao may bkee suf fried lo nni really ho ha lnrof fn blamt to nl linijin aymrnsaecmjiajiijjii itif pio iev rnatter ivatnesately on tnesii made e if uk be in bij magnetic sclcgvopl ttptt4effnjfu rte urjf 7 t the kean 1 in to m anit otcrrtment avbalevefthl y isaastmitrclamcwuicauosrathlhoslv anf if a kn on after aosrther of th bofnrc s mtu erased ihiovh a oioat pvtijjie condifli ny ew drowned pav riwfeh 00 aehf eert aatftrrv the follovroe aee ur name of ie ofibtaattrrrs alfa mary buike and child mr coyce and mfaol patrick coicovany bcdclaby nantd kmt ad a lad ho t x lve nnntci nf heoa aesijrshd notbinon but their nijhl clothes when ibey landed some even peafedalf na- itesi 7wy were unable to savs anything nf mf istastjfmbu fcci tbewicck captain maltiday uud with yeal rifimnr ihrouhnulj thetiymt rrnd tv witt uniekiy v sjp with all sne containe i ssia rta laiated oke lilly savriltup iront the beh vat ascm- wace itjc e notion ijljtjovftj of lbety on hvlnaldinc hi scene iv 5110 himan earn p tihne fv it tilr snw v the time in imntflt ln ew wnfld ihme will not be fatnr of ike enofesl fn iteedoas n inrund njwkkilie tme lnes rfr nl jujn4lnw l hh rfftln a dlte- p4rik luvernrinnt o lifle the yorc of ie patriot and ihis llr- strii ol ldtriy vir in fllr yavhotfbe ycuj10 10 o merely jiva yon an tneiiatian l iti n and w it ho a eneral vkii as mea portion nf canada may be jealon of the olbr allajt mnmlayv rmjcttiiii determined lhal the money collected would be sent here hnt thai was orqirnled as we wanted arsn for onr own cause and hy striding in canada we bad an ultrtmr reject in vieis to sid ireland indirectly by dniiracttn the attention of ilie gvvenvmcnt we bate cmered on our dtjliea already in qq a miinber of n hav spiked l cheers i would tint slale ibalthe aulliencily of vbch i even dnlibwd fins i trnand minibers of my cnontiymehenn cotrntiorate what lsay i ii and repeat its if ioo0u men in vailed canada ihey cmild walk through it in a week ajid the liisli soldiers of whom there are thou- sanc luinnut o a man with ns i think thisljian evidence of aomcthing and willi the ae4liers to jnin us in the match to vrncdoin w will imn need much asilanci- 10 ftecoihplib our pteaent imdcr- ain dw yo4na pay u a vwlu when tt hack tn mnnueal wf are tn have anoihtr mnsiri meeting at which we w ill do yd nrmr 1w have ntn sliaiulaied bv tlirmdie ample which you have set von know itotlio4of the tenor which the tnuitdof vauvhall canies to lh cavcrnnicnt d p i l awjc th nam ivhei thry ask 11 what do yon rpean by 6evmeetin wvsayvauoiall vvhich hja them ti jrimtleinan at d jwn amid la tighter alid loud liverav and the can adas am tub home c0 vkunmkxt in ike hnnse of ct4astfflfct on the 2ih of 1 ve irfl shown esteidaj a cumos lwebeljevrj nui4iip rclfc pi ihe olden time 01 the 1iirtfy ol canada tn ihe shape of a 1 iaccd mdeitinf ir ihe lechiei1 name or which we are ignorant the uv of wbieli islo aiamplhtcniieoatsd wfer used according 11 lie ctefnnivial nf the unman catholic venrbl lhat we will stonitnr fallbjr onrown chnim ihe acifke vf the mi in the natter ivtewiiulhat piirfe wbvcji a tnnar earlln ins ihe a jeeniurum j4ntt bad a emlrance ef injuries oppr io lev fnitjand si iftivanaty eslvbilhniciil on a nv it ihc tlfne in ftrnvev m file fivc jeayted tmr if the nirji linn of patherlaud t mul tn1aty he tiiceeifl kclieve m whn t aelsaesre uitr hdy c lo nr tl in he faille fot the tervo ijie arm amaneipa jnly r william bjeswon1i delivered a day not far luslantiwhen wn hall cowuaie ieeielaleiau inchon the sorrel 01 the ibe cnlo tyyhi g ureal uiitaiii and tbe anetrroii hiirihens whuh it inrd nn the revrnneu lite empire it apnts that the vtoesfse of mantttiin ike ajrtfrnimftt and defrfico of ibe biiu1i cn1o amounts 10 eiehi oaiihon hcrtin a year esse half of wlkh it df frayed y u citvi ists themselves and tbe other lulf paid owl tf ihc national varory sr william cdavnrd to ihosf lhat ihc uiler inutitily rt tn nf these tv tanaiee raubiiumenu enkl tint be rdejme iud ihat ihe vihvlv wloial ej tt aabotb tuinona uilir mo cinitliy aod cpptesaier ulw uli4s a coiiuraptatd reirulivim in the fanada rt their fepiratmifnfftrriiam lodedtowiiha eerv calm m pilnanpln aaslrinaicoi on tiltiusata elfaci of sneb an alttfi err what pit do w j fccjm ujm itnoso tn xmh ameiieaj r it 1- c lh co- jonits aifi1tb unibd siai h 1 if ihry ssra tal at bart thry nr n eib to aoosect hiemlvrs tl lb tbe lihrrt of jrelawk flwnif tc 01 en a land ha urcoled in evkin the vijjanc ami rmiihuiion xyhich bei hmeareer of tyran ny and oppitvimt h- at irnlh 1 nlatled on her the miomiini pl4le of ihe fcovefn- jne to th evterned ha nolvim he f rcu irom dl allegiance nnd her authority for eenloiiea lias wen n h ij only by ibe slrnn- band nf pnwtr- sie hav nlraved ca nada ffom all trahv hhvr and in mat lite vbnd t1ril chlfify uti one nf a xnnpe of h ibrev m thnndev bv ai the fool of ijenr- sijnbav near lvn ll wa le- iovjcdukui the year 1630in a icat ma jjctj h ihe ihen bellitcn ionos of i lie liii4uin imuanv converted by ibe reverend faltie inllial massacre it u suppotvd that loysopfrtrtieirkhed intloditij averalot thr breihrillood vhe imidamenl referred av mas tecintly iinirrrrd irom ibe rulbiji of uie anri4nl hil vruvti liyen of ennxdera- is aboui two in the airin of f hind if two tie elyni if4 airenth it i frfl ion of iioof mituetbinc a wiref incef tit with il utnl nf ijiim 4 aid lh vanc of the j wlicuhovivevnwited ilnirotltet atu n f f pivevfof ivrirun nn pun nf which if rtigrpt j ed tuecro4 and mninramnnd other sacreil keaianc h amatimc ilwy havo at leath ftraprd ihe jwvfd with ihe drieiminatini in rl ihe chain wfiteh niflt joins ihrip tn ktt- iujj ileimuch knotted eiriucntimi lant beiadhetakcco ike piincde f civil and religious lihertjj have beeamr a mockery taltc up the miapnf ihe rsviltxrd xvmllfand jn ml not itnd nrt it another einntryim svtw ihe1ais imveum been admiiitvvdj with morn pitsace an iaiiarliaiiy 4h in heuad la there i bcirtcoljrcionof mmj one bnblpol in ike hisafy vf nul t ountfyl whie pihinrfn mlt find repose llji ficpacmiiu hint the en ey ire u i4 joj i tti wre lll1 j1l ila cnn m n fva m wiul 4 soif ai tasty rr- iimw from ani ttflte fcflilitt of stblett ihew te flremo ffiw id 7 a v l m h i w vcrt ovvreuweplnbnn4reds uricnriii ajnttnprstvnnf ihe wnr asf ital britain j aiibar tj tireutt inviu amd fi ill clonir aexlony of steily vaeie in ilia- lavifjied hu kaunlirs in inai wijli an nnpair tiihand ihry have tnnevd ptaitti thrlr in- freiians mllnenee and turned eteyyihliif into xu and 1 then aay lltaj it wa a tiahajlmsi p j decreed ural titefll au f 11 an ameytiul eojrttj mf country lookmprb th amotion lfl tyri dado loal nclsofentie kar bjiiosy contain kiadnn- aiauw lev tf ai r- ij p th mn at m mined m loafer to how ta ike b uniar i mnruahi irovrrnrr pf fmvoj bv paste lin prvaed between the liyn a m a die tv iogavcd 4 ie vtty pei ire t prglitiluy tinn its bavin ben eiv vnd titti wax and lite eiiqravin is of a ny rmjir-uf- arl in some places the niber parts rtcrviniirnmcnt are wnnjeifttl- lo roihhifj in otheivncajt dounyed by nil piicvi mewed injclhrr tliis euiu ielk i in lh pwsn nf william lloflw k of ihe nrdubhce depaitmedltvirniiln vlm wa hebele mean tornd it tn knuml tbe same tenlliman has almi iu his vacs- moi cwral nuiim rrtunatib of i idan anli- ilyt found in tb same pact indndinij a mir 1 copper bracelet md a nundier nf bead nf ficcclrbrated wamimm coaeffe tiik ntw jnavr tbo lln- r ii sub livan i 111 ibr seal in the coutl uf tinena henehrrudeiid vaeanl hy the dv inue of hie ulr mr jnliec jonea w art not 4pnsrd m rjnartel ittt the apinimnu the wore particularly ttd mr nnllivan intt1ven piomaied in the cnnil of u 1- i livnch lie wonld btvo licen ubced in the couri nf cbanceiyr w which hn it adinilied to be nt nearly o w ipiali- fied a mr lmon or mr 11akc aa ono of five judges tn a court of common lw there is nithinf to prevant the haw incumbent fill ac bia aeal wltb ciodil and uaefnlnata ilia ujenia ais of a superior aider aid hip lcpnl altsiomentr although rol to be compared sttih ihosn of thejtidlea tyhl mt very ciniidarame tin itioi rrlrliinn eairvc wheb led to it jtjj sote lo fester and rancne a- breik oiit and again to be temporatil dned without arms wrthom leader ont proriionsj what can insurgent v ilo abwhilejy rofjiinf it is therefc mercy of tfovidenee which has euablr uovemmenl to pnt down almost ij bloodhrd this tarn thieatencd insu ivhn ihe kojlr ar rehelt tft l the limt fur the uoviroiniil ii iivii 1uiy complaint even if ihry be well fonm ctod eider must he maintained and t re dress or grievaner to be real and stibsumial mnit proceed frmn consideration and ta3ec lion it is not therefore to be cxpecuij that any immediate step will b taken hylfiiak statesmen to allay the anry paionif tbe irish people though duubiles that object muit be the homly subject of uieir davniedi- laltosu and the viton which haunts their nihility slomliers the leteal of thu union is not what the liib people wanlnat is metcly tbe cover 10 conceal ihe teal otjrct of their solicitude ii is the dottuctitm4d the hstablibcd church of ireland which aim tt al this is the plan spot of iriand and until that is removed the irish lleople will not be contented however toverwd immense difficulties beset this question the s4tpremacy of be prctesianl helium the principle of tested right the omit 1010 two milliosts of th iiieb people ihemselen the damnr of tm limes lhat number in bictenil and scotland and iho beref thai lh hslah- lished cbutcb of fretand is ihe mtin bulwark of the established church of england ate all pcriotji obstacle to a seey ietllemtnl this f cat question bulseiions as they aft ourojiinion uiat the day vs fast apprtwhanj when the matter must be taken np dr and satisfactorily arranged thinj cannot j mi m this fearfnl and mnsl expcni4c man ner- an armyoff30000 rnen cannot alvya maintained in lhal most unhappy and if there lie imt one mnde of patfvte lro4e however unpalatable that oval m9 hei iaiihi of necessity be adopted f m no alternative the coxcekt of to-nlclf- it never rvns but it pmun ward of eighl monllts kindlon wasv public enter tntnmr nl of any klud over ami lot wiimn the last few rfrn lown isabsolntely debited with cotf tbe bihrstquartiy ftrt ihe sctlw megrs umke and llnatman now mr sltrr- to be mlowed next week hy j ann ttuhnp to say hnthln at i of l r vieiinerechilditn whn not wbj only danced this crowdin of e 1f tcl aitisl uvan aunt her to b x w mote particularly in these hard umi- it prevents that fair abate of p mujc eatlendrd in lhoe who ewi s cily and fe which il has bren o oif mr dempster who gtees a dme bfahtsown lantnfco n luhad alihe city tlall lniiiht is a sccm of mneh eelekily and wlme fame pecer is rnnally greal like stinit ami llemy husell lit- composes m a u songs be muta ihe may queen f t sin ihonh not pielendlnt to jv v power of a htaham he nevetthrr wih much taie and geal hvek paikelic ballad im ailtint rm 1 e maty issonimrli lis own hiat livin presumev in sins it the vetylievl band lhat has ever been heard in kinsimi and many years may pa away etc such another be heard aain tbia in a ecat measure is owiiti to the ions poueiotiof a ini master mr oliver of no orinnaiy nierit ihe men seem as willing to iie ihetr services as ihelr ma inr u to oblie the town nriibcr are itwy rreedy in the pnint of remuneration frfnur eoiliriuons diys at rebeafsah and dnnrir te rfimances ihey jave theit services 10 mr- sketreti la enable lh wnnoisc chldfen to be wen here and when that gentleman offeted to icmunerale them ibey with one accord fiudiny he had lost money ieneiouly rtatfcd to accept one farthing we can assute ma jut crof ton though litile be said londl about the mailer thai the in habitants of kindlon duly appreciate hi li- kvmliiy ami will erci bear a jralefnl recol lection thereof the kingston customs house the following able tefutalion of the scandal of ibe atfoii htm is very handsome on the part of the wp most of ihe facts of the case were known to us but vee abstain ed from saying aubt on the subjoct partly because tke ittrm overshot his mark and pandered any serious refutation unnecessary and partly b4canc any defence of men in oaastal i always looked upon by the world as uepicrshsj of toadyism fur sime lime hack articles have appeared fiom time k time in the kingston erobf imputing blame to the odlectnr of kitoii wuh reference lo ihc improper seizure and sleof a bre allred t have been slokn ttorn an inblktani uf the umled slate named brennan wc are w convinced lhal ihc ihrcli believes this is a case of grievance we ihall tate the grounds on which we have attired at a eonirary opjnimi fir of all we shall copy ihe petition togslhcr wilb llteaiw swer theielo tiii rtcririo of tiiohas itttwari to it ereeffneu fne governor gmerat nf hi tiith svfth itmrrka r sir yc hcmslv stitwnrit tltat tm the 15ih sept iiil7 had a bnee stolen fiom liim alsjrl ur u traced in avolfe inland m tw midiani rjiliclnilhvivvmmjlnlu and iauick uawon and on yoni petiiinnr claiming the same and a ho tendering proof of property ihey yet refuted lo deliver up the samr and even dared me lo lonek the mare your petitioner then proceeded i kinoton and fa i there wa- no way of celling the property h by an actinn of law in a mean line and during the temporaiy ahsetice of ymir nilitiooer information fra lodged with the cutom mouse that a hni was in pnseion of the dawsona on which ihe duties were noi paid the oilicers pro ceeded iminrdiatly in wolfe mand pud eird the bne av foifeiled lo the crown tot omi payment of dnlie and after a fhnrt lime thev did sell the hone at tublic auction and the very pattir ii uhoe bnd- the lmre wa fitl foiiivd bvnthi ai this a1c ihc hore at a nominal ree and ibes same particsajc yet in vetion your kxcrllency will easily perceive that had not the idhcei of her mooely cnlom eiaed and m the hure that ymt memorial- ist ccmvd hive reeoeieil tbe same and am eould have inuihtd the oavrvms for iwelr- in- the ulcn properly and reljiinin- il after biindemandid and your prlilioner nnr bnmbly call upon your etcllcncy to see thai judic shall be done in the ptemise and as in dmy bound your menvoitnli wilueer p sijpieal tims dniwuil madam msiiors conrrt we eauvt the following notice of tbis sreal iiinivi eumeitld munttrjt fjii ajifteil voentisl wah ihe 4ipuly won derfully endowlil lijcha will ive a ousnril in lhi ciy on sjtjrltn irttunjf nvf and not on mondays os priiidy aniutunccd iu addition llhe noiiee alrrail vsjlt we psblih the rolbiwini ftuin ihe monlital 1ki- aid this musical event so impatienlly lookrd foruard to by all the luicr ft the dit ine at canieoif nnviiday nijhlan lneana lln- itjl as we mehtmnvd ejnaalnrdae notiviln- aundiuelht iucleinenev uf tanl weather tin jreal queen of isoai wa greeted by u hill and faliiuible audience wlw manifested ihioubml tke eveniii eutertatmneni the utinott enihinaahm it is ptaiie nrrj u ay lhal the bthuratiht capiciaiu fn- ded on tbe accounts which had preceded ma dame jlihops arrival ef her enchaaiiieptv- ers wetc fully amjdy iralixed madame uihops vuice is nv nf ihe iho uiuiatil nd linillinj sophfij it ha ever been oar ijnod loilnne 10 listen w dic ieminluoine- what nf soastacrhix under polled conliol and tbe clear flutelike irihn of her hjh notes we veil iily never heard upaed ibey ate indeed tnvl exqui4te sne wa lapturnnly encored wc think with on ex ception only in all tier svnsi na wiih so much e ax and raccdd she conijjy uilk tlie qot alloftiber rvavtinau however compli mentary exactions of ike audience ibal we really cnuld nut altrd mtnly ihc fair faviviir her jiower of execution aie really estrantdt- naty and can only be compart u w ibe sweet mnesof ihc uikwheo poardinislw flut ter over her lowly iuii ami wathle forth kel fond complaining tva thuisbeaunj lnor mrlaikholy ililly ttic lal roit of suuimet hi e piece of the fjf cmua jai hwtver the charmin air from mayetwrr hobetl robert toio vbicb ts beautifully adapted 10 show the perfect ease and cle4ucs wnlh which madame lishop tings forth the mnl dilkcutf aid iniiac n w eatetf pin nam 1 ot rsrlia v iarnf les in mmrtiikal aujt1 flrhsl dull t the fidtowtn 5u n l hi aiiprinfj wl da m t tf 7nuse i m aso tvhalsv1rsv binimifiiunlcjo 71- abe cn ci fl ltdsand7 cd n i7s 9 willi limited iraneunn pinvi lnnm ik tcttd a75- iviihemwbitlifiji iriaierajs o nht list n line me iv rfajfeito drmnj cmphiymenl tiopi l hrtirubit nnaj in the maui lias bexn cciuhioil wilhool iny it anxiety inaletiaf afleratijn cuniinne in jnevail the tcaleil h t rartelilje hw wsrlnt- ure wlifch nfm8i mrfcaur m ihe wfo ii carkinti3d t teon the enerlimt wtke ptejf f y mtt- y uoal but the imrevvf u i c valaivacijlieevinl ainlcnco 4ml jpst4r h tile infrst neui lrt afccttbtn settled farof thin ittetmlftnler i ic a vmi cumbft f tomie nuoviott 1 tv j m nn lrrnvn lallimy ii einl iyijjci it lr cent- tini liitc 1 riirinrs knciejem clyde at i lr flour at mae fir ith 1 r orl ifi avtte niav yuk aiie 5h t cutnsftland ilivrr it now in fai mdre mr rinlluw ai d vtlav were rmsiillv kdlel on ike spltnfiputw andinrw jlajxulav 11 venlioii y 4 aiirstscufiluuetoake ptwk ij v pa pi oi pmifn itbhiivhanse fine earli in thfmnrtiiit rvfaff nf sirpef- t irijjm i itiir mtiftf rir l ql but uiaraeivv4a ifdluvr m ify adie1ols ltwrbstf 71 lmilin y rt riayi iratk in a iv atni f- 4i1rilnn jhr liry c lijilaxoas p nepjuia in kiocl fclaaalo whirb oh i1rejiit iu ini killjd a- nod threor tour lhuuaiid hkicka ihe while caracaa lepers of tre styh i 1 are suv wm pud rumbi bnl nothwbf eeal impprl- are i 1 kiex wa killed pass tim flvl has bably fahe nl the tendency upward thettr s i nn miftt titavnwt 0 ji i cicrfnn pej apjtifa ivponr fjrvt plerffhotllitidficlr mtfajlttuc ui st s- thom 1 iplkaridoltfa a mmnr llrj rfrjri tvailbi ah 1 it i ij51 c- are half- cfi iuymade 14 tap notes ijnchsa drlietons little gew j sni la bayadere teas inimitably sun and acfen vvirti snrprimo- erace in abort to siy the audience was didi lited would b or then iec iir 4 l h c l ifldce ihry serriit inlrjnced with- u sweet sounds uut we mul not fotet isothsa nor is any one who heard btoi bring nch heavenly sounds from his diilicult and umihy tutren instrument likely to do so it would hg vaiu to attempt u espeess in wml the crosv ihe martial siraitis the soft rohan bieathins he drew from the bam tbiu nl his moi stii- kin5 perfections hw power of isaorwijne on any ilfeme which may le snemfdj this he did on friday- cnnphfy carjin the audience aonj wuh him so that ire uve veralkaies inlenuplelby ihc uvemuelmin- hpplausc signer vattvlina a poweifnl u voice and sun his pivce we llibuil with tiod lasie and tcvtn we aln pflbjiiii extract rr4mi thv montreal curette of yajrawrdaji a- 1- madame anna uiiltop yeruid grand con- cerkvse are biy y nwl wilkllruiic- cessit deserved on muidy cveum inst this gifird vocullt a4 we ivmre temirked lias a voice of uncooiinon compass and utet ies and her inuictl rducaiimi vie lnud say haxsbieii ilioet eifecl kdlufj has dune muck lor keffamd intense ami well diiccled sfndy tmsiiirafled upon imloturi aeiafli apom- eru 4guliuuj lltal mual be utml u be up- prvevtva we nvay say tha madame rishnp took lei audirnce by lm in b4r opoaitn catru tw craud rocitative 4mm wajctrpil norma followed by cala dva llrl itioielrectivepei4uoi4iiees bowoev an audience not suictly or ijrjhry timi aie her ballad wbtcb slie oagejuvt wiih n sweetness and uiriiy thai k mut laijaiin the bacp thai y r uiru u 1jra jialu id joltn anderson my j t iv uf u chat ibey wert vuofvsv rraiujatiauq9 the rnlcs here ryfnee tn reriri th tole of ihe s itdufly and nmfdlk iuak both t wbwhare irpefedhfoktru there arr a few caes of velbiw fvrr al stain riand rtesfi tvllmaists ap- icaiudae nuiwk frw tai alrat- 30 rjik m- 1 he kow jersey ivbic- saohs onvell vmmrifltrenlnn today llonjy lr- kl tilildle pievjdeu a ounmiilio ma to drifi reulutifls and rum nate two sate dircctoj cpnt et d jiuiucd jtcoclocv p fix a at ljpl4vj u iv lrfcf kii ven received freni 1rssvfv xifst i ilaein which he wittvlrawa name v a cuniidaie i titer ler4vun fe re- iul- her nay mai py to animnne ufje iwprtant ebaee yhh m he tjmuelttsr p6 lenee anl sieinb tfc ruvt ptr4ued ha been foehariesvmirehlrevrry il ll watwvnihai a eitaaiwitqlotfint wen dp et as much as one cmotainin 20 ptimru iha jeai raiv hrhrrio acter as all the wvtd knovu and received by tbe andirncv with a thovia uieiuatled in thi country i ic fjra- ham sn- ibem her stine veu veai atjo- in line caealma tom linda o hut ol all my love majine flihi ckceueo hrwlf ve h seldrwri heard miji ewre and hriltianey sins dipplaynd iu her tfrui 4 tti this ni 1n0 int t u on t could tuvu vvcon- lej them wilb crralel pjtosion 0 cyeij lone 3 the npt rentes veeie as jjfl and ilcr as the tummik tone w a vmurs ilcd or to free j 1 c 0 ouoti depattmenl montreal july 24 isw st i am to acknowledge hie receipt of your memorial for the releave of a lioisr icied by the cul atid am tu acquaint you in eply that full inquiry hvin wen made illo ibe circnm- slances attending tbe said seizure the u spec tor general cu con drained tn dceline reenmnsendinc vmtr memaiial for his exe- cflcy laoableeoidcration i am ir your most obedient cereanf j w lhcosti mr tho ifiennan clayton jthttson co new ynrk the ftm iwiinl sthdionvlv concealed in lh- mrnvifiat and by the wrtw u tint lh al- leded thief was htoiherinlaw in brebnaii tke alleged owne ajid in ihe bahi of trdin in ihe aittele of hoises with the said flrrunan the alleged theft look plec 111 seplernber 157 ahnit nine mnntb before ibe cocpplainl mr davfinn so far a is known wa an inno cent puteliaser although be pioaably knew lhal the hooe had been smuggled however the seizins oluccrdidnot etl tbeir infoima- livit from dawson but fiom other partiea and no pennf whatever has bacn umttht lo how that ikaie was ty couunm between tfim and m dawson llie hone wa ptoperlv aeiiced fur nonpayment of dutw ami was old as uual immediately lo save ihe e ptise t i oil correct that it brouxht no ninal piicu j- ii a nj aifre wa ltd rajdiieiivly wcitm rpitlilscaihinv an a r- we ned suv uojhijl nnf add nothing lo the fame hie rvnch v deliimtullisonj ol mr llnew former on the ha hnmlile praise rl he b ynlly eanirl inn thhe whn have nut hearii him ear biive nneoocrptiin nl tire puivarof ihe rimmmeat a 1 coiiw4rrnd musician m ijochu eujvja a hijh riiarii and fj a p gn ibe liaii 1m is aeibnw- vednl to je nifirilrd jn u ttr f pop ular sirs wilh ivnnjicd ailnm vatid uiirrral ailmiiatmit and the iu4nt inlndncr ion of yankee doedtv ptmluced much iqiucineiit i he march lnn nima wliiub coiuitird indeed nf moc than ike marh iv nhhia ws iuduroii ly received ia of a principle whreh hakiflw4naidaehie harnvktp and ban inn- ken ihtmsohjcl of eom iji l undcr the ni v arranmnt vfhirri takes dtwrajl sep t setv willbearaijiueraf ffttiuj h iho fubioaeait aw for amfv r dt worl the chi5 wall be for o much pee woeil o tbt on all com re 0 mentions 1 111 aajtvp nvvt ecyilyaocbeeifiilly comtnend a hrartv and earrelir and nni mnrfvvnppnrt of van buo ao c pjaumal a a moaconifetonteaitre fot ssulwitejl friend of huaian ltneiuin pniur f1aic-1v- have had vl fire in nv vurk ihi hfleruoou w nf nf the 1rt eanrned aod some l dwelling riwm flnw c etr kpav ywmimi1kttv riwili lionitattif denaartif ejhod lizht vupjdl tft- brtkt w aeiln iecdtrl jiriim ih 7vii aiv ahna ntvimisktm vt inneciert nt m lucsd le al lhr close nupftfrt firm with inquiry erhtbvutm- r s31 vimnnvni4f hut paau tffnstaj y looifm- rneonlv sale i hearwf gtg- we al lljpfl rofaflillinq m const bavdiinju wmr hiavo tin ntveanl irlusenf v le txw h a 3ilrhusilm sssiaks fm ituaru ptii ikkitr vi ft- ixviuivteiiketmv and a2 u ulc fur auib ul a tile icrwiiie for nmlhern yeuow -fje- siipua d glc thr snp die of cirfdwerc rrmihnati i yw7lc watileft ors39jistefor fntiren jirt 1 per vwefrtbbniimriitriy im 5nr rasviiiwajjiuill hpw- yie br mjlkl biulthi sb ntiin inreii ale aaljxs isnhr aje demjnd aid teaity rcccdwv i j imlul the pay m tit will ne i ejvtetaqctitdate aiib tbe rumer of words lhieli v tfici1y recassvin vilue for payment ppsd- tp mak thealtf rion we have re- irrted tpauibmnth asbufouj to pu4resderi we fyuoc irnejoowast rlhev eld i and jh 4rcajecj 1 a t- zj w a n v a w ojuj taarfor tra inzmjt 0 word fir any dutance under lw ii1e ovr loomile ajsdiinder 200 lies i iftjl i nvamftevwrt fifeplft milei fdvl oreylleffrnilas tf ni tafarr for the framtssnn and wtdoutof to wodsor left for ktie-tt- iance under 10 nti u 3d am 1j fer echjiddilmnal arrf pmkk miles ujland ij foimeh linnal kxptf i osriaaj jritcj ajf ftf 100 3sfwnd3l fur atduw4 wuvvfii itio uin 3tvsiul tjtl st9t tl itujslp xhivwuehaec jmfwl fhjfrivi tritilas a wry uccptnue refoim by 1410 pilblie l j iyijwatt bnckvftuli inst kialpti 1 j a aentpineyflyy been tucoieied in partsy ca- ednu i lalb salro f er- i e 1 t pfz tln s worth sl ibere have jale fffw hldal orvd i b rodrm5 3luielslfdr tot sim orpedtlii r 1 ioaoleakymeslionikai aljad- ivaic iice lheeseamer 1 s stterfint closed 4ftl at oa3j four or cve aruiof stjmsiillj niagara- 7 days la fr33 3vt0r liv- ru an ii voca1it one vilr no other ike in- a 1 acjidv- cbi lat situfdav nikr at mamevill 0 the other idr of the like iviteutrtrsip aa indian murderetl an indian hy atjnn hi n with a i itnife a nt nf the nuiideved man iftintmiitely iare inntntiiron irtcwunf ihe tube and ilny lotik ibe edfewlft inl ens tody on sunday nnrnin a court rjinirjmd nf un indian uj tumed in hear le eae and pas eiencn- llie proofs w mt euneluive and the ruwrncr was al oite eniv tevpawed tn death wbnuion he wfttva- sirred ha giave mjrked out and lie himsvtf rt in uork ditiii it when ithrave vra j- i 1 a rifle wa harmed in ihouorl of the mmdercd htdiana sun tut be purpose uf 4w the eaecuiiml j at the tint shot ilealh sras nnt produced the svcondsboi aj lookeitfi imt did nm still and the loicaj violator of innocent life fel into hi grave and was here finally kil led and covered wftirearft as kc laj tfte conit that had coudconted htm lhri mok their oven intrnment of justice ouchiy and marled olf for the purpose of dhvotin him tn the elvil auiljoiitivs of covinum i omam bt final discbarp a antinhceiainn tlris relatinn we personally received fnno two g-ii- lurnen nt tht city vvlio wire at nlaiitpvule at the tioa and who aimnh ibey did 0t see ibe wltede of the drama omainml all tc vnrliciilars fim pernms present dm in- the ttlal and eytctitvoh f thetiial iiid execution aveejtel4 in tke most tlid ennfornkily with lhr custom f the mibe iv whieh nil ihn parilev blmd- thtie was uoibnt- hmiid no vulitufqfiy itstributetl ibey apytivd fox leciidion knr wmikl the eu cscapis m which be inlit have done fm he il uill m elcdojis laiuof tlicv and die with denpw lhal mr will be patronised ttvnihi 10 ihc hls rneiill u earcely in be tfh k illsrv tlral mr 9t rvteot nf leiiii what hn eome befuro hln be whim he will me layof uyiitipt ihry boss wiute ir uvl uh i nan toaan4 vih minsj anfflaitnoy aettvo mdwbai is 10 mkrur km pa hi itorji ami jwl nf the doasanlic kisut rtinhsg ihe every bnmm und ai be baa a pow j hearud counlvyinnn i4i lown w f husl he may wvc tm teaaon lo thai kohavalopprd 00 iiiylit 1 kljfiaf of madamo anu itlshop will cncarrt neat week w need not ff words her fnmo i koropeen an sho will and ainf ta uflan as ibe fjf la auia lo atltact eiowded wtftitt faifamvd lochia hn musical uim whtr ae ibr ce jha bu ll brought all 7i lid nnd it wuirwilu lhal it bad hcfi bonbl foe aclft however when the collector was apidird to by the alwed ownvil he tnld them thai if ihey eottm prove that the bono was lten u umhl tetouiinmd thai tbe vajnc be relnnded what mote could be done t the iarlies de clined r she cojrrlur luejr jtamnr in iiifoinninnv uf ay kind they lodged on elaiui ii lime as ihey otijht to have doe bin atluweil monlb iu elapse and then when the rariawp had been t rostres t isio beobetved that lliennan 4iroiibt an acijnii aaml dawson and summoned ihe collector and other cirtloms otfieers a u inirur lull never called them no utemtu wa made to rihlih ihe charge of cnllnstf n itetwren lyawson and tbe tefrin olfieers al- ihntia inch hai been alleged wo coufrs that we eamnd see what tbe ctdlvctor of customa could hate dne more hn be did it iik denied by any ose that the hikta was tiaiijijted it ppp iberefore ptopeily sviied we aqine i absence of proof i the cuntraty that there was no colltjtion be- ween ihe srixtnar offleee and uawnu nor even between the laticr and the alleged ihirf the collector 4 as not wronjr in renin- thr horse when applied ts by llie alleged owrw or he offered him all hie rrdreoa in hi power pa bit ntakinft out bis rvr mr iliennan e kcud making bia apfdienttnii m time and ibe seiitro was dialrrbtiltd in the ordinary way such if a plain statement of faeta wo sball bo flsd lhal the thfim wanm noini nil what redria could bare bean prbrdld ia the matter the inquiry haj been eonduetad in the ordinaty way- kuttly the thrabt would not advcptritfidao a tomalin df xtai aiomttbeir ludian nl iir brr-arktuff- fityffcifrd url iiirdo ftont up n i 61 con c ru tio- lasiofltot wbeal frl 1 lc4i wgie s- s i n 0 fl- nr 10 3 tvh voen a hu im pmij n is tbl i be fear f pofatn tot aienllreit enetrrtv- nl ietp ilol tlw wvalher hasbej ohciujuc ur acraty bad for ic laivet itnnqlai lit utter mr pork 4v- shamrr mairf ffictsodkk colloti wftrlmdebab tttihllflijuhj rbfaek a u11w aiinsl cmml oiuiyjjnn by atreftintf it of tbe chief leader uf ike raijns ritittiairicvai and titlemi clmtliaie hatv hpairfatf mtmwlafsa me inijfiv diltrftts the nbj vfo whjiavavluaidinip act vaiacyalvd in poeee4fcovep- aitempvnlrarilresk rffcdllrltsv iwealaiif qiirown imfttl tfcc covrrrananviia lavc in ilvevnd ct lfw rwiufts cad- lion mony imt fnevifc 1 aeely am daneiitnvly ilj- tuj- slijesi rfftamp t ivorio part j vf1 vtv tv capitulation 0 ijawia cprmepr- the people are etasperatel aeainh cbarua lhvhud r tiiy 1th wfl mined net lo avtjujvfl to heinuiiaaitft of the isedintfifasmpfli b ovn traairqjuiar son v lift i 1 ls s m lsolnnaribalmallaiis roae ani dreweuitt aiilhoolw otit nf the elv vrefisaj riurrel4svjnqdeavt atflot iuia svif ptrjrvntfbfvs j jjuics7ro chane hi a rkef imec cirrii 1 t it- twt fu-rti- imjvtfofrs sriyaliveird ellwlfaclmtiravsviievp 4raftal bolij mr fsssmaon1tia abipil5 nvrplytryin aanenntol otdrrslarie bui generally the impovcirirnu nj at s 811c n 5 e4 jhs faathrt awli imnrovejvlpsavoss t whrfk il conlinj ned mesalel bcsaaualcw tw vn precis cdttm able brand- juwijhl 6 i2i 0 lfvtil tiioi 1 a ie l alxitci4kidt ibe l pilce mado a aneirshf ip achaiiirl clnhin wviher slreel tl ievfitav an cap inreitl men rtevy tvi tj v1flm jdamlfi ljhtf toiiie un3kr3and ihrre- coinerrddajr i aei will at ample iuy nf aynpfte er ami tn ajnd haln al anhioin upon tjntaml om dtslriek around mnnciisier mobfliavripaf ndedlhc lteels armed xtftwnaftws renattcid after mr 0 and thosfl tvflhs icou- redatliilswim ao it laeasteou eonlinhctbemadeaijn h are em foot to ktusi mr- ooiwnivc tlib uptish vornaneiil bd- mndaianetrj irrotvof inhmorind chaitwj taminlirat for vmffi4vf ltetiunl is uavitaij1 avfiitisyafpssfi aai diadc for the iuttiemiil uf- iludliiilfv trial as a trtier hn kvc irvjinrf m her atfofaholint kjlve m on cr lliftc conaned in anv wj wbennne bad fni felted b it has uvtnmarv tn sell llie tumh uid masi man whi vvould buy ami so levari h wire to life in ibe present intofhc huudfed dollars were rrtsied to he fitle ffti ihe ciimitial life which was refllttedvlfe duliverv of hie eecgtionerrjp fnlh smr is 411 iuuta of their moial cvttocd wlh- eren who w lliff kill iii aw t urrciiler ihemclvr for lcal dtcbhare fiom crtuure while we tinjeticlhe enidlonnf there wild men of the fotosl w moil ediqiea thr pmirfpinrui with which their jnsdsovvas admiiiitred t piiien jvvnieatipji cioicimf mipchftaapu 0fnrmjnbasnnl ea nalnorerjikssl rvoneealrjd hk ncsksiiiti fc rtfi4e tfosrtfcpnv iu7ns lid m tvejb jvneaof scifardjn batalsv iwwi islj at w sj but wt hear of eny w ta141i ua 11 i t vl r iise fupriu advice bad a la otiiiiertramaik dm w wi 141 aiftfl a i- ijltii ps flaly 7lc o 7jc f round velhiw ant pvtiiite imjlkh awjrlofc rvsreuq fatin imm ifliinnv h tt m 41 jt iiimrpcl ivllataf in mohrate ilrqivtll aajd hptll ivoi v- lll bivesma nt i4ti ninwbil s3ftcsrvhnat diu li malrftl l la vartt ivattitaifvvsnk- till fatw iurte kai ipjtlc j i d riimch rjfttvli f wni katpiw0 has kprrnirt4k0iinenl ulikb rnikeh tlmt u-nvmjfks- anvalw mauusulslvl ta1itvl wolma ur bartix uaortlie tmktti w ennuim a noli ti cat ihi toclilmantafir tbuo lion loaaea that ntanemenu havo been wilb the bink of loutrenl topy ai their seeeral aencieain upfroanjdi ni for miimny t puvcinl dllt asclalmaiiil njilyinit pcfionajly will have lj itity ihi menu 0 ilia raank of thqtr irvffwl idfhlilyinjid pnr tisscliipint tpr diljsrsbj ppwerof jlujlpv muft prorjuca luiacjtit jowir r njfipkt oce in railaijd llend andellwil i newoai tbi lkf tanker ff fr f i1e calhrlw clere te stuiptfpsvtlljivassw e flrafc inkeeaihepaee five pewnshraw pvhi n i 0 pj ne7i j t yiifrr v ps1prs uvn fem aiidioea iu pinalaud n4lur jlo ikeavy and unjhl cnnltttmtvm th asv multr luilwoj fiom annuuh xuojlwprfl reoulline fnl waauinuinn onj slwaishina nau to votialit of three amivani and wo kinnthmep- oup jntrtilki mjbttuiirda fti fact mya ihry had atwui ithifv i another aaya the s hu found was xi7jo tho slate of 1u1n elilfoninmdfapnil ahoul 1700 pe i tons hnvo ivrn to bavlrf lakn part m thmpnrtluaf ii 4v- ueij relsjwarilupnlliuii ija linve bvr reeitllintf futt vaakinlm and mir nuothhimaii irfan n hud vuiwfot dbml miy w iwwintirl iinwt l 1 ret trtllhetiv wle hnuobt- defatted ut olial fptssan- ddfl 1riaiy nil 1 ireneihbrm fr ihe irvri jmii nivnrrs- ihi j rmpiniuke tn lm aitt- f the u knva htaidult mialto rivsjpfjlpt i