British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), September 6, 1848, p. 4

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18j8 ridean ottawa ronto lake ontario royal hail liae of steamers tne stkamett jprlnce albert frt r m it t am am- captain lawless tl ftrtbrr nollce will rim am nu kingston 0ytowjl monday jwij3u downwards wlokinpl on wtdna4ayaai 3 oclock a k kinpim mill ii upper brewera i tf 1mb 4 latbaaia otimv forty 9 sovcve falb ii kilni ii burriltv 5 bw- landiag h anstw elbytoarteotuiirrfa a ukfw n inrdy at soelaebp atiawiiaamafc 4 knl upe brwaea irthfmmt j i owfrrrronsondayatil ftaftitv palw 4 aaaaxuule ft burin flafhvu4r joj teeif itiod i an-jr- m umn n on m at upwards aiaraei moadeja il9 itecattielerklirig merrkfcviav kilmnnrock ikitoefony ltnma turedij jnaevfrx opf lrrwrr kijk a haw a a 12 i 4 7 8 10 3 0 10 j r h noon h a m- rrivinj il kt- jiun vn teradiy it fto 7 n a- w n j 5 it 0 ft m jtm-z- in i c a m h r- friii ubcj bremrv leufaleai mfta arrirjri l kingiluil ofl sitoda t at toa m anlmlelb uanf fw montreal ibe axwatfifj jftfflhrir nrr dloe at lb tic atactt uvae nahinp in in faaaeafera iii i relj ur jf mi- irjb in lb t7 for fretfbt ad pt fveinr co cabin wrrvidlin aif to th captain n brd l e bwwhr co- knral v kinptan aotml 1c 11 g riv r st law ft rekce the rovai mail sth vmhus wit a ii f 7 nviofk kioii 17ik april isis kingston and toronto tfceptealil new r 3temr caft jamc5 tptimlakd leaves kingston foi cohoort tn kvguy tuk5dayd fhioay rvkk- ifs ihe mvqitai btnt t kito15th my 4j t pawffir to lb mrci ntok 1848 ridean canal grenvillh route the low pressure steamer v r gapt m bblt will ply juring lie ensuirrgsea- mtt boiwvca kingmn and bh jjrvanj fmt aerm twice a week e f1ppre irjiving ftingnoft every tuts daffrmd frldat mohmno aftor ihe rjlvij of the lake mail steamer and from bylown every wcdkcsdat mnj sxtunmr evikisc her the arrival of lh spetrfl ffom urcnville do w n w a r ds trillkro rltor m 0 a l iciafao mnj0 javo fai l1vni 1 in ir smiiv fttvli kilibvnofck mcrrictftife 4 burrlf i bkeirauftowc a4mtalujif w upwards miitaitr iiwni 0 p m- jmcuund 14 m ficcaci laidiaf 3 a u ikit dy i jldfiiit r 4 mwfiailt 7 kimirnock f simiae klle 10 jrfunu t 4 jwttfjlu upprf mrwftv viifie mitu u t ibi arrmifment a dyli1i ievr m s imcf h it betl itnpnii j r i mclmieksov crane it co negrloa apiil isili isis 314f ottawa rivtr pas3a6e steam r p m a m rphe woyal malt line of stram- ers will nmil ihe fjftenth ly ot srmrahcr mil cre b difttfft iort thi thincess noyal cn twoiiv it avm itiftpton m totwlo o mondiyi anu pnrtflew a 5 r men the arrival pfh fttwtt mail stcamrr and ifares totoftl for nieaqur niton aiifl lculoo at r m on twfday and friday tl magnet cl- 5itiifiada kintton on tujay and fridays for toon 10 acd jiamilofl at 5- f on r of na bir mail sccwffi tie city of toilonto capt caaoox ware for toronto on wcdnnday and slur jiysisb mirwih arrival f the fiirrr mail strainer aid lrrr toronto fockiafe- ra qiiatnalon and lru at 2 r ar on monday and tbortdayi ftr magnet will ka va hawillon for toronto at 8 a m on me ad tbuia- daya and h lat toronto foi knplon loiichfaaat port if of tr uttwf wealbof prmirtiaiil kr at th city of toronto will irare lawbtonand quarmwri lot toronlrtaliau- pft s a at on tetarim and friday and will irar toronlo for kmjaton oecnx l pixt hop ond cobnia veatucr laaawttfag at 1 p i the pbinuess royal will loava ler- iiton and qurensten tor toronto at naifpail 8 a at on wednrtday d saturday and lii favr lrflnh for kinflon toocbirt i 1 pohuape and cobyr rfcatber peraoitlin at i p a pasngtr art partcaurly rrqnealcd to look aaer rtwir lnc ptfprirter v 11 nan be aecoonlablo for in iitabk what- erar onlc booked and iaidroraft fcoiiil the propneiofs will ot bold thematlrea rrtfienaible o ibe jos ofer damage to uooh kt accidental fiiecieolliiion with ttram- era or other reel in addiiion to tbe eklia- fiftfinary eaemjition ff lbiliiy twavf porcrwat the ruk of u mien ibeieoft half a dollar cbared tttra foreacb betlb in a stateroam tofoaiojtfael lftts i forwarding k 1848 peoples ottawa rideau forwarding line vta orrltvj asqhideav canal rjlhn subcril0t4 br t notify llie public generally that iboy jftluiitl 1 rtljf i i 1 1 1 q ri ino n first clii slcancr and oarge in jy n cbo oilana omt kiilcaorotitctidthey will be prepared npon thoapening of ttc naviqaiinn next spring to forward prnprrty conrldcd to their ciic with promptitude and do petvui the iieceaatiy fjrthe nrgonizttinn rf suctien eatabtiabmeot having in view the performance more particularly of freightage tr and ffem placra on the ottawa and rueftf rnite become ep parcat from the fact anat in conatijoncc of the peal lraftt efihe west being diverted from thcewatefintbftm of tbc su many house have vacated thiaebanftflaugcthcr thereby reducing the mean of mdpoft qnltc inadrquately to the repiirementaif tliaat action if the country the sebscribora wuld bet to romark that a daily tkparmrc fiem montreal may at all time bo depended upon and that thgreateatcere will betaken in land inj properly at the vanou atation ujton be rouuti agreeably wih matructionsand dircctiorintd thai pnluco received upun ihe upivard poaec dcaiined for m on treet will not be unloaded till after it orrivtol el uiat market a practice out hitherto attcmlctlto irr- r tariff offreightaece will be published w oubxrriuenl porii jones tc co f xanmfet clkiow jones co afvtttuql frs clkh0w co february s3 tsic isi1 dfckrnso ttlfloucu from movtrhar to by- tows in davmgiit afv antlaoer monday aexl he pas- sage boats on ibi u tcpl r oaaysaimfay excepted tbenewand tplewm siearnerprco will leave bytoon at c a m livnera win reach laafite in litae fnran evrni train and fkobably arrive at montreal in ignc to ufc ihc skamcr for q j- f r r hatotorielo will trave laehine in mkduy aftrr ihe arrival of the 6 a m tfaia dose moruj am paener kill ar- etbyiown abot 9 p m alrtalmayfi w8 1848 tug new daily wncorstkmius fulls and tnsorca 11 piphk bnltulo uuoes vrrm ciaiv arcamraa fxlue slitcriber haa 4cktoincd to jl carry oet ihc ptinrilraof phee trade llaw ceatier aa h baa ae hope of faacta foea lha fratnt hffttm admit w katfril rfav mvr frjavaii ww kavjrlaari m l lk i rile aew or bltltlsu am british quern leave lach1ng ija1ly lialf petjttbn oclmlc am lorprsf- cottaidiksijeskuufn ingatlhe ititorrmiliele tort and on iheir arrival rnvot the largo andeleouy furniaboil united staus mail steamers or lake ontario cellini at murrivlnivn hi m k ilk alrx- nndrio roy krencli cicvk kaptjtmaaili saclcta llarbir qwt biehasiirr to lvvvisio t in ui with iii railroad to niagara vm n ruffe bk and the steanier daity fiom luwiatou to hamilton the nbive boaia nr fitted up in the heatrtyle with lrgc anj airy slate one of the simivo linn of steamer lefves kmton nparda and down ward every uftornfton sundaya ux- ceptcd l hoour ft june i0 fr to be rented ja the rltlck house in baftot slpti streei ntdoorto ibo jtrilh whiff ojjirr ienoaayofi liven immediately and relit tn ermmence on hio lit of july ljf ivnna apply mi ihu premiaea nr lo jriijt aaiinav li klftfaurri june m lltf bxcellivt farm for sale situated in tbefirat con rf thj townahip of 3rrinrton jnijufl collina lobe being lot no 25 ivett- balf of lol no 23 by mcainrc- menr l0 acre there at preaei acre cleared and under cmp five acre or a rood orchard there arc three living sprirafa n rlo farm cmpiyninto collins lake thore arc at prorent on the premise 20 hnad nf horned cattle one span of gnnd hnrava j yoke 6 oxen 25 ile 20 head of sbceo and all reqiiuilt farming utonil which will rc aold at a bil valuation on moderalu tcrma there aro aln onthcobtwe prtfroi5ja gnnd rmun and two pnod barns tlieiliete farm ia ailoatcd nine mile from the city of kinpton terina c500 down nod the remain- dor br iftalmcrt a may bo agreed iipm by lhn partic apidicotioimtobcroadotomrsamjr slotra emhepreiriiee a fice ond nnencarnbciod dood will be given on tho above ftrm ttiurringtonjunec i8l8 3m cheaper than elsewhere 1 1 clocks watches plated goods and dewellry rtljie sossckibek in retonmittlhanvt leihr public for the viry hbrtal i eitciijcd to him iicc bit cwnmeneenicl i bninrn wotild bee lo iicit a conliiurmcc of the ame and venltl ihlimlc th jl in ad dition to hilormf stock hchaju4 icceived a new and vajir j aorhnent of gold n htm walchrs icwrllrfi piated and fancy goods which will te ajam al exceejeag low price in order o mcrt llie hard linte lit levilea the public tu t and examine andjiidc for tbeinelre befoie fiurtbai abenhere 1vm- ilvnolk n d a larevj atoiraeiil of knltvb and american cock wholrjlc or itciail kiegiteisjiee 13 1s1s il r- hoatjis palcut 3iii1 slonc raciory no fl aucuttok snitlt toimrrto constantly en band and mule not nf llni very iioai fmuk hun bhetot illfj stonbsof all iee with or without hi unpioveidcm a l o dmch anchor iioltin3 cloth all number dmol imia smut ma chine nihtin ji natin- srcwj and screw for lifting stone itnion out of gear richard h oates torontn june 7 isis 5 gin- important to the publio tck sunscrlber weeu reepeelfliuy inform ihr inhuiunu of thr city of kintoti and cj inij envratytbal be ija opened a grain and provision store in one of mclovmfs nr stmt bmiutnes on baftrc sriifct where he will kret ci- -m- fam lin- do oacon porkj snper6ne and fina fiouroitmcal indian meal indian corn oat bockwheai pea bean salt potaloe herrine chree and other aniclea connected with the trade too numerous to rorniion all of which he wilt lejilow for cash f ii h armstrong kinjftnn may3u is43 pecialnotic this comnial mfc assurance lvipanvin-neeiecitgm- roataky insurances at jiedutd ktrsn lltebcof pirtka u il iiolueks lenny dltldtno society- a ti fkfreni fuiciut of 5fciei r im m ed afafefiyi ibrowh nottyiiitl ftbe iniblnent in ae of tfcaiti dutmg tbc ejr lairtico of 99th duevfty tubloaaii riteaaittl ercr clhci mififanitn may bcibtaiiid4l il cunanr office- ftm grant rrieeentstfreti i kinfatoojana lem9f valuable will sites at ganan0que r undenigned offer forac the nnemy ployed water power at gananoqtro and will afford every facility far ihe erection nl frour milu or any other kind of ufacbinery ituatinn ioo well known tortqtjirc the 1 r r j r ijerinon fot irrm wuih w further information iii be liberal iryly at anj any monireml in mrw anlerarfi aumjn evan st co or mtm ptriuj ftyki b coand ooh cite pttiiea to cj meoonaidco canannqie hi december 131 ico ice ice wo he aicbxasoek re s i k c t f u u y inform hafricnunnil tjc puoliceoneral- lytuwt hj ix nrenarcjto opply them ihc euuilic scauo with leu ojion oioilei oo lermv tuitctudtny will hn nburvej in the delivery at ibatir ruiijunc ever inurninr kaiiinett ipilicd fo t xoaann on ruannable tcrm trdefe received nt mr ilnbert fttc- cnrrnick iirr riiueemi strrrt or ot mr- 4irnfeny crtirrel4lftrktttsltiarir will moot with pr pit jtttcntnm wklvptop 2tli april lijis 35if removal sicx of tub mammoth boot lmuncess stkeht plik solrichbri u in intimitr tntb in- tiabitani of kinjr m and veioiiy that he iia remwij bi ivtlbionneol to the true tnnv ntore fatvly occniiel zy ur ite oajbel h tn rjetl ior to nfear mewal ft st princrm stiel where b iiit n meril a coolimtmoee nf lai i uac wliirb h- bai icceived ince hia coinmencimteut in buine of llavgeaj aameal raitssy in hu tirk f beoui shore fcc- he aallaie ualf hmi it will w foiiid not anrjaaaaed hy any ruiimuh- mrnt nl bf km in town fehtuhira nnd 1ilni will tiifl it ti ihrir aalrmilape lgiie liifn n imilhefnr fmreliin rkewherr ah kind of reduce tikrn aj tua for uwfp and sbor r morrrif kineton april ft iris 30w aif notice itfavixo jad the nor i ion my pfe- 1 iniveaim iiol tteemally nevned kv rnc t a faaleavfi to mera cnaiwu sl if om j- of ibia cily wia intend earning on ibeirin the jfne ltminex i have feat f rni rr in recommrndinjc ihnn to ihe patron- ae of my old cutlornrra and the jiumjc sene ra1y io wbnm i now hr to frtnra nty ibjnki for ihe palfbliajfe i leccivtd ibite j buaineai nimsrnphcrmimkn kkataij may 27 lht it if uk tuwnskds cmpuukii rxtalavtw saiisal a uhta wonder ant blcuidvf uk 4e the most kxtr ulftlmnatv medi cine in the wnfthfc thubxireetia am vfin qutnunw it it iv lnc cjttfjpcr oleaihlcr and mtfra mpvfvjt in anj fdd i rjr viibwniiiiii pnrtn iekihi r dtntiuijii l jim n i htc ftt uigl aad vjfiority ukitsjftv i- in i i five r ti vihcr medicine i ffhle a cradi- catca tfvciie it invifuniu iliv unj ituonc f ilif teit irfir spuing and summer mbhcines rvrr kirn n- ttirr ireiem aftiultriffih i c iera it i trmhao pare and rich biod a wrr jeatej ir i vher mediwno ano r lb lie llie erad aerfcio il nl j i fit if jt lu wnlin imlaatnre eat nvtre linn icwon mm f aaeeffi faaveil jaataies at ioau l areae tindred intirabh il li ai ttveaof ntee lhai s000 children during uv nw pal 10000 cmc o grneral dttitj twd tent of fvermiu tricirv pr twaaata s4tnpariila wrnrmr um wimv vicmremnenily t bt wli have vf ibeif meaeajlar enecy by the effeh of naoav- rinn irijefrttn enninlted in ytiui of iu eaeeative mduience nf the pa wnane1 lroa oh oawal aitakal pmiriinonaaneti ayprn laajlm era f amtniioi famlint hnoiif pemmuc ibeay anadeviieaatei in towavdmliii catal diea cutireif be cnlircly iece0 bj thia plrrant reiady una sjtajaandi fr aupeiur l nny inviuottating cuutlnci a tx reawtra and mrioraw tfat pjji lve aelivaty lo hie liaatit ul nenin m ionuguur 4uiii in a mai inonnif jr olepf- constntrnun cuark geaw44al srremlaewi caraajiwe e aimrj ceab cmfmnh amafte phhjsfbtj ier in fa j fre n viraa av ihfithtt vrvwte ajeejavefiaar ln iam aw aare area tfr ean lf tmttd srirnng fifpoon nkw yean apvt pa tftrn- veny bebevrtbn mi svupmilu baa been the new irpebb rro- vhlencc nf jv1a my bfc i nae yranliarla l co- il beeilrt f wir0 at hl t ra4urcco 1 bad niel setnta and wa prejilr rfe jj redoeet nnd did ftt erpt w live f uiyr afpirihaaliiml lanea h mtletful rlimifelfen wiviibt f noien1kv wm ml ocr tlid fii 3 lnl nj my ci b lia kft me t c wdl murine iimii na tbiakfnl fr ihcw wo ttbedit nl aervni wit buf- rtieusxrraw tin u nr nnf me tl fmr iij nf kbcifihjlwdl lht lrjunrnd l im eoeni uw nnei eerr hfiieem fr nerkiv eraalieaaod by heiii jjinetu nnca inn e f l- nne fnnoie ay1wn kuekwhi maatha jcnlkia ajwhen vf ml llie wluwin blteewtualae sbpl pathurofwr jt i t mwm4 nuituie nf the ittic 1 emm rin l erp r iil jntiring jia and mr i bae turd four and u i rir toe inofe llan one tivand d4uia wvtuof jau i ini an mneti 111 r indeed i i i lieeit yiie ai bbcflf in stc ilea whebene- at f the ailbcted yi rrafarfmi anatk ibl bniba wvre tefribiy aav4l0fti prr fits fits leased bttfar for pr tnwnend itm inrin p iua in cieitir frta t coarte itrver rcomuienjrd iirand wm nrjiflcd to frcrtve lie mwin fiean auinteltixcat and nafaetabafl faneer aaveelta icr ctioiy viiii nutl 117 da timeae ik si leaver klileelrl aeren yearanf ae ho na ben feeotlyeara at arcted b rtu wc liaevj annovt errr ihtaa fr ner bui auaail axeccat ai uai taoub we could find fccninendtlii in ytiireataracir eavea like brrn we trmtt aa ahe oain very aveaie beallb we vaajm jv utr of year kauaparifta ami ae vrty d w einar it not ftfllf reafutcd lierrfkoib lut fciicaa baoiw fctui nf ltr fiuji ftr tiftl plftaaere ad aurpriae tfhc i fj ber nli- nidged ml cdj which wc iv statvfub i vvuri ejreilnnr john k jhn female mewcixr br tiwnci itii s ujiulu i n tnoreieo yd ipeedv ciitc fr tieiinoil fonnipnfc lurrin nepmuawita f furi ft fkradg 4jjj woj4r rinreedr dntievk iiaara34laa tne4ifaenc urme nr iavtihnitnrr wjmfjeiliew d for be general praaleatia f the pvaieaiw matter wbevhrr hie erilihr aabwya eanafr xaaac pnded by inet itilr iwiaeif 1 nbine etn le ine tinjruin ifn ita in r e ihe intman fhaaac peran nil wekne and baavtaav fnnn i iv imtf u at onec iteeaata hj irtd fult f cnerey vat -rtain- iltkic i nedrniely cmiteractjo nerve ichb nf tho fvmjtc fijuie njiich f f tai ane f hjrrenne ft wtlt avm te eateclei of fcf- iblirolrflolifrr m ratnut ceflifie peenratnl bnl we enn aia ibe aftwiee llial hnmlrima f u bate itceit reoorm i uk thnnaafaa wlet hmilea liae b an cbavtremi nfter man n few lrule ravoawa medicinchavebccntleakd beatihr titt-innj- to mothers and marrienadiea tbif rltraei f s itvajnrrln baa hevwy prrpitf t m refercttre hi iinukevnvf fcitmlc wtii baa re i n p v abr -jfflob- in tbateritiejlpcrf uit cunaaf w aeekclte rnke il aeet ii certian tjicvemivt- firanyif ic nunifiii i u i jirrhlc t hbichfciitftveftfri at ilea laaaof perid may be druyod arverl yera li medeine kriit im vilnalitr rn pumcbwrf wiaaj nalji ia enfeiilt amnrehyajnfekpaleg th id id amj jfrae hett1cn iileerl ihiitnedieine wvaleabte fnralliajejiaempeatn wliirli nanej ere li braeeaiba whir rien eujininit rle naiimloiiee bvnnvtaji iu irniia of tbebajy ft- rnmilihne lli- lpi4thrrfi kr vlj tttiir u nd ataaraar hetef ltim frfr im ae uibi live y ai 4ti cirn ininy erv- nnd miny be puvcuud a few aaeuapr minralaar grbvt iiu5ino to mptiip ani cllltultkn ilia llie ifil nnr in ritveniit nrlipnr fnepurirjtibe tyaaeat aril ielimin- lla hjlradaail iajthl rvtsjiinh cer wvvrej il ttentltim lin ho ivnij nnd v liretnth piiti nrt pbtwaia inireaea w ilia fd ilvve affcn li ive ew il lliin paoiaalat- awitoimr il btjmy ewftil tiu b- d iflfinntifril rev- den aiimi cbiwimlhii riivr hby c wvlinnf ilief tr- yoaaidnpe in in im llbaiil ima r pin flnibnve ari in reiln ln pee nieflfeireantrf tbltmn i t mivnnjlleiwhldaeiiiinleeriib ty errr f renntir hher n ie rmrea llllef k inb r unn khiaa in i in pen l r in1liehl fti ravanvmie will alwaya j a k and lioeiqcrat neautv am piiajairfaia thilk am ptartilitina cceiulk in n heaktfl tvielfof pt un mji leihe inc vrre twin npnil l nf iia ttfanif faj alia me imrpa f ihr4bi onj elrrelj ii laivm wlit it nbmimtur iiaj u rftr ralbeb aiial mi tu ini ike if iliararied ba iii j t ii ibt rwln bllwe m brnnior- ninf- 4amelacefwmer in h ir1eit nf fkh and lrn tinted nntf eanecnied ilinrn a u active aad tie cniililin4f ihe llnidj or the euafinbf hie piae neb ijieal la tho einrmtilc htlwl which pjin a lie ftaiartriaance in hc mut efne iifluiv it ht bh ieaoait ibe intoeriba ijjt th4 naalrftfej laiajaai that all nhnm hot iair eu bnbe tina beauty ia tnevil- ilin t mnrr nl 1 pntftter t ojb jrlf laiinl a ji d ketllby crcalji i yiu if llie ldv i ar aa dnfem h if he iint and ve eiirte nd llie bliiod ia h i 0m aed iaruv be ia nvlboaolifub if ateba biitir yliw mid dure ia pure and active btrtiid it five a rich mni to llio chcrkv and a hritlmj i iheir eieaitnt feinitm tlttaia why the vvilicm and eejateiaatf ihc i ilii ua1irf r i admired lwbeai ilit wtm tnvo tnl hllm cxcfritc arafi- tiaeoltnebaan r bare em ilieir e pi in r ibo pdeann tf devclroaa itnat if lire v si li t jfiin tlitlieily f mf wfttant pifi piabi it nnd beiiiiflcmpet ljie mjj ne nitownatnda sapmw tianaaaamla i bco tried it arc mc tfun nl r lmiciiiil ua vf ccry icmma nthlce fo the laotei tbwarlbal nniuic of twneiwra s4rpn1u iibvy nnahllg cvrtf ibrir tutt a 2 f j for fmtf fr iff and luve ciied nr and eirewanj nhicbrrulea t the compuinu wf winrn wl fr vvrd olvf neo m put p i ttrilfc j n r h r mcc the cji niceiaatf i- tiv nf n 1 1 sjrripirifla in cantpldtnii iie to femave nertnnided ihfm nlilhicli pre- repeal lira j j nm a nunibee f rhaae alo lervpi 1mb ac ore inpinoim ly fentajca aa ibay vnjerminc ibe cvftnio 8crofuu cu8eo tlnarrrcincalc cncaaaiverf pro vea that thia i mi ii i ha fierfeetcnvaind rcr theaevafaie tin tic divcat t ihv md three perawn cored in one uoutc ia i- ttlkei ciimdren r toaea a sarj i have the ajli in infiifin yaw thnt tbiee t my children ix serncnrej mi ui serosa by uic ore if yvr racrtlrnl inclicinc they were afllicled vtry everlv with fcaj wei imve lubc only r bvuc it tik i atrae for i i feel myself lilijir i -i- il i vwur reaiteelfnllv i4aae w chain ioc veoatet neavwk mrch i 144t opinions of physicians fr ttwnwnl j alratvot daily receiving erdtra fnun lln uinaij t r- j of tire unm tina ii l ernify tbat we llie imjerinril pfiyatctana of the lily of albany have in niioaer aajew teaefihed or towncnd snraapanlu inri hhaevc it be 4m ef llio moat valodble pre- piraiiuua to uic niarhet h p puuko m d j wilson mll r it itkic m 1 pb txmendokf m albany april i 14 owia to the wi auceeta and immense a if o tinrftiti sitipmitla a nrnnr f men who nea formerly nee aynl have tfm- mrnrrii imhm svipanlb kmc el bnienr kurpjj f yeiuw desk ac fkry onerjlir put it vm thcanne aipcdbtrs and nine d uicmi h mala aied cpicrt nr ada ee nieni they ire m1y arertfitcaa iniitalivna and dyuld be avvivwd pritieipaloiliee n v l ilealjmtf k rtyadilftaaaa131 plin ss llaatca cato c astfcei soj n and am ihc irneij 1 c rvtnr1 siae i v hsjata airee ihfn vhea veiam 4reet luaavi ir4cval hahahrar f m wnm fcci jtl thrn 1 uth pcrt mreci albany ja ihosatnlf and verebim- rifitaut th umicd sutc weai t miti4 jirfall afet m 11- forwarding notice important rkduction f rommovday vbxr until fjrthbr norich tlij 2jub- atrihira avail cbaree tin ii ruler nviilifiii cl hate nf frewht irom liuoee u kinitnn rait por ton 10a 1iit inm per ton ise alloiiicrmcrclarilt7c porttui 2la m irplicrrton mane ot co linokkk noirnv eo montreal soth may 9t 43 kisw auraiment royal mail line of between kingston and brighton flhe sajbaeriber reeelfully inlimale to ibe ptltic lhit be ha eommenced running a line of stage bctaveei kingston and brighton via hie frint road through krneatown baih fredeficborh erminc over at the stem and ailolpbniinwii milo the prince kjwird district teavirn- kington every ei eniii sunday exempted it s ovineb or immediately after ibe arrival nf ibe mail steamer from montreal and leaving lieiiitea every morni sunday everdd al s ovioev for seat apoly to the prnprieinr at kings ton anillo j leclttveo1j eq 13ishtoii f ml lnjc at ihe rik ot the owner mite looked and paid for george mink proprietor kington i6tb my 18is printing typos wt ill be mij at the pninntaa fvaxjiu- txo u after april rih at ibe f itllowiag itduced jicieea pira per noiun 30 cents small pio fnne priiner 1600000 aores of land iou sale in canada west the canada conwv havb fif ilipal ahoul i00 000 acres op lanu jiipuroed iiiruticbmt innii ipf fu iiiw ri jups in upper ciinalancerly 500cf0 aeti ore aitueletlin iw huktul tvact iwll iceown at one of tbc imnt fertile pan uf tbc provinccii jm irmcil iuf iifmula- tinn in five year and nw coitiaio up warja of 20000 inhbilnnt the land arc nflwed bv way of lease or tot veere or for awe cash uownmr fimn of ont filth cth in initrttmtntsfaing doneixray with tle kent payable 11 february each year are ebottt lie initfreal at six per hrm upon e price nf ibe laml ifpnn mrmt nftdc luiawben leased no money is required down vrhiral open eihera bcctirrfitig to incatiiy erj tnn or tbrce ycara itent muslhe pail in advance tut lliete payment vrillfree the settler ffihii finberclla unlilznd 3rdor 4tliycar of bialerin of lee the riehi to pajflenaac the fnrc- ipaafr aiming the term iaaeeetej to tire leasee ot a fixed firm named in leejae ttiil jtn nlbiwance inmndt according t antitipateil payment list of land and any furtbef infor matiiin ean bo obtained lay appcntirtn if by letter poatjiattf at ibe cahy orrrcksroronivarl fichurich s il niiymie6qiiiioapliidclcolhiriie dtstrtct ur allig tiuclh or j c w oalt eiirc slittubffd liuron district mercli 10 1s4s 236 m important t0thipucmc kingston city furnace and tin factory lloifj litevjtr yi ai at h u f minion nonpareil netvalnfe abo sjic every article required ma prruititjofre fjojj type taliee in exebnofr for new wilmam prkscott notsufiitetlsintesliotehhk helble i2 si 37 4j as required ir 44 t u in full operation a 7tn o w n encraty r indica anal lln wlwiemb i avwic iv 11 nut knrevliwr u iv i lniijr- w ier- ltndan f w j s rirr mini it u feifj til or i k ivvdl- q trker j mvi ael j novice aeni for ji i lawgneada koe rnnlnr v lv i c j in v1t1 iveii llt bakkeirs liixtiv lbmie foh klllubi cvaiplaimc raln ik the iika0 ginrs siektirs jauntier ob slracfwnst confintifent of the ijitrcl ej j tle m tlrtnnrt nr riicie pilfii aitllieiehl 1ttimiitee fai iheir uefnfnm in ttie ahove enntainh numervw testimonials could dc iiuii if nei from eron f ibe bikbrt rerclibilivj wbo have mrjlhem jvn fivarfy iborjf rv totfaoaf mrja in rer o imrjavw avflw of- ilieniiaeriieoajffa o wbcn ikc bea fnirr it bjble there ia acareelj one ihc ytitfoniaof abkb4ecrnlaenftnffiv4udthj v i tiie ii ibe ii- s 1 is i i iw tnne ut 0rclnrjltf jtnateftlrudac4 tbtpjol acving the tiincnta r v bee rnn iunn a pnnt of primary iii i if- y everj defice f negtecl la f1lred by more or ice o i convenience nr auftcfmr when wabituar cdftite ncaa jirevada ibe elrt4rjail vtne of heatfbiaaoon imrarf rumelviuev by at derrcca and nl thci lirmaannrorfyijr dieaac ma4e ibeir mrmj on ihe cnftlitntitn and in rioertberlao iaarice pjriiftuuflr ehaae be bbita are acdcrtirv arbere rreotieinf ia indulged pemanant ill bealib nitl ubkuev ixvbeiwnw m n vjt w cf5f vlrtb due recaramj aiainee niui kenbmned pnvaj fr rgn my neeeaaarrioid mnat v the ncepaaa 5 ugfitraa queatina efeonidcebte impnrtane hfcat taaaiivc ahaji be ujji i j v kvf r c rccuhraoib infil ajicjscnl lcdciif j jijtirt- lyiir r-a- vo tbeatcm varjej4jjealji nfluctie ebiefy ii iie eabilini owel only arhi foit sale at the kingston founory qtaktitv t pi3 ih3 ax j lehish cjal potash kettles coolers kiitmu feaiiklry apn 4 isis 1 the kea frtljicaie rnny 11hrfu1 nifmne caleoonta water baciibei 1rasrtcrivedi coir time nt of tbe almee ekrellnt watrriviitcu be will sell in itititie to autt purebaseve m t 1iuntrk bitamgc onf efrvriurrv ojfire ontario slreei x imm 1 i l n tinsmith avc ovc eic ttfo juo m7 o me 6io l ti h wcminlon street rjlie sgberilicr ihankfnl fr pal fovnr rcrtprcifiitl y 1 i a e re e rri 1ij fririnu tind ibe pubtict lbit ho bi immv in fund j liro shiirtmcul li cverj description nf manifrcd rv um which hb prepared to it i im tio moat fvrraltle terin ceiipefi slicct iron and tinware made up in order nt jmv prices kiegaio marcb 3le3 19s caladotita springs r toiuforrlbe public tblt he will he rvtrnlatly aurtiinedmitli saline bvjter in litaeltan sammr in baf ties and intrrnittnt in kef all which will be famished at the klnjtive office for the ire privea a cbareijat uaf srint all order for upoer cnnain mul in fttlare be aanbume 0fice onurte svaetj r- wi s at uuavter ea kmten aprls iftas 36lf jy i lands for sale the sn4wheirtaile tnttnwin- lamu iwilumuaanlnitlm4wc fte 31 cetihiiiawsb no 10 in tliotlucniu nielienei aere 5otfi3flwlr7lhfevtrrijris satttv 5ere retnrmng their ainecre tkank w boir friend and ibe iuldir general ly for the liberal paireege extended tn them beg to itiltnatv llitl ihey bavein company willi mr lrjtlfh hamilton leased tbc folndkv latterly known a miller foundry in ihgol street which having been thoroughly repaired willi new copwla and jit mairi ew paicni blowin sarbiat capable of melting at ibe rate of 30 cwt per hour they ere now prepared to execute all order in the cutting line such a diachlwery kill gearing c k a ciiown haelngatbiiroijch bnowlcdeo f ihe tin and mr hamil ton of the fornacc flutinc licy there fore feel aiired by punctuality and ttii t attenlion they wilt not fail to ivj ativfoction to all vtho may favor them wiili their patronage ciiowv i mittom have ennatant- ly on band a larcc assortment of tin sleet inm and copper wnre coukinc parlor hut alt and ether koad ircrepcrtt se amnrjfoicir aorlment ofstoveawill tofouml docks patent cxkiiig stove tjus rsic rr economy in fuel conve- nteneonnd despatch in all the depart rnciiin of cokinp i tmnrpaed by any rtlief evcr invented thee auo have the improved northern farroar premium anglican air tiibt fancy parlor air tibtsix plate qnd oilier panc stove n il all kind of work in the above line done to order on the ihefteal notice jy sale room jo piince stiect kiephifi may 23 isis p sopeuibr wniskey rosl ihe dftfilvrt of ritchford l hw hst simene lj poinl constantly on hand and for 5lc low by il s j3nes kjneton 12lh may iftls i lift rfcref vel j lot no 15 tbcjft con kcntir bee- lj0 acre lot no9 sibcie 0mrn 200flercj eljso 200aere cu1mming macuokkll soiwionift 7- ceil jlia vcarewor i aine part if the itoveta only whiut lite aetii 1 otlber oxlrvida rijrcr kaajinjlwliote of ilf ni tetlloal canal the latter elan of aperieii i evidenili lfiebeaiadjlca l6mhielli tnhirtil ennftrt t r lite n p r awiaaal eiertcment avaam natum ihen reqoiroa to aaaaat haejaibc pefbtrrnanei nilfcr aceoatumad funelmna rjji ijolo f l it nrr tely on tbio alter nrinrtele tbal the jr pill nnarrteredio ibe prhrio are rnv o1 kiugaton june 20ih iftlf hreir aeiintv enai be increaanj or icfaaficd nrpeelj by tihiif t tf utttf txnmny ihej noi nle fnoitli nn apcrmnt mewcam ioyer fvno tal raat 01 t 1 y lot arc lr are i ictcujaty t anuvf mfxi if th pit4c ftr jijcb p raaeetlb c iieecawr tie imie are nuyirir ceommendejn sikikttfnrite mrc r jjiff eh ircp4tenuaatileoeiita are wroie than rnluliij andnreoiift ei tneih ln3eeeiiii hiicibey w f lvfr lnl rl atnte of the rns i arlifth uyj th fntnllm h i r y fat tloe naevivvnat -hinii- i whicb nil hre liable tt fur all rfiio vfmch air frnot on ifonrtaj atale af lbe ntdeh aiillrficmtycnref lonkiynity jeeirfeif beiifii u ill be doved rr iheir oii m ijidjinea and ptiinainlhe lfetid viibpfkoaeoi t r 1 1 fredacbc bife coftitenera aeeeais jii flilimneiea ffieaaja allak meneeaieiit nf clmlve rl t cwty c f jana luf r inif in pfoihojin- llie eipalrkn ttf w-rmi- tlw j frmo no cunfwtnent o change in ibe diet imjwihruf- will rt th 1 ftpciaiio amirtvnvnce un itroved lhatn nn aperient vonsfc mills flouring bstaihisiiment rvlhg nndfrviitnccl havina hccnmepm h prictorof the vongk mills which ar now in pehvet order hej to inform the public that he i prepared to enter into enafoncnu fvi tho flouring of wheat upon ihc natial limn the character the vonpc milu lr and ha liilawi lu nnj ihe fad of it not 1- i n bee loch hi 1 injuteil in the iightrt degree during the pajmi ifiibujimue evoi preent 10 t host whiidiiic 11 export hour in si rod of ihrbtht itmrantce loreiodand 1 wilt he tint ws 41 j iijt j ms samuel morlevavqoai- gknttraj impptltbili of efgusu jltfd jjmerltilti llnnlwnre ouli inlimale to their frreeh iiljtfls tbal they bave tuaivajdaai 1 kaienaive aau well aaaorled stock of t ticanj and shlf jlardhnrt fmrvt comf allari fattt jl enjluh hank hji laeiel llmrjiand jtand lren i t n caal spiinjc and dlialer steel l ciaad plate licet iron and tin t hh ulackri- anvil vieer and u i rewn oeek spikr vvrojbt and cat naibj cotl lrfkin and trace chain r i sbecl bra copper lead aad zac window glawf fatal and oils p t hair salinaaiiil curled hair stiicajpeiier juincn coopfn tay n double and initlc fowliog pleeeo an rffgfiut assortment of silver phdtd and britannvt metal ware pine t cattery ej- t hot w diibe and plate ao4 k cover cookixg and fancy sto ftndct fire iroio fire ooga c ou a j of rte croucut sn prfawstrtft klhjran 5 1w7- to the canadian public llarnuehkco heji 0 iiftrm uc having friemn in rotnp- alioiil to iy to aineika tbatlbej havemnle ibe fnllot and moat flaiimtronroifiehl for the-ire- aeutaenit and that on ajiilicatinn to ttier hraricfi wnue and aiteneiek in holnn new york tbijailclidiiat baltimore nj new of- ibtjut pamcejn be teeured to aayportin iie united state firlelaj repeb laial ptcketkhin arw every itifnrmaaion irivci ihem teqaiatu for iheir afe and mot epe dilimia conveyance irmn kiifjiid ami 1 continent to their respective orlaof dcaiina- aalino ii aiinnim co ppral with reteon- fidenre to the vat rmmber of ivicncra mii bare in tiai yeu 1 ii onder ibrir iiklntc- tioiia to evjliff to ibe viiileat eare bvuourfd whrfli j tnorchantablc nine it icrarnal enie of ihc thil ilft prtaoiit lih iwvrel in bin hand frkllkftlck viince milla kilariiarv j3 lroncto to eee atumltnj be not jones- ls4s if pr wanted a hmvrtn ilnlvnaoilifiioloaiiiatioii d tmvjijriilmasthil lie ear unch if niinrd tho itudiincnt of ti ili flllll l tit hi a schoi in the country would be prvavrivd a nid y ut the oftlcc of ihe ivinetim titrm kintton may tt isis 42ir the loudon newspapehs delivered weekly p t ix nil mi 1 iiij ii- aife and effir abulia and hileirn en kejnrj lr efifilrrn itardibeyrnf be re rnjt rrji4ty nti tlina ne eny el eabiiline i r ce 01 e i i die in a me be far iy aln in ceery i f if rte fni r n and liyivrrnjrulpofflrv ibali ir thh pewavr ot prepared and ld only ai the aihehfuin rotv stere k ftnhlbi floieani la 3d and 2 m eaob ipr tbeebtr 1jif ihe rjpocti in ad- vrfiinc hee ptllp ia in make ijici ceneraly ui tul in a cnoiry nltfic dpenaria aie reatee leiib uim niyni and u avid anrebnre laaaviper rerpe ertthtiee iher etrnfiwni pyia iarlid n raeb jvi mrn 1 i- afffl jiany e ibrm if fbtfee fir m4 jnfi hl a dirfaner on get ihcni prepared at aiw co6tmp i r j r vl city of ivinhloja gas light oo mp an y jvojick j bereby iven tbal a iccond in uin lhne itim ttitnmiu llitmelyeti their ntnteelivii ill no iluncahave they evn railed to redeem lotitcln dly the nrkid jjj afee n vela iuet bv lbif aineiiein llaiejgi notiuitcandiii liae hili rlea uf arae vbieb bare frequently nccined in ndijn hy trbicb ibe imldei- were forwanled and tbev atoiirc mjic ibai ibe nio erufbikw ukk he dined on anv filnce firi tit en t ii akndrn ft to jre aeavh am tor triii jk cna ltilu jt ce inr co pbiudelbi line oflwbrl foin ivermol omlfoi the election nf alt iheir obcr ijen- r ihiatip the areateri rre m labeu ibut they aie ir1ias tenmliruute uie inoai ie the eom fori of the paenjcer pjrhva rtfairn lolrnrndt money to any fartef rarope ennlrc fornubed ivilh drafla if mjiii far xi ami tijnvitda mid lboo hinajtn transfer tliofr frnrety ie amereb rtilnbc mijdieil wilblelura of ebrijt on ihilmb frtabliiurnnla tliera i jlundrejjj of iboiiaindh at mxilkj aterljnat t been tranamiiied by 11 in ierfecuafvtv lb recmml tier by avntdina lb riab ocfea b us rpeei- llpo ih itniantaar kinf i it- j h reecive 11 jb he iiii-unn- i n ftn 1 tt- imi iii it ihv livk uahyi amcfikiv xfavs lvmiit bye teli lil mimih- r inknnrj kn land triil llw vi iuu rfv ohojv nnd utrivii nt miikl iverf kriliyr sorniday- aifrni hw weeale li- rveriwil arc tim sreietta ir pre aavarffl tiik tva vrett f nivr 10 iri lirtv nniritki 11 ji q up ups line 1 l vu i ji it laprwa4 i ihhj lllf j i ivr i r h j c j ivwa ttdf tour lvare ff tim writ 1 tmilibv 1v- eiryallifi ftaaafte xprtt i liilfc assurance alioiij two fuitl life hsiratce sataiiy- jc coftxnut leseon axe 71 wall tracat irtw voaa ti capital e5oo jvn- l 1 rffej of powaoateavf 2rd w ivoyuf aen 27m jiafy 38 i a savinr bnnh for the benefit of llie widuw and the orphatu t law lfjmufi crorpe ctrwjl rfoaorrr 97tnre cnoirfflono ac covrf 0 wrrrfor tonuvn vrefury rfcvo3icaiaafx xieator tjtctt aoaao t 1irnry uudcflslikvetlcw ik forsytil ea- ioiilas prsktjhl o uam wilson rag ihn llvn j a macuonald jutln hamilton mnoo eovct joiln r forsvtfl eae hteteal uamuu alexanderprobixsoneao alt munttfiaetnr ofiec untaraa stfeet t edward t richardson general a- eniniiai toi the coitedsuica and oml t a raimaaw tiir ilara allnared after roeb oayawil or man m u m beeome rfne asibnot f ireitonr of potiey a lbandfikt starr central agerat 71 watrt neat torh neynrkffbury ja8 globe insurance g0mpany op london messrs ryan chapman co of montreal acnfc af the globe fn- nrarnre crnpany for canada have apnejnun ihe n ride ix i ned snbatenl at ktn anil he 1 now predated 1o insure all description aw trnnerty aairut ioj by flte on advaaiaeroui leim the onjinal funded capital of ibi con pany ia oxe million steklikb and the aejenla ire atithoriied to ellle loaieij referrinartbrm toentaoil lho february 4 lih roii columbus marine insdbance g0b1pa5t r jhe ueleraigeehi prepared te re- jl ceive nnplicatirtua for inaeranre on mercbamlixr steamboala eetl sailing vikvois en the lake an j river si lawrence either for the scaaneorljji ihc trip at reasonable rate of prermumj thomas ijrujosjon aent offirt printat strut xmgtf on april u 1348 britannia 32ni ea liroiianl teeeklr ieruie4v reint np itienifiin 1 me an mill f life assurance cqkpot ko 1 rnrsras mmbotibtt mpowtxalby jet rf piiimera r capital 1000000 stn cheapest katefof any qpflfs doing business in canada jfiavl lji ree or senoe dr thos w robisn roihc unjeraigned having becar roinll le act a aeent fer company which has been dwnjbeait m cannula and this city aince uie jicr is39 reapeeifully rextueeta frtumeraa tturinc life aauraneetn cellatfcf office priacess sthbigtst kininn where proapecteeee ewrjrfl norcory information will w wrf al- a 1 vattety nf table ie mrtf iffosr- ointiffsnnecn nnj convenjeftco of jpnli- im waeer n 1 t tbc kaieefimilaf taweelnt fice lining hiiaintaii in hitpnuvirje i fiolena i j jj toran aftiranrcefjcloo it bee c4niilire afnieeocol ab ntilpfiia fymn fwn4 4o otta fkiumm aajmaaaa fcrmt4 tlieae neerate rntwlilrtetirbrtfhbvi millieieiit oftljf m provide to teeaeittpt it in ihe pmvor efinoal periona to fiurjji ami with reference to the preaeatalfltpvef the health of the inlamdi tenia eflhei vjnee general y ii anejr be tboa aryhnulil the revailin eld o iloctine latinff nnyrsllif- thorefore to r a etely ou m ivlio have 10 provide frr their faeptuti lale tlielimely precaution of dtiriqftwr live 011j ihu previlrajrainat ilo rtekeif i his liavji iboc jepeinjotil ufrara ilirirox nr meana le tuftcr tftal euliieaif not deatimiinn thomas bbicciaw iiiihrveem- eevevva apenrj kinpalein at2l is47 s rva skiff for sale oomilktk with two ir 0 oaraead kndder ehqoirt at the ship cbeiai liy siore oiitarie atrtet ho hajama kuildiiif ait aba- joily iatteteeleanfreliwik neav will bv aotjjovr 1 tlmcnt nf 0r pnnnd ct mjare si ill the almea odnnjny will he ifiae on uir laidjyof july nd all hlocbholderi re tprjnevlailto pay the aame to tbatreaa href l li ofbeu of iii ceirilqiiy in ibf cy uiiid- in en or liefnre that jite t j lt nfdrr nl ihe fbtard i tolkjkn wotiikiisroon illvl fji uicm a irinnnee l7lksmid rivmus xlnil stimiifre rvr1wff miitpheij tx ubvcrilicr tn city duiuinhaycs iftattcfk ul crinirvatlieririao and ntmif ibe fitk vjlie nf hi property iaaijjr ennbaaeenred loquebeea above for imiher itiformatinn which avilf he given eitber rieainnlly nr by letteifaiiidv in ii a un- 0il co now yoik iiaafrtdbn co koalmi or la william wapk onr mrt9f itwav kindlon morcnci 1810 aeewian l laatlbea m u nte lj receive r rrtf kmvl end are ui i 1 1 1 rime a jieinl a ptf eel n n ihaanral in ltulia an ttediii uwi ini iv ndtati ilatrilalmrrft miairenl jiitifs hh tleia left nl lb thhh ivaig tllbaa unthmiyftkfwiiidad fresh oystors and fruit dialy by express at wauuttiosa rtronra m rninrca akp wrlukiilitx at mvl6lf fl nrr 1 ian revel v ie nonalds4tl kinolnn may m i8 jaw ivf li j r mmv ujfiusfott at t if e athononm printiaj pff9 nrklaftlgmdkndalairmtiua tlle h a- lvuirttr r 11 nni nmif uire hi l1 iur nf m ai uitnu villi itflinf pnmai ti wiihntit iut nf i a 1 ai t it 1 til uajfffflnl i lh4iai i ii fabie cntvi may isak inkm naatrv daaatlalv li lu iliftiteti rtaln 0w

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