British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), September 30, 1848, p. 2

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imperial pjrfcmirt mticcihc mvrf hohl ad era ton of n mjded dnralicn lie he of cmma tret m iwotve 0lhc iaasn tvntthe nittitliti fmia sili pr hh h inj third im m lllpafu rft add if in s ft wat nd lit ha ifscirnty of which n hy nn fnfini com wptvonle wilbiit vrncth il oitrl wdh ruy ini pomiet a j uu cltiv mi i misereme um intal nf pera vm si tc hatim itnt ta imnllfti jwnitfm ihey areee ibnot lotepatale hntiitetofa ille or aanhase that wa awnflnlhr coqiillv forthi ibetr weir hjafne wlkflft to whom the mintdry thtifht t attael h wet f fint from i pa acriph which had 7a- itd mi ftnntay er wlich itiiihnted ihc rjfnefernl of the toremia fth dinner in the quantity of talk r ilh wfcich the hon wa tuidalrd hid by which ihr ojttr nf famtc lamea wa emreierf a then trc vicn f the ft vrinfrwni tc lhrdtay wl vhhd r t iaf wrfe 10 he alhitaalid in the crvndnet of tptnrp and ihc fnmit of the i foivr he pro pencd 10 j- lnw fr audi view were cal led and if inoiftct u1ove rraliiy lb part re tn ham- fnrihc prroi ijiioip flctoij ivlp rf lhills ilr olrflt deotct lint imuum lay iher khh ibr fom of ihe heave oi wilh ihe mdljrl f ihe mem hrr- i prwe 4 d in maintain bia ma hy tefrvir tofm i ihr ciwj fi hnei cafhbr araston 11 hineni hml fcrjt hiromonrl to- jielhri al an eaily jlii os irrfvvni of ihr ftnneicii ditirt liirli w riuhr jpoft tlip m aod rfiltiprix of roniij j i j ihlf kvn loo pveh plk i ilt llof ripon ipt urrci it ilrhinf ihttl ihrir hd bfi oil itbno ufrn it hftfrtaftbrefi tliflej by ihf tlmfclttafl rjtninnffn v j i- i r irxjiitr itl v nhl- 1htiu i of ihf oovrinmiat in r to hi nd 10 ibe oflitl iltlrclm f chirf ttitc m t ihr mfl kill lid oloi p hint arrtid lo the coroimrpi ubkhlud brrn pilfd 10 rxjic lh f a totrtr hkh hf dlworfd imtonlilu liooil m irotvue o uiihdmi notf- ot i ffm iiir f i irfili f it h ji r l i an d tnr t r i i i 1 1 tk r f finc qitrmiiiv flfetins lo ipidr hi- inctn hi itofllljwadfuil ho-is- rjcprtmrly mrny l thf jcrfmmin trma fcr pe af ihr fir ciftl liry f thr grrh- s ni a i u 1 f ilutclrntr j vlh iot qnoiitoaf frow iiw qnwoir tthmloro ftttm sloimb and 11 jnii he cvmirrd i- ctiicrllot of ihr kifhrfjupr fouuh fi- nirc l rflbit fof tb on a tit lor the coolty il the itieory hour il h rli jrr ili looff for lw l ek-ee- iprf rt tiiioc few he goeemmenl il frund rtt li b it i iirjilv i urmrtatiw m fiffti nd ihc chancellor of iff ktclrrjurr vi ahoof to eooimpmnrile hieeond vf of i ji f j i i rirrfil bv rcmh jian we j j hd uie coerrnmenl of 41 lb t4- jenloi fii we luihi now c nii our- ivlvft oil havinc he ccimrht of all liie kcu ioner hie circmrlilkce iltj weerl m wn n jiielitr fot cmd ihr ciniorl oolly ihrvv ihe blkl pi the efrtroo jlre of lh fmi nf ihe lor ii ihe obtlroeiie v jr of il metnfo he acin totally drnid ihit the uou i jihtly chieceiue with ovimeiinc mmic bu- luifo the r1ely hiis hftd ijfcen jlafc n coneel0i with financial bintl wfi eitwrly ohobbine lo ihe iriirambrirrnt of he vfnrol jnd the pkclrj swqrl of tk oiftnititolian contmiiteet nor tlir hnvte to fatno f the iaiinri with trhich the public lleititi bill i- i rrichrd it final alacre the utor y of ihl iv li in both 0w of piltaum it nattriutr wilh cotiit in- cideai frmaikame rbfofl ond bul fof ihr t fine ueku a1 amut ehlllflrt w nf fotd mnfjelh wfci h4 chajrf f i wolld ol korr ip4 ibr ittlhludtnnoa perilt iohi trr conremvnee fo the rftm of rir c tic gulfrcfi i xpfrtrd hit thaiib fkeu ite to him f he amito ipcech with which hr hid jiit favxted the home biri fhf ncc iluil iftricjh ofiqilcj rr to what it tvattpif it 4 umowmf to dtrinc the hnnotitame grfnirbbl ecd o uonf under the idea that he hal m drlmd ihe hogee of rn on ftmn i chars mate ieainft it fiiu u h li j vilmjiaird i he hume t ji w roflminiy nol fof ihr girinmei to taijihr iu l v k- i mr dlarli had llvi llwn himrlf to iairouiki ajtt fcmw tho bin- 0 ibc iiiiotnao trt44fj ino foxir of ihc 1 i utr k irf h nr vimrimifl ri cj willioik confiomiteo ihv liberty ol jc- bote tlitltllbdrifcl rf wttftom iny nch cicutn mi eritt fsofji whal had brtn dir with refrrenc to uybitr on pii- lollt fifoc lfkdll ij ihc hjur ilrftin ht ii rrviti iy njnri ihc rreru tho fmi n ihe inbh hid m hirilmiv which ibe eilin tine a tfftii nadin eor- rl upon ibr govojiimciil thu fol which ft foieerimictt vo- rhivtly tilrdj fa lo ttalm1 he affain u tho oipiie tbv honoribh- cfilbtokftihijlliicrvto ihrrt iic0 ii trdito in lrland intirrectioo in ictairt tnd loroluuun io ktirojie ifbcn it com id bo sad ihat tdlon io kjiund hid hcciimrihy btliwow btj hat ipcijtitt reljiu ii rrijj had hrem c r c i neac recrtchi wdh fwrlffl iwino in ihe bimm ot oil ihc c tunlon o kiiropf he ihonih hr 4id rnou h l hnv llut olicr alt ihf iln n ii i ol ihe emrie had nnf been jo rriv irfrclivc tbt nf tod then re- mttdcd the imnte lhat ihc ujijfcf1 duty nf jhifritrnmn in intrndore a rca number of nrviiev aad lo carry ihcujhriuh if- tinn n vts a sy hetc lu ihr ftovcfomritt nf liornuttfvyatil 4i jariy lftwn icm rec 6 ihc tfrcykau inic ih- couniff evr jtal- it w j itcitber he avle or tr p- oeirul duly of iho jdnm iraiioft to in liooucc meanrev ami c arty thrm ihrnnh par iiif i in limetoreai dllficvhy and ytfr il ii aurolioft mii be chfly civrnto other miiirr bil evefl if iltf m alltu io ko- trotllact inpjuiirii ihe fc bj inec ihc con- fnenrem n f lre rio it hdd introduced ml lt than wo rpwt tmn il w not ehiiceahu wilh anifttlw io il iepect ard if it were itf duty incaim them through pailiamtnl that dmy had noi occit to imirr- fecily fulfilled when it tfa known tiiat no left than 106 hnl rilher already htcodte law or would rrcciret ihe royal aeni ol the ctoti of the fjon 1 he hod ihcn pro- which threatened it wilh on rtimroely tle nor could anythini be n or montlret or ei- tiaeaeinl thn 10 chaise the lloue with ihe fiturcoflhe oviunt for ac icpalof ihoj laviarauonlavri fibnup mm io rr- ptt or oyoanerr itial fiilore but he cvjdm oah avoid atrrihuiiaij il lo waol nf fcfmnra and of pfrtri j capacity on ihe pifl of the coremmeiil il ahttald haee hern tnlrrju trd ll an eaflier rnid eul wo pivtiinflcj fne oilier meatuir of far le inomaref when al ini inlnwucrdil watnthrd hohf forilieie when iu ofrifnrjrf ffu in- if riijirri by what he contmeird one nf ifc trunt r- inj r latlr f jue of f levinthe i lrn al irilj ik- tit lllc vrsl inttlj co- irhiiru loviuc tho introduced in due lrri ihc surjir dotiet bh the honhle untile much to ihc amntrment of the ijnue dveetl ml cooidcrab1e tenth njon ihc exuoordinary iikjjenlt which bad tharfciriized ilm2e ihroorh ihc hotite coomencint wilh ihc ofl- repeated drclaratiouo uf the prime minister iht nn j- hf wa to take place from the act of 136 frm which itir bill wat in re i lutp ol ity after all an actual deparinre and en dine wtfli ihe hurtle nf btnnd-c- ihreor- rcciioo of which has caord mich lime to be waited lr pmfiaof imi aill hid been deuyod by icccal iiuctive incijrnlituch lothtt tlnnr btadtrl of ibokchmcolhirof ihc chqirrntf ihr tahbaawm which oeoiotrdonthaoitwiai deiaich il tu tarthni bill whlrt ouimately u3ed only r the ihntmlflm whirt it bad bten mindii- inaluc anea kr ihc i ihc ere rrchmirj ikf i u p- rr ro oilhw lo ihr conduct of meor eoe fo incortenienero aruing from ii e irf till ifooet notkef aohecton ivhih mch time had bto warled which mijhthjrr been taveh bad the hcputt ol the jr ajojrted mmc de- fintc raciplc f oelinn walhr conduct of ibc delinnnrnt botcnha and the meamtrc which wrtc to hf faen irrr i n uifm doling the ajion ihc r had brtn irdiiinn iu eadod inaocrrcljon io jr j a td reoju- tkfq id etiinpe what if ihc whii had hrerv t 7jwal c wilh ach a combination t- qootidcrinf ihe magnitude and inpurtacc or ibeor tvrnfa bnl litllc lime hd hcn fpcol of er ibem in the hoic llw much time woo id have been tpenl orc them had ihc nvbic occopied other boche he irfl ihr iloxiteto dterrhioc the linic of ihc public thefl bod i i- 1 been watted riiher by ihe ou- docl of cncaibers or hy the fofi nf ihc llntim- to how the conpuurncea of ihr wane f tine vhrch hid acnimrdty tsfctw puce the bonnrabte iif-n- ihen rad what he irtn r 1 iiir k mnrlalily of the nf 1mb thiy rtte fortyven in numher ill of i hem h io on in1ertiii and 1 i i uijtii and iwotli t a lu i had been ofyf ii ii tfrm llirnc camearored to r indicate ihe hr frnru ih- nppmhrinm of v o if i caur f whl he leimrd ih im pobtic catamiiy the vatflc of lim he pr ctf to ahow what he conirern to be ihe rfaltniif ofii tat caoe he fwnd tktff cpiiivlnj to the m nutekil brneb lo umi body ot ntn who acceded in nlhce witlant o paifiameouy mority they tcerr ier wrojiktiicd in ibr courtc i v i m tm ihcy were uilthey r ccdel tojuilfy heenbtfe lkiihy ih tov- cnmcnt in rcfcncc to ririoi mrainres its cotijuct coftccnifij whch mr dimicii had imtqd and in rhich be hrr aiiribuud the tut rf time which had occurred in doing he rpidv paed in re vie w what hau hen ooie in rrreterco to coiercial diiirc and lie tairendeoyiira rrfimd the latter that ibe t ijifici nf h ic v the aiou ty the cltncelioc of the echcqif could he termed wdcu thit jon wa not ilie fe oca ion on which a tfiftaalry kcal bronjlii loiward a fnvarctal fttmpilion which hid co oki wi hc concirence of the boaar the go vcr uncut wu blamed fo h7 in referred the ealrvnlcj io ccnwiileej ami rtfcharcd duiitto wilh hmrina irmn- r i ihr ribt limits vf l conmitjiion hut tnfbjt1iy lh- me hiic had teen voit diiipiieihi duiliiii o hc dube of wllinf 00 laid ujfurffo pill- ft piutn thie conijtiltci ihc ilouiw tni i l nih fiom no ropoohihji- y aland lyiti own ottjnij- whlb law if j to jt 0wis v luijfv c5 in trfrrrraj to ikb aotlrr iwi ibc sralmraml cniii jii tjvir imder a gcat dliiijn an4i to ihe puhlir liwth imi o bf from bcine athfimid of ii he l d that lc go- vcronirut x i heen the mos of poising a inraurc of iuh imrlanc now and pi timtodd iiefd of ittj allhr latter hour the uur ir3embrd aul tvem inio commit r- on the copper and lead imea imi ftf tin n h rirw been to ihe lio e resumed aif7 after dja poiiuir nf the oim r orden of the uy adjourned ll lrft undbbaky cl dj of fitrtasn pahticulahs steamsifip acadia the sieanmbip uiiied slatc- caplatn ijaekhiattj left coweta nn sunday 3rd iflnljil 3 oclock iflih eihy f itd alare carcnfiinc kiracji iorf aflcfrfrcdin aaarllhc scjly kund bee cmjcnjcr be etle drriaced and ihe wai nhltgcd to pl back in sncilhjrlipoq liiauii illt she r ilt he kul isme foor of fire we k before lc will bj abr o npairtiifdewiemcriiofhermjchinery ar j be aain hi lor ea tlic clslif ponton of bcfpancngr ha jeft rcwato take place from tnw ijieawnn im hitttocfcjlltitfdt voftti fc conjeeirncc of 1 if a mul ft i timet l py nrar cowej on ihr totrof the lidc oiitt ajii tuah i hi onajfwt werr imuiediaieiy revcttrd it wae foiud itnpainje w rnfcrf nm a sie cial tlramety waitip ojf onwea fndm maih wnnt to her waiaiqure a lj ainamnr wlat leal lo rvrifrc hi o ri ff and the doah wcrd difichirdovo liblcra thk hep wi effect iaajl i 3 pft or ihe iarfif day aw juaieilandyhnttly ar adtrlbred lat sowtc romtf ftr rni vmrre ojajn pni otiunaniet a04 aht j i if mii on her lojijifi with luring ii iujid qfiainej inv it j i wcaiber rrttlinui 5 andhc trfin market ja cdinooioahocbl ibf entire eticut of ihr recent adnc the quroti on ibe uizt prntowed the i wo llou inhtaam by apercbriom ihr- ihmnr lecaniiuattn the fhiif etentinftbe nekton and itncdtely ifietuanl too 4r n lltv 4th inmijfitjho thik fn whivt in cnarp ihe f l i any and pariiegratly qainf afcatn jtrt he hi ifnwcvcr a a ome ictfiobta of ihv u i urn walivh he alfirined were tpnpiring ajanaot the o- ernment the meorffruaikrvai lit th jtoremment luiaiinrf ms conlrahclina a reporl hut wa jccueri1lyircnlited the itri of two 1 l lacv fti-ciuriil- 9l0t00d to be jen laimriciere miiiwm of war and ficn clinndaiwinj jfojinaniftt of ihe national miard the ihird concc tjxno wa ihe dia1i- faction fmojucen hy i e iliirrbulion of the cioaseaof ibc uchn n uotont amoofi the leicinria of ihc al bjr4 the iaria tapcra of the 7th inilanl lalc lhalj fkolwilhiaiillin the aioiiilnoni of gen liimoriciere to the command n ihe army nf ihe aly ihere kppewn vry probaklily thil peace wall be precirjd ll lojieam ihsi vrn lamorcicre anil m mific have been eudr4ffrinc by a inuoae- tioft ioith oimlon barrel ficrryvr and nthrr lo rri a fution n all parlo lu which thy h4trool tfflccerdrd it ii iitl lhai the sardinia mhi ha offered ih cmminll nf hn pirdtfroiik- rmy in gen hedejii who u nkiii liint to criai drf ihc iropoiion nfiuum he trfom a catin will h mjjt to tii oiritifle i he ivonifcur jtav umi jlw 0 toman en- vcmmettl had fccniael ihr f tarli retiilici and that uneral aniick lh frneh imalrt tcnipicmilry pnmuii hr crrdetiliih lo he suhau ui th 2uh uihut the m sac ui n of ibe 1h emiojii 3uhlihe a jclirr frrnn tmo o ihe 2id in- irftrt ibn ibr alrtbnj imin txtuosdjiuvy cniilnbyiiim ol 4w000 jloriit j ofloj o the cily of ilf- ma io be paid wilhiii phh hotr thai miu htihianl mbeoaiiu within the jotivil all- icj ihc crndt accfil- w cutlom cn- menced jjljin- tie ciiyr tho inhabitant hntvrrcrj enconrafvd by the patfioiic dffcittr oftmona mis- ti iociti end conioiencetl a frinul kutlcjiu witch ly wen oiiled hy the womra ami chiljfn they ihrcw ihraf fu or it re from the wtinlawy nfanfi ihe hraik of ihc a aut the inh ihitanlt of the eotniry htfrried o lbe onri aineil with ihrtr iaiemciit ol huhaudiy tbt m- ault of the tfule had ont been laceitll ied ll iail that a foriou qiarrrl has aiien between go chau inner an i cdrainac out oj tfe deheetinn it ihe n- gnard at the renew oi sunday aac general ca ecinae ha aldretid a lellr 10 ln chim afnicr in winch he urnei l iter nf- ler on that occasion in k3 which fc io rcflrt upon tho ijiirr rather severely m ledri brttin u at to eiaih a new jmirnjl hoti ifitjlufird with th a t whicli in cmuitctioi wlb m fieoi he imuidtpj io 1sk3 the ediio in chief ot the ajbrntfp tne fr of ibe ulegolfroy ca- rmroae maintain a closer intimacy with the kw f tie cfiveeiin iw vi ts more in- iktoncrd by bim than k ledru holtu an- proves f adcicet hacc been received frnm lfambir t uil winch i in tievh i utm they ai4e that the po- viiioiial oemmtoj ihc jurhiei of schi- kwi rjtl slokiciri hate refit loacknnw z the liniiice lately cuticlitjcd uy inj- ia in the njrne jf the ccruauic eoifcsera the reiti lion tht iffrctcl juliev ft ltii fv- vaili jinnsl the tjemoifeiit party of ihr hofthnf certnanv and i rated that the ff4nmj of thai pjver lo piomou peace will be endured fruiil the tlockadcibc ebe veraod jthda ha been raue j aincc lh olh and ihe l u mn fevu on ihe baltic have abo hy thti linc becotm free tho london papera nf ihe 8th instant an- onniee ihe uniinratil hilillietkeo thjl ihe french sorenvtiril on the 7l iecrtvrd dr imlehh frrm m e anfo ihe fencn lit natter at urlin aouneiur ojfieuqy ihi autra bad accented the joint mrduiion of fiance and eirj we hjit jii reciv r tw ivtf f venice ii potitire j im t- 1 i -t- fi r i iiitt ut fitell j moii on gcnorat gayibimi who lu bttelff bcn foicedy ihe a rifin hi 1y norn llalfi ha ariivnj at deamcavnn hi wa il hi 1 lo pjti 1 j n a if from ttaly and rnme declare ihc whole coiantry to he m m iimcted and excited f tale- at griioa i i- rn ltamill hadocoited v u -ud- which were wilbditu illisrcllaufcu the model waiter every model waiter is inxle of boutm what lime h he 0 make joir cxcpin 10 ihc cook and she i hoitemcred and cro i il uuin vi are and he hae far ho many spfuh to look after milunfc of incieli inr hfa raponaitjjittr wdh a family of ethdnn lie it always rather like the co nc je uoil c cminc j com n hut net tonccr h- i alwav aim e fr he no sooner ia tsai he to t nut of ihe j ao daa ue in great britain a aate of ofuntl tl juilio in f- iii 1 in it o w ou eak weie they lhal ihry or vet eencnctrd a mea- anre hetncocmof which ihey enld be cauin so lone ai thij ia1e eoutiueed ihe hnne and the coantiy rould fnl eaprt front gvecnwneai tbote rttalure mratnrea inr n hch ibpry bod 0 riht iv inob me jid hot t harec all the rfil otmn ihe imhecitiy f the go- otoaaeol fticn of ii beiti atttilrtabnt i lha driniaaionol jurfy j bl be con id awf permit ihe llouae ot c lo be masied fot ii by whvleale afcoalioni ibat erfaarr by ita memhei 0 by ill fauns it had tnuwo ndle a oh- inaction in the wty of the pnuic iroaioo he wai ftmf of the c lonilo ubicb tmlhro hid nf thn tjiiovaliof iiir of commnhe ihe people of the hofkrahla femunan thru anjetnnvdlhjnhnf thai he ftad aid eoonch nnwlht alihnual ihecoiianhadrioen m tv eonmeoeemfat of lb aon en a ivan v mfrou it wo nboni lei drop on 1 taaoo 1 rfwmafte 11 thai h llo whole r prlirnay lorielt no maasial nnjfd m td tfcnee n r t f 1 in a minuliy nramve froteora pmme fb r bteat be wan yveelrd with npihtfjr ewera frn tle ooorlnl lenvjimv uh -f- lbftklbff jl aaa r i kmh in ftivlv paitue f scolllno lerlaid continura ii innukhiy te rtail of fjl n tt cu- ertito furniihathrnl ihe only lhcme fr apemhiljo amount ihc lih pn tticriftc yht premier ian leaf at kuiaoii onbe 4fler- nooi if the 11 tistu ijid woa r- r iv d wilh 0 certain oefie af tcpeei deinoitraiioit 1 1 r diiapprolation eem phh lo luce iiikd li fijic m- de lunartine has pnmihetl a aropllodrrudtnhiniaeli fioin w4timil charge a oainm him pohhe optuioji tfa o nneiiitieahy fnund it way in ihr afnv thai gn f kuaeba li cmmtejid 10 dv hitilemiii ofvipprem th coim it naf thrpu- 11a and the ptatc have 0w- rennd their tierce alttll loi the cwemiict and ihe latter wee open war ijdii ihe topuhhc in atir oi c cntnfjpracv iheljralfo ibdl he wh nul iilltw llirri ffcalic tn be rtlptmih the sphutflml i4clontofill the icatlt tui in lr ailly bejin io occ pit up allemnkk jtajil dv uinidbv ihe oileanii of ihe feat i a candidate with h- pleril and mat j j lljeaud flte faiter it 11 nidi ua rrf iei the co ni jfid pf the p if armed iuiriciniii jintdiawc p ace in italy indeed he wviw nnt accept any command onvte hy e0erj caviitfajaa tn uionajmilim are mo vine both in pari aid ihe isiililtnele with 1 view to jnuile piii lm vipvleodi election lo the pm- idency lkal diplurbaners id the pfovinc cnoti- mi- lo occui chi0 aroiu fom ihe nh- iioaioht and tiaordinary ut 1 cenu irnpnte by 1iotittonjj m cnnrnt 0iihd inaluli the tf paib and porlfoii nf the natinal inard oyere te- vjrueu 00 he dnnlei ardi be geiieci cavai- fna wbo wa londiy tieid boiwren 7ll aml 50xhi0 wr under armt li j- iii 1 l trihe klttnaual fuardt oly or oitftliwi vjiif eallrd mi from each tein ahouh the mtjoiial guard waa in- ih d hiattnd ihe rettiw jieal focc it uafumlj ll n p ili j ir rn rn- tered fiorn each tuuhis and in iwic haiulioiu ihe ounbl nil unci l n rebuke co comn 0u ak hili for hi na ne ur un of cbail the waiter never has a sat ittenc tun lake hi dmner how ho can ot ibc tfjihaaak or a cjia r in ihe tav a if he is very he lian dinner m at he approaclte h pjae oaocva moulh jul when lifiy 5iogajfof uvian al hjmivay of miiy coacidin cicj he attended o ihlof monyirst the model wtier never say i ie is riniie rj fcd a as rr as ifcrff vorv rkllfltprcmmil sir ift bad two hiodred inn- yeod i s r and ihicc htndiednd litfiyfivc mj pe jf co is im e nne h ndre i an i sittynjiie a blt retutarty every nijeh tfaj lie putw iw onto eteryilhot isj a nny if the some 0i 0 ir exact shillnv- m chop ic sir ailieiur pnlaie 7 j r tupprocr ber exactly sir injipence afid ihead yefc sir mattra irfljaencc anl tuppnee iihafcei thir1ecn nee prcrlsc v one and a pnny sir it favosa e wo d is nie lie reronmenlr l a ftw ebon with a w la- ofhof and half or he ll yo had that a n rau nf porl ihe mikll hreast he ever a r it he can nn pr jiramfl lliin imwevet a frajo- ril ittle the imrt hv never lueti u t im year in bottle the ciar ln uv ty i duccl flam llava ii ond tjtti t full 3irt pruiid sir woibntclvaaaffarttiiiat b ihem sir j h- mndel vailereiythojjia-ehdi- dir if liedofs itrl lnaanvbaee r rmanrk 0 fa 111 a ifiniiti i a ova a al ulv eth n nevr atpiatoaii mm hjv fe mteinpn ondevirecifu4i rwtr i ft l d or in in fnrntl 4 1 fa mi y and trie pat the fii 0 or iffit ol ilia pile vi p r bar fit notiiiulil hui aanr i lndwjoinelm hul h wont 51 liotne till hmni md hat vvecralra inhbhcolt thcr ivui to ever cnnjiornd ihai out il iat bn some wretch heb mie who ed a pane ttu to an uiifnrtfjuile waile w hi u iu hi m for it ilewahvaa faint esitt lo iuru ilf ihc a but i te illi a t ifijjiti a call for rnie kihw- f i ir in aoi trtfil lhi rfoic if iu ihe mn nin lie yo 1 mt 1 th- knives and arfce ami dltojh xovvit iuiilim- tary u whlil a kuithiu jj miklaid ivt aftrf wrariti mil inntimerham vr if hei a 7csrituui 1 t i up lo tii mni ivniler by the jeili nf liie is tint 1 d hey prvaeni i i with a fvitt temli u uit oi i n elf a it lili hvrn ol litetl v nm a lalim nf bin iiifuliii ctvile riiieifui nrinhir anil uiffifn ailrnnoi diiue a leiui if itftly yen tin ielntioi rerfianla linn in mm ri nl 1 awio ii ii oi in l tiir icujeai boalsvn ol pari aw 1 lesrlyf eiitlineit wh ar- mlilnjiri u iwx ji ih he 1 m fce nil v tlir nm a i a and jd ptcli m m it lie nl 1 1 and e p iwi hie ijrm h rr t rnalb w dtv u kvt ftt mile ihi it ilviiir leif lhriij inaimiaiwr ir li ri 14 hnl ettaattr fi 1 the ehi f all ir of it iti tie tp hhnm re rl- eh witn aptiw t 1 inemtu arr fir peafce eltelc l iranrf r i l iti leaf he ft 4ll ll ut iltvnrif ma1iili if iu lie fifth ifffllh trik after e rn iv iiie itlhtinirpotlfr lite iwi1 h ir hil an itrfilniwif wnffetvai v peih1i i m iv imih n ib iv tniwl it wlilt tin iv of ih i3iutiii whig optrattt qrfn die r i rtiatlt ft iraaafj 1 pel 1 i e njtfi pi wlt n r ttvld h 4 h ktlllt all 1 il he hiniri il wwiilh id ivaji 1 k iil it e- n vr tl f if tj 1 irewtret mi vt hv ij ireaj ihilltl irni th d 1 iter ifi ii fji ttiidv and i 1 i 11 ift r enwiti f t 1 1 a qprv fr ibfrt j tut frvn ib ii nn ie t rfeiy phh ii m- it tah btaerideo rd ie m j- fl lenec fin ti raie ifitrrra ive ii- varvma 1ij 1 atiaj papvnnl lienlarif viivlill r i tie ntf li or kb llnn lal inr cs hap iii raatbrof ite pietur a id urbo ijniairji xleml rovi um inon and suiin ihr- ihe ptdctf vtop caec 01 uc hhn ii lmn in 1 gill mi ia frame 0m the- ww kieee if ihc ru hla in ami n nf 1 hcli ir h i cn ritruun fr ih- lat iviiy vo ai bimr he prnjeriyof th- abiihneni ieir heh- atceal uivmr ie htf ftari thiwti never to be rcji0til fonr the i h model udiler hnrttvr baa hea wi a sf loetinie or pen ic- liuiiu 1 hi nftatt nf cbtfh ni aleailte- hi only r bat ine hi en the uahiu rf im wwt rxinti nlcr rile leaan i he il w riliy m1ri1f dtl id iiith iq lifl i hoe ae id irflljh i ii e nl a ibwi iue fni 1 1 heicui rf anj berlin ihenon s aeoccanian bt iey ohl ac tlir a hand etetv anl h pikba i nr4nof of h itanllild ilktj univ htmrrlf ihe prrtly haruatd 1 vifead di ffilhnn hiviro for kerpinjcopn ha t a miiiuie u oo 0 ai i mht nt rrrin t 11 si 1 j it lib aajtfrittilil aa a mrat nii inibe i hani ie- gfnvcj h- pilcham nf i taih hiv hn 1 1 e ir tueie iqt llf hrer hours or diel over ihe fj v miii tn a h cm boitfk mcm iinadplgiibt itrtlht obirome umllnrd ihi lfj lo keep in view the mojel uiv wuia lleh fm have ken tircd ai eta h kilu fcc vlatn a a rfthili rial c nl 0 fit- till tn the ijh jjistan new york fhrv ate principally nrcitpied l of the iniirroaue in afiliivi st at s nwenu the atlr wa nut i in safnc of the other klauja an dinae wav dnne 10 huihlin fr a french knajnt uuduvut nabfa came a total wreck from me st ltd patitiiit ft we rt fon cowrnvrafu w ttf uveshdinstantlht uicmwi j ll ha heeti aain the cme nf lllnjr v eiriblaj nj riiluii juc dinjt the latey ematicijmled irnle wv ciial aeiors nurh wa the elnrdel in ihe v nhieh or bat ad- 1 r ff iifilucbib h tiev 1i1 1 eiitmenl 4 rd p m-im- id pmi martina hue ihitiisi iv ii l trtmhrreled llitir allfvilp ijl nrithrr il ite liiin i rvod iv aniinal life 11 tt khanwd naitre and pr- rm tin fnj re iiverf vim finifii hif rtfrm in e ihi witle pru if 1 la i ae n1 rapime beinf n it hihiat ibanajh v n l m ihioc ibali ihe tl ihe dii ie p np ri le ltine he itriv flue i the n ho ar eilber nf ihena t f miiijp ooaarajl hi the am p t i j i ti itil im b iiwh ij ihr ivn riiue of tl itir ih the trnp ih dtae undtie lie y kl ke h tjiiep1 lithrr aajitr ie pi b mr fief nn her i wbal vee il radj alalenvtlhil it pj ti mntvric ui attia 1h1i we are 1 1 rtwihiw i in- rxlie- 1 nv iiitiile vmo jupifiiim diaptlie tvrj dii hurt kinda j 1 e ttieawrc fcia dce li he mcimrry kniiwo na ihey io hilebavaj in bo nm hfe nn ond if apply rp uup dfiitl miy rrmty te ctovcud u n- bk bo kj mrroal the itaak il r ti4 uch sifi ffu a ire ulfrej vftdr in l3aodii4maj ce at hn aunrvah if jcaa im ibelbel nf honeonrkbei arfube waminfl the natbno nt niplue ihei olc dr fahir dha a ie netibnf ak lia iiiirlbe saturdw horniavis skptrt so tiiesrpintm tron tf tiic mld- lxd district the dicoi dant tone ol tutigh indfrrbte winded joattinrenlt r beentmne rrforefcrid mom rimabahhj j ebeh iuceeerfin nnmher ndlnwa in ibe wake of it melancholy pfede- cew nlwithtamrrnt the enertc eer tfowi of lb hichmndvd velcran who ha hern employed ilurinc the jvut nine mnnih ijt fitimpin wind info ihe decoyed frame tlc mfiihiwn whence iavit ihote delectable umdc tvhieh hoee ehinneo ami c1ectrilnd ihe invert of i itjt u a j ie inie- j mniiik neeirl 1 i4rfvn ra tfn o ih 1 rrawd i nitarek 1 iti r ifi n f m ir i in a il f lillrf itf fmtl imsltt b fvl vr iiave e crop titiappy ireland hpii aioumful etdiopka ul a rghedy for deafness an impthanl piper appear in the ionrt iiti uf auikl enntrinuted hy ja ft- the mo vearley koj ihe hi ornl aoaiit p aralin hi- inijeo relief u drafn art with low of he fatmtrini r i iaiey i5 it sn a inhmatt wv tceoatftl j mief uje fdlowm c rcmnmince he hrf hoeti deaf fom an eatjy iffcttml nn emtaatffl i fond tfieil 1 nf tin- dun ipf eact ear ti wilil rnded mr fotn comiralbnntont and laufhahlc hnrtnnieij the dyifrg rt bh if last liatieoint ie wib uf iheeapoevr wilh -ill- ii- 1- etfectinhi on if held lhi 1 u a very di1rein fjcl but fact are frrqnenfty aa atnbboro ibfruev to deal with at ae the animals wilh th im ear afld wiltmake thnfr wylo an admir- 10a pnhlic in apile v fate a cfleked vivjin in other handalhan duikcniy 1 most aick- enin iajltmenl j hut the jivnanl screams of a nsvej up ftadical oira which h been badly tpolcd and mbsfaeeat by a auccrtaon 1 nf tivrlflh rate prtfrmcr au of them pro- lewed coaikia of the ftlilk1 oamul it mrthinir too dreadfully insipid 10 be peiiaik tod to c ihe human ear fl waa our c- mm iuienlion to have reeommended the ercc lion of a monumental fihlkicif in one of the tjre uietir of the city quiidint 10 ll e memot ot ihe pretenl orrit thai he anwld hafe aliook olf dfitlri counlrifeil and weih down lo more delightful rralm to mi not and raramanihut their admin iatratiiu ofjnaliee in the infernal regatta hail u a tealher meda haa lalrly been deatgn- cd for him when he ahall vec fit to retire fram un atduoua dutirsoiir ccelffit icheine mull be laij atide for the prcfcnl we ate noi much grieved al lhiy at tee cannot r any creal ddtennce in the proptieiy of the erection oj 1 fiddle mick ami ihe preauli- lion of a leather medal to ihe indefatigable jutcviui io mind y prrtidei over ijie destinies oi ihe tttnu laatbi or either of thnrt bctn alranejy lypical of the place orhici ihc orsan md it- nrnanieiilii if nol fefnl ba4d hum in ihc eatrmaliott nf ibc menilydijioei jotiioti ot ihr cnrnmuniiy djor ai xaituu of hi li ir iht 1 jv imi oil replinl tiinjile mow mrhiit i i ibe si mday ftpffht ijv- i b a iumcfoa bat ill an d frj ntlei o l he j 11 il the in p ar i lawn h v ritfijix ire 01 ru r nn re e ci ttt nt ooij luvcrfcryjfffewfevviire wmci ut iin ie- thin a tieiartrniit of c ofihejjudnf if lal wa n g cii sl efvifiiiy avat hll my 1 em i il ihe can prodierro ihe iefl i a deiree of hear iiie aalseint al if wiuary lairmhffjj in uu aouilmbed an i with ihr imitfiieeel vare nliich i rnnirli prnifner hial j yd mia your a aueahce onbeftajftal the er ear snc he km nrntlrb i aealu de a cvfnl each i- n erio thrlr jectite eandilhn 1 be- we would however sit an immrdiail- irij or njara palb ir til iii teal ca ihe n rdoiiir 41 i aivilni hy b inlh nmiher tveie a r rmvalv accom and at f var up imi ihe f f f lifv t u nitfive citwijij tii he u id itiir ht h rf ihe laso it cplurin aiid mld0jtle victim we have not been ahl poitive a tn ihe imine nitffi nor haee we ai he lacol iviilees ihertcvej k i in 10 alhv ieh 1 wonld tn id liejiand ihe t al ce aiilaei 1 riviriv vipiy ii itm i se 11 to uvmiu iir eif i 1 n l ic eir to a nu wiai ii dd tu iiat ai ulil tly hv v t- il l nfirli ilatl 1 wa tu ihe mysteiy wlmh con- priety pf sranrj iix ntd- by our miivteal cnnirmporjry and ml budget of fun fnr ihe benefit nf lliefr rcipeatve healthy and with t the dialibd umleitaitdiii that ibey air to ive concerla in every lawn and eillaa ihrmih which ihey ja fnrlhe jrwii of ihe y labor jit the euligmi n to hrrk al ihr we wjnld ak in ffather itthiri3 mediate eiue otllii it- v iiidicatimi nf lib- f in or a if ei ettl eieil t the i wlikbbr 11 tiicirai wm art h a w ui il ihe m j 1 iicll lite iratj bill i 1 m oi ii y w 1 mtloii aid v of l pie- 4titra pi tin rata to uiv4i rntrfiitnr ui lf loit ii the fffan organ of the hi tqiatv al ivnicm a l 01 llbeae points thai ih voial k yet in that until lie wliile ci- nw rmi rtell nuinlirrvj ltal lue nm the political creitf t their i hielhten nf 1 dnkcr bje noraati n a teciftj lliyti he iairl hi martini true hrarni of lher ti ihapjiv p grill hoi have hen the election of ilr colnuie m ihe nalim fffie mil flitie tn 1 rh ml ihrallej ie 11 iiil ihp harvv pti j if rrclly tinder rali in mw tilljf i- p reenen a a h-iii- 1 1iahilntji l uie phuiupai mr vrarloy ineil lit inwy h for rai c0- t ilhinl uiie bill i iruijfiily wilh miimieain imbul of afnpiui n m man iiiieuin plan il iccmed 0 me lo ity iheeil ciil agnail pejifiof miawiiied cm- injt wnliinlly ineite1 mid iipfieil at hir hwxtin of the hi hit w at in come in con tact tviii ihc mfn phlm nf mrnhrne whi ell abrl rettnitied tie reanll vv nanndtnlly iicr ul tj 1 ihc evening of a iw tl m iln 111 wi cfl till iii- mid relclivn if htfiad f ofl e the jnned the j tlic citj hrf 1 iih a fa e 1 mtv tad rico mm her bid wilh imi he rnuil be fir ever al tfnwuc iil ihjirmiin nly dinner parry mi beard fa lieli wa nne on armiml i liatir naj err mled al matiinine iu ihe ihienii meik hitmue v y and scocu r wn lit iaml hem rriwlemeii f iii the other the ivilterinee ol kiance 1 z th anil industrial farm a om flc ptittiu ttierc are few faajiftn of moc hfttfl ihin thhext nmdof fiiulin emptykttl w lie hoiliril p hpr whn ar idle eiiir r ceiiy or d suoiition experience 1 olll 11 great brhanbut in olher par m and in ihe ln staes ilav dmnnttacd jhti trvre indnvrialif j have bfn moad ly an indctoilv nut in place fm ihc recchonof fsi ibry m mnsi ricelv conliihnicd 1 i of ihe infttituiion asor to the have fully aiil th ir ownc05t ami iititmecs have la the general upio well hniivn fact that miafc mnre iro kicive in popnrtion lilleil than ilnh iiilifr mr c- pottetl nrineha d4t 2 lelier ia lnrr john icwhl 0t ihe oibt the cmployinent of ihe ahehoitfel r lielaod in which he ahows th treat that ouul accrm lo ih it comiirt ylem 4 dianae and waste lami re lion if ihe ffevcruincftl were enj ee h fir efface j ii nfi hv urlc it ihotolchlv e iif n icl l 00 rov rceedikc ft fell and hat i rh a body ha- he o kreuty in ri lvn enii uuratllaru to ihc head vf ibr iiviiiiftcnl ll it erialy nude rlnnj thai avcfal catjra if tlioaal farlion hav- ted to una ep- ciea ffmjai frflbiajttlolti tltefiur and ptnkiial r lb- oflcne ei p atntj tiel b cvnracaraijciiac aglinal ihc misciiei nf iiradsotr without turn in ie pver every nnenf ih lahlc iwo or thee limty anj he kio5 all the paybil nf th recti nhy heart he never cah a slice of stilon n cheese llett rmpaiol in ih dittrihutinn of the paper jtxi iica ibr mdille si cl invia- wt 10 him who ha caven ihe inni dmods in the rout lie alio 117 no favour either wilh ihe cenn pp bm award ihen tum to rhr who arc drink in wine in ihr spirit ncti h it to h beer he cs th sijpl mem of ic a tncv ilia ajine are perfect frlnwa with npripht licci qt the irn an rarofuhv tied and hi handwrcheif m whe il weihldo creilu 10 a iw 1 parson in iht ha 1 of hehrravio lie ha evervtviij in ihe h nil ynu eroto examine him when the everyhinj nwa diti ci j h or lenilersea sf ihejoinl i amwavtin very oad rut and ha hcn up ihc two iwinutia lie in mule fnr a pennv y ihank e sir for iwopcnre and hep un oar coai fkir cidy lhin ante il lniitf have no charm for him and he never look al a ppcr evcptiac when he i waling or the tall ei and it tied of kill nlhe ihe only orwfribai folmrbtiati4lbc want itaei and ih pctores ilr ia nod li- morel an lajh at any jnatr rofl be 1 rvt han a trarter m its tocvnilaiy it a oiftjf he laika nf peroti ayan j- n 10 ihe lor they t in and cutadon all ffrnllenc 10 pienia lie ii oai meanwilh h a ink ard or vmcear crtvi and dajoa not hide thom in 1 dark rfnimr he clrriow lofie pillar uite a falhn lower nf p it wiihoui dropnic anyhjti oni nf them and foot not pill ihe qiavy ronn an old yenile mana nick if anything ia ilnne to rae nr tn a cinder or iimeriton- or nnt rtone al ad if ihe t nr hit at weak at water or therea mp ninth antgai in it er h l tnur a a jjw opepora he heaia it atl with timiihled irierlr r ri and nnly beant wipine tlv n tlir inble with hi tiptin tl the wine i too uhl in youncor hnftlrllv or tni utrnjr ni w aiteji fiie iivtinip l leu him al 1 what he enllemon will like and he rvfhea nul irpotltj in a watef kallnu in atat it hid oiima with rvirctnmj ihot elicit an the lanled poptelnr our ojjee however i l draw allelton lo the lf jh exulflp pruvinif what may be done t l6- careful jiafist nf jit tiiitlria r a a nv 1 relief for raicra i mikl fr ciincrded lhat rvcn if 4 rlabt if h mert did 111 noc rh in pav c txptoj hie anoje of relief thereby v ha sicli a diltvrent etci upn ihe mtr r ir thai if mere altnjivm he aikajo labor ated op ytlnn irited ii kili knri tpti immiuvl i- nr k a applied iicc qtid ret afipitin it ben nf in 1 it wa could he bronfit in cwisi lil at ihe bolhmi nf llicjlt llav after day ih- dipil wiih th tame mailed iithitiy av leaiiml ihe ai oj rlf ami kcame ildecndeui obweedthal until ihc won with a jirciafuir alitf ihefhci-rin- ttjii l it a hriwfrted on trie conlraw iraj ie bt ihe mnmeitiil tvir artw d on tht 11culiir pof he imojed ilmqirnl epvheiice ib a aaibct of cate curifiiait ihe reifarbawc atvtatf caitxe fir which lh meat of the luiittcal woilj mailer nl a inre eriitii m iij ttn it rofif the aefcnnwfcdeil krotnaen thi ftimriei v iere tylhv nf hern may he atifted w up nn ihe phaiit irolp hut w aclt without irjr of eejiltathrtiiiiv avr b uk patyri il4lf thai ihe inwe miti lnrnl nurfilvtif iliemci ral c p7ftiiaiyd tn enilutrnincc thi5 itthty tt atjmrnal with all lu mjiy eae4nw hi ialit and grhhjpalical tjhx it the lie- fcirrnir of the miff atnl district lie anxiiu to have an oran tfiroit jh which their iranll could he made boon it to ihe ji b c it i hih time ihey let about tt tahihin one lhat wli laod ovno chance nf bcin incited up to sy a pnriiofi of the pv am the etple imfead of llir atom of indolence anj imnlice which al prceiil cltitnt ihe bomt and a n- ihe 1151 of repeteoiiii lhat oiiy there 1 now at ihefc has ini hecn al excellent 011- o icitihj for jurne manly pnilil iantoiurn hi attention to the subject the kefnrmrr ol 1 ihc jiliicl would bene a i naeiialy hy ihe nnjirlalcm and thecoiueftativcv woul j hr too liapny imh lo klwnhbe at the prneeediitc were ihc preienl incumhtitt comiielld 10 dnlt hit liouvs hide and ftto x calf skin 1 ii rv f t fant limlri preparatory lo hi br- n replaced by a jiiuroal c n rr4iecia- iii i ily a n j j 11 de p e nde n ce ireeaaly to the bx lt of ibr djit wai al 1 faxl j f u j menvjy moulenvd cotlert weal to mradia sach a matiiriiilalioti tvjula iv ri add m 1 fjj 1 1 ji lo find te apnlon whiehllo plafc 10- projj and so dim k a- to pmdm die hct derec of leoriiijior which ihecie 1 hlpjien 10 be iokeplibte ih nf rrtrse dilfrra 0- cotdinrflo lhc variety and cienlif ihedis- orgaui nation a very amatt qinhtity of wool it jiiilfl- cient ll most be mixtciteil in oiie jhifct willioul any compievm and tf inched down the npeatrrf wilh u7c wi a piohe have had cnnttiueld jir ihe pirpcuea et of inatuinenu mlf r ealnlated loneel and ovprcome eterjy 4mclltff fiit nerd scarcely aay lhal il s very ejiy tolialk flf lamtftt a fntein body down ihe mealt buj il ii n4l no c a lily dttif d tides il ia 1 mirticienf in merely nax il ifuwit m thesis of llv mmbtane bill wlieit ihii i mrwi he fitiilf vehieh it 1 iiijiirtiei thf wool ahonld nceoffy and cva j fumhlit on1e inil nnt lill ibeo will aiircrailood una an- plica i ion ana iheiatitm recaia 1 the fratflas- with a tew rule which f course eaiy of it iiotini hr uuqueaioiiile hy ih mnde thit and u stirjt liid iitvv ami i he health autd lorlily pawrrt 0 inil inipmveil liy the iltni m ihe mind ami hdy brcme eqtmlh d and enlvhed whle ihe ertdeucv dotcnce anl ihe evil habiia iritiu th oom i vb iy in are eiirorted we heme lhal ih indiviiiau till timr to lme have br 11 ht iha nnijrra jci hetore nnr cvpottfinn ant conmn fenntlv ill not no e lih of tt initio hut will rcew anil rettemit iher mv cerlinn until mich an iniiilnlioii lc t ed fut the lelitrfof i urn to vioir aviih- tiik puratvl kot lkbaf- h leernt amfc on lite h th- juicrt piimonni ibe dleieet h tl leped upakirp 11 nitltriiiltrie itllni 11 lirtenl in ijtielile r ttan ehafijcd ih mm andiilin r ani ij 1 with the catr the ptent may be lwlh to m im nji iir upon knnelf and all lb a ft re quited i hi leucee the ihy wool aw icidace it wilh inniitnichl aim niormui or mnrnmr ory thia itquiie vilhcienl ft maintain the nnpttivej healing in lhc interala tierha 1 su ir ih itt lima nil fliifiali fr tvvrtiiioi and iiir la ilia year n tait ii i r laii caimat fahervrioa- arimi iintledd to be ah1 bf rrf rv hop if t pjiaaaifc irfaayn tuc p- niiianial hucea ii ireland ut fw- the detail- of i mil ltnj in 1 ie 411 4 lavtlt o u fih- fcy 1 j litve u tin helll llift iin tvvll f tlte lilih apd file ilat ile aive tehfij hthee nf ihe alii ho hirilitv mdin hut the fiatir ilir tavaldl u uticifl jne cnutc dipee i pfi na i e ihe mnf tthieh hi ai riflum mciie itllietiki that 1 the tj l the i lw ir ihe tttnnal ttatn uf 1 ji ir i if lite ttiilltitiiiic- lf lli uptturttl refill ehtefalii pihldeniy c ile ml i nj ttjnili i iie eidil mt 11 hie 111 1 ita ltte4h iiimilftrk 11 ii i lie pmia r ein hurtlfil l ibe u liviilnal v itliieh live hi en ilieitd ii the puai nvid ih pi1flaeiin if lb iwlic me ih r ef lwihae bvl ihr citi neuevt td ih ij the plant allrr filjier uwnrj diafiiieiltin rv a rneraociwirn annimd mi a per dhf 1 iheahn ivmi h aaaibil lha kunre i 0uia tniav eaip ihm 1 tintl tli hot iba anbide eniit- emt i m f j niij tilt ijhi ai d iimj irieium 11- kn1i ed tim hem ihf uf lhv nteiiii apa llenatvt iml lif ar nit ilhuiu iiith ri tjti ibo plenl 1- rittllrali h ln4 i artiiuiil l 1 but ivr iha jiui uf tit tubvr and vul ini lilt tid e ia rta 1 no hi f hie nhieh atth ftmi tiir fiaf iatalb mtrj i i e- innt hue vte irae fth iwve dolm n 4jcf kiryoflm aunnee ur i 12 i ljaitlr3eiiuitrtftilxyi9ti ajviixijihcd ihr t amteawtn cfim aj7 hie iletnt hi rf ihe 0- rl 0 evtun uf lite aaan e oniy if 1 713 in jld ihe ciwntfil ein rtmft aneetir lttuuu ohpnre ll ainiil atl t mgne ri7l0 tiemitr jttawloa ovjlii xldlt unto x21w n rmi ajtdf tfibvvtn1 xi mm n4b titati lhtvlrfll fic i mtnttpea if xicom iri drpet1rit id tbi- raotea f parnnarvntl ivliieraantfhfuli ai atati- ai atknon tlin cvntnifarf ihrrtwl dr judfra- aaateaneai eijenrratf naiw char j3tmi lvt assatir we hare ben anfcrmejihy mr hakinj of tie jttm f-ojil-yar- inn usl lilt ffllh fit ibe uv 1 1 v 1 j jnvai aincrya ttajted i nur liat trcre tied vmcp inihfihotisi bn tuhoii dittance i wen it td ihe open i- v i ijm i eince ma rottr diincdloivo iiaw- ktni tht benefit of hjs expuoaunjwe biaten lofinrrl ihr riuk irjr 4psotu- imty atre were nol premeilheril ihe itawf or during iht eminaiion of the parlfes tha r t if r i n but te lied chiefly on a statemral reofive 1 1 ac diy after the is5nult waoconitoiucjj f mi n t or rc sritntn never since kinstton wo ineoffonjlod a 0 cily has an inach interest heen ditplayed in ibe cleaoititr and improvement of he ttrcet a at prrtcnl ii ir die 10 mr frj to ay ihat hi praiseworthy a i tendon to ibi very nereaty and imjiianr jmint ic highly and devrvejiy ajrciard hy all clar of the ckhvikt this isiettin a mtl inwlaut oa- 7tp iw nf cwnnrinr and order 1 nl ftture maynta whicb would be well lo he loinc in mind as the sheet could be hepi in ihtw imeoved eomjttion at a very tiirtini evpt hte to ihe city and mdhe tame time he conducrre to ibc efiew awastlh of the inhabitant fin itlagnciic ieriigropl jvrnortf expruiiyfvr fae mihstt ffanf kivoftsqalats r a by he arrivil of the mavy emetine at baltimore on fiatniday newt h vrr re ceived from janaia in 6ih mi nnd cha- rrear lo ibe ha ll- and fiom cadlyvn 10 the 3rd ivtl if iil goin on at pern between the goverimenl arii ihe fodians oi he 17ih july ihe steamer rinae ano capl deal wilh 50 men cauimed a place caylled artbc wilh a le of isahitm ami wounrlrd on ihr part of ihr iosurgenta aid 10 on lhc aide of deal the ttfrcer fertimandiny the fnrt wlh all bil me pf were taken prim era and delieered al cahyon nawy sales 10 kales cotion flour r 1 1 active hut pri in the utonintj the market w eels mixed western 544 o5 47 but ihe bulk of the salei waaai 5- salea incmin 3000 bhb this evening ha been 12000 fnr fai- biandt i wit al cenetee 5 5u 5 83 of lhc ale 6 or 7000 wete fnr cvjwi a to id trjdo inquiry sakt 1000 mil- november dclieery sa meal s3 38 for jersey rye aur 3 b7j the icreiph down ihe hudson ice the opening of hlrl ration are 995000 bmf com meal ifioj mn and in is it wheoi 1 r jfi bm coioneal ds5bbl exponed fcnfjl ut t jtiihaeits bmi ni isi7 41x3 bhl- gnairr ivhai in fair nenind and aale jouui tatjarb titicam ub and 6 ltd ohm 1 ii tlic market hlw no maibed change ftnm yemenuy cw hat adtmneed opeeiilly yellow htnjnd which ha anld a hih as tsc t 7c the trnaciinn nf ihe y are wim tviirat ijniet with fttr ilvroonrf- f 1 rm hjm ffrnci jlh i300 hrvdvver wicile lerms ftwpwd gcneaee l hid some deaerijdinna of coin writ ht but common ilntl smts 10 dj jlr a 6y fnr loleriet mwed ct a 69 tor nvl tic 74c of oil yellow 811 tor ronnd ycllovr- atenf round repoiled 81c- awj could br bought al 80 al iho cloae ibo deaoaoj br com btfaktirt bin yetlerday- or iwo war in market but not sow bew m5 i f pantinifpnri fftm- sitca skohma- i3ktrme tltuitfiil laurd some 4 jo lw eld j sjc ff ejc- tonte new oje 0 le safo toqgqohttu dryijlrd flitlumore aides 7 cents tot espnef che gooo jntjnifj forcjtjwii alr 2i hoa al 6 o tjc- bolter sfndy 3ale tfift p ud at ti 75c lcn 2 50c os23 bvavjijvff 9a2cenh 1 tie coffe act went orta full nfet- fyftotejur actire takov 8j o 8j c i ihe bflatltiea notrv j decliio tv ccnd board ij foot or five tesacfr rakro for ircfand if otlsi knoirnla o ljveroen sb m fcl fftirjsrf for tjiattn tif s0ofxio treasury nofci arraremefnl with mr tfalbrr bna becrr corunrared at twhinnon tliia takes lhal coin out of oo nbhfcaatirs amoaail ot omnariac on pav -rr- n i er- pectctl that parliament wilt rare i for be des- patch of hofanewoavbl nboia lhc sottvnor- cbcr nexf 5nnno htiheu a mniwi micd o ivitu nje fnr inferior tc fr f7 o 69 flat yellow 75 uiherii tftif ai 7c hye aaleo i i viil hojfiul in ihe lip and 70fc livrrahle uo0 imih prime baijcy iold al rial oal s5c a 37c soe the iccrijih ooun the ludon mocc open ing ef iihviaiion whca 4mq53 bubelt corn 1101111 buhrt rya o60j96 lajdw lit er7 wheal h bilel corn laolatt huh bjtff 205 ruthtrt cipori fnun kl to th sept f com j sm 214 wheat sk21 oau4tt in m7t fviov f4- ktf 9pvj hf ojfan oitcii 1 arn ns pork ei arm for mett a tmall ae rau at 13 0 si3 pb e si0jj- beef dull al ati23eo vvcad itsoc a sale of 100 bbl pickkd ilami al 6 ecnli laaolefirmalei 12c01blt oi s a pe nearly luij a j rttiicr and cbftm io ood diinitd for capnrl esii fiom 1st io26ih5epilief 1150 dreadful dcayzfi anjoqnevi tva heljat eatirt tavern iaa ihiftciy 01 n iirjy murnine by hr h b- bourne af ihecnronrranr ibis ckslrtc on ihe hndy of mary jtne keid ojre of iic an- inrlnnolr cjas ithor deatho ii w luc oaved our jjeovincr e rolrce a rcpclahle jury hitara been sevneef- deve uattciven lhal ibe nrrcorhed i c rr j i wa found in a privy in the ir of me wonnlert dwellin in ibe coott ipbh qoara posnl ihsl omlne r j- with ihe eair anit shmldera thtouh a breach of th boarding iwd the uidy within th ri the lotvnerand jury then jpcewed to view ihe bndy which wai in ihe mo wrelhcd hole tirijinamr it being eovcrco with nrrt ihe effect of diseaae aad ihe tr- nenb warnin- with vermin y uornan living in the neighbor od ttateot lhat rfercaed come tip mm ite lake anont a fortnight ace ind toon heller io ibe r where be had remained eeer sriice foe ibe firsl ten or elevm day hr flhe witney loot avteaortl a lull foul a cea dtd the oth er neighbor bn r prrvt liavtnjc ibreoten- nd o rojr her to air ttyckman aa barlot- in a eaajram ahr had not eiven decantr any ihinforihe last ihreo dar and beloved ihalshi had nm had inyihinc daiio lhat time- mr macartney haled that he hrirv- ed the deceased csae to her rieaffab from ex nomire whiur lahon oudvr a ualhfone diaeasr it mihl ibo have been accelleratrti frnm ihe waul of uooruaaaan dniiot the cold nirhh the jury iclurned a verdicl u accordance with hee factsv one canikw bnl thndifrf tt w hart c0o- teinplalion of the rnivr kv end v f thks aieet wrrtcbed wiwtin faufnt frntoxa irjtetdbla renrfiaoi titl fff f j rtfjthfa her reliu d tdri anv hogt ihot parlk tbrv tfnd who pa4ercc her to when lyintf 1 ibt point ad deaib and she i i to perb frnf exdd or dh of lartatinniu a privy to in ninfis hm airtebev tnaonve or in thi tnntlertn ihr nrijibbom vano knew ibe tva lbre if ihey did nol apptiae tlic eurvrt of the cnfpoiaiit or to ibal hodyr illbry were july inform d thr cnnl indtlfrrncr rhntvn wis occ- ly los lltan ihc miiery efjir wl- ptflud8 uhu lr1 j5t5l5ke p01l 5241 r lit larj it a fur- j lyon isi7 beef i4 obis s5i1 key tea mac sale today tvet nff ibtrfadvlncff or h ceni on youn dfack wa lofty austained or cm- riocofjerfi cent decline nn pri of last sale- jarlwd 3ugar of all kiu adraiked cent perih ftwl salri h itruijii it loctsjc perewf uperceoloff fircah oh cakb a naleoffioinftf round at 25 whitlcey 051 a me wilh ales boohk led att to lhc uashl o sboo pi- al st 25 cah awttnifm ifeobhlsa poti anj 56 2j a 56 25 fnr pri-i- ecotl from u 2liih srpipnf 1c96 bid prun 313 n in lft47 1211 tvarlnnne sr300 ions scotch fit f0 v2 53 a 23 cath al ihe board 10iuy treatiy koes dc i a clju xi ol i uldnm r mi pmhf eirea rirril vl i n l 1111 of avl4lu hildeil t le alueated iii lll4ml ui id iliil eaee s i li littlfieltl i 1 1 1 im me lo uta crtd of ho 500 in iftftiiii4 ere 1 i 11 r li ihfj iii imial nhieh atonitm t aclntivc lini leje-iir- ynb diilttttaeih j ij by rtlj the leaner inwincitl 1 xloft prr af 0ti ctrinvvivei driitriinm if dnblni iho c auladary binvt it fhtatist rik taael conn ai xctfll m- tlioet innr led ft y ifca itnyoe tif be irh unaiia a- 1 edinirpuljaa4re aalii of a n- ppaalota 1 c acarir 7 t c6meh4tji or tjjl ntw carmipiui the ceremony of cm crating the new cotholicrcothcilral il the anofbiock slreci in tjiif chyvwii uk place at 4i1i ocock onvcdneaday morning nexl 1 tckeli of nl- miaav can br procured at the catholic book- itoivs any i- previoiat 1 j and alto on the day of cor tec ration none will bf admitted but those who anpjily ihemseht 1 wjtb tickets 10 be 1 j this provided arc to be applied io deoaylnt heejcpeneeyallendanl on tlie com- ptetlni of ibc buihjift in fictf ibe pnr- 1 n pji of liekcli can only on looked imn in the light of no many voluntary cgnlrrhncion imamfl ltl end for which th money tain- tended uctide the resilient catholic cler- prj the cily ihrrr ivilj be present ocveial btahope and clfrymcti from a jitunce wlio letvcj irifdcl fftv hc dial incl pit rjpsje of aa- liiljn at lhc ceremony i c5 kittosttsx aho syocjuian roatis a mf clinp of ihe c om m tit f oners appointed by the dmiict conncil lo mioulamizo the above mad will lake place loday it theviu laoof waterloo w im ihe woik will be let mil in aecliocf of a ijoarlei of a m each tliia it a 9tfy important underlakipyj and one whfch will prove of great advantage nol only to be portion of the country more fisrlicnlarly intercttcd in the conametion ol the mad but toother places which will beue n utile hy ihe tf anaacinn it piefiiirt pny- ment it lo he made lo the cortiactomin lia- net lebenlurc bearinic intareil ai ux jer cent 1id w are aarcd thai tha c9mwii- tow will be rery inlmornnf 1 1 i 1 l 1 taillno atfd viaiflvoffrc hwitf per hp lc tomeeohdefonon to ihofc perron uhomay receive ibis mory coj 10 krow that ihe practice ione of arvat ilitiokllty l vca oipc vfthe rr j liuiii firrml hy kfcava an costirc lioo for the government of bw lroop whenamotjlto enter opltt llae irij i reds- 8d a ih duller in dt- pearl 28 rcrwt reached the mrreliantri eteastjt by irbijrjpbj on alunfav ni that two imauhtd itneit ie1il ihe qjiv l ami aevajfil aafmi a dmvnrd the naoo nf crusade lb it if igy ono lahjd hoditercd mr 7hentiftio aiaiin idtik inr ibo arm of rommiiiin a rowiy lie should br lifted and m4m tnifrraoti vouo co- it meiiiloncd fraihered thu aaya jimn u 0 ftwf t urin aiatane llvjl who imiihfd f ih illiituljr ihjfri1unrll i oyl tlrit aonfrsyaycfa f t i il j lecimd bnanl ireatnry note 2j- the learner took 50000 in peii j- ssejjvenlt considerable qnaittiltef for liver pool and ticland al previous ratei mimtmcal sept 277 p m fi oca t 6d o 2 dd wjih tnall sale sour jiv l ivmut u cj mixed cs 5 9j i i inquired for al oatmeal at 03 um iobi t7 6j a s3i maud al gil 1 74 aaiiepoi28 d8 flittrutti higher rates demanded an tn- i- f m lo day for flour to i ibpsaw j 61 kxciiam hank i0j trivale 3j the roa7ie and itiilanma wilh general cargoes from liferoal aritved ihia fnoonx moattllut sept 28 7 f af ftnva nnt much nftrcd a lie loday of 500 hhlt tnprrfinc 28 gd wit at ca a 61 id aked atllvft tnc receipt of feaila are ennaid- rrihii- and thrre is a jareo slock ot liand lheinolaiinns 28 6d a 2s 9d j tola in demand 23 3d fmnfiiir- wheat lid flour 6d a 5s 9d ahe 40i afikivn orel britain lnndnn genera caricnt duhan do do meniriima utr crpol do neits do ballat the stumer pllnci m victoria knttnkfl miles ahewo ittoekvihv carjo 20u bitl fltitjr hall under waiet ktvr yoauj sept 28 6j e h there hat been a le hutinem in flou inday wnh rjnite a itinlaled action ihr tcmmd i i fii i i delivery beinjc eon nlei aide the inarket in ihe morning wa leady bnl improved at the etw when il vol fa 6 iialr 11 or i tywohm- including 9 ot itloou bbla tot delivery in ocmwr und nrveinbei 0 er mha ihe sped sfrj a 15 wl im cminvp and xtl bfiiiiio clntm al v i i by inehaavilli the mwvhi lfkmk hoavh at s a il imi fif hipmeitt nl fill nieea mul 01 73- laoi wu lib bale of v0 blu if0 ftoiir iff mllainxifoly accident a nun named william 5ee pbiy nf mr ewonj was shd limirr at the new rwide m ih thu ana he lav last hi foai tinfnrlunitely si f frllootthe pee in lo the rvnte v thai thtvalrentmi of ihe entreat otver i ittrii appears ed the or fallow fsuo vihi in ihr fn- z l haan of tee i7 on tvateeat il ctrri- cvb to the lower hrider wherr he wa seen alroglinto aa hy ftltlrf one of ibe limber ijnylb hot strength beenmin exhanled ijujid in relac hit hnld aad tha tinfotttaiie man tvat drowned io ihe pretence uf i niifn- hrrnf hit fellow cralnreai afffr i 16a and pjhfil fevrth the body was foofrdibd c-mi- veyrd on fore t it ia a rrtalurfaq mich anr praaet that och an accident thoaa have ter minaied fatally when lo irorry ine vera trorlin on th rejl i mr sicel waainnluc of ireland ajnda member of ihe jtoynl rjrane iodr tr ul v 3i nf aneolet character and was fitb r rr i- 1 il tor hi tteadineta arit iidtttlrj has irfl a widw and fnnr rhljdrcn merciet cf ihe nnrlo and ate hrte that lupo will be taken to make riome fiiiloiijvftr i i- i i ii i i ifu riinj- what malrre thif calamity aonre r iv lhat hi haj often been heard lo evclfl im lha f aomomi wtll be drowned on lhal h r jre j f anal on ihe mnniit- nf the day thai be waa dtotraevl he jaih if i hill fall into the vabtar i ahiu be drowned j r a cnronei 1 1- i c il wat hfld on e body richtrd rt cjeterdayvcrdicl ace dnlat dtalh hy dwiwninav hsl remains wetr conveyed to mo final roll hy ihe hirihren of the order whp vicstfed eretr oken of resiel and ympathyjc he per- furuti tte or ihac lat ffic ifaiiavrd by ha- manity the fnneial woj cninlypepem- rj hy iur kee mr dtummood djuj iho grjid matcr t ilrt tcdcevaccaardrrio ibo aoemn uftlf naed qu me aq ooe of a bio- iher since tht above waiaii fcpoj llfclll refuptted 10 rnentioh thai the jtavmr drnmmond wilr preach a nqttlt mat fc- moernw at twolnck a coioner irnnrai washao body of a itean ten injbm v tl man fonitd by ail fad a im tatsajf mondav snitibl in bii wccala of ibtmnn- ihipfoneooja it nasi mile of fftdian ifiuui a vrrdki af wilful mncdir against some- kcannni pcraoias u tnnn iavltt returned avronrii courier 5cri aji mvstmiois dic0viaria ihe wntk men an tueufay jmliiirtre makinsr a aiffhl exeavalioa in hvchiitjroiff on coiwia hook npaiir new dijhton rley hiucb njvui ihr skeleion of a tnannnt more than ft nrsinthra i efflw ihe imfbeo tha skill was fiaeiked opdihhad uy inctf ninsy a htllr in mnr ide lite aims were drawn ap tn thai be hodi touched tbi wee an drawn up aa 10 be laiahktl npnn lln amemen the jottnro anrl he w hide attcl f be tae fi e trikiojta dicotinxt tv hale aid an rft4 io cwtrxlj ihr hotly ihio ihe vmaurl poimc apifav l i recollectisl ihul initio ytlia f p criman cntiepi wilh the abeutcai n eenrial etmlims nd lb appeniaecevott the leelh fttr teieral ljiru t a ktan n ieaatrcal4t charaelrr in hi waf frn itiiahhii in ibia tare tindt r deep 10j irll in mriar a mn ed inony uyi i it illnail u uid mn aitma taie lit rvmob h hird i the l lime ha came tajaatlna wata ei mine y re lam iu x phj he rid tfffloiha rev apii an and awc cotisof ihetraft nuir tttva t nf the hlra1 r bin i- lim an x ntrifinirhl i be irioiivryfil lftl llfrt ll m u lwvrl aiiptt ht pf itniiud nnrm im adu luwvahtf hj pail arm nnirv lw 4hhi i nc himaiice inr4 mer the nerfpaat tsetav lliri nt teaideiiee imwol owav aveliiae lhf ihe imuse wt imimtvd tht b1 hrrn ui in 1 h anil mil iittl vllhtaj helrftltt f1ar nheie lhr werf rajlt h twnim1 whrlhif nmk iho llltnjpfcjb clf- t hdtoir r hut ml a ilulji lvtfom a ft lij irhl htaa

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