meatoetf 0uut of a cap ita uf ab kmlwmnt sitlf rwttaarfau il hen lnr hw of or j- jnvklilut hove to record neb ul rrmit a wr promrajed bv eaarrowborn lad been rftlittslrdsorrjvef lwr hit ft tight lo uprot the bra i ho we mvt y hied n f ri 13 boim rwi one fthm rniwltd iu rittirl sprci hitwsetf mncnr lie bit nsk of in h ftolte and hilly prrfwrnietr tbc iah required 1 hln fcy lit cm4rtr by ftft account wv have tfffitw froni twrtrct tekabrt sentrce h pw lbl ihe ithjjn flmr fyntt if i mfie master fiom liftvnrk hond teihi ml vm the ku burner of pterrr hj hacked tie p m lhnihi of ibr md srplfmbrr whr mwll b uftx iftto by i hampion tk ace miraihj the jich prevent tvrte were ah ih m whicb ciiii ibis u1 hfripiit and the m liei piiti imnrdiahlc ip rlenily and exjti- t mated hi the pather lo mr pwvvn ftr chvef ctu for tmiijiipti w tnolemd dawn tit tv e otiu poor peen wlnw r4 ihri wh iheu cajjftio t flu brrrd ihe uamplofi but ftot vriirtol the eerr pany of tun nf the rftynsrwrer wtovjnly ljpautbftihfftftjeftiiiywjhr klion ftlwtrt lie turner amfrtwfrre- ir thnt wft ll t ns- cf lufrrj vootro ml cmtfrer nm tn of ibw cblc f rii ee i- offtrj nrtftadoavo io ii if flr ny row hou elain shnold hare atipt if hie eltifs ii not io w last ml lea h had tried aweitrinv bid finltttfft me io peewit the life of those cudustej 1 mr mluastaci 1 cj r ivsirillf ifthpiicvrm uzrttltd in clui mdkiu wv w wj uplbhttwdf thry nnic j i i in n iht mjl fiup lit n ricnlol dijip- h illr frtotnii lh tiiti- ftwi ri 1 jpi dulhl r r l- s mtt villi tin- aii offtttrtf flboul 0k hf ii ili l rf i iutmt f ailicoii whf n h prtomrl ac jirl cf ihc p tl sw 1 1 1 i uy icltit on leard iht wtkolcof uie loarouu irfland d- feliftiftrtrd to lliric wjttift until lie mfrl hfmfed lin ht ihif pen ubnce ihey were frtiiardijlytftjdyrrtrtifl to woirel fl b poper to add 1u0 that tbc ann p4rn- ger 9 ihr morning f ihrir biideiinol pvw ifc hipifi to lb windww of lheo fwtt tvhtcb vcfl cmi djd had wrii wilrrfto loik u fflr tlc atf tlii vrt- uirpprtt llftd de nn pefeet1ihle toerer twauf 4nne lie obt ft fiet eily to wvfeil tree kid it bren otftntfntftwj lw wonld ixrtnlnly jiatp fnnderrd bvfoie the viipc rojftl mil hath h tthicli v 2 ovirek of ll c3c 4 toi itftlrmrdt w add no ftirthfr coti- nf lit fait th pkpr9airn of a hri inftl ftkk ft mrtmblftiftoftl of hr fcl will heont ia thr iiriijl got rernbhttl s nav kd to ftftort cartful aelrction f matr ol roigjoi fci thafr kcm ov to l ffc d we hire ftjpce tcatnch tnat llir wsi- kofiefd inmunonlh anived bodftj knttthl wt tlif nine pilmris 15 ngctivn ljkoi from ue himikihi jrrtiry tke qiifbtc plt utnfcf the hfl of hifpirjc lllvllmike tactile foltewin- rtjttuuf ihe wrrek of the an s settial of the rrmrlaiftriiveo ikrrvmtr- ifty report fearing fallen in with ibe wreck of the fn of linviick alanilnd mvlttlrt in her and diivin aont nar thr 1ln iuf antcvii iriih lier tnat and ti jine in hy lui hjeft rrpcrt of capuin siqfvu jftea rmol- alnhy 25u 4 ji l eid ff anticon hrajm no lh liarance 10 mile h4trc the iironr ann of i-oe- mk shi appeatrj lol avebrin ircoflftt titha yrh nhicli trvr in hrr ftirboaid tow and ijivd her wiudla her fcrcoinl on by kip diw and tungiftfr ftioodf initiaiai oie 0 fnt under tlvr etoitrrn jnd the liin and saiu hminf l ll br rtibfaa yo thai i hare had sincere pita- iupf in rfcommendtnc mr sack idle tor ft fe cood lirnuna cy i the 4ih coy lor ilri- ment ftn4 only hofe hai he ft l to real may be cnfirmfd l himhp- the aal and antilhy yo kave ihowtt io tonr frtofeon and lli mri of yonr reic4 ericiallyrmittedaiy nihof your to the tsttttti iiterlioi a nolint can h more rra- tifvioctooiv felogaihn to have it ia nay lnver to mirk my ok of conduct ch a joui r i beg to ofcaot mj cotiieu to ffro dt lftire and m aeir r yeajt faithful hmvaldf servant kuftfatbaoukftlcc al the action here tfludnl to kc wan oelv ely ttonnded in the ar for which httfo- joed ft ptqeof mi per ftnfiom jle rffed for 0e reaw a depnty qnamrrmi let general in ceylnfi aot eniot ej the enure confidence of the vilitaiy d ciril tuaoti- tir and wa himy con pu men ted au on hi tetlreipenl ftoio hit jjol voucl le tflte eihitfifttd to ihi eminlrj tn 18m ftnd reatilrd piincipahy opoi hi lain in uina unc lie tea a mairuiratc or ihr titnet ahl took rj axliw fail at the limr nf ihr irrrhiim in 1rt7 o bring mphintej mmtlertt of the ktwt mainour aiwl dnec caenfmnr he 0m hi fan an i came rttjdeamonc fihcen month ao in veiy relation f life he wisajnaeli trft- iremed and as ft comu nion lhe vho knew him inliraal ly nak in ih kiwvt iwftftj ol hit iulrltvcltml attft and emeitce io- nsrieftiioe hiv facwrrv rmaine i jietfeci till itic bl heuf of life me mtff tuicnt the clac rme eolnmr of h lu pried erry much a having hecw be estant cmfiioo of hi lone itanl vfttknl fifr 0h vocio fctfalifie rie ul taie a d h the efwrmierfcpatmentufiire brine i convant conpanin he leave is et tkcee daoihtem of hnm the wife jurre sivn i eftr ad eoiinliy and ino sn in liidft hi frfiherafoohiet io the military arrvict 1 vu f iu ii tlii nsie following bxccnilon from fit jvanfotfl jwnvf 0- relw 4 tkb ronrooo the rxlremc urly of n ie watcliied into lifct on thiwaj hrn- nn who waeeovicil at thr late ft4lel of ikt nmrdrmf me mary oconnor- tieftyk deuce ww ciirwinariiial but tll a ajank ted of to doubt imnrciiii4 the cvu of the ic eutrd lie wa 00 eovrr ffm thr lolmihy ajfiiced at hi liial mtoly mipectvd of ft the mmdeier ol the wmian hitband and thai he av attenped to uke the lfe of a litlte bov theif ch u i then irov kom of ur br the throat and heeiiedm are wyibi f kioep she shook violently t wt ui ihr rrortitd and foamed t the t she had heo i jcei to itff a d at one time ihrefttned i dtow heelf i tom her he hid hettrr gt the motey frarn the person who htn it and 1 olim neake irent ft tt lo aw- i wi frightened when i found lw ou dyjne and ikbvwiavf fff ettt time when he wa fad i wen away a lo i dtftnee and re- lurnrtt x ihlnkani ahnfikt have re- corered i wwild bare dvie ftythine i iciore her ftnd i vjt her in my arm imil tthnir when all hpe was poe i hp- fed ih bady ovrr the rrecireeft eay ft ifrsiwe liere it mijthl ia tuv be diruerr- vd marv otmor wn a mam omi of ahftot fhtf fur ar of a- but a vev bad wftftmit skc bad pbdod hri daid xrocvc- a um of whiskey which i wi tea rrne by the rrei wholud ii to rrkae and which i did it a o hivy i caiue into fksrsom of maty 0c drew lhao the moiiin we went to ii ppaoa hi ototlicr ibeew wio own the aiar be- caic lc xaled takoaftrr brr i am aiont filvrrkt year of iff i aa newer tvneciel wny mmder in ice- laid i am much uoumedaioit my fa- milv and mv friend al home for they will heat of mf viihaj py eikd 1 bad nol a fair ubk wt thomas bbexxan jalfe dtjnr imiuppi i in prmtkt f t m tllltruil atcvahmh davidson p niaja a cwm ocovr 3 ims british whig oelfer pr otftrm diaoe wednesday morningoctoivr tbc provincial nuiv a lrtteb ntom cobuko to tiic rmixrcft or viir caiuttt vote aeerahtmtk rivii ol lt ihr i iiii ip follow at k won hill oi yuiccewvrfty the co- frecwji5iro v itiuj lit liicl ouhe lth write aa i vrlhftvttvror iho anirgciilft il ihelie- i eieatineot aqdi am h mm by a peiion arho tta velleil eloc by it lhtili cveted with rople the military have formed camp chtfe by lat niht cunaibmotc w atiaekrd hy a bodv of inftiir- env for ihr ptine of lafcin toe swivel et and rannon wild t hrch th manul of waleiftrfd ricenily ftrultcd it the marquift will fot the tuo but idulnnthrar nf tile tci1l a lirc loly of manev j ft uiur- ford thi mormi fir ihe cune hivio wen cowfp 5atunly oct 71b mil pjhityw one ortrnhearfof m ihe day ft fair thonh oie eldom o i bave been since wcjncly in town o thorofhcbty fled with htimai at to fliftkc lb lufof a ircal a i tbefrefttc poibt enjoyment sj i ba cobur 1een all ihi week tiili that had i not fmtftjnately ba the my rriankj mr wrller i iimij in at nhiy uiemr- allan the iiciden xew york agricultural aoftlii heen eompeiled to take up my inbtl oi the kc de cf a haymow but hurry h paated away the torfn ik notnllitiowo mmoii restored o to ib putine iniiiicac an br f wei where lem canada ili4uh out or place every ebt ete calinei wat some r flie line rnftl vhia ilrc if on red n dav neal of ifeba- 4 ib litre mie i tbkt ei- pore e ik utiolen mjnnirlrr amc iffcibwlw or ionltrv oiic ibflovr ware ft few stove aod an infinite variety of llmii torlth with mnltimdcof canoi davkrbi fal wtnlsj jiitdelhff indrau slinvfihfie farmed th riio of the kvhiwtioi and eitijimiy ottiird eveial bum in orr- lotllti and examining ihefriir itayf ihe slow weie ibo di- vtm nnd occupied on tueday the fijt iljiv the attcli wrt- received arh eoiered 0i iviiliifvjiy ihe second daj the jud i wiyflnvpiif lh rm sfleii leally examined wt ihe awlid made ihmbl nl publiel made b lie wo thnuay llw ihm day waj the tlrejt stiow p- n which tie pmie wrte allowed to eiti r thr cnrlovire and m ihe inhibit on eutfinf with the cranl hllt- hfr jltfiaclwk ilithecniiinu- ad vmay ihe furb and bu iat wj ocenpud in de- cjalint shu prizes and j the mcetiii- of the aofrtjiiini ft i dtiieoei thtf ilv il that an vflh karond sir edward won ai the rink ol breokrn hit ivrck out of cwn rioer only ktw fell ihenrlf c ftd hotvft- t jm ihjie imaineif what va ttj khz f bave fanitly at- nc tcmlj lojeseiibe dnner folocd at whirof curel waent it waihvld a nnay iniiliicairtfllf ol dninone iki ik-ji- idr j akcih crowd ny pericraninm ro away lj t alo i will t down and com nit he loj the ih loj loper hftvingloyour prudence ihat id r ihe awiliwi rjctit ficm ihe ccbitq ftftwot jkeanll gi 4ioj on tij ii czoo the mere diy detail ol recvrl acli y j ry c ftr both these neespapr bave iak grt dthil with vwwitllm nral orsme iv day th y were marched off by major gvne- lat mciiam wlio i lnjily cniaed at that pacr in the dp4tioii of the inwp at hi lftbemoind on eiimiiand evetythin irdi me to believe liat ive are on hi eve of aiobei innirertion wie iau by crtiiauitck wooi i caaily uererivrd tut several ul tlie rri had li wu not rikrhdil i r tf e t 0m1 cb feinn can be relied on i to dolllil t coirecti and we luve no tea ht ihr ma i monger as u co nmonty nnood it i trn he lived a criminal hit iind oe poimy jflftllj forftiled hql wr iretirvr he uid noi acconianied hi rrday ittciiki n of ihe ah in sci- wild jvmne dly murder any one a ftirnd we vijiled htm vi whfflhe cve t ihe pdtonin matniel which he aioccd ufne cod nd a hu ipy inx declaration wa linr all ihe exkfcir of oir inf tuiilv did not came bim to prevart tale or contradict him if we wnte prni oilya nnici tijmiliccd aml him a amy iy cut r hoe yoiiii a vtictlr uiijle for the pu- ioe f which lit y are irppocd 10 bave bven lafccn foi tidkioj pike handle i jndlnj ai ltaa 1 jb w ande bowatnit v s rknitpiurcttc uii a u ftcoi tared over the lowe aid uper drel sse appeare to le mabihtf io water tier could ny be accn or heard in the bold ifrtm far alignra lon flit with regret rhat we allude tothcdvmh of likcft coloxcf tifii tr dc jnr wbirh look place aiildeoy on ffnuv momine la i m board the ateatnei chifjmtfa aavftowil wbde on brr piac from loreiro it ppcan thai be hid been drie rather quickly down u the erbarf and that en cominc on lord wcompuicedof a violent pnn it hi chet ifaift however toon inuide to he com- ratd himself on ihe euce a w hi wftwt reji a tady pitener conversd with hint for lorae time and fancied that be wa at lenjib rfoiinp a p it wa iodeed hot t froaa which he mvr 1 so lrn- ajoillj andtddcnly bad hi f pml paveil away that ha ai in ttui pftmft ftosition imiil poo ftllcalioti beinealnd toward him he was diseoverrd to be da fu bod loic dutcrcdundera peeiilrtuin and dirjtcnlly of awtathm aoo a i hvn fr warned by b me owa adirs of the tture of hi mlady rhmtrrfitlmcreat tke week before up jif wab aluckcd hy a audjen fainiinc jaalrecl cak th latre wa aeventy- eajraoraajar had been ajwayaaheal- racljve iftftji ft utjf jrtion of ihe erlicr irddcpjtorhriiftf twine patted in m- lireaerticejnlhe kveat ludin in bk toder kr ralph abea imbie anl in ma k dbtionijhcd biscjf by tfctjk it clear aid wand jojtitnt and i iowlede r f moicr a w m t ii jwrtonal bra ftlmwled it call fcrewtowia fljjteiin ieeod of li mr- 21 fioar tria eommantltn effker 01 from the grueral o ver palkthrd by ucmlcnaltiieut sr r scrt brownri cammandioe ik maj roice in ceyko ifhlive to major llebw- of lbe ceilon torafclfttrd april 3rd 1si3 trcoromaiider of the force feejit je to major dc mm to r c in the onral ordkiftoiike anny the hi h sense he enter- umiolbii merit a an o seer pailkrnlailv yn ihe bilanco of the adoo service now de- ailed ihe aneecmf accojidubment of hv hirwioim nnl ihe off- cam and den under hnaq u ennally t be aluioted to hw imejieike and ferhliv ijip 0iljtff c ntaicm of icoiiii dittcyr9aotrijtdijj ai e- vy ie ilhe pirlaf ihe irei ofuhieh ulrc ben amjxle uhv b hii official re tl the lieutenant c ewe 2 hl de p eoiie m for the atcceacm whiebniibt fo- a lime dcprlvfl him d the army t i j ui va wv or t aaaimly rcpre tu deirt for iho to- ftmef tbemomriit un it will hi hi wh major delati ren mi amine frvoof and he deie that otfierr avh thr troop who have asd w in lhf vic hrn recorde lav iteit ciamplary sid if o acceft lu ktt lb ink coodtfej l nskufcnr ractaatft teller addressed by the ivorur ftiler master general to ml ijj sk efv v urtmmaa1 uadertbr wwe af n if we write an oe eid he nil wr mud candily cdlfe thai oi hparitiejbi narutire w were pei- iccly convinced lhat ihe convict wa deiv ine fa commiiutin of pnivhwrrtl 11il tiaic permitted we have no dottbt ihi contd have been rilvcltd he nn attended oi the scamtl by the rev j carroll aud perflated o the t in ihe tih of what he had mid k it horrific n to relae that xvhrn he wa throxt n off l fall was o reat that hiv head wa cvtrd froro hi body since wiiiin ihe a10vrtlie slieriil jnfrnv rd n thai ie o iviet adiiiiired in hi pr- ii- lhf ryenjsh i tjal lentnm to murder iter hnuntt i in mak the man won than would otuetwie ftprcir cenf artaroy i w a torn at a town called bailybnberl near st ink cv own conn y itnscoumo i e- fand ky fjlbei w a carman and utd to- diive 10 ihildin and sfio lie wa a icenl retprclahe man jivrd eomfortamy ard was in th- haht of kitline a fat cov nov and thrn he farmed len acrca of land uftder koer biennan ol ballybuhberi a relative of fit 04ta 1 wa anil to coo several lime hut i ifver learned lo n ad or write my father had ody anoiber on who died tom a divea contracted by fcinnin a liorce which had did of the farcy my iarent trfaiiftht me reor- ty lomv plaoe of worship i jircd under mjjr mahm on bve erp wbih i aoi by my wife lie w4b eood i jh jliwd and 1 was rriy torry lo hear of hit murder w hich iot pace rince i left home i left ihftod in the princ in ihe r7rjfii which bad cu7 pa- terr so of whon died on board of frer ftitd dytcniery and at many more when they landed my wife dird at the quarantine lad llut- rrot pains to fumiji their ready ra v a vo icel aceounlof all that ba lanpiie brie the attendance at the provincial s aw for 1813 on ihe wbde wa eod it mt breft betlrr bt the tilling of lhf f queen ueucb nd difttiicl conn talc season of the year and the i the rtrhhn in the hecininn of lb jointly colittibutcd to letren ibe tionof ytiftftrrt hom a d lance j tw niaairi ditrier mdody did urcoat j frjti mi i reret tn y it wa urtybalf fiilei to the lcl a my belief rid gclitlemvn at dewn to jt wa occupied hy ihe je- the llnex a fur- hl and left lrd the governor cru ra mr tan iv of i thai res nf wcfbj 1 h a i in- m wbei jartf i ti v rf fonsv sim 3 smivfsamoxsnce our lat we jrciivrd alumuntcorroljo of the mutenkntj nhlch we made in reference to the fvitv and dn tf nf mlcny- hi planner of hie hif haiheailt cpej by lld ad lield an ii litmia it t nictntairt cave and vvied fniels now mitrmmdid by a band of arund detaiadte and anon i nrlivc ik iii brfnr bri eacer p4rnerht iritorjt oi late h hivn of ihi witdt ft-lvvntiuc- ll r nmrj exliaordinarv bal he ha rrcaped arrel mi ii tiottviihlaudn the lare uarj olferrd hy kivctiiinnt rfi i the unremitting viibnce of the police- we have been amiicd by a eiktjciiijin that within tlie o1 week he ba been repeatedly feen m tbc ifceighnathntpl of rivmiaflioii a t iuy unman tom him that on one dav he ard and icn ird fo ir limo within view of a pmire jjcet in that iimiur in eetnjany with mr- 0hfthqnjr who it tld lo be eotgtit crtnaiif4ki it vviril j1 1- rvaiiewrr juferah pnjoy fur the iinpoc ol rcain blacorh flierc i no nonm of hit hatinj been at dnn- aivan a few iftyao from all the infor mation which we have on the avbject there s no question bnt be i still bovirin around clonmel al ha been i cooj deal ahmit uallinamnlt o niiicb and mir j vvov4 oujintij croiifte lnin rfrks im lani a cnlltman of thi city whj hjsjit arrived from l whhber he hail been on twine tate thai lc met tlere m- kiftici moiin oeicitor wikxc ucceful cvasiitn nmetiieut escape uc time since our intoeinaut lal ibat heav fti n paii tcveial ront fron this eitv atif other iar of lielanj who bj deemed ii indrnt lo have this cjuniry f r the irrenl he fiinhrr uai that jie wa introdnccd at thebok4e oftafiirnd in pari 0 mr doht- owin to the tmbutence of be lave ibe united statc with car or iw lions there vano attendance ai a arise ftoui holding the fair ai ifl toward peiiod a hie moaili of oci the lake it impassable lo all who iln nej on bnunc- of ibe kn leme nada west who arc known for be ricltul purvnit th attend prelly fair imt not ovre aiul akara had the slnw been held in the bee september a it stiinld have been bainun loo mueh to ay thai the rtranjfw into cuhurjwotid have fold what it wav the midland district timed mil ly the warded j 11 mark m ed ihe ditricl co theft in accoopaiiie 1 by nearly all loe ntip some fifty other rnilemen left k the ntdflrtuf infill arririn in the real show of thursday anion the ahsvntee io one wa markable tban a h mctm kq ber for th cowtittt of n fthllftik which che fair wa held li un l the sliow at the dinner and at n i i i tft csnwi- veiy everely animadverled iion made it moe notjrej ttatf ibe prone iion late potilirat opponintjwwl took oi and miiuined during ihe foir the exhibition making the crn1ra4lityee1i the iucceftfttl anj uiimicceful cor p t lhenltaes of ihe farming comnin apparent i reeei veiy mneh 3 friend of mr miyerv al the dinner i ni commwiioned lo oovra ident cf ittr new yolk arleuumol aimtii lilavi it- n lolhcr with mcain maik tlmmon wetenlall coner watt cm ttnr7irrfvi all i of the disirict aeiieulmrai so jvliftw tbe04nf ctonier wa tillim hy h hntiar tte vice i rvdenl of ihe ain cialion the l4iiiier va yt what miht fje rvpecledjcobl ftftnl indilereiil bnt cheap at llie ihtifoledolur wlw not inchnlrd tl- altcdauer wa utter than ihe dinger the ei plrie or nonecellmrr of the din- pbt wa a nair cf mall riiomit lo a ret foe mr rattan ad mr wei- rwdliient lu- iiucinih and at luich had enleiiained iime fifty iercieacft and let me tl ion i mr piic a chtitfaic ltnh a two i jvockrnthc afljioa wnl lalr the tjp poor ml d bort cod the race waftcentof fcical excteeet and thnu- sand eroded lo ftti it xfcll concluded thr ipql0f llie veek- i eannotconcliidelbi icherwilbont rematk- in upon a cirroulaee connected with tne coval mail line tf lake sieamr the kindlon newpapii were doired to ropy nj they ilid copy ao annonncemenl made ul minr- ard tormio thai till v torn- to a id from ih fir would be chafed by te ittltesleamers half price tlii arniooitcemcut had creat rflvct in inducing a tjrat many irr- ton in ihe midland district to tiuit the fair and it ptcasady hud mne eltect in perradflj theivnberof ibe municipal council then meiou to aljmirn for one day to allow thr warden and ihoe dipoed lo attmd the fair whceherthianaomiccment waa uade w iih hc cvtamrl of tbc proptietor of ihe ttca- mer i cannot iellbnt ihi i lnow cap tain sulktriftodp of the loacf cowdeced himcf bound by the iosice aud upm every oecavon hi veacl bad lo vim ctbor dn- rinjllie week be charged hu pacii2eix half the tfpltt fre lo n treat melrvnte the rrinsa iojol capt twohy did ise ftlru thin but 1 think wih omr exception rut the ofjo torvuro capt cordon re- pudiakd the aeeneol altogether m bein- made wiibont authority rnd denanded and received ihe fall far on thu hoal the war den and councilor fom kindlon went up and a they evpectcd to payout dollar each ihey were reeeihnly annoyed al heiotcom- peued to pay double iliat ram they tke wool wa from the flock of i compete tie rememlied that fiv eam vi nee ilenrj corrrl hj the township of ham ilco- amt of capain wallace near iviei baro we are jnfomed ihl the quality of iviml bai ceatly improved of tale m tin neihbourhnnl the only diiplay of linen cood wail that of mr rovrt lb ith of djm- lintnn win entered iwo piece of taldr lin- nrn ibe fla of which they were madj having been ued by himself mr w tiajtime ol k ofijeokcvuftnkrli were eseel- lent and the eanjt f mcmrf pewl e mftcmioh olyork were capital nicvsoilrnett nf bullrr and lvec wa firtt rare lm- highly jraid hy ihr jnd in of whom wa htr ale nnf floelieter an rclleiiiatlhoiicv wlio thnibi it fully repulto ihe aliqw nf ihe awme mrticlo the oihpr vde of h hne the rnajile anar wa nf a eery rand description tbefabimlwarc wii veiy eredinble m ihccobgr- workinrri who bad the pri 10 themtelvec a heaulifil frdchoad by mr urllua rrnch admired a ieborc eairiae by mr mono f cosrr wa a a bpauiiful affair it was thr mily one lwn tlie qnaliiv n the boitieuliural prorttacm wa veiy jeod imii thouamiiv wa- not ijrjxe mrib wade jkell of haailvm tiiw- ship m john cr iirliton and mr idin i ilona wrtt the principal exhikilrarv mr ftfay f toriifmo had a fine ijpow of ernpe mr rjeary an mfl wade ec jeekel w vie he ennuiulnrt r thr flo dqiarjmcnt bil the diday of such a were in c aon iva wry fine in ton and itoitow-wm- che omw wa dtyuiriit rvcpt ft f u llrte ir the ladies department and the fin ak thedipjay b of hie very hrchvm ilff- we upect tb difippolnrnient a to tti prtxffl in the urter fcpaimfri lar rciv be aiily ibecmieol lh ncieiey v e ao at rorhtrr wlieo he went with mr al irn io eamiie ibe durham cmlr n the fini pen they were hn n there trot a lteck and ichitr coie inhetne they bod improved iiiceihrnlmioln we 1 am wilincon mr ivrtun lorhollrne lt 5ult cf new york to tlmw iwo dwham vm b two two- yew uhl heifer rjuaj tothtitr w be able u linw ic jrftr mr allen aid be div not ri aerepf thr challenge nly t y he arwtd think ftbont if iliry would cecijtnly not be found haclrwanii the chfttrn a tart to adcrj wrlh many ibat fr teir evie mr a uminy jnvvne ri lid ioh ep i llwir fiietd- nm iney cba racletited tbc traitaclion by all manner of naviy name which i do not choovc here to repra bull can assure you mr printer ihat the boat and all penon connected with it altered very severely in public opinion cllinairly it was determined lo refer ibe makr to capt dck the owrw of ibe cuy otvrubwwbowas known to beat corhirr and whria ihe aeaner tone bed the wharf capt dirk who wa pnent wa pok 1 or lie plibfrcl by mr- maris bit he did ii i seem to view the matter in tlie tame til a- i the pasmtrfiei diit d 0 he wowld i toi eadha4am wfaimriwlio pij fnil fare karher of t fofii- replied o i their lchulf in a ivy ieal and well tfelivvcel pch tho bairtnan ihtti o and veiy feeline ly d to the bkihev had mhiair j tba nrlachdy aeeiiiin t mr tjjo of irk drowned oi lic iitiltf thursday ut tlso proving had wl a wriby aid enr ifttuibrrof rcjiiv aadn arj ulhgr of hi only anil braved on jlie riairjit caic 7roynvy lo rte prs paying al ttic mhin rim- a lnti com- diineiit in the neivfrnt of onaja dr hatkerf ih khrm hnreliraed ii ai hrllj ihe iicnsv of the pr l ih- oeirice wilton a l o r i u ndrsod h t y ihat x n- yeftj a whn 1 llii hemr euttneeted uitli the irom li4o here only rv u f k in nw iiy- z rjanaf w kvven h r hit vtavwii t i if caiao anj ndtd in year ur s crc manalii cotrnutie e lf j tha t o lv 0 wvi hate pair7ii1aily in meiilion b crayon and pencil dnwialft of mi w4 rer it lermt el several ivettalftf i tnmfinv p were i fr le aiiniion he iv on this oc- eiipvni of lot a by vi ih in hich j a l than it deerv- toasts wee tren ithd jont iooock nai lien o of no br of inentim mti km ir a 1timi irft eavpcit a hat a i in pariicnfasv whe a j icii i jime- jiitji- ip aod an j lufi on me f c r mem- tri in e ii e u ltian y we rrp0 it to iow- l did lairr- and i elij at leimsft 1 lafe ntuofi iffc a v el tbe nmde fr i ete f itte inpwkciofe j 1 iwihmlitthiraiiiiilitherjij syig i ha iwy wvr all remark a- i d levied a d icvivrd tavniy hrarty j rj tini in f cr 1 cn reeolleci oi mr i niitp w and rt awamr nc mi and 01 i 111 i i i una pii latttwi of the police and k of the crolv mc hoiicesi tfome ihori al the dinner apology fn i ni i aid derib- ibe erailenan aj a n with sandy hair and jlorid comidexion our infocinaut dor ot krotv mr dolieny of the late eotfederatfon iud il wonsj aeem rj thcf improbamc llial the wamt to whom be ciiaaiit lioi and 1 wih i aio ha i dice my heih i wa introdnced conkj be the priona r ifie confraiy wa m and i cametl a dnl- i aiated to be encamped on siieveuojioi urdayal giovsr ufe i iorpd there nine week and three day i have two children and from the qurraminc ttation i brought jhrm with me to quern on we atond xix week in the hanrack tlirre and thru went lo a hooe behtntnr in mr jlnmpbrcyi n one occasion i drank pait ofa pint of whfcfc with nancy finn and maiy vconnie m uiq- our inf jfovint ftdd that ft irlter had reached pari ttalmc that mr kicbard ogor- man jun had ariivrd in 3rettand that ire would ho in pari next day framoirt juuwql patrick datrm ot me turned ott of ihe hotie became 1 had not aked him to lake pail of ibe injur j theo mil to 1 own kone rfjed llnmphrv ffftcr he turned mc tl ol j the bouse bnt i fu persuaded la euc with i theatre alunu 1 1 nvlock at nihr when ihey him by mr wynn ilumphre tave mc 0 overlook the rfincrs and mnsamyudsomc dollar 1octte wiih him i w then jeni bind of iuurpimimifc which i locommon with patrick and mjy occftrir over io mvii at uusraiai on the 17ul nll two eolonrrd men naroed llniry shortrr and fiore hsimtp weie commit lsf to jh1 at dnf- falt in await ihjir irt for the minder of stt- phvfi ljjiih in the itrecl drui txd four oilier yonn men were rtlurniu from ibe caire jpivilon li or out of the way mr iv ynv harkeeiier aid a colomed man ik meoser the river krkoo hill th barkerier aid i ouht lo ciic hio tei d of the mmiry i receicd font m ilnmpbreys ikcniute fci- bal alway been my fiend hut i save inm only tiihi o1lar we weat lo peter me cliihmn ftl icwivlnn tnd lnk a qurl of whifcm with u becantr 1 woim not i ir a strange koue willoul soneliiin lo treat the fimijy i wa inaly h1 rot drunk the women of the boie all ih it no o loild 0i there wilhnnt hnwi j thai h had cnbmrd prnidr wbap oneof n reference l en thutal or drew jm several jdacrs lie was canied inlo a la- vrriijflnd fnrd almoliiomcdia1ely the cpur drren were nirwierhy the mayor and a par ty of police and areunl bbortcr on bit ex amimliu ackrtovvjcd ed ihat ho wa the jaer- on w hn had rnrlicred the wounf and mf toncd wlitic the knife wa io be faund x homidii mcnokft k in- towxtiut or etomoiv- lb tvoefa llie mlh ult iniom m that 4 ill nf fhc ae rf len id miihth daughter of joseph yv amr mv nufciey and i nillrl oil of my pnckel ii j wood jr irldritj in- the iir1 concetion of tatrick oconnor wroid nnt remain w ib g katnoa hail heea in the habit tn omn lime bwl came hack to qitentoi tbee of ojnvui daily violin a hick ancle in lh- vioihcr qirjrlof liqivroicbr and 1 ni iwlltfhip nfaichd two nnles diaurit foj y put me lit bel in one cticr frhr hotf the lal time she irfl hrfie wm4hi llnj3d njlnbil never r til rnrd alive ilielkdy wjfdisrtvercd nrar the cm- iro of the hotrl luioih which she bad io lma drnnk 17i of the room and when i oi np the evening my mnnev wa v0e i immlijl r arrd maty tvonm and vcnjn i t i 1 er c i irly wtlicll could have leen fnniifthrd with p owiiij to ihe itiin- of the court of wta llench in kitcalon and oehcr pjr iivrv mr meyen ba ptoremonal buiora hiatlend to the pn pjfmisrs mvti hy tha p1tojll1 lonmitlec all ntidcnl in or aboiu cblur were indeed mo ample and most ctollcivr ainvrcffect the nlmot credit upon all cmcfrii- ed- the field for the show was loctlutakoo i a mite fori ihe town near mackmlinie ctotb factory and consisted of a ipecc of level rponnd octanirhr in tbapa abonl cibraerct in eatrnt and fenced in wlh ft- rihi board w fret ufb wilhir tho 1- plr tpftce waa arriage read lonnd ijie en closure mad by the plnlin fjf atotll cir- rreeni in ihe middle of tkc jtaco wtciverrci- ed ihree lernpnitry boifdinss fo7lhe ejluliion iulc ractima wejeo irary really t cr were in- j i he chairman i wle- hrated cr hie sliitd xrme which pervadr all d irlhlic 0clrv bntctkmilcl in the chair n ihinccaiw x jtimi lo the 4iitia1 wii of laer canada tonke ailv and w rnnci apjdaujdeil oa of llie h idticl mil lo rhtee ihe ftpoech ol 11 i vi i rit i hi tntiv 1j1 uual one gftnl ult ci f k- el j l w mr maik did it f n i totcu hw dinnei pai it wbal the mitad liiriel had hlteady vwtedi aod what tlwy won hi do in cac the atvf ialiiai invellcd lo th 0 si lai renre hi 1tt rut while iroripmrinl jhlbeavches jti vccrd at ihi gn i dfttltrr i nilftl rsei pi oie rtd iv ty1f when ihe ps wa mej j had bten nnd a qrfnainulin the- eaily pi i of ibv lay tbt winj lh mcs individual coineeled wilh the plmr then in iaiii il would diiohe neon nt 10 re mm iail at the dinner consiqnenllv heiiw an iadll lent iieai r i la i eoncird in my ol craio fiit ve relates meehanfeil 1m- plrmeat cabinot ware ladievvhfe c stc these buiwn w re so ccnirivl ihat when taken don ihe jnnibrr woud h imin- jnred kddnd thcrnconre wynotatf billr- ii r t miitoe room refrsvnenrrooirn and diinkin bootht the pent forrk cat frtajijotc were formed lirillltke i feneehrfween that and the lionet were howu in enctoimre and held by ihe band bwry ihrre be circoltf toa the ccnirof the ihiiie wa etceojintjly well arranerl wa no bfttotfrj or conlnsion and c03 11 rhtnoi qharrellinz x the ftclolire a vorkshisjin each time but to all mcmbersofthe ou lionlhventiaiice wa frce jcdiof ruler i sva v own niind a few appropriate woid for the occnvirml when to in propoiiiic the toasl the chairman said tomclbnj a oil belter behavior thi thhtw me olt my cnfre iipscttine my ideas and instead of rrplyin eoerxly atbetoitt i commenced defend- 11 the v 1 1 from the imputation east npon it haying fljymrj llytirjpnc nf ine canada pev itnsaj tmt ef ihe people that the pnpolar taste pyein d ihat ofjbc perio- ril vtufwr vhe of ca nada rouajjad m nc irrrgnfaritie a the pre lliinftod notrlithenavond1hoy1iave a pre worthy of ihrir patronage bor4n stead of laying thi ft concisely a i three wrilleo itj be ttlaled and ttammerert sot to male iwiftuult for the repaihtt tn catch what i dtil ay aud theefrrv i tiie hold of the present opportunity q br my oiv inim- peter a bandof mio fon bowmtmille attended at lb dimer pjayln- remarkably aell lor anairui they were ftlso on tbc show yrnuad on knday after ihe award 91 thr pre- hai the mrelinj of the pivincia asto- calrrn wa held on the show tomd two drlccates from each diitict were chosen beiii ihr persons allowed to vote w srverat of ibe duiicta were nore presented the prraacvnt lok the chair aft a mailer of eonre mr italian the 11 vicepttiden wa chnir iretldenl foe the year 1310 and mr weieiibill the ctj viceprewdeht uok lkr mr hutlan vaeanl pol mr mark wa fsiir ttiutd bv allowed a free pmlgff hnre athidnm lit llwvittw cf the coitreiilerj who wrre coipvled leloin o itin1oointhniejitloawn llw matter cirdi beairandauaciiiy aud when i left the verl ilu patle weie in fuil and anny drenven a ftr a repaid tnysru i raay rhseeve ihit 1 paid iwo dllv fe myrlf and cnmntfi recjrtint the pmr tochaif the itltttiom iwn dnrtaft in cae cxpt tbek intisled op full fa r foni ar llw inr wronej d epproad io lailt 10 kinlo of course i cam 01 lelk thetreatmet1 to be pfew a cm- o ihi oceaiort by iho manain vminitc wva ial could ffttionnlly le eietel and i wa pbovd mbavint an rapjaftltlklit tony amvchotllic dnnre pivale ftitn i ion in iheminw wajtvn lnil i lifv an1 ftei inlrtifir the irnf wili i ihitikhiltftm of ftiiite iirr a holllft of wre t eiei fillm j i 1 r rvn v f iv per ihniaiv a i w and nitb lliaw nrrralion i rwit leawr co enn- clod lit itriltf leller 1 ii t kdftoil p s dn lr piintr e- ihat yotir ern- foith sci ibi irrirr a little ctr- r il vi aoy id my irrtfrf frwnt newvi mr pstihrr irtr m pmimpljfjr leamri for steiranlf o lltinr of ihr like ki enrih o d n the l1 lllr e r n ed far more ifijer so ltd llierenlv wiiljeei atthnv tend loytf i be h a par tonal favor for io man if ci i of hftnt ihrnbi anatf wbli he inp1y w ie to j tbecnlumiis nf his new jper with olfjier in kwerttftu to tbc jrueial irarlfc tltotnsnn of aiki ubaw thr water color linie f messrs a mttowald of cotiitrf hint- 1lir hraiifl water landscape of mr h s kelly ol the tamr dae we 1o noticed ihr splendid cr of s3c j bird of mr ber- lan of cobur fifly pert- il cind an oniiloov sor rf iii ern- hrnidery wu very vowt we noticed paiii- cularv an cm br i ild- rest chair the wolfc ol mia lleatte of fohore the display of bookhindin- te tea in ferior meu scthiebalfoiirol toe c l- hiltvell a co of hnjrdlm and rjoodevr cornell of cokar were lb eompnw- tachof wlon had con pci me f blank mok we noticed swae e y idb of ih lane r1r ib kothe employed beihx tanned lit anif t o wet- upttrtd 0 fc no snfii- fr llie pip ie ninimwhivhhowrd jrat nriinievnitic ja1 rf out nihilfaciurerni th- indian ie were well ronreied ft nt mttlr inrriel wa didaied hv lb vjl- on ittaojiciic clegropl mxrrrrat oct frere nniiinalls 2 and rlul rl he 7p m t dicpbvet hv lake and it miit mien for nviiiv ii ly tii7iis of kice iii ih ctlltsl j here warn wry keen o finida l piii of xii 1 he j knshck id fi ll wheat iweniy-fiv- enlrivn i ioapa ijihrtuftboftiv iwrnv miowisl nr we do wt heai til siniv lianmci i pinest ad iviiv antvin hery afikiet jdm rtnll leuio etneral fuo overau lo laoaftt krrriatk livip ol rota crs si ndrtw lon don no cnanc hrmlo do thin a oii cclfe ba u evcel- lfite tke f ioverneff tlriiiral fhrtber pro- ritt oj iolam n lo ih nvcotber not fh dijtrli of ubiiim pbovixital ocoexrjkci iticmv i i kn t tft ifftei vw eel ollftvf r a oirft f pivtllt plitiirc payable yi rl ifrt i t r coil rsrwv ri rcb7 io a lentil dirfpj ila ulrhdhj dv rjssr io ih w i utlai a eat iih ofhv jtpiav of lai mr- clarke 1 u iep iia hiliibo w im who iccithed ihr ami ittnllftr- rabfr foiinm hvi tear wc iirijcrd a frit u tlii v tf lhirl fyc kindf apte aiiitief iheliecftwl vv ltlwavi llati u uw fureryioii ol 11a tauter tin iiinmik tlie amiilil dniier of ihe ncaiton took d iat nim tliuiday a biije bnim nibad iirii ercted by the pwivrjov of ibr dtmir mr thvftpiri bcl teepel 11- cvr aerv laid fr sal i w e ti4 lliliik thai inhc thu 100 n i flc- dintier w mo ec ii n i any ihij wv v have aiiliriltrd neyainii and th- all hj m thorn m til jrtl vm o 0 t neriii l i 1iiiic iw mierjm i a1js1 10 0 itiacttiil rmiiu etl3t 10 t sje i m tlrirlr cert fhd jitii caftf zevtry ranyesler oratflof w venn oft 2jf the or f r rk i ir dawn vedi- in if i djiiee wai awvi iv deeiecji lite litlnt adiliriial nw jei ccwoiro to the lalert inoiiienl kive hi ik wle fonml ftainal 0 itrien meilati 0chanl t d oumvil tttc lrtjfsf olhien ond mracher air pro- krteioj thr th i tron 1aik mi fintndi lude a to he ieovr twichtlm liialt mi hi leanan dnflv haho ined oyeraird tvrntfiir lieiia w wbtilur the cluic i 111 be tlfft0rt ei rvtie tlie rcftkn erajiiic rl merchaaaiiaf itvintrr a d id a in itel h- wife with lb- robvi but ihey denied m i 01 her hnmanc iftd aneiorrl errand the and aij 1 had i fill l the uvu iod i utek was cut ftcftk behind on llie 2jlh ty i ihat coii n t lc a they had toiulj mepicinu f iton n a at r jivil and mmiltr il on the labv rvfirr i went io pied n 0 to pribon lo await the retail of an adjoqined ekf could harr lalrrn i nmiirv but mete i mrplcti irctcnor 0 mccojnma wiff i hwa il the cnnmar1rf ftf tt ov that the toinliman mftd by tonrdcia mreoti aifatdra tr om iin- circni- ibe tihcr cpnli d t ihinded w prcrd a ynt fma ir v mtn concea- ittlfc in jtirrly snail ma bad m rfr y 9a h yett the lemmh r wf fcftaftkft f wqcl h bjiclffi ftetftly lameited bj fum ii rai wofiio pkwufm rrcl ibaijoernn- a trverrly tjmnd fi so be tlploreat ceneiiily liy j pohic m fcrtye aoj j ittckej q4eenlon wlvc i was infornra a roitavc wa afirr tne at ft wiimi aaiti ll rwl t cantd rni rotc al myself iitv where bnt ma hoisiiht which icurpi aud wa not discovered i eoild not fhinb or betril a tfitmnt acaiitt a man afier toviu iftanry fon bim to ktllft with him i tu went in pol fbbnaon whrve i rrnarnrd five or tax day til ij csxiil wa or i fcimar nothing abaol ihedeabof lj1ri otoarorh wilt hid rkiic all lo i lie wa a decent ltllr man z tfr of thai city ivct the ul pioceediigs conerociil y hvn indvionlr enclosed oiler bra wife had eiven bim vl lea or xaa of wlnakcy pp ird limn of r k if ifanr t f- otr tven tfte llfcntftko wftf fivutor iau i 1 da tfm4 ttilh jow uti- jo en ux anr m e i j as ktne4ir am a iowpapvu fio u ihe urtitrrl mahnj lereniry r an ac- coikit oi liw ijnieiitilnv jti iht fito newark of ayvin tirl lirbmftin io a very o0 family w lib a maniesl man named csillrvan tne luiliveih it iean ha i been airetlednl llica tt th- f7i fdtotvin ivpoit thereon til hryrirat casrtbc fallicr of ibe ytmihtf il arrived here in naiuiday and ihe vxanma tinw on iljr 1 jii corptix waa mt in atapi cnlimied lirfne judjfe r ot during the rjjjr in the old chajtrk the falber said u jwdern ibe mnfiiaje cer i mil know wlioihrew inm oitheehjl lificacrof ihe wile lefihy niinhan a nrw- nfl lj dwlodd1 luoa ibec e u tbt eaaraioaiion a dhk olliw bamee nken of vtninr n eully au jrlwen llir mel whjchlrd f if 2 rfh s 9m ivhiniitn coir to lav hands xi the other while the i k i i t ll ww iiij xtamft hiciltiftiai lire eomt wo ailiactrd by liia mill toft lad mi to eel in eye curd 1 the pii r lcird lint ttirt i which ho in- jircrril he la j innrderrj w bu i aaid jurrd ftl ju him 4 bowiwcr ihe face r to aifipiwaiiui b anted fni wilh br eaio llut caused tbc bjol lo how hilf ihat ba tal polled him mnty n cottar and i went tn chipnawa lo u frft eifuainolieetpectedfrom ihe old moriut bnt he could iwfbnd him wft look ttinimr j aettticlimi ftndhrtntnf whiskey belwco ttlliu wa ftndnn comsli- jne we behjtt o tm i iisr pna ih o ef key at hair lavmi arl v kih nt nf ijk nw knrl unrt o vf tjroni on ihe way and wrktjhtn httitptii tui ibo hg f vafee fttltl 4 n dunk ih mtmmh f j the a7oif ivetfa are hilli fnr onw wa tfnnawywtl the lixninjf f my inihief h l rri ui pliery hurt ivy mmiihnir per mavkj her about ihr u im at taffiilsm whli e lo p a mick itfrfk m aitb it on u back of the freely it wi unfit miiru brfare orier could u retturetf 5otfival wa cnmmilled to a d iindrr the law ol th mftlc 10 ptliritb rjuail ulirr ft hend i in lyma ioik ft two hie piavea dlho a4itt llio tratra m wriuin iff nil np anal m4 isom iitu attatkirff ualy i ifftaiwih prioiost lt immense crowd akvaypeen on tb voliu day of the fair ihe reccijh from im 5ls nijojisrut entmricei tiftot hate htll yrt lair and ffuori thm suoicirm toai the local ejierio of ibe ai ocialmn ofjhc show ilrjf 1 mil iw cvfilcta p feititttlrr the hnrt wre very zi tnvieh tuperin to whal are rhmi in if i- land duict and per bap wen- ih l xoiso th tons mr john kr kinhhia grade cow loofc u id l nd capt cameron of garden ifiud c bad il arrived in time wutild ao lrjvi v ony thin on ihe 1 the ftn li atjhi be ud of ih youn calllo i r h4 were cood but tbc herp t iculjly 1 iinij and soulhdown could bai equallrd if nm brn in any tijini eiyard in our own ticinily ntiji rp oo and rrs a a wjtolr commendatory rrinoik on a me- inf i farm- show and rfn i henr w cilej the display of grain was rtrcrljrnl a j ly admired and thai ofkntiland v wft alto deterring of praise iml nolh pauicular the aiirnliuro imv rhiblcd cccd raaiy stale ftnd wei pajlobu eery ine n i from the r tcmuod jr some imnjtft donbikm woro of fv ii maniclrare ul it was eviiemdy wcuji 10 cull llie one from th other a orfmcnl of was4 wn k hfi o tf ry ciedljnblo to llie fair wmkwntiii t hot the ftrlati wore iw in priweiiina in l lier of article ijduyrd theie vi- n eabibiiion of oil ftnd whirl cotel p hlffloiioiher vejih unc pencil ftitfrai oil crediiable lo the intftuey nf ibo r ihen chosen aj vie prridenlnd amr buck- land ft httkut on arieiiljnnl cliejji4iy acy ot fom eiin and muck cnjjneii- ded hj ih po and tecoiider wi elec ted secretary by aclamtioi llie pot of trcffturrr ociatoued a fierce ihdute in os- vrpkriec nf om ftclimf dvf ihmlitfn on the put f a preceding lieammr after irjnsj t9mblit waciitried rlul ihe cashier of ihe l crada bank akubl be ihv tiffm- ne f le amkjuim tlirti came ttlq lilz of waft t lip iape of the qnetioi wlu r the a r cntivn jt mid hu ii meeting in 1819 tlie cire lay between niaata pajs n the ciiy of kington nd tlie nakerf aid arcuoientt appeared erjittlly ditidrd bh ow in lo ihe absence of any delegate froin ibe niarrtlilrier occasioned by the bad nettuf the winlhor ami the inability to np pioacli with cectainty the hittoy oicolmre ibe ioc v in favor ol old iciuuon there wa a ojfy aiteudancc cf kindlon and itay oi quint eapleat ihia meat lin hut only ix peitoim coum vol for ihe tlir mft inn hut the nrtrjtc were useful m eai- wixnjihrinrnbeft f iho jftsjrl wo dlricl ami deirrnnnin ihe voir in n fa vor- a r c nte of tltift diitiion itbat theinbasiuntof ho- midland brfitrt mnt it i au that ibe j- nplr v coinnr have dotpfp and ft lillle more hratdct ifiiiins lie lime ihi inoelllt wait hd the 1 sejde rhaci- in ik p1aceitrr i wo inrh a f ililncolt nund at iln tahern end 6f ihn invn a no nnr nub at br lie ati fruh hiril can br in iw- placr al imo 1 am mahu to ve alj ftcivunt if ihi tpiiiled affair sullj e from fa tetowo cfofrc fit j first in ihe rx 11 tfand ihe darham cattle the show of which as eety ipigf pi br ayira lo ihedijday of the same breed at iil thr ballvffmrtji ty mr walloo of peieihommr flenrv monro et claik anfi the fine jtm ear old of mr jonaof daftintn werj tbe admired thr inttc wjt fmih ihe vck d ornekort and watnuf i f john iveiemili ij by bimwbrn nine month obl foi ub tlur wtiihinp 8i5 ich ticc0w of m uoti voic which have ilvni iakei a-r- nvniw befoc of mf- vvaltno of ileih tmiii the tock nf mr llowm of cfielpb and mr wad im0led tuthin twv crow x n ie fiif i- v ev rior hi lliei ai v vtf ii limjacrve anj jilnliir th- tbair wa iftscen hy mr fernvrn i t i ijck ju fiir dinnc s- oiec he c l uritfli u ilii fw ajpriiite iid- cap fhf qlffi wfnih w dlilj rcpnffiie lo ih- iftional a wa puil hv ihertciiirn l rlinn q ttlira a in atrifttrve nnf gwvcu ri q wasetme by mr umk riii lirl n tvrn wi r ptiaftvkrt cmiis jtfilfjiity the chairhian tdhie too f pf- h ihr hath nf i fuv jyorv rrtnr oi or re of w itoai he mid mfcinnteanr4 a that a rore rj rlme v wa n in the employmnj ol h orvii rtrj lin fll ft ttdrp inlirt in ihe prevprriivf rh farmvr he v d fvn lldjjffftff rrmvorlojrodiwlbeifvel- i p ifftttp w bonoterftiaid it0d feaurj iy r jwaw nlbrhher i tfth rvtaik kcrrrrinvned tjme torjhe r- omhandxieiii naufifir4ftje iaf2tilv fl bamfii l fja eoiehfraetotyrrfvmv lie i lotrmnaw ihp iitjpdriaftj ihe nt f 7pora5elas i 111- eh f rrie iel ci iht iii- tn half hii lem l0ffdl 1 b v iii pnra wa hourly in- ar iti be at a crii oriirrn l he ieh r mi lt uaj 10 un rd mkiiilv ihat r rtin ri nunfmni cajaf ii co ca armitiil jvmmy kiird filler mid anuria hirracrrrd itt t- i ice hll n 3 i trrr 3nl iifioenpid etninlhe te i tfr of ftftimjce of i f atirc wmlm im dm or lilv da i rjj is y ii liiiti a tiii- ne ii- kviof iw bve ven ffnovetv h rapilalo j- vettlm lntrrrtfioiu teraj hneeaej alatro ttttoj ni flank ftu mi eia lale- have semmeof rjstrthtii irwiivai f n v reached ivr xiie rhv titi l ttiili flu m h- aovc fc eetlfed a omeiliiftffy ii ill place at iuii daecb ta qmine wa lr0d r lpii ihe lt syii al hi f jtbec ia irntiil- p tousidecvaa rcrlinn ha taken 1 iiulia lurdgeow mvedied jtkltfeoijr tllc h alteiminn mr uvimhai towed a a- niinther ejhihred which keftlnp the credit if gore elutifnllv he was ibe only evotlr i canlc rrnii ltttdilricl twi itfj btio cows wetefttshy prwed llrlajetrh fow cdiiioil bill lhecnortooncajlf it lhi srde fully kajle up for thi wflt inw ul thee wa foil hruhri in the bull hrjonrn in mr jnria nntierd aloie and which 10 dc toe first prixe in ih el- mr e- w tknuntuin hifrf ctf wbjcb look a piizc al rnltalo w a much ftdciuvdfiir ll itrauty and aymmciy theie wa a ureo pjimher nf ibe oufham tivn nunieinils lo iarrtfolaiw wo rejrclltd in ter nnnft of lhecr1lenlock nf ihe hon adam veriiirnn or id mr uowitc nr cnclph of lilt devnn aule dhfjay oi xr gapper ol yonje sirrirwerv hlmr eleymed foe liiii heawtfiildtavrtreiffcftoui und othrritaioa r trie show of ijiak calllewa n jnwtoi -e- nerally fiojn fbe immrdhfro relchffswtrnsd of v j lite qnaliiy wn exorlltnt tbc abow of imi- wa lafc jdenfla tnod the matched wilatjtf hoiir were par littiilaily line h 0 licri tsr ehuvlioil wis -zjfmr- pcrim we are ivldto ihe ko v nl unfjalo the het le1tuivfxlbna4f tn brf vulk arailbttllbra of meikmil and keheiitiri lhoe of mr wade nf cjujj were a t riy fine a fdendid mol snttiwn in two tcorc was exhibited by mr wetcii- hill offia lire ehihitirn wa irnly eseelivni much ruperior either in lato or lja lv former 0w of thr asciation mi hamilton and torotnov fr ihi irtrv wofe ntfi sn ud take a i ire thaic nf ll shojw of v- vcnf b 1m wai i rh of arietihnral imjdrmenn iheithajnvy wa jrneially veiv tovl wo hihevathr ass ii tneil ol isthuh wftn r i aft jj mr helm of cobiir ml 1 1 mn0rw iinn ad mr 1h of tom alaeiinei wrre ninrli rdnpnd we iea- lirrtb ft very inenloa atrttoplniic cliurn made by i c wnrim nf m slreer tin onto severed imcurhhia losnpply power io lhriiiin4 ttftdlineav on ihu treaclinit piinci- ple mftdu by c clulk o jn atiraclch much atiiriitjun a numliej of ftaiclervrucb a- sliaiy cntert corheffar nwlntmna cbiiii a doih forks etc weio toujlij po nn ihe i round by llaiielj ifcat f rn- clutter and ii i- tvnnypf albany ul wore no alaiared la coinpe4ft for irrrniiins we belitv that the oak ml ltir ftilicje witw lame eimnh to cewaid ihe pajbj fof ibcir fnccipcraa t in woollen and t rabjhltian wo very thfftire mr ttikchnift dviir without ft competitor hit dlaptay iwei and rtjtwtift wa n rood iftfawil aattnx all ihat in nrfsmvy ever in nddiiloi i nlervd ftcvijroi piece brood cvh imn cauidtin wool tlw llnl with our errplion producod in ihe piu t0icl amfbmk avth i lrrperiaefl ivmails ik le i ivn tilr nf trefiitatei fur the ataociaciatjiiid iecvn rn nrtej vvriiov on the partof the offier hearc aud activosuiior on the part of ihr pept hie 1eirlh to which no- wbolcttconnt nf ihe mitv will evtrivit compel us fotonkaatjkr j rocteinrol the dinner ai smit pon9 mr k 7ehmatt irr- of the a ftorsatlon lsl tcir nlnrncl lhak lie caiirainanrf himself en the sivae hich- he hd laken aii the commcricememt ef ihr aarw- eimoi litmartred to the rtvffiitlddiivrvj fron mich anw lie n other places axwau a ijr wfe mhlime lie e ate nf thffjwcjedil 1 tard of flruoatiii il j inn lc nt o loie o ujnjl ta rieaptallachtne vflpnu flw ot1jj uqjitrr ftraw cuum jterc mr ihe tpyiim people of cobui w llie eveel irnce of r anaoecinritftnf to r it wtum he a letn oi fiitute kcaion cplulil fly liloounx the l wuioi or fvnwa mr whk stieibrookr ihtime msaitb in a horl sjorh ooiivjux nit v eearecijv the adrautajfrnof the ehioiirlm of arjricon turil aivirtiinrx v i hi hiinran cave lh 1rf llral soeivri lae ywi 0 jyrie lortv rfriios tnhi vaiitlu lntae ol lln nofaioil of tbe rate tlwvr cjrd the hiiidittw which he liad ir rrivrrl lo ihe lie jmite with wlucji lhc bal mil lher ameicaa frendoii tliis vfto andio hf hnpy rltlef 1he fcceliiiz m rvirnviti itaiiotaa jrjnditfsi he ple f ihe s cd efteclcd hy the slatr a0v- imnof nw vmh and what ihey ftlrthl still o esail thai that aociatin ind eii- od a lit fir cttimuan eomiriiloo aid on n lume oramon ihey vnnld inoo for amrri- can he wnum yield to nn hian in lre nf his cotiiliy or royally to he cmivn hot be tnnk sincei delight in ihe piopely nf cut nrightcka ihrt were from thn same rjiacb uiry wrr aiv ptipham mrt ctanem- ul hy impueint- mr allen of ll luek mr aocii tnadeavej fj001f4ech in re- s in in an e tperit r referred piriien lilly to th- incraed interconrsc wtween ih tvo cyirnfiirsj nnn lo h ittced by fret ivad- 3lr albn era eluded by p ejo i pirtfvriiy fo ffje canoovt mr meiilf riitiaii made rr ecelkt remaik to le dtividfioin ihose iftena in terrfirine all prrjudicee on rbe nreu ri iirini in th faimer on thr heiielit nf nn- loltural newpaprr he relumed thank in iln ttanenf lrnilihalhta3s of cvuntcii the hnnoi lliet hidden df b ftnd cnitdhrd hv ptomiu the orarcejfrif mfttjvinf ft- i miavefe m p p rdtfnvd lhatke klw yoas 6 r lav floor a liiiie lower today t tu wre i 6d rteanw yeierday iaie a forcmtnoti and cod b fiat bh of which htlf was for export demap sooir pareej belter lhan einmon snlct 1 meal firm jr4m a 3j0 hye hour s3 3 pel wheal ruiy tnaiket withooi rlnp yv btfthem chkoco at s1a 6 trfebeli rhneerajl27ft sktas cof ft q brt aa feat jii bthru nund w r w at 7c a mrxnlitfc a70cuhil c7e a cblc awd ei mjbil67c- h rye as9c- or hinfirls round ratfey at 4 ott s3c 34c m lmb market haiy salc jor 5tfy sbb at 12 t3 hntilinaikristcaery at si2b7t prima iv m llit ri4 viir of icxf trrrces injiantsfmtffwt uld ftfttrftjj f a efji for iufeiihr prine ivutlvr no itnportut morroirnt sejei sctt balfl coflfttl at fif- rather n favoi bf the buyer atbe ktlrft 5 canadian ppuht lie rr fell itnilirnn y injllftlwlluu ia mr mffvw- tentini of mr rillftoi ifhf ihnuejil il iiopoaildc lo atuil amerihn si nek lo compete ftl mir exhibition lie dilfeted imin bim in mn it wnnld br- im- pnimf in admit rome ariiclv mrh n ilioi behinine li the fine om hut he if fl ftirrfm wampiilr wiirintlmt itw honltl br alow et to cnmpetr in hi arlrlet- ll wotid he rut liiraee in he beftten hy them ftd ibwi wnuld be nta honor if ihey wore vioimhi lie iiffp rsioircoiijtdrui woabvum rivftihriii n refvhovd rrlri mr wenivelldn hll io i ihr iii eompelilnranf ilirdnv mt pertiiiftieji taifl ii wan ft ewnirta nihil o nive n in hi riwitf dow n a hill ft pah n4 br woiitd fclo ivuh hi nut ire mr ituttftntrv math ll brtd orinl aojudiwr five yeni in anccraitin i kw yoih ihlhtoiu ejm jlc wfta illllitilhiil ihey hotlld iw ollowvd in icikiuft aiict finnxthc wefc ion oil rke hajve hcea eld at aw4 a sxfi fic thick and aojfast ih the oftikn for suftr steady met linm niltl cellie dull salc5 3c00 ibiycitowv beffamx i freight witlanrtt c asbtktf i i wtvfirfll i tam co who r f pftnw wa rtvw in nrrrn of reiloir let ei- niiiir lnoekrddnxvn al vaitcfsdn ketf jrry a nbuf ol m ono of fcejijit will tificir a ah sirjj th ihwc n j in pur- the steamer r7necf uca u tsttwave sviiihjuptii orinber i evn mvrrinv hi vtittvu who after an ahrft rai itftft jt ifhiinrrf in this ronnlrr bat heed u bffjj21r c atiidviuvipj aae ian ppera koote oi wcvfnea rtrlt ina faeorile sfttlf 7b crrat celeoiiiy of mt macvendy who fox sritcdly rank at aou the i i finibi en i attislic tracdiaii of tktr 7ji tome ciealc kn iorrcra icn ftvknvx pjeaiaicv lie u to to supipjtf loleiited cnnipiffiy arno whoiti w laice robe wclootd bt- cmmar htt kydec ohnof oole the ator llace vaffftftv will of cjiebecrtwdr1 nem week ai the asor iav i vetting ktvjifa m 4 rakvavtri fxi blaltpv i wd ih otherd rwya rjpf ttnurts io cud in the ne tuatrabjfe majajiavi kih jokin iea peiftcllv ivo ftl lhirv dee f nd pertrltta well uctlwt ftihed in ibiir inteibtr a tmntl wid v fly w orned i phftid of flftv and ihey all cfta ininid ihr aiiur fifrm of diae vr flfltk ih hiet hf oribrt in put fl c puhllff hit fh4h pinrd t foi if the j ft alo nil ftiraked in the tune way irwit of lbm wuid hfc iaiueinut lo health kir ntlf nkr fj woyas u1 ivrftiy vwihoittliviill orfllhfcfi wr wjcffm at remniaira hmaht eoltetj of ihi ihftb 3y vujjbituhrtojrpcreoii w hiihlih if i in hotitv ed it at idr diavare u not itrttetprt wliath would w fiuult cj inilv- pmi fjr llkhaiikattfj axta utinttiri aert lij tvfiy iuloiraliittf hiupmat lial najoflha ofil7 tfi lvuuntlloit ioive 1ft vitiptoteii writ i veicl in ft hlj jijnjlf fat itleniloy wuu ifftvrnmk le vtlilkh m mlrehed u ihe cmtntf fw wlaa un the rhimmievtl ptnelrtlffil iitj 1 railedit ihaih in o hil llmfi wl liikliuinenl ore nfd te honk ffktl eulrly hed a iii vtbftifua freinjj tlltvin i- m the btuiv irwrtl vtwli