4ndths ladies a iwijpt ftiumtoinihe wt at mlher in rhrlrrrf crailhj cf tlftowiw fr- xhon paid a vtpit lo iho tmfadi1li it hit rridrnte in drosldy wlbnowafluni and witty colonel atlin atioetonaioth party wiib evmoiderabe imma and tht nrf nf ihe energetic colonel aucb fair tcdary of rvrhion managed tit covey fciintf iff portahle mrtfrrht lbouph ihe mr- nv doorway fordy intended tor i hone to en itr at of the cmcpp appartmenl without much mllgc lilt tarty acvd front tbe fmup of wnndcrina tatajrts saiiihlli re- oined oft in iron hnpita1 stretcher in kfpnj tnl aililno wtihbvtfil liferskin fcatot caitlrwly blown ort him lli bother a iplpnhidpimpu of tudt kaffir ilooj on nisjch iaajt lb bride of lift oitfiily wbwe fine limb nj vrel developed mnsttcs no iftoct oi wtsnpaj hod helped lo mracele in itert trowlb a btiotifol a feifrcl model tor a sculptor and most ir anr contrast to the tnadrup figures of hi totehpir uitoircr anaoe vfcmnb around tnrse two wee fyin- tiiline and iir i he other re 1 n rilt t hi- 1 m dnttn in virion attilnnvi j i tj of kffiinofahion orne air noiircf fthior blankcte n it 11 kifofcd aarr a fcuiiniflin examination of the mf ions ficlirx cnmioinir lliix pieurcique aropof ihf ejifr of kaffir und ftti ihuch oisrpihiiion oo itw part of the tadio ta wine relohie moiti of ifcf ancimi jr fnilatores evc saiidillr ita no net led to rand op tun bnw mrmelf the chief with fc who ihe ladies irrt t he should tttnd in iwt presence tell him ill ivd ive jecnc colonel lu the imtf ilr tifl thiy art i vtifttv onol thil 1 km nrthrrr w hjak whai he luta of ibrm fc coloiirl iwkltlf vr yttrtj ihfi thief orh ijm wh the itifclrt rafbiitl ih eliitf wfth no kwij to hit bioi1ir who icirt oil miiiic ut lotir fihouut u- dr kho iftn tft jnnlt ton it iw uihjjiv u frftuu wftiiihy an nrity bom ti4 titiki iltyve innl ont knelh yry f in h pm ute sdili i unjckivj hi ickpilty oh mllmtfd i4t t pmy m llw intriinlrr 4k jlin ibr tnltrtxtr dill tnkkl vmz- r4 h ftoeh an toimoovfate lit of 1 jo lilc- ihit he toutu not mop luitmlt thr jiie jdnri 1h jill tv pc fu could htfc one it iiul how many fiwborrihtro ten euol lo the ane parry vffnite thr movnuiii in bkour k iod rorfftwe hlif mout cool tjlly mlo iftd apflllitii rotrinc fk mmtnui it uim not he hmitl u thr ncthlrrl to rr1et that mite mtcr toum he wantin- fuc the com- liimancc of the ctaofirou nidnc there ijewtilly aoftkelhix jtriitf nd diituucttry tw lipropottiimtftl qxtu andpfferi if nt iokc troumct aih tlh- lmitvd it j eotimh thjt the mztnx equal lo the inof t3tihoitl not be foijinarj mijc aititile no of it ft fm hwd for in itm ci- all the lecniity aait uiv freqaeiiey 4 tck mutjllieivt thll iht aullion h1unx pttvfivjililm and utrihotes which art tare oi the other 1jn j u trnsl rrtorfifyij t find that the wimfcm of cimtote in rvrtv trhtti ctctt lohfirotiaoe have vet hen able ocreato alarm tocoue vl hjiry lkcehy to the eoitntty anj rnol iieouiiieikl xiese in ihe iibic 1 he romdrtaioia unite tn larrienl that the tr jfc nhch prove ncli wrcle li ed poittleriifl and it si cm to tn that it were ftwifl wumr tn plutrp them n into me phflw of minly uroportitttk iflho tiling cotild be duar h ihcy hate tidieninnjy ft enured that it i utterly rmpouihlr the amciin reproach ia fatally aiiicame lo lliem thy ore eroet rmjl m it ihiukly eraet to the country that bring towtalthry have cost it n mitrh in 4ih01 and 111 redn- einic ihrir irrticnifleanc to practical proof itow laicv loomed ihe treason in tho bnmile and what a vviettjidaiot of aork ia it in ipjiu out of which il watmiwn still ihe rcxatum i in 1l rrflt rfnn lhai the rtmci inn conieifrtn and ivtffitp as ihe ehdrrn keobjl aay 10 tru rorancst ciacity e pjatwb lixna nn fit merenritm but xfwt ria lijno it cei ca be mntfc hie ith re- hrtchietand the wcennt wiuwj hit vmhl vf the prtjcnl herr ngtik pupr manner in which the tmsiuew managed may ihua he ileacrihe a perona man tn woman enloia one ftf lime cm oiiee- m 10 pay a iun of 1 u atjaher at the ane time vi a noniace at wsmo death ihe nscrihing tiartj receive 4711 or x ali soathate wh ifitinbr of one of thoto clnb an n wrr a hie otlter pron who nmae ai iioidicatcd in tlclhkkme affair jitciahhtl hrlif rnttftlfliaaj i rytuiveichrjumha broken nut in lu ii ro a cprtiici extent without fruiuliiii r j llvfhbu lfuf predaloey t v tt rv fiiji p c uil oi tlanvri ifjy mnttfltt tn- huit ana rip loamiml rand frtl 1uiik fawirc iirh nei jttt cte vmtry heoine really tl lash- il wheti prefrtfl to jte the merry cnief ic- 4dy and tne trwily of the ladie of course made thrm aill voic imporronate lor an r rlanattun rt ihe un u w ht he ay qnnth thecotonrl it sir yi arr likely 10 have a larje family fat live au jp- er sodjenty ihe ooin jatkeihhtl itwara pcjnreaitic thenuelve frantically thmnh the narrow hkway helmnc to wrjcc neb other hrnutb e ahd the patiy i ocm r in raped luki camperiait home attxi fle pfrrn fnticd hy ihe miichieous culj- vkxtraordinarv phenomenon abiwu ppm reeeieed atiicumlanilal hrxiip- faof an valraordinary aptieatiitcc in hie fcfpnurhich ofl the rryiimuc of sattddiy waa witntjised hy two men who were tut in a utpx hoal off qoiws foint in loajhfoyle at afntnier period thk ft fartge pheaomeaots fm which 11 known law of optica ccomu only impifvcily votj itaep heen leicardd a pfaphetic nf nalinna d nte ktit the rifo mvrgana nf italy am tlte ainpilar aiance fifnevllv wilftt3ed in te htjli atclic latitude a well aartund tne parts of the antrim coat demnrwiuic ihe eitential rcftice of all ih- optical wnn dm icmf nan laie which seiene hj yet thoroughly o ifemirate from the haracter ol the men to whom in the preseni hsi w flrt nrf kt sliiipl ionbt can 8 ttfiubil a iiiil is die fito f ateii ataumcnl which w in aulatante the follow- intfaamcly that while on stnray nvn- slaa4ka 2 oclock ihry vrtre in a boat ihifiottqoileys foint they oetved a kfepmpmail erf a eiy trane rfescripsnn at the hatic we hye mentioned the ky uaj of a pbre than ordinary dark and urid aipect 10 mweb ao that ihe men wert arirehersive thalthna wmm he a haey fa f rair when atmost jpsftja ihe rlooj to b westward paitrd and an optftin is it mh of a redden hoe teeame vkime in tfhub their allcnsor wat directed then ihytt appeared a raiment of cft in nnifcrm id minute wax ike tcpresentatiort thi ihe 0jftee4f th officer cntild he ealiy diitin- j ulihrd lytbi lews of the men th away in a panoramic majnarand was ijnick- 1y succeeded hy the ricw of two lare three f vrsselsof war gnder full fail wbich tftrencd ihesamt pace a their edetessor on lb acancand at length lhey faw from 4 aiftku ifct mtciioos iiion wa jtol however yet completed f fr their wonje rin ejesoovrbehcldtheavcaianecof twohnman fwbts female slandie with their faces towards each othfr a if encaged in cwnceraatnvi ano an ticd wa the outline lbfr i that they dipt incnished the male kppktetapwh the rormerirj apparently ejotbcd u a frock coat tbia creal persona tion of bumpiiity occupied about the nm ax4 ol tt li the two giu mentioned fka tateatbcwitdertnr ice ne was ctostd by albtpftial a mia and a moein s schf f ipk tins which the iky the aambfe he whab il wore pre isothli rr i11uacn oar in form ant stated ibil ctae of ih r men who wtaeced thai scene was fihed with the treatept terror lauriaj iia amticafce dcrry rnrta a v etircojdi m 75ilt pe hts iitt rmiukthiinn iii ll hiufei rand fr lineipitu in ne vwin tp jtc i ile anuinienk t irnt fd ibisetie lja jlic hufrr f tftr prwiphl fmura anunt o uns ihc l xtoo 5 ak t lwr alo llit ntlliivrtpi mrftmc ivuu ttra xmn me j k ret 13 chu xlabtl it air lullv ut tl iviv pueit htl jiif a fcr xiiu midtk- y pineifl dk80twpe araba tt tbeir perpurpu rejt 31l eei priititi xvi fmjirr 14udiea wardinec ae 411177 uteia dils 4tkp pte o u4jlbk 6 kueliav no in il raaua hc aalefin rv4inl la llhtt and atii ilir iiri 0 uca uirvq tium4tf ne ajnj gtt nj rh- ji jfmpi ee tjie whado ttmtkpu at rite avvia nf it iii ie ifhl04tnr ilie bx9 ki i tlie pffil jn4 utt ftetiu tluiuj ti hrp fciire oc tin lii tlitiittf cprii llir rjitr sengt f iim i ieniett in lle pcfaipltllrt he itlktiil wiuc rukrtntf tiic uip f vr ttinitn 4 th htnrtiiv ufis fnir jtba iik tfjukiupt hlvi will etune up fcir lit icdicjie unibcltih itl atjpuat tug late p0150mnc6 is es5rx 13 on few kir bit thev wvfea fi k ttftiitati r js nij liliad the fiiutejeat examhte ofthe workinjeof ibt irhh xpcoanbefcd eaiatea qiu fs to be foond in the odftwtnc aignificant paragraph t a calstay paper tate that tht n m sjlcasireeslile in ireland is about to change msaai n tml can cmty rrfrr to the estate of mfmatirn of oalway which in surface ea- ljejit naay he coeiijered a priutipalily though fiwrwue ofsolficiently limited alo the incumbrance thereon are said to he enormon i aad the statement made u thai the owner is uharo avs000j for his interest the jturcha- mr maatnins ail liabilities tbu enormous rmatc which u larger than tocne eolith coontiea befone1 m th laic eccentric hut howane mr martin m v wbowasthie author of the act agaiiut cruel ly to iimala at his ovalh a few year atpce tut ejtalc tteaciajed to his only nauh- iac wboj about two years i matrird tr couiirtj a yo4it gentleman of ihe name of all the eatite wu mortaed to the r- ifl1 of 360000 and tat yeatffoou nflhe eprveoti sheep anj cattle were distiained poor rattan tba entrance ge nd lodge i ajt aboatd chite fiom the nunsiou hnuse tnoarr wrdncsoy sept a eaechint invocation ha been fr hy he amimritiea duriit the u diyamn the titliahilaniof lliorfi hj itimtiy wx motley uratl5eh weal oiikrley and puees adjaceul in citnnnicti d mipkmns wltieli have been raisel thit lb- jlem of poinhhi hat hren alt jn a much la ret etenl lhan otimallv mnt ihere pa ceiy reason to fra jtaj st from llsc circiltntanret w hich have tianpir that the hutaml mo thimren nf a rct nuiner of woncn whv lacffl on bamta of ihlnnacy with mia yy and mrs sojuuate have been jelrnyed the caw to which the avthmjit now ifiaopally wecuifliiit atteniuvn i tsal o a peiwo named rathanitl bullolp fmelv a redden in the pariah of flmay who died nn themthof september lst6 a few day after the death nf mr mays honae about whom some mapicioa aknci nn aofpi cion wa4 at the time attached in ibe daih and piohably nothing would he un heard of it had it not bent lf the eases already re- carted and from hie fact that met button id been 4 a iked in chinch for another marriage with a man who had wen lodgim in her house t and whn after ike diulosnre had been made wished the ceremony to be postponed iocc whether they wuuld pull button up- it art alio acerlained hal meat llulton was on iulnalc tnn0f friend ship with mo may and mf suihxif- thec circtimmances lomine m thr knowledge of the authorities thry nni having the power nf exhwnin lb qojv have tiainitled lo ibe coronei an immense quantity of evidence in onler that he may take the necoaaiy nep fo fully invojatin the rr alter from this evidence it that hitton wel on- lil ihe day of hi death lie was eiged with sudjen ihikss jfttf patlakini ol omt food which bad bfirn prepared for h m by his wile soji afterwatj he stjjrrd toivatds the dooc pureed tioletliy and throw up lare h iii of matter of a rerni1 coioue nd died in a few hours he hid frequently heen heard to ay be was afraid to uke anyihias ru in wittj a he w convinced -i- wan ted to totsm htm when informed that her husband hede was to be dwinlcircd for ihe puqioseof befnc examined she hastily et claimed 4 wrtl if they hnd aisenic in his body 1 am hue 1 did not put it there do- ring the life tat button his wi e was criminally irtlimafc with a man named u boshy peck a circtimstanee which cu aud much jearouy and wat productive of frequent altercations between the min and his wife almost im mediately alter the death of button peck also died in a sodiej an j mysterious mnnr the case under iflvcklialion i thai of a pervminamei palinr resvunt in hamay who diel shnrtiy after button mister omt- what imila circnnisiauccs atnot imme diately after his death mrs palmer left ham- say aecompnpied by a paramour with vvlio he had been nlimare patnwr it ap pears wa a hard- working indmtriosis man filoweil thr octitpaiion of a ftin laborer he had been m hi work tritil ihe iy btfore bis death and up to that lime had been in peifeci health after partaking of some food which was cooked hy hi wjfe h he- came sick ilerrtiredto bcdani within a few hour died in the most frihlftil smmy- the fulkst iufomation on hii rac wih the castt with the name of the witnesses who can depose to lhce facts have bccn sent to the co i onef tlw case of pjiojuj readeon of the wal- the small agents of great mis chiefs nesse ainl mr- soulliat m r iueotizalio hif person wa n aho unilc i the srr- tsw irtsh rebel chief are now the lauhinc loxk of the world ho prafoicil csiiaaay uyear who thnum hate better hope for ihe prat of the eountry if ihe characterauf the i aajjaj urhahaoe aomuhrd apoiliouoftht people svere leaa pakry and cauteinpttblc there is tpuasailafaclioti in having lo do with sclent atenis of preatnichtef ihat when thtv are crushed roccesaara of enial abililiet ate not to be foond and the bad course ia abandnned tudcadiif for want orieiara thtreosouiai u soch eaae i ihe lnblest and heqotined ejbtci har pjfti their bept attd uiled and who cam hope lo succeed after then t for w bo can aarpaaa ineaa in akill enercy and daring ad pvndrnce to plan lad combine and in re- ooaree to repair diaaater t bajt thtt diacou- v- taifiaa arpjnanenl hi no app1ulme m the e- e di caae- toerc ae hundrca of fain obrien braacart meahera nd rulfcau lalfftl ih irljnj rmnflteij of lbnr m in j il is far from atung lo re- tateauiitjipuny otire abja to hlif ami to jin ile firern- the public to ihe x kvbw ibe fism aoji04 in frrce to that imil jtaal upajn samtl all the vice o mia oithate dmiii the life of her forcocr busl2 the autlioritir were in ducej in make inquiry into ibe cae ftf r a je in consjiyce of circunnc w hich trin- piied dor ipuj ihe inquest on ham id ale d- posed that men ham ut smihaie hail had fix children bail that ouly m o hun was then alive uu soulhcate then pnt- edly aken fteade hv many ia ci ihe had readc almitted ihn hc had bal nv all illeestiinal hut that only oh of them bad lived tvoui the fact that none o the children h teen illmre than 4 day nr 3u hmir at the not the whale of these iodic are 10 be disinterred mr seajibjtcv childien si in nmvr in the lanua ol the iichhos jiopied olf short and were opowd to hove hen 4 white poadeied frikoned by arsuir these caua aie likewise underuin enquiry- the town of jfcal lo1ljtd m iht lender- iu ln n hj alm it is snpecied been the scene of v if nm nsore ot lhe oiiin a man named uiudger died aopsm sime suddenly awl in arat any jiavmg leeu well and at hia woik within a few huua he cm bal death ju cwiequmee cd the dit- r over f made reieciit miv may and mra- suuihsate with both nf whm m brwdger was intimate the my of the husband and children are to be exhumed m the purpme vf haeinj the couunta nf the aloinach imladyaad canadian lovaltv impugns il f- wne sflieh aprcod in 0 late nuinbnr ol iii tmttd avirre lvftrfe inisir rexrroiiafis tv cannfia it i itteu tiine that the iovcinmml uf bi rniihtry fonl oine little attwitlini to ibe istneeedi n v the lnh cnfdvrurv in can ia kxtraets w inch have apptred frmn hie amrricau pvets rhuw the ontineoks de light w hich hn uhircated lei rati of the tu i- of ihe british truopa in inland eeeasinited throaijfscwl thr strc v the cilist ijntem- meni could hate a fcliuri ami eay vjv j dealing with these ru put hurts 1 hey could ileal them 3 pirates and robber nml teach them that llw n mexican and teicati ma- raitdin expedition- woubj nni k t tied h a preat ancf powerful iuiol rut whikt we can alhd lu uub at ul their hombaiic e- claiaiions iheii oreciion of funds aij pur chase ot armx lure is lill urn rery siiinik etjl ccuurcw wtihlhtirproceedmyf their exptessioasot sympathy and olfekuf asis laitce keep the iartt hordes nf irih in cana da in a siale of pctpettial ailatiun in fact at the prevent moment the liishin munlienl and unebvc are ptneecsfin- to mtfanixe th-m- irtvat ipi ibe inc on and uihih mid man tier in the fetid eily an kminel eluh haahren pojpncd which paudea uu greets in puhhe ami aun practice hall li ri il u- malter reted nierclv ier- twie niitbt not nn reaftamably expect thai this parody sf the nw defuktl clubr- in ireland hmvetr aintistni when aupportftf by vymjaih ftooa wuhodt wkiid beio ne ipiile atroliier ihiii ttheiip pined 10 ihe v 1 rinr uf lh law- ihlt lhct irish confetivrafr i a little further outnielli iii ihe heinnlng nf auit utcevletj m siukiti leu funs on hiltery in the 1 jwn ot ijuebc near the ciu- dat a meetjtttas held in alontteat on ihe i4ib auguat t whtcli the jiiah republican ftai 01 icen oun ami white with a moody land nn the while tount and dmih rvforealavery incltwaclet aove and a pike wete exhisited and at ibis mla ihe inol iraasonblv apeecbcf were niade arud- ina to ihe cnntemputed iurasiuii irnm ibe united slatr ol tiwe lrh ami meticatt heroes who a to ovehhrow uritixs riilc 111 our no th ameticjn provinces in coe- tpience ut ibi iate of atfani in to province and hie exttuive and undispensed system 01 organization jfoin in in the united siatm lvid klia h been cnt for fon below tue- liri wlirrv in wi 011 hi wav u injuy a pleasure iripto sacuenay the commander ot the forces sit itcnjtmln duihan who was in lpprr tanuda would alnlrtly ariivc at montreal ard it wai proposed tucall out total iejhmeits of vulunleers i upper canada jmmrdiaiely- it is sikd thalsomoof the uoetit jnveintncnl are verv ansious that measure ol precaution should be taken w hist othx who were mori than mipevted of a parliciuiii its hid i t ievjtti how a reat lukew on ihe ynbjcti ami pte- u ltd iat thre a un daier it ahnuld be known hut the rih in canada aie all jrm- id in the ihth quaver of montreal the inanifactnie of tl- bx been rin oil foi mnnlh 1 hey appeal lu be oaili wuiliji lor the comiu- of v mpatbiier wim afi ij utrcb at wun a inrw brar of a riwn having 1akn plae l0 irelautl it i nul tint that ten runs were spiked in wollhatlery in quevc h a trxu that simewicketl jersnu ir an im ikctual at trrt 10 kimk a rurty nil thfnaih a seut aay fiv ym o nnnna j t iru that tar bsrilr oi ir 3i arc he ma wtititct kjiaton in canada uie province ts in a state of prfect xae it is trttf that 4 min of the name of oconnor and ratlf uf two imue came from tbe united stairs and tned to et m ao eteitnnrnt in mnilteat j nd failed to di o and is thre a targe lown in the mother country where umr excitement ij not hf 1 atnoii the iram infonned of fie population dimd a uriid of uiltxim- plcd ablation over atl the wcuirj but was there any rioting or deslnirtioa of proper iy in any part of canada uch as occuruit in many luwu in the three kintnns f lib not trtr hut a foul libel online present min- itry of canada to say that any pail of them dinvrd hlkciiatmne in taking pirc uiln t- ary mtotfs acraint the acititor or czt the prttenre mo ferc ten no doucr if lltrv did not resort to holile ineamiies aaint them it was fiom a conviction that tiifitmpt waf the best coure fos uch ahilifd domoustratinft and the result baaallowii the wrioiii ol thai cmiduel if vn11 hothpur as the writer of ihe lifrf snw gutu had been at the hal of affairs in canada there mihi bate been distunaitee and riots as in the afuthtr conntiy stfioits reoelbon there cool nni hate been fur there hi m general discontent with ihu fiilish cnvem- ment and connexion dot h united scr- ese froztttt wish to know the reason it arises tom the cotlstitminnal and just jet em inent of lord elinand hisadni there is not a ain of truth in the above bvhel of falsehoods it is true that a certain portion of the united states prcs believed and 1 1 in the false accounts nf victories said to be gained over thr queens forces in ireland it is not 1k thai the press ol that country rcnerahy adopted such views j he largest and by far the mol lespctahle rt discountenanced all aueh reports and all mea- viresof synpathy with the rebels in ireland there wjs in ihe city m iew york one p-i- lecof respectability whith cau iti influence into that idr and we believe ihw was owing to the autnte of the principal edimt wfioc place waur plied ny a yiiipatniin lrih- tnan il i true ibat there was0mc cxcilr- menl amoni a small part of lb frith popula linn tu canada injt it is not true that it was general and e ait inclined m believe that the irish who would have turned out tn 09- toe any iwtiht attempt on the part of the diauvcixd an i liac w0 ml 110 iotetest in ihe matter greatly exceeded in number ihnr who would have moivd asaialt the govern ment an attempt was made on a small stale in toronto to ct tip subcripiion to aid the lrih lehtlliox and to uit a popular clamor in its fxvor- it was a nuciaole fail nre and died fromakeei wcakuts and itiam- liun- the cctawf refer to the rebellion of 137 and 123 dul he nevti hear that the reil rebcunn that necaon weiethj iliu chnreh- men of the province who by ihrir srlritli and ratptu conduct iniljl ilnr weipts fn vnnd at eudurance dtd he ntver ut thai ihe governors of that day tupptei rd the ois- utcw of the hon gtwclnmint and de- teatedconsliluionalnieauics ahxh they hid devised for hie buiiefit of the pruf iitte f did ik ncfftl hear that there wot jar canada a jcoveinor called sh kranets head uf absurd m nory itia t hole hint ami i sjclnf wlne aduuut4ti0i wa tupievenl tkts vho h d ihe infuilniic to live untit r his itvrnime1 fm atri the hrnclti 1 of ihe rilkta constitution 7 hn and im i cnenf j daennen r iasitcarj hih tburth- h men weie the fcf6t rbh vbev stood up in rehtirovt jaiui ttt majesty rftlut ireedom which una prove it the hidd of urititb limpi inlhc hcur of danger an4 wbieh will neve arsned men had turned out in hostile epcampim ui b m icecm no njenly drying rjaai mililary auihort ftcltnh oltiels bad hei made umil n n jicr anti niinyurpjthriul rtaidenu f fmc duioiittitinsts k iwevr pin inthemsiuea and an well calculvej spire uutuf iaric utniy in rotund ji ennitteiilfrreo nivhd ibopjii ifiuroeii are far fmt itin dipi l til- um aretnnt frmn jiejanj t ihe ntitthmlifwnt nf atiirknn inticb nisi in lfd thl ih ppblirriiph inualamh luealilifs ttpitn lli nuuiut siinil lie ututt vi 1 it fr 11 tipiiil ml r libliu rveiy iij til irilance of tlio luititaty ain i flutp ibe jupuy search ddviy and other kudeti i4 til j 1 ash lhai riiny im lrffwl intrlllftpiicr intiifcncrv np chnckrv ihe aprormvfsiaal foe ijraw canada r marttkari 7w sil teina lilt lot iflht kfltd lillp- hviti irinlii tcea lutls onttl iy fuii of diari- liilt i jii aitifuj ltd perein in lis clieimicm i it i iii en hi tu tve u ni 1 tit mill t iw iii t i itvn to se wiih the inur enu without ihe j juru eifed int art yel tn tlie h d a r town pier laiely nvitnv fmniba irlurihf the rrrtn ufvau i smttv iauk fm tlie year ist frwtp which ti ipvara ihai the hlal pvpiiliiimi lamyetar wa7mfil mitp aft increase rf 5l pijki- nvt the popu alien of isitl uf ibis numu lliere1 weir 101 uianied iratr and tj fi iidl f inaiij i30n3 ile rnjts aui t inn l mtbijrv and ebiblten against 41 ft i use uninwr frmviets omplnved on he ihlhtig urn t7a it wii be perceived hy hum thai ihe nipropnrtinn hrlwren iw very cnesidwamr therr leinca frtcl than ime female itf iwi males- ihe r- fidahihuthbtiiifie frrrvea 10 lv9jlo in ottbr to maintain t1 v irny oftbr tly il u iherre n amonn of lenale eat lit ii- r mj the o rit1t lvm ufoein lirft utei kitten lnw a mediah hc4 plated i mirpr a ma lint belli ntrm tinui in nf i lvi vi llir l f vya tiiutf nrl firing ihm irrrt isamwioi aiiitm- jer n- itn infield m id d iny reteiml 1 ailhl htyed in lir month r s3lii tne laht 110 d ivfetointl w mlund j li p i in the town llmrirt tr- at1 h mtilh hair v ifler hi- pibj0i inn itwtth t c 0ii1w i itusujii which bid h4et54f l thai a lare ahould take plat th number nl who arrivrd free or wore irtrn in ihe teas lnsll niile and j56sit female mimwi nt ihor fee uiaons was bkkj and icfl female jh umewr ot e in jutetntniil einplnvinent was 4 i and lr3ivnafe eonvicls under priv veiinriit 7t7fl scales and 1i3s t mad- rtmvicu- holding tickets of teavr ind wjfeuusltta wiih respett in ih ffionotf thecivonisls mufi prrnns prsl the docitmes of hie limeh of fog ihn of huehnich nf seollant v cre westeyan melhndiu and ilfvgntbi mate was iiiin ms i ivliee aty ullmi psitns i 11 ick malt le as- e lvk eli- ntf unstop n upilibfipy beii ti p hetiv-olhn- 1iwifvf flaikel pn- nd s inli t brtio rroeiil nn il ty br mlmofhte evitem ivlrirl a markel krd ifiani with tr it wmlid oi rt ks tin iulabiuals of ib to u nt cmia- ny tin- mitkrt lloito fll imp didpr ami riiiuraiwfri4 mue kil tvrioi ftuirtinpex nf th- li- molri tlonc weie li i it raneiu fmn w ranftiiia f l 01 nm t 1iir uu c inwillru wii a jiilividu iu at a iai all lb afms in xix 10 pw nnttiiu ttl rrli rmiiiiiurd nbimid nil p pjii ri ihe us t up town up to nd 01 the linv id theiuitnrthr palir u uc dofentlaid olrtr dntmhl in iklohir l- nipatito i livv eeti hvjy eoiiviitrltl up tn ibe ttliii vtlvt nieiititru 1 that onrtor thr aiproprialinns afitenid ih ittfi nf ibe mttulu llir ltlb tt j 4ouiralthtol ii patint initi ill- cfowh hail irt ru i letiiutjy whi tr ike lihiiild ihry tvere fwayleiprneh bt the dent nf the r n lud in cornwall a ite 14 ict the en prrsiilei eaitfp a- in utmdsihe f no 11 tnal valuation or at v tear vf a 14 upon which i and yuri house if thi unv- fofelidatitq mtifrmd havpilii nflhe tifd f itdlce flf the ik1 lam dicnitts ydtw itonuti cathn jew and j9 mahnnrmeiaj ftutl tbe reshrtrtve occupations of the weic uuded prnpfieio michaut fcc to ihe number nf itr sbopke- nlher klail dealers 117 intchv pjslitlceis 5581 hopiiei ehare ofticvp iuhs caedenrr si ojfl jtmhis erfijived ill jiicull 403 liaiw iuc5srvanu i8i nd all il j are in april 12 mithruenllv elp- plied in the an fm ciown lsuds nl vn- 1 wall wilhnui actiiiiutiit him with hwoh jttior a cttpy of bis lat relnm lo ttie vernmenr in r alinn 10 the mmket il b ttafl4tnihrit tobmi tlwicfinv by the a wbn ii tiis esitoiiiaiinu in tbe e swsvfl til il ftr sme an that j tn u have siren ibe coven dcuwild a tin lk cirtiukioiiei of tin u plcitmily li tlu wvll awoe llai tbe nttio in n hsrl snp atxcdon ild reainiieil it tie connected nitli the town itf conceived thai it was inliiu i a it was tiseslj be would nevef r as the return wa iwl u uidc heltt in a ease of au mur- 4 swoiu o hy mr dv n tons l jnetided in any rf iho 1 clase s8rt9t exclusive uf milt to ehildrin in tfe convicts on pumii ofwhmn llieullvr comprised attlr the nnnihsf oi hou- reeled in lh- wi 0 nfwliieti dtci weir bitll or biick ami s4i uf woow oi ih numler dtl i w in a iniwhcdtt unlinih 5li were inlsabitcd a uiiinbabited mi ois kors and j s in nn pv- j in tbe pitciet- in the rblc ol hit faipnipip 4tnl j sioner of cruwo faiid wind a rttf wat i apotirl for refiieiice war iamn tliillrly male fiotft the bejddopiiifroho the iwal asimil to aeilain iht value poikw 3cr- of tb iiml c mi wa iic ork imlta tlolpt tnal innjoitv lsxsril svroe r mm- imil jithn rilsom has s a i wilnajfptm ihe pntt if air rih i and li te lordship bum atlod the vr ltiimoll which ilmns at clomnvl on l hut hi 4lfndanto in all t-asth- v he neceary heftne tin- ph s ai if a wefk if fljjtt hlwlf he l tbe hsjli anil the amtliftlienl if the lie cf the lititiliil pafkiv ctntwn inivmff vetv curiwiis account nf ile m the cio stitntnnits 011 liu- 1irmier th prme hvr still liss 10 p 4 msttc hill i- iuvttaiinn fitthat purpose wsi- him ilbe aftentoni of ihelrr ntaxir- rnnsri kneu 1 um- jlst i nor cnil ms tf iofierty aiacteldtaltl w rwtc fourr irf oim duct in reference it lhte a hews that he cmisidett j it iinputaut m keep stvtcl hit at- leinps m irl a patent for them and hense hi- appliealion 10 the local acnt ix the dcu mriit rcfeted to tin pritotjlimi of wliith he cotjciurrd 010i iscntly 0 il turned mf would rel lit itf ibe usual r ferenco in ihe aftnly wbrthhad jllicm rode wmibl han itrn pumeiiv in nlncdoitalds alieralinn ami ihth p haiy tnrii the invis d d fril- tfil iiltcdinmld enclosed hi dmntenl in a leptrr lo iho oiuiouomier ol tloun tni tvhrfeio he male that he sill li chcii m 4 imaliiui nn thch in creft api aledweinfn limsilf nnd faoih it he ftottd tbatlitt id and it ivhm miii ii iftat having ifliivritd that tlicv t hie stntlnr ol mivt p ii niirhaclcltrks cf he crowpl lor of ttpperuv or to exprev ur i amb iily we rnv simply lair john kiim aliot ih lautinfii his deparlit from our hoic wa crown iftntnrvis reiifine bint t give ttidence at tbe eili wr snn in conrttclon the pail uf u obrien the dlif cry of ihe dicr placn in the diawinijrroj cd th- iie and after a bficl ihtnn john iiien was handed th leil indue form wli th ik td over mr pnttci tlun objktetl that comply with the reqitieiu twriralt it wjs hi doly to lender to his ituty atfomsaninf llitsirit d lo tk4- icr- mklx i wili 1 1 lord us tc r a tf hul ll id itet lie i- at ih i tt ftumiiion lata ms 1 fio ally attioilat lfnrd vf by ihe cnuv lie ij nj nije t vv 1le cai 1111 fflnvm ed l to etejno ftir tbe ii- f ibe clusirlliol wtnlild luurl lin er irttol of cm ah its wort ih r snii lawll leal ld inten ailly hip which ton- illlfioll uwjpisb f law lt foi purxki r ai wvrr mk ite itv 1 mm liriit rear- ma k t afahtenn jived 1 1 4ilinn ret t alundmrc at tbe jivu diojc him ten soierein lni jil decbn to rrceixc hit wuiuvv lhat ihonh such tniuht he ihe fir mr lnerniiut cosiaitlf iheeiw of the summnnt complete wttiouthu acomee of ibe viaticum ilix l0djiip then n nkcd that he was ciii to seshkitid hv social order to wail upon her majesty audial he did not know fur what purpus his lldanct could he required at the trial ftipoller sulud that the lepjal advisers of m smith ohrihn considered hi lotdshipv audance and teidenct absolutely nrpiistte it tftsiiu awonjc petrous likely ibe cn- eaed in ihe appiooehi t thtbe jetlionin view in smniamnin loidjnriri- sell av a witues t lo examine him to ins otn proceedings njvtn hreovcamou t4o ht- fiwrr lulr and letters frum bi lodhwtoun- slm a inaieh uf llw birtniohaniollistal v l0 frpor- pirnlgribb whal pf union upnn iudihi at ihx ti in- be in exitknrc 3 efttcl rncli a course would urt npnhe jury 1 is not easy tu ay ihit if iirtinilbhy ihe juere ibis re uciulon nrilie asii hard lyfailiohe vctv diaarrahe to t prime mmr nrvel auchl ly iiuitndil iht pn- when olh t lols r io jhal lb ipiahitjril lied llioflt ai mii4bf fof 0 na k t p1aee tn i f e i frame hil lm imondd fm a rtuv- kel liait len 1 rcttl but 3 never btrtfli ned- i hat ibe inhabilanh nf ihe lleth at jeutal meetii a few wrvfcs prei iouly kad tie lls in urslioit ad bad itelt ntfktt in more tdml tlinit tluie wire iwo or three small oti nn the cround erected at tbe 1 lime- ibe caoal tejii a the huildinl i lwgrj 10 ihe petcits iicted by mliti- j 4111i wki if lliv dtvired woiid be o iw il o rtinsin tin tx foire tntv to come or unlit they could coivmiently it- mota ihrir bnildircs to an adjaccut ln ihe cointnijtjinrerof crown lautls there- luejn reported that he saw gq wtiort tu mr medn ilds application for n sale beiu comiesl wiih with ihe understanding that he should make toniabje arronmenls with the tatiics ncnpyinihe iotv tltc exe cutive conncil 10 whom ibat repoit with macdooalds letter and iht paper received by him com the local agent lv tferred iherupon recommended i jefe fo mlcafca u of a tofoofion on hi ptoducwg an ac cjinuance irom thr peror in occupation of the lots aceodine tu th ffemh of ihe com- tnisxioiof i ccown lands no further tut- uailon of the t- appeatiio have feen mace hxit wiib tinnstial itaeod cross nejlience on iht pan of tm chared wiih the ire- paraiion nf such doc4mcnts macdonald on txiyinc x50 ihe price of the lots maoatd so hel ihe patent thouh the diircrcrt offie and into his possession without having mijc anv ii vi r ni whavsr wiih ihe leiiantsi antfnreni or x metm tbhamford 3frtury says sne lime sincejt letter claininc wls of exchange atroitrtix to x300q wa posted in loaolnn nldncd to a hanking ttiinnt hodnn the worintcnln- shire help- omitted fmmluv addrestbv letter was mi into nn auterican ha aiprroed hte altaatic tn ntcni in xl-arhuil- nn ow nof heinfj fthind binlhel jonibatitcn bo nestly returntd t kltar and unineljy lunc lait it reached iu pepcr dtinatiou metirs ore of cos llnton iflvntiwliirov after twite travertin ih atlantke ha- vlciiiwilt jrviimet to ton inn oka pmf and anxious eresp 4i lente w himul ulliniei t h lllcll ai a pumt meeting held in the f ima ilhadbvtu re deed liteleei hr flnin a pnvae jndlvldiml aiult rxtin iniktt lomxe which ttunbl bo i aid bti ant if llw ren in tie derived into ihi olaftntjrtli- it 01poved lllal in ku ttunhrp iftl maninad had execild to hlyc- uvdk fwhuwim lheirfae m 11 tv dfeido li ibe fc a inorl2ai npiti iw fi 111 n1 f- ih- sinn if svj tefpielithi- th l ia jl wj urtde up nf i i tm iv matdnm film iv nwtfy uiefiah r n 11 1n i by a- iaj potrlei eti ensfn imttuvrd i ihniih hip ip- ap l ei heriirn iulei rhsivi r hi hio lllr ifnr pilem e nil 1 n umpln f roj lseui 11 ramiina hsjftly i jailpvibif r wo ot tit re ttite u nionev ii id y mietoi fifm xv u i in d tii rrasnih ii o hi hie air lvisn1 atro lhai he hid 4 tit ma tjtiim ihr ddol lln- ftu 1 hi ii l iht inter hul thai 1 nwoilio lue nsntl if iv ritf nl it wi rh t f in ibe iiiftema linn that tlim iixj ttj cofnrakle ami rxventef b and b ttvivti tne i1eliiofauv m ht loe l set in mrnwam the lnl llntli itefi ioits tat e tlal nl ilv ii f ho- rseeuuti tif ill- momriie ibey lid nu liivwleito that any nl j viimi tud been male lithepaieni tn meow macdmam in i 1 i i e fui iii f n ciilwi laitu ilatrrj 2i nivemitrr h two jays ulwr ill- ereiliot of tin- o oirie slated that lotpif nvatriunx lhat cjoiewipjitfpri hoim t tiunis ttilh reiteei in the fnl knitb ol bhitisji vhi0 orlhi ptt orm oii satu11dav mmuxlni octobsh m iftu daily i tay in unr liumue j w be 11 kingston mil a ni til titdir tike i tlsr or ih pre iml a vh havii prfrleimiun in lti ill hie cuireut iteits f ibe day loethrr wiiltthe anivau and dtnaiitlilrj nf tiatchlct plppblrpv lot iijsl eislbheieaid t jihv nrf lira ut4r chheni at new wk mo- itih will nun ihi lime has arrived tliava llaih pimriun n defto xny mrve t itfffrnbw ftrsrtrf w ipi ytr street an i hial be sotutd imt cottttlwte te clmrjeit with baviitt el twined them al i toir a prier h wria wilfinif r uwiih- sadir the peetuiury inconcrnieitcc l whreh ibe propo woum hijeci titan side thai tlie l0ts were ihvit beyond his coniri in sntanil lo a s onl eatulo to r niade iireitlitc nf ihe lniitdi ft the t- aj whitlt if not loo e ti a vaan i h- wftuh 1 ay to hie cowroinenl wilm f thr bfen mavdivtad hi brother thvl sifter tin evcuio nf the moiliflce ibe d f inlant mdtohnald said in bun thai hf ha l hejid deleinjnl macdohasd f since ihe- inrtije was iven that he hnubt the cvosmuecil could not ttl over the mortrfae lhiuk that he aimud th- exitrnoe if ihe nilnc and ibo paieni hy ihe t ivennneiit aa a reavon svhy the invin- nirui cmill not lake awsv the iis die not rtfnjiemhvr hi baior ever state that b hsd secured the lots lo himself by ivinj hie tnatjajf- the r wa argued hv rnnneland hoard oji tbe sstfi 3lh and 29th july last ertejt x and turner apiarvd for ibe atterney fiiitrral bnimand bionh for hit ilefrfldotit macditnalif mowai and funnel f r ihe di fend inl wend on ih- ibe isih an ul last ibe nur wi sked ftr jml n- s i when hi llnrnr ihi lhat he ha iiea a ktvat deil of eumd ratmn to thr snrc as vll incauc it wat a nrirel as in ue nflhe seiinaehaii made in it aaiil iv 1rlmidani mnirf thai t was ttiv orljtpit lov the leput ntnl t would pv unpiocrsf uy instn further that there had ihtn a np itutb in f and a desivji by imujondd of dealing wiih li inisl hie ibe iov tmnent thai the io tent jniprnvntuhv in iunranci h heen i in f ihe fack nd through tnmike on tbe p i of ill ifovermueiil who en reitreiiilaiin aiinu il betsxnvtde had acted wiih ij i or n w blld dl tliv 11 in1iliiliu ihefa tntcrii tm hi unnvi ntliigry pltipties in vinfm ti h riutpitv iniu ih- ttnifj lli suit thai atthmty stieat etioial fraud in a ciieuinlaners tnakll ihe lel bargain be eoutd ami witrver woulil l tre ett- in e nivteiiir evrepi pivu- ttnlit idniu w h i tin- nuxisn itet bmp4it rniht ppl n dahi nith the pnmit aiilluvnu i i hi m i el itf pnldic td ttt 7aierit taittes trric ieian i inviieehr titcset t fih jjivlletiof lhfut lllal it siuned he phtptllpioe in lbw ill- iilni in 1 mdand 1it liu v wiel h timtlri i in- rnnrellej ll ttmt j fv tus tsitfieii 11 llieu i bis jiiiot in te llluf tbi taatinn tavtic in diauly ut- tor ii3lnwd nnihini further wa- done and on tiienlav jsr list 3 mlaiil hi llnrnir h r r to n ihe sjne othnioti a ric had ttmie h liv immer nerasn and owufiviiit hiai iheaat v nml ioi etetf at4rxl tli ilendattt mittto aid than ii had appipars cs to birt at the vaii when wine portion v were liken lor that dvfindanl whrh hs startled iitm and lie llun hi nujh ll at ibtie wr in i s ivot me cinnipioni eipitiie vfrch upeo oxainination he found did not r im was pleaded formally to pronooce a leg- 1 re that the palni be retealed wiih tollo he paid by the delndanl macoiiald hi honor would make 11 1 nikr iu favor f be tefeitlaut wood wh he xaid had patj into cpiesliun htc company and intlst ta- c ot 1110- im 1 lnin ud kiulvu foe a pkiceot the sie and irnporiauee of ibis csnd cily ibtecswyceekly and one weekly junuf are r nun 51 111 all toncirnce hut auhoucli seven paper- are thu- pnmihed uiiui the ttetkyelowiiitulhetiloutievof the tfaife mo days rtunday nud thiifiay arc with- oui fumiciiiin of any kind and alt1sau4i iht m tuetic reril emnet mehily to kn hlwj yet at only or acwpipu aajr ow avails itsiir of the exjcaivt eouvcineiite ftur uay in ibe wei k ms wiibuui1visa4i isepntia unless to w few siwriieil indivi- diia wbo auoir ibrnsrlvet defray the pene if md iive pirclirtus irsislencc ti th tkfrgwji ttpfttl f thr bnfuk itlprgh thtr tonideratiitn ise 11 itwikred uin he tnittluinn 1lt1i a didy pijier is ntc edatd if properly wil he iirrj j- pokstl as ood players a at hrw ibtr cards t llir helteia a d bi tanvm wi will thaw our hnd in nur siirnrrilra ami tell hum bow we purpose 10 pumh ibe firiflsq irjg itallv wiihmjt ins rf snucriljiii or advej- luiiiic palionae i the firt place ihe xe of the intended licct will be hlf that of thr preseal piper and he tsaslrd every momiu and its price will he tbiity bilios a year secondly cxdvrivro of extlane papers ibe present circueatiou of the british whig eon- attb of sn rnund nnmhers one ihuisml copies of which nn five imndrec art dimri bulcti in nr about kingston and lite other ve hundred are sent b mail to decani parts uf ibe province and united si air of the five hundred copies left in town ard vicinity hv tbe ciiriaitfi wt ae fully suufied lhai fonr hundred wil gladly exelnoe the preset nt simitvetkly paper at si r annum fur a haninome jailynpera 6ayear anil nl the five hundred mail 11 wr inert we are equally peiuadrd that at the least oft ituu drrd would cheat fully receive a daily inpre- rtcflt to a semilyveekly journal allow in ihu hypithems to he c0tcpcl the division of iht present snhteriplion im will give a lil of five hundred snwrihcrslo the daily piper latt with and the same aumler in the un- ymt nf a weekly panrr to i pnwished at fiftem riiillii s a yoar jid he denuded of half the atlvertisenienh which emwd and disfigure ibe cvttinns of ihe present shrcl as in emolarneni ihe case is this one thousand xuheriplhtus at one poiiiol each utd fealie xllav fiie 1 dred nl- inns st ihitly vbillins wnulj he 7jh judging of olher men creesla ulonvi lo nnoe imi him who u the rghtcour judgr lo whom we mad ref r nur came let tjh firl draw the beam nut of nur own oyea ilhtead of preleudinc lo whom the mote in oor hioth- rv eyes aij bury the pride of our own aia do n in the wnni uf chaiily the precepts of popery do 101 only tiiterly comic mi ntiriinst eommaniiies f other cretdt hoi it nso teechea them lo repeet ih eomrmplcss nf the hreihren of every if llnitapiil profjoj labitsnevcr t our protest- anthen heine alien lo the sunl of catholic worship hatecjonllystnfltmycmtn jtniteof ihe ime inleal and liouneaof tbar ehrtich into a brat so dvnid of the heorn cwtrse of tjosnil charily lit hrfy m joes never shed ihe rnicnteii tnfns of race tosalao iurtd is astned the task nf inhotini eh itians- nf the faith that ihe ehimm of hie wnrld keeone manifest ftc por the wibun o doctrine is aeeordin i her name in t she is hot nsmtvxl unto many q 1uc rnt thai y may mi he judged our sationr jes thlisl fk rmi ihe counsel of lvtp wlpfti he lrpfhord iht otder nf hit oilmen gorelxsattil since then up in this present diyh eomal wisdom laoed lo srvtllrvw il dehioislun- the altar nf the etn whtch u m stc ssve to satan and thualiyp era- alln tbe mi of pliim frm the iufc of ufe are w then in btiw fo hie wurom of met whose tamat debaoebery prrmjd thm 10 hrinc a f ul mil let ii 11 u ii tppct is ulitd mirtirri rirr toxvicr enqiirs bate iecnllv wen made 1 ibe uise ojonnons hy luid eore benliiek rrtalrve tbe at- leexi eivititii- icetiveil uy much lt haawj hit avorrye whenil wtnillt drld thai cnni wtiimvc had tread d the prtr nnlted lu lu tltc with asy inn lattn ih in the humanity nfa lnii officer woumawaiil m a i imfnitunjlc irividual uqkiint frn stttriilor w appeal fisvn sn rtiije uieyn aiernetin lt what ever bad ue dune va in ik jarance of liiidirs was ony hi iesul 1 1 aiimie w he li ute on lio pan of o01 titipovej til ihe otierf of the v refn- latwsn of ukst repotls cannul be highly saiifaelny for law n r coniesupioiilv mir cla 1 nr iiavint piodnted from ihem any atcquif- tncc ths conduct of the dsfendant was charged to hate ai nvn fom a desire lo keep aecrelbis atipliclion for the paieni which wo ltd have become known hadlieallempictl before iceltinc i1 tn arrange with hip icnnuit ancl ponr e iheir atqnittances hoily after he had procuied lhtajaitn ii trfll swotn 10 by the tenantt on ihe lots that macdonald viailed lhrn exhililed to them the imlent tlaimd iheir hoov ax his and required them forthwith foafin each a sotnmeiit ac- krjowkhdiintf that lliey hd no title to the lot and ibat they accepted him aatbeir land lord which they huouth fai dici onewi- nes rrovvn avetiine that upon hi h italm mlutjn mfctaia1d thteathtned to lum him ut through the sherst in twelve hours the docutnent wfoed acre in a laconic note foru aded to the commiaan ir of ctovn land a the actpiiltace referred to in the order of council it wts staled sn attforaejii and not dented thai shortly afleiwaru itltic- donam brought actions of cjeciment oiitsi iltese telianlt 10 tjin ihen out of povsesii- a pttion nunitrousy siiied hy iuhabiianls f tilt town of cornwall p rrilin aaimj the ctaul lo rlttunahl anil alftiiifl the lo s tdcrr- a rou hoiittkiir thc faanden of hit kitht ftivt the follcwins paiticnlarv of a rmiery said it have hten committed on boaid ihthitamer join hlunn on thucsday roit inc ll the pa licnlarj of which werrj fu imbed by l il duval krj of tbte kivrrs mr duval wenlon hoard at thr rivers and when joint to bed plaotd hs uowfersin ihe pqastpj of which were x 10 s in rum nolry under his pillow ahonl three in the mmin- ivc awoke asilh a leel- tnqoi having been dtdirbed and mised lis uowttr imi afr a srarcli he btind ihm near the table hut tbv totmy wai one ite immedialely applied in the explain who h aavs instituted a seatrh ainmff tut crew nnl not wishing 10 ditmt th paaenetx si te- ral pasenters ot up however ami drarn- verrd lhat ihcy had been rushed i ri tafitain wa rmtirstrt l amiit ihe lxse tts at ix oclock vrlim thty atoe bin it is not kiloxvn why he did nw and av wi d them to ilittmwl finks ouently a imlinn of hit money alulen vs fonnj cokeared be neath one a ihe i mr duvl ii sereial olhcix ct haefc huir a cenibirai from new ftrn swick did not tetovt j wh bad lin ahsiueieil from him ih- ioal sum stolen waejhout tu0 a jnt matt of the crew wat opeeled and t ken hy tlto police bail diss harmed fur waul proof qj- is the canxdien tatemenl lite k iipmi khhtrriplions at fifteen ri ltjs wieir be xtii hnattioj in ill ams aol oiowim an aptvarent jxiti nf this would he swallowed up in the incteased ex prftditxtre of a daily paper but would he mere lhan compensated i incitaet adver liiinc receipts anj abo iu a very are ad dition lo the numlicr of our subscribing f tafm llic onty pchul upon which we iave any doum of suetts is ihe advefluin prnvit bridies and ptttatf prrvu who have bcun in the habit f lj for auweekl ire nf tkeir inices dajv nljeet to a daily tax of the kind at yel as monlieal quelyt and other place made utile objection to ibe elrtvffr when fit rfleciff we rp int ooi lluhkd 10 belieit that kingston would dtflet from the ordinary rule mankind heiu ihe tame in all places one thinfts very ceitain the invention of the magnetic tdecraph lias tirvtd an appetite fur daily news ibat moil we ratified and if we of ih btitak whig do not sitimh in pjaf public lasle some oibrr ncwpaprr will fltala ihe long and ut 1ttil of ihe natter a m the lime when llii really in u int- om ol chan hal take plat yt hate nol fully madi up our mind the begiiuilni of tke year isj1 wnuld be ihe most toureuient limtfom- and th commcntemcal of the pailiameitaiy son would 10 the mot itenitril lime tne ihe pn wit for the news tiro mau-a- m raider ilian ohy hu iuof llaiei w the son of mn hac lumll down for iv nenwii of nur sonf and lln- defnucirmi f fkjt the paprf- nf flfwl are prfcclry dar 10 ibe inttlluence of believer hoi dmlliiefa in tbe searcher of wisdom in the btsinninj uhenoo lcd condestended 0 manifest his preistnce by visions oiltatlex and siijns and thus enhhlen the world hirnih rhe aency of his choseei tnte heptkt to litem of another 4ay ihatdiy iscomesayinj not out 0 thr law shall ia till all it fujnjitd i came not i deitmy hot to taubptsfc thtftw awl w bo is then so cornpetcal ax 0 rriua down tnamere cold skeltton lhai sjmt fr and peretute th efcureh where ihe name of cod is cloiiued froaa the riin of ihe sun to iht 21111 down tf ihe ame accoiding to the or der of nictthisfdreh t4 in conefntion i ant jmiio to he under- slrtod as rieinitt to have the ahoee 1 crtett in the iivifisa ujg untctf dr darker prefer doin ii of his own atcord however i arrj not ihe lea m nnhu- ooctsw yourmott oeiientand untcformed popish apologist kotc whoever the writer of the ahoe i- he if an a nnd knows no mo nf q birkett opinion anwt ihrse matters than hee doct about the alan in the oon tho pub- jjcaion allnded to look place when dr barr- ktr was 400 miles fiom kingston to iht ecfiroeorae britiih uhig sm tbe public would feel much obliged if you would oxpose the custom of drawing lone ihtonh the strrri in a cart or truck without sides i prevent the irne itttn the alone are juinmed alul in the vehicle ami ofleo drcp or the sheet and are the canc r 1 iwiiielm s tqiits thi is io cmicualiy acciirlncf ibal the council ahevd k- n order to prevent ku open true or carts carry iltjg slune for year ihia has been a tattle of curnplaiui mtd nf danger lo ihe pub- ici but it has bfl n li ul x reniaikcd whats every bedt bujno is no htdjs hit nrsj iould be foremost put ibr council will jnn ihctefiro tthn s in coriectint iildit nbne in mied thjt the iowils peph daily fee inch aud expect them lo pul a top 10 ii 1 an ixmvi t i i bv le hy in- lit think about i meo heis particularly lhie ol s tauirtf t te4h in tnwn a d couiitrs will f ue posllioa and the and true vaut et xduathki as he tenant having n ptsented jaw his exvt- ttsney malcnlm camcrnn e4f uien in llw errutty of ih gorhtfflcnl wateol a cow nwsoiom in coin w all in incjnire into the fact wtnehupo ascirlnininy he sialed in n lenihy rrpsrl lo he ivouu inner of crown would he receivrl teieltn we fi while our sulocii in lull 1i0- malter over in iheir mind altn atd oulllh- 1rlcnive any seiinis oracle i- iht- ptth wt httal ibey will ne hit hhiiiy hit have jusuy mined aud favor n with ih ir nphiuus ti tecapiluljle a dihy rtixn whig rl gcayear ami a uttj iwif whiz at tsr annum ihe futl iuitndnl tbnlly f ibecuvaiiillheofbeefur ihe country- thiols dos that anion- fnnny otler pubic atuef at nnttt awl itesapai pmoittti thai ich chiclet miy licnceloribj bt not allowed to carry tojie ystteidry wbie pvtinf the clarpiw warebeti ie of hicm- tjruck laed ibe diiver was hebiioj a d saw a stone fall otrt he looked at it but did not give himself urt unable to uke it up nr lay it aside nni caring x straw how many horts would bfk iheir leca ftr it eold hate hrse whipped the beast- for he svas no hcuerhul if i w oito do ro i would bs- flufj s dollaej and quart tt tor domesntne trvirr o ihe public in pnnbh in- ihe rascal bowteer 1 went myself nd nf the way h is nil nou otasin 6nea for och m l2t it no bia cogfcv rill m pjeniae ff atratepy iftirtpr rf laodertbip swtbinp bjt aad ratjlocintf bsunainpj an4 brm aa ni in paunae twumher casts are under contijeratinn one iu ihe parish of ttodtf inf nt the oilier in tbe parish of bradficld ulne in v tut 1 tralion of lbte cats it has beta ffatteitatntd that most if not all owe their otiain to tho eaioeaco of what art in una pari f tu cvuntry callecl d nth clubs tearljbi are ccenped eliirfly of ihe cam ia which thoto alluded to belong and tha fail ltr when houruy and fjiibfttty admin- isitred whal sjttd the empiu lately fjtwi fevoluiion while oilieis were faljio around hell the freedom of her lnlitiitios that iva the true coneivaiive pinciplc which maintained iwr tt eel while all arovud writ j- io ptnpte were d cply too vinee that ihe imprwv mnn they jet re niiirecanbe pot by coiistiiulinnal uitansand thev know sve 1 1 hutt no intaination cvild fantyhieantonnlof lov of ifrnf wu of prnj riy ol initcry and ruin would arse fsm a revolution in hrimin already iu pnshean of ibe lol tnvcnimeul in the wubl ihey wait with patience fnc the last ipjdl mnit rather than cast the whol away and eaihaikonn dtk ami slor and unchjiu ftilfjre wt condem with justice the wicked fauiealnsn of iriph new nil ihi article of tho tvnifrct stvut giz iu contain as many iniiieeolations of llm peuple of canatla ai it rcmm ppwo to crowd into mo irsll a rs m ir atajilirt and iv be jih must o laly 1 1 arl imvarii illy cmtivd inin rfcr l be ialc 4 imitehera krallli a at jc exerrded hi in roin btfiuft placed lo labour un ptllitl work- liter than aiuionlin a iin to telit 1 hit anstf an nfleiwxirts roriobiuti d in hi witucui iberriu woaiouiked the xxoiilitoo il the lime donapt tx- to this rativ and cxrvvnk or tiatpia limine present suniftier mute fiattf fiato been 1 1 tvd by ihe liililsiinarotioit ihe rjl africa than any ires ioup iwiij and b be laltt advices from id lletcm ihe isilfti were lumbbnc n busll tlie anrfi ctjwl mdore sir c iloihim k u- p m eplu rest an tin i2ul june tho 7kw siernw slaver and as the wtnther was btv i time ht lllr had not even ibe tj1itrily in iiirmp an etpn in 7aeiaxsi lad no slaves un hoard hut her well kutwii nttnpn- tinnsenlhrr r st helena nsi iw atz the sevttal other raplvri ibe fviiff r loop had tnktn a ireaael with i davet on bnurd nnldelroytl another of tw tafttw te latter vet1 had aln ebuavd rtllntr hat iiht lioll alavea on hiard which unforiu- nalely ekaped capture ftlfj 10 kaave been f tho giant ro mac here vaie tltreo ttiirmenla in nil upm the fails of whith he ronsiilcied uie pjitiftitarly leferrijd 10 to lie ihe only tn viuicaul ihildiaw on the tliat he eouidered the vlue of all ihe buiminjp lltiial to iwo lnl nt much rraier talive than that in ihe owm t underlhe auihnrily nf an order in councl made iheiuipon liu allnjney cmeial directed tbii xuil urbtltv- lituted much of llic evidence in the enure xva docuieoiay and luriiished frin ihe office of ihe executive council a eat deal sif te-i- tin rny was xven a et the salue of ibe min ihe uses made of ihem hy the lawn- and the utietiion of abtindoanitnt on the first luit the evidence wa cnrtfuciinat wm wilnesse idacittav una value nflhe un tho time of sawlo medunatd at bih as mia and ihei a ww a floo excdio nf htiildinifo but iho witnesses on hoh siiea elblihed thai tie i alwava b- cintideud 4nd deali with aa the puhlic pio parly and aa ancb had never been abunjonrd foftxi or vfiiti asd rsniltt ron mu vnrsxsj 11e folnvin sktlcb of iht fuia of piocedlnain ihe trials for ltih ire ap i the onhlln papers l applicalien tnth piioner 1 nllnwit lwcwiitcl who are aiucd al hi 1 u-niua- hy iheconrland both cnunveu ai nt- niitled lostseak for him ihe seninr cinnel ofthclwnadilrese iht jury al iho rlxsj of lhecae for iht cmwn nul the jtinwi nfler the rxantiiaiioi of the ponei wilntsex cnunsel fci ihe ctnwn llien rtolies upon hu7 eolne cast a ihe evident rmpitreit tn iir4api a ptitfociilion foe 1iih ireaon it iiot ben ruled lht lire nveit aes of ttetxhi imtl he 1 roeed t wee taken place iu ibe comity ubtre iht inditimtul it laid thc ralnre of ihe sentence tons neul opon a cstneiciioo frr hiti uean is tpjf 1- trd to till the mindicf every man with borui thai mulence fwtnerly was tlul pr o convicted shotitd htjiawn on a hurde it ibe plict of extcntioutnd there iw hauicd bv ihe neck pitatil they were dead hnt lhat ho y hothlfle taken dvwn nain alive and iheir rnwels taken ont and hurued ltltte their ftc and then their hi a is shnnld be ctrred from llieir lanliea and ihrii lditt he ci inia arurs and their head an i tuaitms beat it kites disposal lint ir sentence iow i lhat ibe pefnn tor ho drawn nu a hud dle to thenjaceof execntioi and he banid by thr nrctrtttnlil dead and that uien the head be severed and the body cut into tpjai- lent ard iv at the kmca dtuprsal the eon- tequenees of ihe eiiuuce ol uund iy xvhich he can neither iahtit tor ti land 10 his licit ws of dusvtn in hia wile and forfeiture u the crown cf hia laniuroda 0d challlr il is nridle m slate that ihv fclinea f ll mankind are now atyed aainl aueh sentenctvt and uo1 the eatryinit ul ihem into exiciilion could have litile elfkiency in attaching tho df- feoud to ihe caime of law and otftrv tv fc cettfor th bruta mg sin 1- tlte eircunsauce cd your editerial naaa linn lendeiint m srnily ivcnmbnt npu yon in piakeymrhihsiate church piiityf fully molt rion hy tout fiiedi i pnyaln hnl mviame in the rye nf a ifroian calhrt- lie tn ibis end llir cwtiaiion of a cn- rtirdic fhnrch now in tutse of eretin af folded you an nnntc field w cxri6sc nui antipnpery launt f- on which it apprats ynw have wholly forftieu llie oniterxilty ad- miiled maxim ol altnwnj eveiy nan the privilege lo think and judge for hinwrll c laid tilt stout out srrtse in talk of il dcrhtaihir the rrimioal m a thowtind taaaa om of ene esapts detection the only cource is to iftii on the cooneil prohibit the use ol uch vehicle viator p s f have lately seen a very valuawe tvuse sevvti woanded by a stone droppcd hy pne nl twte tehrtptsx kiniiut j2 icels tlie iidtttujme tpn m t ihleif life caol w pi otsl in ike c ut tj ihe ulid jury 1 f dntritet i the jurat of r snve- tn wit i lodv ihe tjueemtuiv ucvtlrd ih wmt idtthleuiijf tw xlieleiot usiul ipatlxal m ur a ih utrf ctnoinrtled to ht r peeiitr ti m ia ron- rrrsidllul uti hat eaeod mill aiatd mnrd hinnomy uaul the frssi na nnrr red i 1- tinv tfi lliewmlh out een- lhnei id hie trawl il sh and n treu in utrfl o ie lim ibe emili ftd ih wnn i clwle id rsiliut titt sjfhea utta pfieolrle ih tae ol ekteei -m- r under rreu i4 i4miptivn hf eeaol ht4tlial tvho liken ttfmdiii te efts wa vriosm ir lo an env lo in ihe unhtary aullotiitc f- noival snritf llkslt nie wiilai a rcnd hut lultlhvsn rvlle l irr c1 ull jiboot 0ttentmc 10 the hideous cording a it plea inkksialti by wa of a prelude rn of no pojy if you ikmjhl ihtre hiinc mi harm iu patrnniiiir exhibilioit wiefc as inivifiprtmai ilttuirp fiuppcfs wufalien n ihe i far ttrmx 001d who iwll their litktls a even a a yoik shilling and lab iheir mnney mil of hievountiy 1 oih what harm ihere can be in any ilotesuul pindhk piibjponte in half a cnitoiy tmilar iiillt l wilnvaaiii the dedication a clirialinn temple to the gloiy of od r- ttut ibis fcpbh hick to tnltnp pt ajtotaitla lo cel ihvir intsmty in a mol aaiming thins ibnuth ulftl mlm money rnet int- lrelanl na wellnt iutn catholic pochrts in paynuiil of ihrir liial indnsuy remain in thn ctmn yelp o ooclorl 0 rector i f a new bom i- shortly 10 be built in boatnft and called jerome in honnr n tbe pallsnl sailer who saved to inrjny tie from tbt urwti mtmrth mj ifary toy ley ihero t nnthiue nn witked than for a fmihlaal of the putt faiih 10 show hu fnco wihtn lha teronle of fa dehiion for audi i llm idea which the dotlor clieriihti in hi titly chiulian liajmmn wual dleply of iht onctora nlnb church pihvripleal infafablwil id of 0 entgnicntsd carxtfiflny trflkvoaa f ii cili c indian ertv oats mte tie uifmm id hv- sviuil if cimocc of ai moi w vity i- tiiiiii to ibei htl b tie jtof rf re pstpfnl eeesmn eamrmty iiernn ho- mifnten nf ibe pflw unlrsttle mrtd ut hi rmeoll la ttasalmet u e tsec aauy air n llir hi t vmcleu inl l leluve hit e nmien cd immi rlol f 03tinetft rl yt lmiriidimr but tsl- r eavd 1 tfc utiami- inietteaflt r ennuio bid and eiir- rnsietdin vce itsl ihu i side a wrlilo pt f eolttarnjittt wul- emphtteaem for jetv- uv snt ndrtsiu hr le ne ihl ihey tuav trato tho pltco unnnout with isottji waieh y bl iheni hibttmin hnwl btfluvnd m intfu 115 xe junra ure otsae ihat the aitrnliea mt tlo m tore u tei n fwjurnlly called lo lawasab- pei hv taieer tosl jiia and ibii tho set 7 viervshptm pras t hveetn taiaadad 1 rruwdv lui evl conptaincd nf pkl tt two fulfill rlnr t lit x no l m 1 1 1- n ip matfa utwtnisif nrd lnlenl eiwsio tv hy f- m iekne- y w ttovtain a bvtjnd ibekwd onl tielait wftm tt immo f ruihmenl and lieee iht act owa maora u have tutu eriiad 001 mnj of tm atluf ttahaitiwlnsiw tuuuaa anaw fveeaiaa clrtntcfti j aw tlukkkiaka oin fiwrtln i kstt tw idacvd the gfealrii ropfunet in yon ntw ell me tboinos hn u il thtt nty aslittfjth bika ait an low snd thai i hltsy v t tiinataa keally w itjtmknnw for 1 am patltj era ntfl bnce nnyaitt nice i h kiltbeu that wt dnnl alwayi tirnd iiafwal utiinto upltolmi h jw a cotfthafinvm rt ma nif a it a kj why i ilti lp h h rmof ttont lueauaa u h iuiml dw t ik i