British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), October 28, 1848, p. 2

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ertracti train late cnglut jlflcrs- addrcm of tie cmrt jastfce cm iho tiiali of smith obrien anil others ttif lord chief jrnlrce blackbrne ban oddreed ih frr at ftllows lord vi won sainlajr and eenttemm of lhe granj jary of trpperat i feel aaired hal yon eirttciat m nsy leeliojt and in thai of e eery mm who hit ibe peace and happine f he ronnfiv ihctflff st heart of twrm lkl htr mt lncion majmy hit now ftftrr ihr lapse of eery few lnoothi foniyi it necessa ry lo- lsa o the ecirtmiion anich has jntl been red to job whereby the oil 0131 fctrinjicu lo aid her bj nrformin their dnit in ihe dmirmlioijonoribe criminal law of toe land ds1rcinx and deidorohle m such tnasore woatj nr under any ei re in stance i it neeomct 10 in he last dee ce when w know thai the measure ht n i i in machinations and iltemr which emtlilnle the crime ulb treavia crn rh ktpa- et irt debtee trtuci aujct of the realm or 1 member of the community en commit a clime tehdc 0jrcl ii ibe total he aiinclloo nf oar social iystemihe htfntfflirtn of all m- ctmly of life and pronrrty nd nne whici no ho 11 mm can cmiftt4ii iihl leno e- inc lnsl il mmlrjd lo the hediin nf hu man man nud mtrst entail npon hi cntry oil ihe borroa and ibe miseries of citil and social tear as i hare altoled lo ihc former js ieci i c under which ilr steaie minlieri yot were ryltd toor dolies in jonnary ut jim 10 peionn 1 ihitlc it itnl joit ad v far 1 nht lo ohertr ihjl ih- crimf and otttflaw which jttnnl 0 wb- jd nf your ineetaiioi al lim t m 3r rnl appjr to hat any ftotllfflso far a i j uin ih nril aci amiofoimrd ith ibe ftiatlfa which will pmvcmi oder your coarfera 100 oa ihc cvor3fv j hare icjfoo oliee a 1 0j pinrrrrly hivpe ilial itm fliii ad iiisiiiotfi of ihe lw trotfer thai copurmn a id the vaix rbtcsheiinc mteieroed hvc be ntfcvd wth he mt sjiitjry rffrci and will jwlify ihe hope of ihcnrtoralioiof wace ad erdrr in ihe cthinity fcllrme lb- ciimc of hizh lreajo l une lijtipttv of ujch nmal oceurreoce and with irpcl v which thna are prcvlr r n ltmdj rvi t bhon o h inveti 1311071 of olhei tltamai temeanosr that 1 lh il aiy doy in oner lo awl in ihe mhtttfflc 0 jtoqti ta point oat tnyoi iht texnlmfjir if ibe lave ifewif t ibjal chr e io nravr fhl nn criv ffclilac vdji rti r- a cc j i and ire i which wav he evidence x ev li may be uid before yon it to ke jfplird whrn ton eocoe w otiwdei iht mclma bil in the tint iiucv in ofder tr nule lhe b- tcieaiiim 01 the oatuf d course of h tmocrdinc iwifclly inicllitimr i ihinlt i my dnly to we eon a portent aid stl 1 tey cetieial outline f the ntinr if the rrr a il aor co in on lb pma f tb- inform iltn- vhieh lue brrn utf tfjie inc en 1 the pjuil f he crown nnesfttn il a- feranil on tbcan thaiivv vrirnnh iiii a political i ojv vr society fun- d roruh- fuy- held j ftvetinr ad eotiii1d it procerdiit in the city nf dnln at ti oeehos ihrte weie a nnhr nfi0itttia- tirfj- and pidieim mrcbti delieereil by b- icj oieiiwr of iiat bo if abnui the widjlr or lwara the j1cr n ibole mcnhrl nrin ili lea- or onr of hum anpe irfd ii j of the ioth of ireund a d at ut in to hee delvr nined mm tn am the to itity 01 tiprcary thr ceoe vfthrii hnlef lycirilio i accofdinjly a lare h iy oi pve tcff a- aaivol ad wrre la-ansn- atij apiq iftie tsio o eve 40 it wa diity aniticcj thit ihic if 4 lb- j 1 a n 4 vi iv foc with lhj rew afaeni liquid fon ih bfitl fohto ad rrciiiii it ii0 jfjtcthfhi kuaamsfr in iritfiance of murnrion which vtcndid lo uv ftaloie which make cnmpamin the qneen dcalh trtvon and nan il ha beer act- ied rjllx lanicoirtf urd tenlef- den by several cutf arlitally oijndcd on by ihe ojiinii nf tei wiiertnn ihahcti mht lawthjt all altrnptito dfjph- kina fmn his loyal li or iiitt to hi jr0 i if io leti w il iw lfj coopraeie ecvmuaiioi or iiiee iln tot ihf av artilmiocnt of ihear imochk ail ven cu 1 eon panf and ihiaeinin ihe death of ihc kin i haee now coied the ohe-va- livni and cited ihe amhriiei which i hue re tufflcient lo explain in joaj whit 1 najt iftvl4ltwlwwl in ihe indictment whuh rh ll limt hy of ilfta- icininj- ihe death of ihe monich i hai nnw lotll yon that ihe gf ime of hlh tia on eonii iallo mother in lhj inlenliot ihe n intuition iht mere dro ftvitfl th kintfameor hif npcial ftgiliotiiy ia ihe of- tiicu created hv ihe latoh rwt a pnleohh 1 dvmo i in all cae al ie it in ih cor- rjjlify of eae invm oially to e infer- nil from ac fioni joea afioti w itun or n alwiht jftirpipi to i be coiutrd inml hoe f ithahh ami the yn of it ill vofinnmtioii if crai- inert att rf nin can tfive into th- ecret of hit fiowcrea irc the lliotth of our hea are huoavi lohnioi and ehctetllfl ibl menlioi and rjim anvil always be collected fnm aci an j dettactfafto and ih inan by whieb in the oijinatv eire of life we judc of w tteiiin n i ihc law with retietf 0 b cu llvjon which coiiiit in intnlifiii ma it rrqiiiie fat th- cfftvrn lo pcify itariiiilarly in iu irttirtoiit ihf otll acl thai i tlm- acl e am itn mrn ed hy ill qiiy rhtiiird foe ihe uiriihi of ttfctia- liiii imt iittioi aivoijmtly hr indie- toi yich will bfr ibnilteil i you will eoii wintrvti ivy may iv n i whtmuhe crown ree aid in iint uf thie ihoy mirl sjt yy vm hat omcnnp r tioie rftbew uft al have finally ufeap iacc aaij vou timl e saiifiid hy ihe evijritcr wliktl iho crown mjv ti stall yoi ihai ne or mfr of 1 orcrl liavt otiu tlly bfrii coffk in ihe rnaiae in uh ch thry ti nd lo vivc tel cm nhed- flil iii fitilpf nceary rr yoii lo attc4j to thu tint not only romt nc o- nneorrrl aev jrorrd bnl nie oenl act not b pftft cd by two witnjri or ihctr mun he aenral oi a i puvrd hv tivo dij- liicl ifiuet ymi will nol h jtlififd in in lii the oh of imlicifneil oilfu there be iao wtnh totrnvr the mir h 0 lfi4 fon- wo wjiifirs to one orrt ai or two i to ceij ovrtl vt yo1 will itvrho r ear f illy vlend lo lit il civ-tiava- lin vrhrn ihe witwe 111 viimrt of the trh- dciinrnl vial he nilt et itiination and oar withrriect to lnl whcll i ihe b a40c of the rlnrr the inienlinn in he i armed rtaioera of ihc family lo pmect lh rich hooty from ihc rapacity octho rebel m miimariat al laitle mo ri boijiulity mi the order of ihe ay aod we accordingly drote through the pplt lo ihe ifahfetanl put up our hiif jvdj ol my aloouhoieikt when 1 mjred the boanti i deeiicil the re sir rv ard rjncrfhe on ihe lawn co-itemo- in a 1a apiftiily of mm pirvcl c4vhpnin- ad acintv with father cullen ihe ecle hiard frit o cktaher i paf no little inytime in tin coitiliy lhat the nane of ihe atreater pitt of hie gentlemen priii were mil kuwn 10 me but sii vviwfer fnlfr ir jolin power mr lannjto of bi1iyrfirr mr tood of flood llasj the eldest aid a yomcr on of mr- de mmitoo- ikrmv the itev mr packe se inrtiirvh of ivhiinai cofldpcl wemv mr- suhiean m- p mr rtakh the iiynl of lrd 0 mood- mr rjai th ajenl of loto ctifjeo mt itniohinoh mr i tort of ieiii mr hull ihe wealthy miller of tsomiowi mioy other reqierihe iridcnta and fumer or w c tint r j honl 4iul alare coitcoic of if mnivr rieil jmj itiej from r eejhly pmvil if il ein he by aicljcl ii lohr infeired fmoi aru iir porel or fom one cncv drlat4ioi wih i ff ii rfa d m re u a ilrclaratio n tciirieil iv wnimc 1o1 vioi to tat y oocmd to a rt or r4n wtwxz m e twj wotik v co ifl cu d wih ati rfr tj ft fjaio rmpi t ucy or virnieciifirihcictoflt avoj lhj tntehj coriiic kgi litjb l viv m i uiily 11 cjixoit with act jcy hrloiuc ivijenccvf uk iilcnrwi itif vrbtn jou are cv withe tire vridnce with the iintioi iv icbl tic of i he oly jle i vjild have von t- v lid thai m thr ink apilrin the p vipie vcre lucre triitry tenantry and pan1ry having crowded loelher alvnii lt dnbrart lb i1c conmcncej and cociliau rf til olch tin u no off at ahh1 plicet a nl afir a ivkk coatmrlitiofl atmitii aipa- id m tpe in uaj hum r wih arc lumber nol an anzy word not a c of uifriect or in fi r in in iiir dtjnic or indica linn of illflcliaj ohiied itelf dorin the wht day- 1 h ntaiice at ciu morrt when the honudt viit lh it neiihbnrhd wa obrvej il i y tne aronaintaocr of ihe famdv the nciihlhtc- and the neiliior iv iel foinil in ttte dining iotfn of tlie ia j ax z evrv thin thai hie 1ao3i tjicocrdcaeer cnid think of 4i ihe itffalilicat4m imi tefretmot of tlir rllw4l1 man ard th icnl aiiiie of ltvilitini vet ih ha i door wide on avd ihe ranti aliffvl within ihi sarcly sr thin j a vorv niid frm of in mir i ectioa nrely it ia hara n y harj when m 11111 jed oi ate ant 10 anrf on t m for their live aal llnsnl tild be fiijhicd irom her luoiriety aid th- government en crce iily vrvriiv hy over colored ac- mint of the male of n di itct in which the peare- fnl i lia j almost aid hanpycene wtch i love atternivd in ilckrlbe lok place itmi aiihy a t av n rxitl il the miids of m tiv firi pnlrljicnl an j lmfa mn whom i ml ihia monin at cth morris i line lui il i not jam for pmoul jfiy it ri not ihedrjdof vnil r bctln and the ub verfion hy il of irilimate aiithorily hut a i hant from thwe tet acqnanird willi the- ciutitry aid njml iilrjlj in th j-eerva- non uj irfer a riilent and well omded ai- ieieitoo that a val poiljton will a lh day gum ihot and junn the ronin win to e wiioil employment and wiiliotl fiv i irdied lo the hnme alter air jf 01 an ied jiimdef at death hv famine that exeer l all kinj may he bvrn of ihi it elin ly which neithtr priests line adodi ci prevent 1 il which many of ivmfjmti v rr i loti tiouhe thai ihc wtsrcttql chcjtak f a all on h tiu and uanaclioim am nt if cnrnf ol a n by anv injn- ivhaocer leal or otherwii in th t week o jilv refl oodie of and men atfivar to hive cotrrevcd in fatmnif pa of ihe cojnir ikv- wefr mifiafe and trained and tiffl f oiontoceaiorri al lea wore imflt- oaed al their meetings at leadeif barr- cidef wte erected an tmi pub of llie cain try which on one occioo htd th ettclof omincinciheniatcii of her maty i-cp- and winch iipan one occasion aear to hve btcjt dciiiej fo preventing the aricvt of pcr- jons ataiirtl won warrant had t0 und in lh 23th of jiy ihie j uc liui apt i to haw tvicbedi forth il lime at icati ibr congmtvtioi- a boify of coice on if march to thcxeic of the dittoroancc thahd taken place wa erkontikred aid nearly ar- rounjfihy jiitcul aw loliei of me15 ihe reili wa iht ibej tort shelter in a houie and ttier ai ado i cenfiict ti ice betwefi them an 1 th- atlnu ujiii the tame diyanohrr bl of pwlice was similar ly aaotiled the rralt in b lh cae you mbiwy btuiw hit if all i think it nrert- nj b lay bctoee yen preparatory lo the mtof y-neenile- wttlcfc in rwpci lo ciwiijh tteaaoi are made fui vour i tor the reralatio of ihe mtt licco ily rf iheanijcl the in- ual avn nformed will contiiit two t3asae 0 count and ah of thine to na iiliael rmcni both -r- fonnd- qr pcorrfjooaof a vy aneicit darute aiuhtitepiartjio hn ifl as tfiv rttgs of eaxnllllaiid without ttoftblin yo with ac nvttllt of iru latuae of that sitalnte il p ankeitatformy pmpe and t iftha- hi yoori toaay thai ilcjnuin amoit others two rtrovbiots retalin- la iwo nr ct iroavo which arc iherhjecjof lh indict- ment ij whkh yon will hare to inveltte the firiloxlhoeuexpreiklinthe laitfnaift of i hui day to he comvan the d aili of inc queen aod that a i havo before oven yonioondenltndinh iraton chafed bv oeor morcof th coauti of the iadichnent which yoo will have to consider ccnttetan by compassion the death of ihr qoeeo ii it not meant merely to impute t or under th cir cnmiiancei it ill lo impute a deio aafo tbo pejwmval life or ferxon- safety of the 6ovcciep ttte soein hein in oar caoititonon the renrcivnlative of lh til any attack on th tovrreiqn pjwer o ibe state w nndrr thf anajgte iu br treaj an attempt ipoj ihe end of lu monarch and therefonr you wri no have lo cemider trbctber the pemoml death or actual inhry to the ptrenn of ihc queen wat intended mat wbtthcr lh deaikti aa proved by the oit adr tialed indictment vere of a claracter which come nnder the deicription tw an 4 lack oo the ftovercin fowrvof the alalo thitl rl brforeyoo 4me tasttneci in dw that kaee oonocuy dialed ihe uiv and thai by 6omparim ihe uuh olthtqnecn vou r lo tjivierttind the crime of aiming at the da- irvktioo of her veri n iwr anl it mat- cmtfaal wblher that rfeifto be to depo hi from her imperial intbority over the entire ol of tjpirlof herdvmi the c rime ofde- oite f jieoisiinity of law hut n r ic lucvary to lc oitcrvvd hvhcnever a tjfiej- lion nf intmtior luwlelje tkcoik tli nn ail siancc of the thvgc 1 ucnnie 3 n it m ii im iici i me natural anl 1 necfcjjjfy iitct of his own iwiarjlmii ani x jct ltirn uoji cntnlrd the mieiva- l had lomive tjjim thi btanfll tf itic luiirio and ih5 particular cbarnf i rtpral aain yun vil take cac not lo li d the in- dt3iiit finvs ic lrl titecica of irim he amiiirieil two wilnev ilv a line c iv the vnt oieil aclgr two t in e to icieit ovtiiattf t vcr la j 1 1 a htt loni altrntilan aitill be 6itf tuirc5 tcrv little obtivaviou lioinjne and 4 by lhajclaj of cointa by which ihe pjiy chiii wihc illcied lo hive kvied wa o 1 jur sorerci 51 lady the qcn in her rval n that chaje i one wich mna be and which will ho in the indictment jfoud onone or marc ovc i actij and ihe rule in thai puikn la cb in the ntuewlv of having 100 witne- ei thr acea ihavcjv t now stated o jno- but trie levy int 0 war uiiki be evidenced hy ioiirfvciien aid acloal foce- it ioljteiwte hoi wihin ih meanin of ric iwe 0 cviiii of war hut further it rjfm be a letj j of wa nol for any pivate pcjwnh m ltirtcular ogct 11 mgt e fat ihn pnr poof jne cmia innofalior avm halt no hfmution in teliii ynj lhil if it should pparon the evidvnc- lo yoi jatisacliin that the ohjecl of ihh inoeciio4 mn was thccveeeneof ireland m pari f ihc ntited llndocn from lha rejnainde and erectint s into an injrpenlent power that v60mbvaucu a i it salute iwlllff lord snirdale laid that lome cnllemeti of ihe rand jory did nol unierlaad hit lord- whener hre nvatt laj two ilnin every oicriaci or one wilnei to cacvot avr overt aeu tkeunl chief jiilieel wilfhe soft cient if anevcrt ecl is proved by two wii- h any owivwl acl proved wih jrctir- of it hw been aciated by the in- eimjerac ami cniel condncl of a lew ini vidmafvf kotomy ihe noninal ovnen of ii- lkoi whirh will tmoo chinc malerj tinder sir john uniniy aej i mili to be at pori but in coiifunnd the cctni of di uc wiih llie wjtciv of rin llihi lo infer 4noat dl v3iy hon partial i1ijconteil i aike nnhm in tle pewipln and lo llicil mer d lias the inicheinii clfvct of ii veiling hie atrmien n lh- and pnir ml lif an fn hie real ciaacer of the eiit uith whch thy ha to dea tberehy rendeunj it aeuvation dicuet if nol im- twiwe- jv 3 one can dn im the propriety of iranlaio i in iii ihre ihonc a imlhiay fnrc snti- j cimtly irnpi in diuraie nd if need i be niipo ay onthfe t hen can by noi- 1 intiy take plue but ihe oar hnarfrej mm rth are uiverii on th m hiiilains have not yel tcrjliircd in cmalate lhr evanipe f ttie ij iidr firaer a id their proceeding are n e iv f a rtvotm vi-e- rim j war -it- be otvcn moi ttan country 1 enclnfe mv card for yotar vatitfacion and in vwir ovdl eil a cons tax f kliadlcr t1tonjiaatown srpl is- ihe citadel already fotccf jbalify yoic finding tint indictment or there mot jp oaie overt act provi d hy one rvitnia and another overt act proved by anojnct wit- wn m the jnry tbn retired and wcrabenl frolhcoml until 10 minulet5oi they leturned a anonnced lhal ihey bad found utie silbtaiikl william smith obm- en terence bellow mwunv j 1 me orthafd ociiiua liirhe aid patrick 0ouiiclt whole ol hall now painr and the crimt of cornain he i dealbwill be equally comin tbeohjrcl he lo vpoir her from on only a part of her itettlonfc j ref i to you from aulhora of very high authori ty m tbe law mr jrutict foster and lord teatardenioiae paaci tohovyon thai 1 havccorrteity eouiij tl laa conpa-nf- the dcarh of uc qien tr meinao attack n her lpeial anlhorilv mr odiee fier m rlrwiniig ihe cfinw of tnjftft ihr nwic y h anjibinc wiirnlltor deliberaletr don or iur wuenrty oo kmu life may he ead ercd tkertffore otraarr io bjoior etti fj r dt k m slfe or 1 eland 7b ihe editor of th tnts sfe- wi editor and ihe traders of ihe 7orkktlh alike anxionnnt to he deceived by the false and ex iterated italeorcnu fen ecliii the d ruibrince which now unliapjn- ty tic e ihr comiira or eitkeaiy anj arfof j 1 avnd on the a lvirticmcnt of a jae of fatnintock wfcub i attended ihu rfav in ihe park of castle morn the mairthm of the montmoraucv family irvacl half the keapoutaavs and sicilians malta september 12 attbomi tlie pjcvailin quiet of our city prrvcntt the fnnimti of a ainfle irern of lo cal new- lki ran intcicit ihe rrljef al home yrt iu onr iinmedi te neihsnihood cvcnu are isiiof the iool thfijin tnleet to all who feci enncemed in iht rcult of thai ce now at it cruu between the sicihanv and the nanolitan yon are dmiblles before thrc in- pmwion i of che fact that the ihrcalncj ttolilla left na- plei to attack the meioch in their fortcrext which wa commanded by irtfvwsrsmoo of the royal v 13000 men were ponred into the ci ty frtnn stcaiervand menofwar lliose men were laide j at variorinunt of tne city co vered by ihc fire of ihc mimcoii uuboats off ihejiwn nd jht eiiadel wilhin amon tovnit landed were om 2500 of the kin famoas uard cimiitiin iwis aol- dies 0i lanlir goo ofthem dcclarioc they abjured ihe itilhiiiiy o thir sovereign laid down their am hot ihc meaineye lu- vin alreadv deeply mftered from acts of irea- jchery f oafnl that more lurked under the am c jj1idfor aitel miifdcn atfcclion they had now utanilctd fte iheir enemy cut them to piece- tvk was pnuihed in acl of trea cheiy to thir liin or one contemplaied to their enemv- the filii that cnmied afler thit wii of ill a mo t desperate ehaiacler tn vain din lbfneahdpiam endeavour to eflect rir rvi the citadelin vain were innlan ceeof vatonr shown ilui would not dishonour the bravcm naiiim ih mciinesejjivo- innanl children untlrd in ihc liol for hiiydiovc lliem hack toilicircilaul and many who h id uft it iidvoicof victory ri iricd no more th wivc dav wa icen to the atti and on the next whun ihe tua- elween mil kiiociihcr and vi ocbjcjior ehtinbiitwriaei into ihe powai tcoa oveactioftuiiirei 10 m ir overt act of compazine t ibnih you will oueree ihl tiiclaeaimthmpeftji ys oitnci which aro rt with j- propriety boen the ramc role at having a ten 0 not to immediate lo iho tame c ihereforo the entering jnu ert wih i eijcneia or oiheir itwowon rf ibit kingdom or tfa wei cojtitcy nt ftthrlber u hut and tw vvt ihoreio theto are oven acta of ltant dafb t 1 it 4 m ttl een jr- m j fakii uf aeajrt n ifll r nray bo ofeacajfjtjjntn1fr4uy and by a4at2tslt bff itsi vx ho knjr ove ti f am lrja l m0 bww waifci- iu taoch of iu fftenlioairr fnnr rntfiom kirlu which i liarji frim your rottjhij was lately paralrj hy rbrl olbcm in ijoiforrn- two from alieoy tlill on which the ioieiitiare allied to be eifamicd h ihtev or fin from ihe fammu r-ble- qnai- nt of oiiekjnsuir ai th dace tome yihptmmof the ininriectionav hrl which we arc tnjd pervade th ilittricr lir of the pnic criaivj by it mihi ittoiiauy be ex pected lo appear- indeed i had been drterred hvo day n riottl vuitinc a library otvd at kihunny y ihr aim vmm ne of ihr hcat pa per of ihe tlrblof in prnptirtir and if many ol it rijhhi torelher with mtvi of the rdi nt rui n tkc vieiaiiy sir fticluid uai-eriehi- mi rlod otc 10 rrk j tt m kdkcnny from ibd vioicc of an armed aiiiitii the n fi in wy mind wa bow nntjcvnch circumume the monst alon faniily rencted and 6lovl tlovigh ihey he thesl ivi jhwa rich and ioor couil think of a pumic ulr nf thrir iwpetl miit toclt and how air urnfa the worthy ane- lnnecr f kilkeony cunm toren rhe priatec nji of ihe aniwi of that city and ibe hb of hem hiirelf knockrd dohvn in to tfamgeront a locality however the morning beinx brmitiful m 5lewilcm the heller f my pr1 and i nrrived 4nji ii oclock in th- cttut of gentleman formcc well acouainled with 39r mmn wi iamily irf yonb ehrjr jnilh 1 nnarmeif al yoo will e ffov the a urrlltcpcni that a toe v t ul jr lvi ilv 0w tvrlll ibeir ralvee 10 hl of c irt u j frnif yraroltl fal btillocli mid heifers iturri f cacelunt oala two nf prim wheat iri m jackt itie acreof iuloe tit of inrnirt truiy of well svd hay in lfl uh ootol n for ssl nirt 0 tniv pclrttmarimtowir wo on ihe graunduo rncr left ifslill raed the 1 i si cam frigate and ihe frvltcb steamer lunama ww crowded with ept who h ionht ntctur oo hoard and lh uioi profuse rftkitnlitv wi uestnwcd- 5nch m the a connl f the battle tip lo ihe 3rd and f lh and ov rruiain lo add tb it cvcral j n of cruelly vire peifainwd hy the memutsi whi4h tsrmdi thrir hoiionr at a nation and canjcmn vtvm aj men of hrutal feet in lalcr news ha reached nt that ihe citadel h fallen hut it i ton mmcrlam to enable inn to icc it vtai with confiilencc it wd4 acetiauied thai tlie ammnrilion in lhciitadtd w4s etpeitied thai it coold nm iwld out 10 hours longer mu that a truce had teen refued ihn cam frmn mte ltnyaiti who had escaped to the cj id j f tad rcachvrl malta by ihv merlin the new or rntkw report nf the fall of ibe eilidel hat reached u by a hoal ftoia thai city jl j no neceauiry for mc to altude lo the recent dittrbauces al itkn it coiitiucti lal 4iitiou will coaueyou to receive it lok before il icachc tw a inelanchoh tragedy ha- neenred nt na jde a the tlory nrachtd m ilia in a tetter ftoui a tct in whom every confidence may i paced it would appear thai tw lnlith tratelkrt mllivd fotlh lo enjoy the lumy ol an oytcrreimt they wore accompanied hyiomo yoon cnllemtn of the flaahip im rrpjt tiiiiffatud a lender of iwo carlinrt aljoni si waa made in piyrornt vvilll which the owner uf the ttall eiiu uf the ua on 1 wi net irtiiric4and an altercation enncit pron two lb piico was increased to fonr and aumeiiitnlly lite earlines worn pnid in the fotaritime a nh hml aaacmhleil and fifed travellers bnacerdcd home they were followed atur proceeding about 200 or 300 yatdt oie wa samultcd notn behind aid have notice lo hraciinjiinlonwaa iu slltckcd immedleiyand hiially fell wild five wounds and it no uoie hit companion ihji so brjdjy waurjril liaaleoeil iimr tij iinjrr mrjcal advice it now fatl recoverinjc lord nsder took the mnt anorgello mei- miiss on ik a i in x of the onlrattv demanded irnmcditftft jnttico aid hif protectkni of itilllth tmrjtclf flic w tarkor bad ihrte of his j liro ships in lbs boyoitihe town the chinf offht lsaioui wsaeent for tud wlea hu l issl ccounl jl lie laj tfircovarvd o nui l hi re- iaiio in but refused lo denounce him ni plea of danger lo himself borallinc efc denonnccmcntriia even of o jta from ihe french noers we rem in the km m we ha r red hy toioft leller- dated the l-lbu- five frightful detail on ihr event wfi ceded and fkllovved ihe takin- nf m- ihe neapolitan amv a- wilneae ihc war i not ntf nf fb hut a dearale lrne nf 4iinintt- tent i nf medina rnatcl nvaiiiian ojiffx n ae ihem thit horildc feat l frlo- natoly nor a fatr il pwjed ai t jtj irrth tenime repikal t the vwj j nill in h avae mte 1he ki reried to thee ccrwr hy ttie town laken ly a tmr ua are and iillae lo miinln at vraati t te are tilled n ilh hearttedii ei pnlii f i30jvi4 toiiu i in ftiu piir 50ty tvvre received hy lh- ritclr nafiofur the 1 1 fctitt 3003 by lb fans ma it wav im to iceeive n ki thee unvtnuatet were nrkd pfnetli matty wonen aid children dirrt at itijtion no biarj thc mpi tlie btiehct tfirtn caved jindt a 1 perpi a vtehc cim oat vet ave to roach navvr-iie- ril fianieri mntlim rraur of il cilv the nirttnotitin ttz inat fiim all ihc iher i cie mr john ocoxnwx af by way cd cnrrjin foir with h mn-l- dtm allies the mirnher for limerick i ad- drecd the tdhiwinc olcoj jcltc the mail of clarendon r imnm ctnh london se 16 11 my iod i be- wiih all ret to call nir eellenc attention invevijin exfkoffotif in the euchred clracl frc what piirtrle to h a repeit in the dumin ytf of at iwr cven by you t h a tre e rf 1 addreit or dcet irainn aaint th prai of the itntoi lately pre tcnletl by jjovii- mrc a oiher j cnid not nf coar think of atin roof time an i my own wih av cc er npnii itie paltry factional antt interest im- aertinenceof ihealdrrocdeclaratio rt1f iccilher do i feel il nccesary ocare to ejmiilaiu of your kxcrllencv arimiaon founded on what 1 tnuil call a notov le- jin of the iciioi at lo the cofkntntbees of repeal and i can content my elf tn whal acl the fim part nf the enclosed ettat v ii the simple viirect of wimder at sntb iuiao ftona member of a party whvli didnufrudr in lsu h coineet itself with eveneni political aciivien in cany a crcai mnr and fmm the near relative of a cypcnv who wj a molproinioent mem d oi recent moil c niiitiiiioal nplolinn which fc- only not been l prntracled lcaiut il wacitwly antl fihtfliilv conc i in time mini the caeidirtvnl whee y c llrncv m ide at in the a i cuu f enclheil et2l 10 deiimmce at e iht efo t of lhoe who have been en d in foimiliiio il aiutinn in ireland and when you do iln nol in v v city a a pivae noicnan and pal han hut ia haiof lepretcnlative of our le c- ciuia sovereign of her wlvo is ir tnaidian o a contitvilion which lve liberty of ptitilic iliwutom cemjii mtntrauce aint petiuoi wmtl an in sanctity wtvn a1inin inch a e oi utter dehiinca ion vvhieli courk lice have within aveiv tew years ie an i distinctly shrnnk from toinnrtlift helvto wlich have hien avoided he 1iiihviaj ilef fllbt tiled 0 them by all lw hotjiy im irebnclj dimuvtitioii nf jitrvlicli ursdre mil fron wtlici u he chief nnd j re rrdabfo teity jvv vlly itin v sy i in- i- ewilj eltin fr- n ho rrninj r l far i in of thete ieahn hit alo itvit rihtit utc- ynn ennret me aniegfthr it ve bee forte i d n tvat a iiaioit in ofymr kveelcncy i dn not u lh- iliseieciiily toynti but out of ret ntytvlf tn dem vnd th it von ah ill eil ihe acenray n lhcqiicilloi ofthr l i n ht y i atr in ini bific the couniry foe llrw vrimm rj- whrh yon have thus denminccd- if- cf the perona f tural to me at a loyal tiiijeiu a v t a your evcllricy lorlani lu rtf anioit fnr the intcjrily of uu which makes m rohielant to 1 u r an iitpyutiov i shall he proud i j rnv humme person ihe impnanl q i indeedit rightfully he a q jchiv hrmtht to lcl and seltud ftr ever he crimiial tr eirdcnvon irritttm and concenlravd by lh coe ei otniuon tn bnnr- afchll pijtieal c a eftecl ihe rctal nfan aelo paliaii w the maiorirol th- fih nain bcttj lobe so fatally disitnnn to thrnr comti n the empire a the actef nnion i haee lh honoir to n- y fvect- tency moil obcdwtii and faithful rant joiisodvcii- p s thi- losay i have waileilvie the 7ubin eeig port in order iy m irarn if there had been any official iejaimr io b- tv of which i cootittn but have found british whig oslftf m orbm dlfot- saiurday morxhic oct 2s i8w we have cante lo know that within ihe al conlli lare iju otitiet of flour have henipprlto new virfc from montreal rirt tjke champfain and ihe northern ca nal the reaton tyvtm i twtfow rcr that flea i r nears a higher price in th new ynfc lan il dac in the canadian market and j the teihl- in europe are much lower fiimj xev yrfk thin frooi montreal tlnti a aj slate of thin for the mori- trravis hecaue it devtr them fmm the full advantaj nf 0e line atl they posrts it it hawnvir a lale of ihtn that ha heept hronrht amiit hy there own tupinenet and waet of commercial cnleipiv ilmayhe ihonrtit ipcrinonl ihit w in kindlon hnim if dure the peofde rrf the metropolis lrt a ipir caniian urrr from the fanu or fdficf lh lonec province we hill be suimt of lhl particular imperii nenee thecaneof the lo pf lc f plnee in montr al eamiaralively with new york aruc from the hjh freihtt and ihe etpatly liih ratet of intoranee rth ihcte cviu ae eay remedy in the lirst place were the montreal and qmvc merchant in unite ami euamitha weekly lne of tailing pack- t helwern treat britain anl canala aller- ftaiely from thr mrtey and ihe clyde such a iidnetion would non he citclcd in th ralnf fieiil at most de j oy the tninoik cfmvt at preterit comjdained of the fo mstfli of tuch a line would ito tend very nawiaity to increase the pavenr trade b tweet the two coinlnef lo ihc terian dmriravent vf that of new yok for emrh upier caaadiarx be anred of a cnmmodiou and cheap pvae out or iromc they would not artly atronwe such a lioof packelt thcmtlvis hut ihey wuetu fchh out ihelr relaiinr and friemk ihirehy- the adyan- ul of a itcitar fne of fine veveu iradin- helween catto la and great itrisn are o e jt and o itilivpulalde laal wc shall not further dia1e nji them tlie only rfoestin l whether canada is able to cljllih tuck a line in onr hnmsti- rjprntn there i auundjul eapatal in ihe lower iruviice l tiiitri 4 dilt vf0jr1 of hnjs ahndeil to uc rrval diiliculty would le to recon cilc cfltaciin intctoti and avoid a ruinous compeiiion tlie hih rate of jncmanc are oitiu to tie danert of ihcnatitiio- or the st law rence thee miht he remeoied by the eiupvymeri of steam tisgs of pwcr mihi- cienl lo low out in sea all vctelt loaded with pfodtice an i aui lo brio ititn harbor all vetsrk coiiiti with mcrchindizc nine lnhs of tlie diateri wliieh brfal iertt in the st lawimee like pace within two htirdei mrtis id qteh7c tr 0itii i tlwicrtk wfaetvet it preferasle in ply for the ne of ovm piwer lo low vstel l- yosid thr imill of exlrmie danr nc lo paj i i- imctc fouipianies tie greatest portion 01 1lnhatc earnnh ee aain we are corn- e en hive ren lo nvnoit z lhat it wosilj he ittiicb cheajr toh roleamem than ropay t e wiiterti the mrnvr nt lniwi tei wbvh anrnallv yiit tie rt of ij-ie- e ofii etced ftftoii lniiilvirpo t of liwebt tmvnnt iiilclai icmew ra viea therefore live iilfilnncaj u tlie n wltcft ilkartil i awayj hrv but lhm aain many of ihc esse aie valxame aid were tfeam rooer always al hand it would le hired much nftrncr than it it now tbut indej enenl of vcvcl beain tv th editor o fae lniia whig extremes meet sometimes mn eojtoh at popery hat lately received such deli cate ttroket from yonr ma4cr pencil peimil me lo aim a few louche from ihe male- hand of an antienn wiiler endors ed by ihc acre bh cnjrn non at a fit tet mtlnlheunha1biwil painlin- which deco rated certain editorial journal of ihit pnv ree nnlhctamr inrjel which the ursvint ijvferuforteil aivd echoed in lhal wide cir- culalin journal of the 27tb nf se tcmber um for the creation of ilt readers dur ing the absence of ih rnerihriouv rditnr from kindlon thefollowiiij line- will i irutt add another hade lo ihe pictnrc and ihnt do extreme meet iln no chch of k inland man would ever litli prntelyie lo lhal clmieh mcaninc the ftumrh church were il nol for an uncom mon train of fiecmine piety and devotion in llieir spiritual bonk which daxfet the eyes and bae tne mind of ihe unwary reader it teem invincible lo such an one thai men who in his opinion vrile so prowly and wcllltonhl he ot a nad religion or lhal a chinch fchoiild have any damnable error whk1t prodnce at he thi ikt nch medical and holy rrtcn the lives alto of fcir aintt are another ensnaring bail lo weak protectants i have more lhan once ohserved thv intoticatin- crtet of vich lfkt to pa from admiring the life to cmbracinj ihe iciiionofoneiwelliinkasaiiil ita kind of natural traiiion we think to very na- tnral and toiea they are the iejiiou and moreftsuafyjiinowof our hielhren who are in danger of fatlrri- a pey to thee ttfjjcei neither mutl ldenyays ihe article adopted hy the caorcvuon that ihoujh we have ihe clearer light ihe roman teems to have the greater warmth wc have knowledge bill alas without eal they have 7eal wilheut knowledge 17nf irhal it anotrlrrfjc rrilbotrf rristfom 7 we catholic do not mi frequency meel with strn recommendaticais of pinty in the prntclant ihrrafnians btit what are wodi lo er id eart and fmen heart f in the alwence ol lhal nrilna1 eve which flivvt 0it the nre fotmtain of love ihe intensity of w1wc fire many water cannot qwttdip neither can the flrd drown il at meie wod cannrl h-t- what is ojvee losl who woud not ftiiink from the conlcmidatioii of such a alifc staie of life can charity nttain ilself wilhont a heart in the jikeueti of jcvis cfarislnwn heait if ihe fire of iotc be o far etinct in the botm of man that mcrcjian jlst an iieieain jourcc of incojn ixae of wbeh cootun orrositioir to tiii pavurstt or rrri the following irnm ihe cor coriru it ym somatic of the camtcjin efotit for the rrxmno winter by the leader othe phy sical force party al dahieak m sitnuav la sblt noo tnerf many oflhcm aufm asemblcd otne laud of fort robert and cut itbvrf andorried ofl hy 9 oclk llioiice nf seeivwcrcs of corn owhete headers i the lat onrf cry mentiont f ur more who haechten pro rl i nned rant 1 1 wa the first namrtviiiiaii maehell a ed years siother oluhn tu ehell ihe ticool it dr aniuelljjcd 3 years the ihlril lward moltwt silk wav aed 31 tbc fourth john kaan- mbaprfl m th catiot ms nvc allndin ti the revival of the tcfmct war ora th freeman hat the followitu cxpla- nalion l the p- nape edit of a weekly nrtvinivr 10 lie namd the aaiionsf arj to he pub1ihed at ihe bile orfieeof th- ivofinn d0icr street hivin efrflltd the imiresii that il was a tcvivalnf thi ivifion or an atithoriz sueces- r to lhal quintal so n- of m t dollys rrienalt have received a number of letters on the nh jerl to prevent further mvitiderslandine they desire its to aat that neither hw or they hav any conurvion white -r- w tit pro- pdcd jmirnjl ni ihe slijfhiet kiw3ede of win the wrlers are j v t will course he ittlved hr mr oafiy himscifj wten he can mlttri to ir to ihe steam u- when ciamhed wonld be derived from ihe lumber trade but it is nol alone to the lines of wenf packets and iht sleao tug llitt we would direct the attention of the montreotcrs an oporlnniiy now presents itaelf which if properly embraced rnuat be of incalcola- blt tdvanuc lo ihe whole of caurta the iron steamer trol qtait is fo sale price 000 this nohle ship sboald be purchased by the ctadata for he canada trade jijafcing montli trips between liverpool and queler he would ta nrtnroens valoeto the provincial jr4l bins of ctapacrois burthen and fl tailinr ryy fast she would do a greal deal of insinrsa thit is now done by the co- nard line of ocean steamers as an em esint vessel of the heller eta her services nothing remains bjl cold athes then was man created in vain and now what do they y t we are wite and tfie law of ihe lord is with u indeed the lyirt nn nf the sciibrs hilh wrought fjuehond km it is written l 1 kjji drslroy ihe widur of lie wise and the pridence of the- prudent i will ejcel rut faith intjlh nl on th wrslm of mer hill en the powmf 01 but the ensnat man percvivilh nnl there ihinlt that arc of thetytii if finrl fnr ii is rooiswklehiii ami b eannii tjnkmnh hrrau e ll is iriltr examiiril pc th chmdren of tin woihl are in ta ir teneration moe wie than the chitdren of lht whatsird the a- felti tihlivn huudcdyas ao ivrau iisjitrivttvi afc w- we r- m i it in refseof his world tiic otfctsiinj ol all and so it is now their laniin nod jntin in the vanity of the rub i nsnwe at their pf flcfftll nei-jb- hnrwill turely be turned into mourning al ut what h produced thit anlitreial christianity thit rhcl of dividin and snb- itividn crvms in ihe christian world i nottilh lss ihan the inftdcl calculating split of anliscriplnral wifjosrt of apostate piic in machinery has effectually placed no tf many years behind the united slates tbo aid dnsy by thr lalo administration wat rcdticd to z percenl yel leave reat reason for eomplarivt when taken in connex ion with the consideration that american ooilt rhanofactnred with the tame kind of machine j admitted cm a nominal duly of nt american oids article which we have every paiailuy of mamifaclnrh abundance of walrr awer and tcieiatly ahnndauce of raw material for the proluclinn of xaul mli- lni i ay as lo the pohvy of adiiiin them nrjdrrlbe prtntl looiinal duly lossy ibcltwaj it very doubtful a per cent i no proton kos we have no osjetion to a duly on mtchinery uit are of opifn n th it duty tlnxid be to only half lh- eilcnl of ibe dmie iitt- pjm hn articles manoftctond by similar inaehinry also the aicnltnal pioteclnn bill al- ihnnh it is riirht in irelf yel hy not havin ihe priticijdc ettended 10 the mai uuciorie of he cnunliyil biconrcv in practice paitiif and oppotyive as ihc food aixl other nrcea- lies cuiumvd by ihe laborer i enhanced thereby ton certain emenl wlrtm ihe pio- ductionof the uloreri crjnuily relnced by bein nonht in compeliiic with a forcitn ctntblfy got ihe peat effect coiuieni upon the wnkine of the 7j per cml law is the lota a alysinj of th- maiiufacirin intercs- in the ciuniry no on can vrnmrr nion ekiee ho in- at lh- in-itl- 1 the uitieil state is hm hv ihir law aaontl all foreign comeliiin s whiut vnr inarl-r- arv thon oen in the farte country bot ive ihe canafat nfotcliot and thai only lo a rwinxi nf the extent of duy iia- poted nn simitar anicles in the united stairs fk proieciion of heir riiin- and let th ftovcrnnjcit plettsso thrti fuith tm iira pro- fofim shall lr cuitinnvd then would com pelitor arie amon onelve snhicienl to check all etoioo in prices and eventually to fomih i very article of tueb mtsifaetary at a rate equally low wiih that of ihe unit ri stales an i thil without in any way reduc ing ths price of laax 3ij would vl fttliiuh ciopiiroiit for fifiv men vihre ony one is emitoy nnler ihe 7j per eonl law hy ihe protection of manufacturer n vesy imjvartant end wnnld be tiued hy bhiiin with il an ever increaiu- drinand im labar msandtlhns employed mul have and rloaihcs and olhrr ne cessartes of life thereby incu an lnlc in every bfanlh but imparling and creating a home market fr the aricnltntal prolucltvns of the couony and thai without end whoever i arftiantrd with the picy nf the uniied stales ooverumenl inwl know that thr pros perity o that cotmliy i indebted to ami wholly jeprnlanv on the of co- vcrnin nt fer its ooatlniiflest tho american mannfacfoties hcio in more idt anced iate taan outs have an ad van tae ore- ut at pn rftcttioft from on fovecnerit to ihe man n fa tot in- inttvctt ut- eventually cdsce our trade in a state lo defy fnceirn cnnpe1iion i nrtkj in 1k city of toronto the past summer a creat nurilcrof empty hon ihc window shutters of whih wvm oiuatnenlnl wih a conacnotit plxard ol to tl m ant ijvantae to canajt to would jikewue m recipiocal duly prove ihe like henefvcial to say lhal the mannfacltiret of canada e not as eilrpriin as their rwighbourss apt error hoi fiive hum the sjme protection as ihe cilierts of ihe united slates 0joy antl the resnifs would show that industry cn- coira ei would have a similar effect bj rotection the now waie and onre cuired water of our canals mibt yield a scaler icvenue to ihe government htn all that it now collected on american maruifu inrvd oiv by ihe 1 er ernl law tlie amncaiis sij that our leititurrf are not comjrnrl of the rshl kind rf limber tnat they r iu piaciat hnoss men ihey do not knnv that policy which would teml to promote th nntefiy of ihe coonlry z thai lheieowi lejdirmca have ben ihmgxb al the slaf of huini4 thereby fitting ihtev for al pnmsititatiias rot i am nre lhal there ar anl only men of odrnv nmd jntmenf and practical eijrrriencc- brt ao ihrscwhoare willin- lo thivk jak aid ict in die premises tot hcnics ntiij jejliiicranj who won id lefts late fh the pnperify nf ihc eointr tmtifix ibat the asove rude remarks may not be ajlvrtrr or nf place- i forward ihettr uynti with a liml that yon may inily hear arn fruen ywif obctfrriil srvanr cananoque iv lie ie hy houses and food tfii i ie- r ilf1 icnc t o let in wonm he mot important j at she would safe ly briftorcrope ttontau soul income six teen flrrys lhal wotilfrwherwise be toed ahoat on the ocean foas many weeks ft h jfestmf lhal ih esptntcn of this immense a s siajimct kntsn etricnsiosprevion accnnuts from ihe cpditin of catt sir j ltoin tho tntrriiciewilh the invvestiaor calain bird under hi comiid wvere frutn wh ilc ffund and came down tn thhe 29h nf june- we have nntt intllitnsiict tttm ihe evieditioii to the 12ih of july at wbhieh time lh were at ujiprnavieklaviavt strait itpro tvtieii trine noihim ttil been ijlirard of sirjm kiantlin and hi valiant wamanions they had not teen anv pve of wmreckj nor with their mnit ditienl nd indcfatitahlt re- seaieh- had thv be n able to discover ihe lihleht cine lo lb fate of tfioic wwlon ihey ant espccinlly aeekin afler steamer miht run awuy with the profits but what of that t wetc she purchased by a jmnt slock conpany co-itittint- of l000 shares ol 5 each ihe slock might be absorb ed in the province and the reilts of proul or loss he rendered a matter of utter indifference compared with ihe immense advantages oris in from bavin ftich a ship matin renla- voya es to canada dnrnjihe summer ootb no one conidcrs whether thv canals of ihe st lawrenee pay ihe interest of ihe money etpnded in their comjdetioo all that is i 1 of i whether he trade of canada is benefitted hy iheir erection so would it be wiih the purchase of the grcof brtfoin every one more or icssj would be benefitted to a decree heyond the amount of the slock hernial possess not lhal wc thintc los wootd be ibn rerult of the undertakinj fnr on tne contrary others besides ourselvc arc and olher seorial wiscacie and do we not even now in our itay t great efforts making in several pails of enne in effucc the holiistof holy fom ihe book of 1 fe in order to carry on ihe fulness of iheir antichristian project of schism and ranal exlfrmination of that gospel light and j slice of coj which we alt invioiisiy ioa for and cherish io onr souls all ihey that have spent their live m pamnennj he lust of sin are acttvey laboriaj- to blend vice and virtno into one un- distinittehabtc pjim rf corruption and ihus dtrrorar noder ihe tahnjlme color ol knovede a disrelish for tliins acreo and the dcteated oimpinstcs fiulhily- their ohject is lo reduce the children of hop lo thrirown rfltal leecl whom cod has cicated in lb imajeand likeness of ms ownsoul so that they may no longer sec the rprak ot ihe children rf the cxpcl f christ before iheir eyes and no check whaberer lefl in be hands nf the church to interpose ila salotav counsel upon occasion x hero the ruling lowers of slac exercise despic tyranny over the peope seeing ibl how mntb ihrir hanllin infidclily is pstronized by ihe hi- schools of knowledge which a downstricken people neilhermnpland nor reprove where fore t may heumicd that a crisis if nol 10 near as may v exwcled cannot be very of opinion that the enterprise if li slant doth a lasy eye of antry prcj a uiift viitily givfixn doet your mm pain yon maaack ittft atked a yountf lady of a ifenucmon who had sealed himself near hor in a mited danemhly anil thro v hi arm across the hackofnfhercbair and touched her iirck no mrssj il doe no but whehj do yen ask v i rnhicedit watcorasirlerahlyooolofpuce sir replied hv hais all hi arm wa rrmovj jvrarr thi sl loul ftepuuiean rf rit t- 9lh con- tajmr deopatcltfiorn nnnvooystuliorolt that tho mormon toinrfi la in ruins tho n dpnch i ttilnitgcjyjijiii ivinhfe jjhi nj wa 10 bo oil fire in no chjwla 1 u uoiouioiiir aba ruurorlntk rilia fjumvs jtpri rad4rsuy an j mrililj-i-raierxrki- lucuu ii j rj wellss it work ok of anin- propcrly conducted woold be attended wiih femunc ratine ptofiij imt becantc we wish to show ihe black side of onr argument with ihv same view we have placed ihe price of ihc 6vrtt irifoin at ihe lip top figure tiio monlrealrsweconfejare in a peril- otis poailion they havo lost ihe import trade of uper canada and know not how lq icrain il this i because they are destiue of enterprise lntleaj otmawlt now no they itioiitd pdttawrtr apnrwcs to the whrer and exlrtcaie thenseleci fmm tlie itiljtrfnrflrft w- itirmslrsartswilhia their teocli- lei them aot depend too mtuh on ihe repeal of ihr naviiration laws shoold this ooon to cana da be traon awarded it will only assist them to cairy out the plans we have ivcoinmendvd and shntid it be retarded for any lenjlh of timr the ufiloward delay will he of less tm pnflance the besl and rrtlil way lo ht taseatasl is to hejrin to help onr self- h montrealera ere not beyond help and all lhal m reauy nsedsd u a disposition to ameliorate iheir present sad eondillon dice comnass the whofe irulh of scripture lmpotible the imposter who blinded the cyeso the jeivssn that uvy were both uii- able and onwhin- to belmm iheir mesiah that u the son of god in ihc pcison of jtsnt of naareththcn ot david and lhj elec of ther own brethren according io moses and the prophets doth so now vainly imtpn- ittg that by putlin- him lo death his l would be pl an end lo alto thus much thecainal imposler raininsx by his shrewd philosophy of the same edition of krowlcde in the wisdom of cod wojsnd kuuvlede andif onr gospel be also hid ssiil si paul h ia hid to ibem ibai are losl km knowing that without the niat warmth rf l6lov eosat ihe body is spirilnally dead and ihil is becanso 0 spntioos ioaophy it jaat jttiaing iho ojcendfftl attrdsb nploa v tl4i tv nce t let n itttiy an thi b in conwjtience of ihc 7j pel cnl law the anmiit of boot ad sscrf imtmrw into thai city annnahy if manufjclnrej in the city wmim alone funis lonanls 10 every home ihtvchy giving empoyment wae food vclomanv ihojisatis wins now seek empoynnul in a emijil ccuntry 1 wnnld mpntiots further that on lire third week of bt august eihly fonilic nvcr- ain five lo a family left ihe nod ciyof kinglori in seek emdtvment in a foreijo country these were worthy rmeratiees in e rious mccianica1 branches ami scarcely jars a boat leave onr shores with ml som-thin- nbfirrvame nf the same character the pcjtf- lation of kingston lu dicreased he present year and all from the eflvct of tbr 7j jer cetii th rninnraclories nf cat iron ave scythe carriage and 0 few olher ihin are ihe only ytaplc ma nu faciei ict of ihe cotintry which have any shadow of rtfotecliortand when il iscnnsidvnd hul mncr ihe irifhn duty of l ierccut splendid founlic arc rrowin np in every pari of the country lr- nishing arliclasiqual in esery resnecl to the amciican and are all now in murfjl o ratoi thereby almost cxcloding foreign con- pc lit inn this wnnld auhc ihe offed in ihc wnoei hde whtch is now completely paralysed hy fowiconp litiim the american making a rfirpotr ivrnc nhiele to ult nd ported under ihe 7j rr cent law llierchy drawing an immenc a noint of msney mm the piovince wlrvnil ihc adiaiae rf a thillin to any on bill lh trader itul auo hin articles wlwch wc ea make aeres- fttlly in the province im hr a reaonalde tcclkin sic now admitted tjnrtcr the 7j cent lw larit and londnii hat duly marked ate manufaclnred to a jfal eaten in new vork foi ihe canada markets hy whlcb trade ilnvisamts might demidoymeiil whi- now ssck it elsewhere and ihiands of pounds senl from the couniry which inihl hz celaincd by prolecliort all manufactories of woj cst iron wool and uailicr and miy nlher ihine if pea- lecicd woiild be a great savin to ihe com muniiy create nnivcalproiierity5ic em ployment to ilioosand anj of eooue wage r and conlentment we will lo a moment consider what it iho pcineirdenn which on present uritti forme arid whchwsttaicdby an mloimttralde memwr of the isle eteculieeta be oy how can wc obtain ihe most money rorrc cuofiflk isnim whig g- n afielut m fsii s e w art rtr ivliti ait pro nf ibl at pit t nol t je fiileawine tcsni in thai pjpv of tuesday lat r fct there u iriy one person in k mi r vi wlsn ha lh irtwef rf dip in of tlie areas- and lrai eic i j an stewart no other irrdt- vidnal havinnv rrr eirr icirr hnd oru rqfju rihv or faunst in she lock slock and barrel of our jvrsrf kicilcfuo a id jaey coiunns in ordvr im he pfalic mly not be any onr imposed umi and in order that the pontmay notj- deceived who are interest ed in a pecmiiary way or otherwise in know ittrlhc tvvrji 1 be- to stale ihst an execu tion aaint th rvds and challrls of john stewart pojiriclor of the argu was place atic buds rft acocbeti etq sborlcof ihe miilmnl dslrlelj on the lth day of au- cnsl is45 indorsed as follows m mr iieriif tevy r43 oi j with infecesl fi at 117 from the ifih aui hit and ytxir own fees tit- seift irnnejialely levied npor ht pre- and ttaiidimejil of ibe argttf by virtue of th execution and took an in ventory and bind- the she tftrt main rd in leat poction and the riht title and interest in ihe jov stock and barrel of lh argtiswii in hi hands fioti the ltb day of anjietl lsll lo ihc 5ih day of june 1st on lhal day the sheriff was instructed by iho plaintiff attorney to dncharje- the ft fn on tavment nf his fresl tlit ecectition still reriunss unpaid wiih the rtceptior of 5 witb iniirrrst mr iidni se carl nrchatel lbs rh a few diyt a- ftr 2 wiihoul inleiel ihas bnyine up his own debts tor money lent at mote than liliy percent discount either he is b and ituunijinj to pay his debit in full or he is iinasitc and wilfin- if mr j hn slewait darf rfeiy ay flf lljeio bite as to tc circumsiancrt tinder whicli w 117 nrt p this execnlion was ined and paced in llie sherirrs hand i shall al0 enltjbteo ihe public s to th rtry pctvfar ciicumsunces yndcr which one of ihe idainlilts was induced to direct itt dvchare and whether ths d- charev was cmaincd wiih or without ihc knowledge oil cnstsonl of five mit of six of the putirs interested and whelhor or not llo parties n iscoverin tbal il wis so dittharserl immediately instrtrctcd tbr ir at torney lo renew it and place rl n ihe sheriff handiaarl shall alto feel it my doty to the pumic and paiictstirly to lie wrio hvo beers libcucd in that rarriloos paper t tnfonsa them of the names of the plaintiffs one of vttom it now o sank nirl ami i regret tossy that he has tsatyes obonej his certificate there are tome olher parliciilars ennaecttd with ibis intetestin aliair on which ibe iub- ic ouhl to he correctly infmmed 1 am 5ir yoirohedservanf cuarles stuart kiibanthtxlwttx r s i observe ibat mr stewart ftaloo in the arx of this day ibat what i bovo asove asserted iofr i am not at all toiisherl at hi barafaced etfonlery noe at anythin- hai he can say ov do if there shmild he any one in kington weak enoirgh lo batavt him i refer him to the books ot rho sheriff of ibe midland district ffom whieb i received my m instead oi bandy- iur scnmliiy with mr- stewart and thorrby rdikinrnvslf ion level with him t will alqrcfernchdnmers if any jjmij be to mr john fis r mr john mowat mr frawtl hen seizor tf an meroo mr jamftunnvnjr uho s now m m yosk and abo to m camnhelltue altormcs utlvmen and 1 call alpon thrm to ty whclhrevcty tuition in my ivuer of lie t1h inl not inie in every respect mr mcd fccn yeteiay recoved from tnrrvnln hy order of mr mowat iho renewal writ nf fu f which s no b their ivn b rcl lo om oider x thn rjhovo ceilenen mr- j frwr tnfomu bit shrffandrnvself amut nvo mootris aco in ptrsenee of everal otner veifjrrf lhat mr n bewail had iinluced him lo witbtltow for tor e 1ejonatd and lbs nbove sit thrm to ihn uiiljiiij was inuly amir jpitttf in i lis rnkfj li m i llie are it denditji liooj lrj in rthrlriincheirsoo the ojwefosnd 8y- ratute rotrl cime down yeaiirdsy wiililii wi l of ibe clly and ihe pssenera llivinf albtiiy in ihe mnrninit rain half pnl 0 oelock p at etklifd huj al jb fjw tor qr a9j- iflug h oanakoqot- oct 23 1s18 ma ttoa as the lime for the meeline of ihe po vlnoial parliament anproahet tho policy to ho porued louchine ihr prconerily of iho cnunlry notnrally bronchi nndor corutdera lion thai the cry of haid timet hai not neon alioeether wiihonl a reasonable found at no one can diny and uioqueilion thr arises what it tbtleading canso iiflheesent monjlory rrovob first of ill ii iho wronp- policy of theoovornmenundltconrak- in home labor and mamiraclit tea byovory 10- iilile rnema within ibeiv power how can- ixifid tlie preotnl tariff- aa u epirtato to oit opprosilro btuden upon lalrof ud rjamislin minuriouirea- the piohlblior duly which hu bisn for lomj yean jitiiii m mafitiiw i j ameri ato cn- proviticial nvvrmie fmm the piode and ihn wple nil know it lhercftreallfrei4ngooijs which were indit- penuble are heavily tad racially niear which hni for tovci laid by covernwcit would be loll in our ahnp by reuil it tt in 3 r aponnd now tail arlicles ihe mm t lion of ihi province were freely ndmllert hi hie duliesao levied charod on can mmtiiftctoriesinttnad imrttle nada the inctwnetouri would raobly mortnt lo tho some and tho imiwriiytiribtcawniiy awel u none me bcnefita uy ttio preenl aymcm hut inchlod wreitprw the policy or unit brium oid fdioof iho unitod smieom 4ltwiital fokyyit by canada bd xht ftlltf lho prilpla of frm trade which iu mj doinlbopreienlbenartln wo oinnol but look for protection liiiicdioeal friolnfla wllb ibl ub anus u ill new miurliu vmu b rtapbmfcph lcvhcii offered hisintrest for mjer iwtatttit mrilendeidjymatiwtp informed me lltrwlwil fwn lhahij of the ihit h mjkin ii il lkn enit 1 m t jriafca hy m tmtf knw4ffi cownl it i in coafl mr john hliwij ik iif iwf wj pw of nrtmr h not wipwimt tor tluulituhrt iol owllreilorrocunurr ji ilir lihil tlcvp bul lr ll n mlmbtwaiir il wlh llhmm hllnjonr p in rhvtt of llil mv oftltlllhu0 ilni il u thm iviihaut ihtim weyhx ulwrwim and nn thsl f b oti ihr ftillmncn jfj olhlli u h eolioj ertilwi lob0 u ii up lor il tm lkm lo n tifcl m irmlllinjt mr jhn sum h in lib own oiilnion onj lonjt ftmjw hullknun ssflr ui lo builnin io m ftaf i hi y of lilt jf w m nf klnpion sill twlit ifltj in wr iw p ill itfubril wl iw gnlarnabllihluft i imb ind tiraiuu littptioilnowlaj uiiti1tiinddifi

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