British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), November 15, 1848, p. 1

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tr british whig aid asrrtl idwlliir fti ottuda ww publibiicd semiweekly em tfedttiiliv and untart wmmd y toward john eajtk m d at the athenum slje it jril favor srrsaf nsarow fo faf fitfafm ffoiut tkritoii covno ran afnuwtf patjin ids an as no paper i3 tonnlinued t1 itrmmmi to paid up ijnoaaat tin option nf 111 publisher aavajlihbumshtva slallnoa anj under 3 6d flts i in to ft inn and tdoai lukfthurntinvoriion ml line i to ten lint 3a jdfiti inseh ion arts loda ch iubarrrm insevtlin r above till 1 x 1 d prr ina thrlho lit m intemwn and id per line fnreach njequi r in iti in n ada on tee i w illmol jpacifiortiraelrnna fwhichnujm t be m wiling 4ri iimrltdvnlhfrbld andehsteadneeordinjjiy thnbamari wmobcinc a jmirr1fluo larval canadian ciraautkonoiecnanf will bo allowed i mdnriinmtnu on ptctexifhntsoevcr all lousrs la be poit paid isi tuljifl and general advertiser for canada west the athknigum prihtim9 establishment bagot fttftert hast ioat tswo lkmbi0 visaa eatery descripiinn of jo ptturn lat- u fnjy esccotel it this establishment f withdipjtch and at moderate price cch vi opifer per orbem dicor n vol- xvii kingston canada wednesday morning november 15 1848 no 92 circular pntphbn calshwisc bltl hod hand rill siuviiwi wit a n postjr wi uitja insurance policies funeral lellcn blanks sta bill roj work be printing in colour iotty tittud the assortment of job typo is urje an j varied and nearly new thrc ij alwayi on tun and for fate at ihi office ftiv dckos and mchmuvv ditferent forms summonses n all kmj o law blanks business director ifc- m thomas robinson house sign ship fainter glazier paper i1awger u she ad or culotmc strict mkcsyox gorden fsahkflilly received and strictly attended to- jrnstfofi may s3 ims 4f emetty o lanfear tjn or tftb niu lewis lasfi as fiddle haniin tnmic saber ofpmititt rourk store tfttlcckss street slncstott c w msy 1818 3m2m it v clarke wine and spirit dealer v umbton buildings rirrtv rrclt eixcston cada wkt virgil ft cos express- william warevtt kma5ton 3- w p do iiatmitage engralgrocerprin sm krion a few drsabow drd fioriv product lakco in excagc mr cameron lath dcrttv ncoiftraft land benebal agent conveyancer notary public a0 aocxt fo the canada life aunrance company drfd orla rond miliom r fa drown at rlnccif rolc5 coltic next door lo mr- jatlrsonssloic- open from 9 a- mlo4p m cotwr dtrict awijaouafv 94 messrs hill iparke b a ttu 1st kks itioublsatllv and solicitors ix cbikeir office xcxttiic mntrkal dnk francis m hill thos parke u kington feb 16 184 lm t- bradley utf of dvbltx ayo j ox don hatter ft furrier psixcnsnevt ustcimr w sew stohb great reduction in prices fiiik siiiiijtlicr mt rcpcctfiiuy x bcjcloovc lorhitm ilfmikt tohu romii nntl cjuntry fllftttm ftirttto pit rriiago lie iit received in hia dr- gotrissrn ami tu ihm pharttiaw ftfarquattii them i hat lie liitrcffjnlly rkoptked the old crucedy store cocci nr roii a hi vmfcrn rn t where in- intends to kc- m ltonil llir uct bvoitrjipnl tf il groceries provisions wixcs liquors sfc which ht will engrl grocer prince street oirtttlyoppotitt mtcnnigcs chqtrt4 stvrt kin f dcr bn dr dick descri op id5 aiyd gextlemexs furs cleanrd ami ahcial oavxtlrtsmadeix a supehior sty1b george howe painter gilder and glazier bagot st kingston near mr phippcn candle foenry- sign palming wood and marble liniia- iona and deeeraled work in general 2 john s clute auclioncer and vmmissinn merchanicrnernf ontario and brnck steels all nrdersthanklully received and puncioally aiteoded to thomas ponnevs vlolesnlr and kirtvil leather stoke prin ce stfent kin dealer n xalire pflqxectij issur ce gompasy al us sle imilier uppr- kip nd calfskins morocco a uif- f ah jwr b m m kor findings oforfrj icnn- f heuale ww wolh 1 a c i f i c hotel itaih 102 164 a ifr greenwich street xnw viuk b0ao pir py s12 r weeft sv- a fl0 tu 19 z fire hariue iasaraace a v t ri r tlic suci iler has just received hit sumner stock of iay goois coxltstinc or cloth cnsimorc twccdp linnci hrcry c it tuthtrhrslptittpoih for wool and otlkwlsof produce henry martin princc sircci kington jimcsi is4s 50 land for sale in camden westhalf no ii in the 2nd coo apily to john bkhn ksm napa- convent of the sistvr8 of the congregation establish ed itf king ton tfor female education onwecourtc of mtimclidm powrj t i lotiliitoo rmbrxen all the ntt ffl anj otrucnijttal traiichaof a llw catcttlmi ceneaal regulations f re nit icidiftj al a diftaoc tt r- oaptftt mriiianiri ihc city wh w c rrkfftim for ilw regular payment 0 l thy bcoriif hrp ard or w r- irclh youn lajit if cironmslance-cn- r lhir fcmtal ficetarv t alltv yonn jj jin o ihc ifttfrfiltol re hqnirni to conform lo the public excto n ae hoiim- hut no imjn inltnnce is j or llicir reitioii principles na pipil ttill t received for a short f noil than ittvt rnontht payaefll will be rcrjuirej qnaiterly flacvi no alcjiciion will b made for a pupila drawn hfore the txpialioft of the qiir nor for abtence unlets occajioael by sieicw thero will be an annual tacatim 4foor tveekt commenrinr on the 15th of a and ttidinrlhe j sii of srtrtibrr dress and furnitcrt ech boarder on entering must he pro tided with bed and rejdinr ix ehn of luien six pair of stocking six ihsridkercbicffp six towels three ni wrappcivj comrtf tooth and hair bmut slate books pape and if to leam drovinjr i drawing material terms per annum new fall goods a- d7shaw importers of british dry goods wholesale and hetail princess street have to intimate ihe arrival at kin on of their ihipmeni c coeorfio combrtoy 4orirr oi and twrxrvx copriing 1 a general nnortmen of ipawc and staple drtf goods adapted to rbc present and cotning aon a d s- white directing ltrntiori to ih forrnj wofiu be- to tte lhi frrm the facilities they pors in bariox a resident bnr m the british market they rc ti- impt jii iri the trau c offer tester induce mentt t intending prchaer kingston sept 12 isis 71 jproduuial allimportations nee or lo claiming macponell solkiivrs ttn kinplon srpt mill 118 to trk wallsfeales igniter ilnzier tnu tafcv honfir ikail uf ikoek mecci kmpatori p the aboec company is ready i if iltfrift aait oj fr rtmae tv rirp ad i vonti 4ul1 lhiif wi cu ejed in inland navigation hh t hunter wgfiil oincc ontario srnrrt may 171318 4fk for sale filinn empty flour barrek via james williamson sept 2 1843 7m 7 ah bm fine flour vv jo ebls intpectcd he pork 30 do do prime mrs to- 50 do pot barley kington june lh ftst notice ttm e sulmcrilnr urn oppnitiioil jl aijuh exfliiivo fur cnnaia fur ilie mb rf morton imimmvep jamq3 powell ironnioa cr vv llo xvarc i iqiihcttjrot trinccas street kmatoo the british american hole fcy v ii mtttasdlh kitiyioftcannrta jsalbit atu in mckaoa to mil vv oiz purrlitiiiirft at eunem laiea allorjorji fvcoivcinhallmot imrnc- dtoto ihwalilh ompiiant watt kinmon june is4s mnrtona pale vinegar on haiul fneaalo ly tho cxlc jamcdowanvurricrilaucr rrock street kington fury majc op to wjtir nn the horiotal nnliec f m vcry leeription bmighi and solj blattliew drommond roccr wmc k sprrit mwhant wjllirjpoii 8iiuini ftoxt to mr w wiuono kiuttbritic w fab kayler couch builders m carriip mokerii prlncc street kiopfm robert mccormick wholesale ana tttfuil deabtr m wineasnu teas jrtmputfcc prinnmsstreekinrn william ware general com- aniwatl agrnl broker onj auctioneer kingston c w fti 0 bluer cabinet maker end 4phnlotercr montreal street kingaton a general ansortmeat of the lai yte ffucoiwfe constantly on hanjand tor dale on liberal terms illirn 0reuy henderson barrimcrs attorney at law c etc kingston jambs orrillv t gblokgp e henderson 63 6m english cheese a few baskets best ciirddkr truckle berkeley queens arms ciieese in excellent condition just reeerved and for sale bf oliphant watt kingston june 13 1s4s 49lf for sale i ah brls plaster manure vu l00 dozhay rakes at reduced price oliphant 8t watt kinjtstonjunc27 1848 53tf uqrtotrs improved sairra tus price of the above article idoced to one pound ten shilling per 100 ita oliphant u watt kingston 5th angust 1848 cr 100 1 at r uk subscriber has determined cairy nut the nineiilef of free trade fjftllhi cihtomert a he h no hflje op troieelnn fivm the prtsrt flforft admnit mi oft w hatch caoir mxkr prmcis strctt kinj9un 1848 441 farm to mst itor a term of thee ysars the froi situ ated on the monlriml rimii nhortt four miles from kingston eofiinonly called ill tmtlt kit fiifiti with twoothhf l joining coinptiin in all upwrd of 500 acre the properly of jars rcasau em for further pinknbrs apply t william tfunn al the mr bicwejy ojhce hinjsittnau4it 1 13 63tf education phe siircnher will rynprn i academy in pinrc siiie 011 monday 2nd otftuvr aun in connexion with tho same tlifre will he adepaitroent ftrgnn in whteh he will uund the clvsiei for writing anl arithmetic will ne cnmmcnccj from the anmc jjte ilhs founjorj stove fdanuhctarcrs princeiooj btjot sis eostih cnow 1 ajmrva crx kl ngstofuj thomas crute accountant general willi a m allkn tinsmith ac ac ac two doors wat of the cugou wartaoust wellington street jpre subscriber thankful fr past favora respectfully intimate to hie friends and 0a public that he lias now sfrvtgrtjflpdtl hamilton tin on hand a large aaaortmont of every mm copfwbmillie founders stove description of manufred tin ware which he it prepared to mil an tho mos favorable terms copper sheet iron and tinware made up to order ac low prices kingston march 3 1843 19z notice mb russell proprietor of the city brtmtry having leised the nrtaiises to another piety all persons indebted to him are hereby requested co make payment between this time and the 10th invl as all account oetttandinj at that dste will be handed to ijwvcf far collection ivm odklt citv brewcrskq flice j kingston flbpt lt 1m oatmeal aouanliif fresh ground in u1j of m4 jbs each juit received for sale by oliphant fc watt kiogiloo uth july 1848 ft superior whiskey pupils for boarding will be properly j taylor 10 upir attended september 03rd 1848 77 dealer in potash wirtisnwfillo raaenor i engravings litiiographs r c chalmers have just goi to hand from lixtdon and paris a choice lot of plain and coor ed engravings lithohaphs entirely newaod which will be md at vory moderate prire for cash q great st james street mertresl 30th sept ima brd snd tviiiion raihmp not mcloded u 21 0 d ir1f0oard jo 0 enlmnce 1 0 0 french m i to q prmwinj nnd piirrtioy j 10 mono fi 0 rayseluis 1st ctara 3 0 ik iu vj cusm 9 0 0 french will be uorii to j at af ilersiih- out any adomonal charcc kingston angut 2u l3 70 samuel morley go grncaalimportors op exgl1su 1x0 jttfhcria lyoulilsntirnaletolheir frien mltlie ilthtic lhil they luve reed eteniec atin l astte j slock llatvff tal stuff uitttirwjwt gaojt yc rjre cemoaisir ra rt l eni raiik4swetelewiiiaermi iren hoojand haicl iron cist ifpfinie ind ulster st el canada plates sheet iron nj tin niacksmiiti anvibp vices a tiovs deetc spivcst ivraiialiuriil cut naif coil lotfinaiil trace chiu sheet brt5 coppi ltai an zir vvinduw tjlj piinh iil ois lui sejtnn and curletl lair ship dtrfieiilers joineranl conptool doumcaxd iiile fowlitig pieces an thgwit afrtwm ofsifw ltttif and tirtuumit metal ivarcjnc hot water dihe and plalcj fil orm cooking box and fancy soves fndets fire iron fire do oc sifin of iht crowttl sese print slrtefi kinjplea nov 5 1847 for sale at the stores of john cauruylers ontario street sugars refined crashed rastard aft uasce- vado in hbds and brreb teas vounfand old hynn turtnmy gun powder imperial pouchong and svchong in boxes and caddies tobaccos 1200 boxes honeydew 5s and 8 s rariout grades liquors hcfthcwey ol vd mrtel rtsndy pale and cntored drkuyer u son rotter dam gin jamaica rom scotch and cana dian whiskey ltith ale lonjon porter iris anduns wines pjc and com sherry aafo sjnde- taan tos poii ifnntv dn in qr cisks ltris con made hd nd ia tcnc- rifle benccarlo claret c eic sundries and unittiirj alrnn ktlltu rail cn eim jiii- iv nn w ihi fcus 1jh fi rl ljtjv llpmiee j t frid i-j- fftut1 vfieesijvli llaihs li s tm jiu in jii tui 4 i al w i an alilres sktktrtd at st colharutts on flfondor ac 30m ofoocr 5s4s on tl oecsfo oi liytn lb coriwr scone f llntwn hill before the rkt worshtpful sir a n macnab pg h anu lao oicctm arij members of the grond fvhlge bf william mercer wilson esq f m st jiswi lodc sicicoe gp ttltt in sobminton 10 bo ftppoiftimcnt of our rich worthiol master 1 now cam form loocri a fewtescsrk founded on tie iiieetiriif cere r io wkith wo hc just been encd oikd in dn 1 cirmt oid esprcsinf my reel thl the dwty imvyed upo me toulj 4 hate fln on sotftc atlw uther of iko order among whom there rc to nisny poesstnjc utcnts iirlelhserieoftdei9uenceof a for higher decree than hare filln ro the ltof the ttrj humble in- ditidusl uvthis ree the how f sdovessinj tlii ho and tespeclable ssscmblt tle duebare of other dottea has prevented my pt tst t- ksjtsssi toiheaohjcel srhich the iriefsis the craft ovmand and you hmte rim to espoct apogee re now hosrerer jntflveiuit and t vill tbereroreol onee proceed my subject- trvstinc ititthe sreheesi nd incapacity of the adrocatemay be oeef ked on aceswrl of hsj impotlanc0 4fihclosiiiuiioi whose claim to the lood opinion d admifation of the srotld bo is nosrhcretoavpoiu under those circomsuacav- i caaaas dvort the ctnvaraf tho libemt audi am sure i need not fear the eeoauicor sneers of i he pnjodiccd an amiuy creaior has implaoted in the tteailof man hre and itntialon tw ihe ihin ofonimiuity and an artent drsire to search lor and presereo lecvrdo aod eeidenecs connected wiih rlic deedi ond ci nmi of the htieitols win is cfc nnonjjst us rboro heart docs not jtow at the recnl nf the florious aehievementa of his ancestors ir whn does asl eatt i iho pait lrium4sf hiseoenlry ond totop tritihcncfi prrfc and etuhaion to thtl fltf which or a ihooeaod tear bs brned the bnlllo anil uie bftrnl such feelina a tjssssa arc not only amoit bnt errdirawc 11 man v ukjc v vxwifx b 4 ra ftfmv ri srih ir h red le pine l rriv lr fhjsa1s y psv i 1 1 n ytft li ritue yiii av smi niiii n i- 1 lirhi ik imatfeoii ijitf iaj ami liiii sv- wbilirtj tltpetre ahrm plph t sasiilf pipes rnky ricr m ill s- wate ot smt iu u j ivlale iviaate lsl mustard iri jai 4h1 istle hclirsairlsitlcefsalu llojrine- a-atfeer- el anj coiib and kffco riclsonn aitdlivfnl j all which wilmie m it jielowl re mniii rating price fjr roa cr i vnd f if r- ktnlof ib srpieinber iit r isicak for sale irom fiftv to sixty ton old end nkw iiav 3 for uflher luitcubt apnlv 1 wm litxx cfv tttrttg rj7tvc r eqaered hotel onturio slnref 3tem perry landing mt tat root of vjlsfti street kindlon and convenient to lb e steam boat linding every attention to the convey ance of luaje lo and from staba titaamem will be pvtn by ifit snhicribrr john s clute eisga sep 1948 72x hunter bartl1ff auttwtteers sf commission merchants aoijuui or aujra nd cckjcl mvni kingston asrcatsfcn maamj watklns co hoi h frsasr esq john mostai otsoif noepalrnsreuq 11 mcooosld dtcanapijrll iojjn fmsor ec- mssstfcj rjgiaet co j7 tlrom the distill hn kingston tttbhiy 184ft rvof ritchford fc 0s simcocp lopp point constantly on hsnd and for sate low hy h g j0ne 18 t 48 forwahdihg n0tics until funhcr nntico the suhscrt bera will chargo the nndermen tinned rates of fueight hence to kingston salt 15s per ton pig iron and fish 20s da bar iron 25s do all nlhoronn 30 lid macpherson crahr co hooker holton co montreal 3rd oct ims 82 for sale at the kingston founorv a aoasttirr of m irq and leech cdal aiio potash kettles coolers engtton foundry april 4 lehs jt tho newi vi j fiiiub copv removal brazier corpeltsmith ikon and tin plate worker and ltc1 hniiffrr the siihscrher repoctfuuvfrm his customers and the pbsc in oneral that helms removed hi hiwi- neu as ahowjfrom nagt street to princess street opposite mr c ffaatk drvgwt hp where he hnpes 10 he favored with aeontiuu ance of patronage stovttofolt kvtds fir jwr j iiocsev kingston auut 19 isss b73in ship bttiiiding the subtctiber hating completed hi n rx rr lzcnt itoritxe auitffly ot amherst island s nvw prepared 0 hnitd merchant vrsse or yaehnuf any lonnve tn getemrn l sirons of pfksein5 ft sailing and wfamierty erafl he considers it sufficient mrmy 10 slate that he i the builder of ihe well known cut ler yacht 8an so4lei whieh ha polished nffall hcreompetitor4 is now the acnou tedged boss and champion of kiucstnn bay david taite shtphujijrr amherst island oct- 5i 1913 s6lf irving house vivwisn chamicas akd kkadc tucis broadway new york dd howard formerly of itawanlv hotel bc5 10 announce to hn fornd ann the pumse ihjt he has jnt cvftj en of the largest and mot cmnioavmi ho tels in ihe union replete with mo dern improvement and furnjhe4 1 oyj that witt oomiare with any other hih menl in ihe country no pains no cxpes shall be wanting to render entire mwaeshst to those who may favor tronsge september 03 kitton an uil 23 lis lands for sali thk suveiihef the fmtwwt lanfn fursalron ih ifll teusmime term viz acres ofland in pci uand- lftawiiwtiisrottlandutii fmls one of ihe foctt wier rivihv i cjna i with a saw ai lirlst mill enxld thereun in full op- riticn a farirj in montai entniin tl j iiundrco acrksof land one hustl- rr cf w ticti is rjndor intproi 1 iin md two hurtdrrd acres of nd l itd in ytuigv for pattienlam aphv in smith iiknier0 streitnrs orto john h0wcctt towi c w kiqgstun sept 30 is1a 7 to sell or ulv the sydenham brewery w ioj with their pa- 60ln 7 ith all ire appuru nances br uninje to il immetiidlt pnsrim will be fiiven and every thine connected with it a n hrsr tat order foe hiihies fnrfuihcr parlictilais apply tn the pro prietor w 1 holdtch sydenham srpl 8 i is 71 aiaoy moe clothing imie subscrirkr wish tninfnnn the public that he ha tceived frnt east bun a hreqnantitr of radv madecloth- eotupiu mid stilts and lnit ni ha on band a trrcat qnjnit- ol croats ami trowsen of sathttt and tonurc cews wiftere he i drtennmcil to relire from cuinrss sbojtly gnct boroifli otejf 6e rx- dsd books which treat of the mot imporlant tnhjeits to all human bemgs fur caps very cheap a splendid nrttctc of buckskin mit tens und shiver vert cheap silk and beaver hats brock street near the telecrapb pole john mcmakahan kinion october 20th im8 s53m il4 itiii imerr rfv wcl 1 qiwi 1 il ill- peenl ri 1 mnre 1 cnn i i f ihc lic fin ail inun ivijl hst t men titf 1 iit tfunpvmiaitra of tiie ahositfioea ofis- totalv- wlrr afi um th o ml lib of is4t aiap wn rioel a r ilrotffli tsw rrirtfim freutr tm r ntiornt tltf answer 1 1 ihi nytty sihist tll urd e vn ojrec the poil seinntrd rarviat fmremt in te 6kin i is btitcrrtidlue rtc of she iisnifv iv nn wimiii ilearhaf dsiprare fm anwit r and n lii tr id do tro frt tcfiao the p or injun drunk with ihe rlrr- wnier of the tv man and cofrnlcd and fa- tnvd hv ihe ifiinintiea anei etcra of ilioi ilv jrr u rllv sjenr4y over him tlei t niw npidtj diininihiti ad in ile i 4 0 dtnf nn cvtmat a riier the time tvillcnne i unfl bll ln ro n we fcr ahrn lle lioy of th tt4iaiss wl w hie uj nf a people f which is uvtiij fpeeianea esnll cut upi t ree vd tiic cl tno o3 will tjie places ltut dmw kww ihcm know ilien no nion m ctcr tiifir evuocil lire hive nne oot on w c liiinf the ojh their eanoa abilt nn jiaorrntnnji ihe hosom of lio nriei lake eerti tte prairies a id mountjiogr he frrfrl will caie t hf tlkir rcfu fnm ilie lashia 1 mreiot slsilbastssn nnd then if indeed no 1 priton 0 n bo iccued by hcvlcnee from list jrarcuf leaibentm t no b1eed rv of ihe hut ede f inn or tse saving n nth of heaven licbten tlie ciaih of te svildeineass tere will w iko last indian alandin a the reie of ue 1 pjefif seas and hi sun hal have goae don i fr rvet v vrrio this ajrt iiwcver i mot j nvt sviw dwell tnnewtbhi devinifin hand lua wept off i1u iho stream of ootivivn much ihalwoumntw hive been of incalculab4 value i assd asleresl hut by the wiwimand sarcsihtof i thoe who baie preceded oson ihi lae of action rnuh hii been preserved nl transtniitco which rtacrsvjse sveau hsvfi aerlsssed and ihec records aihlimnyvf ihe cuom of antiquity arc pre ttrirdandchcirtbed byuawiililhe nwt jeibios iere aranf twese use ceremoirs nliembm opn the laying the fhinditn nr corner itonr nf pmc building bare been landed dawn 10 o boot eoeraiion to gnciation and the eon- dueling nf lwm deolres recuhir1y opon that univcrsamy estended socirry whidi claim its origin and nlntertnpred soeerasion frotn lira r inotesl aea of onhoniiy i mean ttw free masons a t roaremvoypfetrnt o can know but tit tie o the hiairyof our odcrand would net- lapwirhkrow aommhi of the eondao aoe preten ond u ibe pincipirs tha covcrn u i will dctste tre abort lime ol my die p04j1tn attempt ol cnlifktenin- them on ih auhyet ithaa been sascrled that tho pemcivvsof o order which were ieinany fundanrntal has her meed lo the timet more 1 he tvmj totbr creolitnnr lis laliublc iwh all the osmia of tlic psaisstaiy eyaiens moa at fi at hy ua ac- f and by ua ducnveted and demonstrated hy aiinevlea of tjeomeiry this scieneo is th courtdstioa und corner atone vf all the science and atls ihst diatinuiib eivihud man from lb savace bflxo the lloot cain and u ann made useful diieorarles and prosross in stasonr by its ptmcples and ws hta the author ay of iosphu lint 00 of ih ctamns eccted by rnoeh the jlliaoo from seth to perpetusio ihsjir daarovcries by inscriptions ot ihem was allll r bo aeon in ins time in toe land of sru u fiart piee f marory nf imoovtance buitl b divine direrli n and imtroriton araa the art whieh ared xoih and his eon the ovly leu- maia who had preserved tho ptinelpva f 1 enee anh sree not eerrupted by iho wkednet of ihe old ltntli and flats- nrat vk after thetlool 7ai buitdic an akarto tha lord th xoachtder the ntal appcllaton of hasfasss orw btndredyeaa after iho fl id travelled froi th esi towards he west to ihe land of skinar wltero was esvitel ihe eatlieat irfrdrr of the i arliia the tower of owi but not wnrfcin with thl ainies of hori c ihe fty nf tha supreme architect that actoaied their sveeawa in the eohmton nf ifa tabcrnsele an4 tem ple iscir pride was homvcd by the conftjaay 0 locoes here they ad meed lbs aciener of geomctrr and bv the aid of the owrsatory on the lower tbo aciencc of aatmanvnv to n reas perfection tkai tbal of practical masonry for in il lam nf alexander awmnonvcal owr vations tsml reacbed bickwenj to aiihin li yesr of ihsboirdingof the tower coainaow ih- ssrearn of lime we find tfnt jo mccraaora of tha msiooaof oabcl under ninirod ibe awaodma of ham unit splendid citws on the puiaa 0 sbinnt and under aaher ts sna nf flam baft nincreh and msny other ell in aaaytia ohcra unuer metes uc acroirl 0 of flam carried mne inio dfypt nd thew wrrki arrro ihe magnificent cities f memphnt iisl-o- ptaa and thcbca bcaidea aoswlcre obcks an j iko aaloniajiine labfjnuii oontainjr palaca undlerapka tnui masvmry rprrad tnrooik ah paria nf rbo uabilabta wfw bot is asilwat aronvor maaa ua record tlnnr by nfiofl d- rccllon artor the flood waa tha emelo of tha tloreustabmco 10 the whoaswaf stssai under moses wbeo tha croat anitfw a pkaaad lo ia sri4om or heart lo abnl of da and baaalcnltorjojah tha i owssiewrs f tba work aailer kaaca tut nvlft ir trotabrrnict whieti tn sflit rr divino wiatiunillrotrd afterwards tbo mojel of uiotrmataorasniori- ffliia inoosiu ltalhar arilh lha pmof wal tha wafkaasn warn rnaai n wils wisdom fmoi oi jya is w ba p inuw31athansl3glbrraparrr eswinf mrwajthli mllramsjssasana hawmia hivlavy anr imswnwt nftlw- r rmi ras tu k n of lsral an j iivi in- of tyre svre ttc n estnwn isrj murrain th fwy ft iir f fee t tr- tnipid lictsshtlnm lwifrtysfitij m vra roieii ihfl bail lti f i teme a o wnnrilcelsn sidchmnicu iiwl re iten sj jk4ias llmm ablttisfai nf a wi- f llsn inb of dan hy a syrian hurvand rv inte a m aad ennaine in ittt taee nd nrt re menl nncd in lliy writ vaa pi iw rrif cfind mie in sswfmna hre i i senior grind warden whrn ite ai frni anj ivaerwrlcenner and overaeerf all tvwn-k- men empire al the teaiptr liaise tt otrt las n 4fea nf misony l lle nam c ad drnj ihe pei and al the enasnelin tl lempv mwmry was then a pnreii0 aiee- the awcriatfofi of the tcmpv ami imny of ih ineitrnta of it prorea and cmntrlin re keow 1 loatlwhuread the biwo rit ike meas en ifired by the wiadom m th timnd mlf whieh more than loojsto men worked for m vevra in perfect hirmna- the mole ft wict evrr mn waadiumfguwdky ihe scat or firan j warden ljwhich every riceont o defeelir mcceof no wit imincjittcty imndts its an thnr by which asffrjl waa prnpehy rerifed at i iiap isiiion inalanily ovteelan and mony nibf things arooile konw 1 to miana and not in al of ifsrsn cither aficr iho death of sotvnvii wbkmcmofttihbeh4rishdinrie lodcra ill ollarchiteetvsahaulwewnsumed in the eersr conrlaratton tfte maaaa arho had been vndtr his ehareat ihe temple beanto iraset sition ihe gcntonataaam asia africa and earn- and cimwd iheir reticton and tha sv or iha fraternity aa far as china in the gl d to iho pillars of hcfcntes in the west and frrri a cow- pie of lines in iho iliad arhkh i icato masoni to find and the uaioiintcd ro search for in vain i thiffk it not impossibtotiial maainry was knoarn hi greece aaoaiy as the lima of hosvf the division of tho deacondinu of atwahsm after the dcaihof yotonon into tha kiflploma of jodh and inel dj not nffrcl tho fraternity nor disturb i bo peace and harmony 0 tbeir laajfest ai mfci they heo aa ooar had nothnj tn on with tbspoiiicat faccooa and diaaenons that embnled iho nitinna of tha earth to lemptn of dnaat gprwaut arasewmmenredhytlw afia ciplc of fowmona mawinry shortly after ut death and ihnaiah fir mfcrmr to that of jeruaa lorn and tmnfi patroid hy all ihe ftina of an mirsor ara 230 yean in boilifinf nebtt ehadncarr fmlijp ihfl eran in buiwrnf babjbn and natonry gonrwhed throqcbout bw esjpira to aaajua tlicy toih damascus a sco i nlkrllc rlii of lljr temp nebn- c ba does ur after evetrurinff jeisaataj nd uia firal temple carried away the jewith maaonaoap- nvotn babyn where in coojonelion with the ctamcbg maaonaihcf msdo baby tea iho fourth nf tin eovm wondera of lbs world tbo jsartah eaptives nfur ihe death of xabucbadaettor kept itinnirlreata rtolar ljyjoa awaitmj their 6s 1rrnarep from tautwily and ralum to rt0uu tno trrrtptoal jaruaswai disrina which tuna the roya attvoatsed among tho mesjeaand persssnaand at kcbatawa ibsapvndid sioika of tha fnttertity rivalled ihe wonders vf fubylsaa about 500 yearaurotochrut bin cyrusv tvonjor of the persian empire issued tlic docreo for resioriaf tlio britisfi captives and rcbuitdiogtba tempa ttsappemtedzsrubbsbel grand maitc of ma- voo or jiateurtdar him the soco unpu u coriptstrd in twenly years ddrinf the

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