British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), November 15, 1848, p. 2

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but- wtfto ii u of sokojior pad hire wire ditwf j m- io chrcot mcrfwmrh bed been km for ocorh 00 nond heroauo w foandd the ut dc- pn of ancan imnfj wnc4s which incrfnl mnyfcm1tdncflc lthw 11 n addi tion or dwmution afirr zcmldhjtii ein iht aenbamepon grand auiier by f ofturt i n pin hlutt art3fir lfjtl- m i wrthr- bi to greece tnftr rbo bolwnr nfsojopr dd lilftrrtrtfiiri hi owi ry rtonxw- rymirstl1t0n tffpi py ihiriepcuusirr bl farrooreirajer wneieliewimtiaied mvtfihomjtvrieav and w instructor in it wntmfi or mnmbt ibo h-hy- ucii jco 0o iv reittni b ruuifchcd lol irtgrwmd l0fbt ihe vialcd ilimfidoa iccact mwultjtd qnfl tmij tho pt rhinl co mtclf fnilti arilh v mrum of tt kcttsaro crfiflfaulicwify wtl dariiotodr of ihecreeent n lrrhi jldho b1 no trirwd gtonvlv hsaomf jmyatplhrrrr it ritiliirr esty oflonvwbtnioe loibo odir uenli rs r nvn under ai- render h we rnvojd in rwidinr nv cite that betr bi ie and ikn- fit fwaflrjvnhr cnnr ibc pi instead f lb imtl bor3 fo- dnie pwft in eitvouv ftojcmv kin of ctsott wo grind hlft- rf araclj ibe crooictrwinn and staio mmitdtomitof otaahein ko evfed ib of fn va eomrieex m tt jorns a ciuod ifco i junma iki mm voter lm imi it wtiimm rrpvo i nhjnff tl ik iron im whtl ck if fltr jf wjt t p- thi lih w ll ld of mtfvatttc trt dhkm iwl iur ttftllt f pjtbcnl hlttoif it ww4w v rv lmcriux 10 ra l rj of mf0l ttjtvy ihitjpjtati llie tjon ro nd hi enfl qfirru javt 10 ilrt imrf of ilpirtfol prhr ftd ilv ljo nii rrwn i- clr otiun ernf nlftj y- h vmallo h ihcart wbn titttoior mcrxrt o utd mlrjrt h wli fntkii0 iiotr k1 ijnff fi pffrirvrj nid tr bumppcnmi wflttrn bj ijcrtrj vi in ihc vrfff 0 he islb crcrj tl hh pif pn w np rtimiilt rf m bv umi cj b4l pyiktk rm ic c efi l ilily r j -i- 1 1 n- fl nvoi n- prr and mi mvt pw frn vibnq i it ia41 ito enlftl v ikf 1 o i mi ir litoidti 4 lv t tr teobice lvrl 1 f fcff nomen flhr wnoai lb tnmtttud aft6vl ltlj ft rrt 4rm m3nts tf sj it oi tii mcimd from ib labof tfcoandf of ftt ntdovri nd orphan of fionf ate at h moment armd anf fed d clolhrd by ma- ionic cbritjr ibol would ntr a1c w itccire rdiwrrr cold and olriuiio ehanly ottlwwwu acaloarr told thai many member of our ordtx arc iniemperale w icious and ftflj jsv bit cnifilua were trot torely hnibinic could be more unjoit ihi o rondemn aaintilutioigod iniisetf becuir of ihe flit of ihof mo preicnd o abrrc lo il yon will aloncc admit that voilhaot cbaraciersarotobofo4rd occoioruibv in ibc eery beat inlttolions on ibe earth snd as i argued gnon a former idkbrion wtlco in a imtar noition lo ibe oe i at present occupy if itie anwonbinrf of a nrofeor eat n re flection on ibc irofcfion it may be iiifiicd by pariiyof reaonibal ibe ftiicoeialtt of a cbnstun uan atinient against crdllv iv i it a cosicltjtitii ii i frc- sme toenail wijl iiott and jet lltf nomoe than ivbatle mttl mitaciibe lo who i o ifamnfta a to insi on ibe iber thai w otiur u founded n ounj cr nor t n prin- eipe be irrpli of lime ubk it hl stcod the fteeerianii fftjiifietof ko wdi i tsaec already cbeied suftfienl pref and lie cneral cordlof ood cn lmtlioan isc vldibat tbcieiic u oki iuj up ricoa tatue aud rotaliycnljcrt ifp 1 iut my the continue to it 011 dil- gcimifocbiracteilks lo the dik when the licju science ua bit fiiuiy jjiirttin ihrouh the m7o of doubt and etroe nnrt wis too ne ally the victim rol onty of bi own detutn but ai ihe dupe 01 tneonccflcdioepoiurc iboftavo of his own jgantnet 1 prortiofo tm cf power anj sopeniilioft eeen the rjh narebs and ptes of orcltll umrt carried on a jystematic plan of imhin 111011 iticii mbjecta a mode of 1 emmenmibtcb was in perfect accordance fitb haif tlieoo belief ll was the litihl teirr ione wbich dpeid ihs rroi1 audinte1kculdattnej and it cnticetv inconsequence of it wide jtrtu5iu that we liee in ipe wnen soverem ecli to vrin only thrcuh the afleeiions of their ptope acd when the minialer of teligin 1 ak io other re rerence than thm wiich i inspired by the sanesily of his office nj ie piwily of bit claraccr il wn fortunate for ibe human raee that the scaole knowldc of former at aftriedso few elumenlsof d caption what a tremradeis nine would bare rcn wocted aairlonrspecics by the varied and powerful oijcbiheiy of modern iciece mn would ttill hatn worn ibe jltaokle which it forcd nl iii nobsespsfil would aim have groaned lctcahii ftal pre5iire bumhis incfitir ticr o rencrabh- to ttntire j beiicn has been ibc 2raod depositary in which have en jtjesecttfjsme of tlie mol raimblc of ibe aunnn the dak ad btulitrj aes of ibe irofland ofsalmy immitiiiij tbeiu jlo posterity fasoiry of which it is ibe hndmiidcnjir loe to cod and lo msn nd when lh m d doehncff of our bleted saviour began fl shine forb in their prsliut spkjocir and biod supers ition retired 3 gkott at the heaincbanxc uxmbtuf waj tbi uijhlejt eirof lh sun of rhteonc in lhin lh y to tiolh itsjfy anl inline then varotc c rn aud btk wc fwui lhe nltt ovrrrr tbe d detracts trom late gflflu papg i rein n- livctfooloolslu n we hifejait been p in possession of ibe utiftp of our ffecial reportet at pubvio and cjwmrl conlairitni as ihey do wnt lit r of interesting intelligence we subjoin a precis of llifir contents the entire week ha been occupied by ihe irulof mr francis meagher at clonmek on mooday morning he was phftd at ihe bor and every day since rm oeaipe4 the cuat unjortunu- poitionj ilistnalit iseji- eeclcd wli ba over tov we need not ere ta vou a rrrnrt f ihe peocedin ttie p which ko out by the ilibcrnu fuiub fiil deljits llietrof ti beiroceerineor tiudiv last ihere at a few circum1ancs to whieh it may he avu to allude on the rvion div the criw chiefly occupied thimsrlves in ikbtin iu prance- aecordmg to tb vote of 1h the president of the rthfiblrci o inranl anl illiterie policemen i of rbe5 faidtohnv ern dciefe lr 3i4fstr en ibe day following tbtlos day y projuced a woman named kec- ntn who wasexicted lorove lhat meahet waal the comment nf datltnrry on lh 11 fjo to p h0w- ef nnt before the htit that he lvk rtrl it mrs keena ever foiled mr allotncv genial an takin ler rdace in the witness tox he th jude and try with ihe iitnt san fonj injtnawc that b had bxn bribtj thai ihe national pue hd paid tor some of the otticles with wdtiehvhe w bidcked nottithstaudinc tkis4oclaratiot the crown ciunsrl insiitedt and ie was sworn s ha- fotiunately for ihem ihv could not cftlav- thin from her to slrnthen their earse but on ihecnntratyhaj irpnhibfrfthat houh their ajems and suordinalc ihej wtfr bribing witnesses to tvxrti away the life if arvieow beinj- thc judges have vajid dowu a very strin tent law and oue lhat with al rcl to j tin i ioidhip is to say hie icat of il vjtlfo- swlhlfl and contrary to commin snse and the first principle of justice h vix that if a ptftm assists aaoihr who coiimilt zx act ofiieafcn he is equally guilty allh 115b ro assembly be chose for foot yean thirty year ow bqm french and in ca oy ilu byfftepoopk bomr ahsolnteenajauty fcaltthetej th irmblyarjl io frtimfte 1 hi candidamc towocte byjjne ii be necetary tobtve mo bniions it least ofvfltet that 1 lbinkit osrteater nomber trsii gen taylor vill obtain in tbe untied slalt accordinrto ihe present appfirance tnoe was a stmor effort rjiadeyeiie4a som membetibteenderall ttilitiry inliirihte emnttmatlonally lo the pre of ibe repiimic bat ihe amendment was re jtcted the ave ft attended an amend- ment tendin to ectnd all the dneendants of nv of the rojnrf fimhy one mow pro posed toexclndelnem unio the sixth rfei ree bnl ihe committim in ihe eonmitntion wheel ed into irre tnduavcil every one the rouble of eosauin hep avimdmcnts by dcrarint jda it best to fen ih fie w to psc mainivoine their ment against the two branches bomboi ant ojbani but let joinvitte he elector peefieht lhpnpte and nn man- nut of resprr 1 wvuld be paid to any decree or couttotional pmxon and the kraw1ckt of llii fct hn preventod ibc commifion ended tfteralz montrai hniiriscnrncnt and a day ohich has liven a etrain of pc plendoor 0 the opening of 9ia trial rtaip0 tbv 4 v- nfked beirdotopa itin a tot troti tliij p k f aboutitoheetfialjwiuvlbf 4z0affteol siolent vltaa of conthhiom on the rivtfhl w ibin eerr were povhp aij pr- liieijur the imnwnj noftiber n bori lb ftrcmivj in ihivtieimit ind ihe rtlurmt riii- 1 ici f r pacat mind il bj ulti by lxoeld by bt few oh orticendp m lh nfl t4 nloenoi r t fict ibl bur ixe c tartbi- ojv rulivc4 loimod f ofrti il e- reipov fnro in i aeeeptcd j- o ttno w 11 rl proiil nn u irneo tbo erjfttbnohihe dnerent eoonttk vlteee ivy wero ioutcrcdid luccehm fti hot their pm- eeoiof s nd ibetr eemrvrmrn have been yith fdfy ehraict down in the present dv id wiletaj llioerjeatcfuimyand ho eirietret io- wifiin i ttiuiltotemmoonty faitlicr mmol rctn iht whlo iv ttutb of to uote i hc utedean te eirnve fon lh ouce i htee mnro fou a o ot5 trhn tb potent tfi miiot ami fto wee tampw4 etauithc fronttieo gevk lttmon1 french rcov ni ihe cnd ec 12 realign nf mssn rl vt nn4ct prinee rdin a eotreet hithorv nf ir order ien matter of fer aaat eeeord iveet eumunceruvwtttv nrouj 11v riy or fvirt in relivd my he othrnf ooire there ae twn iwlnee onle nf vh mtrmnt l p-eeo-ieibeoei- snchnox fn ho mi- nmiitj of jcoj ttcflt vi nn act paod ty wfirch it w iutc fcvy or mni to hnul tvcroand crdce ntties njnl tpj the lcal i rerenl ibc idrs frcm suettibjifl a nijt rn i i t r mi imiiiecnrt riijj of tli lao eter njvineboinottcctd iu9 opnto nf thoffieal lordcaeruwaiawnribv brmbe on tbw rctfir1 oaire may be found in bin fim- towpirt d f ttinbetb ahr at one w beeominf julont of masoeso meeimc e cod j never pitkpate ecl an armed lre to turak no llteyearty eornmoniemnin 9 tok ij61 but lb vrpfiienitiaa of si tfcnmto sackvilti i r jii 1 mm h l4hcf iljj 1 t10 lni coieneed herf ilto pjritynf iutentloa and utili- tevf tbehtof f afi4e4jbcftver jftc j ibe chder in h bhr eteen in tins rtfid rlance at theliisofy of ma sonry you mast have observed that at ihe institution of the ordr the noblest of aljars architecture and operative mavonry were tbe princtpal oeenpatinns of our brethren and thi tres the rse for many aey ftrnut herijuatly well kltovni that tail is not the cite at preatnt yet the funda- ncnta pciah of tbe 0dcr t elision sci ence moratiiy charity brotherly love and rerjev have undergone no oiber change than ihe gradual deelopinenl of ih human mind mut have produced afer ihi view an jmpottat trqretion natnralty ariiri tn the mmd what are ibe liviat savin prin ciples lhat have preserved tint society unirn- pared anoint every kindred and people ard tonue wiite in every step i tlw p-o- creac of history we meet the wreekt of other instintion once flourishing as piondty at our own i cannot anjwci tbe inquiry bliemuninthewordof a teamed brother thetaivt of mir otocr are reavon and jqnily its princijdci are bvneoetee and love its reliton purity and truth if sinten- co to wi ci tlie fto b 000 mh on enrih rood will towards nen vih it to trace the coqiiy of cir oidr u ihe beat eirosilion of iff ment for tt is cviovnt lhat no society of bad men acting upon lal principle could have held mother i umty and harmony for sv many ar and wc awo at tb mc tiros mot gratefully acknowledge lb wktchfltl e and etiadiansbtp of divine piot ideicc such are tbt mosi imkottan1 principles of ma- sonry yet notwilhtirhlinribei rmtily our mtliiulion h uen siiljcet totht laude of the igootant and the pmttdccd ofihosr who mvt i without knowledc llie who are wi c heycrd kuawlede amixic h popular otjecknt to blary is the rtil hat we have ccieis biddr from ihe teat 4 makind we m note rnlali ibe fct 11 mjpi imee tctniftrd il4t ihy ic en- rrduiffc kein for neither llr re- ntorotnf ufivotlh anrl njfnt brethrn ihc mimltlion of onrjdin fiicndfhip ibe eoatfiviiiiir of wine thai open m hcatt ti4 dieloed lnm nilhe have ibc impnr- tunity nod uandahmenti of loio and bv4uly that ton the iwsm ol men plucktth bis jtoint imlffex been tibft to exhort them tlie world ha nocr rcejn wih nui teerculul toaive v credit for or fucollyof krrranr rm a fnrntiv of ih nlwo coneqntnec in ah iv nprtunt iiia of lifr- every man -i- rijft j loimrnjknimrcqif 4fin4 imrmymay know tlnin jl la avnn a4aiid j- afinti qi rfainsl h iiet rt- arid ihe larer btf of erealion fnm th bvnfia of mmmiry unwiy ov wr ojeli 1 il jjutn nbvr hvfof uiionj frmndid wilhoii iiimiration that ever eiiated umlerstooa as uoin al the ex pease of rcjigiua for our inuitnti h huill nn unj venerates c llrfy ciit-r- a firm helifiu theevi imceof th den al cod and a cheerful ohedienc tn hs laws of the soptfflif afchirrt of ihe uolvtr are ih grauj and leadro rtniin3ieu of the frater nity ad wbeu this lelirf imj ibett prinei- plr lot theiplfftcmlncrte in ur indues then will maifrvry fnr ever dirpar fom the- earth an- lik ihehas1evs fabric cf a visiwi leave hm a wreck behind- hnvn urn npciily nd iiion3cy glanced over a few of lhr many imcresiins pcrifda in the htrtory of masonry p and having briefly endeaicurid tn inuver some of the 3pnfarorjclicmib0jht aalns the craft j will no ion irr co linr and ptiene by f jtertn amttioal arguments upon ihe tokrjecf 1 will only odd that uouu i by any rvnatbof mine hive incited a spirit of inquiry or induce any individual think msrc fdtoeably of ih inmituiion and its time honoured ceremonies aid ttvajc i will fel amply rewadel lor my eferuow ard oow in cncluion prinnt me in the name and no the behalf 02 the assembled ciaft lo congratulate lh inhabitants nf ibi inter- cresting an ranidlv improving town upon ihe apparent evidence cf it prosperity sit- tttted it i ia th ceire of a fertile j lovely district and on lh bank of one of stl erenlailtiieof the province ibe wel- lnd canal haeinc the command i exten sive water pot with many ottier advan- yon may indeed look fotward wih ihe brijxhietaiiiicipatorw tr ihe future teen years ao poc and when inc then was behold it now i coonot help auivine at the cocliioit thai fol tveiilually hecome one of ibc most ibi cvnant in the pmtince tovoij riht worshipful k aivd lo the brvlhren crnerally i will in specially al- drrwivj on accoriin to the usual c lice on similar oc4ion mv in cnel- siou thai the wellbpinf and irrwppri1y of ihe ciaft jrepeoo undtr divine providence npn ocrlve i0u5 niay lh wrier ccefilty flaurih and may you both collectively ano indiviun- ally long be disvinmshvd for viituc and morality fo devoted loyally to your ovcr- eiijn n i for alucbmen to irut mal 1 wintry from which ymi spmn anl which with hon- et pride and ekultation we call our otrw may y afford taotbeisa hjgb sample of correct prjncrjrc working on the hmrln of i paid my fttet viiit lo this a 1 think of what si gather- 1 con ciou nfthc hcasoiamc mevcr cvnequcnuy th cinri mr meacher is occmntauo fai the deed jjfj mr obrien alilub lo may have bzon one thousaid nnlcf ntfat the time the ovt kl were committed it was by el hie of a di rection to hal effect thai mr odotiohn was fuuod 6illy wsucv is law it if n ikljfato to our 1orjirs crmtitoo tie cciual optniot is that ihce will be no verdict in meaghers cac un ibe aloraey tenvnl trust convict acquit or continue to povrrue tlie fubtc are mast active aftltnua to havi the r oval clemency extended lo mr obrii and his fellow coavicts- memorial from all quarters of ireland are being svut forward to his excellency and in sever of the lea tin towns in enanda stmn repctful hut em phatic demand for cocrcy itbe ifol up lo the qutcn imdorini her to spare hi life thooranmenef 0islnlijve touched his excellency not a tilde 03 the rore pleeo 11 their memcriat 0 1 behalf of smtb obeicn and fully proved tbat the government haeo been guilty jf anno vev najpjitv ac iu stif- b iupay wtitr sfizftgs sfty c ttir loril meiitenani b takn hi depac- for at temp i eansiitutiooaiy to ovclule 7mt- titaop have knocked off bis r mtersbv electi llieiirpresentilive in five oiiinf fittiert rjqjarlmtnw in trove fox popafi vr die il fal fiance because mo follow if t obeyed all s now ejtiel in france hull regard ibc future fbrtpmol with iknriaatovtf w tied peibnjatel the iisnrjenl will yet be mfr under t new orjerof tbinjjthal it to be stum the recoil speech of louii frapoleon all fenrot his action lo the 1 residency or of bi- aten4nfr the dctiiobip seem to hate vamshd fls manner wa n cnodsl bis embarramed far and ins w of ulenti asiiaido evident that it ri now nrded as imisilc thai he can be pttoi- peihip o ot rvrhaps it is not tktexaiup wsierriblv ttfrfa k himad hi mjtjft i lliift it ws oulra- jjoously amyfts the covernment more than it vl los napoleon tfccre lkh point 1wmj will co01- o the fok moo ihml ci be pee itf myf state nd ow mrtbw pfickefl minaov- fioatee ifoberiiid in ibe bftf hueacwmtictrdbhldinx tor ihe rticwal m utoapeviodin ttamatja ihiteoanf who hve hod ertt frejaneotiotvod wbo wum bvvebeoned ro here sold hrre h eodrifenio atlm nrsujloenvt whre tbe mrkn i i rt rfirr h r- l riosbutera havcpcnedl i bo nikrket elf and m orh pfieta a will boy op ov lw mot iht oro raiwd enntfronov to lb ptee mr p rr from new yok ond mr weoven from othtk bojdnw n rarro vltociv ttbfow ahi2 eoubluaooht tid njikini peeimimtioov buyin iti onanjilj wrfefai eirenrve enoeh ppvrenily to pcfc 5 flm he nd th eooroo mr ttoraev io nuo bovine oml pro- mrin2foraiwvtbownr 1 no oraniiry of liov j vb t ljba o to wotctho fdjf mm sv- tl foor ll vto wwch lbc afci frwmfaya- ffh weather is n fine and bd ffe f r- farhfcnt m famminsot the srdiojl bmptkoswbitltsanew princi- tbcourd is heotin finely ud is sow plain the fliilributioa of the fuds of build- jtfpf no further rrtwcj ihe bratn ingsikjetles hu been put inpractice at to- kr0e0wiy rec tbe first w ifi ronto tbefouowin- notice appears in iho tf4 by its parents that about toronto pjpen the koe district build- ibreeounrcwe away altogether wbieh iogsociy hereftv ive notice tbl all par- m t p lirtbotrfing o5ov wfter the 4th infant tbts bciftf an mtereilin aad rare caje j shall receive the foil mount of their share 8 joo tbebove harried remik wbieh rtcfuwrrfpoirnroncompleuoo of tmtr yoa are at liberty tomlceyqbticir jonsboold securities uitkeut omucfmj iht bontu as hk tbes vertb co paper- arvrfoore and that the flfani shall in future be divided into soch equal rnoathly payments i- wilt ensure to retnrn lo the society within sixty months from this date to e ejdor o ac british mik u enirost lrcdf omtnetoio fw indoero m 0 bdiero itiatiloart 50000 heod will bepekedin lhr phee ise prru wiiron bilitisn whig m roe orbooa dloor wednesday olornikc nov 15 isis since my communication which appeare in yotix paper of ihe 2slh uumo i rtoliccd your editorial and am happy to find that yon hare at last discovered lhat canada is in a deplorable ttlc on that yoo are look- in- abobeto see what steps she mull lawe to save ihe coiiolry f ton iondrdjum wo this is a favorable symptom it shows lhat you at least are coming to your sensea or rather lhat your siues are coming to you and i be leave to say tfcot it ii sound policv lo open the st lawrenco free to all ftavon but to allow tbc americans th coattinj trade of canada ihe reverse and crery american politician will tell yoii i remain dear sir your moatobtdt serv francis v caret m a sweeorr kewhorgh coorfert nov 13 184s i a bn ihngnctic fficlcgtaplj o dent o was a coitlrst lfday in the acfebly in reference to llle fic v i be tight todosovesutainedbulby a majority of ony somclcvi votes so thai thi act tviluoon beswpcnded or reverskd proh- ablv and the rrv oe aram at liberty to aid iu the cominr flftirrevlion if certain men are able to t np the ft neb love order hut ihv oe w i better- iheletder 1w hungary tbe news omfe v insnimfion be came known ait h w 4 cciied the liot entbnsiam kotftilh made thunder hf a ibt viennese the city the time for holding the annijalciiy kic lions appiclips anj altbouh ihvrcifrioii mcb bustle afloat yet somcth quietly i counu r u chtebj ward iejt iij of the manufacturing craafordandhuveybavcreuidfomfroui teuac war j and ajr jame gardinrr aitfl cu ow mr edor i am old i have been a mr robl mothcws have bcth releclod vy iheinbtbilanlt to fill the vacancies in st lawrence yfvt mr- avibin ictbts as a- deiman mr counter coutirtues u- ser practical nan than jhirly year hasno the americans well i mr i knfl lh m have well hnow their l iv coveinqinl it ftt the npinioni ofprac- robt alen taves mr wilsoa rdaco n r j jjj suu aft john wiley remains as councillor and mr john crawford fills tae vacancy this is all cut and d y u settled at a meelint held tail night in ontario ward we hear of no ar- licipatcd chane mr ford the mayor will serve a awtiana ewled as vdlljnrti present policy nor until they have j two coonculcrs ibai a poly meuhil similar tolbat of the united states will it adopted and con- tieal manafucluters o i hn lhat the eves of many ate turned tovad canad ihe foucy of our government and i hnonr this as an impor rnr foit that r ooc dollar of american capiat ai ever he expended in canada ueaava chrmonhoose and linon will con tinue to servo ho city il is more than pro- h w beruon ti contest bad itarlhcicd maat canse ho said baue that mr with ihecamav bd l wlf v v of lure fr tnl ii an vj frch lofuin uu uenilat4 ah tb oa ttial ilay when lb ncrs will be decidei have beeu tswoffl in toatjmin ireland in ibc aleite of h niuler ar to jcible the llunaiian thcmekes in as- tin- ihe anvflo people the enveimenl was entrusted tilhecowmiltee for the defence m the eivirilrv- kovuth was nominated pce- 1 r rrokvd that on ihe eery same day 4hotj j mifc fo vierjia incirtciics t tlxc jlcag r tba followiti scene ocrrri mi tbe i9ih of octovr a vrrtievf naated mary krcnaii was called wltrrl she made on the tjltc she said my lord wilfa ibej frealeu suunion t vc ivave to say a word i have bvm bribed for the prosecution i satt tha coah and his cap 1 halt wei bttlw ckih of the crowntakc the book wjii took le oofc a f i lined il she was hn examined by the attorney central t liie on ihe common i racourcl the ve- hn- bf the dy of the nht at the widow co mack attorney genera do you know mr moagheo hty keenan ob i got a bribe i will ay nothing ft islvs the fihcfic have ei very n j xarv 4 ptrhr- fftjo qtah b bccll tahv bj thv jccs ibirkwiiliilai the ameheaus have cat- rred auayfo sot to 3000 qnim ir vou adj o thtf 30000 or 40000 quintals of herring 3000- and 7000 or s0ruin- tj of blubbety w have an idea nf ibe lmmert rlh which belong to ibtef lslrj but the county i pr on accouut of lh- exnikm prux of fjfovision mrs tok mil fo- 1 per b hulter is 3d biseuti 6d t u tbeattain of excxiency trial of ht appearance flur sj o 4111 pel barrel rice j roty dry soods are still will occur in the rrprptaiicri fc svdcnbam ward in oar hnmbe opinion lh- whole of the city eecciio will pas overjniclly without inch contest or any display of iimorial feel- in ludred ihe icful aben of the latter hi been already shwn in frontenac ward where an bttfftfhmaj and a scoicbinan bar been niunmu1y selected to nrrceed iwo n a ward filld with iiiji vmm wholl 611 tbe maor chair neat year is a rntitter f uncertainly mr ford ihe iitaerii worthy and mdefati imcum- bcut baj mjnsatleally declare that he will not bad buck teak io76j dearer i yanlof print is worth is 3d of thin the bnnmlss ofowloaahiriincsi avtrycom iroi coth jtwcl thread is ion per lb aaofjcharr cogent to a reelrclion that be will fmiraot lborcr who bad ol not icrva the cflue if elected tf hi twelve month fiom ireland all i ihe uia vbbtf jo tha respect should one imporlaul potnl that ihcir prtnl t0s be coumdcicd and another ihucmajc fuotdiu canada t4enand not lifllaeo will yon see exteesiec factories for jfaoj cotfan and every thing else that it now dole in tbe united stalea and what is im- prtri als7 with every satisfaction iu price orrually ffrerjooy mnt know if we import more ihsn we eapaii thjt the balarcc c trade- mast bf aainst tu poteciion alone will ef feci the detirrd end for if we continue ihe cfcsent system evety year we shall he worve oj than the prcceediu year here we see the cause of all our monetary tmuhtee fn my late tour through tie state of new york i bad a fair oppojnoily to witness the work- insoflhepotctin ylem and from tbe hca o the heavy mauufaciojy down lo the vrl been a ice in tbi an ry tdtymade loot sell for x3 ijmide ftfigion o1c0 is one of honor and except under y peculiar cltcomttancj the honor tinld tm from land t hand periiy is csquent upou tlie ecjt niicilc j of protection audit is equally ceuin lhaf tt lhih u be uly jolicy hy which jujdi cfa lheenufmanwho lte of bunltuptey our present acquitlkftof freilicnath the rott oi tbe 3nl lllaat month ferdinand prti- likrath was hmieht to trinl at dnsseldorf on flic cbareofonileavoriiijloslirrjpiheieo pc la wrtitioiand to ihe orcrtnmiuy of the rtent ovurienent bv bio poern of the daditrwllviftc the occasion was vou are ihm your cnlli yon are bound to rrnkred pecularly interesting and ptrikrne re evidence koaltattbal ftnlleman the by it beiii lla- oioainr ial of the assizes prroner under the newranrliinion witness buried hbface in ber hands j the fim rjorciscof ihe public trial anl lo you know thai fmtlcman i donl sir a botdalack tbe oidition of the kin there w wmr commotion in the court at by a popular fet wnom ibe aid kin- had ttini rtofthe proceeding aud many per- ordered to bo arrested tinder lie old rgiie toas m the ello y unshed at the atrane ai for similar frcvjaw in hi writings with bi id het demeanor poliricat coiduy and who had been comell- ed to mck volinurily exile inoder m escape stand fjirest with the council on the score cuslom laws are unjust and partial in prac- of lonerrices and personal merit it mr lice destioctive in eliecl and rotun io prin alderman jill lie ba many friend al the guard and it would not rnrpii to learn that ur hill is mr fvrda successor mr counter for many months pasi has been as siduously rcgaiuii- hi lost populatiiy and he may have pretensions io ibe mayoralty in which rae lie may prove a powerful oppo- nanttomr hill the prejvn opportunity cahoot bo alloweu larance ol tbeo e ih- aiui pjk n but ihi w tern nri ftoin riar ate d frtrio tbi lahmiti g th r bar i eebnet lb fm i ut ibv ae nm lherefoeclnd f he be- miaof iheot f laboai nvilhor aretuyea- ciadedfroaithobteiiof mnonry inafb oavh rf yon and may the great archit t of the unlet is guide and dihci yott and all of us with hisunerrinhandinihe rijhlpath so thai at tlie tail we uy reich that ceicitiol codec above where rief anl sadao and c nvatrj ciime ae alike unknown so mou if te kyosopiiqiiia a rjtc vt tijd i in rouily6feufrcd at yo b p i ihtjidti i we ktiiv ntt with vw ifijen iots itw lr cotoi ieewd 1ne pino boyui iaetee wbuioi bj a rbttl fof n iha 10llif vrutiid dcej wisi ie ca0 t i n t- guno tor tis town j on the tai attorney general to witness you fetal 1 lun about madam mr cult she has already said ihe does not know mr mogher attomcy jtncial os she must autveer look my pood woman at ihe dock do you know that gf ntleman i witness i told yon i not a bribe for speak 1 ftol o cap a handkerchief a cloak and stocking for iflvnriu a cottdahlf jot a pound and fonhtlbcm fr me attorney ceucral we will telk about the bribe by ami bye do yo i know that gentleman i you mul answer me wiine donl know him did you ever rc him before 1 f ruuht were jou ever in waliford i wa did yon know mm there i no answer nlhat tbeetnlleniqnyou sjw at water- fvrdt t donrltnow sir what acquaintance had you with him 7 no acquaintance were ya at all acquainted with him when len year old was i had io cuaiu- larce with him only to see him do you etco11cct serins any gentlemen ulout sntlivativ hoilte heir tile comtnnos be fore fridy evening there was a great ma ny penile inn wero yivi renein any old acquaintance irul bv jurv ifia an to t b z tti i oij0a or ibe present layots ccndnti rn the chair ft has been marked with urbanity decorum and common mttff he has gained the gol will of every one of bs council and when htretirese will leave hi exalted pofittu wilsoniveuji regret out of ihe chair bi time ba brru unpatnly devoted ro the la- sriou duties of his oflscff- kington has never had a betlnf mayor than mr fod fioovh few mn would do what he has june work ihv wboleyearfor the letteftt of the lavaj am ihvo civj his salary one hundred pouujs to ih iionsc of industry cide i remain voun truly gananoque tne veaxvanct f the irriatd monarh scarcely reined to hi native count ty nnder ibe promij liberty and ecurily of ihe rcvluiiomii overnmenl the hi of the moimich aaih ovjbjw he slrricv ot hirhnj aiuiipions the pol na eha orsedon one so hihirasom ho piftalty of woicti u death or permjl exil- witat ha hten the result au orqiiutal amid tb tlrniiuin acclamation u the pro- ptr and lh oieninpf of the new nptctn of triil by jurytliimide glorious vtd memn- rabte by ih miled triumph of liberty ftil jt eraure undergo wurkiix of the popular cou- sltttllioir prevntttn f be ibe woeiml was i truol eii atlorncv f lt il jte uifiine l drffcjtij in aijioi to hicji ri n villi lunuliit trfmltnrnte eml kept sufituraling for tiok tune i ur jij iebmvciul nwiiiih iinline the hi ti oarobc and siroe4aianfue ih- ajoipeo m ro ibuilrvi dw mellloeotl fitter were vlj in n conitlt lofphjskv by dvalkr- vbi bidclwrjetf llii ll tbe patient w tifrrr1 two din tf i tie f it ut a fid lv dnr piwbr eoeay pnji l ietf tiuiated oevne vriij k0 beer hw apmo uy rouw4 wiib r pnat gniuib ni n ajulahvei tiyrlitiiitiitt mir mlr imdr pjalo ndflntlfi lipmh ut liilc waa liptd bo emintouccd iu in inr t ivte ynsuiaoao of tir uibiil i ut bci fjtlaiillr iitihivmj bt ll rihe jlo i j rfcv iij y itiibv of jcb iflrsv reiif it ji ppu r ir i titer efloct upoi in im ibin trtniiliutf use inv j itutuiiif itud ilirp llv ui proaiil rery mikb illumf1itt iml cfftim voit itj ut itatt aiptpedif aeoeti be tit 4jv with hi uto yoif rqnjj ihi en urj reaqejy tor him legible ilwx be lb hrvo lvuu il will tiff a cki btcuih the ksnxot prnia hn framed bo aaytml y f al 0 r r- at neoj in the pvfukc ol fikij aottiior to july i ih him there t i ii know weth i was or not i 0nt remember did yon vt thai rjenlleman njon that tee- ntf at the comintna i dvnl know i w hmen rjenralii com woman must answer wiinem i am not able lo anwr yon did you se that tfcnilcman and were yon peakiii to him no i have not a bit of oieinory ir you hire nm a bit of memory no sir i am n poor lone widow making my way thtouvi the world chieuusticc mr attorney general ujuj you prew her any rnoie t ahney generalno my lord you m o doun indam mary ktman rolled her clok about her and adjusted her cap- and lbon went rajidly fit ibe labk coveliu- iter face in her cloalf j if uwilliaovcnidlook l mimeajjiicr tlie chief najilrali lud lca unlcl tbrty uf tin uurw to protect the pinrrw gi in lb coutrnue but aovr 6uj of the quigliet gaarit werv foand to have ported ttntnidvvs withe jsetont vutine malion of tbc city anii nuncouslwy of them bad uvcm up their piuitloti ronad the coiinboute thenccuned m rorrjuced into thr ball of ihe trh th prisoo and inok uu dace iot n ibe reiir dock of lhr prissier but rr l at the talde biteenhi twu advocai mryer frumrjcne and conelloi weiler nf himeldort the dnr ol lite cie were not thrown opn till tbe accmod was eatd vfhra there moo a ucmcudou rui uf tbe cule who hz showers of banquets on the povi ut the utntt aolcmnity and j wilheul any orwrie the printer nuatisfcer aud fivili5ratitifid unhesitatingly t his eamnbahii of e ailrfed crime by his writ ing and publraws of 9000 copies of ibe of fending poem counsellor meyer made an eloquent de fence and oftwi followed by mr weiler thefeelinjcsofbv were no longer tu lie icstrained ht buru forth in a orrny and ihrice repeated brab tbe jury cam to a jasi4icaln cotiteqaenee nf no provision uiiii made by the house of atjurinbly ul kineitt jamaica to mett ibc ouancialem- bairfunrenu of tho connlry the commis sioner of public accounto has decided upon an immediate issue of ticasury notes to the ammiai of 50000 every brancaof com- mere i excardiniflydepresiid- rrdiil t not tjitv and uun tin fecdy v hifl ihcok with burraha and ibe acclama tirimof ibeewds within ami witltoiit the cuurt the ni and his friend were borne airing by tbe onlrihiig throng into the open air whole it w one mass of agitated people all hiirialiimaaud nut of every window la dies wavitu hanilwrchirfr and hniq flow ers lrte darfaer guad murched alonj in ihe mtctsl of iho al procession loards ibe loeli dwcllinjla iud a truimpbl wrtatb buias itunr to the pool nne of ihe guards eaufht il on bis bayonel and ibns bore it aloof kiom his chamber wmdow froilirath ad- dreated the tfiuhing crowd and ended by j inj- nnl t mc but to the crrman de mocracy willi triumph owing in the even ingatojeh train attended by a bond of mu sic marched to the poets houtf i and thus cooiatcncflarntc kcrmav the third mouth ol ibis iptmy sickly tanilnjpss lfe ba vin tier n completed it lias died a natural death it i quite evidettt ihti the xood pco plr of kinstnii do not care fur early nw ur lhy oum aiippou a better thine of ibe kid for twelve wcckthe report has been published by mat a lo of some three pounds lc inuith tlie expenses of ihe ttlegraub and the itepoiur were 24 per month and theiolmctiptiont were sjsieaeinj one dollar only to pay for priming pper and carrier 1 svme eorje object letle very pitifut appca raiceofhedfincl repnii such folks diould recollect te indian prracbers excuse fur the badneti of his sermon u poi preach- poor pay if the citizens of kinion will sup port a daily pajiriboy hall be accomodated veiy early in must make up ibc coming year their minds oo but they cnukltv am iwtaluv a larrje and valuable baek do- was wantonly killed in tbe street on monday tai tbc animal followed his masters sleif h to towu fiosn pitts buib and was observed to tat something probably neue poisoftrd meat as he entered um city he consequently soou became un well and rolled about a good deal some idle boys sceiiie the peor dog diiires bean to loll him withstons and then locliace him tfowfl llret crying mad dn f the animal sick as he was made for home bat was slopped near the bariack cale and there cruelly knocked on thn bead tbe ignorant biutes who thus destroyed a lire peihapsmorc valuable than their own doubtless thought they were doinf a public doty at an adjourned meeting of the electors of frontenac ward held at mr aootvs ina on thiirsda the 9ih instant mr harper wat called to the chair and mr waycas rrs queued to act as secretary the chatman said the meeiin was caal- ed for the purpose of knowing whether lh rgenuemcn nominated at the last meeeting to represent this ward wee willing lo accept tiie honor or not mcrs aldermen funagin aud breden cprcficd their willingness tn serve and re turned their thanks for the consdcnce rcpos ej in them a letter fio n mr councillor harvey wa end in which he returned his warmest tianka but declined the honor in conae qicncv of leaving town mr councillor ciawford alsotnrned his llwkfot ihe honor intended hut was sorry he coutd not comply with the irquvitioii he thought as there were several eenllemer wjich lt named liviu in the ward mnr5 competent to serve than ho was they wohj excuse him several poisons were than sjtoken of way knotty nrncd hy mr moore andee oitded by mr andciou isa meors plana gan bredvn crawford and lonemoore be a committee tonominaie two of the genllemeii above named lo serve at councillors and lo have the nomination of four gentlemen will serve puwubodi which was carried unanimously tlie committee met the next evening and the following gentlemen were declared nomu nates por ideimrn messrs john breden am jht fjangn for coonritfors measrs robed mathews ond james gardiner tho committee adjourned francis waymss seereory ilejarwrd ezpreutyfor loe brili whj mohvmaa noveober 11 7 x if fn flour not moch doing small rales for crooviimprion at 24 a 24s 3d no wheat offering the provincial paifiamenrfias been further wojojued 21st oct not then to meet for despatch of batines- nrw yoai nov 11 2j ro- fiooain coteccrtfjyjl contiotted cold has advaoced aaiu srsr 5000 bbl sold at 3311 a 50c for straight brands state soldal5537i coax steady sale 2500 bus at 66c a s7c for mixed rvc dull oati quiet at 34c a 33c market frrprk firm lard dull at 6j a 7c cotton goes fairly at steady ralet no change in ashes whiskey s3 a 2e lead dull stocks buoyant for government slocks under the foreign n evclunje and frtife active pfnnsvtvavra asboisch nov 10 ouuraest cwnfy- 3ot8 for taylor 21s for cass 34 for van baren s jtotford counfy 2936 for taylor tbi washington union publishes tbo fol lowing riraxoxd bar 10 taylor has gained ihe 50 counties by 1635 majority 75 counties lo be heard froa re uli doubtful my cietpatcbe give taylor 2110 jiin in 70 counties fiiok ctoacra 2 f at the probable whij mjjoiity in 3057 counties taylor ained 200 brttm trofl wovr vos bwh reluns come in slowly hut no doubl the state is for toy lor the democratic organ jelds the stale to taylor thyfaic trajiy montjninery co 450 mobile icq sg pined lul lh state is supoej frcavs suth carnlina rub ino cnmbrrlang sampron and duplin counties ive cis 103 tnajofjftj whi- jjamrd stale 3 1 tho vote now sln3506u cisn oho 40 curtr heard from in cas bs gained 13000 over voter nnr vie tenemn sc eanties whi cnn cj ikoti vote ol 47 lllnhis returns liorri 17 couiiie- iive taylor jin of 6000 on 44 indiana 08 eounttrs hea d from coaj bat fvned on vime of s4 win- lli1bid elected to coijre from second district 9q0 tnj rity over w in the third dislrlet the llun f ridih sujmored to hive rwo relecrd in tin fourth district dclncius dmucrit has beea jc elected 421 wh rcknncl ojfm ivi j 4000 in 217 the ivhrhajorlly is the cholera in nrw vobk we have received the following lote which speafes fo itictf modav nov lwg jamr compose bcsrvr eso deorsir in yesterdays tfrroid under the head of chulrva in new york you notice a cae that ocurredat one f lha bo te is in brood wav prvumin iho above case lo be the one which i attended at the crotoo hotel i fel it my duty owln to the pre atnt te of public anxiety upon that subject to slate that it wi not a case of real cm- tc7c ofprtytfl ytors respectfully j mcnotrt and ttr ihe editor of the bruuh whig having seen an acoeunt of ao extras ordinary surreal case in a former noiltot of ihe britm whlzf which occuricrl in okh village on tbc ifrholt i find ihe report hat been cmni with tho eaicepeiim ol thoageof the child which is four yew ot three so far as thr prcseftl esao ifevonli tcalum of rare occurrence to fr it sltows wbnlnn turn csii nocomjlinh when hir benljw inflei encoiaexcrtej 1 am hippy to say mi c ptor riuu soitercr the foilown rapital bill of fare or food in cholera w we lake from a london journal sir amnn- the directions just isu rj by the general uojrd of health eateuuted fit disarm the cominjc epidemic are some seuera i rules riapectiujntuclesof diet thr public are advised toaod salt fih jfreen vrra hle sioae fruit kc there can be no doubt but that throe thini are liable to disorder the bowels aid thus pttditpotc to atlacfcs of the dreaded enrmy bui ir i respectfully submit that mjco directions are scarcely sufll- ciently explicit advice to bv prat c able should be conhned within narrow liinl the pybiic hhoilld b totj not oitly wliat to aoid out l what to cchtuxe fc with the taot ofippui tliis slight dtfcicvcy t liffv drawn out the accom psnying table an irost that it may be useful as il is raited to oil elinscd breolosf to nk ikead bahed prerions dav toasted urat biscuit rusk with but ter an cce boiled 31 miunies j mutton chop j cotd chicken to drink tea coffee milk and water dinner mnltotj boiled or roislej j roist beef ee boiled or poached boiled or roast fowl tripe rahbit minced veal sao t ariowrool semolina nee net oiilt biscm iloca read biscml lijhl puddiofs mealy io latoes to drink trasl and water weak brondyandwater bitter ale abertyaad water porter slant teo bread and butter dry toast rtnk j elain seedeaku biscuit to drink coctre ack tea if any thine is required for luncheon or sup per it may eonim of a few oyitria or a smals mutton chop with bread a few glasses nf ifoodwiitr tnit iheny or madeira ipteed nccus warm hranrjy or lumand waltri may be taken withdntretioa lurinjr the rty a eoreful srreclion hom bo inadt from tbeilirt table m ti lhat which antort cost with the stomach a llehl maul should ho taken evory roanh or fifth hour- hifh fat hould bo n voided urtst ct ahoutd be la ken lopriipeily rnasijcatr tho food and to rest a m ii imu a j eieali doing as well as can br tvptctid and joer ths brwuh ycroldi ultimo jlvea 1 fayptabh orou in helium fseiartfay th mih rrpoil af tht jvoiata

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