fttprt of ft oomnittm 1 ml mhcl cater t fv cutarvv dutieehrileav iftllftab tht 1m etoar la toin tffjpbfvrofl ihey raeninmenit i ptnff il ijufm nf etherii ft liaa tr 1m of lit yfeaea ro nip scaled iuj uiie ejfrtl ublt uf afiaanlo ilolie aoff eaterul infeatieatttri of tha auhjeel itd keuf rnvhvw iho pner t jueeettiinr feted trvrfy vretrfl in tbo oivcr uf eualtiji mdhii mnyu mtaiimlfi heeilended jnur cvnvuilt am of rfwin lhat no mjny in hie ravenna it l be appevltendrd fni ibta chance b0 ihit while ihe faimea of ihr flj valorem ratlnoipht ecem t maahlfi it maiir- olfttf peaftva atfirtnfity cet by ile ndoft- tio in lb uthictl stale in arranging the eal of dulic rvo auhmiiiil nnd in which verj foil eipunnlorr uatce aw at- taejird vyrtierinvlico have hrn ruidcd 11 f ml nleni be what they bchcred io ho ihr re- quiromonu of tho joecrnrncnl on the ecuo nf cotkio but tot thi conaidoiaimht tb uwi haco rrouvd much rtw rjictoimrvetul ariiclee lo tiling ittcee raiea thcv hare ui fcp vara the nrecaiiy of rbccblof mm jl practice injur 10 the fair itader and liutif io 00 lcvue and tthtrb it j rf fc- ltffly omgnajf eitedcd fragility your ctonnitiec have endnavntcd in cfrvcl thie oucoi reeubjlni llwii tittrtio re irttieti co ihu of the uiiej slate ibit riiek d mit 4d frre or t tmjciio duly iho iih oi b- lujtci to hifli ritrt in cdtu on ike o kuij iticlra ohjto to o dy in uk miif rt with ifrt cimtnd t to tij f cpofihittlj btioolht icmful- tombkffhvts cauowbrn ihe ntt all nj oncnl pir if o on ulli oiii of lrf tn rr anubi lo vb th mmo obcci o i it becomr j 0 rsble ibtt tin fou of y cur x in fitcn bo i in i v lh hoilcft dljtub c ihfrfll- tlo wb lilt olwulc wilf of ilt couttirv bf bo ibl mriajpllrt neo b tcvird t io mim jnrntonal brttcbcv r tfltmfiqf iu ftetiw uacwr ibe prtel rmur a f 4dtmtf pr ocnl i ihe iwi tonl id bl oil tvmpti w dwi y fi r jicimoftvc nt iwiwbc tiwhd nd lf turni viloc m o pucr mf o4rcvifr tbooi any jiddihni o tbrrhvrfc wllmf svwm be ijicn j the nitctm sdoty iv dtn2 jhct t nor h tpiftfr int 4npliqvo ftm eurtiloipt llo finn be coolinikij if vrfcft4bf kten wftde jo rf rotor frmi my be wcp to totetuioos mtw is dic ibe ebi nd fmfcjof cetlbf oilklejfor wbie ocll fiflhkhtinfefmi6e aft usanf m calem vf tehae nd vahozc bil in b and ihe lrccol refobiton of chnf iof duirt only m ne iml quaniiifet ti ihe time o dley iliould te- miio on clunked tho dpfttawitiori evinced by oone of ibe ifei eooict in eny vut o vieo f leeinicl free infc be nei t tfic hbtflt extent lueeiu frne4nf ihe pntnoc wim odioti of ft m rm rorotieo uil ibc lower pmr nil lilii- iialpoo in ihe golf uk i hone of piodee foitei lnornitopibest lrenee rhentnnotveluiinondotfchjtnrol imeirfitof the lvutineo bote of been eoamtkfeo fd o rjtonabl encoxcinen in ntlire tktli ftnrf in fit mir j likely lo l emptyd sueceotfully h it not been loot m of rforjtn otite peeislly pl ro imjunl ojltilicleio the nonnfelufe of tintber ljould be dfnil4d fee if tbc ree eoue ean i til dipente ojvilli ihetrnnoit of li groin bcinf imported tkfdy cw rer enofttkr oni oh fjr ofligmpun hi uw floviwf ny lf ftly tduned fire wiibol btfotyw ihe bwd eroifrc li l a j ibe peni ntmfm imr it b be bnoded tcid to iinpodo ltc innit fc lipoio- hihlnetif ue rrviovond uurtt m ibe o stole lhte bftnebe uf oj trtdv ii if cttfwn id exlclu tbnld be ovne ivif vitb oe new no4 fopjlftnl feln n ibe latilt lw tb i m w v4vw4 in ndtr to eot- tkzr linl tf k to yur coofnineo prno iktt wbenenl o n i eihmt atnbe totoif ooelbitil upp nntomlnf duly opnn til dmiiibl- c imported f0 oet by w f ibe si lvfemiee 4irlnff ii with tho lonilinf what our mnin- bai wnliu tbuw iii llin watrr ihrrr wax iii the tiiv loit fill frr if ibe tnitl ft il ur ijvi ito toi ttiii f wliirb wi lu nnt iti-t- rt1mii iiteil in fnlh il tlltnijh kn ktafofi oilhri by vi rurtl imtcowtil aihlil- inlinn ti tawed fa4dly ixitio citc iinlt our le quatler ihl iia1 if liein o nun of oiy at qmahlar 1 hontl luvr pimiv rrrfu ih hoiur vrilli h nlt ryt nxij il ili ivof eitlti id anin lb j or ofitr it iijiii mcd of wak tvviilc m ilkiliiri lefre attn lt comte 0 hip s w wfiieli i jirm of at ihf rc of frnm j l 15 ftllr on hour tnoreofly on fome dcicfmined pur- 10- fhe jlamtlcf uf the tori aiol filn nr flxlnm inch iu the wbieh was tviihoil jny dtihu tbal f a n 3 mt nerr ilmin- ibe iwi niy qiinuft hit il etruictl in nijln of nor chnc belnw the mlftj of ihe vvafr in eofnl a dtrk brnifii uilh vrlkwins while nimh ihf ihroal ft had nn fin but vneilnn- lil- ibe ifmn f liof or tsiihr a t ell f j d wvhj aiui ila- hak il ftrfpi v if1erint1crt ihr bnultvaln mat ami lb- man at lli wheel in hliliou lo mvtll mtt officer above menimnil i am hiriti ja in nf ihe erivnt nd- from i sketch itken iniiiarlv fp l wt tfnl wlthh 1 liirti b lav li i l fjf lftn- miikinn in mv fnn 5 of ihi atliniralty by tomorotv not i have e ptft mqlwiip citittiiii norr no hivjn a xav ltt t wbiicn- mijii of ri iiniij ia lie ixi ihr mhr ivilb mfir j j it i j hkfeim uiti her uimi ttiiti iii jt vctin itidhim loil rve iimv bi hr iim on th mwiili utnul if f all i im ituil her pj 1 null liri ijui4 ci h b- jif 4 nf fi r ipjfllli ntl tftie b in in iiiniy iu uiujlo tit lift till eikly why iui- iihc ltt kiting rum and rlitluliiy nolhin mittitiij imljii mlmtittd br it i t it 4 ifitiib ataixxaxiicrrrtiiiiirisir ahmwan norii iufi so jm in iiie mf rf- nl mifiiii f ti i up ur fbfvrmitillm p iminh vil floilb- koivmi alivttff h- woibm ioboees mmbidi ufe mttairr e nonno i- the wtt t0iit bi fld h m rt hnn bm time jj ji 0 bi n itunicnr at ihe lltiim- amrt ol trjsliici jnl eiil a ingti can kiritvimtfii4tatl lry a il- r had gluriril vd milir mc otuee ihn ibe iwmri m he il1h thunbt h wji hy cjiutjl hmrticliii1illil tii it imretl i iti ul ul tin yfttrf f clutti enlmsiid lu him hi lu i rb imcv hiitt in ihtf i rule bai jicbiinc lfui imj iit ul jf nwrtlt uw rl ljrnl jitimn i hjkmo of li cltftft uttlv nnly of u hr cmyl ihi- mil ji jt il i i4 a n id- i it of lift- is hid ibve mii a hi a the umt in ihr brini nivt ol ili a him a cm- akqiiahv fhcsbrfj i till vy my the macxah caps tfavcart ka btely ocxopirj ihv jimie lleiliun nd iiej in the imlirfifitol in tjmetiiintrimch nmfiev lim c mns now a prunnei in ttttitnta canl is iirbfvrsloud in hare hfon niy of a varirtv of utr and ftanjuhnt hanaena in eitfhftil smr ltitd uititfd sutrtauj canada thl profonml jermr didfcr 3ja in varloua ehataetell ami undef iliffmil fianic- hi real ambiion i em in br ia fumo t 1 clec- cntan a eharoeirr hi which bv hat nt ifi ieiisi pretenritn sonrtimts be aj if ibe ktv d c m njb anj al oiher tsmcn a ibc hcv cha cinipvh lat wevk he nw tried for ftp4fj if iuliniated in a lie number h vr chaieil with forn 3 dull of ihe britiut lwn cwnanj bsi at edinburgh on ihe rjnli of uicf canada ajenlsforthc b l company heir the diafl pmplej lo be sind by mi goojm of the seulch bank bia loaiom thft iliarge of btplji it was und by j- fin gwdiir chier wheeat mi gojiii chlbtun ntmc i alexander and bin office b ibil nf secteucy in order uii furunr io evade the bv ihe former icid utter jte irjft in canada but earned il lo lwvon whete hn recited a art nymenl tin fiom ihr por ter of ih caasfw jfteantbitti aiiun- herof wunrte were exarnjnjl tnd crs- examitted by ihe pfionr wio lci nlcn hmifejf in ibcaorf rtinioi manoef the nrkoncr htd h s pie took beide liim frt vthch be cited maiy eae to u0wb ibat he had nl been oih of foicry fr if force r was eofnilttl t all it wa t ihe umted sliiw nil re he m h b inbo m lit ulcd aaii he tivr j very nuar and amoin tyjmu fuf chtuinj hi name lg campwji ho fonnd ihji tic otnc ol m nitb na veiy omooj in ihe siav nni be va ml ifi111 of b i 1 kjn fir a lan of sir allan lira he thouhi it un locttne his name the nulicmcni aai ihe pr priniiil cnulfd nf f b tn emi r wa fnnnd gmilty on the monfi oa 41- cotnnttnditionuf mi jiicsullvjit t couai ctjijcd him nih bit fidtie iu- duralivn am itipst d uf the hh to d the bmk of upt caiata the jn j hnedl0ka- nilence miilil he divo with h nn fn tfat- t vry utt eitknl lht iv afivnn h lain the flitj annch4 rakan in uiil ui hi b tm- miiiit awai w fti ik w 4 flirai ril of tn ti i y- 111 hh marly 1 1- mr iwk iklel uu wiire 11 id into ndr tf lhv mr i ittili lirtl p- wue- bint eiiij a hen ii- wavcn whnc in 1 tn 4 the kin- mr utwdf 111 hrnttl h lhorv4l lf wilnn a 1 1 4t w wil reiimivj to the it lduij icvl the ht l u ti until ee i k vyioe nn v uf unft t lochl ii wwrrufc m nr1 mwgnwijoinltiii h ibl- ie i mcmthin erlb q j feafoiin jmii oitfemr chide 7 lot dea kk c h i ifihinm h ey jifvvilc g sint lo ampmttn kfrfer httti uihmr lv 1tahkt v y iv jirnm haoiioi j bi suile i r vinu uthi4 lltl t win viti virs m e rjr4 kmrtoi j injihr rmii fvlyifimbmn f vi wi liuz- bto b f utvrr hit edit ti- rsda w- sf aeky ie1 10j i r mtfuiretumo arm mrf ion zmjtcvlb j ibir faj wurm pri hove jamc meftchit uop at mills mrgv u pj v uutffitti hell kcwbonf b w pirt p tf kjwii natiunat ht61v ireb p b m rdmirkjft i n pel mit lni ft- fliil li u wibtirr r iiji- 0ef mm vbni n v jui piinn lk ii rt hvikiim aohirrn x v j 1 unrl al nv v v ilijrfiji cj jj ttaryk 1 r uiitl l4lkf jrqrirte ri x v f 10 d s nkai uioi wkvfi z ilvvti j miili il clroniky h ilhjc a rn livuffoob hrivv rftoai labs ox ranjoe the wmine wj ot hn 3vo int hnrtheiu nwncil by lar ililr aui i j pur sinonlh near lhtet ing ccnvd dnwn hie iinf 411i will e tubie her rhrn jiii1 milii al moiteil within view of cfherdinj up j an pa ii m ofii kind iikvim oflru 11 l nug be lute ihf fnt ike vewrl which hav cu r tvcimni 0 c tjiwiji lefj ftiujlc blof j to vile rf it lb iff in4lldy aflrvl lojlfill jcutin tnt thl- gjw jjnj- lbaii it kvlv 1 and ii wnirtj rirhi h city cf kingston motifk t i u j rivi ih i 4 tii ulmv couocj 1 vi iv lonuk lists for ihe wfffml lvtlen this veil i 1 tithe fisy lll tfa fill viv imtf ptit4ijjnl ir- mil i 10 ivh- in li loreunnji foe ilk nirfni of lnaiiii jm i i chiiii nnn ihe hiin evinnjly nuife i tho m ertioti ne ikttivi if iinim in iir rrooi iht jm vuiik li is and itil ihv will tale bj ihr tttl il f lhi ral wodinihe f iiwin iiv aiitjmi tlivoii deruti ml da r lvtinjy airr union si op loni0n ihr tovov altt jy ivr lb- ismiinfiis vm titf liih wi iiia 1 r ihtrr hiirjiii 2v fy- o iotv leody lur mitriy by hi itiiiid svtml ll fciinent of paica mteiik im ti i vilme lb j pitluti lute iin iteen frriieil paper envelop o ascy ktatiovkky n v 1lmrr ha v j lii mhtlleto tlw i-rtmwi- lvvl etiravo nrl sv lrtmn w venfooulirtv tr4 si l- wjiii fvtrt- ralarniii vi pj4rirlfnrf wal a- ihhi ltn r liveimi eibr of j t ih- a ii ivi wnk lilil n y rnl xhtrj will tie i leceif t i rr wf ttmf fm lii-i- 4 siiurr bwhkb irjejj ivrwui rnf and fin- m mljp mi t i e uullira k f 1 nvej ii h i yrt 1 nfl ltir eaily n t my ii itlii iih fill ihe flit tviit vetf will received hy the inltfroi4vd iiii ihe l lui luli 1 ihit the uard wiil ti neeifv at- f on iiy foday unti at the ait vo- l l bal he rr and itjrj by odcr tf the lliard nf ifhrnore m kunacax nov imm n m the bnrd tfnvi0tahirililhl tiat eh ncfn iav 3ipliatln lot the intcitmit or 6fttiitn rf a vii t nam hall ajjdv in vnunc ypiritt no alicak therrforeea le reeeifcj cnitalnii iie if- n iiurr tf mote itian ene tteiiort h c idaywih inmi mohtraj nr ii ls12i cis ll m khs un ayi it kirgaton foundry uoftcbt i l c livii ff ihe pfroe gr wr luve not yrt brftf ol t mulmtral a rr ii j in mz hat the roiihd ill y he n lent 1 iit ocean roy her afiival circulation thi m ihe ltchmc baji fimirtftivf il i the hm that a dcicmiof hie lachincta ioild b altonmcj sivi ivcltiink villiail anji bihli irfiirotame 1 se itheiioofni ntojift n tste poiinn olffur tbe mher jwlipl an in rblher ihe evd imwfmwndse vahiaii r- iy fra jtowiww j viumiyii ilhtft a c ftyr try vwtf- tlteoot ucooiid diebwciii4jurrnitdvn n jojmiitonr viuctbit piimei tolof mwnlt rconoir entvnennt in receiving defeitce vh ood tt ujrltftj ihife i md iftninninf the eomnvlwc tht 1- r lno chate aattl mvxah of han q at teo4 htrd tfh t a vmmiiry nete of xsrt w iu- ond tfenu irjio tao nooo ot ww thinl w jrtiipo tmdft theottth too si utrece hupi o dire iniefoitwra with dtnl nalion wtc ntcichjiiditecwetoinr wwsi icmedy tint l obottd ii be fnertl n that n iheeilentnf pltnllhrnor ltt ltonwe nijini depend tint 1 f eionnoc r ihu eotiolrt u ibne inipott4lm be lr l veo- riobi chroyin ibtot to our pnrt wtu bt rufficen lniodhloarprojcceheaplr k ihej im- 11iontioteauriiiiroombc tttow ond -1- nnj me enhtneed ihoonitinmtilr tbt ttrnttppli loinuod freiclt a tfcklfrvmluc tetot lu urie tti prodoco tii the cutper r if nn awfj faiht on a tetom ctrte of imrortco duiiif or dtfftncitsnrn kiek in the vsithsfatis wilhih the ian i wo weeks no ls than v renvarktbli men 1m re died nanxly the lln divnn il fwi tailed sbiui sealor jrreniiali mjms lh ji- linjiwuhd lawyer of loiin j xviiham law rence th entiiwnl ntamifjttnrer the hon harrison cray oi lht dirvtinjnishedfeatif man of the id rrciw vav once tich and eoiitl mirtin dutabj the minar of itte hon honry clay j and hrerrl major general stclieo w kearney one of uw diml accofndhed oilier of ibe asttricam amy john mephee having bein arraigned and found eniltv of comnittin- a rie npen a voting gill of 1 iclt ora sentenced to be lianed on tburifa ihe 30ib f nocrmncr nel mchhee was ft cboo1maeer in the tuu ivhii of rldon and was al the time ban diic t the lkoie of a ieivn wilh whom tb child lived a a servant hoe fortti erditofihe dilrwt th mcphec may lint be banceil rhmigrl wt greatly fear there ia little thice foe bmr this cjfrnee is be enntin by far ho cnrntonn lo admit of ant other pttitjiitncnl ftrrforv dtpatjl kk voainnva lftlft e hive been consider my tlattlcd do w ihr a1 frtr ct u oodi twtiui bw mo llm- no m ihe tuerciiinl nrtwnledal he co ercial lunk a ki- mo and a i rreie5lrd lo diect the aei at biocbeilfe lo ditcunl it ad at brock vilje tbiaskitfal limmrer nu3d not even take the proceed but cane it 10 he f invard ei lo him inn letter to perth thi ca nill be btooght up aa jns if ihe other fail menth has officiated in the ijijo dif ferenleotiffirtion aidcuclrj nomy fui baildin nurche m lic mtttnjctl chaaci nf 3 fre cfiuth minwtet of quebec tnd nootnatand il- forward r bot loorni1rud ufmtrof uw iveai iro nejcilcj in 40 irnport invdfl hrouh iho si lrcnc m tho bott ncn ol anjnrins lloifawit arid cheap- eninf ihe fcatbl of thoir oeotloeo from u fir hipneni ort ibo uke lo it fil oefiery at ii doaiiotuon bcoo sea at lhe pliro now ueeetted br jot cnmniiltoe wtlj bo eoioile noiubto tinder ibe nretent oe a jnor reuied ktvifttion ltwotlcenteoialuii iho tptttre of dkiictlic lef elation md ntiy be clod on peootpilt and feea fiotn the deliy f impceitl lnlil n 1 t ejutbtbv 00 dbiinc ut3 bttvoeo mltods merely cik- u r a rouie wjo hopootoott ttii vill lend 10 rtfivo the iiide pf tjjc l rtfttriiri ioejnooiio tki- ci-f- 4oeiipt rf duttco md uxxc the qv gni evkolo rottcnotoniuae ac hc their pvopat vit btffntlepbtj enterltined liwi itt ieitol 4 irftl or emwied ia any new cvtmatt act wliich the cnfrefafneni may pmpe to the ltia elttore fw aoptin affatfatcb bv rapoelfoli- pasmllffd rfno t4ioa ftriati ouirmtnofaloaaeaiitea- ftcnnorx a iviltut mtm thsea serpent wt ff narajraph from ihe intaon tgrfirirl rkvallef7m the appearance nf tlnffmpl enew larhons on boatd her mijrvfjv frixate ixcdufati the followinc official msrraient o the fact eird from la 4r broom hy tf ffilwnto una uajutvs tfinir djalu soaa il siiao yoor jenerof thifdaya m mipjtu jupbrmilioa aa to the truth of a aiajemeot publnhcd n ghb cri jjjapar- 5t jjmjwoi of e4traordinry jij meiyloravitasceft teen from hr majca- abifcajijj under mj command 01 eie r pamf from the kit 1riie- i naee uic jjoaor to tejouiat moa fcr ifie influm iort cf jay tord dauatijoer3 of ibe adtuirtly iiatal5 oclock t m op itiegthof auuii ioittluldesi s- andlon- tptfdpdeejhui elbe wtauher dark n4 w w from ibe n w with ajpjijccad iwffl troat tht s w luc aaip us the port faeb heading n e by n aome- flty uniuual cas hen ny misaxaio- rujuljippian rapidly approacbut ibe f r ji in hi fo r c ibe ticaia- the circuca- iaalirviicdiafcly rtwrtco hy him to officer of the waleb ljoulenaut cjr iqojd utbatti auc mr- willuj n 11 bf mhdil i w ifflha fat wiv j qflarr fleck the abipa comptny i w aatpe o opt att being calif d lolheafcjcc irwatiivrertr7e an enovipooj terpen t nbelijtjordtrktp foor fret ctjawjyafibee ftin mtiaiae of the 3 and l orariy tent rfoold approatniate by com- yx with a report that a nvt 1 hhi h thfe nr t hidua luir wsi lit and anjt tnruirv lirff there tfrirmn bav been rn xmtnd t r ihr runrj n i evrry thin has settled down in its old 1anaumit i frtif hlil ca dih kitjitoi fuariiic c vim vrs4rxs arinvico ixtwnt sir novcinwr ulk ktrkeihfforlr4 uub good 1 p4ckte kt catai i karkthi fltrtor4 at i k coodv 1 ixtcktee ivoa ihwne p vieib french peta 2 mk bfco j i b pcfe e llmnftra knfim i3ib fiefcr hone feeneh oeeklso wh lw riim fj ihmttiioj tntcht ii e s june or co sir oatarktotweto4 fenotl eico of ncr cuttduc c bofruciv rk novimbat uu sebr q ionood 0nojn a eanewl coro fr j cmerulhart to jbrr su- qucbee mnml6 bhik maw- unebvc for tea rd of company kingston market irces tutiar pre orel tf 3fr i saakli civri tf fael hoori 3ft oat meotay ovri iidtan mraiay huh ta boektelkot meal y ct vthcti ay buih h indian corn ay buib 4 oau buahel foa nn rye nv j potn pcebual hvni t0 ipmcmh utrneayboh j ii 7 f if h a ftutur ef jje 1 r at t ay loojk ptti min tf lb vewlay lb wmhrli liiji toilioach 17c nrrrair y v r f iwi iii m t warm i till de mp v t- jo 10 2 6 4 a 1 o a c 2 5 9 i w9 43 i aje ow if 14 3 tf ii 3 j l n i n 10 u a 0 si s i ft 9 9 0 0 i is 2j il 0 d v 3 3 9 a 0 a i 4 ft 43 0 a i fall importatious at thc wholesale stores or j 3 eanira 9 ontario stuker eojnotan iq ihiosbrrfii ivmtlitositcar tv avwchavu anted twankay tid ity oi co so elihriitnrtwlre i- 251 ehit voattf jrin vtmf ade lial eddies fmi- tett um kuml feeo ao inptj chten fott e io l0 aoniick irneylevr ad coven dtu tosaecj 20 wrreu winter flleatherf sftem oj 10 cokt lltartrtma nd mrtdit uitmly 6 0v1 rnitcfdam fjn 15 ejik suprek pt ivim ft do lky 10 qr cav a tdeirt s oiet ilrii 10 uirrcu j loiflica rvn 1110 i4i0 pn iln wiiijtey 1u0 boie winertk 1111 iltriiui wl boo le rinna newfruiu 5 erlocu ne nmn1 5 titrce gntbit rfct togoilecr with a large mul fresh stock or general groceries c comimxg or foip dndlee naff r mintard ciiia ieppcr smreh tjlur fnb0 midje filu to wteon pipra wmlntrgut cocifin yarn can de wiek cutto tirine cvn 11ry piiem lwad cieiifl abnud nut prune nnd fir pepper scce wmfainf pjnetr rrarf ijoat sec otc oc 30w pmtrn caneura ae eird fllechcd ohej n 6 eol mfldlrooe all of which will be sold al lam peicfa f cash or approved laner at 3 ot 4 mnnlh milt in which the allenlicn ol ibe trade 1 frmclfiilly intilc i s smiths co ontcrfo stmt a5ngjfon c kinslonmthn 13is tiiij rnlerwv neint kjmsrot kouvukv imlic ibat the buitii wij b lielllfrrpj utuur ihe maita tiinna laui all orjer nhtaej to hir mf fit iunlcriied will meet with immediate iilcnlian joseph bruce kin on xm 9 isis mrchkt li t hereby ives carried on a intent of mr 1 sheriff sale of lands to- mioland ijiiratcr n stvrda loe to wit j tvcnry iecnrn jof januaip k will be smtl at be cumt lloue in the olv of kifjtun t i2 nctnek noot the tinctrafnlioned land and tenement thereon seized by iitee uf several wiu cf fieri ficnv iuri out of he couti ot qtecn bench and liuict catjttf llu midland disitictnd to me ouoctej queens uenc1i hugh bowiijy mffon b willat pualatsu powjlu w va cilarltu johnston- deoaf all the riht title anct inftfiejl of the ahvve dcfcndnt in lt no 107 in the city of kington queers bexcei j 0 ii n pattkusok ve william armstrong susannah moflln at rh kiw niie t- ftviiilit in saw part f avniosrirf ihd al ptili hnt ppft crvttuiv nnt 1 all iae ait s ail ijky is4nl riaiilar goltf tjftel riibiej ai i atd flowert ap- iairfttrfnrhi pibc ail ititoe rartiet fncy invel e ajcb aio ptmtina mitrclridjui k4linf pofl tut- cjofej anj oho faaey cdoied oict v bfiicl board perforated j j p mancicrrpt violins ct plajrine catdf sne red nortoci tt 1 card- i4 jie muie bnelt vbill ai1 cjt ivafrtf n- j 1 w ua t rf nrn 4n f cokiod ouiiik lvrt tjna ariiitirtc ink- irktof trttvt aniiu irthhi4iid garland ivory folder ramel jnd bir htt penc ivoir lasleta tavktl k eiar car mtroorandnm bnnfcs manifold letir urtte p j hltn irn ivatrcrdo alaeeav poreeiain 1ae iiifia ink epy bokt india nnvr nirkatid wne ane or mj mt iii lurcoue- cavej iory tone and wood bmefi hrunh- uf all kind hair cloth iooih -bavin- cnnb lleib infant hat pamt l aide cainu jbell ttwy and hnilvo hsip coots poeot and fine nrat- pjiiwit farina tokens wafer lut aamttinent uf lngthh atd french peifn- mery kc mirtvl vjtaic kinptci do packing salt 4 quniily of st ubea aid ttirk island rl 1- uanel fc sale uw by the sob- tctio macpi7ea0x injjton kvt isi3 i crane 0tf district court rank of bkitisii north w 93 s t ray e tto cow cnrvari f li ii 1 c5 a r 0 cab itto tic ucrtht nmi a u inubtijt bkotts iou jaavti 7 or tha tiwnrr t rviie t ip itjve in p aav uaeini w fimtliwirti totnip nf kinjsuini nut i amrr1ca susanan iomvilu m ware and william wiivm w ah he ribl title and interejl of above fiefcndantc in rut of lot 1w36 in ibe ciij of kington imstrictcourt prttidsnt dirtsiort o coaipony 0 tht com ri tkonat yivrnri i40nfl afornn and ifijhm wrafrxmj otan alltherixhl line and inlerett of ahnve drfmianh in pan of lots no 96 and s26 in the ciiy of khtfrttaju thomas a corbett srriff midfanl district for sale friih3l property gitvate in willi amsville and 0 al urescnl oecupied by mr wtuuu ou ret tlte lions anjonifcoiminxaareetlen- ive cnminorioq and well finithd termi liberal foe partrealari ctqnire at tba offiea of tbe afiftaft tfhifi kinirtlm nov 7 isis 1 3aa9 bahlatosrf kineaon 20th october 1949 ttotiob s5tr agricultural society or the eqlimahrl jvoticr it heraby riven ftulhecoeerii- men grant in qiil af rbe aayrlural so isi8 to ejajef tbe mti laawhtata itccivrfitin ihe trvasar irer or othrr wiii oik tn vn j civen j tutjit ul itwiit qtnie s sinn 1 il- if j u i vml ll-ti- in li ciiy hivbtv ll j 1 i i the 1 li 93i miscellaneous tlielnarftir edithtrh riier vllr lake place brmeilu- it conltf jnjctafy nel tnotth n 1 j in kinelan nixrii l- in coo borca t ly lheebcti an eltrel nmln vhivh atnht out 1 f ihe aucaa tonc mitt brttljnl- ity in ihe ainuqdieia had ueh wifotrrlir4iii i1eap ft leentstbat mr dolej one cf the ca mdian rebel exiles ha been aptointe4 hy tlincovernmenl to examine inm the state of ib montreal reentry 0riee atid ibis loo while ibe kcxklrar mr ltjandj abent in england there ean he no doubt of the intention othrae wybiu out nf his of ncc and lo secure ihe nace for a prtttgt of ibe pnwera that be ft ii ana men a or wolfred neilron mr drotct mr cnhir- rard be fee that mccj ilh facor in the eyes of the preaent admimaliaiion we wtt- poae the ftt appoiotmenu we hh hear ol in onr diatiict will be nurton bueil of repeal nation of 1 he tnlc c at the on slltt hoart i maty led in ulitln sitiei sljjttia rtjatiai ntfiinary htav lloi v nr 1 lill h iiun dkd li matil i lew that ibe neaafr hi hmi ihr if heie wre coniptleh ilellreltd v jmch o a o male thefts fvr ihe rime crruilv itile aivrpocf ttmu hi jules favr iho writer of th- celetiratvd circular of m lclmliulhn ai pfeyanl suuerin from huio fever vi an alatmin racier run away notorjely or eibps yoon dickie cnlmaoj the famoa letter writer such re the rnrn ttnon whom the crown fi- daowxao- we forbore on wednesday la11 frieinerthe particulars cf the death by drownintjof mr taylor cf ilautilion who jutl come coaiten j the winlef aeiiioo of i victoria cohre tbe reason is that we could j rot god og the oame several asaertin that il etaaaenllemanof the nameof palierson who va drowned it appears that mr tay- i lor went down to meet a friend and in enmrnaj off the boat inmead of turnine up the whatf walked over the oppoite side tliere will be fnnr etm tnedan and sixteen silver medals ditrihntej anwwt lh ne- menand sailor wbn aetd o itmaanly rfti tine ihe tmniiinr of the 0an monarch thr pttd medals are nf the aiue of sixteen gui neas rach thy arc noiv brin pteared al the tfoyal mint it transpired dnrin ihe bearn in the bankrnptcy court livcriawil that the privat expend of jonathan hiinsoti of the lale 6rm of batten lilam and hit pran frojt e13 te the date of the haiikruilry wvl xkf and that he had bat by specula lion in ra mr chatter- ion and other immediately threw art their coal to plunge in cfter him bwl he never aain appeared his twy has rwt yet been frtoid tbeie is no jouhi that these repealed accidents i wall injure ihe character af onr town pa rents will not allow tkcutehitdrvn to come here jtoacbool if it be al the risk of their lives a eery aimpln arrarujetnent would have saved the lives of two ilstfnl yoorie men lhia fall all that it wanting 6 render ihe tvbarf seenra ia siiaji chain un tmm pol to posi roond thefrfr bead of ihe pier it woul j not cost ihe compa ny over eight or ten dollars and tniht be tbe means of savin 5 life l be whole town calls upon them to do at least this much toward ctideriru- ibe wharf secure shir m da wfe of john shaw ec jtet liotirs illnea njrsl yjycr oa ihe liih iiildlit mr ltttli cicottii aed 23 yean pro szaam tiw wiikkeas the city cnnncihaf ihe city of kinsion haw passed ore3ulion uliwint the buaid of health 0 lake im mediate slept inr irrtcnliii ani 0rie1tn c pmre nf ibe oieia in micijtattoji lhat ibal fa 1i11i dita- will vim tbts com- nyiul wheteat the board 4 health under and y virtue of ihe ponc ofered oti ihetnhythi- act of ltliaaatm a ihe lte rvoviure vl vppr ina olaijmim- ljonli of hralth sid wnhain 4 ch 4hj and the notteis cofliferred uii them by lie bylaw of lilt la toivn rf kintoct etbbhm a boardof iiavatthtnaaad 20th aunt lttf have deemed it advoahtc lhat imurditle stei ho old le taken fcr clcanin lite tv o mib and nuitanecs inow kihw ve that si- v lpln acci id fsst v ii t o ra or s sher h l tlat in auil to b- bici il hi t kuiioji lislly wv i1lavnf icntvuw ittf 1v1 1 i iwji 1 i uert tj t ii ivacij vfatau i jv ua ajlwr in aivnise nie i r- 1 ike ioucv aid flvein thenutsv iy thomas a- roilbett tlttim miitjnd fjeict ncic til kntcii ed hy tbe respective towptsip branch soci- tlihs on aplftafton ft myontte s55sl hingstoo 31 mot ims 90 if mwroiartnc f o rtr t griltnib p k la aa icyaial brterer fewimir tartref annatre rxaminmox rf our ituwt t paokitna iii rtjeelfilly niir n bpeifct fati faction eiaranteed kington oct coih isi s5f li y idoctohsr 184 j so rejvielt vll vr tr ul the intrv4t iway shares not les that xs30 t atlaunc akd sr lawncxcn sitt roao m yxnjtonr- we understand that the lrcililnre of ctmoal now 1 seior hs rrauted o the atlantic and si lawrence flail hoad company the tight to oiend tbrir road with ibe requivrie facihirts lb touch tbe north eastern patt of the stale tbe mvestiaiion of tbeaajec wa thooogh and satisfactory and called forth many e- drri0niof fnrndly ffjing toward tbe en- urpnfo charlet 6rahamsoo of the cemrnued vo- calist made rscvaufal tbe ftl ace 1 beat re jondcrn on motulay nif ibe j6th uh in ihe new oueraol lcojjne aud experienced a most ojiiburiaitic reception theveuap brhafl vai in uerrpool on lhe0h ahimo a rkrtiflcatb fom mr lnfanol lincaaler net htranoliar hiklv retet ritrtcii ol hut plioe and jaikr ibe lnlj of ce onanen h fnertoo of liajeaater be eettify ibat i hove bem uoublrd iin hie atbnm atwit 1 went j yeaia ll neinivr nhvn 1 befan lahiof htt balttm ff wild onrty i bad tireej unable to duanrihinf forerral ntotiib tnd had nit eeet a w few uibt been b to rct in my bvit alnpl at mn at j lejan i uko il l fok relieved 1 have tutwo abonl iwn butllcf mr healib is bltofhcr imbued a few iflurns of the aibm wbwh 1 bare had in ihutlinw wer tlnturt itnntedntlelx enod by ukin- iheilatmin i rti well end my lelth ooojbta been for oiolnbflsae than i ny rime vcvlou tbi niav yetra- mukid tha medic t so all geo w laiteaner n 11 anil s i price 1 iei boitlesia bosiloa svr ftvc dolhie for saw warsaw v rrud hy cluts fttent nd x iautter kintu and diojc coor klly in canada ivrd al t-r- 0ne dil i nvhck ai iwun nnsarcnnw lite isih inlviwri in- uiii tt illml to fuidth siteh qiiamiij of as n av be tenuited fur ihe service f li pciiitensiary frn the ht ilav deeiuber isis bttbe 30u n is1x no teiida will h- received but mwh a- are cktined inrnjii wltwk wrtui idllifi narltcn- tars ntiy w hjj on apjilleation at the avui tecttiav hsmith lldn ptnvineial penife hth nov a argus nij jhrm tv tjj extsaeive credit sale c t ftff ti is coffee tobacco i i7rv pzvit sugars fihil uaslen m7ca 4v e just received on rmh3day knvemnrr bit luck in at ir sale kciit of ihv swinera wilt be old by auction m jteniv nsaiiirent nf tetv fine f it h s ii lorkkn and klack tes comuia ur niwatils of wl paekas ijcmiii- llilf chest vouti hyson in ijreat vlte- iy fmc twoiiny in hf rmfc cjldie c it ju and souchen df- do for sale at garden island i n white oak sailed about 1 ovf lowiet running piece piiiec5ucltiinnui3 i jo tamatac ciwks ajply lo wrtliam ware aent kington s i qtli isis si i william k0ri the viumiek mayor of kixtom and chaiintm of ihe rtojid uf heaitli abd nnur lh attclini ol ilie said hoard do hirov otd id dirct hat all yards cellar piivies isnhhrs onl- lioirs rr nihvr bnihtintrs or eneriiih5 line alleys shall oe immediately aij ihoruun- ly crauied cf all hlih due nu- ce wti ni other imfiuiiiies by the neemi j occn eilion of ihe same and f bereh enjoin ihe ity bailiff and all other officer ti trie city to see ibi order strictly eairied inn etpcl on or before saturday ihe cjlb day f nurein- er inlani and i farther give notice iht ajiy person or persvus diwbeyiig or neecliiw lonueive tin order on orriforc the aid yjtli day of in wares auction roois sur f seas0nabl2 day b333s staple ghocerttix vc on friday ltih nut at ii will a- so vveial cse dn lnidi earnilii4i nl siiperint- wal of kn c5 tsa java iacnayra and r 0 cttr j e cu iijbte ul reaver clathf rhtueetl november ar- liable nidei ihe w now i lhe4fullyre- rh ure rhhimtly tnurksun coui ctnch ctaowrrrootn it ahtajld be remendteed ibat coach cvidecn tl odovo ur it tfldirrd i lholuncahtb tiot removed wi ao traittl olkautieeana atuprodoeo inflnmtttu of ibe inofa a datoam fthiob wool hno to be iho high od to eon tnplkm wright m vefelehe pill a sale ea nod cessain euro m enlda a0 cuftha br- autc they oatrv off by ibe slomfeh ond bowel- tho robid ut wnwh ir evfmited anm ihehtnevae the eniia nt ibe above d-oe-o- ootjouiala a inlo ii eertt bna wrufhr naa veetat piilaieanerabjfnat- flekot lo eaaboa prfoot enroof ihe most ob- ttmto told al is aamt ioe iha 6iin i- imofoved andlaamodi eompkieie ponritd tho nwvepmi w furaak in kiotttoo by cha brent princeas street tod he ory martin mtrkct 5utre force resiwctift bonds of ifeallf to a hi- ally of twenty pounds ttenty shiui foe each untcnctp wasf0k0jr mayornifr r n b the only place asaigw hy rsv city council for the depntit j- fn a u vacant errand sn the contintiatii hijran street tatl of bovrv biewart f mrs farley kington xov j4 1848 02li city paawfa wiu ci one laavinn great reductivrn in the prioe of hairs on hund and or rinle cjn 50 doz- chftirsr in walnut mani ami imiiaii bosewnod in cane seals itusb sai w r in and children cheaper lhj ever offer ed in lhs matkel befure inspeoiitm eotis nolhioj caii ift ke the cbenp foiisittire lvarcrooo monireal street thomas 0 jjtlert kindlon nov 1 iftaa jj if blue irarfc anj invi fanvls bh alaiacca lvhtvre shawls wuhatotof llaherilrabrfy tc frtriivlealtca bnfeln rcfce and the usual vainly of sude tn and ctiwerie newly iiiiunrletl uhich will bv mid by the package wiilu nf teert uij m ware tlhdant ubjs muscovado rl be lined 1 4 tiviee carolina pace 6i isnxe malaga rtiis in it tie order co v h d oronnfe and cavendis j rsae an j 16 sic tr luhcclscalctl hctrinjs j3 i starch f ifks bel iw wianinpa aborted 1 itale chftiucr wick 6 n fine 4 t4y cotbrn tteine j do vniiephtl manilla llatu with nimieou other articles connected with tfc crocvrv trat likewise- i hhd lienrfnt scbeidam cln dc kuv- petnoi 1 ck rnaimuti gin 1 hhd rum and z qr catks brottn sherry wine wll kinston mih nv isis quadrille party amhktlnr of ihe m liahthc prvf lat panted hv inehnf ifteir lrtw nf joinirt is reiieajcj at bblaxubrsj iais rtvoir m 8 nvnek kington w i1k1l 92 1 mfirrs or thv winter accom a- tci- dsi ronv annual sale of engravings james linton lie- leave in irlimatr the kiiitou iubic tb it he has leeeived front chanceij imp inion ihe nana mxnmenirf booa- riif and ivngrerne which will hejnld by amtion at hi thorn matkt bmldin cuhiieticm- on tues- d v evening ihe il il at 7 tclock p m and continuing each nipht at the aiue hour until all arc disposed of caialooi rm be hnl on the thursday previous and books seen on ihe day of sat terms cash jahes linton liw m 8 w glinliftal smitiiing estabaisliment wellington street aljiiiiiits ll ktntfsinn bakery 3 ao se3sjdss lo k n d gu n s mith cftmlaojer bra foomr an piniihtr respectfllfy infurraaihc ct- lisvnarf kiugnbin and its vicitiity ibi lie has oaiii commence j business in the thtivn line ani lopes hy atrict mteriiiitn tu nieni a jlraro of public patronage and support j a s states thai he ha been a miiiufjeturer fur 25 year of pain and fancy iron ratlin centra balconies fre prrwrf imn ohema bok cata vault doors with secure locks pocoty rack bolts for uankaoc liflilkf jacks t to 10 tons power soaitlu screw plates tiftsnvtthv hotlovr pontbos arid other tool i coffee ontl other mills rectit and worrantcjto answer white merul anil drawee for ma- chines enst to order with evory arzi- ttat over 25 and under x51 3 months over j80 and upwards i months on clo ift theolovrt ooparttnent note loee maoe alifadory in ihe sllert n it shooing and joobm in all oliphant st watt j hrnncbo kiacuen 10th nov isis 01 1 pjp engines nadt to order or re paired kington oct2crth is8 83f stray cow ctjsys came into the rremies of ihe sub- ciiur awit ttvo ntonlhs uro 0 co tivinc milk the ovnei rvuesteel to n rove uojierty pay charge and take her aua as he will he sold lorthwilh ggomoe mclntvre dalh road nov 10 1818 91lm cotton yarn battsano candle wick fi0l andersons factory k v imirsuucriheriscontautly sunolicd with lh sujkrmr fahfics by the bale cijtial in nullity to anyiatoitvj william ware fetnf kiiiemn november h jamks n walker hichinist brass wdbreh bbuhanoer10ck suite akdgenerai house smith worker ttliglon slrttt cx ifaor o dr hanxym ai rfirrdiy upyonlt rtf herald offia lamps t cmnjlim utnt bol lacqllctco s plle wink biiie4 ot kinlonov kb ims- 9 w6i naval stores canvass chad anchor coiji spike iteh cnaltf rulby oliphant watt kinflonoih nawmtcr 1848 91 ontario cotton mill 4- sheeting by tbul william wahif kinji ftb 6ttb1blfcvl