tie bvtoh whig amd it ifrutliir for oantdt weil fubmbhrd bkmiwfekly iwf wbjnwdt nml siinrdajr itmtbfi br i35wahd john baioex n d at tub athenaum tojdf strut t nawilw f c tofflftfofi haute tcr md on pnjs aair nsdin idvttxnf tfojsapsmuiannlinurd until aires attpiui op tnileiim tho nation of rtf pnmiie abfmtmtflbmif suunrt and under 3 bo flrthrjtrtioci 7idflsehsnbsieniinseritn j v tints lo iso line i 4d ftist irariian and lod aaobiobseenliswirin abort ten lines 4or yj rnrlharrstinsertion and id prtlnr ff tvbnqvjnt insertion adverlnwncnts wiihnol lateino diweiinnswfcehnhalii ae ttt t thtdsitssw wiisebeuif njoumsmiheiercort csnediiocircoulinn rrodneaaiit will bnattowed n advgltieooie on any pretext whatsoever aiiteauttitubenisiipsie ie ffirittsl ttmjifl and general adyertisett for canada west i opifer per orflem dioor m vol xvii kingston canada wednesday morning november 22 1848 no 94 i hi atluvaatc paimtinb estaslishmint i wot nrntrr rtw dr trillion joe paostfjrc latfe cffd at lbt flatjrhrhor withdespstch and at ttcfrtftlt jrfiee tfc r jj i r- 1 ctrl ircet r pamplilmt cn1i1nift nu ii hand aiii sttnt rill t pnttcfa wi pjik fntnrant poficiil fiinra1 letter bunlfe srai- nil hak lvirkfk prinliffift coifu r t ft j r r 1 tti the axficmt ef job type is large and varied and nearly new thot stalwart nn hand and for if it lhitoiieebia dtcnt and mtvnaial nf different farm oumaionits and all kinds of liv blank business directory thomas robinson nnrl ship painter house sign obzigr paper hanger fc ittad r col10rtl tbt tordars tbinkfnlly rccci attended to kington may 33 im6v eftc- ehmitw mr cameron late pisrcty n c o i s r it a it iand 6enehal agent conveyancer notary f uolic d ui1t 0 hi 42ir i emrry o lanfeait lt of till rl 6 lfa saditfe herae and trunk maker qfpuht afr- rovrhi slcrt fjwcbs strect k1kc9t0ic c tv wy 188 39 j v- clarke red rduriij j canada life assurance cotnp deeds moriflfi tn ptlitien it e drawn at inci rito ft5 office next iwr lo mr jatkiev sloie ojen fn p a m lo 4 p m cobnrc newcastle district wine and spirit dealer lambton buildings raikctss jtacct intostov caxaoa wot virgil gos express william waref k ixqstok o w p do laxmitage 9ewerlgroobrprmt stncc kingston few ili irs above dr uiefc j9h januar 1s1s if 6000 for sale empty fihtr barrel james williamson 1818 71- 200 messrs hill parke baru1stkks attoestvsatllw x0 s0l1c1tobs l curlt dlilci sext iiik smstbftat bamc francis m hill thos parke j- kinplon ffb 16 1846 1 qnn proitocc ikn in wxcliange t- bradley ct or tllh t hatter a furrer risc km stbbkt xincstos i wj fhtlloppmc mrcnwffts chqmrrd strt all descriptions of ladies and gehtlemeks furs geortse howe painter gilder ift- and waxier aot si kiogslon oaustlrtmam a mfnmhffu near mr phippen candle fciy j batrl sfoopinngwondodmarlla pacific hoill ii and decorated work in general a k iof 104 a lofl creenw1cm street john s cluta auctioneer anj krw v1rlt crwmitfinn mram ru fi flont 50 buh imixcicd mcpork 30 ilo do prime mm do so do pol biky for sale li- ol1phant t watt kinrdon jtmt 27 18 611 land for sale in camdbn- westiialp no ii in lhc2n3 cor nee cumming macoonell solicitors r the colonial life assurance company governor the rt hon tk barl of elgin and kincardine kcemr rrfl wivi montreal head qmcl 10 tjriivt sl james street sepl 291 ibis 79 11h subscriber hj ijecfiiied to tri- qui 1 r j f p- free trade tl hi4 ctllorrci atf r i- 0 bam ol protection frora the prtunt reform aimmis ration w hatch ckatrmaktr prinats strttt kington my 31 i8t8 ml great reduction in prices n imiantcnrncr foniai mitl brodc sieot ah ordcrsiunnkfully rccoivctl anil punctually att muled lo thomas penneyb wlrfenlo inj ltail lbatherstoue pri- csireotkinioii dealer in naiivr ami cpiiiipii silc lcatlur i7-r- k mil mlf skint 1orrtcns ami lining b t likftrjrnjitigt of every tleicri walter eales paiotcr c lazier mo 1apcr haigr itcd ufhrock 5tkct kinjotod jama poou ironmon cr fc the british american hotel lv w u alxtxom kiiigton wvvl 811 etoawptrdmsr tlowe1l per wa a j fire marine insurance phdtilutio insure cs fijwpatfy phe subscriber most refpeetfiilly i jl beeskavo to return tltaoka ti liia rnwn anil country rjtomcnp ftir the pat iruiiage ho una rcivel irt hii da- gihds stork ami talie thi pportuniy of ojumtiig thpirifthat lie hat recently rt4jptned the old oroceky store orr4irs ik ntasnvtfrmvi wliefc lie inlcfiila to keep on lund the boit iiscirtiiiqiil of j tt sm aal groceries prov1s1ots anl fr ibe altfr camf trrafly lulriff aain toi or rtae by sdtaa fflltaaanp i en kirr and ftft vwh umt ifefilt carjnei tuij in ittltft narigaliwi m t- iicntergfli- wf nes leqdors o whkn n will jlnrh ki hkw rttar e0t hsvftd op lirkctoh9- nnk rf tlj cih fuor 0 v lioijf eq ihtam- ilfl speaker ep r ch ocialaj- ctlrads from late fiiglisl iprrg m d ciakiar c lii v r ike g i afrnur a medkl ammf cmm cawhuip law atij rr 00 qfauurirffllf 4 idt cihimfy there re nne moo riientv1jr ii vficfl i imt ownr uott amojamrs sampson m ahipvt ihe many twjmwt flntrfamlta l lb tdmk han well rtdttced ilntft a ibetr ww- f braukff eri alaa v rrteiw f wft awftiiw keamrnai itwif nm meieiy ultjsof rrfcrte ft c ivinccs street wl u too urtf dwrninlel it ogfill u dllfilljr aor llvtl bylfeomiilf dttiitftt f a aw til um ihmatast talm f i o d wr 0f if ouooi- i o ifh r cr ft r mrdimi aim lfwvrff mf ew fall gftols a 0 shaw importers of british dry gwois whoiesaje and jltami princess 8tst havfiloinlitnaidht vriftli al kms- ion ofthairthipmeuiir cowonia cowfcrlo monfnajsttd torrcn a genmt jinohmcnlt anc abd staple dw goods aoped lo lb present and eomtufca- aftds while tfrtrretmjitfll ati fowafltt urodld baft to autwo th jcilitp povr in havinfca reidcnl hoveria the brilih mikeu mvy red ntfhn hou in the w can offri raalriartitecribftu a hiianthnjirarcai kiratloiisrih u i84s 71 i f r ontario stub the suacrilwr has joat receiw3 isu i summer twk f drv good linnet jasedowaufarricrhniui- bek street kiupuin fur faleupt irjor on tho aborted notice fur of every jjhcwptinn bought anj sold matthew dremmond gmcer wma ft spirit merchant weliniti fluildinga next 10 mr w wilann klmilnnc w f bkayler conch byildcrs dtxi cacri age hake rv princesa slrcct kindlon ftobert mecormick wholesale ami retail deiiler in winoa spirits ten jwiericic prinrcsstitreetintslon tj general com- mipwina agrtt ftrpker and auctioneer rktartotvc w h 1 y jtfljkaiier cnbinut ncr and qubf steernloiitceat street kingston vkflfepami aatorimeot of ihe latest wf fiaaraitore conatanit on jiand anil cot mpmarral term hendflraon barriiiera jtf e kingsann mav 171848 ewiin of rtmfwibbitaimlw martin priiccf si reel city of kivcsuon gas light comfany rphe roard nf esredor bavin contracted 4rkfc- ii ii i fr i d h oilniant ft watt m m m iftlb 49tfkimton june 51 1648 kitirlenjunei3 for sale 100 5f farm to let h amiltoa i smiths fnun4or stole rc 1 bflls plaster manure 100 doiflay rakes at reduced ee ollphaktft watt kinsuon utyl 1b48 mlf mortons improved salfjlatv price nf the abn article educed to enc iiouftd ten ilioz er 100 tht ouphant wait 4gcwf knpion an5usts848 william all k n tinsmith c oic t tim doora iptal of th cfofcrtu frireaoiu wellington street pub subscriber thankful t pm mvors respectfully iutiihat to hi friend anj ilio public that lie has now n hand e lartjc asonmont of every lescription of nunnfrud tin ware which he is prep aiejtoiielloutho moa avorahle ftalu coppar stibet iron and tinware made up to order at low jiricea kin march 3 ims 19 z i aifd term of thee years the fa nilc on the ah i from kingston taljlc iil1 fiifin notick ufr- bcssell preprihor ef the ctfy arm iii- ilrral rwd ahot lo u eoamon1y catlrd lh with twu others ad joininf coatfititinf- in ill npwardi of 50tr acres the itaptrt mt 1a riuskll eq for further nailicnurt apply la william gunn al the city riewery office kington anul 4 181s- 63tf kui dimes rrc jer ct kif kvo i i looip it oi liir lrli i d il da di if vider or the tiirfolbuii c4mnrsjl f h remteilrd 10 pay thr atne i tfct llfllw jt- nnimicdal uio cornell i x cll fternbd i roche brothers gos in foreign exchange qffice rrthh companys line of packet jl skip omprism ti trtlhimn llfit k blt livc bick star iir rt eitior livk reqvlak liv of l7crxvd ivkti siilieg punctually from liretpod iw ships each vvevl dining the ytats 184s end is10 tngcther with ilwir transi ext ukb of first clasasbipa nrinfdiine from liveapthtl and the porta if tieland to ah parts of the united sljlca mu ifai- iish am ria- thrfso stiipnwill trwtl tuppurd h pork flour 01 and cm jcf itico viator ivas viirgir tt pun t i r o ijtlic p-i4cnrej4tre7jfp- l wrr l ttre lrin ll- ywtfi oi k hfilavit utraurmumv brutal murder tjiremefhtocn mol bt urllf tt4ra i bwlj io tipjeriy ttcj irrelhee tkiliit ho hud ttca puccj kcerf or r jvw of s mi qrw nsinsi wbvn a dimru wrrdt of pno faira hd hecrt jj tite d tails aie ttfrt io uio mlowinfr account ns nv joonem mf olvot tpyas ih gmi wit nr t inl v r ps pyr fit eurrlfk h hmd wctiirrt io o rrqocllly to rccli drn of rowdrih r ti rates nd arrears fe b hsei a n nvvnllt r ie ttrnkd brien io jr cottfl tve qt bis1ii in cofibroneo of li luvifif f j his ttock tiff the und rjid bench wittot w ifrsnud sfiiiom vim fr 4 3 1 j mr tf it j iii ml n ihst her hid remored itt ctn l snolse r il land 1 v u- rr r rliered lo bo roto o- frtdf nxirmnf bsl he fve itc bench nsnsol itlfta ui eon6jils1 ekk d dc4ipd hiin tt1icelicrpcrimilrccornof dfjcn vhieh hmd beef to f mored ren placed the iikts jl ed roc ntmed reo wulh nnd dwfr a leepenittfi ikocoo ph i t rpi s1cd jjl jo resides srithin hh s mile of w hfm tke dreeasrd men lyerc ptseet ss hecpf sjet alftomeao stotdsr nihtsrdoc sandsy n n fi i c r f was to bed de- ccucd rtsri ented ibe nootar nd toldfaim that iws were me riini ir aflfle him and ifi ouui s rnmotoor lh ther ke4ad men wawi and dwcea came io they tclied law in iq tinl xeo r ii jr serenl mrn ciw iiipojij wfffi rcfiwed sffastllsnec one of ibe sauty vc the kitohert winonf and ntlhce said if ye dnt irt ns ha wo wij boft the xowse one of t noilim ini4e ivxttrdno if fo w1 pro u oor lite wo will t k r ot oifis nterio rm acaia- it ppie akn1 if ihej hd piirjs leav and were uld rf- i vt rjfpn wihi a larfr ow rnit ibrowriafipnw tnenvior ths isa ws kntlicw sn4 ihe elow proei teemeniendowef wh m had a im w1fh snd dwjee wen ltawft lt ilu lives od sxjd ihcff wfud ncror bom ajafc ran was potted el by lh putyaod tho uiror snenajrsmemoved uw tso dwtcrid wiwi wl wt i hfr kneca and itbfeetw afferey bh they were hmh moetd lo ihe litceo owe wshottd ihciaer ruhrrai srith oa ind srjcn tbestvckof it hmko howsobeat andkishd fno bvwt who hv bsftet deponenl states lhat iter dwyer xd tflau raikt tbolbnx mm ivo kilted ihb lefi llic h ow wctit wih nse be tlvlf sriik ilie ecaw wa iht sks wit ptormtd twr hninlenajniv shiich nw cmi mhnre weo rtfle kff l tltr d ram sit mr band i i j z v ihe r o he so to ise enhee fr ntr br an iacst nlbt be hftd ii9twsthecas wa that of i eoneum of sex rtd om oo r donbt as ia tho caa f dfivb s4ch o ptocfediag teas ntt dfemed vemrj tbo od was interred oa stfoday us at cbrui choth as ja sinh sad from hi vmuts areodtnf to witness ibe fooeemt tb catesecnei tolnreexcited eormdrdbbimcicsi tlte or itjo j wotiio tt iino re ooderaiaoti jitutjcd tp th hefimiar of th diriet tb r nam isr dceewed whseh was leko the aeewnt f rs f f f is m on -i- was he vr or n nirr tl who wat a l i i and linker he h errml ebitep bcasde ths deeesaed who sp- prnniin hec be ihe vilj diofter if jeo 1e lira r s jlihj iitciuo frn ao loplc with ltiafal and ear fjt willi him bis cnl tbeuvceaced s un cart new coekcr ttualta salsasi and a it rpwblidy f thai nrtiltutvnd isssjid lo haw unpfii al 1q birlh at ibro vrtrs r jvj mitr atilre anri urd lo oirr a bnther t vslissjl ustaa as-iia- the sajmst hrmars id daneioeio o ttjtn wbtcs he jyt4a la tiiia irnn b rrw t wron s1- 1o rotnmenccd ike tadr of bee fclhcr il p9onr used to winter alwayaj kie i r r rsmsk and it wsaontr kwnwo u bannay assj9k the miirmof that puca lbl slss waa wiaasn ttc fad liotctae aosopqoentlf bscams wtm kfttwnnnrnsthfrn fon to ciui-i- e fiances tikiif place a qnrret fk plswfl be- iween her snd a aoav snd a n ebed bihte bv iween litem was iha r jt whirh u poe ietten and iawhirjitrra frmo rimaidt rmrt ibo ielw ittbenoioi twrbransn nraajswariallv venme ejprasd nd lheiml ws rlvat iwesetv rinv krvwn m a fief aboot 11 t- aavsw beeaie na- s inrrf sttihm as wrlh irliasalitpi smiciwal wrastakcnsjd uttoifrraele dstiwrhal smtik fdaas fse had ipasvsw t ostw eetaad ti jnr il of wer in wvcimvrt pieajna njpi hwit heed sety kappilf bre4sr aodlbactkdsjaaj casldeao iiasxswajaoa a jlsj waimsiij sjaf4 bsi aaawjaa ttsy aach ttverfracdw t ma yosra an e pfofanvbas sfhok was ereloliy sorted arid drcsaed tiia isj rvato tnosofe lo ukeeftu iotnsnaaanjass f uawwkb samkl wfd oj wartky eoapwwjoi pnaitsoaja wheh votd aot the ajifeoiim o ny rftutfai kok rssymlr themhd rnnrrroodvj by ail or seren 1 0 ibfcw jviot assjo drpou ef ts liiosinlicr m novemuf lal dkccmti dtolkien wopks0on kington auel 1 im8 missing t an m education he sulacribcr will iuopon hi acadgmy in priuresa sul on monday 2ol ociober alv in couiiexnui with dm same there will adepaitmeut frgnl in which tic will nticud ihe cksios fur vriiug snt arithmtrlic will he commenced from hie same daic a c a s ddrtss e of books ha macjccd ou ccnrr joity yd iaasncer tskeii i i huppaseil ihh k wtiaif at aan u ihe erniisve at prmji 6ih imi any inrcrmjtion rfecliiiv j abate leltj viih lilrrtf ramav toiau coj knl- 13 v winch w seiid anv anrnni of nniioy c tf dtwttii io nil par nind reland sen land and vvelt pnjnm mi nr ihr tie ah in ny t the tmvm t iho uitilrd kiod it ist in it arrug most the mil peifict eve tinlillfvd lerns icins f rcniiting mney or gfntlihi fi thru pi ur s will fiml nit lirert dfhipa iv most cxicujijn mii tshceitviit nf nil cjlhem on i ran iphtru any iufirmaiiui ihe atiljcet uy ap plying if hy kitr n tftfi8itlj o canavan cos office ihftfioi f jpnhitffoj srctt livrralo j y il- n b bwtpn nl t4lhr per fiftm roprijsiins llicsc linca kirtlk bothttatt c me iho only di fiwlictf llllll llivir agcil o lliiffilri ihe fcral tl f fl itr yij one jf le puif decd rej lo knr iff 3m1 w m iv iinio hed harj fvaird wows en t 11 11 u up o oi li iiey m i hm ii nw i ft fsfsorsjie 1 lo tif upn hie ii rde ic retired lefin thai he mifht ko juki an ihrun w- piimrdtivinidi whettta wasslaiiit mfi aler ibe spiantff af the lrer ihe ajr m r vet np0 wcnl anni nt soe pc nnd f i crt iik mjnuin lei nt kn iw any o ihe rirtr ulm ctci his ue lhn whn dtd hid then fsajnakutkmnidsjredsuamd t iw rettjtnf d wiine prrcn nr pr s ford fi of fiiif fimo tuanmh4i0x of slfinlx vmoca vvateatvtile hlojtric tslccrani oe wvdntdiy t ffr frird nhder h li t m crwf j tenenl if the eletic t looinj mnher in iiw to ieijiika p icttcjb- iiyo ilniblhi i- kcclie tvpijft i t i rr i ri uvd j i a yrot wi of citps wh h fer s i i rt wrand wim datfnaj ot pejah thoijlj ahe lift iti hcn hn md ti i ji rvl e n- nstiie4 by nvoiiha ui a sinit deaeiio- ani d iaifwfj eidift- m ritffpi eatrhjftilt rccrnwed m iinfts il imdcr rcj mylriioaeiitmlirkb i sines heei drtssbtnd anb h hcen bmm wlh so tntnl n l lii e h yr thn k wh rj ill wr li inn will stftfjllr oui oct i 8 thr ev er i iivling pupib fur host 1 n attended to will be properly j taylor- swntomberqsnu isis 77 wd copper tbrnifactarersi pripeew and baot su fianrtm cftnws klskjt rnnw kingston ltfiusa itaiicrve ss all oceonnl he handed to thomab cms ooulvtant general jtto agent- oemjfr in potah illiroaf idotfitifilon j 1 v 7fea hotel ontario bwasawjftfjy landiojt at the foot of iwsllsro sjcec4jgpr jnd con re client to cbotjlcanj boaj every auenlion 4otiawcarrfeyjicc ijjmwi j from isipj sataaisarn will be t en by the ssbseiibtt j0bh s clute- 4 asya ibis i- llplxter bartltfp clftrijvri ov cbfritbjsenon merchant another party j parsons bereby nonxted to mk tbb tiijanj the lothinif ooistariss5t that date will iv yer for collection wm gunk acitf brewery office s islbws oatmeal aqnantity fresh ground in bbts of 394 fts each just reieed por sale hv ollphant ft watt kinpun lltb july 1848 06 ready made clothing- vh subscjltdrruhesloinfarra iht a ptibtie that he bss rceiscd from ec- land lsrs qoanttiy ef ready made cloa- ft p p in s atylt and aho that h asd hoerntses tk hand a real nanity oi cait j lesz ml trowseraof snfiaec sa cetiirg cml n 1 smj whereaj he is dtermiied tetirt ju a i klkgtitow ftuirw roh rraaae q mwplmatb- superior whiskey 1sbqm ic dtmillciv of ritchtosd ft jonssinr look point cemlinll oa hnd and foi sale loi bj n a s j wis k po sale at tub kingston foundry a vtiit of jib ko asfl leflich coal a j ytrrasb kbtties coolers kinptetj eoopdry aivj kilsftfs it tf ews wilj passes ocsaw fefcon poiness shortly grtct bargon may bt rx dstfci books which treat of the raot important subjects t all human beinyp fur caps very cheap a splendid article of buckskin m ttn and rtt or chtp silk and beaver hats j brock slrtet neat the telegraph pole j john kfcmanaman kinguan october 2frh j43 sv3ft poh 8alev from fifty to sixty tans old ami new hay fr- for further psrlcolars apnty la city hrtwtv qfc kiapton august 24s iso blavdlxg and 1x11 is siiliseribpra lisnilf a cximtj- enrej run lor nnj ilar sic prc- imivii lcxotnt nil nij f bjolt llmahil diojue nukuling ennomy ed tlopa w ramivy rh aimfpur i st c cirpc 0st 13 i8w s3 london stiniiuy oily laif liu uilii willi kilo ittl pr y rim i lotltstpi as mm wlo a itnneom can it ai 7r z m t nav ti- just pubushed collection of original 6aoree muilcjrand in full seirw a wth orfaj or piano furia accompani ataidt by f u amm fourteen yeraoraniaof iha uhapelofthe hnty triouy qjjejbak f or esue by ramsay armour ik co xinptod oct 13 1848 89 b c cha1m rt respectful- ly inlhnale ihamnqfe now rcceiv ex fc null and obft iiua direct 20 cases ncwgoihisi cos itnrofevmr atficlt ii tho stati0n- eryu line inclmiins all ibe nc itlier with a select ln ef french and ilisb entrii ami ilksrtis and an aortinrntof kbvv boqufi ibt wide of which have leer very eaijly kclcj anil will ae sold at renaravjylou prices amongst ibe istslienery 410 every dtscrlr- lien nf wriiint and drawing papers v t pape t a rerv large wrlment scaipes oo iy atiivetopes with inn mnuocsc paitttie in naeteels with aumne inl stsa- ef ps m-cb- weed i metal ink gloses plain amj dhrd sleet pol perrys cillelth dt na and mil- cbalrx pita tajea silk tame anicetuv pen and packet knim rulrpfa make mftnaramluin books metfte te india rubvr qaitdi lriutfxo swrm candle and waj tspeia ceerj scales folders and tablets mtnatnrs leaves drawing materials cnler coxes water colors id cakes am tubss paper wciebu f mftaj rr gaje parallel huks farchmrni cardu ftc c fc hoalfeal oct 31 66 fresh oysters and fruit dialy bv exrres8 vj mums convr of fnvm enrf ffineffon 4ryti caaba f0rwarh3 e8uss as wooliauooi frrm hnr sf oornvzissitttt ivkmfltor ucl n iire fltar luobcr brrf pert nail fiah ttftld 1iafl jrts raora t sto s or cutralo frsnler nnd kserai 3 ir r rr mil in- litm s riis cl l crri- vim steamboats pr0prliers and vessels on the lakes zjrw foot itf tttshwgitm street citas 0 ft taifafaje iasjiett wevaj ricirp j scooclu tjdffaloy jj iaa m4mamr4 estjksaa4lle4nwffnj paubwjngss litd0ghafus iv jijst ami c chalmers hova fnt to hind iimm london imii a chnit im of plain qi cisliir eo kncravscslrrilo singular cask of concealment op skx tie priicura of vcj inour rse of r- eetirn1 r r f irtcfthi llsts oiy to lhl htrior ih p s1 wrcli tt flcs fsjf bav lc ue h 0trr lltrm ibc vwoa oasiurdjy ur qlmd unenf ihe ce4sil ihe ii iprirvlfom oiion iccsd a rrlsvl tie f o fl lb frli rayhi if rrtj iritf i- itf uastn m tn n esrfiht 4j jbn jwrs esr 43 ty ieik4o jkc aah tinwef uweinc tf 1 rf esfafawlnnsj re iw tlesnf strswt maswtee nl ibo hov of mr m can- mr olenid tli inrtivhloal in ihe coors of iho ilay and enad ih caoiinini unl srirli v w i ibin l he lai rlymriey o lirtkrie the n rwao ad bnriiij bis voice e arm sirk with their ocuw irr the iv iifrt c iv al ra p and ihr iica bios ihoa f i woiiao mr btsod asked the uyiudr of rhf boose bvibrrir wau rn o a o am mrsmcann frplacd by styifi i doi ko 4c0 ah i con ii ii you is that h inl his wits lisvc injrd here nine uefti d hchsaalwivs drassed ass man and tdoww his oconiofl as a knito cficder nnd spoootnakcfk mr oliod on hewting that thrro wts a wife reoonted to seo hef mrsurcr fbu tniirr s vho stscd ihnl 4io hid bvd wiih hin fourteen cas ihst ht met bm aral al new mitb m dfbfawirrt ibal ihcy weec hh mi t j itd alihodsh bviof hnjeher ihit b- hil ckvcn children tht bo rowe ibe trao- f knifefjiiuder and linker sad somltmsa joi as ntneb s 10 a day the siaiewvnis urns mdr lyihcomin paiwavd hun for ihe time lbs i he ss i orror in aopoip ike individoal eatlsso hunseir her liuland to bo a srhan hot uh qtit visits srrved to roawaken m lo cha mean lime ihaajmnkimsof ditcaro be ann te injisal lkd- ik siflqll veftwtay a t t llte a j oils t ii tvu i ilin w sj j it fiet it waraoatiiii ihmm eiysrli n ii h it ml wivi lxl ih ib ib t tbn wisi i tr i na v s nil i nri in ajtnlsvtasji ihwmi rs wee- otf rtd 4ttl rfnisrirt in rth i haa isal ti oi- nesiss e-a- i lb eavrjaiaja ar iss ind rh wir is ivo ak i bin ffoii i hsiiilir rteswa i rwrll inti lb rifee hr it rraiinrd in a lr nasi 9 aiarri lilf a qta in trnih r idr w wr while tio rih er r d f it w s hol ptifl wid e witee ina ifte fr vf willi lisn ai ii r 0 os nlirely iiewniil which will vo sold aronheaitof ofiltcoaib mr blaed ramcdisieiy vry riioiwrate piiea for cah pneeded loiba hoiei and aacertsjitcd ihsl the 8 croat st- janc stteet i mortreal 30th ufl loia tar steel pevs quills fcc ihe subciioer hnve always oi hanrl llarw fairtmenlfif quills stcil pes iwk antl is pworns ulrn inintand- ld pciwils slatvs and slottf prxcils messoaap ou ji bo is etc c bamsay armour co kiijelotioct 13 1618 s3 i i i was beyond alt do jb a femala- he sfialfi crvcincd ibo woman eauin herself ihe wile i wtien sttc 1 tn- ti baviae any knotekdc of ibe sea f the decease 11 tlia eay befvie ihe daatfi when deceased riqooted ibatabawoote stto no ass in assist her lo lay out tho to j bui sow n o in a sheel which alia dd and ii was in ib ht i mr blnnd tisud lho tjtsc slid immdisclt sfipr lbs dalb on utng fuibrr oketamtned the woensa slated lhal iha aloao children of wflh sbohsdaooaen wciaby snetber htibsnd who wis dead and iha reees sbs asli f hnnl 4 vd htfvr ot sn i lb isltttt tdo sjf iseries wli i v wml oiih t nionfit- tif euif li liar hn ihia j iwaav helwffe ih ffl in ihr ei-ian- r i rsda snd ilo inlnisaii in l giaik nlw j i v wo lsnjniiiaj from ih ne a i ha inthrwiih iik miwt iae the aflii nf i ihe nivov wsa tilr fat fecs a nvtin i si hih wasil ncrt nwitft fn npni the snpor- aron lbs lb clliat o thr s wlro cot i son silio v ibewto r was ikroirn nvrt it in ssjpfeln lbs n eights nemary 10 reuin ib if in in its pbc io cmnrc nf lp neiai1f srn eornnt wbwb w s rn- r 1 17 clofd hf ibc hease rinf tho ntfhl p fomj ibo ordinary ovfivli n ben to nr ihnte hrrp while ie rainy weuoer fassa aa blir in wsieb ihe eaititneri was mae il whtd prohamr iflvitpl roaa atn as fifteen defrvrarhtfrren lircrpoo sad manrbcs- ter- tho ro r j win rcroew d in tlia wlmff dwr- mfttrt ntfttt and on tliemdy eaaermanri wee ivpeied with ibo aacaieesiioiht ihcra effltabc unrtsoniodoobl ifm ibeninooa ftlaawtitavenvateivd will seen seoinl eneam of coaasylaf inab undir rrirr sneeld riostoulhtcaar ilisrrobatklbat one of the hrn piiioninf iheinrtnliin witt si m fdhtii a eninnritation hs ateetr is iefrapb be- tsrceo lirsniotand brkeahadi vesrsstrr 7awwa fim e st eoecave oat tha frrm ftk in hoae wood wb eh bs by tear irjio urn tarkad oi asike csiiatija iraa at which ihevrtn knf and sjamji wss sbyvt jfa arrows istco fell in iha pmund the iron k of this lice ws ntty 12 fret in iicifht up in in mci rs a ino brnnefcrs msturrd fiss ffi in ditino- ivr and confined fj inads tf lisawf and ba araisicldsd fjboifi ninahsds inoro b- aj