British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), November 22, 1848, p. 2

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air bi th m mplw5i prt stf ihe lof as that fa tho inside vf ihe trunk an irnn ynnihvme ih ansmuee of an nrr hpul was frond by mr sniytfiirmbe arninf sir ed- ward rernton the ptvaitftrav u ih depth f foot n ihiniba- bar and elwi fvr feet from ibo grtcnd srwhit u rjrehneo af hte teari lodtrrftlkt ii lhf rtfufdrof ffcjdf kv- nt vncaatd hy ibe hrbftrtt cfitb fcf that tt sau sue at tiitarat iti ceiee mlarauubhjhmrnt iawnrdio feet ino fotee rr the mr of ifcmfj the amery nmmmp prtoerirea nui at bftnc on wvjm bmutfrt to the hammer mr ptat i jlt i rrnpteidmf ailho mhi or ihc mfvi tllo micncnnccor ibe mrkf of iho roa ov re end t theatrical inatiremirfilraee bren eapctlcc wau numeriivap n- re parlttlpv pi many mrrtfn of the of k and bfjaarn withrd in pomt ihurtprivo of otic ftlie of be eiffmed cifroaof si geivaovin thekirlds which tvotj iho cnifceawn md lb ptoi0 fhinbcf lift tomlfiplimt jmalk pntnmi ii re fi an riitut the o 01 wed rcvdtv rrtmrrlv eoftfiaed tu ie lildalfrf ftcvot hk dfoantvoinp lvt poictliea te durrn dwtar tle mom diminmiw precirurn of ihc tt1 ii ire mil i rri fo hnhr nfl tit be kthikpor faqer in ltofetw swors- ho as 11 n pmtlfew oarerf nf li irowiijrflbjtuihcfthcccrt6vp- apeoh t- irr v ofj cikmrf in ibis vnmtry amflsrrrn irveibanlho celebrated jct feey who rtnviia art rocurded s ibe witrea nf id i wwt o chavteouandnn whom fcir w 0a xrnvri d t i r n it unmlh lhdiomr phtur i- iw i- ttiifc n ro tiu lilllo rrlcno i rrl ntn if j4vn hflnmnv l jt wl htr iioffwj o i o fftrrrr nf a i i 1 vn icitk llg ip wri itrwit qrc ifticiin nd jctis an fiprfjpinfi or rtrrr hr rin ch cim- pjpph tiflicloor fu i t c ac aad tutu imi md ifcttii ht ivfcfffim iwwk 4 ffi i wry rid of o a li umi cli b i cm the flnc fammmft to hidtr in ihr paftt hr inhib iv- v r i il t ri dori 10 n tlmh j aiatjfftl irt is rqahy wfillivof winff cootilrj r4 iiwlp as wcofftls io ou nwif t oint he r a jllj ifi colnni ml j w i iflod j a vij au vtfv of iii dc willi the coleny out imilf tpttf- r- rwrrn- m of ittniiitotaml s tmoe ivitri maoacacmbr witr biittitocl1 18 frrf1 of oie firil cfioilion lio liltiiud hwrf wf pn1rioutto t a t 1 t 1 fmfjhk rrlicrio ihr ooni it ifcij cim by bryi m h if i- 5h kuilii in fom- mov wilh cnu1n loiiit mr iseww mf homtond mr filkoir f th lamt r- nimenr wetcoitft htinjf xdliiiot wbcii ahonr roni mtltf fiun vhotc a rquh caioc joui anl oici tic iaf ca4nn nliiman mn irt ppwi atr trtuturi tilll a boul and rrkud 1lc oihc jtjio 1j1 ci fc loui pi allajf clnin ui t toil iuj if not bn for cilin nhlmtn y would dooblrs law rhlhti a it v as ljfpi looclctk at liijllt tthtfn thry wtf tftkej ftp peilunhh lllflc vrf i sharlalwll ihdiwfr tmefilttf rar iho oa nf mnii tottotubuuhc tol for -t-i- nrl ffxy ti t mdfctote ih- olhet new iritl wai di- wa tje for jodpy puu thofflnioirf7iiro hti hie pmj iff client btm j tl f wv- ami i 1m f n him intfii oa mup nl nntl io all u aldfcfouiiaci tnrfrtd tbii a- l ito lft kc drte 5 ihr mini art1id 1 tbc liilh ihtt hi lulftrbftt pf thtl nootons for the inside of vienna the whwiakt irttcrinz dcaih nf ihc in iptim cnrii of vitnnit u ih vlctf af tiri1 iied fo the a k fiom l aafionc4 of r r i vittvap od ii ims ut hie ikfll of t tchnbarilmtni about ttbich all rraniiooi ui which i hfc witl nni lkt ucc women om turn nd chidrtn hjtcfi to abanmi the city in alt drrctvn one only irtet sniu of tifihaity frihlnd ropltivhofoteek ebfthrr that qot vhich tlftjml denied h om since ihf l5lh of uarch liy thai tfttirj a trie of 5cbon- tu uhof imii- iai 0jd for ftr a cots fc mj ine vlikli h its fneann till t the amfitl 5d lin 1 ppy n nr to btte atainx lh 1 ihnrana- while ihe puliftli o r and l chrfttta mmre 10 forte ii to il ly ir ihoi at o tbc tell ycu kiow thai he two battalions which havc efuc4 to proceed a well 3icoailltery rnof the line at miththt ao thcdirthiti jnldeced the general of lh roftilalion ihe 1 u beaten in alt the sutels ihc mte bftt attthr tales of oie ely vwmi a ihe iih r of wiedei ate l the tudebu the nationa curd and the wflfm burn with the dese to meet the enrenyhaiid 0 lilftd donhlles in a few hour the cannon will ml m of ih battle if theatiick uketice simultaneously it in ceiuio iht the army of th carnariua eanhl helttcf f lw fire will bf ctl ifl pittes there if here an armed pa1ation of more than toflvi men and all jcmand tn rratch araintt the enmy i tuutl yesterday erf aioi lie enclosures of the city ar the neons of defence aro fiieli lhat ll mio will net r v to force an entrance this morning i rcconnoierej at he fanhnnr of vfidei ail waiahle lo peiceiwe the ad ttlpxfi uatd of jeluchieh and ibe miin imv of aneisnere 18 mec slone s mieic roire tottard ihe main bady of 1i1- crrajanf public irattooility and ihe 1 rt ftif arc eonndrd to a cotn- roittec of iublir safety taken from the iv lionl asirmmy a municipal council ami ih cnmiilee of sltfilcnli camdeic the kd- minutiaiieji ef ihe city and are chloed with ihe maintenance of order the derni the latest case tha evil nlmiletl njon a nation y ih arii y- of irty fvernrneiitj are tejin in nomlef ml e we over and aaio rerwaled no n 1 1 n f resolt than in lis r- j j af a spccinieit follow- in a comimntc of ih hoos coamma compnilnj mvotq mhrrs mi oobdh and hume auj sir jaie graham wercap- i 1 to iflftiijio the raw etimate the fim ieicl of the admiralty p anck- lanj who tioably itoes not know a jbooem fion a pojuntern was of court enl for to funih infinnal after cobdcn had cteehd him ww to the british navi fiee trt the moliteiunean the qntion was put relative i the force of ihe american within the sltiirs of uibraltrr his lofdliip didnotknowi perhaps they have one ship f war lhtj a ilr costtrn i yef 5a4 mi lojrsbip 1 think they nt i i is your lordhrp awrc what amotint of tadc the americana hire in bat qtiottrr eoflliittjcd the wiia ncre i ai not awae answered the ftil lofi ivomv it amotinls to about one half yl habcdtom half now here wa a nobleman i the liead of ttie naealdatimolof the relcsi mari time empiie thai la ever ytiml so utcry iqotjnt of the rrtutito vosnions oeennied hy his oivn hta oihet countries as not know iui we verify believe ihe creaiet lilockhean in her majcstyl dominion la cojii3rant ct ihz is if he bs erer thou 11 on ihe suhjtd at thf ti2 hat the ainenrars hare nejly all ihe time an average eilii sil of m-n-of- war includioc at leal two of their iwgm line of baiilo shift malioned within the brsor itecnto and thai for every single america htg that aseihc old koxcjlhcrc are at leasttwenly biilib wibsiich meit at lotd auevlam to man- ix our naval affji and miht nintc like richard couieu to cttiriie them it will indeed call inln f ritiilott til the aill and all the cherry d british sailor in relaiu sovrteioav of ihe sev and the honor oetj nf is- i i ikfti lit imfad prfcfjfl ihe itaitleaml ibe itm- tlle choltfla af v the cholera has aaife its apinaraaee heif and ttirce ftat ce hae occtinerl on rtirl the convict ahln mrtorrft ophite hit roal arsena ihe whole of the sufferers rinc twr rieu the fcjt av icov place on f and the convict dicj after abiit seern hoiu iilncs of l in- ifvi 1 1 to hieftone afirt e en hours illms and ihc ohci n aom twohur after he tiao oj r to the stiip hiving been ipltafl ill when at wik i the ttoi a areral to case were ieo trd as karma occurred todav kan i up to tl afteter on ihev hvl fiirlunauiy not piovvd taat aawkf hcratej on the measure oite or the deinilie tdeijcd lhat nnlhinc j hoirlj hr lonr h to temanl a copy the fnyal peceh from the president of tte connril ar 10 uar m grabow iloni hive cuminntticjted the soeceh to the ftfmnher m orator applied lo oeueral 1e pfkttl for il ktjl received no answrr he wrote aeeoiid tithe aim in a more nretsinc manfierbul with the rame retell lie then in deipairnf a rcjly resolved lo read hi own speech to the clumber and as to the answn nf the kintrhi announcf il as hasoeoaltea- rjy slated that t havins tveeieed it he eoutd not miltc it known to ihe astemhl alt thitnodum j verycuron and whjt b kijip stiji more soj is the silenre of the jonifor in a fan moiemcnt of latfprfati tjetirral de pfiel offered liv rcfivation whtea wat not eccpici he hovever de manded on obtained the mppresvo of ihe tojal ipecth in the official j wtftix after all the constitution r derive advan tage from tliil incident the king cannot bcnwenlrd from delifcrine such ieeches as uil him bpt but when the jlontfcr refusra lo insrrl thnm it is a aoflof crstptutionat ds- ivnuai such are the advnae anilincoo- vrmcocet of ihe envernment wiior powers are hoi clearly defined tiit itvavotfll b whirli the minitci ihtf thus cqmhmkd lh my j i pltiiire tus ray tatfedy miftlced to 1reyenl iht inifribliocl of at kft on the mihjrcl whit tnny inspire themtsl hiious feats is lh vote which the chuiivbcrlut ejjt- en lhi day in rejectin- he rfenef of the nrttim rviativctoihedisnta f the ka- oeuik worlmeii i have html ihe tadicats say lhat this limr ihov will ol he aije tu suc ceed in ealioi the toite at the mo ment at which write nearly cisni ocinek the city appear trannil bil meeting arr con voke ft lomotiov stjivdiy i now pro ceed 0 refer to arwthcr subject not les srave tha jsiihsalft record that the ctntral govern meut hat ilemanjej of puissa to place at its djpojj u flic lii iiiiivy to cruah an ftlthj at vitftti4 anil tal a rrfu ol has been sent to the central j-ovttanic- nothing is levl exatt m lyeickvjl has fall power tvj rcijuire if ntjrdtit the armed totoaacf of ba- varia and pntsu and praitia acenrdine tn recent conrentton cannm refute 0 altord energetic assistance to the centsal oeem mcut h i no doubly ii r- what n c j lion the chamber will yire 10 the demand if the demand be made ahead v ihr left is pre- parini a propasition 0 ihe elfeel that ny law hfoftiil staled at ftankfort must le accepted and consented to by the asscihly to have the force of laiv in pimsa- yon see thru that all is in npcnse here and that ihe dmibim irtice wsich parties rvi 1 i nndct ihe presire of the moment muat not be son tidtred a dcfiniie peace api v 1 c- t i 11 n f c wo i ivr rivtrine fi pari tlvmeo j perm cti 4 part britbsh wfionor 0 wtftmpl m o ofbom otcor wedxesdawiohkiko n0vs2 itms the penitentiary tnnurfant m alluded to a recent dispute belween the loaul 0 inspectors and loose veit amiahv ovd wbnlly difinterestm penile- 1 pri tbe coevamonl commiainneni the lllitt feted offrau ordered the losftectori to do mntrrthifla n a vety disagreeable way iffclch ihrltttl bo1uiely nfnfdtod and boh pariirs aj fuled lo ihv gneeioor iu coun- the acr1oihelaflehaibenprompt mr donid ftliea xldonell the sherirt of j 1 perempiorily rejected it tbey felt se they iaid beceote all my ptxeedinjs were irrcjour ad becanovthe peoyijition itself waapajfeoil aj i thai offer waa midf on the lafl dhzof the term of july antti uptottd it wtk fae acunt reiuif on ibe first day of tbe term of october ltqifvifurd my rule it is true bnl upon com- pillion onj after making two abortive at- tetnpu to withdraw i oo yoo call tht tsfn- rficitr areyotoot surprised lather that t tffflicw isevfrevisjnedioukt the slight est hoiicc of thoir incidendt vfa that- aitence fair jail to be considered as a speci men of the jostree of the presoi i lesrni d au i know ire upper canada 1 havc many friends tuere do prtj mr hditor ofer uu ainipie hou dope saeierado- ry e in behalf of your eery obedt seret a oogt montreal kov 171848 nofb oolgny complami thai we have the tavern dttt- ha lakrn charge of the j svibkttted him thi i scarcely fair- ttie penivntiary ad mr smith the warden ttiarmlitalion of u vifljiedve is hu just due rrtfttajr or t inw wordj dismissed not feeaiiie his whole conduct towards tho mon lbessrhlel caie i awened for this abtupt treat prese djijilayi a veen tecohcdtpfi of the diimsl hnttbc warden w made ihe pe- ihfatnoits unffirajo amllvd to tvhieh dalstrtllft arttu mi at tw ten by thy city payable yearly on th firit sof may ioteret half y tatty amminj btjinsr interest one ihorjvsnd five hnrrdrvi anl ibcney pnondjayaramonntodben- tnres for principal inereaiine as interest jc createa sib atejiirvj dt benlmea opt tp disoji r ay ftrtml securiiy held by he ban- crti the city treiitner to dfosit all cily fundi ia his bands amounting to lwtny pnnnda and upwards in the cooimtreiil city conncil mojtday evtntkci nov 20 ims pawner his worihiplh mayor m ovmffl hul counter vvilon brodcnsmtb angkftaftiller cownciflorj allen channon- house wiley crawford waddingham iiu- ton mcmahoo the miuvtet of lajl meetinciwete read j4fjafc wwta ata u allowed feegj t blw ft fl i t rxctfilipg jvepoundsbyeijeek imaheriothi the amoonl of ttvo corporation drbenlori he h pid ont ofcaab on haed thra at- hold of 100 tache rercrred lo committee j eoonuo be kept distinct from tbe eoglub on finance and accounts r john waddrll relalit to plank waiv in m lvrp f v jr niereit and the lebentore lby cjnuno direct- passed become doe without check orfahherdiieclioo bcpoata thtn agreement committee on fire and water recommend- 8lh cit l tgrr not rrnic li deben- terra fite company tor repairs lo ennv as j eiven by he cily forany specific impiote- the account wassietted by the chief engineer ments lo e provided for by ipeeial ur local through tam all claims ac hertaflcr to be i- ent of iheqnl between the belligerent w at the covinmenl interns to do with the board ul insrl we know til mi bey cannot a twilh the new ooeman power the sooner ihejweiee their walking papen im him by ihe dr jnhnson a eood istlajvh amens jtood men erotf andohfropcriin l84j ihr better fr wen already ru pnrtiej- ine daises and the colonel hat ample came to be ufle or the crabbed old lextcoraphet saints the metropolitan press which thonm eahihi ptobibly thi has a palietn of decrrcy and decorum toward ithe irovineial prrts h ever the first loin through uho made but that in futnre no similar scconnls be ptd unles a tequrilttoa hat beeo laid be fore the proper coenihillea for ihe repair recjtiiredj approved orhy ihrm abo recommefldlai thil the amount pray ed for in pettilon df c robl be ranled lo him alao that ihe caain of gtrlwetr fire compwy be allowed ibe sninof a3 for contingent expense to the engine of the company movsdhy mr counler seconded by mr smith that the amended ct of ncofporationcon- uin a claait aathoriains the city council to tax tntorance companies towards defraying theeapejweof nainiainin- ihe fire depart- worship the mayor alderman mclean at lojh any imbrotcmenj or atteralinw 10 the cily itnildiiif shelf if estimaled feavifi writ mc i r to be nxorided for not o increa sed renl or otherwise so as notlo diminitb tbe present income signed eiaarataicr btmpow0 5ohvston jane isw 4eucd by tht city cvjuoj 11th if default is made by the city alter the iwelve saoniht the city will erre to ihe appointment of a receiver provided tint office be tbe cv treasurer whosbaji give such seckrily u may be ordered by the coum 13th the defendanu lo pay he costa moved by mr hill seconded by mr allen that a select oommiltce consisting tflfi whether thniri sonera will now pro- dulge in language tht movt hominaole at teed with lhelfncc of the warden remains to be ecn- vt should say ihey will not they are in if tualien vt one of clavcr- the present moment the gaztttc and uic plot are y the ears amusing the public by bcdaub ng eacb other w7lh rwj tc5are of hn cfurlmiti who in the midt uflhe fict that oioe of the fiuh mns slick their delibcrat- beard he firing nf a vol- wheo ihc crrauc terms mr wittiara hiacks ley cried the president a jow bred lellow- contemplihu- and re n ihk repondd ihv prei they live the prisoner vrns the re- i beneath the notice of a gentleman i ueneath the notie of a readers will be loo apt to lit ihiuk that his mr nquceejaicyto continue thi the government has nutted lien idea kttl there inviliaiion the ivrdev ptfaitp tstif olncer ariii and ncc cdaft the convict hes hd a meet erwai rtaj a inland c jiinn with tlu iivilir al p cit- tiniers in woolwich tltc whole of the caicy thai tiave x yet oecvitred linvr taki pljce amnx ihr etiuricts at the hoval arena and none havo been i ried ill ftin lhi caje on the warnor convict shl nj iiosile the bvekyard the convicts en boa if 1 vakl thijnsliliatihe knyalaisenal bav keen permitted to have trmccoand been able to obtain an audience the fist llunjarian minister vecsey who aftr the dlsmisvnn of miiucf ilathyany had been commanded by ihe emperor in countersign his irsotenf manifemo to the hirnorian nation the maaifesto h which jelmchtch was ruinsed viceroy of hungat has been seiird on ttie aulian terriloiy at ihe motor ui when he had iuyt concerted with ibe crcaiian the ruin of bis country fir is h inday a prironeriu ibe hands of the mtidenl tttey bint from lie lo lime some croatian prftccur whom ihe love ofyillage and repine eusc lo fall into the poer of the people- 1 have pmrd through ihe icvcai pkee wheie the battle of the fith and tlh was gained on st stephen place on the amhnfthe wareffieeo at the craben and in ihc tvert nf the aifenal ihe shops and houses arc pierced through with cannon talvl and nishtuti there doe not remina pin e of i1als i i x the vindows the wretches fne1 pone shot on the people of whom a great number were without rm and this people nevertheless flung themselves on ihe and made himele master t of them with a coufae which tathing appioxhe oelclum there is o country in europe that pe5esae iroie natural adcatatea of hat ba turned ihemtobriler ecnnnt han relimn li is nne of ihe fireathh oms of tbc contineivt for france and for w biitein in no country lnt fiur own hhs the railrr syntetn obtaineil a more jtifactory development fiom the ceairal tolnt at maline ihe iron network preh itself fomd to ghent brifps and oslendio bruiscl auh liege to amwer- tad umemn intermediate towns the meus- a id schvdl will their ttibittaries together with the vafiout ctnals cut by the enterpfise and industry of the inhabimls open a water cmmnmcati all over thv kinedw the il ji ptains aju ride- of rforfhs in tsuthm and unur tillage which chaiacteiize franders and am- wpltlrc undkttalions of bratant vrd ilain iil covered with futji aid frnit tree fi wo nt the me hilly regions nf namur and iietf with lueir rich mineral treasures ef trn anlenal the extensive forcu of oak id nttrr valuame limber which ate seen in ibe viinut ruiff jt unite to rnake of ltc1gmi n cotmiy i nytrty lavnre1 by na- un- nr base the deloara pjflklei ihce rat ba ue v ft ii r nrly calculated tyit enehsif of inesviinf betitinm is under hlf a ahfl lion tn h point io which aiiculnla ha bee- ujted bad etpe tall fouiihe kifp ue ia aaihbhv even our kualiib i mhfcr rial rceive a irsmn of th- ra drnf iih- oil onecchih li necn ipved by nejov rud pictures nnvnftn is covcirj fltu tith and neeirhth uncultir vakl nj tf atr t1e aucceiof tht drlian n ih mn iunc4ues i jfioverti i he fnuj cloiha of vihuji the carpets f toiiiuay iuewvi c4pkhovi the licn t iheut ike fnuu and yple an pojfinhr ic mnuiiynf ihr bel evu in tlo i hf mmufaci illtls eiasv they j ijmv jfl lmfl and ea nr enrn is la be nhiitued for their uikal allou a itc of cruel leaaud cocoa hav asu heei allowed to the eotvict bntrd ttv wangr cprositv the kyi dxkyat j cation of chloroform stk1 vmivrtry ui to tr rinif ihiob hcjl e ii lhe7eirr jet luottunu i- for the cviled ttttc tfeur aue k ir tiie ietuhpf ilr f vfcriuinl if il be relme re alntbe rod ihe issvpaa ssvailli if eccvilse hi mre nn ituaitrtah i were tbc def romlnaed the watden miht is sateviclulilj disprove the ies of the chres as aconerated himself frvm those bithertor the aln truth he was mr neh looood a defence lo pteasc thc an therefore this lilt lc niiar emeule and dnmissal be came anecey of justice a ihesboi ei otujcoveuantcr what a ual- an oajy bumbu has ihi commissi of kiniry provej to he ow- abrhams il ppeuttisj of hiroidf and when the piltt alhidea in the i blackjruardism of mr abrahams the public will only recollect lhat mr william jlinek is exhibiiinga choice simple of thai qualify ny miftf such an epi thet towards one cncd in the same- profes sion is himself now col guy we look ii li n as an instrument to restrain alt this kind f thine the various actions he has insti tuted ainl the ffsj ate comift speedily to trial the jurymen who will sit upon ihese cates are cmvitant re a 1 em of ihe htontreal aappjr- and in ihejr rmiicls ihey will be mctd by s desire to a fmniitcr a tittle whole- on finance and accounts te m rng lolkvtlatf f ibe premiu whfch we m corrrclinn whrre it i so much needed lioh liav i w a kfcn participator c wviitfiro ffer7a 4vtv ihe pen omoeneiire iln the truth of the alleged abuses tmhe penitentiary these reenllcmen arrive rrell k pressed with the belief that all ftt 1k v have tn do is to condemn and to their upon ihe cnikiii and innavemenl f ienn l snrpnse difovcr that there is nothing fimpfffvfiiii ui ilpf iftiiudn irtn tliat tlve fitstilution is most admi re m nrur opui s- pmnkiieai rel iive 31 maintained in the bfrjt nfduci- c and all tbe ctjmoro the press is caused i ft lire ml i noi mre ermtie aufaiaaaa than th vjphii envidved doling ilte eetlri eu fl linary peeebiioiimtmte gi ssj it hut inty a pitiful iwrsonal quarrel between the iht see f tte i ti in 1 alf iv itirj f itoe a- klchei keeper uid the surgeon had ibe t h t nmunsioners been men of sne and honesty sev would have reported the fcl of the d pone home instead of uhkh eformetf thry made a yb from the inrmvnf lh- reprrsejttifo bilv the esfric4u of may down to the present time v and s rlvurc in the ihe middle of the eoning session a nivlti f iii uiepeinec ttf peveim eniineniof partauieiil they sit at t0 a f cacb ifiificrrrind eojinedsof pew nd a lrjenuiu ljectiiig and maiiitiinin a hsl of most ex- tier iff re prcktii ivev and c ina the estrd aei1 i the eey wo i se i i without filling ihn prsckels of a nteutlcman hft ebiif tw1 ehoim be the thanks ami sympathies of hia fellow citizens even at the tlftm of bein coiidered c vindictive in ni a ierive witaeisei and hullinsriheimpoverish persia n trir f tii snstr- the jcmricl tie cea5nvifinnprehas the folfcetririe leturs fiom pervia via trcbizoml which arrived here announce an impohant event- the kinji of persia mohanneu shah died at tehf ian from a violeit attack qtf sjoul 10 which lie had ton bren suhjct molummed jhah n of abas and cramd son of fetii alt shah who td in 1611 aid whom he succeeded to tint throne of f 5 3 was the luinlsoveiriguof the dynasty nf ls kaflyirs foindrdin 1761 hy aja olahomm khan he was hnrn in t806 his heir kih saltlianet joveniir of azetbaidj4n is 1 years of ae if ihe news of ihc dejlh 01 ihe kin of persia be confirmed it is prnt-a- blv lhat the salar who b in anna near khoi- asan will mrch uprfn theian white the fringe who have islen rrfnc on 1ic fruit- tier of torkey in cocsenence of oveit which have taken place in persia at diner tefieo and smour whnm am a4afed dew- let ihe bh iu maternal uncle and mm soultham who reigned for scleral romh after the death of fctti ali shah under the lame of ffhah will probably make attempt on the southern province wher they have numerous partialis thes two last princes re at this timr at kerbeju livtif ipon a pension granted lhen by the ottoman foverumeflt it if mi i that the communi- ctiou between taurif and teheiao arc al- ieady intercepted vmrnt nf ehl dtrivi ry f lis ertiitevt imn in ihr inj jl il vlkmie if trunee nd ihc hi ciif linktlvijl fcnit kli ljrtr grc ceo o ny it fi l- desucraioill vuoc vsluc bcund elassutsmh ilieeitjirvewiuiwhiehllie duevrv we kaw cmiialoii wilt exceed five tlauaand ictl nn ibe pom ief dtubfe t u j wuvil- ninh the inn lii nf y fit iiittft bl u t sett d i wu i ihm mai i cl r hulueiisrfd ty ihu etjhtspifnt v mr- bcprml itwcaion has been mde or proved ftreeeptvmvesek f fumubrrl like uniaileflliaii has managed to el his account hid twier a yur of cjrrlajje bores ate tftaneefti piovincc to a mcsl ruinous daily expense uuvi fhe priniinj of the evidence ihey hare il- ready taken will cost the cnunlty neatly ihuutnd pminsj and the whnlc expenses of no serious charee of wron or one owderiiii of curse i ilb kl1l iwi a bi1tr fnr pitv ylnnn be fnrflin j fie cllo vitb will f arc ttpphd t ic i her i 1 mifjtcif vilutownuetou ttuh f wood ii dic4 i ueueiu rria tioti ihe fumivre birirf v ai1iereiiv mveeii hwc es lltclor and s ueiriipaadikiravm w ihuii ipfirffu chb linad have ben ffd a frw days at the public charge- two or have fcecu loanid to au fevf loare of dioao en to a sick udy a lit pxtmfttfajma iawoui cnppem h of diftl and these anra few hkv ra-ym- by tlic iiutjilio rtek muhc 1 are the sole result af a met rhimuce ifhitlt tire ftiiu thi vfltr rsircirttvo the tobr the urfct of ikacd imol ihu bioufm il cmit itli th roiniiied luh ecu kf ily very ct nil ihi p o e qfit aleam i f roc ufuparimnwtv 1 id ih apnmlus wgdled ir ie ri ouiaiee a ip seiiml i ubprh wf xu te iitir nue of niuple pmlur tendered nerrsary by the roiv ni el i ihe mi e hen1c th cu citirdor rttuidiiej ta n 11 tled like t aiifi ktieior caper ine hut iiilend fr fttfne b chnrofi xhe ste ma baki uip ildfd fevd mi lmhl enfujri iccuct nf iltcrhoridui nppsrnlik mill in ene cuin inirired tjrlls cyhiitjr j lie eihutt prpr j ten are uhoiu nnj most evpeprive investicaton of kit iroithj continuance and eieiidicf over a trrrii of 13 jears from iht luildin- of the pron to iu prcarn state of comutcltnu all tve charges of tiuttljr and ecerivc in 11 aie pioeed to be bush oesf not hosb to liaee tn t at the eapies order of 1 btmtll of inspccts now defunct uhen iirt by 1 m of ifia jiufu cniier rile the in 1- u ih uhii vth lite vroh thai oe hi oidiate aid hal cjmlru f ajveamle pf f fu id ft 1 ej rt td ibrtl pip4aaii r tiewp india fiom he london 7tmcr of fwjojr 0 27- v have received by eprri torn mitscil lesour ud rices from india hi anticipation nf th overjnd mil of thf 15 h setnnber the dats thus received are fium calcutta to the w mda to tin inh and dombuv to ibe utb sepcnber the prvjent advices rc still without de- eiive news from moultan they cive ac count however of anivftl aud of ihe lalsore and peioannreforcef nn a gen eral ecanijtinc jruiid i tho vicinity of the citadel btvn hum uadud moulun some ovj weel t aihef lha waaoiixinully printed the lrn were 4ji in gnod bellh the final ow ad miprnded until ihv artivil of the siceje trwn expeeled to ei upaoii the 6th ei sriilerrber uhen ibennu would be put immejutely into iusilioe the waii said lo have had atound hun auut 5000 inquiry md 1200 hocc lite ihn aftumrd that he had eat kany camimi and iut his fortress ite rally iu nn rwehraj tale f devrhce lie t raid lo bost i bavimcthebavcatof ih kh uc e fti5 w- worhih ip ihc utiar i j hy nr in efi cincl i lh tle evitnti ii nry riun j piie a veay tllt lle tvmu eftrr inoviitff ihe pwi rr tn irii lb pavo if i ihn lubl thi cjhvtti fic wm rurirrd wlh i ulinf ilop crk hioijcl by hatll put i mnehnrf r vrmell is vitahy imptrnint to ibe erealul tj r r f th wlie lhlrofunn lnfin f 1 1 r- 1 p t l 1- 1 1 fr fit ihe ilfiiin w thus polyciug l imuird te rpjiidi nvin nf lb ftr atenh life cmttftf tn iisetf iteeosidsif cmerlrd i jbvr by iih h at ihuehk imp imlilrd tiofu 1 ilcim ferrd imn tle second cvhnder ahaj kvitacuslihyesciud opo i voilv pteftrl pmsii u pma m a ilmt pti nf tminaep nry tvotnfnn bar hiui nitti ihe double ptl pute sfa eobdcssjioj audi nyoogei4 ah il nlruud lhs inrdi ti the esif ir rtelrnof in engine diiien trf ihe supiiv j flojclil lk pnneippi rcqiunitet ntv i naueiuuiti hiehihraeavcivpjcfil wt intd riridl tucniy wcptitertiat lopayt jufiejhiwr far nth pitn hie trlllalce j stva vhnh tveeeonphrd u thn tno pnt the evidence is printed the pnblie will then eebow much they have been vietimiaed and il vflut cost this cummiion has humbugged the povince- to tft editor of the nritirh iflfr sta as you rcmatk we have never met no have i wr directly or indtrecttyi that i ino of iivc you any cauc uf complaint 1 uhserve howveri lhat you have ventured to sbm me ai the vindictive colonel a yow have adjudicated exparte yon villi there fmc i hope admit uic into your court sud re view j our decision hear me then mad mr famdens case been a ttry dif ficult one it would have been a feather in my cp in havc carried her through a3 it was r te great sea sehpen efroci from tht journal ofprofahtr toioc note on ifle ilfrdiferraneon seo eutmg mr toeev in marine janscoplc ooaer- vfithnt 30th ocriei l roei siynor fruseaii bnirrd mr ssaft j gbratier white liiltlr irning oree the lrbril side r ibe ahip n tjnet r i tuiun et the water t some cun i jfi dplsnec vinr itie ea heine ivihcrniar perjfilf eam ca our ttcrilna 1 tbc eirrum iincc tfte c -1- of thi agiialem vj nuo ae- certiited iu be the ippid pmjrrcrs in vut d on fldii ij ibsoa liudi fhiii j m-h- eal1 1 tsem sreiminjir i the rcitetl terror rrnm me impending dngcr our rlrit evuijeturo was ilia an epimotcbinj tmmwrt of mount etna of muajhl vesuvius wns initinetivcty coinmuniesied in them nd ihn they were enduvtuine in r- epe dcttvueii n a ttie wild nnhnslp ihc ame rican prulrics run befoe a porun fire thia s linvn ansaj hwcter mjteroeded by the apeedy peesenee of tbe irac eiiuac tf tbo lurutotil a rhipe nvt with btud and neek creel psuhmp iu citric tliouh llwwjilcr whlh omre thjn mcin- 00 it naamiyi and puffin- tbnruli its ootiiu l intervale breath taiatcd tho iurrwsndmc ntopbere and nce4kined a nosva upam de cree rernbune the piflas m pii1 hi ravesj oe enino ot eomin f villnu ntiy tarda lusunire tlfc mnul e vide oily a set seep cvatvd ria ed nl oeii twer 1 r feel au the wier al with aufii evee purveyed 1 r fat a saiy usiniiiahf itnaf dfriirf wliirbj while olhera tuedpdrifu eitli fanfi m sheeny vr th itie prrtrnec of wlikli alivnys rhneirr seahiin r hit mariam m ap btecvtv niifij dilinet fk w nf ihe faluvk fotinn of the eeluk bdyi and u10 wee 1 uf u cciibhd 10 see it ltd in uge ind foimnc an inverted eu ivhrnon ifrrdthrj ippareiit nsst areli and wdi erect da etwlidy paeav- ibaanli avc wte a ltirg ftiiifiid iicu 1 ovhi of whit ieqlyiewhableuin mig v the qccilain sttrae nf ao allucb iur unwel- ment coftntittcc commeitding payment of cerlain accoanls which wt inclvded mr prar corporalion dcbeqture of a5c0 puscd as amended s e hy nidvnns mr frtftix debenture lo be laid 00 the labte and ibe remaining claim killed ar proposed by the committee ttkolotions moved hy hr chinnonhotise secooded by mr allen that the treasurer be instructed to furnish the council at their nevi meeting with a list of all bebvitlurc now onlstaadins shewiosj their date amount and when due moved by mr hill ecoudcd by mr craw mi that the proposition for a settlement of the cily deht aud the suit in chancery a made hy ihe sotieitor of tbe city coucil and by nim stitl lathe solicitor of thi commercial dank on ihe 26b june last with the tour- tinneuvow made thereto be adopted hy thii council and thai his worship ihe mayor forward the same lo ihe rank as ihe lerms no which the council are willing to arrange the settlement of the cily debt in proposing the above resolution mr ai- etwnvllltfwfrillnfhemrttl wlihrh fhfr city council bad taken for an ainicabte setite- oaenl of the debt due the biok not only since ihe incorporation of the city in 1 646 but es pecially durirg ihe present year he staled thai ihe question bad een brought up by himself iierly as january ls4ft that other members had jain brought it up in april t that in may a select committee of tbeeosnbaotkel t suhoiimiitee of the directors of the bank when a tab of a-re- menl had beeo adopted by the two comniies which was to be submitted lo the solicitor of the two bodies for a settlement of the de tails upon which decree in chancery wai to be obtained that the solicitors of the dnk had made their proposition which had been ansered by a counter proposition ftum the city solicitor who had for watded it to tbe bank solicitors on the 26th june tast for their consideration since which no answer hjil teen received from the bank and that fo thi delay the council could not fairly be chareamc mr h thought for ihe present year ihe council had not been as sparing of their fund as they should bave been consid- crin- the lon standing deht due to the bak hui he believed that uo one could ay that the monfry had been nnl ttherwiae than for the detmin wilson and councillor crawford bo apjintcd odraw up a report shewing for the information of tbe public the procerdiue which bare been taken by the couocil siajoe incorporation of he city to aerogel a settle ment of the city debt and lint tbe commit- ec report 41 the next meetins of the council moved by mr crawford seconded by mr smith that the propositions aud correspondence relative to ihe debt due to ihe commercial bank bt publuhed in al the cily papers moved by mr smyth seconded by mr wiley that the treasurer be anthoriied to pay over forthwith to tho commercial bank tbo sum of 1500 on account d debt due the biitkforthc market tolls as an carom f future payment moved by mr crawford secondtd by mr ureden that the finance committee be aumoriud to employ a competent accountant to aadit the treasurers accounts nw ii us mr uiit iave notice or his intention lo in troduce tho following bills a bill to eslabltsh and regulate an attta llnuse and house of liefugr in the cily of a bill to prevent cruelly to sutimali a gill lo provide for the keepioe of 1u of n 1 iy the council artjuurned c r asuitws ball il jivta ns much pvasutc lo announce to the fair rradci of the orlibt ffa lhat the gallant sens of olia intend to r b j- the anniversary of their tutelar saiul i 1 by a tl at ihe tiiy uat it ako ejivr u much jdeasre to add that the famul addendum to a ball aupper kitobe wbdly dispensed wilh on the pru oco- aud il ives ui still rroie pleanrc to eiccive lhat since m the cheap and nasty mode vf givtrt fwmie dinner came ino vogue tbey hare wholly sunk in public es timation masonic ball the xlasonic bjll ven by the provincial grand l t last mbl fully enuilled ihe ex- h y which were prettnuiiy formed of it the company numbered between 700 and 800 and a more lively aud aervcabfc aasemhtae never met logelber under similar auspice the arrangements wttt admiraole so much po that 1 at as the cuoipanv wai ther wa over j 1 and the utmost litilactloii prevailed tutuiihotit the- r- v fioein- cial grand master brother sir allan napier mcnah we regret lo lay was unable to at- irnprovement nf the wn and lhat hie most juftd fiam indispoaition and the v w de eftectnal way lo reduce the expenditure was pnl frovinciat craid master biothrr tho 10 niake a spcedv settlement wilh th fjcik he earnestly bged members for the welfare if the oily formally to adopt ihe proposition iffsaj g l officiated the company were received indueform mrs tiidoot tbc bilt luotsi which idjui the ldseioom was mvst ialeful1y decorated and ibe lode fir a selllemento the resululion was carried unanimously ton in chanccrv at f flonfr fnr an amicable selttcment or tnallers in rlipiile lctweeu the above parties tt is pro pert that ihe drfirtaui utlhdiiw iiieir 1 aiijeers and ellow a deere fro coocsso ai rayed for ihe plaintiff esveutiuj under catpotale sk- a defcaiance ir aicc- eosipt vwittr at let i lo- red its reck and he id lh lb fiiwe lev jlf m a hhen fil teen resuncd if fi and wa row 01 uf sifihl tt is wur- ihy of rviikc thai fe aeffial bouff after ila dep nr lux nil n nnjh- fitb rojhs 1 obevt within lite raoapottlii maripepc where brfwc ihc pea wn lcemi with piaeloml inttiwanli nil were ftnc c l i f a t kiml which f c elkty hefced up within iheii sbele case- hut ihc dreirc- i- l j ui dii kkmif ihe vsfltt h-wui- id un dcull bo mjf tar ibr ciy lh i 0nd i v wf f i for tbe bcw6l nf lb uiirj it iiay be tikiilo lal the v r it ravenl m- by mr seenvk a tynd opiiiin ewislruclfd i in ihe o ii of t leac- ih pnverfuf ickp 1 m r j li i u lubmsiitic i of iciest caienl u tilk wtatlica basbecome hcaulilul htful am should nay irrt this is the teal indian lor simply peiformin- my duly towards a de- f x jm w delightful and dd it it not freee at mchts fiiem bvlfiirsa much lejutvlady t have i v been feociusjy asoaitedand am threatened we with annlhitttlon revetting to br case in i rii i- rdra b ifidtuatcd ihe l- nru however after a verdict in her favor ihr de fendant moved for a uew trials and pendirg lr judgment on that nulion he made itilieejuivitmi ioj4jiixjjoars power wrli baveywtly chaacteitsed as false these thalditvtjty sh yrforcknruitfns hd r i pina i vf live cmijleo- tifr m iho i neeiu uvea 9imniturapwer mr jaroit behoves thaltlvaapplloalksu of ehv rsdausa in ihistiofd putpuao wilt bar o taa ime ioaloii uimsrtt04al pualerio the tisoohav itiovaure eiqineo in teeodmce wrtti a fgt avbfpamfatajosm of tv cotnmiuto on iwamf a and loanbaliluto to issss iintvoreafj htti aaii mdigirj picoaoro a a e an immvw odeanlaee tho dansi n f- vae itto ofhh pmeutocuilnos sfvih no fonor fvlu tcprutnttunj had a tendency lopoisoo hub minds of juiori and 1 1 o i u that ifjuetpcy i suld hav failed n my duly had i not iuicfpafed fr the proketiou o my client- 1 had do other cent oraaw no oiber couise opeo tomr than the motiou jnr a contempt of urhicb so nuth haa bren sard i j one wod j mit tbe ippijcation for a otw trial with thai sninnjer tbe ejjya have that piculiar ap pearance o much celebrated fgt who wouioi not t a toav t the radical govemmrnt has discharged the waiiltnof ibe penitent aiy for ny otrer camv but that he had the food and common scuje to he o cci t r c i- v aud a loyal yzu thi fact ha vma by some meant lo ut unknown come tn tbo knowledge of the lory prisoncn u that iiitlhotionhey hevo pesented a pe- tibontobc dicrrorsjcd on lh tamn grounds trd we think that they am fully entitled to the putce jvitatmhel hu bseu shown lo the tali ty much respected warden lilcm rn r i icnlurc in peifoimiuf ihr lotlowm ennuiiiom ahd ipayinent aud twelve inilbr noiice lo be ilivw io the city f any ialewdw application lo hie cotut of chancery in enforce the ue- jcret for any alleged totch of the asree- dient 1st tbc city treasurer shall ke ailis- itnei account in hej books ol tiu n n ejruendtture of the maiut buildine xny llrfll jiihind kent market tolls fce nmd vhalf deposit hc ame in the coatmrrcial itank tn the credit of ihe kntfihtojn kuud jid the cnput n ihe market to be ji- miud lo ihe acinal outlay frr salay of clerk frflhe market and tedls collector iojc noi icahi expenses of kcen maiktl llore aniljnatc eleanand in older ranee and such repairs lo the buildings may bu certified by the cilv atchtecl to be neeesaty au elrnsie of which shall ferae he made i when ibe amount uf fowh nljtmtc ea- eeithe um of three hundred and tbirtyhe puunds then itflicmhetcol to be given o ihe ikftfcvd tbe event of ihellanlc dtaapprovimi tlwrcof thru the dcvuion of three autmrcia tt mapivr lliiildewtobe final 3rj the knlh loan rimd to be cfcai- kvxasvilhtheuilereslof ihe debt md ijte coiujitsiki altuwclihe unk0f i anr surplus to he funded ifl bwi 3nkkk r pnl room waf for the oecitioi- appropnatrd as a drawing toorn the band of tho rifle brigade were placed in an ante loom immedi ately connected with the ball room ad ihe rrftrshmcftu erere u in arollier room adjoinmf thee rooms constitute the usual apartments of st andrews lode aiid for ihe present partictilar ocea9ion tbe company was furihct accommodated vriih ladys and erilemairs dressins roms in the fist tjndrr- niatb forming nan uf the phenix house conducted by mr snow the purveyor for ihc ball the supper was served in the two msu- as public securiliraappovcdnf by the itanh a a kiitkitif fund to pay olf tlje priuiih if iheineone thai rvctived be elruim- astlttl a cht innill iiiteieal ihe iuii the fitnrialkventiea citiil to pay eteoey io bo nfthe cny oblikativus 4ih thoceneraldebidne by the ciy lo th uatik on the lint day of ftlvi e ihwu sand eijbt hundied tndtoriolfiolobf hied nd to bo paid prior tu all olhci coid h thc ball commillee eveiy credit fr ihcir most admrrable irrangementa for the oc- cftfjfrl we anst al the sime lime accord la mr snow the most uhrceived piaive lor ihe highly ciedilable n auner in which he di- chained ihe dnlic of inrveyor tlie super was served in ws hrw room ann a wze elegant sjiread could not be doited hy anyone bitotr even aurpraaed himself on ihsoecasiou and hi very salrsfaclury pro- paralions promise well for the inline aeccess of lb u phenix lloue we published in onr rjtt tnesrays paper the setvciion uf mn5ic fjid c hi l for the ball frum which it wassern tht ihe eveuing enleilai ment wos to be iclirved hy ihe iuuodusiion of xw- cal aud inatiumcnul mmtc at inleivas v some profesiional eutlrmen and amateuts who kindly forutecicd thewinoat valuabte aid for the oecamon this proved very in- trreslina and aereoable diversion ftivinjrva riely tu the amusaajvanfi mloftelhtr venture tuvay a moro atrerible aiaemslsffa wan never held in ibis oily or one in which all cquctmed enjoyed ihrmfehes mure unie- eivedly in the dance ita ollvudam ptes- surra t it hie futl occafeion wo behtve 1 m li iho provincial liaad lodta hava 4llrvptrd a pumie enierliiahieiil and while it his been n partioulerjy m oue h ii ihc veil enceinnrnt thai n he held nut io ihnae at the r id of lb mium body in ihlt lmvinut lo tfpel hw i rcoiu on aiiilohle nrcationsi for the rohlir jtutlnra- i biiu llatip a vctiain tntliva bonoral lo uidf i ulh the anel of husuruv hilo rul and honorauo utjcol pusuniy inla tin hialint m w f dlbojwuv livoraultfuble punrlpea aihi bonevdqnt uuaslafir wfieb ibi oidit eitabluhtd tha eoiiyrl ihil etalm

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