hfcm tht 1wm bit llf were certain u be jato hit aeene arfaeiian mt dsvvt tr tab abed bbajd by mdsnnf tho niibtn ty 0 sot 0 of tad ubarof tttt in iht dar be li jill 4 t r llrnrood and proceed imr ticilia tnonf taeh determined pcoiw ibeeaiirtot ilwlm4qlbii mch bwod frnism aaaeieal theotrot cfroaieroiimberof mpls farther do tastdelvo arenat p arartna irr prrica jn eh ivc frpie 4fatfhq4 bt faltered or coot ihotv wrmtir fe bni tvn bae- buiu fr 500 with efceda aetr hddin 2100 fid ritr row rnae- 8 inineprrind lha rr and liwdef lit tattoo kifp nint poor flay intlevd lusaaa or aaiura vihar mmfclfrasj f tho bf tsnta an immf nnh iihwipta smrtem ist i ri or vcj- aft ttoeioat mnret ftwtrttcd jwwj j near motirt tht arn g iwifiui miihst lnnira ovoowl o hsftii iu tirit oi r rrli ocltckiicd i alaul hmrf t enfro wiih ibcowuer j ac nr n at o man wmi a hondfccreaw l fce face and wfj fi cmeid and jiho mifirm j delsinf t wrjeafv ceiie ia lb wlfcmi bdiff- ipfi th wv tnrwdbui a fcr inmiii jaw wtrftvof hrwiw foktiot whom mf of chc pom utik l niunieuno owrt s h t itiriii the ima tv hw utjatbat awta wthe m ntnm ao imaedsit atsjtajl it sv in s mvnii nd io pii iuoid 0 ni jlnnf0 wff tticmrd lojijwii sor vjtlmm whn i- lw ftufcft19llw pftf kfrm fr drie no dlkt jrc t ptr- p td loud ibii iimtomftibiifrf k0 ak myrthf weooiitrd a l oioo f mufcpct l ill to mtnn1 b irr fcjvit ho m fullj njowpfci- hw mm mfftweritrrl n r fkto win mti ftrrdlb m a illimbrc1icmbj- r x bcnot t uufttfr md tcfdir of wilful mur- itofl lo iht wft pvip t churb ite cj ufiilff rny rfrtrt oofnj to m1 bint ihc ttrvidfftt f0ow nfd- to hdd my two tc0y tu fee vbfeb i did vliuyi mriffd tt flink of iojid brrtc o cat nunibe uf no co out ifflprd wihi ftfti od td 4 fmt i ibeo ib my o ollf my iiov my cmd rtiitifa f myrrlf aij ir 7n mn tfiih th w firrdmxl wtrlrd to ioft fat nd kitfiiii t iba of k 4 my n o fi n lift hlfc llk dilli lokkftf doo fim rk tbrl wfff divtjcl p of itiv mir im tw ihc bid- od ttnomftf owl a h ttd fpr tw bilda 1h rtiw iwhrrfmd by ifw trrittlifff 11- iw fflm fr the lrkn i ordcfft ibrrfi- with p mtiiet tf ttr k ffui nw rtbortr1v all tft jim llf sij wete fkiftj d w wofo itlvntbl u whm tndmc tl iht hrri oiv rwty t wm f ii4 my batottt l vhilt i ft oi it lifti he w lihro v 0 of my vldint nhil fttlhr nc timet woifrfmyalm tlicl xnumni ltokl to ll0 ttfnd 1y n fta di nnd jtivr flrtrlibmty wimjfii ifjtlo p mil ihioujh lite rbrt ov ceofl r0v41 a ftrw liplft nfbvlboatnrl tlio fruf mtd wliteb ledr 3oin tekiredord noun tly dd 1 01 fm- n lit foliee birt fireeicil tbi r tee hhihh tce njill- ury cfioir ootj awuuftf r ow hw3lj od fftdeeeoiiif to mk- w ioly lle tpphitg rodmrtedvfbytbewid4e w1reo wcejifle j the edge of wit c1sif uv him oelthcr duhtd to piece nor dtowneil bit rubbing the vcaier from hit befp cxcljimini cry my hort round to dbff c johft pji be ioom icon i ihee wast and 10 it th wj moicorrfff wioiog hhbirj with hi thj criki jdenloie m ttij o lirito hpptneil iit the paiish of bfra aorfa brilbs moti the sea sebpsht3 tv fc tf7or f 14 twj sif vosif tootiel rchcrt re lew rtr- pfifd at the account of tse ceaii- pent than at the prmilvfln aivtt cmint of llrr mtjeftva ship diedalih on ihe 6th of aopitl faitt it rerofied by captain mqohae in hi ojlichl naiomcnt to hcaradmwal gjge ic- ccnuy pubhuhdl in joor cflratfj tlie ieclaeie nf ai homeward boon ktp in tat 4vs and lc 9 we bo neeoi ihe cane a4 st itlena with ihe on not cairr aunt undet pefttliy nt1 aindn w ft1remn i- by n ami thimionh laelc frr exceeds in novelty any erjiftit bitherlo drscuered fhis hoveeeerin ae nf ivonder ni stafto timtcan alb wiolfrm- pm advateei the ajnplmu of lle ow tip- 4vj disorder arc becoming tnett ao rei- from tbo itereare few cases quoted cionitul flh or tclrtiaf on tbe 59h of october at bkvwt r ffaabck fitt tatri frilh their face hlaeltened ufatahwivwlfuv went to iht koo of tp kicnane of ard1em near ibe cirn etfmaltw- tle dfth heinj f4tetiedftreof tben a 4fot thtefth the keyhole nhcb lrvthe tcek heihen ikmjtht in force 0rn tfar eror n faiilos lo dj oiherfof the mrij ind two ww thiols ihe patumr jpjpjpajrjtr one of which trnmfltd cailwine jkinnane teterely in lh nhi attft llne ses htrini lodged in it- the villain ilim u 4 a troid which 1 orcr kinnanen ba 0i nwin of the ocnneiee th 1 0- keoenwetsnbhiteetet svie tnincd out m soonred be rouniry iml em2d no traoe otlliejn mr- kinnane hi wif- and daoejitor aid ala n ma named edward rnj1htrere etamiah before hr 5jron lowe j pi bol tber twore tnal they did trtt krow any of the lrty- kinnane e a- aitwnorewonfortboatrj nnbttf y ur the parpokof robbing him ao ocloek tbe 23h a wejnrtday night the join mree taen armed and apnareouy dhflulfed went uthedwettinr rf miaaet cemmot flimtr ikooawbwe conner- ifolaegai to hark tort tbiovmc s was the toliee hi n uiened aba door whe two of ihs ftly tmhed into the khim peeeotise lfrr j wi a jafc i if bi fafbtv tra witmn 01 j cnnrbofh teelf one of tbe frty pteenl hi rxin at im lt j the trfftiindnwe drail than alirc 4hfeftostred at him bt ihe bullet eiw- trxnidttie ait bwfliak oer connats lied en tl at cried mil thai hrf fjilirrira abol wbe the villain ran offin hiurent tirrrtvor levine tjm cnron nnhit the rfkesiwrhnn wf oft rt iu wndofbe pecnrience ko- ttm lolhejtotwt t no trace of ihe fel- joirf ob tenlay nit latthe sth wji it okklhebmiof co nelms dhey pjf bm belwerrt t1frfij and ilnndrnm w entered by fcnr men armed with tw arrd their faet hlactorted twy itdifd enrwamen woo wete in the itooe in go on ibeirkneetand hon down ileir hd they then ajked them fot ihe ad were tnld by maraarel dnhey they did not kniw whete tl was tbe ruffian eaicbed the bmit and fbnndthe toimm5ef thebedtel ibjt ihen troot off srini oot i hw yaid thev dd pot take mvlhiiis eue witi ihcm uvot dvuj njut ihfre atafalfcf wce f xi- anined by mr cbaile r m t ewrno etnc la tl oftndee- on ihe ame sithland neat the me neichbourunl a mrtv of ann men with their face wattened probably tbe fmr llieulln attacked dghynhoneone atmewilh a iwfn e ttrd the boose of j4i cnfbetl at klpitncfc wilvmonemikofthe nscartv rhee malie sftjbted btmou uranl iu w muter then ran off not of thvwuco if cw betfa boose can tjite any elft l ihi rsl er- httth connjeice it eifuuied by lh frlrndof ilic jouiiea vcb at cuim aato the fcaiitlofihe writ of nrof vlih they areahool to krn tlic altomty oefteijl baa ffianterj tii fit to t- writ ol ilv baa mr ilenn q- c- riven a men cenirjit rminion i a h vot 0 the anceof i ih nyu bat that eminent cofttliwfloajaj kwyei mr joaepb napter m- iv q- c lfeee ui a caae on the aohject i u 1 h- lad jvr- fectly coincide with mr ilenn in every pr- tkolar tnv try itthohtfh lliey he m relrth for the vbicmfe nu ofmwin thai inoinvrlo avild th- dilemma if f knni and bt coliaiioreeini wlfrc if would he a matter rf iolicv to ranl ihem volonlary exil- wc qtieaiinn very much whtlbrr mr obin awd hi fertove piioittrt will accept ihe itiorfned hc especially if ibe chance ef the icce oj the writ of error juiu i ri foiled ah tfcn pruoner rr in rood health ami will b bronchi op to doblinin d orteen in otdr lobe ne- acnt at the arinment lfore the twelve jvmgf whirh n lni j tii istliintt tlllr pkesidknt ff the paenck itepubllc the followln- i a cijry of ilc n or the election of a ffrvsrtcwl an llhe e taction of ihe prmderi rf the rejmblic shall tkc phc nt the lh of occeber ii3- tin eleciioti ihall b- held in be form aid manner ficcfihcd by the decree of march 5 and tbe iuattmtiom vl match s ail 2- all ih etecmrf imfriw on tlie lists in virtue of ih thnve oej deciec ael instrifctinns ibatl hi rrmtlcrt lo mkf 0l in ibis vleciion the lists of frcliiudtitn shall be alian up cfafirmamy lo the same decree ibey shall ho pdhed at lvat ten day ecfnre ihe day f election att 3 soldff and jiemen shall tote at the chief town of ise ranmn in the eircitm- tcupiionof nbich iwyshalf he in iarrimn nv rsiiins the uil of cli elector drily eniifird hy the inieikljnl nf the army or the emnmsaiy of ihe nary iiu be ttanwnilted tiihl dav before the day of ekctifi to the mayr of the chiet tow n if the canton tiv mayor shall divide ihe nulirary eliclo amon5t the diterm elrctora seeiia arl dthc viyln hjlt le vcijhd at l cbitf lownof the cajitm cmfnrmamy lo u inirictinti of miseh ft and lite tvsult of te rerilicalion a well as a tjujdicaie nf tle pofrreebot ihe eleclmtw ha1l h sealed up and tranntitld lo the national armbly a ccial ciimmittie of 40 rrpuulu elecird in the orroxbv sevftl tuilol and by an assotul rnytrity hall be chrjed with the exaininajon nid snmmin up uf the jd- fetrtrbqvr a it shall make its frjrt to tie xdliunal jlmfflbfy the hmtan of 41w m semldy rhall mjkc pat of thi eaatnitiee u arl 5 any lllcttn coniainmg an tin constitutional icimin hall not be teckoitei the bnllelfm thnft annulled hal however be annexed to the rco tvrnx and addrcistd totlk national assembly ad fl saenl aflei verifiraian ol the qna- lifjratiin of the president of the republic and his inuallajion b shall enteron the cxercie oflhe rights rottfrrrij on bins hy tlw cotwtl- tititon wiib ihe exfption of hit fecial rhl which is eonfed ht anicle 7 art 7- until th defimtv coastiton of the council of stall- n eommitlec of 0 mem- lch elected ly the aritiisy in ihe fctrt4 and by a relative majiniy hah errjc the power emtferred on the council of stale oy artklo 34 and 6 1 of in- conmifitioil rnooonei 1 the highly inierelm itate- menl of captain qihae pnhluhed ihm cap- lain liuulerson of ihe mif maty ann of f ianxv snftrm u that be tpokc the amer- itan hii daphne olf fjbon 00 tho 30th of soplethhvr iik explain iie 120th nf rovmir on 10 15 tw of which veel on hul 4 itsaad v i jetrni 100 feet long iin 15 mile an ttmir fee ufivc the ri otmtne willi the tvfld north tfmanrnlhrrdiricitinmanattf in 10 j ay lnrumrrom4 tls lothc htiind of li- hn3ft- 41 k cjpum llendcio not a l ate pcoiably the veipcnl look him in tow ft is qmle eviden that there must be more than one of ihese momier otberie cao- tain nrtnaia eient mde bnt an indiifc- t il paiae horn the 6h of aurxawt- tvhen in jau ii- 41 s aad u e nolil ihe 0l f sepiitfier when ilu captain of ihe daphne anltej it in lat 4- u s- and lonj lo 15 k iii changed o5lion during lite ialectal 4c jays merely exhibit a run of only ijflq miles nearly rjm north thnsaver- muo 15 miles an iwitr bnt lililr moe than nio mile an hour as the rate of the iff- pen ptojrcon we rviily mum have more aceotate data rentdinr inevc maiterr such very nreau i ifcury repails will moat asnredy be class j cj with ihcmaumciiiaid to have been hlrlt j by ihe capl1111 of a sciiii who mmilly aert- ci that a hiertdl cne on lizard bis vessel one sunday mitniii when of the eoat off and rlile1y asked him t remove lite anchor which had been debited against bis csbin duor and thereby prs- vented his wife and family fruii in to clmicb lloyds oct it h w 11 i mirtiol law i pmcuimed ah mcmbtfr ire fothiitdc x oiiiicoa aim ii of tttb 4- ttierincledrrovf the liitdieturbtoec be dehvetd up vnrondilio tly s the repretcniaiiie tody lately elected dwofcd ant oitbdieoc to ihebove recilatiithsll be fulohd br ujtrordinenl of the eu l- l itvo lie kms y u if tin ormy rcluv to iwc and the mo fh litd iladvtime bi ivt lc nay tmuw dt iim the jepnl4r cie uy na 111 fm faemmefofie efln ra hw hfrf afavfaajfjw e afar 44 mr bovrod ao lit ns h lln ipni hid idlo irpjrtj ynr t nd lntittta f vylie inl biie lit rkla l i nfjlieo f tl vfiio i vne nlits ntf bnilna ami m rentain nt4criiio wialvtrmw im ifi intreroafv jjiy iril bn ito md rn- el iiuonoand rswdreo ky what jot wtmld hole- hi to hiti ittee il winlc ilie moi tio prtuiin ihe nine he ry- al cirrue may tirknd wlrtn ihey iifpattd le fmniierrjncbri at the iitaht no iv pewtikt ajiave it faeartiericrrae ymi liumpi wei by jialjived i mve my chput0oioremrn uh trce to ciihii riic t dof rvn ii iiej 1 envoou be id sma ymi trc dilr yu in y hko ranc an wroiy n ynu im rd eju4i vor kuiij stitrjrsu whltool iiy kuct wbaltcoia i such a man it could easily uke all the btjf3 iiesiaml command the trade of tbe ninh i art of llovard ami balhom all of cam den eotetf brooke dawn rnniskillen rtfl the cteaier art of mbra tuwnhip wbwh are fat sellintr of ihe very btl ihet land in caada vet snlbcienl lo sup rjmhtf urjest ciljr in ai rtiea gfcori rr pukingo ffon panel iiakd names a plnin man writrt lo punch- sit t have rrcived a reptlnr plaii eliii edcattnn and i flattei myself my sel1ing and ronanetalion of iir own wffi ate accoruin- lo walker bvt roulijs to belp a man to he pro- nouneir uf the uarres wbich fill ih foreign inteljiuencc column of the tiihs valfcer as all walker accnstnmfd a i anlrritbii omnibne and take my pari in the dknesion of iiliticil event i am duireset beyond meamic hy ihe distracting imcertainv which pltrtib a to ihe nams of my i ihe be- toes of ibc recent tceoiftliom for example sir lhefc the hn nnd hy the wav i hoiijd hke to sunw what a j u jilfatkkh dr swish ihepiincimlof tbe establishment where my 40ns an wins om to know calk him ftfiw cttk but mss rue principal of tbe kfliitflfiinltbl when mv jilitcrs are wha abo 0115i to know cnlu him jhystuhs tin getillc- ma tthosfnrrtttly ridrs opposite nueliee- ed to be in the kauian trade rails him iifuakitk i have also heard lie name spoken of with he following raiiatun hyran kuersnisl vciksi f u now sr you vroutd much easrmy mind by lellint m which of ihe above if any is correct would 3011 take tbe sam-opponu- nily of kindly imoinun tnn wheitrr 1 altalfl rronoiuice ihe nime win 1 1 i as affecting case op suicidp- 4 flrip baailrandin nanative ha seldom fallen to osir lot tn record in lb emirsc if our public doty tbaii ibe ditlresasinc ule we are ahotit to tell it is 4 ftjory of criio- and af- forfk a fearful leoa of tbe over of ain- hip oshpy victim of a heartlrw man has paid ihe penalty of her wrahu by the ai- palline act of lfrmir4er and in addition to thus mfeha tmfoibtildrn into ihe presence of her creator she bat 1l0 imnlaledhet in nocent bey abonl 1 years old upon the allar of her despair tliefaels ate briefly lhee mrlkcrnt rauh ma tire whose mother ii a widow residing in srnlhamton in an esil hour irlt her hottse haviajc previously bad a rrnl nvtich accompanied her nmler the oiotecliou fit cat- thomas hesant of the ttrngal infanlty wiih whom slic lived as ii ail for about a yar anl ahalf irt otlhe rimtf in london an latterly at iwstchniy cihute near winchester isone lime inee the captain left her to 20 lo dorchester and innlione to corrrfpoud with net for one time upon ordinary l0iics when at lenh she reeeieed a letter containing the slunumr in lelliccnee ibat be was cone to india to bit wire the unhappy c for she had only jhtl tarred w ffm of ace was frantic a r rs had incuced her lo believe that he marry her npra the death of hit ber every hope theootukuancfs in ceiti ujn1 1 foot fw j 6teartira oflfft brie on tbe inoio- t the jcib 4 rolnivwr vt j3 armrj niffni tw tic vjf tf jvtttai vabol nd tiifa aikhim 90 be mad xn cine hniijrri tp u tii rrn ihe olts of ae nh ihe n ipitq or nlchc lite ctv 1 riiiiii oocoofti nd jod vhith ore pteted it lie v 0 rtaajiaj ihe 11i pr- erring ee of ysiie ryajvn mis nnanticipaltd blow lor tbe heai wrclfb would milhcr- thnsnerihrd her every hope anil at lenih a prey to her aouixed and nutrard terlin- yhe piit a period lo her u rrlche ex ilenrc on sunday inomioje t she emi mimniaivd ivercarvi by deslriyin he a if and hr inneceui clild in the followmi manner the fact fcto elicited at the luhtvl held vettenlay at owslrliry before mr john hmry todd one of oironersfir the conn- ly lpun the reciiit of the inlcllueace of her fhoaalsed buoahd desertion she was al most irurnclrdp and ollrted lo irafce away wilb herself but was prevented hy lb wife of tbe cvon who lvrvj for fwie time with ihe caplain bc removed to sombamp gratitude and grouse ma toscit u the mbvoned psraraps lo innr uufortn nse huiuide acrviot appeared utcly in tho li- 11 ira oioce fie vukt sackiac aom ertio t hpc ahnriiiiig i jieotundt o fw d y since c mideniiely sent a bos of niue 10 n clerv ma nod mucittrdie neor riu j iv pjricraikmod nf 10 gd foreriisccwm by ibc reeceod cntbwn cnidceed aulfieioni 10 qnhv anit ihe fjivo 0 iho freiili eotc imv1i linttfm rtfusvj nd wih in i be of de r4 thine fod tu vy uch to lisa oraee in the msjtbhrhfa no sir it iiotorefuf fr ok to day lint ibi ypai 0 when hit oraec the ouheof bnvk msfhjm od rt sowe and 1wby pboutd i mioco ihe nmilef imd iha rnn of bm pnieel eviatiiet 1 1 iv oi ileal ajpualinji ficw ih grace w lb ihjk of r eei iy if lubelbnl nitli tbe dkal auiorsptiy wmtd haoa been nvtt ihittk- flly rcvcivr dlbe ncno of eirriao ran nn aixiaietii lladjiccl inc wui hat eonipfe- mi o tijf j litfitpe from tle oitcmosi if of tbr ratlb t tnwj nc iilirr hate uiinded ww ni ii it i nnfcfaftff en oif whl lltc ll shiv- cd m nav sr if ibe posni bad been s loe hih r ihe jphiwiiiivivn tf v- f troovtl i ihe firtr m enr vf tfie rod h c taken it in and nevf i oaeit ibe filhirrr in ibe tovnik i nmibl yfilly at aid the eriera demand ond owe nnbhrcciven buna ipionlily ofbeerti driok menoli bettiond ih ll of uio iebl duhr wiihal fhil titihivr ehmed nnar nnd tbal i wlv mhlicini ncnte y i ffeied his rtiracc lit indignity of rejecting b gilt llic take of a- pitrv blfites ve sir thiteo rre chsnet hot is io beeaue tfjey aeeehnned with te nt wlieeo me foan any cecro i ihe tlimea m hie ht tx clan cw ihit i arofiv lomeil way too frnvf reprvcmrd bybei jirniae fmnimy dr ii d f prred fily puhl i eltn dd no hjve itanm il irao much ut peml no add tnon lo my brder an net irhicli vlhcfrne wtnrid hive bein one of in- leoae m n tbe fid si lhl i had ol h in blees myii if with inci icra l y fr lire llov came indeed juy paoia i en n yu nml you 1 to4 mil ereslil nlut i y iul 1 am pitisely 1 i 1 rili n a li 1 1 n ec eie a f t onrf vviofe ttvirg near lart oct i tm vindcrtrnis also or it a naort and whit in ihe name of is a ccch f and whetlms it is lo of 1 winilyscralcb or whether macjar rhyrrtcs to swmjer or 1 floycr alo whether lfornlumlc real mck pinnock beounded 2ecaor caeevor- 1 jectv or ivaxa or cav limply like a sneec t and while yon arr about it any information as to kotoiak valliaks wallaebs and slowoka would be bankfoliy reecived- wo jaavelaid ihe above que ties beftefi lord biouram anj mr silk ttackiiujiaflfr tbf only uuivcisal eeniutesof our acquiinlance and when wc receive their answer arc shall hasten lu relieve our juixxled eoettapondent lref rj n anonymous illinfer tbejilhr wleinriieh the cfaajratat teelimn- ni3s fr fldlmnv nd pana lite piti an annshwitmfttrkinr wrrena poet ta a no tier itcleiiler let nf afnr ia nlo annlher and tbe i ileiieil audnr nl ieco rnlriir tidvertint uicnta tivii e an anonrwita acibbve and v i ll- y wrei all nrc nr ki known to fine ril lid dinujhm aieerv at all onjinn petibolern and vet oe urc ho irndd tn wil- ftnly ebnnee ppuee villi anr one of tlo r jeni trfa if li iinubl he eoild punrhiac with ik rvlatie any ebee of vankmhxi in the mnkotf rouoriiv- ll wiajld la better f nay oenbble if tl v hid atnnit been anonym ra for inmmee inifjine ohst lord itinnjbajn vrnuld irish railway intelligence tle colc examiner relates at accident which nccmed 0 the limerick juicfoii and tipperaiy litre and of which at il was un attended with fatal consequence w may le- jilimalvly lake cnniaance 1 11- u y ft g consists but of a single mr of rals 0r contemporary say whether the t- train 4 have waited the aniva of llut from lmeriok or rrce rersn wc have not learned but it so liapperti on tuesday morning tbal both train started l r 1 1 instan la items ly from their respective station and as aaural con sequence came slapban one adjust ibe otb- er ahjut midway on hr line- 1 foi- tunalelyf ihrc were no prrson in either with tlie exception of 1hctfua f 1 engine men thecarnaos wer-comt1e- ly shattered to start a couple ol trains on fa- same tail 111 opposite directions is a trick wbiei saeours troiiu ol ibat greenness which tnaid tst peaubar in enfl out what hrrhlenv the jjke wbikt on tbe other band ildiminishrs ihe seriousness of the affair iabat tbeie waa nobody in ihem except ihe vard am ihe eneinmen however ihe next time tippctary and limerick cenpany run tine it voold be a k opposing tram a on one very cmiiderable improvement tohkre mo dy in uicm at all ion wheic hc talifd it blc her intent lo j htveamnietllf dmif bit literary erecr be laj let lodging on friday nihl last she ar- ivt put iim iiioo m ie bomtrcfib pan f vhai fiy at hv lier tlie crore chih where rived in a southampton winchcm i rac complied riy ie remained that niht atd the fotlmin day and after breablast on samlny mornint took a fly lo owslbnry collate wiili ber little boy jimec auianderlhetoomaoj hi wife behaved in ihe kiimevl manner to their vniiara and jid noi observe anythintf exlraotdioary in her behaviour she toolc si second hrrifal ano sail he h wrdten lie iufh1 rcnlly havo ped fca or t mt clever- t 1 nt c nien of ihn pfnient dny whersbut we base a rwior nf n olitiiirde lite reader will pkato to imi live kotcnct bitnxlf and ihe me cvr oevtdcd in tbe vf mrte of i 1 1 tliodircelr enlee bnr inori nation nf ubah moftmime hvtrd alr sl eoetibte oa the bridfe and in the teimfb m rprjl r to l-o- ooei ihocnvb aiveealabaabeloc ficdat ihem ibat retireo the canroirfnin adnced the director 0 bxal roe rmumil lacan eltcumaanrra lo thtj re wlr ms- vwilnltet fdrtfd his palace furd fteiimttin of aovfcanttod h aimi of iliclgth rmwi aaaaaaaaajaa ba to the aatrsaceuf laaaily oobia arrivinc ihete itb bia foanj tv ennit rmn fim m thffoi int 5eenni ltle mono fmoc tbcis nijrnv rr a ditanee to tba btfaofthebrider wlien tbee tjfawcd him ba ranfod bui h eet pfeef nj fire on ihcvb daffinf wkil noe ba omq au ild mttd iwe 4jrijt b t mlic of bis catrd ceatainc nf ii nwe oirv op the coootivmrn d d amviof fliecadavdfewtardtldidotilvo at xilori the armed countermen from iho i of aon and condeneda ucd the lo relate from the paucc nf jvtiec fathad tbn tlof wr in rba ae4 r rn vviknitt tan tba dbe in ftbib il i una virj bcn a data clime nt o 50 loilboansh orfiomot diacutbared urn the unrlon ft rb deivfppfli madaa fcrcdmireh inwarda tr of jome attaehed i 1 r and launa frapo tba cat tbout aojr wta of um tbiaa nf lka rewt well known and wdl 0w a ittf osrilv arreated tv i ie a mmincif tba ffportof jvtan lar vaaa anvaani4da4 tba bust rauij ibt fad t brnnf rba aetfeni io t nonj olsoa t elwek a fct lm jfdagr v iuk ri men aaaa wbecaj aeivsut aava tba raaaovt rvat at utbarijm iimo tnwafda rwastfa eaplin war- cning taj anstralra with him she then reqnrslel alenander lo fetch teller sheaaid she bad ttfiuem lo hirts lht as lie ex leed lliey would be brouirht lie- only pre- ieodcdln0 me had varcwrv reached- ihe ate when be heard 3 yeieranvarnf a smah aid nfoir rmtrtfiptbe found ihatabe rtefeh- rrl uoan had ireiutted vrseir and cbhd dosvn ihe well havr a de4u of 20 fett of aiev a i 1 1 if wj obtained as quickly as ptaaibtv bl when the mies were taker mil of the well lile wajh quiio estinct the evmence tn every particular justified the rer- dietsof wfev regarded herself and thai of wilful jauidet of her child we rrret lha fium the uecrstily wur 0 inrdaiely we eantsot eivc e densiiinn bnt the above lj embody the greater por tion of the lufi 4ltb okete dot txz iktttnes aniewtc a eenlleman wish- rd lo have m bia m iiun a fitinx siecimen of the cbnueh nr fornsh atfw a i4il wthch i rw beenmu rare and whicli akvay builds in the licrpilnssj j of ibe clilrv two irrnthen engaged fo farnpsb him uitb voim bkjp fiom lh nesl they according ly ihovratcd ttwnnvlvfu wiih a rope and pro- crcded l a place which they knew o be fre- quenled by thee birds one of them tied jpt end of a tope roun iii- waul and hia iroiher lowered kim over that edre nf t ibe chll holdinc tl jojin bis baud whtn he ton arrived 0 ibc noak be found ibaf iliey trorc b mrf t ouihaacin iok wo at to be be bis reach wuiliin ejaiimedbeieltlit ojm winintf until be waa carried into the hollow when ho held feu by the ocb bui ftedli ihe raj l thai 1 19 allow bim lo taia the nest be nnlied i trom bia mall climbed imo the catitv and secured hit iari v lie tuwad t la ml ijoaam meanwhile tbe rop- h awitm tocb it tht if rirajkaur- and was re z melionle wilboot hesitatinf be called la bra biolber above u suod by ft l0 1 aj 5 loutflo n ho did to but lhs rapeai mi ba utn tapecld ijiupej jbrcmab bra hand 4 lit ij into jb k tht broluer fell 0 j o look ioj over the rfivlcoalllkte lkttcr wnrrtr reitlf in ibne like ihe piascaf when kin v ate kbe hasten ufa oaibl m o necb odd nod conedieated retann 10 ucir trnhjerta a wk under tho obnvo into kitu n rtrtlletainm in meejluro now tbal ibmvi are diy turned tofr inrvy bra tesaed fjirtuf tre jikr h 4- and aeoj ea ifjawerd ae incetlv tbneqnditruv ladder with a turnkey atoi nf it esetjbi ij may depend on a mnt oteba hein armenduide it what lo nay nil bow in hy it til coulinoioalfl with bit p ay m emeceer tlie fotiianc niciia my 1 ueefol a bin i foe e e a bk nlr aoeie aljieraiiie title bke tie if rtftfv m nr tf ad dry toure r cett ttfoj r pjnerrae 40 tia ifuwrai r liiff ttttrfrvm -r-i- vfa xvaiflvalt to bo printed iu ier- tn in ten ne latian rantiin hand loticad uf tbe fdd crnjit tbaracter no ifv v ivroyinaar fa fir voa tri mrif tn ara craiof me htvr j lrre tne cmlitite appehnlive britamta oiihffriii mittnrv sna 1 vieinicwi ke ilit eoe nry he- vnr kin- liuens r pje bniuclf at tbn hed nf bia lelnetd fsajtle a be b ruled in their lietma- vii ftibtuue iittit- inmrfe iik with eosjldrnee iiiiri they cniitaiti von tn rdfrpr py a- i riiibiaf4ll bioarmateo br riirnt u y every contulu- nd a noitersal ainnoti c twal idhnrea k tine it never to imp- hiruihiiunl bia ye abtitbin yttt i hnoe tilf amrliin rrltmo lo yir bnfe und ttel entire tbo ibetw nf the law wbseh jon matt reelect omninn miniten 111 nxtntir btlwen ua 0 teal jrn twt belnvtd and iwioir rile aid do 04 forget i- aetsihitn ne n4ib tu arina enatebed ua in tbe nmmi iifahtm- ifucfel an rpittla ouem in be fclwad by ct- mmn f p mir 1 miit itim te volunla dis arming id ibo iittti- rti the 01 my meinwhile my be ennelrteilnii itie eapital tba rnval er najo heinr hepi poektd and twtd in eea of if in alvrfv kite nut uctine wlwn iha army a ptcd vi at in ennm nd tba city mj may eahtbit nu iiroaa at ec j aotna faso raya ttlre n miniicd own aj mrrey i n w nnleaa cuidod by n tie irtiiated bi a ernll but audiebu faeiin yua itava ditatrd to rata aaina tbo lawful u- ibiity nf onr alverrifo me wnwld be urtdwd tolr w twllm veofeaoee ol tinyhui aanlonia bmtelf uirh il mitd niaaavroa 6rf awjnaeron of tba ficliouv and iiu liviiof ilia eua1 i a loyal anbna short pipes to smgce to plcaso the ccatttt number is noi so necessary to av a 10 leave unta a i- scoundrel is often hn auiocomplrle milosopher and a rulfian butij anfmish- rd hem a fpetson who knows fnlikb french uerman italian and spanish isoflen only able lo say a stupid ihiu in fivcfinrnige in far ai it is better tn be l than fe rccioais ro lar is il better for a rttion to be commercial it an marital to be ivell stioken of yon ioud even a paper when dead is meutiond wifhosit apeiiiy nd ihai as much as ny paujier can expect a wire man takes life as ho lalta pliysic he shuts his eyes and swallow h vtiibool aikinir nuesimns when a man it called a nrcaul ham- biif tbe general fctlint is not rntch i- dixolhn bvcause he is 0 h umbo j envy be- cauae be is successful folly is like a jsuit it is bejne epsedand weakened and alwayfeifainin- natussl rrjurttbo ita7roa mul cnnumenbiva been fru ibe inal ivevetsin ibetr aaintiiaamcnt at lite uouotml ililueaaof ilia ucrealwverageaitppttrd ttem wrv abcer- lainrd the eauat iu couit in ibc ratrtnc wetaem of lb ucathee wtakfa h pi ccmp1ety aalaiauw rlioowa that the milk has became wrd into btilobettar than water ilittteaor- white webavbidilitle uaaabf obve beads weibiiljbvcbenomndlel wft bjolj at o beoabral and leutsbka thhl har in fael iul nf at fuund walety grave sir jrliii frnnlslin from the wuitr thtrit aov 11 tlie dctp an iely already fell aid tyhics ins lately hen revived relative lo th safety of ihuditnpiished naviar and bit lrate himt induces us lo review ihe ciicuin- 1arcr of hi continued ahnce from ei lamf it will be remembered by rnnt of am readers thai oi tlie 13th may 1s1sih ter ror and eftbni under the command of cjpts sn jubn ftinuiir and croater irfi knjhid in ar aiteuipt tn etplote the north west iv laiv into tfii pacific and for the ipv of ohtainin- a seiir of magnetic ouetvations required lo cemptele the st which has been nmained fnm cveiy other part of ihe woctu hethan ihree ytaia and a half have coo- verjuenily elapsed sire iheir depariute ami clldtl has been the solicitude of ibv brilih public as tj their ultimate fate iha no less lhan ihrce semtate eeditioas have been filled out to aeertain il tovihje ultiber the y an living or not tlie friends ur the absent onet had their fears quieted up to oc tober 1s17 in fontcquerice of sir john frank lin having intimated previous to his cmbuk- ine mi bis peiilon enterprise ibat no uueasi- ocs need bo felt il accatinic did not reach home previous to that dale on or before that time ire hoped to have acenmrdisbed the the object of ins mission and eiihrr return himtef or setil account to enlaud as to bis whctcatouis by some of the returning wha lers i these hspea hive never been rcjiljxcd three seimiate fvetn have left ericlud at different times and by diiterenl roult for the jmpose of occoriug this intrepid adven turer ami rvi associates tlie first lilt pto rtr a teak built rarejue formerly a bombay pilot yrftcl uf ahotijomhunier thajcom- maid of capt thomas moore sailed in jan uary the ecmid consisting of ibc jefernrrre and ntrsfrjofo luhltr ibc eommand of sir james ro uui cajll bird sailed in may and ih third an oveitand eleediiioa has been led hy the indefatigable sir john rich- adon the ifocef has proceeded rmiuri cape horn to lima wbetc sbi victualed and thence tbtoub bierinjcs straits to the arc lie ocean where the scrneof her lahire will commence c- moore is a cvlrbrated n- cigator bavinymade five polar vyg and is the only per who ba liaversed tte earth ltt830 sotftb lalilnrlc the 1iif hettt out on both lhee viiands ol mercy ae em- nently adapted to the service on which they have proceeded and from the charactvr and attain men is of the oificcrs an mvn atlacbvd to them the rnivlic ire silified that nohtif which lies within the noner of man to ao compish will be left unified lo extricate ibeir unfortunate feo vcvnulrymeii from tuc horrors or thci situation if indectl they be still livtiio some idea of tbe dangers and itardship in- eijental lo ihese penoes wf may be gathered from the precauiins necessary in filling out ibe hp 10 encounter them as an example ihe bow nf ihe enter pric has a thicknrsa of nearly eight feet af il iimtwr and 10 show hovr necessary is the pree jntiun ibe terror one of sir e perry s ship was cf ashed by ihe force nf the ice n that m feet of tbe aw aiftd 10 feet of tho ftternr pot atjn ihrusl over lo m side and tb- liij would have sunk bad she nut been run on hnrc- both o sir james ho ship have been provided with roofs similar lo thai of a dwelling house and imeapensc or pains have bfen spared to add 10 the commit of their lt- nveae jtopmnnwllw ibunolahiiblll ir luv diffusiou of wamith hetwaex deck and it i calculated that when the iheimomrfer abore will be 40 below rern the leionirature be low will bi 40 r 60 ibweihe lree0 point each ship is provided ibr three years and the launch of each it filled with a team ntnc ol ave horse roaer which it j ex pected will give a speed of leu to twelve miles per hou in the still water of lb polar seas if lhee ships should not discover ihe missing one in davis sifairi lilen jlay or lancaster sound ibc etittrprtte will pro ceed on lo ofelville island where sie will winters and the investigator will rerriain at iv llinlor inlet duriurj ibe eaaori vpd by her iteam launch keep a commnnieatmi with ihosliips in ibat region while ihe laiinrh of ibe enterprise will communicate between uie two ships early in fs19 parlies will start fnn the enterprise in different directions for ih con- lincnt or america and it possible toch al places near mackenzie river in meet sir jhn richardson bnl if not suecestfnl in ibis lby will proceed lo fori good jlar and other place agreed upon where ht b bren directed lo leave supphca tor them lvh ibec poceedin are bcine foruaelvd tbe ships will search thmiifb all the probable places where sic juha franlln tuav be hauipfrcd ami heaven etnt that a ihese apkareuuv well dietcd plana may have the desired effect and the inst manners be re stored to their families their friends and tbeie enuntry r is jutl three years since the haretto junior transport ship ilel freun thrs port and as be bad previutl7 the ctaedilton as a store sip as far vi w deemed nrcewary caj- fliim war tfielasl lrsoa who saw ami tonk leave of that tutre pid commander and seiniic man ttwould be needless to state lhat the latter paited company wilb sir john franklin and his jgallaut arsoctates leaving ihem elated with hope and aovj 1 nf nn independent of the fvernntrnt roreardfi ibat have been liberally offered fat aay jufbr j nation relative lo ibc cftjeditiun untler c john franklin ibc wife of sir jobu ha of- icrcd 2o0o for ibe jibe fuirposv but in sui hu case a the present rrcey man javi- gaiio- tboie regions mut feci the dot be imperative offeeoifts f oiwe thec hardy felbws finm their ire bound prison or if um happily as there i loo much reason t f their lives canned be preserviben it be- cooc a ptiamoual crmmdeiaiton that ihejr ultimate fate sliould be discovered as a mat anclrchy aliifaciion to their friends k relieve ihe anaiciy oi the public on their behalf rihi but tha mere increase of the wprefrfn- raiiou by ihrowin ihctwsof upper ca nada into the adtoiiiin countie and swarep- ineiiherritish tptilatimi in lower laudi is lanjeioiit uj shontl bt reeled no lontvintenrfeil to cany out tpd 10 confirm tr vta i mngmtnt mdc by thehoiorane mec ciyley johnstc- atd haven before tbe pteaentmen came into poave rr ardio the cninlat pol olhce no 3 a billioftriltiatc free imtl be tween canada and ihe united states- no 4 a measure nearly simdar iu efle1 inifmrmitj to tbe british north american colonic ndy no 5 simply an amendment of 4h present judieature act of lower canada no c the bjecl ftf ibis measnre t nidar- loud lo be lo gel rid of the rev j- dr uerin kth 7 a b id meamre irjurioie lo traders arjl beificiil 0 lawyer a ly ufa i lower canada no s- to rive creafer nnrnlanec and rnore rstwer ice tbe hotaries a lower canada measure tho no we have noi been informed or ibe provisions of this bill nn tr to leave all the ennowmenl wiih king college m tneonlo do away wilb saw ma rseinr ny and honrjed after with aacb yclaand fuv and ftinyd ot me o f ran tbml for feat 1 throw tho bitten l ami in shed the nxinchrvreltlabe tcarcely paaed foe tbal but temndedono wh a ih uht frov nf heeynuna wimm nt soffit itbtreveijce and r liv her mi 1 v in l ncer 1 din tremble- nd vcjiedr breathed imil be cr 10 ntas ie ber ilere at the w of hi inteb 1 lrbed btck ond asw her anidn vrith be ytmf mic in ber morib latirnl ulto me as llnratb id ttrilf a mm j to drop ibe kitten nnd u ive ehaee arjath i csve liie boras eul and did not frcloiilo rafo unatl lct nc mka away imweopmr mind frail tb it 11 00 forward to let aviiotrtsaloia british whig 0far par ortaas dleor saturday m0bx1nc decr2 i8t saldtatsnrarow bstt the puldic ballat tlw city hall on thnrs- lj irijjlit lo celebate st- andrew day all reliiui leachiitj in il and erect it intu a great mammoth po lie intilulion no il this measure refers to lower ca nada alone no 12 an amendment of ihe present law with lihl variation nu 11 refers to lower canada alone ami will be very slow and inttticintt in its opciaion no 1 1 aprtopeiales tlie public rerurces to pay ibc rebels of st dcms st eustaehe st charlrt fc fte if it i iitfit lo nay dr wolfred nelson ft co in lower canada why not pay w l mockenxie co in uu- iier canada no- i j a paltfy affair antfspicrlailing to lower canada at xto nolb similar ki nearly all repceh lo mr john llilyard camerons bill of last session no 17 to orfanizerncoiporate and ev- tend the power of the medical u4ctitioncr of loner canada no is a fiojd measure but does not ff at enough n if this is also a cood measure il was promise il by the late ministry but live b knrsof ihe sjiou prevented ihcir carry- hrouih no 10 and 21 arc mere adjresses lo which no cnlot list of any party can object- sir uahimi peel advocated no 20 in bis in the house ot commons ami no u is a mcasuic adjptcj sy ibe late immmcre canada anxkxatiox to the cnitkd states th- fn1lmvii- private letter savs ihe lon don avis froui an mielliaf nt and loyal enlo- nist in the ueivohood of mnanichi new hrntsuick has been obliciiuly commtioi mg it eaied lo n a man ih siarivvy ol who be ieled upon mnamiciu ocl 7 he writer wc ar atired is j nuncnl may a crcat chance has c me over the spirit ot our colony within ihe last twelve mmih i can aafely say that it k nw nrurly ripe for an- ncxaiion to the uniied slict this may ti lit you but it is not les line than sliane von will aeo unt race of ibis n our newspapers a wbhsrme fear of asajgaaj loo far still opcra- upon them but ihe qution illtjcclulllccu3 c vijiacr op dnrtsncir waswr wo or three vecvs since my rm called me to visit dresden upon ciejinv t assure yon was completely tfjrird to find ihe atreetj literally rilled will und wajijm uyou erauiry i found ibabc far mcr wete jim urineine ibeir whe mar ket i ierrdnvii to ibe sijill m- aliened fiom rrts bore vhj waspediale- ijdaced en jaeil tiutleis and sl for eriloivu the street ru ibe sleam hy when i found a cond sized es moored uwattmc a load jdc f atotarajata at lbi4 motnenl see fnur of our rlf ao parmer drive down to ihe vesellb iheii watxon heavily loaded wilb whe- ring acquainted wilb ibtm i eapre m ur- pfrat to them at their luiiiiua lb fa1 10 dreiden instead of lakinf it i chaibam 0 they bad fmnterlv done tl m was mil at all smruisin- ainee ivx cootd obtain in same price anl it savel br mile travel and tfto that il watbat dli- lance nearer for al tbe llmmrs kartrtra liyinc nliore fjres feny than tn cliatbaiir f ibe hove ivaron of what i wrwed at dieadcn i am confident ihl a oe tar- ruaintcd willi the urography nf fa conn uy will agree with me iu aiui- lv man of enptal would aetlle in lf- bo would put a jfood merchant mill inoptrtic carry on an eatensite mercantile caiablmh- ment with central asaorimeul cbatham niice in esab fr grain wm be come one of iho fnei utaoe in wajla teiiuaind aa it la at the litad of tvvkqon of tholtlref flydenbsm nndir lbt npcof canadmn allmstcftfvl misaauitrs carmdiaa paaeia state that the following miuiuerial measures ate now in course of pre araiinu nod will be submitted to the parlia ment ditnur it next session j a bill for kfecioral heform 2 a till for postal oranizalinn 3 a bill for reciprocity of commerce with the united states 4 s bill for rareaniuir the cutomt ibronchau ihe north american provincis 5 a judicature flill 6an fvlucatiun hill 7 a rill f rewal ihe rankrnpt t a hill lo rvjpttate the nuiatial profcs- 5 ion 9 a registry rill 10 a bill forkinejst nllece tnioei il an amendment m ihe municipal law 12 a bill 10 provide fur ibc eucourace- roent of afieuliure 13 a bdl for the alulilion of the eieno- rial tenure il a bill lo 1 emulate the m toner and time of payment ef the ludemnihes fot jmr in loiter canada iu ihe rebellion of iai7 and km 5- a bill to pmvide loe tbe lavncnlof claiui aiainl hie old municipal dialiicu ifi a ihllfnrtbe prca i7a mrdcal dill ib a bill to reduce and fix ihettlaricsof ptlmrc olltceis 19 a itill to fit ihe indemnity it be pn i 10 each meiiihei of the assembly 20 an ammi 10 the queen to proy that ihe salary of the grrinnr flrwtji hall w at ibe ebarae nf the imperial tiej4ny 21 an addiem lirtheqepftrjttf fub- jciof tb reiat of ibe nvirztiion law tti itretcbsrijie stan smau make ibe fdlowinr-reu-arbso-iihtaeinlrnrledme- no 1 fa intended o ineteare ibe hepf sertjaiion in 120 member ivina 60 to each leclionof lbs ptoviuce if it divided ihaj larso counues into hioina all wowm bo is rjlily and hourly discrsed arxnali clfja es is leijuarly dehjled in ihe clubs and ad vocated by men of wcalthnd taudrne eve rywhere a rariela of came birccombiued to bi abml this state of feetin in ibe bi ilae the redoclm ot the duly on bihic limje huwever advaojaeou lo england has cmpleies desjrcred our timber trade tandlef 11 witwwliii c tbelhcjtlfrl- rbraatnvi oflwuivviioil ia4co1 most of rrjr ship yaal and lttrjally cbvcke i that branch of induilty free rade is an ceotlbt a fl toutl thirty for eiland but lo enjy it flifand must rclirhnuu ibc idea of posiu cuteajies rjnlcss rbey are managed in a manner as widely dtlftieut a ikibk from the present system 1 here can he na rincslio that ihe ivcsi indies are ulleily ruined and n another yor we shall re in an ftjitally bankrupt condition the people ji ere cjnrmt avoid seein and bearing ihaf ihe p o- de of the tliilcd stales are in a most hmr ihmx ronthtnm j that there isaburmmt bu- iarmaf a prejttsle cinf in am ihe american cities for ail wlioseek tl j and ltvrt ware arc at east double what are mid cr can uw sibly bi atrfjr heio is it stra their ih jt thmtsauds wiloal waiia fjt events should leave uijs colony auc proceed farther west 1 as lh phrac roc snce june last about sttm rurvos res dents and natives bare left st jrhrs for bostoti ibmce 0 sca- icrovei ihe union frou att jiasts of ihe prnvince they alo atoui l cmi rauls hue landed durin ibe pre sent seasn and nf ihoac these are not doj nnvr remaining all ihe ret havtgonn wes you will notice thai carwda ba sem two members of cbuwnl lafoaiainr and sullivan to yvathiaton to negotiate a couimrcial ttra- ty air wnodwaid the member fur si johns in our acmmy waa eeni by the k form club of si johns to nfc lhat new hrunswick bo pit on the same fooling 1 ca- uadj the lion iviuiain v of n va scotia ba ieiit on a similar erexnd the llrm otr cider of the eucuticc council of prince tvlwards llaud baa been sol lo wahinioff to offer 10 tbe vosfls af ihe united stales ibe kirilee of undtni cut ihe was well attended tb luriutiont were very ficnera amj pretty icencrally retonded lo the magniticient icofn was very bril- lia illy fouled and decorated for vc occasion and hc ltdy paroees look their lunrl mi tbe dais shortly ahcr nine octek after which the company brgan to aembe very fast about eleven oclock the room was al its fullest and the numlcr nf gucl- was between four and five hundred the qudville dand of ihe 20th recpmcnl wss in attendance 5m were aho two mod capital piper in full hichsaud coctnmet ivha commenced ihe amosemcuu of the evenm- by ptayinf a coleh reel qoadtilter colillion pnlka vtzi reels and galops followed inejiiicksiiecejuori tiulil abotit one ococlc when th supper h was thrawir oe and the cnmpanv par licipated of a very elegant eod colulioi dancing was resumed with nif it after supper and continued until ihree in ih miming when ihe company finally diicrsrl there wai a tilllc eolduese hi ibc firt pari of ihe eeeninj uwui tnthe unconscionable latcnes of ihe fashionable hour for ambling f but after this wore off by ihe town lillinr he utmost spirit and gaiety farvaiw arid were msittincd all mtrt cmttbrbjil welt off most capitally tlie supper wines airj refreshments nl pitivided by mr alexander of the british american hotel he was a neophyte on the oeainn it heinc hi irsl public m mil he acted hke an om vetran inuesrtvie every ihiiilhat heart could desrc was lhee eve ry lhrit wel cooked and wejiput utxm table the wine were excellent and the roman punch particularly enod the utmost deco rum anrl regularity weir tbe oidef of tle niht both in lbs ball romn and at ibc sup per table and it his rarely happened that so many persons have assembled iceciber with so much harmtiy we must not omit lo add lhat a rna iy of ibe entertainers were dressed in the cb of old glul and looked uncommonly well particularly the robust tfnd weil made vice pccwenl cl the sbeac- n rech irwpectnt it iik tho can misaianetsploliaveaimffof feather brtehn those of the president beinditlinctiiihed by beinitvrmrd eniirely of while fr atbrrs- iparaw- aucusiu thiholo eo- ctuphin rev r v rogers who will oi receiving the whole aalary ottend to tbe iriliial imrocmnt of bolb protutanl and roman catholic convict a avhrmr william burke this ientlemaiis recommendation is jtrf numcrmuly sijncj by both political parties t for though now a slrni reformer and an emi ncnl easier amny the llaii yet 10 days by- one he wot an employee of ibe tory jo- vefirraenl and did infinite service as a whip- pcr in arenim w coverfale riq prmfer difd rtrf liiireuf lo tbe new e- labliihmenl samuel rowlaud fjq wilb pewnsnou to retain hi ofice a clerk of lbs raakrupt court and coilingc his law studies onder his present mtsler m6tron 1 lady wbxe name is an tntnvn tout but who resides near counters tavern lsorub rad who is stroily re- eomirreadvdby lb nr v darl as well quali fied in wauli ovli and relvcin ibe morals of o10 female coivic dr javrs h iward danaisterand thos cooper without aay bui wilb leave lolako feca anvibiiiiu rite statute anj in uirit oalb of office lo lh cvitiary notwitbatandin bfiitht kspr james mccarthy with a pfotvetion frmn foecntio on iccounl of any evidence ir by bim before tbe caaa- miyionct5 we ferl qmteorlrm mm herecommrn- daihch lhat the government will comply with tbm and mate all the ippwnrmriit- rsceptin that of warden wc doubl ivaw- whether mr tbihodo however well will receive ibis office an appjica- ever quahfictl lion for it bavin been made by mr wills a certificate uf qualification jfned by hi m rva nd the fiiiisriea o nn pymenl of i fjul ihencc jtrosecul thecutfof the l uvteflc one dollar per to tot eaeh tescelo the islatrd treasury thcjc are aul first steps 10 ward a cerate ian of a mote ntimalc eharac ler and clearly indicate ihe chaise of f- the apithy nf the cooujal of fice the utter ignorance w i prevail there or ini true condition of ihesc coloniesand the real state of feejinv as al the toul iirdittr- enec of ejveiomenl to cvirylhinc which would conduce to benefit ditrsh notth abie- rica disiutt all sensible perxms downing s reel is in trimmerian daikn and il fan vies that bee jus all is nqict everything ee wi l wfiilc ihes ctrii ik mluiuy lul surely slipprnf nwoy fiom knand trie wita ctv in llteac dja nf rirtied 1 v leilfc evi ry bdv kna or oubt l hnnv ibt the witd eal a manb ieeitle roir jmy n ibejtoi re mliles th- ihiqocer u ht 11 sort uic lyi f nii i 1 1 orn fcfeot btrd hvej onituili t a lnrte ibe lre and nnl a u ubbfaj niniitit ft inhibit dtf plwsi- pefrr k 1 mrsj pfool cbtctf l7 nitbi iv lira wound by irv hooter n rot uiabbd il 0brailnm wub limhani elavand ewlinj liue a fnr idfllf n t lot and vof it ba roml ijli fly the b nb l annnil u nm 7 ft bee rtr nrtptrii never defeft tlicin ond wll deiirnd ren in iba ileitb if 101 ore ty donald nelnio4h esq who may trail w styled par eicellrncc the rjawoirt brace john hichsidman very many af the la dies exhibited in bmr of the ore aiioft a bit rffjjetiu whan ih- btud rfonnn or fhe bill reflect upn the rear iteasure altorded to so lam a portion of iheir vt friends and accjnamtances particularly at so drjll a lime of ibe year it will amjrly repay ihem for ihe ctpeflse and tremble we say this became there are some scllih people who advocate public dmners in pelefenrc fo puldic balls fn days ef yoie and jitsrpb daley when dinners were din ners and wine were wine a public din ner was worth attending but rwv when 4f nasty is the urder of ibe day and an motel keeper is eomihrd to dine people at two or ihree dollar a head wiuet included wlten hit preleccsr received six dollars for ibe same service a punic dinner is tny tiling hut a pleasant aiy tbal iha l patricks society on ibc irthlarcli next may ewhew iu qjnner anrf eire the lll i tbe wish ofinany raore jrsoa than we could well put down 01 pacr t and ibink 1ou oitim m ltd eal hojm hy ao hit leu 4itd icly npto it akh iof ivlic willun mlv full nf m u fimo 1 iibifi u neicbl luiinc ra asiilintf ihe fir trjtjnk ifaheb yiil hve liie old cue down upm ou like a flti if liiian and wilb ne h aqitalle nad wib u u hnri of inie and of ai ivfiible no oaprcf that the cbancea are u ilitumit ivt frad oi of a uat irj tin sot tfonr lfe i waa puddili thice in a wnn frtnn tadoav in mapikc iter an ftfttj burl roj in tbti hut ion am of 1 inidjune d y the driver wi a hardy mew aho rankevl aaibrnaab lit roula mtbii nlraramd rsfji be maumto ajew lailb a anstlf ftbkr autl patho mvassj bo j d aeen friklenetl b a nibt eat snibai her11 sr rf and hkii be ram uc imv nbneji i lie jvu palljr ih in otvn rula 1 wa driving auiif tins rmd m a bofj jwiib aa fal o burr aa eer foried n lrhi wbn mi len iod afied nf n jit bv lh m nb m teibl oat rvadtlaj ihica au em nt 1 lb neej no 1 tia ptrl ad uenl iu trie boaliet 01 uirtfi and i liiijfil iabit unepi4 theyd ir ke ami miid t b id irkr when 1 riin ip i tbiiired iin ol the yiimj iae in um ide nltbo ypamir tr ir tha eda if uiv bmjiee hit n u v feci otf hoi 1 heiird nr ilioafbt i beard iha lid nir m nlihrf a 01 2 abep in ibe wimd 11 1 ti vt srilclcd i iba kiita ibraw it in ibnb nwy nsipetl 00 and haired lanl b4uta n ewrd tt cinlvn- it erf a inenimf and i apd rrina i batd pti j yi wl aad ltirip lliru n u vjiti riii1 i bnrar ibmnno w a brtawag tbo oeai iraaltai eh- al tarried otorn bur mdblii tbatttad i n an nasi wub ihi eye twimtf bar bait uistluts and bte teeth f nduiiif and aha turatd at on a pirot fata an uuearihlj aysslt slia ssaaw provincial penitevtiaby a wc exacted be inspectors of the peni tentiary tiave reined in order lo allow tbe feather ltreccbed foil scope for the rcintfnla menl of tbe mneyiakinxtrote keepers which has accordingly been itonc with all the hon ors now thai the late bad wba have jeratoi- tioaily caercised a mos ttoumesomc lftt have been tbu enuveniently rt rid of and lou4clhevprcsimi of a ccanmiisiover is one peal pyni aind aul sjnea the war den ha alsi been re noved hy theia pluned biped coitrfry to the inlenlion of govern men the feather hrccrhd will have nu diflt- cially in batehinf their ec according 0 ibeir own fancy and eontimtf their eseioptitka- 101 of what ibeir chiirman if wel versed in as h jefdarl jrtlice which man4 bmatinfsj ma- and then sittin in judgment to hatch reasons 10 justify his execution tht feather breeched have alo a we un derstiioi forwarded lo corernmtnt an inte rim itepwt rcemmendinccrtaili immediate ensure in tbe constilurrm of the prison pruir to the appointment any new officer pari nf theie chaii w bavecome to oir knrv anl we will iccor readeis a few ideas of them in the firtt place the julie if warden are in tbr luturc lo be entirely confnej lo the discidine of tbe ln1itution bnt a mr s niili his bcn removetl wilhonl any dimi nution of salary and another rdlicrr isolee appointed with ibe title of troaoirer by whom all the monays ate to bt recessed and paid he iivin proper security the moil important chaajrc however i that each uf the five inspectors is lo bo placed in cliar ami to form ibe head of a patlieular depahment hi the prison in the same manner a each member ol the provincial admioistra lion il the head ofa department the whole bead of depaitmeus ibutfotmio ihe fuaid or covernmout ol ibe prison the president bein prime minister and eah member ha- vinc a compeienl salarv tbeie aro several other minor chances wbieh we may menltmi ala fnlure period an application has been forvatibd to go vernment so niiinerontly and rcaeclamv signed recommeihlin ibv followin sienttc man to the vacant offices that there can won doubt wbatavor that moat af ibttn will reotiva lb opmiii1mena aa h commeinlvrl tiikooaud james sampson ean pteildenlind fnifwe- inr of mrsltll iobn burin kaq f4ivclor of vouflhcn john coy kr lutpectorof clathlns ioho lltllutl iuij laspvciorof ptavjsiani m t crfetit aojj i jtelvi of lunlih nr and recommendalianssaeied by no less fa art three lirjceanai ropectable bodies of eullrmr rt who have profile r really by bis mercantile transaction and bare agreed lo occrxnrhifr mittlai under ihese circumstances there fore and considering air- scrninrbl and dis- iniercited servicei in r op a ca aainst mr sitb we do not see bow tbo government can overlook tlii claim haiuxra thv pacas the practice of lending spurioa marriae koticei to tho press is becoming fesrfnlfy prevalent in ca nada west the evil in a very yresl rr itreeanbc remedicj by ibe preo pnnatiy linfilina tlie practice of ihe bitiaa whig that cd never inserlirrr a difth or mimira w thoul preent pay or special favor and ihen never without having prrsousl know- ledge of the parties tbe number of huax- in notices of the kind received by us dor me ihe past lg years some with money but moat wilboul would if preserved 6lt a btiihrl basket the tlhwirie ealiact is from tba ifamtttm spectator ntscaaccror cokiwct sense onponci- pled cainp unused npm us last week hy sendinc a mrtise nottea f wbieb was inserted in sltuibsyn i0e 1 teller wa dad rrtffea lly john howelf fcaj reatacshus ns tn notice the maniaie of bia daochter lo a erritfemao in dnndai we are jrvievrd and rrwitifiedto snd lhat the whole wtsa force ry apt iucb marrias havin talen jjlace- thc felloiv who managed to impose asaffsj cs and wound ihe feelinsofa very lejpectaue- family eneled a turk shilling in bia letter opiy the noitac andjbu took every pre i autinntamake iht aitair appear efluine- we need scarcely say lhat wc deeply reiet tc ciretuiilnce and shall use our utmost erltmis to detect ibc scouralrvl wboererto may be fiaarot thz prrtlnriar an w- peasau1 ffaca hetwon ihe fiftiilacy and iba iwk and ladder company took nace darincr the fire at tlie penite nliary the pariicolsrs wcra rven in mtf lasl awdct tbe inonrmoas sfjoaliire of a fitemtnj but wmse iie is at the service of any cre daablin tb eoi- rectnesa a free esprtsviews m his icsfcr miht hre been oemucdewitb rtnerit fo ibc writer cause we ackrwwlecteoe assahara over acktiowittfeed that the serticva of the military at fire rn kin ton asa tntatwbu and thai the crty it andrr rbe hihes oblifa ritni for a muliiiiftc of these scrtrcts rrajct- ed it is irrerefora eacecdinify anrjayinr co wiliicss any unplrasantcrsa cicecnlfs ba- twecn lite military anj ibe fits irrrjadk tbf fnetvbersof tbe hook and ladder ccass- pany ae much proeokhat ihe waauoct ae eressron of tbe enhcer comron4lfig a portion of the bliliiaryaat tba late ire bat fjfcss in the nearspaperaisnot tba best way tvcac taio redress for ibe injury an affront ose to tbe hook and ladder company shoald b regarded as an affront cjvred la rem vholo fire uriade and ibe chtefpire sstiiieer rkwid uke ibc omier up aadaddresmne a letter triih the plain facts to the major ovnrrat commanding ueevenl a reerftrnt ik the condntt complained of hie city must 01 be drprired of iha aid of tba bttltaty ail fires because an ocer on doij ebocaca at furet birnielf jo rtnr xouiav4vr breu a may siy lhat steam navation ibe the year isis m wholly tndetj at kmpton theci 0 toeono made ber lai trip on tbabejajj 1 ihe citterduvt makes her last today the diy doits are laij up tba ammvan lake reamer will tist us once mora ana mtojiionjlvinrf ffoct oiuofr i nvet unlit next iin- the weather ncav is col and fnoty with some fp of siow vaim sxetckti no raan shotim he ridiculed for the want of any iiuiasah tint ess be ptlentf lo ita poaaaauaik thswety highlander and fhe meek cmnanvrvmaj filial 11 the ryrof iirir mker the wares of animal eourae may be rtfu bnt should not hu censured qm when wa tea a man vverastinsly hnllyins ant ejat otiose keirierni1protrutek aaa atfaoa lb be cannot aeo an osartot iaab blm in ibe ilreet a lvmy riji rreaf ripi bia do- sire to lick hifa each 0 aaavf st ajai- eiila a eery eontemitihle fiinre when he rt- ivitta pvhllely a maat ayom tahat wlthmil cibibilinc tht pluck to rvotat ik o mn oawmaaathli voealltt ffrit- injt tbo 81 andrew bait lo frmrro with ih inteuilerl cnactfl left far toranlo lima day wilb iht intention of akin ktnajam onbhteiarntomfntrftl paitltaallvl nnith tn rtvafabs letl nntlb hit evrvhtiud tourin ko wa anjao time sine abut 14 mltaajat maitpn ditd at mnniam aa ifcf kkn initrnq hit wtjvnrii vrniij b 1tty