0r luty ufrrinrd thai h iu a ml a tilled tn ku itm hy tu hniirli marti tlwwufitiih imi fiund nd alt art lhluutafh4tifniid tim curpu tame vioeh milt hrt atin lufouned ty fill minutes tiwf than hit sun of i plh vl wd than that ptivvttb cfciutli hun dr now mt kjllw tlit r derea yt a eliniuf ttipoitri of the cqoiiihi m fdiiilly ore tn ft tnnn aim believer itt mk fwthmw rf lh ompnintiot matter iic1 rtuii tube ad that tctaw one mm u fnlitf d hy tfia church lhl men who live and like mr ft tend may i by carnuinlimi lime wrmfllfd iofui1 lb tnoill life nfleen attirvnlea too aeon lather norrdrrss can rrol thr cor oialinn cwk be u unwed only tu ol lb city tiroe nod tulc elf itinener or tirnes children 1 uk you are we with the ttfoyf named afteui to tk ihe church or if wr a vole l for the city fdilif ts to look p in the dotpinilm clock arc we who are inaurrd to ik ronwl on our death bed to tu liy what clock wer mh wish to die ttviicro moilufil hmpgiom in the family eiicte of ihe eveensed that if the a had heen a methodist of course w otidhavclcticutded by john coimtcr ihe cv -i- ral time ucee and the friend of lhedveaed would hate been stveil fioo penury and dwltcs will the corywmten with th fear of the flth january mxtj nrfore their eye allow the church to eel fifteen minutes to advance ml thus cut off fiom our messed lives fifteen minutes am i because i am a mpjrfhler wlhc cilycihiociltobe deceived by a clotk hearing on iu fate a lie and haroly indeed wonjd b- the rootoy wmefc wai rijtht by the one i tm fifteen midtties nearer to fetvity than whoum have ben had i been follower of drat mn wtflty- orar editor fti who a to reiiafcnm no in ihe fifteen tmjlins f had to pay 04 viol etcrdajbocaie he tat tboobt fit to be piird by the church and tbffthy lc ibul the bank doorsin my face ami to my etpwe a aboveaid when 1 i n t netiieat it wat ten minute to ihtee by john counter protegee then i say it behotei ety one lo cheek tbia irrejnlaniylel ds feel that msbajl be suffered to die when our time comew wfcekj our hour aitite and not be buiritd into t fearful eternity by the there caprice of a clock mender iiosgine kingston dec 81843 reduction in prices of ottawa lands t me editor f th aio pacltt tnyjh lh ftindiiirtl nf jrnqr pr i htc bimk pcemrn iotcimof the ibiimlt ttfthr tiiwiiip of ltm utjit iko coroxartifnt ht niaic3 ih ofmterof their pcltivn v tr he the affiul mt fmn ibe cirn lnd oficc btiis dftio hie cdih imljul the got rnnicflt haic cunrcned ft iinitt oco on t fotller in the tomfiipft of w1 nni ui fields i hut outline fen new tyiihie unthe kucui shnrr of th oltftwft tktt s rrj ffr cee thift jrtnf ft 6tw tntlte poor iniit cftdmfewt ihftt thn gnternmnnt rcofoedi rn ti undt n ibe ottnfn to nctifcment itich i i he jc1 piillc j t 3rne llic prowih cf lh ct t of ibft ilv inc 1 i t l m ohot hut be ne tm1ioi the le ievm rd gftuottftu u ill be f noted ithe me lifter term tno fow of l otttw onrtfi bt ff fcrtifftil t tve 0emreot hf ire art wi pp tssd fttich fftcnitj to ftttile allftfr ino to vftnfejuft tx uta3dwo oh yftti riubc lonior i put sir yuue iiwil ubrinvul imim john bgax ajlmee nxi lffct- mouiiftftinovolbu the prhtfon tn ihe gnoetnnr geuctftl ron ceiliia luhftbiionli of thu new ftoreeyrd tuw v ohiptif chicheeter ntit dited butenevonjj in n inirr of uw 15th intftiit v iho pwpriocial seer department irt if- llibi tvwnjiip well bi lhfic nfwiifhuin bfl numarld m ht o0-ift- fonril lxn bed l itie pmc tie tji ihi fc thulndtn aotn nftuuiy trc jhlm- r cnt the tcrmt qfpijnwnt ipb ifce me aft b fiiee iho rulr nfihr purehnr mrry s p oun at ttmu pufchnve tfcj dtrifttflf nf thu lno in tfetftft new townohipo hftbeen deleted pftrilt to jirt time 1 it fteilwrtir ther nunheo- havftftohmoriftw sir vhi ukajiujioctssi pftfinsjl t oobthnxer joawbcweftu m f aitntef oi u a ufy hftvint bom immfetted wfl p u mirof lnd in tn wtoftir tl is a potiiive relief to o frd mnst lira be toftr trarlert tn br ahle to praise tb tlobourt hatboor company tbey hat e liktn oorhint ftnd tin c umvhr j the end of thu pier urith an excellent piard upotei jf chains nnj jwihi k ail ii fn- turo it vrill he almoat impoewbln lor accidenu tolmppen all praise then to lhose members of tbeeiart3rcootpony who leside in c- boair tvt fhe ivhole eslnhrthtrrenl in their hnx3 re ibould not knguc lo uu over n insufficient hboetr ftflf a dafcctnoin mutar- on monday ail a culbe workinr in ibe petttrtfelern pit near untnluucn learly met bis detth nnder the folbttiuj olnbr circo muoce jc bad huuttit whh him n njv for his reenls amon oftrr aini i d ftlronc tri thu famoiii yuut mhmvi cheers but not inctbriites in a srmrtar yd he bad vtlh blaa anntu dauaretous towpjojcn a ponnd and i bgtf nf powrfer nnl the tr cbii ril nnpowdfr but rock tun powder ned for bjntiin pnioses at ihe twl bouf f the meil the eanrry man ra upfte pot jni fet kin be firv it was the pot of powder nuicei the reroltmny easily be imapoed tn explo sion which burnt the man an4 aoy ami fire wbo were at the ttroe rn abed near the troikswith htco forrunaiely ih injuries reeeirrd by thr sufferrw lhmih ncvre are not such a lo rntuner fherrlrucf- oiccm- sinnco wbicb ihej owe in areitt at m the hrd heinp own pftrlljoncotrred jutj he roof we beliceej gw on twnrtdny moiniht a cjnlei otcon4jdrrhefrertysc1 in from itte s s- w and eoiilinotiuhioiihovi ftir day two or three reoettsn rfceharbortr drajed their aanchofs one of nhichwrni ahort on point fttderlelct near the idmiruliy home hut wj upon thr ihiftioeof ihr wind to the ores ward relief ed kt a force irum uw dock ar j about muon w americtn brijwfljontoa o observed id the offing running under ilmositurrc polrf jhakine for the anchorage al fourmuenoint wbcie she came to the schooner h from hamilton kon apefwaids came into prtjciinrferahl dsirtaed ir her fehttiyio laden with wheat went ashore uear pres- letin altemitiftglotnaketbfttarbor thti morajng snolher cilr set iom ttieeastwati wjiich will be arverely felt ut the other td oflhe ukeavetoi foois pititrnft aril ills fahuy the uemotor jfuwmil baj a letter from london itatinr that some diva ao the meben of the exhajal ftmily of france rrarrowty escinru bcior all of them were timulia- aitousiy aiuckedafierdiofttvvia acute paint and iheuebukede nemotiia haetng drank molhjrnjbot ngtaasof wfler thi few dropn hai rematneri were analysed and foond to contain n strong dose of tory vjrnlem poison projaced by tha decomposition or the corner of lhc condnitpipea and rrfrrfoiru by which claremont house ii supplied the medical irealmeiilof dr clatka aaon neulrjlized the olfceu of ibe noiaon and irjloicj the msejera jj betilb on ihngnclic 3clcgtflplj ntowinram llc ko new in tlto city wt ather cold fine mjthlnc kiw vfuu dee 5 fi r m kstracts fnom 1 uk illksidtnts trkssacb m our tfraref c tvuimt onj nonl tfufiiuu to iae leorm ttie tionmcdndimiilirleffiditimof lite jf m pnwets had n neceaeftty icmivhv lochrckaml emharja trade arnko uvee4 price tlirotiok our comruireinl ieliotv utt notvvithstandine three cauiej the 1net slate- teith their ahundnnt urxttaefuj hwc fell their eluds jes sefvicly hun other coitnlrirs and atl oat gtcot interests arc suc- cfncfnl in riewinn the creal tfrttti of the past year contrasting the ajitated and disturbed mate of other couniiirs with our own tranquil and happy condiuon wo may ceniiatuutc ourselves that we arc tlie uot favored coje on the face of the earth vvhttu other cmir- iris arc estabtibin fico fnstiluliont we mc in the actual cnyjmcnl of them a fidi ihnimnce frcm our fatler while th riilihlentd of eanjh are cooviiuvd and lustmvtcd by cieil war and international mrifo we mill see our rolitifaj institutions in a itstctful exercue of tl e mabi o fittnkb the aot box thu reat arj4imican maaim so jy cnraven on the will vf the penile constitutiunaky eesed h prevail as eor pm safeguard against force and e iolencc it is a subject of just pud that our fruit and cltaratler as a nation eontirue rapidly lo aihauco in the estimation of a cififixed iv ot id to our wis and fice ioslihlwaiia it is to he attributed that while other uaiiors liftsc ichietcn a the icril of ulteiin- the diilrefsard imio of their roile we have wonout iositiowin the mdtof on ituinterrupted proierily of an incrains in dcpcndefce eousfwi jnj liapptness to con tinue to occupy this proud potf tron it rt ay nocesjary to preserve peace and faithfully adhere lo the great fuwamcnul principle of mi interference with the domestic eoinefns of other nation we tecujuue in all other nations lh right wc enjoy omsekts lo chattge ami reform their political institutions accoid- inr to their own pleasure hence we do not look fcknd existing governments capable of maintainio- their authority uc tecojnize all such aetual governments not only from the dictates of true policy but from a sacred regard for the independence of nations while tkisisur settled pcy tt dot not follow that wc can be indifferent spectators to the progress of liberly principle tht goecrnmenl of the united states bail with entbociasm and delight the eslabfli meol of the french republic as we now hail the efforts to unite the states of germany in a confederacy similar in many respects to our own federal union if the great and en- khened german states occupying a ihey do central and commanding positions in europe shall succeed in efiabfiabij such a confederated governmenl securing at tbt same time to ihe crtittons of each siale local goternments adapted lo the condition of each with unrestrained intercourse wiiheacb other it will be an important xra in the his- tory of human reents whilst it will consoli date and strtnlhcft the power of germany 4xcwy0rk markktirfc ames oodctatc sales pots at 5s7c pearls 6 a 612 flour in western flour no change to note sates 6000 hm at 15311- uotr round to mixed good brand stale and oswco meal dull at 3 wucay dtrll ami n wtes corn pales sow bushels at yesterday rates pnoristoxs ow potk no movement sales new mesa and prime mess on private temrs bcefsteady stoclt market beary exceptiig for good security ctsoixna a communication was received by ibe commitec of the board of health this morning from the health officer that 18 cases occurred on board the jvcto fori from ilaeic resembling asiatic cholera wiih drains twelve persons were landed at he quarantine and 7 deaths hfrre occurred all imorig the s tee rage faeng era satotdaf monkuro tec 9 we learni last aighl at tiro telegraph obc bat the britannia is tn she reached boston on wetneday afternoon but owing to the tioy line being down antf some injury having happened lolhe reporter at montreal wc have bean unanle to jeatn any itteaa of the news she brugs one day hkl week dr mailknd and hlu friend of tie ttuyal canalian bifle ftegr- menl whenoot on a sportine expedition on the lake road abaut our miles ftom town met with a wim beast rarely seen in these pari their attention wn first attracted to tt by tcjr 0is coming to a point- and at this moment the animal noticed the snorlimen and look lo a trree from ujidj the first discharer of small shot brought it lo the ground dead the victors conteyed thir spoil to lown where it was seen by hundreds and variously named wild cat catamount and pan ihrr but fms to have been a very fine specimen of the native lynx it was a ft male emt wiwii held up hy tke fore paws measnred to ttie hinder onea about five feet and when on its legs must have stool two fett from the ground chuistohtk waancby a letter from rortalo we learn that chiisunhcr warren for some trait ft frtidrnt of ibis place hue been arrevted in thai cityon u charge of bi gamy when pol on liiaj he pleaded guilty to bebarge and was sentenced to tx years and ux months imprisonment in the suh prison at aubum it will be remembered hy all who were fo any way acquainted with warren that eome year ago h indnoed a young girl ihenlitrnr with mr d r 4 to inn away with and marry him some lime after he left tier i nd went lo buffalo and married aain where tre divedunlilhiaerresf he attributed his heiru lefsronduellhtonhlhf whole affair i loo it to ftee use of intoxicating drinks be is now suffering the penally of a just law justice having overtaken him at kslccaouirfc jr at oust tho ftftftcnreas to tho cambria ia rs rath hi wt of the frmi european nankins itouie of or rotlikhid tho oaruu pvnhfthlfrialtfttltiacounirf suf the purpura ofeo falliahtna a branch or btahouv in the united gut 51 belmont of rntf ctj has neted inerelr 4 ae an agent for that financial concern hoi now thai ile ukcifina uf eurpo ac ihrnwin- rc cjpiut into the vjolicd state ftnd the cnterpriz uftho amrrktana are omaiom eutd by tho cart in califrnm e oce lo ftihcqjrda r baftlf deem f to entatga ihetr bouss by the eatnunimiii of banrhsn america tiik tltrsi anii lhan cttaiianv juhn aulijo kjs in n lellrr u ifnwer til m i nfni in favur of uvur away willi hie tuif lni infill ivrinv and uitlct hi ti o i tlth r w ihl1i enei rn thit miil mr auldj vrt linly ftlairv thill utilwvllirp jj tiif fthtilislitntk the tlirijmiy ll inl m i- ttut tiliim in riiniikirik on the wute ibe im u jgiijllv f l iii lrrftin in ifnvi t puw uraj culotu uwdlr m the iiivinre hi u ali eeiy in- iniiiiij in hih juje to pimi i ciuit fpaiiv aid tlie tu the finir ik- apbliit t fr1iji rvml lo the irtcerl is itaiy tev the wc eviit use a milder illliving ih- auttomty of ircct the piovinciul er il the tnl ffiii of ihr i teirieiate and uaiil thf tiii ctrtinial tlasc ihe leiti hl ltlrt nnkmt tinittt ul ih- v t trim eontl n li thr vinvnial clraei t l4iliameni as irrila ilu tfeif ml pticy of ihe entiie wliv nut at oticc jenv thr wo in ru 1 y hu timklilultu in mcf m- o lb quoeo nd declare the province ihoely in depimknt mr ifahlivirit we re snre will never con sent to ucli nnlluti diietriiip whatever the krriiehpmty may o nor will ltd lilgin lnif i v c to be detruded tnto ht toot or a 1iorincia party and made the rope pooi of lis political hiis jlntrp i fw4 lime fntiinj lintthcrs a g t i c otmo v star auction kaia o r wuxaa liqaora fruit gsofivirjwer cnttxk wh 7- ffe gam utrl gnktrte gfihnrutlg atriiuf r hikuvi qn t1iuhmiav tti ifch ittoi at i o clock p m iuneiualrr will ba old at tho auction jfounu ol the tfufcatribcis ln klmny 4 1 hbds coee tlranrlr maitrilv nitre h puneheonv west irrtia spirit- vol tjono tt one million ihuuiili itnjhra or twailv of dakcim one hiindrrt vnfiej slated wk hvc been taen al wtjinejoti the tal week madame 1 tin- mauier f ihe vrelmoiw rhimren has sntcriui j4t0c0 a art of hsi pivfits in 1 br country tho ifnsitn minnntite joafautl of lomo civea ike rotvi wuiiee of it iuot p- lur rouhedy uf ilic civ wild giikrry bawah wo fjieak in pia f uiatar ujorn or will clkivy be4ve we habi re rhuu amur- t 4ffi nf the snick ihul t itie of 1ie beat in lc niarhei tr the evupuml tor iuu it b re conim tlii nrrfe nr eomin from tueli a reffetahe uiceandcarerulfj jimjmi lr n ntij kitrvj lavsicmn w received br ilwasmi with eontetce v ettteaey hue won pewd m roone vudnnto rneeof diataoe and jlftlftun hv flmf eaienuvir h 1 ikco eauuive1x uaea in evrry p f iltc ohinifv pmiirulaity mi tc ml0k aoj ftufilitrn stale andeunt tesirnto ny fin insethgenl nd hflir reepeetftvtc petvooft liifcucn jdueed mi faor i nvrlla aa reme ay ut cold und rimiiha blhet uf the cflclk ilvered her and drsjr none gitmnse uokas ancd i bu its on the wplr for aile whnivsate iv retail by oias lent ht i taluter kinmun anil uiuuta eocr llf tncanadi tiisals in llis tfiiy at alexanders ftritish amerian hottu arentl mb craul wehinfton j fpyanoeon treat at chalierlon tutor mr fwpl ivnx thoe mcnutee quebec v 0ker freneh montreal mr kuu momrei pthua gardner quebec c rankin tmntu tt 5lcb4ijllutlitvroniojo miller pieiont mr tone mnlteal mt brawrdjjo ntr niht lit henderena lmcviife mr serfr uflnirn thus rtnry kerr yok u r wt teromorr heny udd1hjkvin p rec- fttl mtnirealf j adama cuteau do lao haileft lejat bjrton mr and me- umvtepx- isnd mr hnm0i ofcco juhn l uanuey 5t mr mckiuwry fiytosvsv 3 g ranoy tumble m hvnd ituim o c and w qr casks jc cau decaitr iumier and wmrsj plain ami cut 50 quinlab n i table cd vhh ti dm ivkhd do 40 uhlann 1 ariehat llenincs 5u doses snpirior amkeufdo jfctk iri hovei fresh mnlaa rtiin 50 drums lo smyrna ftt 2 casks curorts bs filhert- driht murorado and kefined suara green and black teas viiou ktaatbu colve taw and rnatted ctoolina idee tnbaccand snuff ths ecu tipce starch bine candu a mumurdj tepk nutmeg ih lttiufice itufk cany wrapping ltj twine shoe lhri urdeotiu manilla mails candlrwiyfc- eisom saint castor tin blacking jajan ink c tttihi liberal omphant watt xjktdj oee e lyl 09 kungstotn mabickt wiicre i fitardce8 1848 rpifj ay ur d smfth ctcrk j tht affarl fviitrtf tllh oat mefetu cwt indian mrla tuft ruekwheftt meal 4 ewt wltcftt r baj indian co v buab oau tf buahel r- i do rve ti yaujc jtcthuak turnifia do 1 onitms ay huab henee per lb butvr prr h beef 10 10 2 6 4 2 i o t 3 0 do ay r mum v ta vcnlay lb lnmbatb tea trdten tui iey eaeh nepnrr knvlftur finir decka per nir chickens do pairidn hay ay tun too iivn 1 10 a ms 0 in 5 09 0 ft 9 0 7 0 3 10 tt 17 g4 0 3 ft 0 1 f 0 3 q 0 b t 00 3 c 0 0 se 1 oe 1 3 9 t 0 is g k 5 0 2 9 1 4 5 0 t 1 0 2 0 0 74 0 a n 4 15 0 sb f u 0 0 0 6 0 7 6 1 3 6 1 ft 0 1 i e i at the teinpcmneo lluaau tn this cite ii i sih i- ansov lax of m i uemao aged 2 years and 10 month frienda ftro reoecrilij invited t- attend ha funeralnnsundtloth iomal 2uebekr m toihe place of oterment wares auction rooms onfriday isthdccemberateociocks will w sold a invoicu of teas slgnrsi tobacco fresh fruit and totbersiault grocerier without reserve william ware kinpton dsc 9 ims 99 notice the su0scr1br forbids atl person from uurchasintwokotrsuf hand rrvcn ty lirm at tcionioj lo mr john prlert ubd mr joenli peters x6 10s eacb dated ociober 1616 hiring trerived no raluc for said notes the vublic arc caulioned not to pttclac tbero eli ball ernestown dec i 1848 993i trievaa o lcrrax a setiejmatcr sffo0 toauoy how cornea it ihiaorlichtrl weather thai u aod 1 caot dmo ijjtibar sim artucted my w f ii y fnond it eaanct be 1 nquoa auaaait ontario foundry rhesubwrirerrescfitfollyintimatei thst havliitrlatcly improved and added to hi sioa of toots he it now fully prepared to fujniab at vet reduced prices steam engines aod boilers grill and saw mih bts and iron caiting of ever desctip lon brluofall files lllsckimilha work of iw kinds tomtrie boiiog and screw coltinj to order iwrenulieil jack semwf saw mill oranki andcotdeo always on kamli stovb5 potash kettles coolers 4tlotir and grain lafcen in port pay feai for wurk f john hcneyman kinpton dec- d lews 90- gbristznas basaar rfthe ladiea vlontrinic if the c0ngre- cationalbenzvotet soctt ty reinecirully aonoonce to their fiienja and the nuwit at large that tbelr baaat will be ccnert ni wednesday 20ih decemlcr al which a ureal tariely of useful and fancy articles will bo exposed for sale the bazaar will open each daf at 11 oeloeb4tin the sloie node ttc tail end of the lambton houe ffmcew street rj admittance 1 3j cbhdreu and er- tinrs halfneie ktn 7th dec 1818 m fresh oysters received weekly from new york at dumbles shades welling ton street may 31846 flo u ii cupltrpine fine ami fine middlings oatmeal pot uailry carol na rice conatatiy on hand and tof sale by oliphant watt ktnrion 4ib december lb llyon yoon- teas green tl blapk rir ll7con twankiy orange pekne soucbonx and congou in great variety chests half chets and caddies cofpek rio and jara raw and roasted fur sule by oup1iant watt kingiton 4lu dec 1is glassware a few cases puin and cut tumblers and winegtaw orjfwuirniukni for aalt by olirilant dt watt kingston dec 4th sl8 wanted a youvg pbrson of respectable con- nexions canable of teaching yoorg children h wanted immediately as in asfis tail in aloufs sciaoou apply lo mrsktng bagot 5rett near the lambtuu hoaic kinsslon nof 27tb isa 9stf atlantic ano ontario r followinc lekeii ue deuineu on the x frontier kr united suslea poslae tbey can dc obtained on ippiicallon to ihh office wi sii1imutt capf p alelnlyra john patrick mpfhicl fxjpinqry jmfl tim n j vihiam conouren mt alcrjoaroaojoro mia geo k ii ia fvha sraoaelkat ft c leund jolo yuden 7ftceavtuow jamc c 1 li 1 i tin a qnon ch uj pather w ic v uia fletri c dnarp alra w ji michael oorsne re cunln mkiiet ciiv vtv tomlid llerui trnsn ttieh chika alifji miehnvl ciyfer s a mt a cornly jvhn meny william p swyoo arceiibflld mieaver jamea andeiauu 8nnul ly ix v smitri j a krcwt juntnh ie uairjco if inn tinr klwrd maarmna p ifurke inntev nle tlllvie v0jrijp j jin catwwjj 1 n 1 r a1ra efict storkwiil mourke ituawi jtiiifi mcltiida rter a grnnrle oliark heth alrxiudrf graves wnv ivjfe withaui duturrs chs wjitiainea jroiuada fawrence iknoliua tinvn sicwii w ditto wdtam alsun tubccc mcfadden 11 p ties paiirh prkal tmu abre north willi ttmtbjrh rfiaburih frvrf t humphry v aiwhv maeaneftj peters mitkh wilhammecraehe i vvanav dr cronin otnatk c keuwixkmeys uannnfille jvhnuihon amite 14 lalo jk tl soineac iu jck llanjamiu cauee m airland vultam ware arlwnf kinrftnbcernbcrl viws given in a mistake flie person who received the five pound municipal debenture on thursday lat for 2 is fcouested to return it otherwise be will beoposed wm mcmillan auctioneer kiptoftdectb 1843 89 just received a upmim otsic and yabiltl store iixo strct pattern also- a quawrrnr op new ufisia james mcmillan kiopton dec 6th lews 98 real estate pun siibscfibtf offers forsalc alrout sixtv 1 acrks of land cemnming part of thr town plot uf gaoanoque west together with desirable park lou adjacent the whole will fce sold em uoc or in separate parcels- water power from the ganauorjtie river may be obtained in connection with the ti wn lots which are favorably situated for em ployinr the same lo advantage tetms of payment liberal w s macdonaff cansnoque shti dec 1815 9sw ahdhsonian botanin atebicims tue subscriber respectfully inform bis friends and cuitomcr thai durtu the nreseist winter there will bra erswwj aori- ment of bis botanic medicines kegit tnr salu at i h rinpeaancc i folic in princes street kiitffton at mifrdiff bctanic jhpiiim clfe would also bee leave to ray to those who arc indebted to him lhat unku they call anil settle without delay their nmes aimj arounta will be put in proper hand fr ftj leclion a p 6 kington dec 5th 1s13 atlantic ontario express a messenger will leave ihw ulger sr rv thirsday during ihe wintrr fur uok on lew york and iniennediste pufm willi mt ivakk vlvenl jfinitea nov 29 ls bvluy scaonzo kotiob f k ae athmd u t that j day p dirrr rainiidifi hbktttawn j iv and ouhh im er rje hmwllirtl with the jleimviit lit leu tt ill iiiiri at liir i ui live wpe el rvlrwk a m nnd arnr hie tetitar l which belong 10 llie itay dint al kawrtf lltlv vsllin wlhren difnqinf jitiin in th vemraivi vt lnc fatemaly iuritul tunitend dinner tickets eelimve ol wine 5i 1 kinfiitovm nov isis t7 ilirsiieeiieujsrge and n elveiej fiil sick uf grocccf liquors ftc he i now rr iated m sell nnprecdently low fr eak i k tfiw ojiecuttlv h-imecarv- trity relerj tt wonky the alien i ion of hij uumir- ctl adiif 3l0mc s bitjsof fine anl coarse 150 bw ttttliiihnoillasliotelltftiingrkc upper an jft always nn hand it the noic adjfrv lb frontenar yard and di- vctly upj- thihojos hmj david martin kvaptitt d 1 113 dmia to lrt a vuse in colborno street con talnjh eietit room with larcr vard rarden ani outoices rent low possesion ircn imwfidluly h samuel morlkyft co princes street kmptoh oec i wis 07 to let a tfte hocsb tn queen street ad- r jofvns be theatre containing w jnmai rovms with jood counw well of water vvd and stable kent moderate apply at w furniture ware ttuams of the cfavakriwa montreal street tltos o butler kin 23 1s48 4 tft city of kingston wata works company cipiita hiw sstamfuhiwl a stoc book has been opened and tin fcftbe present at tltenlftce of messrs cowariirnk nfacnovf kin brecl kinpltm nov 2 j48 mi thesathcribers hare for sale a quantity nf prime and pkime mess pork for caih of ajproveil credit j dbryce co kioptosv eke 1 1s4s tenders for luitber t eers will u rreeived dt ihe office il the provincial penileriiiary until tardily tho sui instut frnn ntons willing in fuinuli fnr ihe service of ihrr the following articles of lqrijb riav iooleeitnf lj iiich comuri planv from in qmcbe wide ijsoteelef 1iaie pine timur the one ulf tn h- in lericths of not loi than lufeeu and ihe remainder in lengths if ftom 30 140 feel tire whole of the ahovc lumber will he ropind to he delivered h or before the ex ptratea of tbrev week from hie date hereof d az macdoneil irnir p p prorircftl penitentraty 1st jrccmbcr it3 t fjyjrglu und herald fo cony tavern licenses javtftfjce is hereby atiren that that the v fouri of general quarter sessions of the tvce of tho miilknd district otanc snecialy adjourned to wednesday uw t5tb iy of december 1818 at the hour of ten dbjock of that day for the purpose of recciunt apnlicitions for the renewal of tay1rn licenses for the ensuinycar and fr the information of thr parties ftm eerneil the following orders were ailoptri m the lat court of which they ticdcilrtil to take die icoice jithat no sppticatiou foe a cecigcate to oblin a tavern license he received hrnce forw iirless the rerommeniation aecotn- panyjq it be signed by 00 or mnre majis- tratescjijin either in the town townbp villas or ideality in which the applicant lift application for certificates be hanm in to the clej k of the peace on ot btfurc monday tho lftih inn tha the ame nuyv clatifivd hy that officer before tbey ov submitted to the court by the court j nicvaus c p m i lutitap nov 25 1si8 s70 in bankruptcy matte j joiix tl crcer tf the city of a fuiieorttvit paonc canada i om mission mtfland dutricl j wrtl tir slaf- t ult fffil f kirkjut- ckjfcrjiir jinlje of the difflicl conf rf be ih uiilrivl dated the r d f kntemner one i b umnl ciihl rjn- j rnrtsciit r nlmlinj of creilrtois on thursday eevfllh day of lwemlier one llimt- rial lnulrrd and infiyeiht at the chanui in llielnurt lluse m ihe kmnn t r2ovock nnin tuomasa rokbktt sher m rll ofliee kindlon tf of noremher lilo 1h f nni t jtd- city siv j aje5p cottage to let atn sod m w deiiamc reflilrncty plraullv heu in willi atntrilic within a1f- nl the luun uiih a ranked jl vll of water and strides htftt xriy frkuckirk jfjroinr ion litgi wait hrjir to k m t notice i v siheriher herehv caution all nnnai im tviux liooik or muny oti hsaac- vrithout a wiilten order as he will tie the same frim thi date m 1homas buadley- ft satoaij nov i lolrs com i w govcrnjncvit notice sraikd tknjikhs will hu received ui llis chirr unlit nman 01 altnday th- dtll uecrinbit 1hih finanirnnmdill r enkrine inna fmr1raa m filjim erndilimj which may m nn jjdic tltuti of tjuppltiri nrh iun1iii u nf kingo fonnrlry kfvsni ktiuniiuv notif iwiei itb iicliaaad hi herrliy ivfe iv vrill lv c4rtiei a llc ari4njierin uc air arurovnsaimreb4 ttihtf tal i llt llittl i141 r thniid ihmd v ill infvl with jfedul lieiitiva ifffiepil bitdce iiitt r vaf fxevi riirj s tnay he reiiireil y iitelil dninthe vearvnjiu rlth srldetiilk the straw tn t snind and tweel ffvt 0110 itmiiut humi 1pnm l ifmdhuf fmin weeds untl uit1e m vi th ach t cnljeft t he hiia n ehvlumcil master nnd dilitered lv the touttator at hi nwnerct rn urh ejnau- lilian and al sueti jhms4nl jci a lint ajrjcersfjahitlrcel the rate m nrrrney fnr eai bm to be evcd n worri ai itn a iihted fim nf iwfirr hi- nmaincil cttlit oiiee nnnlftr will hlecetvrd tli cmiei vit itfu rjiiil h luve in mc uce le i yy rivd r he ih- i sry vf siraw r great reduction in pijccs ritlin lare1 441 r m vni n it ussek nr tndy tlc uk auj a awt frr s tlanier iltiie in f us- mr ar ie cityfaasltgre warsrboias or tiik mttrimaut affirirj strri bafmirtflntipfniitc 1arfrvl fruttru lirttmawsif f itcrirrifl 1 rf mit nf sflfit iwd vmhe eneerd irjrh heauif1 ftlllkl iu fl vw aliel ml till i urraeb rr j nluviei ojure mltietivk rl tt ten witi srivv iiittiref eehiec u fr dlrrr tftt fii ijt v- rctd rmnpsymerirrdtihihecataiiiiljtw and icti i 1115 rmtly serillity lijliritiredtmu ammiil ff pxi currency rua lament made hv liih f the otdiaee storekeuer ivahse in specie at 0 id cuncucy 1 r djkji nr r hinfe nnlrr nt tlteetinn of the senior com uiissariat ojcer to ui ici t kujittturi 17iwemhvr ists i k f e- r a anlviamul fi die i- itv jli kt ta j- ch r l fkkfi r fwf dm- lvit1i re- fcfc m d slieiis sale in tiiii qukens bfxch the frfiilkxt niftwttirs tom pany vy tii ctmmtiriai hank ra jam hi kttbll troma4 wafbr 4f jasd kusskiu afksaturday deeemvr i6r will he sold at the court jn nt lj ovinck noon hi 1i1 rihl tilc and intrrl od jametbuvtl the ahote named ofehdjut in int kn 3 silnated o rrck slieet hfitjpf part of chrtreh llfock in the city uf kin ton with the climinrrs thereon avi rv iwnt and imlemcn in th brtwery in ui- tato sreet krown a lite city lirvwiiy thomas a corttutt avrar javrl aviif shfrilp ollwe kiilon 29hnovemh- 18 w i 97 in tiik couitt of bankituftty for the midland district in the matter of x s and qrulfdy banituftu it it ordered thai a sener i mclinr nf the credilorsof the above named danljrupi for the proof of dbtf and receiving report nf the amznces he holdeti at ihe judechm bets in the court mon city of kn1oo on saturday ihe ninth day of decem ber at twelve o clock noon by the court s fowl an ds qerlr j a krrr smmmm kingston nor 23 1618 97 notice picked up this day near iw false dnckllil house oini ctfry jbnf- trtre burs 0 iron hviei f lfei v shot ay the owner cm apply p tlw keep er nfatd litltt i w 111 ttl llimteta lue milled vi ifnj ivt- eilwjrd hutriu joseph sivetman faue ducvs j l-sis- siihv frvneh ijk iim arfkrvlpw f- v- la cinitf f rs maio- riv7li u vlx- fnvntn uitiv fd ivii ii lidirii kink td- i 1 t ad ajllrfs k if talw innts j i l i a vi1 irtcit ociicrtt of laxii m i ira und jiln front ttiffr m r f eeny icii 4ri tiiktte ea llir j iii jut- fv- ifiei ij d- ij u airak almy- 5 0 doz oil sir mapo lvmsl aul fftiatinn u ft h aviil eietva rrtfa kelt i nuj children eviprr iurvd iu tht citv tifomas o knlnn nov 7jft jtmn it rme smi refctm wi th tn ea 1 ik 1 tyevnnd psi td 1or td mnufc butlkr 9l tfo sq the cokxkk siioj v cihlar srruatkd on the mjrtel rjiinre and ontario sncot laicfv otcuprvif hy mi win simpon with ihe fixture deairnu tilnatcd for a rtuil crocr sop iv rent and runic ulor eniuic of w it atcwndtw at the drliidi amciicari hotpl kinetn oci tfth isis si new arrancrccui itoya l mail line of eeiwcejii ktn5ton ani brlshtoa miu sicrirvr rr inlimaei in thu plhlic hat ire hs cirtirncel nrn- nln a line t staes fmiwcn ktit ard itrtfitm rh tlie fmnt rfttd through fnes- iwn litth frcdericlsifxh ad aolphim- luwn crotin uver ftt ihe stone tjjj to th prince edward district lctvin kincoos erefy mornine fsdnrtay ccctrd a 7 ncluck and leaving rnicii tux every mora 11 15 situ day excepted nl oclock for sate ap1y tn ih ppritnr at rmg lots and j lxhnovl e brighton co all lgaje at the rukf the uiile booked adi4 for ukorgr mnk freyrir- kington narcmhtr s9 1ss13 frtt3 n plstolb rsfec pile snsscriber lately arrived fim u- don has on hand a great f atity tff be ahoce atliclff whiti tic offers on uia rnrs molnao tvrms for cash as he intends maktn a very brief stay in kinptrrn an jilf eall is fmieiifd stifip in princes strvetj inral dto o llifiis inrl john vinckat- tua dfcivn fall import 4icrii of tff wnomwalb afpjrksi orrtfo utrfrt nutitx rz lludsfsrul1 porta rico s jmu cheats laaortfdtwanka m ffcmtndjt0 l ifct tiutiawdu v yi w vnnna hji eurfw v liro c icmlea fuse ivaa bek arid uu law fcnmru awnfii ironefo njid av diafi twneo 50 baoft tvrntf ftlenheatnior itolterdam ciio 15 carts tfupran pott wirjaj os cra shrrry f at jtiv s4 eaatutiittftf ml h-rr4- rrica rtul tu wi ti hope wbauw im ta vmeeel hill salef ato ji tun lr iti stna new rrorlt 0 eivteia x tv 5 rialtaa vfflobnftlmrii tjthr with a lrgc arpj frch stock or general groceries c cotfiftiac or om trid surf fien stvcnrf- fcutam prie suieu tjoe inifo marine aluot in w ctfttf y df wteb oiiiira tw com hn pr cnl ai ntle prfloea kc lvief jiuee wraopin i oral la c e 3j0 rrd dtfaeld and ore cooeaas a roht j no i s roia manilla rope ah of whaei wih be told at low prices or cah or appmvfd paer at 3 or i months a to wuicli lit attention of the trade cmkclfully iuritcd j s smftii fi co kinionllth nov 1348 n fan- patent d canadian airiigbt cooking t5t box av hunter bartliff jusf received a ivp aswiacikccf coating ad joxrs stv improved pattern ubicli ottcr in lite i1ijic cu percent cheaper city coaaislinx of be tougtii in the cooking stoves 2 suea canajian hot air 3 improred premiuin o common notlhern firmer anae yankee notion jtfox stotc 36 io 3a in 28 in ai i air tim pilnhataks do atinjstofi z4nu lsa 1843 04 tub vrsf4na9fkrvl s c hp 0tfago ok 8a pjurtft cmhdmeditiof general lssfjq a lare sbaer at c sheetoba haiuo un insqsftfli i the srcnl ronk ot trnoft srquel lolhe scroij book of lcuon trwtudfrnl of leswrs lit riinhlqkef filcuzuq sa t ta snd tiirk si fw lv 1i quantity rf s i- ine r svnbeif mxtlinijson cb ktntan nor 7 isw mn ttf city eluct10x st lawrence ward asl2 aw a 1he sutfccrirkr ha determined to x carry out the principles vf tree trade d all his customer as he hat no hope ol protection from the jnnnt reform admini fraiotk w hatch caoir 1uxvr prineeu strut kinjtlofif may 31 isk dlf bo 2o po eaass photographic portrait gal e ries lamijton uovsc princess st an examination of our tvfet or specimens is mot resjectfully solicited n b perfect saiirfactiou ruaraikeed kinvtonoct20ih 1318 b5lf to sell oil let the sydenham brewery mtith aj theapinirlenanceuhrlonijinjjio it immediate phtestnwi wilt be jcven and every thing connected with it arc i firsr rate order fur inimness foriorhcr particulars apply to the pro prietor w lholdtcil sydenham sept s ft is 71- 4tirr st lu r mei1iof vulnff of wieajrv vah- hm at 1i10 tveo of mf lonra 2lnv n 7ijriu tnirtc av ufa insf ilr roerl iwker in th ihair it wi ituitiihotitj lovd ihst cht lotlosring feiillenarrt le nmtitd ls rvpre seit icic ward ie enjoin- aruual leciioi mr jorrst wtrrr mr juux ckawianjia francis wetis ertlcr kiocmon no ii 15js t3ie ciiy nereis are reejtiested lo epy ontario cdttan mills aa sllcjvtlncnythohk x 4 firsacatm nifieurera prices william ivakk aztrt irgsnu sh nurtmber 1316 wci c1ik1stmvs k hint years piirj3nt fhif suhscnvr h leae 10 inform tle n am fieutlemou of kiuilon and vrelrrlv that he ha anreed and oemd a show lom ai the htttkh anvtican hotel clrljtncc fom kin mreel npjotitc the coutl amist with a larpr avitmrni vf gold and silver watches ano jcwellerv of ajl descriptions conts 1 c ii nt os aletr- silver aiidutikt situltcr ani traya tt tiay cruel simk tea hvt samais and fwl talick lok and wcr eni ty j wilt a siivr and an eheair slvei clalei camlkilirkc ty bread cakety cruel stan- laseit kmvea and parka li dreoin csns uurk dik- and wiim desk lirv tiiuinnn alier ch pyj and a eavllvatiy wsel atiicica i iit iilimvmn t mention all articles sold are warranted ialbf snhacliliaia stay is oily limited he s duii an railvcall ui- twtl and 5 lur tjcn in cacjuc s mossing ef m rin and riulher tvmnln kington kait ttl lsln j 1v- iimg k ilastlvb for alo vt by olihiant c watt kmcatofi mi awil 1si ev famo goods aa d shaw 1hportrus of bkitish jduy goods wholesale and retail princess street hwk toiilimatetbo anieal at kimjen ton of their ahipfnents e comouio cnbrtq trruncc cootpriain a general asarimcnt of panc7 and staple brv goods adapted tn the present and coming seasons ao 0j while directing atteutiun loth fotveoitt woum be to state that from the facilities they pspm in havinx a resident buyer m the critislt mukrt they are satis fiednoolber honfe m lue tradr can offer re her inducement t intend in purchaser iculott sod 1 isis tl tkomknti ilrnli nf f r hliaaite hfinj en aiwndiai tu thr founh lloulc hie kit i sloaltof aiiianciftc y toijiitv keent4 4 fifamctrf an ihiish craainiar thy loditu i ile i rojfe ke ivdrtta a treaiise on mr vieiid 10 ibe hv ttbehtfsi an narlucteon to grotraphr ancient alolern an 1 sacrd with an outlmeof aul ifotory l snllrfan ti voition it nitmeroiifc man and flhjuwiw nov tm mirodiieed keening aiot juration fur the use of urodncei ri j whjcsale it the lort montrea nrictsi i ruisayi kingston j nor 2j armours co iss a school books vron slock of all tho school boohs general ue kept caitsi ant ly ramsay armotfrctj kinjston n a tsts onhsnd m to let a nd possession oivrn m dfc next the co itattk at ihe u end 0 ontario siren oppavte the city brewery at jxcscnl kcdrd by mr king eiiuire of g 11 marklano k kington nov co isis 01tf oak and pine timber c pon sale at garden island 1 ia white oak llalled aboul i oi0hfeei niiuiin hice pine 030 i i jo timarac liuo apnly to l runum st william mvp ajccjasl kington 5th oct isis 81 itew novels t hf fic lllau ailnzenoiru itiur vf th crealel pidate of mai of ims pataer or one u k mute tt by hie iirv tiie sevrn capital sins cury ut iredericl ltjiirnhy ene sw a w it xi no to wives kopnl amhu or a iounfi ladys vicimludrs hv m k tlie ilkvfixfi or tje rhheroftiualeruau ci- jut rreeicd foa new york rmsiy akmol8 it osiuhe 1th ims co- ho napanee wus depot nacotsttreet klrvofltov- oppfit he british whig ogux rugihcribcr resjecy inforrni the 1 inrjaoiranlsof kintoa and is vicinity that he intends to keep constantly on hand lymnjaae und retail at coaa pi trcj t 01 warehotrte to dajol street ercry dcric lion of sujierrine and pine flour indian corn meal in and coarse dirkarat ilyc and oal meaj r shoitaand midiuinjra crac krd gain tor morse frfd oak peas awcotiv the siimerihchavine teaaud tbefapanee new flouring uilb b the heat facilities for fumrshingfatiitreswith a jood and cheap ai- tide c miller- kinrton no u 1s43 83 naval stores canvass chiios aaehors cordw sicr5piecitcoa tirctc for sale by oliphant rvatt kington 9di noreosbrr 1818 pi cotton yarn 8 atts and candle wjcjc from anoeasoavspactort n y pilesuhscriber iscouitanily sopplied with ibair sperior pahrrcsby the bale equal in quality tu any ins not led william ware fvenf kinpfou sib norember 1646- 906s fott sale freehold property cttuate in w1lliamsville atnrekiloecujiiedby mr wnliaal vch tuellauseaojoiiiauilllibjiaro atve com nodious anj well buisfard liberal for pirticulari- eoqrc it tu ol hie ttritia itni kinotusiov isis english jewellery at the brltlsji amorlcan aiota th the subscriber retnetoify acnnaiquiha iuhlic thtl ha will stay far o frw doyi onyatthr oritifh anrrican kolrl wilh aa hleaiit sssirtcaentof rich esgiiih iasrfjne- ry md ivatcfaea ftc reeeoily lraporte4 from li 11 g arnold nordhlmenv kington no- it mnks ii ii ftioritn na bah he uaoconsf oftot