i wturxa ah u iroep bl eo b parad iat tirana kill u til 10 the el il ijij t uiliii wiih ananiplrmp jwoajf aamrmiia art ihi mornift general cirpy hu born appealer v korooih itv enm suir ttv if of th nrrtift iww mnfwhopfrrtk if ml f11 mf briaf tmoant ftom hi heo dorm il tllmiib vi scr llotf wi pawner wcvrwrdarrt of hermanildt arm arimfri van 10 1 mo re rd hvmwlf lrrprri0 tra- ft aftd h mimo tfll llw h am tu country onavt aaaiiial law ii ofn the mbiufiit oo looter i w ijdwne la i he hunnittn ft ftwromtm aine i ilvf 7va rcenta ieo hf7 r mrnvtehmfltor t ttlr1 raatrd t w0x ivjhomd mhl rawed ihe trent r jt ics di m- 1 lnraolbal 1avc trf a lrlr af 3dw0 aa hiiiflvitli welufeotr r mraftt im m lb military tfvou aimirnl itir v4cb fire r pt of lb vwlsj j th ftinnrian arm i mm th rohl- i arnt mniwenl ihe lion bwmmwli and tmipp dfo iwn nanrv 14 piaddnwn to iwemwftfdomeol ww dwbftvtand jetohwnneral bohftcrwad- yancmf fr io the anuihc province nei gencal fifr frnol sltiawllt ifcni im so 000 men actttlly m lb 1d ninl it- tv prince re nli1 w l ihwlplik iciap erfre the fcblng of impnru tlie wekty toiieb vf the bank of england fumah no object to peciol iwvlr the laomojwjaiionstvnb lh umiicj sial rrrin to hvr iimrj n tja1iiifj in 0t loit the par or ticbtnct the loifil notnwr of chfr ift l4a4foa itftriv rryorltd frr iftftf ctr4- h ikow tvicktrf losi f hrd 5w btvr trovcj fttl and 331 ate still udcr vttlmtftt ireland t- hu iinw n itltmlio it tom frahv ihnl f tbt proplr itiirinc hwbh j 181 frft ink tftd hlk tttllmtofc hjiipon jhov mul d bf cf tbrir mffjth a baronri m i1i wri of lr- unj tthohad in infomrof x2crttr fat bren t i j r lo pt it naifi u kit fiffirt of cmvf clof of po ir- durinc ft rt ferthrcht thf ffjlorj sbofimr00 11 fo bate trt in in cood tori sno a fwag aiiot of ibf mrhfirhfly mb fe rttotjrd in ihe cotgn of ac j ftfttpaprra a liev iworrrifoo m 0lrd rcji cloi- mtu tlir fdf ir inply ibrif a nm- wr of uboref fnismis shnak4rr ml rlbrft bt he plfto1iehy ioetihrdj bxd urn tcldinc niciil tofirullilio ld riir in ffce vicifcily of cloom oft vtvflftrftv wrtk ifwy orrfr frjoibrd u ibrit drlibrri tton n4 pcrformrc j ifwilffb of tftrm wrte raplorcd nd jodrrd in gaol tbi llttc incidtm wttjnfi0 into w lion eroiirralioii continui n ar ocil parti en url fioi cok waleiford and lw trick i 7 acf if no doubt vrortby aod jvtt t ihttt it anotbor dr of cctitor of lotfu r utiaift bumaiilj rrcowcntndi of trmiev 0 ihr turnalc of ihf a- v wo rfcr br rnptogti and rran of flc exkiof bo brfoir ibf luvvlahon wci crfpin i ihf trwaij of lh labour f 0 f toi ai pfttfat there are eteral of tbto fiftilgnji aledy jct who it abfohwy iii wait of bread m urrtrr veemed to de- rlarr in flie flivcqpta ibat iluv ajmhancr va rcjpihlrd likeordittaty prninnhv a la a ya nl of rrrtvr made if- i pvfoid rrfrnolliiiiff rnhitra ibt condiir if llirir tripttipj jtt fffvanlt in i7fr3 0e national ofelio ruled peniooi for hf prinns ktiklird to ibe luefld of liii xvi and who weie il aifoilar oiicn to tho who have rftd louit philippe ww the national afffjilihf of ims wmrh l ivfitv bat hawi tljrlffo jitm afil fosipocd lo trliftr all lavfafir flo has fur the than i rtdcevr t m nhf taacticc on sattirdar la tne 3sh nil the poor ralp cotlffint of the ifti- frd unioti hadfxcahvn lo uy dbw nmpjmrnl of hi riwaneslfxkf of oan the woieity of a mr kairell of tat- monbafrj the caid of the parih tjc lfer mf faftell totbedefaair rirftrarinc vfthnttir went iftlbt lhll a rni- nitrt with lhe cnelif 1 1 j vine alieht ed faom hi jne in tiail the familv it aa irnnirdiaiih- tirllti um iy die eollrclor aj told for ihr prf1f tlt tvvetend gwrln arai enwaiouel to prevrnt ihe tc but he w told thai ftp hd rokvdnfaas all b projieily fund on he fiaion wah ojct to ihe ajfantuf inrol4 furjwv mdfirii m iy tiik mrrnoroli the crtoaj wrrkty lelmnc of the tfnh and tvilha rrgiateie1 i le mclroivliiart ditfielt dnrin- the wek wlieli ortiei sar3y jam ibe 56ih of octovr hai hern it fom ihc elsee oi the ktimrarorrier- thr ooi- brr ofdrathfmirn all eane reaiteied dn- rina the week wa i197 while lbewertl avtlsjcf dcrivrd fiom the tenr vf dahi on ihr- fame ifitlrietf io ihe evrrrtpoodinx priid of thr ittlttm of the urt five jmb waa l tlrrf w4a a eor5ideraue inereafe iu i r nucobcr of eaiha dttfiitlhe imiuc compared tvib the tfiow work when ilw itiiortter ircirtfh mp erty 5k in fcht mirnber of iliatha fren cholra there ha le a ceoatilerbe incfeaje a ccaured ttrav the arrfae of t hwti tin- atria rlnm for fire yar of weelly deatbt fic cl ot i orr while in the present week i nrrmbcr i 31 bnt in the iiou week the mhber wa 15 thi ttnir ijitrt theio- fov a reit oalj er crniafce in the nttfihor cf draths ftofji rhotera a eojrpired wilklhe on1alb0n which is taken at nvatty ivo ttwttjfiat leiatc or tilt cltoftclt yt vr secjrtrwedieaday hein the j50h anni orfaary of the ettawihment of be chureh uuiiooary sfxivly jubilee was cklaiel an all jnru of the eaufelff hi ctaee the archbhopof catebny rcachr rffton on ibe oecuion in ii forrnoen in p ann cawchp buckfriara avl the riabi of linden reacted rv ihr hoo a id rr mr viljirrs tbwtbwootjibnrjth traon why st- ann cbareb blttkfriari wai aelected a ihr whnrbtbe avchbtbp of canteihnry vtr1l drkreri dircoufae waa hat the airnul arrmutiaon vrhalf of the lud of lh- ciety e ir preach rd in il m a period of 17 year after its formation iv annaal icomr d oae eoeitlf if ht innnd nnlter avw x 100 s6v avww ba rvv ttilo jitaordnaiy rimtrai w a jnhtier fuod ofxloo000 mukipitw um cftlircird id 18i8x2o0 thr rcrlny laupwan ofinoilitiont in diffcfrnl pil of the woild amd 139 elrtwrmrn are anpjoted by ilt fro vtirnamber of nirjienatirt r ont fvv the roeteijraiktitaeomavnerinrni was 57t artd ibe raiirt amount u money raiaed i ib bewu eiceedd xsuco a eoltretkn wu mocteal hr ctrf nf rvicrj on wednea- day id sl arr illfrkfi st crcwp bloomvbon arid at lb tarionaothrrrhutchr ia ttbtcb aairnofia teei prachrd on behalf of olejibileefiirkj v tba noaat mtitti raa are urdrniiandinecetj tmlonce exceedingly bbeal t conditions of capitulation the follow in j art ihe conrfitlooa imposed upon titona by order of the lntftal aie- ajim tawaled toby ihe town coiineil aaaaanl which terl ictkpenfiy of ihr roo ntonufceail tij iaajjfiilt aubaec wai i a latce iohaeri anttfian aiaofad ia tobt borilrdacfere lu oibrr ofkr ihr st ruheri cburcb leivrr white flies ate to bt planted upon all ibe line at tukent of peicefal laboiicn i tkt lieoj criireal paaft hceey ind ail miltiary and civil fnortionirira heltf n fatnfirvtment moil he fomjikted wilb all k qoueiue hoooa lo the h in ileleo- 3 atfetthalhdirinoftbeiitrrem c0artfa all the cannoo fom the city antt tnfrtioaaof ihe anbutb which ait ni the frft of tox karoihnerjtxt rd hurl rad to weidrft mnrbt cjelirered np at the rennu irrrr artillery bairarka ifcoe loihe ii tbeae foada n i be bronchi in the mnnn card at sdmbramlf all other arma nuit collfctcd iff to j fetth appoiatrd for ibat potfre ami fjrjiinj at ibe aririfl t1oe of ibe lmilu mnat br ctelieried ap to the majofhiie kjurin li lioora whence hey mnat be catiid to the nearest barrackf occopird by the tiorpt ai amanition mt be elfoeird in ibe lame manner delivered to the officer oun- madifte at ncocvband chonhmnn aj torkcnacbaoaand leoplaiajt dpola 4 all meney and trtamre in he haiid of the national gurd of armed ponajc- a wrll aa the accoonl books o public rpirt- inenta mint h given ii to ihe wvn covti- r aod tonchrrafiref aad received 6 art exception wh be made lo arliee 3 fr ancb national cufdt a ry aecofdm lo ibe ivwaot of the town cuaavilj he fe- sited afiei the entrv of ihe dfo to ctiarj t impetiat auceihe rmbamiea aedtuh- lie baildinxa te ao evcriion will he mae in favor of fech ruarih aa the town council may tfrcoi eawftlially hrotarf nr- ceaaaryfor tbt mainioaoceof mimic kan- qujlily t tbe armi that htre ben hrnnhl to thau by national goaijt fom niunnjinz mjdgratz act arf arid teliirnrl arhece tbey came ondr paoarf in be rr- drlierrtd to iber procloi oo ifeir avmi- ciat 7 the towa oaajiaeal h allowed umilfi p m4f0lhr iulhio fonfir aiil to theiecoorfiumi whieti if ol am4 r h toidday upon tbt 3lit will compel irv kiclj- manial toemlioue okratloi wilb ill ioi- bk mat ray j oms ifllberamrof the pircc firwmirlal upon ihr 3lt ihr town util ikir lalo ibe people autioa fhataa th- fine riiaahad bern repoiatj there nn nn bow of ealrmal arjecor thai onlrt thr tfiiaj aiee aeacquo u xht f ant city wwjjd be ertnlaalfy rapoted to bonibafdne and fdtaajon j an4 at moreoref tr jincf fmaoatt1 lid auooty pinrnars tbai aawoaafroway enlij the retaea j 7hberlieaatrrftd or obtained ij toato covftti jj aaaefiud to uk tfifc froposkd abolition of tiirenc- lttll ordnanceofrc it it j thai lh ordnance office i dooen- rd iht th fiat hia arooc fofth about to fro fort for ilt abolitioo it ha been du- coeerfd tlal lite board is a weleu eneom- branre wptiihe hair that the only pod of ilia to mike a ceiiain namaer of apponl- mrnta with i maaler crnrral at ihe bead of hem to aflalribftlt a crrtain mnount of pa- ionar am lo create actrtaio nmabrr of job anj it it tafia the diseoeeiy hiving ben piasr i in ieen detrraainrd lo rffrct a eon- merable annual ain withont aay drtr timrnt to thr ekiency of the ofdnanc crp by traelicatif acknowlrdina the itui of the artillery and the enrjiirrr to n irardtd a inteeal part of ihr army and by iratalrrrinp the mieluneonf buioe3 of ile ovmltaacnl a other office vfcdff k ra ifkely to be it oxti of pace the fei ia ibat ihe eood rae m ile public halon acefi in the 0daance office one of ihoe ennon anow- hpf at w a fiuuce cenrratiou will lotfk back with aji m lab men l not unminh4 with deruion tlie fly wonder i ihat it ha c- ited aolon i pat mointerhau horc rnl branches of pjailic work and ding notb- ina tttirr lhn it covld be doac at leaa coat in the department in which il more propetly be inner we doubt whether the wok of k- rrncbment can bare abetter beptnaaox tlit we bate nreer joined in ihe toljarcry aeinat h rjccive military ecpenditoe of the eoontry we are all for economy hut it mnat be reooomy of ihv irm kind we have noaoppott to pve lo a pennywite r4wdfooib rytemwhich alrikea at tier comph thrreforeat the moratiy avitw at the i ii- ii cy of the ecrnmon aoldier i ifavea nntoocld abmea of a eoatly kind tlie iritilary ayalem of the country is not without its dcfcu ad we ic w f j wbro rommieiions are appointed to inquire intoary apecifk ataae- or lo invealirte lb meant of rediicinjr the grnerat eaeidjliire fur the mtimrnaoce of our military and naval rnmiiihi in the evrtia hat mitx menttoooflen btgnt at the wrone cj wecommence out paiinjjal the lotlom in- 5tad of wrarinc tfowwarj fiom ihe top we leave aylem aoneand 5tfite at detail we are eapeeiatly fond of tempfiinc we throw a aop in cetberut lv eiiitine dnen the etimatts fnr the enrrent year and make n proiiwon fr the ftinie we poijhnc the vfectirr of new harracka or the establish ment of new wwit and lne mnre tharv rfi arain by the ioiicmeineni we receoo the otilixaliout of a fike expeditnc and call that kbpou whnb ia in reality ihe mol recfclrai iaaj oeidence we ihiow way peatl richer than all our rihc and go groping in he mnd for cojtper a tfeeat uat was trje not lone aco lw lherevied tdiance ertimatej exlwhiteft a reduction of a tw thoovand rmariti tie aaviii wa pvinriillv in the itcfn of barrack affoinmovihi lor ibe vildieiy which how- eorr nlaraili- it mtit look on paper was in practice ice in prove an rtn at rccnomy atf ihat relalatoiy chafaejer ihh antkel pet jle iefel that thi y ever iteanyleri to retrench in so cph sio ihlt a cirrc utm it would have been flr beilei if a tctimonrf tte entire sj of hjtrackttuitriifl had hern 5untilneb ft the aawjaeawftti rf airtlrotid wotka il ca ho of m cjfft civice in the njirm to atop the cecliou 4 tbi or that imaj of ttarrack which heinr onad h by the rrquiiyirtciiu o iheaeriiee motl be mil oomii or later bul uieircl laiingreriouof theyeili whrrby kwiukfl aie built at a cot lo in natiofi fjr tceritia the lrjitianae atu according tv ll oeetioaty r estimate f urh wnfk ee really n confer a henrfil upon ihe ciailit- ont knjineet nfficot- we fear are at ihf heal brfciat- huildei in he amhlhd t ihry wyt ihry vvoum he o interfered fribht mch mire irkieaitl ce llcmrn than ihtmlvc tat lb ie wnnm hr no chance nf i r wmkin in a very atrfc tofy mhth r certainly our iiperifnents h baiacklitiihjii whin ihry have been cou- fy in ibe tremc juve nm i- very tuc mjail we waa j name ifscieat itaieit but tint ytim we are nnl bkrlv wimai whiul the rlijrtf 0 covtinnea lo be a entity ntctiiihtaftrr tfjfa litre ioirr i itcici ite ordnance eli ilc n itkh a naner reallv it cnlyi lenii qrt ih- ciimiv woajhbi a the ujnancr iw af three knavaiief rean h u mikarv hniinif rf ihr itoih hnlim nnl u univtfr lnlu- moe flmr and ihr itn r r in th wai t ilsr and otbr oiuhe drnailanema it it htlicvtd mm ome avatiih haltcu itmird non and wr bape llta- icprt iu trutii i r il faua4e- ion the orft ancc oirce mit u sooner or lajler flie meaner ire are jiwheal v ihinb be better sncb we bailie re i iht opinion a the ifujnriiv of military men who are en- ttle1 to v rckrdrd as eoainllkl anthoitier willbr ifvne err ibe 40jmted i- wm wih reuf pivani titnde and ecnrom ikn vii fall into lhir iiht pfacea the rkawliifftcaea ajtd aianthva winch are now nppwcnr aril cvt iu will military ajalect itia one of the very few retrenchment l ia possible to make whereby whilst iratnin much we lhalllose mlmlia let us once xetridnfthe ordnance 0hce and we shall never wiih m get it back again xonrfen jornmaj htram lliriitb slain cpcr cnllfurniit exbtol om iht prtiititntt hfmgtm tmrr california irrespeciiie of thr rt1 mineral wealth ieceitly rleviloped lliere holu at ihis dny in point nf value and im portance lo ih jest of the union t the rame relation that louisiana did when hulfnv territory ii arqmied fiom france foilyfive tiariftfoi kientlinfljnafly fen dealers of latitude alnnjihc pciitc and embruinj the onty safe d eommoifint harbars on that coam lor many hnndrrd milea with a lean- prrale rimae and in eitrnvivc interior nf feiiile lands it i scarcely potble to eshmate its wealth until it thai be brought nndei ihe government of our law and il resoitrcca fully ifevrioped fiorn t aitinn it mul ornmxnd ihe iich eommece of utrua ot aia of uieilands of the pacific cf uvsein mex of central amrria the south ana lican male and the lfnian aaaaekmi9i hnrderint en tlril ocean a afoat emoinm will doubllraa peetily arise on ihe ciliro- nian coosl which may be ifelined lorivil in impnhjner new oilram ilself the i tit of thr- vetl comrrcrce whirl must oiit nn tbe pacific will ptohahli he at some point on ihe hay of san fraeico and iifc occupy the same rehvion tv tr w hole wealein coaal of ihat ocean a- niv otleaiia doe to hie valley of the msirippi and the gulf mexaco toihu d hiis will report w this eot oir ux lol tniiicar iinmr iw of whbdr gos lotjie and a half an hour hi been paid iw thr con- alnieiion of wharves at san franeiso to fa cilirale the landing of thecarora tf veteh rocently arrived tkott wl much difficult fyirskeepinr the wibhj on board ie shpt that baiehed at fiarriatto fn ibe firt oppotlnnil hey ifewiltd and hatrned to the vjlley of hi saerainenta m vrell elie multitude n reaj cmarprr some aalt time before ihe ilfparlort from monlerrv of ihe cntlrrnrn ahnve ahdrn lo arnnrbf if men rjeaerlel ihe uilvl slates orp warren teatine one of the in lioau fuf that pur poe there is however onc jrrrat jiiwbaek oo the fftrtinemkin vhiow is iv rnje on in ihe td iesin of cdhfoniia h la bor we jciii faliiin- fnirim immense laninnm al ami phytic u kamiio kt p asaiirfl it lil rekcra arcdhjrd to hand durins ratio nearly jp to their knee in icand ilioeciipaiiooof vnaiaiin tie iml ion iheinilniiletaiheindividnara fii atc endurahlc and 2 htnv a a lih heel cjiiiekly toy l thn flesh l muy daaeemm lo ihi toil ilayimriaandonlberrresirro heir ntriinary tfcenuatini it i ons uf labor bait rnjmlr ah the mol nccefl adventurer f l vne rotrck l occnilinn have full id ihrir ihowaabalaiievnt by 4iredia j ooreiaae ae woaim he ircvivcd at tbe riaston san pranrjco in aymenl ofdolirt privilege to ihe per n rdeeminv in coin onehalf ill w ml lltc oil iso awya 1is ncnhiti fever n aging he a a where nofa mrchanic or labnri be oblattrtdit t- anl rnotl o th bone t 0 few kn th nnd iavclq hniie of wiih ihe ihe aame half iv roaaaav fkttmj flaeoaarrtr on men- day niiht laal the canal boat buttendcvyft atmienf our waiehoiaaea was burlatouilx eiitrredad a trunkrakcn from oq board 0a piciosatorce rcsld on a neao and i drh cite looking white loy wlwaeoompanied him wboad been loogitr around tbe gtmtml andlaverni during ihe day and w had talha myslr riouafy disappeared toward even inf a warront was accordingly iiecl ora wednesday moininjr ard ii a shofl it bfjtli the ncro and the lad were ai rested the neero appeared to take the matter ijaiito in irernlly while scma aujj rem and obtain supptiis this of itlrifwi larely eoiilribute to biiibl up a city which would tonn brcomr tic cendr nf a creal jiid rapidly increasing corimefce situated on a safrharkir aiifficientfy caiaclou for all the naeiea as well as thr marine of the weld and ronvenirnt n excellent limner for ship unlj- ing ownnlhytheuoirdslatrsitiiigtbe- f ii nas de citizens have pot p lo th vadrf and aie ow enjyir menia iadi- abnveai- ptcli bottles vials snittbove taws lun jirj lid even brtk lufi bvi nmsi man can out male prrra ne- jen mo- hoes caithen it in re lown i nan and have aua abtnpllyj ave heard irorn one of our c y mjenaliu aitd plaeeio a jjg leht ft ihn come cur gteat artf it was knewn hal mines of ihe piccious melas etiied in a connli nbe eatvnl n chfnmia at the lime of ids acqni-itkmo- kcent sorer es render ii pionlnc ihat ihce niajeoart noe raletoire and valua- me than was antivipatcd the mcotlnlsof i the aumdaneeof arld in halterfitory arc of aach an extraoir character ai would v cicely command belief were ihey 01 eor- p roiaidhy the amhrnlic tenortsvf officers in the pnhjic service who hare viited thr nnneral dfrired the fact which they detan trm peisnal oliervation relucia 1 tn 1 credit th- rejiott in greal eirculton aa to the oantty of old the otticcr commanding i our forcva m cahfofnia vjsiicd the n micral districi in july lat for the parpoie of oh tvraini accmate ineormavinti mi the aqhjrcr nia rpovt to tbe war drjaaiiment of ihe result of his etaminasion and ihe j els ob talned oo the spot if herewith laid before congress whin be sieiied the country laatfi wre asmi bar ihojjand peisom engaged in collecting fold there is every cerson to believe thai the number of prison so employed baaaince been augmented the raploraiipn alreay made warrant the belief that the mppty li very large and that rold is found at ranoaa places an an eatenaivc eriatrici of country inormaiion received from officers of ihe navy and other aouce tbnih not so fult and minute confiim the accounia of ihe common drr of our military frrce in california it an pears also fiom there lenorts that mioet of inickilver are found in the vicinity of ihe gold rwion one of them n now heiog work ed ancfia believed lo be among the mwrt rro- ouctiie in the world 7hertecti produced by lhe discovery ol lhve rich mineral depoeila and the atcte which has attended the labors of those who have reaofted to rhem have produced a u- rfftia tot mstif mtsawftiit piicr and ali other pursuits but that of search- ingfee ihe precioua meiau ara abandoned nearly the whoe of the male population or the country have cone to the gold dulrict sfiio arriving on the coast ate draerted by their crewa their voyagei snapended fvr want of sailor oar cctfrynandinr officer there anteruini appreheiisioait that sokiers cannot he kept in the avblir service without a larxe increase of pay- desetlious in hia command nave become frrqnmt and he re commend that those whoshall withstand lie atmnj temptaiioo and remain faithful tbouij be rewarded tliia abidance ot eam and the aluen- ftiovtio pursuit of it bare already raqscd itl cajifoirja an unprecedented rbe in ihe price of the necessaries of life that we may the more speedily and full v avail ourselves of the undeveloped wealth of tbevc mines it ia deemed of val importance that a branch of the mini of the united slates bo- aaatherrzed lo te eatabliahed t yosir pre sent aesion in talifcmia amona other etal advaniaes which would tranll from sorb an est bli aliment would se that of raising thegdd lo its par value in that territory a branch mwl or the united states at the com- rrwro drnot on the west coast would cost vert into onr own coin not only the gold de rived from our ovn rich mine but alto the bnllion and specc which our commerce may brinj fom the whue weal coast of central and sniith ameiira the wesi coasl of ame- tica and the adjacent interior embraces the riehen ani beat mlives of mexico new canada v i america chili aad rero the bullion and apeelt dawn froaa these conntfictid espeeiallyfioin iboaeof wvatem mvaieoand pcirt loan amount in valneof many millions f dollar- are now annually diverted and carried by the ahipj of sreal lain to her own pnrts o be tecoined or ban been id he root of r vi an was 5trji tavtra a alloc y it wii e daj who shut up lis hotel here- to vn ne- je pick rafe of f00 per day- anothei aid loveollect m worth in si hi weeu netav returned will pure virgin fi ctrlloced by hi- lions mmii tootbc can a j and indian bakft tin ce new aid valuable lead n iccruly bern dkovercd in this one chf out cttbri me- j bowk n llliliort jftout who baibern f ncs have iiity and sefgale- f uliko a m having baeiiai the indians on the btnlfirrn cout r lo from ihr slate a- in formed me lh b uej lo stastain her national bank and tbu contribute to iicroe her ability lo command o much of ihe commrrre cf ihe world if t a bianch mint be eslahtished at the eical com mercial pint iipnn ihat cfom a vast amount of biiltinn andecir would flow thither to be reeoinrd and pas thence to new olrau new vott and other aitaniic cities the amount of nnr cnnliutionil currencv l home would be greatly increased while iu circutjlmn would be promoted il is well knnnn incur merchant trading to china anl hie welcalof america thai great harnt- vetiirnccs and hataare eierienced from the 2 lici ihat oir coin are not current at their per aluc in tltose coimiricit x vuvrfflw it bt cvia a ii a tje f y vau iy oi uup iv- j- jewerl drj 7i in and t wilj i m t wll hi ot aaoo- l- ri ft ji ie- i iajr hf rlii ibivyrar u ir nrrri oaiejrdilhiiv ivii-j- ulllh- wnflhelfvl- la i uviiij t rhr r mtmiy coin- ifi 4 c l in rxidir ice o i h lijl bi vwilrtiiaaiirbaa balw4aari we mifila ml hia mfmf fr would yield 5r cell and that inlffiiuon toeectaa soon a praci large smelting furnaces cawc six nij tlie pre para mi are makiift- ideocent ptf the intfftttic m w moat execoitross focaupvje eseopleof neworlea lions in earnest for regions of california the wetiyiilfr gjjj l wcgnderatandthalal ihe meetup theae enteriirising partira at irwfy fj in st c hatfesstreel on saturday tvsj l thay did not inusle rjuile strong eq able to buy the sleamer mckim 4 iriediaiiderto make ihe brat ft fl those distant shores fienn liia mtlioji c we learn with pleasure however g al franham ihe jnirchaaer of the mt rared in governmenl sale of reiseuutely iaof lend the mexican waf tartorlaioi ilia- idw f ht ing himself lo me tnwrpt ise lakinjg te vessel for ihis inloreitiog voyage a- cimmaridrtrson4iiy and fixing lure for tbe 20tb pecemher wa w ii bis inlvntton trusting tt pecuniary make a fncceasfl eoyae in i jtc iioirtl of view we ihmk she wilt p nlentv nf paisenjers and freight j eicel- ler mckirn is a rinealrong vcfacltieqiiaijiied jemi tailing quatiuraand emmcnii f jcsigne ihalacom- raiibr6ke auhhr fee iveibol omoark- 1- c from that city for california ech man rmta into the ewerii from s3w lo m0 which will be arpeopiiaied to ibe pu ehisc of a vessel and a casro of goods suitawe to ihe traffic on the pacific coast arrived at cali fornia a portron of the company nl remain hy ihe ship todispt of hie aargoc the company hold a sneetiu this evcnj o agree on preliminary matters foa cauronxu there are aavj than four tine eeaaels in onr port toadma for cilifnrnii via the splodid now cbpfjeesbip grevhound cap- oaypule tbe fw packet- built ship missisip capt bryan l rveau lifnl new clipper brig col fre pickeii the fine lark la fram p jlaley the latter vestel takes out cargo of coal for ihe usf of the u s ftocrnmenl ateamers the col fremont snd o be one of the faslesl vesaeb ever biii balti more will sail in a day or two also on- decatand thai negotiations are en tw des patching a line new clipper kbxictf l vjk gold retons whe carifo will maw cooiist nf iooo bbls of flor the ejoerfr- under the juperifltendtnee of a cww of younsmeoofbahininrcsome fevij or wtom will lake passuc io ibe eesael fioffimore rv the musk at bfrd and ffi pa1kwh0 was its t owner baltimore nov 1w8 who was the jasl owner of fl musical bird ia now au imfmhiaol fliievftf et our gay lotharios abottl three 1w ot an ingenious piee of mechanism vff u at a raine coiatisliu of a torlle rts v louchinara soring m tbe corner cr hicha wmald jump and after i 0 iuboataca lt hundred fu obtain- ht box ga spring beautiful jiula fj would jump 1j lid flap its wint tunes jump hack into valued at 300 and some thret chances were tafcen nl ihe rantc ingsomany subriber of coitrff jf and he sweet suopofits inmate fty l cd loand exaiaiiwj by thousand jj jf aent and anything pertain ir lory must be inlefeslina tn hem j rinlr it has changed funds severar sides having been in possession iccjjj of many man if il and single men exhibited it to their sweethearts jt incident uialoccurrcd n rclati who have wives n 0 it a tiighhd iie0n ofcaufornfa the a o gmmttnd tima of ihe 24lh ha ihe fohrt rela- 14 th vqu region of california ihovfjl 1 li nt nf t0 late a die as we have alravluv- hhed j ity th arrival yeslciday lirre of the achnnnef pedcaoia fp xirphrn from hiijgitunjjim which pmi she itft on l he luih inst we have newt from camfotnia uf a laie dale she hronhf aa pasineef uettl a hoeer u s a and mcr oavid cir- let aml thoa a minard from bfnnlerei cal- iforaaa hit 3uih anaamr- hl iieiitetrant loav the borerof dijuhesfioin cinv hlvwi lie and his enmpaiiions crr5srd ihf htbrnus from the leific by the way ot hc- thenewihee entlemen biw frotn that temotc tcfulorv fully connrnw all the occonnis hittnflo rrccivd reriie miierj wealth and ihe jnd fever which niverally prevail mrr hr inhubjtantr- fbe whole valh y of ihe maciamrnto may be hal in be one ra4 deposit of gnl ihe melat lyf mi moe or lesa atnandance rnm ihe crair rfthe sen- nevada lo the em bone he re 1 ef dial liver ami its maiv iritatarji s people were completely engfoaed in cotlectinx it to thr nraannmemt of 1101 every other occu pation hindnce and arridearfcolwftfi were i exhorbrantte himlea and jabur was cercei o he hired t any price a an c- ajbinea rir nf riiilian flnr nv r t u few cay since however has racj ii 9 1 ry as 0 who was ihe last owner ot i rt all wuo bare posession affcts vn to hie 1 1 1i1 home d p tog to no to work bad sirons uf thiftins ite ownership shonldcrs of some one else il anticae that a few days tinceyr vinlava young mechanic v whohad been nuirricd but li n oceededtothcahvr- but iimfii- no atavlcd to iciurn hone on jib v n acnnauirancc whn lold him thjl v was not home lot that if be fcll him 10 a hntuc i perry jirtwl jy iimild fimf her ii akw after id hnme to await her coming when i and the denied bul bnnuv conft sm iiul bhiw for the bnl the venu bird whilst ihj scene just de th ciifd husband to hia accoseo lo singing riben dsxs erved in roincora ihe cnfard hushaid v- v the hand of his irife a curious t which he seized and immediaj hnld of ir aaviltg tvnehed ihe j tval ciirii4ird u anarneannr wai latikm ais franocawsiia ifcaomei wusieniiveyrd ir the icden iration icd- lypkmfmej the ih uurs ihr arnnimlof the outlay ilveivrdhcr mm- of racial was eiiaily chud n ajruc oai inatrmtrg lh- aweea the aatjif maybeaaid mpjcrenl- 1 dai ami rmoinjc dv- l i jnnjed the littie aongtec and a the ifoutiled sceawi commenced wi of iu awcclval noie jli music power over makwlritas mid fiaviurr cj that the ho whio price of vr llahoaaat h dibd it on ihe jloef zr it ill a thnwtand pecea under hu t mltr sad fate of the licaiiliful hit caurac iho riirsticnas to wbi v owripfvl ihr bkdj i an iinpmani nail ihoto who 1 len in por aince iu advent in ullimnre as their wive and sweelhirt- ilr lrat niir v hnii ri najlfaed hitjiaaj ha mih hrr fill keif nil out l fmmiur and wew ulkauia a tvaen he ukj n ruanseow iavinc no saawllbita wifes the la na epe- iion uf il j j as o w ihe k toiier uicd fvr as a driur r lhii l a cfmpidl t tliv a- lale that ihe 1 1 v all- iaimjr piipafp at nnajar ilnl to vii vi hu ehurch rthti nelfpfll id bun i dealk bocaiht he jwncd the calbobc iemlrf htiajalih caaiy of the tad minilealed coaid- crableansriety upon taking the lamcrtiilo separate morn from that occupied by the no- so facta were eeieited which jed to the re covery ot the losl foperly also to tbe aionndln discovery that ihe youthful white rironer wak a ftrnafr who bad aduitrd the ibilinienl in which she ihen appeared at the inttanec of the negro with whom ahc had been in company for vome four ur ht weeks it appear- ileal lhcgiil was formrrrywronashen bnrne chenanpi county in this st from hcli place she went lo buflafo where she had been working far her board ai the bouc of mrs hopkins 24 pine street where shefaw aiij brcnie enrunourcd of the negro whn prruad d her to adopt lb reealia of ihe lord of the creation and hire out on the canal bnif s ironj as cook npon which he himself was atso employed on klmnfay ajghi last tka boat upon which ihey were employed was run into and aunk between tliiepfaco and pahnyr and ihe ia lestin pair we re i bus ihirjwn onl ol em- phyment which- has reulted in 1h ftcts abve oated the negros name is godfrey leonard he wa- formerly waiter on the packcloat ganarjwa the name of the irlwe have not learned up lo the hour of pin- ia pre no farther favts are elicited by the evaminalinn wc trust that th sable knight as well as his guilty sarmourer may meet the reward which ihey so jnttlf rnerit aearcrif ifcifie co ilcnrocraa tj thomas dktih riuyw under- standihat this dialinguihed irish paliiot ar rived here 011 sunday eveiin he ra one of the ablest writer ol 71 xatfan when h fiiend mitchell was tranportd and tbe united iruhmon tea- suppressed of which he was an active nparlcr john martin started the iria fcforci our readers will reoiembvr some nf the splendid articles ivoro bis pen which we lranferrej to one columns from 7a pk wt heartily congratulate hicn on his fortunate eap from his nurxners and lrut that he will meet with eminent success heie in forcing him to fly to onr hori england makes us a richer present than if she had transferred s ihe wealth and royalty of her thrnne veleomet thrice welcome to ihe distinguished martyr of liberty r rrrttio from a pernsal of the following le1l an- derdale ihe 3d instant fionrh postmaslerof whitehall 10 lhcpotmaur in ibis ilyil will be aaen thai the bag t albany con taining mail mailer for whitehall aud lor different parts of ihi province werr jobbed on friday last the 1st instant while in the inamrdiai neighbourhood of whitehall h on friday last ihe iii inst th bags for ibia occ fioot albany when wiltf wo milei of ihis plac were roulad and the let trwntaned therein tuwqucntly recov ered were found open ad many of hem are so much muliliatrd thai il is almost impwibfe 10 aacerlain their proper addrers how mochof tbe mail mailer despatched forn ai bany in the bag hen been lafccner destroyed i am cjuile unable m ihis moment to mh the mailbaga aficr brine rifled principally of their contents were fuund inaarnnot rtry fat ontfjom where ihey must have been itvlrn from lb stages in in evening thr remnants and fragnents of ihe letters intend ed for your delivery and distribution will be aent toyote ataog a i can areanj them and ibcir several addressot can be deciphered 1onfrrtf rirfa iinlridjkvu3 peaea are bound to obey the order of the jualieca only if it he hue ihat the clerks of ihe peace liava lha right to ealend ihe collection tolls il follows thai llity mutt he amrnabl to soma person or body for the due mrfornncand it would aerna beyond all question ifttlflity mut iheia beaejme officer nf or subieei to thss control of tbe council the better opinion hwoevor is thai ihey are not subject lo ihe cnineil andihat the proiier eonilmclion to he given to ibe 7th sec lion of oik je- 3rd it ihis thai the duly or impewihe asseasmenivi the major propo sition and ihe duty of ihe clerk of peace being but the miiiictial oltieer 0 perform ihe bidding nf the justices i ihe minor pro poiiion the major prnnotirton heine re peated it is inevitable that the minor one must follow ha tate unlets saved eiilier ex prely or by clear evidence that il wa in tended there are no rihls under ihe 7th section saved 10 ihe clerk ofthe peace by any v cess eraclment or omission to enact and as lo evidence of rratf nlion on ihe part of ihe legitlature we haw il in the municipal cor poration act the 4 llh section enact thai the clerk ol the peace shall be paid for duties until otherwise provided for by ihe dislncl cancik lti i no other duty which ihe municipal corporation act affvcl as ry the clerk of peace than connected with thr assetsmenis it r clear therefore that if the distiut cnemel make no bylaw on the sub jeel ihe clerk of the peace would perform th dnly of extendiof ihe eolledton roll if he pleated to doc irresponsible lo anybody and by law be would have a right tn be pid boelhc council bas a lichl to make a by law respecting who aball perrvm lb dulv as well as lb maainec o doing it if the council leave thai july with the clerk of the peace and pas a bytaw aatotho manner he must conform to it or eive np performing ihe duly 01 if tbe cauncil choos ilicy can iraosfrr the dutv lo another rjort uoder this nw ihcre is r- r hi i inconsistent in lb amended act wiih the other considering the power voted in ihe council for he mtt pretatron wnntd apply to the clerics of the peace ia such case where ihe district coun cils thought pconr lo let ihe 4y remain with them and n other eases would be ap plied lo the persons whom he district coun cil emptoved hit court tliia day deli re ted judgment uphold ing the righl of the council in make the by law in question the clerk of lb peace will however conlinu 10 make th annual return to the governor ccdoruf british whig 0lrr ar orbac dlar- saturdav morning dec 16 lfcm on thurday lb 16mb day of january next ihe legislature of canada will assem ble for ihe despatch ol public business th meeiinfcof parliament is looked forwaid to wiih mtrch anxiajly h is now two year since ihe legitime iranocted any hunness save ihe orginixalion of whal iu friend call a fliform ministry but aaiiichin realily is simply a minislry composed of the opponents of ihe old it- patty spirit prevails in canada as in oiher irort populous places th same a whig and conservative at nome or whig and democrat in ihe tjniled stales the present men in power in cauada unqtiesliona- bly pours a muh integrity an4 mote ability than their predeiesaors in vhice mu tice who were important decision in queeivs cinf il tie tb second annual general moclinf of i lie fvemul life aarwanc orfnnany j- held eith- in ike company office l corc dn- bnrchon wedncedvy the ll dynf november lt m icrusf r ihedcedor cm -u- nd in accordance with the act a rrfni tih and 8rh vie cp 110 under which the company ia rcifaied andemfowrred rjcorge morver ka m garthe aaj eenior di- rcclor prrienl presided nn thr necaaon the tvlawing ia an catrect trvm llo rcfort aubmurcd 10 the meetiae 1li uoadnf dtrcciom foe e mikli aatisfacrinn in moeiiig uku e rypreue to give ara account of ibcir inaogomcnt of tbeconiaay during lite pn year as uarcai1ta r ji n cm firmed all 1 1 amicrpii4ia of aveajtaf which pompfcd iho ant esrvlohrnrm uf 1 i iiiu- l o and l c justified thr direxwr in lue state ment whirl ihry m4 on f araatjaa of ile stganeml meetitig tlil a wide field eritrd for ihe eatenn of the uunnc mi wtneh the com pny hd entered nil ciwy pnmoeot nf advan- lafo to al eunoeeud ariffci the uudeftaking durin- law year 0 ding 23lh mayltf4e tlie compay biaatiaaajaal 215 ndicie ai r sum of xljo r9a and rieldaat premium 10 the etieut of iy ii 3d per annum itrie a flai i arun altera prttnmmr tlio new atsur anri ira ackd avitaglh period pro t ihv nii biuitee aai u ul imy ifw- aaanaiaiedlo morj n 0 x6c3 8 s the aru urcd dume tbe vr from jli ilaie of mar les ainonte4j na sedy rcpoeteil to 161500 10 0 l 0 trotuv c8th kctf baar tf caov tbi wa a special ease aecrd upon for ihe opinion otthe court in which ihe plainlirt is clerk ol ibe peace and dvrendent the trea mirer of tbt western district on the ifth may 142 ibe council of ihe western dis- ire passed a by law to iacc lhesscng and collecting of kale natter the coniil ofiha conncil and ibe third clause of ibis bylaw is in these word and be it enacted that the drslricl clark shall hereafter extend tlw collection rolls in alt cases tbo same having heretofore been done by order of the juiicea as lha copectora were nm generally fmnd capable of so doin with sufficient correct ness the plaintift contended ibe bylaw wa illegal and thai he as clerk or the pear waa eadiileir to perform the duty of cilendinar iw colnclion rolls vid onjhl to- be raaid for lb same tbe ease was agreed npon as to the facie lo obtain the opinion of ihe coum whether ihe defendant as treasurer nf itie wetter d- irict should pay ibe clerk of the peace for extending the ccjjeciion rolls th asiouni ha ving been audited and allowed by the jus tice or whether he wast justified in refusing to pay ihe same because the tfyiiw was le- cal and within the scop and auimirty of ihe council to make tbe case wa argued in trinity ttim vast aiy comeron for the plaintiff arted ihat the 50th geo- 3 cl imfm m h duty of extending the rolls uon flic clerks of the peace has not been retailed by the municipal cooncit act 3rd k 1lh vkuck 10 thl7ibsectimiol5hh ceo 3rd cb obliged the clerk of the peace to make year ly return lo the govrnnr wf the a5rel of the akenmcnta anj this duty has nctti been tranaferred to any oihcr nlficrr clearly remain part of eke duty of the clerk of ihe peaer and to eoalde him lodoso he must have ihe roll toe iistaiure never in tended thai ihtferent orttcer should perform several duties repeeti ihe vne rolls in matters which th- i leo 3rd conlem- plated should be performed by the same officer total a rauraner e0ccicd oinco commencement oi company x3wi prdool policies o ibcatiee cnwltco usa dropt 3- ofii 275 amount 01 eaiit- rr an nual premiumj aiuiu jlayea 3 fxhiin 2 ft was reasonable iheieltne lo sappodrf that when iho ltgtsulure lravsfrrd the duly of imposing astersnieni to the dialrid council and icfla duly to se peifrmed by lb cjerk oftho peace respecting ifae rorj nirerld it was intended the whole ftiiv nniodon lhe clrknflhc peaee hv 69tl cvft 3fd somm slill remain wiih him a furlhci reason for hippos ihi wa 1 view the teslalwrc looki that when tl aei amending the conneil aci pasd 1 i onlid lfal tbe clerk of ihe peace ball cmvul on tlie roll the mr lax mnrew iho judges when reflating ihe tarilf of fre nf tie oislrict oiticera provided for he tlivwftcc to tae clerks for ihe rolls jb f jih on uoeif the dnlricl coun- cil in support oflhv c law atmel that nn inference could be drawn from ihr frflof llw proviion in the ta ilt thai u clerks ol ih had ibe eight eonunded rr caua nvided rof peace the jurle only pmvided hr ihe iymulto ihe cleil ofthe peace wlun not ulorwise proviim for as wmihlbk rri it wa clear linwcver 1 ha i tbe sftb ceo ttrd ch 7 see 7 wa in effect rcvafc rm i wentd be repealed a repctstle cteik of the peare whenrvfi the conrr j ihoilgbl mofiw 10 make provision for ill prfoimnncc of ihe rluly nieralernlls wen 10 tn lumishedby iheas- triors vide totssj airdbyaectioitil wu jj the duly nf ihe conrt after having acelained ihe amoinit ronoirn lube raied to divide and apportion the mre upoii each and every person on the rate jml the conn ascer tained lliemtfla a having oone 0 directed the clerk of the lvare u tvunil ihe roll t ile vidlrrroi- fnr which copiw he waa lo lie paid lln inty nf iui ihr ralea 4mely repealed by ibv aut aerhvu of z16 aitd 4tb vii cb 10 ami porter j given by ii 1- 3hbwlrm tn ihe umlricl conneil the hell if ibe ivjcc ihtntjjtmtji ihe province have s npudidird any aulhoiiiy over llinr jy ihr fjlict cmmcil the aajlhcatrty v compel delifary i ihe roil in ihr coljtc- i ian run i he wilb sometdylhe jualicei bate teased to bat ir tnt the clerks of ibo astorrd wilb other oilica uj uiicctor conaidcr iag il paitdrnt rill 10 imp ihe amount f rat uo a nht v miliin harrow limii ihe btrheii ani soe whkh 1 cop4ny at vpotw to any una enae in liar bcal tocehuer heme limdcd teaoco itao only rhinaby drain nkicn bad been mdc opoo ibe cwmpiny in mh ilc dale of baunco isu and lo tkla rtault ihe dueclof potul with aatraetioo rtic dnccova harine nntv beoiif h under notice ihe r- 1 of ihe year beg in drw atienjion 10 a few point eoitcd willi the cnetai mn ije- mem of the aatlilotjaw lhe diftvinia kava navch graiifiealton in atat inc thai hire have leon tiabted to eat nd ttc com- panya opralifte locverv i t im cahd and the weal 1oj u lmpaoy liat entrcd on wide licd ot botmeaa li hjr a fjood tvuidaikin baa been laid and lira diccwf look forward io catcndcd ojcfai0io lo auuto- lij and new zcund hie iompaoy havo made arrangcinrnt- hr carrying out rhcir plun nod kltlerafor ihceequartcraleavioc groat jlriuni m now avjiling llkintetvca nf ihe coinpis p4e i 4- m it 11 1 i y r l i the wofld are amon ihe ljnenyi jilcy hotera and many wanderera inalhci lanakt haveavaieed ihcm aetteaortnvae bbcral condilmn to fufcgsi rc- aidenee and havel winch hc cmpny har adapted and wink have created for it it my be avid 0 rpcific ehamctcr in vjriou ituartrr the cmpsn uavo found lxal afaurance offieca in ihe uvlunie lana- aciimf hifo uirtirkaa and th fllrectrk h we en- daiorrd u niinutn ihjc bi4t uitovrelaadinf nh hirae tnaiilgtoa jsoojcet ai ihey mc howrerr to ml ihe riahrof ainnnuicc on a inmud aaf ow uiaccmi anliepale n rimidbc re- lby and tbey are confident ihat e4crt budir nihn lititcratidil 10 lo for their intcrrat h join urfer iniiulona hnotduig more perfect arciriiy and liansaciju busineaa on a lreff acata it u wiih moeti latwawlaaai that the pireelir- t w rrfcr b- tbe npwri which liar tern arcfdcd toincf lofnnial cuntpiny hy othcf life njulina a ihr eounlff tinee ibe eomnenecmenl r the ttndefinkiniroereat deal f nod feelua baa been boft toivrda it in ttneund hy ue emi u era im in scoturd ijie cmipanva rirccca it ieivcnueioilo aarne ferl-i- indeed ihe li- reerofa are wdl aaliified nih ihe awajrlaaq kre jnaiijtviii haanhen np and ihey iruh they will lone prcverro iho ptnd wil ot other aaahocc oiiinjnie nhiiv tli eapcfmoe ol ibe conjnr cv perbaw remler ia t of udidntac ro ult artlcavatcaj buaincmof life aaaofnncr n eeinchiin ili hirreira have pleaauio in lutiaf bontatl to ibe leavjh nriecqtl year and lleepenencef a frteaeaaa a far na il liaa con iraal ftiry e every prfcci of ihnldonhl on n puny brromine oe 4 th mat iwjnfrnt and tatuable natatataaoai of ibn awaaiirt rh rrrirt and autrnvnl feeited the nppm- balma ul ihe meenj- awl a le ofitianba wo tandtnd lo lha utf oj jjrrrma ia ihi coun try end in ihf t oon r tm l- alumoo hid to iik loarafuay vattiafa a vie ot ikaai alio irnid ui iho actvary sccrriaiy and fheltardrtf manaemrm at llir lhd office eeum year vn tpien ctejipurd and i fvitimc tiimea fanaletr nhen ihe oiinjr aalejftvvioiaf uuailuj to the chairman difjttd it okda of lle hiicelia iv11l tun toeo alory hrxt j williana seen lary hrci- infifintncm rq jjititd mlaatiraras pnyatji1ivia i ticfanjr mret v4 mmrajl 1 a lotmtif lonen and u st vmeofil fbcaaa ntaaiooritil insj ce in tli cohnaa tto cri roa eanma montreal ll otawt bl jaawea affeata a oftiaio paa naajutr tabnient a iniilcr in uo i v oil mai wai confctdly a pack of incapahles bul a bciue relomiers in the literal acceptation of the word ticy have a much read ptoloitce thereto aj lord john riaaselps minbtry ia london bul how vet lb ministry be composed ll approaching sesstott ia pregnant wiih impor- unt maheri for the weal or wo of the pco- vinc al ttwrjr b determined whaiher canada is to remain on of the brightest gems ot lb biilib crownor whether it is lo 0 an nexed lo lh uniled slates tito people in both portions o ibe peotinc are cyclically bappy ami contented under the mild and pa- lroal bnlib rate tbey ae also rejually contented with he liberal policy which per vade all departments of the provincial go vernment what therefore do ihe people want they want bread lo eat they lit erally star it lb midat of plenty trade is paraljadcommerce i unrwoaiciivo lb ranks ajc miocd the uimer isa bear and ihe mkbnic alaeves there isno u in mincing wrds the frightful fad is too ap parent lobe denied general insolvency h ihe order of the day and lite sheriff although in every manbotat- alnvose as poor a hi neirthbu for he cannot sell even fur his fees- thai iho fatliameni can remedy all llaese til is too ros to be asserted thai it can do much iophiato them is however true lr- depeodeni of iu own actional can faithfully represent 10 lb imperial authorities til true stale of aitir her ilcan pve asauancc of the filed and pledged determination of the peo ple of ffesm canada to make lh bushel of wheal of be -it- value on ihe northern ide of ihn iolaod walora of th am in- trinaic valoe as on ihe southern shores and if they do ihat properly an immense deaj of potitieal rouble may be avoided we uflcf a second leiter from fair play to ihe alleolioit and consideration of our read era tto schemes of amefiorating lb sad condition ol canada very dsssimilar in iheir operalioa ora exciting iho public rniud tbe one is to abolish ihe navigation laws there by promnling every decriplion of foreran trade j and lb other to encourage domestic manufchtt and live a aoucb as posaible iimi oursel on humble voice faraised in favor of the former ihoie of onr two able contributor ganatiocjueand fall play are in fivt of the jailer wc are not abot lo atiic lh merit of the two projects fair ajasjiaiiuuiat l jiljirtc5 ary tfi al canspealt for himself from gananoque we aball bar again in a few day a for ourselves shall have a hundred cpotnni lies in put forward our own particular views aud opirwuas the 00c ptoecl if successful must rentt h caoadaa rich and prcoper- ou meroiile commokiij th other will have a greater tendency to render lb people happy and contented to the cvor 0 firiiiih whig ma leiiron wilb your kind permlsion i shall endea vour to set u a jfctcnflnl tight in regari to ibe many error which he assome to have discovered in my previous communicatioir he demurs to the correctness of my slatemaot thai much of the present dislress nf the coun- in aiisss from osertradidc and injudieioo manarjvmel on ihe pail of ibe banks tlte former induced ii a great measure by ihe in- contiderat and unwise advances lo panic connected ih ihe foreign trade of ihe country during the year l4 lst aad wilder of i81j up iu june of thai year illce which 1 esoj il may b said with great tiulh that the piblic are far from being im pressed wilb tli idea ihat the baoh bav been prodigal in iheir ijues in fact their discount have been consned to tbe favored few who have the control in their own hands an almol lotal nspcniun of general dis- counb having taken place m cnnsefmoe 0 th fcaifnl balance of trade against ihe coun try which necessarily compel prudence am great caution otherwise iheir vault would toon ae emplicd t he amounl of lb precious metals n ihcm ha been of tato seriously re duced froit the constant drain of our neigh bor of whom wo purchase more than our means warrant lf buy t mtsrafar beyond out mean of paying the country from gasp 10 sandwich i deluged with furcapi merchanilij- tradftai abound t every dr- ledion wiih urge tocl to such an extent i ihe competition that but lew can long kep up their heads hence the numerous bank rupt notices wakfc eomunily appear in the gazelle hut for the banks this would nol be the case at their doors lay the blame for ihe prrtiuaiify with whkb ihey ilfal to the system ol favornt irancaciion connected wlu fartigfi productions instead of favoring and encouraging domestic enterprise home roan nfaclnr- whieh wruld tend locurich the ptninceand render ihe lajanc of irada kas rsjainsl it in ihe advantaged which hev would pailiciiate notwilhslanding every pos sible discoufaemrnlon ihe part olour banks i am happy lo alate ihat the few manuac turing esublishmenl we have are atradily odvonciiii and that ler judicious protec tion our foundries now turn ont stove coin tnanyoreilothr annual value of evenly live rbouaiid rounds ihe labor and profit of which ate tccnrrd to oursahes a lew years 50 wc were wholly dpcndanl on otheii for applies of thuafliele i irul iho peeple of cannda west will no he jed away by ihe snraitrffl of the fu jvawavpttly if mm twl n lift fcr heir own vlfiih tufa uould sacrifice the rest of the province iym them eonalanlly ovcfaimin onlh advanlaies thai would ariaed from free trnhi being adopted n canada th montreal merchant coff i iho idea of liornomannfaclurea wilms forextmpje tho manner fi which lb aeoaibt nd pairtotic pchofi g mekonaio boj wa reccivej 111 otbr day by thorn at a pu uii meeting in thai cily wilmha aoorda- hi inhabitant of canada wool loktrota and ounurunc i ttem of trade which eaonol fail to impoverish and ruin iharni nomue whoaland forward as it advoeauaf wo have unfotunatelyat pternr a overrratrttsf offre teadcm who jro band in band wiltl its friend in montreal lha cbif of wlom john young esquire ja abont to be called lo a acat in lb legislative council- where no doobt he will us hia influence to carry on hia jreat meainre of free trade whether lh american will reciprocate or not the system of danking in scotland 11 well calculated lo promote domestic enterprise bjr il oen crerfts on which panic canal all limes depend to carry on their operations we do not wilncs- there lh same contraction and expansions ihat eiit lewbere in canada we see on disposition or tbe part of onr banks to encourage home mannfaclurr but on lb contrary a policy decidedly hostile lo them i am aware ihat i aball be loht thai the scotch systrnt will not answer her as ihe commercial bank after a short trial gave il np but where wj ibe eiperi- menl nudef in ihe city of 5fealroi 7 marie reader the place- mnliml now i contend ihat any tiial made ihrre t no evi dence at all that il will not workefinally as well in canada tbe credits wre graniej to a number of mpvrtiag ourrwbo used r rather abused the mean it afforded ihcm of entering into cumpeliiinn with lb bmw iuelfiiube purchase of slerlinj xchaiie al times when money was scare and banks were imldieg up so that the paslies thus situ ated had a decided advantage over their jes fortunate neilibot5 thr bank finding that it was coltimr iu o throat without denvinv any adaniace wbaivr in the shape of d- posils speedily gave up ibe exoerimetil in doing this ihey acted wisely profit there was none and the risk the sum bcinf vera large and ihe securities perbap not of the 6rl classwas always somthina thrs coutd oot therefxe b viewrd as a fair iriat of the system how much belter therefore it wotilttb toive the system a fair trial in canada wesloa a rare- and comprehensive a more suitable lime than he pre- icale sentcojld not be selected for lb iprieoce of the last two years has taught ucopla in business to be very circumspect and careful how ihey avail ivrolves of bank harts and nor to exceed prudent limits wilb sack crdti honest induirious and enierpririna individual could embark in dntltc aaaou- fidure wilb conftd ncc and wth every hope of realizina fair pronu t is iracccskma ho much has bean lost to the proline an iu at articles of export durina lh iasl two yeanwber one nas mademony twmy bar been ruined tho labor skill and anitvpria of muliitodes residing in the various lomber rfioni ofthe couotry have goie lor nnibine to which may be added the loss of tbe iaa- mense quantities of its most valoam timber cut and sent out of the province for noihlng more than frtight and raarc on a larar por- tiou of il it merchant ol quebec losing in many faetarjces hie whole smoutil inteal- ed these ar some of ihe good results arrt- ifta fiom stimulating foreign trade english commissioo merchants and shipowner beiag the only gainer by it it is ihis which iro- poverishes the country and reduces the titaj of its rrni esfor which instead of advancio in value asil lasmmft is becomiog more and more depreciated from ihe facilities grant ibe losi bas been proeugiorsly increased on aa augmented bosiness so induced thiougb iheir mavan tvilb regard lo th cbavigo ibe unwie al lralioain ourcurroney bill by be act of iftvm uo one cosld deplore it more than i did the previous one met ny beany ap proval on ila passing the legislature of upper canada nnder it ihing wrrf 00 well iho banks were proleclj to such a degree lhal they could extend their issue for lomeolio porpotes oa much greater extel iban before ursine aad 1 am only surprised ihat tbt united legislature of canada should bavo beerr uduccd lo alter h- regardless of tbt good old principle lo let well atone our le gislature should again make eogttib silver a legal tender a formerly and were our bank in bettor odoar wilb the publre than uey are toward many ai whom ibey have aeted late ly in dir7rcnt parts of ibe pivinec in tbe most oppressive arbitrary and veaation man ner creating a feeling utile short of abhor rent the aaeatatc would certanly pa the aotboriiy raid for the urn slated as ihe amount of local diconni of ihe com mercial bank for kingstoo i coiorr good however i may be in error bul still question a mrhamviatemnl unless ha inclodes some orwuf loem nol included irt the account of notes discounted which lo geiber may exceed tbe amount loaned by ihe popular agency of ihe bank of upper cana da al kingon it is deeply lobe rcgrelled that from the hostility of other bank to tho system of renewing and adverse circumstan ce arising from ihe ptesenl state of tbe pro vince lh bank of upper canada ahoujd bo oblijej to withhold thij accommodation to the public to the aame eatent as ferrnerly a joriion of her moans is locked up fr tho ptesenl which will however io de tiroo become available r 00a kbe tbe wotlblrao rotes or eiehange laken by tome of lh olher bank npon which ihey bav lost during the last two years the public entertain a deep serse ofgiaiitude lo ihe dank of u c for tho forbearance she has shown topsrt in sea sons of disiress like the present who were unable lo meet iheir cnajapemfnu from the diminished volume of currency in the country having ahundanc of realesutr upon which it was impossible to tave money instead of forcing these parltes a they might have done ihey tavc lime aud in doing so they bar mado frieada who will aid and assist in gtvv ine circulation tn it notes whenever opporln- oiiy ortcrr to lb displacing of others let il ealend its ajencii and she will onn and iho bene ile il results arising from lh meaiiwr mr pidotil it itonorable and wonhy maua- jer ha always aswanilblrd a strong reir to fniwair and encourage doneatio otife and bul for adverro circumtanci beyond hi control the means al hi command to fort her otject so desirable would be ten told increased i beg fardoit mr fcdiior fo- ihf apparent iligiasmoai but while 00 iho aiibjvtt tv mode of doing boaineas punnrd by lh flank of upper canada i could not withhold my rnced of ptaise fiom one who la so jong and ao foiibfnlly managed thl ltiliutoik with regaid to lha morchtajlv- tnueh landed ayatecn of cilblrag prf rfrot it ahorl d oncgaaclo isasi 1 can only y ii bas roulled in too many inatanc lfcorl livo injury of iheoe who hava atalud iham- lva of it aa they have beoai obllgf4 to labo whal lh manlitat ape aulaiar would jrlvo mm who kmulnj bli hi amity wwultl mam lb tdvanlagf and gallho prejsjc bsa itso trmioi tab ib iluitahro fwt