wtrmmmwml whanfe end for wbuh ihv hake would allow him whatever flwy rnaa hflvo ml w mml be done- in miui to irtttt hi wrsrlbe leilai flip loom- lm inert ulnf ihe twa were the diafls dim n ai iwpft jihu wjh wrtfi tbe hnr ce- iiu ton til ihiiii v bv ipmi vriviii- ui tue and keen lfc wki iiomemjmnfrwuva wags have coma to aurh wmwi tlit xwuwwwwi take unil mtllrtiificwrsh with vrim ihccmalrjr wnu bi at fl hpilfc mesne of can f wtittl ha ti saihjret lo tbo inltimpifat irfowedhjtbr rveem mlihe vhcc ri phomnwdilioii aflvidcd ty tic bank n out moneyed luatiiuiior i lo be wiilr rliawmiiaarsl moment an adverse change talm nlace in mil tmitfl mtava on ihe crrdil of ihe country an irnmrnre jcm has hern incurred let w ir iu credit to i on ttir mm in ihc awil w ul the government d m and upward pay of ulki and alt public dbkwtwnl white to tml extent of the taxes of the country viikotit wwh and fee o frfrtrarfer- reecivabic i rvmcni m i due- ln ibis way they rejevi aome irpc- cinrih let danker fatwtrteel itirllta demur and oijeet wihfy pkise to uiu ptfclwycwvhis forward one vdid rtacn why it should flat e tht cov- eentnent and ro vrwl otb l tj fo ceeesl in lbc way i ba iownsuj tlst finaner should not become comjeiiik wioi ilii public in loliciliog btb kftmi i i ucidmland hrj utf ly jrjj ioi sncctofiil- jy the txaiioi note would really bene fit mi- hh the intemil m4t of the coimlty liullei llmalike tbepret mwe particn- bily tbegoreminenl by fejtn- ihe miroher citifflciauaivdihe rfuiin t ikotc thai ate injitrtinabk- with the ea i shape of inteteftfrom the iue of the idotc noiei we houlj toon be able to lighten ihe ptewwe f nation which now cxta i hap of jilie onsomt nf the ofceuwne of life a htichafil says roihin a to ihe amrndment i proposed i iij tormer leiler lo the bank chrw i should like to itear mi views in reprd to lbm i mui iftl j rcmarvs cooceroifia abolition of ike uturr laws to another jsy- tair play dec 12 18 p s the tax on bank nl ar unjmt ore and abould bt repealed- il ourm ne to ht bceiiknpoaed cataraqui warft alapmic meelmjoflbe voters of cau- ward held at m- heury bowmans fno ortano stieei kinplca on tuesday eteoins i2tb dec rt p mr- t 0 butter vras called lo tbe chir and fternvd fill- pifaict reqtttotedioacl secreji when lbc following resololio weie proposed atd tdopled tiz moved by wm proetor seconded bj bobert speneer thai mr- tliibodo come torwaid as eandi- dsle foe aldermao without running in torw junction witharj candid t e cottwo mored bj peter lliggin kconded by john pann tbt mr- michael mtcuniffe be a fit and jprofiwrsoflvprwehl cansracjtli wftel cfnciliwtfra moved ny charle mt ondrd by v biey thai dr meagher be a fit and ptoper pbr ton to leptesent calaioi waid as coan- eillfir corrierf moved by henry biflrfs secowjcd by ahn mckenii that allan meuan f be a 6t atid pro per person to represent cataiaqui ward u at deraian loaf moved by chafes martin secoaded by hejiry bowmatij that robert anjlen be a fit aud pmm rr ton to represent cataracjui ward ak alderman afoved in amendment by robert spencer stcoiirfecr by henry barlli that h w benson be a fit and proper person to repreaenl aald ward as aidennan tv amendmenl being pnl was territi and tbe original motion jos moved by w proetov seconded by robt morreu tbcu mt bexler loftve the chafe him mr ijn jlp rake if moveettywrn mileysecoekdedby jamea g irtey tlrtrt tbe ibanka of thb meeline be xrtn to mr duller for ba able conduct in tbe chair thomas 0 butler chairman bernard fitzpatrick stcjfifvy- kin njiin dec hth e48 ib aif j ilion to the above we are reqsud instate that mr meaeer st is comiog ool a a candidate far aldermsn m bis own feet the watr works company public attention does not seem much ti- jeeied towards be projected water uki probably the fearful scaifil of money is the cause for no ffojec rcf broached in king- stot is enont deceiving cf soreett th nuiiif pure aawef au fheap ivater u gtcauy ml at prcsenl the tohabiuuu rv inpflied fiom wctl and fi tke river tbe vaterfroco the former sources urtioiiglj impreruuecf with lime ad earth aaju kckl ia ifvac of lolllloq tooofien tbe occasion of severe diair hoe more particular o jnnprtv and lie water fioni the river is frrqneiujy laksn from spa io the ceulrt of trie city contaminated every kind of frith any project by nhich the inhabilatsls could be supplied with giod vrmler is higbly datervirg of lbc mosl wion alurntion avbeiher lh present is the jroper time to fotanantur companj b another ibing pn- habiy it ia not j but wheat ay good and retdly vntch necied wotlt utobodone ibesooner it u eommented thj tielter that money in vested in this emdertifciftg will oltmiatcly prove a good investment e soke no com tioo i fiirvherver watei coeopanieo bavo beejfaniad they have proved lobe highly lucrative cncctpj the gentleman mr c a- camming who hi spumed tbv ipoo- ibilityof laoieg before ftt pwnic ihead- vantagejo eanaj invet nd choap water is lobe thanked ftrkakioj ilonlions if ool oiberwiac encouraged by a gentraj ib- sctjptiojt vekicb iba rtltfltto arreaaoro of the rimes may prevent leauawauuc out u it wofor ma vt he cdjmu tas a oijuioo pit of tumbef o- tin hat basmimr lhatlei illllaojhta amiable daughtor mir hmall hill iaaaoj tbiongh klngilon today on thalrwny lo itoehealer hy areluvelln fnr montreal to roebelor at this n tement leason of iho yer fnr the purpose of iluaud- ink the coutt of cmnmon tleif to hr held nail week in lhaf eity where mr c hill has intiimtrd proeeedlnga to obtain damsges for ihe lerlou emlroejo pefe1ratnt npnn him self and familv last summer tin iiijiriou ttoslmrnt wuwu ike hill firmly suffered wis admitted by the whole inessof ftocbestrr it ii now to be seen when ho npidit to a legul triwuial for teorea whether iheic it uluelent honeiy in an american jury to award it which vvrltisi will be thvcaif tie the resul of ihe trial what il maj the hih chaiacleeof ihe hill family for leipcci ability and cprrectnes of conduct u too rally eshh tubed to be injured by any adverse rotdiet they have out gor wishes and the ood wistt- cauf all who know them fefscm enure fr the purpose ol punislhtg the mlo injured them than to pit mmim in their jxkett after the trial the hill funity im- oiediately eeturn to moiitiel but on ihir way thither they intend to stay one or two nights n kingston anl make an apiaranee at ihe theatre royal where we m they trial be wccomd with that liu and tvlss- pathy for which the govd people of kington have been ever ditingnihedf c fatal aeodkxtv we are sorry to announce to the public a melancholy accr- denlp which orcutrrd on thuisday nijht last as mr john lcviiard a lepectahle anij woehy inhabitant residing in the place kjtcwn as iv1jiiricb in this townskiji had bem attending ihe fqnecal of n ieihhor mr j mcrora rthich look place a wlctloo was returning home p the maeadanirvl road ty hrf way of mcgiihis suamp it appears that near that jro hi hnne took frijht and ihfcw him oiton the hard beaten track which caused almol immediate death he was found tying on the road by mr c haymont who pt eked him up anil conveyed him immediately lo the fiui of mr charters near he turnpike gate where medicalald was immediately procured but iu vain for be sorvised only a few liour be died ou ihe following morning at two oclock after hav ing lived eight hour inatatc of insensibility an irhuest was held on the body and 4 verdict relumed in accordance with the above statement mr- leonard was a tevpeclable member of kr westeyan- methodift society and was known to bave license as a local preacher for a nnniber of years hot since it has pleat ed tbe most high to remove him from this worlj of sorrow we emit iberefore submit to bis rjcpaiture mr leonard has left a res pectable umiiy and urjc number of friend end acquaint a uces lo mourn his lo cox- on illngnctic tztclrgtnul ivrsrcharn tr j kramtnarii iirtika j friday nhfmn nvlocfc j thro la no repoit ioimiji the tioy line bfllne down ahrital of tllk stkamslllp canada 0rveu dart lnrer from curope kstw yojuc dee 1 1 lfti tle strmrt mada which tailed from mverhsn mi the jtli november arrived at new voik thwienmaflerastomy paiiagc of iu jy markfit crtn tai tna dclinmc fl t tlic wcarntk aw0 tfft svaiox oo monday last r u- american lake steamer niagara made in reality her last trip upwards to oswego where she stops all the winter on wednesday lav tbui ads j lul the snall sterner former made a trip to and from brockville the harhor and river are quite free from ice wd the weather is delightful warm sjui sunshiny the market continues to bo well supplied and with the exception hy ttjiicn if siarce cverykiu of pro dncsvvr remarkably cheap t haaiwauit wvhelreaj it in oar power lo announce rjal havmer made asatisfictory arrangement wilh the telcioph company we sball le able to supply the public wi4h the previous nights llo orl lhsqprning issue of our intended dai publi cation mr in fkiftd wl wealcni canal tfa 6j intiliiii 4oitf wruroi and olii cti w n 3 frl cidanot cd a 3tfi h salea injn ctirn limiied ml 3i 3i kt ijuajiev tu while ind vciimw anerican white wbri n uwnot tc id t i 1 f free i a j i vt rflund eabaviia an iejcwaai j dutiifn libeesenivf oie tlitn jcuponv the eaaejlcanuawl 81t0l n she llnk vaulli u no xi5w heaaty iuodt fa is- ird milomtncwis ttt itl on ihe jttti and tjerr iva tn espccuion acks rfcayfctf tlw mil awlev qecaoeaof clsvlcra rcponod him fif i jtlj dch4 651 j ikevttaf3av vltirejss remmn under ircfticncn in clund ihesssviiairy liaibcrn ptier feusc cnfful aunik waj fjt s tu t p rcaaui oftkg poniijenlml rkcuou and many vrcte cau i- fri pjfi uri uir rau1i i i be kauwvfc uvasaulkved imrvcvealle tit a ouuu npnon novlu tc llic luceetrjl cunihdae tbe cvccufiiifd itd ntfliiiied rkiert vt the ultilc ifovemsucul jsuvrs rev itocin- peat ffnelli so 1 1 cure tike sawene if cjvateofic hie mre of ihe red kcpitblicada ssiu uaianc blecn ldpo ruwwwj f anouibifik vared atsrnfaimeuenhiuer ihe commandanl was sentenced lo dah by hanging but my bis friend urgent request was shot on the iti windisthgrat refusing tu drlay the execution of the smlencc tiu the emperors answer lo a petition to save the prisoner could be received some of the sludenls and fight ing men were after the affair was over brought in batches and shol the rrpoii ofthe cotiqovj news js taken from a city print the arrangement alluded to in another portion of tocys iv oot having wen perfected until after the report had bren received 1 c sooaks at ware a weekly aale of gioceries yesterday 4 hhds of tine muscova do sugar sold at 42 a 43s ths punltcktfaar the realgnation f the board rflospectors has been accepted by the government in doing this the gov ernor general has been pleased to express in the strongest terms his sens of tbe integrity of the motive and his opinion of iho un tiring labors of the inspectors in their most unthankful otfih t ihe kiijjin v4pem hieo ukeo tx caption to i piraph vrhteh uppeared in a rr cent r umber of iho hrituk ctamut ia regord lo kift duo i vfmst viilc j ii 1 r i e icotiarv pendiptg ike invcttiefttion of ihl cum- minonera b bul not trilhtfnn ding tlo italcroenta pot forth by our coniempoaric e pal no valid leuwn to mdoeousto cbaogo tl mi pinion which ire formed on iho auhject on icumhla iefbrmarion iiil which was communicated in the puraeraph if cjueslioo the ute wurdect wai rot appfixrd of the groondof his reiuoeal und he was therefore dnmit3 oo an txfrjt autemejit enode by the connjisaannm to tbo governments uat bit being appfraed by i no gwvernmcnl ef the nature of hia1 oitemeot far kaa aflbtded an orpoetuaity of replying tu j in cirjuiii i- i ml smith nt racrely r i n r- it lpjt iii- y il tlo gevertbuf ivcoerml baa been under tbo necessity of rtosovin him from ijio ailustton of warden of ihe pcnjlcn tt u coaerqucncc or tepieaentationa made by coototmconen upptrinted lo invcaligato the a itj i of the invliluiioo hot vhat the oat uro ot those repmtntattiins were he ra left looanircionr m laeif purport lua boea eivftrlly withbeld rsjmj ki3r soforoa ihe mvevtiraiion vnaasaj the defence of ibc utowardea waa p with helvfe coa higlvhanrird rlp vnia lukea by the vrirn cn nf 10 ir t r r v v was ocflainly isodce the itnpemion and that ifnjrrkn participated in by no nwrnoa friends who ucte r w t of all ihe eifcqittncr that he had trionphantly tih- dieatcd liiturcif fruai itoc eji- notiriiln ttandfcr r1u gtomoanbliit witji which it has been alleged tbe invert ieaiioa haa heca conducted fj- the ftspprcarioo f tea rinsonj lendina to eicui pate mr smilli ll iv rtthrr uncirtiinate for ihe pfcecnt rnanerermmt thai erilkmareivdayaaftcr vi i 8rmth abrupi removal that the initiation 4 ha mcpuajel e h eoceiaaort a considerable tofitci vt ibo piwtifewwrf oaiwioea rtioutdhavc edr4nvcdby nro with ofucul gravity bor- downir under ihe clrt umtlnrei on the ridieit of mr ci jij it uj rjiat his removal isooly la uconideved a iraipotory rram pendin the inrrtigatirta and iliat it wlu aftftjd ut go- vcrnv general enoch rntaracttnn if the wpnrl of the oocnmifttoftce coubleabiu fouataionilv with the public intenrels io reasons him to r ofhee from wtnch tie baa been temoved wa praj o ffirtn vhat baa ahoady sabn plaee tkat the be wroo liaa a pretty gnod idea of what helai- eapcclioiln ahipeof repot fro tbe ivinrji ijhnn rii n apvlogy kv mvjljy flom the presrnl cuveramtni bni it will he tor the mlereet m mr sumh to pruaocuta hia defence to tbo endan hia4lw n 1 1 mas baa an oppcmiunittt from iu netuaal lereaftor to form an iioparrial judgment of ibo wlde matter bei wren accusers and accused and tbe tvn ni m nd ilr oiiroaeifl jn pursumg tliia corarae pi- icolar care ahim bo taken 10 ejefervo authen tic memoranda of il- important avtdeoce i q we to mr smith which accordiag to report waa tendered and rejected dorm ihe main txainiaa lion pmaemion wa may eafl it before mr sioui cooamciiced bro etc knee cou if daavtf r 0 tuqaahd esct it is wilh deep regret that we announce the sudden de cease on saturday last of mr turquand lata dvpiity receiver general he wa a man universally and rtrervecij r -coor- leous andobtjgine in the performance of has ottttial duties and in private tile an amiable am exemplary member of society mr tar- quand hail we believe been upwards of thir ty years in the public sreice audio him waa justly due else merit of the amiable system now practiced in the important department of which he wa the nonnoliliea head he leaves a widow and family wilh whose irre parable les all who knew him will yniiia- ihise we need hardly say that speculeltons are already bing indulged in as to who will sue ceedmr turquand all we know upon this subject is that it will be no teajr matter to find any one in every iyjacteaj able and ef ihjkfux rajfrtejaj y irujji ell to be and that if such an one can he found in the department his claim lo promo tion thould not be overlooked vuf j from england we have bad 66 vesele from ireland 7 from scotland 28 from spain 2 from fbtiqgat 3 and from the btiliah anerirao cojoaies 53- lis all 163 vessels with a joint toonareof 41837 tor- jo die- year ich our arrival from sea amounted m 221 veaaja lopnae 63308ahowing a fall 105 oat ia our oxaa coenmarce uvayeaj of bipaafideil tufas galeoxtjin lakk toss of life and property on friday niehl last a fearful storm of wind and rain w i 1 troin the outb vvu and eon- tinned with little i tile mission till sunday mornirij- abunt 2 oclock on saturday morning the schooner coptoefo o kiaemon captain thos davis owner and eommanderiei altemptiiii losjctinto port hope ran ashore on cull island ttcef in about 7 feet of water and 5 rods ficm land the captain told us that he could easily have got into the lleibour if there had been a liht on the pier on salitroay the cale increased in violence and about one oviack p m the vessel hean to breakup durju the morning tpeated at tempts wero made bj ihe people nf port hope who jineomhe beach by hundred to open a enmmnnication wilh the hand on bard bkit thevcoald not sucoeed shortly after 2 p m the captain and frederick ecclcs feeline that certain death awaited them if they ra snaiiiedaa the sea was continually breakinr over the vessel tjuew themselves into the lake and reached ibe shore from which ihey were taken up insensible of those who re mained on board alexander mdowall and solomon hammond were good swimmers but ihe former was afraid to venture and the latter would not leave hs brother who could notswim at 3 p m the ebs was at its height every sea coin completely over the tchooacr and shortly ihe three men tbe two hammonds and mcdowell dropped one af ter another into the lake and were drowned h some idea may be formed of the violence of thesurcin wbioh she lay when wa inform out readers that no means could bo found to render assistance to those on board although the vessel was only from 60 to 80 feet from the beach a spectator informs us that ihe sight waa truly distressing so many anxious lo assb making every effort aar in vain lite eaigo eonaiste j 0 967 barrels of salt owned bjr a couple of american speculator from osvrero and if tons ofoods for mr j beat ty merchant of this town neither tbe ves sclnor the goods were inauredv fthis monday morrinx he bdjies of the abpve unfutlunate meo were found two of ihem uear mr mackcckmc about eight miles from were the vessel stranded and one wvg s bonlioos the caqada was formerly a steamer owned and ion by mr richardson of toronto it vras very old stffr 151k hew oalaaav nov30js43 7 v caotere reparfed jn yeas orcans f hamen to inform you nf the arrival of a bark frnm bremen called the lucia field cept rich wilh icj pecofira twenty or moru paaaojcr died wiili the cookie or black vouul oe the reaseo- several otbara arouiw sick an bearel am ioaprmed by the officer uf the vevaet that m many caaee l il taken cud aot liac 1 i hvo had a fair chance of aeccteiniar thia in fotmation aa j waa 00 rlie boat llal towed the brjt tothocily new yoa de x 7 vav the foluving waa appended lo te repert of lire heellh 1 ir of tliis dey which w aeot at ifcoant tha commiileo have the pteaeoreof ewerine ilpeir etlotf eiltiena tliat no eaae of ehohya ea ml within the eitv jimita and from the evideie before them ilic diteasr a conruwd to ita preaeot ii u i aaat ia abating ia a aeaei iry 01 ita char acier t j re is no alarm or eiciiemeal apparent iu ihe rity on aeooont of the fiivianae of the mesa thoctly aathoritiea eahtbit t l iirt moleansine iboeiivt in the travels of lord lindsay it iasjated that during his wanderinp in pt he dis covered a mommy which the bieroglyphie inscribed upon it prdred lo be at least 2000 year old i and in one of its ebsed hands was found a tuberous or bulbous toot this root be planted in a sunny soil aod afbfr a few weeks had elapsed it trev and ereoiuajly blossomed iqo a beautiful dahlia caortosryo 3o vairoaai a trial hvf at the lata aseiaes for the home ditrk if was decided that fenders of seed are fi for alhlho cot ivequ nces arliint from aeed anl enswering the ehaacier vnrraifrf tji toronto exoitivitf rivn miiculara of ib trla it waa brought foro false warrairiv raie seed binr ptrm ai ctait whrn it aftrr ward proved to have bven miaed with uiristaul seed damages vcre awarded the itaiailill 50 the 5l40i cvutr of tht 19th contain a notice from the mtnilpj olicr tlut tin whule of the city properly laids island atiaf orphan asvbi rnaiket houe miiyn i iiic poue anj every thin eh held by the city will nr rld oit stlunla uet lo sahf an execution innrd out of the supreme cunri by certain creditors to who- etl th prnpjty had beeu mortgaged lr ahoui important news 11 by wagdetio telegraph aiifrtititepuiit r last tkefhll hat annonnrrd iaipvitaiil vvoluiutury uiovimviin 01 the coiillurnt nf kuioe tut lliti undckn- rd imi iu ejuaaibku a lievnlniion in hat ta tniiricjiiiiity concerns ihe public in tfii vicinity naiofly iimi he hj yti fectrd an iriiiriensc additio lo lit usual clfvslssvv mipjvv ol fine wines ai j o o ifi c cf it 3 i u a u u ia ia u i r v t k j j x c p a n a iuiumhsill rrttijmfttiig wffifuuilri 11 3 7 o wmeif ifhf hi uifli t liquors and groceries mhielt he inlemu losell fr caiii nr shatl ap- jitoved credit at the lowest icinune rating f oil to eniimeiale bis stork uirm go f u- yod the limim of an nidinaiy adt eriiemcni toil he cannot ht calliupt the particular a- tenlianoflhe iuloie to a fvw it-j-ii- airli- cthullurwbtek hwanaats toho of fust rat- jitliliy via lori shrrry madeira and t erienffr wmcsaf various liru j jn wood 3nl ibt- to thatnpagnes clarals and lktv choice iai aid qro ilrantlie imlarid crin in wood and itotile jamaica spirits firtf li i and orilinh imperial gtnjowder old and youatf hy son twajtkay rvfcoc sichong and 1ou- chon ivas choice rjudlitiet totaeos of various ursivls includias a lre irti of tae cefrhraied aromatic ftrf lvoru in uch hich favor lie has jyt leecuril in bond 40000 ttry friperior imjiorled principe and havana cigars tavontc bnpt4s also 5 htrs of very sriar snpr cnd hems aclmice artiele which he cart panlc- nrjtrly reeommend for family use r accormcik kincslon dec it lftls- j01lf p s just received on coiisienment a large quantity of white fith narih shore htrrirtgs and sutrrqn bay chaleur mackerel iiid lochiiue herring in ke alsl 5 rfjca prime seate iferrine and a larc rlian- lityof ptotir and oatmeal by the barrel christmas and new years 3 wistaits balsan of wild t meu- blflh tjjes tilddotlwlov we extract an article from the new ea rrd at kviseooulh virginia ana edited by a f conninf ham e ilo apeake for hiqwalf and here ia tbo eairael december i 1 h 164c we have len resume daya arafivin erwkf eevero i ramnsaltoa of iho luaev produced br void aad irritated by sucakiet in poblte n tlni jhroufhool saloday iaht sunday mdy lilf tueeday tlw tyniptru of the duatoaa aeeowd to mereaee and tbe augerm waa inlenae without the icraol epswtite fo pvd tke eoosli waa dry aod hard eaaaio the nsotf aeoto pm jn ho head and baek we had fairly given op all hope nf relief tsm wethnofmorihta brawns and wo eeat round tu oar friend rcialsji the ajr 1 lor a bouwe uruk the fi doae eeeordiaa to ihe dr- rectooi andaraxt iaatanuj fchafkwohea rthv wasalh throof b the eyalerra thai wev octoek- at fivr we look doae at rune another an weapon after dct re tct a perceptible relief n ihe pffoouesm of tbo fpams and violent paina llni had berroatlericcd hem al three in the coem utf we tk amhhef doe and live pmcm iii iflhvwih i eliv ft llf litiyn whij dimparaioucaa vsefed rriicfui u iherea lief aftorderftiureconierdairiaufil by nlwiko areiulterin aa e auvred we have deemed il due the iiif and to horn ily im fivo ihi tt ii r subscriber respectfully inlurroa lilv fiiendp and customers that he is iw trejiariiig his annual assortment of citarsr ias and niw yiufti casits together vrilh confectionary fniitrs ttc fi x5- kamilirs supplied upon the lowest erms and at the shortest notice thomas crid1fobd princess slreel december 15 1848 loi5 kotice isjhcreas my wife ofary graham ft has left my bed and board without any ust cause or provocation whatsoever ibis ht tc caution all persons from hjrboirn or trusting her c my account as i will pay no debts of tier contracting william graham 2d con townkhrpof kineton december 154b lfchs l0l3i government notice- npendfths will be received at this office on friday thc2d december irttunl from persons desirojs of entering into a con tact tor supply in e one thousand two bqdfd le rssm ssssffls unsought leatimonyc ihir cave il- virtucvof iti fjj itjul 111 for sale wli ind n vnumr utty jn canada eale u tletiitl by cliai kiaaaluf and diueiata brent rener- sr4vrr0 or bmo warn tiie aiream of iff is eneufnhrred vitli mortiid liumori jia voome nr njuautity ia inefean and the bc- wveitarc filled to rvctl iinfj hence ltd rupturing f uioae which termineie in the ilv and r of blood comuinpiion olher dread m com- vlaink wrighcm frttin vepttmr fiu toe pit e ttvf fv tpiltiag of liu te- jauac tlwy espel ftqtrt tlie svatem tho cireuuiton tliom eoerupl jiumufv which im itioeaoaeofbuni ine if hlwl vor i d every midv incident 10 mark front urcv to of said indian vegetable pjila takeo at nifbi on fotng ita bed will in all caearivercitrji and tf repealed a few n- r 1 aaauradty reiiore the body to a atale of sound heahh tlio aaenre pilla are formate in kinruian br chm rrentfeidcroa street and henry martin market cjuar lint the service cf the orjrie ijfjrtrrel s- r ya v- iti v siicu other tijee ai mat be potcu nu between the period when the approval fi in- jviukt lih have been notified to ihe eu1ractur and lhc 3ut january enjuioj jtt to be subect to the in pec llfffj and 3p mtvalof a hoard of qafct pattern of he rrooirt jnd afty further lormaiiuc catt be obtained at the barred rjku- security will be renniredj nd a printed fuii of tender ivcit at this ootce comi ir 1 kington i3th december 1w j 11- olqnial life assurance company tef ijfer j eax enporj 6y aft f pur0 tarnf landti irep j 10 kicgatou market priiw prepared 6a mr a stnyta curk vj for rverltr faioat dec i184 nitr i9 ft oat meate rsi b1 indian mealy lraari fiitekwheat vfi a ewt wheat a bura indian corn as buatt oats a buahol peaa do rye do potatoea perbueh tumipa do onionaahuah honey per lb 1 ooter pet ft beef e do a 100 fork mutton a pj vemlavfca lamb lb efcaavdnaert turkey each uirm fimfii r fowla pair docka per pair chiekena do panrido hay r tub 10 n 2 a 4 2 i 1 a 1 2 0 0 0 10 it t t g q 6 9 a 6 6 d id 4 10 i 0 g o i 9 g 3 3 0 a 0 a 6 j s 0 0 a 3d ota 12 3 5 a 0 f 0 9 1 1 5 0 2 6 2 0 1 0 2 0 0 jj 0 6 0 4 13 q tf s3 i i i great attraction just arrived almuullans music storei kij street one of the urjest aud beat assortment of fancy good8 toys and otber ahicles urell adapted nr christuas boxes anew years gifts v alrai ossofmenf 0 avmjgof nsrratr ficnfijasf recetitu kiaston dec 15 1848 101lf o wares auction rooms n wednespay morning 20ih dec at ii oclock will be sotdj a bay horse a double 1 j j a siitle do an elegant slcie burtilo and other lobea wilh various article william ware kineato 16tb ttt isis 101 governor 7w rieht ifunn lk the km of elgin governor cereral uf fjjnadai director lw iio jttiro mcord to tlio w b rotnon lie hon a jim morin pcaacr of the leialative aaaneablv 111 lrmjioep eq caibier of the pevples daub- rite iiw peter mgitl presidentof the bankof montreal utid fhrtdaem etq msnacer of the bank of british ftnrtri america vtezandr impapn e caahler of the dank of montreal lew rvnmy esq ol the rlrm 0 armou aoj riiwjpjp hmiuphcr uonkio eut a- davidson parker vorr nlrfol r s offiftr fit kigtton dr bamwos 4taf wit grant loii hartford fire insurance cohtpany htcorporfttctl 1810 charter pcrpo titatcapitttt unlimited w1 grant vvreiaff office mesirs macdonalj 6t casarhwel ffiiicewofrce- inatttoej dec jo 1848 011 ifsa mestflsei 3 pmrlic tev mkrflng fr the bene fit of lie saihiatii atiichll ws be ietd in tlc itirrtr uuafcc jasooa street in wednesday tke 27ul dec 1843 tapwo vaa an ucl llrpwd towaritf sjbtb a fcim rnrri witti miueli to falify and 4e- t itit un rn suei ai aueaoatali no pgln wtl bpred that are etkuuttd tondrr 1e mrctjau ij anit ftrjiint eera1 mintatril pvcud to tvitcr adcaecs sacred music 3lk tcrfrrvd lr te cliir- tlie rbvutth wj chiwren wl atd l ibe inlrri r llsi fvenncbe spum aifarsrvpoa rcciravra telelk of aim wareve auction rooms on friday i decembrt at c oelnek sale of tc sort 7booej fveifc irviand the uual variety wf 6ronr 6rorr fir for caht william ware kinptoo lfltb dee 18v9 10iss rl j ia v hd of fvocs paaces t ci piuoees- sueei oes p x mr p ii ralrin u r mr fir llotv ftree nul lr i-r- i t uvuek tea ksaaiwv 1c b la a card a select assortment of m r a nordheimkr bivirt ruwfffal ua stay in kincion faf o e e week rcpecituiy arrjuvou ihr pu ll it for the porposenf christmas and xv eart preeots histawflmcnlof jawtmo parttcubrlj well assorted direct from new york a rvrv for jm k t mbscmhkr at ins htoih lr ill in cbfjb stkt tt l9an suvuuawa vv 300iiutfalu llvlatf jtw hafs sah im raavj ramrai ift tes aorkd tubieoo 1hi lioe anhicjtl jtjo flroea miteir 23j reavnit wiapitinq lrr io keauj salerau 50 drn bed totda 20 llhj brlaffil potto ft sifwi 50 rrrtlsdv willi various otber arliclrs not here ciu meratrd ifatttlfiw roukifi kirtptan dee l isw 100lra iewij rvmuos plaimiit vs cuofrfie lhvldov adrniirm uf gcftkcia 6thacii vn derendnt bv liitr of a writ of lleii kneii i vd lit the ahovr eate t have seil il thf riehl title and interest of tle hlo gkolkrk stilafflaaxi lte premises in the tow it- hip of frttalrmdl itwti nlh fiieen day pfuferli arittj a skan iw atu ihetron ereeiid hi im u r a lraua fro i jui oernijln w jl hnif drbtscej to ihe if croree strachan which 4peilv r will vitr retsajpej ha tuarl itaikr on satntdiv the 231 dajiof dicetnlicr uu at w ucjoei a son tuouas a rorrntta skrif w ij sajarirto ofrlrr kiitjrtiou niv i81r loqoi sheriffs sale ix the qvkev5 bench the president dirertors ol co pasv of s comuiettuial bank rs james uussell and thomas wafer vf james ituell v saturday the 9 h deceiner isis will br sold 4t tlif cuall hfuie al h o clock nooo allhri1i njc aad interest of james the a1ove nameil irferdant in lot no 3 rtualed on ilrock street hing part occhqrch rtock g in luecitjof kiu ston with the build ingi thereon also ute pfourand invplcmenta in tbe urnvery t on tario street known aa the ci 1 t llrewfrj thomas a corrrttt shtriff mid lat sheriffs office kinniees 29b november i8t8 97 o postponement t1he ahove sale is postpofp to satuitdav lb 23d december at the aacne boar and place thomas a corgett shr il d sheriffs office iuvstou bee- 9 i8i j wo4 qrven fn a mistake flle person who received tbrfive pounds 1 momcipjj debenture on thursday last for 2j is rerrnested to leltim it otherwise he will be exposed the debenture is pevable lo j fjlesfor bearer ten rears afterdate- no 5 jawed nov mth 1mb w4i mcmillan aaciloocer kirtitou dec 6th 1s43 89 wares auction rooms qk friday 15th lecensesatcocock will be old an invoice of 7vvr xvrrre tohttcro fresh fruit ata vn bauvsavvv willi aoj wake kingston drc y 1813 99 notice rplle surscribell rnkirl all prns frim purchsin uvo n lksf hand iciver by him at torofitr lo mr joltri ivtert qd mr jorph pter x iu- vftcb dated october 1i6 hiving received no value fi aaij noses the 1ablic aic entiostcd not to purchase utem eli ball errirstoivn dn 7th 151s str3 chrifltmas bazaar rtrhe ladies belonging to the conlibg catlonal benlvvolentso- ty respectfully annnunec 10 itieir friefnu and the public at urr t their ba2aa will be opened on wednesday 20th december at whieli a great variety of mefu and fancy article will be exposed fonslc th rjaar will open each day at 11 oclock a- mi in the store uidet the eaal end of the lambton holse princess street v- admittance ts 3 j children and ser- fanif jiajfpiice kingston 7th dec isis 90 to let a house in colbome street con- hi tainin ciht roomt with larr r garden and outonses kent low poesion tfhica immediately apply to samuel morlcyfc co printth street ktrz dec 1 1811 97lf cottage to leu 4 very desitadc residence feasao11y l t in illiamvi j within half lofjittfl nl the town with a pbnvcd yard eqd well of water and stable kent vcry v applv to fiieueiuck jeoitcr laohonwr house kiiijtoa 06th nor t8 real estate rllksnhcrihrrrlttfoisaleibflulsixtv acrks op land eomhrimiij pari of ihetortn tint of f4iau0iae vei together with dtmialile park lot djaecil ihe wbrdo will be sold tn rvoc or in separatr parcel wale power from the gatannriie river anay le itbitimu il conneslion witi hattvta mi which are faaarahly situated ar cm p3ia 4 tlte arne to ailvaitae lathii o payntcil heral s macooxald gananoite sth dec l us sa atlantic ontario ezpres3 4 mrsskxfjerwill kairihtfoficeeve- is 1tritiaj asriatj the winter fur itoi ion sty yurk anil inirrrncdiuie places willi m wark kinin kov c 1 ataln fresh oycters rktkivsu vrtark from new york at doaiblits miaubs wcllmc ion street maysjmsr to let itieh american hotel dee is 18b wm ft no possession given 14 dec 4 rtvlthcortaoeai lh np end o i ontario street otpotje far cntu brtvttf at pecm occupied jiy mr king enijre of g m markland est r tlut imuilne lately mpttmi aid a mii in m nfck iff iovls he m how fuly pvpared o furajab at any teuoxd ptica sicam lupine und boilcr glial aaa smr mijh bian i iron caaliaia nf evervdr-eiitr- an jmkaf a i noel mini ia wnrk cf all kin tilcoiibhf fjiini an j 5rvw cottlnc to or iter wreuhjtck kirewisaw attlhrffavahtj jjk uuijs akvayt on hand st0v2s potash kettis coolers fleetr laal grain taken ia part pay ment for tffiajki joim itceyman kinjtton ore 1 is19 fi6i masomo cify elkction st lawrence war a tan wlhajvaed metlrsf af th vmati of f st fiwfrnce ward jiehl al ihe- tavern it mr mo lyn ori tais7o fftuvapafi aw ill bar mr ibsvit rarlcrin th uiair it rt iiumiwfoiii- iotr tint the following rtleiren lr tmw to repe- sl iia vmrj it uir emujn aiiiiultqecujorij rr jouv tvrrn fu j mrroar allik fa mr jute cartfoeia cfbr palanijs wbvj1s iujcar kiotnn no ii ktt 9j the rlv pirranrerrjrttcf hft v w mlt at t ionaoay 77ct neeavro aa i lit i of kinploft will aavatrate w3 mltden wr airacbeluile tfc eirat to ih eaatfar weir as j mafaf tvir warfaiikati ml yr ctcf sciviiiff w rdo etward covrswalliah ft h nd c lamjohu millhfowoj vvarjd which rr reanatned with the fleemrvit the grelhren will roeel l their w uefcew at ii oclock a m an aftei peuar duties which beloar to the day at biirfords hoftl vieiiiita drethren deiirooaof joiftine ft vianal ttckeu fexcltuiva ol wiae jci kitten fh nov ioh flo imt iuprrplnn fine and frte middlings uatuteal pot uarler caojiiia kuv coitally on banat and fafsahr nr uliphanr e watt kinsjon 4b decefnhcf 1s43 teas greens lllack te llveon vewog llyaatfr twankay orjne pekoe sonclion amt cojinii ii eeat tarictt chrite half client anil caddies coffee ro and java ran aniroasied for ale by olipiiwt watt kingxlon 4th drc 1s4 kiarlon nov 30 1s1c imil g iassavaue a few 1 n piain taj i ci tmnblera and wiejissoii coriijjomfb fur sale by rtlifiiavt oe watr tfasyljej fee 4th 131s wanted a young person of respetame con nexions clpame of teachirtw young children is ivanlcd iovncttiattly as an assis tant in a laovs sctiool apply to mrs xing bagtt stntl near the larablou lioue kineatori nov 37th isl3 sqf pistols c the stthjeribet lately arrived rvorn lort- rltnthaaoa haod i grealyarieiy u be above arlielea vvbrth he offers on aia nuit moderate termi far cash a be intends makin a very brief stay in ksnciton an eniy ia voliciled hop in princess sireetjiipat rfopf to htmfrn hoel john vixckat cvm maker htitarvjan iwi nv ill- f tavora licenses notice i- heehy ffivenj that tdat ihe coiu of gtaawl qqtrcer kfmuai at tbe ire tht il iitrici iii taecrasly aellrritfried t ivkdncdavp hie 20l1ily if pcirtner lafrs at the hetir of ten nvleck f ihat dty far lite nnrpota of recivinc application for tbe ieewal of tavern lmrlvses for the ensuing j er auj fnr the iiifroilinn of the pailtei con cemed ih folhwipi0den were aloptrt at the usl cnurtt of which city arc desilel to lake tlue nnicc ht that on nppliration lor a crtifca1e to obtain a tvtm license he received hence forwtrdf inles iii recomatenjation accom- lionyiti- it he mjcned by ocr or more ntavja- iralr residiaff either itl the tnwn totvnhip village or irfaltly in which the applicant live i 2 thai all application for certificates se fmndtfm in to tho cletk of lllo price on of before monday tha isth int that the iame may h clarified hy that tfficr before they ate shktej to tbe conri uy the court jkfckauesi c pm d kingston nov m inms 9i6t hq9is0nian botanic isbiciirs 1uk snhcytber repectfuuy informs his friends ord ct1onera that durina the present wiaftr there vviilb enrat asiort- ment of his 11itartc mcdicinm kept for sale at lie toiftaamc lgcs in piincesa street kingston a p 5iierr1fp jtvfortic fhytioq clle vrndm also be- letve to say to thoe who arc indebted to hitf in it nnles ihey call and stilt wirtwul delay their ned and areumits will be pt io proper hands fr cot leclton a p 3 kingston pec- subj ibis reaov made clothing- r 1 1 u r surciuber wishestoinform the public that he has rrceitrcd ain eafct- lamln laretinanlily of eaily made clqlv u cot ui in 00 j tyle t and aln ihit he h lk kr d trreal quantity ol ce4ll and jifift icrs of fffirj ot cooitrfct cfoas avivwaae he b ditiiitrl to rftin i f4itrt aboiy boryqms moy 6e rx- btefcof books which ireat nf thn moil imporlanl suhjets lo aljktfumi itei- fur caps vekv chea p a splrtitlitl wtirlc nf rufhshin mu fens itttd yuwfcfj etarp silk and heaver hats rrock slfvc i nrar ihe telegraph ple john mcmanamapt kiiisptoa ntnher uri ibm 833n packing salt a oahlitf of st olrti and turks island ii hariris ff sale lo l the stb- macpiierson crane ktt2maei nv7 181 90tf fiie jvtarine insurance ft v tll paotegtiom insdrakce company of seir jehsur oak and pin timber o for sale at garden island ajplj to j william ware kiojon i8lfl j i kingston fonndry kottcb kinobton foundky fcby 4li him ib btniaw will br etlrimmm ijrciofjrj n ihe nuuconl of mr norrim mhm all orf urtj o un ilic nniqcd wul mt ih imtotdift i joseph brck kinnton nov 9 notice prckkd up this lay ner the false m duekv ljrit houaa cvturv hard- 7 o ann o ofoss 4 uwfi tlie owner can apflj iothe keep er of said liif hj letter posmida jreej io ihe mlirotrj lejsl ofice prince ejuarddiiiricu b joseph stvetman fstie djclltov 3rj 1ph9 3tniw the corner snqp oellar qituateo on tbe market iham m onuno street fairly occupied by mr vnmpm with the injure leurabl iituateu for a retail gseajqa shoe for rent and pamcufary eawira of w h atcvakpm at the hriilib americao iicrel ktnpl qd i0tb 194 phesdbaceibea baa dermioij to x carry otttlbenriocipleaof pheg trade all hit euaioeaara aa h baa no hope ol protection from the cnsrmt rtrm admmu- mfaaaa y jkoamaf cjiairvolsrpticais strut knf5toama isia 44if rarrsava fcisjltaitst los or damage 1 fire aijun evis aod their caiot eia gird in ula navigation m t huntensjeiil mav n iw ornce omaaio sreetv o ho s io 3aa3s photographic portrait gat eriea lambtdn iioush prlvcess st a k examination tf oor variety of t a s inol reiectfolly solicited ft- b perfect aalisfaclsurl guaranteed kineton ovt j0ih 18ld 85lf to sell ott list the sydenham brewery w appurleciinees beloaeina to it l rttaciiiale im lm be stven imet every thirijc cniiecied with il are in firvr rate order for buviiicss fiifot partienurs applj to thc prietor w iholdtch svleniuft sepl8 ilb- 71- ontario cotton mil 4 sheeting by the half t for sale al mnifactnrrrs prrcea william ware 4favat kington 8th november 1918 9ml chkistma5 new years presents hesqrrteriberbet leave lo inform tbe ladies ottd getlemen of kiostoa and vicinitv ibal be has arrived and opened a sbowkoomat lhc britith aroerieao hotl ennance from kina street oopoaite the court a04se with a large aisoilroent of gold and silver watches ano jhwelleftv of all descriptions coxsisnso tv fait or aleefro silver candle hie kt souflers and travs tray cruet suods tea sou srooih w forlcs whick look and wear cocially as well as silver aad are cheaper silver dialed caodlritieke tray bread tlasletsciaet stands desseit fenivea aod iofka lalies drcssine cases work botei aad wiitine desksj fitrse tritnmincs meajv- cliavm piies and a creat manv otoer artaciea tou numerous t laeneion ml arliclersold are wanaaterf yslhe subscriber myls oy linilajl he afovcil aa aalf call qij oold and silver taken in cxchanjtmo s nwaaw of m- ttmin and broiber to kindlon nov 24 1848 tu1 city of kingston water workfl companf- capitil 17m sirrifllloinra i stock book has been ocieni aad lie fonhe irenl at the njrice of measra ccnnihc macro ml king 5treel kiwpioii nov 8 1818 741 fresh arrivalas rpifesuhcriberhavinaiulrecefveialaxp and well selected fall jck tt goceries liqaors cj c i now prepared toselt qnpffcedfullj law frrcas hjsteas tasallf boftf ftz fully circled is well worthy bisoiynerouscniiocoe liy bioiare lhe auav5 of haes of im and coarva saft 1 rfl- wut- ii herioafe j rvr xtnpra dee l i8t8 j