w egtabuqhment j6idlqs kingston baltcry 3 a 8kq5tos jbock and gun smith mttgcr bnij pffundrr and plniitrr espectfully informs the ci tixeotor kingston and it vicinity i b has tnitj commence j business ike above line nj lopes hy trict mion to merit hare of public tiago and lupport i at s tutes that ho has bcou n nfcturer for 25 year of prain and y iron railing galea baicm pmof imn chem book ca doors ajih secure locks cjilvty tic ritlta for jonlcs c uftinaj jack v 1 to 10 tori pwrr siniili screw ratplate tinsmiths hollow ruuchc anj other toolt coftoe an j orher mills rciit anj crmmoj in anawer white metej and brasses f mft- i vuiftes eaal to order wiili every am i cvo lit thettoyo jeuitncdti n i sho an j jobtrng in all ill hrrjnebes- fire engines matte loonier or re- ptlred kipslon octooth 1s43- s3 if william allen tinsmith ac ic c jy ljt fnf of fa gow jflji wellington 5trkt fphe subscriber thankful ftr pan favors respectfully intimat to hi frtnuda anj tho public that lie has now on hand n rge aortnonl of every description uf manujrcd tiy ware which he is pre ciredfo tfellnnlho mo ftw raue terms copper 5hec iron ani tinware made op to orler m low prices ingstoa march 3 isis 10x important notice price of caledonia watlr reducci to thru shillings per oozen orriotrftxcksecitnikoojiaiostaket iv crtsprnre nf the iffcfcsrtl demand for the clcilonia water the proprietor ba hee induced to make sikiiji reduction i c4lieratrvith water j the reoneed rate ifcriace w1 en th irulmlil in ih power of alhl every per son to enjoy the btnefil which is dily smn to he derived front its uke as ft fieneial diink they cannot he ln huhlvrecoanrnended in tr v fff intfctfinu the mo- remove alt febrile symplonr and irwipal l- p y fell intimesof excessive iteal in hrufigd fallwheft every iron inireshk sil of mdne lo mrpre ibt blt torntthaehaneof season the caic- jonia waters are admiiled to hi- the umpk lbeaafbl and the most eflickioa anenetit that ran he ommied tkeft imslly eelehrsied wters bave per formed moe wondetfol ernes ihtfl wij other mineral wajkfslfl america nd manv of the rrml rmiueal amount the meiic4l ucmi hare cirm iheir teuimony to the ines these waters ofsef arruemmm hate heen male so a lo hsvf alvioiliatuj a mipnlvomhr wlvr ut the imsfwihhntsffipsv wm so hlthly apreeiatrl thesflhkrilrtr prctent arranmtnts place him nnler tt necessity of doing u- nmforca m t hunter ctntwt jgtfil fa c bw- kinton seplener 16 isls chtaptr than ehtwhtrc clocks watches piatedgoods and jewellry r subscriber in retflfiiins lhanbi to the ptimi lor tliv very liberal suptort eatended to him since his cum men cement i uvihm would bjlo solicit a conlinuajkr of the same and wom intimate ihalin ad dilinn o hu former stock he basjlllt receirr a iicw and varjrd ioitrnc of cold aid silver wutchci jcwrllry plated and fancy goods which will he sold at exceeding low litcs in orrfrr to meet ihc hard limes hi invite ihc pumic to ca aud vxajajine convent of the sisrs of the coimgregatl9 established in kingston r0r female eduoation thrcotirseof inshtlton ptinited n nslittilion embrace all the neev arv ural je for thetmclves befoie purchaifg than thrr months atefitl and ornamental tranches of education general regulations parent reiiilinf at a dilance are rci din i4ii utdian i the cilf w t remibk fr the regular paymrnt if hit h thv hcme dn ard be wrllin ic iv v ymiti tidies if circnmiancc f r ihif removal necessary ah th youn ladies i lh inslilolu are paired to conform to the publir txttcsf c houif hnl ho undue influence is c e- dnver thir rliioirs nneidc no uil will b receive for a hort j t 1ands for sale sobacxibtr offina tile following land ftefltfeoo ibe most reasonable tm acres of land in portland soarn as the portland hick falls tof ihe finest water privitetes in cjmii r rifb atia andqrtvl miu erected ihereo io foil opcratrafi 9 also a farm in montage conlainint twd hfiundred ackis0r landoiiehmd vred of which ii ivt improecment and two btutdrtd acres of ood iind in tonge for narlicalift apjlv m1th sl iiekderon isolieitors on john howcutt tetmtoc if viopua sepi30 is48 79 hbw st0r2 great reduction in prices- the suhscritirr most respectfully bcoja leave to return thniitt in ui iowa aind coitry cuorrivra firtho pat tronafo h has rrceivrd in ms dn gnoussmnc and la- lhl mihtiinmy of acqiiaidlioj tliccnthat ho tins recently beweued thb old grocery storr eoaitsaor mataaiiirilorravilvriimmcvcv aitwtg itu iievr itwp trvhera he iitcnrls to keep nn hand the bt bmorlniont of itlciimtl ryder skiff and boat builder most wad pittsbvhcm- ordet left hie btiiiw vfhif office hhctofiuvaitendf d u- a 29 isis- hating lease trio portion of mj prr- misesli biat slh lately occupied bv me as a fmnatrv to mcrs cow hmrrroxf ihi filv vho intend carrym n therein the ame hnsinew i have iileate in reeommendint tliem to tie ae of my nm casimi ihe pnmiceuc- rallvto whn i niw helorriirii my sincere thankf for the tnse i received while in christopher miller kingston may i 1mb ll r h oates patent mill stone factory ho 6 immidi stntfct toronto- c0s3tastia on sand ami maje out f ihii very iwat fftnck burr blocks mill stones of til rfaw with or without his improvement- nor doiefi anchor uortlnq cloth all number damsel irons smut ha- chtnes rexulhix h1iliiiq screws and screws furlifiing stone pinions out of gear ri1ard h- 0ate3- toroikojunc isis 45 6m j aaocres provisions k wznes l1qu0r3 ac which be will sbojiila cd3cxcbata3 qtotr ttsa3qq e tlrt snteriber fiaajtit received lis summer stnca of i i drv goods eoxanrivg or cloths caasimerea tweeds linner coitoni hosiery h cv tvaleiprirepo or froolnnd ou kinds of produce henry martin princess street kingsioo jftjiisl ls18 50 education the suhcrilter will ronncn hia academvin princess street on mo mo a v 2nd ocioher alsri in dnnvxion with ho same there will be swlepattment furgirls in which he will mlcnd the classes for writing and arithmetic a ss3baip 83t 553 will be coranjenced fron the enmo date pupils for boarding will bo properly m lands for sale th e snbserihrrs have t wuviftj lands in the midland district for sale souiki li xt l in the 3d con- piusbtiigh weres- n 10 in the 7th con ittehmnndoo acres- oolh lot no- 39 ir the 7th con camden 100 cres wni 1 mitel- tjirr the ft cor kenfte- bec icrat lot no9 5lh cn olden moacrei ulno 18 6llicon 200 acres cumming macoonell sclkitori 5c kingsion jnne 29th 1648 vonge mills flouring establishment the unde raincd having become pro prietorof the yonge mills uhicurc now in perfect order begs to inform the public that be u piparod to enter into engagements for tho flouring of wheat oponthe usual lorm the character which the yooge mill brand has hitherto borne and the tact of it hoi having been injured in the slightest degree iltarinjr the past disastrous aoason present to t host whodesiie to export flour instead of ivhoatj the best qua ranlo for a food and merchantable article and it will bo the person care of the proprietor to see that it present hih standing be not lowered in hi haud frederick jones yongo mills february 3 1s4s tf encourage home manufactures to j taylor september 23rd 184s 77 looking glasses loqklvg gias- sesfs tookixg glasses iff a large assortment of lku- alv portrait d retore frames 0 the old fiavn aids cli plates idwltml 10 oll friinc um eovlk conr wdfagtw it chrtkt tit eaoy made clot hing- ie subscriber withmttfabm thr jn u his freiitcd em- 7 f mm f books treat of tb- mojt important subie to ian beigi cap8 very chea p a 9j6di4 article of buchhia mit ttrtm and glove very chntp l1c anojieavkk hats nwm rrmif vcrtu miv v m in vackino salt v r s 4 wd fscenitumsi 8arltfrwr 4r lp iv aftd tin copper ware manufactory- chowns hamilton iratefll frf p f brg x itavc to inform llicir friends and the ptlhlir general ijmhat ibey have now n hand o afj ovi manifthure 1 large and viricj aasortmciil of cookitiy pkirisr ljr nnrl airtighi stoves plovciis piuct points of ll potterna madu to order armfi uwv assirtmoiit of stoves f fl mcchaiiie4vihl aii i tght cdlmbian the f u uuck uu ln northern farmer and ic- oiium slowis diftorrni iz laiis siovra iiiltaiik k um air furnace airtiht paiurst plate and iiuicm slices tlny idva also lar and cvmilctc assrimr n tin sheet iron axu corper hares comiimiiisiove pijc oullnav pipe blbotv lijmi tovc or itnsmabnijlnb and arneiicjii iron copner and tin siovo fornwure furnace and hot air pipes tin eavetnoucits c modo 10 onwr tha lilghcft prieo paid ftr old metal uraa copper powhr ami lead ttmwi shivca repaired boojht and anj ji ekehere wm hurolt n r a iirf ar- veneni of hnlih and ainericao cwvn whulelr or ret4il kiltum jove 13 isis i8tl nsw machine shop pagot strkett kingston he siihjwribfr luivtng leaded the promise in frnt of and ill gun- ntrtton with tbo city 1uknacli bag kin 54 on is nw prepared to cxeculo ordota in the following branches viz floor barley and threshing mills paper mil and paper machinery of cveiy kind svr mills and plaiiina machines njii oonric maclitneorall kinds vertical drilluig marhirea flrtle and nuhc geared turning loitbs ami slide rcs sciewinf ma- rhines and screwing tackle of all kinds patent fans wtfnutttd wptrtor to any thut hit frttn ustj in cwiifn from long expriftct in the above brmcbefifiraovtlieuiidersiitned saiisfied that be is able to furnish ma chinery eipial til quaiitj mil cheaphos- lony thai ran be unpolled or manufac- tnred in canada alkx ma1h kinciton june c7 iss 50 1 va lu au lb mill sites at cananoque pue undersigned offer forsale the tinem ployej water power at cananoqueanj will afford every facility for the erection of flonr mills or ay other kind of machinery the situalion is too well known to reegire particular tlercnption for termv which will he liberal and any further information apply at montrea to mcfrs anderson auldjo evans co or messrs perrin tsockus icoand tioh the pietnises to est j mcdonalds co gananoque in december is47 yo 3 ffardy stone buitding rfoor 10 ac shtp caaotfiry of capi donotdton the udeisined respeclfnlly retems thanks for the liberal palronace re ceived bv him dumic tbe time he conducted the checkered hotel and xtith pleatrre annonncesto the public generally llial he ha taken the ahove rremi 4r plrasanljy stlnated directly 0polle to jvin itgiete k cos s4emlid ftrrrool forwardiii islahlivhmeni and conveoieni to ihe atnetican arnj bav r qoinie steam 4f aty jil th fcrrv r fanjin fcvrry pojiibjc aurutiuo avu oc paid lo the comfort of ihose who may favor ihe house with a call the table will be famished with the best ihe market affords and with all the varieties of ibe season the bar may he relied on for choice wires spirits 4- the nndcrsifcneri in coming a second ime before ihe public in bis old callmt reajcl nlly solicits a share of public patronage l phillips kindlon july o 1343 3m notice the subscribers are appointed agents exclusive for canada for tbo sale of mortons improved salekatus in pnckana to soil purchasers tt current rates all irdira received shall meet irnmc- diaio despatch olipliant 01 watt kingston june is4s mrroni paie vinegar on bond for salts by tliti cak irving- housej ittwkts cliamvclls and ni stults broadway new york dd- howard formerly of howard hotel beg to announce to his friends aad the public that be has just coatilcted oh of the larrvt arjii mot eomeaodlous ho tels in the union replete wilh every mo- dern isawoamiaf mt fnruuhed in a stylr thai will compare with any other establish ment in he country no pain nor expense shall he wanting lo render entire satisfaction to those who may favor biro with their pa tronage september 23 soim portsmouth iinporlml lo ship owners and citptaiftt of vessc is thr new and exlensive marine rail- way at pjiuuaioiiih beinir completed and in nitration th pnirietor having a rer cjtitnpetejvl milder i ptcnaied 10 hujld sttamroats or sailing tessels jnguohaulinc out and repalklm f eeh of ihf lrem nlmenioiui on ihr- mol literal terms aud uy sliiei attention hoptt to mefil a han of piidic patroaa jamks fisher portsmouth t septn iw 73if payment will be required coarterh n ad vance jfo deduction will b made for a pupi with drawn before the expiation of ihe ipailrr nor for ahtenco unless occasioned w hftrnnti there will be an annual vacation nfonr weeks coinmtnrift on the isih of aigis and fading the 15ih of september drrss and fornttdrc ejci hoarder on enlcrtn mgl ih pro vided with bed and bcddinie six ebaiqes of linen six mirs of stockinys six ckcl il4n4krchief six towels three yiglil wrjrerscoink tooth and hair rnhies a slalr books rperaod if to learn uravmg drawoj materials teh ms per annum ovsrd 1 tu iinf nnt ihelodvd atl n 1 itk brj 10 0 fntrtoee 1 n i frnb 1 in ti prjwhc sod piniinc 1 10 u mutic iubi 9 0 dvsehd 1st- class 5 0 i ih vr 2j claaa 0 0 frrnc1i wi be lauem lo bo 4ut anv additional chari kington august 29tb 1848 71 ship btjilding3- the suvtriber bavids- compuiet hi avat aori crfensrc jflorad aaflw at amherst island isrnw prepared to build merchant fcawlf r yachts of any ionnae to genltem de- sirous of pusrssin fast ailint and wesdkii craft he considers it suacient merely that he is ihe boilderof ihe well knovhlui- ter yacht sn auci which has off all her cornjictitofs and ts now the a lejacd boss ad champion of kmstoni 0 david taito bmajhett aohetat lalmd oc 21 1843 public notlcbb rphb subscriber beg leavo v ift x f o public that thay bive commence business aicti03eeks i cbjhissim berfltwts ai om corner king offd cfarentt sf and from tlio experience of one tf firm in the above buaines ihe fte1 ennfidoot by strict at tentioei and tftf aliiy to marit a abare of public pa age anj support and hope lo t general satisfaction to those who m trust them wilh properly for puw 0 private sale n b altstlcaof horaet fwjf fcc willbs strictly attended lo r public market george hijntp hbnrv balttlif- narackcrs ytimcfakwvarv n john llgrecrsco ml frmkrr m john fmscr g savu laud for sale in camden 7estiialf no- h iniheicon 1 t apply to jons bcksos esq napa- nee cua1ming 8 macdoneu s if tf 1 tft kilon sept 29th 1s4 britannia life assurance company no 1 princes street bank londoh bmomi by aftofportiommu capital ooo 000 sterlg cheapest rates of any office doing business in canada afedico rtfirttfor firgtft or thos w rob1son flhrv undersigned havinj been cp pintpd lo act as aenl for this company which has been doing busiuei in canada and thia city since ike year 1839 respectfully requtata pcrswos re muring ife assurance to call at hie office princess street kingston whero proapocwaea and all erects ry information will be riven ahoa variety of tables to meet ihc cir cumstances and convenienco of appli cants can bestcn the rates of similar tables in the of ficoxduing bnsincrrs in this province aft as follow fit an assurance of xi 00 goluniallift arnce co- 5 x 4 0 nmiottlonfttnd do ff 5 j vti co do 2 0 rj these moderate raicsrilllemorclban uincieni softly to provide foloasca pul it in ihc power of most persons to assure and wall reference lotbc preentstateof the health of the inhabitants of the pro vince general y it may be thoughl nccea sary should the prevailing sickness in eroase decline taking any risks it appears therefore to be a duty on those who have to provide fop their famines to take the timely precaution of astoringlheir lives and thus provide against the risk of perhaps leaving those dependant upon iheircttertions or mcana toauffer difli- cullica destitution thomas bricgdjn agtnt kihgstnhatig2l 1s47 67y life assurance national laaufadu lift jwiranctsaficly 26 cohjlllomox ax vall stacet atvt yo capital 500000 strlgor2 inp- fc rool assent 27 my is38 a savings bonk for the benefit of the widow and the orphan t lotle mcprav gtorge strctt janoiyt ouore chairman of th court of oirecforj london secretary f pkrovso cajiaoyx crctton 1kh n04ao i j rforsyth sm douglas prsntis kso william hllsqnes hon j a macrhjx ld lleaoltmiamlltun 5tivoig i jounrfollsytiieiq ajffwfcavbxasinxn alexaxdlik c roitlxson fto mt iiuntrnaenl urtiee ohurki teet edward t rlcllahl50nnrniiac ojfiijnl iot lfco lnikdsuu snif ibituh n a colonies tsovy 4 oitti fcouj c wtihovi rlenurv ofovficv xlexnueft stars oaarnl xztnux wlisintv york new yorb fcfcjosry ifi48 pall import ntions at tsjc wholesale stores ontario street kingston fxq ilhdsbrirhtpo jv aw cheiti acned 0 ehcsucu oriosagar atoned tnanfcay t as heron co rivppjmnet v do chr 550 eheau youn ujirt 100 esjdiea fme tr p 50 bvgi green coetre 503 uucs afromiliek honejdow ano can ififji tobcco 0 urrl winteetpvoevttpe oj 10 catka hcnncsscr and mouko 0idr do ktfividem gin is eaili superior port wine w d m r y 10 n eaittamadeifti 50 eaaev oarel 10 banta jimie bum 100 mils rrt hope whikcy 100 boica vsclee1i hill sakatua 900 boic lar luiaina ptwtaf 5 catvicdi zanfs cuanta 5 li eets fifi it n itice together with a large and fresh siock or general groceries ac cqrnirvtfto or soaps candles snaa cffar mattanl cania proper nattb bwr imlio marjdcr glsje to bacco ftpr- window 4um cotton yair can die wieki cotton twine corn dnoma pient fiis drd corh almond nnl fiant and f pepff sauee wrappio ppe brass locka lie c oe 3000 tarda bleached and grown con tju jaa aorled koa coita maniua rope all of which will be old at ion prices for cash or approred paper at 3 or 4 cnonth and in which ihe attention of thr trade is rejpeelfoliy invited j s smith co outers street kngion c w kinffton mih uow 1818 92 paper envelopesj fancy stationery n palmer has just recewed a large and most complete assortment of paper envelopes and fancy stationery to which ihe aitentton of purchasers is particularly invited lvrsoni requiring paper and en velopes by the ream and rr j r s weddinev ac vri be sapptied at the lowest price the follow ici fat includesp4it of the stock jut received fouuap paper of every desciiolion ruled and plain letler paper every variety rtf paper all sites pbiftj ill aad fadcy hnidcred with silver jold colored embossed t and painted flowt ap propriate for ball public and private parlies cj fancy envelopes lo matcb also priming paper carlride blotting pott li sac colored ami while fancy cojened rnusir morrcco wrappings brutal board perfoiated cardr- ladies 1lii pnrtfoliv rnanofciipt ratic books visiting card playiaj catdi hell card wafers sealing red blakjpcrfumedanl fancy colled i qaills leelpeas ptinlihg inks ink of every de- ctiptian inksuaas ptarl and ivory foldtr camel and shc hair cncils ivory tablets pocket took ciat cass raeruoraiidnai books manifold letter wiilcrs pimes aloinns iiolinslriiic water color slates porcelain ates iadla ink copy books inda rubber iknk and bine saucci spectacw siull and lobaero roe carved ioiy borve and wood chesidwn brushes of all kinrl hair cloth taoth nailasbarini conih flesh infant hal paint c shell side cosnhs shell ivory and bulfjlo dirsin com jacket and line comb genuine carina cnujne walera larc a5mklmcnl 4 inrr c english and fretich pcifn- markct square kingston w aa b ftoe floor so bbls inspected me p 30 do do prime ufas 30 do pot bailey for sale by oliphant t watt kindlon june 27 1848 noflcli mr russell proprietor of tvc fy breioeni having leased the prcrrf another pariy all persons indebted lo hhh ire hervb requested lo make payment bev this time and the kkh jnl as all r outstanding at that date will he ham 10 lawyer for tolleclion wm g1 citj brewery office i kingston sepl 1i 1s48 removal bhaz1ek coppersmith ikon and tin plate ivottker city of kingston gas iaight company piie roardof directors having cairff x for the ereclion of ihe nccessaiy jw- ins works to- have decided upon an ihefollotving call and all stockholder atc requested to pay the same at he lirrf jtpr nonledal the company offictj in c buil jnp 9 fiae per cent on their stock oa tbe uisopff fivo do do latoeff five do do iain- tlo do 1st derv by order of ihe bnaid life ass urance ttlle canada life assurance ovtpanv ia prepared 10 effect assu rance upon lives j rantact ai oaiinrssflepeivdani jpon ihe valoe or dnra lion of human life lo rcraalor purchase mvirjes and ceretsronr of all kinds as alsj 5urevccrsjnns and ewivicmtnts thl company is frnrn if system enamcd to offer to ihe cwtfiom puwic various ad tanujje of a peculiar and important des- mpijon ifatllliait xorol management 4 most matrriolrtdtelion of rosiand a prompt seultmenl of claim public nolicr i irti1e4 in the prospectus half credit tame ard tabtrt ofthe flulu vg qociety stnene any c which may b oblained of the rmdersined locether with forma of application i will also be hap py afford information on the uhjecl george a maillehe agent for kingttnn ontario mrecl kingston aujitfl i84q 67 w dtolkidn wotiierspo wf s5 kington adroii i is48 for sale at the kingston founds a quaktitv op pi3irq and lhigh cfla also potash kettles ft goofcp kingslon foundry arl 4 1348 ir two new wmtakaao op ami hell haufi ct iv0 for rale j j- w1u1am pl 2 ilt son 7m tub milwcnlior tespectfullr inform bva cihtrmtofa sanel ilic iniljic in general that he has irmrhvc his ousi i aa ahovolferun hogrt street to princess street opposite mr c 7on drvggltt sof where he im to u favrxtd with a continu ance of patronage ettrnaacatl arwi fir sau j iiorsky kinrooti ancim in 1818 ii73m superior whiskey ifom the drsiilkryof bltchprt k 4 jones simcoewpoini on hand and for sale lovr hf il s jjrlw- kinsuon 12th may ichs olobe insurance ct3 of london messrs- ryan chapman c of mmlrval armenia of l cr n maata company fr canada have tarr tbo iiidersifined snhagent at kinssta he ia aow prepared to limnro all descrif l0 properly saint los hy fire on advarr tcms the original funded capital 0 lh r pany is to let a mj w55sesson given jt dki uvcui d million stehuno no u w rtr 0 m- or at prrri oeuivrjfay mt kmg eavmiie of c hl kaawlahftfbisj- kindlon hr r yj lf are aothnrieil to itk without rrlrrrm vhnn to knund chahles w jenkiw princesi sllcflti kln february lisle new agency r john phaser of the city of kington canada avethavinresirin ed the agency oi thr companv the hoard of directors have appoints yj wal grant laactaslahire arreni there and hereby inti mate that allpremiumti itmewan c ar ftowpsyawe 10 mr- eirtant who is fully empowered to receive the aarbe and l- trammel every other buinefs for the cortiaiiy n kingston dated at haitford cnneelicnt this 10th day of september one thooand eishl hmu died an fotlycight by aifomily ftf hi to nf birector james t- bolles stcntanf hartford fire insurance company hartfohd conxboticirr incorporatei 1 w chrrtrr ptrpc- twdcifpiftl unlimited tmffs long nlsiuishh a well known ift slittilion l hancil j a rnnl ilerimt insurance hwiactt for mote than thirtveiln year thronhchil ihr lniid slates and thf bnlish north ameiieii etafinee ft hat aimed to seeire mie ronfidenec hy ai honorable and aiijifoi fnlfjmenl nf its con tracts and owner of nritpetry arc anieil im1 all fair dan for arid nudcr il pdieis vill be liberally adjulerl jn prnmrillv paid i omic building manure vrir jhlk m diinerv htfllinc llme glares mrtchan disc household pamitaie vskis on ihr sl5ks or while i ton appliealions iaav be made di reel w the undersigned w ho lrin- ic auihntrd acit of the itlsthation cjii k pnlrics frh- lh iodof vrlmm viy in for mail on can be obumcd relative lo tholes 01 insuraaee vrhieb will be fouit vrr fpolrrate wm urar 4rfaf pthcen street kinrston srpt iftlft fire 8l marine lueuranoe a v t n r protection iksbbace company of tffflp jersey f undersigned havin heen appointrd aeel for ihe almi company i ready 1mge poliiet a loss or daiosrre ly fir and n verseu 4 iir caraoea ear j5j5d in ubad navijtaiion u t hunter agnt t ftfvais es coft or worsuells vegcta11lg itks 1 drat1 vk till9 fully eainuhed as the beat pamil medi cine artr in iije by ihe rtrtiitjiij cures tl haa pctuttc4 under ibe tikasnf ol ivm all lliuic pitaiovnee who hue rvkd the estlli nut vcc tables fuitktk fcthocoaof every dttmm inei- djfi to lb ilnrno emm and wlnt aa ur aidcooijaiya h bea inc ineansnl tendmf iltaostodaback lo oucirty e tired lo lid gircn upall hnwanf beinjp rerovcred j a co hassja ao sa established their rfprtnrrfrd toeae ftlla aid hai been yoltetifd to ppif r mejieine b- lo nfoem ibeir prieenlj d ike pobbc n ihry have afirf loo aul aoxioua rcjcircf auceecded tn iiij n i ciectkrtt initwh- wbicli tlaf v cll tiik hvceian bittern and wwcti ibey ba rll cfidcncc ti reom- 1 raj all caha or drblity arhetber ariaioe roio net ro t itcr ctutca in wi ir- lic lion strcartlieriin tbc slfn kjh and 7 njl y tcn eniitjf crtnps cnolic dice i ctrruvin ili obatruclauni to ibt umary paajearkt a moit ofcfol iiiiijiy lo ute pitta in renovating ilc staiem anil kjriftioe the vitelpciaciic vt j s jv co enn imw aoprjt any qnanmy f thdr already cekbrttd acoc rnva an pmi sli j act nx muftrt whieli hi hern pcuved ui be a fr nd hivciql remedy fr the wvtal f 1 fran4asuf4 j s civ prttc0utu rremrrirocw if mtpihee- ihrir iiyfitim vmvgkal ix faxts restorative a on elaecioia remedy foe tcliar la hutdren andalao cat on soaimer ittncl caap uiih 4 regard cbidco and aduhe ao enimai m ibir cowdy 11 jrclla tn evey caie wberc a cordul rtccej- siiry tlcae mediciriea arc pepaed only at llie llvofmn evtaotine t mamnvtih llttiie knif suecl to srhere aho my be liad uaiha hu and ifcbt if every deecupttoo both tmab4 find oibcrc and ajd by iik ptfarainl ducrs h every city atid tv and uptrorda of trooacntailiroufini canada ay llb no nvpectint any or alt of irio mcdielncj or advxee n any toflfiai lieecn itoobuioed ix tndreio klicr pvtrptid t j tvavx ot c trueta jnd any ce ij pectitir diiejcy my be addrfd tr svm ear of j min c wliieh srdl rreeive ibe nktl pfinrt ad eicctl and llic qinivat tccrcey vrl beobvrirl j swain h cj- toeala wilrtlaasu acnxts- c iliib ifii kinfalnn barkers laxative pills for biluous complaints pains in the head giddine sicau jtmndiee ob structions confinement of lae bowels j u thsfceot saoandcar those pitts its agtbcwnl nam nice tr ibdr oorf ulnrsa li ti owtocortt- nlirup nurn li l itmoninu voold c f iven irncceaairyrfthu pcraona of ibe ti reaprc tabiiity hat r oai ibcm fi fitntv ehvto he nettunt faaiar ia cose rarfiro siekuess oe lite nonaefnua daeitco lo pmsjl tne hasmal frame latme tbere ia scareelr ne tho mpiomaof uiueh are not ieriouoly ojersvaled by 1 contwd atalc of hal uiwcuootf m ah ator many wa ibcir orria and continuance tbe pervertine hrc aliment a ry canal tree frsn ffirociaso iaa parol ot aoch primary cner ta rice rljat erery datee of neglect ia wtuwcd by rftoc or less f ioccfnieoienee or ausennr wliest h- blu 1 1 f oimtrfi prra 1p be ehorhul t of bcslth iaano impaired anaietioke bv alflw de- jfeer and atotbrr limea rrso pyt diseases tnafceihcir lafttssfll oa ihe frtnatilnti and in noeabcvlass iatamee panicolarly bere ino habis uf lafftmv 11 hiy o livnf ia indeed perosanenl illheahh iaile panft reawlt- i moat oooferkjoatu the rrort toociaeinl bacrrer uml wlien llw funclaf hatoro now allockd lo art nw pcfforncj ariui due rrejlariiyataiabnce miat be obtained from art aperient aawarwa he bcone indirpcnabbiy oeeaaary and moat aaj had rrcore louatll the ncecasity ofauett aid cnaae dot it in iioeaiion f conatderablc importance what laiativa ahall be eeaptoyed the liat f aperveni medicare laaomenma bl their rfteeia onihcariiem vay cooaidcriliw j omeesajl their iofloence ebwfly i tsc eihaknt vraacb or on aomc pan f tbtboateoolf srhki llie aelwanf oirknr ihowbokof the in reaitoal canal the lstw ejaaa ir apeiierhai evidently lb beat adaptedo oblige the babiioal cmrtoerncrrt 9 lb bowtf at ihey aptty thai ad- j diliooal c m vni 1 arlncb naiore then reoutres f laslat her in ihc perfurmane of bcr accoitonitd i lasmlorjf it ta precttyn lhi wltcf pfrcipe that lb pittaoow oftered tlhopuhe are furoed andae ibctr activity can be increased r tcweoed marcty by taktagaarff or amaller qoamltiy tbcy rvti only forfiiah id aperient dkina proper for ratraf oa io a family ui arr itt well cal- cutatcdiosxtaref most of lb porpjaca for svbicb pnrxttive reinedira are rwcearafy the pill are rot however rcneomended asa specific rer ihc core of all diacasee iaeh peoaxajtetooit4ltirentsarc rrieian ridieowiia and arc vnj put lortli for decrption dot tbry will provo a valoabb rcioedy for itat eonrned ataloof ihe tioweli which lays the founds on of rnoeb awfcvatia fa trtoae occasonal balroelia in which alt aieltatfc and for al ukk diodes which arise froo an eredcd tau 0 the toroach arid ailaovcnury caoat drsjawasnatf deidcd benefit will be derived from llaeirawo ra giddneaa m pain a in the had accompanieil j witunautra r aichnraa in all flead arlcfl where coal ire4tea prevail flawlcneies- havmaj aliacha the enaaiwnermrasil ol cbjtc the erly i atajrao jauodiceand m ptmitm tftecirndnon if worn tltcy reooire noctnfifjeineolorerinie j in tho diel avxteat eietcite wh aaaiat lawvj operstion andeipcricoeobaa proven that aaan uamurictmy rv 11 towrtasri svksapakilla avit citjiar hmuibi wirfjf taw cnmi ir awl a h iltitrt u fa ate rfraae taerj 4 wtt4 rrtarr p- r fjf tt tt sii tflv isc i i nf ta rl wuht atlj mpritrify f itiit irrtnrjtti r irt aasjre avallrwai k rani wlr it rvieaia sw pw h mtsptma iw wy li fi4tf ui writirci ax suntisikq wnmrrksn tr stviiiwvat awli ftivn ika abat yk iibl iflibmi tw ytr m i rrer pore auj rkh lalj a awrr pwtwi4 it h -ii- h j m ihh ift ihr erjt fh kf ri ifffl r t lrawirrrnitilftaihebllva y vw ia4 lauj iiw fidt 4 tji ll lii t rn4l4rc1 krff ft fc mj th ltt at sw imj eaiurea l rl laiaaoiy wrwe tirrb attnta toei crar cewrrrtl debtuiy of pjervoaia it ii trt rufrr inwto a f i f- i r i- 1 hare iwet ahrvl rf st vtbflewvso rla f il uj rarieij im nh atf m 1 ad ufvt4t 1 hij ria nf v twfft j il mw t-t- i rr 4ri ihj litw- drlf i fat1 r r 1 ri ay it aat tcedj ta- rrtla it rf fnrh t ry wrlvornrlfig frdlk asp mtn aaj itira iaa mka taa aruiiry t tb ltatrtaad mietats u tb wkvi- irt u a aaart tkirarjiaiy rferr cimiir ffraav c cl cs cti- cv va sfr ffj strrjufpr- ur carh rciutc rfffj riir vf ji- i a tr pwerahaa fata t a 5rf s stra t i f rar rvplridk niooal fiarwiiwi7a r da twax i i- r r n si brea ike aaraai ismcfa rvaiticac a lnr vy aifc i iut for trerfcl jer aad a awd oajs u r hp ae aaj at iii i raited lafrr i-ii- af stato sht 1- l aj frvti i lat aad relare aj svj h vtpter la bra i aatj j thi f a iae aad fvm bt vaa jmvrm u abi itat i aw aaw amcia vt aw iv tiny i rawa v maad aad r s at ara tat yi ua w tam i aw i4asr re taca kijh voar i r- i bavawaajraaa1ai tiinliowofwitt ota foar rahatluap atsasj that fp t- i riha bsji sbh 7v rareaad cbraajc aia raa7 aradxaiad by m tiwpi ci cwoa af i aamhtaaw taa latav c tturaattttltuaa u vs pauaaua aa a a ta tie mv ra kraar aakir iua k tarr ti tmj- 1 mi sir i aav aattrrro tarrsmy aj jmfiii tat rveaaatifaa eaaitdaraua oj ia ut r mthr walfc i haj tk- aaaat dit4kajvc r m a4 t atab attr un a i aa aani iof btr of ftr sirvrt ru aa thay sao n awfa isnii4tajamlin tjonr laatwataa w- perkitt they areaafa an efficacjotw maybe 7 ve e a ba i a ai ukrn by adulu and chldren and atao in every lmfi rffw jaj1cs c0maajk ataceorernariey locniidrfrt ol flee yeara ajn and upward they may jc j pulp 01 appleoranee cuy adtbtii diajtred they ire nvwc cy uf tlo poavdera or olbrr dia- agcbte fiicoicine prrpjledandsold bv borert barkftt zs nnj apotkref stock strt and by 1 abevs fenetally tbroohvot ca nada pace 1 3d per boa corbetts unrivalled compound syrup of sanaparllla tiicwribershvm2pchaaedof drt bell uf slitker viltaiu canterbury n h ibocaclusiveribl fm tbe sal of tins nivaloable preparalit iww offer the awaaw to lle public onder uicampleai teatin a th anal d erfi cacioua qlrfiea uatanoaomtvalkd incucaof iwutl inectefstc eacof scrofula and all diaeaca pkii of the dtoj it alio by lis poareirot aheratir noalitie lecorrlt and permanenlty rtteeta a fytl reatoialtoo ta yxhh ir rnapa ff tbnntc meaajajasja f ib uiultc tt i u j urxee wckneaaadstencaa of tbe stomach salt rheum alt culmevui erpicna eryaipeat ear the fact ia well csubbalted by medical wrileie that rhlbiata plmonalii or ceaftf p a datanff inxat fatal in ibia cooatiy moat generally orie males in a acrofoloos slauof the ayitem uireaae uf ibe lver and aflcrtiona uf ibe ttiliary set rn l r f wild jreiwoi ol serolobiva laitn dot beroic auch dtaoare can be iwliffaled tc arresiedlhie scrofotoras umtriraia miktb rvovnvcd tw ttfe pcxot pfcpaialwai i warranlcd rjreirwy r v tlie tovrntfta was lad axfbre the new llamp- abir mcdicol seiy d waailere arotecu dr twitehekoi keciiei n uwlroliapcf anal ly leaiediie sblires and appteaad preacrbe tihiwrdieinrin bia tcwl practice pfronaec 1 the best prepak vtitkl ofsar saparill kvvcb know afflida il foil cmmrndaiion ill rirtik liv bee tertrd tbroteh a prne vcwiala rtfrdleira dr tawaaaaja 8anaa it a tatt4a aa rpaeay ta fvr nkiata cmhtlw rjurrttattt ifcjiaa cift orrr wy catrtaaata ri rkwa ar wkir autrwitj or javh altwinatu aatlatar m ori a ttjaaurr aaacaafeaj is rut ia part feairija f la tyittw ea i if wiin tka raaftt f aawvair caaaa r raaaat r ky p naaut rtr rrat4 or wcwiaa rratuafcaa a mm 111- krffrafw anffiaa iirm of atlaaakaaat a lattriada fatal uatw a aa aoeaaaf fabati aaj rati ciky aasar lit lafaaacav li h kftcfjtifiii tw arfttftaiataa at tkl rtaiala rhw aaet la tka frtfal caaa t aanaaiata 1 1 m oor tipactad or aa la rataa af to tliwaia a aifa t aak4m caruauaaf at caret prrirf has eaa iwri to tkat kaalraaaarcuaa sr baa rvaoriaa ia tboataasa of cat w fwiaj bar baaa altkaat cqrtf afttr aalns f ioit of thar iit1it saassj iyr aara bata umis ik bcaliby tflfj it a oapraaalr ppata ia rafarara t rawatacaaa rta fawrla akuraaaoa w nff w ar praarktar ikat erikcal pafiaa ta laaw tkfl artvct la uht h j d n prartat mtoflkaaaaktoai aaj karnkwlaatat la fck ttaaath 99 takttei ai lata oaat at fa tfctt aaraai aaaf aa s aaj aj aaa aaaaw a aar afta hww ar at tta taktthlt fa tkaaa wi kta afenaai aaaa a4 m 11 w caiaucaj aaaat aaaaa bf ajasaaaaaa 1 r ia fr laa ifc wtjt- f u laalakaa aar aft fiat fjaticih jaaaata ta kkb err tjl a crrat b1r yiatbcra rsod ijjm it it h taj a rott1 rajbf aa fat fatifi br rjaswaajraevetaa fm asafw ailttjtat pf t mriaerfeeateaarfaa li wraiwat batb tkt aahac aad wm rif ata paia aaj iltteat aaj rnrtkc iaa raj laaaa ak hir mm h hak il la ajitfrfatatkt it 1 kjwrwrtlnkarar am alvrr roatrtrtiat k an wa i eartact autvttil apoa hihrif la cwnaat pitv crtbp svtuac at tba y ri -i- tfrvibm i v aaihlfpa ittw nacv a lat rw f haaaat ktkcaml 1 nfattbaa ibr sceminat a4 tnti iaa lfj t hat ai tva fwi kir a awjs e i- t i aafa a tae taaai itia aa rv woal aajafaaasavy moaiott afratl iffawjcht roaaariica casla aa a aatwiy aavparrta caawnt- 1 ly ia ate twa aaeaej u ik faea wy aatn aaoil u al of ea ineeeryfm 0 swaw a fleet na i r csa- tl r t cmautioa d it ii f lh a h r r 11 r c 1 i i aubatan- 1 r e j mrdiftne ed may alwaya be i aoap baaaiil u art twjxia tho kaiatafata dv ethc medieal ketilty nd ii y- j rth rtwiy tat- r tten ttrner th nonanr drvrkvl m in mr snniner mr rii tek hyini n tivortia ptenaber i4s mr ly ihlscalu it ma j7j4i4 orrica otiaaio srct important remedy ro cottons and coins pectoral balsam op u0rkhodx0 and iioxiy as xfk apeedy and etlirictoat remedy for zu ditordek of the chest and aln vj asllima vytmopinf cnnh cnms con- ilkptioii iiifliiia iviinniit the cheldif ricnfly of rreathiif iluoiiicas anj ickhog t ihe throat hmfenet air the iibjve hujm now fully clabbed as iho bl remedy in use r th hove com- puiats and during the ll iw hint- drek of pernns hre ivm relies and vcon af the biliest rielauliiy in kihcs- icn and rteizhhortiii- 1owrikhipa can crrlifr to thai ertet if necessary a etngu trial wit pi ore it ejfiiorjf tlii b4tim is compnnded lino the mnt valuable rqrdica it npirilea by dissolving the crtniiuh otitcus in ibe tboiav iberrby rauainij a fe cxpecioralion and relieving the rrimlob1iliatcnuh prepared and sold in bottles piiee la 3d and 6o unbelt dahei omjcjisl and apothecary broeh tlrcel kingston and by bu agent generally blanks f every draoristin maybabad ibe tbanevin fravinf oave arc a liat and sl depended opnn by the medical faculty others to be jot hat i purpous 1 3e tlie form of ibi prepai tin its cmpn4ient par la si has a been pticcd vkh tlte awaot dia- tinjrjuiibed phyaieiana of tbo coum amortf whotn in tbia ey r pr c wrtftaw prj m- warren d j- u- hayavah dr edw rry oowa p ptieim jcffrte ur j- v c smtth and ti aereral of wtor bav r their nak in wriling i fa ifiii medieine anhecrrnl ealiibriiew of the maafchuclu charitable mrehanie aaaoeialior hem in this eiiysept- l47 tbe jalcco oremici made tbe fulnirt report lne r norid syrup of saraopafilla prrpsred by dr corbell ol tl iiahr sncteiy canterbory h il tk om miiuehave cafohy esamtrkd h coeaes sin taincd ly ibr tianeaf ibo ut dtatneuibed physician in tbe country j and k n a wfuirledje ol il eomininrnl paita lb eomniitee cannot bil evprerstntirfollbrlrtfasttiiiaefficciiiciajrkiialiliea tjreinrrcjieiscnterira into ha cofwpoattinai ate of aoeba bihly otefol atieeativ quality ibst ilro carriuiiliec willjnu pruartc it the erf prcpnraltna f sjtorla syrup ye known and as auch ihmw il deter vitt of a oipiwoa sieoed by jon wtcavric m ii inofcasorofcbecni try in 1 1 arvard ddetct maatmx cavm p clarmiai rao 1vc suteat u d- ejitor of lit baaaon mrdicl and sutical jof uat and otljcrc under rt fvtlennaictiiai of ibe vilues f iht wfudicine wihoot accumulating faci aa t ibe f fiue lb pfupictara wilb all confidence n place it ttcftse lite pitbltc aa a prrpatallv nut en illrd bk any yeicvr dacuvcrcd dj for aok ftr tic pr piiclia any quaottly tcdwaru iuiinikv atlvt ntw 3ard4svulhd faattuil 1111 nd iheir aolhtrtxcd afrnl nsi patiiea market place kigalocanjja weal tkick tbe bt u rtoa ikaarta a tjatat ka jj ay tka alkaliet j ttli 1 f ink ub in rtaiata saf a iraa atli tircalaiiae t ta afaaaa ar oar ovrtiaf af ik- w toj la iaa ii u thai attpa r i ua haacaiatka ma i4u baatf it w ska taxia ut tatfisaaaa abrataa aa rutaea t lfj ttt atare bat aos dcacnv t- bmrr 1 are i at evv or atay f j ae a faa aa aalika ohihi tkar- tt n r iaa iwy it raw at a rati tka pat aa m toaiet aa ih btoad owk ravj ait taeta taa ai aat tauita if aha va kaav or yaua j tktaa w pra ka 1-1- hlced h iiij j j uaoaj l rtu aad a if r r w 1 n j ji r iur tktf tt k ta athtw aaj ptcuy h spaauk uftra ae aa tauca waairas j ta la taeut aka laaa aa tua tajraaaa a at caaiats ia rjaat m ae kata fati tatar slaraar ay ota ap4icalhea f aiitdraaa aaila af ikay jlta la iti e f n ai tlaa r ij irut- w aa btujfal l ri n w ahaau aaa dr j hrr 1 irir ij taaataaat aba kata in it atn iiuniw jvltitiail l4ra af aftrj atar lanfftr4roftjjr rvaiiee avaadt taaaa ikar aatatafa u taaatthtt ttrt hr uiaaat4reatuibratctrir ffrawr rav -r- at kaaaeaaaajaar hiut aad nrtalaraahttk rutaa la tka caw af aaaaa r it aarj4at aft it p najxfaa ki haa tkaeraai atfeea af tt ji iaratait sr jfar iajait 1 1 rtti ajfo ivrtta aaaaafk prattaatli ita mtl taaktr af that ii-j- tima t f htvftaaa h r aa ikay ariraraia liaaaa aa aa4ara4 h hi ir taaaaasdf ia taa aalr aa kai taky l tka wuaaratt ftna caai t rttaly u nf faila 1 f i r fct n at li ca k ukaa ky ut aaai jwia ftatatt la anrrat arky ifcaaa fhfmpmt la ltraata aaikat auk in traaiaw astatiafaa aa i t f t ika etataaa a rali pka ar rj balk aaatkai aa cbahi a aaralvl wat lit leaawia ba b k m ws compound sarsapariita for purifying the tittxnl strengthen ing dizttttve organ rhea vuttic afirctiouz the 5rsaparila koot has attracted the at irniinn of tlie medical trofoaion for a nttw- vr of year and variuoi preparlinnt have heen nei in the form of retract drrnc- tiona syrup rkc hnl tvhicmtave heen found in eonlaiit very lillle of the valuable liwarv tii a nf the root winr lo ihc itnwuhuiuj of retaining t nrveaifi a flatitf state for ontf length 0 time these kill are itrereil frnm ihe solih eilroel eonwwei with other iwlafoue remedies which could not be ec parrd in the fluid slate one n of which ennuics more sunoxaitto thon tifv fo7clf iiny ineparalinn in pae and will bo ftumd a vjhme medicine for ih cure of all uiseaaea tyhirh aria frnm an impure slale of the blond vie sertfma or ktnge ev4 raau- oiotte nffett0nt point in alhmn attnmn anjati 7joj n fae lw tiw om- ptom iiatthon lte piepirijjund sold hy rodert barkfr digm rtnd aptcry jtanfeva c rt ri r h 3d ria boa seeortalw c ta4a eertisata awafaaahssy rat iti iktt strwaat u ha peifat raainj it iaa aii akalttala ttwaaat at vi pai tkta krrk4 cited la a a fcoit tbraai ftlldr car touaatai iktar s i kava tka rlaaaara h inatrwi thai iktaa af tkte kav araa ara f tk tit kr tka ta af taar aa aaajit ta tv r aft kin ta7 aaturtlj llulttfti kata ak ft kaa- ip it taak tkaraaaay aklck i faal autf aajaa fatjawxaaa t tt i9ac w ffnatai toflraaasjs oolal- r lijitai tt tavuta la altaaw aaly twattiaf aejaaa ft rvytaitt ia jiffrr r 0 tftaa ttt lata rtify ikat ka drdrftta m anuacay af arhaa kara la aaaaai rtai a iaaat r ttta paraata aa brtota m t- tw taoat tasaa fna ta ika aaatft ii r pull mn j wiuao vt it w nmana h i t uhfmik u u xiiif a caijtirt nif t ika faaat tacua aail laatatt aaa af or ttaaja itan aaaf ilia a aaiakar t baaa saw trf fa hy a svta a ti atak1a araaaroa ktata 111 itra ultra juifatu af wioi haa a a twreaatrmkr pat ii ap l aa aaaaa akapw v aaaj ta afthatkata alalaa aa cil oa aaanlaawaawa jj f tvtr bfihltaa hmaathaa aj akaau ka imm frna j j aaaaat aifaa af f taaaaaaal rrtifi ffc trr rurnct ai e atmtw- w v ktr a mate atraak iuata rmi aa- ias ararta a rkitu s a taa prvasjk tlalthawrat i ftj cb ra wuiat as ca isj tkaitra i r o iro sik raak i a aaaaay aad by ai ika ptaatlpal utaei ih aia kiau t i ikaaf aa tjt laj aiaitv w ihliaa a ihacaaa blank dkkds poll baijs at tho british whig obcva dkroofllsrtainktidlutarrnmiuaittultam daeifrn4sa1nndrtalearltliuairdaf at uowat lewm ihrrfrot llaralra4nillta rfdi-l- paarfawiou p la do wlihuar cat dfrorla1awlitlaol lowir ho- wlihsut llarnriiawsr aatavcavrt of qua la aaf jrawl cogiintl divirka rurl awauh nikwl