the british whig sarwai adwitnr me outdt wmt ruhmmih jtkmiwkkkiy inr flitnu mo balnrdar nihiii it bdwam john barker d at t1ir athrttawm btl slmttt4aot to iii ivitttwin hii tkkm-0- ic firitiel vi iii j tollifl i ol tiun tfi ahavfcof paihiit iliinnl il il a nrsimoy1 ontnmiol tho paafiavsr 4vit nic i lf irsl tvwotttn and tooath annieiii ineeilw ajillwiinirmulaossfcad liimmi aiohubmwiufliinaorium above ten liwea4dpr li and 14 pfrtlnr fieach 4jlviyplcrtl inanlion aiteorliactnenu wilhnul afidlroetosuwhiehoitht lofcoin writing mo inserted umilfot li andehnred cfmffliftfly tn haitian wmo brine a jownamihe larfcri canunoirouiatiwnejfrroanr will ioalkwod to njvttlitvnionl an any pcrt whatauetcr ah llteietv he noauneid and general advertiser for canada west it opifer per orbem dicor m the athefmwm rtiinimlirmkkifeit badot trtet to for itj jias i ao bit a 333 juh and t rv4m fvsm il ui x vol- xvii kingston canada wednesday morning december 20 1848 no 102 business directory thomas kobinsox house sign and ship painter utilxlct fattsft hangkr atafa int or ouiivi ttftcl r klntov fr inters thankfully received and tricllj attmovd to kingston may 23 isis 4lf emery o laxfbmt iti or tiic rmt lcwi iisr saddle harney onl trunk maker opposite afr liwvs store mwotsi 5trct kingston c w may isis ssvism j v clarke wine and spirit dealer umbton buildings jftivrivj r i ii e t k im ton caaoa vtw t- bradley fcatb 0 dulilm awt lftkpfth hatter furrier piiixcw erncer klxotmft u w directly opposite 3iecvffes cheoertd store att descriptions of ladies jj cektlb3ibxs firs cleaned and atctcd qarntlkt3alrix a sltlilhor vtvlfe sheriff r salo of lands mtolikd dltuct to wit i os sanma4t pacific hotel greenwich street nkw york virgil t cos express william waremf oatmeal quantity fresh ground in bbls of 224 jb- racbp jt received c aale br omphant h watt kington 11th july iftis 5b o- w p d laxmitage generalgrocer princes street kingston a few jofirs alovr dr dick- ionv projuco ttu in exchange george howe painler gilder and glazier baol st- kingston neir mr phtppen cfljie faclofy sin piloting woodaod marble inula- ioua aol dccoroiej work in general z john s clnte auctioneer and cimmiiatoft merchant corner of ontario wivt brock sum all ortlorslhanifully eccivel anil riincloally atenuvu tn wale ealesf painter tilnzier and patr hanger headofurock sceet james powell ironmonger a tin ware maomciorer prioccscuect kiosiin the british american hotel ly w h alcxandcii kingiyn canada wert 842 for sale from fifty to sixty tons old an nsw ua cv for furltxi nartaur anplv to city trttctry office kingtion anul 25 l8l bohns standard library new vols iv fjdnwiri ih wit oe tfj at ihr coitri houc in hi- city of kincaion at vi oviock n on llie nnnnrlijmtl land and tmcineftk ihrrrtn sfird by virlne uficte- nl wfinief fici fica ksutd nut f tht couii or qutttv touch ami district out of lh midlnj ditnct nj lo h jiircuo qieevs imxcir nrcn nmviiiiy wnonwd wtrxiau lummkt pihvell-iv- rt charles joilnstoxdraiij allilkrtm life j n1ctci of ihc t dadiit h 1 no ig7 in u cij of kfer mm querns bevcii john patterson wiluam armstrong susannau mohin godeys ladys hook for 1849 dedicated to the ladies the usites ktates fcdlicd by kara1i j ijaib gre grekvoot il l a ifodry a notrtett b mis e lrsjje w wl n p wiujw 0inls poi t s a jtn iur l mobc rf n illfajro of crookl lwcwpw oi a nn i dhrthrca w iai4 meftlf to cfo noite r ocr i-i- caicnft ii ihi trmftt pfma wr bi i r j lt i t rrttru bum t4a 6lc crtaildlhwtirtmjjnrt mi 6a- kjyj- of i t itmiftf district court rank of uiutisii north amgitlca ptgu 8usanah moftan william warumi william armstttonj deft all thr iicm title and ulrrcst of boc dcfmdanu in jart of 1ot nv 326 in n- city of kington rphe prose woiksof john milton i rol tbc hittoiy of florence by niccolo macliiaveri 1 rol the a io- biography of gortbt by john ox- eoforil mcmosrv of the duk of mitlbciouh ky wilturo coo3 vot th dnmitie wock of richard brifiilry disth1ct court pretidcnti fhmtor o cofftony o rte goot- vtrnol ucnkcthc mutnd district r pifft v 70rttor jli sitonoa lforon ono rvoj irwtifow dflf- all llic rihl ill and intm of abort ivrii i art lots no 96 and smp it he cily of kinrloa thomas a- corbett sbtrifl midland district sheriff otfcf kinon 20ih odr sj8 s5lf mi ridan i vol jamcdowallfurnrhntfnr brock street kinggion fw utile oplo order on the shortest notice fnt of overy jescrijinn bought and soj katthew drammond grocer wine spirit morrhant wellinfion 6hminp nest to mr w- wlfowiy kinctonc w f b kayler condi builders joj carriage maker princcsa street kindlon robert mccormick wholesale and itetail dealer in wines sril tea groceries kc prinrcaa street kingston wuiiam ware genernlcom- miasinn aenf bvoker and auctioneor kingston c w t 0 butler cabinet maker and uphjjliicrrr montreal street kingston a general assortment of the latest styles ofpurtitturo conatsttij oft handanj for aale on liberal terms 60 bfesan 0 barristtrt attornojvat law c c kingston javks oreilly i the philoopbj ofhucory hy frederick voo sehlelj 1 rol the history ol he popes by leopold itankr 3n rol history of ihe h hy aibhonsode i la mil line 3 rou price 6 each rol a wo chronieieof ihe cvuses by m john 1 je joinvillc 1 tot boun antiot tian l s i specimens of early elih metrical po- ntanee by ccrge ellin bohtts an- liqtianan library lccloir oo phifiojoy tc by william lawrence the complete workj of shavpere with a memoir by afetinder chauners the briiiih aniera manual b t c ijof- land newnj the works of dante translated hy rev henry f gary geology for brginners by c f richrdon illiitlrationsof ihe north american indiani by ct callin with three hodrrtl and ity cnciarinss from ihe author ort- ual paintings fjtnily vorbip a series of prayers by clerjcymen of the church of scolland the book of common frayeu illuminated illustrated and illustrated with engraving from the work of the great painters london john mil nay beautifully bound in mor- rocco kthe lives of twelve eminent iudge5j bv william c towmend sir urrdale prlee on the pie tureen e by sirthoma diek lander jest received ftrta london ramsay armour u co kineston oct m ibis 87 london stationery chowns bu hamilton tin and copper smiths foundrrs store maiufacuireraprinceaond batjotsu aanilra cwoww loritca mnrlrot- jkin gston thomas ornae accountant a qensral agent dealer in potash wiiiomi1ftkineton 1 seat i64 n cbieqnered hotel ontario sir steam ferry landinrai the faot of wilkaaa suee kinaton ajhl conveorentto ihesleam bojl landing erery attention totne conveyance of logcajce to j from ihe sfeamrif will he given by 1h snrkiibrr john s clute- v nffionousepl islb hunter bartllfpa auctioneer commisifon mcreawts oaucor ivo ho cuct taxara m adiaaawca mawavj wnkinajcco tlrckffit fm jormffurr uedoololcn fkiuiwirtx mk cameron tate dtrutv becifttftak labi 4 hsnu ann conneyvncer notary public aa aoutt roa tuc canada life aasurancc company detdif aforfggttj ritdm peiivna c vc urate ot fieord aorta u oibto nait ooo to mi jckv siore cpen from 9 a u to 4 p m- art union of london subscribers he loffdoh art vsion for 18178 are rrfttliiljy no- tik4 ihal ihrir erravinr u the pritoner ociaor ia now ray for jelivery hy the anersignef several hue oecniens of pm j l mchk fjlmaof tbem4 miiabtc for this picture hart alfl bee n reeeej the volnme of wooj etiravini illimra- tireof miltonn work lo which each ub- m1t of one gninra sentinel in atlirion to ih auve isnot yet rnly hut will he delivered here early next may nbtcrintiont for llie torrent year will be received hy the umleriicord until the j of march ucal r c chalmers on sec montreal nov ii1m7 foh sale s freehold property iruate in willmmsviile ami irctcnt occupied by mr wiiim on ii lsi riti toil dmrici i 2dih jiujtj lb4fl messrs hill parke barr1steks iftswhibithw 1x1 s0l1citais 11 gi11cby orrice nextthb montreal bank fttancia m hill taoa parke jt ret c- chalmers respectful it intimate thaithey are now receiv ing 4 pearl and other rbins tlirect- 20 cases new good8 conaialineof every article in ihcstatlon- kryif line inrlujinr ail the novelties fojrvher with a aelecl inl cf french and eolith encravinoanj lithoranhe and an attornment of new books the whole of which hare been very carefully self cled and will be 10ij at flemdrtwoiy xoaff prirea amoocat the stationery ate erery dtkrin- tion of writing and drawinr papers note papen vrtv large assortment envelope a oo do fancy envelope with initlab mnlloec paneirit ia paeketa with snutlrica lrkstamlkof papier mache wooj ft meui ink glatfei pliw and coofvn steel prni-pertyacinousdeancinjmil- chtinl pink taaw silt taste ami cord pca and pocket jcoirea rodcenr nako mecnoraatlam booki metalic rja habbrr bands letter clip sperm candle and wax tapeia ivory scale fotdera and tablets minaur learea drawin materials colur bores water cofors in cahc and tnses papr wirta metal and 0iw paralkl bule pajchment cuds ftc ftc ftc montreal oct 21 86 the lwdoh mmmi delivered weekly- rtt c ctt almer6 mrniia reeftct- fuut annmcoiolhcinfaibhantiir kmr- un and ta vkrmtv lhl ihar lt1 receive nil ihe ixndon dalcy and wcbkly mews papers bjmeh alml sie wvmm eorr lnd sviuilhc bit tldiea arvy saivfay end irrmj at mriiirtmt every friday c svividar amonpt loo wcklr pora icceivcd rc tke sprcutor pet qmrlct tae litmattmred lan vrtee 10a per ef lniiy ivrwtfipcr ilkptfr flrfie ie ift pet e f7reverv catfafcrv i0a ereifa hvrafy enerr 16a per or ptfva a 6dpero t ravr 10s par ny tie mdet tim tor i mm royotherof iho london novrpapvri contoouin4reetyonicimlo the un- ornd for ttireoot 6tx mooiaa in dvicc tje loowmara2lnes j reviews ttoabamervfo prr miil sletprn tejurty rvrrr menraadd trciupplicd to sobacwosja on jibcij leraia a biecuoators percent on newapopeji iaal loivrd to clubs n j reading roons oc rcviof hfnaant in adrc i r ic chalmers moaireal june 5 lo4d ct ordwi ci at the briri4 whig olece srl aspunetostly iarrraiosd vca tne llntise atl outnuililiikcsare exrrn- ive enmrnodions and well timdiril terny lihcral fnr parlieolan enqoir at ih ofirc of the hrtttsh ma kineto xoe 7 isis z1si english jewellery at the british american hotel r subscriber respectfully aeiiainu lh pwic thl he will tavor a jew rfty ooryatthe british american hotel with an ant assorlmcnl of rich eglih jetvell- r gold watches ftc recently iiuportet irotn london arnold tfordheimer kinstonjnnr 17 933i blank kooks alnrge slock always on hand of ltovr jrtnrnal caah books day hnol- ann blotters and made to aoy paltofn ramsay armour i- co kiogatno ot 13 lb4 just published a collection of oriinal sacred mdcic ajranjgod j fiu score with ore an or piano forte accomnaoimeot by p jl an- oarw fourteen years onanist of the ctaicl of the holy trirrly qoebec for sse by ramsay armour ft co fcmtton oct k 134s s3 binding and ruling phe bubacriben having an experieaceo btndrr and ruler are prepared to etc- cle all ordrrs for blank book and rinding anci rlir with economy and despatch ramsay armour ft co kindlon oct 13 isis s3 steel pens quills c fph subacrrbera have always en hand a 1 large assortment of quills steel pca ink and ink potrden rnlem lnkatanclead penciu slaw and sfate pencil memoran dum bookr ac fcc ramsay armour ft co kingston oct 13 ims 83 kapanee mills depot bagotbtrbett iafgttov opposite the brifiih wltig office fmbr snbscrther refpecilohy informs the tnhabilantsof kington and its vicioily that he intends to keep eonilamty on hand wbolerauanjralarlat coanpiavce at his warehouae io bfi street erery descrip tion of soperrine and fine flotrr indiin corn meal n and coarse buckwbeat rye and 0t mral bian short anj middiini cracked grain for horse feed oats peis and corn the subscriber hsvinf teaaet the napanee new flourinr mnsv has ihe bcu aatiuet for fnrnih in c fomihea with a fod and chcau ae ticu- c miller itingiton nov 14 i8- 83 fresh oysters fruit daily by express at willinos corner 0 prrnccat onrf ffcivrrtjfow street water lime to plastisb forjale by oliphant watt xiogaton hth april 18w vcrtmcmentsrultofaundand i niajsag a ip iy i iho practice of lift rear 1i1c pub jihi wiujaatp a eoda ownber ecb mnmli at he doe in jjnot tlits h a novl fratme in m rane puwiifctng dirtn 1i10 nlcjc 1 last yvar lc vc norc enx ami mure reading mailer hin aoyr hi eontemorark anl wiu coiinii i lr o nei foai llne wti aubcriw to aodcv iauvs book m the atiurncc iht ikey nt trctitc nioc for their money in the atstiie lone than hy tvb- sciitifip to 17 other ivrfc t titt i ftjed sftd inefiirkilin tne mc 83 ihe lvuy5 rof lafi newspaper wnich coniains one month toarly f nh euitc as nuteh udinp i-i- ue aa the oltr nwimir mkir for fj3 the amount of rcrfdin of two mzt a iw4 tntaa aac rcutame obuvl gncjv fid book for the fliet thtt no ofkrr mjiit no aeeaea thenr menntini and line kflr- vine in each rumwr- both by the bcrt urtix in addiliuti tu iu iicrr lit pven b l linl rllr nvaenvne frrca cnloorrd fkamaii pttre tthafulidmrpko thit fea ure iopo- colbr booftfj no other ora hi themerey momh and coved than tiero re coc bfli nets cneefliioie equrtlviinjtm for ladtea with eztit ft iwiea wok tatte triih k- if a for ktoilfof netting crotchet and all other kind f iv patterni fr 5nvjtinj caao caaircotc wirduw cnruins ftoyley por- e bc ec ccc lleohn ajd bcatv w go- jrrarinci mi- collage with evuid p aod otikr etirrvm twoynittutiraiirc of tome thing uarfiil atiaric beooufully printed on tinted it whiih mny ho mlicn owt and rvi f cv loured moheio ctaees nd ioreo fvrer recea oeoaaioshy there are al calm in co- oey toaorwnd in 00 ollr macaaina tneac were att jivco lt yejir and will bo contiaord in adftnion we shall barn 1 nrr no oc of croomc9 sketches op a mvmc an chakacteristic a moat amotion rciiet now ftnu rttm to the american pttlac thcso will bo itlntratfd tn every tfu y a story rrum llta anacrful pen vf t s artlmtr eatj theckangesoffashiox- utoheated by fay robinro et hji trrieo wiubevcryintrieatinrio iho tadia thk afpmcarirrrr op tb fine 4 artstooomksticoies ts annlw ere f enpravtot rmw in preparation and wiu be piolra6cd dooac lhoyrar rottatb furnitufre having piltnto nuny model cbctatea wo irad howmettoimencc ihafjamrrttinw of cfjmw funitore a ev neeorr apprngo u a ivot- ta heliiu ami iitiuiy r tl a wiiicr tjck- ree and ivvmim rwnfyl uy4fsaaals 4nej i uoraiiteof ile 11 om- tr ulh mtlc sakeuel mobley company general impohters of english and american hardware j platkd vtars fancy 06 6 glas- paints oils c c c- princess street kingston c jjkinji from pnulj thk rkaoss humjpoiuxubrmijf a miimfiroi ofpt vatcmfli m i jih ir dn uvi fcapnjfj bl f fi fk lamps lamps jamks n vvalkkr jfechinist brass worker itju hanger lock sultfl and general house sutth worker ttuinglon slrvt wl door lo or jhnrgi and dirtttly upimllr hit ltiraj offift i amps clutfcmitn liird rioncj or laciiifl 1urp i- kaifl o ffflilrd iva 11 cckct vmt repaired and itvnnd bcr iim konaid and irnnal jitiin doiic in ihp most cil ijijiinif htus101 koir 1 lih isis 91 w arrati me ut mail line o sifass ba agricultural sooiety of the shdilas3db3s mot1ce hrwhy riveo ihal the goretn- meni canl in aid of lite aeicnllonl snely ofltie mtiliand districl for ibe yea r63 f- rrrriveoand will be payable tobe treasurer or otner crrreer mw apnofoi- ety the resmelire tornbip br orb soci- eila- on 4tpncatton at any nlriee thomas classic ireastrer a jl- d wingslonj 31 nnv 1848- 901 canadian dfisxtight cooking bos between kingston and brigbt3jl t4it sobteribrr resneelfotly timilh in ine nnwieilihl he haa owomrocej rnn- n places belwen kinton and jn rwi ihe fmni rd lhronh erntf enwn klh fieilericlesnurh 4 aiwiibn- lowo emssin ner nt ihe stone mills to the prince edward district aarinjklkciox erery morni- sunday cxervd at 7 nlncb and leaving bnicnro dvery morning sunday etccnteil at 6ociwlt- for seats aply lo the piouriecnr at ring- ion and in j lflckwoorf en brichtttn fc am lnaze at the risk of r owner utiles booked ij fiii uawllge htklt proprietor 9s3p n he kittsjum korcmbcf 39 1s4s d y hunter bartliff jpst receiver a b asndmentof opoblmf ami lor sloe 1 f iinprord rn which they 0t1 r to the pthhjic co te rut chequer tbjn lti ennixun ot cti be bought in il 2 siisdidtun ii iuianwi i 3 tniinun xoithei rimt and ml 4 tj ir teininu great reduction in prices the iorv aorf l slock of jieady made furnituke and v lover priexs than eer otrcj in uabl maiket at th city fuhnhttre waherqoms of tlik subscriber uontrtd strtct and dtret ft opposite mortiic grocery estaottihrneal conaiar io in rant or softs and cooche eorered with branliful utrnei pluah a nerr article in litis cilv fieirfh jandj ft cue h hir 2ttbn4llv aittf lyjtmil kin scat vrjrob ljiri drncsinx ntw tencnline fmii auho tiu iho gtaair rraa alien hy bothrr of miuihrr le rrjic a etrani ivdrr ittatii be ocved thrt iraa notbinc in ihe waafd ricra z woppt ke ie ctiiitian rrrinee tic eatauit 9f he mm ilieive fuif them there iraa avt a bfothcr ilere i c mt hma rrcj pw ttt a irouidfl and wim nw nnl ihinn ihl the cufe f icel ind tvai tlrt cjiio rcinn tnl nf n tutlif nr sry hy ihe ptini of tc nrj ii aras a cfciie 1 ant a mn vf feae and a anch hi rr aam war o ilie anile na t rvrn i- ru4eyiyryfvcftsecn ylewia u- t ed to pra of tha ceiaivaraanajn lh tlk cvrer- fnrr df a j1 mucl uoii iitc p1leneaa qf an frtpfinan bcl 4j he most say j lut maehj tft leeoxj lbuu be nou nlaaj it inm mfld not rhrinb from hi rfuir he wovtd tie fuwnj rot t jeen vicwi anil mytlic peedilr ifnm to itte- vriat ircirre which p1xd het iltu- trui faintly io ilic ijfriirfi ihiorra am hay arc t w4awiy fr sj hi nairnait nai fart hafl nntnriauj gorliina and uasniaaai me- nftars lf thf lmmiil kins tvillhnl the tnirt an- old ring col thi twt wjsdr k udi ihfce frith hitwh errry uroitkrfoin rfocn na iu kneoa and eiche wrdmffifelii anaia his hcao thriec ffi ihe dief- a firv enthuriaala iam tj nwjtst oot of the tpitlvon audl fow urfi fmw for ttieir loapriukkd it pontttejrucad- hie effectf hi wa riry intarcnnt nc loaal arn- aia r w f smmmerj tic oivt trxw 1 itfttfis lfiioce4 br rcj inaoy batva lxoner roulhcr a naiin- juuhd oclniiui rtlifoej than lloaahj the kinnf itawtrtf ava a grrai hirrp tn ihe prrreni cimmeijn ojibneia uf bo f 4raaay draw to ber n ua oran jcreekpf 7- doa wi4tto iaiu narrjj- vwvm firaatnjtai f uvr arorbi tlni wif nar euhcs jlmvry era and theoloarr and to bad eiiy y fl s tittimited tooarr rirfre tva aar or eacafa tesf a ujttitn re lfi rfjxcii to tub rbv thc arl of itclldrxrd urvtias a eoetnvnt of 1 aoanatgf v nalof jtunarir wiocjteeicr awciu that joor lord aup lixafur of the lloapitalqf ner bal ciy he deaeriw st crca llospvtol an n ictie m onttnt puitrm mooifivi r- ip knora r re atatea iimi a v tended tl arinceij pute io tiietlctenlha twdflb luhea awi richly endowed 10 mainsin a of brethien to aflard aoppx to a nubctof poor und to amtfaah partial rcfreahttent to t snojti- tuaaoftoaiauand tiarewera f id taa nwh safaatal aqnaalacoa lrie 1kte ji mti per unj vreaf urdkr can vlill jrmanjfltwtjof iito a4 atk f urtad ba llacrenceniurtea nfb eaacllyo ii ibr alciapot tert strvoj or tbe rtwh eannul bo 4crisnated xx heaters that cna b aitu- med in ooeoftlw ntna4 cliii lailnal tie vlcortebc i bdre my i- rtf that tbeaa sttlcalsanti aro rjtnic correcl i am aeeiaiotcd with part ifs tfbo hasc caasht ui lltl ilctitn tnd taiiej ic snctcrurn ac albeit tlky snroihiljiquvr a ioildcrtcti toe between myaetf and faajf frrd4lip lhry n it awipes iji oiy lord triii am deeures that un hrcloreoof riekly cqdotxl hospital aro rrratty rrourced m asanasr lata af or naay not bo ffarlnatitoaion wla sate bwoopooeer lat ihe bi paamastaas pnavt i tfh k itow ttjir ui iij nuiutt at bvdrect impwav- uoo on jorwrtl t- tata the imjurtfcneo to mjtiai lhlj 1h0 if nrofbjc 1 niin jidd jtuffitfi or jttjoofj a year the aosoowt fasaaw ia charity i only fni t t nehaj ibe cffnrcry to that arfmaf ap ffafl nx0tlw rises vgrcd by ihe prtiklul foga of rjioyi viy rntoit 1 oil rr if nirxlly nim iior ronidigiklcd iy ntur mj prid eipreicflly nunrnlly rtrjnird h inled jvrfi tevce ort 1u11 j xin it ii a teatirr in the kk the liter a 4 v rn w rtir of rti 1ey lady iftmik wktiisuehwhiemaa mi liie ract ceen- uood wg ffamtita mis kht t s arrlnje mm r oatra miti- ma j nel ii ti timkennna it healort o ihetioibor ti rtio wsavnv ikiioit proewf fmt bfrant nfl fclbv hi u 1 a i f inltrtm m4i at ways 1 1 the leat ki irt rary uri terms for tlnee d- hara we will send ihe lida bvivt eontaintna nore rearimff mirer llian nay uthr itvtnlhy and the lidyt hoiur newufftpcr pjmiahed tvriee a ninlh whirh contain na much readine aa nnr of ike 1 periodicals of kc day makioj iluee numieiiton in one 1 ih oe if ihe ubcnbcr prcivr ihe cujwinf ajilendi d cntrasirus to tlko ldra dollar ltfwpper ijmwjii we would not arfrio it ascnfravincs cannot be ert thfouf h llw mad wiihotiikein ervibcd nrciecd wo wilt aend thv brunrol putc containing ibe portrait of tjflfrral nrli fanny forreaicr mi slewait mfn ann il jdt and mrs u dwithiaml the fdlea of chita weepioar orer jetvarm tlie oawmaai of ihe spnteltre drtiv eranec of sf pater and te rcbkc if prrer rd lottm neapaper or plairs we win aeno m j ir v 1 i amelia and any three of mi grey 1 mm piekerina prputar noeeh foe five dollar we will aend tw eopia ol iho laora ook and a aett of he outcatv oacji ajb jctbcr foe ten doara we aritlscnd fife eopicaof tuo j avn trikj etid a copy lo the peraoa stndioj the chb and a aet of ult lt each l for tnenly dltara eleven copies of the uva t and a act of ptatee to oaeh atibaeribcr and a copy i of ihe rook to the pcaon aendtag ihe club w one dollar we will send the ladye rk p months and for 35 eeoti any one no io l jgc to bo paid on all order aridcee l a gopey 100 113 oieanul street ffiiuovlphia wlix yankee notion sfotm- 36n in 3s in 1 111- ir tijlj stfftclltifl finnljc jfriieiijim fi sit jtii uivaw jeie a tk frlvrnar frmdi lhuuau maho4iv umi vmi nnt kidie vnfc thvs hiu tjra ir cha uat stanj lii jimr inwlv jvinlokr tfrtrit i rc rt enrinl imhu iit ch not lrmiirs jdin fronu hi1rntm furniluie m nviv ie 1 linn tklti filas iljir mauue tw uicpre4entiu c1ooauil wa a pal lavl kji t r like fiv in the play coom not bo crtinio hntoftiilhai tic trrtlital ntcarto ih m u me twttfctj ore trtoiy feiiv a and oli unuldni it be a rtal day tw lroad if qcen victaeji ire withe n fl of with i he leihc mrant at ct reepoct if aho would mily itivifc to enfkn1 herbclote aneio llt tiik ilje r iojito take uf hni a few feavino ufbicj ohureh aod state aa it was her mjcti ihuuh he cld trvff trecl iba may- ultly ftr too roiraeaal of a anal x42000 wit paid rout irdabip reerrwigv lod in tno poonfl apt a erery jna anodij rewrorsanify ujoni of rjicxiltoou iwcil ifajao aatdaiiaoaao 0 altefo tbat yoarlbawpa kiwuciimuih fojriflhtof liwreeejueoftnoaat ofoootinli aaorijualtr iolcndca ftay jn lfo altjw it j eieuiyant lttistlip hl itlc okotlott of lbeao eno n hon trfamoq on yowy irtrdahip oji no your fsudaji felt that e locrtubk ii im j- h m tn rw y rt l itll hen tti 1 rehantiatj k 3i ilk 2 thet itrj hi also 50 doz chairsj piflnne 1 i in sjiff iatcj do funinnxv 16 i81a 93 1 maple uaiot and imilntion rmewifj tiik ivatifiwi i arttc in cane vm nini1 ilio haiiwau j srttl boston roekrra winmr nml chiidtenr cheaper thin can be mnnfae- tttrcu in this city tiiom is 0 buti-kft- kindlon nov- 17 ims ftm school b fjvrtu casadiatf o o k s eiutiqxs live hal ltssoxona rrge sheet 10 ire bun ui in schwu lt c and pitpirfj on d lai ijt mieel lo he huiitf uti in school hp fm itnow nl irvsmls tv sii0i itiik of lmhk juei loilie srcond hook of leton te third rnk oj lestona 1it fourth look of levtons fnonion the truth of chrijlianilr bein an apiendi to the fourth ttook fp firji hook ot atilhnttici icy m ditto jinenls of ceomtlrr a entitlt jf alflmar kr lo ditto atreaiise on book-keeping- kr to ditto atreatiso nn menauralion 4jndito ihe mensuration fur the use of ttrachtn a mlroehirtion to ceoraihy ancient iho carjea ic ncreuhx- that oo my lied psnaau hieo f hccapaeitytaay nwaa offjw eonaeicaco 1 ti w i na itofair ut linrurnsji 10 l j r i diajurtnsa ciliibii mi ef eo en df eouri a r l ujviion fi iqo iiaawaltafs i iihhm t il if this thin lee trne etnu vrdhrj wiu be a greater produ r thin the j 8ef penl v wtruhl ho a aioc curiil st iiiiittd 10 v 1i tliat ywi would bort a cailcor u ao my uccoi by the aide of my lem ln4at i ier w4d in o iic of fajttl lfdali ym inen4m ykj niuld bo too b lue thuwoiut and wfam cojld yuut -rdtipea- pcet lo f iff t my i rd thnc wool 1 nuke oot vvi fod why by i jad n the jv a4 wih k- wilk a ahip w be a mtntr cicecdm in rapen ri racmaane the cornxient ihe aturf the abark the tojcoiijrietor the aljkfakoe iho whirlpool r3ir ijrmtii rf iiit 1 tlir eit hial iolritnl a- tlie amiani ahf n ktponrlt a rseimfrvjarov riurnrd ttrirk ihrf j finktt ly iiici j br 0 n w 1 re oea nit i 4jmi in ur win weciicvrti y fkowll ho td tor s eenden- thc stali mojern and saererl with an outline of ncitnt history hy irofeor snltiran mlh eilition with nnneiioi man and nhtstration now ftnt inrrodueej koralc wholciate at the louvst montrca j ramsay armour 6t co kindlon nv 21813 new fall gotiy a do shaw importers of british dry goods wholesale and retail princess street have lo intimate the arrival at kind lon of their rnpneni ex cohdouia usriw torforace a ienertl aesorttnent of fancy actb staple dry goods adapted in ihe preeent and cominj- seasons a d while directing attention loth forecoin would beg lo state that from the facilities ihej poues in haring a resident barer in ihe british marltrls they are ttl- fied no other house in the irade can offer rcater induce in enu lo iniendine imrehasers iy it u dirt rofcrt jrt itvi itkonl1 iav eroe op t ise- iu ihu ciij j rnra h ire been hft v j chance certninlv tt iirw ilien ctcx it 1ejtier melul 51 j ltt car n lie aiij oyeaanlrra lie rrov tlai f bn ceac mil ifiatnsi nvttnra raxar wa j ie ireaf air 00 fae oirrrraf tvmlat mm rc thr othft rati uq thfttd t hi otmntt litr oaitl jruroftf tutf4t armttmfi i r oxkoiu mixttlftk olsofd uvlerminri not to bo ogtovine by ikf rirtet uoireraiir is mistin a rrvttcumt in nr rahy of that which hao much enlrgau 0o circle of ciwfijo rewcmi as cambridge tidpcaaer to oflcr to jkt rona tier draovly of science not pare but mixed adiniw from 1649 rot the cold wilhoh algebraic abatroctn bm id warm wi phyaicl pliylojnphy ao oxford is ha 01 blendio ihe the ejrtlnatfialie and djoi the eekwralcd oyater- eater lie wvem repreaenl yoo u bo ni fnaedy aa iherare and eerj n cluhonoua aa tire tu conuncr f all thmx i hone yoor loedatji willittjt todurom eahfoaoiea and will adow rao lo refute ibe only if 7u pltaae your lornaiip mutt erttti tafntnish me witn the data re oole for thai torpoe 1 hare iho ttoooi to bo my kard your lawwaasyi at owt hnrnbtc aarrl tow thk royal etchings lei ns eoolcaa that tho abbtjy knaro wlio stole tlie royal property mikia utlawful uae of hal pjcncal with the lhureiie od ruilnihc arithtlao aa eomucnded hy ptaro a ad 1 r v kibslon sepl 12 1848 7 naval stores canvass chains anchor cor4 suik pilch coal tar c- for sale by olllhanta watt kington 9th november isls 91 cotton yarn 8attsand candle wick fromaxdersonsfactory n y phesohscrihrr it constantly supplied with htm superior fabrics by the ualc equal inquatilf to any invnoited william vark syinf kinploo stb norember ims gi new novels the image of his fataer one hoy is more tronhle than adniencirls by the author of tat grcalot plague of ltfe the seven capital sins enry of ftederiefc iutien by euonc sue a warning to wivesa norej amhlfa 01 a younr lady vjeisailud by a1ia e leslie r ev ex e or the rohker of guatemala c jaaw tcceired frorn new york ramsay armour co october 4h 164 f0 farm to let for a term of three years the fdtm lillt- ateu on iho monlreul hoadahovt four i miles from kinton comnonly called the u ttjllus hill farm with two other at- j joining compruing in all npwardi of 5- t acres the property of jnt rl rawlia kt for further narticulars apply lo wiluam glinn at the city brewery oihce kinsaloauamt l8l8 63- if school books large stock of all the school bnolcv leit coiiitiv itn htntl i fplfe slbrirer has determmed jl carry out the principles of free trade to ramsay armour l co i momer as he h no hone ol nov- 2 185 91 l present kcjvi tn jjunu- aaittotcc wc incri a wloain adrertiao- ment from hc 0f itrratd of saturday week a oami ns awhogradualjio hoi- cars ni i now ran dent upn the huntb cojst within c distance of uodvn witt bo h vy7 lr eeciro mn i ucaow two n three lu m o reojwith turn dminf thacn- roinf winter tapntfhfc fh ar areowsao- dtie ft tlrterfvtof it rrjc tarrart px aavav3aorr tfrrf ifnrrsnrs m ifa awtvavwi aojexrwrnt wuddmtk r tie fu- ifl tjf refcreneea to men of bbnoat ceorf j cajtojfwanlaw unieeraity- aomrcas a thia i a fine sample of the oadrd aernce frttk reooucct no tlraf ajuta tbn uoao of mercury who has dute ao ptoanut a ftaca by rotaery tbo people at urga who hara n riin ii- 11 i and ooccne wear diadeena jdeland of haia an bonocts and carry about arith litm 1 0 aort of iralc i it preae rt cr tbetc royal tcptrca hare aviobtkns been matfe aaaanaaaaat tuflod ui her exnollcfit ifajasrj caualalhar i imparia rvnioaa aaaaida into ton hnnnfiaaaa of ieonihioahfa ad frffal aaf a whiln of ava ijsntins of cat net louieila nan baary ba tliouchu with vir kravat of art arab grssjajai g 1hc wiannar rorncsf hare all onarttjniy kmplon t rat iot- the subicriher hare fx sale a quantity of prime and pktme meaf i0rh ifftcwah or approved credit j- 1 bkyce o co yr3w to sell oil 1iit the sydenham brewery xtf til jm lfebpptirlenanceshlnnng lo il immediate noseion will be eiea a everv thine connected with it arc in nrtr raj- order for bujicaf irtr fothcr pafcicuufs apply to lite pro- p w- lnnlotch amrnbam seim u 18 71- ontario cotton mils- siikirringbyihclmk jl fir ale at mnfcittreis uncesa wiluam wark age kiazslon 8th november p 18ih wk ifa hatctf coov hmer ptimtum street kindlon auy 31 ims mif notice picked up this day nr lie fiw lml- lishlllviiw suwit cuiltri kurd krt lliti of iron roitt of ivftof r the owner can iplj o iho kc- cr ofil liihl if hy if l pomjam j- ifed to ihe milforj pot office prince edward didrict joseph suetman plm ducks nv 20 1818 3il thk cohnershohceltar s itlwted on ibe marlfel spiare ant oniario siiret lately occupied fcjr mr win simrjanfi with ibe fixtures doirably oilaiateil for a ilciail ciocr shoi for rent and jhankiilara enquire of w ii albnasftl at ihe britih american lloirl kiiisilvn oct mb iw8 ti s41 3 ik 52m fliotogitmmiic portrait galleries vmoton house rixcbss st 4k examination of our varih f seimern n mor toiecl fully elicited n b- pfellrfjcliun jujunlred fcinplon ottwth i8i svif kingston foundry kottce the underiher having riitchaea1 l kingston foundry hrrrly 5w nolic that thr bosiiicsi will be tajrird rn a hrretofoce unrtrr the tnananynl thomas mamn am orders nilaycej in him or ihr uimlertixned will meet it immcd attention joseph bruce kindlon nov sftmmx wc feel itttur dwij hwcr tn ainpmj thi brief nnaapcetva ino a detailnl naorio vf llic ar- injfrnrntsfu lu hiatcr acaajn of kvis oafod cradvato qjov rite tt eccri brc ifcrait and a tfaci trlk 1 r 1 v h 10 livce and tk at ihe efcobhota aftd mark dnrn pftc fo moardaf a isir jt launch n r ihr tentcraif rata haodr etner a raaanajtam urlwo ctiureb i in ainl e io the librarr- dinner oot tocicceja boiilr- ol claret t ian-nooan- a nm hh at bacagarnino aaa r nanmr a l 64v mvtda ric at icn ottrsa tho awd moot io ibe ni wlrtt itfij iuu cspctet down lobankvjilf in pih ho aiae hack at the dn ai too a pretwl rommcoiary on xrwisa rfe re tvaarirn- lejrs on onalawn cjmibiio b fa1ohcarj bodies wiih ran n tiona by tontr llo wlnaasj arith biahop in ibe tvoirtf pa tabeool attltitfea turrday oeaafahalctefrn aairrrrrla rrwxn toe an hour nvn if day wnm and oat troll fvr invc tiw tnooli ta badifer till ihrce j 1 ihce to htkpt popia nhotiaro a 1aa for a1c he tli tako a irani in ihe doc lane 4 chrno 1ittncr al au vifiel am in eveninc rtj fmiliet practical amplication of ifoc trite ot chance nv lftaoncnn eontroe ivilh crib od inn harriers lhrhlwlinj at nim- ii ruatralions of ojnauiiea in the i no ol rqual it of a- ood macivn from recoil of gl hot of and 1 pafar nnisr p llwiory doime the rioa homo renmj ariuitwilussiaudbjciibbar drawn u curt si and ahovii iho nictnea nf ltr nlajraisa ret u its paaaaant 1 and rerj pfotltt res chareiicf t wa moat the esbition lobe wo do not benaro that laia rmmtmpo kft an snch etehmp u toe toilcie aa tho apcajicsai of uiroan ncunrr nfar aa i yethnoarnof lc milter did r iho emryru of auairia on fan taio dnrn ftonvl his capital tears aoch mcmcrandimi 11 at lha rj1 ariar- l0 eantaaj of hot viennnao therefor ii j mora than p comcntputc the fif4i rocrtauon f when hu it onco o icrtej irut arouiaul wo hare mad all lafvta lok of uto coatt of gaajtfo pird and find nuihjnr a arreoablj hj it aa in tlm lwt oj the roal eofnaa liico ii uiocotjrtof the vicacaaoalkr- paiua bo pcraniucd lo taveli aritv doacs noilla few oj tho baasxaca awbjoeta 1 uf in s ko i portrait nf a turk fload of an gl man and german pcaaant gjil drawn 1 hbumajaa aaf2sl6ao- wcic lie pnrirarla rroro 1l0 m i if ao avrnr j waatltnthl who dm eaaan old mat mp om made hapo with a lhoropoa aaaaaao hia uilpihtahip j wlo tha gtnnan foaaaxnlw v llaso a aorn bar in iho imooo istocla lb alaoiboutiar i dd her pklugajpawaaneilawj rosal ore n tha yasflflw b aaaarry rot aijtsart acaaors atltosroad laatf b