a thioiwd in a pmphn im the leirned jkilrdvhwtfvl4juvrribt rmt n an it pmttawtl ppfejrv to direc rtqurwi i kb ieed lie tart w an eioi rtft lr eaaf mviltor unhb hofki inoaefei 4 aslant wut m lutemiif kifruid i ikepa r ut- hct-hoi- a tier tb mired tkl it it- wh w irndlltl h u- l it vani bvrj j wl h il allrliinni willi pltmlrftwclt ii 1aj after reisdiiii ti- vrdel rj4im ligo nul fi cnrnrv- ltcntiwn ii i a aw nf ienm im j1ilt1imn j- tte t y b jtm huiii hi ttt atcl lute rvd lphuaiaoeilp uv mai isfm ifrf r hmiwfl1 by ytuonhinllrii mtilcd n y u a nei na reen tin trrj wtffil y miccivly ih mkt eepen iwj ik hltrwi v0 r i a- pficty c t 11 i ifei rt iii k pjittrr uf iot piitffinn ht i the ctcc of uivd1e tutm vrrmiif1itfriit4ftt seme 4 try lntem vv ail reivied fi n r- lh i1lre hi lfedvp lhf rirw ftrennw lulfro preeirat y iti niia a if ctkh 0- hi- rets k o ndktmfalmfttmm4 uflhcon mwnrjlor j j ji en lite liurfkj pt- j an car i wtm vt riirwits an a- tj o 1e sh rut fljrc ww emnyvtl lmiyrf tuii hf eclim bina m tle liraatl rircrirt then citlrdol iu iy why tfmotice 1jm oi in- p fuvi ja tthn i evtiah ittedll ho did nl consider be tud u ii hv f mv tieie itnil jlni lii i ilm ih i-orn-tiv- ttmi loai rt thwr he lkltir ktl p i m u wlj miatf thwl i l pu- rol kmj viir4 gl 4 ihh ijc hd fvi tamscm w c ll i inou- tiwfi itl l i d n lutiotlf tc tv ti uf iq a run lf ittfftf th vovlic irly oirej lal hvl fccki t ilkl in1ffvic villi fpitir ia lli w flf a ki1 ft lrn rlk tuci tatutf wcrr pm ii jvc foin li fa ibe r bnjin dlr in patbiii ll w ii bj rvnl 11k ta- atj 1 irqfti aiti1 id ito a bv ffmpnl ihriiit ibm lit 0l g ct iejf bi tn fvbttn crliy pam4 0t tier sujiyr cwt the r 4 jwrlim it be c br c itpmukf 0o4oco if ml c4hc- io cuhi1h til kli lid brer tifj rt ih prirtr my mhx f tha a d w u aprjh en kupcf apjlkaiton ibc tenhnetl tim pramm wf ilio 0ut iit tjie part teeeiel lnulj be twptiwl l weca pj a iriig 4 i v ipfteit cart iitic uniil ie fiie i pitd cmin rnrtxii in kn ad4 m i i tvlat itf drift io believe it tmit caamhbe rv4 fat cam ill it tc rtt zritriellcrttkeka iri whrlvrr ant vlnm ril4 te ibekitiifl ffcenatef tlte reeaee ier oioetbrtb bllettoftktelbjt 1 atne 4mj 1ajed ihadc ateae jtr cfliftioja willi l4rterjii drjirmrfjok gncov flie piiw a karaf annllev the riitul he kafttjr the fa e ne potej i itia bee fi4 c bvi rkflj ibc tlf irnl t ehifftd ia ibc 1n4ieitficat- the jejp c bn icprt tnet e i 4 eccoeed rraprjchbk a pill oc-f- mvhiij be tbu f4ec ennei aeold- pffctf to piit hin w a rreviej which ret t9 hie lorjehipe nne4 ihcte pcavd lltwlliea er ine uc qrinttlurl nti b paif ebir4 etknowkrfsrd hot hrj ij rii ihe uw in ihe own thef bd muer te parage bi dee ei te or iscateihca i bndhie lypihp ro rjtwpjr ftiieerxlo coile qwhtb be inj f larv wctk ofy r s ft a watch adeliifet enc m mac an lie wl iced ff hv tlw pedk m- z with the ww of ptawft ll l4- r k j f wftuaof illetaftdvlvtlk iti thefrtw uj rcfiunced hlf j armbflpd ua ia ilc fe illj ivtiie jiaiee ldiaa and g oeiaa e aboce the rbusce o hi inc ldi iwj iraii cmcjit dp f i jj jiiu 1 utiie ere eeavietod end atorttk can t i eianinc the matthd ternardme a homiim rkeliiatf mftir i rn t anbad per mweam it wone i mparmrir it at ffhli ttlbetiuthvfiitavta i niiuumed ihm ill artltioan rhnm be atpi rn fitp tlipi ibe ufa nifhi at hve ia ai drn 0 r lh aiher l vm rmrd me i rtaj in l jj lul bt im 11utilntirfhl il lffjfp n prrftri f emp a 0v6 lhay wil i vkjlif mr pi nip iu mffjie arc ict hn1e taini irtia ithnt iauik11oa v let tv rfnaei re iiv he pj uiti llilfprr ru j i- vd i r j liken be an il ii tivi keen 1h viina lice ii n iiik c f i io iiic crune f itnw inquired uf boih if iltej imj llmlnhwjld ae atard me irt bul recciceel on ukd tntf jlonberjvunhcn inkriklnuhitlw hd u piciovl erhite jutiftun had cnacreeaj m the end lta wki reehokrd e cnke iu indian unc nf the prjriiei ia which be j bat he ecd hw inju ci4pm iul ls tlr red frnie veee ile ersuicad te iia i im n fnttbcial pcaacniiaif tor s rear cnh aa ceea erae celled up er jndffnrnl j r hijinr 3iu fe hfm njiicb the iwa had re- lavwrdioi tlmiuf u- ujnp neiorah p rnvnct nd aflrfa anko1 evnrntnaiio r ter tier jem innnwrvnajj f ttru by a jee orrfmve nifjmen ot i f tfcj t eu pu u e e ey tnolcnci ir i itw dtrectian 4 the crnnn i cea ereea clirrejed mih le i of jd ujf r ijui ine 2iki hare i ur- t y u t of m niujlil r l wtl twn imt- jrxlijal he rfnennn with wtwn jny abtrd fwnr wnnan joi ncre ewnwd te uec and ehcr iftelajve apjijajfje knthd ef jcw ehbev i f peeenjk ibt jh we net of upeeto habe ihia we bnn jirt tex bet jrfpr ean- nwiw wf itdccj i- be lifeline efner heeejif tat th abaeco e m periy te bee mr tenth who dtp- wed to the in- ice mflicitd toy oe ie atitleubseto the fact it jmu da noi riand eltlve ht conrictod uf ihe im aiii inrtnad of tmnuuf1itcf tw beofbwmftuihmteu ncumcrenc be iiteej to the tvjieel tmicotj u bed or vptiiod o3 jaeri fb ne- perron cartd 0 fciieevment wai eu oharcbd with e rape va the eodv f ptxna ernuarn m the rownakip of anc mr ibutc mcujti djflmn the ctemca wiuun du tare bn confird by a ii ite if tm f eemttty e- he lfn pmkci ttrt aa tatrt f rnw itr-ve- im iudm c wrtliei of a aarf j m ttml the cwent vj l e imk tns trnj nel rtf te h like hii v u4 ewine nr thrm nt n fmr 4 s i jhj u ft haec head r orieofihetf ttenwitta ia imi ibre m wlr jirj j- c jaii ir iuihe ni milv eaurt ivl mi ld llmwiinif imnde very cnihicit nnfie nvbih ptcofytl ue ewnk inrud br me wj ibecenrrt nc e dcttr ihm try f sa ame it a a n fuvreiulliecwii vliiettfncnt ttn fllllfkj i rtd ri iae thu e4i a wmut ben oottviacd itnl il wit ltcly neecjnary im trfciranvepwija ac nccee4ej eoqifiy w ih wmy trf ii ejt vllif0 n1 i- at ejtiy k j hitv abdli ile beet tfnty ewtie i bam uc i lhat miun lnjr j v j j dm tte reijcf of lier nunnit mint am innnrcnl of tw ekrie wlncb jne ernalva aat m- 4 rtinfl fty arpeal i- uvl my ode p otccw hit lidihtpihtiiaddfeircdtlieivianef i ioe jam may kr ahe to analnnv iorcjf a illi ne vmheerwinuneaioi mmpnnmtej bajt at ifwj4ae tjiv il iv my puul cihy hi il em w 1mltih tvlbetulurenf iheceiovnee ef iat ynn ibal aiel le tjppuwdlhe cdteiee ti been o4i1ied the cacte bare lecw ru firmly rwp fwied thit rnh cmkviciiun utt be mheocd vuaaharhhthrail lii vv- yvehetc wen cnnfjc lfj ihe f vide tee of a worn in lbvr itlinny af t a nail rcaiehm ennr-euaei- fiihk vikj a it be vltmea the omu did not mtcrftfc liblrrrvpl hiknta in iv tonervry ptr limply f iinee tfrt hee wanockine m lhat ctievnee i o uj vrrcni i dm araoed h l mnl 1ocxe poou i- eroy nta wtf irf etv nrni ii tlutn iimivki ofaea cviniiiittd ti the sjblnlh mbeo ilte fiudy were relieved fnn ihti unj4l iduif yu l4 iw tfcvrtuirrft tree nliefe yn weif wtale laic in letvplctt earh mnini n advaiitaef of ibtevcry nicfpcc ftnin ronnitf en i ereni her rirtha rjt amrenled wj ke ai a medat men vau hve been virlcttf anacmce wlnffh af bveurhtihe uih dvilt rhmh it wuol teten ilkfc ateciwiini etroemrteike 1 ibetcvh to merely rcverd llf ornunccr winterer pcr the ucvft have iliey liate the crkwo betvee them tbel jm kjve iken ihe adenlmeef jafflnunmj brfarff u joa crt 1 her midkeladvinri i dnnaeow that the ge- refnneitl wil cvnwv it iu to ifutl tc inere- i nwww cmnevtly adiire- te iv wconeie t m ckloyue coj itji ilcmj a ftwodaac uv fo rendsf yon any aeatfuncc m an eaitmy c n of vrtn tliaohi an haaaene iiaml tua ton toh f jwfd toe life vf tntt7 1 4 nrt wmk u vnpceitj nirend yoor awhnee bi it neceewaiy that i alinuld ihva itatepvitkud vut iv iurj yoor pemfel rehpen the aentencc f ihe law ia ikilvaaj be taken froao lienee hj the plice frm whenee mm ti nd fnien lattnce to ihe place wi caccuiion w be bmrd if ihe nrrfc um yj aic dead on yt d y ihe tfib jnncoext lite pfiiaer dotwi ihe wbek of le tnve oc cepwd in hi vvn trtanvlul id tlaee of n lird tfcip anpoaed lcnred diro wirti tlie acoie uf tiii4ool pitii mctlwn ecehiioej mt lnd an nrh tr o iliti erunc rtad i been cnkw u it i wvtu not hero wood here uiianey fhid aple epvafivntty tr ee- e pc end if f urliy nvetd tare availed wyrclf f il hit lvcwp rrmnhed ibal at io wht he lied uled rex itvf he mawtrtef 1hee ftae the evidence ihee wiiiwnwe w omlfadkl ee aiau- ui1 mid ihal rvdece iwa tery eleir np- mt that errine he mw1 i if ihtl u tmh uwr any co6jace nlnca bare been tecd m hie ia- alwov aij hanreen ihruvch we ferei ueairtei hdiaporrlw hit ur ne htrihxi evabty j our couveiu fhc lajc enfu- i vi tlc mlkl t ohiav doen if rllrel e ijne lu tr libit vdtin r iiii iv beieeerv4 i andrihevi ih wrrrn hut i wgr mftiiiciiu f hvdvie irfiiajyvtiieivbif mi can- a iwm4 dmc ed ti iwni yh hriuhaleu ivnnieinewweri tt naieywit of atepreij h i n t n lliia 4p9r hrna elin0 1 n hiau si i v littr lin a sjl anonn laiiibr i rp vvtllhd t rrrentd jctvr eibeinfntni ji t ti i my f- i4ii crm tin a ev e nta jhuf ivrrnmnj bnel iwi i vwj k bmnr- vrl vf is wvii ha iki f w leuavwtffiewitfenot uitivilwaorrwtnlihr ic tihi it ie 4h ivti ikt ri ft tsh 4 mttlkti- iiiakf ike utj ji ailamf eo id to b men aa nve heen rceenlry ct ltf i ij rpioi pnj- nla l1cleibcciiihiwnipi llkirefaa it fu kt jv lh buiin liny dn to ihe inicicti oi itfiv nun m ib ftjinrrij fly wclrc nrlccrj ayilm- aitn ihe stirrer k ktli iir ueaeilivrip ul 4if ip rifly lnrefita uvn ieil waiwv twitter ihtl tfeicrniiiimii kn ldtfi fe nhcci uiu drrlltnewiil in h ctnlt be alev flitf otrlline fm iftii ty tji faqift aprtrwv eteewtc lhat u nftnn i ml nedily beoniiv law wrut ihe fi oft ii nevr bionrho of 4immv ntb i tkl d ew ami im fj lf l i avedy in imd tafc it abi- m i tol iwrn l if ti t v tlvovjrh wutiv i iii ten nmy iaivaiw j alr v i i ititii i t nucii it l lf tn- o f 1 1 j immcinyn r 011- kn hv ml ineerebjil tiidc m kiilei pnatmii j tin ikivid mttsa tiitot e fe ec mulikhne k f iktmn i v kuno hlvfifi by ihngnclic ieclcgvapl tnosdaya report menjnut mty hp lkcislativk councfu ctt ay tiic ilovic ve o ell of ihr lontc afire mdr for ic ptif vl jeniin an atdc io ilk keiev tf j1 urnpol ah dntenjetenl hi lloiw eovt- liuamhc dirntilon up to wvbfli th mo waemlccj u4 cmnmrkj fjkw- ily of xi le 1 in the lloic of awenimv olnv he fiulder chidentem of ihe rill torftewi thv eeetilmcttow jnd rpairiox oj meant rowi wut ljoiifil inla chrtvhl lalfodnrinl a hill io hr jla- iito arfioiih ajiil tieriii ovmirl fw foarjinrrf ial rninve wo fyail iwka an mj in caeiimiu mi usareaniatrowal a 013 to ioe- rat the s jorc socvelr qahv livtraroot may sh cotton tide id ill i i- ib i tv nr eil e fjt ere lwi hdil rntkt a- j fftt able reward of peacvfol ttjtimr a nodi rjirveraof piodee fro n ike weal nlmhtr rnnhdinpe w inhalitaijanf ike lnitei iit they may anwi no can venrwir io aa boie ibem nd h n fofcily u mtmuel m lull nee f mfct jh orfipcinerii h- bead neird ty k- p ncr tthmiik v a n ill pre vent the pmiiinhiy if live itewl4if ililoihiiarw a wir hjijiui t t invt them djvn iacddhrvbc ilterohyfvc htitte mr fnft tno that a s baqviintjtornriiin sitlt rr the ivinic aid llie adtnl ffoiift of divea aiidrctie4 l 111 ivcplencv ihe cvv- biuret dvnt pceenhnf of imtiiii havr ij iir air io be paij eejl of llr pnbtic fund of the vavio na41 td foin ihf conucit read twkr an i acneijj in on omn iil mi rvheih in m lie lctitllt to a well j 1 ovincc i a 1011451 y ami ieeoim claedtjl ted it coive 011 the 4 alwtfalvr fc pt wheat in limited jeoondj and the famttv tnly entialaril ut ttn in miller bvtltf c1 end fvmuruu hrady iotk bold eailcin ivrnl clri iai jfrtt money market voitimiev eay fvjl roi olijjie wj- 71i1fciia ar i toll flirjl it a i ire of the inh eeiilin if ii i ie ii kiffert ki hvo ifoitrj at ijn- ihe njivrof lavrii iavd t jk jl a ihe ainvnvm a fc0- the uai lw4ev aqbtmfi rewe j 1 the aniipi hat- wri v- drlratew n o a foplirf ha ukc placi w- laaake preilitvm dud najno rtiprt ibeltl aonnecd tie lmer tm a lajjiat th ha occeiifocda jaeavrj i rev rim iioo at auction extensive and important sale op grockriksi teas sbbftbs tob jw os k tlqbor at tj hugh on k ntoii12 or fraser otio tinr rimiliy imny 29ili coxsistini mroik jwt re ke in jot eiid nf ih fojeivin- an act tt pr jr fr tie it l ef sts4 fir ic- htytca r it rnactiedia uieciiycatwirilnf be it enlctkdhy tlio hf oily 4 kinjfiiuii i ttai 00 traw ahali w oltreil fir ea rold anj drtiverrd with n the limit of thr cmviii vviodlea vt in hendl weiifn tih jrit tbn luelre inadi eri when io in imnrtm by ihe ten o hurikie tt ihe e it of hie ii tm any ruei picliokii ll be imrr slrat ei isju 100 tr ctwiti i ami half j veiivtii i v lltieu iv 1 a hdh si wieifo- axrln cinyhnrel njw vuc j p ii arkri efrajf aebe 1 p6jwegl iiau- mrjifiiit in llw hhw ai 51 a r to- ii tn sl7c lor coittrvii f 1 1 rf lim wheal ate fum a k4 acqioiijit lie horn ihl ilia ktctl hadanj jnvil lonrrovr at 2 ovlork klntncrj witb an aafafm of both llmt the iljrct entitled act to raic come ol xluoo out of the tauic ld aiuil tin an in- of ti school eilutliou h that titrh irwinwix of lui y pro w ih your covnltjhea a fie very iliem in j a eery arelt oeteoce hatfl yon ny- to ajj why aciilcjico alioald not be pacrtf dau lord rhct coar rd ibe ovaewi j wih to koow ill y lawfefoimlnm to ocr why j fem fie eatnftm tucj 1t 99 incwr hxt we epfeejied an opinioo lhl even urtdct diadtfanucova ircoajulaneea urp quaoiity of becatutnlfv would ftod ih wajr wwej ihe atunlicio ftrjt ntaikets aeuilbe nptv nvthnc of price at sew york airtee r poitail oeily cecitirwis to oh artlkipalionx ow able cooledvcirary the lojintiim writing the aamc moencqt aj ontnelvct hut neck when ircatirt of the echaaeei apeett ulct km the uowibiliiy of i wo rjiihvotu rf evw bceftfj 1 forward to l unilcrl states to correct ibc pcc ocejemuiv ao4 ajihooh mich art aanogol i veiv cceuijrrawenevertht- le we arc pnateda wc aaid fcv a rcty heary 4rain nfm u din tb acxi lew tooths tjic extent of tiu drain will c think chkrty depeu4 unon the roantily of brrjmfr wsirh will cne foiad v ec nothtn in tke prejent taic of ike c0u0 wool trade with arica eittiirb more than tuaal the eonasotioai of the cchanre hut we rc afford ihii from cauki the lhtimemldnttlteraait wtowrnai ntitacrtites will haidly be 01 gttata w nlj cipated ppmkm eoonihteo if lh hould he corcci 4jni aoy ure ctuaniity of comard floor nttd ib way hither t soon a the tprib trade fairly ettt it ecm ineeitable thatnjf r resent tfc of btilueet ih the bank of ertc tnd will bo treatly dimiouhcd and although we oati rcry reaw spafo a cowuk of inution mich an ernweof gold will not uxe place wiqv out ci caoq ouo uulo uveoaincv alienor cojtcoafafariet the chef nn chmtu here and in loodon vm ejniet at a i04 10 ascertain ihe actual awnwint f faaj whieh m reached epitope frora califoeiie- probau enne parcel haee arrieej and the nuih tave a erarof baire- luaeieed fc 1 r 1 it i t- pid aui ba pronownced nujmab bi irjooae rem ifioci bolt an 1 heo been ooneictedi at 1 eke io niake open the cate i- bcr u um tli hd uf jm ahrfeaweoaorbraredrecwie i kwiitrpwihatwncocall iro w nrdei 1ja if 1 lea enwimiiied tb niariflaclioo trfwnm mmd end i h wieflecno thai i baee eontted t reii onpriiori t priocipvw of pnciyn ud into my mrfl at a j jv jmlbocmdnnd te1y nn b a 7 1 wk bat inwined ihoec daiplra mto my bvt wlilmgh god ie now w liwrjt if trntd thnat i accocy opon the mm i uum ineihit tuu 11 tie cord ie ifve bcgionnj vt war aiio if 1 ear 1 baeo toon tied ibn offenec ft ceinriiiltcj it ayemat oy ioot ae m0 c- bjt my ltj iht ciftvftet w wkfli ptbaard 1 oerer did coirtmil it haa been utji lhat 1 lieeo ckmw4dcd the cr t4w tvnci ktjt my lvd i have j bate i av the w jvi hitttl- 1 u dn tlie beet earjd e d n f rtd i w ie mty red io thi fbatdhj fj of am 1 prtint hrediens al the ncy iopon thai aod u khcc i kie bee neither ewom actcrcvtn i 0 ike liio i fclvrw crratun oica f r f ioceurd in tliwk nij 1 ihe nalura f ilw oaar any nvdcel inen acowinw in have iceoncd dm fivo miaiktca endea m puvnr the rjtc aejfat byj my lord ltn7nea ayfd ii- iil e lucli yo rilh j to anf btjcoj tolhy a 1 trwlefote l n0t imt05ime keonrctre how tar theae acceioliooiifatoekttf the jitecioct mettl ay by beioy now trattaintttej to th uatel sleteatn tbebro of coin contribote to ihe piem exyoeiation of jrold but tic cene- caloptnion ia that the rfrhwtkf hubetto rre tited ii uiu io io a oationa of iew and form tot a minute i in the potcnt ewrairorh the deeecitc uf bollioej io the bank of rltd leal welf o beitahool imo the mcreaeo o thr circolaiion is qoiu accomcd foe by payment of the apol dieidetida the n roaikei ha oit nndorewno any material chane ll will be seen by war tatied mer- oniile irpotu 1 tern at qnaiint that lrdc coniiftoet dcpkaet and roefchaefc look to ihe di larbed patti of europe in 11 avail ine bcrpef of sooie jeneal pacifiea1in which nuyoortmoo tcitote oor commerce to iu accotocrtcd activity the stock of bouion io the viiitt of the bank of fiance haa ajcain decreaied fay a 1 r a 5aoooco franc wbilil here has ten a crctofcdia de- cteaac of the ciicubtiec feeaa ibe e ofl weewaeue the tvd myor tkee a ejnnd bncort to her 4yaiya 5tiowur the ckkftjic nnfeef the elvercb the kenctt ad at tenet fat ew emwta iba jwdmihaspoakcct to- ccttfc ntb ooocttwia meutberi of erumcnt od irveral fcprcacnwieee vf the pablie prera of ore eoaorned to he fmbiddce on auek t- ai lha aiearri oomixd al ihe the uausfik family we hare imtr rnuch dciait in rrrertjec lolheycfotmaivceiof ihope interettiava je on thnreday inl ihey ae their farewell concert winch wn chareelefiaetl by more thin the iroratoi cadjiercc j lite io lor- aner raen hitierant concert nj t there ia ntually a ptajbtl of lea uateaoq b tine and raded camnwftferc w which one raeailw ivrccitey m he the eeeiy mht nick of ihe n waor player hackneyed wnile i ever reedy at tome yarlioiitei inne the hollow huhei f ioonj at iic ianabk fdacc aid the todied mvteliieiiji crftr coottintly mtavi at ihe mmcelaeiaiely kned cadence 4 the torlotcd reto theiv ch id cn of nature the cisc eptilelt diljifcnl ihey seem in bate ruind in their varioeie and diia wandering the nmde palho and homely hunvour of then nattic mwnlail there wa altojihtr air cf triilbfnl nnophfiticateil ovcotf ill- fated ioioihi vtlioteperjontwocci wlhh wai deligmfal loboih owr rafj and one rjee the rrfy weadth ol the accntulion wnh which they tikc cnielib bad tomethiov nric aori uae to native aimpheiiy in itt toftf that iu nncoulhneu 10 our klish ear uascjm- f jetely far mtcn oor lioiitr tt not permit ni 10 aotice the whole pcifermaikc particularly 9 bn arnoiaj oilarta we mint aat pm ovet that of mi seppa llaoc ziihetn thi an atmift ai teviralof a very ancient oiilmcal inlravt1ot of ihe teredo tribe but il aeeoit io be in capable of any threat coeapamfwbilo iia lewei arc by no mean iny anakel we gnotioii mocb whether thi zilhein of mr 1 1 ante r hat anything in vonmaaa unb the aiicknt t vilicen whiclt arcthl io hi h tn i tlrinred intlrn ncni of comueiaue tnpas and awrctoeii je ba soloand cboro c the fflghlin- lakrt w real favourite ad ealmj ioi1i the mot marked plaudit ll tol pert to elaborate a piece of ntuiic t oor own lo nililaiy niaimiofale bnt it wai fully aa characieiinic of the catlcrn waibier ami the wthktltn part wa beaut if nu wc are nit qniieanre ivowevcr boi that ihia whiitlmi imputiatoenewhat betletqucair tolur mu ic ll pot us mnrojly in oind of a toty we have aeanewberc heard of uaonbtrr tbii voealili white on ibe lodon boar-fthappea- ed one nixhl io pitch a tone too bi jor hie eoice and when he eaeac to ihe inbeu kc be conk reach bo loucd ophinoein the air and whiatlcd be naapcwoachime ban with ibc rnealest compoittre tum he eaeae dawn aran io the firl note li vchcc could tike which he slid into at if it ha i been lle imnmofiel oceoaence in tbo world and ihti he cwntlooe4 to do ihrou b cvey vera of tke ttoisenoeatbjoubablc laujhtf of the wbte aodicitce j the oiocjvuin echo teae a beautiful piece oi azotic aod iroe io mime nnlvait nvrkjt have been objected ihtt ihe echoci weie toopkinc to those however who have heard the bcaotifollr prolontfed 004 eweeily aitcnuaied echoes of any rrtountatttfiu coun try the ohjircuon would nm occur the aolo my coildboodn home hy mia thcrcai wa son with mnck tarv and sweetneaa thia jcttnc lady hat 1 voice of pf at power and compart and if pot under proper fcgialation by an rnperirnccd ciiai cian ihe would 00 hooonr to any concert roojn we would willincly have nolccd theae performance more at lertjth but our la- mill conliain m to pame here the llatiaer family were io yjive 4 coocetl in coaorg on saloday and intend eiailtny kindlon we feorajcnd then to the fa- voarahle nciicc of oor caiemiarariea ibiooh out canada iuijif fvr connn ifftl then odro1 home a arrof the keeniite council rmai tend ilia kvcelleivcy with the ad addrro mr guv trtoved thai a sffret coutoviltce beappoiniej tu enijinrcinloaiidreitvheih- ermin ibe larwt fwtnirht any arm wie ileltvcredloaoy pari and what pari of the pnpvatiki eet 11m y ctly what iuaittly of aro votc rictivcrew under what euttiorily ui4rr whose commaul ihe persons o anned were tjatcwfioei trhe iton- sad for what pinnnve whatuc wa made of uch arin how icoik they were ituioedoxc neypuvexl withont diviaiou a violent itoiheam rpje ernururrwej on sunday oieit during which the su char levoix wai auol iiovseofahtblymayls the bill to allow ihe iwie of 1 oulor wtkt of copioa in upper canada the leriditure toviiieeiuiiy bill were read a third liute and 1 l the municipal cocpnyaiion tapper caoada bill eit readathihl liauc mr jeiintrn moved the ineehioo of a claitte by way of rnler but jce4 hy a vote of 41 lott the bill waalhen pained ita itton yea 26 nays if new yoftstlith may 6 t at tke jury ln the caac of the anfoiluoale victim who felt durir the aalorttace riot after a lort ccmnlljiio came iqlat evenioe with ihe tollowin verdict 4 that j cunioi medooam ccogt v iiiw caate to their death by pmakot wound sited by ihe mihtaiy fnatitlf the riol bcfofc the opera llowo on the iwh may trl by or tct of the civil autbur- itiea of new york and loo circumstance exulin- at the tinw juatiled theoiewr to lire on ihe mob w further believe that if a larger rumherof rdtee bad been ordered out ihe ne cessity of a rchoet to the ue of the miliuiy mjehi have beco obviated loo courier 4- nouteoltaa ihe ollow ioaj lamrtinc has dccltoed the precnu the opinion of turin ay lhal 30co autioni were to entr alevaoia 00 the oith pina ha oro4cred and a cocaroitue aifooted at jathon to acute the tenru of srirmwen napoteoo darapartr haj rmmithed a letter whch b eeverdy maaned hy the gonrnmeat ckeara lie accow to lean lo red bcpobli- eumb there i no ccnrvnation of the reported cuvy of ihe au5triam over the hungari an the new roman ceiatilutiim is pub a oiintfuloepriaruiaod fnrctwutij that ritrr hat a fim i telecl hrtvmi vm of gerettjnenl without tnlefference 5al ihin a few j at 3al liiai b crrru lr viosl afe jn 1 mxlirliel heat r u poit ivlmtv mesa at ioalamj isime obhlmj itrisavameal 11 a 1130c i lla letter i ana icknei5 t dofm k 100 rn toincd hi whan ihti worn ie a aaalaer of nteeuawi be 11 the eireurortaacee ineotjjp h a moo and cwtatiao i an llptolcclioil niar who have awa omrt uakruotlo- u lha asoal 0iuwet awi uc0 mocawdr j t tte ihe lt raraanvfofi iroajkinu wftholwcml paiy etcie iw aj oudaal eur tweav ao ead tlmoe towkitu j aitjitnita tberu upon xm eyidcoca it hkp uh mto 1 batrtf tajld m ut orcaciha annn iwi ay rtvoei bf ruv loeelj kon wrtn the d ukieo eho w apcamhcoi ai bate been l tee ewioo pvrocd vr j ucnn eueo p u by hey oenvad ba uwu tro a wl d eait araa miewurcad by ar tbm errvvd net peemit bui et7eeaa r alrndialot aftli- areibn oftpfcofovf it m caiucbu ff mirwrfnd ik e ykwhowl atoipreeenuuna cieto ooarc ro eat3it trciher ha bejrnoaoei m live broad he of inraeaj f uhicehw aooko wawie khe pla toar 1 eonicta- nf oaudoc- lta haonrmotheae cbanmtof voearrvrahare mntfteed ih of our urnn lar tba lut two even ft wouae iiaprwjkia for aa in exovey om eeaocre in woron anyihrnj thai walj evoa rirc an tdco of lltw fanner of their pmbwiooe vicee oeot the htof ot tbo audience thw lawuted fahly eonavita or aee1wn ldwa andthrrrrhcww tbr mrjcl acc-mpe- 11- 1 cmnati of two coitaniand zimerin itic lait an imiurwcal of wnadcful power and fetnea tbo family aie to no anenteittin- meat ai pon llnpo thu eecuinj affcer w4m hcy prscved l kiotonsiar iosdon s llnau4 sum oh aodi a tovraeoeh a neudorhrj oartmp jia 1 willi cniitrrica and m rectea all td lerme funttuxhihccct itourtolmonfltvkee every tue ia any thine but wht u ecema v li aleep tpna an uon bid aodfaejcy it a foatic aue voo ihh reir ceiling carved m oak hy btee yeo ito a kotheione ywni fit mautetpirea larm iji o- wilr if youre a eeroaoee 5u anal paainiaiewe wc made or od of elao o le sir os h inch n town rceb n elaancal nwirefja trxcaon pin enrhah nyi w wuia ar epeb kvadttiea a forum- cm nhii en aenc4n for ctcre lbroee is latin oawbei wkai e it creek- iteteiae pfiuchnxoaaod there a fajwj4 voi awcaeie i aigiepcuip yew tajvfy pafjweaiaaw vmiperte ehimneytpeta f ttonaaahafu to coe ihtoala idralooalkxhalaadlml-reiiacotaniover- 001 qh eooti town eveh lefeeue rnetopona f wefjnesdays report kloavarcamay is ih9 quebec piper of yrtcrday announce ahol 50 mate anivah aruony them the ki le hie fioen civeowbathara luty 0- mc and amitna lioea lverpnol and prmce fjeorge fiom leiirt with cocul cat oe feou gaosac luc extract from a from lr dpnlai 04 led inday happy to ay that there i liitle or r montf the irivb emi raui thut fer find a caaeof aerrouaillnem out of trtuvccd tot or cirotra the jrie 40 and ihe miami 10 parenrr hot a few dayt after they c bathed jahlodc tbey cot clear ot the diieaie and ihe pamcaen 00 arriving at create wc were found pctfccily well lecislative ccuncil the pttoa owlla bih the arctimsbop and buhoruc bill the clerks of court u co fre bill and the hamilton mercantile library aaaocutioo bill were read aecood lime the joint stock ceoipanvh bill wa read a ihrd tiuw ad paae some yirau blh were adraaced a tae in the hene of aeeahlf yealerday the weirbta and mcature i c bill wat read a thitd lime and pawed a number of other bills were read a second line iocfodinj ihe ball artiding ihe foattntee of the province lo coimaoiea in the consir action of the ijali- fas an4ubec railway oe ototeal ex- planationt were reeprocettd by solicitor general blake and cat cuej relative to eventa which took plar 00 mcoday house opassembtymtr 16 the bill o authorrte ccrtaia pftrtatl to build a tol ttidea srer the ktrcr jeus the hill lo creel atoll brvdyo over chalean cnay kiver the 6h ta lacorporate he ri lower pawed canada were read a ihird time and taetci fwtawjhbaj fr piniinf wild eae fv reerad artamvar tklkola hero joo oeenoia vaaro to oraw v cyceaeemna ibarraiac mij in tabbr lioo ihei turn at thr cburch suwtw e v the r 1 o a t tortni iw durmf brhb ou nj drcl unf4rfofci b aity- hrmld j not on blciuwtforoi diha atia- of the ibjrtd at mint pie l0 to mu ihf rad isal kj pttn kbwtwa aliuld b u i ulb i nfowewmiry uievtnur imae y 10 cow hi kel he di- nd lhat wo ifl nir beat aedaa- ta uw coentry ha and iiin oor iffl dirru i coamorimat vce aliiuipai cajkwaemt ftor mile leorltotaa a natnunwconaalkm whffl they oavee av a fee a all daaioaa ih veenau gmcy 0 no on en eaa all oh bockoiown tacli a miieil nwlrefl midaumsdy bnaaaufly w ml two itnltan ofcri r ovf f pt lmlifbc cnohu hut dill awi ruanm lih mainn sornt 11 soionl 1111 m cydc iratihipmcoclrt f oakvwe w ilia betbunt oiitrict unorvevrd laid bill the menlrca meichant icftcnance and keajrn- llovio bill were otdcred lobe en- pitd some amrodrneot were teportd lo qnebec trinity hoot bill d agreed io nnanimooly to the aecmid reedm of the llih ameodmot hich fikea ihe aalaty of ihe treaiorer at mr crmige moved m amruament to leave out 330 and iierl atmo yeaj 10 nay 1 the lhh am w then eced to a division took place entkelith which fiat lar clerk salary ai at 1r chritie moved to leave oor jtioo and iajeil lz3 oegativrd ibc klh wa tlicu peed 10 mr lihmlaiae iolroduced a bill to make prnvuiomfor ihcchilinnanceand com el lie a of prooeedojfs in baokrupicy uow pcitdinz m tower caaada- second readmr frtdy next sir morriaoo introduced a bill 10 incorpo rate ih minister and trustees ol st aodiewi church montreal wuch war read twice and commuted for friday neat mr dlwrmouj airodurcj a bill lo amend the low reatinx writ of prerogative and other pirpoie llwiein mentioned sec od leading kiiday next op nmtion of m tafontalne the hamsc vrenl iuto commitleo lo rounder the espr- dicocvof povidinr means for the conhee- ifon ceitain court llcuaes and caett in yi4ei canada and fumed several leavlut 1001 which arc lobe icported 00 friday i- thunday report- mornrai mas 177 pm tvsrvmwi of tke aifivatof tbe ftaathhri creale rreal tehsaiion at ikmsta where it iv aaid icteann c itffluo mm irner aioitatbcrretot afalestbai the popnlafion ptonhd tor pun ix- thefiencb icrn- manoiiad rclalmrd hi mi on wwl ftieadl rtun olrwrgjte iij ll b underwood thai ihpopc wsil jpepectcf or compelled tott0 ireoiy or amrvstybut deiiabk reform simitar ccwdiliofi will probabiy be imtowonthe qiaod dole of rucay no ttihit ioriline oulol order between toircnj cornwall drtotalta baiam of wild hbllry no qaekeryno dwm fnnmeataih the rftc of llni nuly eeat me- dwtoewe have trle t dbeetto iheae vhu arolahat nrae anlaulhui uvevvnj wah a- enkr t iwvn ibn it yu dckve yet tkrftelk naaml and aceihe at anul nt foeenddietrn rxemned bemany of the diraatn which iki nvdienv ba pnrcd a hiaaacefjwefeel tli weenntaetc pap uwaaano tmnly ee ay io much in t fvw vmw remcdia it 1 iroe have been oftcied and poesj into nokc tor the core ol dueawa f ibeluon td in have been foend n dvtu very wdul bul or slliluttm yet beoo dinr ed it vdiwid by pheati caljl wltv haee j wrfiiranl i f ibal nme ha proved occdl1 ibis for astema senrincm r bmethnd aibilm kftveii it miyav eed afisuv eve it hi eortd aailima oaeairl end ieniy yeira randmc fler phyaieesr kadactvarcdtoeeeae bejvasd liie reech u mt time jrnkj by char bread and n ptei kncemnand dnif4i crwmiy in canni rtiirtnikt agt wiirjln indian v gesabuill are o re i citiberdinnre mwcine f- iksare of cttkmitiim ad got we oat ikay mnlyevaae ibe kmaeh and boaeta of unaaij md bontem which if ukcn iufni tke ctfcwhmn and ihfiwn opon ibe membrane and m in caoae of ii rteve paavnul mala- dea- a hey fetk ih vi lake mv wh wabeady tfnj otedand ifceie- eft akoou ke a pr feet core j fkeowtwo and gal a eiate ii ecoi u of aaid 1- v put wdl often ire ibe inert dimf nif end rictinc nmuu- rfr iod will be certain to diive pain of oveey ewir- w m tv vre plle e tf nk in kinctou by chee ibatt prmeesikei aiaiiin mrbet p011 rj kiiigsloit mavia cseooreen ffaanihwri l bhh me- qoe hi bhu tr dsmea prcnth sir n 0rdenavarihl mare crmx rtstkerter hulwdwtbeosde ijoaod cm miv iv obf ooeua tvt triajaaa floor t tiavdu- 4 bu mre perk ilnoke nfmcamd beown ea co ada in of laed tv amoican rt- h aanwaawwa tvotoloou bbw floor ymon i crane mr- cook aeahe oethvl patco lianti cthm tva arh fff tonoi6 r flour qncbec do campnnj on km sir -1hweeew-i0wtsf- srl- minh monrreal a joneml earan 0s lhvsjmictueuc fnrnardm i oapany m4nber piwai albtti bftown w ug fuea oacpet barley not iivrmwued mav ic etvihtpe hnmihawhvo aie ftur ruw jmaotco 3st bbl ttwti ucpjwiom j cvao iiivrh ctrlbornetc bbs flaor mcer- r cmne sir abort k a t cargo hv 1 j 1 r r l- 1 pnea ctt tomtoa peocral caro stitafcd tnd other cvaeaoii alonire- bnpy mat 17 cubfioat chpf oaacfwoio hm flovif rtbicr v hero- 433c cut lumbal aubet pvvtoaaeto vvy 1 mue a rweeal u lloh kraer and uinem iatrors at montreal for kinu ston pcroeemeoeo pamiy foos currw lacneatcor a n d htw 2 ec i blc ketr c- 3 caaee i bevr pei vej sh iknra oolymdni i bkfcin ne in it alei l cmy em bile pevft rvfirei we raan lynsonn tiil- leefmotttll jk j l btsec a cab 12 eaaea 3 irons j a mcxcct 1 eaae w umw ftiaajlcowa perleae mccarry from ierpooljulio mohvh june- w wilem h co g eatk rheit tifw radi cjii rtxri v rr ro- ch at and half cfcfiiom uyett dii rts aad 1 i f do twaukai 4 ov ii n cuot t laity raea laiperinl nud nnjirt j t d dr dm hf ckil jtd callil oolctvg flchon h do lfivevnvto itncht ktfcalur ciha lnnvtd4 tn ftennc i dn ciwiltil o osia launtrj aeklviueef fo hf 11 ut lo is j o dj bbh hi i v stt m it liht i2h bn 10 hhd- 911 bj u hi iwis ii iu dt imtruli 50 uvea mil k il m ami f t jri hea cjlf4iit ill bj til ue mi jrs mmijrd sijv di da d weigher and if fmiud of nfm hi eih lo be at it eshrw of lab boyei srthrivrif at ihe exwiue vt the seller iiu tat vi henef ariiev i pamic eaieu far ae hid ftjiailrlrd nilhill ileaard city ttudar ihe law r uia 10 in rwmo ta ad eainetl mnv i pad ami ci iir i ketieee buter an i seller lth pani hall he com ir i led i udr hy ibrir haicaiis anuiimyleie he ant drlitny 01 ratseatll en ull lc vberiti toaifnul the buataiu iv th i wlanvaf i i aereed riwee i imyrr ml teller lit lite rcf f n ai1iclelhit deleiimiet t uru p meaaiiintenl it shall to tv launl fif ntitt a 1 ricide fiin the hviii aflei 1 d aitirle is or tidily weicbtee alti ui1 the fthstey jiielfniy leitrred v th tt il aha imt be aj fi ant per mi in oltl for s nrearrv ainlliank ab pfaces hi my tri awa i iv lulhe siretli nrmiier ytdic wkh 0 tvi r auv has tj hloar ir r do a uwe- clejmeii sleaiih ai hall bi tubacct siia eafh ja i l hiry lvmw mb i and 3 ps 1 a nt i m laea kec n v kitjtur cwaa it v jo do loei iu funclieou iaaaita jt jj q cab v 5 hid- iliuid gin lckuteioson iw bw caiudmn bkey li c men with pepper sauce leman sviur sperm oil jiurtet eisk fuaeliolivi ol u1 sorted fic blue siach mtrrw sunlt maichv caudeaick wee lom jlioom toil viip40 paper iu10icr clove capres rxc ulttlam tvarr ucfcnnvi i tilkk uce j rad be v i 1 1 crve au 1 ie ut ittee jiircliimtftbefvy kiil if vi init any tcrrn wl nhi iny jafiaeuiai el a of ihe eivi he of ronseea fit rida pvihu im llr ulc liiy dtsd n htioiton 13th miy lir m iirruof h or any altrrmi t ijccrvwd he eoeia at tli j rhiii nn mkuuniiin uayov polkematiiab ie uut 4 in nh fnn len than 2- vheir motor mataie oaljennm ssalt deem 4ier which fine may he iwird ni tke f o aidcliaiieuif tnek itiesdiwr tieh rion hal ke tuhrttued in the oal of ike ilriel fu a priml nivieel iiikttil ll uf kwklriincvfoit 111 iiilimi utitcr lidlarut da todav onbft ibe amounl of line and cost be somief raajrj m signed frsm a tec it cer flamcix 4 city clerk may or s3 ir jtrsvrlt ftt tswi u jiirv iljrr nl ty rolean i inyi as tiii hauser fam rivo in nnif iiimitvwrma iiatnm vvwe hra mmila lluwrv fmrrheavvi mil fftanz hkusrrrear ailt ukitl hausk jvavweee mruetmtck iiiuseii u- covaine w tlie celehraio rnvia fsmiv of ttaatrv minwrehx thr iiauscrfamitr rpcctfoiu anuonnce to ihe ciiirerh of kiityjamo and vieimie that thev wdl tava the honor m rive erne of theii uft sno concerts af ivia mi at t fc- on ftlontlay livening may 2lit when ihey will sic a rhmce svlcctmn from their and the waioers met popular sooreta lloqtarlelu amempviyio their sewo and toa on tw cuivsn and zftimax the las beic n u- atrotaent never befoee intreducyd into thi counify and eonijefu4 one of the ereatert musical noveliieaof the rr for narticura a iinal bilh ralopteormay 18 is40 h8 stensoiys hotel ltc oaalfordt rmxces bracer uinchto- mrs talf0bd lz n returo her mnccre thnk vp hrc fiierda and ihe pomit 5rcwraliy sowed oi her f the la and bavioe lately obl buam be noom be fuendi and tbe puhlic twenty 4vc year nt ant rrltred freavi o reatirra iu her r 1 j lr q4 iheir nptri to twr secceor t oittw srajcsajr who will endeavor ie mikr it a ctimtoiiabi an j coovrnicflt ascnu fr yni kiu wa stbnsoks hotel fofturkly bamforu pmscess tfcftt ktscstos pilk suueiiher uvi pwichawd the ahove ruublishmeni from mbaroroid hope by strict nttentioii tn kuu 10 mril a shate of the rcjeonam eo u betcally bcwwed tvi hit reejeemwr tnutavlc uillatwajabu wplavd with ibebu ihe tarhcl sltvd thbewill i- be ilrhxi wcb tar v tu4 bsyi 1 he would alto br la iifmm th iumr iltii attached 1 ibc premise i ao exfrumtc vorj ond xfotdiji e a catmuci will slit kr ia autadaecr iocojivav lom frouii the boat free of chare pa im itcpccfjb1c coaidciicanbc ie ceojodated oknkhts stfcxstxv- ivitii hai 1 in an jy ifftr j fust meeting of ttseciedi- cai ol u aid pkru mil h bej ai iu jilref lni hi u- cowit hat- cilyur kirkle fkidw the twenty fii h my ntsaulp t tc hour of twelve ohvk psart 01 ihe cmst s jiotvlamiv ini itroewfon maj db u hll notiite storage avltwhaitpace kerctflllviferrmta puslictka he ba ocvhcl bv lice ami romtmaj 1 a nf fr tv klvluu uf ell kirda of fec- cbendkse o 1 tba foo ml terny fit t ashra 41 per bk iwae 11 d per flwr h do in cram idperbig 1 ifae on the aave half l momk peart rawn ky caitnra wha al tovtn fm w or sakmanmls r oh t iel 41 per bal schonersein be accvmmojaltd with lit tasl at law ri the suwiinef trft ivlt knoeo oyid m wiaj jnd ueeeh iujw aliy ami 01 eaaa- hl hthavf hi i- hy iiki sncltwi 0 bn iesiiiejpjhaeiourtih a esrefol tvare- hou etmu iu moeii a slaire of ptkto pa tren f ah ti ai lh rit oj tbeowoor kaa1 aii 3111 81 education mu jaimhxex scuooia kisntton yay7 isi i city of kingston gaa liglit company jvotlce is hereby njven that tender will be teecvcdaiiiieo0cof tbe above named coeapan until monday the jjth mst fiocnsuch pailies as arc wilim to contract lo exrtute the necetary evcavitmr of all 1e ticnetie and filhn il of ihe ame to the reetaof this city vbal the comphoy aaay tecjhiie for the twi ijji9 cootnctor will he required to commence as toon after the 11 june neat may be re quired by the cowijjnv and to cud two uretie for ihe doe fttfeemance of tbe work secibcalion aod term of terrrjer tone scevi m tbe otuce every day ftoea i 10 3 r m fly of jet of hie utectot ix t wothbltspoon isecuurv kington may 14 1s19 ll3i r rv distiller wanteo iwantfd immrdlatety an epteneed tt dulllvl loukeelnrieut alkililbiy capable of woikinsdobttthela per dey tie mot saii factory inference will be tecnired as lo ciacter kt rarrnuu a person of the aove description be married man without incumbrancer in svie may w eakdoyej a housekrcprf to ihe koj rior apply 10 james coll ksq biinpl hy leltlre peat paij building lots 10 be ircicj several valuable buildm cot iina- ledon htine and qaeen slrrls within view of the market inchsdii a eornrr hi ctmmlnfj ft m acddkklt klflautoe c4ih april ts9 imooo iirancmcs twghta 1adim hiitiu fjammar fuleeval ars1 fractional alithmvtic bek kcrtiilfieoiiy hi kiy kujluh com pmiiivn ac frsrieh if tiffwru- tcnh4 pre otsnvie pupils hn re ten year of aj 5 v 0 ivc ttii ycat- 3 is 0 v4hm er- iv puprl- to fuiruib ih i uts2jiu- tonvl bruhts ate uincju m itoawetucaejco- uif ltd j wilson vnome t denatd carupkv h coltiaepe j d gosite tm ojsrrtfiv x aieylev vq cvlbsirne j m ciuvwr kwji coihor cmlnrnr pnl akh isi5 15iiv if f3t to let the houoband phemises lately oc eumrd by mr fioerc dooutec os an inn situate on ontario street rorieu giveu imeaedialely avy oreilly 0 hexdesson n kinpln may 18 iwo 11 atxaslbaininili ambhicax uotzv mmlpourv aiforuualpmmuieui jg iwhwfaftanurcl uailhfdihrc wiuw in- i vf s 1 ihu f- oekaoj iboektcc mr tmeivn ifeejramnvra a wc fourivelknetun t j miner fenei i ise aealieii ivlmd mr ccnifjunu sw k i gaawjiihem i g kerr cerfa aiibrican hotel toroiiift iv rmthle frorieior i comer rj yasc and frmii strei irome halely oj klvthe montreal batik at j ihe ciaaleau yormio may isio 19- w butfniuon kotollaic weeks haniiliom cnavnla wel notice- it copar rnmkshii eswsoe ia city hriwewn wilua 0 wilson end jvln auhaoj kte nf kintnn mderibe namef ivirush ivlbaj tt ccxttht ei uteiis ihe 3m day of msrch itst all rmfjdiir the u je irhe pid lowittiaai wtltoti who will seire all iit cbiow william wltexk kiotop may 3 1s13 im pill svtem steamsoat aflr he cled at u p notice mail will here- m inatead of at i 1 m as heretnforr should the river sioaiukal however not he in hv 3 p m the western steatoboat mail will he kept open until her iwivaj letter will t receited at the mail lemrluc- otfice on hoard the r ver aud lake mail ejeej up tn ih time of their depahorr jjv mrkr of the dejiuty poimvter cewertj k- ijiac vii ftulptitrr lrlh may 1819 ll sio romove steamer for sala jvotice is hereby r er that the stoamr 1 st peter as she now lies in the st lawrrnce in fioot ot st mary found ry will be sou by puutc auctiou at ihv 0e ott monday ibc ist il at the hour of l2cloclu the vessel is snpcjieil with iwa eaiwa of 30 bottc power ea h iu iod order man rjtanauvj g mr park jn and tbe is well aaopir4 a a 1 ok boat alt infocmauon required with refard to terms e may be hj by afucaliou 10 thi oibcc thomas a becly oesreiarv depaflmenl of public wrk lltb may st9- 0 bran and shorts bkvn anlslloiry the beatwulv iv sac al ittralts sfobs hochks e7rrrioir fflorf huarletsdi two sbluiiis par enquire or rj kington m 3 iso peemiacs ol jamks mad1can lostf to let areolmlti cewsw- ycloriaadnralooor lo ur- f l oaorg umbton buiuie aoosy l0 i3fiurio ttimt kin7toaapril05 is49- t rit x bai- in prircvr slrvulte3 copied by j- v clark at a relail cro sioif arf rrfl co mr f j bvov ordnance land l tocarters ano others fve director of the city 0 kiicion tt ctnphv wil receive ftas ustw company craw all pesna mlllna j taitajec the company fur vi year from the lit june leotuva will ba fenuircd je fasnice of the llna sifcfleatien ad term wco j ji ihf olie m a fen- lo connacl to miy iconire mast two lanwl dne pel- af tender to be ot tbe cotapany to ke let hotjsiv and shop in wellington hy witmtu stnal blot occur rlf iblftwiiwia kmksvm fcjborv the llmne is m rssoj lte- wi aitd cnnitlaof svee ew intdhm uidr vad toon ailaehed i alao a a lei- ou the premises kmt1oeihlhmay mllt u pattersons hotel kixorarom oaltadaa fluk hiciber would respect folly in form hikiedaiidhe iuwicinireneiavhai be has leased ihe ue end cammiou uo- irl formerty how as cooofettows uotkl beiue ittalvtl very pimaill frwilint he mereiagurc opeassiic ibe bjai of hiiiuli nonh americav withn a few mi b bl ff laanlines the ifeamo hft heeo iorouchi renovated tlw iied and futmlhie arc ol ibc heal deeiptw t and lle kuom iare aj airy the nhacrber faiiee m fom hi x espenence in the b-rnei- to iee social ssiufactton to all who may f4o him with a cell a few harder csa be accommodated on readable le to uimi ftr n term of 7 yin rplle ordnance la4 h the ej rir mfii- ly 01 ih cilv of kinvto3 knowft awhirf com mqn anhadwrawritourapetiycflhirevi wlthtrchmer the said land ro he divided in poor cmmmntua tespcetivoly avul id eft j7 aao 31 arjuav toivdn for leasvthe aaue uth r re eeleed hy the respective ostctv f it m ordnance at klnoion uatit ffttday ihe latof joue at 12omockiorm afi which hour us tenders vi bo received the teiuere to f in fresh garden bwdk- is uk siveriher hanil reccrrett v 0tj aasoettienl of croicu oarwrn o4 pnnr sej of 11 yeat fiowtb trirr- seed are eowkmtly rccoa a etad hid taotkta-u- talaoneceuleceileura he 6cu stfaw maihet sorwre kielow march 90 palmk notice tdk armoal meeliof of the 2 ihemutaal fie lfwfff i mtiund ojicforihe ps posea faeise im- ibccmcifoos tm xuay ibc ss duideile is ihe renl 1 1 hi beruerhedortlhi vvorjee mstt and to per an cisidr eapreeain wordi num ottered and two 3urclin will be leqiiiisd tor ihv d payment of itvot whose ofitiual milmoica mint be alloc bed to ihe temer a plan of the lola may be crn end any foither inrvrsftation owaiuj m apstlicalur at her wajsl s odfiancv 0v kioatou in oflice hours office of ordnance kinaeton llth may 119 ll3i aco and mr faea boaftplnghousr ber hatiotj leased s whate pftj ton may 2nd iskj vv scerrier vc4 a shop and dweluno i a des sakon in the oitao street pe4 lu john idaannwt kitiln starch 21 o 5treel 1519 73 to lot o mrnn j issaarfeu fiirj it hwlh- hons spur wi v i b rjiiiffli x lai thelmtoiultluiroasli panmurb