the british whig arm qtatrtl mfwllmf for 0nnh west puimihd ivkkkiy starr krldaj llirrnoo nl i vrlwk bl edward jorm barker iu d fa i ti4t m t ajafenvn frrurf w thk wnttkiv nm rin willi tl pd lft fc iirv r rvm sninviii gbilttit an ttlj b m it w m mi t1r m tjwl j l llf r th rear rcfu vv w7t i orifiglj ma 141 fll ik ffil if r put m tojmk or tt n iln uil h vnj general advertiser for canada west wfhi x vr f if fnff ftwi mas i fref eipete 9 no addire cl and ibe cha n lit fiil pree nf nr n i opiter per orem dicor n vol xvi1l kingston canada friday evening may 23 1810 cflrarls froii late tfnnligt per 3 carbison till ptf4 vert tiret 3 vpkirlstiikatnk oh fiiiuy even the officer e the r- fitoitic i die nmc nilritolnmcul mi lb benefit of hi- kal jnirmaiy and hi ir ifbitt were tify rctvittfed h iw tili uvpiy pit nl ihe tleatre wjm 0citid il ecarsjderiuy enhance reo tkeh- rue i prvtented mnjivfiv a rant- and the umlwi of mifiy ctfuislwirrtor hrimr u 1 lbe iicy of thv ours ifccif tii hjf n the pit v the ur wj tnarkrd 4timi cults n numturrol winch tverc ttcrnpinl i ihopupuaof me kantian i mtlilvy atlrk uif before tfir performance ctfuimencrd ad whtn the whl houc bad been wrought tip lo a lni jhuji f ir ly aaj rxitrrrnl oc of toe illjfit 4m ivoi cpttiin v of ihc t ki1iti oc frwjij ami poll willy ploiic wth hipy it tho pciforfflmc nmnccj vnily aficr ti firl piece w cbvta st i at pjet of whk in nocljtmt jlvtnihit of thr mrttj monaryh ahj ut witiv klri- tef capuia vcincf pbyej the knj aits ffllbcll ipiril ofld coidcrabf dlafflatic clfcl nj mr vemer tctcd ikt part of rocsnur vitjf crtdiuwy tht cm jnnkirtrr cl cofp it4s played br mr uickm nj mu- tftiftra vritb alt fimliiy snj a cmlhrttiu h t the fart wc cuj lutjfy cpccl in an aqttir hit sciiac 04luil jclf t l ffc oim khkwirde oreen the appriaftfeofrtfrfi ml in excellent keeping wjih s ebjralrr with i wdl asimct niuiieaj jpiit he cvn lin r it jduiv of miii uaj wt juil iii tt wc wot14 like and rtneet fo llnj iri timi lik auboueft ictlum withotit ibr artilteijl duh often cci on ihe a tbe v ner fofinance v am intotuiiv full ol djtile lucdct tallvl my wifn sfevil ftoof and i bo many little tvatouict and cre ur mc uiat pillow in ucb rapiif ion eroded no little fan in tlit uco mr dickers playett jacob cloie d het ke a- acit the put ajd uiin of bov wiili fre it ipjhifemi ea and gare rxwiwl cejie etfecl to ihu htinvo but ueilnin ejnrtre citain peii as caftih toseavy unit mr vcfaw ml fr11 tkklklli 4tli puvcd witn mnh ifiiil flnl in tint n n ii u in other pirer tke clunt nufi la4ly fjntfitfa at tliey fpmril itevjrtil ennh- crce ihe lt wj the t ii knnwu jtir of tlie lnih tmo onj m sfuwrvjvr- m ike uifai dr otolr w4il tunoru and vv niiiej kii of comic lin the bie wm iw vriui all ihc rldthof veeejfl atid vivacilv 0 a ntire tbe prlalhlfit ol ailninablc 1fxmi- woftof teiot di doctor trhti niti an edu calitin for iho tame mmv1 ki t with a mtich coolnem a if it h id bci lie wwo of chir and hewd ov ajhiiid as a itriii for t rith kcn lutai igkicr bfta ftry ecitolly by cjuin ap kill iw other pnu wec wh filial h eiiiiti ll vi- lir mv rlritn flip r vs jlulvktttethm ofcmmftinil larfttlfitttl vel llt in bo mhl ikil it ikm tktv innagd j a ihji pfempllvm lt n inputtl k tl i tnnrtcf b f itic trvi1 ivm ilr jnr frfiropnf protiiicitl fmift for r i 1 hi tcnf i luv ik iv trilft bf lifliiiriir cud i llh br kia iv t litint tuftiir f bt o- vineh h hi nn1 pfui ri v lib tf or rjelr- prcpmtp la ee v ive frutf pnilitishilin i ivriiit3 ii it raii fever r ihmhi i iil fihw j lip wivfl i lrp imh xf f trluitnent tle k i iinfi in yulmmtt iv rtrrroi of toiui iifid m4l f iim fititii faih ro nrpltrj ncf rfrttl i ml i tie hmj trr 4rmrd in pmiraeri 4il ri whten rt- ikwe lrrt j r cauhkaimui ihe mh si i 13 1 il vf rf lttfj uvr ai1 tj n a ftctieb eibl ifit evchiiii tlol tfjf tnla ihf ktnrf drift nfiil4 id avtrrhitl wuf mrf4in- lctr fiire vt ilili4ij j14livtn rll ftn fptft- l 111 ri rtoniuj ifttkjj in tio aino k vfthm w picntjhcd tit ifil fur in ii iu t i 3 h ifuoa bvett neled i iikitft ifwly tiitittf lu tlm ejt a in9clwtmt toxpnv railnrek mr- w h c nne of ihe cvmeniwiob er of the lnlvel cnocr ireland rtmanm a petitioner beeane lie had noi pakl kb ttib cription for hin- ai the inriiit i inline iiui a np huwjr j the lo4ulmt wa abunt to w tm to pnie ben he ecidaird ibl there eww be no uitpy in lheiae the ncnrhapr in onrtion be the stvtrd tho cvinmimpnir oace reverted the lenience ad jjliared the poor mm rith miny ctmeutooi of heait fejt otjhmn pumk iuie iiow w mrcly a vvlii4 ot frtw at tl4 hto rll tfcrf sph in lltp iiuui o prttodrati a t aimed utt et hfvd iwm m- iw i ltlji i bik ini en it in iuit thf i a mriktdil ikj no trftw mvtlf jp- jack ofall trade tlq ipm mf nib were rfveftjfrtiii kn eirect pinvokej ukeitnh t oaxrluie m 6is p otu plain 5fttiu mr qarnarj tit opjnetl the military amaieou o imalrobare in the hotioei and tua licorrney lierfthnvance f mary cop- 1 in r i w ptce wt jhihjv and cle j white ei ihr atcom the ithtotf and flitted mil topheaey ml fn maylvi rii v- taih iih ttat veity ad ptnt ami io hliilm- ehmn and mi wia h mined ihelr pn th heomini tff- auiincc wre in l tjufil hirvntemi seteenin ircijy e hjn left i oir cf dioiora art i nauy tk w wn rthet lijikn veecaoid hivr tatieiptil hi j wm wlreporitac iietf1tiet and ilcfictru- tkalye jeiteramy find alths ftta ibtbl 0lcred in amalmi rrth of im jo tkt liborality of the em iu dvw 0ic 1tocech uhich ivill be vrry ronmd- le to lh roeal lufivmry wih dhm folly ipfcttcmltil wbili- ikfuccric ff bir enter i aid ritnt muat he ulhly mtfyvn hemilvi nd we dnubl m ufcey will jotn with partiat gfcwn entmtiii u all tfrftd who hwfll tufied at ifaectoe of the icrfoinc tbe ana- prc and lln oflica ol ih tiiion biy jnd artillery atfiiuue i to tjiiv ne uyal cl wher an eae1eot pfie i rn ljta1 by mr tail hf jnne bnoeli of i tbeafe ryal whme badajuo pw jippoetof theoijretfor hieh the eor- iftcea ol ihe m wet tl on fkl e frel lalpleaforc in recniainx waatnon ll esta afur ike uial loyal tann wre pjn1f cpliin yefner iiiwl lite lnalifc f jr bentkliapafrdteliottth- piac- torthy manner in wbh c lal pfflie4 hn trice inl the pmit unftt md aiuitcc letieed feom hin bv the fnners prcwtitd in in ik mine l a famclernnprbo mnufctd by the i- nerirlnn niell hy the jmy oi tlvie in tind rt i tbc idccnilt in the ttwi c w ard t thcpw nat iid fooll o t f w otwofliciii the o4ennt in the litter vih be cntf d ia ittak nlifv itim aml it p4 trio w i t pfojej te ilhifli ik iik ict aim nd enicced l ili a frvalty txeloc4 frawi ibewir t the act iltj it protvi nuiu petivfr ipelpe tf wsoe bertictl rtrnpiif4 and in n eh yn utrcff wre iten t iw j eno- mtriof i lie britifhcrovn nr i ik a i v oert r iki of tft ee tbc art dvtr n iely er l 9vtf knl ninr tn onowewd o- v but j fojihv otnpti pt ejwi i nee v a frriaeli hainhti tl- rr a3l ibe iiitkln d ji3 nj vh a vinifeamiap eb havt te iktej bcitecrn tatneiweme cnbdi ritpf it hm corwmr etn b e4tried htlirtic n ukde d li l p j iv infr tthmiwijiu tjiiittpl- ttic rieoifli awfira ibaaitpaibvtf twtip it hd io in etprrtcil tti cn ic nh jwtcu enifr lik ik unitti tlr io i4j 0i1 bnihf kvtb 4 na0i1 fr nl at eo sont uir ime o- of diip m ah he no a iv or uier inul unreftelb ipum hr hb pr4 nf or lr ln f rn tuil fowmner mt invfln unch t ehky mm hnth and inpcttt tutfv in nnpta lw fn entr dtngrr vvm tuio rtitrn um t jeuj lbifti l4p prrcin4iko a it w tlr iipv icevrr ei limekm itffmmr ihnvn b r ftflpiidiiito k oifiitxfj tkr in irtvfe btrjiiiml ise nnitiibios m j in pmeaafcfp f ike i ealoaaaf pwitc i ejj h bffvf f rfitnoibntrt nl fl tirn wteouatmut imhohn- iio uttr ate itr anvnit h iimme tle rc i our f mnkdrtto impor i uwee whai wll ld kir tvint will wcnnoindtf l4 ktim b4 nfiren 1144 toiw bl ko ike inrkct mit1 f caiftd i d lc vrm4 k mhlftkl llndtnw aatt onm iattfv 4n4 miple eai if lit objeda lb bill ik pfltnin in rnlnent an tatratenetiheoialitti rf ile pippint if be owwliaxn etton i ne fflonia ih frefaje ottftvttj f die po 5lt and ifrd ibo loydiy l ilfakmu bu bin htrawin m hie a4marv f in fmvifjry may a xtimr rlfrtir fa mv4tviti2 lb- nl f in fir ftturthinf taumlerhipj plan f 0ciin hit ec hnkt iip 4iidilit r- n ieyl nr tke itti utn rter ptwrinre 1 e tl ftitu itii 4 itt raertmc 1h t or lb ei- jjmiraine h pi -njiaire- i tke ultei hd hf brittfti kr f vmo t aw hctru jur arid cc fcarr llien be nui ereru uf u inkniat oriittf nd f ct- ir mii mibtliwbfck 4- pkrlc thr teprr- tnrtf- htuitrid4l tfvch tjn ml ne wl dly jdtjtinmtfitf i cimlitw l povorn mfti ilh ii wiii hp riidt i ttvmiv tritwjit iiivling ih veti w 4 it it ejy 10 mlifmih tkt tint- t ibe e ptity oa puis h lie itil lucotemrdibe iil j it ken tiftfnly nceca ii letw kt faied n cullwv imir f f- rmtf ie reo ereto ttv on whh iley eomtl av errnft nj jfiininc tucv perdionerr atil lk upjiv tf lle peiiu wkieb iklmlna isrr fimiutiiljr tkee 011 b i ti ibeit s iiiikvi y ik j llprtlli iinen ij ibe s marahalldlfjfc slier ith tht- nuttlft j to mr umt ll iteorfc his kind and iw meisd mit- v ifcj 0ccto nf cairjn tlvamcaf id of the furth vf ike r vjl kn marv iburjh march 2 1s19 to lmmr t renocitei in a fic1ipt apd appniriotf etch the health ol iw hfi uhn tfbttrj efvettiut uaa then hrftyniirj by one of ihe tut who renuemed tr krhnrii to cn to them the cp if rii tnttk- jtue oticnl id bind allehtitn ifrpy htl fcuhoot ditt4kct 3ntl for ktajir vm co chtlov to vwti thj felt the ktm rceen hbce had met with wc in a eji utj- oeioj e canadian cllestlon in cnc- mnix rttaj far ljtrvn titn 4fi 23 fairrencvr ior tvat4tltkk j lietiatfih f i he ittstrt in ibe piiavuoreo uial er ifcii-reefc- r fiuvi to inmo rim tte and ibe 0lllvatdrimfca1 fart ar tipoied jiv 1 hjttkti a e mn wnokljl ibur isinicrajepviuualoe p- ado on be nrje avlirr i ihai ibo mnaneiii of he funrl rp atand bid ah lot ntr4- w ai iao nch mh arilli ibo tertnr f r4ml j i and ibo ntajitvmev of annie t tadtfoei niveh ftn lie e ii tniraainlir ikrirn aid b mnj tabriilotc pr btt1 taking ibo troai m d tare tiikiajf even i bj imi dnerrru er reeo to be ref rdetl mdil anj i vocclatly by tilt adtova r lent tor ibo ettawit it a dtkmini veb k ote jiltciiy n- euoil pnlicy i0 ly ihao aftyccmld le dtie ll rva ilo blke of tbctiinlo inn bihtf k ibe brkllroaof ta nennatiilionullii eraopl ifutia atdthf inoiopti arid a eftiithwol i il44ekiunced at prpiei inautl it id vf viltilitl etto f ftkru ei ajintbl avfmiwaff aa voeir pfoffipweaj tbd wrfirbelr bnirrrt ur mectokiceioiiei tnv tilnrtt mplllf wl coo fieewinirn n the sa- ya yl al4y a ike tlim ll ii a cvpl nl iliir mf-yeii- io ierli itanr wik- ik- pioeiwitii rttrl ihrvnt uw m illvnovr t atra ih in lc st 1 a ta pfteb tire- itkal i i nntn rejrnbalt it voold or k r tv u i 4e hi lntle ntyo xicalowii nail rte 0itr4 rfmitke ore iviltcfilitinarcrltitilribtltie kfitvf bicb liny ae p prw n- rr ntt fnm aor anf aaiitai ikm tl rr k- fio fiei mmkl rimlvt w 0irn btrttlfll ittjl flto rbrmcnl ikhiakvicy trf uirre djoavia nd tko trareirn- iitij trvot trf lhtaratleieiit ntiy tt 14 qi hcondirbla fi4in ibe irdi tlrntnt tlr miect i lkr enfirnr4 lb m tbitr in nteontut ititintprt vhxh aft i mil teaitl ntijrli roadniiiy rtirl tal feo- cl by nikvenl and tnhmid iif of riltapoawtikaa1 rytnimhip celmiie to ij wb lieuterii5 iirrra e i iodic iibo- i drkhted von m ndopioionly klolbia tjniinfopa lillle nr pnj ibr rroirnin i i nil be jiii imjly ti mrff fl- i afafabe ihj uill frd iketr nnub and miiir llunlkeir pimeh in ibl piitk wt- vhfptamlhtf lw irpiaijf rplina ard ijctfll rtifmlpw oaal ibe cfiaaa awl n h iaiar cmtiibml a are onitec t- t ij m tkyiy f tbr piuh rtfrmtf hr f 4m iriul pvfa tn cant4a are nukbrd li hc pe sw d lb pa-hiuin- wt ato mf i lh rtr 1 4taniinberibe poiieer ike riopitc i dire dqeritie fikl bid 1rmpi i npd ibat 4ffeemie rbl ile ear nf fan tlk 1 aaniutln jpw fvnek it aafab i iti a pr pr4jt nhmi p tho ivwp mi ramndmc jy bd i u c-r- i ffi h irpri t ccl airfl tbc ktaioto dhrajb tor ihr tba dircrrlwn or lrd ol if jtgh rarlif 4jre tiy a hiravtwl ifrt rblpitmr mf bet iw jalfe ruea viae lelk a ntfkia et o kcinerv m ftiaf ivitttie ubrrriijoa iht i o an toff-re- kaaeoaa r uedre tho irlb uab avukdiaravar l- tljtsm ll n- vkckcdnlbrpl itwbudharlinf ifkh dr on mmldpuydeaneflh ro- m ka av i he m wt r m a frflu ltrt ib bbn4 i orilkh wrortl dly pk ant 1q iu no i u iy maiie a lohm art h pnuiby lortum rvinao to pkj r o u maryhci vrpriretrtottad ii be w d im iinrra iii intoad of payiat ha iu etrfjirr abail w tad in iti inatabiiapftt u twtaajt hvad ie ctoa1tvxeoi attssfssssa in uviici ly fi i il ilicti ew heciet wky o new yonit rintt- verdict of tke coroner a jarytsie jury in ue eee nf iinfeeinnalc kliaw wko fell dnrin- the au place not trier a lon eooittoiion ktiee teadeeed a tadfel ibal the person blkd came i tbeir deatne by euako woand firrct by ibe nuhlary dnnnp xh riot before the ope- t hje on 4b et ennc of 10th may in byorderofihecirl autkoritier of the cii yf new votk gpid that iwcictfnmancci t- iln at the tae jntuned ibe anthnfik in tmi tlie onlei to are urate the vob they fniiiief betcv ibat if a lagei nwhcr of the police hid bean ordrred out tkc occcrity of thereanrtto the military tuieht have barn atoided british whig optfar pa orbea dinar tuesday evening may iid isis a letter from the editor xo ir torrayro may 1 ttifl toraikto i ii morf mnirkcm city not much o on erouoi of itt uxc or onoui both very rcvncetamc al from iu ailfaatino its building is cnlerojie and it rlckeav king street i atrcet that may rie with kny in antcika lireidway alone excepted few are o tetarly built and laotie ae loctcr or ateaicbter not even in ibat riehtojtud eilr of brotherly kne philadelphia ll u up sw of wij ir rff i rrw ifl av ronto and i ftnnd at eeery rtep o muck nnrel lo lhirc and at ihal when i it dokfl lo pen wbt ihivcieei 1 hardly bnowwkre befbl hie mint of the teceol fire cover o lari jwcc ri ike very centre of hie city unlikc kmton and olkr loaen where ihe debri of a like dceatttron remain on tlie erond foe a eeneraticai lo wonder at workmen in every di- reclioo tro lny teboildin whal hat been 4e- itoyed and i los umc iban can be well u anrd ike whole of ike pace of our uocka will ve covered with tint clai etcanl build- it a ire in toronto doca raol npaj to le looked upon t5 any ihjn very remark lde and il scarcely excilei ine altcnlion of a cmet- yettcrday in ike aniimlo of ike day a fire look ptace a the edeof tkt taeaocy cteatrd hy ike iccent cooflatmtioi at wkkk five itotttfi wete bnttt down to ihe crond tkuc war no excitement in ike city ike trade nten yidlnbonra t the new vuihliai continmv tt ibeir work the caba and carta jdyed in uve altceta a uaiaj and ibe ladie in kui street continued their poppingall lb i while n fierce and active fire ra rajia i m wjbt acatccly ihrve tlieeb off the ceu el ted lo ainfiin and ike toronlouciaiiain like u anrwr fy uluc alicnlion lo fire i kw a fawlirurtalthenrcinwieofloayapair imt i kave uateoly krarf a ayllawe abc ii in private cknecrattion hotel for traeeacrt in toconto ate not nu- weeeaut there are kullkree fir ctot tow io it ibe welling ibid laio ontario hohc ihe weaurn hotel and ike afnerkan hole tk awtalfc cejice hoaw ihe kortk american nnd maeocfawa hotel arc a ahul up or daccarfftnttd at hotel mr in lis keep ike welling mr rennie keeps tko amercaji and mr- murpky keepa the wctiem iheyareall three good houaea and tppeartobi- well keptlhe american particu larly ftoand ore a credit to this ririn3 city- of other hotwetof pumie enleruinmeot there are a peal many ihe phnix a pcci of clab itoanti mr berttky cigar divan mr haywatda lyxenm and olhert there iceiuoly nonl of public atcommndalie in ihis llttnbjl inorouehly nlijt town en all itritifrh noeth amekca the apaare more like london ho than any 1 hare nel wltb ml of ue eveat metropolis and erety thine here lend to remind cne of home vrn the carta and ne ealn are different in akapa from ik of montreal and kiron and arc encj- lifth in appearance and ukfnlne ll would be an eactllenl thine if tko kinpton corpo ration would take a hint ffom their toronto irathcra and compel the kindlon carter lo futnuh thenarlm with vchiclca like lle cat toronto the toronto cart are atronger and better adapted lor the conveyance rf luada and ictotretigkwr easier to draw tnc ligmine of the akopa andiirceu wilhgivta a brilliant appear ance to tkc cily at njjht an advantage which 1 linjl will be toon aoavecl with kingtun tne re jroacb of eanifauam to vaag beatow td aco toronto or want of a theatre it new at an end for mr hayward of ike ly- cevin bakoo hw recently leaned a very cat- alajidtoftvenieni place or public arruir- ment in king street at present il b tenant ed by tho coanpony nerfonning lately in kingion tnt the amc cause which prevent ed their toxceo there will hindet ihcm from lniftg u here the people of canada want and will have bettor aeioea than thov who ttrolhroib yankee land and it ianohfjicient lhat one or two good atliiu hould he in n coenpany bvlthat nil ahotild attain mediocrity at the very leau trt hi be ollendtd m and dramatic performance will become aa much in fxrhion in canada a they are in lftdon ftr new york the haute r family of vocajavu ire in totonlo they bac given lhrra conceiu lo crowded houi hrte and are ftonj on llw vw fof cohurg and ktngtton theao ainpn aro trcjrc ar wartdc ibnrujivt aln of their own rrotiolaim hmkrhrawuiam lean peopbray lkit and draw u her tliiin irore juvjiijiikiii h in tbey jtr five iii nnmbfr jnd ennst t three en am two winttn all vnrm iro4e like all hie tyrvl they n art lovfyth iry pii arrurat tnjmi j then toun verypktbly ita of the ypuni woen hiim tcfnm puefa an rvuen1 topra0 oice ibetro miatie very charmingly she nta ereal fif- ite here and her n bue been nikily en cored at the concrri ijietfl by tjicm- smy at the temprrance nail ji nitrtlt ihe waeld wa there ike chief juiice lie sberifl ibe mayor and nil ihe big fmplf tndnamoiicr olcoune hjii hfe aa it it wai eiowdrd to aulfacation wlen the aame folk ting at ibe court linc m king ion aho know but that thirty or forty pj he ihe audience i think however djrvr renlly and ar i taid vcfore they wij prove a great attraction tkey popetc lo inj in kipgiton next week the fame ficce iteamwai 0tilion which ptevail at the lowrr end of xht lake it in equal activity at the upper tkcl from toronto loowegn rocketer niaaa and ifamilloa in rartt elao vri are mu lor a ce and when they cni be raid ffcey are given away the xttrcmuti fi jum- illon ycletday morning with croivjed raackn taking away with her at one of her officer raid jll lb paicnje j ui ukrn the fiftptt left omc fn hourt afleiward for ihe ame place the avaj il prjnlr more crowded wilh human beinc iban the ma eft trovin tery clearly hut iftleant- loai ownen will but reduce ineir farce to the capacity of ihe public pnrac they will soon change ibe alayalhomc ufaei caiadtan into a iravellin community i feel pert utd- cd that there imjmttan gentry hi afarrid teamboat ownn have been all wron in ibe framinc of ihcir tieamba uriffi cn y fcifp rfriiv pmlvauf pu ffritrtc mmtmktt or piofiav anil ifctj have ditrd hie piineid j of kuyiiie rt op0ilkn tint jutinfi ov liijh farce intlrad of aunnm at lit any lnah a poiihe to iun atj y cjeoniilti liarcllinearu utore n0ney and ilr dm- i er now it thai when the present iure1 let donate ike growing paion for travcllo will be ckeckeil fr iar to onie by ttc re- inpoitiot of exltavaeani taltt i inel to day on old kington friend who kat bflued in toioio and i aikcd him whan he meanl m revrit ha old fiird w i wnubl o down lit tummer he taid wrre i mite the preaenl opposition wjnld hit i rum attird mpay tnodpllar ahraifar ttlf and wife servant an 1 childtcn but witbfny limited il come i canh afford lo pay iwicu thai turn ndo i sktll prohamy kave lostay al home hnndrect acue in the aame optmon and mjf dllmne jiatniltcnij dck and sulb- crtaad would do uell lo lake iw tuljcel hito tkeir most aitemive cwidcraiiot jf niik low rale the sicabu4l owner can gratify kemselvet and the public al one and iv same lime i hey are wry wlakeahkr if they do taotdoit i a no advocate foe deprornj ralcaorciweleopntilion but 1 am trmjy permjnett low steamboat tkc ut fo all parlies ccn- oneumay otwc aain ajpalirae il pin- h r j in ike aflalis f frmmactflla i thit k aiil tvluat leltva e j ii uikiu a lrrrcr fium the ldit01 bjnlfd it n haiit4mr laid al lwr of lalveei tldiluid inlmiank tld k wtie tik of ii fiij iuf rarge ad w1lmr pjitrton wlatnktaht uiiatcitiot i three trad ut hja f l4cl b a irtl tuu imvl liavhuf all thi til iiimedf itely i eiteiii isrr jid hlver ll it an ummihni tad laljsthlto ilia laler dilik ennrc7i or be i tii a u n isia drnlfvrd yrilerday seein ttve far- fjmtd ka ill hsvitroy may icih i ueitt lo ihe purpose of rot eumillon tkna lor kp- the day war particuuily fiiiii il aton deligklful and the drive l- logrll wq we p utti preaiatit ererciyecl dittanec between hm- ition aa fljjqtf t r miuu ah fic iheni panly macadmiafd and ijanka the road ftr the fml lies on lbe rj as ihe heights round aboni ai o termed and iki pot- irawor country it eenainly the fickeu iiicrtulvtt nicrnify amii it tnt lo liasr i ber of chart trtcn halt liel tfiricil pntnl ti sit lbe canal alyaninif spi arrictit cite a ifiirvlraviijiinto urflo eie at llmtitfoid ibe haiid ittrvr u hi- r kind anjoliii u i iki ieavn wb- lie h cj j e lfl re than tve naj iiajat t inni t4aaea vuiyiieai irf tilvin1at tit a coaii wis trciatjrivrl aanj j vjy et ami mncctini v bick 1 1111 and tk htf- ititf e- i j itrwerr 1 al tie ii ii tli luiitvi catnvja titvti lrtiwin 1 ktoi it h u ttl wird ll aq i a unsisi ulmcb jlolil kreprt c ipnstb and breadtk of canada jow ciowi the n rareuily the motl fertile tf any in thlt about four milei from lown the inad j itself one branch to ibr flaoruh f ha am diuda aeeii very clearly in the t below and the other towards ike noui- to aneailer one of ike ml ro- manlii iikittd villages in tit canadi it iiiiiy three mile fitan ibe fork to ike vttttjuij t lop all wkicb lenjih tke toad is ok sne atnl psset over tavines and un iter thab ultt tnd rocki of a very tcnific nalui tuhiortinnof the road itmacada- fuw1 rteeruioly very well made bi hfl prodigiiut ctl xlofioo ac said v leco extended loancaiera1ue and ihe paajipm fi miter at x2000 per mile a nte than double wkat it now aked tor irianees on ordinary level ft io- the rad fom hamillon to stonev c latow being aaeai t n lo ami hairiw l livrjic miles inner t if so iwi a encnii may be to lrrmcd iuc tream ia naviab tj mal se4im is afvj barges tbc cut if maife lo connect 1 s ntvgaijc rart wilh wnifoiit ad the bnd panly i cd tie tire htlrivui llul 10 reach itarae live milev j lwelvemre and t half of canming fm ft rrtct 10 dm villc at ihe mouk of ik uiand kivrr shirk ktluwlh lake erie rntiau lolt wllml canal ike ditaueet t co mile tncrc aie notteamers regulady yrz on tuis lomr for kotiness eveti in ihit lanj of fettihry at d tcsghl is so ba4 as lo chrck every tlin likv enleiprise in uw undertakings i can ssy nhing of orai ifoid iba cmim not lv aid uf oher townt in tike situations ilislair than it kpnpnous tbc konset are real i tried and the lots cipicivn the cutiry alout tt caunai be cvlkd anytime ard it trade though tw dipned mu revtie when inv nirkefj once aain ato ii 0 maifr ilsoub tri1nel nuhl rvt to oii nmicin were it bi 1u alii up a utile emulation in oilier country tortus hanfnrj poscer all etcellpnt amaienv iw band cotialimof tieeiiiy fad musicians kat aeomtnuti cr vvettecfuinjngtto fij on continue threap thr unly lrrni v qj lion full hauict arvl 1 take trtao iheif uet iie mutiny saved f ca alcnnkhnai fjirs i mr paitefson among ihe amwr kinr nn 111 t alel arts atwaya i54c lo maiuuiu im attlcluthioacvf we triitt row thai pal k en- mi airvn ihe nnl wi l i of priiajf last the imirioiov lril wdlinateroibe r ways ieu to cl any uititet st we tfiy iinftftunalely havoffrr nl iauj ihai p ytes tlid not re aancdjal of ibe luirroat salary ira hnf i- ald e hid inaaut fwm iafwrmalren that bad rekc hjiftvarnt svutir1otbcoc j cr and trvrreoy we shcuvj htve cwr hvt we tn wt rji fnr a u4hn aby theyl wif llat gcuaman had r awl lobe crtcd 01 the wiy tke trlcritabnihts wrllmade as lhl frni kindlon w tke kcw road lskuet aifsart to be infinitely in tur 0 eitkcr the ttoi or ukial laid pite 00011 fto iame ha r n1 u a to inil iu umestve and iale ihv lne iljnl but jndging fan occational hind except ihe granite u pre- he haid limeitooc used on ike a is a village of loeoe five hundred iu ihe midu of a niofl beautiful wheat it on tan i hi el aki risilitiftrj frranu t- xa nance ancavt acre 1 of opinuin that he ntnulafn liii larntii for il growth of s nhi tieiikoft it it field after field of 40 flcytcm onn with fal wheat and omralyc ihereasisu itntarihese frelds iiti of lu alliance the recn btade hein to twelve inch kich very ttf spiing wheat ittwn beteabout ihefjtm tompuining of tit lusltae tanking tf fall sown gr caod pla in om of lime and uue ue band stkkh a kiofki jn0weo tometwofomnci in but a my of atui aw mfirv t m- fci w ml invam v- njanent of itsr town jji dutujlsv year rn- erlains ibe inhabsuma- wtl chausher cou- ccti and luvlic mtrtir on tic rintimfct wiulemy hoe w- i i fitiftil jrtw me in the mohawk vil nrr lre lotsn tbtt it a chatilabl li lunllmi of tr i ivjn vew en4lud eavity wlu lutulun lere a clrrmank sckolttater supe fnlendcn and vreut matcr oarctamec m tte pniioit of inirnctm aij leaeki aooi fifty inoiaii euhrn n reio acihinon sckt vdura tui and lite nvcluncal ails tkr it dn in seveial buiwints and lie childrei in ddi- ion ait fed aiil clnbnl tha lutliui ion however does net seem u be in the m jvoihtmi m cnnditkin and me all oker l iwfjhtft hotel be fa ihit the 5rd otj tvy til redeem it ehsracer in the heel uv damronuc iioirl lr pjrefne1 lite wiwo the lair mr ili-m- bainford las rcnley iw oul her inuirt it w xsrm ra- ttmihedkonte tu jlr slitjn wly lai ai snie expense and mora paint pul ihe wl known old ettablihnieitl rp ateniirely wa fooling tllc hrce hja hrc rebuilt olcn it cellar lo girni ihe holel neuly foe- iiivd evrr prcparitmn mads to re- caive auj emeiiaui traveller in s4 cd ftngluh tle mr sirnton bat kid much experience u lliv puwic line ad we ferl petpta4ckjlk need no enloey ofom took tiiu llsat fjr skate nf custom wkieh ike e evnl silnilieu e bit huc crmaudr mr setmii jd snd neat ih market jc has been alett hy mr settle ihe well knuwa acnl of the amrcan line of steamtoit t j pacteti who call iiibecmmeiciit lm we should also make mention thai ihe fro lentc hon hai al changed hands annl ubmvct nuva oaitrcjd ipad fnihl hike that be nut only received j ua vthkartin m erxot birli rtipy but ihat he he m ivote of ii fo bl own uevaal r ft i trtj unit he slail tonre mf rovftl stih cnieain tte otoon ti irition i cutieci 01 this colnl we katr repeatedly iliii 1 t rrimi ehars irruh lat warden w thai of cmetty iu nen one of the convict ia veis ied iii as havin mnl inslkttal ofaua him ui wis cieccauan atvahoot a why ov wawnri culprit hu been ftnjutiy fa ixuer and esrn caksaaj to the b of ctni ondich1 1 ii etvn cnmiwa tr b of he mod ril liaa lt u f rnj siat be it l w rf ful p uirn- jpji ib jui fsc r v 1 11 arihxi4 hy ih bi- wardm eorat ahwj h uudrr other m 1 khhlajinlw rjuiic corral and wakcld tfril frmrly a in rh- itark ll rwtr oceded ca 4 tatawj tfl aru liktif uh dnaie ca ji raratiesl fo the cnrvlt flioi l mi licuae a r e ia s u 11 faaja laru- lafeapin p-or- vt laml in ihj atwkl latlsttuayf i ey bioivriffly ia of wari nd the hwnaasity of ivretaftf mo era of thu rcat leaiaciai camujhra tvaslfhbm placcof worship ivde- 4 hundred souls of naen women land m m in mmv t tariff would toronto aboumrta in caflscdrals churcvs and chapels of all denomination i counted twentytwo in number and probably i mtaed awnc the raopubtion it let than twcniy fout thcarcaiid to erery ekven nundrcd vu 01 naen and children many of tbete cliurcbe arc very elegant edifices and contribute greatly to adorn the cily the penpte mutt cither be very p0 or very wicked there i nina dium ttte old city of leidon within il small limit contain 97 ehurchc white many a rural puliation m the weal uf england of the taint extent has uarcely n couple of clergymen and aa many church to lake care of all ihcir twul bot thb church building mania i a mtrc mallet or uuc and if a vcv net it pardonable tke caibedta vf 61 jame now in ruins will tol be rebuilt on it present sctle j that loraliun is to he mu in w and ihe new church put up in ike rcai of where it tlood when completed it will he cese of at mil imposing building of i kind on oil eontinen ine principle of a puklc cctaelry like that of ilii cily mithi be atoptttj in kingston wiib pent dvanuce about five yean ago lbe congregnlion r su jarne tetaiuyfiveacretof tandwithina mire of the cily it waa bou iit on a creja of ten yean it was then riividcil into a certain number of lol eight fvel rejuife ome of which arc sold bfli tst of the othn are for nale fee were paid for casual inlrnctii and the retult u ikal the lot of land i ouiu paid tv several huildin erected ami many imptoveenrntamade only fifteen acre ate used a the cents try tke olker fifly acu being natewrr i bad incto particnbip fwi mr harris the perjtiwl church warden of st jaroct and he asmrcdmeptlula umilar thing might be got up in kingston without the out lay of a single shilling and it eerlainly would prove of immense pencfa lo the commuhiiy puhlie ccmctrys are beenming quite common in all well regulated cilies aitd the desem- liin of a church by the immediate vicinity of a channel boiite wouw lie no longer lokti judging from my osv personi hicpnctj the uanl of monrs ia aj act eiety leji hie at in othci placet ah persons ctvnplaiu and none look forward to any amcanmrm of the time- the ceiscea of the llotttfvtl hi jt ate deeply 101 and will bt felt ttery- wheie for the blow 10 canadian credit iren ia lit turbulent cily baa been the gtrtlnl ditrr lbe province la eapeiieiced for many yean put ll trill be but a ppr ic- ifibutiotl if th hlonirttlrn belotatly laved 10 make good iht lotaes sustained j it hen ibat it done tt add iht ukiag awiy ike 5aat of coummcnl to tome belter diipctrd a ij more pciceabl oramy and n ik ilo and in a certain the ancasmermiluketaaiethe jame rnsiell esq onee of kin- mf most noble irwrlv tkey are- the tr rti wtt u b aracrma tawnt but in iu aae ike aid pwiiaii il uru itfge elauihioenlr or a cfcp ptoprvl ion an f tie n the ma ike frutwhrvf wfcky l h u mr rq a lattc cnoth factory with carilinv ea u llmdt-a- ilo matr crtjrrrf teptty le cbai ai ec i j pmnmtta ihevil to- cm hit aim ihe llir ivy urmc kxcelieney rwcrxrsar ieral qcinci srrtm fcierttoe tbmnhke kis jm4u apfpenerau r etl rite of eju rpre eskie i kig- aar lh4 mrfcalfehe ajfann the ntnfrtat to for tome tme pam hw en by mr john j la ask lh meber of the mimero a r 1 qiin n intelligent al tmii- yang rious dcpuialiooa who trartl o- hajedf buranr caipatiirr almost in tkeeenliej of mile to present bim with acrvca of of ihe ciy tli in h norther end of kin crnialaiiou en the lal- meunrudtveat siieei he hatlilely pti upa mt enirptct la dinaer at moqtlaodt we ea aniaaaf itii for i the laknrof all reader tiatthc reason wky1c 41 lrij he j ship uivfibom the cuslontry ni hom- fl bi-gnei- treiir po 7 bit aiira kiiubof carpiuefs and joinert wotk ha erected a fttam engtnnuf is koite paw- j 1 4y is not onaccoanl of ri er aid wih ilhvsvw phik plane braid or a deaire iu remit home the plirtaatttj lanl dotiohnn ifnic vari- lion of kb liherti ttipeisd tf tempt lo eiviluetlrrlnduiia the inieiiipn lo of tuck nslsr k aio dey the limit from a far do gad is mtc to cneimeo cl iiaulh reciilu it maainuined al an rgwauimra r nwcaijiaoi of about rl a vor uully rwl by 3st lliesueiey before va-n- 1 a mall eujisk cmutad kandsomc b ckutch it issgls tke lntlitulonn4awreoai it j cannot rteomowud iooir friends particuhr fdace of woriip for lbe m f ly l hlwl t l bout of jreater 0 o our small daily to reapiiuul uencloaed in a capa- bnck building ad wtf eteum mtpj dsmmt i- a r yard j t i vititrdftc loiinr icaant cku a lb of caps llrajlrhoi tciulinig the j t famous old ludian wanior svhoe me novy 1 perpttuair4 in ike ntmo oj the uiishbring iow tke 1y altars in hae bi en dep- ailed m a brick or a stone vault which had once ome wooden coveiin but the whinv kit lallen in ruin j uk ibe picturt 01 piitrrv nd delapidatou suriely an tnsiu- lion which pendv r3t0 a year and ike in a visit lo mr tyiigiivj hen in foil operation if il 1 oe poctd kabilam of a low like itraulfo- ifih tub- and fullij mill lnvot mrmckrckiiictal ceot and ih ronnf tlanet for manulaciuiog ikd trfkk lw0 lun m tlvtat mtllt hy ihe way are for alc jf infit tm kui halrtf it9m hi recent kere nv forluntl ftw m 5 tlwmikat attentrrl whjck iwir importance demond- oetw h 1i two churchy a post rfra ll etcetera of a canadin vllathvwfromlhclopoflliemnmitain lawawihe opposite keilns fltmktro west vittance really uperb and dcttree uilrcrcvmium u amply oe1oscd apo it p f hamilton and toionto make aiiicl lw il ticnil lopccladi admire their latle in seribe between ihcm a few ikillmp to fill in lbe earth over the lemitrs of faor old tyen- liitil iac over him a kn r- mark ike pal the iferit rodent mikl no hinaru witk one a v latocof lbe mrr and boys under hit charge jj b- 0u wall cokcludep ft o aaaong ihe ann jl improvemenl and chan ee of a rouinr ily livc kinjton we in be more pin our walk of trie nawokt tbr oecctry buildin todc t tali litiiit m s al ihe fiilamed slew from itickmcmd llill m iktnr and at ihi seated of ihe er whei all aanre i hnrvlim into life piaasg the i rly villa l ttiauun ate alout wanting to hi fiuaticlertn branlfotd eounttn i level well eiikd ad inpaitiarlicusily ikh a lanav suet hy r- 1 i i did not hffleivot abmi ike it alnosi a a ich adiirn liie nakc il fully t to lake nonce of a few ol miorntand with it exclude dlighuoda4laiue ikem as muck as it did our humble ictvet they will hare l thank u for iht hint it is drating to e emerpritr like mr q iiginn skown in time like thtte il thow a conimendame rnhuw npon lu gootfn of prosidence in which confidence we heartily hope bt may be dsatinteo pesitentiry commission it was staled tome ume acu iw the honnra- ivpcctor genrral ibat ike rnpocd or rather oatfcrttd ava in the anaual estctidiluit wr ihe tuppol of ihe penitenliaiy uoual aiouni 1 im owinj to lb wio tegsoa tionc nf tkc fealhrkrrcckcd and we have already informed our readers thai tbi u aa to sr eltccied principuilv hy a ccttatiotl from all boildinrnprii ortn tuia ih pretrnt vear so m although the pvieckisl oay he rclicv jof to much for a time ibe province will tmc ly the want of profitable tahor 00 lb i the ca compinyv saiion in queen mreel j rt to a irrtch greater c atetvfoi cmnirieied ihaltke sjcicuy baa have however hexdof atrouscvrcni 17 mikp the wrllculiivalej the vi1isf lifi with clay lanit iu tc a single vce nl hole route th road citasm n ptnry and ridjry ditlricl a 7 mibv in cttent aoindinc in pinaud eomativrly poorly faith led hut rtuly hr dffurence between 1 and parts of the cuutny had to be pnimed out lo av bfme i cosfil percrive il when ii became viaitile enougk tlii once formnd prt tfwhat it u lh grand tuvcr swamp whiovh- vtboly eloared nl aeltled will v nflrnf ike betl pf lion of ihe hoie dittricl tle fmifun mileu heteahoul rdstik cl st ike ie macajamired this hank k is ralunonf and traveller hotld lc am n travel on it instead 0 paying foi ihv frifajfe owing lo impnfrct grndiaig iw ate al ntaijy all afloat in mud jrtwer and aihouk a horse and lnggy tft rtnovcr lwm eery r ihe r plioks and the pabing tf ike wale hu4 o ihe horse vehicle and irtttlter ifl vnouhloiksiioy all plraorean4 rrvrfi lft nave ane regret the occasional m4 of iho vjvcn road avtt ikrcemilaof thistoad ara the drantford end aiv blier tke roil 0fl but the whole lintofidid 11- 1l m 10 be r t 1 n k t j t 1 ika grading rnita ft jerfecl i faw ac loll hc tent- we kave however bcttd of arvolher rcnirce uf commenced odecrtwng for tender lo do ik ftitttia w haben ditcorered by the require exeavroiin theairrcl pteparalory qmmmivfri and which will be mack avail tolayinj down ihe piprt tki loakr wtll mt fof rserrtoflhc pifathc proceed anl ikow lhal the cocpaur ate in earneat lo wn4c altirovh it wiu r pay the alary hare the city nhttj by the fal ul the year of tlofieer will no douu ty far inwarii thabeeonaeuoloaer a luxury bolt er- jfiayingthcepcr of the annul mffilt ccvaiy of life in amvi eecy eiiyau1 wa mkbtf ltiemtbj the peni- emy town of the hbitvbe clha t r lenliary anlhocc have lately pirhatei a verbally oaed ihe cpption being only iu ftrf attoxtl of cabiaee seed and are now favor nf isose place too mah or lot pote lo uing the plant ramd frvm them al the rate pay ike epene of creatin ri aatttfa nthilling perhuadred and evrryiig it kinctou it not one of c ijtnv ike eeen- hil ipauewtj scale tion had a the lime are and impoverished rocwinwai j rf utir reader a are food a are lb peupje lijht mrtl be irocured ljo q topurehae phnu wilu 1 oil delav- in addition to this pail of the ilw- tuihial cffraiuii f the ieniteniiary we icrriand tlserc i a eod ippy of other vc t i- j r i tlej ajotijnflltp tg cpilttnnlm i entirely out of a desire i a pa re ibe feelme nf ike dtfutuuat dit urvjhip k iiw ibat ttietc einiincotreeicij i- c the biee andsnewoftkeujajdriiwuilju upued to sutu diitntra mr wanld v prefer thtirpsn and tbrp tvluio 1 ike champagne and ttsckskaws f the tnrlif iame and ro with thai pec tiui tact auj knowwge of ibe wwhao emiierlly hi re cjoiaileu blofhitip olkriem rjiilci p indole their saatu 6tvdet ke lat been informed f rh- aakwaid arj to which ne oceauial memher of dcihationt to lord mealfcweie ittcjreted ii qh being tiniw fadresscot fania omictf j thai indupe u sable rrtion of a dnaawr cnciumrann- the conicctfof lbe wji75 valte u etfinrly provr af i jf odiwt avu hi mve bjl we 1 pto rietynf hi maliu ahmfubv if bc lis rk tbetuvjrvt it fje oaiial0relle be mrfm maka ta catldtkni 1 raneh in cantiltj anf 10111 iirnlhu itthtarturn wijo iplmd uuvj f rjjvijumcs1 with ajdrrj4 gretulluialo his ccclletcy m t crtxral ikl m ileratt trcm ur sapiuteof iracurngi e at hi v lfeny does oat dlnfaj having iftsnvod thil oly to who are j c04is a id rfrt inlirjsrtnt hivecie aid theckeapct andlricklslllkl iturrquc- tionibly thebet i poee thote nd- wftumrc abort nl jllier it it bciler than oti luow nol laid and much rafor lhan ompvne and yiels lo tvax noae in piiily tnd brilliancy- bu wl b we utier i rapid iruisistt all c wcsij acknowledge the nsefulne ol ike oniric and all the rojj will patroniae le cnanpiny j tlttt l alt ike little woild cf kittii dpl llw eally of cash ike inslaluwnu ou the ihitctuf ihe j ca company have liiilitrln hee premplly i paid up ond why t pwcaah ca compa i niearckrentoeiamtvecijceinkld io nltfrc p cent age on lbe capital insrat- w4 thutu who have moiy hy ihcm vliuld elleci on ikv al make inuniry nf ihe se cretary mr wjhtuton wheihec awy iiaiea are siitl unt fum iwtnlyfive t thirtyfive per cent when rant sloektorli pay i per rent i not 10 be light itnyfett au loritlctmncipairkntou mr- jme pahersnn late of tho milnhame- licaii llotrlhic lakei ikil alainn hotel in claiiacc stirel uih hy mr metcalfe and lately kept by mr bodfolw tliis hotel gjpi cc i 1 r- aainmnt cdtutl ji rft e down fiay ltt in itv cfa litnemaiy duile 0 bi emvvi ike i i the isvlaj r 1 mo c lvi ir- ft tm fondiui tvs fjunsult finer pu an i bstjka over lo keep the c g yea- ih he late ihe garden formerly cnltivaicd by wadck ihe wle of which will no jrstjot add much to lw res cnue of the insu- tuiion altlicurh weihink il more tofvk b- olhim a hr wa at ihe cvpense of etu- rutingiht secrk plkni and nearly all the tree with which hiacardvn watatocked among tke comfort formerly enjoyed hy the ctnvleit when unmurctely sick wa ise inulgincc of a llllc new nllk lo rnsurt uhrcb of a pul qnalliy a cow we kepi tor that pupate a wj bestvl ir lhc rate in all ovrpenit ntfajtr tjl le renmnort inlkeii witdool detdius tare cf lhatani- mlandtuepjxhaeofmlk a it might it required w thai llwck and convalckemj are msahlv irw furnahr d wiib an article a4ulleratejib hk vj likrly at tpcatadmacal vpcne 10 ihe inttj tution ttvhave heft that wthn w laitj year ihcre has htm a gror moolih than and although we kve n deum ihat lhc be nadeal u1i h t bean ureel n p jaoorivetmtmiriiai a onov ruhi aaj bagijy repeeal riaffp fon the j1rld prrlci topi- j itt coniluljnnlliint carriior crttervl ih lav havj nettle ptawsl duwn the st l et aaa saturday mnin url j otit imc down li 4 lirei oet mna hamjto lasf etal eirejt ntjlfpotf afjleclurinx tl rrd of ktro llw an pf orui irnt nao hive dlievrrrd his lee day vieniu kul ni le jnrnm m hr c takuup by ihf puti rtr juinv in h street tin miclralr r lajisafiull forae rtl tin h dve hc aakouii v ie il kn llikt stram ui 1 lfitfht on ivaf a liakanikblawmt i klnttfww in all kindlon cvtrl to ik enramkoai jknnt yrtrwwwj5 lanui tifd m iy ceattc of tot buji- 1 wia g oysne that aty wovitd have been itat pin of th tawn ll w rery eganily n0 ihe wcc if every himiy eueuwtent wiifl i air nil in j tv qu mcswtr ecl r our v lion a luic tlr lutuf astb hvavrpa bfjpui ai ujer- t s it 1 ji tvfwaph nrpotlj f jsjt a crned by a x v i- s tl th ii iv rft ef ihe mococs jj i is