thecentbal iwil w health agititmhhwtmt beso perpetrated by the rfotmiic aiiaiko of lord elgin tn the creatoo central bn of health at montreal tho ad ivm author ity far he job was on of he my biln pumd ay t hwf awmujl o if tat inserted to by the upper row ssbco ajl hope of afoapijc kklt ic- lirgit of the triumphant party wa tnnsi dered uptuw by tbe minority tnis acl ptoiide rdrmsnentl ferseven creatures of he aj- minhlralion two of whom th- evrsidcnl aft ibe sectary are imply remutieialrd for ubots be oioiiwiem nd dwmhhctof be- ciosr bo two opinions are ift unison with it- ra- o bfata jioww heir cause ami effect at a mllff or course 4 lale rebel is plated at he brad uf i sanatory hoard the man lo direeled ibe massacre of her mijely trorw at st denis it ihe man winhftfi by uid ecio rm vyiz administration h he moai fit l a proper person to take car of ih health of he mi- jetty rvl subjects dt vvclired nrlson p srtemede of canada d dr oaf id i hi secretary arcade answ the new bond has cmlfcnl k l by th nohieatio in the official gazelle of t code of sanatory refutation for to cant- da under he impression thatnotvm hd u com 001 of nazareth we thinv but liitle of any thine that dr wolfrod nelson and mi confrere cio cay or lecomenend bsil aa many of our renders may be of i contrary opinion we herewith publish art refwlh miing ihem past foi wm they tte wwib to11tctiqns foktthe cleansing and saining of divelunoi and outbuildings to 1 yard should be cleansed of all filth donfbc p lild m t icpeii shffjld hetd posittont iholu be kept chtoi ted if f ad dij i thlwtsou be lhofoijthl clcm- fdawtibco withanmluro composed or ho mkwtof inireftt f ki lino ten pooo vomon mll three poood luttobtrll iorpoiled icd mmm cenioojlr oboul the ow and dw 01 hiiiortootdb leftoiknlooternl ibe eunotal of fo1 air allow of fr enu- inioikanl ich peiviei w hw prceiee alt the water of ibe hc and ecn the m4f4t ater mibt be olluwed to flow ml ihrm at nibt portame war coteu aod nicht chain iboam be ed a eidom mi thk when employed ihey hould be lem in an oaocijpieocuotibrand their con- teoi efnoicd immedialrly at oiany of the ccllais of the r- nj- jvejiia im the febotif ami ic tboe ol ibr niter clai bovv m low pinto the city e fieoieiilly filled with water erne or them the uhol- yeat roird thc vhould be immdiatty itranril and dtamed and ubiiieotly mca with injolj voijr wl all celli lhat j wt aij jjh hculj hve the jot ciircted with the amr mlurilfot leehj ahe to the oxtont o several inebvi dwtjkn ihu fitilmtj 0c iueibel untaliht thr wotlcijrof ln-ii- ei4un are there twa ako ffovi of a utv i4 nijsptal u ii1 hi rnut 1 rjic ht1 frm d i r4iui1 in iitjh i 3 cetlara whkh arc mtitbitetl or ikcj ns it ilchen iihui4 be wept dry amj emfort ible hr mll i tj iid a free eircolatfn nf ilic at notfhorf both day 11 nihl jnt heir wll thould be whilewaihed twice a roooih dkrimr ibe preeatence of ihe epiovmic atd ilik hould alto be oone in old ncoies eijiecally i onptcj hy he ponrf fttl tlw pfcoff cf on hoymt in iihbraflby tiiuaiioji whee carpeu aie rot oied othjld be washed nd torobavd twice a week the le qiini- tr of water beinf ued for tbij jgrje and il boold be water in which tmr had been lacked and allowed to tuhtidt lime water 4 every houtc lhosm be well ai fed chim ney boaidt aodlocpipo frloppcs icmored and the door of ill apartment ieftopcbith daj and lijal a ventilator in one nindow of each riom particularly in old nd jow dwetjn9 wojld rmocb contribotc to health 5 jo warm and drr vcfefatl the window ahflotd be opened and the hrdjoom should be in ihe ttpjcr pail of he uooie far few thml eidike more to tielne ad ripeeral- klo cdoptrk iban lirinr and ileemoie in a mp and cjd atr-ciphere- it i alto recom mrude j lo have a sra j hit burrinc tot a few hocm in he bed chambeu during damp and raw weather tbo heddinr of erety family fthou he well aired erery day nnd left nrkooerd and cajoied fe a few boon to that the penpira itm imbibed durin- the niht may be c0m- pmlr evaporated on der any eiicomitanee il ii wpji to a ff op 1 thi custom the dnofi and windows of eboof aj wvlj jtiatol of htcajuiltt shop hee many i v v loelhei shoold be kept open bath 4y and night oikxctios roftciotiritc- 6u- 7 the cmhin- worn ly choefa patirntt ahoid he eipovd lo a yon bolt as tle moil ertectiial nriri of tirifjinc them 14 ibonld litrntaidi he immened in watet fir aevcral knurs and be cirefoliv waincd and wejl aired before beia used cmn th bed fvovli be prodem to destroy when nt valiiame when nt deteoyedthey should be well jd beam and hen abmitted to a tttajiz heal in n oeei 8- pcrwial cleartiriru hold be tlricth ohjeiveda tejd ms alen two or ihrev time a week and ihe body rbc i dry wub acoare rijti t a be found very useful a rjond addiioi a vr mh would bee avail qtmii ir 0 coon till 9 individualttrcuhltdwitrt old feet vb quid have them we mobed dajy wuh bone ban tote and when hevc eaiot be oblotnel fhinl prppe r co whcha mj ciyenne may ierf a ub cckihc ibould iltiled in thirto frolti which rroe lucmr tneoviirraft their tiamral aiily henll not be ud dtiiiiijt the pretawnce f cholera yl thte wlo from principle or any oihet reason obirei to thoooe of opiritoon or fr- meiitcd dink i dinner oro recooimerded to lake tea or toat waer aa a berrote at tliat meal but thote who for yeara htte been in the habil of uoinjt win and i whom a aufldeei cbane in their mod ol life roiht be nttvm- ed with bad retttlui are vlrvnly recominenjed loohieneitricl moderation and loaroujjichi frenrh nl cerman wtpn and to e none bt iood port of old sherry or eeiy weak beandy ard water when plain oxtui ed 4imcalithooid be preiou1y ftlieiod and rani ked id drank in email o a- a iim nothmi lifwh o muvh o relarddi- ceuion avcopioitt drancrhtiof coli water poalry adreay or oily alimeub ah u id be avoided il ecete in ealiac dubbin oe in ih- uaw of pjntuu ue fermented lquon arr to bv carvfklly aeaidrd conoorwi li prior and droitkideom tabeiherapcial itctf if cholera and cmfthllv il motl nomerou tietimt ii lc hlftla honld hr avoided hoc ww aencatimu obho ihe- tu dirte lale hn1d take a wholesome nulntioiit looclieon late supfwd ond ioduueree m aeeeral viaida at the ame meal mould he aeotded is in the warm mvnts of summef the thinti generally eerv nrrat and eotd anl refreshing drink are vmiw aftrr with much avidly than which nothing can bo more dflkeioucold an acid bevcraee a beer cwer lubt ed wle and brandy np- pin ould be edolouty ahtmeu from soda water with an acc of alkali r car rara water flavoured with liltk yrp nf in tt and tincture of iner mav be uke lake bt in ft a quanlitie at a lime lr oeer eaerlion and fatieue durin- the day ihould he coorded aiinl at its the nibl air no on bow co ahfad in tbf l- witboil akin wine refrchmt a acupofcoltteand ioat a cupof milk abikil patina and lon hintj 40dil- poie the body to he ahotttonof joioitow oiamus ftoatin in ho atmosphere 17 none aitd olhen wlio attend the ik loulo lake uouiithment frequently is none but ibe xck should tcep in the came ajakmcnl oloectiosi rod ntxativc r jri nrmomtom avmrlroofi 19 tlie prepooriiiory tymptotru ihould be immediately attended to uch at rumbling in thebowela or fular in the itordth oe chtc bad laate iu the month or nausea all oe any of lhcc are to l hu n almoila on4tant forerun hotr who ffoa affectio sly iekl dorm flh jts fc- whole period and where cliolera pa askrir jb kcquenily alcpt on bed livu had laia ad die the ave ohivati- clody fe he pmk and advice of the mtmo nt irerely upon theory add piiitli4 ojt alo h ty may in m y 1 how 11 diftiild hr met i h attacked an indtei- itnl thry arr hy tin tt it ifatolla v mmructiii t may oti1 1 e they ri how to act whie ihe i for- kor wi il iw i ume loilicre tli- t course he bim ovi femc ity acultyt rihnh tr not riimitvt u- the ottc- ara intended eipe- j iainiu eottkoni unpoiunee founded ui upoo eiperienee ih direful calami ne wadcd of and very otttct wlienil ninlnlf lo ie piudic w ae ihe trratinrnt of i eonvry iretioi eatian w ncent aid 0 llrolt pre- ilar practioiwr ihe eombl tbrt rer it relate to ih iffd on bynd the ion the central brd ot llrwllk hv col- with lw mehera or llc 10 icalf and maitum vtnh them h w w tcpoiiicv ltii by if y ajbb ihe caoooof hninamly att- mav he b- aervrd id the viewb tf lhf l fully accomiilhrd am uvidm d 5roeforr- apffftwd h the r crnera c4cl on the 15th d lfcf jr 149 ktf in mtvcsorv and fromilif miifvuia f rvii vinmwu ton fduwi itrtli poj tfcult smivit n m iht up of n ieetiif t t xicily a ue ik fak north putaed ai st ncr of choleu when attacked with e above ymptum it would be wj lo ufcf 5 ortodre4of hcluroof larcitaer on a piece of uar or a small tcce of aromatic ennfee tioo tc te ot a tmall marble perhaps 25 3llyu may be eaten te lutovaf cmmtittm wa tkeniu- rinjj the epidemws of lbl- and tl wiih a final bencnt tinclure tf gineer aid tnc ture of red pepiwr of each one drabm tincture of caraimooa two drachms and sfyiwb ol fiiuer one otince ami a half of hit preparation uc lea ipoonful miy be len every half hew if required skotild altjtrilhvoj mamfot itself tnior rnwn ihup of laova hiid be aud lo the abore o 14- ipoamill vf paregoric rli ir nay brlafhi 1 little water or 4 piece of oijie confrctioi lite ol a niaihlcmay be eiln ju i lite jiiick miy hf iidfn a lre mtilird uter should rv pat hrtwrr tin limiilde4 al on ihe pit of ftp atomaih and itir f- t nj irji pinned m wtnr x ht a mwn a r tnui j it ruhfie mto which mitm be if- handlul h jti and a ijhlr f fviifu tard leyabonld be allowvd to remain in ile water at 101 jo or 30 rinutet hen tlx patient should he put to heil aw eovefed bmdantly with hlankk iftil filled with warm water uld be apjdied to ihr fet and boot hs perjon and jlanncu wnm ot of hoi water itvj t m hoi n can he hro nonw vr pruieo to me atuoien in a word piduce heat and penpiratioji 99 speedily v rowdfc and numtain the weatinq foe vcraj hnirt while all out hi hein- done t fid for a 1hysician as nnt a moment h tn be hm li h remeifoir- ip to the facnhy that al a aurminjc petcih the pracii- er ihould earry about him sock remedio he ha mfol cunlidtftec jn foe lhf of iqi dncae ueh it a mall i t wo ptlcbki potpn n a bvlkdjt oojc fm and iwi sl cruolrttji vn m vpadf rth 11 e iwi tkikb im m rtvratigl liilr rk liklvak kelitduf ilic k4ti4 roieaimei4 urfit coiinhe mikndwap4ftee comnhriai nrpouit ea 1 and iuw wi viiueitord catfiritm ah h4 ln iuwatovfwkea wo ae fdjibp id tihitme ww jkahv a i iu 00 oic a frijtv enpoe tijmdha tkcba ldiic j wi unlil aomeuf ihii rcjtretiit f- bther ioli- ed itudj of eon w hd tbin ike mamoobi iihhc- a number i jiittfuk n bjritooafllwiewoirriji i in ih i of till4iet lkt rd keid ik- meh ibeeory ekornteiaeho wt4e0 wji ajvoame ii yiiam ww v ui j f 4 -imeurio- one of ue at knit f- o sullw er 1 m awobitdwrt lem l kw ihtiioa hioh ai uio vitje ad eiitwj ptiiut ox i r vee tliv t jev hwrfhi nll roi ufi tivili itic l v rod d b igontd lai ii iwaul lar jjf in im v ibl fim will- im1 oe iirpflo mi u vr fhii etj c- f it i btji vi id nrfhiroio ro iliiille tap aina lwi f i fa uc d i 114 hi 1 l rvn til riiiitaicr hi- l utlttf itclutl fvi trjni uenl ttkl tfithwakf ihr mnte ain i j line ilieivbt it 1 a c4m w j uea l- on j h 1m bu j lliuto4 bul tidied whn ho win likti vsiy phpcly o i wwr ihoral paotoonwhtofc ihl bitw ue i h ne lui mttk cm ciaiiewt id the ui nrtakle kaw iimidtlt iii it iko in at mhhk town drro o 11 filartleil pcioro sjt ue iw ifvitlei rtovd ii i- it fhtl w rvc4keo emfy r 54 1 r j oilice pu tec- nlati c tktoiililb iood not a ti3y iov r irtiile jijtc a m wi pd wairw h40m foi btuigpt v uy riipniroj iu ftsiutiioe uien m iij wiikuui a wlic dr ktviato liiae mr tturioc ihe drauht of ihe last tw seasons firjitatiti hi pasav by rods of iapid and ahajlow the st iies rjpid d wr have observed and xhr haatuci behind isle petrol pour a peat volume of wairr into ake lsi louicuiuinveriiilliertiiirionwhieh ihe reel 0tawa usually mind- n the uur st lawrence a tar tlum ihp otin down ibe rivet d cbene which ut tear it ihis season was near i drv bui th ioiuuic i vsa ter which rolls down the river des prairiea i stupelous ami a th moment inut be one of the laret frehwjtertreami athe world at lteliapellr brltr the trrain mm with ejeat verocily ntavnm u tn the iouavt of ihe arrhes and einsianrlv t less lln is feet above the ordinary lrvl coortve 1smk or mrajc tlrrniti 1be death of brevrt mayr gelicn caii rsrea- hchu uo sacncv in the army at the cnan- mkorteiit f the svar with meajfo hre iteiwrnl joiimnnd ivoul were the otily nri- cen of that unal rank in ibe a my in im6 a i was pasird creatine two nioic orfieert vf that ede wtuch were hiird in aueni of that year ls the iwrotion of ioe utility and twiae of the firm and sccomt dcaoorn j tltee orikea were fe the r sular aim but 1 were o routinuc oidy to the e of the war i in julj i the pnvi 0 o ihit law reqnirinic the dbotuaal of tw of ihe foor tltiodier ien- crab in the sersiee m he end of the war va i repealrd and uhej were all rtinued in dhee i dunn hie but it ivaw provided that ihe ojvi 1 of the knt two who died of resiened tlnuld he abolkhed by mkh icaoi or reiienjlion the 1 contcenptatcd equalities have already occurred 1 both in re pc to tins radc am hat of m ijor tjnceal the number of major and hndier generah i tehiced lo tba existme at he he- pnnin of ibe wjf b the promotioa 01 major ucoerjl taylor tbouh a p roc c not all udd to in the reflations and by ibe death of the gallant kearny and veteran ta nt the nly major ieneial now iu the actviee tini scott aud itiv tsvo bfi ajer jenerals are tien wool 1 and t iv ic nrnttoitr ron dene advd lo ok outvie usmk jiiin the at sevo of uie leivature it u n lnord an art to abolish impeiwtimvit lor deh and ir the pimjime44t ol fraduknt ileli in wtf can4da fi other curr akl pee viosjs leulaive eiiactmcni o this isjee acted upon iice 175 svhich by tm tune jre ujiie faituha lo every holy at 1l oh- rtreeol with kal oceedns m lower ca- nadlj t by una bold piee ff lasvmakin abrogated adaumird and svc ate iudehlfd for ba radkal nplline d remodelling of the law oti thi imiam ii to in- puirit ol innovation of ike pretext solctlor lavratnl eot- tiie act under confjdera ion evempts fiom the operation of ihr pfeseni law priest and minuivi of jtsy iifoirl deoonmilios se- uafnaiiati and l icia- who ar drelamj pfiiilrd in then prwn ad camiot hr held to bnt for any debt thry may hwee ctf iracicd haitie now cannot be ericid hi liabiline incurred in a foreign tou tt or in litv civil wilt ivliete the c jue 04 action vhall not sioriii to leu pvitipjs cturency a judr in vacation 011 iumnary fviitinn may ordr tlu- djciaitir in d iiiy airrid m a apvjt ad jesoujicradtit it it opprdi ih it ihr law lfit berntutly eoftplnd wi in oihf aoediiinu and vdilhi o lue esisun la aic obtained in mviotefl duoe which it would hr loo lo 1- o defray mor- fully m o 11 new ilrlr uiefc i taj ljii t uoum iiv very uhji yi tij r n crriinc to aiflit hi abicott ns debior t uo c stau without cartiiily pciusin ue act 41 t 01 her majemys mmwlera now juflify iheir mie goteltwrp m whee disctrtion tnj ludmeil they had such entire confidence t we crilaml d ol rtif the pontion of lord eum or of ibose who ire respoosihw fr hi appointment a mote disgraceful oe ieuminou boaiiioo either lor the government kl home or toe their ipeetenativ in the eo v t it wootd be difficult to r r the aeed of mmcluef were oown by a former u1ncradica1 cabinet duomc lord mel- burne adminislraion when lb tame lem- porpxn with rebel aitd covtrl jalhinn with itailor was carried on m canada a in ibit coonliy we have laid enoojeh before the public lo enable a toieramv fn opnji lo tie come lo on ihe policy which has hiiitchl maltera to the presnt nue which ss uhvol tieedy chan e will 10 ot of one of the nomet catoaic aivd wlueh if ntta in wilt induce ihe 1rtth hmie me by one to drop olf fram the motlwi cnufitt mor edw ismde fiuy 18 fsarohtkt ran sr dostrnsviby he brie phrix coplatia cook frtn st dn i fr which laee he left o the lt mst we learn far lle peevmua two month the cty w in a ii- of fcieil ecilennt on ac- cossnlof the cowardly cdttt nf ike prei- dent who was m tk poini of tcnlteing hi c04istiy to the iliytwnv he n c rau had dettrd hia amy and abanskmed teveral tfni posts hl ihe enemy were makine dieet lor the eiy when he former pert d nt aniaita aneed their progress with a few htihdred men and drove them hack to their onn territory sianti l alter the firfbl drired to fcluin home hmt wa refuivd adoiitton mio ihe cny when the whole oumry rose m hi brhjif and ian teifteto lotheoty on he lih may lytdm within eommeicrd anettine both men and worncn and tiieaiheied the lives of nil who it i him s04i mtrhbar look te futo hi the icvtml consub hoow he made 4i anempf 10 aires mr emta ih american coiku vbtch hr woiu hate micccejd in tegitherwiih so prisons who had laken c- loie under his fla had not the brith con sul and hie captain of an fvulivlj manofsvar mtrrlered on the id ult t at 1 p m they cnmmcrecd hrih fiom al the fori on the toojs of siotm which eewtinieo until 2 i- m of the al when a white fle came fiom sauiaia with a deuraud thai they should iitrender a he bad 80fro men and 40 -ieces- of cannon with which if they refuted to rjr- reoiter he would lake the cil lvutoni were erce m the vily d il ws uocbadrd hv a ami land a hat peered l jnnioe mlended in put the inland in pose- inn of the h j lien il believed tht jim ines will mum the irete matiuaia having relud all inedtlion the cotisuuviill em- brk on loard the men of war in the harbor alt the women and thildten lielhcr wilh ilw cejearc 10 am ooisiov iianuna bai 80uu mm and jitmnef has 400 and the for t fitatoitt r t ri7iriet will become the aohject 0 c9lihw- infori dero he meantrme we wouw monv u hie nf kt ut ir 11 hntjn 11 lie veia s nile 1 whili imtit w man almsrti all ithhii aeens at ilr in fill vv liin iivvd hrv mr itrbmttiin ih hucb miitny sociriy wu 1 rmlenj ufai momlt uu the fol caasl af- tour deef eee whitl ul lb aejuatoi t lu reees essrie ol ifudanumonr isf be addrd or mwaiard flay j mute t4 warm ssewr be woevt i frequently n ied 10 flu lvrlwjlhs er and drawers thovo b aistn beat lo the tkm a a serfon antjc o b wel companl should wear in ddit warm awatbc of riannct around ihe ao 1 il je wt ahonldbeof n lih and iifur- ahinj nature eoititin4 ntainly of animal food fihofailkij ahotijb ealns with eiireme csuton ard eefetallri ahcold be uted bit parniy and lho iy lo wich ihe iadividuat is well eoiomed ovj mealy pololne meaua hvmt roatrd tay be ucd aa henioimc bre d ahonfd aky be male and it would he wclliohave il load ed even for dinner liancevao hi valuable u an nperierit almld be urd svith cautoi donnj- the prevalence of chi km tiadian meal cawes welt tsaked may ie itd ihonld he ued is rnoci at poulme and ereei cookrj veclavr aa p a brait cabtae ewe t hnjt1 be svrll scanned witll pepper aj im okd pariakin or cicji cy ttiqse intherjjj faahitotlnn lliem the rmpw- ity o leidividuala houd carefutiy avoid them thaewlvr boeu are eaijv artected by veal or fresh pokr by tsikd mult 4 tvotellinove rtcrr wben fruit is eaten st b with ihe uimosl caui and nonr tv ritrr anj erii melliie boilt irraimeil ial of ar tinelnrc of capsicum and akker of tvlpwtc cllwrof any others he may wioh t- n- ce 21 there is no rjcophylaeiic fr cholera hit hy peuderce and due aluntin lo the ini tiatory j rmplom il may net 0 ty he in many case aertcsj mil will often be cur mtjual men at all hours and under every f9urt are ever acalna in ivin to th vkcouroj tle poor and need and il it nl loo much foe them to evprct ikat the mre wealthy paitof be community will mte aame contributioru to ihe comfort ol ibem r deitilule cfaars wtthoit which the brst d- reeled eatoets of be phyneian may e naj vaiubk- were it fio mo rwner motive than ibat of wlf preservation tke peevsin want of the ualortunalr thcvd meet with peompl relief for wheru aiareation exists during the rpsdemic there will thoera pc- vailand fiom amch a focn its pestilenlial breaih may reach iheafliiicntand voluptutsue who when eluckci are not mote bhfffd than their famishing neighbor and it mas not be aupentitieiu to y that lie bmvn- kiit nnd charitable by their rtccd f kind- nea aiisv humanity are laving up richer for thenuelves in the bpe of divine projection u the public ore eametily warded j ihe use of atromc pujealves and erne ties durin- the levalencc of choleia and alio aantthe indiscriminate uc of tte varous mineral waieit so mueh used ot present thvae jailer icmtdie are most valuable m many diwjjet worn ie facte and preknoed rortbep4iiec by hii afejkal attendant but as il ireqiiently njpji that be individual hioiaell dredes un the rpjalily andouantuy otnemhe ahould drink it i feared that mirth ugry wlfieiiitffom the praetiee il- ihiio mall quantitirs of ibem may be used wthadauue the twd also siiler it ibeirduly lo ware roomie usi j q of the many kmd of etoicnt puratree pilb uevoivelyemploed manv caseaofcho iccmleiijand le34 it induced by the uc of brand f1il9 and other of the mne dature ajdimbiectmacerihe board would rrconuornd chloride 0 lin for osft otkev new rollte ju the gosenitnrnl h rrmuled plnemert for peace in monneat and rquipjd is to pfeeent suets oaja j graced ibotdty it tl- templed as a m ile lion nf ihe montreal jeaiiist it preeenti naul toalt thiir ideas avely anaukc f bs i ibat lie rew orce must be pit dwn ways of iiihnf duwik or illral meanv en evife ef tlv mont rjoum ibjl illrgalan- eommon talk i the 1 montreal is ihat ncl rw will be lrfi r whtl sfcjl nej hive her in l viri reody fr their daii may oecuir must lie at set on he eviidip mere jurt of tbur they may rel aewrvsj xvih ij j and t 1 the peace will 01115 sa s in monthkll anwr a force of hfiy w prrvrrtdlion of lle 1 niece west ami 1 wililrsplil h dr t hasr li ly ilis- iid br jam rl vviirse thr tnijna- y print rsdirtcltd m ii vf 1 irpiti- nriiiir and it s 4 tftttript h ihitititoml and tdee aie but 10 h a force bv leal a ho has maiked the tory jiufntf can ue heie neillui the i tpflhe duiltectedin f iheu folicemeri ivy appear srs mon- 4 me wvfhi drl ol itow be nearly baacfii dilmbince c droj ike who who re but th i htiy irodrr t they art tportinc 11 v attempt tobrek psioihrrfrni svvlliit v ytjijaj fcwi lov iiv innne whrie he came lo an elwiled ubll4ad ad law in tore hnn a bfiy ubimtam imtard kilimid urn ihe sumut oj nhch s covrrrd ptrpei leii etpl m t ni or ol uh eh al iiw in the conrse ol di dialmhimhy left kiat mtirf jontnrj ui i alric nteeiftly m ihe l he piiqmftfd v in j co- 1 dan tkr tse any ua hi a1 11- d m nd il u vemrliiionrd dirritim king tlic iq ce- ot ir ss nil thr hyjotheiih el nil nian l u it mm ren lul4ii j cr inf aouiiry ha lrc u twe dikrviy w mibs well v thr i js there rrjioji r orion of tiie m ibe mow of wlmt accor ive rise in thr ilr tn cim0 doiks jriirncy ifc scription faisrd aiioji graphical discoi ery jo r at sslvnw uhr ktli iianj 1-0- rd ihe chic1s it af jjmiti 4 ol ihr mptip liiii to plulemy rsprnc of ur dhayed hy sub itic friends of -ro- kljchl chan c the lick cham- icnity ol in prviesewer utairw and uiiy are of opinomhat rxr andotker innm lr n vicnity of cholera patievh amiic v bumf vner would be loimd lil a d acrreabe nieiiotijeclwnoto scene of tho dninfccl- aiib ciaar m ihi tbi to nafe their etb- tftencyihe lloora id waikof ike aparimenli hord be frequently wib wth ihem aa the 1 ore not vouve wkeretiy 0 dmp aad chilly aiirofpsere so productive of cholvra wjnlj he c nhvj kept up but it mnrf not beforoi that the best ptemntive of in fection aie free vrnitatin and cleanliness il may be usifnt 10 irenlin tnnt nritifuiaj ivrner epidemics n clolera in rttom ami america medial practitioners hare noli any ticertinrd case conveyed hirinlrctsen m thvirclolhei lo nalieob wum itey wee atiendme fr other dipeas oe lo heir familiev cytfo 0 prct mm and irom the lollowm etiroct a remarkable im munity from the disease is oved to have been enjoyed by prrvont placed in viluationa most favoable fir iu development od i wtl aknfai 1 alfv lie per cf lono flciv we h cellency intend lo take the fall we do not w oi lh- report but eeetlcnt incajity ouilv to that cjuielude anarcu ceucncy ojuit require 1 leil scetsc of lurmml a r there no tounditr culalcd by seveial jowrr cy the govcno gen beaumont- tiic ltsct on british ameicao lea in tle uric eoon of m r vcral matter of rontun of the no nvr of branch thirtylive and anuml has- been formed a id tked in the public nesi ofhcially reiiorleil it wa on motion ejfli heanch i to the the pr prielv of the co- meeting on the i8ih jn agreed upon by the mvi place of icun be t onr the riveroluwai m habcen known for wi- nine- it aecma aimosi and lo hducc the cvfju h of the si jjiscrcftct stream aboeii thice u riie and that wilb aur cutilloa it rose thrve fe day ey little n kov the vaot anil alaitsl uu thift jive drains bui f from the opimoes of lh bilivveil to oise not fr- irom the melim of the v hiavier in that art of l than they did here tn ciat to the lumberer 1 utt rrratmnr lp v heu1 that his k- f his resauvncn at h foi the eofreet- kalls would be an 1 itis and tsor jlde fil which his mgh on unpiirai ha ttw thiojh or thr rumour eif- -tlathesceiki- la lbt to ew tllit buys rmvemrnjreulnant hol- anan one of the noval knights of windsor uho received a disicosalioa l travel from her avinjealy ai- year ao durin the whole of sybich period he ha been absent ffns fvitand has reliiinel to his residence it traverv colke wnsdr itarinhis travels iw viaitcd spain and porvuaj and ihenc- pen eced 1 the hnaii majie 1 and minorca and to a1virn hr aflerwahk sited turn malta anrt creece ihe eapytal of the no man empire a cjfeal jrtion of the holy rnd naples a- 4 thr rnndn staler after proeeehn to wallachia and alodavia tuouih huiiiry austria and havana lo the tyred he travelled thronh the snmh of france and azain visitid madrid returning bv ihe north ol jspam to itasnnnc and ibrn into kranci nn his reiiirn to bis nalier coairity ltent h iman hasmurard m knc- ilaisdwith hrs health ereally improsv and i 1 ravelled cntvelv alone iioiwithunlin the fjhclonoj uindnc he it ubvrttc urvder cdneouy night the t m ureal mrrnfh lacks hotel sc vuif been dip- wee reported to be nee were stated to i pinceedinj rso efli aithotph not ilsal ihe montreal r atfatoiri bjachts poen costonr potichmm jvcn lav ae iltuirivd in a uteinimbev he vlowi a sjinple ll4mindiisbya urtenull fn inter- rg itin iforec ladi who stare at hnn with sic vosiimr eyes ftps if vi j leas- mvtjv vosilovkin fs a tittlr do vn fsdt s- yesob reil boy ivnn it 0 suaimi ii mum v win larjieo ja a amm hesattt- fj hllle spael train sery tnrs rars boy ah ihr mrm n ile sme as ft w atmmrh h wolblil and v4t0srd of il vnterday pfriooi uout iliree 0m0 k r st- it h4 i0 il uniaes thai tne iums- uvifrtsd pir- m ihr mr lrorij4 majrath n- ef ke lite a l uroesr or thirl consriv racr of uiu chs nrl ctllalr- wst a incbrt of she cls col c mutte a bhhwr svul oh the lite khn an u e bviirvr ihjl ifr cau- of ur av wj ukr opposition mac by mr ujon so thr p- rrsrnl holier than srars we believe ei lakx si uj ivel limpid halem an tusjcatucafil poaralatnl vf m maialh a jjcci captain wiiei- w ar tliose eurirus tn nasal in ofpoiimtis ef areinc 1 i the ciidittoo of doled baam which what ran br learned ahmrn ihr lto- pa the prni lairu it kt9p which ill much country usl winter me is vrry benell- itding them to gel os- rh wrr trnme aruriteoture hare one of the viet irltb f4iiy avl- 5 jibe 1 mi loiv lurthrn nd carmea a caro e4at lo jutk barrels djjf fvn hie reai jeplh ol wjtei now lake st iedr he will be ahtr w ukr in nearly thr 01 hri cjtgo before irjtin hi pi to ofo tfl bips tbal eser vuitrd ibs ujrfdity hut about fpeirdicular in one wlatl ro ao lof kuis what kind of ftpvtth wilj lord ktgiii wrir b he indeesj be pcrmiitcd to mnam ijnj cnenjh lo wutv one a i i foe which he him- elf fie hi m- shown v all oeiir ofbtn aiui pridav evening juke 2 leml the pbnitentiaky wt thought by ths lime wo w4l have no further occanun to enake ny more rrniarks npo thrdinntftof ibfrlhfrurercheslibsj a ihrc ipntlefolk ecm ovlcrcnined to pet- el late irwir power as nspoeihi altliouh in hrcf elutled wilh any anthnmy ae ci-ei- mivmul v re lj koiii i to lifssf to witch their prvcwjitj and tt or leaders thr rull of oyr oborvation wr menhoued aomn liine 1 lite liti-cr- ata hat was paid by ibeae peopjr tn the unuirrmr nt of the law foe til ovemmrnt t4 ifte kmiteatiafy and ihey appear 10 be a ill irrimq in lh aietrp as we ahall k nhw fat as we have space for 1 iu inn ii of 10djy and hall return lo ilalhrluf as we are drtctmined the public shall kiow all the eaaiies j the coninii siojieinleciors of ths etahlsiiment 0e of tin- lait act- of thrte inspector or ol icr of woof hena lor iheie wo no u- ijtk cehluied boa sitting 11 tbe time wa nji distinst one of the kvper and thrre of ihe guard the keeper was told hy ee of ihe lnpectj s solio tis nosv become the head body and uit of use inliluiion ihat he sea iot dcharrd for any frhlt committed by hnn but havnc hern placed in ihe situa tion of another who waf impojiotly dismled by the late hoard of iisiector it wav tcf- anyihat he should now be removed alter hiving been employed about 15 moths to make ruom for the former occupant and to convince him thai he wai not displaced for any bad conduct hit watev were ordered to ro br paid to the iff jly neat tne laic iloaid are we undeimind in pouenion ol an odicial document fiom the co vein me m where in ihey were banked foe their service du- nn their incumbency and all their aeu con- armed nod yet notwithhtandic this opinion so pislily exfhned tlrese commivsionerf rt themsrlve above the gov crment and think they are trivet than their employe nndetlakr to tttrtt their dreiion thereby condemning the act of ihe bihctt authorifv io the land which tlcy peofcss to ectn in the case f the cuad tveo of them were disehared without any reason bein jsiecd foe il and the tbird one of the rtvsi failhfnl men in tbe institution aa we twit stand un told thai he wa ineitcieni hut when that wa disproved wa informed ihrfl no confidence could be placed m him tpon ibis lie immediately referred lo ibe warden and asked him what bis cooduct isidbcen while acting onler him aad this rimel lonary we arr toed acquainted ike tsvo ihtpecloes that the man wa woiihv of citiihdriicc that he had alwaya faithfully ond clierffoly prrformed hii duty by day and hy niht anj furthrrmoe ihat lie never had occ nion to nnd any fault witb him j and we lure reason 10 he r r ibat the tome chai ns r wouid be evea 10 him iy nearly al the fimrr penitentiary aulhontici ih law we understand it is that the guards shall he appesrfovlud removed by tke warden alone tbeojinbertobeem4oysdouly taming oder the direction of tbe iiiapectorv bm notwith tlmma this ad ibe eacejecat characlrr eiven of ue man hy tba vvirse who was 111 ihe daily habit ol witnmitf hi conduct away jie mint co lo make roo s olonohne thr c1lmmiuoners former ves- enei we shall conclude our present psnilentiary tnatlars bj stalmi tat these lanaeii will rst h- allowed r- sumber ns steamboat 0 wition ofadthinctheromavbe too much early psrt vf the present sji leorde leaked upon with snme rfcrf p 1aceney as tendne to the redncon of the hih bra hiiheiu enlleetd on boih i an i lake has ow decneral i into n here atar and wholly incei warfare sajly i jnrions lothe proptitofs inj prsorally dita- eeeeahle lo the puhn th novelty of low fares has wornolt and the cheapand nasty is hourly becominjr more apparent and more rcvolti the pnces now eharced for piv- aae cabin and deckfrom quebec to ham ilton are wholly inadequate to the tnainle ance of clean and eomfortawc vesel and the consequence which must have bren foreseen is now very scaring steamvoat evcursions are no looser a pessure but a pain tbe u avellmc public pan for clean and quiet boat- and look with lotion eyes to the sdcndid line of american ileamers which daily visit oof port on hoard of which there re cleanliness comfori and health because te sclnui intention of one partys destrnyiii- another foe the purpose of ruin upon il ruin has ihere no evistencc il i therefore hijh time far ihe rival tteambt propiieloil to coflse at oficc to somr totoal iirsdrrstandini it is a folly lo tnt that otic line cut 4fic ihtoihrotf kicked asrach rival line ii bv th- wealth and in fluence of a bank thai there rs bnsinrs enouh is sujntort tsvo liisrs is atacrcd by many and olfimird by the assurances of ihe of ike contending parlies hat up 0 the entday no preunjry lovs has hern sjsiaierd tnwat ajtiiranees we look upon s apocry phal but if frt tided on trath the cause lie m the sreat immixralion of ibia year and the vnsi number of iersoi en- tfnn mojii re al with addresses to ihe gorentr cenrral thtfm oircs of mtfie are now cm nt and it would ay well for thr ypouttoniit to coma in an immed ar utidefstaudmc instead of watlinif uulij mutual povmy brmea tbem tociner in mder in aid wftt stontlrmen 10 ibe es- tthlidimeot of a popre area nkn t rirt wr shall jio dwna scale of price with which th public would he satfttied nnd which nild have ihe ettct of fmmmctssc pnrim nf jlnfttseicn rravrl m f ihm htlheto has hcen the woot in ciml tend nny mtwo to ron lo ihe bead of tho bay or f only once week lo alate tht f on what day- i therefotedeiireyootora iti pomicity for these nro many nf yone imbscribert refine in csecon curjl place cclbome 8ikhton fmnwrord fcc erho mo not nwnre of rt d are likely k fall into ihe similarly whwtrf nooitiro thai was puco d in the prinu 0 1mb tfojutrly rht hed of the bay on tuesdays nndnoisoots and if the proprieiorj of ihe queen 7cfrm will not afford the people of this section f the country its name accommodation shall either teleet capt chambers of can rormstoeslendhstripo hither or hat p fincc 0 ifolcs osu oodioioed soppoev a merchant- river trent jane wiw raisiicc of in ewjrrnt- tbeem- eanboat which had lain eppcujer- c11 fttf btfilall 00 friday rromib lyeiterjay lothe eciirsl dock foot of pike street ted aboot he dock nnd coo- ent prerailed it sens ex- nd in rr caviqi ksv a crowd mrs she water out of is irc iom tn rt pump the waier om ot u that ihe weieht bemthuj st xmtlat and raise sarilbshr boat fotthepakeofherv hoat for the sake neser aeon the dock which is n re eiitrsrty there rwm hothme rmorotto irc4iat tsntrr mmreali kn-mii- chin tsrrb kinrlo- 14 sjiitrvl 6 lj n kivmt- colrri do 9 1 fn ktsfen i tfs-f- an ft hirlovi lw ikpisvna di fftl and ihe vamr rtrs hack lo k i n thcr kicra wuuld einhle the tiinefasri i krrp clear and teiforiame veiseu and m course of inse to build sich stramen s now foem the line on the southern side of he lake 9 i ke inn llvttptfift ton dot oe any othet pi thai we are viir- nf we shall ne a brief rfeseriptoa of is h romists of nine hue boiea filled with waiec and the vessel bem drawn over it resit opoo it and krrps it down till the water i pumped ant by ihe enrinebeioc y booyaut ihe arc uwul ihm jloai on ihe surfae andlirtbe boai rieht out of ihe water like all real inventions 11 sj exceedingly si nple f tni per fectly adapted far rs pnrpose the pumpiof nperitmn cuwlmued til sve weni lo ti she vtf thrn pretty well raided nd the casks and spars lashed lo tier sides lakan away he wa beinx enum in order that the wtr ttr raatajrht mn osii of her i r t rh there oe nothinjr like n floatinc dck in eithrr liverpool or loewto bcanse thr risin- of the tide allows tbe ns of graving p 1 yet kindlon is in posiea- san nf such a machine though but liltls ued thr mrssis reaiipne built a fioel- i dock with three seciioiu about two yean ao kesroputjon to life after being duaufitl the fohoivine injnlar ciicornstatice il tvrti nh ii her in a wok tetenuy piihltahsd on piemitture iii iau th parent of mr lwad siadeton had hr1 apjrntlv nv lyphus vet a c hji- ed wilh semv ediunitima ytnpth- which had lacitcl lht cni iry 4ii hi sne itcal alien- dis urn h rmnmi rivca his jrieadi were foueird lisennvtinn a psi moremes- aminrtliun but ice iin lo prm t i a efiea tpp wheu ich iefnals his m tie prrictit0ir rrsiisc 1 1 diier lh- bdy and lodnvct il at liismr in ii at- arrau-e- aenl were rajli fie ledwith which don nsiind m ufa n thr third niehl funer il ihr iti o sftef d eofn- ias krrsflhrd de arifrsa rwij ii c rnil has mnrr ihsn of fvr foe mv dream vv your valuame joo nte been thr iotummt of rjieinfi amnrity lolhr frrlinesof ibe meichat plrl mthiw- uls ejearrjllv of ihis ieciin of ihr cnuniry rrlalivr bf ihe nseisspftly aiwl rjlilke ovuk ihem by the rraers who profess lo rna to tke head of thr har of quinte il hi par tially had thr desiied ftrej iunsmneb as ihr peopiielnrs ol tbe ignore of woivs came lo ihe conclusion ts visit oir wbarre lwce a week vr tuesdays and thursday and even saturday ihould occajim rcqutre il whreh determination ihey have maintained to the satisfaction of an patties alike rreu- larily and a desire o accommodalr the puhlsc have not however been pursued br ihe pro priety of ihe quttn rrforso and coue- qmtutiy they have bronahl upon themselves the disapprobation of all scfaom aleam boat acommoitation concerns and forfeited ibat suppoel or pationafc thai otherwise thry wu have abated wilh the prmtt of rfofes the days apportioned to the qrseen fvoria to visil ihe head m ihe bay were ihe alter nate days to those of the ftinc- o wda viip mondays and fridays as the travel- line commumt and homic generally are under this deluiioo i consider that lam in jus- lice bniind to make mention of the veiy eeat inconvenience evpense and lout have sus tained while i- unef the same on thntsday tveninif ihe 1 lih snst i weni on board thr qtm rvforsd white laying at th ss haef in kimplmi bad am a nombct o pckaiea of merchandise marked for tbe trrnt knowin friday to he her 4f to visit ihat place t did nol ask ihe captain if he was pom up but shipped my eood in tbe usual way ami went on board with several others expeclinc of i be landed al the trent on arproachinx brlleellc i sva informed lha she would p no furiher and on lemenstraiin- sviih the captain toe fcb un accommodating conduct having both pas- senersand merchandise for the trent a well as several jades who w waitin- lor the boat to proceed there alto he replied that the trent people did not patronire them eaihh lo trmuiserate ihem ihe conje- qnence was 1 was to hire a conver- ance to proceed to tho trent and afterwards so send a team fof a portion of my roods or nihcrwk have to wan till the fedlowue monday ad even then submit to have a portion of ihem lei i khind which is a com mon occurrence the natural consequence risin- fiom ihe retbipmrnt al belleville toay nothing of ihe incoovenience and os i sihtained from ihe delay of my mer- chandtse ai this season of the year the hirin nf n conveyance to the trent and afterwards the earn foe a few tit of oods it was neces sary it should cosi me c5s 1 ibinb it is really the duty of the pioprie or ioa ttr pumie rfo hsv do rsr in in if rer client had bee a j n ie when tbe frraf- sarrnmo anes a it ily made m atsd nndecayed slatr tf hie pat ihe application of the mtrr one s perimnt succrrdrd atolheaiid ihe cfiotswrr ary ratets buperveiied with n dliinc lo cha- eactn hiena in any resiecl ninone oetwts occdvomt a me ihao ordinary degree oj life likriisa in the coivueivr action it urew ult thr dv wa aut lo dawn and it was not iboachr of discretion a al rdeni hiiwever was erpnalty drraih of lesiirf a rhcory of liisnssn and irs i t uton i vm thr hiteiy 10 our of the p c muvrw a roiifd h was mlr and a wire hastily brcuchl in co ii whi n thr patient wnh a hurried but mbconsuuirr mf rostftfrom ihe lahlr striped into ihr middir or the ooe eaed anot him uneasily foe a few aecotsd- jnd then spoke what lie said was oflmtel- ticiblr but wofts weir nitered h syllsbin eahi was diiiucl having spoken he fell hravily lo ibe floor for some momrnii al wen noealised frith asvehul ihe irecney 0t the eae soon fcaloe- rd ihem to their pretence of mtiid lr exhibition of either he revived ajsrb was rj fly restored to health md to the oo- ciety of his frwnds from wboeo howevr all knowlrde of his reilsiion was with- held nnitl a relapse was no lonrcf to bit ap prehended tlic most tbrillin peculiarity of ihit inci dent is iovotrcd in what mr s himself as serts lie declarei that at no period was be alloelber insrnjblc that dofly and cenfc- tedtv he was aware of every thine that hip- pened to him from tbe moment im which be was r i dead by bu pbysiciao to that in which he fell ssvconing to the floor of the hospital i amative were the nacmn- rsrehended which upon reccnjniiin the a llty of the dissection room be had endeavored in his catrtmitv to svu i voeo fcosion the foilowins should have accompanied thw alboavil ot the officers of the xet ere in a liie number of the bnrtsh ffn vj to rae ecfior of tht gvy sir now avail myself of the kind oter expeesaed by you in the glr of tbe 2td irotant to allow me a place in your eolaaoa ro defend my condltct from a chare prelrfreel ataintmfihr fourteen pasaen ears on aovif the steamer dipoe on the motaine of tha 30t h ultimo had f been the acretsor on thai occaaioo i micht have taken an ocrtoevty of iteilics p an article bv the pasaenctrs on board of mv vessel o defend ne in the course which i had taken ihe opposite hein- the fact prevented nva fiom eeltin op tnj democsstfa hon from them to support me in mj condacl and i now aisle without fetr of oontraditliool ihat had captain harrison bren as desirous ol kreninc clear of the avw ea aa f was of the y pic there would not have bee a callsaiae in wi bar tho ewsiion made use nf by captain harrison tho tlmerfe you rihl clearly shows lhai the whole -f- fair iels betwren him m bis enate and flat as stated in the notice referred to to appsy ba me your emplvinc with ihis and cupyiqf ao affidavit pnhlished in tbe hamillon 5ccisv lor of the trth instant will ctenrls objire siu your most rardirnl servant thomas maxwell tornnto seturdav reominf aihjune 1945 ca calironatia lnnw a wkierfroea caliloenia thua a yosine lady in thai country she rides wild horse ihrowa the inafo mlroilly and never rninrto hfrnlea with use rapflea 5he catrieo htinlrn tnina in her girdle and understand ihe anitamy f either aiajj or buffalo knosrt noihinf aboat eoraats forbelow capea or rsouacao uvo wear bonne and speaks np elb