British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), July 13, 1849, p. 1

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weekly british whig opifer per orb em dicoft vol xv11i kingston canada friday evening july 13 149 no 27 w bb mail will bo made op at the octct daring lb summer st- 06 fv- aftrntn it 6 oclock ritish whig oflfr m it- oltt isday morning july i0 isis r treekt rm from europe km thf- ui ht brlnp qaiidibp of my te- kltt th r ill- n r r li of ijn i- at tmuuwfc iffukti ei icaulfsmii lrfi it lavirts in tf hlmif tbt plifie u tnartfcior ini heart of cvrmmjt iottnjiot lo i 1 prtejiititai actor la its ficic icentt lr il ftrifc u july ibe french arm tre ftttiafly lttattpbtmj ind the dee stated tn ban jon wonders in reiittine than 1 aortrrtnl rvu 1 1 n 1 ud httaglfiotil 1ft i pell-mell- ibt poor rjrrarans like thr j it tb old fhli iinto u to honor thl ibu web- pitinrcfntirr d cuesions toucbint jetarjo vioiety it t ttaeaiar that o it is ln4on eraeamh either ird b0uh ir air gurfttcoe yiih the important t- oral that oppr canada pi ibowa wit by local iiii- where lower ca it to be mhwnual rt the con 4trd lureou ubet trere sir altn yb tod mr cijtf j about to ioie im of fatlf more wiilanjciy jii ibt antigilciui in ibe dtilre to tffet a ktptat of ihe unin between upper m lwr canada iaasmuth t they itj eamtt ibit i a trial of tirtrib at ibe hustitm they would eoio off vklorito ir blvt li j majority jo the up per canada l tfuilvt we wtre rr of opinio and epetsed it it the propr lie lbt no ejood could came of appealing t cretl britain 00 ibe rtbruion lotici v l iml f ihefi aimed oot tbt i of t cofirenltoa it procur 1 keptil of tbe uoiot hatioj iied iftd n r filtd it lb- f na y 0t lt lit who dc rirttotn tbt aolostton lit ftfjlrt ill ym i in tbit ir of ifei y tl dorioi untf tfttm vjwvll 4 coaetiiioft f tfte ptof it of upper ctoii to petiito oif qatn to diuut tbe union c htla tntrrtt lltfotof tbt 9ttinert thr fsin uojcia 10 ttlit ut on btj lit dowanrd tfp iitiebtlo tttt- eon bcoke bet bifi but fotuulcty wu etibled to toffiptete hrr j rey in ttftty irj 1 coj fittv a ew atfl t under- iuadit winciipfued witb h wh ptd jvl tbt fwaici wtu no da m be on btf i- limi tbout hf nimk of oeit week la the meiatit i lord u will eofttitart hi tfift m tiul tbrte timei t wtk ioiiy 1ki of 7a tyt ibe pjm ahf i j lw w l ptfof iliiet il wod tppci ibol 1e mpjs- ttninitdii to driw in iltir lrtfoi ad eon- ede thejiincpie of nonpiynmt ltrtilorf vvtu tbi yone tepgfd the coitcm on rpty poull otliei fin it i oflly cbfoqv ibeir fctrt thit the judttih tin be acted opon we ovt ly ibeuie ntik pu tbit her mijuiy oi bta juij t cnil ivonof 100 pt annum to hike qivnl tbe hon si c cjfe umtfrd trcjd d- notk tbe itm di4mrwibfd itf- tivtf btcooui vtiy mocb fwtvtuteit wt caibo a tjoptttu but ubit utjn otr cc i 1 feryoftloerrj blw loliij jit tiuuihd ivifcti we ee- ud f any untth ibe eirent ffom si cbflhtod dtnij he one of tbn te pffib frntfc oi tbe ii mtjof c gvre i t jt lef tnorrd ffum montreal 10 knti d in the comotil be ivvtii iofle preumiiy i hieict tbe pnoti to rkt j- ftbtj ivii- bill which b htt nought jt ltrlimcnl lo ioh e any doomi rhkb qfiy be ratetiaintd a tbt o t flit qutiion we tivt fill w tk frm buckite hi been tefrrrtd to a- dtciufc o tbe utvl but the jmb uwyem acue thi ibe privtjllrjp of crown t ah tkouih il can rirjon r44oaind frlooy cm- tfliomlly in eng ooi nol ttnd ta irt- liid 1 the irish tltfoll liicb ipcfllly cotj- frnnt the owui uily mntioro mflj f bey fjp lhi irtaitn aol wiac ipeetjjlly recited n nol 1 ciidd lvt nont of hen tjt 1 iiou i fto flwiy irulnj t tnwfi iht hmute iiiavorem nfot tbt friend of mr 0jj ifroiirttine i fl lk of jleb urarrtl kit hrri tiy iiit in b bri iivf j ifj tbm dpritf eurqottn d the n icc i n in merer lv irtib uitos ltviik the ten ctmct of iht law lobewitaaed pn lei m iti mi l- j 1 i if ioib uwym bad itj on iht letimy vf 5ucb a protjr at aiuiit l piitotihi lie tad not for the pwitt of ttrviin ctinercy in tbnr fitor what afl awful oui- cty thrrt would hire bcehi a ftt iht ilihlet joubi caild bt c nt 1 t iht iumrct tt- 1 in mind uf 1 imic wbo re re loutd hot ti be njkbid wih anyibin it it oe readily atuietptj om tbe deeuiato- ry bh ai iraj a rim h- uf wrtft in ihr lt mfy briua mi haa eleed inla lievttitb 0mh of 1 deipie ttadiwtu 0 iv- l i- the illnrald itf tta oppoatnta st ar um dyiftf t 4aoh of ilt h tdteeatott iht xjtfy hnliin aateiitt ippearxace today in a en- lata to ordrf to render itef more by of ibe palronae it treaty from all liiu of fcjtiertni ud fiofli all cufttj of fctooitnotiily for ihii anjipoh far bt- itadhi utnott dpfciitiot tbf pvmiibr it nlf eratrral 1k while kr e lhi prftltlt itrotaj bit patran thai tht wot y pobtktiioni 10 ofttvetally ohp f tb euh of eirtumauteiriiftv tbe btdnrta of tbt liom and tbe cnct monty a diy paer to vt uraed ihh qietat c flil1- 0rttl ifbc ntbl labea n taoto eptnaite lay labwh cd heo tbr ioh publicnion iwe b ibo urdineaaof adtrtitcra fotbtrfatort fttrperaontibrjf in iber a4ttr until taer oor arc ott 1 tbe at baee vnrk taott tbeoa ni tbe aaoioinr 4 a aewrt of dlaj and jiy toniri- uifetaaaa ae atord octrmine peeoaary bitten djun ptr aaovm b tht pownbara pt iatapavixitas m w ctudei a ciwit a fret ouj peoje ia rdn aiatntbowtabraa bare rud ft td- 1 fkbripba of fite dollart and half ibt year 014 utntpre4 jet ibe jt wilt ilill b retired by the pub frsaa ail cbaao vbo cdom to r 1 1 r a pre vbetbtrto taa a dollar oetoot lamentable accident on sinday l btlween iwo tnd oclqjk in iw afirrnoon a ne ooos inof the cte of tbosu forte h loot bi lift by one of lb tctaiom 0 oofjtotoj wh lodd ferr arroi the jrceaaen wb wat clerk 10 mr jotteifraaer wit oeornpoy with tome of hi emptoter cbiden at bocae when a boy aw 15 yertuf aje te leeood mn of m um franrccidrnvy iok up loaded fifie which had been returned to tbe drcewed n a todel tuu nd unknownisly pretonted tbe piece and dihaed tt tbe mhth totiteait tnttced tbeheajtad he wu tod miunily tbitottlaixbolyaitairbajpiuned mr jame- frwtri ranily mo tbe dep- ot auactto a coflona ioq wm held yesterday and a e dcl icturmd o aeetrd- luce vtilh be abe fatt te jcatd wit a nurbtiwf of te w- krrtll ar kfco- mr fjrre el 01 ifcourabco- biuf tmqoette havaobm to ibe tuf wjo ooatfrratiro ponioo of tbe ltd cmvhhjn any further hope lawlqtavtlta ojtd lw auouvet r auan ia mr caytiw turnm borne tbe lwuerotewei ton ibeir ruuly con- mb r tbrtfore be ponoonced r- nuul eatretually duai ont for if raaiafrjtof lwiperitl ciouro tetwjncc ybaicit hope to aiut t certainly io4ponagrowib inc-ntda- ilthamevcontetkilsa b defflnet tbcoe liavnoicooteneoy totov xfe wilt cocliaitie o ef it in other 1 4ai comtaaatiom of party- of lbeir arulni ud tbe arneielioakib iveooat tbe uoai prominent bvu onilmr foot fetjtoe vtfelcsuuoo aeioi fttcb topic of aqacnto may be du mted otey few wneu whtlbrrthe people of la wonld aain fcy it aad we think ibey t boot the qntitiev- totreetiat three aalnat ilt prejent ptciitobtlily i people of caaaja e by no meant ns tbe wca to uiiafrrtbtir allegiance 1 jukurt f ttefraexo canadian pot- tod t people of theuoited states t by bo eaeaiu onrtd mtiit artt to rtctvte iolnibeooieo and 3rd the ptv- of firejat briiaio are by no mruu onited fc inctmiion to prt with conadt at tottkeaoohjtioni ii an effctoa btf- tnaiat anneaalftm ibt tubjia yd bet wduwei nc to wilk the hepeaj of the ffnion tjciii wtb nracucahla and feasible i of igajn lhir tine in ljj tbe aof fhe atirtllcift party would but thtir adhtrcnu io the form of a nocevia aent centrti plwe kioevon ait mtxm wou very toon u4 fajbrtt u tbe eotndi of tbt reformen 1 ajaleot dibbe to french cwpjttawv jeh caen they chonat not to ft but wr tbr object favtly and h aujtrdj many who ate riow talent or wiih miobten wooldcoeovcr u the dtiocnitt eveji me- batdwin bintteu thtnitapeetcd of a tti to telicoe t jed bb dpfee canada cofreree of a itrkot d0ulbf of muni lyimli1t irf4tafct ad tht ftfowon weod tin p4 tub weaticn tnttc baa no rain fallen in oe out kington for fupy a rontn cate one thower n sondiy 34th june ind tbe entry really uiflvr frtn draubl t r nb at tbenmii atirminr tpprrhtiho are rote ttai ned with tbe eicepuon of fell wheat etery bind of coplookt wrttcbedly and mim rain fat inon tbe bope of the bntnandnan in ibb ttefjoo of the country where fall wheat u not naivrnally town will be watted the hy in low eneadowi will be good bet a bib lindt wil be neat to aoihin ft b wbofly irnpomiblt 10 onceie the diltereneeio tbe arpttranee of tbr coun fryal ihe tinae we write an i a enonth pyw tbtn etcry lhnx wat promitinj and now eeery thin b patthed up t3tn tixa the hillt ffae an other drteattic repreteatttion on friday errubg jtt jf- wat not to well at tended at 00 monday aighl but the perforea- antes were more retby of pohlk patronact tere wat ft toenfvolery to jitgutt tbe ee- ulon on ibo contrary every 1 u neat ly dont and eery avcti t n boi and cox wat remarkably well played and joyouly ap plauded he barton hill who did bog b nptdly 1 y- 11 fc in hit profeaiion and btdt fair one day to rival bis father who b really one of ihe bett general acton ltft opon th cnlbhttae mn hit wat at perl and eacrrr u jal and mitt rotalie looked aavl peayed at charmingly at eetr tbe rhii play ajatfi tonight daily 0 jtfoty 9- the re6ellion losses act the following geniltmea bare hero ap- pointed opanwanjiajatn m the rebellion lnttetbih th haa me mnore veri- denl and mtawts- jacqoet vijtf john si op- ton oide lebuhtj and col hani tbe ihrre fitt named were number of the for mer r 7 appomted by lord metcalfe the other enembtrr of ihtt fjeaaaaifiano were in hon joseph biemt and mr j v beau- ift and they were rented to act aan but declined- ur lrbunc aod col banton are appnmled in bir urad mr newhoue ii anpoinin clerv to ihe commldion wr bavereotoo wieee tftal tbe innrucliout to the comenittiaeifrt be found 10 bo in full accordance with the actand itb the pun hootland fiank anawrr of lord eljcm to the nrtmrt addteta tbty will be publitb- udiofewdy p4ot om erlalo god ha been rffreled by tbe notation on ibe rebellion low quetttoo rebel it 10 be paid for bit own penonal lo or for the destruction of hit property tbt it lb only cofices whch the colonial stcretiry make to the lojaitttf canada 0 the aoiwer to tur prison to ih quein earl grty refer ibe ptritonr to the reply af ud eiinto the awtior the county of funetiiri which hi ldhip taker upoe ru to ilmrftjel ao at f partiaotdt c3n tohb ota ft7 the rebellion larj act aay that rrbrii art to be paid ad more than orce l wa rtiteratrd in the houte of ar miniiur and their adbrev lhai no ditinction wat intended to be nude brtwaen uylbtand intnrtenti lot4 ft tart iktt rtbrltartottoae pam and thai he old not bare aaoenud to the bill tfider my other ceoctiot earl grey lord elgniu style ok living a winter ia the n y jouaji of cvmove iho bu coraojnced i- thai paer a ttriti of article on lh eautt of tbe eitinz di-scul- liteincanatataktt occaion to ak ihr fllowin vnti reiafirt to lr nini- in wbhbii eicenrfteythtcovftnocetra reprrirnt tn mjty of bnund talr- umnboflus character ate to lavru with miy graintf ilbwane al pttbipt the prrrtat one thoold not form an eaceptivit to tterule j4or did tbe iriihtrt in wbcb lord elin inriainrd ibe royal dinty mi the aam w ejol imlpaas y life tdd to hit porurity the people tf ctata are laaotti 4kkaap democratic in ft- i in proftio on nit cither obmt ii art ledl freely mvde and freely exprttsed the almat pirtiovmy rf rranemai which prevailed at gncrcnl kmir ibe infertnnty and tramline cf ibe wintt the fieenirof forraslity which tebrd thrtc ivtiom 1 n of dmy raihtr than coutetyintittl and tht evident ovtire to pc- e at litikateouwbevriat tbt kit imecotbad iti rffci p the beuar eif pnoplu who had betn cuvtnid to thr iiinerw hospital ly or laid metcalfe ctatatdi ol prnuriout dane wrre bmiiht araittt bim an iiiimjy ciroitatd iv bi tradetmen hmpooa cre pubbhtdall morr tfr itmiin derition jf hi economy until hi iht end men fell amirtj tht hit ndr s t vc vji 10 ite hit mtntften rone vunva fr the cremmrt of ihe country while ht ivmtf their imvtbai tfuf act apart 11 of h ren ihonrand jfii at in 1 i- and ibiity viiiunta 10 moakunda would permit late english news the nira1 of the mail by the cowo etv abiet 1 to ly omf rttjon fullte par ticular of ihe latttl tew most of our tv tracbaie cm from rtjmer smiths e7 peon l itb tvfoeloty f it ate that tht ifttm froea many rt of the mortality cant by cboltn tahioit n vtry marked drrlme th my hat we reei et to ay dcoterd ii- lf in our own ton in diw and ib ouh- ii i j altacki arr let ttrrre iban hvretofre 1 and tht aamc actourit prevail from seountj in walt the j bt ap peared and at mrrlliyr tydvu mry hare ckcurrrd from the mciropoin thrre- poftttre mnu fatorablt tht death which naee nccurrvd n thai district of the country r iwayr incrahlt to ibe finh ind ba1 1 i n c which ptrrjil in the localiunwhcc they took place in pint the death which about a week or ten riaytacn were more thin 6j0 daily hate declftej to ahut 50 for pri- rauhothebs for hottal tht ce1thm mii cttalini ai nrll at katkbrnner st eompoter haw both fallen riciirni 0 thit koirte in pam and oe tt two dtpniie bate been carried t sut the j rate bat abated immtnttly n itt noenco and wo hope will iqaa diapprar altiethrr great nitr- ta b fell rtipeiiine the eeuufa of itt raret in america and the ibtidenee of tbe aten alvrtbtir tttnorttttt orerflow at ntv 0 lean and otherdtita will it feared en-n- lor rteat tatalobrity f tr ftrowan the canadian uettion wai iain mootd in ib upper houe of parliament on the is i jr lord brougham in a eery elabor- uetpeecb went orrr all ihe amaaaawta which had prcfrivusly he n oilduced nurcetifully in the conaons whereby it wat ajincc to tevtne tht ayittro of b pt iratenre ow- emeaent t i to prnve that hc minority jn the leflauir of cunada oubi to be m portrjnud ihf r view carried nloroclii 4pit of a tyrant majnrty the ctfrcu uf lord btaujhim mht nave hern nrrarjfd but that to ibe general turprite f the houit lord undbortt ecapjrfared on tbi nccaiion on the tcee of potifes hit hty u tupport of lord bjooamt rite with m- dimmiibtd vie delivered an able triu rn- rate lad lfctive tpeeeh fntfi dvumltx wi u create a much tetvation in canada ten did in thehovo of perand wfrct will not tnd to thtow o4 upon tbt troublrd ur f ibe eolony tbe tfftct of itait tpeech m a- o eoarthal a fnrcnidablr nppotition tothe m -n- i s whonpon a dittioaonly camtd thtir tmintby a majority of thrcr tbe number in- clodlni poaic bent 99 to 96 it m how- rerdcciite ef tle qmtlioo and whcot htkmj todwtll uoseubtct wbicb hrctt arjiy niofci ive pain to many paiticiwhote ftelmt we rrtptct we think they eneut per- coior from the dtbte in both thai a i partiet on thlt tide cheriah the eonntxion wdieh aaw to hppy eait- between he mo ther country and me eov nd that out enlettaintthe idle bemof thtuie tanction of the crown to the rebellion loiter act or m apeak more pioperlyiit refuul to jiltow il can brior awoi any petmanent difference between thote wbotv intere are at idoti- eal wlhoir ntjft at w at identical m i race tn lanjuajje and in blood- b i tbetintalaritep taken by ibe ttate nriaon n oomm m refutnc to bt tra ported bui prefetrinc 10 mak athow of being rttjiy to oe naoaed 9 hopit that thty ctay ttcape tl- tbe ha giwn 1 to a v osg etbato it tbo hoose of coreofti tba decteratcy ed in the letter 1- to tfrsadnl cacii hear te re- clihew iv- who wai it pit odit of a f walking ontwc i body that rij t rcpreirnict ai 4 ctut apptitt i dpr dbtres ii wagttand hr j uner rttpt t wt unf 0m which mr arerjoi wo 5 th pubtic rrind fllear leeace toek ict at ibe jl appealed that tht labor v ncm the conttam e-npliy- an the qeubovhued wai rcadt wien h fund a waihtd ahurr he wa n of a uetjly oia- 1 ht ura ool tuite c n tj ben ichh of r tiibr tectitt tut diet froi the ht day wbei ibe weatftft ht wai hoti tbcxfvrt in f d th hi two urt nrho err on the y lttr wbit bt vnltrvd w rrcriplof irkel hvtd wuhfaird licoht hid ca an inial waii m mej f ttrt ieiehbor rttj it wat tbe tttuk tf a hjnun itm ij w rt aworo of it htntnj jjmtf llhyawh wsauvtr bt tnpnira n have htti tbe idtc- htld enquiry 11 the iie wai liiii m ihe tme yfilvn u it oceoapua r unirorul ad tpoiu lut at drr tfri i 0d by tlt famne i ifttinoui aj on muna tbr ttcond rradnj wa carried i the abbe paltto has been em to ih pope to fou napolco iih 4 tritcr ronitrat n 0iiii1 the inonirooaitak iin kone by tbo f a neb if hia hnhntm refe- 1 mte wj uvethitficje mteivenuoli of i6t fnch ii hii alkie what triealcan louinao- leona bjidiitert put frth eacept lhai of nst- ii- j pj amblion a ibii uuprectrlr ntrd at- ie hon of rt ugtiiinttr ifloenee ol krauce m taly luthectrmi state bor- ieng the rhine vhrtc a rneral inmrtc- tion iiroingon the puiiianj hate nov td- raiced and a fafiom ittixlc haa taken place at mantcim the rculk of wbtch we tcavcely know zau pariyhontme cuinn the vicioiy buiil liovt bat tbe interment mutt be in racy great iirenlh to be able to opt in any wiy uritb the prutian and cvt- reao troop on the 16lb m4htim wai in the hada uf the intutnu ad mrjbs kv rud uroclnmed a itatt of aift and oft the anmttray of the battle of waterloo a eteal and perbapj dciite bltlc wat expect ed lo lake ploe vvu anticipte thai the failure uf the ittitirrrtcoej in para will abonta spftdy ittr of i hit wnlelr weu 1 itvr recti vn to ttavri ll- aiubc ahiihh province it howtrtr now it a height tbe certnao parliament it taid at tbi moment 10 in reduced to the extremity of bnidtnf iuutuijt at a ridmg ichool t 5tutardt been dnvtn itm tne ale bouo vrberrthey wrre woht to aittmblc frvm auairia anrt hunaiy the nev n acjam more ttmiaf tbe a awaoj and ruaiia ar- miet leenp row to be 00 tbe a a ruw to cruth the wboft of the i r j z jn iinet lioik thi chief raovemtnt n on th oibt band cut in donbt hy the rtpoittd de feat of tbe autriaiii near tbe ncutidel lake but we tiiuftaribat the combined opcjtliona ol the eilic vtll be uretitlablt whatcttr gal- laot reiiattac tbe hongarunt 1 t- venice cemlnwtf tn hold out aeaintt tb ant- triana- tne atttmbty eonarmt thetr dettrmi- nation to remit hut empower manin lo trtal diplntteiliy vitbtht aiuniana- byaltle- graphic dtpauh fron tattte it aid that tne bonibajmenl of v and tbe uitenet on the railway riadoct bejao at tiioetoek onbe motpuut of taalday but tbe rttoli 1 nol iated and it n to be rtntembtred that thbuon antliian rrpatt from berlin wt hate no nwa of ifltentrt auentioniimaiji- directed to tbe wr conton in ihe palati nate and tbe attempt to atratitftate the prirace of prutiia nhobttjdaced himirlfalthcbea of tbtfotcnitu mppru tbai inorteelmn lb war in tht dhiei ha ceased to far a ibiliury operation ire concetnvl but iht quantity of eorti r rd to hull in c-ni- runct of tba bhckde indieattt that the 1 f of tajt u nol yet ottr- from spain we learn thai a frevh cxptdition was aioul to wil fron harcrlona to catu tbe forceca- uted of 4000 ram 3000 infanuy a i 1000 carelry lb hunt or cosrnos june li tne itwiiwotht bilc lait tveiinc aft tonie m talk of a t n tine navure than conld have been extectrd tbe pei in entary oatm flifj aread a iiei tioie bv a maonty of 2t2 to 306 tbi fal line off in ae coeapartnve tutnclb of the goternmeotwajtecejttd wablouj cheat by lientpoiintstoth measure and wdl no dnum ie croapd fat a ttubbom if not foi a aucctful opiotilioo in the houte o peer much comment 1 excited by aainattbt oiuadebv mr rapbatl ocon- neltt iwminet for c iow who now rpe unttst alban tar hon mcrnvr ii tht only i cathuie hopokc ou ibe oppo- min ill and rather amuvd ihe how by proving that he j r v bad been turpift but mahometan house of commons jc tttt ll101d call of 1ae o lord j kuicll taid he wlvbed to awaw the queiou which has bten pit to eaien a few rfjm ncn by tbe hen member tor ktrry mr i htibrri with retftect to ao occurrence of a thnckie and revoltio nature whkh wa taid loite oceuired io ireland and which had bten meniftvd in a letter to bidt lord j i- ipitji whtn tbt qnet0a wat put to htm wek tie ititcd mat be had bad nu oslcttl account of the eaatter but that he would mak inquiry re5petti0x tt the gen- 1 tlemoti who wrote lohirn on the aubjcuand who ttened blmief amn andertoo rec tor of ballinobr ad protcttaot chaplain of the btliiftrobc wnekboutt pnfactd ha tiaumeni by rcotarkiot thai he s sware how atripuathinii wat tobr instrumtntal in eacitmgthe public indard therefore it wat ithical reloctanco ht csme forward r 1 i occotiori after mahiftfi that alatc- ment hr pocte4d to ttate that he bad tle t y hrfyini at to rederoll formtr taki ootbing in tjutaiisf ion in a afih- vt j a thipwrrckod human body tat catt on ahort a lawina man exutcted the bart ami tirti and that wa tbe maddening ftatteej whub h rcgoied him te if and ptr- ubin ficaily oo reftrrio to the aothan- net n ireland hi eiejht boo frirud the se cretary of sura for it home d porloem had made the dtpotition which trore made at the txn and were ftoorted to the poor law cometltuofteri o ireland tbo tinto at whith the circuuvtaricc to whkb reference had born nad ocrirccd a riertaher laal and thn date of mr andertons letter war the x9u of may tie houuo would obtrtv that tbo reaf fell of the cato were ot a vary dlfftt- ent character froo that which wt raproiant lor mr bum when thit irs the urlwlc n he nsa unmi it ihe act ua i wti at c j lhal the ireiit teqje i toy m ftl utjb ed 10 obterre t ptj uf that naiwt- njtt nlony k eaace alnm with a tout ittovno f c n hzv wtvrgtaejfto hlioj r t un- totuituheffftt u ma ntnudjse hrvt the ari 01 fact nhict ilic sttvk d anon a ii knd heoc dialrt rxcihi counir hut troodd bo utoae adherence to li j 1 1 hcar iticc iu ffauxd v ociar hitm re lot it rxild whie ilnfitt peeurlatiio uf lta w he wai iujv tlut ibpil tie wanntr fdpiihy intuit m toy thai ih jyjiath trrtam if thert wia atririer r in tbr llitcmrcfi relatiuf er the debatj tjie h cotf- moxs rn the canadhn rnouslf in ihe hmj v comon rn e i5tb etujl before cob eaoiuolrouj frtte i- tetchaned perioral matter wbieh hd occurred r int nijpit vet cochrane ai mr banke naj llie debate of the preced vtn mr rnemiek and mr b 1 letwren mr bttlvrw and nidnn irdcnniv acta whrvc bt tnftrrtd tht the ael in qutitien had reatiy teen intro duced at re intranet of tht gottnjil clc and bad thertf re bten virtually aactitneo by tsc iinperial roetornl mr antey imported ibe cctoa whictof- fced a raiddit count and u an areumcot of sreii length labored to ihkw that thit act foe r the erattncatj0a of eteu wat tbe cot-pie- lico of a lone ertet f meaturci by which tht tovalin the colony were depreej nd the oilsyal encouraged to pentit 10 thtit cvl practice mr slacto trliercd that the rejectee t ibis art would ctrom dionttot in canada il voud itad iht leople cf thatcotony tv be- lice lhat tr i ica 01 ther harine a rtoo- ivc ejotcrjircbi wat an irotion and that bcy could be d poved of it al lie caprice ef the home cotcnjrcnl mr vdderlty if thi act id nnt tracb upon ibe imoeriai intertali iherc wa na o atre to interfere with ii and it wa not erm cf the act ittrtf tat he c wpl ined bui be cau of the zmhieruout circumstance cn- ntteo with it he however reluctantly declined to vote with mt hertie btcawc b 0 outiowcaojic toobte ihe crown if it refuted ru aaarcl afier it detcgate in the colony uj wccitctd the act would awhtiy itieu mr milne taid whro tbe oucttin of n- demoity in upcr canada curred ihatcue if n 0 gm ro have been ta teen indetncvly to ihatprotinct bm conceded aftr the urivn cf the twoprwinct ibe atttmbly cf the two conjaepvo 1 detmlr to loner canada ind ihe lniron in the ael wa not m fcet aide by lj kln tut by lttj cathcatl ir 1f4 llie icjrown of tt act wa toeht by a on ihe trenrth of a certain amount tf popular iteration if tbitoafority lucceeded iajaiauj th- withtf tht majority the connect- hi mween tfr mother country and cotony weuld be cttdan tiered the j t cf granby said tbe question had become narrowed lo thit whether by ajap the i- vf mr herriea the book woum act cvntrary to the principle of tetpon- aibtc 5ovtrr 1 lord russell hat at knowltdd that thec were cott in which it would bt tbt duty of tht gorcnaoierii to inter ttymr tiii vifcliualed lit mota of mr herrei wbch br eora wiihth ortthtn ryech f mi 0 ii rd to vt iwc r t by tbcr vie lo 0- criflce ihe nil on b ftafof the ryi voj mr s heibet if tbr aiurav e cvtit ihot live act jnct introd lo corr iitfe etbrli 1 wateoncluve toa wai no impj iutton lul a loral or bsi tie ktir r the act to 0fdiify aev so mucei at i olitmo ith tl umii 1 uoo if that ibe bftat bujhate ih wiice if tbe eorerrratm ibut ro ptciplat- num would bt civrn t li c he dd ro ojite appfe of lt bhawnuf mr herk bathe madr up htj rond trough with dgety lo a nit it lwd jr seifrartaklr stetiti- natienretjtctenmr balwio aid mrll fontainr obttiiejiat in act katii bn pivsid for inceny fr rbtkj2 kwt in cvpt r caoada fbi act wa for tbe romo o jtct in lower canada ad the ftakllori wa wbelbertu former act not hz ditowtf t hepe wat aikb a dniyrtrtee eetwexn the itto act at to male l iih on the part of ihe i riser of ibecrea trul v tht hvorc umirp thit act with oiallcwarcp 5t ic ptl bad i 1 ibetovo to jilvrnvt act thatthiiact ir irrrr retentive tln tfco othrr and ta thetecatatitvintui faoti htj grrine answer fere by afirmirt b m rdia- tiit tlcanofrttatfu tlaretbat an iftdemniu lsavre brcn kafcb ta cpl caoata tot jould u gisin to lw- a e arada which vid be ihletrntej dtneuon between the race ad w n ror i ii- a iibiiil ir lie elratwn of lord elctn that tbe act uat r c iottnovd to comptnsaie rtbehj the haute having divined the amenoment motto hy mr heme was ntratirtd by lol on the mis m of v jdioujnt debate on the carodv hemaoti losv ait dr ncnoi- ijj i ftrt tviih ih act of a colonial leriahturcaad jjj b lie and thr attorney ucneraj had admitted- thai under tiis art rtvu enut be cempeosated if o wa not ihn an jmptral qocthoo and one in ubich the coveramcnl wtre bound to mitfeft t he trcw a contratc very uofavo- facts and scrap picked from late english papers htrmajtry t queen dowaeer a tut t worthmfj it ibt mtew of m jetty lo remain thtrt oly a uroofc fcot tbe quttn bealthhatsotnucb improredthttit j may be considerably pro- vm uittht eccfon inwttomfciadat ialheaotmns fie c0ftno la wrons t lh wdtepuitmoton of toorfcfcd of hl lf h 4u k 9t tw mr hemet in wucta be ennenrred belter or who bad k ilu6 ttinstoled to h ln t s ikrmua at- lm1 l w incoaii- prweiideo 0jtd lent to lord e lulborik v ercniin to untnh the honoe of the crown ef the except tn ny exenti rcatonahie practice or any other 4fc w f atcrrtained hy iteal pro- tw if he thai lord el thai mmg ft xu mw wrton ihw nm be to tuch bicb wo- rlidiitp tn a court of commoo soroey central could decl re n bad ruth authoiitv euphna fm nt be be dishonoiyc to tbt eoun rrf a hill the airrawy general decunln to into tht ffrw jes3 act if i ptnsation td so ht i prevket- o iulct i uniusl v purperty coi m lauuchme artrd that under a syttem tf icapanaflle cot tnotcnt cate might arise in which it would be ihe duty of tbt imperial eoremmcm to interfere and if he helieted that this act wa inttftunally famed lo insult the isriiish cruwoani iflroil that part of tbe lvrtvi ftstjwji4 jajr nitatton he should advice it tfcion at all hlards dut he did not betitve thai an eel tkr lhi aerecd to in the h- of aaatublr by tt lo wa desicoed as a a insult to tht crown all adnilttd that on indemnity bih wat a juat mearure and ibe only question was uhethc thi wa so improper an act a would justify its injection ht wceied thai it wa in and derecatd tht oduption of a mo mfatibo lliltehiunptfcictf a tin power to cwe jodehbrale affront to ihtir recreseauuvtvnd an ndirrred imputation upoa thtir loyalty and cood faith bit hnkc id not ojtcl amnty but lo he iid nbjcl tolbecompcntationfor trtatn and bt ihouht aeaae had been made ovt for initr iomt delay in itintbe whitwattrutioent jj i- tbe act it would have bern sr jl piel felt that ihe atewment wa-i- to frtait a tutute thai ahnuld yrht eoiojoot rite hit role v i h- wi eujt abiiei cplanaiin he did not put ihr eonitructioa upon tie ameontnt whch h en anmcd by mr banker ho -r- ditto be ntbtlnntielly ibnto pray tbt cm n nil foao1 to the act unlil certain aerlfoent should be radt i it whith whethir eiffnrd or foftnitour wtrt idtati- caj with the amtndmmti pronoted br the mi rilly m rb home of ailtobty an- rt-c- rd pailiimto thtrtfe wai aktd lo tn- aoc in actjftltict in wbcb it nughl 10 engagt if the bnor of tbe otowl imputirtly jt ejurtji but tley ivvuldptevioufru comb er in natrp at cicumitadcee the claim lord and lady ariborten leceited a stlect party to dinner on yvedictday at bath house mr george enttr t stated bit awtiiw vfff dr mirt 1 he eerve1 war iwnroid tint could the ca ijftfc the aclf he an swered jwt the ewn coutd not iwjiii lord ekin power to jive iatnictoa- varyin from the pim 4 wo ucj t replied el mw hw au ihor fa ac ttruetioctrnvtl lol low wtx h c dcltfot oe authority he tujmorf m otmh therefore b tnructioaw u tho coenmiruon- er vary tlw0 ann mcwis ibpncticasm rratricico l0 p 2 wtr reheb vf- rtw t0 r himself rvt to be t o j rhtl i v t therefre etrclucefl frtorvt ctrrawe ht e wa noi limited law fir v w jw wto prochmed convrtlion v crumortial fell wtb n the uid that a rebel eauht eel com r cranruleharcni p aad frances counlca waljerrire r mued invitatton for i grand enter i tin me nt lo her boy a i hirvcjs the docbtit ofcmeestti on the lt7lb inst lord adolphut fiizelarenct u trroftuy lea- proved in haiia by ui rttidence in bthinn and is raidly rajtiain bit lieftib tbo noble and ntllaau lord will if be oouu toimprortfhe tnamed tortiomt hu dulra an board the royal yacht early io ibd ensuj month ueitl ctnerl j piuroy rt s iiad ivenf uttke 0 he art at the hve fiuoidt on vr the eft of derby hit dtn sit i for the teciofk of to chuebct on hit prince ly eiutc sir mrttt iuhjwf cmbaiked frtun mor- ntek foe mill wic it i tie t on sunday clltd lo ihe eai by quarter of the world ihe jtracmet of that vrtttihi act it mijmoeantwrr- hii eten if rebel ho bttn ex- deo mce il would bt adoration y of proof- lndte tho word cetary r waoton d structtn of oed fcijin bad i iiviitkt fi- if k p t- ipc ioner l make ituuiry mtu ihe rt of u clattam m uofj word h4ee m cheater latitude in dobr x me p n ftft pithy and pumted lenience c lo molioo of mr her- n v s toe tubjeet opentj 1 mueburv and wider field tan he mttrpre- luaojj of gonial act ii wl lo ihe n tin wha- tfl resxnble vrir- iflietrtnf i- l would be n insult 10 the ajry rfh cidkoo ttnbtar 10 edpt tht woj whtch thy had rejected when prd hy mr wilton and ke warn ed the h beware bow they rerened wuheui int teasoa lb detherte act of mr h observed hal it wa not often heanitov aeuot the cooniaj oilce hut 10 thaaehe thought the course bad bca late bcb oucht to br adepud towards all or eu tbcro wa only one piot in nhch hfbered frccn the corernment be timlduc hoose h nobin to do with the ttuibof the bill it wa armai imperial iftaery bad bten rrifctrd init te appropriated a colonial fuoj for cotaniil iiur- fote it wjatd by a ure majoeiiyand the anakus of ihp toirt tkovcd that in il talent an1 ds cnnhtunon the etemenboftbal majorliy weft worthy of ecaidtralort pay- i a bih crlet ti lird y who eonvidrrm- ihe difficulty of bu portion bid accd vili fjriatiintkaandimpartialityir itotaloltjnifeod the icope and unjust of l e ealv indemnity atl am ohtetved thai after thocuimt of lsper canada had boon vrnridef ff ihe rrjectiotj of fa te fv loner canada wulj be peeuliarly mtidiou unleiiupiornmn were mjirrrailj al rari anrtwiththt othie did tbe honor of ihe oon roirc itii eviraotjinaty interne ion sboam that howtt control tbe d-torr- lonof the crew he ts of opinion it would be a mnch witer conr to leave tht cvctciaavid retponiihiliiy tothecronn and i fiut commit thai houe to a eorstett with tbe jmajorily of ibe canadian a woj0ty th avclaeatimi of lotd elgin and the aaauraikt of lorj j barsttup and the legal eptnitm ol tht auorrry general prored that tbr aaftte if l wotjlj be applied in lower c a in u per canada and he therefore deprecatec a eourt on the pat of ihat house which u hitii it kood b dtjtifktive nf tbe princi pit u rporwhfi- cotcrnrxent would cloud thervci- ktpontjbegorernmeatwheb toeot ibj colony thow regulate all itn tergal afffrnd locd ejgmitittild therefore be allowtw arn out this aclwbjch adfctvd loeol otprw awmutt mr nr5w conjpuintd of tbe eccen tric eeurwrwd by ht g i a tone and of -j- btnat mn huoet tpteeh m ahmbthe colony m th welfare aa4 piotpetiij of which a the american tvmnathier had all frit a deep mtcrcil tbe ttoipect of a firmantm ardcordial coo ntctuan between the mother country rnmfttnf lne american tympaiher had bten tnvva up tvith the notert of montreal mr- d star 1 1 said the real cjoetimfi war he tlf taubated hit views 00 ihe subject 01 whether her majesty should ttrcite hereon- feipoih woiaqji eoirernoe3u such on act tlitutional vein ifth opinion of the mi nt th 11 wat enirarultto the crwn anj it jonty wa oacfaive wattbaretot- ncilpti ouid he a daagerotit precedent he itrl case was aimplc one wa there or w ahouldvo with mr herri j there not a senmeander this act which af- sir yyv mjeiwotth should tote with lord j rujcu whose ipeeeb tond m ptiociplend liberal ta tentimcnl was that of one well versed n tht true principle of colonial policy that pntitiplt bad been errontota io the ten dency of tie imperial patlumeni lo inttrfero tn colttual affairs on the ptea of prouctmi i rnper al atterests j ib conicfluenc had beea d aeoaietji tb m wnich would cot bo allayed until tbo otd polky wa changed fectcd trf honor and rtrotsty tarnished tbe credit of the crown t wa thereon there not in the conduct of the minister of canada an ortieisa hostile to inteiesls trbicb ouht 10 be protected doiaiiin ibe cato of col chiiholm bo thtneo inferred that tbe policy of the canadian gottfomeni net tort- 1 ward loyal men with refertnet to th pre ctjeai of upper canada sir it pl bad lolo xhtm that that tbe word rat wa 1 idcrrfcret tdtakepliio ovdy jrud intbt uwa iqcot re real aad jttm neccsity to pre- j mtmltraf7 jft y canada vemlamediateifljoto m at imperial into fi tieavapmin the procedjnn 0 iho gia mbi u showing that era a aeeaitatvs- dun eutlv artet aad the pete camth- eotbeeo eudeemti thi r tnttredrtry the committee of pncy ccl or- t- eaiion had a mtiic 01 thunjay at tbe cckiii onct lmh was itlented by tbt lrd rvfewtf loral jol ravcl he carl af miiitofl the earl of carlm tht cluncet- lor ef the excbtqur and jot city a dtiniutitn bad an inure it w avlrfc sr georjct crry en thrty 4l ih heue of- fictfl ibt luhjeci of tht kacltty c liesat ctntrolsir ceorc naier had an in- itreiew with lod jha ristu on lhn- diy at ins affirial rtaienkr downinf street a tepuiation ha led by mr ten- neni m p had aim an interview with hi lordthip lord mrlt it tit vm whirnctfft td in1tritwaontiu nith sr ceoefc crrr it the home oftce mr tijj prait iaj ma 4110 bkuaw bad an iffwtee wl tbe ckaetor ftf t et- ebqitr on thmdy al bis odcol ttti4tcc in itvviitoj street kaemtatches weit tent ff on tittdav f cm the cofofil offict foe tre covenoaa cry- ton one lbua ucpaieke were alto trnt off to the coeetor of malta the counts af jeiy aeo a mniu- ctnt ball on fridar nt tvr banquet to their kayal hihnesc ihe lkike and lutb- essof camhridg and the heredtav g duke and grud duchtji of mecklenub suelilx the law expemes in e e tb nihrm it b sajd avtraced o00 per mite and tsc par cham of load 4000 pe mik ott the 17th of rvtit mnih prince a hcrt will present a new pat of cotoi to the tweay third fusileers at winruster mr ho wood ha ptn notice a 0 motia isw anyal commission to inoiirc mto the coi- vetsriits of oford cajbidte and oiiwoja wiih a view 10 ihe furtherance of cdncaiios lard palmtrston has been convicted by tie local mijittratr in 3 7sfr cot and ok- pontes of cleansing uii wbitewaih r- hi otcr houses m sieo the istue of 2t uiece promised last ytar bat bten imrriupttd ry tht dicoverv that on act of parliaaei is neceooan to authorise the issue of aj coin a till however bu bernibtiv 4 forth purpose mr hcivi ha paid bocv oear 9000 cl the pro6t he made on tb crel north of ece- uod purcbaie a uree quantity of nwirms iftteoded ta itajy baa been captured at sowinanpoft ihe population of majkbcfter it at this time abore popajanen of ali latcaahlt w year ago a vtsaei arrived in ihe loadon docks trtra jajoaica has brought sotno oratxge wrno at a pottioaofhercaieto tr duke of mancbtter hac tpren nobte to his irish tenant that he intendt paytftt h rau4oaid on all has catties il quektet givt tb medium hrughtcf its frtacb people at 5 ft 3 incbea- tot enjuib average is said tone 5ft tlintbc a tamer of bolton ihepdiawei er than 75 erociou do bar- dumber of peraoo m caatle wen cowc out of the rta thxh of eaithaaako whirh occorredioihatretrionrtceoilyj both rttsr oiianoato and tnbrtiie were poreepjble 1 ptwtfftfj cflmpl- rsw twrti u pnjt

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