British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), July 13, 1849, p. 3

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avatat cwt mtniwnl c la lojlowtne onupli ilk j 111 he seen lha trfl ttrtuhot h ii itllm haioei4tyi awe letrf- iu sttoev 0 nuiice will of of be j ftf ibe l of feline slqiuirr arrineeiurou arc rjac the aj i aluje to ike i8t asihn day ol ili or tha oeijrt from tin jfwi if ihe sriliab art ligi- the ai sfluqmi w mrtbrtly h hrrn mat c but we bate reason to twlttf tkai chf convenience of ill fcwtm the jv if be it f fcw d p sltew biftiichrt h m hop- wii enkvimi besintsstoai 10 be reedy rot statute wtfcilftt ibc twarfp ofern ssr incorporated potiacrstiip i twor cais loth pollen itrr of the ditrku esd ifcf bcfltr of plt withm which the partnership cirrim bjnrss i declaration eniininc h- tssrnames addition and frftaw p4lrw the partnership nam and the rirartos which it hi tam ho wi4t amder apemhy of fifty pounds 3imst eack i esmtrnetleoinrre coplv wi ihv act fljihli sntj 4v imnlpc 1001 of moy rest v u received the rya1 assent a fores eibe declaration reniittd ii etven in a ktj- evesvwied co tb act- the sixty ii w rap ire oe the 25ib of thij ojiv eirrribip ar uad o make a i mlk ii- a c within sixty day aoet ih r f -j- fan uot i like penhy jamtreel rierojd sfall pc at brow- we ifsifl a tolram ihesmall pox is wdincly jvf r ri to tfwft wbick ii olhirir hrlh vn m bu j kdc no iiaf m bln ci fc hbicb it a ucc tfiran o4 pfrv jniatl bbrinicdl diirtrf go1t british whig i fridav evening jllv 13 isia clit of kingston water ivouks company- i matrio000 u 6y at of plnrt i willi fcw eqj 1 tmomai w rtmhaum el m d fv dimctojjfracl minnln hill ej hyr jc4 r- fonyih em tiom a cotbrti fjq bmlb y q m d iowrb bf e wf 4xtt bui gtorfc alexirur canin e- iiitui ilwi cwntniftje ft sli dmclk cnfihltt at si laxv rofft s- ion tip ryj propectus tbe d r-fl- of lb city of kfttl wicr wfckt coflipjj ht- lo tf ih- airniifi of ous public to iht t lilrubfi k t rm r m kvia in ahr 1 1 ml np- ply fpn wut foe doiwit til ii-rtr- in otvr ciltt it i cj j mtt 4 0- taoch ipottt thit ft0nvi rkpmtfieuw arc qjrir 10 ccoiilil iftii fqtl ill on ir r r vr bf t i m m w fdof h mtifra w4tr lfoji tf lbefkifduceotlro1j q irtjtff t- titr-m- ftfiy obude to attain tmh a itfttrrd vod to nif watrf intfccfd f mrjft of tip it rtty bni h m jcme ec- nry ti tho cmfri id kppis f too rfiijr bot kf fliiy nl chifj viih tch ihii n obuinh vn4 til iwib po tbetc1 piton of te pfatr t lvkm int tet the vxmjttvtf ip ir- v wtr tc rrrry kotf by fini of ppamtlbi nw fttw h d mine 1t we tsrn alnit fyfrf town r 1 c f 4 well a n t- bt ittfj tbt etioipjc otb wilb jfrtt ftcility as at mil rtt and fht it jentt coit fn4 wi h i vbkb coitd only b kircj j h yi a i t lb f mr ro hvin lo ibii rtpt jtrbooi mm f thr ftotrd l- i lyi5 itt fy coitici titb the ni 4ntcnufer oflb paet waut mlh bee of ike tirtb and batncj inarafotly dftatrd tfammtt icrd hr tnv with no n uji1 coltcoi vih tad b j dill oatlt bring ao ataott nolimiitd tip- plyof iraler intorrery vlrrh and hauvtn ihrtown ti- pilpibi fjrt it iv phfotaflkit the wnks ht i n leu fmrc in cptration the omry of wter wok uith of drnor c n i4 ir1fmdai thoy will mpojy i icafou qiaqiity mitf of t purer eid for le incoeniem dcfctre tiqoitcd roetkod now in oief wlta iwb ifl pooeheonf ii dpri ftf thi the v wiil sre j inorooot penodicat ut in the kjpo of lirrf huuroenttblc loconlcftnlate the ccit lacti- tr of property by tbim element within ike put jfi ovost of waqh hvr been pro re n ted t bid works been in l wydfnu pfjpod tc ke erectcj at tihljuai for the me of fire en rr for the waleria of strerh d or tber public parpmct the puo cooittnphkd by tbe company h lo erect t stua enene a th waters edre lad lo force tbe pot water brontm from the lotion of tbe like tbfogs an iron pije to t rtjertoir al the tomcal teel of ibe fcwmhcaee to be diitriboted tbroob etery vm and to eety r 7ne ertiojitec fortbi work which i to leeaeegted on a permanent and substantial tt b4o been cirefoilf made and eveij mof eipenditflrchaabeen amplj pcowded fa o that the cot will jt exeeed the e caite- oalbeoottr bind the anticpled in- et recktaloc by lb lowest wt nret 4ktltoat ia prelty ceruin tc return io the jtocbuldetiaa wuil dvidnj of leu p ttal and rio 14 per eenc confidently ea- fetter ptfrtlmfcmioeiwetrferyou blbt mbjoinad repot of the egineet report to the diractofi of the city of knctod witer wotke comptny ivrlkniir whn j made iha rtcwa47 rvfj fer ibe futrpm of eretlkit water wo b in hue cu jfc i bjt eenrrabiy to yowr reeotooon of tho ifth j jre ti jiv bjkr- yrju the following rtreat at theie ett cniny difl ptimi drerred ft tvpptyia owrj wilh wfltr tccymr to their tiiottioat and eircofeiuneet tod there if frequently m dirooity of o oa to iho ket ema io ht adopted in tbit rwpaatj 1 hre eonand tnrlf ainek a poihblrtto ike coojidrration of the waw end jilantionof th city f bive brfoie at the plena and htleifj which vehiek accoairtnied the report m mr mill civil eawer for tvpftyiaej t ivtn- eienl ejotatiiy of water rrau iithboriiah leke and 4her r r to pfrwl aiathunj and upty tbe twn uiib water fjr doairitic uir t hie b project i br lie re to hire brro teeifaiace wkufomr4 in j hi etrefly cetailned the pan i fivd tht t tbrat 10 rnit- rbm this c a quaarilj f water saf orient tot thr pnioei then pnpakl mf be ebtamed but i thiak tbe natl obtacte o be ovrrcooa are to jii preclgde the pomibttity of wch i plnn bn tdopted a- cepl el a cot whieh the ietros would nm nmpat a i- irift ad rfflciec me thod whkh crn b adopted i waald recom oartd iofco the wtier from toke 0t4rio to a re trrvair placed al ibe juoflil irrel m the town and provided the jitoilon wheco it is tken be judiciously chosen no other source of sandy would be a toiuble for rterj vie before proceeding wilh n estimte it ia ereciial thai two thnv be coikmderd lt thesopply of water al preset requat and 2nd tbe sopply wkicbmiy be required for the future there lie no 6ed dtta i to the per dew ahowinre required for eh iftdisidj io ci lies it b staled thtt in pain th itrac 1 lonance is 5 pjpuo per day i inton the south lood coaifany ollow jbout n 51- sons the ceeral juuctin ahuut 50 pit ion in greenock i seotsd 12 jcelloat and the cron work in hw york ellow ovi do tfo- this direrslty depends upon i catjotl the bsbits ond oceupaiuns of ihcciiizcj 6u sad itisoo easy nattfff t jrtannio the preebe quantity required in out eiry but nkint tbe present popuutron it fi000if we allow loaumn fot imaxf di- y coawimiiou loeach individ wrki eipi- ble of delivering 80000 rlton per diem will be required wbkbqueoliiy m be suffi- firnlfr800bnuesiioio joo 5uortj per day to etch house there ire aboi 1000 house in ibe city bui thre ae only goo in the street tor whieh i prcpos t lay water pipes now if ee- ey oatof tivw 603 be tittm le popose- wotta wifl be enabled to furnbhed 133 rsl- iojpr jay to each ismtfp- heeoly reckoned opi funplyins iweierlfriv wi koie beinr the number which wijl probi- y lake water to iswfaopf these our uposfa aie eakolaied to dcleer 235 euow pe dy suproie the f number houaes in tbe luiii r d wr fli et ibe le o so tf per daf then the dai- u- corsenptoo would be 800 exiles but f all thr bojrt 600 alr which pipes ifi imposed to ba laid be oofy sipple i at i v arn rat- iheo 4xjo ealions or if wo rt- aaly fw the 3tl t- hqoiititv fae rvquire would oly be 27j280 csiloov kaeithewiitbo000a4lftaiw per day are t ry ittoicicm lo aael the present wv4l of the ttty bat will auo furash atsfi houies thtriycar company can expeei t jitpijy for many yeas to casae it will ba dtisibte to if your worka nre eapbte of rmvajwaf that quantity it tbe pump theoretically aprakin witl deliver to the it ttofiejl 13056 eatkas per kot wmch pj l5o72eatl0ka per 12 hour the rrr- voir will certain when filled 145600 a i luia- aavloormaio ttipply pipe al a dia- urc- n 3000leet from the raserroir wt mieer igsoo ia 2 ho-i- or more than doii- bre inv qmati y that can pwmy be requited on account of the ifce supply f and thai tnppry constantly on except in ews of re- ptin when it will only be aht o0 from ibe arret where snch repairs are oecesjary pri vate eetrms maybe dispensed with the exl thing to be considered ia the de- itof the weors 1st the eaejlne it would he adviable e erect a 15 horse pwer tow pressure entine with beaenhavitk clioder 20 inchei tn itiameier and- 4 fret stroke atlhooeb an enetne of lets power would oo the work re quired at present yet 1 think it advisable iiriicn1ai1y as the espeme usibssolwl much hftlwat to erect one that will be iuffieicnt for ears to come by adopting alow preisurr ofjine the ateam can u used expanaivrty a consequent saving of fuel can he effected 2nd- toe pump- immediately attached to the engine will be adoube letine foree pump of 8 inches diameter with a velocity of loofret per ovnole which pomp will he espttle of deliverine 13056 sjlon4 per hour to the pomp will be attache about fxx feet of suction pipe fhend of which will be pro vided with a eraiint to prevent siryhijjt en- terias it which msy interfere with the sctinn of the pomp 3rd condoltto resrvoir the water to be force by the pump into ac force tube whtchwinconeeyiliotbe reacrvobe 4i tance of48d4 feel ibe diarmetet to be 7 inche- as the pressore on the frrce tohe is anocb grester at one time than at oth ers do brooch tbeoretically speaking the thinnest pipe that it b osual to cut would v iuficient yel 1 think ii adtitwt to adopt the mlcrwbx thickness of mui eb taree fonrtlwof toinchfof ims fret pmr nd half in inch for the remaininf 3256 fee 4th- tho resereob tbe reaerrob lobe j feet deep4 feel of einj exuot- end 4 feeloj embankowol- itsnu coeer an are of esse if ofsn ncm and be dieioad into two corsipartjmhu with a eotttkuo be tween toeas tbaeanhankoirnt will ba tan teat wide tt lop wtih alcyes of one half and onv toot on the ouude 1 ne btlf d ono twootbeioside tbafeorftheuiurl rprccledbydiypiietote tbe etay al lhat ras of tl town vhere iw reservoir should ba 4tuarc1 ft er ti nlive i tbink no ooorinx will bo rqiie4 i will coouln 23596 cuwt feet 143000 caliont end as the aurfaec of i waft wiil be mare than 76 feet awv the kl of the lake it iyilcoromand of m sat of ltr housei in town 6b fte supply flffa tvsiflyplpe eey in diameter from 6 to3 inchc soj u ibe esralrst head of water ja only 76 u tt tbe pressure will not be nre tban 35 lu to the square incii and ahowiut fer ihcrcaseij pre luteby audjeii eheck4 arc a total preore of 60 lba ia the inch anj a the piyti of ihe r-i- i hare deermiovd on are cal eknuy troae and warrahed by the maker to withstand a pressure of i50tb tofiesqiare inch ibe only fling neeesiuy for tis touic seaiovt iiovimioi or corrosion of the iron the pipe mil be cast ia iticjhj of 9 let 4 inches with ipift and faucet losnts etulked with yarn and lrdck there ere uay des ciiftus of pipes besides non wbtcb mjht be bad cheaper but inj pies i consider to be the best ftj afesi sib imuiedaic serricu pipes tho im mediate service pipes nay be of lead and may rary in hamster fiooa inekci to j itieb fn tome case it is usual fue individual io lay tbeir onru service jea but 1 laiak ii better thai thir be done hy the ftxnpinj tbe pipe will 0 ld lo the ovicide of thr cellar wall wbeie eck will i placed to hnt off the ssppty is ihv house if stwlafj the injivi- duab will hfn bine ii into their o s cellarf and distribute i a theii ow eapctse cvflsfatco etr- slira fh tnr lluuea 6 ere- i t i x9 0 0 etjrne 8u nd ecfvie ame 7in 0 0 klfllvs air teiackcoitncctng rdt 1541 4 0 ppmpm prr ftto 0 tl caetatma tf i 0 liyih i4oinepp 469 o 0 tutnoff- v 101 0 a ftrtaitocaiftn r rwio- i0 0 0 ciifincefnetavvwdmllkrraxuea 150 0 0 iqlirinii is3 0 o 441 0 0 oeattlop mr- wrtwniavi scotch melodist ftb wiihextrome repel we ropy from the jfatrmi rsereid tbs account of the detth of u wilson who but t few days sen ftosji one of his chermlof vocal cnteiuinmeou in kiacmon mr witaon wa- vocalist of oo ofdpnay celebrity he made ki first epssr- enc 10000 koot tlie yer li9 and ivi pineipat leoor at covenl gsrdeii tllrr atvr a vrry fm ear prteircc on the eo- 1ih opera 5u ill tt ouee he qu trj u ind for ever sod became t falser of thai species of papular vocal rrkrluumi for which he became so cemrfvej abui un ai4 atjo be riaiad canada to empoy wilt misxaenf wliereeave eras rspuro uly welcomed and recritrd on lii itittrn to louden uh heed quakes wwes shjmtrj at ihe mmic ijau as mo v treel wbcte uisht sfier ni aluiinrth winlrt h djhv thr lotnert wih ul on oj scsljnd his xicm wi bursa end vthr ut thin of the bind hit econj bit to the anieriean roliueni wk tttace jau kail aer l melancholy rnd we oow witness mf wijioa uates s widow al home and ftsd two daughters with him at tbe time of his de cease soor fsn e ta witos vnc vl- nrjt i ufvn rrf ret ii ire ii4 r u- nnunee lit oth o ifavt tfted and areapuned w wsijti wi feuu fru lettirpac itffeli iuorited fmin qiwbce io- iuce a- lerd4jianmmt al imtook wmna ked slutdi a g s e tfun n t- 1c t rifaarlia aodk itccvted iv to tw i t ufcie etrri d ti dt m rlie fot r f hjv d soiw he bus eakivna t r at cny m rtit wv rc4 no j wtd i scyn in grrtl lrrn j aeirft a 4 ptjic rvincriu tr- papaamf ettrl of prvie jrvihi j m nukveauilly eakrmed nd rraocrlrd b t hhi trii loietfritv kiuj au4 urniivc ntl isr iut v afe ubuns b willbraireerrly lmmicd 60s 0 s ihe company lay th imme ser vice picfrxf t wilt cause the mlowin increase ol eipndituie itm tm lead pipe xiso 0 0 ikvii 4ft 0 q tppmeaw 10 0 0 m6 0 0 total 7336 0 0 ruta ia jf 103 1st cuashofwraw ri sr iwifl m i ua4ru i r ma 0 0 151 2nd v from 30 to 0 a 4w 0 0 f3doo oonndondv 21 s 0 0 t- fi or fjtrfrl 61 0 0 puhlia bovine ft 0 0 itsseate frrm tdnwi iu euak a watarinc wrvcia 60 50 0 0 wi 0 0 dedoctinf wwkiur tipresca 67a 0 0 total tteo 0 0 kobtrf inng8 canji vglt4t e tire recmtta th- usrstj corn inifw of the provibcial association hatr an nounced n iberrtiifovnsne that a rcr4i ta will wind upthe showtanl sport at rv acricuhural meeting ineptcmbc- rut aj- though this bis been announced yei unlet the rations and m of aquatic amttft mentt conuikitc itberally in le thtpr of tafu al- uhkrirdnsn tu ward ihe recalls it will be wholly impossible to carry into eatect the sonouncement the matatin coinmiite wit not feel themselves etnored lo divert any laree p mn of th fuods placed st their disposal from their mate jejunal use it though perhaps lo encouraee ihr art of boat- butlrfint they mat effcr rs or two prixes for cofiietilnn thetefwr thr vrlio art de- sirrtu of serine ih pfcctfd rcatu eo forward in a manner worthy of km i ad iunobfc waters will do ucm lo bntir ihrov selves and when they bate dorwlteir ntuft in the way of raisin- eaoflry to commas cat tbe rasult to the afaiiama comeniitee who we frrt permiadrd will then materially assist them hut not dlherwue steamboat opposition tho attempt to do good rs olten failed and litive mtehief is pteueed the vahr vriinr u tbe ftntith itat on the subject ot siambntl ipptethton hjte been occasioned solely fruit a desire poj r a c i i lonbewrf n the oppinff parlies and whil the iumc rr isrntced aains extortion in the attap of a hias t4iilt to ace thu the ateiimkoat interest of the like and river it aufleieftlly remunerative toeover wear tear and ineei such hin the oasc it has nn- noyet as eacnedmly lowitnctaa eery illibe rat and illoalurrd ate made f oe of nr tale wiitinti the a cents of the ameriesn lfatt of steamera oo ihe laku and rier have ntfmhllhet a guffalo an article ot ourt in which we panted o the estreme fotly of drioioj the best of tne travellint community i t by allowing tbe cabins of the opposi tion roata lobe filled with fix and three penny farea in dine ibis we mad use of the letna cheap and r ji a somewhat coarse but certkinly efty eepreetlv this ariele in hand bill fm has hern ex tensively dilribsiled at all th stoppinc paees ion the southern shores of lakes erie and onurto tbe piirpsr cd inducing the richer classes of summer tourists to take tbe amiri- cn lne of steamer down to meoireal in stead of mlawinej the more cuslomiy usce of viiilinf tbe canadian cities on their nortb- ernjouney toy lh leaat this haver sbahby procedurv and wholly unworthy of the gentlemanly and biwioess like proprntom of the american slemtr we presorne the rtajnrkv stj rnnnn are at fauh vet tbe above be as it may it b but bare jts- lj- tn several fine vmeu eieaeed in tbe busi ness nt destroy tnjc ibemsetm aod tbeir nijh bnrt to declare tht they bare htm dnjuiy dealt wilh the steamer possormbe air fcentj the steamer prinreit ftpuat enj tbe newrieamer rvew o are ns elcsjanl and commodious as their more stately rivals on thf southern shore of the lake and the other vrtsela of the ceutendint partic although rrowint out of dat are still hindiome and clear it was nol the boats themselves which wa characterised as chrap and nas ty bstt the practice of 5fle fhrm at scan dalously low rates of passage moary we fear notbuswc can say wili repai ibu anvschief innoeently committed- b thoueh not m our power it t within the easy comxtof th steamboat owners to do it lt tharn termmiaie tbeir sanscfets quarrel let tharn estamith such a tariff as sbajf bo otioally rnuilame tv- the public and themaalvea jet ifaem do thi and tbe ifcasels aeam wirj become fashionable and it vogue foraltko we may in ihe orctionibte article ejicutet to have overstated the facts of the ppwajpjjjf still all wilt allow that we bad iont annt coonda fr the article itself the american travellers alwaya ajave a prefersnee to the iitth line of stearrrrs whila their owarrv aoed lks mrn of tense new auction saie rooms amone the restorations in heillh frnn the twavvev rostv tfhuie iv 4rtslut r1as heatlftlt utif4cticn lo tbe la t that of itt worthy citlor and antineer ve jarnpa linton who we irusl ha taken a los ferh lose ifhia ireful hi- wealth otlia arehcrooir pleas 4 t i hmv mr lin ton ha yii cninplottd a et of la uet i nd kcl auction ros in iie whole mv- vinre heio part and parcel of th haudscmr city hsu- uai may the muklpn aurho- ritis put p to psjmlc cempeiitton tlc iholr of that part of tsf cityllal 10 the wcward of the shmmcs includin tse upnrr chm- beis f men anc pjmer became tbe tea i a yirtt rent per an un of ai anl tiviikn the lrvnise4 blwrrn tsrm com- metwed ttttinqtherr up for u tines mr lin- ton nnrtinn for a r nf auction itotm and mr palmers foe a facy nndf era i retail 5toe frjesc two stres will be the bnd- 4omcst in the city in 4ddilitr to eine ihe betf situated for businsf mr linton had just opened his kew roam when he wai lawn down by the iickn4i my he lire a tbounnj years and my his shadow nevef erow te ftrtc wzatitcnhas bem exceedingly hoi ted snlfy for ike nt lew day lo the shade the ihcraiometet during the heat of the day hsa ranged between 5 aad 90 6r trees ko raics iijs fatten stnf none r experld ij fall soon for the sky looks as brirbt so if lite heavy rains were oee instead of income 5rcnr talk is prevalent of i tbe t to offer up prayers for rain but tba abrawi and chaactcrislo remark of a certain reve rend father of the church is arts recolected in seaonaof j r aught and acts aa a stumwine btck to ibe recjnet his lordibp was once waited ujmn oy a dapotaiion of bu parishion- r wiib a request that he seocld repeal the prayers olthechrch iorriio illdoitwr pjeaujc was the graeien lep but im no thinking theyll ba vara ecaeioie rejitil afier ibe change of the moan twxlsth or jotv thtto was no public djttufbitnce yeterday tbe orange ldeesmetia k and forming a pro cesstonaltcadtd divine service at esrria- tim choroh with cse end banners after wards they dispersed and tbe city was quiet at a uir hour last night o newt t htjrnin all probabiury wc ahall have tho teltcrsph nrwi by tec arka for tomorrpw whig tbe psjaeine eventt of eorapa aru now to ninmanloaui lb st too newa most ht important ecd ii icokod ferwarn to wilhdttp anlicty mn nw aerourtarxsttwe hare btan preo to nadetatand that dr cumpton hsa vacated the situ lion of inspector of folvtj jteetntis for lb midland dijeict which has keen beaaosved upon mr auuvtau tnibodo tbe aficr s wfttih about x250per agoutis erumentdeetd thel ihet rosdsflylae h inaehartfleiiyfhoulj t1b itrwam- puirat iapenaeol ia province end i las furiher t tle that the coeernmetit see no reason to te from ibe ceciieo then come it bsee ihe honor tu be sir your ebdiiil aereanl thomas a 6egly etrefory frsttwl ovonsf 7ry d tvot en w o pfofl th aitaiveoof lot 4 n the civy of knriro apaiieri of thct ma4i j ftnd js uthm the riiy liuiiu an tbe ssmo rule will npfdy to ibt evtvr l the city rrsrnun ef vonfe mteei te ti ict ox tiik passport enifccj t ft j r do uy t sia y im ome derafieem t f t mt a pirec4u o 4 ayi4 v v snyt usujlry i hatf ebtieo nu c- jvrnwtrr mee nt f i tej im k u on ie trosv evtmih dy if fit t tvhren phm m yn lto- in itaeand eft tr4c t iht hm in j ixri nd fi b rtnffrr nt lenf inotib irmrtihe jj jc qm te ibru embarar t ti waiof ocihi ahsr oped tbe 4jfcir cusne s th 6 ji sum ti- j ome afctf t ect d vnrt he c ee pu w its aofe the lame quilct tbve rs wasnot a lireman and had not been a 6n for many ynar he has ft aleaawiy striier a kind of second eoi- n aiit 1ou ihe uran o mf ihtiaiij uffvcatin tf- i4- jnjn 0 mnr jmna ftj maiyan rrwn j mu cwn ntf e wv nanie wr vtiktioen ave rvf flapper ox fso mieinrol x m airy cjwt w p kimwuosolajtiiw jitn as wrarr teflr mmi 9vhrfrm4 ind ttdr phitcjipmi j fun v a oiodrjif katti w-y- mr lfuoahawa 1tah htit nvar york hail hanln- au wnasroat ft ftohina r r i ft j a maasxk ctrliews carter miw4l w isivwoeu new vork r o goosirta orvten ii peaefc mttat a oreur ju arisen psaeaj ucwaokl john tf crn w peiera 1 ieorrffcrkre i a u henne 4d itdy c f itava iter j m suutk ana udr llamlinn bij ihagiiclic cltgiapl pott ri etrblon ile 4j jme qujctcf d hi ulo rvliti in encrfruy evi- in v 40 ws ne tt other ve tkefo of r tul board of now rati fosnd dn oi tkeie tvdijteiu ie le losiihtc d been o fmpoved oti sevrril prior to his enjjaemeni on vurd f such ia the etlifan sent r ft j bted pninrrrs in cans lal al un iojst threefourth of thr acatn a steam ennc diive i o b ie duty of ettinf r art faf- srs umke eery exeelienl anl m- cilirns m timranl u till ihic ra uir aeien ii ai er l rt i ifd iheir vneni nrnu tiltsidqs ueport taiat july ifjli 7 p as tte line dotsn south of st jcora no tveema report we base no news worth rendier- th welhcr bu been wry hot iheimometef i d l tosh new youtlsx te osr of tfrallh report llleaeiaod 41 deaths l ckotera within the last 91 bonis clkcthxatfli 9th the inttrmeos cf deaths hy choleia on sunday were 7 other dilutes 30 a ba ve thundrr shoseer lut mgbt tended to pntify ibe ntwosnnpte wo have na tidirjxtof ibe ivwtvo no todnyaout her newa b anxiously looked maitkets avuct pols end pearia steady at s a f l o re lcr teased fcrmnet in ibu mitket fer ueatom nd state sales 5w0bbls at j uaf4 fotfiie july th 3hr onrnvir qi drfu 400 pjo acaroi vepheiwe eod crane 5f0iemoedaore i hase mr mrcrtf catansct or we eener e areo e 0v one ckcav ji i ucbr 0- m walter owueeu paseneert and 04fff 8chr jenoyund saeketta kibr i p boe x eoeba and phm nee 5- jwbasoo july cix sir cataiacl ooenewchpaatcnteta nd baf taee jly tji 3aj laftfrtir oawcpn- an kft qen veimi gotr4iov joo narei o d ctv 1lhrost t i fi or jqoo etavea ci- covk it co t vitsm- 1 tea lrirr cwarnnhdlsi str ny tte 0exn a eeoenl cerro ftrarcn ki4vrt 00nsborcf4ixna od bar- uo jsjy 3ih st o clinic i v conel aata in i- shir fieermne o-i- vtlkvi j f mt ft co 2 kalf che t ilveb rrusas i r fhr 2 h ti di 8 vemvu t 2 tf0 ossu k l d 1 1 conod 1 boa set r m odonov uwevvnoc4rc ii vn sir fiy avseo ud l gs- mal bwawc u lt v cvodr sist od h tr i j u n h cv july i ilk str ki aears lriflo 1 kny imko anj bwcaa and oofey e sfono h 3a caiaraes octfeiitbveh fawoncn and beffopjo- jeiy 1 2 h set ii dosiel 0tfq eaka and 4 aoaee unna and isv he e if wncni t mohuwt cncf xjwr v 2 bakv ket awd t j r othf ed ii llen4o v uo vrtso oirreu xlbbla oait e dtiylt r mcsisnoccratiiixryrtleijs afteintc ale rtejrond who beeps a smalhar the upper put of the city raadrac impt uon sisorn lf hy cuthae hit throthn taao wuile shavm or dixon ift kheodnce and tvuedap ihe tiasnis htt ihe recovery c the pair t i nol cetia forryf rsflts prires rvrrknt t nm- dei e qnii jl nth bl9 a at t cf wratopm njrdi- yir 0 ji 0 3 asjrjsit tnt tuti rd lumuficlutc 0 j ft a biinsi f nenrde 0 i if 0 5j rcdfir- span sr aemrctaj 0 i 9 0 f dairi n onh in f rt lika nc4- auevdf ai 2 s i 3 fin to vpf f fi 0 i 0 j di- rft o0ite t f vrim- v- f a tfo 8 toiiettc- iwjiiiiie 1404 n s t t idniij per m vtii aptltgi3io- x3 ir ft 40 jl o lon per w ejfcijj n t tud aviiii 0 r io a i b iw fi r ij d avi tfta v j lailvl m fpund m ber itj nsiad lh mn itdiutfcrrfi nwr tk pickowr nss tu av44ine wlme s4 a uc 1 te cuuif u in rmassswc wder seijx hpeif wbcajdd acuiaa d ite ufs tettnehl ektvrktd r k irtil hut hi1 ihivio jr nt p- nfrtiuf4 si ve xf3 9 13 i0 ri wetliacstmy vuhtu rcp9il- momnaas july ii 7 t at ns rwss in the city wealber very bol qui bee paners nf yoierdsy report hear rsratoflve mejt mtreles tnrral caico for ihispoit the jane lock ei limer- kk 1c2 passenen arrived at crofc fate on suay with teeeral ces ship fearer on board the ilesrar k between st johna and halifax is rapidly approaebjnjc coaopletion and is expeeied to be in working order by ut september nxw yoaa 21 p at eihty1ve eases cbnlwa and 30 dcatu ince yterday r lovis 10th total number of iotermenis reported fer the week n i z sunday was 668 and 106 of ither dueaves we are pained to male lhat tbe c 0 r is 00 the increase assent ut ilia impossible to picture the distress the epi demic has created amoncit our cattlavfll and cmifrauts arivini bore in a number of m- ttances whole ftmities hava been swept out nf existence and bond re da i our merchants hac flsd frnso irse eitr cinsniriafti 10th il4ltnnfsef wkichsl were of chole- n tliuiwliy report 1 tatilrtr- ikt of ii1 ft ia onpxaltretv ii vna n inkch tec so aal iucra trwfnuowinj- reptr to th address of the grand jery re spec tlaw2 ihe city osd bat been reeervd jt must not be foreotten that theeilv suthnriiios date not touch these roads wbteestfe the property of tho government pnittc waav afonrrroa2sfiussii811 3iwilh reference 10 your ur 4 the 4th ints 00 behalf of iba daad jury of ton homo district srstwctjaf the ataia of the hnotdemiieri roads wttbin lb citr of to re- ti i have the horror hy ihr d fb- of tbe comassooert to infem yon thit by an oder in cawamalj dated fend a eg tit lut lbs gor- aaa in rr ilwrf it mile nt noihnp nr aeo multne encnwaic to the 1 kfltifcd l lead ua io eapeei ny im- ii ibt arhcv in vikirh we cnnnut k use uinufeiuu m ihe xosaj nf uh 1 onr a- aaltitenl teantoaeni ga n fe innuirh fn and at it fa i 1 n wm hniiera ol fair rwsr are la aw ik dessandc ok a uinj r asandta w lk 1 u nianalnij nni roscukon tail l l any jane m oar j- 1 ve rtfliv ii lr- jl1 hcfcey slpt s firit culks i eed ntvti swv i al deukntvrc kctiaar4tc4 f vantef t my tbt3 amunr j tniai ve muuc 15 k alewrtbntcrt4ai 1 1 cenl tffiiw o cp r x tv 4fk tt 3w tluned 4w 10 0 ptala pej pjta ami eaobw i ta julr inariu couiwn rws 0 ld ity5 10 c m- vigcjt jtf efeer ceorel joai r i lanv dpty favpresof gttrmt houraclrjav 13 7 kjrri 6jm superftn noold msnddla a fill 6d whel 4 6j t is a vita ad 100 tola mem icportcd at si prime mm held 1 810 prim 8i frriim no eeaeu lor lo r y iufpel3 4 h 34 j a rrcoontre iws pte ihwnftemoon bcstroen tir oranpc pnif an ikeir of poncnta to notre dioe st v konlhot ionwrrfry woti f 1 eiohknred by lm betirerenu a neciing of onoeemen atsaf suh4qientte held tn tko reek- fte mi 7 ne exetteosent enntsnoaa untbiud nd arww fuiibo culurbnncoa are anprehenrjed an nigh 1 ii pepeet cootfftdtct on ronorle 1 rircourinn relitieo lo ihe rctentilon of sir j llarrey t4 v h oflico of f 1 jirji chwr of lam norib ameritaa froioeet new v- 1 a r at karbn the do- ll1ibipori it6eaaaa of casta lpoeftd3ddeeiltod nj tntincaof iko vifere nw so j due al lullsaanodoeorly due aj ibport 5v iit fny 14 tlr-f-r- r 4im vri yaaudy 4howa a oeaoral grocory and 1 ptotisioh store iaiim i jul kikcssoai ptef doav fo 5fesuona ciofc ovrsti ftfrf tphe sabsctiver reapecuully heslneeto inform the nutnvc thai ibvy recently commenced business as aboer and drl-rmin- me to keep on haod tbe eery best of articlea and 10 aell on tbe very iowett terms for cash venture to solirit a thae of patronage v cash paid for flour oats peas and mber grain doklop k foster kinptonjuly lo lem9 j673n re cipro city hphe subscibcr havire wr formerly occupied by mr occupied oy mr thos bsker ibe larcest and kest detected stock of bo0k5 ever o5red 11 canada cotnpjisine almost all tbe workv of importance in the vaiioui brtrvebet of literature which he uj deurrnind lo sell before the reciprocity bill caesct into operalion- auction without rtsbv on monday icih jetty ami following evenings site at bafatt7 oclock each evening fcvbcckt che anal private tale gborge barnes juelioneer market oouare lfias4ton jnly 13 1919 for tax8s mtntm diersircv ty tirtue of err to wit u lain warrant ia sued by ibe clerk of tke peace aid to car jirecled fee ibe collection of arrean of as srasmenaduc upon lou and pacru of oi of land tn tbe towtebip o linoton pittbirc wolfe island hoe utan louebotouh portland stemnxto hinchinbeoea bedorj oso qtden axenekec kalladar emeajown camden riebcnotj sherlictd fredcricka- burial adolphotown and ambvial jrland t hrrby fir notice thai 1 will on the seevd i 4y of the quarter oa in april nea i ine court h al iweke oclock noor tf fer fne sale soch fortiou of the oti at j par eels of lota of land in the laid watrania mi n honed as may at two shilling irdtvpcar per acre be nrcftjjry to pay ti arrearage and charges thereupon and that all the let and parcels whitb after tht period aball re main in arrears for wanl oj bidders i ibal on tbeaccood day of tbe qjaiw iunnr july fotsowing ottef and sell fur tvbat ihry will btina thomas ai corbett 5lerijf atf x sherida ojhe kington de t hie j fsfj postpoxeaient- the sale of wild tnd hi tdawr menced this hay will be continued on lane iii eii sinf tsodeatha tim imernsonts cfcoscra for the seat 4 hxs m ifi the irentnwotof pntwota nt too hoapi- lal under ke tetcd rsyrcieo hsa n n f4r voj auoceasftfl wednesday nch j and place cokdett arnjf l0 jjjt of ktngsloit jvly 10 su gene chkf u z nd ker an4 btf- kats all oawc- 2 toja i ond t baf di k1 rsnswne co july 11 scv wats 6aokta haiboiin si r jefll ftavsat oitie in balut h pnutt jarrttkiln in his fiiin atalcivsuefts britisii american jioteu lalyavmi wjumi umiwoala bait c wcravkwav aukm sbow stn- va4ot ej ft ton bye caps duuti qotsc j a staler d udy fitotn ft miimwir wis cctnilmtomnio jt turner llwton m mccr muolnmt fi m- ucniur b uwion p- fene tfaw vov d rootja m crn npafiae h tooowioawffo john stssuaon vtsjn itwqpv fin m stmla ptlftlfltoi h 64 hubaetl river tren- jnn mndnnad tsvltavafo mr nh ms llfotmart montreal s jt bnaw c wifa4n hob ctaaseeoo grsftoo h- eni 1 sawae do4ton j u thnsjilanevew jrwne fj 0 ni r ihjl the oawessanasn 1 boa csalanad iio n aessuiansens orbrmcinc lha r reewved by tu j mi rj b eaffst ftt rtilia to stjotmv iotnet boaa j ieoh iinim point nancei nron no lha tapaens euno by nw a mtf ptcaav in tb4elpki lu boars of hoaw wport s0c4nsand r r yavtwdoy tv wbonuwoaelha sn st lnoia nr ten weeks joly wao sn ly i uh as tbe tame not t a july lib 1m0 pur1heti pq5tf0seiffint the sale of wild lands is still fvthrr postponed tifl solssroru a 2it jj- wnsftfi at th same hour and place thomas a coimett kinesion july 11th 1849 166 govenkment notice r mijestyv siaefiasav- dibd atfnrt erie on uod4y sk 2n4 wjsssjtsji arier a lona and pointful ilnru bnrne ilk cse frri r ni r- i n vor h neensd ei t rrr jhn anftvn ftresai of that pnrib in lfo t woa keksred d leeoeooed s r in ilrnniiifp tui rirt- trt kta rest kut faw rotniwul ta aa deepty 0pwd nak wilt so ain wt ky iho onfeoatiy anvsea wborn he o kmf ad a aaeiflll tbfted wo leankharprvejtnt mnssawwessslsst llomo tornwilv lsvn ohrw 1 hie way i r t i- jo 1 f ofaajtiesly on woay2ndisf4nt by anme hpay 0- tirftnl 4 mm a wfji j vslpt ka w44 lunsf end uatiiwd aucner injuy fm ui 4niks swdmoel nftt if oav citreno mr mrton we rttni1f known ii moch inny d kw unhnwry eeaib witl wctaepty regxeuijiefre 6lraokur the comiis5ary ceneitl will receive seled tender n montreal on 111 soon aifrfday ihe i3tb instant for bills at tfci days tift on tier tressurt ibe eateni of sssx the pimeeds to be placed to bis credit wilh any if ihe chartered banks si the frltaving places neasele at toronto or kiotian 3cw al bjloum r 2sw the tenses to b made with r fefjnee to ibn ptr of 109 statins the tela in which the bills will be tvnuired end to be marked ihe envelope tender or bijav coauniasarial canada montreiltlb jaly 134 j li fredit kftyler conch builder and sijjjt mkahaadci prjcsssy stre a xp cea re west dwelling house to lot onrnsie st peot heow the engineer lately oceupsej by mr rpife cottage cburcb qifceo si office end theati htcbvi with garden wall apnea water will on let to a god tenant at 47onnd real aufl si hlckfiyr wrtivuton strut xiftrtoojuiy 12 ith6 167 rchfisovfl hotel belleville caaada uvi by metis rxsrrrscai sis

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