opiper per orb em dioor vol xviil kingston canada fkiday evening july 27 1849 no 29 tgrtrarti 5om laic citntoli pupfrfl rpltome of newsforetcm and nt pomrticci bu decided thai fmta ihe th ptvi letier receiver m tal vt lo receive ftna boi stamped end jiriin d m mnt case areduelioa of bi the frtlllfdhf w to 5 the oftc of shirifcf udon lfld shrftol middleict friths 400 jeer messrs pt end wruebearinr im tot decline ttmporat pir of l in the w 0 l of b i fwsv lat hope 0 t at suo v l vt terrmcny of ibe y of two kh tjcmhv to ibe governor general by be d33uhtoc cutd couch t mr al itfm c4tle in be presence cf b- uitifr of sh who had all received ift- riiaiow to meet earl aa cmmtesa ditto lftrtchohiuthjttfttagjtlcfc4fl- ary worcestershire returned ten pr etm to vaftty of the low price s wtt of y h h foley es m p wis bent at ihe stosftm i oo hmfi whca trn per cent i he anaoent of ir fttu we ctne4l1y rflitihed 10 hie irnofmy tbe leicmicr rriwi iimwa 6 to fttpamic on thursday weh whea ilwaa titited by not ft wer lhan 1500 persons- the mttteam it ovn to all tmit4r whether from own of fv s thr mnltcfht of the siiilc or vrtlm ww lebraiedai glaco antnorsday week irj 4 public ditarria the city halt kiveu ia hotcc of ihe pvt ftd wiktuv jer hr hjitttys frvcf 4nct4 wil finttw tatfibe eihboioj vh ivcd ntml otfn lft intf lfi of lt- jatf is47 tbtro wft abol s cmma iftl a few vty 5 fcf col curw at motpe b itoin f n ntit iton cotlitry vuetofvj tn j 1 jerlt of pui of a obi of j 5s wawh liacvmimwai a wzode flnt t eooy ioo hi ut tmi vdclthr door n tt ouiaidr ol m4 h km il of ibtn ifttff sdwt kttk tto a tro ihy tolj oi flfcftbd i the raotiro ik pitcola it4d ifcm t afha f mraai iiiunfte chicivi ha waif wtr a plo f id dculy deiaelttd fron tarn pit tftr woik bv 4 a k of a rtye cut a ftta no clt off ihf ltj a pari r n- nt doiip lf llhaftt of the ut mad4mr uvajpimfihe present the keiumtc wai mcrthililno iq ackaowledjrtt by a moat uoebti lettef tbe oolite acawi laat wek bum to holl frot aotwrrp 10 oxo 25 clf f 3 bmipcft pwawf fehfciamd 161 yek- j jr and 20 titktl of eberrip the fi i ij o 1 jt rr ii c4m- meocrd th iitf o vf br caro wbft a- uded27 biaeti cawlltcsj 30 oitio n ra and ef poiawc t r r o iti ulk ari iht pi me of djy in te el ljn fchimu p utrly h nft9 faial tbe ciprdmion nbieh lfi s4taria f iv rurpote of acctm i th objiittfloa of full v cclf-rr- i i tiv r 3b rt anj aftr f lo banf 6nhin all uv fortifieatiooa rf an irj the nvthfudt hdf w4t tiouj wuhiathf w4ll- ttte billiiiff hd 5000 kjm ad tse ion of ibt ljieh taa at j i tlvr duuh have thua nd idnputd loivion of aft blind whka hloa vfti tejkj a the crtftliy f ihe k aier arfhi- ptlaftf aid wbteb h been rpt atrdly off reo to uk neiiih tbe fitn ieuie te le ga pb e reeled in iff ian j baa yn bn ifkcto on fb gtrat sottthvm and western raivt foi 2 lafff between ibf eomrany- wofbi ai incbitore lw l it ood te tfrminu al kibiidt lwj it mit be a biet ci emalmlatioti tbl ihf hog of cooioom h eoertrd to mt rerhnck nniiffl fa a fecial eotnmfutf lo ttit iiiwit of drhu le fl fjn verrrrrhis and ftiiietothe cnvpruicnt uii indivtdiaj of thi eaoflty tbe labott of aueh a cofnitle wilt lead wnleiially o cy thr yf of ortlmaaa 1 1 j i wbicb bai arited d liffool from valfar friico ct ooo at rsooro tbe frcb goffvcat bas ohrred a bomter f luufi ple an german- txoun fr tbe nibtftct f thcif political rjii- olo m l o fof kepnf up a dneo tor fffma nee wilb foeoea to be eapete4 from frtftce be a afincf the dincreue kiwc n h rtf coffjmrf of tsr ko e f td a l r l gtsrfjl on tb- st itad rejuel- e- tilr of a ljfiterfnlctnrau hibnl b ulf 44 40ftn 4 ilteif avmnitrmtu uhp l f el rakift a avnk to tlif ijtic or uau 4tjuo0 a yo 3mpctil pathamciit ibtl41 parliamentattv oaths bill house of lords- jui 34 tbe earl of carlk mvrd she coij loading of hie pilijrneour 0ti 0 ii ihf irlenttpti anj proviii oaj of uhch or rijai t6 at frnelb mr ovnaittrd that that ioril of lvi4ue beti lelawd lotbc cth- le trnierd u nbrtoj the j- iitaj4vi wl4 ih mott lntiianuand in- 4tt4 iho fine and prtnttpaiohjeelif thr blf i 1 he rojimrrehnt tbe foot of the wbtham sue audof tbe frienta which il a jffftjj uj in ihf pmkifde tbil m noci insfhl ieil avuuhdu q be shjebd hi ifrlietaajt opinion- he wa of aaainai lhal i tbe eathi now adininigei wtit trihevai m ifd a flsift aid hr hiteiv that vtnaite memben n ibr lidniiv hotae wtreprf vented from taking uirit tnu h rand lfd flntartv is thyt bfcabc thy totldnot eoneifttiitvgly tkr tbe otni rr- ired wi ivm tfie nome earl m a hvi4 uie call i4 n tnrtr lithi mliqi oj inlolfiancc irnai the ti4tutrbook mtlmitq enawn tne joi 1 it r i- l ftr ill tht wa ano jii py royal vjsit to the marquis oj w5tmstejl rw the flrwfrajlw fandbm ifrr 0 wtrj ivthfoj bn majttvtheqeoa bral itfhitr4 prlce alnm ace-m- ni4 by ihf qo m of be salaam and a bt- i aal aiiit hanr the statnu and mar etiiflietrf we4ajlojtt uh thiii feaene il g oifenqr howe the bopiahtc- of the fn miqurt ind alaacfca c rrnl wib a fjfftvtl ban- qati wtiicia waa jcredfd hy a coiuert which 0t oi ie u iutin rfuf tcofc utj theiieif itiviccv o oeet h- mjtfy 41 afwatf were tb vhonbp a cfhriuy uuk nd dicbeu f n folk the iiitulm- of lhdft the eai atrofrr th vieoiift hardta- lnfd rirti venvf itir bn cjy and lady ei- bih laitity ibr ln v h jftd lady cao lirr l ii mi thi elt g v nr tbo roblc maeitinj 1 1 itch tone th ldif eiiieth lnky and caiohn jifi nd thf earl grenor werv in at- tetifaner au4 uilh he duke of norfolk a wale ilr iijety aftyaj tb ral cjrmya eaied ike coittya al hc inimutaflrr ifhi oock when mi bud tf itff iitval llrsc guifi tiisyc ffw bar vt vu- arthe 0 thrqittrn lihnrt he nah ma chiont rrcvjkrd her mj tv w lb a pufojn oie lapicc which ihrqvn irf mtunne hi ijijihip reij i ciiiully- te qjnofie blar nj utiurij uv cowei y ihr make mjt tiy afii wh ihf aipl poly paid ii u tbr iari gacral wii he general hjihn huordc- m ibt los h hi be bot arwl aotuhimd and omi ihia ori wastctedoi tiiegui iai tie ehni and typhtufi fr c olinve do wit ii m b lmicraltil armief ov 0rrnlm jnfonrji ut thai 100 4di0la rn a of ih m wounded wre bojjht vieikafejen oldon6ui on the mih imtam fhr uitfoitunate hortran btkar tbat t- tampifd to dtierl from the inapari4itl fuaiam jd reittn to tbnr own country hir at many of bn as hare leen cjiuuied tuffrej erufl inhmftt their lades tliwe iohcoii i mihionrd efieer tfc ktlkefon ibr um fcrvmcm young ieciuiti were irnl t ilh jul aoiv ani tbe el vf vemv ivot dccitaaud seveo were abut o the j3j ias ant il i utd that tbe fnt cbgofemmcat w recetid a wiea dfijtcb c itnounein hiat lb feh had eeritoird moam or vlna 5 ff ftt eemaj of yatl f ibr ciiv- mvmj 4iid nrvcrtble l hvo 9u4 hmlkl i worlhydoor pomeiitoo whatok lo be aifinaiurdy anil address from the flhstl nation to the scltan conitarivorc jmt 5 a fria v incf tlr 0af hd lb of bcin mflfvj by btmajttiytiw t e ftipcrul aheo at br i pf rfttrd tj lie siilta horaoi slr s mr qfi fetbet ar a acemaiiill ofdrhtitnefroial i tit erlf kshnlnei ihanvta the noble erl fo llif amii hi that tbe disa u f icfihr lewshad litiw tju wkii a tr ernnov fustairahi i of thm svj the mm thu bpl w al faetp o lrtaab cold fvin s ir m v rtf j that wbeh lli iataiajuilm aootofrio l alrei w much boo iaai jle toil oil toliital unofbol eprcaiiy lr reuffbail reaaonf harncti f ilrtlm i nvnl ilf nblf erl i vlllf jrktibed tbv aj to ihf chilalilai tlaiifp hb lc hhc iii of jew to lru i winded their lodthiv he b1 wa not ovined hy thr pj we noliee tbe mutvjnj tom tbe pjf nf jff 3fc advied itaoa tn lejeet rt- the19ba mxib as for the title of aijtol rurndentj that as he hr tml ow fynowa foe the ajfolfie ebibiled m n i timr thtchy three moitliia lrjcua fte plniiiallnvi f tae nhbnnu the wtiht it 174 h its eiteutrifnc 13 fcelbad ibirkaalt ch- timfiedt d aire ad wen bt the oit alt a iiesbi to t ihe qereiff msniamiirr whh tii lt lotd 4ad was 93 loeth i itto me dears be e a mate irefc p- vaf4to jo hobeads of mak of one meali aaat utafitet ft- w jl bi m be pinl ajiwb at d l pfm ttar ap s4cwwj of loj th qee ba f rfleifd w ws feeder ffaaplr t- dnand clav let t h ae of ihf ud n v aua n lewy m w av y bv ga i 0 toajkna kikw nnajh n of ilvfl at 4l- londa by tbe canadian fnaiiif r we b bi faiwemth cy or pimtltf i r i in l t eniitld ca aid iu iancal pnatoj a rsourcf hy lserim hon- fraoellinckv tieplwad- drred tolbr hon efl ofrv hff mjy ptjne palseeictaiy of slite for lit cloaiie tb pamrwt ebbil in ejar and tvem naanp i be fianel p st on ol ine p lajce be rapid itjcrtaif in tbe wetb of br rouo- uft thr h bkliff if iu ilvumman- aid il foli d perfc rt v a 4ppfjwh orihi aforanraif mo losmblr aa a efsefrv b- jf j 10 belief i whb uilv erviame cn tie duke of cleveland avowed th t brb enacted hip opinion which ioce th tie4i mhlacij apoacyof lld wa nhti iioi jkm fl iteitaoii wbih mucid him a rttbv ibf bioboj a ttetiawe i 4 ue v letwa b itava t e m w7 rt ll- wlf wl ovmcrd nft monifay m i l i hiinm tm abotsooo iafcer b tal- onapuairo jaw lincoln nj 4 ir aflerwad h ej af a aeeiem had oee nl ibat wop-r- wt4j biliml 1p rnlmj tiio wav rsnly woiecl by nii iiiqctirieaf tbe r ileemib w4 caile 1 ia al a i a fee instil hha1lfeji w reei4 thai aa whole sartyh aieieed fafeh in tj- irioedentoodlbi tb admirer of 0 botbxbu ia the fiiy ol lo don bao e- ttorux iboir eapiiurf ff 4f eie1iortin cejinceof the i earn on vdh hteof lofdof the paibamentary wlrabilt cl weire cota4drjt of lb pronal baiullontbe aeija feratiei heatee afonrrtiatftuke plae oa salorday attl tbe moi tij arrnoatfonfd ft1bees0l ivonvct boabeei ple4d loappoimibe ipanmi diitbeb fredepica lnox to b of ib aiavfc ej honor in qfavm o hrr inalv na lb rnnio of lidy catolme som ai fbe qen ha beeo pwj t awqff of laduiih effeodaa conra laeaahtikj k tb anmiaae odxaan po if 0 meoouyfoeniaf their htfat hithnra- no tbe qokc and dtehena ot canmje and aba kenrfitajy grand lambm oi m ckleu bo5 srdii wiib ifc prrce- mjv hi tar laebatd ad be prve- i tune frwtfemlth ad a tfimneaithd pyi at- trifd w baoa kneehrek honied lb soe rey zf gwein atih a it thir layil tlihncaoei anit in lim to ltften to inbe4a aeodid bandtafld weie plead to 4ipreas be highest sauifaction with th vari- amtemrdts t koiie ba beeji fifttby ibere edatd pfou lo t if bfe4 the sston bit tbe bhof aly all tbe eir reuiiee to ibe toiat ad egtodvof rba hawsafarbfai juijj pasbfarm acb ftjalieti wjacd jwimaflmtltlmtf t ffmmgaaavaym 1 itj tea poiioe jfl4c of the siipcm icnmwsav tacia oawlel roerhon f t ji auoed colonial secretary fo ibe slte- nola in thr gambia 4 wllia mken fl ltobeaoifinberofibf uiauiivecooa- pliabtatascoia v suiday mornta week ibe oublm and wtkt monntaids weie while 4h etsp boae frost tile aasne indicalioa of tcnt- jo was ehacmme in the cwijptoo tu4 0f ciri- 1 kijfr 1 i4a of the aaae of hatitey wh reuil- lfobpoc in 4 email thatehe houac the f of the aw uteload telfe ktrttdit4 nf cholera on tbgrsjay atlowio df mefiety fot tc con v of treutt dlojof tba maitboje deaiinad for bombay iha uatdepanunr w fiurd mnm on amrall tba i4da alaeaaodrfa thoao tobaaebeea ahtpp 4tsoaibmp 1 uja lau npantioa at lb bnlaanvia b d a iv m jaw one ait b o e tua l 4pilaie4 hadlc lero lb 1 dinifmioyreejiie to be ft thelininaoet market to make iiem fevofitr taau c oa anmaaatsst fo t ibenlhey bbili the iamdii riplainn lhal l wbejle ragnlnfthocaav1iandrbt n iraa than the 4anteiedrntre pnwc wmk oftitr eaatl r be aoui h lfa anllmahersaij a l imt- itire rreriti dri4 ftg bee oerha aftet itdfen 30 enc n n- 1 14 dmtarmlu a piavh for h ajfakid fiwl fir ibe rcliiioa of the iajhw it aoctbibsiitbe lawd pcorevf in thr er aoe deref fon ibse ruhlir vothaad lihily tocbta on the clnw 1anees nnw id prorr of drerlop- hrhnni infallibly agelbatiefse lobe alnaol immeagtavy eatvidrd foinerly the f jea in pafiantcia no ioam antd vr were reaili niiiild we bid jhce attained je4 iv cii ard highly iiipiiini nrtrce we like r ajrjuiicd q isskefi 10 ih u sj oaur 4il lbeiffee ht liijii ihl vr rte lvod in ffytfcev q fa bef and im ihi je to lr wr had rvritaj rt h ih hoi whvold if w1th v llphai vl fl i he qrln a lie arcmibopnf catabry tlkmafbriji o ctcnnihf qi thr tai year fgtnihett n f f- ml p taatal swh euriy inapojer ir paajbjnia ih acltth liat tiosl t miiki viit a mm oflbr bitlaaeknaldif rf tnloeriih atamieali of mmbi nf b ih hmf4 parliament in ded- ibat a jw wt qtt 1 ly hlird a a cbrilai lo all in- ipji uti fawcuaaeaaa itikkarjam te rre emt pneerdd h ipsaw out the 4trn1o irlnfann myvletv r 6 claaetvi fpu- aaej vtaiwoitl lodow tha adfiinw 4 inn fr4 anghr waicd tvitljdldj a lefm aftjvtimc t lb r the afchibopnf davun said the qurt tnn wa whlhf the eudoi lhm if ifji 10 df aaiaav he pf ti fewail tbii- ibe the coitoiis in qnestien aa one ed rr if cf autltr om sr tf a v- v fo i 0 a in fnal ctfy- 3 st javtcss stoc4t laotp st 23th lajrt 1st mvda5ta tae opsom here n that i g rrfiaticnl aii drad beat ani ibtirociroim haoe eonr to lord el n thai it i exp etd and believed here that am meebe wil pajd and under thai imprestton rn majfsly hsnot w thbeltf 41 pesal he a ami 1 th bill yi thoi1rtnolennfilme btf thf deeiann uihded yon will e what lonk tdee in br lords lah ai ibtwihe manner in which lrj t n vpeaks of the 7s mmaaej or petition e4i4t tne 8iu in hildehieb saainj orer pii thof fvoea ble to himself viirreains be otbefthi goeetaaieni bavinr icfiien ihemtothtas- emmy n m motion b a prlared a wlintf of lalrnie indieilicet in ih ninds of all bih mirari nea rfl this cnttriiry a dislinei mo tion wil be wide in the lrdt he 1- t nf ahl wfek ow l- v i i- v- 1 to qnree wiu be rnoted r r r moaday m lb coa0fn and i am tout afier tbrae qoesti oa5 debaua hatl elicited all the faeta ibe assm of prliamrn will bt laken o taj thr whhf atiee 1 bae heard il mentioned in bjn charter that anflae ffiy 1 ajaraifff a regards the neftli american cvoia hii bo iatio- duced tbiast- l del to e iht the if ftjm dfal tlaraajid al tbe state of tbe norib amencnn coloniet inda 4 fuible change since tbe debate in nniatilfpiandjne the ebaracter mesr rwhock hnib4ad hawra raee ua in tlie ticii i have received the mm ptifin 4ttenttoo ia h nunra lod bf ha been vary civil and nnlite to c on al oeea smtf i have stnod tritons to believe the trnw tetiel tbeir auawine ihe artielta lone isrvrlin thrif paper at the instance of tevrl llhiral i am to bate nn latclfieee with ljr 1 jhn traciow let me l vpon oo all nvt lo rrla in joor eiertioai i bate fceeiacd tbe wutien by the tno laat boats yoonj no truly a n- macsab r nbelcr ih if baavh hnm he itej ut b hv eaatffclsmrd tb thr ereto eft iintrtlficd lo cho0e vhn ilease h firmly bilieved i eeff diahlite was not twgma iv iame hexitti be ever ifcejt he exic an lh jcia but aalnmjien 0n own relio heeoatende lbit we shoajd either reirc oiw lei ini eaclade art who did ei ctinfotro to th eamithd cborelr renoer tbi brtirt t tr ierfec rqu iit ol the jet tv b 4 well loom where ihe gtitss bon rvl wuh mi lion met ie werrin hd 4rnblew at a quattcf patteijilftclvck d4nervaa incomcel when im tyica havini uhei ih arm of l01j uvanitner the august p iy prvccidrd 10 the baflqueiinirom 1 u i4rtne i pfr j a m rir ii 1 -it- r on 4 buffet at one end nf te rvnt w i piayed ihe tat cnutitto- ef family plaie ineladiafa vanety of alige salt of cret eiue and a nrofjyon 01 ne eoj trnjirt of the lor wrnihiivlri celo i w atgd avtug the centre vl the table ei4 maatncem pjaiean of sittor yih on vh were ijj3 jold aie u vi w iib doifrrt n imtu nu iib iaee t in wrr ht majfty a r t in the caf of tm ublv 1 i- 1 the arehblaop oj c- icibusy iiim her eight and the maiqci c -i- 1 f upon hrr ift hanf hiahei hibne pice aheri fietd her majcai h via tbe qoecn of the belgians and it marcheuti f weaaaamei iesjeclirely 1 ina n and left the baoqaft was of le mo4 otribo- acription tie4eert cpvciahy rem aableloc iu ciceneeaaad rmy anaur the a oil were f ui pl ndid in tea aeerae loibf ws a preient to tk- nh mjioms from tse pufce ol dciunhiie ar giiein at cbiuworih 0nin ihettinrer ibe bnd of ire r l- clfllnf rnie afe tie eipset nr van aftih i c tiitf health ol rr majcjy q t eli4tuaeeheditbi rhe v rc- wipea f iir i a lne fcoev of iretsnn lluifkn htmtjftiv for bra t jona- liaw af xioco f tbe relief f dunesa in lui comtiy it m nrr ihl il ohnnln he know isal the sultan oagttly otfrcd to anj rillfsouliejandauwvll mcboj ahipsu- n wilh roeiiunt it nai however 1114 f-si- at the time by his m jeiy miaestee that wot pot be pioper le a foet js renn m msjto s laree a denaijort id ti xlwrt wrimf wa half the mm cmlrifaki ay qieeti viio foe ihesa icrmijoewoj be iaufciefl tm money triswitij kti i b o cowie then biltuh mn- ler al catu4alia4iie and woe conductor l1 oreasim dserecs tbe mite of etrv inksn ih address peeaentte was wriilen upon eelliim anj w in ihe nehewadinot elab ate mylf of illuminated eassaftiaf the fdll4ien n a eoj of the idjfet fivhieb va irmlatd im turkish for the nlanby m pisaniraserioatt to tbe b ilnh 1 euaw 1 to atm lynnrat majcsev abil tin ama lmriaoaor tcawaw- my u ijfe onr mijity we lh ajnjtrrs gted hoblemen ge nien ui ihjh b 2iv nf iitnd e leave retpecltjlu i aproheh yonr majtilv na ihjpei 10 ritty nue devpfelt thafki abal art dr to the narnfeem ail of heneo i rd 4ienii 1 latfiy ifdaycd by y air uaj ty towards hi iriiisj and atkkj el btmuau ireland arj 10 l ymn fajii atttiibvht1l fwftl i heral cen- inulncf flo0otaily grn hvewiwi r oj iifelettrttlfeno luh ie i i id lu- mi- l l 1 hinwll ihe cecal of ibe inelsah taiwif y iv j itieiv is an pople bvin t befta offietolly 11 lek aj u ihe eift theaatai aadiy 11 wutal igrd utmoneiad aogi they are eeiaiit and tliere ana 1 01 waniiag peijn hi i n tqp b lli p coiid have h uone uhen suh a damv weold hareevniobavcadjil fttt abal4 teecratgt tgjjce tbe koai tvi ymlr th aortione hohdacrl tiijh ih mttit of dalhotevv has ab alantaiy ahja hei mjely a paaattil f ih em ii poni 01 ialcby p ulr inh eaoet mo uc queen bi mu cfl 4 mocker i hit lal did exacile whl nl and woilo hare anaeeil ore with equal facility to ih- chief of llie cherokfe lhana h id botd dallwie arreted him lie aieoeij t eeaperjtcedbeore btji te ceaidlnof i e t ouahtmne rvsptasaftilrir nfitsieraf icawaiefcly wuh the gvmi gvhji indovbuity the kh tmmr will becme wbcu we hvf jl l1 4 t l r 01 eioueit woiih f ifrfitati a anjo laaifgitl eiraj pfvbblv the cron of l4 aij ad tbe towel lndta a tl panp- r jpilofis bn 0iui nhttw irliken theoh4iasie ajj hefjitv t hi masters i fo koltsem by irritv o ibe cift telurc hty bj the poairaf rein ca- hitvrm us rudely j 0 nasbe 0 -n- ra tjasxiu h owe naine vith lie cei no it tii4 dtaimatiotir wiateie bt mmive ibe enuce he has adored iih earned mo hide n it is rroiied to t coasi of d ct atd lace lomiai w lb royalty anopienl el 445 admi antra lion and 4 10 hi plaeuf u mimtio of the ja- htrahij xhy bal of ibt gnreraaaev j jij tbe gfase arn f tvoa u maa v if ftat lethti t- 1 4 horr pan it a falsi i41 iee f the mock duke wbereio he uitmfre- iirt pniiin ie4eru lecw l aj tuirawhenbe seea rvepfaiionsrefoaif kiekh him into the trel il ia very oabkely ibat dr samp wa wbobjdbvljhi eligible otlee for op- enry yer waau rolgniarlly resi f d l vflitmt a p fm coe em- atl m 10 ibo cm olseienisaajaat ecuim sa ote from nay w44 hare mfat well may frieids british will g oafr pe ofviea oltil tuesday evening jtly it 1lf the land mail contracts mr weler immortal wdia weltee ti again for tbe eiexi three years contactor fee conveying ibe mails by rant from montreal j lo tionio the sl ojica aoebaiitlea ma 1 4itran dettigy m 1jh lbw veated rr- w ibe patfie ej by caking op ihe mu jwitv a few w0t4s the awreral a4 the distins hie of ih 5 tvib attadam opoq noita ibe effort male lo plae tbe public hy the dimjreat eonafd ihr traeellia artitiea wha v canada west cgilasj 4 summer s tbl our edert camt v- lb defcofvacfnt which p dirou- of pwbinx fjtoaatly 4s pwashbu nf all who cootribote lo ib r aea ment wo mrka hj of and n6cc tbe exeeu fence which prcftt tueqj and skf on that which lj ittrvfior w other style of cirtkuti than cojnr de rose would b jkt and cctrtcmi to tho who ofteo mab kins en en f their vopffe places 4t oe cmoalpccaniary iri u iatbaateeu ns wmcb haonts and annoys u ooe wbea hare to make mention of the mosl delifjilfal aod at h tme lime ibe mw woaderfttl ex bibiii n of tauncal uleatihu it baa eeer been an editorial usv to aolice we allode cooftf to tb concert of mr kftam 4oi baj tbrfc soas at ihe city haji on fnday ee ea- bfore wt dilate vnen ibe hcaotiful saa mail coiracia into coiling op dotfl oe moff li ue upsta iocnh nr y in- cma military command in canada in eone4nence of the laeat d daih 01 sir dthimia uurb gcb lale com- mandn of ihe force in cava iv n nityhsi been ulht l redee the mhtat ejneftilitnib bfiai noith aamfctj thr comrand hbeen ejividcataml the huthiy plid ssuah of commahdor of ibe rora a lhfd latajtcen sr john hareey will command tbe hoop a noeeseo nd new bjmwia nciaj ao additipay be bejdi owo the tvtioea of ciait qtwrn r nf n014 scotia- mjorcnei4l r wan w l rwcireiboloeaj ranb of lerjcea on i slaff to ia command n tie cj oa4j thorftc ttm trroaaeevs wli hop el eaer ememneihe hl or ihe mock prlnciplef nhuh wa atfwwara ibt boeef caeli- it a few stray roieet aa for it real ohjrci tie detniateed il a a scheme drained lo cn tfjipibet lidhlt boawites to repeal ihe bill of riebia erioch would be etfecled by abroralae the oath aow in force- the rijhl ie- prelate eameatlr evitrrated ihrir lord ship to eekct thehtll th earl of shrewsbury so tar objected m ibebill ihat while u piiciple wat to eman eljate tbe jew it at last swdi time wntild re strict the roman catholic aeeonum toila piiactmedistbe diaetec the qoaker ar ihi ivw waiij r rtyaded aa moie ifiiiih iha iht roman catotic ibotild their lordehipt o commuee on the bill it ei hia iil niton to mote utmliv wlfc ppoed iole teaderei tojews cbould bttaqemav ed to koeiaa eathdic4ibnf fdacnc ml a tba tame fobn sbouk thr jrsn h r t- lamed be for one howld rrfiase tosiion aucb term the aoble e1 luppotu j tie aeeeud m j tbe tarlol wmebeaa gave toifce bj his airetfoi orfoilcu thr duke of afyle suppoited il he did not ihnk il pjhmm b aaamnl the gfteblusi cbaactr of poihameothy any oaths tne eatl nflo oirpoed 11 the arl of wieklnvr w4t annois in admit jews in paibamaat j bg he w more anai- oil to see ihe padiamenlaiy oalha altered rbeefiare he apiorlei ibr bill am felt moeh 4tistied at ihe manner in ivitch it wa framed he llitibl tht tbvw ab l d wso oldeeted t- ihe je clantr might vu tor ihmcoid rodinjt wuh the vie of sinkinje ool ihe objcto clause in 1 the cttof detail ifdued lhttblod keias vrwdaiiaee rvjeel the bil leitnoot iinx ttfltiencej by ehy ejibbbnt dej abu alurma it in eommttre il wo m the pnm- ciple tfihe hiilibatbe waopjoedoiioiba 11 t j up were cji laai when ihf y threw out a iiiriti aieawie the bhoposmforjepoedlhe br ao i speech- lla cvaidfed tbete ai oireciat nt the pfctel dmjei increaaiafc the ronney powrr m ihe il i lepareied from tbooe oibefirulis- cne ibat avjiged iu uton lor- j sj r n r the tne til 01 cilt elnaed the debatf and their lordshipa divided fo th eenfi read iasoi ihe bill cotrats pito 70 noi- eontetpcaenl 9i majority sfibfi ibe n nprvaie wato not used ib diibo the bir tfu v ec4t adjwntcj ai 4 tpai ay to ft a o tfrtflt icm liacjer ari omaew ie lv i im iu1 the bnd olayed a jew pa tl ih n iimil an i h- hi ilie aas maq- et jawe ithe bpal h nf hn knyas o he prirrft amtk itkvflls wasitnilaty h and muwhhy ihe bind jv albnh mtxa ttie rmde maiuia rrtie laaily tv iie4th f her majstv th qn of ue rel ean vrhfh wa dlty reeima led lo ai bare cdd by ibe land plyiiic the rwl nlieoa hymn lift majcmy sfeasi ihr qaaiyft ef ibe fi rri ja the other fan f tp haafji brr rlttbe anmhiihce rlle tta anjeoltee were rcfvta al htirpa pine nclok ihe torn vited to llie ciacei bea to irsiaw h roval hehntm h dneben of cida- ceier cm- aitndcd y ldy cenrat raihust lid jame murrav and colonel the ha ht liouu their rowl hiehnesscj the duke and duche f cambri n 1 the hercdiun crid ouebe nf meckcithurchsilitr follwa iheir ihutuioaa relative hoakj a laor aapttti cadaan aid mr st john mildmay hi grae- the duke nf wevioeton afrlaw befif leanlnckaadtwiib the awsn m the ho l amity waacohdkiedioihestloon inwwhber maty 4althe qncenof the t remaioeo te eeneral company on their arrival ware cnnjftktvd to ihf i uuf ry assoai tbor h40 ed vriih invittiions wev ike frin de srbombcr tu prince rchat hltiumich the priiee cra4knicb princess esierbaij hi excel tvkfih amado and suite bis exeeile ey ihe ssjswasi miarstcmhe baronf 8mn- now atd mdlte olj d lech et m ex- eeltetvy tbe btan minitlt and madame van d weyf hi etceltncv the atwr- milr an ihe cnunte cmlrp hi cellenev the ithvcima minister v ecl- iniv tho mmmerfor the ntnetlind an mdle qe 1 cnelpcnhtk hi 1 xchienei ibe baaian minisaaw and the heron celm hit etcllency ih proan mnwe an- ata4i iriinvn baen kniltf hf r ssactb and a jon list iv i je ley at oclock her mjt entetcd th gaitoy where the roncert ion place uher thejirecliohof micsu- 1 cjtiys shady ol iu 1 ti t the no i ioti i nation la 1 majtsij e lm lejsb p- f lo deprive 41 ine article- t foa avians vtifl k1v4- tll d nation lsseaildre ri ievv you m4icy eiaela encron tyni- iv m the njq pode tereby ilplsyih w r y xaaasj- 10 oilier jpzn natiots m iritbvr mitri felloe crcayrea ii af- mm par luf ubm aiel ben v dent ad wvit i nvnbrr were relieved hijtit limer ic t br leave avilkj on tber 011 i cfy aaji siraicful acvwledimclto to 01r m jbeiy ana to ep eu an 4idml hope a ih ojs lent tie wien acknwlrde ursaay and imricple in yomf tmi 4 firm tho privatum and af- cvas wicsithceeno ajaimy de tr- y t t- aioms aignel by hu hiacr the imaeo relaiw lord high chnacel- latdlhe arthbibn c onin he aichbithop of dubtin the lfce of ieiater maoiis of ormonde ma ol ljuiic4td jaiquis ol candcmderrv mir- iuf waierfo pmiqo of jieadfort mar- d us ev ji- of stoj tbe eail or ihartemont turl or coik fc 01 km all karl irtlrvm eal n itviten emmswi turl of cahcon e irl of ujidon eirt nf 4 i iti cr1 nf rwfihy f r td caide hamihort a iveiea ld moncksir tieiti obrien funeral sr thjilena tocml ca sir henry iv- btrrot se fl paemintum si jmes irwm sr t rfiia francis iuct y bit- had the been sneteufu esch ci- tractor wogld haec bad hi owa scciioa to maiact and ihe iraictling public mnit bae depended ui the ecrtsi ty of all tsese iees ral eonlraejoe i- i 1 their woik jprrperly rely of jamtinal the puce of uvstiiuiioa at a 5een jterinj take a cm m o it owin m a ne tiainul dciertionen the nrerjhe mn irctl mall siearnes of bl- jjya lait be deiainel on their paxv toknctt wbere mr hamilis mai scftff4 terminates aad m 1iv n ii mvidfuin ltur ejkmmn i u i i j- rlral ot ihe fjtmtt he leave kmiton 4 t e rejlai itntsefdpanre h toioh- 14 mill coneneatl i ouiad iwmyo honr hajie eonlraeti he whole duly 10 perfifiaj ihe retssll nuid le eery dffereak pwlunuely for ihe nnmic the ittet folly of the posl oibce aalhoritte ha beenfro- taledby mr wflieeis ifentaii foe ibe who service from montreal lo torola beiae ic- 1 cepicd and we heatiily bne that when li w 10 vast nf trmity coltcjtc david ll toache hibshceiifol dunlin redertek soaure eoider of dublin lc in answvr to itts addri hi majsty ihe suhansaid he was greatly rlahered by the wanner in which the tfiiinuihed pcnns l i fromwho ii emj4lejrxpreed themfclvr ct miwan himself end the ccnialfy over wuch i rnlej jt gave me ceat itsi eonla- ned use saliaae when 1 btattol ihe sufte- ast44 lbj irish enopl i wiuild hve 4 m mmy howertbreiereihcir wants envtv irel the aircerei plere at learnt ihat lien suflvrm ha ceaed and i p ay gd ia fcrihtfuiujr- ih w m y ao proeru l haapy td ia irpfa ictil nl the ot cthei iauoni ineoiinbutino tn ibe rehtf nf the lnh p ojtte 1 11 1 v lulcned to ibe dicaw ol i my own heart bn t was ai my du j to now my hjostaibv fr ihe uflvrm of aje- to of the ujct f hei mjr thrquen of eiuidfof j look upot eolaij a tbe bolaaduuefnojof tuikey late b- ropean neus tbe ceatrseeo inquirer ha a teeeapv despatch rnm umdon hated al a late f m the j the steamris ailing w ihe following the late eietorie of the ataas we much eaf rated in ibetr smrrtwru t real fact if t cae ar f iw tf hsssssjajaav having crod ihe ws on tfj 19th nd vi inali oddenly made a vio attack on the favpoiialiu jni and traled njen inlo the centre of them end ill h4itlof ihieday wtb ibe two tmfwiiil le m 1 rfrvofed fo 1htr fa ev a0rfeu bill cot vaithotil bavins by 1 v i1 f coamtleranc damirr lo tn p- icrisiiti eorp the h general pane- t4 was womaevd aod ihe very fci thai t auitijih buutias r cn the 4u of ibe hilled and weonded 4tid thr h ea tarvdcanaod ad men how ibat he iateu kcncowbica tfcj h4e to r y 0 ihtis4or ihy oomeftacharioc- iti aaatriinaaden publish adectfe oft vii i cncam4aderinchicf iv ti in which ih4jdiht4iychiefuhiat th4llm inbasuata of the ivtotjeb of b sear kai lzu vd 4bu4d 4 husa u- 4tpctb ftoi atftei paa tst vfflsvdl the great east indian diamond are t iealy totre ihccnoguu n of lghl i is the pricelesam th oce adomeo the peacock throne of the mouiti wtmh nadir shaw afierwaid eanid of locabli which cof j old kucjvccsinbam ave aai ihmy y eo xueted frwm his victim shaw yt iu the rtnftuocd kohiroar really qa as way lo england i he lovrrof lmtdon actually to aur h 4 ireatie atcod- steamer mill contact for laeavd ruicfii civin ool far neat three 1 e r duiy lb si n t rnxoor one cemrany of men may sueeed is ehlatniat it tor lei ibe post 0fie aulhori- lie bind dwn the contiaciios pan k ihe severest of aejsushles h l will be faiind iti- peaciirabe sccsfotyio c itry on any ptal public uarjfuakintj onk haens inleresls and iaclinatfeot n hand tn hand c on dit lc ts vi ihwt ih untoaard detention f the monlral mail 5i4 141 il the fj on ihe titer ulm cevvdh and t coieaocawed by the mill niic ara or foth borei of tlte st leenee the britiah american jate will in re ality aasenicev inthctty hall at kiesriton wednesday ic mth ir the number of de- eate it t e specie d vi exceed two hun dred not bein eereb of the party we cioc notbins olticiajy of rvh i ifiierd ed tbe iraniacted but wc make ao que- lion but that everylbn done at ibis wftft of ihe ltktmvitl dpa emiiety npon tbe nnmbcr of delegates vtu attend it our own opinio 01 this matter has been loot expired tlie laie must charge ibelf into a caventta before it can he to reercitc coy infjoeftce oer ihe public mind a leaj bawercr nomretat is amera par ly aconecnlioa iheaad he enmpmej of 41i aaftfmx lieety eiy town vitlae and leeimswipia cttltfa weal send dtefilcs to a convf ni aad it will bvhtt d eljift r- vi imperial backer al once lo their uuttu jjncis of ibn conceit eia the sonp clefs and piano farle faalasika 0 tbe bream oxoanor dtstin of m willy and tba younjer mvaieursdtslins not that they at ofthemteuej unnortby of tenatheocd taatict but thai wie ihey iviee aj etccilttf tbey can only act aa foil to ibe chief pleaaens of the ereoin foe which probably tbej 4ca but intended and yet the sweet aod char ir voice so pure and so natural of mist oxofli hm l- iij rr- ly psaed by- why does the tiqgt wbea ihericb mttedient and oearnoariog laisja of ibos ipleaid sac ii tins sht the eaj ad deit uita ibvwltaywrayr tj curuk the am rtcee of the evening vas a beau tifulquhehb thefjthet and hi three 0asi which the tevera cet f sopraoo alto leaor ad btt were taken on four of theao silver sae ho mr ivifla with the aid of a powerfal piae foete moaaed iho oichrstral accompanimenidbeief 4 sssfajl olscicni inusiciaa did an immense deal mote with a tingle inslruaeni ih can be welt conjectuiedt to ail tbe other peforminoi he nadcrc a like mfeiricf tbesa sag horris are of all site from tb small mprahn ef the father to ihe buee of the baa urerftcord i rkbaod full 1 r that of the french horn with the enchanting aaeto4y of tbe cortjopa anil al time their toce imilale tbe hnman voiero muchj aa to cop- try ibe ideal impieion of eran i tinjior j as thetiiaiinf odaiht peaiaeaof satana v the operatic ltiobdiaaj wcealdekecat4 the vteei vnie of bthiaj the rcnd piece vaa the ruliceaaraeo caaombotc ah i lrt aow by ur henry dinio the aiasineof mr mao era of ib very compos n rendered itteaat- liar lo a kinon aujieaca and thetcfoee the artsl had the mot lo coalead with i bw ktalry iih ibe htaman voice divine but be eaeenjatered bi latk mnfiy and u rewarded by a uoanimina encore mr henry dvio ho esdrt aon of bit pal father bids fail to rival him in m4tl rapn- talion the lhiid piece wa 4 hoatinsj docti cm two french hoens by metsr h w oba- tia i but the thief meii of tbia aemartot dett eras in ibt echoes of a tbifd crfoemvf hehd the ieene who with the aid of 4 eaprao sajt horn amttifml i dtact ibnlv swell aad shake of the french hoia in 4 mwl wcflderfial andebinhiaij he 10 a a coum mate lwerda nmc itr xlullivt zzia 1 oeer t lay ihe ea1 nnlliant ai lhe l iveanip tobr f04tdtatbe1iawrefl irt li4s pr4ftd aod is troruiy suictcd la he iii lt safe keeping of our faithful altay g1ah singh aceoiainc to a ibrd tory l e coun 01 dfcioi rrrnoi 4 mik annaju at the course their governor caeal hatmi- toed in reforajico ui it and aru ad prepaad to arcjiieua gracefully io 1i4 trattser by thoir rrtaatof hia owo r 4ftd by fkv p ew4 to ihe buith crown whether tbe gem is in brit or skb j j inoljoen tftth carajaly i rich 4fld r4r a prearat bad to b male l etya ihe c4eci the actousjhtcartiiuly to htveocea left foe tha aaaaurs aaci hot f i4r4nt iu preatealaiioo to thi ee cis esttto ijao b4d sweod ao reatnrtad 4 priae ttah4rtmfclpamcia7j u duri tac irrtvecroaiattf o rt miouk dra tdlct while rycne nver ihe apfynot- menof 4 isfrtai a- tbroo rot nmit loio jitlte 10 political nfpnnt tbe ailiialion bcean jtjal by the vcjuaiary revgaston of dr 5jmein tbere teaa some dc m entertalted whether that sjatle ff4vlviah relaib thf lrsretoohii a wjl at the see4oahp ef lb tenteut-aro- w4 bvtwiv ibe gaeeia- mnl ban am decide- the pnarttt 1 h fli called on dr saniea to resign not crn 1 that ihe question wa fdntrd and iisv- isthm b case eame withta iheopfiaton of the ael dr s imdjlt on ba r4imtlmvtaasnseofaof the peaiiemaiv placed ht riroloo of ih inpeionhip w vk i tbe bandani the gavfrn- ment baf ly does it fajl to the lot of jor 04ut 14 record ao hih minded aa action tba above i from ihe gtoba of the 3ut inl 4bd iittfobawyinuttdedfoflhanhridiaii oi tectmio tl certainty dont euil thai of jflopetnr h tbv first plac dr samrasoei a wit t plli appate6tb4fl tit aanner but the gem of ibe veaiart eauctilo mt ie chief drbaf ha of an and eaxe lence was ihe eeecutioa of the voice put of dr am celebrated bravura tbe scsiv tired of w4rl alainat hy the elder mr thv linft the trompel hi son 441 mr wiuy aaisling in ibe oecheaval atcompavumeau ths eea a rerformamb wch we are capable nf soml no bunion it m boymad our feeble pnwers of etiticifm somva u tbu it perfectly en4j4ead the 44ieacf erst earned awey all heat 07 alarm m4 if it waa not demanded a sond lifftfi that areaaa frtmcoanpaatioatovrardi tba arties ioea diwe eieitievit tbe hnbeomrrtitieeiveaiieelisibtiol hy the aonat on three sax 114 4ad tb4 statt waa a apcio of potpourri as 011a podiio of aweet melody ealtssa froas ch btt of doeitetvi 0p4ba0a roar sea horn ihe faibtr doins tbo aeprano and aw li pro s wlu iftj tluts bllourk nipiocf jo7 uol arith wbrnt aaccamt tro