British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), August 24, 1849, p. 2

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wednesy morning aug is is0 tue was no mail lsl jm montreal wine c accident to one of to lock in the bvaubarnoi co w bar no nma the 4wtakt oihrr thao our telcgrapb rpwt there rumor curtcnily afloat bat th fotemoeccncral intend ttf to tfcapti canada otxl tueaday lr be wil1 n uod at kingston dcferiing jum ibe fair weeb in serumbrlhe pleasure and henonrof bis iotecdeu vii to ibe midland dmlfct tbo covcrrgeneral exhibits mnch good n0 lo stch intention because after he ha paid bit visit to lb pecple bore he will be the belter enabled to judge of the good bebav- tor of tbe inhabitant of kingston who when thisciiyis crowded 11 stranger from all parts will b vcty eautiotfs in manifesting deposition to rioting or insult fjodei such auiuiccijwe lookforwaidlotui aach- jreidt d visit with more satisfaction lhan we bare fell for many wfri jm ja go arttxret it m so wl ellrw tod of ibaaij that wc seize bold greedily of any cbmec co do bo the situation vacated by mr augustus toibodn tbst of supetinurae- enjof ibe macadamized road to napanee bu beeo bestowed upon peter oreilly eso reformer of the old school mr oreilly lived many jean in ibe victoria district of wbicb he is ill a macstrat and once filled with credit to himself the office of clerk of the disuict council but since bis on mr james oreilly residence in kingtfea u a fianimte be hu resided in the midland diitrict tnii appointment has afforded tin- mitigated leasee to all who vrww mi otutfy for since he ministry must give the lupcrmtendcoceof tbe roaus to one of their owo friend it u fortooate for the district that their choice ha fallen uton a gentleman imu bonvst man ttnrtitical5 tbe hill family as luted hy mr william mcmillan gar an ex ceeding pretty dramatic entertainment at lb thcsire royal last mt the dclifhlfoj vaudeville one hour the interlude of slrstcr dcaerwood and tor frcc of ih pleaaint neighbor weie tho piece per formed the eood peopw of kingston ovi- dently do not appreciate good acting for though ibe above pieces wfst played as well a ibey cooto lae been done at ibr uttle theatre io the haymarkel the home was the ootctoftbeeawfu me william mcmiu lan ho did chiistvpdtr froo in the farce cmlliloted greatly u tho pleasure of in eeenine by his rtty clever pciooalion of tht bsppycohler ff iv brititk iwfp steamboat imposition mi editpr the feltaiaffub are hereby made -nb- lie with the view of iutcmig il possblfi a recurrence of gro imposition complained of a ipmir ittt nttiva hr a mr qhic and umtlj ctucuacfttnrtpia- aage from quebec to hamilton and paid ihe fare tbey accordingly ptoceeded in the zortf e as far as th n where it ws fopoied to transfer them b the steersce f the prmu victoria iftifctd of o the cbin of the mod boat a previously airangrd the piopoittion beinj contrary to ajreenvent mr oslo objected to it and waa cooseque ntly pit ashore and ml to hi w revmrtes bavin been at thtume lime refused to be ifbnm any part of the pasaage oney paid by hirn he basbetn moreover put to the expense of boavdms humu and his family since then in mr irons hotel wheteht is now awaiting ac answer to a lettt of rcrnonstrance address ed by bim to the owitcrs of ibe xorrf etgi the prfaftn fiflorio bavins last saturday elttred to tarry paneneer f kingston u torouleai e each a uipt body of emi grants availed tbrmselres er the oiler and got aboard afterward a boat runner named persuaded about fifty of them to diiern- brk prciifip nan indue c menl tohire them oanied per mail host at 4s ej each tht pnnuss having started thie personi who r- inaiocd applied to tbe puicr of tbe mail boat for their passage on tbe let ms stipulated when tbey were informed that tho runner in ques tion had no authority to acr for the boaf and that ibej would te charged at the rate of 10s each tbey had contvqueotly no alternative than to comply with this demand or remain met it w4 only this day tbat ibey wero ena bled to leave soma of the emigrants daily arriving are ly ing coder cholera on the wharves without medical aid or shelter being afforded them now tbe following qoeitioos naturally arise out of these facts lsiwbctber ibe duv of the emigrant agent with reference to such cases is alto gether confined to ibe interior of hi ojgee t qnd whether steamboat are not aecool- blc foe the misdeeds of those who are known at runne while acting wh 7 3rd whether there t any provision made for medical and other aid to sickly and in dignant emigrants coming into potlt trusting that tbe matter will be enquired into i sir your n an observer kingaton coth agu u not tbe above letter cornea from too tf rjiibir a source lor uv not to rive it an in sertion thelscts if fteu speak for them- aelvcs with respect to mr bale and the jcord fnn we bve retaon to know that the ownen of tkil vruel i oon as they were f cquited with the cauie of deiention tt kirgiioi irnneiiileljtcctifird i he eriur by psyice the full paaaage of that rwioo and his ateily 1 1 the printtu ftoyd to toronto o tim wetiritne late heavy ioait if to be hoped kill greatly help ih late plamed polatoe of which tbey area meat many in tbe midland pblrict 0 which looked remaikamy til the buard of iiealth- notftln attack poi tbe actio mayor is wholly uncalled fcr ai ttiy mao of common anie will testify the foregoing note but brn appended to a letter publitbed in ike bntus iraig uf the b instant m relation to tht kujmon board of heattli every man of common mleuct must per- eclve that no attack i mad upoq tbe acting mayo in the communication referred to but the nttif happen to be a e of no common tntellect and is therefore enable to e corn- moo tkins throjh the medium thai common men do ii is moreover pojwscd of uncom mon good sniv for some hovr orolherbe usually contrives io lut with the strongest parly it i liowrver indefenre of the ac inajl mayoff not aclinc one that he ihoulj iee po rd hu lance in the preient in4nce rtrsoiehc war the gentleman eneiitioihd as plainly appvan fiom ike teat the at- lack if it can be called lllatk that medi- eal aid bad ben tenderel to the board of health and snbseqoenily to lb- maor and not accepted for ipeeial reason igted by the lalter camt direct from one f these medi cal men who in presence nf two members of health commestcrf in tron indignant terms upon ibe uncouiteous reception hi offer bad met with mr alderman flanagan is one of there and if asked will declare ibo trnth he could likewise make known the nature of the unflattering observation but this rnncb i am bound to add that be is not the author the exeilion of tht actios maror and two or three other active member are spo ken of i high teimt of praise by men who apparently know better than the whig the urcemiitcnt services lendered at a body by the board of health and fully ts well how to appieciate them for my part i know noth ing of what tbey hare dtuc iu kingston more than i learn from the ciiiaen of kingston and ome of themselves miueles maybavc been wiouht thre for all 1 an aware of but i complain bitterly and i think with jut lice that nothing baa been done lor lot no 24 lyinc ajije alt other corutdciuaions tho people of that ill faied tat stand charged with their share of your enormouadrht t now ad iren myeif to the council the expense of mit hairwained lawsuit of jsw wild extravagant excursions to walertown to montreal io knland rreml1ing the acts of drunken mer more than of ierona aereriout- ly engaged in conducting ibe affairs of a thri ving city wild the cost of yrmr blundering negotiation- jcur culpable m application of public fund and finally with a jhare of those cxrentca nov arcumulatinc to deify your board of hrajth under uvotu circumstan- tsnces will any man nho hopei to see bi maker leji m ihai ihey are entitled to oo o- lectlon before they have the anisfoitune to fall direcily nner the pressure of jour heavy lamf you expend large sums toward the liquidation of which they ec soon mutt con tribute at the time lime you deprive them of any benefit io be derived from the outlay the waul ol juiitdreiion in tbia case i iothm hnt a at coutempiibte subtetfugr to which neitbei the actme mor nor any other man or common hum anil y if left to the ee- fif f hi awn eorieienlianf fueling ant it ihi pal ji f w hvth to be a party 0e or ins pnosciuotfr kington august 32 invasion of cuba pvwma aufwnol fnrrien ag it fmm certain ftatemcnli which we have lately olnortfd n the pubhe ntiiu jnr1 mll more fro t the in formal inn of private letter wexreindurcd in credt the exigence of a leriouvand evtenively concerted enter jrie having in view fome ilegal design against the peace and dignity of a ueighbouriiij and friendly government at one nint on an itlamt on the coat of tbe tiult there are aid to be embodied ftom three to tt hundred men and amenta are beurved tohcenced in northern as well as soulbtrn ctes m en- talinc men for the expedittou in the south it it g ren ent ihat ihe enterprise ra aimed against tampjeo and the mexican territory of the sierra euewhre it i arerled ihit cuba is its object whether u c one or th other the enterpeic is rcjuamy in violation of our own 1w and it ix io be hoped that the executive should it be in poi- aesston of information goinc to establish the reality of any such unlawful tchem btint on foot in our country wii take effectual measures to frustrate it aod vindicate the national faith and honor the proclamation of the president will be found in another column from far wnjaiigfon rtpxuie ave 11 the juoclamaijj wa received yesterday a the department of stale in a communirv lion from the president at l4rrisburgiu formation haj been for some time in pomcssiori of tb government to the cffvcl that bodies of men were id the course of bem levied and drilled m new orleans new york and other cities of the union tht money to a consi derable amount has beeo coiktiibuled irut arms have piovided and airnitmcnt mde on a large scale wub a view to lome military expedition these movement have been conducted with great secrecy and the ohject of the enurpme has been concealed even from the indiviluah who ha e embarked in it souicent evidence however ha been oh lained to satisfy the president thai the deiign of the expedition in au in nsadll of cuba and that the intervention of the executive w neceasary to preset re our neutral okligation and to keera unsullied ihe honor of the amcri can people in iuiug this procumatior president taj lor gives another proof nf his de termination to enforce the observance of our neutral outtc and to peere by all conti- tuttonal means the tranquillity of the country hehatbersno lnt for war or coeiqueat or military ecitemeni tne acrnts through wbich h ha passed and m which he hs ac quired deathless renown are full of too many and bitter reeolkectiont to generate any other sentiment thaa a dctare m universal peac- protnpi as he wltl aluayo he to reil any in- tasioq of our unn iicht he will be equally prompt lo resist any aeiesson by our cableluj on the fights of ciker naton he will be luisjiinrdi we doubt not hy the ismnathu and cordial cooperaiion uf all good ctliiei fjojh far aofionoj nfefcenee mg 14 the proclamation a copy of which will be foud in another column was icccivcdtct terdayatthe department ufsiate inacmn- mnnication fom the president of the ltacd states at harrisbuigh pennsylvania for ome weeks past the country haa been dtmur- bed with rumors of the ostemming and drill- i iog of banda of men in different part of the united state various places have been artfully designated as ibo object of their tloaiion tampico and the sierra macw ptortocct ol mexico yucatan and cuba bfvc all been alluded lo in connection with tbe teryrise- but ike truth ha been itudicnuy cincraled by tbe leader en t aged tn it 9ae common soldier who have been enlisted v not lo be entrusted with use oecret as i r object to be effected nntill after etftbarkatun how far tbe expedition ha proceeoct uac know not but we do know that band of ffien bare lately smbled at a puint nottbr fom new 0len and that tho evidence clear that cuba n the real object of thoc n- raged m it mot earoesiiv do we bopc tai lie president my succeed in artcsting 1n perpetration ot surh an outrage on a fricny nation and maintaining unsullied tbe bow of our conntry ilunder can be the only no- tire of kh an enterprise and nil good nm rnul rejoice to xviincis the honest redcmnion of general taylora ptedgrs to bis count ikeserve ihe failh of our treatie and snpofcw all ileal enteiiuia against foreign natnne the gallant soldier who has rpent roily rs in the t amp ami braved the bullets ofju tonntry enemy in ao any btt1es vho hat sounded all ibe vhoalt and depths of ntli tjry gloiy pcovet himself to the wo 1 1 u be as we predicted before his election tha be would b- the man of tvace n tle per hit huajed uie rwrwnina oddrea to tlte iulifbttaoia of ibe itanenlcrriiejic pnelx c5 1iauwed iobu iwuve4n of anttdiy and nspictv iop tie tmh cutoed uio catholic anmc lu rhe rights ohumanu ttbvh hd to irante4 ufun of failh whtcli bad htn uafluht ansnf uic holy seuanu our ewreicrmy o ltni clory wtiieh rsen m tlte hnott of tny walh o ni foffet tny mercv isehrnd aubweaf nl anndti ibo vbtilwl of ilcee bortivle oiooi lwn ha r en turali d wih i r a leikt vng n muimny rvm wbtcli iho cbuiefij reteao and you have affvio k haa lut nunc f ihuf- feciwn villi nhitti it in cere tvcd yownd lutcyotll wchimeilhy ou owtlbroav nrhxw will lead ua bfain nnn vu anj men ihe day thall bate eonw c ranll reiuen ibe fvrvrnt dreire of bearing eonndoliun unu and stitb tbe w4cfinination t uvvole nttvurner- gy u inuff rj aurnmagr by dnwutt icmhfm rvila au e i r i eellciu aulsveia wk htk ibey auu mikcaiaf m cedre wil iheir want mb aa uwloa hwn i c llie fvedtn nnd iiirptimknee altbe ponhrvatiaere fneeeaur io iheirarfud- ty otvw calboht wofld guaranteed ma- while noder io re ugunie pibb 0 ahaharrll oiv onmatrun which mihed with ftfl peia tctnd ha mniy irm drfeet 111 ernwn nf iii star xv imivre tfwoay wiis r v mavng of tne lud nluei wo eter inrcd eenm di4tane fioen yu wc imhrfe ihtt it mi w abundmily ahed upon yn it is a tercel eonla baj ivrour aul t bne tlui alt tlkh ho nee mad tketlea yafll io cailkca luue by ibeir ermra may rondcj ihemrelvro until v gainr na trmta hy ibr cj- may tmtti ikttnhr e- lliy of it by n vuiccre and cottnt leton nehtrouaneaa gireu atuata juli it pius ix a a it alining proclamation h been ad- 4ti4 to ibe llimatta be maaaini m wbtb he raoimiwntw ticm to endure with eouetenninnd rmoru iho enumsty f feifn inierv4hi which anue tne at pfeantnd nt wiytdonjieii tie ealsj w n tanu- nicipahifea io reptar wuh finne utt ifif j hcc votnuianly v ce rvblcan form to the aavtf ef ih icnap ral pnwer s tne j vme tual ai1 tbey cnaidcr tf gicfahaem vegl whb baa noi bee freely ooeoed by ibe eop nd he nui ibeni that it la ianpwlc lo hnprwona nwow nalioo justiris in caunrma a eorepndent ul w aieaynne vetfwrt a mjn envuxir vy tn e aeaoo ainl rfdetu tkeeaoi h if aiooee a d woufbt brnwe is alcailo eemt and tne evidence n bush o i nf i atnei l c lead wihot delay aumutta fay tt ayvlwe own to try tbe eruntanulj h- aolu ar- ho vfta io derewd i and hie jmjcc aeleelao recoor atle all itio iroci dga r raatj fore and dunl of the cboliit- crawford te re cently been engaced in potlinf up lifhtmag ioda in tbia city and wae knwn here at the litjm- iflf rod min hi kh hro ikitfrnrtnj oi tuewsiy rnorning by tho steamer goaoo rvnlb tho kitif atatca thai j500 to nnteo ut luihcr wriehto benh we foutj at ed uo in ibo waiev- band of crawford rnnte and j0 tn hi poekcl informatioo in tclatfto lo crawfofd wua pard io haven wtic at canandaigu aahed for d ma b obtined by pleairvn lo ihecirj seaioanj kiegatnu wata caawroao onr notice nf ihe dcetfa of tht ian by dokm st vur peeuf saiun bjaed imaft a klier kfl at ur ofnee puraortins to eomeffon ihe chystawu of kiiw the wluanj iking lorn out lo be n wieked boa terpc- iid by ton dead man himself wlu nivt indord be ded lo tit bbtoua of axidy d imt oi ly a truer wa lavvw here on s norning dated ol tvbriluwn an i7ih fnn cvaahordi in ihe uw hand wruing a the 141 tcceired ow jy befoeo aftkouneingjiw deaih h cranfirdi nut iaau it diiicvli lootftceive what 4cct ha could haec in annuncmt hiouotr dead unkr that ot dmyjing the ueha lie srli unpaid in uy city crawford i a man of si ituhy and ioumpc ubraa and on unfo per- ntogoaiuigo ohownby ihi simkw s4 riiloirvou stratageiu to imfsvst on the bubheo tit tu santov dunuwaii the adaniral in flasi ifefletlru ttansemaiidwoiv iuvfkiatrwionueow tufcrjrof a j bjcnd wfyndkjisi a aw io ld io- fmn i i ftfo ptnwprclt of iik ooo- oi imerico the 0a shipba ere whtvu been prttfed bt jnal vraal auitcd to ikc prnoaaof entering thoao ewve and harbor of ihcoa fr rh ihe n chiefly ptwteoicdi te noble kl appearatobn unimnf i tun cn- swavon to aaecuin tbeestent of our maritime rrej im ti ptoe isetr cetcloproc4l with sweb object in h cannot fail lo be tecum panidiointiiacrsoftby ihe beat wuhe of overt nue hearted c voirr v hufx cordu during a recent thunderstorm a lad na med woodsy who resided within short dis- unce of a price called macon united state was tndtn in ihe garden near her teniae haingclserpeioaiibetimead watch wtlh a eom cssaro chain which imssrd round the neck the electric fluio struct the chain melting ileotirely prom the chain it passed ihiooh the waich partially deaireying il thence il ercid oviwei her cloth ing deng no further ifamage until it reached her hoes which were literralty torn to pieeev mrs woods wns of coure knocked senteles at the time but under the usual rrmediee soon 03n after partially recovered and j esomg j ufelu he was areerely scutched around the neck immediately where lb chan resw and was also mjurvej in one of her feet bt other rnrli ewjprd unhurt we mrr- lion particulars m hi cane a it is urvnes- ttovably more remarkable than any we we hare ever seen upon record monvntal jkti taov tcifcr coh- iuxy we regret to ream ihot the montreal t v relegraph company arc about lo discontinue fiimishiii public telegraph re- pomi owing io ilera nol beine lufficienl en- courageoarnr and that some of the newapa- pere have already rtnnped receiving them irom ihe company the cmany kc no alternative but to diuontnue tie reports al- tngthef leaving the public totelecoh for such dcwi as ihey may require- httcu tbe uanihip canada eft lirespon cy sa- turnay augoh lltb lf new yk sife it one of the fattest or ih cgnar lje and il now dw t itabbi we ahah wbabty ibtar fown her lo day or ivuwerow british whig uaov are yp r hf ll bmo f a if lmie jngti hi tknr chimcr and twi ty be iuikj at bui h ot ck tvtr trejgmvrw4rj juieu 1 srn ftfym a ipeeimen ano ibn juh can juje rf ycul a minwa ebr urjifj kmt n jafy hroochsina eeiflt that ihe ft cmiting ibe aei wa jvitkbk a be had wen aaekru bl ihit h wa aiwaya icaly to quwul nt ighl and diuora lltie peace anil id or 4 of he camp and tvsw be inul kv iho giry in ihiit dja fftilag ti do nhh tou 0t ovwrt by tbo at person lining cyea on hu anoahee cae w ihat vl n v wht cauclsl a spaniard ateahnc fmui him mcu oa ie irflvoder and eumhicirx bribing uf nh b fit but atera fw bsiw ihe svllow wllntd at tho u et of tlw niereltani inejory biihi in veidici tint tbe nccent va juli6ablo wh pnf the spaniard when he culn lnnv n j iimi hie klln waaaccioctkiai tlwsaie uiey a40nnwd him a aerw ehsreed wuh uiirri- ojc an j nian ead deat oyinj me olw pn- pee j the iv fud rum tptiuy and nteneed him to reir v irtjnm uheauu k 0 btcb w ubnt sn the mhiea wm4 lie lou0 rcmuvae the mm sw tlte jeatrvd peeiy and atwarda eulllw county fvoy natif thi rifcaw ten leuee waa sauhruty eaeeucit a elw had lokn me prly ud wo eonlclc wain a mniiiiuretioj ho waocwienetdtnbirrupoj naked and ikd o bi the anvtcjiuio mns prx him for an hour vb he ahould qubjm l whore thepiorcti waa artci e li0uw e prtd io iho alipitk of tlw inuauiio mtiuco minuio he rciuinrd all ihe teuacaj ovraace vv infen vcoek last nagm that cwt ten spi a rang of men atyani sn rtfcha attacked a bouse of ill larn m hhilieu atrecr st john suwae uefe cmenem iuerlxiia liiey cleared tbe hou if iiaanaaie 4nd furniture hd then ptoereded to deuswh it but afkr an haue or to fmdinc the wnrdut rvt a ocecd o rapidly a wa dcrout thev lire io hi nremite whwh wero then nuily ewmned fortunately a heavy tain wa falling at tune oehewiar ihe adj anm properly wd law ahar ed uimlar fate where wero tm potwall tbe ti an 1 qneoee me f- 1 i ffifwer smukt epn hungarian affairs tho hongaiiin uar igewith onrelfoc fjur c he poh week wo nro lubuwait t t eeei tetpecnuc tbe mditaiy operoi gnhsf on itrcemineacriweleaa certain tfocwforv b euuted lite line frfiho danvbe orvhavinc cut ihetfoch th runwi kne md birtercd kiu on ibo 3m ultimo three eof r nim wero at ckoncy- on the roj hi llaiaan la miahloa on iho md pnneo kkirueh had hla edouaftero on ihe frh at gyunenn and avow if hi advanced pally bd f oorad in the duectrnn between kataiaunnrl tokay imviasi t w aid haa isn op hi rnavai on bank of th thei along the lne nf raid fn eitd losfolnnk ortehito the ar or j- barenyi tb fcnvu of cftf ko m iw ptiolhofaaiu4w threnienivif io ck iho d o the lt whiu ho ia e poa-uo- equouv tu aaaaii the aueisn the uni ut lb defeat of auachch i eonarrned- s eoyn- mndcr who drjfe lorn iite ayrru an o ho guto wo hove not beard nf i hvm oco he sronl to rebev the ban lkm no know mile 0 hoihinr he aeuvavi bn tran- aywonia hut in wht preese st o aiive ass rectly tnforrned frnm ibo lateat aruot the ltonfian force re compoted at folo nwn with 30 fiu the laudvturn ia nntsuded- thiaoanrdwiion ho 0t und-coc- tho oceond smdrr demvinwt iho rrd unoc vottrr and the sautib iba leai h but bti dh- under be- the rn rv oto now moainf to the cattard the er rcanve of 80000 rvrn teft r gaaveau in sw4f io- wtrd tb teat c war and wo b1ivlt in a very abort tan a aeriooa batllo sih uvnc thursdav morning aug ims health of the city official reort nde to ihe board of health of the intermuu in the aevcia1 burial nruajns of hmrw on the 1ui alil laeaihv from chulra 3 prom oiher uiseaaea 4 totat deatby 7 irnvfranicbildmslyt24i i mtbecily fr rcenfskytati or kirse a very painful ruffor bar seen in circulation for some fyt tn the effect that ihe hon- john macdonald imands to ttrign rb seat in the tome of aembty for kinoton it would appear that owing to ihe continued eufffl illness of a near and dear nlative mr nfadonald sill bo compelled to reside all ne winter io a southern lalilude and lha ot ntvbin ihe ety of kioston lobe unre presented he he determined to ie1incusb into tbe hantb of bis eonvtiluenu that charge ss bicb lie conceives iu momentous limes liko be preent rrt be nrirctidor misused coftkcjuentiy be reaisns our opipiori it that mr macdonalej acts rtry imprudently with a rdical french majority in tb house it cannot matter much whether tbe conaorua tivejnember forktntoft isnhirjeot00tj ano hy rcsienin- hi seal thus prematurely it may hare the effect of atrenpheninj the banos of the ministry hy ihtowinj the represent itien of the city into the hands of the tu di its- rj a stitch is tikc saves nisk cotporauon ahould not scruple to learn even from tailors the terminus of tbe main ae cr atlhefootofptiruicss street which recent ly cost lb city ao much money is in a fear ful and shameful state of delaprdatiorij the wa ter of the harbor barinr icceded several yarilexposin the iione work of ibo sewer which i all btokrn away at tbe bop the consequence is that the sewer ia choked up with all binds of nlth and rubbish thrown in by people too ly lo f further we recom mend the corporation to continue the drain to the waters edife and to have it propuly clean ed out and enaered over to fhe fjtivr tf tht firttitk mif a leu ditod i written bv uo cttr beaton of kinnuhfi isalvvnj acrwhrdrrivcdtbrinibt i rrceieedbro joaiejo mornnc 8fleton aof 15th purpc hu sin i happened thi day to be at mr g1aforev wharf in this eily when a female child about three sear of age waa discovered floating on the water a onnr gentleman ol ihe name or gregory reejarnle of any fear jumped in with hit boots and cotl e 00 r rekuci the innocent suffeter who in less than one roin- ure would have been drowned such praiw worthy ads cannot be loo muh uuded in a yonn nan of his intrepid courage at the risk 1 of hi life yours respect fully a bystander- kmgaton august 1849 oflcc came off today uhiet tl osnot bfujr- eblc ciriaruice tle treaibee and tbo adenr- abw iraiain of the nun coitributnf tn rcudestfi e cbibttioa one of the moot perfect of una kind witnemrd le niht tho tlree too- wero foal that not a asa eould he procoied lor 1or or moeity nd before 10 vewck thai morninf chatham and ito vicuihy had receded an ocvee o of very man rhuand ewrtorr riwadertwdrhieerihrwoceedinsioeom ownc woi 0 ocvek and wfore that timo hw rnyal tlifhnea rrinc0- of canabrma nd bia sceno llifline prince edwotd ol soio weimar and a targe number of ibu nobihtr had aaacmhled at sir frederick smith quartern amine isoee prewnt o jueved hi grace ihe dub wf beaulwmlioduaiejleed the morwia or anftcoey ihe earloflajdujon vocnunt har dmpje ivifrrount cannin viacoum nobo viawouwt cantilooe lod cciam fusrld load kraerick krtriaace wd ohneoce rai sr j burfuene admiral lmn dund- adnairul hu jimr rjeecira cim berkley mr hubert do aveajh mayargcneral paalry eke tb uoofu eoeaeed vn the np ration of to day flomkcrcd ntlofclhcr obvut 9700 men ihn at ncj the gartaton ennuvtoed u lieut cotonej kepy of ihe r oirnal batulso tun ia 4 of a quedien of eavlrv commanded by major bbckav d of ihe lout htuunr two cen paaiofihc ryjl ariihvry eomponj of the rvyal vappcf and miner uto frovisionol dt- til ud ih eflcjud fenimocrr uaocr stft- ctplain jenkino the hoffanf purty ecwiried of iwo eoenpooios u ihe royal atiilury loot aiic o iv haat ft and m w o eoony at ibe hon kak trdta cop oeraand mtnera the tih reeieaeat ofsoor laeu cotonel mcfncreou and tu roval mnnaw corn inandrd by liculcolofwt s b ew lolher ariih atoeopanv ef the noeal marine art ujcry uider captain t c latnky tbo opeeaiion were ufcdiapoo ibo vp4hiun that an army having fiinair captured io ovur ln of ujrki end carried oun attack uaoo the citadel baabrc md lw4 oejifod to raiao b irco for tbe porpoao baitle ton force hcji had approacld l ao the rejief of tne place and that ibo beaten been vietnriou in ihi onfaeemant now dcairrd iq renew tho oaoru f the catauou tbe fuoocedina of the da iududed two d- lncl orwriifa the fr n l jeen i v p to evcotod iho rtfha of the cbihio uee and lie atodb voeceaafulaaaaijit n j encaladcuf ihe reft of the dine ihe oeeo vf lbe nt tero- lell and to baiieriea and hliimalelj ibe cjvpir capture vf the euadet preeiaely t tbo ppomrd h4r o iuck o the nj- ji toco wa ctxn menod by the beartm- trouw who adrnced rapidlj q iho hilt cronned b the arorri up ooybi ihrawm out lher liax a tbej pta ceeekd and rwcendinf by udoen mto the faeo after acvrral tiemcceai tlmoti fo ecte tho i rr a retreat m aojnord and tb beoiepnf itoop rented uuder cover tni oweraent r sjtufuinc rer uvuiuut eveecnedand olthoufh in avcuod operalion eaiendod over a much lonfrr pcrod we oaw nothing lhroufboul it preaa eouulakd nave coanolrteiy to rtct she nrion o tho teetic at 13 oclock tbo atuck on the kfl of the uno waa commenced be taeccof cunbot in sl mar creek eawbardic d capcunnf giriofiiam town at the ana mo- fii a auccemsful ombuii nnd ricaut arma midr upon the left of she line which wo fouod b tti occupation of the 6rt baiiwond itabalicir from thi nvknwnt untl ht ternmalimi of the opertitn ihcr wee a continued ueceon of tl vt y mil the three narelcd wee earratd nd ihe eitodel t saa and route each raifed wth mane huttjrrd pooni of fiadrr were uceewvel prunes until at kneth tho be- a we er oraduur obtojncd nnruiinn nflhr f ulin or vtet pomt of the cnadel nothjj cjtgld ho ineae falifectrj mn the mavnwr m which the wkvle procredn arena v and occanaahy the peeiath faee vent to their feetin m lovd burat of pplue which waa aodtblc even tmof the roar vf ariinery nd enuabeirr ooli- tlif ron-ia- ard a t d1 hir cipuuuwi from ibo hunnantrviseey eacjx aforty earin tho neatsifnnf miy 00 a mrtrd io bripj ori io h lk a roiurt tnl w atrenetben and fite frh impola u sh- auo ol frrecvmio af the fluftin uilban iniued a format dcclaraiion ol haev wntfrncewbkh a pt wished il i o p- oveumenl of coraauitravle leo mt whrcn inc reat ruiniple of hie amcnean dclrtion ore fully iclamj i per fa nl u that of a manne breath hlt enrred durn the day nu the oldem wha uf chaibam opee tht on no saeruer occvaxon hai a dy vffreier inter to u uteeioj is mih- tav tswm occur red f errderek smith emliiard tn mfci 0 aictc- viieionl hrdine and a cucto nf nboot 50 euetia after iho rpeitioni and ibo oacrr 0 he farnaon and their fnd tw tlw nwnhe of 340 l dvwn to a omplwo tjv4r m a trnawrary marcjitcc creeled within brunnton barrachvt tne feaee cohans m pa tb trench hovdyuitfc opfvril of tlar and ha eiprri td bt tte warm i ea of the p wist eecnfaia jiflerani part ao will mtend ifki at ttfle object cf iho naeetinf and tho rtwii ject tho tfhh dete areno bundled of ftntteojan forn of tbo united knjvim mn a vi4fre without benj penumnl rwfflbff of tbeconre tho a ha to reenonded warmly tn the inert to them to unho an ibw moewne nominated oeerly 10 eve to icpreeeot them in tho concrete tbo enffwh and anereon ortv fatro will proceed in one party from london bv apecial tram oo iho 31 of auoat the cwal tv acb da beina xs 10 firot claa oud 10 econdelao which will inctudoetl epenetoand fraen london and pri and a week hotel accom- model ion an parir ertea lion ent oc l thef hve tut eur to or ruotia the berlin evrew- dndent of a outoroaawry write on tbo i2h met t uadrhnd from iruaeuwiuy aocrce iha thy ruajjm kioperor bon aown taliefly uc- coirocal ayrnptom ot mvanrij hi head ocent io haio bee turned by the uneipccted ueceae of rut urns m huuttiy alter receiving the deepateheo whwh nnnuneed the occupation of debtee tua cocdtt tbo can wa louod daneo aloot iho rom an hi hur it t m ibl ho commued for three wlmaa hour w ejhibit in thi ertiaarani way tbe joy with which ihe new ot o nutk alriumph had iaapircd bim- lawyers and apostolical suc cession we extract the fbluwine from the tan time of 2sth july and recommend it to the attention of our lepl readers nmno ron a soicttn an excel- cellcnt opening orttrs iiself in a mall market- town in cambridcsbirt to a solicitor uf 6ound church principle svho weds tb doctrines of apnsinlical luccemton and of baptismal re feneration conscientiously and catneatly no others need apply addr to ihe ro p d mao times pjae essex street strand london thu correnpr indent nf tho jyetf voel rverefot five tn nuin account of ibo tto of hm t saamtoe ito r w thci neaor ha bee hitherto ouch a dw pr of cwtly couipnee ot tho spnnc the relr m iwte eorfioco toouueu and hrene uimrncnot alt ele fjom the meixbcr f church vibi ho i urn a unce of the fen down m tbo keeper of nm nnoof aho faatorm- bk cmbtifl avwm of kow ymh i wuh each ntlwr in tfnt race frr oreeminenco in vanity fair paoona phaverft pmbtcr haicteoon bcutic roue are all buy from mornmc til nihi plating iheir apptnoruito paiu with tco0 w two of old i1iltein whn like 00 maidr caring c up their flirtalwn llhoujh it ii tliat all bnpe ha sorrvcr dcaetted thei eiurt iitaaatd ihal ihero are at lem thirry refuiparck l ss ca aomo of lhm f the nvst pctid dearirhron the landaon f old jn jecn attor dnac rund ihe hch at tjl with a carnaeom itdtr in i une 1iia so anain of tb uld german rw coianirv m iho nnd our n4 not aa lb ffwt ie- ur mfotdft awy man dual the dl that he kftbchlidhmi ia not alkied to lie cjuwt it ilsiug n u dreeina huxcary the fxco mt broufhi hy iho america f oranii sikgk operations at chatham cteavsuh july it the pand wc priioe which wce tn have vben peace in ill bfcvcece of bio royal f hnaaa iho piuco conaorri fartuiahl inco but which were deterred in ccokuenco of tboikioindia poiiouoe colonel wenreone oftbocuoimaodjnx low pjibhi iiy ma itutcjartan orenlio me4 aiimca of ruaa and autttta are futy con- lrnod br ilw llibernia tt w rendcied certain that ienabinki and iwtsjfi have 00 hrikianily iwtmnncejvered ncj cfuhrd tlcir oiaonirta m nih o bem ha inne in lb smith it ia ccjntliy certain lbt tbo antllau at wo ro a rftad in a total dtai of lb main ann of rtiewiteh and now ihe u neehine to pro- vent h greater part ot tho hunf fce from bcift thrown taon llaoau ovirin htm out or iho country thi naav be dotaved mnwowhat test we do not co biw n can bo provontvd tne tue mticiat butir- liinoun- to third v the pnlenl medicioo ld ani e mmanufaciurh in wiiwovlnhmi and m ae tf leaaon i bulk to ihal it a nrol loiiie barnncaw ikldnr lo hundred per jrn erent profit tho fifty cent boa mrpsui ov nut cut ihe nanfaeturcr more ihon enla perhp but ibe aneidenial ipcnc dteitwin dovvelliecort nearly all ss sup potent naodujino rnwdebeie wconaumed by per lenidino out ot the eny uic puiooeljn ijmnsoelacoatorcrteerlbndof the tuauy tu omhenond wcoscrn peoplo foaher ccatv on patent modicincn they auppl ta wrh bm of mobwoea i the vjiuealo pice uf four or ne eeni per querl which ona of aw medical nrtj put up in htlfptnt bvtit wuh liulc enturpeay nkemvt or aareafra h vid it back ia the sowthaobe nld at a bvittc tb4a plcaaont berrinc to the faeturer ihey h fet aaonf ewimmioatv the eteaieftt number of their putienu are iwr far uet aomikecoiaiiotr if the prywc eauro not oe ceed rcurdmf to cjpecutwm and in ibw i rpeel our puieni oocun havqn admte er ihe ieuwr fuhy some of tho weahhiovt omm io pniladclpbio have nfa ibe money hy oaicot galtasv exrcoitio v rux canuu by account received from die coast of afri ca we find that an expedition has been sent up the gambia by mr- mcdonll the gov ernor to attack some of the towns in tbe inte rior wiih a view to aveojeinr a ros insult offered to the brititn alact in tbe persoa of the governor the en let prise was mostaucceaa fully conducted by major hill of the 2nd vt india recimenl but not without meetin a most determined resiatance on the part of the native who suffered most severely the ejt- peditton had five men ktled and two officer and twenty men wounded btm tbe pans papers nee a atraogepicce of gosaip about besi while be was at paris be dined one day with tbe american minuter lite subject tconvcfsattocivasprescotiments the possibihty of sebich tbe envoy ridiculed beat how declared ibatihiee times in the course of his life he had teen a tomb on which wa carved the date of bit decease in 1850 in transylvania be received mary wound and hamg discovered that the sur jeon waa uneasy said calmly that be bad yet another year to live full of confidence an this prcsentmntbftsi ajtam threw himself into the coolest and said that he was confident be would lave until ism- ireland th only tonic of woitb connected with this pan of the doited kingdom relates to the queens visit to her irish subjects a dublin paper gives ibe following as the programme of hermoscstys visit to duwira on monday august 6th public entry on tuesday reception nf addresses wed nesday rand leview thursday levee t day drawingroom saturday a eejeune t the castle lucre will bw f dreaa levee and drawineioom at ibe castle- cork dub lin and belfast are to be ilummted fhursday nht waj the tniaahini- of x i oer ot lainps in the public street we z we mtnlioned in our lat that amoicit the amutersentt of ihe rowdie asemble4 on a mam- were lenoaaiy nuwrrid whan a this qnrnina the extent of ihe miachief whkh had been done throuchoqi a ion line of limp in notre dmc sueel the entire and frame work of tbe lamps had ben detnol ished frocn each lamp pot of course the community will have to pay for this mischief which can have no possible object but to btm diaciace upon the city ecite ihe alarm of the inhiavt aja diuvtlh etie cummuvitv alt the at rue i ties lately committed are furteweei we kc th the mayor has ironed a procu mation cadlinc on cood ctltaens to avoid aasseua blinu in the streets and we bespeak attention and obedience to bis dieeetiotv from all who with iosc montreal again assume tbe earance of civilization irosperiav tee wilt be ions ere it recovers from the srvocl go neeutesily inflicted by tboie wboshouw bc been the fieri to guard at we must lellthe aulhoritie however that enete procumatioo will not be useful unless tbey firmly and tern- perately enforcer it is not br ahowtne tbe troops to amuse the lurbuleni that these last can be kept in order neither is it bj oring upon them from private bousvt nor by the military the civil force which no one ever thinks of employing in montreal backed if necessary by tbe military actine and not cjaying is the means by which disorder is to be repressed let those who piefess to gov ern os lay aide tb sham threat of ovurder- oiis weapons under circumstances where they are not oared and tbe too ready use of them when pi ope t public precaution would hare mode their private use unnecessary and they will rand plenty of friends of facnl order to rally rojnj them jftrcf htrald it ha boon stated u mtm of tbo public rournsl ihbt ihorcent inurnev l wuhinftveiof tbe tlon- w it mermt wa o faiura wo have joud rua- ou fu beiteviof that ihero i no truth in tbia atatcrweni that on the contrary tbo goveruoaubt of the united state i in favor of o meaour a- rmlai to that pawed by oik ostn farhament at i lt aruaran and that ah a measure wil bo aubmittctl to ccra at i neat eauion backed avatatnu etmnct ctccutite ivier ore m hear hj proctered know wholl be first lo havr the honoar of torfttiik oil tlc brr majf ty in a- tects re mkmr gratuitous under of their nnim to build her caties at a momeal no- lice any where even in the ar ibe ebinimon of cork rr viherrrnlly petittofiid lo bfl u- ovee lo rurniih hrjr tab ilh plater and dih free of ehite and nchsnt to pay m broken ware a lawyer nd phyiician fiav- likewiac made a loynl lender ot thear and captains of river steamers bava p their skill a pilot in answer to all ion they are infrmed that her majeity mean merely to cuembark fr a dttve and to make use of nothing in ihe iierybsvurhood of casffc but her own eyes and their roads neverthe less all thi cordiality tbeir part uaad must be attifyins both lo her majesty and her minifler and is the best possible tecuiily that her reception wilt be enthusiastic and hearty from ihe account tat reach it r have no doubt otjrtclve that the island will beinapeifct frcnty of uprosrioua loyalty and that the first to call for scpajatioa ifc other day will be tbe loudest to shoot before the royal cnariot slave or moktmal last ntcsir yee- terday afternoon tbe city coaytcil took a very proper step tbey assembled in ae after- poon and it wis jcterminccl ibit th maygw totjrther with the members of the cocoxii hi ym lake tbeir lumi as maffrslrairs lb the street last night his wcwsnip was t if accompanied by messrs- coy and beoj lev man lhn whom two more cfficivirf roe iur ibe out to be nerfbrmed cotsld och be aoood in tbe city nolbio cosjjd have sucreeifed better than this plan everytfaids in the temocn icaakrd uojly- sewn of the etfift cuarcca bad footiably nred on socne cwrsocj who jeered them and had then ahown ibvir etbciency hy a nrccipilate boll to tbe longueil steamboat later in the evening otherof ihis unfohunate corn waacuphlin notra dame sireet and bad to taate shelter in mr pcrrio sbep iberewaf too an alarm of fire ano in short everything wore tb y pearanee ol the vrorsl mht since aprit iv corporation of maturates however made their appearance and il besvac wfh ujotodoel that there gentlemen thouyji dispored to try- all ejentlc mgans were yet resolved to main- lain order ibe bulk of the crowd west quicks hf prevailed upon to disperse mr gaij uov dresied ihvcn and pointed out the necessity of this course he wa rer well recvt and th night passed ot quietly tt wa ru moored in ibe streets uaougb we do not aoaww whrlhrr iriere waj an od aulhonty for ibo utement that the elfin guard are not an io make muntieal tbe scene of tbeir osnoiia if so much more likely are we to bare at re turn to quiet it is quite evident from tho duptay of iheir prowress la nibt that stead of lakincareof other peoplesbey tvilj require all tr disenable force of ibe mtwajj to take care of them att 15xb w puacggocfka felbwfreaa kentucky want a few weeks since into the store of a fatbienabl milliner in cnj haee you any tkirb ashed be h flroty of all kinds- what do you ask a cordtb said the chap acord replied ibe vs i want about a coio up cw dictnp the peiicoats has sin out i ee toss mur ine l rorafeef aarms and i thought while my haird wasia ld uke what vou had ceom up the roitmer laiiilcd vuu coimtrtansj- cwcarino a tan ran a patn over the point ncuf at secins amowg heap of shops full erf cbaudi that of a banker in which waa nothing but a man sitting at a tab srwr a pen and ink had tbe curiosity to eo in jx inquire wh w n lom 4i ajl htov replied the hanker they mum bu in tt repeat id the counrv co tuu hove only jour own left w tie llea ive ca mid mwn on thiireamj wrt w rrpnrlel by nijhlfatt in swiui anl withal ovuin bentnig oe colour aviuw ore inhumed tfaai ihr y oro uhi u j pjajj i wsn n4v y mi- no ltoe tohce nate no foot ifibobeeaior tar bv die adoilmje of pur cownto tho wharf taat nieht vn orn beaw coruwcico with their v- tjaa the sto haauodand w ihey fired nn ahou wasaajj i- n any n ir nr which it i aanstaau went to lonvh by lb tr iewiawd uf u laprai r wa iniended f t t v hb i kicantlor-s- iveorvrnjawiji o hofvra u wuukt bt ajjl it btwa w nos nwuil m wo hir that kf wog i dalso o itiuft at donmanv various tu mors arc afloat respeeii person spposed to be missing who were rnidine at the timo in th hetl out we abstain from mentioning them lest wo btnld excite unfounded appr e henaions in ihe mind of their fiunds wo re sorry to learn that during the prserets of ihe nrc the winecellaii were emptied of tbeir contents in a very unscrupulou mauoer and shameful depredations committed a lire portion of tbe furniture was saved but acme of it ws greatly injuied pjor tit loam the following nanfiftph i einc tbe round of the upper csuatta papers 11 the pilot issued art evira on saturday last h with iho following information we hope the news is not too ood to be true wo are happy to icn that tbo intelli gence rsneclinc the objects ol tbo hon f hincks financial miaston ii of a meet favora ble deacriptum a sale of a considerable amount of canadian debentures redeemable m twentyfive year bearing 6 per ceol in- terest has been made at par to a london carv halist tbe cth paid donn and the dvben lures dalieerahre in lo months from dale of purchase we bave alto ascertained from reliable source thai the hon i aspect or gene ral ha seen successful m obtainine a loaia of half a million on ihe seeunty of the urovinco for the completion of trie canals c tne last senlenc in the laat araerab was not iu the pm exlrc hut war a statement made by tho person who sent the ulrgsphic doapaicb from mmaiteal and who wroie with- ojt lulhcrily ptfof imsit hosrtatitvorrans io nrnqvrr tboce who are bet able to pay ofte most for nothing it is upon this princi we sunooie that ireland i oflerins ovorytk lo her majesty at this present moment i she rould live n halftdoren bouses at ibe same time they are at bcr seiviee and tbo kiarcstcottst aogut 1849 frurrtfaaiu fieri llktljxoi board ituia fo he ciroeni oanjgifon publhod by eeder oe the bojrd the local board of health ef lie city of kingston would at tbo present seaacea whet there ate numrtous temputiona to oat ofv ripe fruit or to indulge loo freely in tbe oj of fruit and vegetable even when fully ripe earnestly entreat their fellow citiren ot etny class are nnd sei while danger frun chou raisstilt impending rigidly to abstain fnaeoiia use of the former wnd to be guarded in us use of the utter and in every instance la take care that tbeir vegetable arc thoroca- ly boiled aiad sufie wntly masticated tbe board would also tsrma upon ibr eeas- munity the necessity of attending to uu earliest symptom of disease such as ccotirr- ncsor looseness of the bowetr tosa of as petite nneasinrsa of ibe stossacb partial cigcstion ard undr ich ciroumiuara recommend immediate application to a pej- vician for advice finally they would enpi ibe atrictest m servaoce of personal and hotmbord eics ness sobriety temperance tad the eaercat of chrasiian foatiluda and benevolence a ft most effectual means of disarming cholera o ill terrors ard nrerenllnr all ether diieaaes m planacah- cwcfai cunsoua daruomon or njoner mr lhws dunup rjitd ot porllond in ckwy conai fewdoruoioee fi a bnoam ihataaounwfjasv ctri of fr rln jmr but cw f could bo aoud afjt hr rjoibi or ailtci some stay oftor it wa rrcnetecitd rbaa ha ba focket us an ondr obirt which had not taken atabw death and it rao eawjartwos that tb trcaouro mw ht hu fauna thcrw arjaj under ihn mreaie iho evo sruu ooened 0a phirl ninil and fouod ia hi i tlw uppoofi we ihit ho had died orehfib but ihw did not resent u reclataatasw of j cnonoy- from tht st to new eo a u daaaoevc moataarvr the union of asu monnr ot lhl it waa uled vrlro u if a pllpi f ona ef our rooai ea no whfva indaruant labcc lor tb araonf th oiek had given him ih nil of nidginf whh aeoue lfiojtand of our oiliau iho cholera pfrvailcd toaddomhitfeatfi ih omo 1iino aasd al number pro pcinta lance both porenl leoting fom three ihmwo upon dw cusd ehoriay of tbo uastssv kl etlnad catcacra match tonvo of un betwren n eren of lb monliual ur nombaofthoatonloclo the aat- tn a otuglo inning ith j 01 1 un so 1 there o icey fr yuo to tho tr wo t4 tx fonow nam 4 z lur- r si sam howard umoiia a7 don v mtwt urao ustt tb moni 11 pui ih hast foot f trfumaet but we f f 3 to aca iholr bowing anc htwinf vrl perrwi

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