british whi opkt nr otfra imtor wednesday morning sept 5 1si9 it iof nome kieiin mprftsi the pricks a powerful reaction is taking place in faror of lord etsn i- n mn particularly sirre lk ttillo v- 1 vi mi- hill ti cotnvcl same lift a ago u c did our kily i ih gov ernment in cautinninj the coventor central acantt viailiftx kinpton and upper cjm- nbiu th feeling wat o ffvng tgiiipt ftitiii we do oar duty aaiu in telling the govern tncnl that hit etcellcney rny make hit pro jected mar wubotal iia of personal insult at least frothe kington people as will appeal from the numerous signature aticady atlavti- ed lo lb nonpolitical addieis in circumirii ana fro what arc bear of toennto il woold appear ibat since th publication of that mol infamon placard a rtronf iraeiloa lumen- minda is au awmiag hi ac iea1 me1ioo in uis fadshipwill do well to fake the hall on the jump bt canadians are proverbially fickle tthr wastkotnc city comcil cafe only defot one evcoinr in every two weeks to he affair op lhc city and yet ifcs aictftr craning is often frittered away in mam lesa drtcoroo some time aenthe ilia bailiff maje a comhim ajatnl ise cily mirogcc of imperhneiiee thii mailer watrery property referred to the commit tee en polite w ho recommended thai the me- scnger be reprimanded ito being hit first nfilrfe on monday night instead of the cmnli aiel ly concurring in the report a any sensible body of men woatd have dne a o j ret and angry discussion was commenced which continued two hours and ended in threw eg over ike leport and ordering a spe cie salting of the council on tuesday next to hear ibt evidence pro and ton there i no dbpute anonl the fade of the ease lh ate acknowledged but the question at toll is whether ih hcmttf iwl be ihe lligh ilifrpjrdva or wfcdhet he ball be mere ly repilmandcd hy the mayor and to tetlu tbi weighty int a apeeial meeting of the cooneil b t tiled can any thing poiubty be more attrpd 7 the k1lmjsps entertainment the performance of thia vey tleeer fmi- lr at the city mall 1at nict ia bit inf ftrenlly a imjcd but il wasdeaerrin ofth beat bouac of tsc eirn mr kilmile ehiurek are wonderfully elevtr and murt u aeen to he properly apprttiaied tve tan a- ure our rade thai ive dt out overrate their power lo lif ai cy ictt ihat we hare no iinie lo dilate uon th it etrorri- dary rneriia the publication of our nnrafapci b1toinao ahotlly tipoti the txhibtion hkaltii op thb city official report majo to the board of health of the ienu in the aeveral bjtial grmiihi of kf- n the z4 5eplemhtrt 1 i to lei it tonieote w kuono iran to hare hrm mije feoftwn lf a jafllrd iodlntoirett my j fn addition the klayof stated thtt mr ac heron aort d him thtt he would have been out in canada thia spiof with mean to carry into eflect ihe tenvt hu i loan company hd om th melancholy dutvtbancet in moolreol taken hte the thuki of ihe cily otatil were vol- ed to the mayoi anj y r aunan couli the peiion f j u co r tefcttd to com- ifitee on crter- tne pemnn of ftmu1 tn more refrred 1u potamitlec eit slieel ad lmjrrtenimu the petition ef h dimv c t referred lo committee on slrert and imiovemena the select ommiitee m fat maile a re- t eoitiet waminc mreet libt iw ttted fvr the cemvenimee tlii year atoned the fifatce contte mac a report re ctnendn tivpamivut of mitlry tgcoubb adpld th poite comhitie irale a rrpoel on the condtict of the mttncr ordeiinf htm t be reprimatideil thj irnit wa not a ednnja natiaflwiamd frthe mevne tibcditmiatcd alkc mnch tlieuaioi tin rnjtur itaa dvferrd to a srviial commiitec bo be held on tocvhy tie lh itist mr archlbilj snitli i -c- 0 of weight and meatifrea the treamrer mde a rpxl that ihe botch ea and ihtitfttt hadntt llen out iheii leases tbi year kefered t th mayor m anjten ftonded hy me craafmd moredthamhe mayer do votmnl for watdlhv addfrm of the city to tbe gwrmnr general until after a public meeting of the iihabiianu had beta ealleo the mavrr was of opinion thai the addim im in the haii of the de- imtation and thar no action of the council tool i now be taken mtm l1 adjoined by th reoaieof the brethren aoj nth bphllfd bad ihe ftte die doditatekbo pdcc lo the memory or u joh the baitit atid su jvhn the eeotelit the folloin hymn wvik by the afjmkwfi to ihio- semtt anl flately mc of the cwd hnnred ai the eoojcloaion of whkh the dcte olfcre wctedult andacverallv inulled into tftce bvcol levi coow ipeeial tfcplly wand malr of the grand lojfe nf micliiond lurcficd wti ienvk apeit4ipiflg tno j ihe a- c lime vin eeh ojc the coue ol hit nitculr ojhce- ivn cerimowii coti vrry laslwl vie atj wa well cuilael to airel atcniuit aivl wiitlie i 4v iv4 p-rr- wh 01 lav cltta to ph irnike of bein clawed aiocu ibe bietwit of ihe mie tie a lio warttha1ed rustic uarl rery bcauiod letn te ordr from caputn adam ibal the keif saivaa oded in company with te adelaide from havana for w orlranr d that mm had on hoard gtrtta hn rey- ho m ahthteted and laker hom new or lean to havana in ih aebooner may rlllen it ail ihat be uaa rivn op by the cap of coh to uen ctntpnell the american cnul mi y him em eick n new qilvana ocompatiij ly dr catrr thii toireer of itey doet m jhei the litbon ol our trrnmrnl iowvu ihll spain h writ l toupjtmritr ofirnoo of the ntltc iht hi 101 wi hdnttcd sia ba jei to c aiaciin ivr the ont- ra e p tt j ne orle p1t j lie rat fn4ftffpl v urojfte av- av crtnl itonc th- o ct rind nie fwn tlie thetnlhtti aid ic11w th o ih ttrrna mmj oic j ai i o wrk thy meiey now thalre tiwium aicted jb wivnj thyctttf c l0i fnte j t f tlt hi iv e o n i m ipft oo o uip with ill li aivioe ililfi il lu v f4it tin and nilt lbrv4d at j f reiinc of ihe cov ciieil h1d on fsaj ijt mr halo ciirmf the twt of qniur seiomp i inpoftitcd chief of vliee rv r lhw amthlmmt will fxfiu tiiteiat dialnl iclion an j intly m an mr mjto t iiiuvriiooj 10 ha krrr vf a hihurd tame m it it aid i alto r of tertin hoimcj l b0 character the appointintot it cxormly alhrmed lobe 1emorary we uow thai atrii will lt imairjjtely taken to pto- vde a pervatiriit oflker it it not icoe we leheve a ha been availed irui all ike preih canadian meithfia wi the cooftiil tuted for thr ti ooment pua viitn niabp which i rtwv way andtse sai it from ere meetm n taiiilily eapencnt plainer term thai t1 iv jc priilli lv e eplrm wibl vnuy ww im vhh iiv- ba iaci tlie whee tr rfej 0ttaivii im e m1 hi n4 will leiiiklirii yyt tnv rvto1l ihy krsatraj ibioan touiiv vlli at tiw amtbieju may anl nlv iifl ritrnty tnji fcll ii l ire- v ice tfatii tkto tle tlie caen f p the municipal act linn or lhi imietyal-o- ii jf- oeathaframchokra flthtt dltrt total diatu lriciry i in l we have now reached l1e e aesettiuic foith ihe form ol icnment tn be adopted in police v the municipal county conntil wihhavc powcr on the pititioii f any nnnbtr of thr inhalitanu of any incorporated vitiate lo dc fine the timilt witkna whkh n n iv consider here it a tfieimt remjrritntiat4on lwar- rant ike rrecuon of a eprac municipality and tt bylaw foe vtetipifisitatlik ihe cc wweal the firt amuil elrrfon of po- trteea thll take pjaee on lo atc- ood loda in janatry itt after ihe rod of thtec cunier jnotn from lb piii of t hs bytw and a nully aa every ancerd it second monday in jnjary tic resident fceeholderaand hmeholdr axed tilue thall meel at ihe d aptc i and clrci tre foliccfrmitecf who wihajoinl one of iheir nunvi to he the lrttrctift tiuslee f eh village th township cotketor will have i apjetr as mi powoliip vutvw t wlb b ie1t ti paote hie rim ol voe lli me- quamiealom ttill le riituircj tuihftr vtc and ttgtee at in a tt4h ehcion el itv munrcipalilv after lh itew t ir hae grant b tliy piswe and nw thoo ud rowna nh ac luirn fnt uf4makfed aa tmaahl fu mwe thy mali uki leaf rjly unowi a inntl etoqneni and appriatc dtffnajf wa then ilclirercd by ike rev bro lonrded on ihe folio win pna fror ll itle of peler 4th chap ip 8th i i tluve fevei charity anion youref charity asall cover the multnqde oi tim- oiaeoikse heme enled ijk bajibcliob mi then toionnccd hy the chajdtfj i th ptoccshn returned to ihe low whence on beng rhed from ub liehirlentj the membera repaire m george bullock bitub north tc t j nhrc they joiuok or an acllent dinner prepared n mm penile mathf ajw- the brethren fe4illrd al an carlv liieevrmn well plead uh thtmn proeredina ol lie day mj bip t avo idacrd lteif yonn ltt 0i hai ftlayitbe thcmtasof three ptommeoi tenet f hr o ly loe relief and trulh a x ranei t oi maon- peron to pre ideal lljwhl 4 t in ifotpital this year t many fanailiir faeea hare keeo for ever hid from vsfw- l h our july and it i a meuncuofy one t record the death of another wellknown cilzen john charlua filber lltx qieens hinar or either kidembarkett in theeamthip surah ood onbbwayhotieand we regret to varo lived a uw 4 after leanm lieeipaol pjuted of ccal attainments aid of mint rior nann fiber had omained in hisnaclf the admission tkt he wi a tchoui and a ccnllemi he waj twice ffcjet f ihe library awocialion on ntte than o if ocdajioi freideit vi the si george socirl ai d he had the honour of beinjr for one ya picaideat of iho literary ad httiorci so- cieiy the tleance and purity of hs eu m tampotition waa ihe frequent aobject ui remark and the classic omuio of hitltian cosppmrtit f tho theme of prai te hue friratlpart of hawking fitlorc of quebec k from hu pen he was rt believe at o period of his lift edlr of the kt ymtk lf6w- q chrowu sate of a cscrmacaco estatc tlie e stale of a itxntn cjtbatchkoitl n aocierit family m the county of wolmeath waaod recently u the cjit of chanctiy the un- minat rental i x3300 per nnuin hot a ton- siderable potion of incctc it mcefy a hfe- interest not moth roe ihao ochalf beia feotiirpe mr- present hich v if of tbc county of diblin who was a creditor of the eaute and the fist encumbrancer t the ammint of xow bj to and mt k0mis becaroe th- pfchaer frx29500 bit mr kemmis as a trejilor lo the tatem of 15000 and in selfdefence he lenht the projrrv bcaoic ihe 6rt encnmbrare belnffxsooo wblvh should be defrayed w- fore bu own claim se should etiher forfeit hs motlace of 15000 or become octo of ibcbajtktup eslatc- it i a c i re n mturce deaervin of attention that thit estate ba beeo much negwled in regard to anylhmj in tbe shape nf outlay for improvement the poor rata doria- the famine has rien tome time to lis in ihe potud on the valuation whilst on an adjinn estate in ihe tame electoral divlvow of tba mullinar umoi the rtje has beer ai low aa 5j in tbe pound gfobe lidt tre tfhl ai ner m iwroi or prifona iof rlie willbehjvt to j lif ttted for bv nr nsahrat o will e ap pointed annniliy by the iwltti n caae v ivooa tendance of ien teron the voter- prefitat lle paee of lucifn may nomi- ae and seleel by majo ity a pertm pre u etc of a vacacy j amon s d alh or ahheiwit ihe re 10 ropplj le 4elicieiey- tbia it in abtord renlae for ificp0- jde have iho original richt nf ojeclin tlaey onhi m elect hcth ofvacafy any irov- tee neiclectioe io folhl ami of reuatriiis tily ef 20 hy any inhati liirtvhldei withii len day after lhc sam hat lrrn in- cmrred all fctialdes inenrrd hy proa ne- jrtliu ihe reulalinnt nf p e ni hr hcj for bytheiieiinrtft inw wnee one f ihe oihei to hvfti any jnlice ft the peace rejin- wihiil ftve mile of lhc vilhte nd wiibppiedtine r un iri- o la e t and lilltc- i will h tne duty of ihe frtt toaec enrrcd 1e f bownr retaiwi ihe rleinof uldeim ou nar chimoira and of ladder from jo j i ihe jrsiynl iter a penalty f ccct of tr eery firit of fence aed 10s tor erery following week lur- tnf which such neglect stall cooimiie th- ikovtdin of iwo backafsi to be el n fire hy cwffiy nhp for eeei bucket ehimnicthybaiertlt three fret nvve llt- bcjildn fom vhhh they may sur and thrc feet higher lltan nv bajiltj williiti npc chain t th- oven or piw with witeb ihet mavhe conneelec umlr n enalty of 10 nd 15 dorm eccy wekg u xwc ihe iasae of uve vl thwiii proper aotiea and chimnie- ukr a penalty uf ft the entrance nf oniliiihhn with coveted kcuf otovl a ienaltv ol 3 the hebtinof nnain hone irt a lone f bride esibf4urv melal sove m der a penalty 0 5tfe conteyancc of lire thrmgh hit aireelt in ome copier iron or li efaw only ondr a jentltor2tl ihe dwmif araw or tod it r in aiy dwell n lohae within ike limit cf lhj villatc iiaj f lue ti mlty f 10 h every week of iect tsc keejunf of jnnpmider in priir hve of coypetp bu or lead unrfer a penally jf 0 lor the hrt off cv and of 40 or every usrqeeot otic the aaje of anpcwtfer in ih day onyun3cr a peralty of 40 ihe placing of ashc thae fron ptrl asherie exchided ma prn o to eoard aanvat ihe daner 01 comlitlinn under a pe natty of 5 the nacinj of quick lime m a situation where no dang aball be inutr d ndet a penalty of jo for each day of nel- ci mttil mich lime shall kc trtund ifpibimf mnr5 lk h into the many to whom the ancient tymbuh ry are yet a myaiery the fojjowm- are ihe namts ihe officers elected to seve during th jc 1vm johnw se j htm barrtl man tr- a 0tl at tf- jhi manioch j d 0 irsth tyler pro lem tmftr rur luff 25 tiihsiich balokf tnina in ihi ax latfuntaxt eran wbib fottnichi there have been two arrive l potl fmoi canada weil the tarns mrh 6chlkklnn4 which pott budding vd the lfcrj did c earcro tbieehil hum mnuea oi vti irv afihwn that h- a ihe fnai jiiiih eei thai hoai- rved at am adadic pol futn thr lakes ttar trco ii riva and winch it uf mvtt imidlmier waa the aihoonei raciltcdiiirt from lotou ith a tarjo of brimfalui c this ithe dia citz jamlrd t an alalie port di temlioae mighty laaia without hi buu 0d tj ntnirhqwitfleopinjon the niru- in ol a trade thi rctnlls f which few cat kent pioime ra yoto ovoiion n fi at i re tliv pr to be erier a pvaty of dilieieni he hoildinr f i nt aoiolk tnn ijtrsid cairit u c o viimiti 4 o liw cjljflcl llbl be c aatik jcje at thd no yoavdy lieut btw fvtfte lii ielic ft kotaa nitt4 i bow i laiini ae th ol io far a wc eat ti it rvrh lr l- n bp4 ti ait nfy varl it een rmj li o nuoii0e9lanb jkc4 loee iik mr m ttea ofdivl irabtailjc n hd boon al aikij nn hoard uyv alijvp f war gctiviviw ooit ne- reed oitw aole voeia r order ptrud ad not at om feal- u hie lkiuuiii kndali rminimikca e n ohe ntaouemed itatwh draftpatre nvtlnn loiii vexvtfd omil keiwcn nj tk ui eti- ie uirffi txcui ii iarcfbtfeavj tib ntmt is oututo n vti mr teiwnin4ec acdtil iug ntt- ba lurfc fr h i- w i itr dr jrmttiiitii id ny thiiathi iho ltmitamni rid bchmuipn diitt hade a iua wjiii a jikvvir hrt jiirfr aiimiuk al hi woat tina bww t j v h i lilt 1 tflmuly cjowoj by o aeomd riif iiirtcied il tit wwiittj a uid ib wi- in- jitaviaialf ivait lrllnjj i itihu nofnd ior lie tier ako i o ek tmtm v0l to k mr uvriulioid lpitlid wpu ibo flic 0 ae ixouhl mr itiac ujy fflln rn mwto tceirajc ui il o au rol aa j aooed l o iicsarit lluwcrai aha njit yuw qtxclr oninkic loc j i the hd fk city council mondtr sept 3rd 1819 tbe council met the mayor in ihe chair fid the niootea of the preceding meeting were read mr anglers objected to the ctf formjn- of otc of thr rthunont bil he patter was laid aver until later in lhc evening the petition of mr witsan w4 referred io committee oa street ard improremris the rcsirailon of mr tbibd jo at cltiel oroecrofthe fire depaiirrent was received and accepted- a vole of ibank waa parsed fochis servicer query what scivces mf ifilmiatc made an application c ei- daioo to occupy the city hall fer inter oijhtaihi week at a lower rent than ten dollars night beed lo h ma v- tbe mayor made a report lo tbo city council fa ibis place lhc report should appear hut ibo ctvnucil bein of valnvou lrn il miaht do tbe cily injury to male n public wc ah- afaio fron pucdicauoa we do not concur in thsftcasoninir tor hilf the to heard the lbti a llie tit the trl ueori wul rcb a public idaceaof the sasd village under a poti- p f al vf5t piohitpafioa the wic of furnaces for lh- mabns of ckvcoal from wod under a tq qoriia j haa been tena1l of aav lbjnfletiort of 1 penalty of j uined hom oinenk ajimiaiico ikal ooo i- bt oik u in nbini nine lixlmm iic it t cvicvi4 t 4 i ciute i lle yj km 0 xiarioniriiartiit lxui ujarera ikal di- inftiitj jkid be n iiniinamciilal iu ini 0nj aovico mi ard i gwiaiujwu ahtiooh lve vrercno jfoonda le euch ujliof tins iborn- mr i iiti acritioaly aiaaito -a- ovt conudorcd in a janecmua atate lnl uiva rua ea tmuicd liu ffiovon belorc jjce 6wr aa i the evjee did rwt diflve mny al dju ll vn iv ativto jact 11k jh0- wiu 1 1 llta am ont ol hail iim afiernti w 0- iin1 d jt llk ekk l the ra murtftiniat tw it uuo bo ike bet policy tv lii il avlcienil ih tam lo aafe ke pit tta lea ot i- 9tlfcd at avt uxi hie pea ol tno gaao of irav i4 6j fo the ftil etffcce d 61 fcr rvrry week of ditngtwt 6i ihtuwim dm or any pic of mjac vitbn thciiiw atree4c ofoad vjiijj omffonatr- noi rerttv e ao 1 conscciiation of thistle lodgt ahd installation ok ofkirkrls on fruay lat samy to apr jatieut llw iivmhof of tiw 7nr mgtut anient yhk matoiu aacnbird ai iheii lotioroom at the itvwr of i- omock rnvtl ahtiybc- foie lliiewelork lht formed in procession under tht manae meit of kra hood i- 1 f detroit lde who nibcistvd at cand marthal on ihe occasion preevded by the tyler with drawn tword a copy of lb sacred kriures waabosiiein lb tfrtcoion according to matonn ntaif by ihe oldest maton strevrul oaarrivm at st ueorrrs chvrch the service wi read by ker mr mack i efier which ihe secretary of tbe new lodge lead a letter of iiperwaiion finan sir allan napier macnab iiand matter ol ihe ironncial grand lots c w aulhoriin tbo lormailon of a new lodje when the loc waa consecrated bv ihe kev william kitchio of saodotch this ceremony waa truly mikmn and mtpoiag the lnvlte il- ine while the he bmher pipniace t poyer uiive to hr chvaci trortn iww under a af h penally oft u onieu 7 bo huavan eaeo do bolurt roaobtof aa my iemtonoyoaie d ihe iwuof av-ihtyfp- lediilafocitkv thww ibot 000 half dk ba ila in ihe nc fivo yearm with ibeae o- dxpvtcd tafjh lxfk ua it wdl aceni elion uroavoaho u unahccs n uio a lrvt1 vcltvajpuiaraj tcidyon ryn ural u i owvt illnkaljmo li tba ffrfiiaia ind m mot h nhnhltn pcipte lut tun u00 1 mvihrrair rrirail i g0r n mmlibc af nfiltf mui o l pmniu in ltdgev it hairy hvom t poirtfllvo fica tthit an eateen vap ut lbontiuiein ibo trald a rcuovai tnf vwa t or gavcanav w chpita lohwriiajmnh the hotnoal im uvaan pipe- lo nf cvotioccd oa nru aeqaaible vilh tiic laiwniiravoitd dona vf i e vet llnt oc einityeicbutuniloeaif tcaaf head of- tcra u4ifni ujt iw kca on 14 our cvfkmtrari a hate acltlcd etwoua j ufiavn aatiafaeiton thi qurtinof ta m- ejlof ihabcat of coverniucai aheinj asl crbuw oooeil lot i on sa4ure u it w icrmined that tiwolo rantamtn mooueot tva bvogo60reaw to briiorotbotno aaicb smmati b un arrived ol tn sunaridttotv to lh astsfliav constji- tbe chip adelaide capuin ai arivaaj aal niffbl from havana whenc aaiwnn rhe utah imto eeari rmi iault to vhch ibo defeadam pleaded net eiptyand w aatc uvmcsnc mr knowlet qc and mr maihewi opcared lot the blaniitt nd mr servant wilkint and mr uerend r the defrnhant il tppetrsihatlh piamtittuaaan atkttnn- cercammx on ins hu44rs at krndat and ihe defendant was a nursersmin and gardener ol the tame iowa tbe defindant havirtf 101 hit lalher in s u the plaintiff wat called io to vitne j in foosi an m confrqtscnee af hi vaur a eta pole am be- ien tc i4inmian theieferdait aa in lhc valneof a ci t patwa oo afierwarda met auhe sialpeatr tavern ir- kendal sad a mr carlmiu h was uith thedefftdans laid t ihe pi jintirt now avual hec ict on which a rvrce ttitule amt hettveen cvi- j on the town 11 oil mell and ike p vault ihi coinimtrd foe sometime the rmnf letlint cartmett who was in ibe chair he heid like 10 tee a man therr ad not a thin- a mr colt then trot mied up tbe quauel and ev threatened m he fll np ibe chimney mr oti letline the sjtnirjaaan who made ihe threat thai be was 0 diabolical blackguard the platnliltihen we u to the defendant and r- he cm- han mi4 r- n ii cbvl anu i a libel tfyoitlnnb itsc we rerei to state lhat the rev waller ftoach trrlivtrfiaa miuihter ol beauhaeooi died on monday lal he was wiwall on sunday morninc 11 commenced lite puwie entice i had delivered pal ot in sermon vthin he was compelled by illhm lo nbrtinily and dismiss ih cimajre cation died on aloidiy ev- ai half- paat seven mr koacb waa native of ivtinurghad wu highlv esteemed as a chiutiat minuter lie ha lell a widov and three cl wof clce he iwcn llmirwtt kfmvur w- seotple hot cfe taael o mndiv ovctxa- ltt nror uvfdatavin lellk riec rad br nw zrplraib catlkmli h lad hrivstlhl tv saturday prtw tn ff- lb rwiteniiaty 1hi rf rtole cuied elefe xi i ia three irn dojioi ooiea and h t l- w srseanl v4 rmivad h mlr ob on ruejr nd hiatal oel ea 10 elif phc kanka w ihe cleatv tnw r- fj 1 ihe onvai u b are mpl ma dwue m miujw rj prcaeiledllehrnelw naymonl wllfem 94 trobitheunaothoacaiehiroacobmebcrd wfml had arroaud k 1 man ib a koaaa vl u fame fiotn ina pr00 sta wk in note on adri dtfoar aod t eorrraicn- bth nre fuhy cowmtlej fof hialijmeaee atcfery the body of the nnfotlunaie lockinatler george reaty wat ditcovrted en thartday laal aboot itiaaaikl from the month of the canal and temveyed to tawfti hn u mcjuet wa hednpon ihebj before dr dickrnon one of in cooners for ihit rhmrct and a verdict reined of accidentally drowned tue dimae to the carat bv ibe det action oflvtaie was lepaiied by the erecti in ibe coire ol rvo dvof a new gale cnro- it the noil rail aaenea 4 phe aoerf o ihe lariaaa ortt he uld a wbi il ii biam titil cuiav joenca dtticl tie nraaai uor 1fhce tbe uinlabd iv10 iamanr te jamvnrbi pfkatlw lal oloba cmrn caaatvai sihoewbar utiwa ivlviiaat lih oeiober tiyiie ilyiarn ih oeinber nihv rea voih ocnacf llnlmcu nfwa loih f m 23th sepwmbrr dtrne ih ociooar nraua jtrer vacamvar- kmclob ii sfribfr illthe ah oeaafarf avitvaasnalhi wi ucib il ma joattca alaclttav the iltawrahl m jovn woaiein maodieh iu emvn uihrn rnnaa bdwaad iviab ncweartie cnboc e b ib stplt idth sratvo- ijoeiobtr liifaimoa iprn- tmc lloofabp ua jffvioa voautax ltie tonb 4ih oetwr british whig thursday morninc sit 6ih lst9 our telegraph reiori lelk as lhal ibe co- ventotfrrnrrit lei lahiir rnom- iufor upe canada ii m s- che ard lktltcaaul davis went down lo pmcollf yesietday nof 10 embark his excellency the htec loot genera i will be hero aamrtimc today bnt whether be will lan i u ilnown at the lime we go to press health of the city orticiat ftepoit rnvde to the rotrd of health of a intfhiienh in ihe avera1 burial croauds li k- oa the ttu septmber i pron chmera 9 from other diseases 7 total deaths 6 t cite i in ll hssnlol 24 i in vranillc 1 litigious canada the astiiet for ihe midland dvlrielare ibottl benj bew and the tine iboy or ill oc cupy ph all ully will exceed two weeks the dntriet pnaestfs a superior cj t lo take coniiace of all cac under 5 jm nine ditijon cntt f r debu under x10 lhc population of ike district ri leas lhan 35txk ouh we reqaest the reader to contrast this statement wiih th following ac count of th whole atsiie 1niieitef the very evicnaivc couriy of ivestntore and m enj- and with a population rf 250 and no superiof court anka the county conrt takmg cogairancc ol debu less than 20 b recently caiahlitlwd lhere and nothing but couiu of requests for dbj andes forty sbil- imj to relieve the superior couitt- a contrast tells greatly avrut canada when lo be a unyer is to be a rich man to iho escla- ti of every other trade or profcaiion northern circuit arrival anirsl x their lariuhips and the ji havinf par- t iken of ibe iwpilality ot the kar ol lonttiale ol lowncs castle accnfdinj ta ancieot utage lhu loidshiplaultnihtopemd theom- bmii ai tuis town i the coiiiy of wet- no elmi tltc lauaeust i iim irr itv cattavs and lite calendar a tut nf 7 piitanersec i chacd wiih cooeealm the birth of an letchnfttc ehji t chared with aronis charel toelbea with a burtaiy and i w d jarceby of ihesr ihe charge of burry itb ibe only cat tried the grand jury havm throw ii oajl tbe bill chartsnr the arson and iho other two prisonerr pleaded guilty the aurptlary wl a case poaaetain no interest two mdicimenu for misdnhcanoor for selling bad meat at kendal were then died end thn flatbed the orioiaal biuiftfu njt patpi cocai flroec mr justin ftfto wrsut ttcixncm trsan icsj of tcft or te a ciuncil a sviprfume ai- a ewelrtfcj woulj be ihe true fad i to one of the ilewmn who i latl to assert what be helievcj i ilia lint dilficutljinvveecmj prove tb or 11 reverse and ieoive that unlcrlh an inclion n1 the c rcunwtinct i he wa hit ananon u hich 1ie drfvnd- anl knocked him onn which ojrralion he repcatrd aa often as tbe plaintiff it id to eel up the itefrndaat ihen seied ihe plinlil bythebaof hi head which he aid was a iird crop for the jnt sad brld him against the wall and hrlabonrcd him till h wat exhatitted hvihrncohcd for a ivj of water and having rrfrrhvd himself with ii becan afin hitting away at the plaintiffonul bis face waa coverrd with l4otd the cros- eaaminatinn of the first wita hotvever ehcitco that this wat nolhioi mre thin a public- honve row and ihe psajnltprs counsel therefor agreed to wilhdratt a juror one of theother caikcswas airancd and the itvrd was an undeaned action for goods aold anddrlivered this finished ihe assize tuamvu fr thf county of westmoreland highly laproatakrm aata fttpmtnt dlfewfiwi on saturday latl at a vatiltf of the comtnon council of this city coan- c1lor hartliffptiblitlj declared that the xxih bei would back him in an attack upn the governor general ihould his kxtellrncy oar cay norr tbe aboee statement appears in lite ainjsfon rrud of tnvdy what mr baruirtilid say was violent cnoajlihoi f did not otter whl j 1 he chanced logo to the council late iri the evening when the bwnncss lht nf ohn anonjvli- tictl address to ibe cavcrwor gencial hn been nearly adtptidand nol havinctead the addkm e mscnneeivrd its hirnort anl de- cuisned hsaarwbal violently acautt any ad- dtet ai ihe present jatciarc aid thert- wfnim be a row n the city a fpw thlle 20ih rejriment noed not be able o quell when mr batihifwas asaand by lie blayoe ihsl the address bad reference only to the scat of government question he became mare moderate and the matter dropped there certainly was no orruion for ibe erow to have made thf smsll affair public the ev- ajeralej manner hr hu dour mr bartlilf iscrim man anl a teun comcilor ant younj men often tay tbingr bich tltey do bo precisely mean- ftr tht british miff the seat of government ma eat son afler the joyful tiding eonlly announced rn th- ftrt bf iiiit 9v thr rrtim b ihe trmtttoii to ih cobiai oice tt p- pcai io bc as il mnt io your if and to eerry man of nsbt fceline thai we tajem i aelvpa brilliant illuminaiiob and eie the oejtiiatibii a lihi heaity sood welcome in ibe shapeofatompttjous entertainment ai the cost of a grateful city no expente honld be spared to render the fite worthy of ihe eccaaion and i belirve you arc attae that whan a large expenditure becomes a aahject of consideration onr public spirited authori se or a sweep majority al least are ever unanimous in jitnf their assent lo a man froeoa calcitation made hy a c-ntk- man itell acnaintd with kington and ik ttatistics it appear that dntinc ihe ten or eleven shol year of our cilitenthip no less a sum than 70000 has been collected and ibe last shilling manfully peni by ihe hy tbe common ccaincil of kiaastnti ad yet we are bat 40000 in debl what city on the face of this vast cendineni can say half x much il hat been laid of vom i3temeied chorl that half hi time wat octuped m etrini iotujti and the elher half in nj the mailer thoum iiiickly tal jacc al least hefnre we bin- up ih parliametil- bu iuppose toi the demalioii ihoild rdum with the covvrnmeni and their own cars o you believe ttat would be a roa1 advanljge 10 kibptnn i do beanie i consider llrtwe pajllemen not iho exactly but ihe majmi tie thai mml them un shcu hopeless mis sion at a ueavyciionc which the city can not alfurd lolly deicrvin totne pwhlc mak of diapatioft keenly chance of ar- rraiiaj their iiattrm career dealer men lhan iliei and the aiions thai owned ibem have heen the victims of mad amrhllon jl was ihe chcf caute of bona par le downfall unbonded ambition lurued hi bran ad broiiht ruin njiea his own head nor did hi coojuy escae tf we may comiarc grcal thina withtmall wc entreat our corporation to profit hy his caamidc and reflect oo the cmire ibey are imsraurn some of them have already earned sufficient fame to last w obe or tno cvnerations andean expect no credt hy tmfrorulzift themsetves too much at the epena of the cily with regard lo the seal of government 1 a ofopiot tlrai we ate betlcr tirthoutit- uf had a here and t itb it an arm of followers 1 wc i raid wilh too hiilc to do wlvocan fartithe prnkofthche youn eflemen j jing fri lhir tafes m ih stiiie i inii teamin a iihhiandy pnach id prtparel fir erery 5pictet of ioorerif mwchwf ulat cccnt wonsu could cross tbe tie dlrt viitbgi taqei of twin insulted by erie of ifaese laakindfufcat merchant could fa ste of im valuable sin u what harbei of hi pd no let roluauc to him what private man of ibe tailing be fore hi haute hi b ll handlr nr the knocker attached to hi drf and where wao the remedy iveic ihe cily aithoiuea aatfi- ticrtlypiicnlloirfotvcteveiiihcir vio dwell ings p trteaiicmjiba- m td s what wat the ichiltt the chief mapttraiesj uu eyes wackncl and oi in a jwsuit which rolhim aywaaxfa of 100 these arc stub born lacis and tel ihis who lememher them waiil back the rcii of governmeul uilh frtt train of racclctcae1fhterrupt irorality to destroy prtraie jirurly lo assault tbe maistmie io iittull onr itivet and daoiii- iviiei tnati re ciuimkvsirl were the cuitol io employ ihe valuable lirm- and the mean wjic4 in lis t ain and unpro- diableporijiiinconslrictingapomicdrain in cleaning and repsuingibc mu in propping up thcrwof lhc iiii hall before il fs kotit their eaia and icnire more money than ibeycan ipaivte rtjmtl the damage oi in pro- cuin the removal of a common nuisance which thimeh nm existing in ihe cily yet transmits ib morbid i uuenc inlo ihe cityat hie painful exfrrience of every oiher day hot too plainly shews ihcm on or sue paoscaacn kiieslon septemwr 5th 1810 tite lluivo lav ronrsiv ana ve aaiai- c the si lsir- xjinneaiaa iterarrr f iha i2ni iaat paraninf of he hoovn bay om- p4ny o ilr t r we hvc ro pe to filer lartj sutsavi th nrt toiri a ecuadndyran rrvrnt nf tint ih p-rc- ta d rmerti i kpi ida htbpny in 4 pjltiittfi di iui wdl imvi u irfer tn it al iet oi ihe iitmnnn iiwirvbi ir teffvtrh c lo n of p- wi rhbfc if lis i cn rvii tvm a ii ih- m jtpfeif ovjhl ode irttnedrapp raatea ht len ejdemc fwfarti tnaa anirsedbalfrnioeol m j le ii mar itutf i hai eiffiwf ol ouf iy iho stiarnic neeouel u phe piaur powt ihat r le etim sa etl kiviwn rtiser b tiiir tnty aid in the cnrsdriea fnetaftly csip o wtacf ilsf tm of usverf i nnt llire that it would be han lsrd t rt fit orn ttacemort w miurrera kvier irlm il onpea a ran thai omot ih vf one f ihoc ma alt enulu alp anj easvd by eehfed oti i itl bud whi i up thr fiet to go co iiiffrtirr irctviaf hl h peiliit on ewnuetnf ie noe cnnrn4 idmirs i hi- onatfbo fnione by seaoio nsv pedrfihr o t oil bexraywif iharar eiob 0al limian frat i- ibcia hcada od frotri jrtriof kotslt himself i ten irtt lhc teiia and inja fraa i thidhtht cenihbiii not ha re fuugdi itunitv fr playm jtjss n iih pioftl rup bit i lcr ihuuf in be eoitld beal keep hie hand toa improve hi mne hj peadiiif on hia enave heptitofmdihc put orthebirdiothaasr m kttutd the snairer lo th cats of tvana i m the raeeutie cooneil thit mffnef m tsf kicking tbo rjffii4m creature ova rt tftj kaatnieaa pracirtcd bj oar esmciablei coe on pceuncua i the n no tbo of it uiew aflrra or tcut o aiote tvo ra 1 tbsughl thai h fcrttj nhtaifsa a t ortte pmvnd p4ncot secret yj tee thncwrc citfd beioic an sutly or ike la and mtrrrjatrd a tr hr fci whacb aawlj tstriundia ibe nnac f luf acc4ar j riichnnlrdjfcrl ii v labeled tliilnnmr oumhsi hfltidl riluw hut o sr istjre hita aecb a d of ti end n amue bvheve uiut ur4 p h ad iibeifat aieanrosrfytonvouspuniatioa hon rvisrdustarhalialb ieaancri aioiac 1oies oar anihoriti making manage bcttef ibey make us tbreaefrld diviaioa of ihcir i poition oeinfc devoted to the jir named cnilemanlike accempl ith men in one inttance at leaet and the remainiior tuo thirds in soliciting special faioi frnn the party iraduced and his friends ymi may remember ihalaptiblic mcclinewas con vened in ibe cily hall nfkinxnton on a memor able occasion sometime last wiiter and you may likewise remember a memorable speech delivered at thai meeting vehemently charging the gov general of this province with high climes and misdemean ours bcoic which were the allegations it ell founded the burning at montreal and a thon sand such trornjegt would tink into tbe dte pest inniekaaco no lest than bavmi violated the british constitution and a petition cl up to be laid before the queen humbly deman ding his eicellcneysrecal as tbe only means of rcstorin peace to canada secondly as if wholly unconscious ol the in- digjity tbisotfvrcj lo the repretcmaliee of their oicrcin off starts a ivpaiabon with the speed ot m arrow to ask a favor from ihe colonial secretary nod ihudiy retracing llseir steps lowly andcremtarlrn balnoiesy dis iriled ihey p pare fe a descent on the oovcmorgcvral himself i sincerely ho they may hi allowed in leave mntsklands with their eantthats all ihe barm lniab ihem mtt happy wonui i be lo and ihe provincial government permanency seated in kinpton if ihe council believe it to he an adtaflta slill hanpier i candidly confess coold i bebohj lhc des1nictof kninton in the hinds of men who by a eonaiment eoure of action mihl have it in ihcir power to sal vy meoreven their own mmd ibat the pros perity of ibo oily was the object neareilio their hearts but suppose we cl back th parliament lo kmtpton where is ihe acenm- modaifon for ifccm the toun hv von may haee faeartc fa rravhar fc ftjt ilfti fiohr nf ihf ivmbjbr nvn piuiei bb rid river ih ide 4 ihe hniuh ue io arc rjin t vrat in ir i rmv asufff w ktoa or ivonrabr kanttoy anaerulvut is3 mhatiii- ssatra m4 32 feibatc d cnuie n the por je and ihevromeb rv dea attendio it ue ota advmesile aeoeati a ba june t- make pise tiiac urtticat awarnn trie man ddmw llteehaw hiitrf crir riu manvfactore bji of the ttorl bjc ne43ly lo ctilio thfl rr sn lmt htrdy b rraisitee pepte bji pviw am tr auow d irtrdi i and libn f- tjmihra tivry vr ioduttriosa they treaiaas bt ten im ibe oiher ride of llw line ifit n n isirm enlace n the chc irfisbf bf wdh ihe ijm d they ntt draerd bctvc jdte tu r ane olc urn bl omciji in 10 p nf o partita rv company aicihosj j their iaimns for iho 49th porvlkl vlfi f at lined a tvstj ad pursda nt atocp to pear h the uack ib ifl f rne pf ttadci vl ha uxihl f an indtn fvi orlbiakin so thnvienerio ihem whether he ii ob bnih or awieiletm erounal thmfca to dr kiiaan tlsevanke ladrr aa ihe bay censptna jentscall h he ha comy eaub lialicdhsacuini at pcmtntta ond lhc nets paftai- oeeaof for lie bouf hi in it raob abuidaniit pioteibai hew fall awe tomamtain ir wo hate a dmiive ufem oa dmsm up bj one of nr aajtrernc cdiae uhictaie lhat in th ajrrird 1s44 ho n ecd hi bjsk io tlsa rad river cby and won hu day rent for by ibo trover awaander omata ab elsare f trthua in iv on nptnivji la ihe govm anei local foe gsrrr becoli bj stited b ihai rfi- iiaii brd a 6 a 4nsso inoutind pobrta norcd upon him stuhoui iho aid of itdo juvi wiiraeb upm rloiin baib vvu i fr iheonvamr iha er wa sarorwd and he t ifojnd ihi a eiiphtsnea wrh ttwea- risaablnd woa the nftls wy ti rrjp iiis- iri4rieiii iiiilc o lher reeafae ho wn frfced tn alwi lltree oftrwaid the aaiko reebtleitfaa ctantw n paaatta in accotdaiteo niili its- ouialni by thj got- toor and rtnttoll io reid kajvam ot ha tradme howte al cet eipeeac he pracuted a auppi ftwm iha united ulalctg yaihedniy ac- rurdifie hiw ad eoinei i buaibraarltief widaosmesaby uw waybut i4la uwfol obc tit4tsine he waadiabiiif a bitch avtaw from lho cnipntv tiaba rbre apordly fcnkcdiia1ebaeqbdofted hi ityt tvj tia1y aspowi hlmbnotiavtaco nhous sewn ehiiuhx pcs flanat 4 hi epailt bml then tqioed abvui ond rotailod them lo ih indiana at fcri ahithnrs kails nice hokanoa lhs f- laiufable leriueanoe who havo uw pvipvitwl pntiwo t- uad by i ik4l kilf lira myal hiyty kibj cbaitsall ainrenonterpraa and ainorton aahajwill ib urn- nut no to thao jturjr pn mh rradc bil thlamraoij faaxr lcrrr meat hwd w svl ra oor m tiea f dreadful 1uhnv anumuftoc 1ip satpfliif ad 1rftuu gvztftt a atllr ol norro r iovoiimi o mutiny i ritordcre nd the final eevcty of iha winch tooh ptaceo fad ihe ehounet a ai the paaaao from mcuco t llon babft jfl aajd jsd silaor in bvaid to the amooaaofaaaf uoo the ansdia wraeonsmtoded by af ert l maica a chehnan i bewdro nsoaq paaiafd uoi kiii a- crtdatmjph and pamcipa itsaajer iwa caw cvuhautt onctvin arratn iy lav t ladtaad if warellritth iilsyet nsiaety thomn ij ftv uisd 1liarha xrdvtutj die rem dokluikn nofwciatis ixneji ftaa j pjoj lu nd lctiihv tfice trc beuoaa pvabrncc a mil and ulw tswfaw selsb cb ul icr fiiir tmi miuiy tlr avmtivcrmvpa id l li sshii- i if wfluordgioj ubcr tji icj nf ofr t hive t confined itihrre ti t eiew juso ton dn utdtltil ainl jc oil if tm seas n it ol tuna w 4itaehd and y tpsew fwtli ovcih pabrtre1 by l lveinv i aid aiahlvd n wveiat r lie imiacd losieif lv i ilvwn iftwiu eal laatsn liiuiacii majurta mr meij iicb cd w ste hia wy vrd iii lsi j is vl moiaay albbed had rroehed h t p of lhc ivnpanton mr ovhe lit y4cnci wao iho out v fio iomd and ihrutsn r- vj j j biiil liirward cald the tlrn their blovdf fcaifas y n 111110- red rtej onaoftetoah and he reart msrr ma tta sa e t i i ifflimi d ha ii n m i ie b1 1 m alva caese ow pi puaavtwri nikira lliaa watcm bd itico ihe morula lrt san that usee ikv in ihe veacb ip nan- llirirtmiiifa l i vltt kimiifi 1 llr cll i iielctd tmriavailvcb l ai tly hav hm iii icad canaajal till tare alaaiia hucl d-kj- t cnllj v h wop km i ri eo o ip a hanh on in iom 1 was aald u nm tint 1 fta teuatdtaj 0 atoavi u n ibn it he bv d i til pn r untia ik vlwb hut d i uv htm tid hi laiinnlil t itk lbf anaiieih tkiuirj t iod te t iuir umaiid a jr i tbo in iii 1 i zvii t ut m fllf l t jfcj syatn i- a a if rn si pup- ti aj aa j na tti hil lir ttiiaa ih iff fmai in an lit mi se anieibid v f i a daairn am isettaar th ew ibc 4i40 iv ibhi h ed and bltdv it h shiittarftnaja i 1 it ltt 1 w tx iwr eel if tiiti isee pfavaiai 1 t h seel theodtiiatikf had earaw ton m ine fftd i nl dmtfawd it asaafat a an dioyei at 1 papeia n j wrilibca twy coipdfrd dtebase wuh ibny ea which bc tn00 owttlmtil and fibauf the wiaebdbheib0bver w s temiw ji 4ii j i w peie nween kk oeennt t l jan uin oorocavs anaj do avin sifcifisard b ddpo p io rentrrtho tenet ihat nfhi bhifttt eommubcbed to the real f ibo tvja ei pscd lbn hiet were frid io trual m pn ptr d tri he ebtrpriaf beatiea aiiise undn2 ciao j nsiui dtfioivd tan- 1 a avrirto hedeck i ro wham he oe ib0ehef1hcv m adte evaa 11 and mihrat arwt h0 crj litrti after a hi ebfllh bm ibtb ihtami c tlnbloto oiiio dikoc bwl j an i j i mtl tfc the aisaad w arseelof the cmw tw lal temiian brii c dt ifiis tcwi tlc itrai wa oh- utuiaol in matiw4ibat isi t o ailaub roe mt l kow f iit hr eijf it i ahip d a i la oo btar oiler a lrmt pj ritcd mlale tdlft i tnav u oarful l- nvniioo tfiat iow i ma grand on lord iho amrh waro uret mtj 1 af h corpdtb kmiet t ad iloctna fn jreke tnfe cca a itiab nic rwr lc t jt acowa j iratstsl alcw kikvhvttbarcriaasai aniukfr glp0jo m iensi taraer aco llnrg ka m ptynient bi b ctja pfi orovico to aviitflbt ib the neiaaa haraa lacasaa titamnidbiiloudoa waoiw m faeirloi mr j a uunn tsf macao 304 wrr dcd in whtch bo vttbf ntbor doeuioent cnuld ho tuod we haaai lhc graltfiattion inaiio ibi jn saw of i danii wboftc conloci o this ncaarson w li rte jipi cci raeoted viih gt 106 fry i ofiboinaotfocrnlbnsea and ntaa wvthai uable seatant by aiawwnaf lapvnaiscf vohaeeeoda etiai ob irum rson eajhnt hiniaclf tba aaent af 4 of the ofiteal nd iwsl ac t blas who was ever cowinslted to jak the in apotans ho joa cv nut ol prison and has aa pay a fine oc xam f canspleto hw em taw bis cntuy ho tondcrod ib which wco eery projly rvfuoad and thai prcctoua etoundwlt mrteranh nson now i tn the nttetft to mfco ruhlreal manrs wretched rolprili who meiold foam io arlf aa much removed aa pviiblo hoi no4eo intrd 4 ihriatlinj hi ciiininal riailc hol ibei re aa n lis titim irtiortkc lira onipoera lsoi0l billy an oji nin hiinaelf up weti artacanai f mritisna rbcrwiw if be untet oar ivmtre b- tfiall eipnaa v r or a maoiw o hicfi bihov htm ni eood tft ifevaa the post okficr we ate assured that immediately after truin of mr iliiifk w thall bats muchdesitcd redaction in ihe postanal while iho cotitrsl of ihe depailomrst sfd at ihe amo time placed udef ihe tbe pennoiil gormmenti ttatt char rs nit be changed lo aa onifen lhreeuence per htfl thtouhoul tbo fu- cahadtan gosc baa also msder ranieintilt for the carriage ol letters aet f cmda to the united slates aa il ti iiombli- for tbe lotxso tmutersol uiiin in kow our different locltiesaodr reatciivc diatobcebi the american fnenl ft- ii impure an unifntm rateefl ceubdii oti s una adik to iaj pw ferhejttwt