cokwd a tht tt pft tin hiiht t i he i ihttf mj id the arch of ib entrance ihe cretaofst painek wmipded- 0t the rieht ai the corner of the arch was her ma jettfa aims apd htftncall in fh leitera km ihefcjtewritu m c fo crrdi- umdtbtvvtooto wftifcwhwmt ou be left was thr arm or prince atheri under vbcb mi the inctption wtami adifs ttguprttin ti aee fotv when the fj was comine frrseard lo- virdj the quay her majcly matc in appearance at he door of tbe roundlieu cadl and a instantly haied with the moat sloaninc cheer she acfcnfftidcel the ouiboit of warm feelion by a strict c rracctur bores ha mtjttllhgmcm prince albert next emerged from um fwjlvvith and he io like manner was greeted bv m tentotsao voc of ihe ast ameihjv lit rrcosrnized iktamililftlf eracefolly 1 jij bit lsdy jocclyft then toinci he majes ty aa did also lord forescu and sir ceorye grey her maiv looked tvellaiid appeal it excel ui health uyj ipr if l maiity wore a whits crape taunct tvith a svhitc feather and pink rotes 1 jtrab visile blue lib- nel flounced dfcjordjiabboou and in her brrartwasa maoirwent gotj crown twach act io diarooodt in her hand iht held a cwbcolorrd satin parasol lib blue fringe prince albert dressed in dark tweed ifoascrs and mack coal buttoned mn to tbe thjoal and vore whai is called ihe albit bat hi rojtl highness louked very well aa aoon aa the vessel wu properly ntootcd tad the deity consequent npon toe fairy tinruniocloc to thelanjmit as not le uv jnroit ibo major proceeded board the jacbtaccompaajd by hit chtplaio the rev richard oullon be cushionbearer and al- dermt hamsonistirjifi and crawjid 10 present ibe adreme 10 her majrsiy anj pno albek fjvn th icmn cooncil ui- appr04cbro5 ber mdjety tbc mayor bouta tbe cosbiorj on hch toe ace wi plaoed knelt and prrsrnied tbe mace r most jctcws fjey i as mayor deliver up toyar yal prerogative the inti nta of ac authoij wbicli i bold and a1e mc loavsure yoor majesty that ititowemo that authority it baa atwayi bren cny moit ookjous drsirr ever 10 ahve it m urr mijcsty t be lifiin the tcare rrpldeed it j j 1 de liser back m yoo aa mayor the tjkc of voor brooh fielmi iatisdtd that yen will promfle ereiie your ntnority the mayor ten pceientco the add re tt to ber majrvty and it 11 1 the oa nc of ibo mayor aldermen and mftduvnof it boroob of bejfajt i teg uive tocon jooi mjty on your eafe arrieal at the ioi of y r northern province and ietnt me to jjre your ma jeitj that in no irl of tttf dosmntons do yoo oueh a n9tr loyal and attached commu nity ihc thw f the loaft 01 tvhirh you have v j tlnutthed firor of horfjiir it by your royal nrersnee on ifaij yor 6et oiyiltn lieland the aifdrest t been then k i t received 0 hr mytsy sir gcvtn cy iutimated ro the mavoe her majexya deoirc thjt he should krr upon tvhiehtbr qm leceiviue the sword fia the rqoi of l donderry joi iticl in ea4ing vid kvchinc the mayor nu na ihi ft and then on the libi sboder aani- tw fit wtljua gil- jian johnson the oyr rrtired aiil ine othor memtm f the uialioft and h totvn ejrrk and ehaplatq were severally fueeuud tv iter mjety tht aor rm demufioa tbn pmented tu adiuu or the cfante to albert aiih tome eomttentarf nefta ttoni from tse mayor hi ftr p bioaslf huf ratfit hqidri ar4arnfluw tr mtin retired t the other end of the boa t nbere tbey rrmsfnrd exert tbe n wjb t ni i doee tosir g cey ibe rariiiii other da- latton rith a otdi ititin the tames of each depulalioo as tnlroduetd after which sir george urey introdoed hie jnuto in the foilo win order j petenli to tfie quen each of the gentlemen ffidtiie ihrse deonti- tionj- 1 mr commjtionen of otvlt rrpraselvj by the maquis of ooneal an means lvliilltw craioer ittklrlilltf and boyd with mr tatty ihe secretary tbe lounty of aiitrinaderuihion coritiiiin f the iiihtir til hi liculeniatof the cnunte the t0 icenbef the clergy ef the untrj dfoceasof foivn anl d- and drtmofe represented by the ciho and archdeacoiis of doivft druomore ind connor lbeehrey ef tbe general amfrly of he frenvierian church resivciil in bcliam resreicntedby the bfv doetant coke and mcuan and the rerds atnoxanj johnsne the rosiancath olic clerey of the dieen of down ad coanor re presented y the kghx rev dr- denir and tho kvj john lynch john mkenna otij john mmuiht rhe jneens colleereie sented by ibe j- dr henry tv dr si are my an j mr allen the rrihtar the chamber of commerre reprsentej b- mr brisfow the pmjjcmlp mr- siren thr riecpreident mr h and mr vaatr the aexrtury and ile brlfat charitable society rrfnyoolod by the marquis of donecaj the rer t f miller he rev william bruce and mr mictory her majety recvircd theae addresser if the most raciotu oanner tremendoos botte and excitement e vailef 0j ihe royal cortecc was beinjt put in lueoroe f proceuion when tbe cortejee started ibe dimoostratron f loial tcln that eivry where retted be maiisty were of iie mo rapirjriohs deieriolion in acbtiotc sediment erf the warm imitations there eo itmully showered on her mjtyanri he pnnce cn- sort both rcieaiedly tatved jtj fequeml v u- eridcntly afpearinr muh dcughitd with the reception bry received someiiiles ber majeaiys attrnton would be directed to particular outbursts of individual nr and she wogld lanjh heartily ilia ryal hjhdeaa sorted much raified at ttt mention of hit naoar and the loud shorn- of applause n followed it fiaeof the bcitiful deserjptie btarnng appropiate and som el me s curious oscriptiom wee supenjed from almost erry window and homcton and the fronts of tbe houies trerr decorated wiih 0enioib and barftiv- eml to ns and fij mef bajconiea and galleries neatly erectedj uere to he seen on each tide of the mreel fiej with cleimlyd resed ladies and icentremen tad the windows on the attic stories gily bedecked with flowers and eterreer a most fratiffinr cumstanee in conmetitti with ber majesty visit was the propitious uu of the weaiher the day kept up trton- oiuty line thoueh rather bier ay all uie visitors haviiix withdrawn btf mijtsly took puoce alctl arm aid left the qoajterdeck for the rdaee of tiiry aacended the step anj mounted the landing where ibry veft rcoired by the mayor j toa eooncil ibe harboji com mi doners u4 other auihonnes prenril amidst tbe must ufely manifenatioa of rtjoicm toe royal cortesre wasrecnndai the outr pteof tbc unen llallby tht commiilre c- ccipanifd by the mrqui 1 dawitshire prestdcnt of tbe koyafit improvenveul s- ciety- piasins tbouih ibeareh which wa dresaedwiih ljeioj the tljxplam in te ftnug stale sormounted with faurcs arj oet thrtopa haro jnl erown in flwer with tbe wiveds royl flu society in dahlia itiifd underneath the carriage entered the inter gate passed through lt porch and on emergm from the earrue way which skiru the inner triangle ih rvyltrty tvatrenv- dbyiba ricepe aommitreoof he ocjrty the m- lneal th r r sir williaoa vrjaer brt jj f fc mm lw jam ktm bart s r btcei bartt willi vi mtor mn ciwfjrjtom r gdmiin 1 mdoa eh- gtrvarm cavilt ae all of these then lurrounied tfte royal caris aud follow l 1 rb progress round toe n ore tbe marquis of dowiurure still walkin at the aide of her mayettv tne wiftuwa of the hall and he era- plot gare accommodation to about aboot 1700 person chiefly liei all of whom testified their loyalty by lheerjng n ttcieurf c teiik her ma ntfctffjl from pnefl jiy was petdpt on traebin ih door the cthifitoii where the haid and ror and imfj m benor f the isfli vcro laojrd lie mjit ii handed from the aninr hv ttattamaj nflbwc op the nattoial atihm the military pre ctttd arm and th royal ju rj was hoest- ed to lh ty of the c i stjir n th centre ot iur qi tba eatruct the exhhitnooma was carpeted arwl liiii- wth dantk turning to the ribf ihe royal rilors cittered r where the dddesei of the society tu brrma- jety anj prince albert ttei 10 be presciud he majuiy received them from the picsi dtftt anj lutidcd ibpm to sir cejce grey ihrojgh whom a rvply will be transmitted 10 tbe stcrlf the then euteed thrahr of roo codtainins the rxliijilioo- thac which hare avt hi tly coi mdfird ibe finest mite of oams anywhere orcyicd for the pur- mat of ihe lijien trade tiresentfd 4 tcry hand some appearance tne bjt a cujetad wmtimpmon e1otb covered rith yatjwitc rlcacbed damask and each reom wai filled up with ivro tbls cove ed with blue on whiil lheaitieles were pietd aj the fioor was carpeted with unbleachel diii k the mode of diuyiru i- dilfereifl pigraea whuh the puxt uodrrkocs up to th pnininjc ttached much aiiritioi fmn her ljeiiy and the prince the queca on icma ihe ex hibitioo evptenej t lord do as pretidentof the flat octey thert pieas urc she hid experienced in wilci o o- terestinn es4ition of the ttjple mduilry of tbe province her mojemy on cnjrine ita met by thr marc of i l wbv showed her majsly through the dittirccit dprtnccits of this trade her majesty ifter uprctiny thr several ppccinueni of cod selected a ft li eape a dr pocket halkrcoiff a chemiette ad a y ir of ctilt in e ehoo 105 of which she jujiauj a mot correct tie tisjrflt anj evcution her majniy then wllmittti bvine tffaetiinly expresacl herself much gratified itith the cotiie eabi- litton having paiied through the ve which leadi frovt tne liburn to ihe m road tbe royal party proceeded immediately in the eairaice of ibe bourne harden where they wvre received by the committee a he cu rator mr ferxutaf anil aterdrvin lhlv xhr prirrcipal walks of ihij heauifiil plaee of which lhy eifnsaed thrmelrei in lrms of the hiehet graliriicatina trier tetbined and on their way bark to town rutted that beau- tiful arehiteclurit ilretufc ihe queens col lece on arrinne at le entrant where ihetvtsident re tt henreieefeiidein dr thoata andrewi dr surhfy wj c alen h q the i6lrir- po imdh and j cihvon q one f the cornmiiionert of fdtrstiou in tlttattd were ftvraific them hr majfity and prime rlbfm alighted from their carriage oad were famdictcd by the mayer 6al mtn the enlraaeabnl then thro th eaeftinaivnhal ind rennd y iv coli- ifi to the jraiid eniiauee cbarje jinyo iht- arehiirel ufise college viltt- tottdaoeo hid doeiihel jie ratimp- pans of th ediftee to the aitirfactin ef hf ujest and pfrrtee arli latter ksvlutlilfnjrd hi aprova a warn maiier tice ai i i ihaaedro lghfv 3d rr dr to the women of rudino mr staufwrd tbe sfeeatw p t heroics ly drtcit ai y sacrifice t carry on hl itomise cf cnanyioj a lady 4 the iowa of hri il haa issued thr fo7owik circular a copy of wkkh bas ben ent rtiuhabin- toniof ihl 1300 elecron lc hter super aeiihed n ihe lnauriud lf of ladies uf the house te tetter asfllmc i sianfonl m piresftflice tthespntcrud wictewd reani rhe tart truck bat determiied w sven at the riumn trvu tltat the wedding tins thfown w lu immanicd women of tut baruh liovj r i alien p by at leamoieof ihe n the jie- ffeetn sialc af knehi lav tiot irniit even hf majesty nd hm- in enjiuflrrnort 0 the co immoi i mt pv ao cmaail nolygooay ia ready to receive fvamlfndem th nana itwjrr ifet heller froea eatdttitei for or- bjosaom mr stanford m p tliereft requiiei that every lady a ball snd in a e reporl of her age her ufftona attraction vf height her temper her tandin in aocvfi wj lcr ihinf in church farther ih lulil yivc a faithful account 01 her evfi- fne byaomas eaeral tier ajweuiigiw mr slaafotd would fiiihean- candidate sboiljforward tier tht worse if et with biijiaitfrm state if vacorated sir sianford p tcd liwto have elected at leit tisc iiiomsi ff the first of april 1k t ll-e- be ttstured by him ma prrndayr p l be mmed in or irombe lowt j rjjng and tbe bride aelected mr sia liately to rjwc lib the m witb tbe irt of hit choice i a grand leaptrly a daiicr enteiiainmenuconuudin w l and ftreworks will be pven h l bfije- naom os the auftcu occam l portrait of mr stanford m k uponcooeeeiial cke will be cm w i th achoouor pledges himself iuime oood of matrimon j or widow and ot ber tbe pupils of all i- s rc reqiieud to id in then tendrshy michaefmjs john frederick siafotd cm hcadj snow hih n jjresard to 1 p s- dpand piccadllr it n which wa tfi m doubt h ingg ft the umbrellaalatid i c f cyp nerermd punchs cheap fxcuftsi- down the mtr you tait from a mailer ol doubt winch wai of tbe nile tbl doubt is to rest it is tian hall carpetbaca or trunkitravel f out co u that dirtv your right enter that dark room on the steamboat which is rtatl 7 nit br quick or elm you vti l l the nrst city or ohcrve tb l6tf aroobcuroi cairo there u c ibe world which 10 well oftf p ithaaraoes than serenty bv wl mnl nl be womlered at for ir etypt waslbt land where the saiioq was hist ditcovcred- once with itairease on nj you are t for thr fo tbiv f cc dombastes a la ondinnt is till vapiirin rrc at roic much to the annnyance ofam- plei for he elainu all the bonor i stored the pops ro tin jujnl chi juw j ltd re me umv the mle ntitirt 4 tvr nvli rsjl 10 bo preserved in uie library iinof hn mateitvaeraeioiia nst irrr tt7hettfrrirer rieajm its p on he return of the quern tnfh faviltim her majesty itanlotj on prjact alri vei ewletitj by tbe maor nn uard thi faiy the qomh previous 10 iter dfatliire entitaa- led through sir ti uiey ts t ah nviirevd an interview with ibo mair nh i n diately aticvied when har m jti aid nr f feet atvatlv tjftiltel by th her met rfiih the mtrt anm that her htjttn ral woutd be a saitffafitri o tti eitii llelfat who itopedtbetvrr mjty irot ejic fuue ocesn hno tsm iiti a ioaii larflsirttof hermva fat 1 sw- cienast cite vf t hsir j wi ci mayor a a that hr majlyi recejtii iag liaiiticcaf that noibinj enejld h to ri i te miiitr iluer ofliti rjoa havi retired her majsiy iwreiled nn ahftf ihe renter which wa in lfdrnel for deartn th cahef wtf thru liijed and te fairy pjt on amiist ihe deafrrme eheer if irnr- fmly hai been comiaed to a b- firm no small part of i since j imj iropiopnea bre eaneattire o jamoflsfea f ir so cialitijc to j lut relebratcdtpeech er 1 miehl mvhou-re- tmp mvif rot cfra h ri 1 fea face a formed his eoncoptiob of the british monarchy from w j too- sine the comfitd of sovereign po- luntatea in melodrama and beirteuiues where in they art represented aa hanging banishing or pardoning at ibcir mere will aod p4aaure oikndvit on tbe imputie of tbe moment lie coutdsatbava been awate that the preroga tive of mercy is alwaya exercucd by the crown uoder advice j or else h behaved like a vtry impelincnt mcb in trying to make it a pcuom mailer nilh theqicin if he wjthed to intercede fjr ollrim he shoub have petitioned ihe thioe through the horn office or that of air punch or some other regular and aecieiied channel and were mr- puncb flpphed lo with inch jn ometl he daes not know that he should not be inclined lo advlsr the soveteign to f obrien milrlel wboc aatch il irutnery uertiw who wwie engaged in tbe fie punv cj snracy minai hercrowqupon this une condiiivti fvery mn jack of them buidbc onhtrrd lo read carefully through ihe repaft 0 the royal prgtef in ireuuj it would be tulficicni tunisjunent to ihem to ee iu ibe loyal manifestations of their eoun- uimen hifw uiiserahly enlemtitilcbasheen their cattail in ibe attempt to evi up a re- be thou at the same lien mr punch voud feel bftud to cuunicl her majesty to extend tbe aarne bbteey to thr nm r- p- j conpiialnrs and wrumleiuiig off obrien lo reme iioor little cuy the laiur 10 hi ftoase lecollee- tin the ut iftialiiy of sauce which is pro vtrbialtv due to xeotc alike with gander curfous effect of kelaxinc air svl- lishni7r tht eo if f n b- fr soandso hopes by a strict attention to buiiness le merit a continuance of those fa von which it will ever be tc kekc ttwlurmuhfxdu bleasmy heart theres thr bell ringing on the pier hollo whv where the carpet bag left in the pa-a- v jtottlkftftr faintly oh how should i know dont uk roe im only ihe landlord ywti had belter iry if you cant wjka one of the waiters canadian people have fcen swindled fur the bcrehl of a few wrly wlltf- i am 00 ureal a friend lo iberaiim to ay mn upon ibtl topical presmr or to pass il overun- ndtccc7 lioclher tha vm flf v wuild at 1 t ahiut the k 1 01 au introduce wiih reat etfeel ji mr m ay recepxiori i p eo i ol rt on tut mam arosrov ntfisttrn ufa mhbt a1 the newsarrs ilrlind frimi uiidoihtd nnhonv 1 t u j of lntnirferry colm e rf ibe tjvnselv anxious lrr the rorlinis or ipfar ad drersj ifrr mj i rn ibe nnptah lieul- htem with co a mnte tie ic prayed ller majeiy would cnrirsand the ocl tn whrtl aout riht fae and cot copt the wftithy mrjurt is known t an en ihtktastic shakiirean and il i th1 in ihe mtijoiticd quotation he aj he natural history ok the oxford p1der arfui oxonieoaia lb oscjrd spider ck r j i n jjjvr variety ioerdeaaie this crafty and eoracioii insect weaves his web in a lair or den which is catled his shop his prey consisb ol human victims of the class undergraduates- ha entanclei them in his toil- by a cunning devke which consist- in oetering thrm long credit according o an intimation posted up in hi den who thry are or what they are he never inquires cm object be n only 10 inrotve ihem to hij methes in the hope that should ibey prove to ba wofthlen booty a mtacienl prey will be found in the friends who will come to hb j sittance- the victims of this old hoary spider often fifty years of age are mostly youths of liom righteen to twenty j but be ce- ne rally allows ihem to aliaiit to oaatniity before be fixes bi fens in tbeir vita if arid has often 11 knoiv to stick to them and drain them for year person who have taken a fancy le keep 51drrs arc related 10 have found thair exira- ordinaty peh vol fond of the quills of squabs or voune pigeon which are full of blood a iij i v ptik fiicn for the plucking of young paeons i ehsraeteritlic f the oxford spniw as the cohaebs of ibeae penicioui spxjrr are feeed iopiimjci mol enously the pro rres of the lu hj 3t oaford it rs innen iu tht d kfcdil ol fie univernty authoritiei that no effectual mean tiare been taken to sweep tlie hon h sherwood m p p ha pre vented tliecommtiiee of lu mchanin u- atilnleof thijeity wth a copy of lb pro- vmeial sutuua of iho lam scsioa ot parla- menl for irhicli the conrritlrc have passed a irlution itin him tbanks cotonir ny the banjajg is a mljiiy pfcbl pirarjph of in kittt m s liciii a ntenhet of the lridature has a certain tuiribcr of tei of thv statutes to give away and be very pnjerly givei one iu the toronto olechatticj intttuir fui vhicb u gets in rrleri a jeiat wte of thant and twtp nrwpapvr patagepaft iij the preptiry been hi own hf etuld hatdy hvc bee bt 1r uai fur it llcavv dama1 and lnrovinv vcti- otcr kev alratd r canrpwlt pivaeesll ii htlianv vacjierr his tecirl 0 cwof llev jifci uutinon of 5otlsitd mr campvti on a lour through scull and in 15 p wa arrested and ietrilaar4 in clin burdi tnjuviihih ajeftcy of the uv ji m ii isnon t r bqvirrc while dtciurin tn lb mjjvct of slaven t miriej enimnts ob niut to that e nil men snv- nf ins irieiii instituted a auil against mr k this uii ua reeenty leimmaied and the esult a decree ol the lods oi council and session in favour 0 mr campbell for two thousand pounds sterling the president of the united slats ar rived at ihe falls on tuesday and took up his residence al th eagle hutch hs ex cellency was much cahauted with the fatig ue of his journey and continued so seriously indiidosed aa lo make it eaipedient that nv should rciurn immediately to wajhiftloii without further excitement it will be eeu by the teleeraph report ot night that the pres ident passed rapidly through philadlphii yesterday en roue for the capital c06v titxtac kotl gurat arnnenon it will be seen by an advertisement inanmher column that tne telcbratcj italian ballet company from the principal iheairesot con linental eotone and oi the u ited mre have arrived in this cly and opened the thei tre rnyaj in the grand billet of the paint- monday cvnrn th company ii the admired ers illusion on rerqhic star nf ibe sicnora cioccu who if fame peaks truly is undoubtedly the twt donseuae with the tin- ilr exception perhaps of fanny elhter thai ever appeared on the ata in america the company alio eoeapries mdlle tnere si- nor ken and m- schmidt ml performer of the arvlcb they have been travelling for ssxnc time in tbe umted slatej and istrd eveiywhere created the creates furore their tow in toronto will mcesanly be very short colons t bn iflagnttic selegiapl frirlay mlks it r port mnfrrcal sefl 7 7 h tlie huafrl nf health lepnri 5 ialefeent nf w liih 4 were chiliirrn r from cholera iiejt krce yovn i tmvi nvtrc to t fiy crived alvue from ny that autra svi at leald with ttltej4iil sanos who had parting unc id rr eiftb le utn x ee albei naje thair av ae lafvar ihir quen tbe lot al melrltm left 0ut m svfour and arrived tu the clyde ta rue mining of the i8lk- on tjesdav ihe qiren adpii with ihe royal ehil u nd saitn public enry into filing w which us- a- in- umphant a any of tb reedine oftt ee ire land a nninvr of t njtnlal addnuc were presented to the queen and i nee ai berr vcith which thi y scciftj hhtr iratifivd after oejileg ikrpasgb he pnnajinl atietll ti ihe flily and alter viinn the caihc mi and university the myal parly took thrr drpir- 1 11 re by railway for farih tvhte iheyarnv ed at arpat 4 oclock at this ancient city ihe qei prince cmon and thii royal chitdicn met aiadatf very ii ilterin re- ceition her majrsly look her departure for ualoioral casile ou wednesday monnng lisl tub provincial a0mcultob1l associatioiv the cnmmaiee f m anaemei t meet every day ai 4 oclock p m for thr actual ejttch of busmes and realty it atnn ithin that in the hninih crniiry ut a city aanirin to be ihe mctrooia nf an ag ricultural and noumbeinannfaetunrolnj not me lhan tceno eichi metimrseiv- ir can he brcuht inether to cnmutt as in what is rwcewiry lob done or lu take anv interest in lb arrangements of ihrj annual show il ha prer been ih case in this lee n ih j those person svbo can bel lifted to rpve their time andatientini topubhe maitersi ireti the last to cniite forward 1 it is in i j liusior the l nominated at t tonlo ai since added to from time to ine coaiits us ajl of jnvje thirty or forty iaurvj- iuuaj0i oftn half uf whom lire in and attoul knioi but all ihe irorble of thi protin cial cshibtion has been left fo some half dozen nrsn wno good nature we trust uill cany thesr throsh the new yorkers hold their annual stale fair in the next week and well ibey nnlcme d how 10 manage tuch matlert in the uuitel state wherever the credit of any itrfahty is at stake every man lens a helping hand and mvtiy woman am hin nccasov- nn holding back or itdilfeirncc there ja isjt jnttee lo tu town however to mmion that eb suueiip tints lut is liberal leari rtmainctobe point- id otl a dtty itkivit0 our felw citizens hhkh it i tu be lorf vsrrj one will remem befaild that i- anipifufjtf 11 the crowd of vuitoit by whom we may expect lobe honored on this occasion the loti will oon be filled and peat number will be left to the friendly cossdeslion of the krngftoniaiia fnr afevdayi the reputation nf he 1 at stake nnd we feel confident il will be upheld ia lliisreapeei xvrvnt caeif lieutenant 1 mare anfjnv 1 ihsa hijfidtf cie tni evtherirind meir the i 1 u esvd hie pljird 1rt imtu the usta and ueoti of then eir upiia unne rrnt for our part wc think the elv itv ihe evfjenvmc modesty nf tic j linjfmji has brn ungraieutpv ie luin htimil linicif cttell in i0e injienalinn of ihe respecta- fhro cin he in doubt iat lh i onriln t j sufncientijeuius ftuittciei audacity utaek ledaaarry ihimahe vrmild- hadrkm itirtohr head lo invest aply in a cannot he questioned ihalri en b i nuk must in due tunc have surrendered m htttt- tion seing ihen the my matchea lay hrfure ht t s entcr of lcdfer co jp a ehikiee from a erealer npber wo tk if n ibe donna countcm miht have mj4 cdta genrrafisimo and sh s content u fre imly the vey majlel of utuunts- wry slfienymj thia of ibe ifavar tlroom girl yovaielv thr w na j i wn4 we should ih prcreni dsomeni itiore in stitetnlak- advice thin to ito 1 any it trill take puncar advice wc would advise t a- ita btfl rrreed to iteve hmgwy alone and for the futuo to mind ila ours af fairs which adty want it r it is ii whig i m iii ml tuesday mormncj stpi u lrmy health of the city official ltepojt made to the qoard of health of ibe intirmenti io the several bunal gieunds of kiiunttu- on tbe 8th and 9th ot septeniber i fioiu cboura qvut ijifcam t tvlal ii 3 in ihe osly 5 in tho peoiteoiiaiy 1 ifuapital i 10 lvillimitii r- new voni 2j e the preijenl arrived here tht mo ft left in the 6 octack train for philadtphi ivo laicari arnrh nviave inorn had called out a military force of 4000 men and tent tara hodiea f tuopa to principe trinidad aud santiago de cuba ft wat ro mouied that there was an insurrection the eufjisb had mftlet to ihe governor to send send more shipa for the troiection of the bii- tib interests the captain ccnral had foiij ihe delivery vt new orlean papers frrn ihe post olficc tc papers ay notbioe of the iifurrcloftand attrime the mimarr nremrnii lo the rcplon f ibe presidents proelamatien and the feat f an exdthn gainst cuba one day iatkr phr macara it is said that tbe hungarian affair is not yet settled that paskienitch and hasnaw ae d jjniilng wiih each iher that the latter ejected le the coaidilions ot the sunende aed that llusia will aot suder austrian in le frrence the mailer fmn pari io jvee rtales t is generally btlipvel tu pr fiat the surrender of the hmx i v- if to bv alhbnted to tse result f iteotiatii n rather thn thtouffi any c0rrut molivi- on the nsil of jvoicy and despair 00 that of hi army arogemeni for the ter- render wer made by prnee ncbwthienbe durinr his visit to warsaw ani that honorabh ermt were obuinej ia peerie jives great biiuin tb credit of elfcetinjihe negotiation svhoactedfram the desire of terminating the unequal struggle in which hungary wat en taed ajid to prevent rus ia from makmg any further advances uvm the hnojesrian territory lrour letters bad irached paris which vaya that the pope had conferred on general oudinot the title of tbe duke of picnrazxio and granted him a pension of 1000 crowns fnr his cervices faakce the committee of 25 appointed by the lrgitlaiive assembly lo set during the recess met on thursday and after discussion ueneral clianearnier gave a satisfactory ac count of tbe tale of fcflb in paris and ei pressed hi con5dervce that peace aad tranquil ity would be maintained pjw yen 6f m the flonr market reo active and lower lilue rood wheat jnn demand modcr ate pork fair demand but ihe firmness of holders restrict sales eachaoge dull at t a a i the british hark neftune wiih the irish patriot mitchell was at peinambucto on the 214 july vibere she hd put tn for supplies iviiieheir health was imprnnnf ptrrsaoitc the sir may flower from tents to cincinnati bgrst ber biboard boiler at loststown by which 1 1 icrsons were badly iceldcd in boston dealtis for the pas week hac been 405 and 61 if svhich wcrrfrom crolrra the preioeiil tus arrived at washincinn advicrs fiom yucatan to the 2nj report another battle hciac ihe yueaiani nd indians in wheh the fnimr werr ivleahd with a lox of 860 men tte whites took refuse a ibe illidtl of darolar 5- 71vw ona f fmimj tl dun e0r cijonet iri s mlkibc me wiacr mr qmebet- sept fte mr m maekeniio qcuc t hertft onvtt i mr airnrtronf f mr alttrrftofi wvtenown mr stowth eassei mrcuifd- mr cpnioipa arrivals at pattrrons r set fth- mr mclntaa mtre j i it c bron lteheotre lf tfon goo mantajt mintrftl gartmiv mf fmftr m- a cmb utrrd moucji mi gefry k n ept 9n rt piortii t tmi oupni new yiikimf kmthi meetn i ijrmn lhvrrc w it k ionevf vitle 9c p giee y t le ut m s t le fq aitineiet uud cps ca rroeatown lot of kingsloti strniaceorde blksd k bay slmc 0re e 1 1 cvpmhl 7uv srfcrvi toik airwmk 2900fresi pire tuter c rfcb e co sir llitiuiile- mntrel 5 baits oj i pralp w wiliwei- shi quern vioei krwd- 30000 1 la fktwc qu4r- limvr lr- o 0 c4 certeno1773 bqffhrutrbeat floor v v crifto srr by bsltr ojdr rn h aeat aetftm oftivi sweens feneral taejnef ehandit e gofene h co lma ste cite nl toionio feneral erruera di oweeu sir sl lrene04rnvnftior pmere f cje a ftrlmvtj h- v i 1 d- c4 cataract lwinei i appiea rnakeia croit ovnena ontaiio odembuf paaveoien se fife sejxbev lorh 5u si- lwrrnce mooteal 8 ea usrrn lonntviif i boi beaad how pacjniccs do tlkce f thrnh the poitrit cilery of littjckt hal see supt to admire the head of a neu- ble old nan whose portrait is thy we enquired nf tbe cmdr and the eivation wai thats hosscs fv infidd f sl v jaj rlfc tn bar iifi a nobe profesj on jl defend llic uridosnj the orphan yes but then it mutt be recollect that far every darritter thai defends ct le l th n iherc is always one op pose them s thai fiir s v j man ahaul to wed himself to the iju take jood care be the bettemiaff eutrivr ntc nfttrv it is uon undoubted authority that the mant of londnndrny has fell himself called sn to intimate thf queen to rrcommend mieald ol the 2d ljfe cuardi to resign bis coeauion for having married fola monies if o site- man wo ha merety contracted a mfibsne 1 not 10 be tolerated in her majesty vice oorfsort no one can be suffered to loir in it who shall run away with anotbeems wife and mnreover sve should thnisiiy rerguirea that if the former i el be oht d to retire quielly frem hn corps tba lattchall br condemmed too drummed out of ibegi- mnt tub bafllufcfield tallor- tho approaching refatu will posseu no ordinary interest a great many vessels and a great jhv people arc inakine a freat many preparations to paet a pelt many 1 nxs among other matters the lrig islanders arc deeroined to reeaio their lost lurch and present h jem medley the barrie6cld tailor from beine once acain the champion of hay 11 ill be iccolltlcd for nmy year past mr- james kccles o long htaud baa carried all brtorc him in the skicfiiing line and to suh a decree did bis lirnt ta tcud that ftsf watermen liked to contend against him last yeai this redoubted cham pion happened to be ih when mr james mrdt a stout younr tailur challenged all the otber lne fjandcra and beat them mnsbrd with succeasahe youn a tailor intends to try his luck again but unrorturjaily for hi chances rf aucceas mr james cdes has rrcovcrrd hia health n- will be in the field to appose inm it therefore remains to be seem whether mr jamc lccleaj a stout heavy man of 10 year of ae the best puller 01s ibe jakej bsjt a mil fce will be able to compel with a powerful jong felloe of v j ibonch he be a tailor but aech a tailur i would do a ladys heart coot 14 took alhim it usually takes nine tailoia to make a man nut in ibismitaacc the adage is wrong for it would probably tak ordinary men to snake a tailor hitta you ike evr jtheru iso itjat is generally eune al public dina om drinking the health nf he queen uoer lib called mwk you ntr ye v do not see the relevancy of itie woroato thtsi and frrnurpiitt can only fjney them aiif iu a man who is in the habit of aint l- cuifi with hi- wife a conditional amnestv according to the tovev when the un csrna dubr was ii through parktalccri mr t nugent afixoarhhcr vehicle and mista kins herf for ihe lah people exised mghiy monarch pard smith 0tti tim hdiaakei jtin itava maiety piohabty ftiir pffttntiaav tho toronto matter one of ihe ministerial prints and the most intelligent among ihem all thus dis course ef that sink of corruption and iniquity thr provincial penitential j t passinc over many minor charges which are nerhaps nreesary onei i perceive an i 1 r rr for i w hi- on ji i i the ok- i prnwsofihrpenitentiiycommiwion tfcut it mut he remembered is only an instalment if the sivle emi which seill jiobaby ea ceed x i am not now prepared to rnier into a lengthy cmdeinnation of this com mission but when 11 results ar eonsiderrd and us original pnrivrs looked into il can only be set down as toe unavoidable fruit of a badsystero hie penitentiary invislicatioo baabetui coanrtcd lio e rei job and tbs the news from roeoeiaot o importance aeeounts frns turin sajs ihaithecham- bii of deputies wil irrant he indemnity of 75000000 been demanded hy ihefiosem- mrit of austria 7nr fifrtti of antrifthx extended o she end of sptenihcr f amnes ty offered lo hi lombard venetian subject the sir seacull iraaaeiied yesteidayej lb magistrates marsha supported by a com pany of marine- she now lays unter lhe kim of the north carolina it wissuppoteii she teas bsund on the cuban expedition nf sv yos 64 r- h- tbe str xew 0tea was aeiied thi iofnidj on sui4ciin of cnifssed in the cuban eipediitun ji is also said thai the ship fhrida has beenseiacd tbe command ingottrcr of ibe expidimon has been exam ined anddihared niihut hnjl in cincinnati a fire broke out yeilcrilay nsorniae at the coiner of ludlow and proni streets destroying 500000 of property before it was subdued pitlssdelvitla 7ih th preiiilent did not rand taiuy he ws on the hurricane deck and waved hi handker chief in acknnwlelcmertt of the cemrifi of tte immense crowd which lined ihe wharves much disappointment was felt because he did not stop satnnluy xigua cspmt mokratat 7r m flou the nuantity of suprrhisc in y is irfliijt good brands brine 3s sour sales at 21s nu wheat offering pea sad- oatmeal has dretjerd 10 10s 9j asires- pet1 in demand at 31s 3d pots hare advanced tc 36s fn iciivx- ffour to limpoo 3s tu tflaa- gow 3- c to veeh re lnd- n ahe 32s 6d a 35- cvchane in uod demand bank on loudon fiodayi ii pnvatv 9 a 10j 57 ks bailt nf msftcal a sale report ed al 10 disceetl sales dialing the week at 11 a ll this moinirsz aboot 3ocroekafire hroke in 5t uiwifflcv tret bul by the timely ar riva of thr fire compare- it was got atjei with tittle damage to the biiihhn supposed to have been the act uf an ncen jiary the sarah from nlio will 2s6 raseneer baa ainved a crosse isle be had 38 deaths on her paar the canodoroffr contain iscgotcricr cenerps proclamation ajoiniifi- nlomlsy the 10th jml for ibe cerhia into force of tbc chancery uppe- canada act isortl asl lastsesaion tte pernor general has uu- m poiiitd w h alexanilcr an asivcute en roner for the midland utrcl the ooard of health report 7 inteimenu 4 from cholera of the acvrgate 3 were children ir sept 9 by ihe arrival of ihe royal mit stramhp er- t mohile we ate tn puilsaiun vi dales from llavaaah to thr mw elt great rxestemcat pievaifed tne carnaiageneral piivkiaty viirlii ruprri hoarreaul september 10h no change ic rreadtuff since last frfet aiiaa hare arait adrsnced piu aic today worlb 37 a 37s 31 pearb s2 3d a hi worship the mayor hs dispensed wiih the duties of the sprcial constable in consr- ejnncc of an augmentalion of the police force the board of health report is interment fur the 49 hour cnjinj- neon today of whirh 5 writ tout ot10i r reman in io hospital ick 10 roaaeay a eeller underneath me auj ii- td su paul street wej enteird on sat urday nithl ai d a quatilly of second hand cloih valu- c70 the peajt of a vnvjer named caiy itolen the thiere rr overtaken und captured siih their boo ty today al fat clane their nams are c oescarrrcj cba- chatpenter and asbrrt there ire tw american sehonnrn in the pori coming to lake a r of draja for the troy market new voavf sept 10th 21 r m- the report of deaths 10 the past week i cs0 which were from cholera new 0iacansscer7ib the steamship falcon arrived ua ev- mg from chareof ha e ins touched at itaran- til on the 3d inu private letters from cut a say the island avfaj in th sreasesi commotion bul make liomesstm ot insurrectionary move meili ihere exce4 in a single intancr in which the cuorl and sever officers ol one of the regiments were muidered the cap laiti general sva ibe most energetic measure tu oppress any attempt m rebellion hy an order of the ajiam ccoeral the fal con was prvhibited fiom receiving any j as srntjrrs at haeaons and united attics were ajbiwed to ia the post office the learner grtot ifwera arrired at new york ss ah 100 000 in md dusl niw yoaxt cj v at pythearriial of ihe great western we have tater accounts from ihe west india manrband vensaiiela tb pcdilical affairs f hayd have aflvr the recent outbreak aa- uircd a ctlmci aspect lewcaxt 10th a aerioes riot occurred here last niht amone ihe f nlj laborers when rtrtarm ami orickbals ere irecy used one bey was shot in the melee j t not eie ted to recover several mhet iernjs were more or leas dinvciously hull sooth sehr letvm ge4rr ores otwefo i bieasek d 1 e o inrtdaj scp afioe ihib lvlu tij l civil fa onw ilroeaa j tr- ideanced period ot lite mr coil or mannrv and a i auodty utoes with the r r pfcns rue city thia morning mi jfirre cf avi crd 46 jeae ir ta4h on the ond mlot fc m i i- aferbuual qmm sneniadie la tro-l- i ih jd ii rr h hi am wlme eed 1 ytt in i oomo no sha j aedf feiv hevnj in m ji ritiil in ttftfolm f ibe 11 intaanl sta skcjiht lllwea wt ij nnjumrene uf mr tlnaaa caircli printer n titema m hr 3d imiii aaaaj l5ej um ww siliseu wy- wle ot mr iaa pbvcf- anj duhlet vf air oim p j ter 1 j f ih 3d sepjrmhec fr mhh irdrrjf ki jvreel in liannltqii on ihe tti a l j f oflfofcairi m wuium lmifi tone l4iilonflf chatera nei b 5s r jim rin iimrij el ocaa ivki ielaiil in lamk nt eknwa tm fa w mia iwh it ajitff r ihf abivr in urtihmi i ilifjlat vi 1 1 sir an t er eeier laie 4 knrlot la lutmlhpm in ihe d se hreeas d rithir el t- 1 v at an aierim ilf jtiili iai ma raef hiliia rap teealt ii t y eri 3 j e at ciand tkno ner kuuehe ltth nsumot f urerfi wiha ir 4 yertaiide iiwiils avi ot m luineh ihe 2nd bifw imsaaates dmrai wdiiem lvirft tbud nv tt jiic marfa lti c di iftd nomlanh u davs utihtd mtatil at frlf ajaaj qirj ivn k hfrf mr wijb01 lloomek 0 jearf fn munlieal m ihe srn inal after a tea i dlae-v- fedsiiek l- heattaiur o2 ytaea 1 jmireal in irv 5th ttioo mr edsi k bveed3fi a qiamwd m ilsa iat tfirno txym in- belvrd wife u fifoafiekt wiskao aired ff ai pstlfjiavaemllranihulliirajf we4eff ujwisr34aaer jvu u yretea t i orr llitt4 k geenr mitwe a hv r j t m- sa 4 the coth iriiremsa 11 rd so yraea 1 h4m c dmnt jnra rtiaa4 saiavrft kic 11 i v 4 rr4 al lite ri nt 1 ul m ji-i- fasta tfieionc dahnvt n 7ih aueoai ficit aljen ttnvty of lbttdoo cw ahoi jnrj vrrre ii n l simevsr m ihe thv1 outicli 00 tba iihiitifher thitjtiath birthday jrw ita elwferv m wrtars fo tinh ef pee 00 in hth utumo jana fiiifjher afrrd ia cv4 rriuata in lu city akkival3 at alrxamikks dkitibli amtucan jiotl sefx 6riptweihnalt r f j mitchell fn trenl tmee i cohort tbon n ptetni davy i ate vn usllev mierii lr s woktnan xtia lsikmm io elilden nrsd aervan tionl rsuajaie lclsratdqeleoi william pntmcf rutitirur n v futd a haoallsfji and lidyj diahoo of toeonh and avrvnt jjjea- haan be mr marsh to artiste o ivstt utcklvtd per prince arsert horn london a n il uf drawing materials avcj ciw slin of winsor nrnl nvwinn cekbra mtrul ivaier ctai io boies of n and u calcca- do do aeeaierl u every verielt w4td n cake water coor ie complete f do do asorledt ches and picpared canvass of every sue from to rnche mill bnaidai aborted from 8x6 20x14 rhick academy ocard mr i lut isek assorted sire flat and ram i to 6 quilled and tied atoned 1 to 6 eoe camel hair and sbi peoeihr iwuah 6nuhvst and oat camel hirdo beat vnrmrilcl utnhtrliinl drawing ivncib oilsketchine pasr italian chalk indian ink chinese while conic crayons drwandnleel pott cyceur w and n giaduatcd latnsja craycus dramin paper kristo boards sketch bonk c imperial and other drawing papera wlnmr v nektons oil colors in patent celltpime robert bahker hisr priacea street scpi ijmfa removal mrs kg hys trmnrcd from ber aajp residence nder very tivinj eihrtiv aiaucet of don est k al1tctirn fo lis avw tonc house uurd hv mr matthewa birre street uheio she will immediately ti ifcax her ehool aud hopes fur a share csfai t pettoytaae which th is never ivantinst in kinaeton 11th 3anj m beaevoitoca cf cruaeg