coromtd from fie 111 pgt dderhatneietfd coverdal ippeinled flit jgccrtsor with a sm of qoq er annom v jit samptem eq md wm appointed vuifemlfl the penitent ity and mr piiwti waa irinterrcd according to agreement from iha building supcriolrndcncv lo the drpiy wariinsbittwitn a salary ofl0 per aoown la iw scmoii of 133j a j iv ntajamiace and mnrf of the pmeaaeul ptaiiraiiaiy erected near kataton fvlbo mid fend asmricv paaacd throu pjibameai ad rrirrd ic itayal asaenl oa ibe sth mech 1831 on uw 3ih jaj 193 cownjt iadtal ppiniar c w giant john jdaeaidav john s ctthnm alewodo primr- aad wllftriy a ei uai referred lo viswot rrmnnetatkn and nlhasad aiii issiifre turd mk tee the finu how s j hfl mscivuj f i aatcted fvidnr in ap ls31mwwbaedai lb d pnlaflfehnari tat tar 61 lb- e tv pond caonat pwjfll of bi mparaiot ntj f th tntocamiiiai ihe dcpo o of lut wjperpimkaltm been dniaaed fo fejnc u ere delected by hia ijilnee aodibc heard feel tvmelr rciueiaiilyeom- pdtr d id place bttla lekeaec osi each taiavwif the board mum fhwr rcmsrfc that iw nrmtf nimh rcve aminua to main tain ihtwr ipkw ft ti trim tod ihsl wlat- rvrr mihct be ma itve committed awvl teaj bwm fat m eeot of iudfal than lftr mf vtrt t neglect or pfint be ardeoi f ho imidoriho diecrmi af the ltic ll iv mt and tewe him m d ili i ii fmc td of lirtio pnici1 drtti tli lipn rw urom the wat jen d mr piwf re irm ndfd tfilh hi iko on tndon iht ilib fvtaiiry l mf smith pelffcw a id taiii of cftffi ajni in deputy fi ntiti f4jmio n4 r nj m ron jeetivpd kr prpn jf ih ivottfttr fo o tl ttlr u in aw llphhif widpft of mrtlnt hfll pla mfe if british whig tuesday oiohnikc septr 16 19 penitentiary commijfeton- fpt or ijnr of thondaj rc optl n aik fo tho i4fwp co6 nuufi to ihp proilrnluty uin iroh w tf wo ojj not r itiil jootom ciodil fonli ptoductioo wo ihtok fi skoiim do o now r f our n j uift sri it m frt oik vrft ibj wf nev li to thmc n borrowed l a io ibr ifliflc rtftfood i i- l pwvfpuciycfcorfmmrill uk ffj oii of lli j lmjnv hbotrrwimro aom it ink a toaoo 4itf mto lw u i ih eziuiaoilik tit ihr fmmt pcrd qon ike rtcbt horte if the cljk bd wronjly added up iny of lus ceonnls io lii bok and carried foflvih the souoeo rroopooilv frotnonc yer to aoothor wit ut tbc foultof the warden dot by the nkanuot in whicft the 67obe meol ion this part of tnc nucclj jruuy citofti 0ent be led to into thit the vrjen hid put 1000 of in ogomftoey into rlrt tlthooijh the cvrnivmonrr kw fm wojl that ibeff wv iv a def1ctioi aat f irlhiu at they took reejy p4n voo io titling lnt oecotii itliukeriok formy yn back cninrd hfrffrlulk heiiycjlt05 the oioof 4 wbtlh hit error te dbeovered ies u rf oeiha frh iny money ebaifrrd fqnflc rorlir u4 i wtl wtrrttd 71 ov imc s ov 4v do im to do 1630 dx ioa im m k mi no da jtt do do 1943 do ov 14 1ft ims do iwc do u i84t m do v ioj ptrcfc vin owwi l isi in im igl 47a tto tiwwjwed ift fc trer froe hiepeeninr the boiid inropjyu uio pricnl secretary bw i tlie ilotf of iltfcord in whkh the itrttiilon sliotlio lrwhmftgfo1iirlb we oppumrnr hoary sui rq wrje of hie pmnril peoitenurr b tb oop tbr aaidvf f im doir rvferrrd m aolbeid o ter04 od ii ile i bet n i iw fcjeeyvawnihitml hie i d gli were hiwrf i hr rmk f b rtaaarfc ad olisomc mrinr t bost ibt tefliknn c ia ibo m4molcapa acnl bncwitli and retiree fci rfie rurdllwaie wt read lkopon ike svjd jtmeed tim itrfy jefihaoerfinafctf llkvtry 4n llwt mr frm n 1 voi bd fttrct rihl od il ir b dt hmarrf rr io h b m m ibifik ioccjifi t rtefta ib tmsmmf ad eoftdet a totd cfiie of ib vminittoij ft tbo d ttmiw oad ntotrinai f 7kli the tpw e adjbt re-o-njl- atjii waafvtlief rdtj tmifmv l uie hden o bi tfo iat t l- eiertlrne to we iliai ihhc wisi l to ovie broby tbc uamfvi tbo fcawusj3 trtdo taebfcef pefcrred i4il w be l ielotiblnjfct b popftelvof h e- rrlncv it lurftiat g pain a tomla h ifctfhj d trpajl o n iie ad eiit a iik dlkee lifoli bfcte tjiyde ntvn bctvoea tbc vvdci and ilt ueor wita a lid iih prel a ihehtrf tbc wrdrf- metanj laplnlef yett i au f refitiibi tbat iif vda cm raafpffd i lerino of my lvjjed tvamici if tlnmt f llt- ok ad 1e lan rff heber jie fiee ffie diroon tue menbwtf c drintii eitno bl tbe 0ntq w lb1 if be wao w4i dtbfed ibrv vtam reomnd ebrco llielha i tliio foly oioiej iam i ipcrey feuled io 1ffpvpmym faeajer in ofte parlicufar pwi0 jvk1tttto the riattai m 4s iv oap of foetlivc oe tad hre oaomaujli tbaulxio ie had per il ant rt oatil the ainter omskt ibti arcbpua wai appealed bat the retf w 4 hmhioe a cterufma of ibo chorea af rnftfid vph iheii iatiicd wuli a calaty or dlio oaiooh1ofj4aaaryle3t raa ick i aeat a a membe of iv b jrd f wfoolort io tfie room of the ilia jao lnaaiaj fiom the day in 1635 ml which mc ilenr miiih took pewe5ipn o hi off c i warden tp to the utht be left in deceoutr isls with ief jclercenioti the piiton vnr to have eco the ccno of eontiaail hickerincf ind alter leu d amoaa the officer eompainlt ad ineticaliort deertiw aod appeal pi jd conatetpfoii eem to hdr foemed the en- mowing hniie of mr warlcn satitb and tin office rt tor the wbhr ihiileen ye two aeceedin board of lap elor ukd to orreet th eril bni wiinout jocce eaoh toaid wai l at brought 14 area itne mb -lr- war6v smjlh ifcc po dte ia ch eae cain tin lee iv ntice of cncrn- ie n i bni hoth ittiaeet mr henry smith ad h4 joii the ronbr fr frftntnae had nficient pyliteal iolluence no4wi1huodinc bit both tet were cpocd of cerva- e to cnuci ihina o deteroasly a la ec the ifwpecioes oat o otfee the coaamenceoient of hrch dificullie ym to hte ariifn fwm the bmer jeafvvj mr ivirtlen smith tmvard hk dely lr william power fftwcl aoprai io eo bff p a nharp mlcuiccnl energetic kim- tw on thorourbly afqi4inted uiib b alie aad oirare f tbe fact th1 he aa all ikj1 rower ijann j ihe baflj traduced tte tluciptim o iwri e ihr vtabtitbneol aloat mr sith waa a taia- cwr in kiapla uitrrty iooranl of lk olicjoflkcollcc ho wa4eallrdra i aot a peeei t avite ape iota of ihc flifil- rt pefujoiof i- any fitn he mimlui a io occupy mr rnen eveisrtt ih fk taadrnee of ihi r thr a rcll poottniitary ttbie mr sknla would al- ndlolb pjaem arfinc nd hare a rcac- lpeiriort otff eveiyihia mr srath if eta different ojrrlkn al wa aat lo m tkinf it manifou bwmilitiec by i be ftpe- hor knofrrodce and hih linv abiiftiei ha4eihityipelty ikiitanla neralvs n ofarhoyance were directed acaiat mr rarer by mf mith the apparent iiatp drifpac ha from the jnmiutioa at lb t of fonr ycariihe mile 9tmti aocceil d mr poi was ttmej out by an opera- tn which we will prefcatly explain tho comoiii0neu report ihot refer to i rfwpnte leilh mr paweis vry bwlly tfier the ipaninc of the pia- an viafohiiaate miundeadiae eem to ittimi between mr warden smith ad h depuh mr power and for at lei or year before mr powers left ihc itolita jo40 to have caiually xkttd mrd tbem thoe differerc arc frcqaenty before the inspeclon in ifc lape af eharce prefrrre he one officer aiam ihrchbcr and ihe warden aeemtn ate beoa toeairauy topoted in uch refer- nee by mo gra wv mr power wi ifwfam- soaincd by all the other inec- x faf n bitmber at a tpeciaei of ee doputc we make tbt loriowma ex- rat from ihc minnus of tbe baarj 21m ribe nar j3itveeit mew p-irt- cray ad nlejtatfa a ker rv lid b f e fkwidby llk widrcofitniinj tuic mjmu afiai th ivrriry widco f tetjndaxl in jumieo m lb depilf be fufnpvd iriih a crfy o ad teller arid tat an hia refy the mmiee wl be taken aardcrtbftn and hie oatiee heard fn otlk litk hartb le9tpiveaj mewei cart- paciwonj pamfle cay nod kirkp rba ftowd haeia read ilc jeae 1nirtrd bv me pjvrrinaaer to tbe fbirtea ftfttttc iaiimt itiro re ofajsi v f jt 1 aatbfarvfr tbe rotrd in thai aqnitiftj tbe depvty wr- de aic of oj thi ibe aifeiv md aciifmr o the wn ca ouii br eoftkd byoiv itcitod littdentandtftf biiweca the warden and tlw f- pvtt aad eontiant aowty on tar ie pata io miiv taia fooer i laec oi ilo pail af ibe m4 oateracertof ibe lfdotraa and ihtj are af oamie ihet ircaohaewf of me lpi woftpaflv od einetlf mamtintd ai ibt p fioeof tbe tvimibmel i rotly eni0vd a him toaoorder oflhosb deceit lavkatt- 31i mareh 117 preal met ci wtim ad vcfcit p wrjro ib- laf an invelfatkj f if cbajfta ma br h m acainat he dputy wdra and iht rte deaf e hwd l beard oner aalhu ln i u fce appoiftud tudty oen iht 4tl april m a va the meaolicne ire rrapect dieei unt hi i rj w i b ttyfn 4nj if bo jl jtv wttaotaea lse mjeljprwnedato 4lh april lsnlre mease car at wm 4 ef itiif jwraah ormt pfipareadiiaonad et forth 4 tcimvihe cduo af nbich petr oir aolers ac no doajm awaje avu ftfcffelrftj to tbe toomiaion we eaaihot foe one minute iiaae tliat ihr highly re4keetabe teaflmen vu hare from lime to time beri appointed intpeex of ilwj peiijlnliary wom have eonmed at or sanctioned njr impeper rmdtrlm the part of the orhecri of thv inaititiion ad kaowin at we do thai ihe rottemen n etfilmeat of the ji regularly cave their ailfi dance at hie rtaied pcttd t well a lecenily at othr lime htch it nore tfcan ca he tid of ibe present boarj tbe mcoctu rihe gfv6c to tlie contrary not wilhalandio wean detiv- nite ihe avmrticw made by that piwr ltait at aviiltitieia was rolun o the hj core by no other name tha a fail u upoo men who hjd f yeait their limad aiten- lion giatoilouvly i tltc lt oae peiaoi with reajarv to hd irnpoaj ff4mtwm nueticn which he glfa pya re coni- tnerthaee iftbaetd we thiwc bee already pretty well ewej tbe dilleine be- iweca th past and preseal modes v0iajc4 inrjltte lortiioo nz much to it credit of ihe alter and if tile cnntiue hejiete that thy have received fair py at ibe hanuoftse pabli wt haec j to tay tlirynibt to be takful we aid ko- etr cautioa ihse itenilmen iliuaaj the hie been to hehfly deaielh ihry in tilt nm expect ibe nc ienity jie if all that ha c me io oar kocwed iru mvi ptlt ired tpef ad ekblavd ael d ibe p lb f hi a lltftfml tem a rvinc 1 bl hfo e r bi ibe oiaaa af iti4 tv iraeai rlrt vtk n ibe wafdei and ilir ttt- ln t iid i aa rfiv certain 1 aeter etie d an eipiiina ilut both ad there eteefoulit to hue bea dwhtiwrd aod f iht t ad paajuaiii3 eoo that tfcwa i bate vnha a io til rftieiey of ibe aj bwin of dieidiue a tfff a nrt e- pueaaiitam lalha eitiei ad dccring ftpta fa fulufc e iw- 1 een enieae ed ill ltjld ital la- lildia ctrt ball ue art iee f ili- dpvty svvdn arpo lbl thmrwt a pjhi tirfiirti tf ihtvi phri aailaw war trahi- fiaedan ivve hetwren hwiati aad r f le i iecroait vxam wri h be aa wiowit va vtat ut ilwa avajld 4ei fiov r rittsnvia avj i rtiuari ats be nat bpre tjtild v kar tbe lvvteaani teaw t pleed rr in m ibrraiftf rd ibe warden aa to tppnat ihe cnmiiy b fe f bste he boo tob nr yu ufraiifta ohmaii isiirrdj iaf nlikai 1 pt ig aaecraa e p in september is1 he ditpaitet of the warden d hi oeinity were reeatedls he fate ibe lnieetor ml pwer pifired formal etoc- of malvrahon a4ni h siitb the eeii1 charge were 1hiiy number includm peeiimtiow craety oedect of doty mimanaenve and manv ainee ai the matt terma ebaraeter itse 16th i oc toacr wa appoirled to ty ihete charc but befote that day arrived t wa foond iudent to have the mailer quietly tmobcrd ap ttfte lwpttof ibe coatalitthiiers proetda vetoei4lioti eo to uate com nekcd abouit ihi time lor the amieame removal of mr pjwe thioiiajh a peciriaiy compensa tion io be paid h m fm the enibtic f hett ii on the day of inal raf the fffct rcacet be tween ihr warden aad hit ix puty a reput col afloat thit mr piiwert had oreo ieiraaed from bin jtuation which sl calcutitcj a injirioui to hia a well ia making hi own defence a in proving hi cue aiainft ihe warden the lavpcctor inquired ita the mailer and the folhwini niemadnm pac ed m tbpit handby mf bickerioa throw light on the ibjeet mwiantk lilt tim thehn c v gianl aeui f the aubvcber and ahed him ii pf r hrtd 0 fiinunicatrd tka eireajiiatanee of sir u anboa haeiat dnheed ibe i7f warden fftyi bia mviv t ibe ptitlemity refjied be had ivh and i ailed bim if tii ik fuel jla aeied t lie ijko tid if mr rarcri arvie far any pieraor iwut bclonin- n ibe aaee eeu i the lata dftei eneo botveea unindthe wertes- y- e r wkfmi 41 ibeaii aa he ia on io iftajer an ncneer f ihi bw4hmei and ioj my nfrn mr pirte llit if be peiaevcro ia agf at ibeae miltea ibcadaaee idaei f riso proatjaed in him by ihc uotcnyi th tke care ia wilb- irkdl f- gicketon- etboeioayl930 the baard met on lllh oclober lad laa the matter into contideraiioo and the pcfi drat was reqaetled la fjie w filten mttnlortt on ue aiihci io the clerk which be do at fvlowt 5t a report hwin by aimc eateoardiaarr ineanr eat i iht ilc lfepady war- ei hid ea tuependrd n t doty a re al ative t idmd rtd tv le dim ef of ibe fnatfriwi aad ihtl irivtbvitedlem hj kenpteallml ibl arhwiawb itvam ri have errm t it bk aarl ptp itrtft i ltett drre lll o i vnl ciwiamiaicit u me lb f t ui lii bj br lutoded hom lm piac- t on n ep h aa m ben thn by ibe rd in um inil aod that he r eoiithior il the tahtvinnaabj af ba dwy a deputy wivn a i f attt la ibe ornate d ptnera of lli pen ra iiii he n vii untd oi aie di eeted by ordca ot tbe jturd i tb caajtrtry i reapaahi si h t wrlaht print i gav and nickll warden aiate thehllowin charee air ihe depaly 9 in nunhr 1 speakni d reapcuotly of warder 2d coneeahpietjftrfe piad lbt tvail cieobin erry fn avpredationsofonepi- 3ld seine ite- paper ia rj wet 4t llvldinc rehci dbpateawitb wqtoy 5h kadieh- mpert and wfidna in hotital 6ih tahint hiedoxtooe fj in tbe pepitenliary 7ttj callm the lcutenaai gcveto a tyrant 8th gieiajloae of w to the wmrd thj jecu- eodeel aa ibe pari of tbe in betel 9th jeabae itta heario- of ihr j ictt5 acjcatd the neeciain for mr tonnefaon poh-utiv- pwr amreabte reftova and wvnthe 1tb tlw fntperiorhavnebcirmheevf fnr orbr irrieed it wat aaneuncd thit mr igsintj the df atv warden jecid m etfeel p wer had h leheved of bia otfiee with a ofoliowsr thai a to the itand2deharc i aoftliiin f x3k from th pobhe chetl and l ihey are rtprie t ihe avd haeinf a rv dfv alerwatd tlw uhoje of ihe i i fej j mrkius i wrf giccevtfa tehioits piper rad wau coreat of thj aden heif i acqoittd 1th a ved eaxid iht 4 conterton dd occur m which the heimta properly dtitrd h acqoitied grb inirrdj 7th ne iifactory wi ph no tvlcknee a the uw- eclats bi bton fxant were luened oa o ajie by tbcgaieraoicni the avowed preiu fof mr powcea die aai4l waa ihat he waa 10 ameritao ullawt- n 1 ihrrefihc oot to be trotted in lime ol pv nea troobfa f ammuta is wo ara inform rj at variance uilh the iiath in iw tiuaienl hy tho coanmlaaianen a fewer mmbe of oxen are t dowr a haviac been puechi- and em plyed than wa actually ihe cate ihc feeding of no lct thin s bora hired by the wardc f k ibcif keep wa not taken into ateuitnt a te cammitimner declared thee waulj a a he ro allowance fjr ivir mainte na ihi of courae miteriiuy iaeieacj tbeappirc eijrneof ktepip the other which by the be wih all ihe ingennity of thr warden vt and accacrt did not amvut la the turn the gttb it plvued to ttatc we re fud that accordintj to a iy trtadei- tnipatatm in lie article of ttaw alene if wo i j hae rcqtiird icoto ha 00 ftr tame litter for ill ike year cijheel in ihe cnqaiiy 1ii thai ipoc txamimtm it wu fotjiad thai let than co ian had ken mod lhrcaom laaank haw anything hot ex- treae4nee ia ike arable dtaiiment in the expense of wbich ihc cnmawcr were o aaxoti loharearap ai the warden that they actually included more than 1200 he- lon io the building department which had n rerirence whalevet a the former ac- eot and alio the cot of aefrat month djpy of forage an hand uneeananeil far alt ihi we are credibly ritftirmc ihai hoatt aid touclierw ca he poducrj will the gt he pleaded ta inlom 11 what baok nd voucher of ihe utiaoft inpftdanec bate ven attracted froai ihe record and by whom t oi the proaf of which the public may itil aand we shall not j- lack in hod- iact he pail to m1 meiited tcon all iht we have leatoed on tbi iihci it that the ocrk had mmaid tome bill of pared aw the i u eci rexalaiiy en le red to the credt of the eller and that aome loa iheeu on which inrmoandurn of forage iad hraji kept ime r back coold not be fotipd hmt all the airtieiva ataie i in them had bee eorectly po in the penitrntiarj jookt we iom come to ihe charge of rx- cajrve uihirci an i even aait tine ihr 9q0 ironpaj jlated hy ihe tvv6e io be itue it oiji to oidi i pajpiihtienl to jeb convict in ihecir nambrr by no tieal oiivdrrin hie character dealt uitv tut why bed not th fviac the inieumie to ha a many f ihoaa rnatajl weia itfle laarbidet and liw mny wlh tlw el h ihe rdtar 1 by hiaowa acknowledge meat in full ptesion of every particular he k0wt well enouh that he fotmtt de eriptinn of puitihmcn i snjiiclvd without takietba mn from tbe culpeit back aad tlul they stand in ihe proportion 0 99 the 100 j the latter mde of caatieation will tbe cwe further tell u low many of tbe 6000 punihawnu of all descriptiofi cua- usted of oac or two meal of bread ano walff arcoifineineot lo ihc eel tut tikin a thit to be iruej il amannt but l one poo hmrnr convict prmoo we ate old hoe in order ta eosure the codmnatioo of the wndea hie commwtionei eaimiaed ibe neahtfi af the late ind proeeedinrf botlt the tatter of whom declared they ihoufht the piimiiynrtri were out aevete they wonld hive heea let in number and the former tlaled ht i hey were well aware of ihe pnihmnu that they alway ap- itrowd of thcin we have been informed that the two mail actre aadihuuehtiil mem bee of the comrpiavien givr their aprmors that tv peoiteniiay eald be coo ductd withool the use of the lash yet notwiihtaadin ibi notionj the cst fitf tiro or tbtec pound 4ojj hrtjej in cojialnt reqniition ilita tbe lite rfio their warden wa upced from ba office and lakvur 10 toojpeejy a flote all tbl how w44 en satrrdayjam that oae of the ever woll na have happened had ihe cm cowvjcu received aaetere rwfing foint- amnaon taken prae in r nod tho ac uke ic k w aja wi cuvd party beia- allowed h beaefiltl cuncj holh of which be prayed far but which twee nncofidilionally denied to him leaarojilatl thet7ooeorralher ico mmaioier-wi- zn4 fiw ut hm or a i nou not to iveslal tbe ofcf we ta uux m hf alone cmmitner repcrli el notwnhliadin 4utin lc hiitt urift w jo 50 convitt uv of oafc en v noibme c peoi- tertiary rparl until we have s have we any id a of it content thin what may h gathered fram the tojwatioa refercd to- the coie cwhich a o- of the commiioiefi one of ibimicilf ejilor aad prapmctrj toy that it drau have been very ey t bae whnehed thit oscer and centured that in as alto- ifvthet upeiiioi ibey hath 4ott the vtty thmf which we thl be in a candtin itjafily to bev if we a a be sieve the cub ae of ihe tft w penitentiary cmild hle hld thrir i mrc thin two vear a lire ale inve tiaioia that jainai iiiiminhiiiy lvaailt whol it cjtar knvw i v fkv m smith ajpointcd thcn al to ihie wheiea il ia well fcronn tt i aei a r 1 jy4tta canlecred iin him by the aiaute of lyt brfore sshicli lime they were made hy lb ij veetoe j f thrte officer were aeli apiaantd by the late warden and wlbiri t jwrih authorijed by ttaiutv uv do n ha prn that tbe areitr urt of met at were i iminedtjave evidence to the ocleacof maitert which happened manv ftfihi4 jch aphmntroeot whith we are ioformo they dd the gmrf rve the commiatnn er faarmt credit for ihe aoaoant of utvanr tte hat in eo thronh aeeordiiic w the j adae ihe hope of m id weeen talptkf hut jn the cae af the conmilriei il ahj run the length of the uaoor inerae u pay what will onr teadeia tkulw when tell them tray of pi mitiioacrs heovjf by memiefrer aai th wante thry aked of teveal of their wjtpetse in moil frivaloihqurioi altoceiher iteevaa to the mtiier in haud and a real ccal ntn timewaiartt jndelbraiirg withered dor tipan is propriety of alhamc h warden l pil ee qqefeimra io the wiincr l awei la al of which he coniidtred nut rat to ht defnee ye he wa 101 ailowrd i put them bti was too treat a tvmptatloi nol to a we rr well informed lhal b mine out the lime when the co ve etainiaj- fornih uj with a comparative tatemeat of nnithmcata ii fueled at the pioiientiary in mi smith iitfambency id were unjer pj ihmett ai hh fair ihc he mabe np ihe charge or me of them par they nearly all fall ta the cjwnd ioordec pn a imounlto neatly v6fl la be two i at the warden but nitrjdfl eoo but ia jitatfec i tbe lite atl npt fa to wauh very closely all hat h ft p fc may appear n that journal on he atibject of w fc aive feeiihliva of any of the motwnebib evt r i 1 wrong hall etpaae it to ibe pibtie j1 v- m v comimtd to him w never lte lo deal we really think it mellng like dttlklpf 11 oar rwhlc elve tvt the gfooc to f aoy- thnj in petite of the hndy isork of- con- ducto lf h i noarioi that the celebrated reporl wa drawn up by him aloae in daik saying 0 ioundoe we like people to come to the poaf iftj therefore we and hepcjnc wonld have been better pleased l adthvcw tutedin what the pmitin j rpitrerresrniation irvbery and deeiption we tunpate he received ihe eartra tatund per b rr thmmcfrr to coirtified 1 was verv easy day i would appear fm the manner n z 7 1 a 1 an r 1 f itehaid lctmlml another thjn 10 bcl ve which the cfrottarf he amount of ewndi- jl a i t them a to 4 and decrption on iot front rhe eommeavment of the laiiiu fale re pall of ihc war jen wc save aa yet ecn lothihtf of the kmd proved aainat him hoi lioa whieh by ihe byei we are told is a rer amount tkan it actually a that there ss nothing to ncw for il wheieit mi ihe rontrary the ibat all the work ie the boimin at f it 4onr it the penitcatiiry from the commence mem of the institution wa valued by com- ptlent perton found to exceed by itree f a 1 t f l n perhflp ome of tne com t li pttchasvnf caort today failed t nex j p hi crriiun ihirtrc pttace h-jfjia- n the pound nvf do wo nowhat ho ever gave a mm a check on he bank in payment el a debl in which he up fund tr ivtci plible of improvement t appear 10 bivej batn laid on tbe wrd aboumrri frut e think it stoold have bee more in aceodaoco mil rffftt jutfiee if ihe middle hid been reqtiea furnb tia with a lit of the vvitnesaea ex- imined before the comnitionrr hrioppori se chalet oeoapm hy them raii the warden distinguishing hesv miny wte dicharxd convict or pritooer then ia the penitentiary and alto tit number f dismjiaed otfeera wbote testimony wa to mjcft touji after but above all howl many of ibfafwstid witaeite after givinc aecrel evidence gaml that otlker 4bcoiaed and therefore could nol be produced for ase pmrpete of being crotexmined ind yet lurlher low many of tuch wilnesct were committed to the ail af the midland ltouid for crime aftcrwajd perpetrated by them ism th public mi form tome ida of ike evidence girtf by ome of hem the gtooemakes the eipeawt of the pent umiary committion to amaint to no mwc than x30o and we thai be happy to and thai the tlatement in our paper of fitlay lau 11 eitonecus fat ihe ake of sir impoteriihrd trcatury but we rqiitc aafiiethina man ihan ihemerc tpieatrtf of lhaijonrnil before we jhall be able to creilit it tbe baasted a- vineof the present laeeto areeaaily lobe accounted for when hey haee seated to pi chase any building materials teriau item in iheeipentvaof the peaitentiiry no laaild ins operation a we btr mated being car ried on llii year but what will they have to jaow far the lahor of the tonvicu except 1 few tpiketanj hinges the ale of which if ever eltccid will ccareely pay for the cou ued in tbeif manufacture the tliangett part af the statement ii that tbe cholc should interfere with tbe operations of the penitentiary hot ihi- ia about a difficult lo understand a maoy other pat i of the clccv article we have teen but two deaths ci cially announced from this dire diteateni ibat eatiwhhotm and we ar alway tiid lhal the peisoss it pajtieularly healthy to thai we are an in to discover ir whai way th uit4 of the intitutiaoj can be ahtected by rl anarypfoceedinjmnre lhan irtual un it be in the great eipenditure of whiskey m syhich we underalaiid the cotivict are now aain indnlged the rreatett joke in the gtobtt aytitjt is ihe nn sustained by r edittfi in beinf paid 3 a day for hisjorricr aa commiionr aad ecretary all sve c say iij thai we should be very hippy 10 ex perience usb a ios not only for uin month bi a lent a the government might choofe to employ u 00 ueh rating era kfj no ihr will not do j where il the peoprieto or editor of any pyer in canada lhat would um up hi note at tuch a palry reaiunera- lion butwijtlhe olooeiellu wa thi h that the secretary received for hit trouble noi withstanding what wawaid in patjiamcnl wc ihiak by the fiupector general that the pel diem aluwantc was u cover all expense we k by waj ouoficlusien did the sceic- tary pay all hi prirala 1 ota- hit carriage hire an ui expense to and frm new vork from his ox n peivate fud ha he m abort received aaylhia- m aljtion to hit iwrlrd dollar per day duini lw empluyment either s carnmsithc or inspector auotber word before we have dane a ta alt ihe energy ded liy the lapecto ce the cammisioi eloird will the gtooc inform u how many legally conciliated hoirda 1 a cmi n- c three or inorc liprcioi jk ihe rvssdfft waf harft iraih jsvaftinft ste i hv at the pviuuojr itow many ihiti i ivo member ad how many of tbe atlas of the tvommistion aloae field day we have pleasure in statin- tbal colonel yoon cb commanding the troop in the absence ol maj gen gore has kindly ac ceded to the request of ihe ayor and kft ranged for a field day of such of the hili- tjry in garrison as can be spared from duly the review will take place on thur day mornin precisely at ten oclock op barrihvid cosnmon this will prose another ilittton at the fairj especially to our american fiiendsfcr it hose gratification it is no doubt princpall iirfticed t tub pmstocvoscoteocaanivsoctr- tf we cm promise ibe lown a hue ireat o no ordinary decriplion loraorrow wed- araday night the physios those pcd- fefout fellow inland to have a g gala on the frtireocravon of iht uw smehun orcsjsof membr dreted in fahtic rfarbs wilhhare oetnf equally fan decorated with hi majesty kic xttirt al iheir head will make inch a holy show of thnuelve a wat sevei heard or dreamed of in ihi land of chaos ari it it ta be the great wenl of tbe week professor johxston- voierctay fternoan a meetine- of the mem befsoftae agricultural society ad oehci mkioted in airsea1lurr 1004 dace at ihe mechame iniitute in this my far th pi- oe oj meeting hie celebrated agricultural leetoivr profesej jetiaworij who i now making a lour of this praumce with ihe vrrwof atcetlainine ii aticuhural cipabi- lilie the nalitr of ittvijltc tlie prefrksnr wat introducd to ihe meet- in jj by hi exetllncy the lieutenant go veinor n ho oceiipic the chair 00 ihe 0 etrmii we regret that wc hava neither lime eivr space at p eant la paoliih the lecture entir we ive heweeci ihe eadn feature in th- tcfesui remark fivm hi osereaii hi on the natural capanliie of the several dilrien whlch he ha alady ea4orel prnfcvor johaatort 1 enineei that thi pinvincc if wcji adajited i the vaiioua aericullartt pur suit pecu iar ma similar climate aut m order to make uwl cnpabitities available he rccomriecudej ai avotuicy cascntiil a ihoosigh tefiivatiois in the present mode ef tillage tie uetcd wreraj kind of im- profemeitt and iccm mended as an imiortant nc and suikd to maiy scclos truh he had traveludf ihe system of uoiough drairmge at advpied and puruej nh ue- ccfein ifiium the importance of i plying tnaailtc chemiraljy adapted to the ni na strortgly averted tu abo the ao n of imr the nod- of tecdiiix aw maqsg ttoca with ihe dthvre l kmd food mol nttintivc and totted la the different species of catue the piofvstar foicibly rcomnended the diaaiiui- littijoftsf pioer aku3inralinirunio and called upon the eovlc 10 urge rmiivc ai- leotion t4 aid to thai inipoitant uhiet and n ho dcielucmpt of tbe other rcaxnjfct of tha prorince he stated which 11 a well kaownfaclthaitba pcaapjo of england knew butliuk of tbe ealuc of me agrieoiturej mcun of tbii country tni be aate it t h npiuion thit an approved system of pnniri- lion into bi province would operate favora- wv em the farmineinteiett tncre ia una eircumttiace which parliealar ly attratd ihc altentioa of professor john too and which he considered well svoim thit aitemionof the farmer on man die in quiry he found that ibe land of this county stere generally well adapted to ike gtwg of oal i- that where that crp hav een tried the yield ha een safe and atwridanl i set in eveey direction he coutd meet vilh tooir 0 jfearcirti jtour aiuc carrief into the inlertor not exceptin lhoe localities wrwte the soil irxcecdirg1y lrm oa rr1oa the profittoe felt convinced thatageat waitt af due economy must pie n the pcosmw he illuwralcd the importsnee of th- giowma vf oau by rcfeieve 10 scound and oilivr plants where the crop was lened an e- tential item in the sol- of rarrnin odael and foniiiiutc the pticipil fnd of a hardy jud rout pade lhrey dejwndimc u ihe rrviafce of their ow faim- fof a om fmwe substtene the prifefr iid not peak 50 flaleriotfly of our miieral wentth so ff a it h i jl appeared 10 fcira our mmerjl resource of which we re w to jvk so snatf0tflv afe dfmliiihed in hi etrnaiion h jt icipalton as to tbe extent of coi6eld axc n the priee- r fi fram hcju r 4 it but tw lieeovs it imiornt lhat kirwiiflc in quiry hujd be irnu ediiiy instituted a a- cenaa to ishat exient lhte miie- do exist which must be esntial in order to at at rut coclasion a to what mir real p9i tan rs and la blend oar diflereui mrani ve can eltecl a mcliortnn of our present eon- dilion profeor jhsion cmdon tf nat being possessed of ufbrieal local iafornaatioa fur the mare satisfactory prociutitn o hi retearches tt mtrw lie a very eriidh slaclepartrcularly to a ufassg and we sin cerely tmtl that such an obstiikitoa urtihf efficiency removed hi bxcelleiic in cloaiaa the meeting slsitd that very heneitcial rculu wee tikey to accrue from profess ar johntons trail tp tbe province and called wn those ejav aid upoo the vpte gene ally ta forib the ienired ipforaaaim and lo aid by eveiy availamc fftean the exporation now going forward ur johnston will cimiinue hi invetiga lion for a few weeks lnpgr and we ahal enleivoe trme b time tugire the public the retull flf hi rahervaliortf st mn v b courier if sepf tae mlowm a copy of hi loidtup ihe ttshopof toiohio fju we o tbe peiitioo in refeieoce w tlc rev h pfutkin cprj troeie aueuh 3t t ctvttcu- t liitoibebcnv- ifebiiirtdce io- mf 1 n ectieee the rrv ii inn i 1ulblna emuini a of i ofedtrci he biapgthredoo a anafi fhirh ha ltd- 10 an grni a orayfe divided hie simie mnd i rotret ariib jv thai mr uavtrua m bia de- c topaomtefteaaoffier upmsmeajeit pdtiicil 0wui nd in coiiead iho aaaj 1 or lie 1 reprokitaiivr a ih laatnaftnc il cooj wrfl of the pnpl akiiat haee a4i a ea wliih ta m 1 ij tavniife bun wiih nno e utlie of ibo oidlcii pnie are al i lavieol ihr m int ciueava hipevr wet n- tenlned in eflect tbeae rumj b- alasajh br od lb on- fthjh f paklkt 4wifrk lrwufl it elnnael of a acwppe mted ootiie tiu 1 prl eahottipt ad plvala nvtitilna it if he llaajgbl ibtibbn aaa- rpired ho nt kv nsdrad pateal letter bia pariiii ar eakieln- rlwnt 10 iwhj roaemiiore birdatia f frlnt tj- riiueh od ihe riev f he oturi ha bjy ovaie peae 4ediiwe tbe lne vaj qltnfdmatita i the rwlm rnd ii uito- tufcaie heo ibai ed kfantetji to he f an e by inetna whnh ontove plmir ftindrrto i ian axtaaear aaiammj feel tbi it an tbi m mk a h eifftt heed ernar t- pjewhi r hp ii 1 p hc cauwr order o- lile ra tjarto hapepk i iriah io ilar he iu bf idoced ro xe aad dtiif ii eak and in maiitic amt f caovl birt hoe ihat rhe n u einoet oboa h tnmttiera swbinf to hi aral nwth and not to in paaaioe indiareiwn will r ie 1arf hio thai tft aad arttrlito upon hcu hi oaefaiaea aa uctt a oue mutuil cow vriamoch deped i he ihe jr tr be gentlemen you mai ubccitat spmbta wvaat j in toaymvsk to rtlar vaoag waa madacn ja hsre brunarea caaiat- whoa ublfu a tf 5alea000 bnhai fi6c for wi inferiof d l atorv ptrmo qmrifc coa heavy with aiu 2b 60c tic for nixed westers l as yellow market for pork aseady with demand sale 200 btb at 98 t iar 10 50 for mean sroca- cuvernmenl are dull salilrdtj mfftots ttt monmtui lfthj in breadstuff nithrf to ruprt asic eontinn in demand al fxhw 1 3sfopb tlw coaodo caaefe has a a proroviiingpariamrnt lothc 13th on it v tbe inlentost of ihe goaj 1 yeaierdav io drcoflliluc their da t hut tivy miwqufuly delofmirpd tinaiiitf ihem foe the piccnt trrsentfor ihe csboors eodkic j day 19 ol which i tvrefrom cbcavei v 12 were children english mail trrvidal 10 t st tbe british ship caihiiinesrrivtdelj yoiko wednesday ffen dnmia wr patten e ft 12 af which died on tbe from choleia sr irmtn a man named braiaard eatar waii ed in thi city yesterday on a poionife hi wife ano child with arerje j two aiteoipt were made yesierd 1 y i up smiths flouring m1s wihoul n oaxaraaiili ecjniaoiialttormhjsheen n ral days past with heavy gsjes tfot03f cos hcnr nay nd villiehamp 1 german rciaiblican army arrived here 1 marninc fromgibraller teyceaaedr tbe mnettilain after tuflerin great ditajscd a saloes one was aboard ia a sack the rtumber of deaths for ihe last w j8 thowmg a decrease 44 were car srofral ships have arrived at ibis trl fiaw nova scotia loaded with live 1v 7 report that tbe ilrautm haa cut off tbe rrtaj to stteh in eateni that ihe cattle caavt at vatpfiailrd thrainjh the canin irjater osaa can 5e aarehaed at 20 per yoie aod batwi for one quarter their vlua ntw yo p h tha stmer fmpirt city sailed tlwar noon for chagres with i9s paaaencerv pittsrivtolv the ojj church which has he t carnter hoi waa l on ore al 30ciwi hra moeiiina id ent efnaunfd thaj wwhiijineadiiningit which waa uuf completed was afsoduroyed a b iilngnctir qlclcginpl ftiilfty msht report mwttlaul sepl 14 7 p m faovastierhne 2v w utra 21 w mile gtod ohering sou oltering at 51s without findinc a buyer in wheal nothing doinj pcas enquired for at 24d a2s6d 0vnea at ktvu hil generally held higher pnovttioxt lre alca prime me prk at si a sim ifcef io demand but none in maikei asnifn geoj demanj- and talrable at 9d a40 to poi and 34s 6l a 35 for pvajk fnejcmttklonr to livnool anj ci ow 3 ashcs22 6 1 a 25 no 1 essis fi londatl excimncc bank of lendon 60 da it jfjj private 9j a 91 tb great britain from sndn and the anne irom livefsa with canos for th port have arrived al quebec tne chvlea has disappeared nd he board of beattb have diacooii med incirdjit reporu weauer fine new yoasr 14th the new orleans zwo of he 5cb ha come to band confirming the outbreak in cu ha it saya thai the paoile are rrrsj onani- vnin favor af ndpeidenee th car men hid oraaitc4 a force cf 4 mea fw ihe protdin of propenv aid maitlnance ofiaace the retort were not credited at kew orfeans ior ate they in ihi city up lo ibis erenin st ltro 13th capt howard wha was skot by man named j s jandewn wnie convcrsinij with ih tlw wife he dird lal ereoiv rfkt wouid the po motem rt- lion was made ims morning a bai wa diseov eed lodged in the spine the jury return ed a verdict of wilful morder markets afsca merkcl fltal at t foe poatts and 7 for pots floojlto market for waateta 4 stale is heavy wlh tncrtawd receipts a in caooo vj 4 u t yi 7 gno 3520a 5 27 for seulbern ohio and pure cincce sr fcv ra fsrh the str mttia hi arrived at the tpouih imlowsone riier htvmg tt abonl anirrtcaii er caaapau- lb cbolea xt subiitin amon the udiaai wc hift pjw ceived later ad vies fitrn fort laiinaat iern3 nl companies of california emtranta piatet the fort n the 17tb aoj appeared in excel lent tpirils crass wa more plentiful 00 tbe paia monday xlgmv repurl merraxai sept nth 7 r at oor market for btcadttutt it quiet altbe asl cjuoiativni aibci dom a i 40 6u ibe pot and 36s 3d for pearls the board of health reirf 1 dealh firam cholera iorinx he lat 4j hour the cvswvr of ihi memiogs that the er of t wl ha been ippatntcd dpajiy 4asblt qiainf master cctwral hosbrste p p- ha been appotnl- ed by ihe imperial coviiatnvnt chiefifci- missioner lo inquire ino ihe rihu caf iba cnwn to the new forest m waltham nlw yon 2j p- at the tuot matkvt to1 fair basaies ifoiu m wheat cofp peau and i- beiler demaid fair enquiry fer pork at ilo 25 or mes jud as 62 lo rfime nacvetiinc report receded rom hew 1mb niiuu in in vltta arrlvaff a atrxfogrl brltkff amgrfcanhorbl scft ltih me sievenfa and bvbee vrt vvstm ken adam leai 8eaj wiarad iwtj iki n b tlrajae gava sta oeifeand eenni 8 h piee ravfihe 5 wajun oravv tmip jlvk m ww in t ti j- eqm wjaj v el jr vturertx x vl u ajn maira1c j wlbe- itmebtime am j p av qmeih jet l sujr uavinanat y i j va4ad tl 9ita 33ih keel llaf- s kp 1tthmr hreima new yeb i jaa gltu1 bgund aasv dieh o rvrb hv a vlri41 near ftuifc a v aaatuav wurbee turtde j meqwiald and ldf ca- ft p arftlvaw at peattrtona hotcf 5ev is mr ramon gm luid a 441 o l 1u1 m muifivrhi oafi n oihaa jwhea b htien a a trataet vlw a wibam saen j drowt e mr h stewart safksy t harbour seel idk ja 5jlma rao wand lkn kerr mlrel it ei teo nw vub hr b raijid pmbieaasv m- iwtm n ur fiatiakty avieriiia to u u lln ia akliawl nr notice phe underlined havinatuken emt uluei 01 adinirain to ihe eatau of the teyasstt oaadiaianhisllncb jfcl ttiui kiiarnun lim kartpar all persoiu indebted to the aad ake imantdtau payment to hi evfenj josefs 5rulra the towtiahip of j ion and all pehenv hatlrnxlajms tnirwi tho said elii will aiaawo preanatl ik arx0 to ihe md jewpph mjlf b f t tricut a iwudatioa xwaiu catoin rmptop sept tb wm t