Kingston News (1868), 19 Sep 1873, p. 3

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I. .vsn:|: DEPOT, Harket -\'uIHI"' A ngust 25, 1873. STE.`-\DY respectable man--ouc who can L be well recommended. Apply at the `v Hotel. 0 `OF. SALE, I Six Octave (sectontl-hand) . Stoddard Piano, in good condition. 'u-inn S80 Annlv At this uce. I W V V `V mwl : I Co. of Tamworth,` Capt.-xinl Juinnor, . Cox, 43 men. - .3 p` A; .u|__|_-,, ll-II .- - - l.l!Ll.Il\.I\L GENERAL SERVANT in a small fmnilv, Annlv at. this am... |R.I\alI fA`NTED T0 m`E`.\T'l`, a cheap House with ve or Iix rooms. Inuuire at Seaspped Lumbey` fr Sale. _...a `gun UH 48%|: Battalion, 3?. V ' Wu. 7 IANTED a nteady_act ve Boy. Apply at Hehth &. Uunn's Drug Store, 47 can St:-eet. I111; 10. m1~:s' er d Velvet I uV1r.U 1U \.r.'.V'1', cheap House s\ix rooms. Inquu-e_at us, 10 IIAUII. L`o. of Clark's Rlillxl, Capt. M1: Luau, mkauu, -43 men. .`u nf Nana .... .. A`AA ' " ` rnlull, 13 `u. of Napauu-, _A]_I`qStler Wanted. Bwers W?:._td' For Sale or ToLLet., r\1 YI\1I'1V A (I'D 1'\IIY`I'4`I I TRY!` A... ` and Doc! luwnen. uumuunw pun Ina bevfiven. A ly to F ICK, H DRY & CO., Ontario Street. k I Lmul House in Let, DY Q'I`l)I'4`"I" adv aaaaaaa r f?_ian9.frSa19-V. House `to it? I is compuoofl of aix All D1311 V AL` 1 Applyat this otue. 8. poi: "SALE. Wanfsgd AI\' Au\ ,VVi=:i!=:e31.n T1717" Wanted To ]f.e-t,- EtEd`f 1 r\\Yvn lit`. gnu-.u. THUS. .\Iog)1u~:, Brock Street. Captain, Nulus, 43 companies :1 nnun , Kingatoli. EAIKIJ FALL WEAR, NEW Goons :1 Real Black Gros Grain Silks}, Handsome Shades in Coloured C|.'11_._ .n.n.uu-uI.\LLI\llLl.\J uuwuao 1U. \JU1Ul.l.l'UU. Elegant Shades in Real Irish Poplins.` Satins, Corded Silks, nd Coloured V Yak anal other Laces, Fringcs, Gimps, But- tons aml Ornaments to match -all our Dress 1 Hood. A lmve, tan.-;t.,9ful and varidd assortment offthc sweat Materials produced the pre- sent icasnn suited for nmassts AND cnsrumisl U>Rea;a1"3]nZ.Zons Silk Mantle Vel-I id __._ .-_-- -_------v vets, Black 62: Coloured Velveteens. French Puisley, Clan 'l`a.rtn.n and German Shawls. Very superior quality Imitation Scnlskin ; - also other skin: for Trimmings. Josephine : Beat Oualitv One 'and Two Rut. ovelties and Very also otuer sums Ior '1`nm1mugs._ Josephine Quality One and Two But- ton French Kid Gloves. A stock of 500 dozen and 40 distinct shades of colburiugs to chose from. , Tl... \Tn_.....a- Iu,.....u:.... :._ I --- 111...; ._ -__ ,1 ganu noveunes. All of the above are oifered so__low irgice, and the stock of such as class as to commend if-nlf in OI... nm...... At 5.... ...A .'...l...........L CD086 I mm. The N ewesl: Novelties in Lace Illusion and Muslin Rulinga, New S ades and Style-`s in Ladies Silk Scarfs, with profusion of Ele- gant Novelties. All of the abovn um nhrnad an lnw in :3-Qmz I110. I110 SIZOCK OI such Cl 30 001111113 itself to the person of taste and judgment. An inspection respectfully solicited. R.` & J G-ARDINEB Princess Street, Kingston, ` Aug. 16, 1873. ~ CARD. snnmon & DAVIS, PHOTO ARTISTS, P()RTRAITs of all fkinas Copied and Enlarged to an she, nished in Oil, Water Colours, or In in Ink. p 1 - u .- n mum: uvnuu-o, un ;uuu- ;.u-. ' Views of Residences, Plans, M achinery, &c., carefully executed. September lt, 1873. King Street. over City Bookstore. AUTUMN AND FALL, I873. `|_|; vases m Lnmce vvuu|_.I.1u1V uuuuo, nrtlcrc-l expressly for this market uliruct from [the English and Scotch u1a.unf:Luturors, and . uur own impurt:\ti-m. We are also showing I um-. r:n4(~. of Lht richest I:~`l'lCNUll V"I:}S'l'[x\'UuS I >EUElV|D 'BY STEAMSHIP, Twenty Cnss of Choice \VUULI.l'1N GOODS. 1..-:|..rn.l g-\-nr.z:.qh: fdr this n1:u*L's~l . din-cf. from NFELT HATS` cases for sale cheap, to close a consign ment, in lqtu to suit customer . Send for sample case. 1 doz. quart case, $6 , pints, 2 doz., 57. X ` G. GORDON & C0., NEW TEAS 1 NEW TEAS! Just arnved : cnowe senecuon or a Flavoured Green, Black and J apau from 30 cents to one dollar per pound. cent: 3 pound o in lots of the pounds. \JOSEPH%DONNELLYJ August 25. |(_3OR S. JUST REGEIVED Ul" "l`HElll OWN lMl'0l.'l`lN(i, suited for the EMBER Royal College of Surgeons, Englmd. OFFICE over Vvhite & Betta , Princess Street. RESIDENCE corner of Ridesu And Colborne Streets. Kingston, Sept. 17. 1873. August 23. Clark Wrights, May 15. |>EUE[VED STEAMSHII , L. (!.1 of ttlmice \VU()LI.EN GOODS. NEW GOODS. Just arrived choice selection of Sweet numm-ad nu-nan. Black and Janan Teas. Taokvm MOORE, \"l` 'l` \ lltnv STAGE`. 172 Princess Street. September` 15. mam BAIL? N1a\% & J; [ GARDINERI` JT_l|e Latest Style STAR GRCDCEIEY. I II111mrl2:\tl-H1. \\C re KIND lI(I\vlng 3 bhv. k`lil`]N(}lL ..-6 I >,. H Lg . .1-nf A-U ARE NOW SHOWING .... ..... ... ..... .~........_.. I ia l'(:a`]'L`Clf|l) suiicitul. _--.`.-Ana -n-rpsa CONSISTING 01*` VVl%LLI_I\' GTON S'l`. , For` the preent E 0-) '1. B. Tracy. nu), "j'`' ME|{UHA.\ T TAILOR, Brock Street. `I nntrm and Gag N or uu., Montreal. Fiv [30 was PER GALLON. Families should embrace this 0 portunity and get their Stock Cans lled fore the supply is gxhaustenl. Use its Mauu1fa.ctures.l Fyou want Wood or Coal Stoves, Plough: ,.ar- Plough Castings, Hurrowl, Cultiva- tors, Field or Lawn Rollers, Coolers, Dairy Kettles, U1-,meta:ry or Omuilental Railings o1: (\,:;.sti1|gs, Stamped, Plain, or Japanned'Tin are, L1 Till Victoria Foundry Waierooms, fcnown & cuNmm:HAM.) T0 ARRIVE nuswK BEAVER? To be sold cheap and at prices that will astomsh. THREE TONS OF BAGDN, 50 Half Chests Ja. an. ` 50 Young yson. J. I-Ialligan, & 00., NEW STORE, Near the Market Square. | Kigiton; Aug. `27th,'l873, THE M|LLE?{ PROPERTY ! | Valllablev Real Estate. I [AL 1 A l V AIJUADLAIH rJ:\.ur fall}. 1 near the City Park, anal known as "harl l'lacoe," including he sulnstantinl Stone ` _\l:u1sion at present in the possesuiouiof Sheriff FL-rguson, is now utfurecl for sale by the True- tees of the \V'1ll of the late Jane Miller. 'I`hn urhnln nrnnarfv nr nu:-I1 Inn-nn All are The whole property, or such porlzlons as are not previously (lisppxsed uf by private sale, will be offered fur sale in Lots at Public Auc- finn -ahnnf flu: and nf {Wt-tnhar I-|.Vll';l{ ilnykee : wxu be ouereu Iur sue nu nuns tiou about the end of October.{....u Cw. nun-Iuuun nr 121011 about the end or Ucuolver. Applications to purchase, and as to cundi tions; &u., to be made to the; undersigned, at whose utce can be seen a plan of the propos- ed subdivision of the property. Kingston, September 5th, 1873. KIRKPATRICK & ROGERS. J nne 2. T0 BUILD UP A GITY, _NeW Boot and Shoe Store} Macne & Wadtlelrs New Building. Ki_'Examine Samples `and leave orde. Cal] and see my stock, and the handsomest Boot and Shoe Shop in the city. I Kingston, 15in April, 1s73. JAS. SWEET 4399. >u WANT `n-Id |coAL gEPoT.| T. LAWRENCE WHARF, KINGSTON Wholesale and Retail Dealer: in all do scriptions of Coal for House, Furnace,` Black smith and Steamboat use. > J j__,__'AJ_-._ -: nnrrau nnnr Bllllbn Bull oucnluuunu unv. The best description of HOUSE COAL kept on hand under cover, screened and de- livered to order; at the lowest market ntee. n___:._. .__.1..... ...:II _.....u'.u; vunniwlis` .65-nu- r`.e~: at the W 111 or tuc Jute Jane Mlllel`. The whole property, such portions as are oh nreviouslv (lisunsed bv urivate sale. G. S. HOBART. The Mutual Life Association OF CANADA. ' Head Oice, Hunilton. Premiums lower than in any other accredited Company. mun DIPAIFIPD ANTI vrnnnuvrn WIRE`. lunau in nu, uuuun nvvnvuuvu \JwaIIruIl u THE BEAVER AND TORONTO FIRE %2YLIVE STOCK INSURANCE COM- Risks eected ntthe 1o`west pouible rates. . Claims promptly settled. JOHN MORGAN, Specitl Agent, Kingston. 15th August, 1873. SMALL LOT of EXPORT OIL is now _ for sale at thu MEDICAL HALL for Grand` Opening I Allbbli D1 1141240 111 DUULB auupan at moderate Prices. RUBBERS IN GREAT VARIETY. April 2 LL THAT `WALUABLE PROPERTY ........ bl. (`4-u 1 -..l.- -um] Izuuuun an IVULVU vv vnuvs, an an. -vuv-- ...__v- ...-._. _ Country orders will receive prompt atten- SIOD . ' ATEST STYLES in BOOTS and|SHOES I an. rnnth-1-alts Prim-nu. Luu. Kingston, Ang. 4, 1873. \ E. ROSE. A Rare Chance.` Now selling at 10 Cents per lb. .No. 3 BAGOT STREET. September Dbll, 16135. mIl{ lRKPA'l`R.ICK ROGERS, Solicitors for the Trustees. _ HMKIWIII`; DTUICT3 HIVC uuspennleu i-` lnnlglu, c. M. Bayard, J. H. Yerkes, Utyd E Gilbough, Bond&. Co.,1ll of the uceyt the litter, are small concerns. 5" York, Sept. 19. 1:20 p.m.-A meeting `Ink 1-rcsnlexxtn in now being held at llm..- 4.. .:....;.a.. ..._-.. ......... ..I.... ll ':E"6rT'Ai.iE:T' CALL AT THE orirnn SEEKING. SEFTEMBRIR 15. Ladies Belts, New Necklets, 1..-; ___,:,,,1 ,; rvnun uruzxxvvn 11 Just feceived at F-IENDEl{SON'S FANCY STORE, .1 :-inccss Street. Eiiw Bell fi7s**pt}inber' Wedding Bells Day of Rest ` Jlilctloneer and Commission Her- chant, nnnnrv nun-xv.-.... . . . . -... .._..__ PICTURES Avi FRAMES, LOOKING (1l.ARRli`R' 3 Pictures Framed to order` on short notice HENDERSON S BO0KSTORE PRINCESS STREET. FULL STOCK OFZNOTE AND LETTER PAPRRR NEW HIGH `COMBS, NEW BRACELETS, NEW BELTS, NEW BAsKE'1`s,- NEW PURSES, - NEW BAGS, M NEW NECKLETS .vEw FANCY GOODS of ..11 kinds at Henderson s `Bookstore, PR INC ESS S'l`J`.EE T. (By Worcester) just iagued, to accompany She Authorized Readers. Price 50 cents. ' J` 'I'-' `I Just-7 received 1,000 NE\V PICTURES, Plain and Coloured, consisting of Religibus, Heads, Groups, landscapes, &c., &.c. For ule very low by the hundred or dozen. IPIGTURES AT WHOLESALE) 7 1ru:. mmscrluors, w. Ii. LVICKAI`. M (71)., 1 olfer at their NEW STUIRE, Sign of the GOLDEN LINN. IJMK) |I:n. f (`In-st-s new fragrant. null unneluln-r.'uu-I JAPAN, GREEN and Bl.A('K '|`EA.\`, which they have com- mem-.e--I to sell Unis day at nary u!\ll`z|.l>l'di- mu-ily LOW l l{l(.`l"..\`, viz :- A `l,.. 1...J.J .....l l.'..II l'..IZ...1 'l`...... I..... l Henderson s Bookstore 4 lbs. SK cut and S f--r $l. 3 IS. Sta-nn;_; and Guml lli!.\'Ulll`(':l Young HyS(|l| fur -. ` 2 lbs. Vcrv Strong and Highly l<'l;u`nurc(l Young Ilysou for $1. 2 lbs. Verv Strolm and 11`:-aur:mf. .ln.n:m New Fi xoung uysou Ior :51. 2 lbs. Very Strong and Fragrant for $1. . VV. R. McRAE & 00., _ r`-t\IJl\v\ T nu. I , o o o jHALF CHESTS, Sugars! Sligars! Sugars! ` 25) 1100.5. D3fD3G.08S mlgar. 15 Hhds. DEMARARA SUGARI 200 Barrels Crushed an Sugars, Cheap for Cash. ` W. R. McRAE & 00., .. ':t\1r]1-urn I nu` Iuuu oxuun UlLiVU1'L' AI PAPERS, FOOISCAP, SCHOOL BOOK S, SLATES AND PENCILS, ACCOUNT BOOKS, POCKET BOOKS, ' VVALLETS AN D P U RSES, AT.RTYNl.\L_'lm}-an ufnr-It cu-llinn w ALu.Is 1b` Am U 1' U 1ib`J.ub', ALBUMS--1a.i'ge stock selling at cost price. STEREOSCOPES AND V] EWS. ' .rxuDuMa--1a.rge shock scumg at cos NI) VlE\VS, AUTOGRAPH AL UMS, SCRAP BOOKS, PORTFOLIOS, l ICTUliES'AND FRAMES, ~ POCKET PENS AND PENUIIS,` INKSTANDS, aEc., &c., &c. {PURE COFFEE.` LD GOVERNMENT JAVA, Plantation, Jamaica, Maricabo, and Mocha, roasted and ground on the premises. \v u MnuA'E` 1. on {Ell T0-IMI inns: fins 1 FIGS! FIGS 11 1,000 ' -- . tunic nu-1-. I Iutilvlv LOOKING GLASSES, MOULDINGSZ &(-.,. Rue , Kn- |Wines and Brandie, J_ can we awennon ox muse wnq want no be supplied with Pure VVINES, BRANDIFB, and other Foreign and Domestic Ijquora, as wa hold ue largest stock of OLD WINES in We Bola `DC IBTKCSU EUUCK OI ULIJ YVl..LV1D In bond or duty paid on this side of ~Montreal, and im rted by ourselves from th different Wine direct. W. R. lifcllae & 00., DU luppuxan Iillllf L ulu vv .1.` IA), ..lll.Ix['L.I.V 11113.), hold be largest WINES hand nr dntv n.-Lid on this side nf~Montrenl. .....-V vs/;...r4.~ u;vw uuu: -I- 25 Hhds. Barbadoes Sugar. DEMARARA SU AT }IENl)El'SUN`.5` BOOKSTORE. NEW ;l)lC ll0NARfY 3TAGE\ / `HE Slrscribors, \V. 1}. MCRAE & (`I Al":-r at Nl<`.\\ N'l`(H2Y<`. Rfau wms is yam: time` for PKESERVING. l The GOLDEN LION has inrhaucl - v-.--.- u, BROOK S'I`REET, KINGSTON, ._, |4\/Iv . .-.`.... Uni. S\vu-L :un' kl NEW STORE, GOLDEN LION. Kingston, September 9, 1873. IIJD 13 `y(_')!` 1511118 I01` .l .I:iJ`4bIhliVl` LION has on hand .1-1|:-nu ......yu `u...-uu nu. uv yu- John Henderson, John Henderson, 1W0 or three tlemexi can be accommo- _ dated at Beef: Boarding House, ' _ u Street, 0 poaite St. George : 3.1]. i'n.nsr at 6 o c ock. Bath Room at- _L-4I ) THIS DEPARTMENT we specially call the attention of those w-hq want to nnnn with pure `VI\TF.Q RR,ANnTF`.R IARGE STOCK AT" |DRUMS FIGS FOR SALE un-n uh-.. -so H8`: llnlllnn 'I.inn unumo nnvv Luuo run. onun very cheap at the Golden Lion_ - xv 11- \l n'l`!AT`, Av on Take Nbtice. vu any 111 \.nAA|v\ruc VV. R. McRAE & C0,, -1 New Store, Golden Lion. .1. E. HUTCHESON. Mun!) uu. nu uuuunvu gnu. VV. R. cRAE 8: C0. Princess` Street.` Princess Street. _ __._ jL._____ . nission Appojn SL:|lU()l. DILTION in-` LAKE on-ruuo.< m M UU., Golden Lion. kn. a \;u., . Golden Lion. 'J'w:mkay swan Ixuuub`, mumunus, hU5"l`-l:USS, ST? and Coloured Silks, Mantle Velvets and ` Black, Blue ngnd B iwn Beavers, English and Blankets, \Vhit', and Fancy Flannels, F ` \Vool Scarfs, Ladies Bats, &.c., &c., &c. Lum....|:.\.. at n.:. ut.;..l; :....:a.,..: -...n... n-:_u- _ IhnU.l1l!Uh 51'! hlh uv FANUY Uli : B Poplin: and Cashmeres, Cheap Bl.-mk Silks . r Fancy Flannola and White Flaum.-Isa, 13an:ulin.n I! value in Black Alpacas. Your chui--,e uf -{O0 '1' ment of Fancy Sashes, Ties, lijbhons, Bg~, Jo Gloves. AllJsinds of DRY GOODS being much? upon getting the full benet at V `H FALL STUBK `hr MILLINERYV, FANGY Aw _.____._...?,{.._ VFA L L IM PoLR1 _ATIo N}?S NEW 11175`: ,_ ., HE present rates for Fire Insurance throughout the Dominion (the result of combination among the various Insurance Companis) are, it is believed, not only excessive, but unv ' necessary; and however severe the losses to those Com i vmey have been in the lat) c|ll- . 'tof1'Ch'agBos with thl"tl:bIlIi mt us 'resm 1c 0, tonan o ercmesm e m tstes,_ e oloelln e -~ ness of Insurance throughout the Dominion, doeb not warrant the great increase whio)h h lately taken place in the rates. ` ' - ` ` ' Such being the case, Colmpany rcpre?entedJ* by the weglthiest inerclunte of t:e bI:5Ila`id- ion obtained a. charter urin at session 0 Perl suneut an arenow p to. 0' linens T at moderate rates. The rognotens cgn with fulllcmndcnce rely on the citizens of giving _this Qompanya li _ ml support,_ this -lireors pledge themselves that in the_ev_eet:I.` loss claims will be settled In the most llbeml manner, anal rmkswill be takenon lrrgespective of any Company. , ' _ ' ` , - E - . For a hat of Stock holders up to date, see Torohto Globe and Mail 4th sud 5th -- nlneotonsi . , HON. JOHN YOUNGL M.1'., Pnxsmnrrr. 1 _ ` ;_, J. F. SINCENNES, Vic:-Pnmmmrr. - Amm.w.w RORRRTRON . wl, JOHN 0s'I'EI.L < %HatS and Gaps. L u` '_ Hats and Caps I F L FortheMi1li6nL 13 M .j_.__.;__.___ F/or the'Mi11ion. EAR. ] M73; 1 TI) BU! `CHEAPET Kingston, Sept. 16h, 1873. n. are uuw uuuwmv a. xemuu auommem: or mama ULVUJSIK-Istl.-l.'1'B and; W DRAWER9, GE TS ID GLOV , Colo_ured~a.nd Black; A1 Umbrellas. Also 1 Case of Worsted coatings, estbf England Bro and Canadian Tweeds, purchased expressly for It Order Department. " hgliuh _ For a Stylish and aqua Fitting Suit, gh to` -- Mil A YTl1II'l`l'\\T L. nnm V001 tsczu-ls, 1.aq1es vbVel1_;a, &c., In Inspection of this S I; invited, September ltfi, 1873. K: .7,...__:. ___ __ `Prepared -Plastggrihg Board Sept. 13th, 873. 1.3. % cunwn & SON S.i Novelty Glotheswringer I {EAUTIFUL STYLFS IN FANCY l)Rl:]-1;n. ....A n...|......m.. 01.-.... m....|, mu... .. Se[<=:Il her 6th. TIIE WASIIEIKWGMAM y I `-4.4 vvgn.-.1;-anzawvv\.ra:;:a.u up -uuvu uuuuvu. for shrinking Flnmell, when the real ` cause is using COMMON ROBIN SOAP, I usually sold in some of the store: 3 5 Cents a Bar. buying it ind use I )RFSS GOODS, MERINOS, LUST-R173, ST% Kilks. Velvats and E` Another Colijsignment Club] '7 THE EGONOMIG SBAP THE ROYAL GANADIAN AT J? REES} September 5. IHE WASHERWOMAN is often blamed _ use is uaimz COMMON ROHIN SOAP. VMANDARD om` ubhing `made to order. ` > - ` ' ,` rE are now showin a. u 1.)(lemlid auotiiment of MEN S UNDER-SERTS and DRAWERS. TS GLOVnl. (`,olnnred~n.nd mm: 9 Ann... -ml mm J. I. DILVL/I1 ANDREW ROBERTSON, J. R`. THIBAUDEAU. L. A. BOYER, M.P., BRITISH WA To arrive 2 doz. Ba.iiey a .j_%.;..____._._. DIRECTT IMEORTATIONS. 4 '3BARSFOB.24CENTS. 157 PRINCWS STREET. A.LEXANAD13`;RL ROSS AT 1:. WA; an up Sncnrrusv-Tnmsun an I. MANAGER'.. -Authorized capit Now snowmk JOHN V. NOEL, ent, Kingston yr)` 90 oval` Pagrkej Head omce, 160 St. J.u:nes: mJonma1.' An inspectipfu Now COM US, LUSTRFS, STRIPEDAND PLAID SHAWIS,`Blaak lantle Welveteens, Sash RibhonsyLndiea avers, and Canadian Tweods, White and `Coloured mpsncu KID GLOVES, Hosiery, Clouds, 50., &c., } V BR. WAL`DR)N's, BUY A'Mlv`.AP Is NOW snowhxe ms` A.ND_I{.EW EWIISON. smmn f_. . . . . L....'....AB.'I .Luu0Ns. qua. .anAvvIo,vnu nnyxea. uu-go anon- ngeplaixne liouillion amt Tw/o Button Kid 1!(.:HEAPER this qeason, you can depgnd LSS GOODS, 'WOOL SERGES, WOOL qind Silk Mantle Velvets, Scarlet Flanneb, ylilnuukets and Wool Comforterl, splendid MOI. :$HAWl.S.vnll Itvlea. Inn-are unort- ;m.'|.n_KeI.s amt W001 uomlornerl, lplellulll. tjol. SHAWLS,-all styles. Large unort- rxehhine Two Button Kid snAw &%MlN`NVEfsF .% nyeooos PLETE p invited. G AT THE ;LREHOUS]3_}. $0 STAPLE nnv ununs., R1925. AND PLAID snAw1s;- 31...: FVe1vet.aeng_ Sash Ri1.I.m..\`1.aa... s.-..-r. usunmna BOMPANY. 2.1 $5,000,000. SEI.LING`OH'1']A%;P{ W0 or three gentlemen can be dated with comfortable board in vahe family. Apply for nddrau at Nzwa oioe. ` July 21 EW BLACK 81 LKS, -` NEW BLACK AND WHITE SILKE, NEW. J'A1>ANEsE STRIPES, NEW mmss Goons, NEW & PLAID 8lAWI,` NEW FANCY sxnrrs,` -* NEW arm TEIEHINGS. NEW BLACK SILK EBINGES, 1 , NEw,w1NcEYs, NEW FANCY PRINTS, NEW TWEEDS AND BEAV'aE'B8;\ 1 NEW Goons o " " r is McNAUGHTON E 0O 8, Corner of King and Princes: JAMES Moomz; ..'roHN OSTELL, W. 1r. KAY, son. . . ..ARTHUR GAGNON. .ALFR.lpEDPERRY.. _ M. C. MULLARKY, SHAW MIINES ; Wils0n s Budings. JUST Anmvnn A71: Pmitcnss` STREET. `SUKIIJQ 3 Drug Shire. . Back 001111 no IIEITH , Square. sml ,_ ....,........ . ..... .....- ...b... ....... ....u ,......n .~1._\- Richard Schell' sh....m led. Referring tn the gcnexfal panic.- ghtmulule in people umiertakc tn {amines as much buniucss no they aux ely prerf-xnn. They upon get. short gm mhulster themselves `up by rubbing 1.; pay Paul. Sgcrctary Ric'h:x-:13: m ` . nr n-_ _ -.....,__-.,.. .. .._, _ - ---..... hihlelphsa, 121., .\-opt. 19.---There is 3 llnon the Fidelity Safe Deposit and (Ex. cmed |.,- the Inspcnsion of the Chile, who are the prominent u'iu:es_ `vuowing brokri have suspended lh-...I-- at u u-..-_'.: 1' u \.'....I..... hi Tuna thiimnruing mentions the failure ' l Co. This is an error. I that has never experienced such a "*1 the panic of Black Fridny in "69 '3 in exceeded by today in the Stock Al the first failure wan announced. *3 It Jropped, recovering little in the '5It falling lower as each successive _ `I announced. "lled on good authority that Secretary . `N-on will come in the relief of the New "ihlke to-by, but in whet nnnner can. _" llverhinenl. The treasury oicialx re- ` lly information. Iuu ..,.. _ rmnmm. Sp York,` ]9.`-'L`olnnel Thnnuu iagent in here and uys, that his `uids It stfected, but on the contrary be per. - I... ..L' a-.. _.:n:__._ -2 .|_`n___ lw-_ just negutiaeed for them in II-IGI. tn Bnk-u2 asked, 112 olrema. of Colmuewe --- 122 naked, l2'2 ' Ba.nk- 1003 ukgd, 105; o'ered. 0! ToroIwo-- [95 naked, 190 uered. `Ill 1' _ 1 Bu-hm naked 92; ocred ""'-ITI7 h " -199 kl N IIInd;l:)u::1;d y `k 8 6 HONTREAL MARKETS. "re-at rgzegmn to the Daily News.) . 13.-Flour--recei ta about 7.000 blah; . tonotoinuw 'horgrulea;oxtn ;_,"l_'*-old us 7.20 to 7.25; fancy mom HEP from temporary bulineu of mar- Q _ x` 5,15 to 6,60, with, however, little 3`: - 2 brought (MI), and tine 5, to - "VF! Nil} I-than naked, and only nap- ""lIIg vnuu. Grain ~Uundn npring `*3 ` 1.35 to I,%. Proviniona un- - Aalunclunged. . V Bank -- 99} naked, 98` fa-i, Sept. 19. The \\':xsl|ington ' up it runs said .\ln-all. tlie_tn-usllry I that thrc was yustunlay ti: thu jmof Jay Cook &. Do. at Imrrant `_m.lll) pay In naval uivers alormul, 3 ghqalcpartnivnt has hmau mlvisenl 5, nix-ant will l.-rcturm.-d. L~:uliu;_; apnea their opinion uf J my Cooke: qguion will not ell}-ct nmteu-inlly igterestg lien`. Ma-saws. R--liinsnn laid their`. liabilities are not an tire lhoinaanil dullars, and `they tomnmc mun. Cuummdm-9 Vamler. ' i|thoillh`l'\ ieW last night that then- .]gLn-ouble ,_ _,__-I_ \..._:.. A- ,_ A` .,,..._. ....... -._........_. ....;........w.. in Wuhigtun in an intex-\'feVv lxuut _, that so far from the Govern- luingnnythixig` by Jay Cooke and " uupeiuion, the department owe: At Eat one hundred thou:-mo! y reu-h twn hundrecl and Mt 3' -.91 dnllu-s. He added Jay Cooke & ('0- .-. . .L.ll.. .. 1:... ..-.........o ........... . 1 ... in Iyndical bonds, and the-` I -- J... _.`a.--.--.,.. urn Uu\|n.I nu than of ten million: of doilars. jvanounc!-1`:-I-`ink I . Hatch, \Vhite, ' I Jhthluune. Bo.-rse & Exlwarda, Jgkmn, Thomas 1:e`-.1 .9: to., W. H. ` 1 & Norris, George Bgnlley, lhy nu-u .t'vo.. Theodore`- Bmlell, A'_ ,SIit.h & Sc-aver, V. H. Uounur, KHZ Randolph & Cm, the bankers of the I- I`....o--I II-:I_..-.I I`. Q6....|... ..-.n S|y\'ork, Sept. I9.--_The following fail-' `hie in in ;n~u|JIo.~. I H;-. mynif the nl n\'c. `UV Ital`-Rug in hut the Secretary of the 1] $0 enn_ne tn his n.-lief with ten mil- `.|IH_iIil, there will be` general uusp.-n- I huh and others. I ` I.1:_:x . . . ._ .... - . l0N.TREAL:5TOCK REPOR1`. Montreal, Sept. 19. 3" -I Uontrenlalsu asked, I84 o'en.-d ; Ills: Is; `.38: ' mfg, lil? oyemd. at n.__, u .x\ u ..-. -uu-.u 1- xxvvnu: u. u u~ at uiollar ui (luvernluent money in hia ` -in IJIEIUIUIILH ID IIUW XIII IIUIII DI r mile to decide upon some plan of j:_:_--. Yn?l7gEsPATnHEs.| Vi ----"` _ -rt m.,-A hw-:3` 8*!" `N- n the British (`vast 3'--W an M nm~]| dallltlg hill been ronucrcml. 1 .1;o1lnrs. ` :-I-`iak rune. ` . 1. `u Ill.--'l'|nere is a Jlmufy 1 us Punk uf 'as|1ix|gfu1| ` .`z't.y Savings Bank. ||'r\I ITIIIII lief :I.`|Iul\iIl-g house has :Il\u`u-lulu-cl .- that nun:-uni I I ---I. Eu-Image -nu frmn Her -...I 2...- L,.....,. eld. ' ...... .-mun unu. `(no stmu(qrI says : Tho stall` no Col. I-`aireld, -summnnding : Surgeon, Major Russ, M.D., Mnjurn Campbell and Pnttenon. Adjutant U. McLean, Quarter- master, J. Ron, l ay1n:u4ter, ('.npt..-niu Fair `I'm. 1;... J- ,_ ___ _--- -;nsuvLVu The Baktnlion. Nnpalnu: B.-stk-ry< Artillery. and Captain Pt'f!')"l Troop ;uw BI-:I.Is, DAY lo Voila vol--. W of Great Britain. uu. ` I`h'o lhttsliuu '1 as follow: ` 74.. I n.- -- uu n. No. 4 (`o. of Alhersl`. lalmul.l.ieut."MuI-ray, |-Ensign I-`iulav, khnun. Nu. 5 Co. of Enterprise, Capt. l-`ralcigh, Lt. Amey, E: ` 1 S_||cnn:Ln, 46 men. No. 6 o;`(`E;eo'na. Capt. Amcy, Lt. Maybe:-, Ensign Booth, -IS men. In all 275 men. A guard of a sergeant, ` curpural. lulfglor and 12 men is appuiI|tucl each day at the enu-`auco of the grounds. The parade: are at I0 and 2 o'clock. . V ` -r The cavalry tioup. Capt. I`.-rry, muster {-0 men and 5 oicen. tln`.llminrit.\r I...;.... ........r.o c - nuv cavury trump. {-0 oicen, tlu! llmjurity hciug`ruspct- at-lo f:I.nnerl' sons. Tho [nurses are guiad ones, and a fresh arrival of new clutln-.zu~t||ia week to supply the wurn mum nuw aggd will still add to the ncatm-ss of.tJ_.m'i5imp. Thu mun ar unlerly sml c!c.m, :u\l' an ynhnu outbreaks have been m.-ule :um-ng them. Capt. Perry's tent has in it as many vf thn 0 nnfurta of life as are consist:-.nt. wlth rvllgll iving: easy clmirn, looking glasses. w:L-h'lIowla, bedsteml and bed kc. ` I ' 'r|... 1u....-..-,. u-.. .. . .. - - -uuu null CU. ' The Napaneu Battery (`apt Huoper. Liout. 1`. 8. Henry, mautr lbutwcuu 50 and 60 atmng. There is :5 vast. (litfercncu between them and the battalion in appearance. They never smoke upon the streets, wear white gloves, and indeed have a command blu Jl_li\_lo in sustaining the good opiniun of nll the1>at- tcry hue always lull, and in rollecting creslyl upun its ulclel-s. - ' `V is The band of the Bth arrived yesterday. and before the camp breaks up, 1.he_ whole farce will much Hxmugh the st:-cats in pro- ] cvsunun. \ ` .u. I u-.\.~~ rurcuzucrs or the I'cruvi:\'n sy- {up (:1 pratc-1-ted solution of the protmxinle `of lrun) are uulliollcil against being cle(`.el\'L`il fry :\n_\` uf the propar:|t.iona of l`ernvian1'!nrk, or IL-Lrk zuul Iron, which maybe uifereil the-m. Every lvot.tlu'of genuine has Peruvian Syrup (nut l`eruvi:\n Bark) blown in the glxuss. Ex- amine thg Bottle bcfure purchasing. V V [HI-IuU\I\` GOOD PLAIN. COOK. Apply at this A oicc. ` ' September 18. this oice. Sept. 18. V 1 Ivan nve this oice. Septembef 17. Lxgva 1 1 neun . Priucw Sept`. 16. j_.-_4_,.___..__ AIDON WANTED in a business part of. } ` the city. Terms `nut be moderate. Apply to A. B., Dun Nuws Oicai Sept. 15. ' ' 11 De wen reco City Sent. I2. ` K5. Jlhilh A. bhlll ha: rumn lot" A more. hon-dew, _ (um`| board furnish;-cl fur $3a week. Brock street, near 0`ord's lloot and _Shoe Factory. - ' - -:~ - - ` L`.u:'rIu.\'.-I`urchascrs of the I`.-ruvi:\`n Sf up prvutc-1-tad of the unmnide `nf f I".-r 32;: urn-ck, HI-no]: h'l.r.-alt, npar `V RS. JENNIE A. S.\Il'l`H has I A V HE premises on the Market Square lately occupied by Mr A. B. Mcbonell as a. Dry Goods Store. Annhrtn Mann Ridden & Evans. Mou- Dry Goods Store. ' Applymo Evans, treal, or to I , . _ , (YREILLY & CAMERON, V I-(innntnn. \ Inn l`4.I.'8Al. f family. A September 18. HE STONE HOUSE, corner of William And Barrio Streets, now` occupied by` R. M. Honey,` Possession can be given on lot September. 4;-ply to Alex. Adair, Bar- rie Street. ' ` ` Aug. 6. I "`~LL 9% UR! t-class \'H.\"l` H ANHS, to whom F gum wages Uiunln-. giVc`.l.|. ' MUOR E. ' com) GENERAL SERVANT. Apply tn Mrs Frasvr, Merchant's Bank. Supt. 10th. ' - ,,.._ , , , _:-l ;'. B0(l.(lIK'I1 run g Price $80. Apply at this uce. Shut, I5. Sept. '0. ROUGHCAST D\VE'.LIl\'-G- 0:1 George Street, containing eight rooms, with Collar and Back Kitchen. Immediate pos- nguinn mgu I-an aivnn, Annlv to J-LUIIIJU UV LIVJII N EARL STREET, at present occupied ` by Mrs Haven. . Sept. 19. Iuvu--w---- :..:...V-_ _-_ ..__v_ 40000 :.`:::.::`...:*:;,-:'.,i .::`: ling, relied Flooring, Sheeting and Clnpbouda. Also Shingles and Lsth. Yard and Otco, between Kingston Foun- (Jlnpbonrda. Also mnngles mu um. dry and Wnter Works, Ontario Street. A. F. MACPHERSON. VI |HLlIJlL `FURNISHED HOUSE, for about eight L months`, for a small family. Apply at :1 1 . OOKSTORE

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