, _..-.- -u.y-mnvula yuan Ives of the p`vilege of ice before making pay |.--F.ight .1e;u.. frum . 13.... u `.1191 E4 -Th|` fnum -.J .. ......... u. u.-.-tau MT in the number of uniulerable ipfqlliry for :stu_rn with gioenbuk Icnl, but the prohibi- mnun 1..-..uln.'l.... 5...... ;ub'glI ucasuus I run] `-day. Four new cams vu.\|.i{r:kL~i}\L r.'ln .. ... A %'i..i.. -AI -rived. the steam. . lsoncluvhave been y since noon. There I. -\ IILHDII I Orleans 9}.l. .__.__.. .._- uuu ynvnlnul` 2 precludes tmnn ` uh-rq-:d>ch {mm nan! mm 0f the ...; no vm1a`u Gd-m-ral l\'.1uI`f'- ontiuuu pe:m-- withdr:uval uf 1I\`l:al of L`-nlum-l re-relay was at- ucc" P)" ' ()l~`F'ICEs TO LE`l`.-'l`wo large "and plea- sant Rooms looking on Princess Street, over the store of . : WHITE & BETTS, Wholeaile Drmzeinta. 43 Princas.at_ FEKI` of Pine ind Hemlock _ , Boards, Plank :n_d Scout- l_I`ng, Dressed Flooring, Sheetmg sud L boards. Alaoshingles and Lnth. ard and 01509. between Kingston Foun- -v- ----_ '- -- iv- ROUGHCAST DWEELING on George Street, containing eight rooms, with Ulhr and Back Kitchen. Immediate pos~ session msv be liven. Annlv to ` . an and Umoe, between Kingston Eon: dry and Water Worth, Ontario Street. A. F. MACPHEBSON. 'I ..I... In .n.lA.sbl|I.l.\J a..a.vI.uou LU .l.lJUu 11:-gm m`occober, :1... house unCOLLE:E I` `.s"l`K1;E'l` now occupied by G. s. Hobart, Iusq. There are two can of had attached. The `house is in 31:01! rupair and ha`: I most . I eligible Iitnttiou. Aly G. .Z`:[)0NNEL, s Bmrristnr `HE premises on the Market uare lately _ occupied Ivy Mr A`. B. Me nell as a. Dry Goods Store. IIPIIE STONE HOUSE, cornr of William An Rnrrin Qt:-nafj nnur AnnIII\;n.I kn D ury uooml a - Afply to trca , or to _. 7 jun axuruu nuuon, 0! wunam _ and Barrie Streets, now occppietl by R. M. llqney, Esq. Possession can lg: given on 1st Sdptember. Apply to Alex. Adair, Bai- rio Street. A .... R `COR SALE, a Six Otave (second-bnnd) Stoddnnl Piano, in good condition. Price $80. Apply at this otce. Sept. 15. t __>______._- -- - U; mure uuaruc-.n;. I-nun ho.-ml furnished iur $.`}a..week. `muck .\`$ruet,J)ear UbnlE Boot and Shoe l"a|cf,ury. ` 1} _-v-uygvg nu |UAJIl`l\lu STEADY respectable man--one who can 4' be well recommended. Apply at the City Hotel. ' Sept. 12. __ ._|_ 1 1 118831! u Princess Street." Sept. 16. [Miss MEN.` y 1 mm nve this oice. b'e'ptember 17. adv IVIDLIICLLI V`fANTED a 'sl:eady active Boy. Apply at Heath & Gunnfs Drug Store, 47 Street. `L mom this office. ,Sept. 18. A1 v v wuuou. " _. GENE'RAI;. SERVANT in a small 1 family. Apply at this otce. September 18. { MPIDYMENT by a young man, for the J winter, in an oic.-, store, or otherwise. Hmd references. Address Robert Riven, `D.\u.\` N1~;\\`x uice, Kingston. Sept. 20. ___--. .. ........ -u_y uuu, 2 I30 3c lower; receipts 508,000 bushels ; I.-sled S7.000v bush ; 156 00 1,57 {or No `2 Milwaukee ; [.525 m 1.54 1.: No. 2Chi 000 bush No. Chicago for Uctglrer at 1,50. Rye quiet and rm ; receipts 24,000 bush at 94c for western. Corn good supply, dull and change : reuniin. 9|: nnm....,... , - ~- ~~~ cago ; also sales of 16,-- _ _ ,.-- _... mu. ; Iucclpul '.'-l,UUU bush change ; receipt: 215,000 bush ; sales `2l,000 built at 66 to 670 for steamer western mixed ; 6580660 forunil; 66to 67 for high mixed uni yellow western. B-.u~lu_v dull and nominally lower. Oata lull ; receipts 23.000 Lush ; sale: H,0(X) hush at 51 to 520 for mite-l A ru-tern ; 46 to {6} fair do. in ltorc; 5:! `n 1.1. i.... _.l.:s,. _... "IT-;A`;.csgo,ept. 23. - Receipts bu }0,9(l) ; shipments, 13,300. i gs two days, _._.u ; vun DIARRLIV5. (-"pr-`Ea! Lvespatch to Daily Neu':.) New York, Sept. 2'2. `2 p.m.-Gold I125." Cotton lS'fc. Flour clu1l- an-`l nominally lwoer ; rccoxpti 21,000 bblg; sales 3,000 hula 1&6,-10 to 6,00 for iupe-rhue state md west- ern ; 6.65 to 7.75 for common to choice extra lute ; 6,65 to 7,65 for common In choice axtn west am; 6.30 to 5.5:) fnr .-.......1 ln/\->"` n-r= _ (`minty of ml:-rs up to from particg Iv .$9a%!1d_!eL1ms*9r n`. S.?`?- V Tuly 10. at us. ':I:.--I*`luur--I-eccipts 2,372 bl "Rot ti ' ull and nominal ; unsettled state of nances; the Ioven are oered at 5 to 10 cents decline I, day`: rates without takers. Grain of No, Chicago wheat placed at l3l ; to note In course grains. Provisions business it scan August 25, 1873. V4??_ _ { __ ....__j__ -____ connnerclul. Montraal, Sept. 22 Bunk of Montmak-182 ukol, 180 offered - sold I` 181. /- erchanh |l,-ll0 liked, H0 oored ; no at H0}. lhnk of Commerce - 119 uked, II8 otlered ~ sold at 120. -vl\l an 160. Unt;I:in k--92} naked, 90 otfuro-I. I1 CoInpa.ny--l9`2i vvwuuu. GOOD PLAIN COOK. Apply at ' oio. ~._ September 18. nouus. zusoamnglea Bull mun. Oloe, between Kingston V Worh- Ontu-in Street. 5 ' IIUU. `VMPLOYMENT 1 1 in oicv. snare. n Eligible House nary _ I I wu UUU. FURNISHED HOUSE, for about eight _ months. for a small family. Apply at MONTREAL MARKETS. (speial Trlrgram :9 the Daily N: e It. J2.--Fluur--rec cipts M t II `III! Innninnl . l--- Al ` I I I.l.l.lUU\Lo CXNTED T0 RENT, a. cheap House with ve or six rooms. Iunuire at ` W H111`; E Ul`}'l"l'5, Druggiats, Princess-st. For Sale or To Let, `\`I'l'l'\ [In A can t\I'Irl'.VI' 1' 11711 -_ . Ill DGJI AIBCHGH. .llllIl](`.(lID50 1) m{`.vEeI2; HA-`k 1sl5I:u\" & 00., (lntsu-in Ntrnot -uV1nu {U I 1 -n _ , . - .`-. \\'AlIlIl|llI mu CIIOICO QXITI ; extn urn; 6,330 to 5.50 for round hoop Ohio. lour quiet. \Vhea.t. very dull, 2 to 3c ; ; tag l,5.7;for Milwaukee - I 501 [In If: Boafrders W__11_tedj HIDUIU ' to Mea.ars Ifiddell & Evans, Mon- am Hqstler _ Wanmd. NEW You Ii` LIARKL`i`S. nial I)......L.l.. a~ M " I?_ijan9.f:rLS1-V I To Let,` mi. nu Qhg \l-.-In.` _Eouse Let. FOR SALE. "0'R1:1LI.Y 5 CAMERON, Kinmfnn Boy Wanted. at) a nfngxlay on:.-n IL... Ivk s'r0n[xm . me . . -mu l'I,UlRJ mun at 51 L-tern 46} for r white western ; 51 for nerblack [uiot and firm at Is no r... ..-_ "To V LET Wanted. "I`l\ I)T.`\'-n 1T9 let- I. awn! A \Yn Wan1n: A 1\Y {ux -Wante yr 1... - .....V JIIJLVI, ll cneap H0086 ux Iuqulre at wcssern `.31 Ior nerblack .d rm at 18.00 for new . 8i to 8 I3-Histoam; 9c Butter at 26 to 26ic. Petruleulu, crude, 6 ' uun. a UU., Ontario Street. UN Kingsbu. JIIUTUII My__19-g asked, I04 050 red. , 195 utferod. Ikml this \-- . J32. Just arrived a c1Ioic1e1ection of Sweet Flavoured Green, Black and J agan Teas,- froni 30 cents to one dollar per pound. Five cents a pound of in lots of ve pounds. JnsEPHnouuELLvJ 1'1 nnglsnu. U1"]!'lUl!i over Whlte E Betta , Princess st`:-eat. RESIDENCE corner of Rideau and Colborne Sheets. Kingston, Sept. 17, 1373. 500 cases for sale cheap, tn close 2:. consign mnt, in lots to suit customer . Semi for sample case. 1 doz. quart case, $6 , pints, 2 doz., $7. G. GORDON & CO., M An I ran] I ['1 ` I . En`;-W1 '1 Champagne P1_1_re and Cheag NEW TEAS! j ! NEW TEAS 2] ECEIVEDMBY `STEAl\vI.)`HH`, Twenty Cases uf Choice \VUUL[.EN (IUUDS, or-lereul expressly f4_or this market. direct from the Euglisln and Scotch !llanl1fa.CtllI'o.`,l`R, and our own ilnyu-rtmtimx. \\'e are also slmwiu-Br one case of thc richest Fli ENCH \'E.`3"|'l.VU-5' ever impurI .e_d'to this ununtry. A call is respectfully solicited. r-u-o;_-- _. _.__ -_ FELT HATS] AUTUMN AND FALL, L873. King Street, over City Bookstore. ORTRAITS of all kinds Copied and En-largcd to any size, nished in Oil, Water Colours, or India Ink. Views of ` Residences, Plans, Machixxery, &.c., carefully executed. September 1st, 1873. CARD. SllELI)0;\' iv mvls, PHOTO ARTISTS, Ir Princess Street`; Kingston, Aug. 16, 1873. gaun nu ovelues. All of the above are offered so low in price, and the stock of such a class as to commend itself .to- the person of taste and judgment. An inspection reupecufully solicited. French Paisley, Clam 'l`a.rtan and Gcruuun Shawls. Very superior quality Imitation Senlskin ; also other Skins for Trimmings. Josephine : Best Quality One and Two But- ton French Kid Gloves. A stock of 500 dozen and 40 Jistinct shados of cnlourings to chose from. The Newest Novelties in Lace Illusion an .`1llSl.ill Rllmilltl `fun: \`l....l.... .....1 I_`L,_I - .uus_un Kummgs, New Shades and Ladies Silk Scarfs, with n. profusix gaut Novelties. the nhnvn gm. .-.4`......,1 .... 1 __ 1 ne Newest Novelties Rulings, New: Silk S1-arf.-1 mm Rea.l Lyons Sk Mantle Vel- vets, Black 6: Coloured Velveteen. August 23. September }5. August 25 May 15. Satina, 1 Yak and 4 tons sud 1 l!.....I.. JUST REBEIVED A la 0, tasteful and varied assnrtmbcnt of fthc sweat Materials produced tho pre- sent season suited for ARRl\'Ef) 4 DRESSES AND cnsrumtasl _......u--.nvu.Lu Uuwu 1Ll UUIUUIBU. Silks, Elegant Shades in Real Irish Poplins. Clark Wright s, Real Black Grosi Grain Silks, Handsome Shades in Coloured Qillyn EARLY FALL WEAR, NEW GOODS ! I L 85 J GARDINEB sun GROCEl{Y. EMBER Royal College of Surgeons, Enghn . `OFFICE White 8; ha `Du-innnnn Ringo} DW_Q'T\F`NYOW tun.-un- THOMAS} N EVV GOODS. :l`he Latest Style OF THEIR O\`VN IMPORTING, - suited forlthe mun, uoraed Sllks, Black and Coloured other Laces, Fringcs, Gimps, Hut- Ornaments to match all nur Dress 18. ' I72 Princess Street. '1. 1:. Tracy, Mn: rururu For the present season. 3)`) ` WELLINGTON ST. , Corded Silks. Black `. Laces. Frinm-s, 24.... I2.-L ARE NOW SHO\\'!NG CON SISTIN G OF ME| .UH_AN'l' TAILOR, DAILY NIWs-M0N DAY EVENING. es and 7 Styles in Mr profu.s.cu of Ele- GA Iumlmf .- ; ..;uuu-, B_r0ck Strex u <\'. b\!. , Montreal. .- u w my . 1...-u . ; A ;;u u ; ].'l.lvl'J\'lJ uvvuxv. NOVELTIES in Shawls, Mantles, Jackts, &c NOVELTIES in all kinds of Fancy Goods. N OVELTI ES in Buttons, Trimmings, &c. N QVELTIES in Ladies and Gents s Ties, C1 _ ,_,e_ .L`\.l I .A.al.4LJ.L4\.I ILA JJIISIIBIJ KJUUIIIJII (IIIIJ lIlIl Tweeds. Splendid Value in Blankets. Excellent Value in Flannel. The Best Value in Black and Coloured Silko in the city is at the Liverpool House. LL THAT VALUABLE PROPERTY near the City Park, and known as l'l:u-l l`l:xc4~, including the substantial Stone M:i.nsim at 1-I-usunnt in the possession of She.-ri' Ferguson, is now ot'ferne(l fur`s:Lle hy the T1115- t.~e`a of the \\"ill of flu: late June Miller. The whole property, or such portions as are not previously disposed of `i by private sale, will be nfll-red for sale in Lots at Public Auc- Lion about the end of Octuber. ,`\nnli.-.-uinnn fn nu.-..|m...- .....I .._~ L- ....__J: Iagigation Royal Commission Appointed. !50 Cases New Fall Goods iNOVEL'I`IES TN FANCY DRESS GOODS. \Yt\1vnrn\1r.\n - ru 1, 1 A`\/VJJIALAIJKJ nu ;.4nuu;a uuu ucuona Luca, . . Scarfs, &c. N OVELTIES in Canada Tweeds. NOVELTIES in English, Scotch and Irish 'I`mnn(l . uon about. the eml or Uctuber. Applications to purchase, and as to condi tious, &c., to be; made to the undersigned, at whose ulliue can be seen a plan of the propos- ed su1: nf the pa"uperty. Killgstoll, September 5&1), 1873. _ Kl1{Kl A'l`I{I(:K .9. R_nr.-w.n.~1 IS THE PLACE TO BUY THE BEST AN D CHEAPEST jDRY GOODS LIMITED number of Boarders can be taken at the British-American Hotel and Hat-wood House for the winter m'onth.s_ on reasonable terms. Apply to \VAI`l'a`_Q 1. DAVIQ GREEN FlELD'S, LIVERPOOL HOUSE, ITHE MILLE pguptmvl `ITIl'\`l'l 1" A DUR ORDER V1l_1la'lilTc`~Est1te.l J. Halligan & 00., THREE TONS OF BAGUN, T0 ARRIVE nus wnsx BEAVERK 50 Half Chests Japan. 50 Young Hyson. GHOWN & CUNNINGHAM. rgyuu want Wood or Coal Stoves, Plough: 1 or ] lnu2z11 Castings, Harrows, Cu}t.iva- tors, Field or Lawn Rollers, Uoolers,"~D.1iry Kettles, Ur.-metcry or Ornamental Railings 0| Castings, Stauxpul, Plain, or Japanned Tin \Vu.re, Victoria Foundry Wa.rer_ooms, Sept, 26. Use its Ma11ufact_;11'es. NEW STORE: Near the Market Square. Kingston, Aug. 271h, 1873. Fmnilics should cnllnmce and get. their Stuck (Vans supply is exhausted. so {cans pen GALLON. fF.`x;uuinc Samples and lean? orders. Kingston, 15th April, 1873. Every Witness examined proved that_ l"`_vuu want Wood l0ut'I1l Castinnrg H'nv-rnwn I J.f - GREENFIELD. TO BUILD UP A GITY, J uue 2. BN9. lihoqlbl ind I EIOBART. Nuw selling at 10 Cents per lb. SMALL LOT of Ex1`()l:T 01]. funse at th M mmvn In mu, ac.-ptcml-er bah, 1873. A'l`RI(.}K & ROGERS, Solicitors for the Trustees. BLVJA fugz} A Rare Clnalm-. %fc313C.Ai.T' nln . cheap apd at prices that will ALL is now nse at the MEDICAL HALL for IN THE CITY. CALL AT THE 8 BAGOT STREET. 3&1 - Mlllhl this gm r Staock (`._-um nnm: 1.. S\VALES & DAVIS, Proprietprs. l_i1led wpportuuit before thi , Cu}t.iva- AFT E. s=rAcEv si ECEIVED -B()\V BELLS, DAY OF _R.EST, Little Folks Vulumc, \Vc(ldiug Bells,` Young Men of Great Britain. I -fl!!!-In mus. rl',fsIl.) moon, ncgp. PI! L\'(`l'-I88 STRI o.. 9 WORCESTER STAN. DAB D DIC I`]()N A RV vv unl/`Lb 1 l:.'J STAN DAR QUARTO DICTIONARY. - WOREESTERS SCHOOL DICTIONARY. NEVV CHARTS OF LAKE ONTARIO,` ,_-. __ V- .,a--__ vxrwvn 1/, KIN G STREET, Sole Agency for Kingston. J nly 25. - [VIENNA Exnl1nT10N.[ nun: V` nu, \'..\ xulp Aillsnrlztll, 3 large con- signment of UARVED AND PLAIN MEERSCHAUM PIPES IN CASES,` Meet- schaum Cigar Holders. A130 160 Gross of ASSORTED BRIAR ROOT PIPES and FANCY PIPES, for sale wholesale and retail, at_very low prices. , S. P. WHITE, 'I`t'\`D A {`1t`1l`|\Y`I avn 1:_:_. - -__ CVLA, ,; The Mutual fe- Association OF CA];iDA. Head Oce, Hamilton. Premiums lower than in any other accredited Company. 'l`l-`I1?! Rh`. AVRR ANY) 'l`nDrnJ'l.`n l.'M Dl'.` FHUH` AV!) \`o.. ..,o LAT E. S%TAOEY. S,L THROUGH LINE] 10- |5f<.>i'AR- uuau un u_y uvu-:1 wuuncuxucu uunupany. THE BEAVER AND TORONTO FIRE AND LIVE STOCK INSURANCE COM- ` PANY. > Risks effected atthe lowest possible rates. Claims, promptly settled. 30HN MORGAN, specw Agent, ` __ Kingston. 151:1; August, 1373; ~ Fairhaven Oysters, Sweet Potatoes, Lemons, Peaches, and Mineral Waters, JUST RECEIVED GRAPES. ue suppneu w1th Pure VVINES, Bl\AN1)IES, and other Foreign and D0n}estic Liquors, as we hold the largest st.oclPof OLD WIN Eb` in bond or duty paid ,,on this side of Montreal, and imported by ourselves from the (li'L-rent ,\Vine Yards In-cob. 7 `U Jnlai m1:1 Al.{'1`MEN 1` we specially 1 call the attention of those who want to be supplied with Pure `WINES, Foreign Domestic Linnnru nu I 10 THIS DEPARTMENT attention af Hmc... ml-A ' LD GOVERNMENT JAVA, 1 Jamaica, Maricalm, and Much and ground on the premises. \\,7 I`? 1\l..|) A 1.1 a run 'l:mta.tion, a., roasted Lilley .& FIGS I FIGS ! .F|GS! FIGS ! J `DRUMS Nmv l~`1G.3` FOR SALE very cllcap at the Golden Lion, 7 D 'Il _`hAt.1 . an Septembe} 12. Suga Sept.ulI1lvLl September 19, 1373. 2 ID: for $1. 101' ad. 4 lbs. Sweet and Sound Japan for 3 3 lbs. .`3'tron,_; augl Good Flavoured Hyson for 2 lbs. Verv Strong and Highly FL Young Hyson for $1. 3. 2 1 Very ._\.`trong and Fragrant HE Subscribers, W. R. Mc.-RAE & C()., T offer at their NEVV STORE, Sign of the GOLDEN LION, 1,000 Half Chests new fragrant and unmiultcrated J AVA N, GREEN nu 2:. BLACK 'l`E`.>\S, which they have com- menced to sell this dzyy at very extraordi- narily LOVV PRICES, viz :- 4 lk. /e....\- H s n -- ~ ~- 7' _...--_, ..-.. u .|.1\1LII.`4D_. VIZ :- 4 lbs. Sweet and Full for 5L 4 Hm _Q.....,.4. ....J cu ` ' CHEAP BOOKSTORE. NEW STORE, GOLDEICJ LION. Kingston, September 9, 13-73. |,OOO HALF CHESTS. Auctioneer and `Commission Mer- chant, BROCK STREET, KINGSTON, `unnhn In PICTURES AND FRAMES, I LOOKINM (.`l.AuQ|.`u unn- Cable Seam Store, 8 1,7 .7. . `Mi ; Q"I"DI`I4"I` u-I.. A/.77.. p ECEIVED, ex ship Au.~' large con- |; sigument PLAIN Fr. SEPTEMBER 22. - TOBACCONIST, Princes; Street. ugars! Sllgzjrsi Sugars-!' \lIl(V ,- -v.--v TIIIIJ l`T\.I'\lVl== LOOKING GLASSES, MUULDINGS, &c.. &C.. (KI.-! ....., uu. , um). ' Pictures Framed to order on 1 1 STATIONERS ILILL. 82 KING STREET. nnnhnu 1-`) To beailad everywhere. i.1-.3. HUT lI.......-- - N]".\V Lion, \V. R. McRAE & CO. TRY -THE uu mu: Prtlllles. W. R. McuAE & C0,, New State, Golden Lion. Tisni " > \ .~<'r H}: 1` .\ I -- .-|- (- : 1 short notice J. E. HUTCHESON. I I ighl y Flavoured Japan ML-RAE & CO., Golden Lion.- aapan 10!` $1 . Young . Bodied. Twankay I 0 to '$1_ ml `Iv `Prepared Plastering Board E are now showing a. DRA WE R3, G EN T3 3 lendid also t of M ID GLOVES, Coloured ' 5, Was}; 0f\ Lu P '3 TIIE wAsn111uvomN.! ` H a.ts and Caps , For the Million`. " Hats and Caps . '1`? ' ` _ For the Million, I873 sqM EAR, I373. s. cnown & ?stm's.%,t N ovelty-ClothesW%ri1;ge1` I `HE WASHERWOMAN in often blamed! '1 for shrinking Flnnnell, when the real cause is using COMMON ROSIN SOAP, usually sold in'aome of the store: A 5 Cent: 41 Bar. buying it and use ' Q For a. IHEEcdunMIc sum!" 3 BARS FOR 24 CENTS. 9 , ,-__-_ __ --_... .....w u. -um uu-wu owl-tn, vile xossesm the busi- ness of Insurance throughout the Dominion, d.ue.s.not warrant the great inorease which ha! lately taken place in the rates. "` ' ' Such being the case, this Company `repre.-esgted Hy the wealthiest merchants of the ion obtained a. charter during la.st_sessiou of Pan-Ii.-um-m.. and are now pirapsred to do business at moderate rates. The romoters can with full cliujirluuue rely on the oitizeiu of Kingston. giving this Company: li ml support, the directors pIedge` themselves thatin the event of . loss claimswill be settled in the most liberal manner, and-risks will be taken on their merits irrespective of my Company. a - ` ' For a. list of Stock holders up to date, see Toronto Globe and Mail '41:}: and 5th Sept. _ ` DIRECTORS. = - - ' 1 HON. JOHN YOUNG, [M.P., Pnsmmr. - T ` J. F. SINCENNES, V1?-Pnmmnnr. ANDREW ROBERTSON. I m" """ ' THE present rates for Fire Insurance throughtni among the various Insurance Companies) are. necessary ; and `however severe the losses to those'( mitous res in Chicago, Boston and other cities in `t dues`! being the (ESE. this nnrnrunnu .VPaI\II._i.-n.AI*n.' IL- IS NOW saovvn. FALL smcx or MILLINERY, % FANGYMD Mother Consignment l\ BEAUTIFUL STYLES` IN FANCY DRli!SS GOODO, WOOL Poplin: and Cuhmeres, Cheap:Bla/ck Silkslaml Silk Mantle Velvei , Fancy Flannals and White` Flannels, l}a.u:ulian Blankets and`Wool C4 ` value in Black Al scan. Your choice of 400_W OL SHAWIS, all It) ment of Fancy hes, Ties, Ribbons, Beat J hine "Rouillion an Gloves. All kinds of DRY GOODS being Inuc CHEAPER this some` upon getting the full benet Lt : '. Clothing made {'30 order. September 6th. 5 157 PRINCESS STREET. September 5. AT A. J. _B_EES , 1) and Uoloure Black, Blue and Blnnknfn W`-\:5n C `l, nuu uuwureu nun, Mantle Velvets an Brown Beavers, English am Blankets, White, Scarlet and Fancy Flannels, I Wool Scat-fa, Ladies Belts. &c.. &c.. am. Sept. 13th, 1873. September 15th, 1873. NEW FALL? Kingston, Sept. 16h, 1873. uuuxeli, vvnlte, scarlet and Fancy Flinnel: Nool Belts, &c., &c., Jcc. Inspection of this Stock invited, tag the G04 THE %AR0Y`AL GANAIJIAN II )RESS GOODS, MERINOS, Lusmms , shuzlpmo . and Coloured Silks, Mantle Velvets and Velvete Lek, Beavers. Fmonh -....:1 r'-----I-'-- J. 1!`. SINCE ANDREW ROBERTSON, J. R. TI-IIBAUDEAU, L. A. BOYER, M.P., . ~ A To an-ive 2 doz. Bniley s rt-Eting. ` , DIRECT IMP%QRTAT1Q NS_;` ,,, ,. __.......5 .. . u.uu.su an-nu: uuwnu ul. nJ.'4J.V'5 U1VUll:(~H.Ll{T8 IPC LWERS, GEN f(ID and Black ; Alpaca and 811k Also 1 Case of Worsted Coatings, West 0f\ Eneland Brdadcloths, Scotch, 1 Tweeds, purchased expressly for`onr30rder partment. - ' x J--vI.`.~'I. A__ _`I IV .`I `-`Q . .- -- - - ALEXAND BRITISH }V nuu. uuunneres, uneaplslwck Sxlksna I White :y be AN DE SECRHARY-TREASURER .. Mnuann . ............ AT R. `\VA.LDRON S. JoHN'v. NOEL, A$nt, Kingston. oe over Parker's Drug St Authorized Ga.pitaL . .4. van u no, v .IT'lI ulaI.DlillT. Roi3'Eiz'rsoN, JOHN OS'l`ELL,. LAUDEAU, w. F. KAY, an, V M. c. M;ULLARl_IY, ` ANDREW WILSON. BFIARY-TREASURER . . . . ...L.....ARTHUB. GAGNON. uann .................... . . . .ALFB.ED- PERRY. Head Oice; 160 St. Jame}; Street, Montreal. . \ ` I _ W Hbprietor. NOW SHOWIEI` An igspeqtiot [vow COMPLETE "R. WALDIq`1 xunsuuusa, V! -Ennsml W, l `ANDREW WILSON. aunm ~ mn cm J.....J. 9:...... ma, axut.u'J:.'u A] ts and Velveteen: sh and Canadian uels, FRENCH K] Goods: will ba sold ' %& MlI|lES1. sjuw & MWINNES . ilv Ann1 I` Y;C:"ept. `Z2. ~.:h-rived, the steam- .. " ll-cm: and City of New York, . I _ pt. 22.--Thc Iteunlhip Cir- at |"Ither Point at lnidnigt nJ01'.\"r F.'I"I`EIR BOOKS. m.-T 1,` LASS mm NEW BLACK sILKs,_ i mnw BLACK AND wmm 311.113, N;EW JAPANESE STRIPES, NTEW muses doobs, \ \ " OTTIAMAN &"PLAID SHAWIE: 'N1;EW FANCY sxmrs, ` Maw amp 'r`n1MM1:Nds{ N:[l?.W-BLACK SILK Jfmnqns, L _WINCEYS, N FANCY PRINTS, } NEW TWEEDS AND `BEAVEBS, , . KEVVEEBB? `ITYGIII AI\I\I'YY`I:Y'\ .-u LESS GOODS, SERGES,` WOOL :s1and Silk Velvets, Scarlet Flunnag; nr Blankets Comforters, splen ' Sf styles. Large assort- J Ronillion and Two Button Kid 3!? season, you can depend. out me uomlmon (the result of combination :3, it is believed, not only excessive, but Inn: 3 Companies may have been in the lute calm : rtlne United States, the losseain the busi- a not great ingrggae q`oN's, Wi1on s`B11iltiJ'ngs."v , ~ --1 YFRIPED AN D PLAID-. SHAWLS, Bl Id Velvebeena, Sash Ribbons`, Ladies J Tweeda, VVhil:e and 091011 KID GLOVES, Hosiery, Cloudl, n A. `ROSS, `\'I\ ..._ _ uuzweuuzlnoomtoruore noun III I. pn $'$I.IniI'Iliy. Apply for iddnu at the 253:9! ; o co. -: NSURANGE GUMPAY Q T ZAREHOUSE. IN G HIS Ii) _sI:pL_E nnv nouns. I at very low] lit the Dominion (th result of , believed. onlv excessive. but '....- :NG AT. THE ER ROSS vp olnol y`?! RY GOODS-T $5,000,000. of MEN S UNDER-SHI.RT':8 lonred Black : Alnlllj ...a 9.1;. JUST Aj3.RI:EI_) AT JAMES MOORE. ,va.su, .l.\.l.l..I5I:Ul.l. Eioe Drug Store. Board: mg an-.61..-..nn an 3??` `IO 9 gentlemen am he Icoollllno Ioomfortsble board in a pri nnlv for D4I.!l.t - PRINCESS swnmrr. ' prices` for (`-r..sh. '." CI III (If u...c NEWS \' Y ELOI l".\`. LI. H EA IVS. 'l"lL`l`2 S'I`A'l'IOl\'E mu III, at L'h:au-ing House, gates that `Elk: have pulled thrcugh except. two- _h0 are not settling through the loan "I-nu. um million I......1.. 1.3.1 :..,e.. H! We Sub-'1`: emu r-.-r. K. Sept. '-"-'_,_Lp.m. _-_'r1m Clearing . `tment inn` 1...... .....l- ....m;.. ....a m;\~1~ \ ADI-n-.5 - -- 3-...---5, unuu uaa KI.'aI.'uI3Il ill: '5. Sept. `}l.~-Arrived, the ut.enm_- m `min Liverpool. ` vi-KE r.-1|..*,l`_k. ...... ..'.. :._ :_ LL- 14; 1- -u uunun - n Iit_hhlson : t of the Icy ns3.\`'i,u. --3c-cun.v, -`'}IL. '.` "!I)' It Uaklam -.8I.uoo. --cm wan com-ill `ilestmet, Invcstql ' g purchasers, `B Stock Exullang ~.,-up-. .~.."_;_Vp.m._-_1no uearmg ' inns` been uugnlo public, and -_i-In have been`:-loared utinfsciorily; I all down town is one of great I Then: an: no nuns on any of the -m pr--cure Ticket: 'L`a-anion or Mun _ ymg to ,. u nun...-. 5 --owl ma ; Nlllnl he . vi -us. -vi I York cit vmm [)_E$PATGHES. I `"J'` M]: .\`.'}-t `:2 `t`\ I`lliIIg.` The Curt;-3 -mi l\Hl.'l_\' in:u\'.~nnl:mco with the lg r-u-n:l_vg_-r.nnu--l-J'ry the (`u;~h._._ K.ri||Iu`lI! has i.\`:uu-J a.gx_)el:|I|-.nti-n 133; the: mustiyltimml g1Iara:`T=`v.-3` g-ul.-axing tlw ~_~*- --.- srnugh Ult0u|i2`.- mg 3.-timf --u the -[-art. of tha Gm`- ; nf Slalaga _\'cMord.-my by tliu fun-cc; Ecncfil 1)a\`id. ]I:t\`\' restored public nun H m -'l'ln~ rm] of thu ins."-~ "3 (r[:|gflllI In :|ppl \)au`hing. Dig. `hm [u:..k.- um alnullg thelllaelvrs. % uifrlu-ml term: which Ihg II ing tn ncu'|!t. lint the four P` fotlowonn pr;-wnts them. Tho I` mi.-~ts tlnmnml tn massacre all knnxwvl the `Nation .3 .7 I ---- - sun on I 1" made to-day A tour I an-rythi " Q a tit... |...:...:g...`_`?: N` Jegtrrungv.-st. authority for stating ion -sf Ueu:-r:\l_ Grant and Secu- lsan iu declining tnduytto pin-e the legal reserve at" the disposal of ti: cilyjnanks are acting 5il_xly on a. qnstitutiuually of stick action. if," -morruw Ll-.u developinent should |r'1~s\'i!\' nf an\n.p.n....o.o .J.....__ - ., J ..- avg: Ialulilrll Fll'UIlI:_; . cguLl'eScf\'c at the disposal of the city banks, Inch Action pay be hnuncling its supposed unconsti- * . I. l pl; ` ru-cuau:rl, DI tack Exchange 1 Sept. L`8l'gVI\~lI{ the wrecks-d steamer as lawn taken `out`iu rdamaged ~.-N l...l:...-.. ii... L..n L- `- `Kati-anal and Savings Bank! `eh-pa the fact that there in vrdirury quiet. there. The re- Hnr - .....~ by -l- U , undo Iatnu u- sarily pay the I ft-rred. Inn! lI{\"lNl _3l"-- `-3'-'. ' `.3 p.m.-National "'1; all legitimate buxincsu in ` `*-hing like I run is paid in ' "*"h. must pus through the, 75` cling continues to in- tin-Inn 'l`L___ __:n- , p .... - -..n..... :. Cupmy in in `he huids t. `. l.-Jny Cooks; 41 Co.. madness conljinuca uint:r- y }tic_banls-an left to-pight __.._.- v... u. _ ---un-bun `In-Ii-:\`e `iln: hull can be I.-`I1 lhatga "e`iu )1-llow ing, and has reached the 3|.`-.\t-a metingof the R.-Tuks in this city to-d.~n_\,it `ti 3' their depositors that Inilvnn ..6' H... .s_*. :|.,., UV! 3] .lp. a\-) I inns are closed. 112 has L. ioaais of settlement for itorct is tixe-I at 7 per` h-.`_ banks are. genernlly I run on Map Savings 1:: was rather muiuul go 1-nu: Side at qiaiuk,`-`and more depo- nm In -r 4...... hearing ink half - yearly. . ' I-OI