Manag ll, Aug. 23rd, 1873. THE GREAT REMEDY FOR RQHIQII---"j ` "` DAILY NEWS--M0`-NDAY EVENING,_SEPTEMBER 22. 1. JIITII nun .. 7. will furnish Patterns? 7 will not nccessurilu ....n `ith trains to and I manliatc h't:Ltinn.~:. I trains t.n;nu1 fro! - .\`1--.4-4...... C. J.' BR_YD(:ES, M anagmg Director. 33rd, WIIIIIFII-S; ction with the trains of the Annapolis R.-nilwzny 1 the llnnsulid.-n,e European _ .. I)_:L, us-1 :1. new 1 nut that our:'.. u A'rraI|g'mncnt. I873. .....w w rucexve `renders men to supply all ue CAR CASTINGS. ex- inders. that Hun! wm ...., "(5I`( I1 HI . lung : now In 5 UPIHHI , (3h:1lmll, _ _ _ iv-4., , )_nt:u'io Htreelg, near` the. Ixmustun. Uni: A l........ | to rcceivu Tendgars suuulv all Hm L. A. .\lcUURliEI.L. u fmm Slnediac, rms. ENNIS. ul from Pictou-, and W\\*icBb:n Sn co. .1 ITS. ttemled to; and al` . L43 [mid fur In.-fur v u-Ivt: as cnpy (II III] opportunity too am u. wituuu and his ` nnawer it in such a )bjc::timIs in it ratl Yonolcncu with I._lm` to inlcreanc the clil Alrawcr was clrzu frhm tho I..o..... fnr 5.119 on rea- Pimms to i`(`lIt. uwu lnstrumcnL- Hlcil` wclljcnrned SEOCK SOIIIO 0)- HIT PIANO. I `X-.. \+..u-1.: hnnul ()1{(;AN.\' tho bust (`anag- stm-I: unmn ... LIB ; scl_I their ,1, hn} .1:.. 1 1.1.\u.~. ,) tn \\'hic3. uelr it dis- : Ten~ _ III : C. Jal'V'ls `LATE OF._ LONDON, Eng] pathic Physician, Sur eo: and Residence. removed to e] nearly opposite the Post Oice. or couhtry. nizht or any n-n- -V-.--J uppollw the Best Of `i"t'ya night or day 1 . J. , _-., _. nu|\.V8B obreeli. Dr. s (mice EMOV_ED T0 MACLEAN & :0 A Drug Store, Princess Street. Mav on I nave been put on the market. Sold by all Hotel keepers, Druggists througlxoul . Canada. Ii` Price 60 cents per bottle. V\VHULESALE AGENTS \ un'r:epI-eseuted Districts. ' Addibs n r.,\-. .. -- um: can no (lune. - Sir George said very rapidly axulindistinctly, Yong it all, our party will Iubscrih, I make it up to you," or something `ct. After some further conversa- xorge sifl "Conn-3 In.-I. on. ..c.,._ cane Irom Professor VV.-1; of Wurtzburgh, and th: Liebig'I German Beef burg, as other Extract have been Nnlrl I... -n u . . - or weakness in the ASSITUDE, am.` " No article has yet been discovcn effective in all cases of failing hen. young. Thi: is not only the best, but it is Beef Extract o'cred to the p` TA.BLESl 0ON FUL being suiui TIMES A DAY. Great care should be taken in the LIQUID BEEF EXTRACT. bottle contains the German La.beJ cate from Professor VV.-Lgner, of th \VurI:zlm:-ah ....1 u__. :- ~ , , .._... .. vuv .r Au1;1 lJU' lfli U HSIAN WAR, for the German soldiers. Its tonic qua- lities are much greater than those found in any ordinaxy bpecilic or Appctiser, and itu nu- tritive, properties are suicicub to sustain the body without the additi9u of solid food. It is now recommended by the Faculty in prefer- ence to anything else as the best remedy for UONSUMPTIIJLN, GENERAL DEB1 LITY, LUSS__QF _APPE]'11`E. LU\V N l<`..\'.\* 1 u.- 111. H1: in. -1. H. nmu V_J.'iD T ay 23. O MACLEAJ ` Lim3ic;:s" % Liquid Extract of- Beef AND TONIC IN VIG ORATOR. -. .,.,....... , u. u. r. 1ua_neu's, m wood or bottle ; Pinet, Uautillon 6.: U0 _s, in wood or lmttle. SUPERIOR OLD JAMAICA RUM. ' (HHS.--Johu De Kuyper & b'on s, wood bottle. OLD T03] GIN.--Bernard & Co s, in wood of bottle ; Betta -& 00's, in wood on bottle. iI lNEs.-sU PERIOR PORTS and SHER RI ES.` , 'IIlSI]]']S.---Old Family Proof, Old Ryt Proof and Common \Vhiskeys, the best in the cit.y,at REDUCED PRICES. GEO. 'l`}-lnubenu May 15th. _ , - -__-. aa\lt \IU Ab` N UW ON HAND A LARGE STOCK 9f superior . ~ ALES AND PORTER, in quarts _and pints, frum the beat. Brewers in the Do- minion. Also English Ales and Porters. EBRANIDII-]S.-James Hennessy s, in wood S)!` ; J. & 1". Martelfs. in urnntl --r St. Lawrehce Wh:.rf. Aug, 4, 1873. Kingston Bottling Depot UASNU\\ HAND A l.Am1|.* wm..u.~ - - IJLAAII u\_: sup;-urncu uu\'crn- I .use their cnuung-.rci:II" licy was calculated to hem-t: those and `prises. Ho: -nevertokl-any member M-runn-nt that he had a mntn.-9 I $5,980,867_ ~14; L` Rec9ipts................. 5,042,497 00 This Company has been doing business in Uanadn for nearly 5-1 years, and during that tune has secured the public condence py prompt and liberal setllument of `every _;u:st claim. It has cunlplia,-d with the lan\'.~5 [want of Stocks tb the extent uf $.';0,000, and isprcpared to`is_suz.- ' ' s as low as any other tirst. class Company. .1 A `M RR .q\vn.-vu .VALU E). Cash in hand and in Ban"_. . Heal Est.aLe0...d . . . . . .. .. Mort e n s Bankgggtock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . U uitcd States and City Stock and other /Securities umwa o and City other/Securities . Loans and Real Estate . r u:\u`1'1"U1{U, CONN. U lSl'J. Ulmrtc.-r .l::I1et.u:t Uush Capital . . Losses paid in 54 years Losses paid in ll} umnths .... .. Lfzspital subscril-ed by Stock- h(-kleru since Due. Int. 15`?! suust:r1l-ed Due. lat, 1871 `L500 000 00 AsSE l'S, MARCH 151-, 1373 (A5 MA m ' VALU Ban", , sans:-7 -.-no zn llr. Henry B. Evans. )R HENRY B. EVANS, M.R.C.S., Lon- don. Oioe, 156 Princss Street. uuv znanlll HIICC I`IIIIII ' Risks mkun for three ye Dwellings and Contents an'lllS. ` . `I g \.r.y|,Axr.u.s `I n - After payment inf the usual dividend am! pr1)Vi(lilIgfur_n.U losses, claims and cixpcus-.-a; the sum of $905,905 was put by to increa..`<' the Funxls in hitlida, which now amount tu-- {.I".l`.I'I l! l1`lIII.1l _ _ I` us: --- -- ~ V ....., . ......a u. ua.m:.~, wmuu Rescrn: Fund - - - 5- $l,57l,5:0 tfapital [mid up - - - 1,445,465 `Life Assslrzuacc Fumi - 6,603,210 takun f...- H..-.... . .... --- - " - V uuurmeu mat the ulter- I mumumudum giving rea- III:\|g:un:1.tiun. The renn=- a.JI.A.ul.l.l.C-DD U1 _ 10 IU Fire Premiums, loss Rcinxsuraxncns. '<' -u-`: Being the largg-st aunuugr. evur received by the Uuu1p:u1y`izi"n single year. New Life Policies issm-.-I for .. . . . . 2%, 'J`ota.l Annual Life 1`.-~.:uiums, after deducting lica.-ssurzuu.-es I, V u11U,UUU,UUU, \ViTH UNLIMITEI) l.lAI3ll.l'l`\' . SH.-\lEHULI)l-IRS. : :m{I{:g:, iHSURAi}._Giifv1PANY. ` Liverpooljand London. rruul '.:)l'_ J, `.55 ccllhs i:|1L1mu ,.;ml per gnllun. liyc 25%, `.215 A -enfa in uluty paid per gallnlu. (`nmmon hiskcy 30`}f, E 60 cents dntg paid per gallon . ` I `-1- J` . _ _. __ n.,1n1p1u'a.--Ja.mes Hennessy or bottle Ma_rtell s, U nrhnuln urrn.~n.._.. - F -Z-j" 3" ` ' AM pr-] tn supplj my \\'ll1Sl\'l|-;.\` l i at the folluuiug nI.l.u.~:l :-~ High \\'in-s !i(),`;'_, -I-1'11 cents in bond ; $1.40 -luty paid per g'|Hll \ l":uuily Prcmf zlllpj, 30 uvuts in lurnd ; 75 m-ntslllty paid per -_;.-ulhm, _ (`roof '.5, _ j. `.25 in Fnbllll ; 72} cents duty ,.:i.i:l her u:Lllun_ .-u 1 I`-1\ I 1 /Ema `iil-Slll`:ill((ic` C6: 0l"l"il7SAj('L-A R i:h\'i'i;' ST (Opposite Elna (.)l1c1:. ._____ tube! 1 I. II` in relnl . n-In... A )1 .A HTlUR1`,, CUAV N. L`-hzlrh-r I`:~nu.h.-.l SUBSCRIBEJ`; CAPITAL. ` ' $10,000,000, 'ITn I.lAI:n.|'v\' . Kingtun, ljl>LhJuIu- ' 1 15 :. Is"r1:ANu 19, M. I). . I Iilrdical lL'.cumim-r NIAXHTJLI; W . 'I`IANln'II`: I .-UH`) :' ` in - * W` ,_.a....., u. uuc uulversxt burgh, that it is prepared by the Extract 00., of Ham- other of an inferior quality 1 y Hntel I.....m- -*7 V Businesi-T011870. `rcmiums. Jhziusm-_-......... wt-I .-. In-. J. Jarvis. "._ LONDON, England, Homeo- ysxcian, Surgeon. &c_ nmm .. mu uermau Label an fessor the I `h, prepal nan B5-nf rave----~ In unu ue required Y 31; zld be a considerable sum considerable opposition Nit: Kailwav. Sir "nul- (EC. mas discovered that is 1 health in the o in young.-. This nm........s:. y'.1AM1'.s SWIFT, mum, Lawrem-.9 '\Af|--- G. GORDON, IL C0., Montreal. Hce. C2111: in city 3'. " $" s,a`? i3`." no o.n'11` 1`, AGENT, Lawrence Wharf. years on l'1'i'\'d,Lc tents vcrv favuurahh. u u my rnlui-S. GEO. THOMPSON. in ITRACT. S purchasing ee tlnat the man Label and Certi- gner. the Uni\n.m~.;o .. u.u unit 18 S0 H:1;,:E'::Llth old. ;. This preparation b the cheapest public: TWO g suiuicut THREE LWANTED, in nu M0 Grocers,` and 20 cents in bund ; IIIII , ac. uxnce in 11 Street- ggils l`\ " H0 ( T311, mun vu rrn'a.,u- very iavuu rablr k 3 0 o, 39, 9, 000.000 00 000,000 00 non nun nn my 5, 11] Wood `a, in no . 4.. Il'n/ml amt UcrtiIi- 2 University nared bv the 2,350,973 96' 93,330 00 L STR hi ifi`. uzu, 12:3 UU 1,337,050 00 I av, uUU,UUO U0 9, 000,000 00 ' Incorporated $367,783 50 405,000 00 926,725 00 1,337 nan nu ,' -3} cehts n.rr1:.n, Proprietor. 1.1o::,929 722} cents ``T-`, 7-(0 qllllllf `I ! ARCHITECT AND VEYOR. Oice 1 Street. - ` I Oct. 24. `pony under the powers given by the charter, hunting the Dominion, and have tho condence _ gun on active part, ondliecunegrldunllyto > vliih it wu going on. He denied the state. _ Harald requesting nynoltnof $,ooo ouvuud: nan aunt in a Iona for IL-1-lining :un:ilg:un:i.tiun. tentative: of the l,` culnp Inemhers of the llovernincnt a at it, and re- quested to have a L.-upy of this paper, in 9I`1l8l' to have an opportunity to answer it; and they urged upon witln.-an his associates to en- denvor to answer it such manner as to re- move the olxjeutianm to rather than go into any corres nunalcncu tho Interocemxic that would tem to difficulties of aiunl-. gunstion. clruwu up, nxidlmthe reply to it from the lntcniccmiic was such that they saw that the attempt to nnialgainntc would be a failure... They were then infornlctl that the Uovcrnincnt were nmiiing an attempt to hmalgnmata the two companies, and that Sir John had visited Toronto, but foiled to succeed. To sum it up, the enrtu to bring shout the onialgamatinn were tmnmencal be`- fure (lie elections, kuarpemlrtl during the elec- timu, mail rrcomimvuml in September, and continued on into Nowmbcr. About the be- ginning of December Sir Hugh was informed that the Government intended to form a com- giving; l`he repre- y saw sevens!- on they did not think it eontract either to tho Gin oceanic conipanica ; that 1: tin extent sectional, and t _Il|ould'get the contract sho proper to give the la Pacic or Inter-- y were to :1 cer- he'CpInpany that old he one repre- of the people hero and in England. After this a few of the gentlemen who were interested, but in Ottawa, their numbers being increased each timo by penoms whom they thought t to come in; and in Jnnnary the number hul been nnmly tilled up, and the chorter com- menced. Witness atthe meetingqhal always put forward. without any appointment, to represent these gentlemen in the detaihof the` , way, dur- ing the want of January u to Fob;-nu-y `u; ' clones of the charter. \I'ce dincuuod, nude altar avery deal of diacnuionjg `.3 formed an it now u, and ti: ( ed th `Fe_hnn.ry of thin ear. hiflgile ls: uifg leitd c e ' Moelonold and Hon. Hr %i.tI::: had no knowledge _ of the oorreopondanee be. t'-- 3" 1*!-sh Allan. Ilolnllen ma Smith, nut: in llolnllenk lettu-.puh|..|..a in the l_IQfSIrJohn|mlSir m-L --J - - ' Daniel lllclntosh. . AN IEL McINTOSH, Veterinm D Graduate of the Ontario Vet: age, Toronto. Oic, City Hotel, Jollll 1 NSURANCE Agent, cunntaut, &c. Oiq Urng Store. I Kingston, Oct. lat, 18 Stirling llonse,T: II as uusmess part of the town, fhousaud Islands 01 the St. .L .-lose proximity to the Fishi ..i.uund.s. yr Good Boats 2 n nys in attendance for Fishin` "May 23. Alllgl0'AlIl(7l'il5aIl hotel. _ <)1msu1V AM) uN1'A.luu s'1`tcEE'1`s, Kingston, Canada. . - 1:}. MILSAB & C0,, Propriemrs. zubion llotel, Mill-st., Stirling. J Ul:LN AUKERS, Manager. First.-(:l.`kss o Uommercial Rooms. Good Yards and -bbabllng. : March 30. 1ENT1'L]:2 1U\\'I\, '1"v1A`WA.--'1`his house is entirely new )1 every respect, having been enlarged, retted and relurnished tin season. j:'1rsL-class Sample Rooms and ample accommodation. Ummbuses meet; all tr.-um; ..l| . acaiuu. 1.-xrsc-class Sample Bo 1 and boats.` u I..\vu..: . - _-` -:3 `I I4` I, IUN (JESS b"l'1\'. E E1`, KIN GSTUN, UN '1`. The most. centri hotel in the city. ouppriur accumunodunuu for travellers auu commercial geutlumeq. ' Charges moderate. 13.. .l1`i\V.U.\. k rnnrmc.u- Daniels llotci. `EN THE '1 U W IV , T1 A WA. -This I eve_ry 1:: hm-n unlcn-...,.A ...-I--L _v .-..1 I '7 T. LA\\'RENCE VVHARF, Wholesale and Retail Dca.` Icriptions of Coal fur House, Fm unith and Steam at use. 'l`|.--l~- ` 11- ll~ lacuolnldg In-I -S-g ' EN'1`lb"1` (successor to Dr. Day) No. 156 Princess Street, Kingston, Ont. . UEFLUE HOURS from 9 A.M. to 5 l".M. From 9 to M) A.M., on 1ridp.ys, devoted to Lin: poor. __ (rr K .4 Feb. 26, 1873 pa--j--} g. 111- Ulilfltg I4-I -S-_ bx M. umucx, L.l).s., l)m_"m1. Booms, N o 0. 4 Wilson : Block, \Ve1liugt.on :yu'cct, Jicusueu Priuucsu and Brock ts. EL). JEAULE, Propriet G accommodation for (Jon era. Uuud Sample Rooms, 4 March 28. 4. ,,_ v_' --- -IIOIII I`;-K \0LIN 1`\` U1iUV\'.N A'1"l'U1:.N E3 and we: 3 (J 01 the Peace fur the County of Front`.- zm.-, Untariu b'tru<.-t, Kingston, (hrectly oppu sine the M| '.l'elo.-graph Company`: uu.. Liingston, J uly 19, 1571 -*S.A Jliccammon: Ganauoqu`c,- 1LE1{k UF l)lVl.3`1UN UUURT, Not (J Public, Uonveyamcer, Commissioner ,gueen a Bench, &c. Nov. 27. _-.,, Al{|{lb"l'Eli and Attorney-at-Law, 80- B licisor in Uhunccry and Insolvency, t.-ouveyancerzmd lVut.ary' Public, KINGSTON, (mt. Ullicu, corner or King and Ulm-euce Streets. Provincial l;-`)tel,7 . unnnnn ~ -- ,,,, ...v-uuuuau I188. The `belt descripan of kept on hand under cover, an live:-ed to order, at the lows: f`,.._A.A_ .._..v...-.. y ng.:n- ) Bz\l{lLlS'J`Ell and Attorney-at-La`w, So- hcilul` in Ummcery,` Rotary Public, umveyanccr, 32 King b'Creet, Kingston; (fut. ' At Uuuzmuquu, over S. Me-Uauumon s Dfug Store-., cvury Tucsduy and Friday. Jan. 14, 1873. , , ._ nu. 4: wusou's 1 yucct, 8.11 butlatautluu Gu t.e(:(L J u I y 31. E . L. Clements, Dentist. FFIUE AND 31H-JSIDELNUE opposite 1 U Post. Uliice, Wellington b't1'ect. lstubhshcd in Kmgstou in 1557. Aug. 22. _)1-uuu.3JL'.1i aml, So- licitor in Uhzuuzcry, Us-neyallccr, etc. Uliiuu, Uutario Street, next door to Montreal `l'c:lo.-graph ( s Ullice. I May 1, 1.573. )ARI`.l.5"1`El{, Solicitor in Chancery, At- turuey-at-Law, and Notary Public, Uln- rcuce Street, l\'ingat opposite the Post. Ullice. I..I.. I.-.5 lo ?-) Hotel, Gananoque. BRUPl:;l Y, P1{0P1{IETUR.-'1`his First. L, Class Hotel is centrally located in the amess part of the in view pt` the ousaud Lawrence, ind m se Fishing and Hunting nunds. and Uar-amen al- ys Fishing` 1 art.iea. dav Janles I . Gtldorslt-eve; l.L.B. _) Al3l{l.\"J`Eli and Attorney-at-Law, Soli; _ ,) citur, Unnvcyuuccr, Notary l'ul>h'c. Of lice, ltlaren--c Street, oppuaiu; l'ost Ulliue, Kingston. ` Julv 1st. 1873. " Ti-"us now," ;1uNuEss s'uwt;'1`, L5... Hunt. .-.un....I ' `nun. ` unuuncg {, A1cJL1s'i't-:1:-A1`-LA.\\:', Solicitor in cm...- cery, Zn:., Clarence treet, between .1113 and \\'ell1'ngto1. b'L1:s.-uts. INSURANCE AGENT. JAs;sWTE'r &C()N T, I.A\\7`D`I:`\Yrun vuvy- . atrcels. July 8, 1573. unmba L A ! Toronto, April 16, 1872." V )A1 .Hl5'1`l'l1`u3', &,c., '1`1' and Luau ing, corner of Toronto and Adelaide u'eet.a. y se nrn. 5 `H108. '. .}'?}.F 1.37:3- \ lllgS[0lI. July 1st, 1873. I-Jdw. u. smyine. M.A., _)AKlU-STER 'um1 Attorney-at-Ln.w, Ulmnccrv. (.'m.\'uevum-.-r 1 Albion: Hotel. Joseph L'suvdEn'n'," I '.l'U1 NlL`Y-A'l'-LA\V, Solicitor ,_ cery, Notary Public, 33 King ni,-stuu. * ` 1 _A1:ClI1: EGTUBE. UNI and I Boot and see my: Shoe She ` Anglo-American AN]. `.Nq-A |,n].u L\II.lI. _y_1::'11:g1 NAnY._ Niaacilbnald Li Iurn`-13:... .. All-x. S. li71;l(.';:1T|'Ai-k, \E'l`\' I `I-4 |\.\`R` All-nu xlI\1 [I1- 9. M. Clark. L.lI.S. (JI.AR,K I.l\u I ...... _, . 9 20'!` AND 'I')l`JtYr Ric-lmrd TL Wmkel, n )3 ' nflui.-T..e':.?.}fu.fM -lu I`l.vl) -, u A 'T"`?1`,`TT1ST`f`JY: 5. DANIELS, .P1mrn1m`o1:. 73. ' John minute, 3 Ans I .. l\r .. .- n 113911 mock, \VelliuI 1 5&3. `ruxuzxntm.-L u u. &.}}avy, -- v-Jvrill to E, Proprietor. First-class Lion Commercial 'I`rsaIIu'- JouN A MAcnou.;u:, Q.C_ JAMES 1 ;-1-1-us, Q4; ril In 152-7- .. -u A_IIIIZI- ;/ent, Notary Public, Ac- Oice over Mr` Parker's D ario Veterinary 001 E, Kingston . - lllacnce & Waddclrs N cw Building. LEGAL. . 1872; S00 PT, Proprietor . vvvun D BUlI:DING SUR- and Residence Queen ,vlI.II:I.lSll- B` Veterinary Surgeon yitmo Veterin.-u-v ml g. unarges moderate. V 1_1iW UN , P1-oprxetor. :1. ~Westpo1-t. - pruslol`. nrst-class ' Commercial Travel- ms. &.c_ N Notar) 51', in nuouna and lnplu a trauuu _ ,. -.... .......c_ya, wmcu are the cause ofpoo; blood and breaking down of tin general health. It restores vitality to all flu: organs, removing suppresaions, irregularities, and exhausting discharges, incl every descrip- tion of humor: which disfigurdthe body. It is `tulilptenl to all ages and conditions nf lira citar n Chan King b'l.roeL, gixltlsd l'gl' fog ` i t OI` ` J pg. . ..... Dagy Ex `f-eufor Toronto and west Night reu , '- " Mixed Train tot Ton-onto.....-.. .. - . (L J Junrr 2.a.....,. _|._ JUWH : ` ` D=ay~ reufor Monmui-..... Mlxed rain for 2... Nillht `crfuvnnn for U V 1 ]cnAunTnI1v1Ig jammy. . ,. _..- ..~.v.v -nu -:15 wwwnere. General Agency, 65 \Vaahington Street, Boston. 6. A. EDDY, Superintendent; G. W . SMITH . '5. 9 UPI . A 11- . FOLG '11:. a fiinxigr, Aeazx-rs, Ferry Wha, foot of Brock ,StI-eet, Kingston K __.V V .- 54. W T. , This Line offers the inducements of plea.- snre,. comfort, safety, speed and economy state rooms comfortably furnished` for rst- clsss passengers. Also second cabins, with cook` stoves and good accommodations for pas- sengers and funilies `who may wish to furnish their own provisions. ` Rates for passage or freight always lower thsn by any other route. E It will be for the intarest of passengers and families go" West to see the Agents of this Line beforemnying elsewhere. A no , lgnnv Rum...-.....:__a_-. n uat BUATS AND NIGHT BOATS. The Day Boat leaves Ogdeusburgh at 1 o'clock p.m., daily (Sundays excepted), or on airrival of trains from Ottgwa. and the East, and runs;through to Milwaukee, Chicago and iutermednate ports without change of boat. ? Evening Line for Cleveland. -'l`n1ndn ant` muermeaxate wi Lake EriePorts. , THE PEOPLES F. Feb. 4, 187.8. New Boot and Shoe Store ) avo &o CONSISTING of 21 staunch First-Class Upper Cabin Steamers. Two Daily Line: betiween Ogdenslmrgh, Ouwego, Clevc~ land, Toledo, `Detroit, Port _B_uron, Milwau- kee, Chicago,Aa.nd all points West, Nan-Eh-l west and Southwest. ` DAY BOATS airrfval and the 16.:- oneamers every Tuesday um] I This splendid steamer hav winter received large renewal: will be found unsurpassed in 1 and general ocoonpnodation. C [-1 `H Mrnu vr Vermjontf Central SteaI_1-1;1;. ` neuevule 1U:3Q .m; 3 Connect: at ' gston wit11:Cape V Ferry Steamers, G. T. _R. T ins Ea: .West, Mail Line Steamers for ronto, I ton, Oswego and Mont:-ea.l,. Steamers Tuesday Friday. .T_his splendid havihg dm-in , , ._ ,. ..uu 1-nuu.ya--`buevule at 5, Pic at 8, in the morning, arriving in King- sco1'10&1ut. 12:15 p.m. , , A , Tu ~ aya, Thursdays and Safnrdays--Be1]ev ville at 2:45 a.m., Piston at 6 ';a..In., airriving in Kingston about l0a.m. .` Returuing--will leave Kin n daily at 3 p.m., arriving` at Picton abonlf 7 p.m-., and Belleville 10:30 Cnnnpnh: at (.-.....L... __-n, in v~- 1873. .,..6..e...,. l Passengers goin to the est can procure Tickets via Great estern, trait and Mul- waukee and Michigan Cent : Railways for Detroit, Chicago, Milwaukee.) Grand Haven, and also for ell the principil points in the West, and also via. Pacic Railroad to Utah, Nebraska, Colorado, Nevadaland California. Cabin Tickets include MeJ1[.ls and Bertha going East and West. A For Passage Tickets apply the Lake and River Steamboat Oioe, St. Foot of Johnson Street. A . ........:_,,4 , I 1 ` wrence Wharf, V - vvv vn vunuavu oureei. A comfortable {and Room for ysdies and ge C. H. HATCH, P ` Kingmn, Sept '13I;h'. E . ` ehiant Waiting ntlemeg an the wharf. assnger Agent. 1873. ' CODV For` vulubl uAuI=pIoI.l), weannet pen At 6 n.m`., for GANANOQ ville, PRESUOTI`, Ogden: , and Montreal, daily (Monizys connecting at .Montn-eal with e 1 Quebec, Murray Bay, lh ` re Uacouua, Tadousac, and` thzfu-1 Saguenny. ` ? pnnnnmnnun ...-_-__ 4, .u `:1 ;_ _y.. uaus uecome a great favourite account of its perlect reliability iifeatiiig cl rangomonh of the atmimcli, liver complain and diseases of the kidneys, which t] ti t] irrcgularitie amlexhzsnatinzzdisnh.-m.... 4...: ----- = - IME OF DEPARTURE El commencing l2t.l1 5ept.,{ GOIISICAN . . .L . . . . . ..UA Sl A.l.'1`AN . . . . . . . . . .. "i PASo$l UR'l.`....... MAGNET -... C)RIN'l`IlIAN . . BAVARIAN ......... .. i i At 5:30, for Cobuuqtl Bowmuuville, Toronto and ,l-. ondnys excepted), weather At I: turn` c.... n.4u;\+. Canadian Navigation Go y VI -_ ` U. 11. HATCH, '1 Kingston, May 14th, 1873, 4- AI: .;~ Ottawa 8.00 p . 12.30 p.m. Renfrew . . . . . . 2.00- p m. 9.45 pan. ' Brockville... . . . . . . 1.50 pim. 9.45 p.m. 19" These Roads an-,e of t same gauge up the Grand Trunk, and ther is consequently no transhipment of F1-eighyt, when in car- lnada- ` ' ! gynnn Ex:-mass TRAINS DAILY Brockville . Ottawa 'I{.enfrew CEILTATN _ CONNF.(:'l'l0N.H> MAIJE WIT]! GIIVAND , _ l`RUNK-TRAIHS. . \\ BUY YOUR TEICKETS For Ottawa. via Brockville. Brockville ma-in{a Ottlawa R A IL w A y s. ]cANAnA ctuTEiil THE Compound Elixir of Cahsaya has become grt reliahilit l dinleaseg `of --. ..... .......w nueged aymoltl of 88.0%: bdwoon Sir J<:::`nnl Sir ugh, sud an inde- has. to su-_ 1-` ' Broclwille. May 6, ROYAL M_AIn .......u yurbll wnnnouu cnauge of boat. mug Cfevsieland, Toledo and PEOPLE S FAVOURITE". ROUTE WE.T. , av`! `Jul-I.J3 L -`In, ~ ' _CAP`I'. SWA us, fILL leave as fdllows :-Mnndaya, Wed- nesdays and Fridays--Bel] )1! 8.138. in tlm mnnuinn --L - __*_______________4____.____. Picton, Belleville` and Int..e;- . meuialc Ports. NEW ARRANGEMENT. R. M. UPPER CABIN STEAMEILL \ . ROCHESTER, Cum ms. ..5u ncucwull ana mmtions i surpassed her iurninhings~ pmodation. ~ . HATCH, Ticket Agent.` I 1873. ` ii-;;gston withCape Vinceht _R. Tains East um n_;___.._._. A .`i_'r.u:'rLm(: Tmvru !--'l'h0Ils:1mls die an- nually from neglected coughs and coldur, which snon ripen into consumption, or oTher_cqd:glly fatal diseases of the lungs ; when lw the time- ly use of a single bottle of Dr. \\'istar`s~ Bal- sam of Wild Cherry their lives have [men pre- served to a green old ag .- Adm ,..,._.._...__} mw . . . . . . . . 5.1 A To; 1, M-BRYDGES, Hlnlainnz Dix-actor umer navmg during -the : renewals and additions mused her fun-ni-h3n..., mu rtlday. - havihg during ewals additions tfroin Kingstoiu, I 1873 :- ET. SINCLAIR. `! 1)uNmr._ Smucxvoou. ' . McC`oi'. Fuuuznn. UARIIICHAEI... I , Port Hope. Hamilton, daily zt permitting. _ NOQUE, Bmgu. rg, Cornwall. .1 UQ U 1'4, brogk ~ rg, Corn wall, ays excepted ;, `steamers fun`-' nar: dz; Loup, 9% -famed_l{ivcr zau am. 4.05 p.m. 4.15 am 6.!!! Am nn ER A BB( )TT, ' . Manager. IINE. re vmcent I East and 11:0, Hamil- d Ottawa. V. umy witness called. ' - He deposed that he did not know either ` Hugh Allan, McMullen, or Mr Huntin>-_;tok1 that `he knew nothing wlmtcver about t Railway scandal, anv{~ has no idea why he w [Ilacml in the list of witnc.`~'sc.~I. The ('omm: sion then adjourned till Moualziy at noon. 4.00 11.111. 4.45 p.|n 3.00 11.111. 1873, by mil are chargedliiv-.~WI""* W The !!rni1 5 FUDLIBIILU 177 S1: Dolhu: per 5*. Vance. Subucdhon _ uaul m D. 1'. Lnmum I to W. Ginson & a mueoxm ; in Lanai: Grernmome, 11 , - Glasgow to James and All`- vessel. berm: not For Freight or other a " ` Portland to J. L. 'EII'l`3` Andrew Allin ; in Quid)!!! E & Co.; in Hm-reto, , l) 0tleun ; in Paris to; Rue dn 4 Septaombro`; iii. Sc-hmitz & coma: B.ich-nl- * ` dam to SJ . lttmallm l_ " to \V_ Ginnm. xv. `Flu-um - In x MANIT.QBIAN.~ and are intended to Portland at internlldurug Winter N nvigntion. J An ex ' oed Sm-goal vessel. not ` ' dkwru Sailing from Gk-3%} `_ from Quabec phonlg _euI1:; , tended to be_ ddspatuhgai FOURTEEYTH D.-n'.- The Royal Uummissiuu men on S noon. Mr Blumhardt, of Quebec only witness called. He do-.nmuul 11...; 1... 1:1 , - - be-otalaud, are iutnndea. ` Main: and Passenger; to Portland :- b`At.7MATIAN, mug. 18 3. Rates of Passage from r2.I`:.. 1 suANn1NAv1'AN. V PRUSSIAN . .. .- .... ..aooM AUSTRIAN` .... x NES'1`0R.[AN . . . . . . . ,g3`, MURAVIAN . . . . . . C uAsp1;m.`.::::*:.i:;%*? . PERUVIAN .' MAN ITOBAN . I I . .-31504;! `moot! s'1`.`DAV'ID .... ...usao:u 5'1`. ANDREW ..1142rg :51`. PA'l'Rl`CK _` -sd Under co tract with ' Cannda fqrthauvg n-..-a:-_ - - `K ALLAEF day`: ; I `I3... 1 Wlllieave Kingsunx V` { calling at now 5.00 ' 1 k . . 1'ua.,' ` and Iri3y(:.: P m ~ nrrtmxnm, ' 6:00 a.m., W`ednoadny|T- I days; 6 a.m. and 8 mm. vzvll a.m., wgdnudnyi`; 5 8p.m., '_,_ For Freight, Passage`, or tion, apply to the Ca `in u in am - `~ BUN 9:00 o'clock a.m.V 4 p.ln.` 4 Kinglton, . 10.00 o clock a.m., 5 13.11:. ' ` 5 . 8:30 o clock 1.1111,; 14 p.111. aA'1`U 7:00 o'clock a.In., 2 p.m.,_-1 p.m. nmvgp 9:l5 o'clock um, I 4:30p.m. unrnvr-s-~ `linu-. - 9:15 o'Iock .30 11.11:. 4 p.'m. , -_. V.-u.-, an EH3 _ Country order: will 1 Mail Line, Bay of Q ' Sbeuners at Kingston. 7:00 1 -i 2 ]_I.m.,?1cI:cn: ,,,,, .u at nulgstoll. "Tu: "`*:;.'.*:.e.`.;':.".:;:.*==.'...-'.'.-:2. `ill l'l'Iinu_ u...'.l`l 1 [I838 Cabinm-.. Sternge. . . nu leave I Garden - .;='..i` ,, \ THE swmuina-mr THE '- my or I Ki..g..,E" nun... up . 'rn1ms1nm I: am.- `n. nu. SUN DAYS. nm 1|_an' uu muneuce on It wlm.t.e\'ur. The remainder of Mr Ahlmws C\ explmning how the letters were pl: lmuds of Mr Starm-s; how Mr .\la.-I claimed $230,000; that the tleman sidvred prepostcnms, but rather th respundencc should lie `plllrlisllcul u session or pending Sir Hugh's Pr.-gt England, he agreed to pay Mr $~10.0(X), of which $20,000 was to] for n nnrt-.n m. ml _- - r;liIDAYS._` -..1nl.Du '9 8:30 MIL, .vnUK ` m., ,3-no 1.111., 114 % _ .. 4-A1 ._nv. 3., 12:30 1;II..3] .....nD. _ ,`____ .... ....5u.-s rt.-gnnauuns In Mc.\lullen o_f whicfh to be retained The Commission acljourneul until tn-day at noon. 7 __...uo 9:301 D'l|nag.. ._`s7o *4: LU-I ` wt-1` I--{ll - .u-nulw A ) UUM VH in desifxthlc vS1m` "coupon Bonds, 3 payable sgnni-at ;f essy sV 1nnessy s B : - essy s `B April 0 ` $30.4 0RT nu kl`-` KINGSTON :: RAILWAY com in mzil-nl\1n.QI.r.a. Egnernnrxrn Um To -*Bcrunrd s Ginger De Kuypcr's Gin Ale-Pit;ts. = m.a...+_ .....:...... I. iisgiges of Claim . yuan n1e-r1ncs. ChI'ct--varions Assorted Syrupo\ , Curacao. ATEST STYLES in BOOTS a.nd;SHUES L at moderate Prices. RUBBERS IN GREAT VARIETY. Call and my stock, and the handsomest loot Shop in the city. ' V ,, ..,...--.. ...-J uullvlllllfill HI ID." u dictated the last fnur ur ve lines of it, urd Aunt it to Sir lllugh. The nther I letter with rnpoct to the` 0.-Ln.Sir Ge.-or re did not 1 rove uf, and he struck luspcn thl:ough the ufgst of it. Witness thou wmte {rum hiadictation the lettc which Sir Hugh hml produced (the one of the 26th uf July). '.Shortly after this the question of tho: a.m:\lg:|.mation of tlfe two oom- pania WM revive.-I. and they reeived tn in- formal iul.nn:ntiun from `home mebmlx-Er that it would hr We" tn h.'n'c A meeting Ottswn in Sepunnh.-r. .\ccnn1in;.;lysev::ral,Inembers from hoth urlllpalnies caIne- tn Uttaws, and, shortly gftor their arrival the members of; the_ Fund: Pacic were informed that the Enter. oceanic had aunt in mumuranulnm uivh... ..... FEi:n,ucxLs1 In-' -ICIIEIS mM$ {sounsii F|*IlTH0us| ILY N131 > No. 72 and 73 $ept. 2. uuuuns were 1,1:-gc cnnimiurin-Dr hi positiun. Al't.;r some fur|.ln:r c!`;is.s`-cX;uniliiltiun, wit uess said High agppcarcil tu think t.h:v.t. at some time it wonlfli be necessary to` iutnulucc Auiurican capital in the coustruc't.iui. of the Canada Pacilic, and fur this l`c.`l:;ull in; Jun] some private uo_n-espondeucc with them, but as farm: the new company were g:on'u..-rneil , they hnd no idea of this, and his (Mr Ahlmtt) efforts were to assist in farming the clnartcr to exclude Anie1'i'c'an inuence. The tun-ms of the coutra.ut,and the charter were settled without the iemutest 4:-fci-cucc to sir Hugh. If he hail withilrawn,'thc siun-.: terms would have been granted to any other cmnp:i.ny, so that these subscriptions to the elections hm`. nu inuence it whatener. renmimlnr `.5 LI. A LL Lu, ` '- v`-u;a.uuns to D9 In my : Oice, Place _` vvv nu-sv\lV mzuo S'l`-HIE}-3'1` '1`!-uuk'Depo_t. ; led to and mnmu. x$E Lli Sucre Kingston and I Itgn, July 28th, attel Mor ;HA1?.1)j mt. Sm] avnll wan auuuu. ' in. mm .v"1;irgc amuuut oi money in the island carrying trade. He was cng: 'Cd in the org.1.uiza.t.iuu of an exten- aivesei-ies of railway: l .upI`u\'i\iuculII1ll\Illiu.Lti<.-ll between the sea board and the interior of :t.hc couinry. He had been himself a uicinbcr of the Gnu.-il Commission and had taken :1 grant interest. in them. Iu every one of thcsu schemes the Gm-ernnicut. haul i palicy which was f:Ivuur;ihlu to his views, mud in my opinion three timua the :Lmuuut \\'uuI-1 lmvu In-cu wcli spent if no essury to keup the u`mvcnnm:ut in power which had the iuiprm'em.,-ut of the uuunti-_y so dcupiy .-Lt h-.::u'c. 1 have no duuln that he thought. sn,`uul I thought. so :-.I. the time. "and ii. allui nut nu-il,-.. ...,_ 4| t I ' ` ` DUMI unuu uc Luullgllb SU,`|l\tl time. "and AI. and not suiku I butiuns Lu-gs ummixiurl ,\n.... ........1 r.. . AI Grand Opemng FELAL {tif ___.. ...,.......5 nuanuver about the nu was 1 the ('ommi.~z- 1 .;___j. , ug. 4, I873. luflllal IIIIJIIIII would wvl Sept.em|..:r. .-' unlnpzun f'nnnJn I-L... u vucrry vnelr nves ha I ng .- A111-._ _._?,_.__..____ . ........., . uuyl uvhu: cumnxunu:.Ltiun : :[o 3omu1i.-ssiou uvm-v nun nf ` org1'm? I KINGSTON Dealers in all de - Furnace, Black 1:. 1 mr Annuws Cvinlencu was : placed in the : M.:Mull.... 4:.-. BIBSLCAD be accommo w1 TB6nnlin.y lJ........ n HOUSE COAL? rer, screened and dc- : lowest market rates. lIU\'I?r ' cvinlencu hers \vm-.- nl.,.....l :. In I nnapnates at L favourite hilitv iII.}:a-nafuz -J rapoct to the` loan. Sir Ge ant , Witness f ha If 26%| : '5] axualgnma 1 `You n-nI.l I... ... .II 4 I I).-lihj ' net, Saturxlny at Quebec, was the V HPh()V[,`)`h.'|f;esV I-cat favnn I-1'1 ... prompt atten. uuvc I might 2 Unit. Li JLHUCI l I a,-Mull:-1 ll \i'q'I.S (` ban the 1 during n. ldl m ut f enn .L...l.n :u gr-can i.-.- u I- -day IIII : E the OL. ....uu now much would be required 2 Sir; George said there would required as there was on account of the lfacilic Railway. Sir Hugh said write down what you want me to do. and I will see what can he done. Sir George aulnething You won't lose Iulieci-ihef and we will to that ee,-ct. tion Sir George Uonie hack this after noon, and let Abbott write a note tome tell- ing`_yun to .-ulv.-nice this money` and I will see ion repaid." Witness and Sir Hugh then it,` and he (witness) Jvent to his oilice, sketched an letter them, by dictation or other wise, knowing very well what to sayhbout the railway ainir, hut very little about the other matter. He took the letteni to Sir George, and he was satised with the two tint pages respecting the railway, hlft the conclusion did not please him, and he said, Leave that out and ! will dictate the cuiiclmioli of it." He live and Rent it in xi. Il....l. H`! BOII ' the Iron r, ,- it N unul after suum ifp, ( a l';|.~l.~`I-lIg\rl`.`lII1l Mn 01.] Jlaliinx :l.1.il_y at. 7.220 :1.m. John at 8.36 pan. A P - Train will also leave St. a.m.. and he -luu in llalifn Tr:un`.~3 will s-ulluncct. At. l'uiI|suu with anal l'lll,cl'lm,`1ll'l.tB h't:Lt At Tr-nu-n u-HI. 4 .~ A _- .... .... on-umseu "'1'en(ler for Castings, and addressed to the Sec. -retary and Treasurer, Grand Trunk Railway Company, Montreal, will be received on or before TUESDAY`. 23rd SEI"l'EMBER next. UK Company desires frnm Fuuudrymen LOCOMUTIVE and C cept Locomotive Cylinders, th quire at their Works at Kings of thu year IS74. Parties temlm-inn ...:n 4.1 _ . _ unlh uA.\'1'1N(;`S. they will re- '02-ks Kingston till the end tendering will state the price per. 111. for thc_Ca.stin gs delivered on the Com- uanvhu um... .... .- texnlcl'in the Castin pan y s , premises. The Company The Cmunanv will mu ...... -- " ` Com- g `(wu -_w-r G;a11-C 1.M?Ti:L:ahIiE_: ABEt.i`1Wa.y pany of Canada . 'l`cmlers for ,Casl.iIIgs. I __;_ Godi- u-rms 1 required Generml Q Rail tawny xgniinar were granted tn each company. It soon became evident that the Uovemment deemed it necessary to amalgalnate the two eumlanies, and from time to time elforts were inmle in that di tiun. It was generally un- nlentood by th time that the policy `ut the ugvernment was tn entirely exclude the Americans, Sir curge Cartier holding par- liculnrly atrumg views upon this point. This was the pusitgnn of atfnirx when the general elections'.on. \\_:jtness was present at the interview between Sir Hugh and Sir George. when Sir George asked if the former intended to aid at the election 2 Sir Hugh asked how much would be required? lvuniraal n 11...... ---_ -~ ' ` ` ' ` :\u u nmsur Junction trains ' \\' l:,'\il\VZl\ At St._ John with UOIlSUii(i.'lte(1. and North Ann-ricim Railway for Bangor; lmnvillu Jxhlnctinn. Montreal, Quebec, I'm-Hand, Boston ; - also with the Inter- uatio1m1b'teamcrs to and from Eastport, 1 :-rtiaml and Hustnn. ]`l.`_'f\I rt A I)'I Y`r.\'r r nu. I zulusuc W11 l'llI,tl'lll Truro with [ Montreal, I573. sauaaam-r ,s-m:I.Iuc.tcl`u1s. Ala \\'e feel cuintiulcnt will continue tn 5 reputation. |c,...+..-.. -.. u w rup1lDal1ll)u. Fztctury and \\'.-1 and Ontario Stu-ut.t= INTERGBLUFM} RAILWAY \\ u nnvm. :1r.t.-mtmn. .-\ supcriur ".\"l'l'IlN\\'.-\Y fun ,sun:|.|do.-.tuI'u1s. Also few l in.m cumi.1.-..+. ti.-.4 Pianris, Organ and Melddeons. VVE .A\l.\\'.~\Y.\ keep on hand and .\]|'Il.Ul)|'lIL\'.\` uf nllitll 1u:tl\c, and have stoc- culluut l*}N(-`LISH UPIRIHIIT (nI:ule- luv I .:-.m.l..v.....l A`|."- gun`. -1. ul. 1'. AH] V.-\fh-r referring to am tions, MI` Ainhtltt state.-T tion with Si: Hugh liailwaymgter was wh: him to prepilre the I _b'horHy after upon gain purpuue he found the V."-V `tf-"[3,: nrnl in ........ :t.~'.~'urIll] of all .\'.-\Lla` .\':t|:.-, F; .-..l.. - \ Kingston, Sept. 19, 1372. , _,., .. ..... .....ccg, 1u.':u` cm: I ) \\':\tcr \\'m-ks, Kingston, Unt. A large.- :t. uf lirst-class .\'Kl|"Fa' and Ill ).-\'l'.\` sizes on hum], ready built. H6 FUR 01! TU lll|fE."Su Ships Bnats For l;mcy Cu.-clar Nkitlla kept nu hand and for <:Lle. such :14 I ulmxim-.11 Prizes with at the Pmvincial E.\'hi|uitims of ()nt':u'io and (,!ue|>e.~ For the past mlmln-r of years. All lII' l pun:-tu;1ll.\' zzttemled .. I `.-5- - 1' ` ` u' . I- I ...-. a.I;.\.I\J\J.l A511, )0.\'I`-BU! l.D Eli, Unntario ..<.~'nrtIucnt `f hum]. I`:-:n|\' I.--:I`v )N SATURl)A\'. 24-th. instant, Mail 'l'min will leave" nlifnx :1.m., an_n_;_l he due in St. bu Pa.`-senger and Mail min John daily at 8.00 u.. ll:1]il`nx 3!: 8.50 [).m |`r:uu s t' ......-cuulusu u_y but: experience of over forty years. When resorted to in season it sel- dom fails to effect a speedy cure in the most a severe cases of Coughs, Bronchitis, Croup, Whooping Cough, Inuenza, Asthma, Colds, Sore Throat, Pains or Sore-` ness in the Chest and Side, Liver Complaint, Bleeding at the Lungs, &c. Wistar s Balsam does not dry up a ugh, and leave the cause , , as is the case with most preparations, but it loo 11s and cleanses the lungs, and allays irritation, thus removing the cause of the complaint. rnzmm-:1) m` SETH W. POWLE & SONS. _Bostun, _.;Ka.aa., And anl um -n-..._.:_l, - c-qlill IIVII which can be cured by a timely resort to this stand; ard preparation, as has been i proved by the hundreds of testimonials received by the` proprietors. It is acknowl- edged by many prominent physicians to be the most reliable preparation ever in- troduced for the relief and cure of all Lung complaints, and is offered to the public, sanctioned by the experience over fhrtv `vnnrcn Tm- -..... ......-4.`; nnmnux FOR consumption `IlI]1;n]1 an L '0 WILII trains mcfliatc Stulzim nlsur Junction luJ,~.:n- sun! A .... mun; IM:r.'\uS0 their 1 good, anal calculated ohor enterprises. Ho; of the I-'m;crunu~ut I with the Americans. that he (Sir Hugh) ha. of his 1.5. -....| 01...-