Kingston News (1868), 29 Sep 1873, p. 1

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In for! ~ nu `-- Septcmbcr `Ii. ust 23. Erairhaven Oysters, Sweet Potatoes, Lemons, Peaches, and Mineral Waters, L L; r or '1':-2.-\ .<(:u'r'1' .u DA]/l`UN x:u`e inst rm---iv--J - steamboat: : he shortest notice. M .-u-ch 27th, 1873. JUSTQREGEIVED -Clark Wright s, ' ... ! 1mp_orta11i; Aug. 4, 1373. Kingston, ...... JIIHII recA`lVc(l an as .\:'!I' i_llIp!)l`G&(l into the inning lfysuns, -lap.-ins, : :--us, at prices to defy cum .\T.B.-Pnrties requiring rnuld lo well to give us : n dispose of but stock (v HST. ` nnuzns F i3l`iIish-.-\lll0l'5(`:l-ll llutelf ' The Latest Style Scott & Dlto. VUIIUI For sale Ivy B. ;E.\'I\'ED\".\` .\!E[)ICAL 1'05 l)'S l3\"I`l.` ; . "l` August I2. Q1. persons who are fond of a. GOOD (IUP UP` Tl-2.-\ will In well to call on PT DAl.'l'UN and gqt asample, as we just received nrj.ment the {meat ;ciI:v. --om-"-5"" ,Aug. ll. `I. IS. 'l`r.-Ivy`. Mil. 'un.~ In,,._I *3`; Y3 , A VVELLINGTON S'I`., concnlsjsswmsng by I . I .-\RK|-`Ix For the present season. 9-: Y|N%E?`f{5i?TERS. In, April 18th, 18 I H-.`U\".\` 1)JSUU\'l'lliY, D'S E.\"l`l{AUT, `r`T`.|~l.\`ll, just reca'vo..l Iw l-auu m tianzula. currency. JAMES SVVIFT, A(:I~:N'r, St. Lawrence \Vnrf. 3. -..... Ivxilllllll UllADll'AGNES II a call, as we intend 1' stock` (which is lzgrge) A11 ya! (:;1u,g of Surgeons, OFFIC E over \Vhite & trect. R. BS1 D ENCE corner b0l nG Slit-not: J u u.\ 1 u.~u:'1', '- just recdvcd by [gs 01-` THE requiring. CIIAMPAGNES call. as vre ivm-" `----i& -IIl'II I-II L H. ]`ARKl`}R, Chcluist, &r., Market Square. ' .-1 asamrnnuennt the finest ,;city, , comprising ns, Souchrmgs and Con- competition. Kc-pa constantly on Vessels supplied on '3`.- IV} on` ast.~1l)lislxc-d r.-pe ctfull_y Siee. .1 U1 `um : xrfhc Ucu. u.. I VVVO or three gentlemen can be accnmmo rl dated with comfortable board in a. pri vate family. Apply foraddress at the DAILY Nzws oice. ' July 21 E DAILYiI`l-2i_15-V EHPFICE. mnnnbUl1AUl\1 urns IN CASES, Mae}- schaum Cigar I nhlers. Also 160 Gross of ASSUR J`l')l) B {IAR ROOT PIPES and FANCY 1 ll`!f.S for sale yvholesale and retail, AH Vol-11 ':\I'Ir n.-.....'.. ECEIVED, ex slnp Austrian, a. large con- g sigmueut of CARVED AND PLAIN M ERSUHAUM PIPES Mecr~ sngxllm Holders. Also I60 f:-nun nf rant, 1 1'1 rum` lo .'>.t}\'ery luw prices. J. MU_GKLESTON AND 06. VIENNA ExnnnT1oN.] _.,----..u.uu uunun. ALVJ BLOWER. FAN BLAST. OSWEGO CEMENT OR WATER LIME. __.__ .4 441: . BLIND HINGE. KEYSTONE PORTABLE . hr nuuynn -- - -- - --ru-- SALEM \VINDOW SHADE_ ROLLER, (HUFFER S IMl"D PATENT SPRI no ---- _,( I ..v- ..u- ultuall Al,-NI The Celebrated Disston Saws Ae`E' D" 3 72""':"` ` 7 Amount Cash Incume over Iron.Pla.nes, Ratchet Braces, Tf`2P`TiT-I-. .`.". 3i." TV .' 7`T 7`.17 .r.'i . .i'.' o v - To 1 ' r I , I8 2 ............. .. Breast Drllls, Tw1st Drllls, ` 7 __ , - - A/E W BUSIJVESS, 186.9, 1870, Ives Expanslve B1ts and _ HOHOW Angers TEIE LARGEST of any Con world. New business. for the year 1872 exceeded that Manufacturers Agents ` '"P*`Y `" "m" by "`' ` l_ion_ dplylm-s. The Societv issum Ivv ub.nn:uur, and ' Capt. Gun . 78-! Capt. Miller. 350 Capt. Wilson. `-100 Capt. Jan. Seat! 63) Cspt. E. Scott. B2 (.`;pt.. 1!. Wyin J0`: Capt. -Stephan. 133 OF THE V Aug. 29th. I the undersigned, Charles J 9 treal, have been appc in this matter. Creditnm at me their claims b6f4f')l`8(lVl16 wit l_v;_____,_, 1... .~. TOBACUONIST, Princess 5 September 19, 1873. In the matter of `I - , _ ,., v- uuauunvl , El-Ah` on hand .1 large qlmutity of Breech- lx-mliug and Muzzle-Loading Fowling Pieces, and also Double Barrel Rie and Shot (inns, and Sporting Small Bored Ries, &c., for sale. Repairs of all kinds neatly and! cheaply executed. ' \V. EVETTS, Small Arms Armourer, Tuto- du-Pont Barracks, Kingston. ` September 2, I873. - August 29. Chattel Morfgages, Leases, Discharges of Mortgage, Qugt Claim Deeds, FOR SALE AT THE . . cc -_ __._.j_, , ~v- -.a.v vuu. I .Ll.J.L ` .\"l'A [U0 H'l'IIEB`1`, oppo Trunk Depot. 3"'\' j ::t.tL-mlccl tn :;n_ul supplie at : :11:-iupvsl rzzfes. ` Thomas McConvil1e,. Butc}1e;, 1 ..\"l`AI:m .~:'I'm-`wI' u uns matter. Creditors": ilc before me w Kingston, 9th Sept, 1873. . ~ 1: raztes. April 1, I873. Sept. 3. msaegat ;{1sa9.{ 1()l,'.\"l`Y 01*` FRONTENAC SIX P I (Jl'I.\'1` lrhl`-ENTL'Rl'} BUN])S furs stuns to suit purchasers, from live In .=-1 (P3500) and upwards. .-\1:p_ly to IT 1! :.r:`v.. . EVET`fs,*Giih'i aEi5, AN .... I......1 - I HARDWARE. BONDS 503 SAIE. I . M. |hIL\ .\'ccrut:u`y and T1 l'~.iug.~ntuI1n.1uI l cll1hl'(Ikc R. I .011, July 23th, 1873. oard. up nnnfl uzut KUUT PIPES LI 2'3. - or M1U.AI Insolvent. ed, Baillie, of Mon- appointed Assigfvneo Creditors are rnnllanfa. o- ` MICHAEL FAHEY, an Insolvent. - ' I SPRING '(;. BAILLIE, Ana: ..... .. _`..r.....-uuu natal mac 9 are requestea to 3 within one month. 3. ume :11: the (l'Arm.-8, to 1.` 13 (`I1 FORGE AND I. A rmcs, F. U. GL1 N E, _\`..n _ I"....... I Street. .e, butche rusite the (Ira. nuknlu .... ...,t..1 cause!!! all ho} unto the lirgum i "camels carefully I II. l"IlIIIl'-R or H." . 1.11.1141 mu, Assignec. r. u L41 LV 131, Sec. -Treas. the Railway 8, J \2ill'Ul|llJ)" I ours at the i . -._u.\ {[311 )3 for Sills hm1~ Sllrttf . Hllic PER ! 17- girl. v (P-y \Vorccst_er) just isu - the Authonycd Readers. nv;I11lIu.l ed, accompany Pnce 50 cents. _Tl\]'If| Ann I` A--- ` K ITJRUNKS AND VALISESI lllacnec & Waddelfs New Building. Buoys, Shoes & Rulrbel-SI | EDWlN ROSE, ( NEW BOOT & SHBE sinnl not Residence, No. August lat, 1873. II 01-`. `THE l'.\'['l'l-11) STATES, l p No. 120 m:0;m\uY',/Iuzw Yonn. ` : ` i --~--- - ; `V ..'v\ _-...., ... .. ......uuuueu ny mu society. Although only established in Canada about livo years, its business exceeds, any of the older established Compaui ' g is- sued. in 1872, S95 Policies, insulin , 4,15, --being :1. very little short_ of the an-goat busi- ness done by any Company, foreign ,0: local, in (Janada. , : For rates and other information apply to J. J. CHRISTIE, Agent, Bank of Montreal, l(,inn.+.... -:00 Cay -. mun. mo Cupt. Gnlnn. GU) Lt. Smith, KKK I50 Lt.ArchoI-, RNB rlll l'-..O I!-.--n Convoyanco 4_A ...A , __ -..v .--uuxcu rue REESE p08` sible outlay. consistent with undoubted safety. All Policies Non-forfeitable after the second or third annual payment. Policies are also issued on the Tontine Savings Fund Plan, iirst introduced by this Society. vim: auml ... Io-.\ (\n- n .- Company in the Sum assured of the second Company more than sixteen mil- lion dollars. Society issues all the most desirable forms of Life and Endowment Policies. on which Dividends will be paid an- nually, securing to the assured the least Policies N nn.rm-c..'...m.. _u-- A-V JAPAN S, &c., gm WM. BEGI} & G0 S, ITALIAN 7 A `D Dllnrvnn September 23, 1373; , , _,_.--uu nun .l'tlll10V8(l R) 1V1 STREET, ` ' Convent. Dresses warranted to t from mea- sure. Apprentices wanted to learn the Art. All . ` . THE EWQUITABLE . Life Assurance `Society 1\*1m7n1c_1`1g)1_\ A`11Y v XV. 4-< _ ,_._- ---ur a. LLLVJJ D ! YOU.~'\'H IIYSONS, _(:UNl 0WDERS, " TVVANKAYS, g SOU(,;_B()NGS, cuuuuus, ` J-A D A 1 3 - 1 V rlving, 1). lm re 5 1\'l SHA.S'UN .\` 'l'E.-! 4 , at PR ICES I.U\\_'ERt is :1. trial tn prove thn. I J`) H.\ ri\"iI `;l'I;fIi:}L mnam mee . l DAY EVENING, nit he-_ir Hall corner of King am Sept 10. - --......, auu unuer makers. . 1 1 I I Pianos, Nue\}v and Second-hand; '3TlII|;v1:v run! 1)..,,` .,j__ ASON & HAMLIN, Boston ; & Ulough, Detroit, and 0th: \/it uaua. All orders punctunlly 1 rates at the Kingston Marl: and Sydenham Streets. An examination of our hand, or erected, will expla manship is couc eded on a surpassed by any in .....u.u.uu nczulers. Price Ce! ohn Henderson, In great variety and latest styles. `ISS MAYNE has [ STR.EE'[', nnnna _ , ,. .._... -uuvuu.u.`Ll.aa.l.l.L 3;?` Tuning and Repairing done. J. REYNER, ` Princess Street. July 28121:, ]S73. no maxmrz has remove opposite the` I ant. wu--.-mt-..r o. PRINCESS STREET. CHEAP FOR CASH. H.\\'E I\'()\V IN STOCK, and ar- ri('i av, Luge shipment of CHOICE ` ` V5: TEA. which we are 9411.`...- . __-- ---uuia \& 9| U ITALIAN WAREHOUSE, Brock Street. .`J `J .-.J.J..I._l.J..I._l `Society DE THE -'v\-['r'|.\I. .---.......- A'uL""u~: A 7 4 NOW A RRIVING IN ,.... .. nun, wmcn we are selling L0\\'El{ than ever. All we ask that OUR TEAS are the 'l)'E|Ql'l"I A 11-.` ----A zx n.-ugc smp1_nent of ..\` l`EA, >\\'El{ All um unl- Ki . 3 Barrie Street. .4 uu.7cIo_V8l'y '.l'1iU.R4S- ING, av-7:3o o'clock at and Brock atheists : *`--"-`-` ,every THURS- WG, a:$ 7:30 n'u1m-I; .4 Princes; removed to BAGOT its the C0lll!renaf.u'nn-,.l n-very litany. --_ ry "rhnruhy. an L- nrum Quebec : 70, 1371'amz1873 Finished Work on lain whv our unwit- GUUS, JAPAN nton ; Simmons l other makers. Capital - 4 $000,000. MAXVVELL W. STI_k ` GE, AGENT. Oice, Clarence Street,` (npoaite the Post Oice. Kingston, 27th Jan. 1373. II A V in nu M CL E./V Cc.-. Just received a. supply} in 6 oz., pint and quart bot wEsT1cRN ASSEJRANGE GUMPANY. n A 1\ .-.n..-,__ K Pond s Extract ! R. LAVELL has removed L and Surgery to the cur and William Streets, directly be me! residence. Consultation: hr) 3 'n_m vans nu Luu WOFK. JOHN LOVELL, Publisher. Montreal, 9th Aug., 1373. "614 ms nu nuns 01 Job \Vork. ' N Having the latest pattox-ns from New York and Boaton:-with the most improved ma.- chinery and the best workmen that can be tamed, he 110 all. Oh- pea to give general satisfaction to HE Subscriber would announc T masters, owners of Vessels wax-ders, as well as to the public that he has now opened his New F the corner of Union and Outari Kingston, 0nt., Where he will, in ac his ATLANTIC PUMPS, mzmufzu peller V\ heels, Stnering VVheels, Crab \Vz-enches, Wrecking Pum} Pumps, Village and Cottage Fire Blocks, Dead-Eyes, Ha11(1-Spikes, Pins, Deck Plugs, MILL GEARIN( well as all kinds of Job \Vork. Hnvinn Hug. l..c....L . 44 * ' BRUKENSHIREB "T Atlantic Founi' y. rintrn n nu. SCRAP IRON \VANTED. August 23, 1873. HARBAOK &bE). ,___a .4 vu-A I C. To luvalicls requiju d ently recommend St. (,6 ing such to be pure and I L HANLEY. hock [quid importation are celebr ted. foz and for being all that i claimet 10!`, I .,. \un11UN, ST;l> GEO] ~ T Of QUETTON, ST.|I (.'E()1iGE & impo_rta_tio_n ted for r.I.m'r Egilltgston, l\1ay'1 I873- - :1 vv LILIGVVIE riety; NEW PIANO AND ' RICHMOND ..uvv: .I. VVGUQS mgs. + `NEW JACKETS FOR FALL . New _ShaWlSin- g1 1'11)`-vv NEW MERINOS IN AI New Hosiery for Wear. NEW 4 ED.-\ Y8 HEAD _OFFICE, TORONTO. A I Kingston, llth Sept, I873. DISPENSING CHEMIS 1`{~`, Pond s Extract ! received supp1y'of 1 o11d }s Extract, , bottles. ` uncles, 1'0` E Ontano, rial: Na`.-G ' GIMP TRIMMINGS. AG EN '1', KIN G: 'Pond s Extract LL has his l.dside1icc gery corner of Barrie meets, behind his for- hours from 1 to ' OIIC. iber announce to Ship- and For- II generally, 7 Foundry at Ontario Streets, ,_w`hcre will. .-ul.m~.inn 4.. requiring Wine, I ca con-' nd George & Co , believ- ure unadulterated. U. S. S'1`1{ANGE, M.D. ( ---v ; uu. J. BROKENSUIII E. mung rumps, Force \ \- 1 - mttagc Lugmes, '11d-Spikes, Belzwimr F TABLE COVERS. -;4\JA.lalJI'J OI. UU'b' 7 for their puritg claimed for them. Irv J.-D1)lK(3.`I, Belay }EARING, &c., nrk, . . 3.. - tied by the 1`&Ic_y"3fMi>a nu Voap "awards ta .( It appear: tha.t~--the we ing of the Treaty concerningjishing fights I given rise to ambiguity an di'el'ence\of 3 & VVINTERH terpretation. And 88 B f8Ct a COl1til1ll< paper war has been carried on between " `- ` t G taf that da till this ` J11 grqat Va- , Ftfnelfviffilzzg e.Ll::;:aive ahinygz n-am... - | N.:..:.......nw I ALL ,COLUUR. mu, 1:] a.m1u:1on to ma.nuf:u.-turc Pro- lleels. ". lf\unnn go-_r1rc Engines, ' Spikes, Belaying IARING, 5;c.. as H5'l`(rN. : vgxm me u Bgygm f;:.; French ha.` .uno atreet x addition 1 lf:I.l'f.'lIv-n D- muuure l l'0- , Uapstans, ups, Force re Enoinn. me o aft rn 00317` 18603, inn .4 Fall T `their laws and institutions to the _ .- .. . ...-unusuu Ul LVBWIOIJJJGF land the necessity of extending the benet of people not led km the French Shore. It does not up- pcar from the statements of the correlpondent whose letter we are commenting on,tlut than is any reason why_ the concuu-nut right of . l ` ` . ,,........u5 um. to sue uovenum extenelil their 1; led Shore." mar fmm 1-J... -0-A----- -A~ ' " t'\'l _)' 'l`hur2u|:|}'. ll` ` ` mn..l`;.n, rullunl I. ....., ....... in: a constant source of trouble and dnpgcr--a. rendezvous for nursery for smugglers-an encouragement for outlawry of every kind. He promises in his next to relate /hots in proof of these pi-inci- plcs, his object being to induce the public men of (Jauzuda. to force, if necessary, the gov- ernment of St. John's to act towards the French Shore as they can and ought todo. This is a matter of such immense, such John s. This; 3311 very Well, but byvhat right can the Go ernment of Canada force the Newroundxaa Government to do what this correspondent says "they can `and ought to do. Newfoundland is as independent of Canada as of the United States, and cven she were a Province of the Dominion, it is ex- tremely doubtlul if that would give outow . ernment a right to interfere in what might be termed her local aairs. What our Govern ment might do, and which if -the'fe.cts are) stated ought to do, irrespective of the quag- tion of Union, would be to urge upon thelm-` pointing out to the Government of Nevwfou.nd' necessity exfenalh... M... L--Am - ,__._..-_, ....u we uuereata or civilization, but also as one of most vital importance to Canada herself as a nation. It must once appear to any thinking mind ghat th exiatencein the immediate vicinity of the principal ports of the Dominion at a. vast tax-ritory,lubjoct to no `I.-.-- --~-~* torference, not only on the grounds of common humanity and the interests of civilization, imnm-+.m...- o.. n--A V- V- yngu vvuulu. This is certainly a most e of af[a.irs, and one which ` loudly for redress. V The WE future occasion to point I which may induce the publi , -_- ..6...... us alumnus. I they have . I volunteered to pay their taxes= and obey the` laws, but their appeals have been met with a (leaf ear, a. shrug of the shoulders, and, in many cases with insult. They cannot obtain grants of land from the St. John's Govern- ment, and they are insulted with the epitlnet of syualters. They cannot obtain scnxmls for their children, and they are dunounct-.11 as ignorant. They cannot have their` 5.-uuutry opened out with roads, and they are derided as paupera. `They are excluded from the jurisdiction of the St. Johu7s courts of justice, and they are proclaimed us outlays. They have no custom house oicera among them to collect duty, and they are branded as smug~ glers. Such a monstrous injustice I verily believe has never been heard of in the history` 1, 1 'rL:-: - - - .... .,. -.....,.uuw uarnnnty, outside the pale of any law or jurisdiction, un nixed by any power or government, irrcsponsi any court: or tribunal ; oiily their own natu- Iral sense of duty and the inuence of their I religious pastors preserves them from falling ,' into utter savagery and lawlessness. Again $.a.nd again have they petitioned the Govern- ment of St. John s to recognize them and con- nlanv nnanu: "An. :.__..I- "'- their . ummeu and nourishing province in a. itate of comixlete barbnrity, I irrc wily thei [T31 Senna ni .1.'.s.- .._J .. - - is now settled upou thidaixomalous territory of the French shore. It is now (1873) nearly doubled, and yt in the midst of th nine- teenth century, surrounded on all sides by I cwilized and ourishing provinces. thy! H) : tate of unm}.l.4-- In--l~---'L-- _ _._.. .. nay, auuu nas neon I the conduct of succe ' governments In i:St. 5 i John : that,'instead of ta ' gabold stand and 3 I acting manfully in the matter, they hav con- stantly displayed the most arrant po `lial cowardice.x True, they annually west tbroxsgg _ the form of drawing up a prom ion, y wor e ' protest with a. good deal of tall: about rights and wrongs, and a list of questions as to , whether they might do this or that on the [French shore, which, no doubt,-must have neces-sitated the purchase of a `navy waste ~ paper basket at the Colonial Oice. _But, in i the meantime, they neglected {to act, and such aucceedin effort like those 0 the entrap- 1 ped in mg: spidel"s web, had but thoy_e'ect_ of 5 multiplying and tightening the bonds in} which they had so cleverly managed to entangle themselves. The ingeniously invented \di_i- cultics oi the Newfoundland 0VBl'lll_J'el.'|t](:l)1d, b, t E t to the oicials of t 0 Co oniul, e-i pzlzlrtisiilcegiigts siiew restrictions, which perhaps often without the sanction, certainly without the app:-`oval, of_the.Q[i1zeo'n or tIl11np;`ria.l l(l}tgern- men , were impose upon e mm: on- and received without a Enotest_.lund withhthe utmost obsequiousness your ocal out ori- ties, as though they emanated from the high- est tribui als of both ati us. The dlisastrous coiiseqliiencea of all this mis- taken line of action, or rather inaction, are of the most deplorable and disgraceful. nature, such as, when they become fully known, must be a lasting mark of shame to those who have been instrumental in fomenting them. A pop- (3 ulation of between four and ve thousand t, people (according to the oiclal census of 1867) rr `current rights, The dmpute is one merely` .'tl_1eo1-etical, as de facto-the Newfoundland I shermen and the French sh side by side ,I` vgith the utmost harmony. But the wording f of the Treaty with regard to the land rights leaves room for n_o`do1'1h1_; pr diicultv. Tlm ' ' I Fro:-nnh lv----- .turdk_y. -anus; 3 Mr lniud tun! bl` ml (mm lrelaudui ll duapluzht-IJ [lg as might be necessar- ing akes and stag it is declared that exclusively British, 1 to be as completely 3 ernment and laws as 68 the y for the erecti . But on the 1 dominion of and consequen ubject to the I an nmnp ha-L vv IJU nu completely subject 5 any other Island. Yet, strange to say, 3 the cnndnnt .: ..--HA - 4' pm-non OI shor, which half of the enti taint portion, and e vghere there is g shore the Fren 1713, obtained and to dry the from nuikin the soil was de [ Snob is the pl agriculture with g any permanent eata upon the Island, oh. the inland calleoi tbs Fn1h:h he ` mbncing the on any possibility of pros success. Upon this extent of c , by the Treaty the right to same on the h were` prohibited blislunents and the exclusive dominion of red to belo ng to Great Britain. the original Treaty of Utrecht, which wss . L ... V afterward , .,.... vuv u-ulna]? narmony. But V T- reg on the strand an as might be necessary e ' stages. other Iran} :4 .-. ,r--n - -- - ' . ..-- u-.. was uecmrea to belong V]V3(:'-it;-ix`;". plain and concxse stipulation of afterwards ratied Treaty of Pans, _l863, and others tha.t~-- the word- 11g tl_1e '11`:-eatyr concerning shinn ;-inn. 1.-.. -....... u yCl' w nind 1V;1i1VJ7vexu1aence`in nity no a constant . rendezvous in. ..-:--=--'- 4... .. nypelrl nna.u~-- the has difference of in- 311. continuous .. ......u we uommmn of the spil is` consequently ought upletoly subject Loci] Gov`- d portion of ,_the at, such has been ; succeeding Lzovernmentn in 251+ I extraordinary state 5 which wn n}xnn.'.l.:.- A-1|- .... ... uu.-w-J -uuuu we cbnsider calls writer promises on a ) nninf. nnl- -.....- _.Au- News ..........-.u uu an amen by ng they live barbarity. outside Hm vsam yo me Land rights 011131; or djiculty. The ; solely to dry their sh mt such poles or bmighu erectimr nf 6-IL .-..... tuuuuuua U11 3 out some motives din ........ -: n u Ior `line erecting of Hill- other hand dominion the nail -'.- was, nney uve y, outside 1. unrecnani-ma n owner nand soil is antlv .m'|.+ manners are Looked at in this people are able to discover 1 I, , _. .. -..v. u u aunnz. `J. nrougn ' the whole tranmctiom, ranging over more ' than two years, it can be seen thaftho pur- mauonce angegonnolidation of Canndlian in- terest: has n ' ' rind e_ that has actuated thedlafilnlgtngnpthis Iinaitter. The borrowing of a trie of money from rich Sir Hugh at a. pinch, is that such 3 crimo ! What would it be called, then, if_ the course which he and the ex-Parliament-V 2. a.r_y Leader of the Opposition wage oom- we know from the actxo ' ' ` has done his little but t: flxfjzlxf-?tI}:,u(e}?, who. ment in return fdr the determined ven- taken by it in refusing a, .,,,I-, bond '93 thenowbanh-uptNarthernPacic Ttirmth Q ver $:)gn: mu '0 item seen thsftl_u pg;-. Illlllc and nnnnnIi.l-L:-_ -A n . ` V ur|IIg.l36(l Innn--wanted it, and its 3;, auew, he had made it all right with the Globie to back him up. The whole thing was cut sud tried. Sir `Hugh was looking after his special interests; the Northern Pacic were anxious for swpport ; the Gbbe people having made it all right had their turn to serve, and the country seemed to be going on the rocks in this matter. It was, Sir John Macdonsld who at that moment came forward and refused to recognize Sir Hugh Allan and his Northern Pacic associates. Election fund or not ; private friendship or not ; the hostility of our six-milliomcitizen or not ;. the retention of oioe or not ; all these went for nothing, nndvthe Premier` stood by the country. That Sir Hugh Allan was woefully disappointed is likely enough. That his hmenosnsssociates were channd '.s7ou'>:au `Z cun prmusnulgoingon ambngour1`1)ei(g-lib_;I.:`-rs. Our? interests having become associated with theijrs, through the kind asaiatane of Sir I Hugh Allan and the Globe, we should have" beep placed at the mercy of the Wall Street peo ` la. The bears would have been at war` at us, and the commercial credit ofthe eeuiitry wgqld have been shaken in its: :...... nave been mvolyed t.0~d&_y in thagiggt cial pwaiuhillgomgon amongourneighbqurn. Ourf intepzeata become a.smm'.m.n mm- -v-.55: some or ma colleagues were not quite as readlute as he was himxeIf---Canada would have been involved thagreat nan- cialpwaiutillgoingon amonaournn;...m.....- V- "noun ULIU. uwoe," he /was in full ancity with the` Nurthern Railway people, Gen. Cass, Mr" Ogmuu, Mr. Smith and the others. That clivzu.Js:ud`lopguxn to nd its weakness, and- tu xixf:la.ugerfro1na.far in the initiation nf the Cmmda Pacic. Therefore it was tlmt. they xnn-vevl heaven and earth to gate. r'uo:.holl here. They managed to make Sir Hugh Allan believe, and he oontinuo_d,td',. believe it up to sefew days since, at least, that an assocition with the directors of the _ No:-thern_Pacic was essential to th1`xuc-`- cess of the Canadian enterprise-. Had the Government held a similar view, we might_. have seen Ganwdianhonds being.'a.way worthless paper of the Americen company. If Sir Hugh Allan and the Globe had not been kept in cheek by the resolute No" of ;'Sir John Mucdonald--even though` some of his colleagues V h_m_re been _i_n_vol_ved t0~d&_y them-ant n--~ .-xurtu \\ l`-ru- v'._ nlnat he h.-rd Hobs," he (w; M. .~.-ol........ n , vHA mme' It is impossible for the Opposition `of _ ` Gmfernment to point to any bythem. teresl. that has been sacriced The allegations of Mr Huntington lead to the belief that the country ludillf W in 'ured by the actiin of the Minuh1.' and. n that they had bnrtered away something that Wes valuable for-a price. A regard to feel: will compel the admisslon that such a slip- position is entirely erroneous. For, no far from any disadvantage having occurred, it has been seen tlit the policy adopted of keeping clear of an entanglement with` American interest: has saved this country ` iznmmmuly. At the .time that Sir " Allan r--i.:- m his New Vnpl. .....-A-- 1 uurumxsul) ix 1`->1 rI... L- 1. .. un J. Hill L1` '1" for Gnvernment to .1 an: a.Hegat.jona_of E L...) L- u ` " . ....... yxupullefs n.-wefnotan aver capacity above 14,000 bushels. than the Catha: WHAT LIES AT THE B1 It n:1'mn...;:1.1.. :A_ 1- A was list gl-1... -- `gig `is Till! an-. -AI__ - . ng capacity. Assuming the average carrying capacity of each craft at 16,000 bus. wheat the total for the 32 is 512,000 hushels ' i 9 trips :1 year 4; million bushels. The ox- A perience otthe present year may be assumed to show thiit the vastjngrease of Canadian steam tonnag: not to mention thatolisailing -vessels, whic *3: still greaterin amount,` has always found full down freights of Western grain to give it employment, the up fneight, comprising merchandise and iron have been .- quite inadequate to loadlthe shi ing.__oli'er- ing, which consequently have hfg ` their return trips to the upper lakes either ` entirely empty or with partial cargnes only. The folluvging_is the list of the NIT. m-4.. null-.. \......,! funca, (new,-) Alma Munro, (new,) America, Argyle, Acadia, Bristol, Bruno, Canada, Columbia, (new,) California, (nei/,) Dominion, Dromedary, Europe, East, Georgian, Indian, Lake Erie, (ne`iv,')_Laka. .Michigan, Lgke Ontario, 0_coan, Pera_ia,. (new,; Prussia, (new,) Sootla Sovereign,` , Shickluna, (uew,) St. La_.wrenoe.. nun BAB.G1:s.-Linco1n, Lothair, Kin- cardixie. ._ , ' Pnofnuzns. -- Armena, (new,) Africa, (new,) Alma , - 'c, Bristol. Brmm n..1_., , - - ' vvuu. H19- R..-gilway pecV;(>le ,.-`G-`(:1 Mr`! -. Smith begun and-= gar fromafar tada \ In-wed _` re: '_l_`hey managed make Rin- _--.. ...... on-vvu mus country the~ti1ne Hugh -` his New York oorrespqndent made it all right with the was full anity with the` yilway people. Gen. 0:... M- _-..... ....;..u vessels passing` rho Welland Canal, of which no less van have `been built _tl1ia_enon,- 3 ma.rke new in the following list , which 13 a.rr'anged in a.lpha.betical'~ r yrho is} LINE. 27:1. Sept. ma. $3 Out. " lln. u u VINE .Fl:.n ll: i. DIUVI. :. J. W lie. :.H.a'. ml 2 ll.-`lg: El SUGAR-UUIJ -_ gm. . .. .....` su(;Au-cuuriu 11.-ms. nu SUGAR-UUIKED BACON. HI` very cheap. HIKE BEST BROVVN FAMILY SOAP, vu-rantexl {rue from my llstter whatever, only 5 cents a Illa-I for 25 cents. _ SILVER BAR SOAP, very cheap. h _\"l`.l\`n\nn u... .. -A- i rW)lCE`:5'l' muons IN THE CITY: | ~ J [A R KVH I L-:1: s. nut. rartu.-nla ""'. -1 Iws & L'U.. Pm ....._m.. * -~~~~~ - LInn_br. Shingles. Lathu, &.c._ ` K; IIAPLE HARD\\'OOD cut to anv lengths MI nnlcr. Dry Hanlwoo;l ' II and Birch. Kindling \Vuml `v_ ]{V ,5 Q A\r11| Ixv Gmqons. ""4. net la. . Agent.- U lw:|ntt:(l.y All class- " ` pcnplo, of either sex, young ur e'mon.- money at work for us in their Lents, or all the time, than at :~.n_y. in Particnlnnl free". Address G- ; N`I 00., Portland, Maine. in: but description of HG `gland under cover, Sch`: jj toonler, at the low;-at I Withicentre Pieces, hcotta Vases ' Imlz ;::m'a;m. `K -econ. Aug. 4, 1s';3_ mm Supt. ween the Clydll` ...'.... oh. uannoll 0! WEPH DUNNELLY, '._u-uu uuuer cover, 3-crvunu-l and 5...] market mi Gnlry onletja will n:cei\'c prompt. an n nzw l`E-\S! F \'1;\\' muxs L, W 0 oruthn-1: wlntlcnlen can be accommo- dated at .\ rs He_el'n Boarding -, non Stu-ct. uppoaite- St. Ueurgo.-'3 , [Dinner at Ii n'clm:l.:. lhun I.'........ A` 'Toi1et Sets With Medalion. I onler of the Board Qf Pu Din-cton. S'I`N`K Hunks m;ml a{tcr_ .\lU.V I`).-\Y, the `J12 `kg; suhscnptmu uf St-n-k. at the `man Blailuc & .\lc\amIcr, and M lrdlk. Stock Hnvkurs, Turn] ), nf tgnghy, Stuck `I'ukv.'rS, Mm n-3|, gag Kirkpatrick & N4\:.;rn;, so rad: pnnggzn `THE of Canada. __`_-_,____ [ BANK ; Tannin, July Sth, 17'. ..I' Street. g_ MA(`[.I'I.-\.\' has n-tilrm-d to I for six nwmlys. Uvlicv at .\l: . pug Stun`-. l`nm-pas scn-,t_ mil 8. ms AT cnlumis. sou, Jory chenp. s;nu:oA1w mu: sum , very (iwl) Take Notice. 32:; I-mxtisss s1`1u;E'I'. Kings tun. VOL U m; .\'x1I. u. GORDON a co," Montteal. And Figures. ng-.!-_._ iiv . NOTICE. 3---. ..-an-, uau._ _\ AN(:l.lN, Ste-nun Hills, Wellington-st. , to chine I congign I suit customer . dos. quart case. 31': , n'ulrlu`l| to l\Ingstuu .\l.'\t`l|':I.II & ` as Stnw.-t. V ` :e- .s'c. (:L-2.};-I-Q , mun Room 111- 5 I H()l.'SE L'U.\L I`h'\-.I|1-cl .-uni -1-- attun- UL DD L`l .\L `ullcnl de- uuu-;;..o u-.9... which . `I . . `,.`,n n - "gu llnllnlm _.. -.uu J, 111-: EMBER Royal College t N England. OFFICE nv. Betta , Prince-.33 Street. R.ESlD of Rideau and Colborue Streets. Kingston, Sept. 17, 1873. I-`RUIT Ayn` oysmu m~;1-u-r, ` ~ ` Street, Mark:-t Sque. FELT HATS like BEST MEAT k: hand. Stealnboats and Vc tllc shorizent nn.-.. BUTCHERS; No. R, SHAMBLES, KINGSTON, Ontario I ha BEST kept constantly on _SteInb9ats Vessels aunnlied nn swan POTATOES. ( GRAPES. 1 { Tlk INSUIlA_N(7E C()M[`ANY, of 1 IJ nrtfonl, U-mn. L. J II1-:sDE1c, ['1'-.-ml:-.nt ; E. P. Dorm, General Agent. In- corporalaeal in 1819. Capital $3,090,000. As- set: $5,150,931.71. HULL AND MARI:-I

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